• Published 6th May 2020
  • 6,145 Views, 572 Comments

The Amazing Sunset Shimmer - KozLeMage

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I was bitten by a radioactive spider... And for the past few months, I've been the one and only: Spider-Girl!

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Volume II - Chapter 13: Secrets have a cost

Despite her family being Christian, Lyra never was a believer. She went to Sunday school when she was young but that was it. So, she had no idea what she was doing on a church, all alone, in the hope to be heard. She was sat on a bench, her eyes closed, breathing slowly and enjoying the calm.

“I…” Lyra started, “I never wanted thing to go this badly with Bonbon…”

No one was listening, but for once, it was liberating to speak things out loud.

“I really thought things could get better, I really did.” She sighed, “But I screwed things up, like I always do.” She frowned, feeling her anger growing, “But it didn’t have to be this way if it wasn’t for… Sunset Shimmer! I swear this girl only wants to make my life miserable!”

She slowly retrieved her calm and joined both her hands together.

“Lord, if you hear me, please, I’m begging you to give me the strength…” She opened her eyes, “To make Shimmer pay.”

Holding The Fiend’s mask in her hand, Sunset locked her eyes on it unable to look away, deeply lost in her thought. She had to choose the next words she was going to say wisely but she didn’t know exactly what she could tell, she didn’t want Rainbow Dash to be in any danger with those kind of information.

“I’m waiting.” Rainbow Dash calmly stated with a raised eyebrow, staring at Sunset Shimmer with her arms crossed on her chest, her fingers tapping on her left arm.

“Listen Rainbow…” Sunset finally sighed, dropping the mask on the table. “I… Don’t think it’s my job to tell you. If he wanted you to know, he would’ve said something.” She stared down.

“Do I look like I give a shit?” Rainbow Dash honestly asked her, “He’s gone. I won’t get any answers from him now, so I’m coming to you. We’re best friends aren’t we?” At that statement, Sunset rose her glare to face Rainbow’s, “If we are, you will tell me the truth.”

She hated to admit it but… Rainbow was right. She owes her that. “Fine.” Sunset gave up, “What do you want to know? I’ll tell you nothing but the truth.”

“I want to know everything.” Rainbow told her.

“Okay, but I must tell you… I don’t know if he told me the whole story, or if he told me the truth at all.” Sunset explained.

Rainbow Dash gave a shrug of her shoulders, “I don’t care. Go ahead.”

“All right.” Sunset took a sip from her hot tea, “You remember when that Pikachu guy was on a rampage back in October?”

“Electro?” Rainbow Dash asked her.

“Yeah, him.” Sunset nodded, “Truth is, he was searching for someone. The guy responsible for what happened to him.” Rainbow Dash nodded, listening closely, “That guy was Red.”

“So… Is Red like… You?” Rainbow tried.

Sunset nodded, “After I beat Electro, Red came to see me. It seems I wasn’t the first hero in Canterlot. He called himself, The Fiend. He’s pretty strong to be honest, stronger than me at least, and he’s the only person I know in this world capable of using magic.”

“Why didn’t we heard of him before? I mean, you were on TV, like, a week after you got your powers.” Rainbow asked while she raised an eyebrow.

“Because he did everything he could to avoid that. Only a few gangsters knew his name, he thought that he could be the one putting fear in criminal’s heart. He did everything he could to be anonymous.” Sunset smirked, “It didn’t really work out though, when you go after the wrong people, the kind you shouldn’t mess with, it’s only a matter of time before…” Sunset stopped when she realized she got a little bit ahead of herself, “Anyway, he came to me and helped me to find out how I got my powers. After my fight with Vulture, he explained to me that he came from another world, just like me… Except in his world, he was human not a pony of course.” Sunset explained.

Rainbow Dash gave her an odd look, “He’s from another world? Sheesh, how many of you guys are there?”

“It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if there was more of us.” Sunset said, “After what happened these past few month, nothing can surprise me anymore.”

“But still, it doesn’t explain why he ran away like that.” Rainbow stated.

Sunset bit her lower lip, avoiding her friend’s glare. She finally sighed, she swore she would tell her the truth and only the truth. “It’s my fault, actually.”

She looked at Rainbow who was frowning at her, but remained silent, so Sunset continued.

