• Published 3rd May 2023
  • 1,079 Views, 32 Comments

Maledict - Carnifaxy

Seeking to ease her guilt, Celestia goes north to assist an ancient order of knights against the undead.

  • ...

Celestia and the President

Celestia watched out her window with a pensive expression as the train pulled up along the mountain to the Griffonstone station, having moved from its previous spot outside of the city into it proper. Luna had indeed contacted her after the meeting with Queen Vivienne of Aquileia, and arrangements were made for Luna to visit the famed City of Light for a time, taking Flurry Heart and Spike with her to show them a new land.

Attempting to barter with Beakolini seemed to be a mistake, for as soon as he received the news that Luna was meeting with Vivienne he proclaimed that he would open diplomatic talks with New Mareland with the blessing of Celestia, seemingly putting the sisters at odds. To make matters worse the train would not continue north to Griffenheim, and the next one would not arrive for at least a day.

Which was rather surprising, given that Griffonstone had recovered from its former decay and poverty. Not enough to truly be a powerhouse, but before the entire city was a slum, and now only half of it was. Even then most of the older houses were being fixed up to higher standards, or being demolished to be replaced.

As she stepped off of the train her eye was immediately drawn to the young, blue griffon that was looking right at her.

"Oh, Gallus, yes? You were a student at..." Her breath hitched a little, and she internally chided herself, the wound still so fresh.

"Yeah, the school." He coughed a little to clear the awkwardness. "Listen, princess-"

"Please, just call me Celestia."

"Right, Celestia. President Gilda wants to see you."

She pursed her lips at that. Of course, another leader that sought to speak with her. How could she have thought otherwise? "The train to Griffenheim won't be coming for a while, so I can spare some time to see her."

"Oh, great! She'd have flown out after you herself if you didn't come along. She's got a bit of a temper. Right this way!"

As he led her through the streets of Griffonstone she could not help but look around in wonder at the progress made. Not only that, but there were far more openly armed griffons here than anywhere else she had seen. Most were in the colors of the Griffonstone Republic, but some others were showing the colors of the Aquileian Republicans, and neither side mingled with the other.

"So, uh, princess-"

"Celestia, Gallus."

"Right right! You didn't happen to hear news about some of the other students?"

She gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry to say, but that school wasn't under my watch so I only know bits and pieces of what was told to me."

He looked downcast at that and nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Everyone went home. Yona should be fine, the yaks haven't been attacked. Silverstream writes to me regularly, she's been really down these past few weeks."

Celestia tried not to wince at that.

"Sandbar is still in Equestria... and those Haukland pirates, they conquered the dragons. I'm worried about him and Smolder."

"You're a good friend to be worried about them, Gallus."

He just nodded as he brought up to a rather modest home, the smell of scones wafting from an open window. Along with the scent of scones came some sounds of arguing and Gallus scrunched his face up.

“Oh no, I think that's Rodier.”


He nodded. “Yeah. An Aquileian general, fled the country with the others. Been a real pain in the flank for everyone and has his own little militia. But, he respects the system so far, just, kinda pushy.”

He walked right inside and held the door open for Celestia. She ducked her head down slightly to enter and saw three griffons at a table with another standing in front of the trio. The one with purple highlighting her feathers rested her chin in her hand and drummed her fingers on the table while the one with green-hues was openly bickering with the standing griffon. A more grayish, younger griffon sat glumly while eating a scone while ignoring the argument. As soon as her hoof clopped against the ground all four of them turned to look.

The dark feathered griffon that had been standing shot Celestia a glare. “We shall continue this conversation later,” he said over his shoulder.

“No, we won't,” Gilda snapped, “You and the other Aquileians have been guests out of the goodness of our hearts but if you test our patience any longer and I'll have you booted right to Vivienne. I'm sure she'd be happy to have you back under her jurisdiction.”

Rodier let out a snort. “You wouldn't dare.”

“Do you want to test that?”

Gilda kept glaring at the back of Rodier's head as he gave a shrug and walked out. Once he had left she slumped back in her seat and rubbed at her face, looking at Celestia with a tired expression.

"You got a lot of nerve to be talking with Beakolini and then showing up around here," she said with little care in her voice.

Celestia raised a brow and shrugged, "I wasn't planning on stopping in Griffonstone but the train schedules and rail lines weren't in my favor."

Gilda frowned. "And just what are you doing anyways? Too many ponies in New Mareland reminding you of your failures?"

