• Published 18th Feb 2021
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The legendary Saiyan - Jayelms43

My name is Jackson keon William and I'm the the legendary saiyan

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The Rise of the Omni-King part two: finding out the truth.

The Rise of the Omni-King part two: finding out the truth.

(Jackson pov)

I was sitting in Ed's Twilight house thinking about what the Grand priest told me.

"Well Jackson you should know about who your real parents are.The people you know aren't your real parents. Your real parents' names are Joseph Thomas and Jasmine Smith," I kept replaying those words inside my head.

"This can't be because I was always human before becoming a displaced, right?" I questioned myself before then I had a terrifying epiphany.

"Why can't I remember my parents' names and their faces," I said to myself. I couldn't remember what my old parents used to look like, not even their names.

“Not all displaced were always human at one point in their lives, Jackson,” Ed says as he materializes in the same room. “I have a son who was once a sentient artifact that I created and then became sentient and grew a soul. He sacrificed himself to give his bearer a fighting chance.” He snaps and several Holo=screens show images of what looked like a war with Transformers. “I also met a displaced person who was a reincarnation of Acnologia The Dragon of the Apocalypse from Fairy Tail. We do live in an omniverse so you may not have the memories from your original life from when you were first born.”

"No Ed, the priest said those people that were my parents aren't, he said that I was always a saiyan not a human," Jackson said while drinking another shot of juice..

"After he said that I have vague memories that I never even had before until now," Jackson said before offering the bottle to Edward.

“I never said you weren’t a real saiyan numb nuts, I’m saying you are who you are meant to be.” He pulls a bottle of fiery red liquid somewhere and sits in front of me. “You need alcohol not juice unfortunately in my world only those with the license to brew have it or seal it. Outside royalty and nobles there aren’t a whole lot that have it either. This is Dragon Ale, some strong stuff so be careful,” he remarks pour me a glass then hands it to me.

I drank the Ale, and man he was right this shit is strong going down. "Yea but to find out about all before my and the girls wedding it's kind of hurt you know," I said looking down.

"To find out all this time Who I Really was, kind hurts me," I said before taking another swig of the Ale.

“Being a Displaced isn’t easy,” Ed shrugs, throwing back a swig of the Ale. “Even Void Dwellers don’t have it easy either, though they seem to because they’ve evolved to be near omnipotent gods they still have many things to do and manage. We never stop learning, caring, or doing what we think is right…” He sets the glass down with a hard thunk. “That all we can really do in the end though… I made the choice to give up my life as a normal human to stay here and have no regrets about it. Remember little brother, its your choice… not the damned omni king…” He stands up and heads toward the door, “Careful with that stuff its really strong,” he says before walking out of the library

I sat there looking at the Ale thinking about what Ed said and smiled.

"He's right, it's my life not the Omni-King, as long as I know who I really am there's nothing to worry about," I said before drinking some more of the Dragons Ale.

"Man this stuff is strong but at the same time good, I might have to asked him for a crate or two," I thought before hearing a knock on the door.

"COME IN," I yelled and the door opened to show RD in a tank top with just her panties on.

"Are you coming to bed jacky," Rainbow said while smirking at me. "I will be there in just a minute Dashie," I said smirking before getting up and walking to the bedroom that Ed Twilight let us stay in.

(The next morning 3rd pov)

Everyone was in the dining room eating breakfast while Jackson was hunched over in his chair wearing sunglasses and moaning to themself.

"Get me a raw egg,Two Shots Tabasco, a salt and pepper, and a gun to shoot myself," Jackson said before slamming his head onto the table leaving small cracks on where his head hit.

“My grandfather did warn you that Ale was strong,” says a stallion as he goes over papers.

“Be nice Pole,” Ed’s Twilight scolds as she sets a tray next to my chair. “Pole gets hungover when he’s out with Ed from time to time so I keep these on stand by. Be sure not to make yourself sick though.” She turns back to the kids who wants pancakes?”

“We do?” the children all say at onc, very loudly causing Jackson to wece in pain.

“I’ve got to get to work,” Pole says standing. “Bye Twi,” he says before kissing Twilight on the cheek. “Bye Nyx, be good, and no trees this time!”

Nyx Shrunk down embarrassed slightly, “Bye dad…”

“By Pole,” Ed’s Twilight waves. “Pancakes,” she smirks as she goes back into the kitchen.

"Do you want me to use numb spell," Jackson's Twilight said in which he shook his head no. "No this will do," Jackson said before looking over to the others.

