• Published 6th May 2020
  • 6,176 Views, 572 Comments

The Amazing Sunset Shimmer - KozLeMage

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I was bitten by a radioactive spider... And for the past few months, I've been the one and only: Spider-Girl!

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Volume I - Chapter 9: Wings in the night

“L-look! It’s Sunset Shimmer!” A hushed voice said when Sunset walked by, in the corridors of CHS.

It’s already been a week since... Celestia died. Sunset didn’t show up at school from the entire week. She was devasted, but she wasn’t the one the most affected. She knew it. It was Luna.

When Sunset had found Celestia’s body, she had to flee from the crime scene when she heard police cars coming from the city. She reappeared shortly after and she called Luna.

When Luna came home, she didn’t even exchange a word with Sunset. She just ran towards her and hugged her, a hug that Sunset returned. Luna was strong. She didn’t cried, not even once from the entire week. But Sunset knew it was just a facade, Luna thought that she had to be the strong one, for her. However, Sunset didn’t wanted that. She wanted Luna to cry too. But she knew she wouldn’t. Because that was the way she was.

Sunset locked up in her room the entire week, nobody saw her since that day, not even her best friends. Rainbow had tried to call her, but she didn’t answered.

She just got out from her room yesterday, for Celestia’s funeral. It was a great ceremony, a lot of people came, friends, professors and even students.

Sunset didn’t want to come to school today in the first place, but Luna forced her to. She said that she needed a pace of air, and being with her friend was the best way to emerge from her mourning. It wasn’t what Sunset was thinking, she just wanted to be alone.

It was her fault after all. She shouldn’t have started to wear that mask and she shouldn’t have started to play at being a super hero. She decided that she had to stop that before the Vulture or someone else goes after her friends.

“Sh-should we say something?” Sunset heard another voice from an unknown student.

She sighed. She didn’t want their fucking compassion. She arrived at her locker and started to take her books for her English class.

“Hi Sunset.” Said a voice behind her. She turned herself to look at the person who saluted her and she rolled her eyes before returning to her business.

“Good morning Flash.” She said.

“Are you okay?” He asked kindly.

She gnashed her teeth and said, “Yeah of course I’m okay, it’s all sunny and my life is filled with fucking rainbows right now.” She finished, closing abruptly her locker before she starts walking towards her next class.

Flash didn’t follow her, he knew when she wasn’t in the mood, they’ve been together for a year after all.

Sunset was tired of that, everyone seemed to be kind and gentle with her now, but a week ago, they didn’t hesitate to spit on her and to insult her at every opportunity.

“Fucking hypocrites.” She said under her breath. She was so pissed right now that she didn’t heard someone coming behind her.

“Hum, Sunset?” Asked a voice.

She turned violently, preparing to insult anyone who dared to disturb her, but when she saw who it was, she sighed a keep walking. “Not today Trixie.”

But Trixie wasn’t finished, she grabbed Sunset’s shoulder and said, “Wait Sunset, I wanted to tell you that I’m so-“

But she couldn’t finish her sentence as Sunset grabbed her by her collar and sent her against the nearest locker before pointing her finger at her. “Don’t finish that fucking sentence!” Sunset said.

Every students in the corridor watched them in silence, now that she had everyone’s attention, she was going to use it. “Listen up everyone.” She started, “I don’t want your compassion you fucking hypocrites! So, stop saying that you’re all sorry and all that shit, because I know you’re not thinking a word you’re saying!” She yelled at them. Everyone was looking at Sunset, but no one dared to interrupt her. “Now leave me the fuck alone.”

This being said, she resumed her walking, but it seems someone didn’t get the message because she heard her name across the long corridor, “Hey! Shimmer!”

Of course!’ Sunset thought.

She saw Gilda walking in her direction a big smile on her face.

“What?” Sunset said.

“That was a nice demonstration of the tyrant we used to know.” Gilda snickered. “I didn’t think we’d needed a dead Principal to see her again, though.”

It goes very quickly. Sunset didn’t know what she did before she saw everyone gasping at what she had done. Her fist launched itself in Gilda’s face. Gilda was now lying on the ground, her hand on the cheek where Sunset had just hit her.

Gilda’s face became red before she abruptly stood up and yelled, “You’re fucking dead Shimmer!”

But she could only take one step before finding herself eating the ground. Red Light had just tripped her.

“You should stay down.” He said calmly.

Gilda got up as best as she could and glared at him, “I’m going to-“

“Yeah, yeah whatever.” Red replied, waving his hand. “You should go before my friends interfere, and believe me, they aren’t as lenient as I am.” He finished pointing behind him were a frowning, arms-crossed Applejack and a pissed of Rainbow Dash were standing.

“Ya’ just should listen to him sugarcube.” Said Applejack cracking her knuckles.

Rainbow Dash just stood there, glaring at Gilda.

Gilda grumbled, rose up and turned back. Red waited she was out of his view before he sighed, “Damn, I thought she was going to kick my ass.”

“I wouldn’t have let her, don’t worry.” Rainbow said, avoiding his look.

Applejack walked toward Sunset and asked her, “Are ya’ okay Sunny?”

“Thanks guys,” Sunset said, turning back. “I have to go to class now.”

Applejack watched her leave and turned around to face Rainbow and Red. Rainbow looked sad and Red just shrugged his shoulders. “Well, we tried.” He said.

Applejack glared at him, and smiled. “Ya’ not exactly how Ah imagined.”

He smiled back and replied, “What is that even supposed to mean?”

Rainbow, who didn’t take her eyes off the hallway where Sunset leave, sighed heavily and crossed her arms. “How do you think she’s doing?” She asked.

“Ah don’t know Dash,” Applejack replied. “But one thing is certain, we won’t let her down.”

The Amazing Sunset Shimmer – Volume I: With great power comes great responsibility

Final Act – Part 2/3

“Wings in the night”

Sunset, I know things have been difficult lately. And I'm sorry about that. I think I know what you're feeling-” Said Celestia’s voice through Sunset’s phone. She hanged up and threw her phone against her wall, before burying her face in her pillow. She wanted to cry but she couldn’t, she already cried all the tears she had in her body. She couldn’t even listen to the last message on her voicemail. The last message Celestia will ever send to her.

She heard a knock on her door, but didn’t even bothered to answer.

“Sunset?” She heard Luna’s voice on the other side. “You in there?”

She didn’t answer but she knew she didn’t have to, it was a rhetorical question.

“Talk to me Sunset…” Luna said through the door, “You shouldn’t keep it all to yourself, secrets have a price you know...”

Luna waited for a reply that never came, so she sighed and turned around.

“I’m going to the grocery store…” She said, “Do you want anything?”

Sunset kept her head buried in her pillow and let out a “No thanks.” barely audible.

“O-okay,” Luna answered, “I’ll be back soon.”

As she said that, Sunset heard Luna’s footsteps going down the stairs. Sunset gets up from her bed, retrieving her phone. The screen was a bit fissured but it still worked. She checked her messages and saw that she had received a lot. Nine messages from Rainbow Dash, two from Fluttershy and fifty-six from Pinkie Pie. She sighed as she dropped her phone on her bed and sat right next to it.

