> The Amazing Sunset Shimmer > by KozLeMage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Volume I: With great power comes great responsibility - Chapter 1: Pilot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The disaster of the fall formal still weighed on Sunset Shimmer. Not that she was disappointed that she lost, but she was overwhelmed by guilt for her past mischiefs. How did she get there? She still remember, crawling out of that hole, under the disappointed look of princess Twilight Sparkle. She gave her a simple choice, to forever be alone, or, to seek for friendship. She didn’t know where to begin with, she didn’t know how to make friends. But hopefully for her, the same girls who were the cause of her failure accepted her within their group. And since that day, Sunset found that friendship truly was magical. Of course, there were ups and downs, but they always have their back. It wasn’t easy at first, when Princess Twilight returned to Equestria, Pinkie Pie added Sunset Shimmer on their group chat. And every time they planned something, they made sure that Sunset Shimmer was also invited, but every time she showed up, they all seemed surprised, like that time when Pinkie throw a party for Rarity’s birthday and Sunset actually showed up with a present. They were all speechless and it was really awkward since neither of them actually believed that she was going to come. It takes a few weeks for them to realize that Sunset Shimmer really wanted to change. When Sunset was at her lowest, those girls helped her go back up the slope. At start, she thought she was just some charity case, but gradually, she noticed that she was an integral part of their group, and she was now living with Celestia and Luna who welcomed her with open arms when they found out that Sunset lived, for almost two years, in an old dilapidated factory. It’s a funny story, one day, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash really wanted to know were Sunset lived, and since she didn’t want them to find out where she lived, Sunset told them that she had a little apartment but it was too small for any of her friends to come. Of course, they didn’t believe her, so Pinkie Pie track her down, thanks to her ninja skills. When she found out, she immediately told her friends, and then, Rarity told Celestia and Luna. When they learned that Sunset was homeless, they didn’t hesitate a second, and took her in. Sunset couldn’t believe it at first, but she wasn’t alone anymore, and she was grateful to Celestia and Luna to have gotten her out of this. She wanted to redeem herself and, of course, her friends quickly forgave her, but the rest of the school wasn't with that state of mind. All of the schools hated Sunset, and, truth to be told, hate was a euphemism. Sunset was now used to walk through the corridors of Canterlot High while undergoing the dark glances and insults from the others students. She wasn’t mad at them, she was the only one to blame, it was her fault if all the schools hated her guts. Today was a Friday like any other Friday, after a long morning of classes and judgements from others students, Sunset was heading to the cafeteria to join her friends. She took a plate of food and headed to the table were five colorful heads were waiting for her. “Hi Sunset!” “Hello Pinkie.” replied Sunset while she took a seat at their table. “Well sugarcube, why the long face?” Sunset sighed. “Sorry AJ, I thought that it wouldn’t last with time... it’s already been a month since the fall formal, but they’re still mad at me…” “Oh Darling...” said Rarity putting her hand on Sunset’s “You don’t have to apologies, you need to know that we have already forgave you for your pasts… mistakes.” “And, from a certain point of view, it was kinda cool to see you turned into a she-demon and brainwash all of the students !” said Pinkie Pie to her, in a reassuring manner, a big smile on her face not noticing the looks that she was receiving from her friends. “Pinkie Pie!” exclaimed Rarity, offended. “It’s nothing Rarity. » said Sunset « But, from now on, can we avoid this subject?” “Okie Dokie!“ “You know Sunset, I’ve learned that it was our good actions that shows people who we are, and not our lack of bad actions…” said the shy girl, pocking her own food with her fork. “Or, maybe not…” “Fluttershy’s right ya know Sunny.” said Rainbow Dash who just finished her meal. “Why don’t you go help or at least do something with someone? Maybe join a club or somethin’.” “I’ve tried Rainbow, but nobody wants to do something with me, even Derpy almost cried when I gave to her that pen she just dropped.” “Have you tried to talk with Principal Celestia about that?” said Applejack. “And what is she going to do?” asked Sunset “It’s not like she can get all of the students to like me.” “Well, maybe not…” started Rarity “But maybe she can at least put you on a club you might like.” “I don’t know Rarity, what if the members of that club want to kick me out?” “Dear, if it’s Principal Celestia herself who put you into a club, they’ll have no choice but to accept that.” Rarity said. “It seems like abuse of power, I’ve been told that it’s not something I should keep on doing.” said Sunset, smirking at the fashionista. “It’s for greater good, dear.” Replied Rarity. “Well girls, change of subject!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash “Who’s excited for the school trip this afternoon?” Sunset totally forgot about that, yet, Celestia reminded her last night. Today, some of the final year students have a school trip planed at Discord Corporation, more commonly called, DisCorp. DisCorp was the number one corporation in terms of technological progress and it was directed by the famous scientist, Discord. Therefore, all of the students were excited about this trip. They would be entitled to a guided tour by the famous Doctor Conhorse, and the program was loaded! They were going to see several technological devices that Sunset couldn’t name because they were too complicated to pronounce, including a particle accelerator, and, from what Celestia told her, genetically modified animals, to Fluttershy’s pain. Sunset wasn’t excited about that either, after all, she technically used to be one. But the visit was mandatory, because they would have a report to do and Sunset couldn’t afford a bad grade, having only A+ in all of her classes, she didn’t want it to change. ‘I just hope that the animal part doesn’t last too long.’ She thought to herself. She first heard of DisCorp. shortly after she arrived in this world. The first assignment she got on her class was a presentation of Discord and how he revolutionized the world of science. So, she known a little of the character. She let her friends continue the discussion while eating silently, participating only when they spoked directly to her. When the bell rang, indicating the end of their lunch break, the girls walked to the CHS entrance hall, it was the meeting spot for all the students who participated in the excursion. There were already around twenty students who were waiting peacefully and chatting with each other. The discussions abruptly stopped when they saw Sunset and gave her dark glare. "What are you looking at?" throw Rainbow Dash defying them. They returned to their occupations, discussions have now turned into whispers, some of them still glancing at Sunset from time to time. She silently thanked her rainbow haired friend, even if it bothered her that one of her friends had to stand for her. Celestia, Luna and Miss Cherilee arrived quickly to make the call, and without delay, the students headed to the school parking lot to take the bus. Sunset sat next to Pinkie Pie and the pink one proposed to watch an episode from a show she just started. Something about a fire-breathing magician and a talking blue cat, Sunset thought it was stupid, but, in the end, she thought that it was pretty funny. The road passed quickly and the students got off the bus. Sunset was agape, she never came to this part of the city, so she wasn’t used to being in front of a huge building made of glass and steel of at least five hundred meters. The building was so high that Sunset had to lean back to even try to see the top of it. Celestia asked them to quickly regroup in pairs before entering the building, they went up the steps which was in front of the building and entered through a gigantic door made of glass. The interior of the building was filled with well-dressed people going back and forth everywhere, either on the phone or walking quickly making it clear that they were busy, some of them looked intrigued at the student, they must not have known that a school trip was scheduled for today. A woman named Felicia Hardy, ‘what a strange name’ Sunset thought, introduced herself to Celestia and to the students welcoming them and invited them to follow her. She was Doctor Conhorse personal assistant as she said, she had long dark hair and green eyes. She seemed young, like two, maybe three year older that the students, so Sunset believed that she maybe was new here. A lot of Sunset’s male classmates was eyeing Felicia and her perfect curve, she couldn’t help but letting out a sigh. ‘Boys are all the same…’ she thought. Well, not exactly all boys, she knew a blue haired guitar player who was a perfect gentleman. So, they walked through this concrete maze, sometimes climbing stairs, sometimes walking along long corridors, to finally arrive in what Sunset could guess was a laboratory. Several people, all scientist wearing white coats, were working on various electronic devices and didn’t even look at the arrival of at least thirty students, probably too absorbed in their work, or because they didn’t care. A man, himself wearing a long white blouse seemed to be waiting for them and welcomed them with a charming smile, he had beautiful blond hair and, a detail that Sunset found interesting, his right arm was missing. He exchanged some words with Celestia before he spoke to all the students. “Hello dear students, I am Doctor Conhorse and let me welcome you at DisCorp." he said in a cheerful voice. "And yes, before you ask, I’m left-handed.” His joke made several students to laugh, even Sunset found herself giggling. “I'm a former scientist and I'm the world's foremost authority on herpetology. That's reptiles, for those of you who don't know. But like the Parkinson's patient who watches on in horror as her body slowly betrays her, or the man with macular degeneration whose eyes grow dimer each day, I long to fix myself. I want to create a world without weakness. Anyone care to venture a guess just how?” No students answered, so Luna allowed herself to speak. “Stem cells?” she asked. “Promising” replied Dr Conhorse « but the solution I’m thinking of is more… radical.” The students stared at each other, none of them knowing what to say. Sunset then had an idea. She hesitated first, not wanting all of the attention on her, but she said to herself what the hell? “Cross-species genetics?” She said. All of the students looked at her, some of them were incredulous and others wondering why in addition to being the most distressed girl in high school, she also was a know-it-all. But she saw Dr Conhorse give her a look that encouraged her to continue. “A person gets Parkinson’s when the brain cells that produce dopamine start to disappear. But the zebrafish has the ability to regenerate cells on command. If you can somehow give this ability to the woman you’re talking about, that’s… that. She’s curing herself.” she finished. Not only Dr Conhorse looked impress, but also all the other students, even Celestia, Luna and Mlle Cherilee were speechless. “And you are?” he asked. “Sunset Shimmer.” she replies, a faint blush on her cheeks. “And she’s one of CHS best and brightest students” said Celestia “She’s the first on her class.” Doctor Conhorse looked like he was going to say something, before Felicia walks behind him and tell him something in his hear. For just a second, he looked angry, but quickly regained his charming smile. “Well, it looks like something went wrong on a project that my team is working on.” He explained “I’ve got to go, but I’ll let you in the most capable hand of miss Hardy right here.” And just like that, he vanished in one of the long corridors. The boys couldn’t be happier, they all gathered around Felicia and started to ask her questions about everything, just so she could notice them. “You did great.” A voice said behind Sunset, she turned around and saw Celestia smiling at her. “Thanks.” Sunset replied, trying to hide the blush in her cheeks. Celestia joined Luna and Cherilee who were talking with Felicia. Sunset found herself at the back of the group with her friends. “How did you know all that?