• Published 18th Feb 2021
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The legendary Saiyan - Jayelms43

My name is Jackson keon William and I'm the the legendary saiyan

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Meeting old masters and fighting new opponents

Meeting old masters and fighting new opponents

(Goku and Vegeta pov)

We just led in Equestria as Jackson called it, me and Vegeta along with kale and caulifla an cabba it's been months after seeing Jackson so me and Vegeta decide to visit him.

"So this is were your student lives huh looks pretty stupid" caulifla said while crossing her arms.

"I think its a nice place" kale said while hiding behind her hair.

Before anyone could say anything Jackson flu down to meet them, than he said " so tell me goku and Vegeta why the fuck you brought two saiyan and a legendary saiyan here" Jackson said while his was Sharingan showing.

Kale and caulifla was shocked he knew about kale legendary form, while Cabba looked confused; than Vegeta said.

"I didn't think you would say such language" Vegeta said while looking surprise; "well because after dealing with a bug bitch think it was a good idea turn to kill my new brother and girlfriends so I'm still pissed off about that" Jackson said while still looking at the three saiyan but more specifically kale.

"Wait girlfriends like more than one" Cabba said while surprise, Jackson just rolled his eyes before saying "yes jackass and before you ask their names are Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie pie an they are pony's" Jackson said but caulifla started to laugh.

"You are dating pony's, what are you some furry or som-" kale didn't get to finish before getting a punch to her stomach sent her flying through a tree.


(Third person pov)

Everyone turned to see Jackson standing there with his fist out with a look of Rage on his face before saying out loud.

"YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR MOUTH OR YOUR GOING TO FIND IT HARD TO TALK WITH YOUR WINDPIPE CRUSH" Jackson yelled while his left eye showing his Mangekyou Sharingan.

"So you want a fight huh" caulifla said cracking her knuckles before flying toward Jackson trying to throw a punch at him, but he dodged and threw a uppercut senting her flying before Jackson appeared behind her and yelled out.

"LIGHTNING STYLE: LIGHTNING DRAGON JUTSU" Jackson roared out before a huge dragon hit caulifla shocking her to unconsciousness.

Caulifla hit the ground unconscious with burns and bruises all over her body kale see this and she turns into her legendary super saiyan form.


Jackson raise a eyebrow before turning super saiyan and yelled out "armormmet magic number 5" Jackson said before a bright light enveloped him once that like died down they saw to there surprised that Jackson was in a suit of armor.

(Just like this but without the helmet and hammer)

Kale rushed at him throwing a punch but it was caught and got a knee to the gut knocking the wind out of her before getting a right hook to her face senting her flying to the ground.

Jackson did some hand signs before called out "water style: water prison Jutsu" Jackson said putting kale in a water prison, and using a wind blast to freeze the ball of water.

Kale started hitting the prison but before she could broke out Jackson flu down and use his Sharingan to put kale in a genjutsu to knock her out cold.

"Don't make me ask you a fucking second time goku why in the hell are they here" Jackson said while greeting his teeth in anger.

Goku was a little worried about Jackson because last time he was here he was calm, and not ready to kill someone.

"We only brought them here because we wanted to see if you could fight them but seen how you defeated kale and caulifla it looks like we were going to train them, and we wanted to see if you could help" Vegeta said while getting ready to fight Jackson if he needs to.

"So you thought that it was a fucking good idea to bring them to my fucking new home to TRAIN THEM" Jackson said yelling out the last part of the sentence before calm down.

"Let's just get them and head to the Library so I can go check up on my girls and call the princesses and shining armor" Jackson said while picking up kale and caulifla and started to fly off to the Library goku and Vegeta flying behind him.


(Jackson pov)

Once we leaded in front of the Library goku opened the door and what we saw was weird and funny all at once, standing in the middle of the Library was Rarity with a look of Rage while Twilight and Pinkie were sitting on the ground blushing like crazy, while rainbow dash and apple jack, were trying not to laugh, while shy was worried for them.

"I'm missing something or what because this looks weird an funny as all hell" I said getting everyone attention.

"YOU" Rarity yelled while Twilight and Pinkie hide behind me walking over to me and yelled out.

"Do you know how much beauty sleep I got from you and your mares" Rarity asked while having a look of Rage.

I thought about it for a moment before remembering yesterday night then said "sorry about that Rares the girls only did that because I was still mad about what you guys did yesterday" I said with a sheepish smile she just rolled her eyes and huffed before sitting down.

I was about to tell Spike to send a letter to the princesses before one appeared on thin air, I grabbed it out of the air and it read that the princesses needed us at the castle.

I told everyone this and we all agreed then go to the castle, I told Goku and Vegeta that this sparring match will have to wait, goku was about to protest but I gave him a look that said it was not up for debate so they took kale and caulifla, back home to there universe.


(One hour later Third person pov)

Jackson and the main six an spike had made it to the castle were princesses Celestia and Luna and surprise princess Cadence and shining armor was there.

Twilight and Cadence did their little dance while Jackson and shining greet each other before Celestia said she wanted to talk to Twilight in private but Jackson said.

"Sorry Tia but if you think I won't listen in than your fucking wrong because I got something to discuss with you and Twilight in private to" Jackson said while the others were shock on how he was acting.

Celestia and Luna agreed to this and everyone except for Twilight, Jackson, Cadence and shining stayed; Celestia told them about the Crystal Empire and King Sombra Jackson already knew this but then she said it was a test for Twilight that's when he stepped in.

"Let me stop you right fucking there princess Celestia" Jackson said with a aura of anger and Rage scaring them; "this situations more than just a test this is people's lives at stake in front of a tyrant who enslaved and brainwashed them, so I'm going to warn you this once if anyone gets killed and especially the girls or my marefriends I'm coming for your head" Jackson said what his Sharingan and Mangekyou Sharingan was showing that he was serious.

Luna was about to say something before Celestia said " I understand Jackson and I'll take full responsibility if anything happens to them" Celestia said given him her word.

Jackson nodded before thinking in his head that he's going to need a back-up plan if everything goes down what he didn't know that he was destined to go somewhere else before the Return of the Crystal Empire and King Sombra.

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