She took a look at her room. It was the same as always, but in some way, it was different than before. She couldn’t tell why, but it was the same in the entire house actually.

The household used to be lively, but now, it was just sad.

Sunset was pissed, against the Vulture but mostly against herself. She wanted to get out with a fucking chainsaw, she wanted to go after him. But what was the point? It wasn’t going to bring back Celestia, and she wasn’t a murderer. What would Celestia say if she learned that Sunset would kill someone to avenge her?

And she couldn’t do that to Luna either, the poor woman was doing her best to take care of her despites the circumstances.

She sighed and leaned on her bed. She was tired of doing nothing. She should at least answer to one of her friends, she thought. She grabbed her phone once again and send a message to Rainbow Dash saying that she was okay, that she needed time alone.

As she hit the ‘send’ button, her phone started ringing in her hand. She accepted the call and asked, “Yeah?”

“Hi Sunset.” Greeted Twilight Sparkle. “I-I wanted to know how you are doing?”

Sunset smiled, she couldn’t tell why, but hearing Twilight’s voice lightened up her mood a bit, just a bit. “I’m good. I’m feeling better than yesterday, and I’ll be better tomorrow than today, I think.” She said, sitting up on her bed, her back leaning against the wall.

“I’m really sorry this is happening to you Sunset, I know what it’s like to lose someone you care about.”

“You do?” Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, well it isn’t very similar but, when I was ten, my dog died, he was hit by a car.” Twilight confessed.

“Are you comparing Celestia to a dog?” Sunset asked. She didn’t mean it, but maybe teasing Twilight a bit would put her in a good mood.

“Oh god no!” Twilight quickly said through the phone, “I wouldn’t th-“

“Just teasin’ ya’ Twi.” Sunset smirked. She heard twilight sighed in relief.

“You couldn’t help it, could you?” She said, out of print, but Sunset could guess that she was smiling nonetheless.

“Nope.” Sunset said. “Now, you were going to tell me?”

Sunset get up from her bed and stretched her legs, it was exhausting to do nothing, she wanted to walk a bit.

“Y-yeah, my dog,” She resumed her story. “We were very close, I didn’t have any friends back then, so he was like my best friend, I used to call him my number one assistant.” She finished with a giggle, smiling at those good memories.

It hits Sunset right in the chest. She knew what dog she was talking of. The stupid princess had one too… Pyke or something similar. “I didn’t know, I’m sorry.” Sunset said, getting out of her room, she was thirsty and she knew there was still some Dr. Pepper in the fridge. And god she loved that soda. It was Celestia’s favorite too.

“It’s okay, it was a long time ago, but what I was meaning to say was: it really hurts, to lose someone you love, someone you care about. And although I’ve never met her, I’m sure she’ll surely don’t want to see you all depressed and shut down.” Sunset couldn’t see Twilight’s face, but somehow, she knew she was smiling at her. “She would have told you to move on, to live your life.”

Sunset had a bit of a laugh before saying, “Yeah, she’d say something like that, I’m sure.” It was good, to finally talk to someone. It was easy for Sunset to talk to Twilight because Twilight didn’t really know her. “It’s true that, I’ve been shut down to myself those past few days,” She sighed, again. “I should apologize to my friend, all they wanted to do was to help me, and I told them to fuck off.”

“You should,” Twilight nodded. “From what you told me, these friends are pretty good friends aren’t they?”

“They’re the best.” Sunset said, smiling at that statement. “Maybe one day you’ll meet them.”

“That would be nice,” Twilight said. “But before doing that, there was something I wanted to ask you, it’s… actually the reason I called you in the first place.”

“Hm?” Sunset arrived in the kitchen and opened the fridge before grabbing the holy drink she loved so much.

Twilight gathered all the courage she could have and asked to Sunset, “Do-do you w-want to have dinner with me and my family tomorrow?”

That was a strange request out of the blue. “Hum, sure?” Sunset replied while biting her lips. It sounded more like a question than a statement.

“O-okay,” Twilight replied, “I’ll better let Cady know there’s going to have one more mouth to feed.”

“Yeah, go do that.” Sunset replied before getting a drink from her can.

“It’s a date!” Twilight said before hanging up, taking Sunset by surprise.

It was a good thing she had hang up, she couldn’t hear that Sunset had spilled out all of her drink on the kitchen’s floor. Sunset grunted at the sight of what she had just done, but she smiled nonetheless. She took the nearest tea towel there was, and quickly cleaned up her rubbish.

I hope nothing was implied.’ Sunset thought. ‘For her own good.’

She walked towards the picture window overlooking the garden and the terrace. She opened it, and leaned on the railing of the terrace before taking a sip of her drink. It was already dark, the sun set early in this period of the year, and she shivered a little, feeling the icy wind on her arms.

“Hi Spidey.” She lets out a surprised scream and dropped her drink on the floor of the terrace, she turned around and saw The Fiend, sat in a lawn chair, his arms crossed on his chest, his legs on the garden table. “Sup?” He asked.

“What- how- do you-” She couldn’t even find the words, how did he know where she lived? And what was he doing here in the first place? “What do you want?” She finally asked.

I can never be in peace, can I?’

“I’ve heard what happened to ya’,” He said “That fucking bird.”

Sunset looked at the ground, “Yeah, I’m sure it was him. I saw him that… night.” She finished, retrieving her can of soda, now completely empty. “Now, can I help you with something or…” Sunset said, looking at him.

Now that she saw him in the light, he wasn’t that scary. His mask was, but he had the look of a kind person. Well, he probably didn’t have that look with everybody, Sunset guessed. The last time she saw him, he had a whole other look in his eyes.

“You know,” He started. “I was just like you before. I wanted to do things on my own. But I’ve figured that you should surround yourself with people smarter or stronger than you.” He finished, getting up from the chair he was sitting on, looking at the garden. Sunset looked in this direction too, but there was nothing there.

“Are you saying I’m smarter than you?” Sunset asked, playfully.

“I’ve never said that.” He quickly said, Sunset almost heard a chuckle. “What I’m trying to say it’s, you should talk to someone about… All this. Secrets comes with a price, but the price is less if you share them with someone else.”

“Eh, you’re the second person to tell me that.” Sunset stated. A bit of a smile started to make its appearance on Sunset’s pretty face, but not a happy smile, a sad one, “Maybe… You’re right.”

She took a sit on the terrace’s floor, her back facing the fence, and she dramatically rested her head on her knees, sighing. She bit her lower lips, and slowly, she realized she was crying again, her tears reflecting through the dark due to the early moonlight.

The Fiend stood still, and, with a sigh, he sat next to her. That took Sunset by surprise, she wasn’t sure how to react to this demonstration of sympathy. He looks at the starry sky and didn’t say a word. He was just there, sitting right next to her.

Sunset sniffed and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Just chilling, don’t mind me.”

She glares at her feet, and frowned, “It’s… my fault. If she’s dead, I mean.”

The Fiend looks curiously at her, “Is it now?”

“If I didn’t have started all this,” She extended her arms to make her statement, “Celestia would still be alive. And don’t try to change my mind about that, it’s a fact. And I still can’t believe the last time I’ve spoke to her, I yelled at her…”

The Fiend sighed.