"Gilda!" Gabby gasped and sat up straight. "You can't talk like that to Princess Celestia!"

"No. She's right," she said quietly, keeping in control to stay her voice from cracking. "I abandoned my people. I abandoned my nation. I abandoned my friends." Celestia felt her throat go dry and she kept her wings tucked firmly against her sides to keep them from trembling.

Greta gently laid a hand on Gilda's shoulder. "Come on Gilda, remember what I said. Imagine her situation."

Gilda sat back down and crossed her arms. "...If Wingbardy succeeded in conquering Griffonstone, how we'd have to flee elsewhere. Probably to New Mareland, or the Riverlands. Abandoning everything we've accomplished here to an outside invader." She took a deep breath. "Yeah, yeah I get it. It's just-"

Celestia cut in, "Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie."

Gilda nodded. "They helped me, inspired me. It's why Griffonstone isn't a kingdom but a republic. Why we're working on getting over losing that stupid hunk of metal. Not like it did anything good after the first Grover had it anyways."

The alicorn slowly sat down at the table with the others. "Was snapping at me all you wanted to see me for?" she teased Gilda with a smile.

"Mostly," the griffon said with a shrug, "We lost good griffons against Wingbardy, and our borders with the Empire and Aquileia aren't nearly as defensible. If one of them wanted to push it'd be a hard fight, and even if we win the cost wouldn't be worth it. That, and some Aquileians want to try and strike back to try and restore their republic."

Celestia furrowed her brow in thought. "The Empire and Aquileia both have had their troubles with republicans so I doubt either of them would be willing to discuss securing your independence. Despite your brief war, perhaps you could convince Beakolini?"

"After what he did?!" Gilda stood back up and gripped the edge of the table with her talons.

"She's got a point, Gilda," Greta said. "Wingbardy still nominally has republican systems in place even if the king appointed a fascist as prime minister. That, and we have the largest border with them too."

Gilda sat back down and grumbled. She rubbed her head as she tried to think. Meanwhile Gabby looked at Celestia and fidgeted a little.

"Excuse me, Celestia."

"Hmm?" the alicorn tilted her head slightly.

"I had friends in Equestria. The Cutie Mark Crusaders. You wouldn't happen to know how they're doing, would you?"

Celestia took in a breath. "In fact, I do. The reports will be a bit out of date by now, but the last news is that they're alive and well and helping other fillies and colts help the resistance as best they can."

Gabby let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and smiled. "Oh, that's wonderful! I just wish I could get a message to them and tell them to be safe..."

"I can try but I can make no promises."

Gabby leaped over the table and hugged Celestia tightly, the griffon absolutely buzzing with excitement and muttering thanks over and over. Gilda grabbed Gabby by the back of the neck and pulled her off.

"Sorry, she's been pretty bummed out with everything. Gabby, go grab a fresh batch of scones."

Greta also stood up. "I have military matters to tend to. It was a pleasure meeting you, Celestia," the green-hued griffon said. "Talk to you later Gilda, I'll have some reports for you."

Gilda waved her claws in a dismissive manner. "Yeah, yeah, just make sure those fly boys don't crash into any mountains."

With the others gone for the moment Gilda looked at Gallus. "You gonna ask her?"

Celestia furrowed her brow and looked between the two. "Ask me what?"

Gallus cleared his throat nervously and tapped his fingers together. "We have a backup plan, in case this whole republic thing doesn't pan out. Since the failed revolution in Aquileia most of the republicans there fled here, and they've been trying to overtake Gilda's influence, so I proposed something to her."

"Go on."

He took in a deep breath to steel his nerves. "The Idol of Boreas is in the Abyss, and the winds are too much for a griffon."

Celestia raised a brow and cracked a tiny smile. "You know, it's funny. When news came of the Idol originally being lost, I had sent word to the Empire that I would have been willing to retrieve it for them."

The two looked surprised. “Wow, really? Why didn't they accept the help?” Gallus asked.

Celestia nodded. “Truthfully I could not tell you, but since the mysterious death of King Gumberto happened the year prior, and the nobles of the Herzland refused to investigate that, I suspect they didn't want me to intervene."

“Well, what about now?” Gilda asked.

The alicorn tilted her head slightly. “Give me a moment to think on it.”

Gabby came back with scones and tea and served them to the others with a cheery smile. As they sat to eat and drink Celestia mulled it over in her mind. The difficulties of even finding the thing, and the possible benefits of doing so. She had finished three scones and a cup of tea before she looked at Gallus.