"So who wants to see uncle Jackson train with his clones," Jackson asked while feeling better Thanks to Ed Twilight.

“I think not,” Came a voice from the door. Everyone turns to See Ed’s Rarity entering with Spike holding a few bags. “We’re having a fashion day. You can still train if you like but the little ones and your girls are mine for most of the day. I may have my other self here to help but we still have a lot to do in order to prep wedding dresses and outfits. Also, we’ll be working with gemstone fabric and threads so it will be slow going.”

Spike sets the bags down, “Everythings in the bags Rares,” he turns to Jackson, “If you want to train I can help. Been awhile since I’ve had a decent spar. I also don’t think you ever fought a skilled combat Alchemical Dragon Slayer Mage before.Is that alright with you Rarity?”

“As much as I would like you here and stand by, in case I need a certain fabric or thread,” She turns to Jackson’s Spike and Rarity. “I think it would be better for you to go with Jackson and take the other you as well.”

“That settles that,” Ed’s Spike cracks his knuckles, then walks over to himself, “Let’s go Romeo,” he remarks as he easily lifts the other Spike up by the collar, severely disappointing the youth. “You game?” he turns to Jackson, “Or should I call Ed?”

"Let's do it," Jackson said with determination in his eyes, "besides I want to see if you can Handle me at 100%," Jackson said, getting up and stretching.

While everyone was distracted. Rainbow Dash tried to Escape but was encased in a wooden cage by Jackson, "Sorry RD but you know how Rarity is when it comes to dresses," Jackson said while looking sympathetic for her.

“Don’t worry,” Ed’s Spike waves it off. “My Rarity is a special mage. RD can’t go anywhere without her saying so. She used the same spell on our RD until she learned to put up with it. Some incentive though Dash,” Spike turns, “The Rainbow of this world is currently head of the Elite Wonderbolt units and she didn't get there by just being a fighter or fast flyer. She studies her tail off, literally. Discord took it and wouldn’t give it back until she passed her first test.”

"Man now that's tough love if I ever saw it," Jackson said before Spike yelled out.


“That’s all he did?” Ed’s Spike raised an eyebrow, “Man you had it good,” he chuckles while opening the door and throwing the other sSike on his ass before he led Jackson out and closed the door. “Ed was my teacher in more ways than just combat dude. Who do you think is worse? The battle crazed ninja martial artist or the embodiment of thousands of living souls who has fifteen thousands years of bloodshed, war, fighting, and countless other skills and magics he made and acquired over that span of time. Not to mention the powers he’s gotten since waking up from a stone nap?”

"Did he put you in a genjutsu that made you see your worst fears," Jackson asked out of curiosity.

“Mine weren’t an illusion,” Ed’s Spike deadpans.

"Hmm I might try that," Jackson said, making his spike go pale with fear.

"So how do you want to do this, fight spike or me," Jackson asked Ed spike.

“We’re not doing this in Ponyville first off,” He held up a finger. “We had enough trouble from Trix last time she was here,” he sighs. “No, we're headed to the Badlands. Ed has a Rune Teleport in the Automail shop. I do part time work for, we’ll use it to get to the Fort and head out to the Open area from there. Don’t be surprised when you feel no life from the area too.”

He motions to follow leading everyone into a Muffin Automail shop ino the back. They used a small stone tablet in the corner of the shop as they went through the kitchen.

“Follow me and Ignore the stone Ed’s,” Ed’s Spike motioned.

"Okay then," Jackson said, a little uncomfortable by the stone Ed's.

“They were made as early training companions for us then left to tend this old for where Luna was first confessed to be Aunt Luna,” Ed’s Spike shrugs. “Its a special place for Ed from over two thousand years ago and he was surprised it was still standing so he left those things to take care of it.”

"Okay now I understand," Jackson said as they got to the teleport rune. "So how does this work exactly?" He asked, looking at it.

“You or me or me and Him?” Ed’s Spike points.

"You and him," Jackson said while looking around the shop.

“Oh you were referring to the teleporter,,” Ed’s Spike says as he gets on the teleporter and pulls the other Spike on.

In a spark of blue lightning they were gone only to appear in an open shack.

“Three two one,” Ed’s Spike counts down on his fingers as Jackson rushes out and pukes up his hangover antidote.His Spike soon followed and puked up pancakes, which is what he’d thought he’d do when Ed’s Twilight suggested she make them, but found them quite delicious, not so much the second time around.

"Oh my God, it feels like my lungs are trying to kill me," Jackson said while his spike nodded in agreement.

