• Published 3rd May 2023
  • 1,059 Views, 32 Comments

Maledict - Carnifaxy

Seeking to ease her guilt, Celestia goes north to assist an ancient order of knights against the undead.

  • ...

Rosa and the Sun Goddess

The halls of Magehold were deathly cold and quiet, the legions of the undead already marching to reinforce the front lines. The Council had convened to determine the fate of the fallen alicorn, whether to make her a mere trophy or to revive her as an undead servant. The Queen of Bones hummed a long forgotten tune as she looked through the great library for any references on how to deal with the corpse of a creature as grand as an alicorn.

Tome after tome did not hold any answer and it had already been some days since they brought Celestia in. They had stitched up her wounds and properly embalmed her, leaving her in the ritual chamber until something could be considered. Rosa put yet another book away before letting out an annoyed sigh.

“Her journey here had been more troublesome than I believed. We're even fighting dragons now! Hmph. Even in defeat the vaunted princess can bring disparate groups together for a common purpose.”

With a toss of her limp mane Rosa trotted out of the library, deep in thought when an explosion rocked through the ancient fortress.

“What?! We're being attacked?!”

The lich took off toward the chambers of the Council, robes flapping as undead servants scurried around in preparations for battle. Another explosion, further away, but still rocked her enough to almost throw her off of her hooves. She shot a beam of black at the door to the chambers and hurried inside, various other liches and vampires in heated discussion.

“What's going on?!” she demanded of them.

“Oh Queen Rosa, Celestia has risen!” one of the councilors said.

“What? Who raised her without my presence!?”

“No one. She walks without us having done anything to her,” another said, trembling in fear.

“That's impossible! She was torn apart by our ghouls!”

Another explosion caused Rosa's ears to twitch and she noticed the ambient temperature began to rise. She scurried over to where they kept the Shield of Hope, and now Celestia's sword as well. Trophies, but also potent magical items to be used. Without caring for their protests she claimed the sword and felt her magic surge in response. Her dead eyes seemed to shine with necromantic energy.

“With this kind of enchantment I could end her easily!” she proclaimed to the others. “Come, channel your might into me and we will put her down!”

The others quickly rallied in, pooling their power into the lich queen. With the Blade of Mercy in her possession combined with the magic flowing into her Rosa felt every web of necromantic power in Magehold, connecting her to all of the undead inside and out. She reached out with her own magic, organizing the undead defenders of Magehold, channeling spells to set up traps and obstacles. The fires of the sun she could also sense, and they took notice of her actions.

She felt triumphant in noticing that Celestia had ceased to move as the lich continued to weave the spells. Wards of containment, of binding, of dulling the senses, all to trap the alicorn. Once it was all finished, she felt well and truly proud of the power coursing through her body.

Celestia moved.

The spells unraveled.

Walls and floors were demolished.

She headed directly towards the council chambers.

Panic rose in her bosom as all of the might gathered together was torn to shreds until finally the center of the room erupted in holy fire. Rosa backed away, panic in her throat as she looked upon an alicorn much like Celestia, and yet quite different.

Her white coat was flecked with gold accents, mane shimmering like a halo and her tail much the same. The alicorn's eyes struck fear deep into the lich, gold irises with red sclera. She looked around at the arrayed necromancers and let out a snort.

You are all mere foals playing with spells for a god that does not care for you. Let me end this charade.”

Her horn flared up, bright golden rays of the sun blinding the necromancers. Rosa's horn lit up in response, a black beam hitting at the alicorns horn.

You seek to save your comrades? How noble of you,” the alicorn said with honest approval in her tone.

The lich gasped as her spell was nullified without effort and she heard screams as one by one the council were reduced to ashes. She picked up the Blade of Mercy and threw it with all of her might, the steel sinking into the alicorn's side. There was a surprised yelp that turned into a chortle.

You have wounded me! I am impressed, Rosa. But Sol Invicta is not as easily felled as Celestia!”

Rosa quickly threw up a magic shield that shattered under a beam of sunlight and the shockwave threw her back into the wall. The Shield of Hope came clattering down right on top of her and she heard the alicorn's hooves approach. Shivering she grasped onto the shield and held it up between her and oblivion. For long, agonizing moments she cowered beneath it until she felt the temperature of the room die down. Cautiously, she peeked over the rim.

Standing before her was a pure white alicorn, her aurora mane wavering with no wind. Magenta eyes, so tired and yet so relieved, looked down at the lich. Gently the giant laid down on the floor and kept looking at Rosa.

She looked around the room, several of the others ashen stains on the floor, but many more cowering or retreating from the room. Rosa looked back, but kept the shield up. The alicorn put on a gentle smile.

“Hello Rosa.”


“I am curious to know why you're up here with the League. Are you from the riverlands?”

Slowly she shook her head. “No. I-I'm from Equestria. I'm here because...” Carefully while still keeping the shield up she pulled her robes up to show off her cutie mark.

The alicorn closed her eyes and nodded. “I see. Other ponies shunned you for it then. For your special talent being something you had no control over.”

“Yes. I tried to make friends, but they always betrayed me, abandoned me.”

“That is not what our values are. I'm so ashamed one of my little ponies had to find acceptance all the way out here, like this. Could you forgive an old nag for her ignorance?”

"There is-" Rosa paused and she furrowed her brow as she looked at the alicorn before her. "You have nothing to apologize to me for. You can't know everything and save everyone."

"Perhaps. But it is wrong for me to not try. To ignore the plight of those one could conceivably save is not wisdom - it is indolence, and my indolence has cost so much." Slowly she held her hoof out to the lich. “Rosa, it will be a difficult journey, but one you will not walk alone. Will you accept my friendship?

She blinked in surprise at the offer. “But, why?”

“I could have burned this entire place down, but I saw myself in the Shield of Hope as you held it up. I saw what such a path would lead me down. I am not Daybreaker. There will be a world for ponies, griffons, for everyone to live in and enjoy. I will not be a queen of ashes when another path lay open.”

“And what path lay before me?”

The alicorn smiled. “Whichever you wish. If I had known about you before you ran away I would have done what I could to get you the right help, the right teachers. I know my sister would have been glad to take you as a student.”

Rose shook her head. “I killed you. I want to end the world! And yet you're offering me, what, redemption? Why?”

The magenta eyes closed. “Because my sister had tried to do something very similar, and if I could have stopped her from falling to darkness before it was too late then I would have. You, and the rest of the League, you already fell but,” Her eyes opened and she gave an earnest smile. “Everypony, nay, everyone deserves another chance, don't you think?”

Shakily she lowered the shield and gingerly touched her hoof to the alicorn's. “A friend... Okay. I want to be friends, Princess Celestia.”

“Thank you, Rosa.”