“Spit- Someone came to me one day, and told me that Red was the Fiend.… I had no idea, but when she told me, it all made sense. She also said that he was working with a dangerous woman, so that person went after them… I was already suspicious of him, but the way she explained it to me, I assumed he was taking advantage of me… Of us. That’s the last time I’ve heard of him...” She gulped, “Listen Rainbow, you have to know that… If he got closer to you, it was actually to be closer to me. I always sensed something was off about him, he never had bad intention towards me, or us, but somehow I knew that… He was using us.”

“If you tell me this,” Rainbow slowly said, “Then I believe you have proof of what you’re saying.”

“I… Don’t.” Sunset quickly jumped to her feet when she saw the dark glare Rainbow Dash gave her, “Wait!” She quickly added putting her hands in front of her, “I-I know I sound crazy but, I need you to trust me, okay?”

It was Rainbow’s turn to jump to her feet, “Trust you? How can I? You’ve been acting really, really, weird lately! You don’t talk to us, your best friends, and when you do, you disrespect at least one of us every time!”

“I…” Sunset relaxed her tensed arms, “I just have a lot to deal with lately.”

“This is no excuses!” Rainbow stomped her feet on the ground, “At least I can see you weren’t a bitch only towards us! You betrayed the only person that I ever loved, for what? Because something was off?! And putting my personal feelings aside, he was AJ’s friend too, and what about Wendy? Have you thought about her? She was supposed to live with him god damnit!” Rainbow spit out.

“Wendy is the Vulture’s daughter!” Sunset barked back. “He doesn’t care less about her, he just made a promise, that’s all!”

“Why are you so stubborn?!” Rainbow Dash pushed the chair out of her way and walked in front of Sunset, “Why won’t you admit that, maybe, just maybe, he was a genuinely good guy?!”

“Because if he was, then everything that we’ve done would’ve meant nothing!” Sunset barked.

Then, Sunset took a small step back, feeling something landing on her cheek. She put her hand on it and looked at Rainbow with a surprised glare.

“Did you just… Punched me?”

Rainbow’s face was red with fury, “You really love destroying people’s lives, do you? I thought you changed, after the fall formal… I can see I was wrong.”

At that statement, Sunset gritted her teeth and punched Rainbow in the face, retaining her strength. But even with that, Rainbow fell on her back with a grunt of pain. “I changed! I’m a much better person now!”

“Are you?!” Rainbow yelled, then she jumped at Sunset.

Both girls fell on the ground, Rainbow Dash on top, who punched Sunset in the nose. Having been punched before, Sunset wasn’t really fazed by it, she quickly overpowered Rainbow Dash and pushed her away from her.

She jumped to her feet and grabbed her rainbow haired friend by the throat before slamming her on the wall.

Rainbow Dash was gasping for air, both her hands grabbing Sunset’s arms when the fiery haired girl lift her up by the throat.

Sunset was breathing heavily, slowly tightening up the grip she had on Rainbow.

Go ahead, kill her.’

What?’ Then, she came back to her senses when she saw a tear rolling down Rainbow’s cheek. She quickly loosened up her grip, and Rainbow fell on the ground, finally able to catch some air.

“W-What…” Then Sunset looked in horror at her friend and quickly tried to help her get back to her feet. “Rainbow, I’m so sorr-”

Rainbow slapped Sunset’s hand away and started getting up on her own. “Back off, Shimmer!” She barked.

Back on her two feet, Rainbow pushed Sunset aside and grabbed Red’s mask on the table before walking away.

“Rainbow wait!” Sunset ran after her friend to the house entrance.

Rainbow violently opened the door and gave an angry look at Sunset, “I really thought you changed Sunset, but I was wrong! Now, leave me and the girls alone, or I’ll kill you myself!” She looked away, “What a hero.” And with that, she slammed the door behind her.

Sunset stared blankly at the door, assimilating what just happened. She looked down at her hands and gritted her teeth.


“Wait… Can you say that again?” Fleur asked with a doubtful frown on her sweet face, having trouble to believe what she was hearing.

“Sunset’s beat the crap out of me, and I think she might be responsible for Red’s disappearance… Well, sort of.” Rainbow replied, taking a sip from her soda Fleur offered her earlier, she coughed after she felt the liquid flowing down her throat. She was still hurt from what Sunset did to her before. Fleur gave her a concerned look which Rainbow ignored.