"How did you get used to that," Jackson's spike said while trying not to throw up again.

“Bah,” Ed’s Spike waved a hand. “It's only bad after the first ten times. Though it's best Not to eat anything before using it if you’ve never teleported long distances via magic before. Any ways welcome to Fort Sunder. One of the oldest still standing forts in Equestria from the Minos Wars.”

Jackson and his Spike simply stared at him dumbfounded while a Stone Copy of Ed shows up behind them with a mop and bucket and starts to clean up the puke.

"Okay that's just weird," Jackson said while looking around. "You guys Equestria is more backwards than mine," he said while his Spike agreed

“How so?” Ed’s Spike simply smiles.

Both Jackson and Spike looked at the Ed stone who was moping then looked around at the old Equestria fort. ",you seriously don'-" Jackson was about to say before just in exhaustion.

"You know what nevermind let's just get this training over with because I know both Rarity are going to hunt us down to get faded," Jackson said while sighing in defeat

“Oh no she won't,” Spike kept smiling. “Believe it or not it's my job to measure our male clients. Someone got a little frisky with her once and she nearly blow a hole through him and the shop. After that I got ahold of the bastard and after several broken bones and three hospital visits he was fine.”

Jackosn just nods in agreement while his Spike eye twitches slightly.

“Anyhow, come with me,” he motions to the entrance of the fort. “And for your comment this place was falling apart when Ed brought us here for our training. He restored this place and the Stone Eds are actually only a few years old.What the real kick in the balls in the store behind the Badlands and how they were made, and yes it involves Ed and the end of the Minos wars.”

As soon as they left the fort Jackson could feel it. There was no life force flowing through this entire area of land. He could see this place had also seen its fair share of battles from all of the old impact spots, cracks, and craters.

"I can’t sense anything here, it feels like the void," Jackson said with shock in his voice.

Jackson shook off his shock and turned to both Spikes and said. "So who wants to go first," Jackson said while smiling excitedly about a real sparring match.

“Quick question,”Ed’s Spike throws up a palm, “Are we allowing the use of deadly weapons and lethal force,” He says with a grin causing Jackson’s Spike to gulp rather hard.

Jackson scratches his chin in thought before answering. "Yes but only if that person allows it, which I don't mind," Jackson said, smirking evilly.

“Yes will, I wanted to ask before we started,” Ed’s Spike says as he pulls out a pair of gloves with metal claw-like tips. “And before you ask, this is my weapon of choice. Ed told me about a user of wires from an anime once so I took the concept and adapted it to work with my abilities.” He moves his fingers in the gloves a bit. “I believe I’ll go first. You two can decide who will face me. Also, this is how I will get your measurements for your suits so I'll be fighting both of you today.”

Before Jackson could say anything Spike was on the sidelines in a flash while whistling innocently.

"I was going to say me but since my spike wants to act like a child then," Jackson said, powering up to 100%..

Jackson got into his fighting stance and prepared himself. "Let's begin," Jackson said.

“I won’t be holding back against a displaced,” Spike took up a fighting stance as rainbow aura started to come off his body. “Just to give you a heads up, I’m not strange to losing body parts when I spar with any member of my family, that includes you. Dear brother-in-law,” he says with a step as he vanished, Starling the saiyan.

Jackson reached out with his sense but felt nothing until he felt something dripping from his cheek. He reached up but kept up his guard. He looks at his finger and see blood and starts to laugh.

“Are you really that excited over a little scratch to the face,” Spike notes as he leans against a nearby pillar of rock.

"HAHAHAHA," Jackson continued to laugh as his energy started to pour out of his body like a waterfall.

"Hey, you may want to keep your guard up. He only gets like this if someone manages to cut him, which is only two people that have been Asta and Edward," Jackson's Spike said while looking at his brother-in-law.

“That’s what you won’t know about me kid,” Ed;s Spike sighs as he catches Jackson fist sending out a shockwave. Jackson was actually struggling to push forward. “I never let my guard down.” He turns back to Jackson, “Your bse form isn’t going to be strong enough dude. I’ve tanked a magic ballista from Ed to the face that hit harder than this PUNCH!” Ed’s Spike nailed Jackson dead center in the forehead with a headbut sent him crashing through a few pillars.

"Good, good,":Jackson said, before powering up to super saiyan three and rushed at Ed's Spike delivering several punches to his abdomen before roundhouse kicking him into a pillar.

"I knew you were going to be a challenge, not even goku black could hold a candle to your power," Jackson said while praising Ed's Spike.

