• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 3,906 Views, 93 Comments

The legendary Saiyan - Jayelms43

My name is Jackson keon William and I'm the the legendary saiyan

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Going back to the past the great saiyan Warrior final part

Going back to the past the great saiyan Warrior final part

(Jackson pov)

I just put on the dragon armor and leaded were the explosion happened to see 300 of Crystal golems attacking the city.

"Fuck how did this happen" I thought before one name came to mind "SOMBRA" I yelled out in Rage turning super saiyan three and rushed in with my dante sword in hand.


(Star pov)

Me and queen Platinum made it to were the kids were just in time to see Sombra was about to kill the kids but than Platinum got in the way of the attack and got hit leaving a hole in her chest she fell to the ground dead.

I heard trunks yelled out his mother while his sister started to cry than I heard the door kicked in and I turned around to see Jackson standing in the doorway with a look of Rage before he saw queen Platinum on the ground dead, then he turned to Sombra and had a look of Rage with a killer aura.

"I WILL RIP YOU IN HALF SOMBRA" Jackson yelled out while flying toward Sombra and punch him through a wall.


(Jackson pov)

"This fucker kill those kids mother in front of them so I'm going to beat him to death with my own hands" I thought before teleported behind him and threw a left rook into his stomach making him cough up blood before hitting him with a axe kick sented him to the ground.

I Flu down at top speed crashing into him with my fist buried in his stomach while he screamed out in pain before I picked him up by the throat and threw him in front of the castle were surprisely Celestia and Luna were there.

"Celestia, Luna help m-" Sombra didn't get to finish before getting kicked by me sent him flying into a building.

"NO ONE IS GOING TO SAVE YOU FROM ME" I yelled out before flying after him but then I stop and turn towards the two and said.

"Get the elements ready NOW" I said before continued to fly after Sombra.

I continued to punch and kick Sombra throughout the Empire making sure he felt the pain from my Rage and sadness because I couldn't save their mother.

Than I teleported behind him and sented a ki blast sent him back to were the two princesses were waiting with the elements ready and hit him with it.

He was turned into a the smoke I saw him when I was in the present time, but than the Empire started to disappear before the princesses could ask me anything I teleported to were star and the kids were and told him to turn me into stone so I could disappear along with the Empire.

He nodded his head and we went out to the castle grounds and got ready but we didn't notice the two kids were right behind me it was to late.

Because once star spell hit us we were turned to stone but I didn't notice. So after the Empire disappeared along with me and the kids I waited to return to the present.


(Spike pov)

We just defeat Sombra and save the Crystal Empire but we were still saddened that Jackson was killed we were standing in the castle grounds next to the statue before we all heard a loud cracking sound Behind us, we turn around to the Statue to see he has spider web cracks running through it.

That's when we saw Jackson standing there with a smile on his face before he said.

"Sup guys I hope you guys are sa-" Jackson didn't get to finish before being tackle down to the ground by Twilight and Pinkie.

They were crying their eyes out in happiness, Jackson saw this and hugged them while whispering to them, "hey it's okay I'm here now" Jackson said before hearing a voice behind him.

"Mr. Jackson were our we" the voice said, he turned around to see trunks and bra standing there while looking around; he got up and ran to them and said "wait why are you here you were supposed to be with Star Swirl", he asked while looking them over to make sure they are not hurt.

"We wanted to go with you and ask if you could be our papa" the little girl said while running up to Jackson and giving him a hug, me and the girls were shocked about what we just heard before looking at Jackson for his reply.


(Jackson pov)

I was shocked and confused that they wanted me to be their father but before I could answer her question a scroll appeared out of thin air I grabbed it and looked at it and I was shocked at the symbol.

In front of it imprinted on the middle of the scroll was the sign of the leaf Village, I opened it and read it and what it said not only that it was shocking also made me very angry.

"Dear king Jackson
If you are reading this that means you made it back to the present timeline and are with your friends and the princesses,
I asked that you come to the village called the monkey kingdom at once, because it's needs their monkey king to rule it.
Sign the third hokage

"WHAT THE FUCK STAR SWIRL" I yelled out turned on super saiyan, but than I claimed down and turned to Twilight and said.

"Twilight we need to head back to princess Celestia and Luna, and get to this village" I said in the most calm voice but inside I was imagining myself strangling that bearded fuck.

As we left to Canterlot I thought to myself "I wonder what will happen when I get to this village" I thought while heading to the train station.

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