Both of them were at Fleur’s house… Or mansion. Situated in the heart of the city, where wealthy people lived, the Dis Lee family lived there for generations. Fleur’s room was almost the size of Rainbow’s house, she even had a small kitchen inside her bedroom just to make tea. Both girls were sat around a small table decorated with a silk tablecloth. Fleur was drinking a hot earl grey, listening to what happened to Rainbow.

“W-Why would you think that?” She asked her. “I thought she was your best friend?”

“Fuck her. She nearly killed me earlier. She’s not my friend anymore.” Rainbow stated.

“Rainbow, even if she hurt you, you can’t say something like that! Why on earth would she be responsible for Red’s disappearance?”

Rainbow tried really hard to not tell the truth about everything to Fleur. But even if Rainbow was mad at Sunset right now, she just couldn’t say to Fleur that she was Spider-girl… She definitely couldn’t.

“Not important.” Rainbow stated.

“Listen Rainbow,” Fleur quietly stated, putting her hand on Rainbow’s, “Maybe you should… let it go? All I see is that it’s eating you up inside. I can’t let you get hurt…” She finished with a small blush she tried to hide.

But Rainbow wasn’t looking at her, she was staring blankly at the mask between her hands.

“No, I can’t.” She stated, earning a sad look from Fleur.

“Well, if you’re not going to give up…” Fleur stated, “I’m not going to either!”

“What?” Rainbow looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“We’re in this together now!” Fleur gave her a wink.

“But you just said…” Rainbow tried.

“I know very well what I just said.” Fleur quickly replied, “But if I can’t prevent you from doing this, then I’m going with you. And I’m not giving you any choice in the matter.”

Rainbow tried to say something, but all she could mutter was, “Thank you.” She smiled, “I’m glad I ran into you that day in front of school.”

Fleur giggled, “Me too Rainbow Dash… Me too.”


Swinging around the city, Spider-girl looked around for crime to stop and bad guys to catch. But there was night when… there was nothing. It was unusual but it happened. She needed distraction, she wanted to think about something else that what happened earlier with her friend at her house.

It was also very cold that night so she decided to wear one of her leather jacket, not the one she usually wears obviously. She thought it gave her a certain style, the jacket on top of her black suit.

“Hey, who said Rarity was the only one with good fashion tastes.”

She decided to stop on top of a building to have a little midnight snack. She sat at the edge and put her mask up just for her mouth to be seen and then she grabbed a chocolate bar in her pocket before she started to chew on it.

Then she heard noises coming from the street beneath her.

She looked down and raised an eyebrow, “What a coincidence.” She talked to herself.

“So?” One of the thugs asked, becoming impatient.

“It’s coming!” The other one who was trying to force open the door of a store replied.

Spider-girl just stared at first to finish her snack, but after staring at them for a moment, she wanted to see if they were going to make it, she truly believed they could get in. But after five minutes straight, now it was just pathetic. “Hey!” She called them, making them jump in fear for being caught. “Can’t you guys just wait ‘till tomorrow morning like everyone else?”

“Spidergirl!” One of the thugs called, pointing his gun directly at her.

“Somehow, I could hear that there wasn’t a hyphen between Spider and Girl, and it really bothers me.” She stated “And why is everyone shouting my name every time they see me? I mean, it literally happens every time.”

The other thug also draws out his gun and both of them started shooting in her direction. She dodged the bullets without any effort. “You guys really should see the bright side, If I had let you in, your sentence would’ve been longer.”

“Kill her!” Thug number one yelled.

“I’m trying!” Thug number two replied.

“Hey, it would be way funnier if you made little noises like, pew pew!” Sunset taunted them for a moment. It was small pleasures like this one that made this job more bearable the nights she wasn’t feeling it.

But then, she heard police cars coming their way, “Oh, sorry guys but the party has to stop here. I never was a party animal myself.” And just like that, she shot two webs, gluing them to the walls behind them.

“If the police can’t get you down, tell them that it should dissolves itself like… in three, maybe four hours.”

The next day at school, Flash and Thunderlane were both in the music room. Flash was playing a slow rhythm on his guitar, and thunder lane was on his phone, killing time.

Finally, Flash grunted and put his guitar on the table near him, “What the hell happened?”

“Uh?” Thunderlane gave him a shrug.

