• Published 3rd May 2023
  • 1,057 Views, 32 Comments

Maledict - Carnifaxy

Seeking to ease her guilt, Celestia goes north to assist an ancient order of knights against the undead.

  • ...

Celestia and the Exile

Manehattan was known throughout the world as the city of Equestria. Canterlot was home to the elite of the elite, but Manehattan was the main thoroughfare for trade along the eastern coast of the continent as well as across to Griffonia. Even the roguish pirates of Haukland dared not to come too close to the city's waters as the pride of the Equestrian fleet was always ever ready to strike out to deter raids on shipping. Beings of all kinds made it their home, from ponies to griffons to even exotic zebras and kirin.

It had become one of the last strongholds of the Equestrian military as the changelings descended upon it. Celestia paced along at the docks, watching as anyone and everyone seeking to flee Equestria climbed aboard the various boats. Her ears twitched as artillery fired off, the awful sound still too terrible for her to have gotten used to despite the weeks.

“They still haven't broken the first line of defense,” the guard beside her said, “but it's not looking good. Princess Luna has called for a steady retreat to the second line.”

“Into the city proper then.”

“Princess, you should really get on board.”

She turned to look at him, the enchantments of his armor making him look like any other guard. “I cannot do that. I will not leave without my sister.”

“And if Princess Luna refuses to leave?”

Celestia chewed her bottom lip. “She won't. No, not when we need to get Flurry and Spike out of here as well.”

“If she can't?”

She glowered at him and he stumbled backwards.

“A-apologies Princess, it's just that, the reality of the situation-”

“I know the reality of the situation!” she snapped, drawing attention. “We had a fighting chance until the communists from the north decided to sweep down into our flank and we have been on the retreat consolidating our forces into the main cities to try and help evacuate everyone that we can!”

More artillery fire in the distance, this time with incoming tank fire as well. She took in a deep breath and turned to face the city. “I'm going to go find her. Stay here and keep things organized.”

“But Princess-”

“That is an order.”

The guard stiffened up then bowed. “At once, Princess.”

Celestia trotted for a bit before she flapped her wings and took off, flying low and fast through the well laid streets of the city. Many folk had gone to the docks to try and escape, but many, many more refused to leave their homes and stayed. She tried to ignore her little ponies and kept her eyes forward. Eventually civilians gave way to military and she banked a right turn.

City hall had been transformed into a command center with anti-air guns situated on the tops of nearby buildings. Even with the overwhelming might of the Changeling Hegemony, regular sorties from the local airfields kept the skies clear. As she approached the doors they opened, Luna was led out by several of her soldiers. She noticed her sister was struggling half-heartedly, voicing complaint after complaint as she touched down.

“Sister! Tell them, tell them I am still in command!”

Celestia looked at the officers. “What is the meaning of this?”

The stallions and mares bowed. “We're just trying to get our commander to safety. She has a family after all,” the mustachioed stallion said.

The sister's eyes met and Luna let out a resigned sigh. “I do not wish to abandon those under my command. Trimmel's advance has been stalled and we can weather him down enough to make him fall back!”

“Stalliongrad's armies have already taken much of the coastline Luna. Even if we can stall the changelings the communists will just reinforce them.”

Luna bit her lip. “At our rate of fire the artillery will be out of ammunition in a few days and we have no way to resupply...”

“Flurry and Spike are waiting for us, sister.”

Luna looked at the soldiers and nodded at them. “Hold the line, but if you are at risk of being overwhelmed do not fight to the last. Live. That is my final command.”

“Yes, field marshal!” the arrayed officers said as they saluted.

With great reluctance the younger sister followed her elder as they took wing back to the docks.

Celestia stood at the stern of the ship and watched as the towering buildings of Manehattan grew smaller and smaller. The sound of artillery fire could still be heard, a rolling barrage the likes of which she never imagined to witness before. Her ear twitched as she heard her sister's hooves against the deck.

"Flurry cried herself to sleep. Spike is fetching some food from the mess."

She turned to see Luna's stern face, though her eyes were brimming with tears. Instinctively her wing spread and took her younger sister close to her side.

"Shining, Cadance, Twilight, they should be here instead of us,” Luna said as she pressed into Celestia's side. “Flurry and Spike need their family.”

“We're their family too Luna, though perhaps not as present in their lives as we could have been before.”

“I know, it is just... I hate this. I hate having to abandon our ponies, our friends and allies. You should have given Sunset command of the north and I the south.”

Celestia gently nuzzled her younger sister. “The Moonspeakers said that the time was not right to speak with you. Even after everything you did for them, I did not wish to upset them and make things more difficult. So long as Sunset is there she will help keep Equestria in the fight.”

“You could have gone to her. The route to Baltimare was still clear for a good week.”

“And abandon you, Luna? Besides that, Twilight specifically entrusted Spike to me. How could I forsake her request?”

Below deck they went to eat the meals Spike had managed to wrangle for them in their rooms, Celestia having to politely, and firmly, tell the captain that she and the others were to be treated like any other on board, but despite her insistence they still treated them better than she was comfortable with.

She looked up from the newspaper to watch as Spike played with his food, his mind elsewhere. Carefully she folded it and set it down before she walked over and draped a wing over the little dragon. He leaned in against her and sniffled.

"Twilight stayed behind," he said quietly.

"She couldn't abandon the others. They were scattered across Equestria helping with the war effort. She'll bring them back together, and help stop Chrysalis."

"I-I could've helped..."

Celestia leaned down and nuzzled him tenderly. "She wanted to keep you safe, because she loves and cares about you. Just like why Shining had us take Flurry away."

He remained quiet for a few moments before he pressed against Celestia some more. "Thank you, princess."

"Please, just call me Celestia."