• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 3,905 Views, 93 Comments

The legendary Saiyan - Jayelms43

My name is Jackson keon William and I'm the the legendary saiyan

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Boast busters how the hell did they get a giant bear here

Boast busters how the hell did they get a giant bear here

By: Jalen Elms

(Twilight pov)

“ come on Twilight you can do it" spike told me as I concentrate on casting the magic then I was able to give Spike a mustache; “ you did it Twilight 28 spells in total” he told me as he wrote the number down on the chalkboard I was proud of myself that I was able to do 28 spells.

“Thanks spike it means a alot you said that" I told him when I was getting ready to remove the mustache from his face he try to stop me from doing it but it was already too late saying something about “ah man and I don’t have a Mustache to impress Rarity with.”

“ hey guys what’s going on down here” I heard jack as he was coming down the stairs I was still embarrassed about when he saw me in the bathroom almost naked.

“twilight did 28 spell isn’t that awesome” spike told him I was embarrassed because it was not all that big of a deal until Jackson said something that caught me and spike by surprise; “ that’s pretty impressive you want to see what I’ve been doing for the last couple of weeks” he told us I was excited to study what kind of Magic or energy and if we can do the same with it; we say yes and he let us out to the back of the library.

“ you guys might want to step back I’m going to aim for that Boulder over there Twilight you might want to put up a magical Shields just in case” he told me as I put up the shield as I did I saw that him doing some weird hand signs and call out a weird name.

“ water style: Twin Dragon water blast Jutsu” he’s said surprise me when two dragons made out of water came out of his mouth and hit the border and destroyed it completely it was nothing left; “ pretty cool huh and I just learned this yesterday” he said making me even more surprised that He just learned this yesterday.

I was about to ask him a ton of questions until we heard a commotion coming from the middle of town we went to go see to fine a wagon in the middle of the Town everypony was standing around it and we saw the girls went up to and asked them and they said.

“ just some pony by the name of the great and powerful Trixie just because she can do some impressive magic doesn’t mean she can boast all about it” rainbow said I was scared that they didn’t like Trixie because she boast about her magic.

(Jack pov)

The girls were talking more and more about Trixie and how she likes to boast about her magic while twilight looks like she was about to have a mini freak-out I knew all this was going to happen while I was still annoyed about her; everything had happened like in cannon doing her impressive magic rainbow saying that she can do better getting stuck in a rainbow vortex, Applejack getting high tide with her own rope and lastly Rarity having her hair turned from Royal Purple to Green running off crying, Spike trying to get Twilight to go up there and show Trixie up when she wouldn’t do it I was about to walk off when she pointed me out she wanted me to do a trick that she can do better and call me a monkey that got me angry but I didn’t lose control.

Then I got an idea I was going to do a reference from a scene in Dragon Ball Z so I told her okay and get up on the stage and then I said.

------(third person pov)-----

Jackson got up on the stage and looked at Trixie he gave her a smug look before saying; “ have you ever heard of a Super Saiyan oh great and powerful Trixie” he said get into a stance the crowd of ponies looked confused but the Mane 6 knew what he was talking about.

“ why the great and powerful Trixie need to be concerned about this Super Saiyan” she said but he got of big smile before power up his Chi and turning super saiyan; “ this is a Super Saiyan” then he turn into Super Saiyan 2 “ and this is Super Saiyan 2” he said while his hair was more spiker and blue Lightning was coming off his body.

“ so what your hair changed its not that impressive to the great and powerful Trixie” she said getting a little worried but his smile somehow even grew bigger before saying something that scared the Mane 6 and Trixie.

“ just watch and this" he said before crouching down and started to scream out; “ what’s he doing” Fluttershy said while hiding behind Applejack the girls were getting worried that he might turn out like he did when he got angry at gilda.


Jack scream as his hair grew out for those who didn’t know that he was in his mindscape just like Goku was returning from his great ape form back to a child, all around Equus the ground was shaking while the oceans crash against the sea borders even some of the other species around the world were geting worried about this new power.


With one last scream Jackson as he look up into the heaven a blinding light that blind everyone including Trixie, ones the light was gone they were in shock that Jackson hair was now a long golden blonde he didn’t have no eyebrows, and blue electricity was coming off him.

“ and this is a Super Saiyan 3” he said in a serious tone before powering down and walking off the stage and leaving the whole crowd still in shock.


(Celestia pov)

Just a few moments ago I was doing day cord when suddenly the ground start to Shake everything around me even the Nobles noticed it, then it ceased everypony was wondering what that was even I was wondering what that strange phenomenon and what was that energy it was coming from Ponyville it must have been from Jackson.

“don’t worry my little ponies this strange event is now over let’s go back today Court” I told them we soon went back to day Court I was going to write a letter to Twilight after I’m done with day Court I hope it’s nothing too serious.


(Jack pov)

After I left the stage leaving Everypony shocked I went behind a building and grabbed my chest in pain.

" dammit Goku was right about doing Super Saiyan 3 in a mortal form is not easy I was lucky enough to hold it for at least three minutes" I said using some healing Jutsu that I learned during the weeks.

After that I went to the library sat down and read a book soon after the girls came in and asked me what was that about I asked him do they remember about me saying I can go Super Saiyan 3 and I can kill Luna in one Fell Swoop.

They got a look of realization and left it alone after that everything went as they did in the show Snips and snails bringing back a Ursa Minor Trixie telling the truth that she couldn't do anything about it but then something happened I didn't see coming Twilight lost concentration of the Ursa Minor and then it fall to the ground it was about to attack the town before I did something that shocked and scared every pony in town including the Mane 6.

I use my Sharingan and put it under a genjutsu so I can have it under my control I sent it back into the forest and then I flu after and once it got inside the cave I use an Earth Jutsu to seal it off I flew back to town to find Trixie already left.

Ones I landed the girls surrounded me ask me a ton of questions about what I just did I just ignore them and i went up to Snips and snails an said in an angry tone.

" if you ever do something that stupid again I will put you under a genjutsu that will give you the most agonizing and painful experience you will ever have in your entire life do you understand me" I told them both while my Sharingan was still active they both shook their head and ran off.

" Jackson what was that all about" Pinkie Pie asked but I just ignore her and flew into the everfree forest and i needs to calm down before I lose control of myself

"And today was so great and it end terribly I hope tomorrow will be better." I said as I landed in the middle of the forest got into a meditative stance and started to do my breathing exercises.

Author's Note:

If any of your readers got this reference that I did awesome it seems like Jackson has some trouble controlling his anger now see you in the next chapter

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