"I'll do it."

He nearly choked on his scone. "W-what?"

"I said I'll do it. I shall find the Idol of Boreas. But, if I do so then I will be taking it under my care."

Gilda raised a brow. "Your next stop is Griffenheim. Returning the Idol to the Archonate of Boreas would score you a lot of political clout with them."

She nodded. "Indeed, and I'll need it since somepony hadn't told me of the northern Republic asking to be recognized as the official successor of the Empire before allowing it to pass. I've never met the griffon but my understanding is that Archon Eros is stubborn and proud."

Gallus looked down at the table with a frown, but nodded. "You're right. Even Grandpa would agree with you if he was here. I can show you to the Abyss, but after that you'll be on your own when you go down."

"Then let's not waste any time."

At the precipice of the Abyss Celestia could feel the winds ripping through the narrow passes. Anyone else it would be a daunting task but she studied the flow of the winds with a careful eye.

"The Idol fell down there when the cyclops did," Gallus leaned over a little to look down only to back away at sudden howling of wind.

"How did a cyclops break into the sacred capital of griffonkind, slaughter many guards and the king, and escape?" Celestia paced back and forth along the cliff edge. "Someone, something would have to be behind it. Something powerful to mask it."

Gallus and Gilda looked at each other and then to Celestia.

"You think maybe there was a traitor in the guard, or-"

Celestia cut Gilda off. "No. This reeks of divine interference. Boreas is your god of kingship, he would not have wanted the Empire he had initially blessed to break apart as it did. Nor would Eyr seek such a thing either, none of this would fall under her purview."

Gallus squinted as he thought. "Arcturius is the god of war, the Empire breaking would allow a lot of war."

"But such methods would fit him more," Gilda pointed out with a frown.

The alicorn nodded. "Yes, exactly. Everything about the Empire breaking up would fit with-"

There was a bird call and all three looked up. It landed on a branch, with orange-tinted feathers and yellow eyes. Gallus and Gilda both peered up in confusion.

“What is that?” Gallus asked.

“A bearded vulture...” Celestia replied as she eyed the bird nervously and took a few small steps to the edge.

She leaped into the Abyss almost immediately, her wings tucked into her sides. As ripping wind buffeted at her, her horn flared and she teleported further and further down into the depths. Gilda and Gallus both leaned over to watch as she disappeared into the darkness, flashes of golden magic taking her out of view.

"I wish there was something we could do," Gallus said.

"I can't believe you thought of going down there yourself. I wouldn't have risked it again and I'm the best flier in Griffonstone. All we can really do is wait. Well, you can wait. I need to write some letters."

"To who?"

Gilda ruffled her wings. "To Beakolini, Vivienne, and Eros. Try to secure our independence, maybe make some deals. I doubt Eros will be for it, but I have to try right?"

Gallus nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. "There's no harm in trying. Besides, while the Aquileians might not like you talking to Vivienne, it might be the only way." He peeked down into the Abyss. "Especially if those rumors about her and Princess Luna are true."

The bearded vulture landed some distance away from the two griffons and looked down into the howling winds with its yellow eyes.

Celestia knew better than to try and fly in the bitter winds of the Abyss, instead teleporting from ledge to ledge, no matter how small they were. As she traveled further down the light grew dimmer and dimmer until she was in darkness. Her horn glowed and shone like the sun to illuminate the surroundings, nothing but wind-blasted rocks all the way down. She descended lower and lower, this time hopping with her hooves to reserve her magic until she hit the ground. Her hoof tapped at the stone and she looked around.

"How curious. You would think this would be full of water. So, it must drain out somewhere else then."

She turned her head back and forth and a shine of gold could be seen some distance away. Hooves clopped against the ground as she approached it and looked at the ancient Idol of Boreas with an amused expression.

"I'm not whom you expected to get this. Gallus was the one who wanted to find it, but we told him it'd be foolish for him to. Or, would it?" She examined the Idol from afar with a critical eye. "Would you have him crown himself as king of Griffonstone, heir to the Empire in spite of Grover VI? Or would you remain silent, as you have since Grover I's death? Did you give him the Idol as a crutch for his inabilities, or did you just wish for him to unify the griffons, and took the blessing away when his method of conquest wouldn't continue with his son?"

As she went to approach it suddenly vanished and her eyes narrowed. Reaching a hoof out to where it had been, she felt nothing and let out a snort of irritation.