Ed’s Spike gets up and Spike out a bit of blood, “Good thing I’m gear right now. Rarity would kill me if I damaged any of the clothes she made me,” He looks at Jackson, “And I wouldn’t move around too much if I were you,” he smirks.

It's then that Jackson realized he was in a trap. Spike pulls his right hand up and then wire insnares Jackson to the point he is cut just by barely moving.

“And before you say I can snap this no prob, you can’t. These aren’t simple wires or gemstone threads either,” Spike says while quickly pulling Jackson in. Heingintes his fist in a rainbow flame, “Over The Rainbow FIST!” He roared and sent the saiyan flying again.

Spike waves his hand, “Dude’s got one hard head though…” He remarks blowing on his hand.

"You can thank my Twilight for that," Jackson said right next to Ed's Spike ear before grabbing the back of his collar shirt and swinging him around and throwing him up into the air.

"All the times she hit me in the head did wonders for durability, you should try it sometime," Jackson said before instantly appearing behind him and slamming both his fist into his back sending him back to the ground.

“You really need to be more careful around creatures like me,” Spike grains as he rolls over clenching his fist, trapping Jackson in his wires again. “For a ninja you're not really aware of trap users,” He taps the ground with his foot and a spark of green electricity surges form his it before a piller shoots him into the air.

"Who said I'm not," said four other Jackson clones, before one appeared behind Ed's Spike and punched him in the stomach before another axe-kick him to the ground before being grabbed by the leg and thrown into a nearby wall.

" Besides, all my clones have the same energy output. It's only a difference if you can tell which one is more powerful than the other, do you know which one is the real one," Jackson said before leaded on the ground with his arms crossed.

Spike hops to his feet and sends a wave of green electricity into the ground via his foot again. Suddenly several earth spikes shoot up from the ground destroying one of Jackson’s clones leveling the original on the far left, much to the saiayn amazement.

“Even if I don’t have chakra I can see the real you from the clones in my own special ways,” Spike cracks his neck. “I have to admit my skills are rusty because. I haven’t had to use them in a while. But I am familiar with the Shadow Clone Technique. Ed is my master after all.”

Spike flexes his fingers on his right hand causing several to reel back into his gloves. Jackson staggers slightly and grabs his face as his vision becomes very blurry.

“It took a bit longer than i thought but my venom has started to take effect,” Spike remarks. “Physically, I am no match for a powerhouse like you unless I use my dragon slayer power to the max from the start but for a jewel dragon slayer like myself I may be one of the stronger rare slayer types but that also means so is my power source. Outside of Equestria I don’t have access to gems to feed my flames so I have to improvise through other skills.”

Spike was then enveloped in rainbow flames all over his body as he proceeded to Jackson in a flurry of punches and kicks. The saiyan, the poisoned, was still able to match the alchemist but was still amazed that this version of Spike was more of a thinker for battle than anything. He’d even laid traps in advance that caused Jackson to stick close to him or risk being shredded by Spike’s threads.

"His good but," Jackson said before moving to the left and elbowing him in the stomach causing Ed's Spike to grab at it in pain.

"You're right you weren't going to get anywhere with me physically, so you had to devise a plan to set up traps which is good," Jackson said before grabbing Ed's Spike by the leg and starting to drag him.

"Is one thing you should know about saiyan, and that we are at the same level of stubbornness as Applejack," Jackson finished before starting to use Ed's Spike as a human Wrecking Ball before throwing him a few meters from himself.

“I wouldn’t move around anymore if I were you,” Edf’s Spike smirks. That’s when Jackson noticed he couldn’t move at all. “Took me a while,” something inside Jackson’s body forced his hand open though he tried his best to resist.

“It’s no use,” Ed’s Spike gets to his feet and cracks his neck. “Took a bit longer because of your denser muscle but the filaments of my threads finally manage to circulate throughout your entire body,” Spike pokes himself in the chest and Jackson feels it right on his heart causing the to cough up a bit of blood.

“I’m an alchemist and auto mail mechanic first and foremost,” Ed’s Spike remakes. “What I lack in power I make up for I’m smarts and ability to analyze. Ed once told me I could be the best spy master assassin if it were the old days. I would try and force yourself to move,” he notes as Jackson struggles in vain to move his body, “You’d need a lot more medical knowledge to stop my threads. This is my unique skill Puppet Master.”

That was it, Jackson knew for sure… he’d lost.

"Damn kid you got me but," Jackson said looking down before Ed's Spike noticed a finger on his neck. "I do admit defeat but If it wasn't for this little trick then things could have ended differently," Jackson said smirking.