“Yeah that’s true,” He said, “She’s dead because the Vulture killed her, and that’s a fact.” He finished, flatly.

She cried, it seems she still had some tears ready to flow in her body. But she was tired of crying. “See? How can I look in the mirror after that…? I’m no Spider-Girl, I’m just a regular girl who thought she could make a difference… How naïve am I?”

“A regular girl?” He asked. “I don’t remember a regular girl coming through a portal from another world…”

“You know what I meant by that…” She replied. “I can’t wear that costume anymore… Not if I’m putting in danger the people I care about.”

She tightened her embrace on her knees, tears silently flowing down her cheeks, she was going to say something but the Fiend beat her to that, “But how many people did you saved?”

She raised her head to look at him, he was still staring at the sky, melancholy could be seen in his red eyes.

“Sunset, you didn’t kill Celestia. The Vulture did. All you wanted to do was to help the people in need.” He turned his head to face her, “This isn’t your fault.”

He really was a strange character, the first time she saw him, he wanted to look mean and intimidating, but deep down, Sunset found that he seems like a nice person after all. “You’re not exactly how I imagined.” Sunset stated.

This time, the Fiend did chuckle, “Eh, strange, you’re the second person to tell me that.” As he said that, he took a piece of paper from his pocket. “Got something to show you.” He said. “You’ll love it.” He finished, handing to Sunset the piece of paper.

She grabbed it and read what it was. It was an address, and under that was written ‘tomorrow, 23:00’.

“What is that?” Sunset asked.

The Fiend stood up, stretched his arms and turned to look at her. At this moment Sunset clearly saw the upper part of his face under his hood, and she swore she had seen that face before. “That’s where he is.”

The expression on Sunset’s face must be enough for the Fiend to deduct that she had no idea what he was talking about. She lowered her head to take a look a second time at that little piece of paper the Fiend gave to her, “The Vulture,” He said, “That’s where he and his little friends are hiding. See you there tomorrow… Spider-girl?”

“Wait, what-” She said raising up her head to look at the Fiend. He was looking expectantly at her, his arms crossed on his chest. She watched that little piece of paper. She could get revenge if she wanted, she could go right to him and show him… But her mind was already set, she won’t. “I’m sorry but, I can’t…” She said, looking away from his gaze.

“Why?” He asked, “If you won’t, who will?”

She gets up and faced him, “I don’t know!” She yelled, tears still flowing down, “I don’t care! I can’t face it, I…” She felled on her knees, her face hidden in her hands, “I won’t lose someone else… I don’t want to…”

“We’re not talking about choice Sunset, but about responsibility.” Sunset could hear a bit of anger in his voice. “I don’t understand. You have the power to help people… But if you don’t, you’ll not be the only one to lose someone.” He stated, “I know you’re strong enough to-“

“No, you don’t know!” She yelled, “Who do you think you are to say that you know me? A week ago I didn’t know who you were and, maybe you know where I come from, but I don’t know a damn thing about you! Maybe you don’t have enough people close to you to know what I’m feeling!”

The Fiend stood quietly in the darkness of the night, the only sound that could be heard was Sunset sobbing.

“Please, don’t act like we’re friends...” She pleaded, “We’re not.”

It took several minutes for Sunset to calm down but when she finished crying, she looked up and saw that the Fiend was gone. She sighed, maybe she disappointed him, but she didn’t care anymore. When you’re doing this kind of things, you must be ready to face the consequences. She thought she was ready, and look where she’s now.

She wanted to… No. She had to wear her costume again, she knew it, the voice in her head was screaming to her to put her costume on but… Even if she beats him, there’s always be someone after him. It will never be over, and all her loved ones would be in danger. Her friends, Twilight, even Luna. She couldn’t put them in danger.

Sure, this time, she wasn’t alone, she had a… Fiend standing in her corner? She wasn’t sure how she could consider him right now, but he was her ally that was certain. She was sorry of the way she spoke to him, but she had to push him away. She knew that if he had insisted more, she would’ve agreed to go with him.

She looked again at the piece of paper and she frowned.

He wanted her to go with him because he thought she was strong enough but she isn’t. But she knew he could do it, he didn’t need her help. Whatever happens, she knew the Vulture will be put behind bars tomorrow.

But the Vulture wasn’t going to be alone, that was for sure. Maybe the reason he wanted her help was because a super-villain always has goons in their secret lair.

She learned that thanks to the comic books she borrowed from Rainbow Dash. Speaking of the devil, her phone started to ring in her pocket, she grabbed it and when she saw it was her rainbow haired friend, she answered the call, getting her away from her thoughts. “Hi Dash.”

“Sunset!” Rainbow exclaimed, “We were worried sick! Are you okay?”

Sunset returned in the comfort and warmth that the house provided her unlike the dry cold of early November, and she threw her empty can in the trash bean. “Yeah I am.” She sighed, recovering from her emotions. “Sorry about yesterday by the way.”

“No prob’ Sunny,” Rainbow said. “We know it must be hard for you. But you should know that we’re here for you right?”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. I… I just needed some time alone,” She said under her breath. She sat on the couch and turned on the TV. “I needed to think.”

“Yeah, I figured.”

“Enough about me,” Sunset started, getting comfortably in the couch. “What’s up?”

“Well except the fact that everyone was worry about you, not much really.” Rainbow said. “Rarity’s still believing she’s being followed, but I took her home and didn’t notice anything. I think she’s just being paranoid.”

Sunset frowned, “Rainbow, it’s not the first time she’s saying that someone is following her, don’t you think she’s… I don’t know, right about that?”

“You know how Rarity can be, Sunset. Besides, she’s forcing the girls to walk her home every day, so even if someone is stalking her, nothing bad is going to happen.” She giggled, “I even feel sorry for the poor guy if he gets caught by Applejack.”

Sunset nodded at that statement, even if she had superpowers, she’ll never try to bother or fight with Applejack, she knew she’ll still get her ass kicked.

Even when she was CHS queen bee, she always kept a minimum distance, just in case.

“Oh and… You’ll never believe it…” Rainbow said with a tiny voice, Sunset could feel that she was blushing. “I… I asked Red out tomorrow night.”

“Oh.” Well, it was a thing Sunset didn’t saw coming. She never thought Rainbow would do the first step.

“Yeah, I asked him out of the blue,” She said. “Well, when I said that he laughed but when he saw that I was serious he said ‘Why not.’ So… Yeah, we’re going to see a movie.”

“That’s nice,” Sunset said, she was happy for her friend, and she had to admit, she was a bit jealous. Since Halloween, Red seemed to gets closer to the girls and he was spending more time with them.

But she wasn’t going to get a tantrum about that, after all she wasn’t there this past week, and even if she had her suspicions, he seems like a nice lad.

She still didn’t know why her Spider-sense got crazy when she first met him, but she wasn’t used to her powers at that moment so maybe she was worrying for nothing.

“What are you going to see?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t know, I said he could pick the movie as long as it’s awesome.”

Sunset smiled when she heard the excitement in the voice of her friend, “I’m happy for you Rainbow.”

“Thanks, Sunny, I gotta go now, see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow Dash.”

Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.’ Sunset thought.