“I have no time for games, Boreas! Regardless of whom you wished to see down here the fact is that it is I who has come, and I am here to return your Idol to your children! Bar me not from my task, for I gave my word to retrieve it!”

When it didn't reappear she turned around and felt along the ground carefully, using her earth pony magic to find the right path. Slowly she walked along the bottom of the ravine, where the ground had inclined slightly, her horn brightly lit to keep her path illuminated. Eventually she noticed the rock and dirt under her hooves grew slightly damp until she began to walk in bone-chilling water.

She turned her head left and right, the light reflecting off of the dark water. As she waded through the water she sank deeper and deeper into it until it was up to her barrel, then her neck. Celestia took in a deep breath and dunked herself into the icy waters, her horn glowing brighter to illuminate. Right in front of her was the bare skeleton of a cyclops, its massive skull staring at her.

Keeping calm she walked around the bones until she saw gold glinting. Carefully she pawed it out of a collection of ribs, the Idol of Boreas before her. She gently grasped it in her magic and pulled it away, only to take note of the bones of the beast that had stolen it so long ago.

Celestia trudged out of the water, soaked through. Her mane hung limp and clung to her face and neck as she carried the Idol and a femur out of the water. After returning to the point of her landing she looked up, finding the ledges she had used to make her descent. With a deep breath she focused her magic and disappeared in a flash, only to suddenly reappear up higher with her hooves touching down on the ledge.

“For what purpose was there in such illusions? I wonder if there was more in store for whomever sought to retrieve the Idol. Perhaps they didn't work because I was the wrong one? Or, no, perhaps it is because of my nature that I avoided such illusions.”

Celestia shook her head with a sigh before a quick teleport took her to a ledge above. "It serves us no purpose for my idle musings I suppose. Besides, the dreams of democratic rule in Griffonia lives in the most sacred land of the griffons. Ironic, that the lands outside are given over to autocracies and monarchs yet the heart of the land itself has a different dream."

Another teleport higher up still.

"And yet, it's the most fitting for griffons, isn't it? Lords and kings and dictators, that is not the way of the griffon. Griffons are meant to fly free, and what better government for that sense of freedom than republicanism? Don't you agree, Boreas?"

As Celestia's hooves touched on a ledge, part of it crumbled and she pulled herself away, hopping over to another ledge.

"We ponies were always different. Skittish, in need of guidance, longing for safety and security. That's why Luna and I ruled, why they were so happy to have their nobles and princesses. Griffons, they were never happy with such things, were they Boreas? Even the current rulers seem miserable with their positions. Few ponies look to the horizon and long to fly into it after all."

One more flash of gold and she stood at the top of the cliff. The sun had moved drastically, daylight fading with night soon to arrive. She looked to see Gilda and Gallus standing there slack jawed as the alicorn brought up the golden artifact.

"You did it, you got the Idol!" Gilda exclaimed as she looked it over in excitement. "Wow, it doesn't look damaged after its fall either!"

Gallus sat there as he stared at the Idol, only for Celestia to give it over to him. He blinked in surprise and took it, feeling the heft of it. Both griffons looked at Celestia.

She gave a little shrug and smiled. "I was thinking, on my way back up, that the Idol belongs to Griffonstone. Use it as a symbol, a rallying call to all griffons. There is no king in Griffonstone, but the Idol remains as proof of Boreas' blessing to your new government."

Celestia turned and saw the bearded vulture perched upon a dead tree, staring at the Idol. It spread its wings and let out some squawks as she laid the old femur on the ground for it.

“You must be hungry, flying all the way from Sunset as you have.”

It blinked and flew off of the tree right to the bone, clutching it with one foot before it began to peck and break the bone into pieces.

“It's eating bone?” Gallus asked.

She nodded. “Yes. Bearded vultures almost exclusively eat bones. In Zebrica it is seen as a bird signifying fortune. In Wingbardy-”

“A warden against Maar's influence. But in Aquilish and Herzish lands all carrion birds are thought to be messengers for him,” Gilda said.

The vulture swallowed down several shards of bones as the three watched until Celestia turned and began to walk away.

“Farewell, President Gilda, Gallus. Regardless of what the future holds, know that Equestria and its people are friends to Griffonstone. And if worst comes to worst, Luna will see to it New Mareland has room for you.”

She stood above the crevice of the Abyss, the winds howling screams of the forsaken. Below the line was nothing but darkness, not even a glint of gold. Celestia paced back and forth along the edge when she heard hooves land behind her. She turned her head to see her sister there, looking with a brow raised.