"Though Ed was right about you being a master assassin," Jackson said.

“No they wouldn’t have,”Ed’s Spike shakes his head. Blood comes from the clone mouth before Spike stands up leaving the two frozen. “I won as my poison entered your body. It's made by me and no one knows its antidote. The more you moved the faster it spread, not to mention if I wanted to win right away I could’ve just forced my threads throughout your body instead of taking my time. But enough dick measuring,” spike snaps and along the threads electricity surged disintegrated the threads.

Jackson was able to move nearly right away.

“Half of my mission was accomplished too,” Spike remarks as he writes on a scroll then burns it with his dragon fire. “Not only did a Get your measurement but I also tested you to see if you were worthy of marrying Twilight and the others. You passed with flying colors but you need to think more about what an opponent can do.”

"Yea you're right on that but," Jackson said, raising a finger. " You can plan out for everything but ain't going to help if the universe is going to come and kick you in the balls every chance it get," Jackson said before adding.

" I learned that the hard way I'm certain Ed did too on a few occasions," Jackson said while stretching his body.

After that Ed's spike got Jackson's spike measurements, and then Jackson used Instant Transmission to appear in front of the Carousel Boutique cuz he didn't want to go back the other way again.

"So do you know when Ed will be here? I want to go see Lord Zeno before it gets too late," Jackson asked Ed's Spike while getting ready to open the door.

“Ed is always here,” Ed remarks as he materializes out of thin air behind Jackson, “You ready to meet Zeno cause I’m not?”

Jackson jumped in shock and surprise before turning towards him and said. " Dang it Ed you almost gave me a heart attack," Jackson said, clutching his chest.

"And yes I'm ready as I will ever be," Jackson said, with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Besides I need to know the truth about who I am," Jackson said looking at Ed with determination.

Ed nods, “Just remember, it's not who you came from but who raised you. Let me tell you a bit of my past,” he sighed, “I hate my parents with an undying passion,” that thoroughly shook Jackso, “but at the same time I still love them. They raised me to be what they wanted me to be, not what chose to be. Even though they cut me off I’m still grateful for what they did and i do still love them and would save them if they needed me, but at the same time I hate them with that same heart that loves them and wants nothing to do with them…”

Jackson looked at Ed, his big brother for a moment before smiling at him and said "thanks Ed this means a lot to have some form of family with me," Jackson said, hugging Ed.

“I won’t let you face what’s coming alone little brother,” Ed hugs him back. “If it meant embarrassing the truth and all its evil tendencies in order to keep you safe I would. Something tells me that day isn’t that far off either,” he sighs. “Enough stalling. PRIEST WE’RE READY!” Ed yells out.

After a moment they were encased in a glass box, before instantly teleported to the Omni-King Palace. "Ah it's good you have arrived," the priest said while the guards who protect lord Zeno were there as well.

“If I even get the slightest hint of a threat from anyone,” Ed’s gaze narrows as he eyes everyone, that guards slightly reeling from his presence, “I will not hesitate to act and everything in this dimension will no longer exist. Soul or otherwise, understood?”

Everyone there except Jackson thought his was lying until Jackson spoke up. "Trust me he is telling the truth so don't push your luck," Jackson said before adding.

"But that will be the least of your concerns If this is a joke from Zeno. Because if it is I won't stop until I kill everyone here that includes him.

“And make note of this,” Ed glares, “His ay is the painfully way where I can easily bring your back from the dead to do all over again,my way is much worse as I will consume your soul and it will fuel my own life amongst a torrent of other living souls that sustain me. So think long and hard about this…”

"U-understood," the priest said, afraid of both saiyan and Alchemist, before leading them to the throne room.

"Jackson you're here," Zeno said while sitting on his throne everyone was there the angels and their Destroyers.

Everyone bowed except Edward and Jackson.

"BOW YOU MORTALS!!!" Universe 6 destroyer Champa said while holding a ki ball in his hand.

“Mortals he says!” Ed laughs and then flicks air into the ki ball and it pops like a balloon. “I stopped being mortal over fifteen thousand years ago, kitty cat and one measly little ki ball doesn’t scare me at all. Not even Utra Instinct scares me thickness. I welcome any and all of you to come at me… Make my day.” He smiles wickedly.

"Breerus," Jackson said, getting everyone's attention as they looked at him in which he had dead eyes looking at them. "Keep your brother on a leash before I kill him," Jackson said, while everyone felt Jackson’s bloodlust but Ed paid it no mind.