“To our band!” Flash yelled, “A few weeks ago, you, Rainbow, Red, Sunset and I were here, playing music and having fun! Now it’s like all of that… Never happened.” He finished in a hushed tone.

“Yeah well,” Thunderlane started, “We both know Red’s not around and it seems like Sunset and Rainbow aren’t in good terms.”

“What do you mean?” Flash asked him.

“I heard they fought yesterday.”

“Who told you that?” Flash frowned.

“Trixie did, she overheard a conversation between Rainbow Dash and Fleur.” He explained.

“Fleur? Like, Fleur Dis Lee? Like, the president of the student council? Like, the most popular girl in CHS?” Flash couldn’t believe it.

Thunderlane just nodded.

“Since when she and Rainbow became friends?”

“Beats me,” Thunderlane replied, “But I have often saw them together those past few days.”

“What the hell is going on?”

Just when he said that, the door of the room opened. Both Flash and Thunderlane were shocked to see it who it was.

“Lyra?” Thunderlane said.

“What are you doing here?” Flash asked.

“Well, it turns out I’m STILL a member of this club, Flash Sentry!” She angrily replied. She carefully took a look around before asking, “Shimmer isn’t here?”

“Nope.” Thunderlane replied, “Why?”

“Humpf.” And just liked that, Lyra turned around and left the room.

A few hours later…

“So… here you are.” Black Cat was sneaking on a roof, looking carefully at a truck parked in front of a building. The truck was the exact same one from last time, the logo of Consolidated Shipping was written on the side.

She waited for the goons to enter the building, leaving the driver of the truck alone. With a smirk, she jumped down the roof with an incredible agility, and without any noise, walked towards the back of the truck. She climbed on its top, and slowly crawled to be right where she could knock on the driver’s glass. She knocked three times on it and the goon inside opened the door.

“Yeah, who’s-” He couldn’t say anything more as Black Cat grabbed him by the back of his neck and jumped forward, slamming him face first to the ground.

She chuckled when she saw he was out and she slowly dragged him beneath the truck. She then walked back to the back of the truck and opened it. She looked around, and saw a dozens of wooden crates.

“Bingo.” She said walking toward one of the boxes. She managed to open one and saw it was filled with grenades. “So much fire power, Fisk?” She opened another box and saw that this one contained guns. “Are you… planning a war?” She said, mostly to herself.

She didn’t hear the foot steps behind her and gasped in surprise when someone grabbed her by the back and threw her outside of the truck. Felicia managed to land on her feet and looked at who just assaulted her.

It was a person, wearing a white armor and an orange cape. Their mask represented a skull and the hood on top of their head gave them a menacing aura. They also had a sword around their waist, and a shield on their arm.

“Uh? A sword and a shield? Where are we? In the fifth century?” Black Cat taunted, as usual.

“Felicia Hardy, alias Black Cat.” The mercenary replied with a low robotic voice, “Daughter of the deceased thief Walter Hardy, can affect probabilities on a certain level.”

“What is it, a job interview?” Black Cat replied, a little bit disturbed that they knew that information.

“Expert thief and skilled martial artist…” They continued analyzing her, “Threat level… None.” They finished by drawing out their sword out.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Felicia asked herself.

Steel claws out of her black fingers, Felicia ran at her opponent, trying to slice him with her sharp claws. The mercenary easily dodged it and, instead of a counter attack, simply stared at her while she was trying again. Once again they dodged it with more ease than before.

“Analyzing fighting abilities.” They said while dodging another claw with a Black Cat who grunted in frustration, “Enemy chances of victory… Below one percent.”

“You’re annoying me, freak!” Black Cat said, trying to kick them on the head.

The mercenary grabbed her feet without a sweat, “Analysis complete.” Then, they made the exact same kick Black Cat tried to do, instead this time, it collided with their opponent’s head.

Black Cat took a few step back, holding the side of her face they just kicked, “And who are you? Are you working for Fisk?”

“I’m the Taskmaster.” They replied, “And I’m working for whoever as the biggest bank account.”

Black Cat tried to attack them on the left, but Taskmaster saw it coming and blocked it with their shield. The mercenary then pushed her with the same shield and kicked her in the stomach. Felicia rolled backwards and managed to dodge at the last second Taskmaster’s sword who tried to cut her head’s off.