Hermann entered the warehouse that Adrian and his team were occupying, and he carefully closed the door behind him. He had made sure he wasn’t followed, he had to be very careful, especially since there’s now two supes that were in the city.

He wasn’t very afraid of that Spider-girl, but it’s been months that this Fiend counteract their plans. He could have taken care of this from a little while, but his boss wanted him to stay low, so he did as he was told. If there was one person he was afraid of, it was his boss.

He shouldn’t have come here, but Adrian was his friend. And he knew he wasn’t going very well since their boss ordered him to kill that woman. Who was she anyway?

He walked silently in the hall of the warehouse, the only sound that could be heard was his footsteps echoing on the cold concrete.

He should have proposed to Adrian to take care of this. He knew his friend wasn’t a murderer, but he was.

He arrived in front of the main room’s door, where a goon was standing. He nodded silently to Hermann, and he let him pass.

As he entered, he called, “Adrian?”

When he heard someone calling him, Adrian stood from his desk and beamed at his friend, “Hermann! What are you doing here?”

Hermann walked towards him and shook his hand, “Just wanted to check on you mate.”

Adrian sighed and dropped himself in his chair, “Not so well to be honest. I didn’t know this woman but, what if she had family?”

Hermann smiled in sympathy, and in respect, and said to him, “I know, I know… But it was her or your daughter, and you have to do whatever it takes to take care of your family, you know that right?”

“Yeah, I know.” He admitted.

“Don’t worry mate.” Hermann said putting a hand on his shoulder. “Now, I’m actually here to talk to you about something.”

“Hm?” Adrian raised an eyebrow.

“We need to talk about those supes.” Hermann stated, taking a sit on the corner of the desk.

“Ah, yes.” Adrian sighed.

“You beat the shit out of Spider-girl last time, you said that, you saw her face?” Hermann asked, intrigued.

“Yes, I did but… She’s just a kid.”

“Kid or not, she’s bad for business.” Hermann stated.

“What’s your point?”

“My point is, we get rid of her, the boss will thank us and he’ll see that we’re doing great on our own.”

“I don’t know,” A doubtful Adrian said, “Last time the boss didn’t really seem happy to me.”

“That’s because you didn’t kill her.”

Adrian frowned but didn’t say anything, he knew he was right.

And Adrian knew he should take care of this before it gets out of control.

“So, what’s your plan?” Adrian asked.

“Well…” Hermann, started, a smirk on his face. “It could be that I, unfortunately, let slip the info of where you were hiding.”

“WHAT?” Adrian yelled, standing up from his chair in an instant. “Are you out of your mind?”

“Calm down,” Hermann said. “We’ll leave this place tomorrow anyway, we have no interest in staying here.”

“B-But, why did you do that?”

“If one of the supes get the info, they won’t miss the opportunity to come and catch you here.” He explained, “This place is a bait. We’ll get rid of them here.”

Adrian glared seriously at his friend, “Well, it’s too late now anyway. I hope it’ll work.”

Sunset swallowed slowly, and knocked on the apartment door she was facing. Sunset had made a decision. She’s going to tell Twilight that she was Spider-girl. She wanted to speak about it but she couldn’t tell her friends. Twilight won’t judge her. Twilight is great, funny, calm, pretty…

Wait, pretty?’ Sunset thought, her brows furrowing.

She didn’t have to wait long enough, the door quickly opened revealing a well-dressed Twilight Sparkle.

She wore a dark purple gown that went down to her knees. She had a bit of makeup but not too much. Her hair were tightened in a bun that, Sunset thought, looked better on her than her hair down. If Sunset could admit it, she thought that Twilight looked very cute, but she wouldn’t admit it.

Sunset also dressed for the occasion. She wore a white expensive shirt Celestia gave her weeks ago, a black jeans and beautiful dress shoes. Her hair were tightened in a pony tail, and she had a bit of eyeliner. The only thing odd in her outfit was her dirty backpack. Her costume was inside. She didn’t know why she took it, force of habits maybe.

She almost looked like a boy, but she wasn’t very comfortable in a dress. Go figure.

The girls were looking at each other, but no one dared to stop the moment. Twilight’s face was red and she did everything to avoid Sunset’s glare, but Sunset couldn’t take off her eyes from her.

“I, hum… You look great.” Twilight said, shyly.

“Hum, you too?” Sunset tried.

Fortunately for them, the awkward moment was interrupted by a charming voice coming from inside the apartment. “Twilight? Is it your friend?”

Twilight turned her head to reply to Candence -Sunset assumed it was her-. “Yes, she’s here!” She said before turning her head back to Sunset. “Please come in!”

She took a step on her left to let Sunset inside. Sunset entered the apartment, it was exactly the same as last time. But this time an exhilarating smell came from the kitchen.

Twilight took her leather jacket and invited her to follow her to the living room.

The huge table in the center of the room was set with a beautiful white tablecloth, and she saw a man sitting there, reading a newspaper from the daily bugle. As the two teenagers entered, he looked up and smiled at them. He wore a nice-looking suit. The kind of custom-made suit that would cost a small fortune. “Ah! You must be Sunset!” He exclaimed, getting up and extending his hand to her. “I’m Shining Armor, Twi’s big brother. Twilight speaks highly of you.”

It was Sunset turn to blush vehemently as she took his hand to shake it, “Ahah, is she?” She asked awkwardly. She turned to look Twilight who was looking at her feet, blushing even more than Sunset was.

“I was so happy when she said she had made a friend here, she was alone for a very long-“

“Shiny!” Twilight pleaded, stomping the floor with her foot.

“Right, right, sorry.” He said his hands in the hair. “But anyway, we’re really happy to welcome you to our family diner Sunset.” He said, smiling at her.

“I-I’m happy to be here.” She said, smiling at him too. He was friendly, why wouldn’t she?

Sunset heard footsteps behind her and her jaw felled on the ground when she saw what Cadence was wearing. It was the most beautiful dress Sunset ever saw. “Hello Sunset!” Candence said, hugging her. “I’m soooooo glad to see you.”

She released the hug when she saw Sunset gasping for air, and wore an apologetic smile. “The diner will be ready soon enough, why don’t you girls go play in Twi’s room while waiting?”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Cady, we’re seventeen, we don’t play anymore.”

Candence smile at her and kissed her on her forehead, “That’s right, you’re a big girl now.” She teased her before heading back to the kitchen.

Twilight ignored that and welked towards her room. Sunset took that as an invitation and followed her. When both girls had entered Twilight’s room, Twilight closed the doors behind them and sighed.

“Your brother seems nice.” Sunset said, taking a sit on Twilight’s bed.

Twilight sat in her desk chair, “He’s the best.”

“So…” Sunset tried to start a conversation but she didn’t know where to start. But twilight was quicker than her and said.

“Sunset I need to tell you something.”


“It’s something I need to tell you from a little while now…” She said, avoiding Sunset look.

‘Oh god, here we go… Okay Sunset, you just have to push her away nicely, explain to her that you don’t like girls that way, but that you’d be happy to stay friends.’

“Yes?” Sunset asked.

“Sunset I…”

Here we go.

