• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 3,905 Views, 93 Comments

The legendary Saiyan - Jayelms43

My name is Jackson keon William and I'm the the legendary saiyan

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Legendary super saiyan meeting the king of the hidden leaf kingdom

Legendary super saiyan meeting the king of the hidden leaf kingdom

(3rd pov)

It was just another normal day in Equestria, ponies were walking around having a nice day before a group of strangers appeared in the middle of the kingdom.

"Goku you sure this is were Jackson is?" Said a woman with black hair and wearing a Japanese style dress.

"Yea, Chichi this is where I sense his ki," goku said to the woman now known as Chichi.

As they were talking the other two people of the group were talking, "hey Vegeta, you think he will remember us?" Said a blue haired woman.

"Yes Bulma, he will remember us damn it woman you are annoying," Vegeta said to the woman known as Bulma.

"VEGETA, GOKU OVER HERE!!!" They heard someone said when they turn they saw Pinkie pie waving at them.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here. Who are they?" Pinkie asked while walking towards them.

"Hey pinky, this is Chichi, and that's Bulma, Krillin and android 18, and Gohan and Videl, and that's Piccolo," Goku said while pointing to each person.

"So do you know where Jackson is," Chichi asked while looking around.

"Yea, jacky is in Day Court right now I'll take you guys to him," Pinkie said while leading them to the castle.

While they were walking to said castle they noticed that they were being watched by the town ponies and guards, some with confusion and some hesitation; Once they reached the castle and then the throne room they heard someone yelling.

"FOR THE LAST TIME JETSET YOU AND ANYONE ELSE IS NOT GOING TO RAISE TAXES IN MY KINGDOM, NOW LEAVE BEFORE I DESTROY YOU. YOU SORRY EXCUSE OF A STALLION!!!!!" they heard someone yelled as said pony ran out with fear and Terror written on his face.

"Oops, looks like he's angry again," Pinkie said a little worried before walking in with everyone else following.

Once they saw the throne room they were shocked at how it looked, it looked medieval with a mix of Japanese style Throne rooms. Jackson was sitting on his throne tapping his finger while looking annoyed.

"If he ever shows his face again I'm going to beat him into a bloody pulp," Jackson said to himself before seeing Pinkie and immediately had a bright smile.

"PINKY!!!" Jackson said before rushing at her and pulling her into a bear hug while kissing her,"what are you doing here, I thought you were going back to sugarcube corner to visit mr and ms. Cake today," Jackson asked while putting her back on to the ground.

"I was but I saw goku and Vegeta here I brought them here to see you jacky," Pinkie said while the other looked in confusion.

Jackson looked over to the group before smirking and said. "Well pinky I'm not the real Jackson he's in the gym room working out with Twilight and Maud there as well" the clone said before turning into a puff of smoke.

Everyone was shocked but Pinkie before she said, "come on I will use a teleportation spell to take us there" she said before lighting her horn and in a bright flash of light later they were in the training room were they saw something incredible.

Jackson was lifting weights but his was doing a handstand while the weights were on his feet and the weights themselves were as big as a truck.

(Like this except replace zoro with Jackson)

Chichi, Bulma, and Krillin were shocked at what they saw, while the others were surprised at what he was doing before he said.

"Twilight *grunt* What number am I on now?" Jackson said while grunting in exhaustion; then everyone except for Twilight, Pinkie and Maud were shocked beyond belief.

"20,345,567 is the number you are on," Twilight said while reading a book. it's been a few months since they found out she was pregnant and she was started to show.

Jackson just sighed before saying,"Damn it I knew I should have started earlier today then dealing with that fucking noble," he said angry before noticed more people in the room.

"So you finally made it huh," he said before bending his knees before sending the weights into the air before standing upright and catching it with one hand and putting it on the ground.

"Well not exactly Jackson" Gohan said while looking away from Jackson.

Jackson noticed it. He looked at the rest of the group who are also not looking at him except for Goku who had a sheepish smile, Jackson narrowed his eyes before saying.

"What did you do son goku!!" Jackson said while crossing his arms in annoyance at goku.

Before Goku could say anything else Whis and Beerus along with three other people were there as well.

"So did you tell him or what," Beerus said before noticed that everyone had a face of horror before someone said.

"So son goku not only did you bring him here but you brought two of Frieza soldiers here too," Jackson said while having a neutral face.

"Umm if you put it like that then yes," Goku said while looking worried.

"Okay," Jackson said before pointing at broly and said, "you get the fuck off my planet right now," Jackson said while everyone looked shocked and worried about what was going to happen.

"Listen here monkey you are-" Breerus could say anything else he was punch into a wall everyone looked at him before Jackson yelled.

"YOU STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS!!!" Jackson roared out before looking back at Broly.

Before anyone could say or do anything Jackson was hit in his stomach before being sent to the opposite side of the room.

"You should know your place monkey," Breerus said while he was standing there unfazed by Jackson attack.

That's when they saw that Jackson wasn't hurt by Breerus' attack either, then in an instant Jackson appeared in front of Beerus with his Sharingan showing.

"What that going to-" he didn't get to finish before feeling intense pain except it wasn't physical but mentally.

"Jackson Williams stop right now" Maud said with a Hint of worry in her voice.

"Tch fine," Jackson said before looking towards Broly. "You come with me," he said while walking towards the doors that lead to the castle Garden.

(Jackson pov)

I was under a tree while Broly was looking around at the different animals."Broly," I said, getting his attention before continuing, "I want to know why you are here," I said with an unreadable face.

He stood there for a moment before saying. "Goku said that you could help Broly with his power," he said while sitting in front of me.

"It's because we are both legendary saiyan or it's because he wants to fight you properly without Earth being in danger" Jackson said with a hint of anger.

"No," Broly said, surprising me before he continued. "Broly believes that you could help Broly with his power so that Broly could live in peace as well," he said while looking serious.

I looked at him before I smiled and got off the ground, making him confused with me holding out my hand. "All right I will help you but in return you will live here from now on since you want a more peaceful life," I said while smiling at him.

"Thank you for helping Broly," he said while taking my offer hand.

We talked for a little while before we headed inside what everyone else was at, we had dinner in which case the chef had to work overtime. Because of me, Goku, Vegeta, Breerus, and surprisingly Twilight were eating a lot of food.

While everyone was having a conversation with the main six and Spike Jackson Heard a Voice in his head.

"Jackson, he is going to get free anytime now. I think you should summon Edward tomorrow" Okami said in my head while I agreed with him.

"Yes Okami, I agree with you I'm going to summon big bro Ed tomorrow morning" I said while looking at the group and then smiled at my girls.

"Just three more days before we are married I can't wait," I thought while having a gentle smile on my face.

Author's Note:

Guess what only 3 more chapters later on this story.

Until next time readers

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