"Zeno, tell me the truth, am I the next Omni-King," Jackson said with a hint of anger and suspicion in his voice.

“Oh yes don’t hide any details little fella,” Ed crossed his arms, many of the Destroyers gritting their teeth in rage at the alchemist's disrespect. “I’m going to get real tired of your stink eyes on me so how about a little demo of my power. Zeno, erase me!”

Zeno snapped his fingers and ed started to disappear all the while still smirking after there was nothing left of him and the destroyers had smuggled looks they heard Jackson say.

"And in 3.2.1," Jackson said while Counting off his fingers.

“Quit your smug smile you ass hats!” Ed’s voice resonates from everywhere, startling everyone. “My powers far exceed that of any of you to the point that a Haki is nothing! I was using that power before any of you were even a thought in your parents minds!”

Everything shakes as the entire area quickly rises and there in the sky looking down at them all was a golden eye. “Do you know how pointless it is to go against me! Like I said you can all come to me! I welcome it!”

Ed disappears and reappears next to Jackson, “My existence is far beyond that of mere mortals!”

"To answer your question, yes Jackson you are the next Omni-King," Zeno said in a serious tone.

"I have been this Multiverse Omni-King until you return home. And now that you have it is your birthright not any else's," Zeno said before getting off the throne and began to walk with everyone following him.

“So you’re getting a promo,” Ed remarks. “But this is just a title with a small boost of power from what I can see. You’re nowhere near the level of power to evolve into a dweller yet.”

"Seems like it bro," Jackson said while looking around at where they were. "Where are we Zeno?" Jackson asked while everyone agreed with him.

"This," Zeno said before the grand priest opened the doors. "This is your father's work study," he finished as the door opened.

It looked just the same as Jackson Hokage's office except there was a large painting on top of a fireplace they showed his parents together while holding a baby Jackson; "your father told me when the time came to give you this," he said, handing Jackson a small crystal.

“A chakra crystal?” Ed looks at the gem. “My nanomachines are picking up a transmission of data. He must've encoded some sort of message on it meant for you to be seen at a later date…”

"Yes, more specifically a video message, but there are more pressing matters to deal with," Zeno said before adding.

"Have either you or Jackson heard of a person named Moro?" Zeno asked Edward while leaving the work study.

"You mean the planet eater Moro?" Jackson asked. Zeno nodded his head in confirmation.

“The one who can on be fought against with divine ki,” Ed crosses his arms. “What the fuck does wrinkle goat-devil have to do Jackson?”

"Well, he is the reason Jackson's father is dead," Zeno said while looking down.

The whole group stopped after hearing that. "W-what did you say," Jackson asked while stuttering.

"I said he is the reason your father is dead, Jackson. He killed him and sealed away your mother somewhere but he never got the chance to kill you when you were just a baby," Zeno said while clenching his fists in anger.

"He was afraid of Jackson because he was born with not only Omi ki but divine ki as well making him the most powerful being in our Multiverse. Which made Moro afraid of him," the priest said, shocking everyone there, even the angels.

“Typical anime protag bs,” Ed rolls his eyes. “His father died fighting the bastard away because Moro feared Jackson as the one thing that stands a chance in killing him and having him stay dead. He sealed your mother’s away because he couldn’t kill you successfully without taking any backlash to himself, severely weakening him so he sealed her away until he could find such a means. What Moro didn’t count on was that fact you’d already been born and hidden away with your true powers being sealed until such a time that they are needed.”

"And that's why I asked him to come today," Zeno said as they entered a room with symbols and seals on the walls and floor.

"This is where we will unlock your power and help you reach your full potential," the priest said while walking into said room before turning to Ed and saying.

"Will you help us in this process, we would have been fine having two or three angels but after your demonstration of power, I think you would be better for this than anyone else," he said, as Jackson got into the Center of the room.

“One fight after another,” Ed sighs as he rubs the back of his head. “Fine, but this is for Jackson not any of you.”

"Thanks bro," Jackson said before Zeno said. "Alright Jackson take off your shirt for me," Zeno asked as Jackson did so.

Zeno and the grand priest lifted their hands as blue and white energy came off their hands as Jackson's top half of his body started to glow.

Then what looked like chains that were connected to circles that were on his chest, back and shoulders that had the Omni symbol in the circles broke and Jackson started to yell.

Everything started to shake all across the 12 universe's. Even some of the Multiverse closes the Jacksons felt it but only slightly.