But Twilight couldn’t finish her sentence because her phone started to ring on her desk. She took a look at it and turned to face Sunset, “I’m so sorry, it’s my work, I have to take it!”

“No problem.” Sunset said, it seems that the fateful moment will have to wait.

Twilight answered the call and asked, “Hi Doctor, what can I do for you?”

Sunset didn’t hear whatever the other person said to Twilight but the smile she wore seemed to herald great news. “That’s wonderful Doctor!”

She had no idea what she was talking about but seeing Twilight this happy, it must be something important.

“Sure, Doctor I’ll do that. First thing on Monday… My pleasure Doctor, have a great evening.” She said has she needed the call.

“What was this all about?” Sunset asked.

“We’re working on something very important at the lab…” She said, “Cross-species genetics to be exact. My boss just told me the results are not just promising, they’re spectacular!”

‘Cross-species genetics?’ Sunset thought. ‘Why w- Oooooh.’ Then, she remembered the school trip at Discorp, and she also remembered who Twilight’s boss was.

It was all making sense now. “Well, I’m happy for you Twi’. I really am.”

“Thanks, I hope it will be okay for Doctor Conhorse though.” She said.

“What do you mean?”

“Well,” Twilight started, “Our research manager wants it tested on…” She didn’t finish her sentence. She breathes slowly and said, “he wants it tested on human.”

“W-what? But that’s illegal and unethical!” Sunset almost screamed.

“I know! That’s what the Doctor said! But he doesn’t care, he said that if it’s not tested on men by the end of the week, the Doctor and I will both lose our jobs.” She finished followed by a sigh, a pained look on her eyes.

“Did… Did you talk to your brother about that?”

“I wanted to but, the Doctor said it wasn’t necessary.” She stated, “He said he’ll take care of this.”

Sunset wanted to say something but she didn’t know what to say. She had a sigh of relief when she heard Cadence calling them for diner.

“So, what do you want to see?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking at all the movie posters hung at the wall in front of the movie theatre.

Red Light scratched his chin, in the midst of serious reflection. “I don’t really know, the new Batman movie seem great, but I don’t really like the new actor they chose.”

Rainbow sighed and nodded, “Yeah, me too. And I’ve heard it’s pretty garbage actually.”

He turned to her and said, “Wait… If there’s no movie I want to see here, and you neither… Why are we here?”

Rainbow Dash blushed and scratched the back of her head before looking away, “I-I don’t know-“

But Red wasn’t listening to her anymore, he grabbed her by her wrist and started walking through the street. “Don’t worry, I know what we can do.” He said as a grin appeared on his face.

“Wait, where are we going?” Rainbow asked, but she still willingly followed him.

He turned to her and Rainbow saw a cocky grin on his face, “You’ll love it.” He said.

They continue their walk, but Rainbow was disappointed when Red let her wrist go to put his hands on his pockets. She followed him through the streets, and they arrived at a building Rainbow Dash knew all too well. “The arcade?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

He turned to face her and said, “I’m the best Project Diva player around,” He said still wearing his cocky grin, “Want to prove me wrong?”

Rainbow smirked in response, “Challenge accepted.”

“So, Sunset,” Shining Armor said, cutting his chicken. “Twilight told us you were attending at Canterlot High School. So I was wondering, how did you two met?”

“Well, we just bumped into each other and… Here we are.” Sunset replied, not knowing what to say more.

Candence and Shining Armor seemed to really wants to know her, but there wasn’t a lot to say. Well, there wasn’t a lot she could say. Twilight hasn’t spoken a word since they’ve all sat around the dining table, she was just occasionally glaring at Sunset, but every time Sunset look at her, Twilight avoided her look. But the silence that followed was to awkward for Sunset. She had to break it. “And, what are you working on right now? Some interesting cases?” Sunset asked.

“Well, now that you mention it,” Shining replied, smiling at her. “We’re actually working on catching these vigilantes people call ‘Super-heroes’.”

“What? Why?” Was what Sunset wanted to ask, but Twilight beat her to that. Sunset turned to look at her and Twilight seemed outraged. “All what Spider-girl want is to help you catch the bad guys!”

“Twilight…” Cadence started, but Shining put a hand on her, his look saying ‘It’s Okay’.

“Maybe it’s what she wants,” Shining said. “But she’s hurting people, assaulting them on the dead of night. She’s just a vigilante and she had to be stopped. She’s an amateur and she’s clumsy, she leaves clues but she’s still dangerous.”

“Assaulting people?” this time, it was Sunset who raised her eyebrow. “I’m not sure… I’m mean, I saw on the news when she stopped that electricity-guy from hurting people. I think most people would say that she was providing a… Public service?”

Shining laughed and looked at Sunset, “Well Sunset, most people would be wrong. If I wanted that guy of the street, he’s already be-“

“So why wasn’t he then?” Sunset said. It sounded snarkier than she wanted and this time Shining dropped his smile to glare seriously at her. Cadence didn’t know what to say and Twilight laughed awkwardly.

“Let me explain it to you with simple words,” He started, leaning against the table. “You see, this ‘super-villain’ is not the only one in this city. It’s been six months that we’re trying to get a grip on the Vulture, and we think they’re all working together. ‘Electro’, as they call him, was going to lead us to whoever run the entire operation, but now, thanks to spider-girl, he’s still in the coma. It’s called a strategy. You know it means right? You’ve probably heard about that in school?”

“Yeah.” Sunset replied avoiding his look.

Shining Armor nodded and was going to leave it there. But Sunset said, “Well, it seems she didn’t know you had a plan.”

Sunset!” Twilight hushed to her.

“You seem to know a lot more about this case than us Sunset.” Shining stated, all the sympathy was long gone, “You know something that we don’t know maybe?”

“What? Of course not! I’m just telling you what I saw on TV.”

“Oh! What you saw on TV.” He said, with a tone Sunset didn’t liked.

“I’m just sayin’ it looks like she’s really trying to help!” Sunset almost yelled.

“Yes of course! You kids must think of her as he hero or something like that.”

“No! I’m not trying to say she’s a hero, I’m t-“

“So, what are you trying to say?” Shining said, his voice more authoritarian than before.

Sunset lost all her patience, “I’m saying that she’s trying to help! It looks like she’s trying to do something the police can’t!”

Twilight gasped as Sunset said that and Cadence put her hand on her mouth, but neither of them dared to interrupt them.

Shining must’ve heard a good joke because a smiled appeared on his face, “I’m sorry? Something the police can’t? What do you think we do all day, huh?”

“Guys I… I think it’s-“ Cadence tried, but Shining stopped her.

Sunset sighed and let her hands up in surrender. “Listen, I just think she stands for what you stand for. Protecting innocent from the bad guys.”

Shining exploded and stood up from his chair, “I stand for law and order, kid! I wear a badge! This girl wears a mask! Like an outlaw!”

It was Twilight’s turn to stand up, she walked towards Sunset and took her hand, “Let’s get some air.” She said with a tone that means ‘no discussion’.

Sunset stood up and look at Shining Armor who was quietly arguing with cadence, she walked towards them and said, “Thank you for having me. I’m sorry if I insulted you, that was not my intention. Not at all.” She finished looking at the ground.