"I had tried to reach out to you these past few days, sister, and yet I could not find you."

"A few days? Then there is something off there... Apologies for making you worry for me Luna, I journeyed into the Abyss to retrieve the Idol of Boreas. At first I thought perhaps to take it with me to Archon Eros, to smooth over any ruffled feathers. But on my way back, I had a good chat with Boreas."

Luna let out a little snort. "Celestia please, they do not speak to us."

Celestia smiled and shrugged her wings. "Mostly I talked to the Idol, but I came to a realization that the new Griffonstone Republic needed it more. An icon telling the world that Boreas supports their new venture."

"Does he?"

Magenta eyes looked back down into the Abyss. "Who knows? One thing I am certain of is that Maar has his claws in what's been going on around here. Do you know the story of how the Idol was lost?"

Her younger sister moved to stand beside her to peer down into the howling dark. "I do, yes. But not everything is because of some god or curse, sister. Sometimes bad things just happen."

"Is that what Vivienne has said in regards to her father's death?"

Luna gasped and scowled. "He may not have been the best father, or even a good person at all, but I do not like your implications!"

Her wings drooped a little. "You two barely know each other, Luna."

"I knew Twilight Sparkle for less time when she became just as good a friend! And just like Twilight, she reached out to me to help!"

Celestia winced and pinned her ears back. "I'm sorry Luna. It's just... I'm scared. The way things have been going, all the train delays. I'm scared that if I don't reach the Order in time I'll have failed them as I had failed so many others. That, and the vulture continues to follow. I do not know what compels it to, but I fear Maar's influence on my mission."

She felt her sister's embrace and leaned into her, eyes shut. Her body trembled as she nuzzled into Luna fiercely.

"Not one can take all the blame, sister. Had I not betrayed you all those years ago then I could have helped keep Equestria updated on matters of war, and those blasted cultists in Zebrica wouldn't exist."

"Luna you-"

"Do not tell me I did no wrong!" Slowly she pulled away to look at Celestia sternly. "Were you neglectful? Yes. That does not mean you must continually martyr yourself over my own actions, my own evil. We often learn more from our failures than our successes, you taught me that."

The roaring winds died down, leaving the sisters in silence for a moment.

"And, how are things with you?" Celestia finally asked.

"Fine, excellent even! Vivienne and Jet Set had been sending messages back and forth; there are to be combined naval and air exercises off the coast of Cross Island in the coming weeks. Beakolini has been making some inroads, though his actions against Mount Aris have not endeared us to him. Still, he seems rather eager to not make enemies of Aquileia at this time."

"Flurry and Spike have been well too?"

"Oh, yes, they have been absolute darlings to the Aquileians. Flurry is rather popular and many a noble have been trying to arrange playdates with her and other children. Spike has been eagerly testing all kinds of new cuisine, and the famous chef Gustav Le Grande has been using him to test out new dishes even!"

Celestia smiled warmly at her sister. "You and the others seem to have made some good friends it seems."

Luna straightened herself up a bit. "Vivienne was rather keen to teach me modern methods of warfare. We have quite a bit in common. She is ambitious with the skill and intellect to support her efforts. She cares for her people, pony and griffon alike."

"You like her."

"Well of course! She reached out to me, and has done her best to make me feel comfortable and welcome. The Aquileians are proud and passionate." Luna suddenly looked downcast and idly kicked her hoof against the ground. "When she introduced me to her court there was earnest applause. I was not some curiosity for the nobility to forget about as soon as I appeared!"

Slowly Celestia moved to her sister's side and draped a wing around her. "An alicorn is a rare and wondrous thing. They haven't seen others like us before. The nobles of Equestria, they were so used to me and Cadance-"

"Stop, sister stop. When the time comes, when all is said and done, I shall be there to lead our forces to reclaim Equestria. But, afterwards..."

Her heart clenched up and her muscles tightened as she pulled Luna in more firmly against her. "Luna, please."

Luna pulled from Celestia's grasp and shook her head. "I need to think on things, sister. I will not abandon our ponies when they need us. No more than we already have..." She took in a deep breath and shook her head. "If there is anything you want of me for my next visit, tell me so I can prepare."

"An overview of the going-ons in the Herzland recently. I did not brush up on things before I started my trip. And, tell Flurry and Spike when you can that I love and miss them both."

Luna nodded and smiled as she leaned in to nuzzle Celestia gently. "I love you, Celestia."

"I love you too, Luna."