“If your goal was to cause the boy great pain then you succeeded,” Ed sighs. “”Enough of this drama,” Ed rushes in and rams his left hand into Jackson’s chest and as soon as he does the shaking stops, “There it is,” He remarks as red lines covered Jackson's body and the Omni symbols appeared on his forehead.

Ed swiftly removes his hand from his brother's chest leaving no trace of blood behind.

“Trying to force a power on him all at once that it can't handle was certainly quite reckless you idiots,” Ed glares, “If I hadn’t manipulated his chakra system and ki with my own he would explode taking this entire multiverse with it at best. At worst you would’ve made a monster worse than Moro himself.”

Jackson was breathing heavily before saying to Ed. "Thanks man I really appreciate it," Jackson said before noticed something was off. He sensed everyone's ki and was shocked that he was stronger than them except for Ed.

"Holy shit this feels awesome and weird at the same time. Is this what it feels like for you Ed," Jackson asked, looking over to his brother still in his Omni super saiyan form.

“Trust me, you never want to know what I feel,” Ed shakes his head. “The power you have is very much the same as mine but at the same time so very very different. I do look forward to you becoming a dweller someday. For now though, you're that much closer to it,” he pats his shoulder. “For now though, you need training i n order to control that power. You also need this,” Ed reaches into a ripple and pulls out a red glowing fruit. “It is exactly what you think, a chakra fruit from a sacred tree. This will balance your chakra so it matches your ki.”

Jackson looked at the fruit before grabbing it and eating it. He then felt a surge of chakra as well as his eyes changed too. "Woah Thanks bro. Also do my eyes look different because they feel different," Jackson said while feeling his forehead to find two horns sticking out.

“You tell me,” Ed smirks as he flicks one of the horns and a mirror materialized in front of the young saiyan gods face.

Jackson got a good look and saw to his surprise that he has both Rinnegan eyes except one was purple and the other was blue.

"Well congrats on becoming a god kid," Breerus said, while smirking. "While let's begin your training," whis said as both Ed and Jackson agreed.

(6 hours later)

Jackson and Ed returned to Ed Equestria where everyone was waiting for them. Jackson was able to get a handle on his power, but only control 45% of it, as well as finding out that his Rinnegan abilities are the same as Sasuke.

"So how did it go," Jackson's Spike asked.

"Both good and bad," Jackson said before looking over to Ed and said. "Do you think Celestia and Luna as well as the rest of the family can come here? I want to watch the recording that my father left me," Jackson asked as everyone except Edward was shocked at what Jackson said.

“Depending on if she’s done with her businesses in the Badlands that would also mean Chrysalis,” Ed points at. “In this universe she is technically your niece after all.”

"What are you guys talking about?" Jackson's spike asked while looking confused.

“Looks like Spike put you through hell,” Ed chuckles on the drakes appearance, many scratches and bandages cover him to look like a mummy. “But just the creature we need to see. Where are the girls?”

As answering his question both Jackson's Rainbow and Pinkie tracked Jackson to the ground and started to kiss both his cheeks making him blush.

"They were just finished up and were about to head towards Twilight’s house," Jackson's Spike said while looking at them.

“First off,” Ed snaps and a crowbar appears then pries apart the lover birds. “There are children present. I don’t mind a kiss but sucking face is a big no,” Rainbow shrinks back slightly with a red face while Jackson is just staring off with a goofy smile plastered across his face. “If they're all at Twi’s then that’s simple,” Ed claps.

“Uncle Ed,” Nyx giggles as she jumps into Ed’s arms. “When did you get back?”

“Just about a minute ago,” Ed shrugs, “Hey lover boy watch out for the love squad and the ass chewing your about to get from them about your new look.”

As if On Cue Jackson was enveloped in a purple glow before being hung upside down and faced a very angry Twilight and Maud who both had their arms crossed.

"So care to explain why you have horns and that the entire universe was shaking caused by you Jackson Williams," Maud said while having a neutral face but her aura screamed Furious beyond belief.

“The universe was shaking because I left a path to this universe open to return home so that was my fault,” Ed interrupts.

Suddenly a very pissed off Celestia, Luna, and Amore pop into the room with children in tow. They set the kids down who immediately run and hide behind Twilight.

“Uh oh…” Ed’s eyes shrank.

“Uh oh is right,” Amore says as she grabs Ed in her magic.

“We’ll be back in a bit,” Celestia added with a smile as she and the other pop away with Ed.

The only thing that was evident were the screams of pain that could be heard in Ponyville all the way from atop Canterlot Castle. The towns folk looked up for just a second then just shrugged it off and went about their day.