Shining didn’t reply, he just glared at her, but Cadence showed her prettiest smile. “You’re welcome.”

“Let’s go Sunset.” Twilight said.

Sunset picked up her backpack and followed her to the corridor of the apartment complex and she quietly followed her when she went up the stairs that leads to the roof. They silently walked towards the edge of the roof and Twilight lets out a chuckle. “That was something! I can’t remember the last time he was mad at someone like that!”

Sunset rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless, “Well I’m glad you like the show.” She sighed and stretched her arms, “I thought he was gonna arrest me to be honest.”

“I wouldn’t have let him.” She smiled.

Just looking at the face of Twilight, Sunset remembered what the Fiend told her. She simply just could tell Twilight all about it. Twilight would understand.

“Twilight I…”

“Sunset I…”

They said in unison. They looked at each other’s and laughed. “You first.” Twilight said.

Sunset breathed slowly, and closed her eyes. “Twilight I…”

She stopped. How can she say it? How Twilight is going to react to that? Maybe it isn’t a great idea after all. But now Twilight was waiting for something, and it’s already been ten seconds she stopped in the middle of her sentence, if that isn’t suspicious-

“Am Spider-Girl?” Twilight asked.

Sunset’s eyes went wide opens and she took a step backwards, “What? No! I mean, yes! But-“

“I KNEW IT!” Twilight yelled and jumped at how excited she was.

“Wha-How did you know?” Sunset asked incredulously.

“Come one Sunset, I had my suspicion but what I saw tonight was all I needed to hear to confirm them.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this strait,” Sunset said, “Is… This is what you wanted to tell me?”

“Well… Yeah?” Twilight said, “What did you think I was gonna tell you?”

Sunset didn’t know what to reply, instead she just laughs. A big old laugh, and it felt good. It’s the first time since Celestia’s funeral that Sunset laughed this hard. She missed laughing.

Oh, my… Sunset, you might be the dumbest girl I know. And by far.

In a way, Sunset was almost relieved that Twilight wasn’t going to declare her love or something as stupid as that. Really, what was she thinking?

If she knew she was Spider-girl. Meh, that was okay.

I was going to tell her after all.’ She thought, still laughing her ass off.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, you might be too clever for your own good.” Sunset said, wiping a tear in her eyes, “But yeah, I’m Spider-Girl. Well, I was.”

Twilight looked at her curiously, not knowing what she meant.

“I’m stopping this.” Sunset stated, getting serious again.

“Why?” Twilight asked, putting her hand on Sunset’s shoulder. But she quickly put the pieces together and a look of horror appeared on her face, “Celestia… It all makes sense now…”

Sunset quietly nodded, “Yeah, the Vulture killed her. I don’t know why, but it’s my fault. He saw my face, he must have found out who I was and decided it was time to teach lil’ ol’ me a good lesson.”

“Oh my…” Twilight said, putting her hands up to cover her mouth. “Sunset I’m so-“

“Sorry?” Sunset said, resting her arms on the barricade of the edge of the roof. “Yeah, I’ve heard that already.”

“And you’re going to let him get away with that?” Twilight asked. She almost sounded angry, it took Sunset by surprise.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Yeah I mean, the Fiend will take care of it anyway.”


“Not important,” Sunset said quickly, “He’s just a guy who told me where this scum and his cute friends were hiding.” She watched her phone to look at the time and it said 22:30. “He must be there right now as we speak.”

“And you’re not going to help him?”

“Nah, listen he seems like a strong dude, and I think he’ll do well. He seems to have found that information easily, so it proves he can take care of himself. Well, of course, if we don’t take into account the fact that it could be a…” Sunset eyes opened wide as she looked at the city from the rooftop.

“A… What?” Twilight asked.

Sunset turned to face her, fear in her eyes. “It’s a trap.”

Twilight seemed to think of it, “Of course.” She said, “That makes sense, they killed Celestia to make you angry. They slipped the information to where they’re hiding because they know you would go there. If you go there…” Twilight looked away. “But it’s just a supposition, right?”

Sunset couldn’t explain why, but she knew it was a trap. Like the night she knew Celestia was in trouble.

She wasn’t planning to go anyway. But something tilted her. “The Fiend… He doesn’t know.”

She didn’t know why she cared. He wasn’t her friend, sure he helped her before, and he wanted to help her again. He tried to help Sunset do her mourning… in his own ways. He was a nice guy and he was going to die because of-

Okay, okay, stupid conscience. I get it.’

“I… Have to go.”

“But Sunset!” Twilight yelled, trying to prevent her to go. “It’s dangerous, you said it yourself!”

After all the things the Fiend did for her, she had to save him. It’s not a choice.

“It’s my responsibility.” Sunset stated.

Twilight looked at the ground and gridded her teeth. “If I can’t stop you from going, then I just have one thing to say to you.”

She approached Sunset and grabbed her in a tight hug. “Please come back okay…”

She quickly arrived at the warehouse. Dressed in her Spider-girl costume. She had to wear it, one last time. Twilight also gave her more refills for her web-shooters. She could do this.

She was just here to check if things were okay. Maybe it wasn’t a trap. Maybe the Fiend already knocked them down?

There was only one way to find out. She had to go inside. She checked on the piece of paper the Fiend gave her if she was at the right address.

She crawled on the wall, and snuck inside an open window. It was dark, and it was quiet. It seemed nobody was here. She quietly jumped on the floor, and started her investigation.

The warehouse was totally empty except from few boxes. Sunset noticed by the logo on them that all the boxes were coming from Stark Industries. She could almost think nobody came here since a long time, but the dust on the walls and on the ground showed that a lot of things had moved recently. She saw, in the dark, at the other side of the room, a big shadow. She didn’t know what it was but she was curious by nature so she carefully gets closer to it.

She was in the right place. This was his. It was his wings. Big mechanical steel wings were hanged up from the roof.

“Well, well, well. Look what I’ve found.” She heard behind her, as the lights suddenly goes on, she turned quickly to find a man, strangely dressed in a costume red and yellow. He had two big gauntlets that, Sunset knew by now, seemed like weapons. “A scared little spider. Are you lost deary?”

“I’m not.” She said getting in position. “I’m exactly where I want to.”

She didn’t have a choice now, she had to fight. Her spider-sense goes wild, and she shots a web on the wall to quickly dodge what was going to hit her in the back.

“Are you sure about that?” The Vulture asked after his failed attempt to hit her.


They were two.

She glared furiously at the Vulture but she remembered he couldn’t see her face. And Sunset didn’t know if she could take the Vulture by her own, but now, they were two of them. “Boys, your mama didn’t tell ya’ that you shouldn’t hit a girl?” She couldn’t help it. “And who are you supposed to be?” She asked to the Vulture’s friend.

“I am… the Shocker!” His gauntlets started vibrating, he aimed towards her and shoot what seemed like a shockwave.

She easily dodged it, the shockwave hit the wall and made a hole in it. The Vulture tried to grab her with his claws, but she managed to dodge it and she shot a web in his eyes. She followed by shooting a web on the roof and she swinged right into the Vulture who landed a few meters away. A cocky grin appeared behind her mask as she swinged to dodge a shockwave.