She tried a roundhouse kick, but once again, Taskmaster blocked it with their shield. The mercenary sliced forward with their sword and succeeded to cut Felicia on her arm.

She jumped back and put a hand where she was hurt. She greeted her teeth at the pain and took a closer look at her injury. She was deeply cut on her forearm, and was starting to bleed a lot. She then looked back at her opponent, who was standing there.

“Not so confident anymore I see.” They stated, with their creepy robotic voice.

“Shut up.” Black Cat simply replied. She had to figure something out or she might die tonight. Then, an idea popped into her mind and she smirked. She started to walk around the mercenary, “You know, whatever Fisk is paying you, I’m sure I can double it.”

“I doubt it, and even if you could, I already took the job.” They pointed in her direction with their sword, “And I always finish a job.”

“Right.” She taunted.

Taskmaster dashed forward and tried to slice her up from below, she saw the strike coming and dodged it. She managed to grab their arm and discreetly put one of her tracking device on their arm, and with all her strength, launched hem inside the truck.

The swordsman fell on the crates and saw the content of the wooden boxes drop on the floor. When they saw that they were surrounded by grenades, they understood what Felicia was planning.

But unfortunately for them, it was too late when they saw a tiny bomb from Felicia’s utility belt landing right next to them.

“Take this, asshole!” Felicia stated, closing the truck’s doors and tried to run in the opposite direction.

The truck blows up in a giant fire and Felicia was sent away by the explosion. She fell on the ground right on her wounded arm and cried in pain.

She slowly managed to get up, and stared at the truck on fire. She walked towards it to take a closer look and smirked, “That’s what you get when you mess with…” Then, she saw a shadow rising through the flames, “Black Cat…” She finished in a tiny voice.

When she heard the heavy footsteps walking in her direction, she tried to walk back, but she fell on her butt. Taskmaster appeared from the flames and jumped off what remained of the truck.

She saw that they were unarmed, except for a part of their mask that was broken. Felicia could see that Taskmaster was in fact a woman, she had mid length dark blue hair and her face was covered in scars.

Felicia jumped to her feet and turned around, trying to run away but then, she felt a sharp pain from her back. She looked down and saw that a sword was coming out of her stomach. “W-What?”

“The exact same way your father died.” Taskmaster stated, “With the exact same sword.” Felicia’s eyes grew wide in surprise at that statement.

Taskmaster put her sword out of Black Cat’s back, and watched as the thief fell on the ground. Just when the mercenary was going to strike her with the decisive blow, she turned around when she heard a small tinkling coming from behind her.

When she looked in that direction she saw an orange orb with green lights on the sides rolling on the floor a few feet away from her.

She quickly realized what it was and used her shield as a dome on top of the small spherical device to contain the explosion that quickly came afterwards.

“Who is this?” Taskmaster called looking around, searching in the dark lightless street to whoever might have thrown that grenade.

But all she could hear was a distant laughter.

It was all Felicia needed to take advantage of the situation. She grabbed three smoke bombs on her utility belt and launched them at Taskmaster’s feet. When the smoke bomb did their work, Taskmaster grunted in frustration and tried to dissipate the smoke as much as she could.

When the smoke finally vanished, Taskmaster was standing alone in the alley. She calmly looked around her and put back her sword on her back.

She glared at where the attack came from and frowned.

Sunset was lazily lying on her bed. The talk with Rainbow Dash was still on her mind and she couldn’t forget the fact that she had hurt her friend. She looked strangely at her hands, remembering the voice inside her head telling her to kill Rainbow. She was about to lose control.

Was it… No. You’re imagining things Sunset.’ She thought, remembering what Twilight told her about the suit.

And now, in current affairs, the battle of the century between Wilson Fisk and Discord. Who will become Canterlot’s mayor by the end of the mont-” Sunset quickly turned off the live broadcasting on her computer she had put on to change her mind.

Politics wasn’t her thing, but she knew that if Fisk win this, it would be bad. She had to try everything she can to avoid that. At least, she was glad Luna told her she was going to vote for Discord, at least, he wasn’t an evil crime lord scheming to take over the city in the shadows.

Screwball also tried to explain to her what was her father’s plans to change the city, but Sunset didn’t listen.