Jackson looked at his girls before saying. "I promise 4 weeks being your butler and I dealing with the kids and day Court for 3 weeks," Jackson said, hoping that it would keep him from getting the same treatment as Ed did.

"It's a deal," Jackson's Twilight said as the others agreed.

After some Celestia, Luna, and Amore popped back into the room with a severely burnt and crispy Ed whole laid face down on the floor twitching every so often.

"BRO!!" Jackson yelled as he ran over to his brother and said. "BROTHER SPEAK TO ME!!" Jackson yelled as he tried to make Ed recover faster.

“I would do that if i were you young man,” Amore warns but was too late and Jackson what hit with tw billion bolts of electrical feedback. “I did warn you,” she giggles while Jackosn’s girls nod in agreement.

Jackson blew out some smoke before shaking his head. "Holy jesus christ that was strong," Jackson said before helping Ed into a chair nearby.

"So the only pony we are missing is Chrysalis right," Jackson asked.

“Present for now,” Came a voice that Jackson recognized. Jackson turns his head and his mouth hits the floor with drool cascading from it, “Close your mouth. I don’t think Twilight wants to do any more cleaning than necessary and its rude to ogle, especially with your herd here.”

"Ed keeps wondering how our life's didn't turn into anime scenarios," Jackson muttered before saying. "Alright everyone you may be wondering why you are all here," Jackson said while pulling out the small Crystal.

“We just came down to punish Ed, again,” Luna adds with a smile holding her son.

“Oooowwww…” Ed moans as he is still smoking on the floor.

Jackson looked at his still in pain brother before continuing. "Since everyone here that I could consider family here I want to watch a recording of my father that he left me," Jackson said before adding.

"And before you say it was supposed to be private I already made my decision, so can someone help heal Ed before we started," Jackson asked while pouring some of his chakra into the Crystal.

“No one is going to do that,” Says another Ed that materialized next to Jackson, “And before you make that thing explode by pour chakra into it why don’t he place it in a read meant to play the data instead of overloading and loosing the message forever,” he remarks as a silver cloud appears from his arm and solidifies into a projector of some sort. “Put the crystal in the top once you’ve drained it of the chakra. I’ll tend to the other me.”

"Cool," Jackson said after doing so he put the Crystal onto the projector and after a moment it showed an image of an old saiyan who was sitting on a chair thinking.

After what seemed like forever the person spoke.

"Hello Jackson, you may not know who I am but I'm your father." The person said, shocking everyone in the room.

"If you are watching this then that means I have died. And your mother has been sealed away, I wanted to tell you so much. But after finding out that Moro was coming to kill me and then you and your mother I don't have the time nor the strength to protect you." Joseph said while his head hung low in sadness.

"Before planet Vegeta was made I was the most powerful saiyan in existence, no one could challenge my power diving the Destroyers or angels I made to supervise them. But then Moro appeared and he was far stronger than I was but I know I will have to fight with everything I have to keep you safe." Joseph said with determination in his voice before looking towards the recording Crystal.

Everyone noticed that Jackson was crying while watching the whole time before the man said.

"If you think it was your fault that I died, don't," the man said, glare at them more specifically Jackson. "Isn't nor will it ever be your fault. me and your mother chose this. And we knew what was going to happen to us." Joseph said before smiling while having some tears coming from his eyes.

"Do you want to know something Jackson," the man said before continuing. "Out of all the things I created and all the things I gave life to. The one thing I am most proud of I created was you," Joseph said while Jackson fell to his knees crying his eyes out.

"I love you my son. Forever and always," Joseph finished smiling bright as the video cut off.

“On your feet,” Ed says, lifting his brother up. “Your father did what he did to save you and it worked. Your here aren’t you. There’s nothing wrong with living. And don’t forget your mother was sealed away, not killed.” He looks at the recording and pokes the screen and it suddenly enhances on a photo on the man’s desk. “You have those you love contouring on you and a lot of other lives depending on you. So stop crying and accept your father’s gift and do what needs to be done. Destroy Moro and find your mom…”

"You're right," Jackson said, standing up and wiping his eyes. "I need to get ready for Moro and kill him and find my mom," Jackson said with determination.

"And you will have us with you," Jackson's Spike said while everyone agreed with him.

After that everyone went to sleep at the castle. While that was happening Moro was talking to someone.

"So do you think this army of yours will be enough," Moro asked while looking at the planet Equus from below.

"Don't worry Lord Moro, this army will be enough for both that saiyan and his friends' the stranger said before laughing evilly.

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