She turned to face the Shocker and shot a web-ball right in his head, but he manages to avoid it. He sent a wave to the ceiling on top of her, the ceiling started to fall were she was standing and she jumped on the side to avoid all the wreckage that was falling. She felt her Spider-sense, but she wasn’t quick enough and she was caught by another shockwave send by the Shocker.

It hurts. Bad.

She was sent violently in a wall. The Vulture gets up and launched himself towards her as the Shocker sent her another shockwave, she dodged it and tried to kick the Vulture in the face but he grabbed her and slammed her against the ground. He launched her in the hair and she was hit by a shockwave.

She coughed and a strange taste envelops Sunset’s mouth. Sunset recognized it as the taste of blood.

She landed on her two feet, the Vulture strike again but she dodged him and shoot a web on his backpack. What she didn’t expect was that he was so fast that he took her with him in his course, “Aaaaaaaaaaaah!” She screamed.

She was so taken aback that she couldn’t dodge the other shockwave the Shocker sent her. She felled on the ground and the Vulture grabbed her with one of his mechanical claws. He raised her up from the ground, and he prepared to stab her with his other claw. “I’m sorry.” He said.

“No… you’re not.” Sunset said between two coughs. She aimed behind him, shot a web a drew it towards them. Metal pipes were falling from were Sunset had shot her web, the Vulture dodged them easily but Sunset had the time to get free from him hand kick him right in his chest. God, it felt good. She landed on her two feet and said, “But you will.”

She saw coming the shockwave from her left, and dodge it with a backflip, she shot a web towards the Shocker, but the Vulture was already up and hit her in the back with one of his wings. She screamed from pain but didn’t fell.

But this time, a shockwave hits her, and sent her meters away in the warehouse. She tried to get back to her feet but the Vulture grabbed her once again and sent her toward the Shocker who welcomed her with a shockwave that sent her in the roof and another that sent her in the wall.

She managed to get up. Her body hurt. She felt pain everywhere. She had never been hurt that much in her entire life.

“Still getting up?” The Shocker said, his gauntlets vibrating once again. He shot a shockwave that Sunset managed to dodge, but the Vulture hit her again with one of his claws. “You should’ve just stay in bed sweety.”

Two of them was just too much for her.

She tried to get up once again, but she failed. The Shocker walked towards her, grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up. She heard him chuckle as he pointed her with one of his arms, his gauntlet vibrating again. He was going to give her the final blow, and it was going to be over for Sunset.

“Wait.” The Vulture said, landing on his friend side.

“Not again,” His friend replied, “We have to kill her, don’t you un-“

“Not that.” He said quickly, “Someone else is here.”


As he said that, all the light went off. And, they started to hear someone walking towards them, very, very slowly. The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, the Shocker dropped Sunset on the ground as he turned to face were the sound of heavy boots against the concrete was coming.

A shadow. That’s all they saw, a dark shadow began to discern itself among the dark. And big red glowing eyes were staring at them. The Vulture took a step back, but the Shocker laughed.

“So, you’ve decided to come after all?” He said, smirking.

The Fiend steps out of the dark, standing at seven meters from them.

“At least we’re finally going to have fun.” The Shocker stated, cracking his knuckles. He turned to face Sunset who was still on the ground, coughing badly. “This one was a little too… Weak.”

The Fiend had what looked like a chuckle before saying, “Weak? Her?” He asked, “Are you that blind?”

The Shocker laughed but the Vulture didn’t let the Fiend out from his vision. He wasn’t going to lose him from sight.

They’ve actually fought before, just one time. It was two, maybe three months ago. The Vulture had turned his gaze away for just a second, and just like that he disappeared and he felt him hit him in the back, almost knocking him out.

He knew he was a strong opponent, he wasn’t going to do the same mistake twice. He didn’t know how, but the Fiend could move faster than he could blink.

The Shocker aimed him and said, “At least, we finally have the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.”

The Vulture also knew that he didn’t like that metaphor.

The Fiend sighed, “Please.” He glared at them with his red glowing eyes. “Underestimate me.”

Just when the Shocker was going to send his shockwave, Sunset shot a web on his gauntlet and drew it, the Shocker didn’t saw it coming and accidentally shoot it on the Vulture. He was sent in the nearest wall, “Fuck!” The Shocker yelled, when he turned to face the Fiend, he had disappeared.

Then he suddenly felt something punching him on his left side of his face. Sending him a few meters away in the warehouse, but most importantly, from Sunset.

The Fiend who just hit him, stood next to Sunset and help her to get on her feet. “Are you okay Spidey?” he asked.

“You take your time.” She said sharply.

“Sorry, I was busy.”

She was glad he was here, but if he could’ve come a little bit sooner, it would have been nice.

“So,” He said. “What’s the plan?”

Sunset watched and analyzed their opponents as they were getting up, the Vulture was the biggest threat. His blows were heavy and hard to dodge, but she could manage it thanks to her web-shooters. And she wanted to kick his ass so badly.

On the other hand, the Shocker was more an annoyance than something else.

“Birdy’s mine,” She finally said, “You take that son of a-“

“Woaw hey,” The Fiend said, “Language. You’re still a teenager.”

She glared at him. “Seriously?” Her attention was back to the Vulture who had started flying in the air again.

“Hey Vulture!” She yelled at him, “What about we’re going for a walk… or a fly?”

The Vulture didn’t reply but started to fly towards her, she shot a web on the edge of the whole in the ceiling the Shocker had made earlier and she threw herself out of the building, the Vulture closely following her.

The Fiend watched them as they go and drew his attention back to the Shocker who has just finish getting up to his feet.

“Well, at least it seems you don’t fear me.” The Fiend says to him, “Let me ask you, do you know why everyone is scared of me?” He asked casually.

The Shocker’s gauntlets glowed and soon they were vibrating, meaning he was preparing an attack. “Please, tell me why.”

The Fiend threw his cape away, in order to be free of his movements, “I’ll show you.” He said, darkly, as his pale white skin was turning black.

Sunset kicked the Vulture in the face and he landed hardly on the billboard. Sunset landed on the edge of the roof and looked at the crowd. Like always, a battle of this scale, it draws attention.

A big crowd had formed, surrounding the building where Sunset and the Vulture were fighting. Few policemen were trying to calm the crowd and a lot of reporters where standing in the front row, taking notes, filming and taking photos.

Sunset turned her gaze to the Vulture, and her blood boiled.

He was pathetically trying to get up to his feet, Sunset grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up. Sunset frowned when he starts laughing.

“What? I’m that fucking funny?” Sunset barked.

Instead of replying to her, the Vulture tried to hit her with a swing of his left wing, Sunset let go of him and easily dodged it, but that’s when she realized it wasn’t meant to hit her.

His wing had cut the lower part of the billboard and it starts falling on the crowd.

Everyone was screaming and Sunset didn’t have to think twice, she jumped from the roof and she caught the billboard with her web. She then shoot another web on the wall of the building, and another, and another, until the sign stops falling.

The public cheered and Sunset sighed in relief. But her rest was short-lived as the Vulture flew at full speed and landed in Sunset stomach. She was sent right in the window and far inside the building. The Vulture entered through the mess he just made.