She frowned when she heard a knock on her bedroom’s window. She looked what is was and rolled her eyes when she saw the silhouette was the one of someone she knew very well. She walked towards it and opened the window with a smirk.

“Felicia, I already told you that you can’t come here. You’re lucky Luna’s aren’t home.” Sunset stated.

“B-Bummer… I would love to meet her…” Felicia managed to say before falling inside, covered in blood.

“Feli?!” Sunset screamed, kneeling next to Black Cat. “Feli, what happened?!” Sunset put her hands on Felicia’s injury and her hands were covered in blood.

“Task…” Felicia tried. “Taskmaster…” She managed to say before falling unconscious, giving to Sunset what she was holding in her hand.

Sunset looked at the device that had a small screen, but quickly dropped it on the floor, too worried about her friend to care about what it was.

“Feli!” Sunset called one last time. Seeing that her leather wearing girlfriend wasn’t responding, she lifted her up in her arm and slowly put her on her bed. “Holy f- What am I going to do?!”

Sunset quickly ran to her drawer to take her phone on top of it and prepared to call an emergency. When she was going to hit the call icon, she stopped. She took a slow breath and decided to call someone else instead.

She put her phone on her ear, and waited for the person to pick up, hopping that they would. Luckily for her, they did.

What do you want Sunset?” Sunset heard from the phone speaker.

“Twilight, I need your help.”

On the other side of the city, an hour later…

“And, here we go.” Twilight said, putting one last bandage on Felicia’s arm.

Sunset had brought her feline friend to Twilight’s apartment, it was too risky at her place, while at Twilight place, Shining Armor was always at work, and Cadence was hosting a special episode of her show, meaning she wasn’t going to be back soon. When Sunset arrived, Twilight hasn’t said a word to her and quickly started to help the beaten up Felicia, who was still knocked out. Felicia was on Twilight’s bed while Sunset watched Twilight patch her up from Twilight’s desk chair.

Both girls spend the entire night in an awkward silence.

“She should be fine, with a bit of rest. She’s lucky the sword hasn’t gone through any vital organs, though I suspect that her opponent has done that intentionally.” Twilight stated.

“T-Thanks Twi’…” Sunset said, looking at the ground. “I wasn’t really sure you’d accept to help me.”

“And what was I supposed to do?” Twilight stated while putting the blanket on Felicia and started to clean up the mess, “Let her die?”

“N-No, of course not…” Sunset quickly replied, “But thanks anyway. I owe you one…”

“To be clear,” Twilight said turning around, facing Sunset with a severe glare, “I didn’t do it for you. You don’t owe me anything, I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore.”

“So… You’re still mad uh?” Sunset said, scratching the back of her neck.

“Of course I am, Sunset.” Twilight calmly replied.

Sunset gets up from her chair and slowly walked towards Twilight, she was going to grab her hand, but Twilight flinched for a second. Sunset bit her lips and was going to turn away, but at this moment, she felt Twilight’s hand grabbing hers. Sunset slowly turned her gaze back to Twilight who was staring right into her eyes.



“I…” Sunset was interrupted by something beeping in her pocket. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the device.

It was the device Felicia gave her earlier.

“What is that?” Twilight asked.

“A tracker I think. Looks like it.” Sunset said, looking at the screen. She recognized a small map of the city, and a red dot in the middle blinking. “Must be the guy that did that to her.”

Then, Sunset could swear she saw a lightbulb appearing on top of Twilight’s head, “Wait!” The scientist girl exclaimed, grabbing the device.

“What the heck?”

Twilight sat behind her computer and plugged the device with a cable on her USB port, “If I can found out where the tracker turned on,” Twilight started, while furiously typing lines of code at a speed that freaked out Sunset, “I can hack the camera nearby and we can see what really happened to her!” When she finished her sentence, she pressed enter on her keyboard and a window popped up on her ultra wide screen. “Voila!”

Sunset leaned forward and saw a footage captured by a security camera of Black Cat fighting with a mysterious swordsman. “Sparky, you’re a genius.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” Twilight replied.

Sunset unplugged the device from the computer and her symbiotic suit materialized on top of her clothes.

“W-What are you going to do?” Twilight asked.

“Isn’t that obvious?” Sunset stated, pointing the red dot on the device. “I’m going to kick that guy’s ass.”

Author's Note:

uh, 7 months, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

who said the story was dead tho

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