Sunset crawled and coughed violently, her mask usually white was now becoming red from all the blood she was spilling.

The Vulture hit her with one of his wings but she grabbed it by clapping her two hands. The Vulture was shocked, he didn’t know she was that strong.

She turned around and sent him right into the wall before putting a knee down and starts coughing again. “Stay down.”

She looked where he had just landed when she heard him getting up to his feet.


“This… This is getting ridiculous.” The Vulture said calmly, breathing hardly.

“What do you mean?” Sunset said getting up to her feet.

The Vulture took his goggles off and said, “I don’t understand you, I don’t want to kill you.”

Sunset became red. She frowned and yelled, “But it was okay to kill her?”

The Vulture looked curiously at her, “What- Who are you talking about?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know!” She spit, walking towards him. “You killed her because I didn’t do what you said.”

The Vulture’s eyes became wide open when he finally put the pieces back together.

The woman he killed, she must’ve been her mother or someone like that. That is why his boss told him to kill her. It wasn’t an order for their business. It was a punishment for not killing Spider-girl when he could.

He was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t sew Sunset raising her arm and punching him in the face. He flew a few meters away and manage to stood up. “Come on kid, I don’t want to kill you.”

“Too bad, ‘cause I want to!” She yelled shooting her web in the wall behind him, when she drew it toward her, the wall felled on the Vulture. It didn’t make him fell, but it struck him a little so Sunset didn’t wasted time and punched him on the face once again.

He replied by a swing from his left wing, but Sunset dodged it, he grabbed her with his left claw and punched her with his other one. Sunset took the hit and replied with one of her own. He stumbled and she jumped on top of him, but he sent her away thanks to his wings.

He stood up and glared at her, “Sorry kid, but you leave me no choice.”

When he said that, he put out a device from his jacket and started typing something on it. When he fished his wings grew larger and sharpier. They were now as sharp as a blade.

“Uh-oh.” Sunset said.

The Vulture jumped furiously at her and swinged his wings in her direction. She manages to dodge most of them but she got cut in her arms. He struck her with the plate surface of his wings and she landed in the opposite wall.

Her vision began to blur, she had the biggest headache she ever had, and all of her body was crying in pain. Still, she managed to get up. She wasn’t going to die here. She knew it.

But even if she’s saying that to herself. She knows she couldn’t continue like that for long, she had to finish this quickly. She almost can’t hear herself thinking because of her loud breathing.

“No more juice.” Adrian said watching his little device again, getting Sunset attention. “This… Will be my last attack. If you manage to dodge it, you win.”

As he said that, his wings swinged faster than before in front of him. Sunset closed her eyes. And calmed her breath. She breathes slowly, and she starts concentrating. She knew she could do it, she did it before, even if it wasn’t on purpose.

Adrian walked slowly towards her, he didn’t want to do that, and she wasn’t even moving. What was he supposed to do?

Sunset concentrate and when she felt his wings approaching her, she manages to know where they were going to hit her. Almost like, she could saw it seconds before it happens. She dodges on the left, then on the right, she jumped and landed perfectly on the ground, before dodging left again.

She felt the wings were getting slower, and slower.

Suddenly, she found an opening. She closed her fist, threw her arm behind her, took a good support on the ground, and, when she opened her eyes, she punched him with all the might and the strength and the rage and everything she could manage to feel.

He flew backwards and he went through what was remaining of the poor wall.

She walked quietly towards him. Stretched her arms and prepared herself for the final blow. The Vulture didn’t say a word, he closed his eyes and waited for the blow to come.

“If you do that,” Sunset didn’t have to turn around to recognize the Fiend’s voice. “You’ll just ending his torment. You’re doing him a favor.” He sighed, "And you'll be no better than him."

She turned to look at him and saw he didn’t look like he just had a fight. He had no scratch on him. And he sure was quick. “Then… What am I supposed to do?”

He shrugged, “Only you can know. It is your choice, really.”

She turned again to look at the Vulture and she sighed. She slowly gets up to her feet and stood next to him.

The Fiend nodded approving her, and walked towards the Vulture, he grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up.

“The Shocker?” Sunset asked.

“He didn’t have a chance.” He turned his attention to the Vulture, “Now, hi little bird.”

“What do you want to know?” The Vulture said, “I’m dead anyway, so go on.”

“How’s that, you’re dead anyway?” Sunset asked.

“The woman I killed, Celestia I believe… You know her?” He asked, ignoring her question.

Sunset approached him abruptly, “Stop doing that, you knew she was like a mother to me! You killed her to get to me!”

“I swear to god I-“

“Stop lying!” Sunset yelled.

The Fiend dropped the Vulture and put a hand on her shoulder and said calmly, “Spidey… He’s telling the truth.”

Sunset turned furiously in his direction and asked him, “How can you tell?”

“Let just say I know when someone is lying…” He said pointing in the Vulture’s direction. “And he isn’t.”

Sunset glared at him and sighed. She didn’t have the strength to be angry anyway, so let just go with it.

“Okay then,” She said. “I believe you.”

She turned once again at the Vulture who was supporting himself to the wall and asked him “Then, why did you killed her?”

“It… It was an order… from my boss.” He said, but he quickly added, “I didn’t have a choice! He was threating my daughter, I can’t lose her, she’s all I have!”

“Wait, you’re like, a super-badguy, who’s confident enough to threat someone like you?” Sunset asked him.

“Someone who owns everything, who knows everything, if something happens in this city… In his city. He’s aware of it in the minute.” He said, panic could be heard in his voice.

Sunset looked curiously at the Fiend, maybe he knows something? But she saw he was returning her glare so she knew he didn’t know what the Vulture was talking about. “And who is he, your boss?” The Fiend asked him.

“No I-I can’t, If I tell you… He’s going to harm her!”

“And if you don’t tell me what I want, I’m going to harm you.” The Fiend stated.

“I don’t care!” The Vulture yelled. “Do what you want to me, but I’m not putting her in danger!”

Sunset sighed and walked toward him, she kneeled next to him and asked, “What’s her name?”

“It’s… Wendy. Wendy MacReady.” He admitted.

Sunset turned to look at the Fiend and she smiled under her mask when he nodded to her. “We’ll take care of her.” Sunset said.


“He’s not going to harm a little girl.” The Fiend said, “Not under my watch.”

The Vulture wasn’t believing in what he just witnesses. His two mortal enemies just said they were going to watch over his princess. “I… Thanks.” He said.

“Now, spill it.” The Fiend said.

Adrian swallowed, even if they were going to protect his baby doll, he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. But when he took a look at spider-girl, he sighed. He made her life so miserable, at least now, he was doing something right.

“He calls himself… The Green Goblin.”

The green goblin?’ Sunset thought. ‘That’s a strange name, what he- Wait, what is that?

My ears are buuuuurniiiiing.” A raspy voice sang behind them, Sunset just had the time to jump in the Fiend direction and grab him in her course, sending them through a window, outside the building.

Sunset saw that the Fiend and herself were falling on water, she didn’t even notice they were in the harbor of the city. In her fell, she heard the building behind them explode and she saw the reflect of the explosion in the water before falling in.

Author's Note:

hope you like it

Here's the postscript:

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