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Well, I’ve read a lot about Doctor Conhorse research, and…” “Egghead.” “Guilty in charge.” Said Sunset. They caught up with their fellow classmates and Sunset started to listening to what Felicia was saying. “There are over 32,000 known species of spider in the world. They’re in the order Araneae, divided into three suborders.” She said, behind her were some cages with all sorts of spiders in them. “Arachnids from all three groups possess varying strengths which help them in their constant search for food.” She then showed them an explanation on the gigantic screen that was on the wall. “Next, we have the net web spider, family Filistatidae genus Kukulcania. It spins an intricate funnel shaped web whose strands have a tensile strength proportionately equal to the hype of high-tension wire.” “Do you understand any of this?” whispered Applejack to Sunset who was listening to every words that came out of the mouth of Felicia. “Did you know that some spiders change colors to blend into their environment? It’s a defense mechanism.” Sunset said to her. “What makes you think we’d want to know that?” whispered a bored Rainbow Dash. “Who wouldn’t?” “Egghead.” Said Rainbow Dash with a rolling of her eyes. “I think that it’s very interesting…” Said Fluttershy. “Thank you Fluttershy.” “… but I don’t understand anything.” “Hum, girls?” They turned to were the voice came, it was Rarity’s. “What’s wrong rare?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Where is Pinkie Pie?” That’s was a good question, the five girls looked around the group, but didn’t find their friend. “Shit!” “Rainbow!” exclaimed Rarity offended. “Language!” “If we didn’t find her soon, she’ll be in lot of trouble.” Said Applejack. Sunset looked around and saw a trail of candy paper who were leading in a hallway out of sight of the group. “I’m going to get her.” Said Sunset. “You certainly not.” Replied Rarity. “Rarity, if I’m not going to look for her, Celestia or Luna will, and she’ll be in good shi…” “Language!” “It’s not going to take long, I promise.” Said Sunset before slipping away in that same hallway, before any of her friends can say anything. “I swear to god, if we’re all in detention because of them, I’ll kill them.” Said Rainbow Dash. Sunset was following the colored trail of candy paper, sneaking around, looking for her friends. ‘Follow the yellow brick road Sunset.’ She thought. She turned around in another corridor and then, the trail stopped in front of a door. Sunset tried to open it but it was locked. “How did she even get in there?” she said to herself, annoyed. She saw that it required a special code to enter, so, she was blocked. Her heart almost slipped a beat when she heard some footsteps walking in her direction, she hid quickly in a nearby closet, and saw a scientist entered the code ‘4648’ she needed before entering the room. ‘Snap! If he finds Pinkie, she’s in trouble!’ but before she can even think more about it, the door opened again with the scientist going out. “Forgot my folder, again.” He said “Someday I’ll forgot my head…” And then he vanished around a corner. Sunset waited a little longer, just by precaution, and then jumped at the door, entering the code she saw. The door opened, and Sunset slipped inside before she closed behind her. The room was filled with computers and other machines, she looked around but there was no sign of pink fluffy hair anywhere. She wandered in the room and then she saw something that got her attention. On a computer screen, there was a report on something the scientist here must work on. It was entitled ‘DisCorp’s genetically modified Super-Soldier.’ ‘What the fuck is that?’ She then began to read it. ‘… the results aren’t conclusive. Our guinea pigs still don’t survive the bite. It’s been now two-hundred and twenty-three days that we run tests, and even with changes in the formula, they still seem to be incompatible. We have to find an answer quickly, Dr Conhorse wants to shut down our project, and even if he is in the pocket of Discord, he doesn't agree with our little experiments, especially since we started to tested it on men…’ “Shit.” Was all Sunset had to say. “What you’re lookin’ at?” said a high-piched voice behind her. Sunset almost had a heart attack before she recognized the voice. “Pinkie!” she said. “What are you doing here? I was looking for you everywhere!” “Well, I was looking for the bathroom, but I got lost!” “But… How did you get in here? It was locked!” “It was?” Pinkie asked. Sunset rolled her eyes, “No time for that! We need to regain the group!” “Okie, follow me Sunny!” said Pinkie, leading the way. Sunset was going to follow her but… “Ouch!” “What’s wrong?” Sunset looked at her hand. “Something bites me!” “Maybe it was a ghost!” “Okay, I’m tired of this, let’s go.” The two girls headed out of the room, before regaining the group. Rainbow was waving at them, it seems that nobody has noticed their absence. It was late, the sun had set a while ago when Sunset Shimmer came home with Celestia and Luna, the trip lasted all the afternoon and Sunset was exhausted, she let out a sight of relief when she pulls out her boots and landed on the couch. She took the remote and started to do some channel zapping when Celestia came to sit on her left side. “So,” she started “how was the afternoon?” “Nice, I guess.” “Well, I hope you’ve taken note, there will be a test next week.” “Hmm.” Said Sunset, she was so exhausted that she didn’t really care about what Celestia was telling her. “Now, maybe you can tell me where did you and miss Pie go?” Okay, now she was listening. “Hum… You see…” Sunset was going to tell a elaborate lie that she was going to make on the moment, but she realized that she was too exhausted too think. Why was she so tired? “Don’t lie to me Sunset.” Replied Celestia with her I’m-not-joking tone. “Okay… Pinkie Pie was gone so I decided to go looking for her, that’s all I swear, she was just searching for the bathroom.” Said sunset before a loud yawn escape from her mouth. Celestia noticed it. “Are you okay Sunset? You seem to be exhausted.” She said, a little concern in her voice. “Yeah, it was a pretty long day.” Then Sunset get up from the couch, heading for the stairs. “I’m going to bed.” “But you didn’t eat anything.” Celestia replied, following her to the bottom of the stairs. “Do you want me to reheat some Pizza?” Sunset let out another yawn, louder than the previous one. “No, I’m… I’m going to sleep now. ‘Night” She said before climbing up the stairs and headed to her room. “Goodnight.” Was all Celestia replied. Sunset room was a random teenage room, with posters from bands and shows she liked, a desk with a laptop on it, some of her clothes were on the floor, her room was a little messy but nothing unusual for a seventeen years old girl. Sunset undressed herself, and dropped on her bed, before she quickly fell asleep. Sunset was flying over the six girls who had almost reduced her plans to nothing. Seeing them all together made Sunset to laugh. “Gee, the gang really IS back together again.” She let out a demonic laugh. “NOW step aside! Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already! SHE NEEDS TO BE DEALT WITH!” Sunset conjured a ball of fire between her two hands, and throw it to the ‘Princess of Friendship’. It was it, Twilight and her friends were dead. She won. She was all mighty, and had all the powers she needed to conquer Equestria. She laugh. She woke up, all sweating, feeling a tear upon her cheek. That nightmare, again. She had it since the night of the fall formal and never get rid of it. At first, she thought it was because she had remorse, but it seems that it was deeper than that. But now, she was used to it. Sunset get out of her bed and did some stretching before going to the bathroom, but on her way there she saw a spider on the ground. Taking her by surprise she let out a “Eeeeep” and jumped. But it seems that Sunset jumped a little TOO hard because she was now gripped to her ceiling. Before she can ever realize wah she had just done, she fell on floor with a loud noise. “Ouch…” she said laying on the ground. “Sunset?” The voice of Celestia came from downstairs. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I am.” She replied, taking a seat on her bed, now watching at her hands. “How did I do that?” She placed herself in the middle of her room and tried again, she jumped, and then, she grabbed onto the ceiling once again. The head upside down she asked herself “What the fuck is happening to me?” Volume I – Chapter 1: Pilot - END > Volume I - Chapter 2: The bite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What the fuck is happening to me?” Still on her ceiling, Sunset didn’t know what was going on. She went down carefully, still agape from what was happening. Then, a knock on her door caught her attention. “Sunset” said Luna “The bathroom is free.” “O-okay, I’ll go in a minute.” She grabs her clothes and quickly headed to the bathroom, she went in front of her mirror and what she saw leave her speechless. Despites her messy hair, she looked good. Well, at least, she known that, but she looked like she went to gym every day for a long time. Her arms were much more muscled than before, and some abs that Sunset didn’t had before has made their appearance. She stared at her own reflection in the mirror, still in awe for what she was seeing. “Okay something really strange is going on.” She said. She was leaning a bit too much on her sink before she heard it cracking. Just with the pressure of her hands, she managed to fissure it. Looking at her hand, she saw the bite from yesterday, it was much less visible than before, but it was still there. And then, she remembered what she had read in that laboratory. “… genetically modified Super-Soldier” she remembered “… the bite.” She looked back at her mirror, talking to herself. “So, what, I’m a super-soldier now?” She took a piece of soap, and pressed it in her hand. She crushed it like it was butter. “It seems I’m much stronger now.” Then she looks at the ceiling of the bathroom. “And that I can stick to the walls too.” She wasn’t afraid or disconcerted, and she smiled at herself. ‘First magic, and now that, I can’t be in peace now, can I?’ She brushes her teeth and took a quick shower, being careful to not break anything. She dressed with regular clothes, a yellow shirt with a blue jean and went downstairs. Celestia was reading a book on the couch and Luna was drinking her coffee at the table, half awake. She said hello to them and also poured herself a coffee. She watched Luna who was reading the ‘Daily Bugle’ newspaper of the day. Taking place at the table and sipping her coffee, she noticed the cover of the newspaper. “Someone robbed the Filthy Rich national bank?” Sunset asked to Luna. She turned the newspaper to look at the front page. “Yeah, it was last night.” She replied “Someone dressed like a bird was behind it. It seems like he took half a million dollars, before he flew the coup.” “Dressed like a bird?” said Sunset raising her eyebrow. “How did he managed to get out with half a million anyway?” “It looks like he was in possession of some advanced devices or weapons which allowed him to commit the robbery before he ran away without too much difficulty.” “The world is going crazy.” Said Celestia who had joined them around the table. “I know, enraged demon, pony girls, a bird thief… what’s next?” said Luna, half-joking. “The ‘enraged demon’ is pretty upset about what you’ve just said.” Said Sunset smirking at Luna, she knew that she made it on purpose to annoy her. “I bet.” She replied, smirking back. They laughed together, before Celestia spoke to Sunset. “Anyway, Sunset, how was school this week, did you make new friends?” she asked. “Well, about that…” Sunset started “Do you think you can put me in a club or something?” Celestia was a little surprised by her request but she smiled. “Of course, I never thought you’d ask me that someday.” “Well, it was Rarity’s idea, and Fluttershy said that if I’m helping them, maybe they’ll see that I’ve changed.” “I think that’s a great idea.” Said Luna, putting down her newspaper. “Any idea, of what kind of club you want to join?” “Well, I kind of expected you guys to help me on that part.” She said. “You played guitar if I’m not mistaken.” Sunset looked at Celestia who had just spoken. “What about the music club? Your friend Rainbow Dash joined it recently, she may help you to get out of your shell.” “I don’t know… Flash Sentry is in that club, right?” “Then, it’s a wonderful idea.” Said Luna “If you can be friends with him, people will start to notice that you’ve changed.” “I don’t think that’s a great idea…” “Well, if you don’t want to, I’m not forcing you to do it. But I think that Luna is right, maybe Flash is the first step that the school need to saw that you actually want to change.” “But what if they don’t?” “At least, you tried.” Said Luna. Sunset knew that it was a good idea, but how was she supposed to be friend with the person she had wronged the most. But then she remembered what Fluttershy said to her yesterday ‘I’ve learned that it was our good actions that shows people who we are, and not our lack of bad actions’. “Okay then.” She said. ”I’ll try.” ‘Damn you and your wisdom, Fluttershy.’ “Perfect. Then I’ll put you on the club’s members list.” Said Celestia. “You’ll see Sunset, everything is going to be just fine.” “I hope so.” Replied Sunset her head in her hands. She let out a sigh and took a long sip of her coffee. “So, what are you guys going to do today?” “Well,” Celestia started “I’m going to go to the school this afternoon, there’s a new student that starts his classes on Monday, so I’m going to give him a tour of the campus and get to know him a little better.” That was Celestia in all her glory. It was important to her to know each of her students personally, she wanted to be seen more like a friend than a principal. “A new student in mid-October?” Sunset asked. “That’s a bit weird.” “It seems that he was taking class at home, but he said that he wanted to try something new.” “Maybe you can try to be friend with him?” Luna proposed. “You know, before he starts to hear all about what you have done.” “Yeah, maybe I’ll try,” said Sunset “But if he’s a jerk, I’ll punch him in the throat.” “Sunset…” warned Celestia. “I’m joking!” “For my part,” said Luna to answer Sunset initial question “I’m going to stay home and play World of Warcraft all day.” “Looks like a good day is waiting for you.” Joked Sunset. “And you Sunset?” asked Celestia “What are your plans for today?” “I don’t know, all of my friends are busy today, Rainbow has practice, Fluttershy’s working at the shelter, Pinkie’s watching the cakes siblings… I think I’m going to stay…” and then an idea crossed the head of Sunset. “You know what, it’s seems like it’s going to be sunny today, so I think I’m going to take a walk in town.” Celestia and Luna stared at each other for a second before Luna asked. “Alone?” “Yeah, why not?” “Well if you want, I can give you a ride.” Said Celestia. “I’ll like that.” Of course, Sunset wasn’t really going to take a walk in town. She planned to find a nice, big and desertic place to test her new power, but of course, she can’t talk to Celestia about that. She thought that the less people new about her ‘abilities’, the better it would be, at least, for the moment. The discussion seemed to have ended there so Sunset finished her coffee and get up of her chair. She cleaned her mug, headed for the fridge to take a can of soda and walked towards her room before she remembered something. “Hum, Celestia?” she called. “Yes?” “You’ll… maybe need to buy a new sink.” “…” “…” “I’m sorry, what?” The sky was clear today in Canterlot, children were playing at the park, the teens were hanging out at the mall and the high traffic of the city propagated a cloud of pollution specific to the big cities. Sunset was in Celestia’s car, who were driving threw the city. She lied about her destination, she didn’t want Celestia to find out where she was going, so she told her that she was going to the library. The trip was done silently. When they finally arrived, Celestia stopped Sunset who was exiting the car. “Sunset.” She called. Sunset turned around to see the human double of her mentor. “Yes?” “I saw the effort you were making,” started Celestia “And I want you to know, that I’m proud of you.” “Thanks.” Was all sunset replied, turning her head so that Celestia does not see her blushing. “I know I’m not your mom or anything like that,” she continued “but I’m here for you.” Sunset looked her in the eyes and, just for a moment, she saw her old mentor standing in front of her. “Don’t worry Celestia,” she said “You’re a super mom.” She finished with a smile. Celestia smiled back at her, and Sunset gets out of the car. She watched Celestia drive away, and then she headed for the bus stop in front of the Canterlot public library. ‘I’m sorry I lied, but I can’t tell her what is happening to me.’ She thought to herself. She sat on the bench and waited a couple of minutes before the bus showed up. She bought a ticket and took a sit in the back of the bus. Putting on her earphones, she played her favorite song on her phone. She closed her eyes and hummed the air of ‘Kickstart my heart’. Sunset was in the poor neighborhood of Canterlot, this is where people who were unlucky in their lives ended up. That’s where she used to live, around the corner of the street, in that old factory. She learned to hate this place over the years. Yet, she felt a bit nostalgic when she came back. Maybe she hated that place, but she lived there for almost two years, when she came through the portal. This is the first place in this world she used to call home. But today she had a very specific reason to come back, she needed a place with a large amount of space and save from eavesdroppers. She entered through the back door which led directly to the countermaster’s office. The factory was arranged in four separate rooms. First there was the countermaster’s office, this is where her bedroom used to be. Then, there was the kitchen, the gas was off but the electricity worked well enough. Next to the kitchen was the bathroom, big enough for Sunset to be at ease but there was a detail that Sunset never got around it, there was no hot water. And then came the reason Sunset was here today, the large room that was in the center of the factory. The room was filled with boxes, barrels and all sorts of stuff that Sunset never got the courage to get rid of it. There was also the bike that she found with Flash Sentry in that old landfill. They’ve tried to fix it but they never made it. So, it stayed there, grabbing the dust. Flash Sentry was the only one except for her friends who knew where she used to live. But even after he dumped her, he never told anyone. Sunset was grateful to him for that. Sunset scanned the area and a lot of memories came back in her mind. Only bad memories though. She never had good ones here. She pushed her thought back in her mind. She wasn’t here to remember the bad old days. She put her bag on a table at the entrance of the room and took her leather jacket off. She was afraid to damage it. “Okay,” she said to herself “let’s get started.” She headed for the old motorcycle. ‘Maybe today is a good day to get rid of you.’ She thought. She grabbed it, and, like it was nothing, threw it away in the wall at the opposite of the room. The bike split into several pieces that fell into a hellish noise. She didn’t believe it. She gets rid of it like it was nothing. She watched her hands and smile to herself. ‘To quote Rainbow Dash, that is so awesome!’ now, she headed for a group a wooden box, and punched them like her life was on the line. The boxes exploded into a thousand of pieces that scattered all over the factory. “Okay, I’m indeed stronger than before, but how much?” she asked to herself. She then turned to face the wall that was behind her. She walks forward to get closer to it. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and clunched her fist. Then, she was going to hit the wall with all her strength, but soon as her fist was going to hit the wall, she backed off. “Okay, I’m not gonna do that.” She wanted to see how strong she was, she didn’t want to break her hand. “Let’s try something else.” She remembered what happened in her room, and thought that she could try it again. So she took a few step back. ‘If it doesn’t work, I’m going to be in a lot of pain.’ She thought. ‘Now, don’t be pessimistic Sunset, it’ll work.” She then jumped at the wall, and like this morning, hung on to it. “Ooookay, slowly now.” And then, she started to crawl on the wall, like a spider. She looked to the ground, which was at least 5 meters under her. ‘Please don’t fall.” She continued to crawl on the wall, and when she arrived at the top, she started to crawl on the ceiling. Her head now upside down, she took a deep breath and started to get up, slowly but surely. She was now standing on the ceiling, her head still upside down. She crossed her arms and said to herself “Well, I have to say, that’s convenient.” It was a strange feeling to stand upside down, she felt like she was going to fell at any instant. But she wasn’t afraid, she knew, somehow, that she had the capacity to stay there as long as she wanted. She saw a long chain hung from the ceiling and she jumped at it. She swung to the wall in front of her. She let out a scream more girly than she would admit it and jumped at the wall, hanging on it as before. She looked back at the chain and thought, ‘Okay, that was pretty cool.’ Behind her, she could hear the loud noise from the chain that was going back where it used to be. She leaned on the wall for a moment and thought. ‘Okay so, I’m stronger, more agile and I can stick to the walls. And all that just because of a spider bite?’ “But...” she said out loud “It was saying that no one survived the bite. So, why did I?” ‘And why they were working on that in the first place? The report said it was for super-soldier. They were planning to sell it?’ “I need to find out what is going on, but how am I suppose to go back to DisCorp and convince them to let me in?” ‘Maybe… If I work on my stealth skills, in can sneak in through the roof or a window. I can crawl on walls after all.’ Sunset groaned. “I say that I want to change and here I’m planning to sneak illegally on a building to steal some confidential records.” ‘But I need to know! It’s for a good cause after all, I need to know what is happening to me! If I know what is going on, I’ll can get help, and then find a cu-‘ Wait. Did she really wanted to find a cure? After all, having those powers was pretty awesome. And it’s not like she was planning to hurt someone or do some evil things. She wasn’t that girl anymore. It’s not like she was going to become a demon again. Maybe, she could do something good with it instead. But something like what? She was going to jump back on the chain, when something started buzzing on her pocket. She took her phone, and saw that Rainbow Dash was calling her, she then pressed the ‘answer’ button. “Hi RD.” she said. “Sup’ Sunset!” said the voice of Rainbow Dash through the speaker of the phone. “What’ ya doing?” “Well, you know, just hanging out.” She said. It took all her concentration to not laugh at her own joke. “You’re not at your soccer practice?” “Coach cancelled it,” Rainbow Dash replied “her mother is sick or somethin’ like that. So, I’ve got nothing planned for this afternoon. Wanna come at my place?” “Hummm… I’m like, in a middle of something right now.” “Oh yeah? What?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I’m… at the old factory right now.” She said, ‘Geez. Why can’t I lie to my friends?’ “What? What are you doing there?” “Humm, I… needed to change my mind?” “Why?” “Let’s say that… I’m going through a lot, and this is a place where I can be alone and I can think quietly.” ‘Nice save there, Sunny.’ “Oh… Well, okay then. Guess I’ll leave you alone.” Said Rainbow Dash, Sunset thought that she heard a bit of disappointment in her voice. “Wait!” Sunset said before Rainbow would hang up. “I’ll… I’ll come, I have something to ask you anyway, and we’ve never spent a lot of time together, so… I’m here in an hour?” “Awesome! See ya Sunbutt!” “Wait, how did you call m-“ Sunset couldn’t finish her sentence because Rainbow Dash hang up on her. With a sigh she put her phone back in her pocket. ‘ehehehe, hang up.’ She came down from the wall with a back flip and landed perfectly on the ground. ‘Yeah, I’m definitely keeping it.’ She thought smirking at herself. She headed to the entrance hall, retrieve her bag and her jacket and walked to the exit. The sun was already setting, although it only was the end of the afternoon. The sun set early in October. Sunset always loved the time of day that was her namesake. She walked through the street, shaking a little bit because of the cold wind of mid-Autumn, and headed to Rainbow Dash’s home. Luckily for her, her home was thirty minutes away from where she was. Rainbow Dash lived in the suburb of the city. This was the quietest part of the city, all the houses looked like each other’s with some differences like the colors or the front yard. Sunset liked to go there. She only came when she goes to Rainbow’s or Pinkie’s, they lived close enough to each other. Sunset walked down the street still thinking of what she could do with her powers. She knew that she could do so much things with them. She also asked herself if she should tell her friends about that. She knew that they’ll keep the secret, but what if bad people knew about her and her abilities? She didn’t want them to be hurt by her fault. She could never forgive herself if that happens. She arrived at Rainbow’s house, entered the front lawn by the small entrance gate, and she knock on her front door. She waited a few second before the door opened. She was greeted by a tall man, who looks like he was in his mid-fifties. His hair was multicolor like a rainbow, so even if Sunset had never met him, she could easily guess who he was. “Hi sir!” she said. “Well, hello Sunset.” Greeted Rainbow Blaze, Rainbow Dash’s father. He let her in and closed behind him. Sunset took of her boots and put her jacket on the hatstand. “Rainbow is in her room.” He said. “Okay thanks!” she said, going up the stairs which was right next to the front door. She entered Rainbow’s room, and saw the girl playing some video games on her game station. She didn’t say anything when she saw the state of her room. ‘And I thought I was messy.’ Rainbow’s room was decorated with all sorts of posters, from bands, video games but mostly with soccer players that Sunset didn’t even know their names. Dirty clothes were all over the floor of the room, and her trash was full, almost overflowing. She also had an electric guitar, which was perfectly clean, that rested on the wall next to her bed. Rainbow noticed Sunset has she entered and put her game on pause. “Yo Sunny!” she welcomed her friend with a little hug. It was something Sunset wasn’t still used to. Her friends liked to hug each other’s whenever they can. And even after a month of being their friend, she still found that was weird. “Hey Rainbow.” Sunset replied. “So, what’s up? You said on the phone you wanted to talk to me about somethin’?” Rainbow Dash asked before she continued playing her game. ‘Straight to the point huh? Even if it’s you who wanted me to come over.’ “Yeah,” she started, taking a sit on Rainbow’s bed. She watched Rainbow playing a game where the point was to shoot at zombies. “I asked Celestia to put me in the music club.” Rainbow paused her game and turned to Sunset. “So, you did it huh? Never thought you’ll actually join a club.” “Yeah, me neither, but Celestia encouraged me to do it, and since I play guitar, and that you were in it, I thought that it was a good idea.” “But… There’s Flash in the club.” Rainbow said. “I know… but if I can be friend with him, it will be a good start don’t you think?” “Maybe,” she replied shrugging her shoulders “He’s a good guy, so if you show him that you’ve actually changed, he might forgive you.” “I hope so.” The girls talked for about an hour and then played some video games and Rainbow almost had a heart attack when Sunset told her that she had never seen a single episode of Dragon Ball Z. “Prepare for your life to be turned upside down.” She said. After a few episodes Sunset seemed to like it, but didn’t understand why Rainbow loved it so much. Then a question entered her mind. “Rainbow?” “Hm?” replied Rainbow Dash, who were attentively watching the show. “What would you do if you had super powers?” Rainbow turned herself to Sunset and raise an eyebrow. “That’s a strange question.” “Well,” said Sunset “I’m just curious.” “If I had super powers…” started Rainbow “I guess I’ll be a super hero.” “A super hero?” Sunset asked. She knew what a super hero was, she wasn’t dumb. But she never got interested in this sort of things. Rainbow took something under her bed and gave it to Sunset. It was a comic book, on the front page were a man who was standing on the rooftop of a building. He was dressed in red, and a lightbolt was on his shirt, she swears that she already saw him somewhere, he was pretty famous. “That’s the Flash!” explained Rainbow Dash “He’s my favorite!” “The… Flash, huh? Seems like a nice coincidence if you want my opinion.” “So, Barry Allen, he’s a cop,” Rainbow started to explain the story to Sunset. “One day he was struck by a lightning bolt, and after that, he develops those awesome powers. He can run at the speed of sound!” “Uh-huh.” “I’ll love to have super powers like his,” said Rainbow “I mean, it’ll be pretty awesome to have powers to help the people in needs.” “So, what you mean is that…” Sunset started “If someone had super powers, it would be obvious for you that this person wants to be a super hero?” “Why not?” She said “Nothing is cooler than a super hero.” “And for you… what makes a great super hero?” “Well…” Rainbow sat cross-legged and turned face to Sunset “I guess that, you need to have heart of course, and a great determination. Then you’ll need to have a sense of Justice, and be able to sacrifice your life for others if you’ll have to.” Sunset waited for more, but it seemed like Rainbow had finished. “That’s all?” she asked. “Well, yeah, I can’t think of…” then, Sunset could swear that she saw the little light bulb appeared above Rainbow’s head. “Of course! I almost forgotten!” “What?” Sunset asked. “You need to have a dope suit.” Sunset was back at her home now, she had a great time with Rainbow Dash but she didn’t want to go home to late, so they’ve watched a few more episode before Sunset decided to take a bus to go home. Rainbow Blaze offered to give her a ride, but Sunset politely declined. She was now laying on her bed, thinking of what she and Rainbow talked to earlier. “Heart and determination huh?” she said to herself. She wanted to be a different person from who she was before. She actually wanted to help people. She stood up from her bed, headed for her closet, and started to dig in some of her clothes. Her choice was done. She knew what she had to do. She was going to be a freakin’ super hero. And she was going to have a dope suit too. Volume I – Chapter 2: The Bite - END > Volume I - Chapter 3: Spider-Girl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The man was running through the dark streets of Canterlot. He was running like his life was on the line. He has never run that fast and never thought that he had to. Everything happened so fast, it was just him and two of his friends who decided to rob a jewelry store. “Are you sure about this?” said one of the three thugs, he was the smallest one. They were hiding behind a wall, behind the jewelry store. “Listen Max, if you want to go home you can, but I don’t want a crybaby on my way.” Said another one of the thugs with a Russian accent. He was the biggest one, almost seven feet tall, and big like he was capable to lift a small car if he wanted to. “Aleksei is right,” started the third one, who was picking the lock of the back door. “If you’re not up to that, then go home, we won’t hold a grudge against you.” Flint was the name of the one who was lock picking the door. He, Max and Aleksei were just some low-level thugs used to be hired for petty theft. But this time they can actually win big. Max was the smartest of the three, it was him who was the ‘head’ of their band. He was actually on his laptop, hacking through the security system of the store. “You don’t have to worry my friend,” Started Aleksei “Everything is going to be just fine.” Just has he said that, Flint finished what he was doing and the door opened. They waited a few minutes for the security alarm to rang but nothing happened, it seems that Max has done his homework. “See?” said Aleksei smiling to his friend. “Okay guys, I’m heading back to the van, I’ll look after you through the security camera,” Started Max “We’ll be in touch, thanks to this,” he gave them some sort of ear plugs. “You’ll have fifteen minutes before the alarm starts to ring, so be quick.” He finished before heading to their van, hidden in the back alley. He entered the back of the truck, put his headset and activate his microphone. “You guys can hear me?” he asked. “All good.” Replied Flint. Max looked on his computer screen to see if his team mates were doing good through the security camera. Flint was the first to head for all the jewels that were in the back of the store, that’s where the biggest always were. Aleksei put all that he finds in his large bag, always watching the back door, just in case. “Be quick guys,” said Max “You just have ten minutes left.” Just as he said that, Max saw a shadow that wasn’t supposed to be here, just beside a dead angle of the camera. He thought he was dreaming, but the shadow started to slowly moving. “Humm, guys?” Max started “I think there’s someone here.” “Stop freaking out,” Replied Flint, calmly, still putting all of the biggest jewels he can find in his bag. “There’s just us here.” Just as he said that, the camera of the room where he was started to fade to black. And a scream came through the headset of Max. No doubt about it, it was Flint’s voice. “What the fuck?” Said Max, starting to panic. “I’ll go check on him.” Said Aleksei, pulling out a gun. He just had the time to take a step forward that all the camera shuts down. Max panics increase as he was trying to turn the cameras back on. “THE FUCK IS TH…” Started to yell Aleksei, before the communication shuts down too. Max didn’t waste more time, he jumped in front of the van but forgot that it was Flint who had the keys. “Fuck!” he said. He started to feel cold through is spine, a bad feeling invaded his whole body. He lifted his head, and saw, through the dark, a shadow. It wasn’t moving, just watching him. He discerned big red glowing eyes, watching him, like they can read his soul. Max started to cry like a little girl before he jumped out of the van and started to run in the night. Max was still running to escape this thing. He never been so scared his whole life. He was stopped by a barricade, turned himself and saw that thing still behind him, walking slowly. He didn’t think twice and started to climb the barricade, but his pants gripped on it and started to shred when he fell on the floor. He didn’t mind and run towards the building that was in front of him. He entered through the front door and looked around. He saw a sign on which was written “Consolidated Edison”. He continues to flee through the building and enters a large room filled with generators, a lot of warning signs were put on them. He looked behind him, but saw nothing. He started to climb a ladder but when he was finally reaching the top, ‘it’ was waiting for him, a hood covering all of his face. He was so afraid that he let go of the ladder. The hooded shadow tried to catch him, but it was too late. Max fell on top of a generator and it exploded in an electrical overload. It took her all her Sunday, but she finally made it. She had her super hero suit. Well, it wasn’t exactly a ‘dope suit’ as she wanted, she didn’t have Rarity’s skills in terms of craftmanship. Her suit was a composed of a white sweatshirt with a hood and a pair of white mittens, she also made herself a white mask with holes for her eyes, a red gym pants that she used to wear for P.E, and a pair of white sneakers already worn out by time. She looked at herself in the mirror that was on her bedroom’s door, and thought that it didn’t looked so bad. ‘Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t have done it any better anyway.’ “Well…” She started, taking off her mask and her hood. “All I have to do now is to find a super hero nickname.” She went to her desk, took her notebook and looked at all the ideas she’s gotten throughout the day. ‘Girl-Spider? Nah. Spider-sun? Too obvious. Dr. Spider?’ she let out a sigh. ‘Too lame.’ “Spider-woman?” she asked herself. Well, it wasn’t that bad, and she didn’t have any better ideas at the moment. ‘Who would think that find a super hero’s nickname was so hard?’ She sat on her bed and looked at the wall in front of her. ‘Well, what am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to go out and fight some bad guys?’ It was now late in the evening, Celestia was already in her bed and Sunset was supposed to do the same, it was a school night after all. What if Celestia founds out? Or what if Luna, who wasn’t in her bed at that time of the night, would go check on her? She just can’t go out on the street and hope that it goes unnoticed. ‘Maybe it isn’t a great idea after all.’ She thought. She didn’t want to have trouble right now. Celestia just told her that she was proud of her, she didn’t want to disappoint her. Her heart almost stopped beating when she heard a knock on it. “Sunset?” It was Luna. “Yes?” Sunset asked, hoping that Luna won’t come in her room and see her wearing her suit. “I’m going to bed, we get up early tomorrow,” She said “You should do the same.” “Yeah… Well, good night.” No answers came but she heard the footsteps of Luna walking toward her room. ‘Okay, now or never.’ Sunset put her phone in her pocket, put on her mask and her hood and headed for her window. “Wait.” She stopped. ‘It would be pretty cringe if I go out like this.’ She thought. She then put on her casual clothes on her suit. This extra layer of warm wasn’t too much for Sunset, October’s nights were quite cold in Canterlot. Then, she exited her room by her window being careful to not being too noisy so that Luna nor Celestia can’t hear that she was going out. It’s in those moments that Sunset would love to have a car or a bike. Celestia’s house was located in the north suburbs of the city, not to far away from her school. Luckily for her, there was a subway station on the other side of the street. The subway wasn’t really her thing, it was dirty and kind of murky, especially the people who were here at night. She preferred to take the bus, but there wasn’t any night bus in the suburbs of the city, so she didn’t really have a choice. It’s been two hours now that Sunset was walking through the streets of Canterlot, searching for some villains waiting for her to catch them. ‘I’m so bored right now…’ she thought. She was wearing her suits, hiding her casual clothes in her bag. She almost called it a night when she heard a girl screaming. “Finally!” She said, running in the direction of the scream she just heard. She climbed a wall, and arrived on the roof of a small apartment complex. She hanged herself from the roof top and saw at the end of the alley, a girl trapped in a dead end, with two men around her. “Come on sweety, we just want to have a good time.” Said one of them. “Yeah, we’re nice, you’ll see.” Said the other one. The girl was almost crying, her back put against the wall behind her. “Please, someone help me!” the girl cried. Sunset jumped from where she was hanging and landed perfectly on her two feet in front of the two men. “Hello boys,” She started “You know, when a girl said no, you should just take it as it is and leave her alone.” The two thugs looked at each other not knowing what to do. “Who the fuck are you?” said one of them. “A cop?” Sunset just watched them and facepalm. “Seriously a cop?” She asked “A cop wearing a mask and a suit?” The thugs just shrugged their shoulders. “Well, it seems that this girl behind me doesn’t want to go with you, so I’m giving you a chance to just walk away.” The two men just watched her before they start laughing. “Hey,” Said one of them to his friend “She seems to have a nice body under that suit, what about we take one for each of us.” “Sounds like a plan.” Sunset let out a sigh. “You’ll regret to be on our way.” Said one of the thugs before charging at her. Sunset jumped in a flip over his head and landed behind him. “Always watch your back.” She said before she kicked him in his spine. She kicked him so hard that he fell and passes out. “What the fuck was that?” Said the other one in total disbelief. “Oh, so you want me to show you too?” She asked, before running at him and punch him in the jaw. He flew in the nearest wall, fell on the ground and didn’t get up. Sunset watched him and smile to herself. ‘Sunset: 1, some low-level thugs: 0.’ She thought. “Humm, excuse me?” Said the girl behind her. Sunset turned to face her, and… “Twilight?” Sunset asked “What are you doing here?” The girl didn’t know what to answer, she watched her with an interrogating glare. “Do… do we know each other?” She asked. ‘Fuck, this isn’t the Twilight I know, it must be this world’s Twilight.’ She thought to herself. “Humm, no we don’t actually.” Sunset said. ”A pleasure to meet you.” “Who… are you?” Twilight asked to her. “I’m…” ‘This is why I should have picked a name!’ “Spider-Girl!” Sunset replied, saying the first nickname that crossed her mind. “Well, Spider-Girl…” Twilight started “Thanks for everything, if you haven’t done anything, they’ll…” She said, before slowly starting to cry. “Hey.” Sunset put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “They can’t do anything anymore, look.” She said before pointing them with her finger. “They won’t get up anytime soon, so you should call the police.” Sunset jumped on the nearest wall and started to climb. “See ya’ Twilight Sparkle!” She said before disappearing in the night. “Thanks again!” said Twilight. She started to call the police but a thought crossed her mind. “Wait. How did she know my name?” Sunset was now home, she has put her pajamas and was now sit on her bed. ‘That was so awesome! I was like “Hey you, leave her alone!” and they were like “NO, we don’t!” so I was like…’ and she started to punch the air in front of her. She stopped being silly, but the smile on her face wouldn’t disappear. She was so cool! And she actually helped someone. And it was this world’s Twilight! If that wasn’t a coincidence. Sunset watched the time on her phone and saw that it was almost two in the morning. “I should go to bed if I actually want to get up for school.” Sunset liked to compare CHS to a zoo. It was always noisy, and some of her classmate sometimes behaved like true primates. Throwing balls of papers at her, insulting her with all the swear words a teenage student could think of. They were very imaginative. Just last week, someone dared to spit on her when she had her back turned. Now she was forced to always watch her back when she walks among the long corridors of her school. And like all Mondays, she didn’t share any of her classes with her friends this morning. So, she was alone, dropped into this jungle of unscrupulous teenagers who doesn’t hesitate to make the life of their former bully a living hell. She headed for her locker, staring at the ground, feeling the heavy looks of her peers. She stopped in front of it and she wasn’t surprised to see that some of her fellow classmates had fun writing unspeakable words with an indelible pencil on it. She can read the word ‘SUN-SCUM’ over the entire surface. ‘Lovely.’ She thought. “Well, well, well…” started a voice that Sunset knew too well. “What have we here?” “Hello Trixie.” Sunset stared at her with an annoyed look on her face. Trixie just stood in front of her, a big smile on her face. From the moment Sunset fell from her position of alpha female of CHS, there was one specific student who liked to humiliate Sunset whenever she can. And it was Trixie. Of course, Trixie wasn’t intimidating, but the girl next to her sure was. She was almost two heads taller than Sunset, had piercing all through her face and had short white hair with some strand of hair were dyed in purple. “And hello to you too Gilda.” Gilda was the only one person here that Sunset never tried to intimidate back when she was a bully. When Sunset used to rule over the school, she never gets into Gilda’s way, and Gilda has always done the same. But now that Sunset was powerless, Gilda wasn’t lenient anymore towards Sunset. It was the rule of the strongest after all. “Trixie’s surprised you came to school today.” Started Trixie. “You owe me ten bucks.” Said Gilda to her. “Trixie believed that you’ll feel to humiliated to come to school. But I know you, you’re not an easy quitter, right?” Sunset crossed her arms and stared Gilda right in the eyes. “What do you want from me, jerk?” Sunset asked. Gilda started to get closer to her, an intimidating look in her eyes, but smiling. “Well, I don’t think that’s a nice way to talk to me.” “I’m not afraid of you. Don’t think I’m going to be your punching ball or something like that.” Sunset replied, returning her look. All the attention in the hallway were on those two girls now. Gilda didn’t say anything, she just walked and stopped just in front of Sunset. From here, Sunset can smell the horrible smell of cigarettes emanating from Gilda. Then, Sunset had a feeling she never had before. All her senses were on alert. Almost as if she can feel the danger coming. She didn’t have the time to say a word, that Gilda gently pushed her. It wouldn’t have been too serious, but Trixie was now four-legged behind Sunset. She stumbled on Trixie and fell on the floor. All the students in the hallway started to laugh at Sunset. “Not so tough now, right Sunset?” Trixie asked, now standing in front of her. “Just wait I…” started Sunset. “Before you what?” Asked Gilda, next to Trixie. “You’re nobody now. Just a little bug that I can smash with my boot. So, don’t ever talk to me like the way you did. Next time, I won’t be so kind.” Before Sunset could find an answer, she heard a voice coming from the end of the corridor. “What is going on here?” Luna asked, walking towards them Trixie became livid but Gilda stayed calm, took an innocent voice and said, “Sunset just fell on the floor, Trixie and I were just helping her to get up.” She then grabbed the arm of Sunset and put her back on her feet. “See?” Luna watched Sunset, expecting something, but Sunset didn’t want to look her in the eyes. If in addition she had to ask for help from her teachers, her reputation would definitively be ended. Well, it’s not like she still had a reputation. Seeing that Sunset didn’t say anything, there was not much that she can do. So, Luna just told them to go in class, and walked back to her office. Sunset reached her bag and also go to her classes, it’s going to be a long day. Her last class before lunch was English with Miss Cherilee, she was the only teacher that Sunset actually liked. She was kind, compassionate and always tried to help her students the best way she could. When Sunset fell from grace, Cherilee haven’t, even for a second, hold resentment against her. Sunset sat in the back of her class and waited for Miss Cherilee to start. “Good Morning students,” She said “Today is a special day!” She announced in a playful voice. “Today, a new classmate arrived in School, so I expect you to welcome him warmly.” She said. “You can come in!” Then, someone walked in and stood on the left of Cherilee, he was a bit taller that her. He had disheveled black hair, red eyes and white skin. It also seems like a big night of sleep wouldn’t harm him, he has big circles around his eyes and it seems like he could fell asleep anytime. “Introduce yourself!” Said Cherilee. “Hi.” He said. “I’m Red Light.” Cherilee wanted for more but it didn’t come. “Well… You can sit next to Sunset right there.” ‘Of course.’ Sunset thought. Red walked slowly towards her, and sit next to her. “Hi.” She said. He took a moment too look at her, then a strange feeling run through Sunset when he looked at her. It was the same feeling when she faced Gilda earlier, but stronger. The feeling faded away as soon as it came. “Hi.” He replied. “What’s your name?” “I’m Sunset.” She said. “Sunset Shimmer.” “Nice to meet you Sunset…” he stopped for a second and then smiled at her. “I hope we can become good friends.” “Yeah…” Sunset was still thinking about that strange feeling, she almost fell like she was in danger but… that was impossible right? “I hope too.” “Adrian!” Called a man. The man who was called lift his head upon his interlocutor. “Hermann!” Said happily Adrian “It’s been a while, what are you doing here?” The ‘here’ in question was Adrian Toomes secret lair for him and his ‘gang’. “The boss called me, it seems that some of your guys were caught by the police last night.” He said. “Yeah, Flint and Aleksei are in jail.” He gritted his teeth. “And Max is nowhere to be found.” “But who catch them?” Hermann asked, taking a chair and sitting next to his partner. “I don’t know.” “Well,” Hermann started “The boss told me that a costumed girl was playing the super-hero last night, maybe it’s her.” “A costumed girl?” Adrian asked. “Yeah, she had beaten up Bob and Will before they got caught by the police, I had to pay their caution.” He explained. “So, it seems that a bug is standing in our way.” He said getting up. “If only you knew how right you are.” “What do you mean?” Adrian said, walking towards what it looks like mechanical wings, hanged up from the ceiling. “She called herself Spider-Girl.” > Volume I - Chapter 4: Stand back, there's a Vulture coming through > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a trembling hand, Fluttershy puts her hand on the table and faced her companions, but she did not find the courage to face their gaze. “I’ve failed.” She said, her voice full with remorse. “Rainbow died because of me…” “Oh, no sugarcube, this isn’t your fault.” Told her Applejack, lowering her hat in the memory of her fallen companion. “We’re all at fault here, darling.” Sunset put her hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder and smiled at her. It’s no time for remorse, they must unite now more than ever. “She was our bravest, most faithful and most loyal friend. She will never be forgotten.” She said. All of her friends nodded in agreement. “I mean, her death was still pretty funny.” “Pinkie!” Rarity cried out. “Our friend just died! Try to be a little compassionate please?” “Yeah sure, whatever.” Replied the pink haired girl. Sunset stood up, picked up her sword and pointed it to the sky. “Come on my friends!” She was the leader of their small group of Adventurers! She needs to motivate them to move forward. She had to. She and her friends headed to the main gate of the dungeons, behind these doors, pure evil was waiting for them. “We have to slay the Dragon!” Shouted Applejack! “We need to get revenge for Rainbow Dash!” Enough was enough for the deceased Rainbow Dash. “Come on guys! I’m right here! Stop acting like I’m not!” Shouted Rainbow Dash, throwing her arms over her head. “Sometimes… I feel like… I can still hear her voice…” Said Fluttershy, still overwhelmed by her loss. All of the girls sited around the table started to laugh, excepted Rainbow Dash sulking in her corner, her arms crossed over her chest. “I swear, that’s the last time I play Dungeons and Dragons with you guys.” “Okay girls!” Started Pinkie “You entered the Dungeons.” “That’s were the fun starts.” Grinned Applejack. “As you entered,” Pinkie continued “You feel the atmosphere is heavy, as if… as if an evil presence ruled over this place.” She took the dices and looked at Sunset. “Warrior Shimmer! This is your turn!” “Okay then, I start to look around if I can find any traps or maybe something useful.” She said. Pinkie launched the dices over the table and looked at the result. “Twenty-one! There is no trap here, however, you’ve found a new steel sword!” “Sweet.” Said a smiling Sunset. “Rarity! Your turn!” “Well, I look around if I can find any jewel that can fit well with my new robe.” Applejack put her head in her hands and let out a long sigh. “Rare, I’ve already told ya’! Who cares about what you wear! The important things here is the statistics!” “A lady has her priority darling, and it’s to always be fabulous.” “That’s nice and all, but you have a robe for mage of level three! You are level ten!” “I let you handle the fights, you’re the paladin after all.” “Girls…” Started Sunset. Out of the blue, Pinkie threw the dices over the table and looked at it. “Nine!” She said. Then she stood up and took the deepest and darkest voice she could have. “WHO DARES TO INTERRUPT MY MILLENNIAL SLEEP!” “Oh my…” Said Fluttershy, covering her eyes with her hands. Applejack and Rarity stares at each other awkwardly and Sunset facepalmed herself. “Well done.” She said. “Sorry.” Said the two girls. “Then,” Pinkie explained “You saw something moving from the shadows! It’s a….” “Pinkamena! We’re home!” Said a voice coming from the entrance of the house. “Well…” Said Sunset “I guess it’s the end of the game.” Pinkie’s father and sister Maud entered the living room. “Good evening girls, how was the game?” “Fun!” Said Pinkie “Can you believe that we’ve played for ten hours?” “Ten long hours…” Rainbow Dash sighed. Her father smiled at them, it was him who owned the game. He let her daughter and her friends borrow it for the afternoon. “Well girls, it’s late and Pinkamena has to get up early tomorrow.” He now looked at his daughter. “I hope you didn’t forget we’re visiting your Aunt for the weekend.” “Of course I didn’t!” The girls started to put the game away and after long goodbyes and a group hug with Pinkie, they went out through the front field. “I must say,” Started Rarity “This was a lot more fun than I first expected.” “It was.” Fluttershy agreed. “It was lame,” Said Rainbow Dash “It was nerdy as shit.” “You said that because you died,” Replied Sunset “That was quite a botch.” “Here we are girls!” Said Applejack. Before Rainbow can reply anything, they arrived to Rarity’s and Applejack’s car. Rarity and Fluttershy wished them a good night and took place in Rarity’s car before they left the parking lot waving to their friends. “You’re sure you don’t need a lift Sunset? It’s no trouble.” “No thanks AJ, I don’t live very far, I’ll just walk there.” Applejack just shrugged her shoulders “As you want.” “Come on AJ!” Called Rainbow Dash who’s already taken place in Applejack’s car. The girls said goodbyes to each other’s and went on their respective way. Of course, Sunset wasn’t going home yet, she headed towards the nearest subway station, it was Friday so she didn’t have school tomorrow. It’s been a week now since she had her powers. She got used to waiting for Celestia and Luna to go to bed and then, sneak out through her window. She actually liked it. The adrenaline of breaking the rules was something that Sunset loved above all. But of course now, she only broke the rules to do good, she was Spider-Girl after all. She no longer saw or heard of this world’s Twilight Sparkle after that famous night when she started her fight against crime. ‘Maybe this is for the best.’ She thought, shooting into a can that was on her way. ‘I’m maybe on a much better place now, thanks to the princess, however, I still don’t like her. I don’t know what I would do if I had to deal with TWO Twilight Sparkle.’ As she looked down, she didn’t see the person who was in front of her; and ran into them. And they both fell down. “Oh my, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” Asked the other girl who has already gotten up, offering her hand to Sunset to help her get up. “Yeah, I think.” She took the hand and stood up. And only then, she realized who she was talking to. ‘Eh, of course. The universe has a twisted sense of humor.’ Sunset thought. “I’m so, so sorry.” Apologized Twilight Sparkle “I didn’t look where I was going and…” “It’s okay, really.” Twilight Sparkle stared at Sunset for a moment, enough for it to be awkward, and then said “Have we met before?” ‘A very twisted sense of humor.’ “Nah, I don’t think so.” Sunset replied. “I’m Sunset Shimmer.” She then offered her hand to Twilight who immediately accepted it. “I’m Twilight Sparkle.” She introduced herself. The two girls stared at each other for a while, Sunset just didn’t know what to say and Twilight almost seemed like she wanted to say something but hasn’t the courage to do it. “Can I… Help you with something?” Sunset asked. “Actually…” Twilight started “I’m new in town, and I still don’t know the city very well. I think I’m… a little lost.” ‘Let it go Sunset, she can handle herself.’ Sunset thought. “Do you want some help?” Sunset asked. ‘Why?’ Twilight’s face lighted up and smiled at Sunset. “I would love to.” “… and it’s true that what I do, sometimes, requires violence, but I’m not a violent woman, I swear.” Explained Sunset to the six thugs that were lying on the ground. She looked at them and saw that there weren’t responding. “Please don’t be dead.” She kicked one in the guts and he let out a sigh of pain. Seeing that they’re were still alive, she let a smile appear on her face behind her mask. She then turns to the entrance of the street when she heard the sirens of police cars heading in her direction. “Guys, I have to go now, it was fun but I won’t think it will work out between us, but we can still be friends, right?” No answers came. “What is the point of making jokes if no one is even listening to me?” She said, starting to run in the opposite direction of the police officers that were coming. After she helped Twilight Sparkle to go back home, they’ve chatted a little and Sunset learned one or two interesting things about this Twilight Sparkle. She was a sixteen years old girl who didn’t have much friend in her school. So, of course, Sunset gave her phone number to her and told her that they can be friend. Sunset swore that she hasn’t seen a girl happier that Twilight was when she said that to her. She also learned that Twilight was the new assistant of the Dr. Conhorse at DisCorp. When Twilight told her that, she had to refrain from exploding with laughter. It wasn’t even coincidence anymore, it was just the universe that liked to mess with her. ‘Seriously, what have I done to you, universe?’ She thought. Maybe, after all, they were meant to meet each other. She jumped on a wall and climbed until she reached the top. She stretched her arms and put off her mask. “That was fun.” She said, checking the time on her phone. “I should head back home, it’s getting pretty l…” Then, out of a sudden, her self-called Spider-sense -her intuitive feeling of something being dangerous or risky that will happen to her- went crazy. She didn’t even have the time to understand what was happening to her that two metallic claws grabbed her by the arms and launched her over the building. Luckily for her, she managed to grab a wall and climbed on it, then she turned to see what or who attacked her. She saw a man, with a leather jacket, wearing an iron mask with green eyes and two gigantic metallic wings in his back. He also had metallic claws on his foots. She didn’t understand why she didn’t even hear him coming, his wings were quite noisy. “Hey you!” She said “I hope you have your flying license!” Then, he launched himself toward her, his iron claws ready to lacerate any parts of the body of the amateur superhero. She dodged quickly and one of the claws stuck in the wall. She took advantage of the distraction to, while still hanging on the wall, try to kick him. He easily grabbed her leg and he managed to remove his claw from the wall. He looked at her right in the eyes. “Spider-Girl…” he said. “I didn’t expect that you were a teenage girl.” Sunset was hanging upside down, she tried to get herself free from him, but he held her firmly. He saw her face. That wasn’t good. At all. “So what?” she said “Dude, can you really see through that stuff? I mean-“ He launched himself through the sky, still holding her firmly. “WHOAAAAAAAAAA-“ She screamed. Then he dives down to the ground, and now, fear was all over Sunset’s mind. ‘OH NO NO NO NO NO THIS IS GOING TO-‘ Then, Sunset was crushed to the ground. ‘Hurt.’ An impact mark formed in the ground beneath her, and all the passers-by began to flee the scene, some of them screaming, some of them filming the entire scene with their smartphones. Fortunately for Sunset, wearing her hood, her face wasn’t visible for them. Then, still holding her firmly, he launched to the sky once again. Sunset wasn’t responding, she was out. He flew through the skies for maybe a minute and then he lifted her up to his face. “This is the first and final warning.” He said, firmly. “There’s no place for someone like you in this city.” And then, he let go of her. Sunset fell. She spent all of her Saturday in her bed. She told Celestia that she wasn’t feeling well, and a part of that was true. It seems like she didn’t have anything break. In the morning, her back was hurting her so much that she couldn’t stand up, but it seems that she can also heal faster than usual. This guy gave her the beating of her life. After he let go of her, she fell in the river that was situated behind the suburbs of the city. So, she had to walk home, and it wasn’t easy. She’s been pondering about her defeat all night. This guy, that, with her brilliant mind, guessed that he was the Vulture, had a big advantage, this guy can fly. And Sunset, her, can stick to walls. “How can I beat someone who can actually fly?” She asked to herself. But it wasn’t just that. She knew that, if he wanted to kill her, he would have done it. And, the cherry on top, he saw her face. Now, he didn’t know her name, and this was the most important thing, but still. ‘You talk about a superhero,’ she thought, bundled under her cover ‘I have nothing ‘super’, and I’m certainly not a hero.’ She continued to feel sorry for herself when suddenly her phone started to ring. It was certainly one of her friends who wanted to check in, she was rather quiet today when usually they often send messages to each other in their chat group. She checked her phone and saw that it was a text from the girl she befriended last night. Twilight Sparkle – Today: 7:20 P.M Hello Sunset Shimmer, I really appreciate what you have done for me last night. I’ll never forget it. Do you think we could meet? Or maybe it’s a bit too early for that, after all, we don’t know each other yet, and we’ve just met. Friendship is something quite new for me. As Sunset read the text, a smile appeared on her face. She wrote a reply and hit the ‘send’ button. Sunset Shimmer – Today: 7:21 P.M Sure Twilight, we can meet wherever you want, Got somethin’ in mind? She didn’t have to wait for long before she receives a reply from her friend. She gathered all her courage, and slowly, get out of her bed. “Sunset! Are you feeling better?” Celestia asked. Sunset just entered the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She took place on a chair and told Celestia “I’m not feeling so good.” Then, she saw the newspaper of the day on the table and decided to take a look at it. “Haven’t you heard?” Celestia took a sit next to Sunset, “It seems that there was trouble in town last night. The Vulture was seen fighting a costumed girl.” Sunset read the title of the front page aloud, “The Vulture against Spider-Girl.” There was even a picture of the moment when the Vulture grounded her. ‘At least, you can’t see my face,’ she thought ‘But seriously, this doesn’t highlight me at all.’ “Weren’t you in the City last night?” Celestia asked. “Yeah, I was.” She replied. “But I wasn’t in this part of the city. I was with Twilight.” “Twilight? Like in Twilight Sparkle?” It’s going to be hard to explain. “You know that I’m from another world, right?” Sunset asked Celestia. Celestia looked at her with a questioning glare. “Yes?” “Well, in my world, there is counterpart of the human being of this world. The Twilight Sparkle you know is actually from my world, but this Twilight is from this world.” Celestia looked a little lost “So you’re telling me that this is the same girl, but at the same time, another person?” “It isn’t exactly the same girl,” Sunset explained, taking a sip of her coffee “They maybe wore the same name and had the same appearance, but they can both have a distinct personality.” Celestia seemed to think for a moment before putting a hand on Sunset’s shoulder and smiled at her. “Even if it’s not the same girl, I can’t imagine how complicated it must have been for you, but wanting to be friend with that girl proves how much you want to change. And for that, I’m so, so proud of you.” Sunset blushed at this remark and looked at Celestia. She didn’t know what to say, so she contented herself with a simple “Thank You.” Celestia stood up from her chair and headed for the bathroom. “You’re welcome.” She said. She was lucky to have a woman like Celestia in her life. Even if she isn’t the Princess Celestia, Sunset couldn’t help but to see how much the two were very similar in some ways. Like the fact that they both believed in Sunset, even if she wasn’t believing in herself. Sunset finished her coffee and headed for the entrance hall. She put her jacket on and her boots, and she gets out of the house. This is the address that Twilight gave her. She was in front of an apartment complex, in the heart of Canterlot. ‘Apartment number twenty-one’. She remembered before entering the building. She took the elevator to go to the second floor, walked through the corridor and stood up before a door where a sign with the number ‘21’ was on it. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Behind the door, she heard someone running in her direction before the door opens and revealed… “Twilight Sparkle.” Sunset said, smiling at her new friend. “Hi Sunset!” Twilight said, letting her friend come in. Twilight had already explained to her that she had moved in with her brother and his wife. Their apartment was pretty classy, filled with furniture that looked quite expensive filled the rooms that Twilight was showing to her new friend. “Well, well, well,” Started Sunset “That is quite a nice place you’ve got here Twilight.” Twilight blushed and replied to her friend’s remark “Yes, my brother is the deputy commissioner of the CCPD.” She explained “And my sister in law is…” “The best sister in law in the world!” Said a voice coming from behind the two girls. Sunset turned around to see who had just spoken and saw one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. “Cadance!” Twilight run and hugged her sister in law. “Hi Twily.” She said before looking toward Sunset. “And you must be Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset walked toward her and took hold of her hand. “Nice to meet you.” She said. “You must be Twilight’s sister in law I presume?” “Sunset, this is Cadance.” Twilight said. “I’m so happy that my little Twily brought a friend.” She said, unable to hide her excitement. “Twily, what about you show your room to your friend, and I’ll go bake some cookies?” “That seems like a nice plan!” Twilight said before taking hold of the hand of Sunset and headed towards her room. “So,” Sunset started “You were about to say to me what she was doing for a living.” “Oh yes, well she’s hosting a radio show, have you ever heard of ‘Good Morning Canterlot!’ by Mi Amore Candenza?” “Ooooh, so that’s her!” Sunset was quite surprised that she hasn’t been capable to recognize her voice, Celestia used to listen her show a lot. Twilight opened what it seemed to be her room’s door, and went to the side to let Sunset come in. The first word that sunset thought was ‘Nerd.’ There was a lot of science-fiction posters like Star Wars or Doctor Whooves and shelves with several pop culture figures that Sunset could not quote. She also had a desk with a triple screen computer that looked very expense, it even made lights. “Sunset, welcome to my room.” Twilight greeted. Sunset looked around and saw a small workbench in the corner of Twilight’s room, and saw two bracelets which seemed to have been quite modified. “What is that?” Sunset asked, taking one too look at it. “Well, last night I’ve told you that Spider-Girl saved me like, a week ago?” Sunset looked at her friend and nodded. “Well, I’m very grateful to her,” She started “And I’ve seen on TV that they talked about what happened last night.” She walked towards her, took a bracelet and put it on. “So, I’ve worked on this.” Then, she aimed for the wall in front of her and she clutched her fist. Then, the bracelet shoot what it seems to be a web. “What the… Is that a… Web-shooter?” Sunset asked, almost speechless. “It’s not exactly web, it’s more like nylon, but way more efficient.” She explained. “What… How… This… This is incredible Twilight!” Sunset said. “Well, it’s still in work in progress. And, I’d liked to give it to her when it’s finished, but I don’t really know how to contact her.” “Well…” Sunset started, but she didn’t know what to say to her. It would be very suspicious if Spider-Girl came straight to her home to take them. “I’m sure you’ll find a way.” She finally said. Adrian Toomes was working on his iron wings when his phone started to ring. He took the call and put on the speaker. “Adrian Toomes, who is it?” He said, continuing his work. “Adrian.” Said a raspy voice. “Boss!” Said Adrian, a little bit surprised. “It seems that you’ve made quite a scene last night.” The voice said. “Did you forget that I’ve told you and your friends to lay low?” Adrian swallowed and said with a trembling voice “I… I know! But I had to do this, we can’t let this creeping vermin get in our way!” “Adrian. I’ve told you what to do, and you disobeyed me.” Said his boss. “You know what happens when someone disobey me, don’t you?” “Y-yes… I know.” “It. Won’t. Happen. Again. Did I make myself clear?” Adrian dropped into his chair and sighed “Yes boss. Very clear.” “Perfect.” He said “Wait for my next instruction.” And just like that, the call ended. “… I swear to you girls, I felt like I was being followed, but as soon as I looked behind me, there was no one there.” Said rarity, taking a sip of her milkshake. The six girls were at the Sugarcube corner on this sunday, Pinkie has called them to meet up and they’ve all agreed. “Ah think you just imagined it sugarcube.” Rarity looked outraged “I know what I say Applejack.” “And you sunny?” Pinkie asked “What did you do yesterday?” Sunset wasn’t listening to the conversation, she was still thinking about the web-shooters that Twilight made for her, but now that someone was talking directly to her, she had no choice but to follow the conversation. “Well, something odd happened.” She started. “Oh! Oh! I know!” Said Pinkie! “You saw a ghost! No wait, it’s something related to magic isn’t it ? No wait it’s impossible, the portal is closed… I know! You were bitten by a…” “Pinkie Pie.” Interrupted Rarity. “Let the poor girl speak.” Pinkie just stood there smiling. “Well, I’ve met someone.” “Oooh, a boy?” Rarity asked, a huge grin on her face. “No, not something like that Rarity.” Continued Sunset “I’ve met this world’s Twilight Sparkle.” All the girls looked at her. “Oh my…” Fluttershy said. “And? What did you do?” Rainbow Dash asked, taking a sip of her third hot coco. “I became friend with her.” “THAT’S AMAZING SUNNY!” Pinkie exclaimed, taking her in a tight hug. “I can’t wait to meet her!” Sunset smiled and pushed gently Pinkie. “I’m sure that you all do. But I don’t think that’s a great idea that you girls met her just now.” “Ah’m on the same side,” Said Applejack “This girl is completely different from our Twilight. We can’t just go to her and expect she’ll be our friend just like that.” Rarity put her milkshake on the table and said “I agreed. I’m thinking of letting Sunset handle this and letting her decide when is the right time for us to meet her.” “Let’s do this then.” Said Sunset. At this moment, the entrance door of the Sugarcube corner opened and three boys entered. One she recognized has being Thunderlane who was heading to the counter and the other were… Red Light and Flash Sentry. Not that she didn’t liked Red Light but something was strange about him. And of course, Flash Sentry was the last person she wanted to see right now. “HEY FLASH!” Called Pinkie. Flash saw her and smiled, heading toward them with his two friends. Applejack gave an elbow in the ribs of Pinkie. “Ouch! What was that for…” Then she realized and looked at sunset. “Whoopsie.” Sunset sighed. “Hi girls!” Said Flash. All the girls greeted him and then he looked at Sunset. “Hello Sunset.” “Hello Flash.” Then she looked at Red Light. “And hello to you too Red.” “Hi.” He said with a smile that Sunset noticed, looked a little forced. But after a week of classes with him, Sunset noticed that all that he does seemed a little forced, as if he didn’t want to be there at all. “Girls let me introduce to you Red Light, he’s the new member of the music club.” Said Flash. “The new member uh?” Rainbow Dash said standing up to face him. “Well, as a member of that club, I hope that you don’t suck.” Red just faced her, looking bored as always, and put his and in his pockets. “I hope that you don’t suck.” He replied. They looked at each other for a moment before Sunset noticed that Rainbow was starting to blush. Rainbow looked away, and sat down. “Whatever.” She said. “Well girls it was nice seeing you, see ya’.” Flash said, before he and Red headed towards were Thunderlane had took place. Rainbow Dash looked at Sunset and said “So, he’s the new students?” “Yeah…” Sunset said. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, something really strange was emanating from him, and it seems that she was the only one feeling it. “He is.” > Volume I - Chapter 5: No rest for the brave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Fascinating.” It was all the Dr Otto Octavius could say in front of what he saw. This man should have died, no one can survive to an electrification of two thousand volts. But here he was, looking at that man, lying on the operating table. The first notable thing that Octavius could notice was that his skin has turned yellow, and was constantly releasing electric arcs. “His body is constantly releasing electric waves around 2000 volts.” He said, taking notes. He approached his face and murmured “How are you still alive though?” Just as he said that, the man lying on the table opened his eyes and took a deep breath. “W-Where am I?” He asked, a hint of panic can be heard in his voice. Dr Octavius just smiled at him and said “Don’t you worry my friend. I am here to help you.” “Who are you?” He asked, looking at his hands and feet tied on the operating table, he began to really panic. “W-where are we and what do you want from me?” Then he looked closely at his hands and saw that his skin was yellow and he started to feel the electricity through his veins. “What happened to me?” Dr Octavius could not help himself but smile. “That’s a lot of questions indeed. First things first. My name is Otto Octavius, but here, everyone calls me Doc Oc.” He said heading towards his desks, and he took a file from it. He opened it and show the content of it. “And you my friend, are Max Dillon… where at least, was. Officially, you’re dead.” Max just looked at him with big eyes. “What?” He looked at the pictures and saw what happened that night. A picture of him climbing a ladder, and a hooded man, standing there, clothed in a long brown cape discolored and patched. He was in front of the camera but it didn’t have good enough image quality to clearly see his face. He could only see a frightening mask covering only half of his face and two piercing red eyes, which, even through the camera, he had the impression that this man was scrutinizing his soul. “I… I remember him.” Max said. “Of course, you do, he gave you quite a thrill, didn’t he?” “Who is he?” Then, for the first time, Dr Octavius dropped his smile and frowned. “We don’t know actually. He gave us trouble for quite a while, we call him…” Dr Octavius stopped when he heard the doors of his laboratory opened, he looked at who entered and his eyes were wide open. “B-Boss!” He exclaimed. Max lifted his head up to see who had just came in. It was a man, quite a tall man actually, he had a weird looking face and white hair. “Max, let me introduce to you to the man who saved your life.” The doctor said as the man approached. “The CEO of Discord Corporation, Discord himself.” The man was now standing next to them and smiled at them. “Well, you Doctor had done all the work. I just funded the operation.” Max looked at him. “Y-you… Saved my life? Why?” “Because my friend. I need you.” He said. “You need me?” Discord started to detach max from the table, Dr Octavius didn’t seem serene at this idea but to prevent his boss would bring him nothing more than trouble. “Yes Max, I need you.” Max was now sitting on the table, he was face to face with his interlocutor. “But I have to inform you.” Discord said. “Your body will… stay like this forever. We can’t fix you.” “And we tried.” Dr Octavius added. Max seemed devastated, he’s going to stay like this for the rest of his life. And all of that because of… “What’s his name?” Max asked. Discord gave him a questioning look and said, “I beg your pardon?” “The man, who chased me that night… What is his name?” Max now looked at Dr Octavius, and Discord started to look at him too. He swallowed the saliva that was in his mouth and said “We call him… The Fiend.” Looking at the ground, Max took a deep breath and stood up. “I want him.” “What do you mean?” Asked a smirking Discord. Max was now angry, filled with rage. “The Fiend. I want him. I want to make him suffer.” Discord smiled at him, but not the kind of comforting and welcoming smile, but a dark a sadistic one. “If I give you everything you need to defeat him, will you work for me?” Discord asked. Max looked Discord right in the eyes and said “Deal.” Discord’s smile couldn’t be more sinister. Discorp’s offices were empty at this hour of the night, however, Dr. Conhorse was still working, accompanied by his young assistant. She was busy entering data into the lab computer when she was surprised by a cry of despair from her boss. She looked at him with a worried look. “Doctor, Are you alright?” Twilight Sparkle asked. The Doctor in question didn’t answer and let out a sigh before he collapsed on a desk chair. “Pointless…” He said in a whisper, taking his head in his hand. “W-What is pointless Doctor?” Twilight asked. Conhorse spread his arms to show the lab standing behind them. “This!” he said. “This is all pointless Twilight. We’ve been working on this for months. But we’ve only made progress in the first two months! We’ve been at a dead end for so long…” Twilight gets up from her chair and puts her hand on the Doctor arms, trying to reassure him. “But Doctor, this is the work of your life!” She exclaimed “You can’t just give up! Everyone here thought you were crazy when you showed your work, but not me! I know that a brilliant mind like yours can get us out of this dead end! I’m sure!” She looked at him right in the eyes. Then, she became aware of how she had just spoken to her boss and she began to blush violently. “S-sorry!” she apologized “I didn’t want to yell at you…” Dr Conhorse started to laugh to death, which only made Twilight’s blush worse. He stood up, put his -only- hand on the head of his assistant and ruffled her hair. “Ah, my little Twilight, if only you know how glad I am to have you here.” He said, smiling at her. “R-really?” She said embarrassed, trying to avoid his look. “Yes really, my previous assistant was…” He closed his eyes and sighed. “Not as smart and kind as you.” Twilight was surprised, she only heard of her once, she knew that she was fired, but she didn’t know why. “Your previous assistant was… Felicia Hardy, right?” She asked. “Yes, it is her name.” He opened his eyes and looked at Twilight. “I fired her after she attempted to steal something from me.” He finished, a bit of anger in his voice. Twilight was shocked, she didn’t know something like that happened here. “W-what?” She asked. “What did she try to steal?” Dr. Conhorse seemed to hesitate for a moment. “I can’t tell you Twilight.” Twilight was disappointed but didn’t want to push it. “Alright then,” She said “After all, I’m new here, I understand you can’t tell me about it.” Conhorse smile and nod in approval. “Enough chit chat, we’ve got work to do!” He said. Twilight’s beam was the only response he needed. Meanwhile… ‘Oookay, you’ve got it Sunset… Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t you DARE to look down!’ Sunset Shimmer, aka Spider-Girl, was busy climbing a wall, but not a simple wall, it was Discorp’s Building she was climbing on, just that. She came here with a purpose, she wanted to know what exactly happened to her. After all, you weren’t supposed to gain strange abilities when you’re bitten by a spider. You’ll get sick, that’s all you’ll get. She knew the answers that she was looking for were in this building, so she waited until it seems that everybody working there left, and the she decided to sneak inside the building. ‘Why am I doing this…’ she thought, still climbing on the wall. After a moment, it seems that she found an open window and decided to sneak inside. She arrived in a small office, and she immediately hide behind the desktop. The last thing she wanted was to being found by someone. When she knew it was safe, she carefully walked toward the office’s door and opened it a little bit to see if there was nothing in the corridors. “All clear.” She said to herself. She snuck through the long corridors of the building. Every lights were off, so Sunset wandered through the long dark corridors hoping to find what she was looking for. Because of the grim atmosphere in this place, she almost felt like she was in a horror movie. She felt like a monster or a ghost would be waiting for her at every corner, and she cursed herself when, a few weeks ago, Rainbow Dash had offered her to watch a movie called “The Grudge” and that she’d agreed to watch it. She still had nightmares from time to time, except that, in her nightmare, Kayako wasn’t the one who tortured her, but it was herself. Well, not exactly herself, but her demonic version that she had shown at the fall formal. But it was totally because of this movie that she had nightmares. Totally. After crossing a few corridors and avoiding a few security cameras, she found herself in a hallway that seemed familiar to her. ‘Wait… It’s here!’ Sunset was now in the hallway she ended inadvertently when she came here in a school trip two weeks ago. She even manages to find the door that leads to the room were that spider bit her. She stood in front of the door trying to remember the password needed to unlock it. She knew that if she failed it, an alarm will go crazy, so she didn’t have a choice. ‘What was that code again…’ She asked herself. While she was still thinking, she stopped immediately and jumped on the ceiling when she heard voices in a nearby corridor, voices approaching her. ‘Snap! I thought everyone left by now!’ she thought. She concentrated on listening the voices and she realized that she knew one of them. “… and what about those, Doctor?” The voice of Twilight Sparkle echoed through Sunset’s hears. ‘Of course, she’s here! She HAD to be here!’ “No Twilight, it’ll be too risky, even for us.” Sunset heard the voice of Dr. Conhorse responding to Twilight. They were now in her field of view, but luckily for her, sticking to the ceiling, they couldn’t see her because of the obscurity that the absence of light brought. ‘What am I supposed to do now?’ she thought, just when they both walked just below her. She can’t take the risk to be seen by the Dr. Conhorse, or worse, by Twilight. Twilight thought of her like a hero, if she sees her sneaking around the building, her point of view towards Spider-Girl will drastically change. And Sunset wouldn’t want that. She liked the fact that Twilight loved Spider-Girl. It put her in a good mood every time she puts on that mask… Wait. That’s it! Twilight love Spider-Girl. She was a high-level fan. So, if Sunset asked for help. She’ll help her, right? She just needs to find the right words. Then, an idea crossed her mind as she watched them disappearing in an elevator, at the end of the corridor. And if it’ll work, then, Sunset wouldn’t need to sneak around Discorp anymore. ‘I hope it’ll work…’ “NO FUCKING WAY!” Lyra Heartstring shouted. “But Lyra she’s…” Tried Rainbow Dash. “I SAID NO!” Lyra said, turning to Sunset. “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE HERE YOU DEMON!” Let’s put it in context. Sunset joined the music club with the help of Celestia, Rainbow Dash, and she heard that Flash helped them too, so that was a good point. But it seems that the other members like Lyra Heartstrings, Thunderlane and Red Light weren’t aware that Sunset was going to join their little club. Some were not against like Thunderlane, other didn’t seemed to care like Red Light. But Lyra was against. Oh yes, she was against. “Lyra listen, I’m really…” Sunset started to say. “NO!” Lyra shouted vehemently “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR A WORD FROM YOU!” Flash intervened between the two girls and sighed. “Lyra please, listen to what Sunset has to say.” “I know what I did to you was wrong.” Sunset said, confidence in her voice. “But I’m here, standing in front of you, as a changed person. I know you won’t forgive me, but let me tell you that, I won’t forgive myself either. I’m not here to ask for your forgiveness…” She approached Lyra and held out her hand “But I’m here to show you that I’ve changed.” She finished smiling at her. She was the only one of the two of them smiling. “I SAID NO!” She said, pushing away the hand that Sunset was offering to her. “You dare to say that what you did to me was wrong ?!” She approached Sunset and stood just in front of her. “YOU DARE TO SAY THAT YOU’VE CHANGED?” Sunset tried to take a step back but she found herself with her back facing the wall. “Lyra please…” Flash tried. But he didn’t have time to say a word that Lyra found herself pushed to the ground. “Get away from my friend!” Shouted Rainbow Dash. “Your friend?” Lyra asked, getting up on her feet. “How can you be friend with this… Monster?!” Sunset winced at this word. “She’s not a monster! She’s one of the most awesome girls in this school!” Lyra’s face was now completely red. She walked towards Rainbow Dash, anger in her eyes. “After all she’s done, you still call her your friend?” She asked. “Maybe she managed to brainwash you after all…” Unable to even finish her sentence, Lyra found herself again on the floor. “Stop insulting her!” Sunset knew were it was going, and it wasn’t good. “Girls please, let’s just talk about…” “Okay, now I’m sick of it!” Lyra shouted, she gets up on her feet, again, and walked towards Rainbow Dash. But when she was going to reach her, someone stood on her way. “You?” she asked. “Can you please stop screaming? You’re giving me a headache.” Red Light said, a neutral expression on his face, standing between a ready-to-explode Lyra and a blushing Rainbow Dash. “Move.” Lyra said. “No.” Lyra clenched her teeth, and turned toward the remaining member of the club. “Thunderlane! Are you really okay with this?” Thunderlane shrugged his shoulder and smiled at her. “Well, Rainbow and her are friends, she can’t be all that bad now…” If a human being could explode out of anger, Lyra should have exploded three times already. “YOU MUST BE KIDING ME!” She shouted. She grabbed her bag and walked toward the exit. “This isn’t over!” She said to Sunset before leaving. After an awkward silence, Flash rose to speak. “Sunset are you okay?” He asked walking toward her. “Yes.” She said, sadness in her eyes. “I knew she was going to act like that, after what I did to her…” Everyone seemed to be uncomfortable when she said that. Well, everyone except one person. “What did you do to her anyway?” Red Light asked. Rainbow Dash lets out an awkward laugh and laid her hand on Sunset's shoulder. “Maybe it’s better that we don’t talk about that.” “No…” Sunset said with a sigh. “I think it’s better you hear it from me anyway.” Red raised his eyebrow. “I…” She started. “Well, a couple of month ago, Lyra started dating this girl named Bonbon. But they were ashamed of that, so they’ve hid it. But of course, I knew, and I’ve spread the rumors…” Red looked at her, unimpressed. “I guess that’s bad, but was that really a reason for her to explode like that? I mean, who cares she’s lesbian?” “I’m not finished.” She said, looking at the ground. “Of course, students didn’t care but… Bonbon’s parents finally found out… And they weren’t happy about this.” “I see.” Red said. Sunset sighed, and looked at everyone. “Guys, thanks for everything but, I don’t think that’s a good idea after all. Lyra’s right… I’m a mons…” “Don’t you dare say that!” Rainbow said, taking Sunset’s face in her hands. “You’re not a monster!” “Rainbow…” “I’m with RD on this.” Flash said, to Sunset’s surprise. “When we used to date, I’ve seen that you were capable to show kindness, that you weren’t just some cold-hearted bully.” “And,” Thunderlane followed “You really have to be blind not to see all the efforts you’re making.” Sunset looked at them, they were all giving her various degree of smile, except for Red, he just shrugged his shoulders. “Your gorgeous hair is annoying me,” He started, grabbing his bag and walking toward the exit “But I guess you’re fine.” He finished a smile on his face. The first real smile Sunset sees of him. When he exited the room, the bell started to ring through the halls of CHS, marking the end of the break. “Let’s go to class okay?” Rainbow said to Sunset. “We’ll talk about this later.” “Yeah…” What was better than a good bath after a long day of work? Well, watching your favorite anime in a good bath after a long day of work. And that was exactly what Twilight Sparkle was doing right now. After that she headed to her room with a cup of tea she just made in the kitchen. She still had a little work to do before going to bed. No rest for the weary. She took a sit on her desk chair, but she felt a cold breeze in her back, when she turn her chair to see where it came from, she saw that her window was open. “That’s strange… I’m sure I closed it…” she said to herself getting up to close her window. “Hello Twilight Sparkle.” “GAH!” Twilight screamed, stumbling on her foot. She watched her ceiling, where the voice came from and screamed again when she saw who it was. “I do that effect to a lot of people don’t worry.” Said a joking Spider-Girl. “S-s-s-Spider-Girl?” Twilight asked, agape. “That’s my name.” Said the masked girl, landing on the floor. “W-What are you doing here?” Twilight asked. Spider-Girl sighed and helped Twilight to get up. “I need your help Twilight.” Twilight watched her, her mouth wide open. “M-My help?” “You see, I need something, and you might be able to get it for me.” “You need me…” Twilight watched her with stars in her eyes. “To get something for you?” She said excited. It only made Spider-Girl laugh. “Yes Twilight.” “What do you need?” Twilight asked, all the shyness now gone. “A file… From Discorp.” Twilight’s face became livid. “From Discorp?” She almost screamed. “I-I can’t! I’ll be fired if I get caught!” “I don’t want to force you do to anything Twilight.” Spider-Girl said calmly, “But, I really need this file, and only you can get it for me.” “I…” Twilight started, then she looked at the ground, sighing in defeat. “I can’t.” But Twilight felt her hands getting grabbed by Spider-Girl’s hands. “Twilight, I’m…” Spider-Girl couldn’t finish what she had to say because of Twilight Sparkle’s phone ringing on the desk behind her. Both girls looked at each other before Spider-Girl said “Take it.” Twilight nodded and did what she was asked. She looked at the number appearing on her screen and smiled before she picked up. “Shining! When are you going home? It’s eleve…” Spider-Girl saw the expression of the girl drastically change. “What?” She screamed, excitement in her voice. “Where? I need to see this!” Okay, now Spider-Girl was completely lost. “But please I-… B-But I-“ She tried to say, but every time her interlocutor cut her off. “Okay Shining, I’ll stay here. Be careful. I love you too.” She finished before hanging up. “What was that?” The heroine asked. “My brother said that a new crazy meta was ravaging the town right now!” She said, excited “I want to see this so bad! But he’ll know if I go there…” “Wait, wait, wait, what’s a meta?” “Well, you are a meta.” Twilight said. “I’m sorry?” “Meta stands for ‘meta-humans’, people with super powers.” Twilight explained. Spider-Girl was taken aback. “Y-You mean there is other like me?” Twilight watched her with a curious look. “You thought you were the only one?” “Well I…” She started. “Wait. Didn’t you said that he was ravaging the city?” “Oh, yeah.” Then, they just looked at each other for, like a minute, before Spider-Girl became aware of the situation. “Snap! I’ve got to go!” She rushed to the window but Twilight called her. “Wait!” Spider-Girl turned to face the teenage girl who was offering some kind off bracelets. “Those are web-shooters, it’s not finished yet but… No time to explain, you’ll figure out how they works!” Spider-Girls put them on and jumped through the window. But behind her mask, she smiled to herself. ‘Thanks Twilight.’ Sunset thought. “SWEET CELESTIA, THIS IS SO AWESOME!” Sunset shouted. Thanks to Twilight’s web-shooters, Sunset was now swinging from web to web between the huge buildings of the city. It was way faster than jumping from roof to roof like she used to. She had no problem understanding how the web-shooters worked, and she was swinging around like she’d been doing this her whole life. She aimed, shoots from the right, then swing, then aimed again, shoots from the left, and swing. She felt so alive. But the police sirens brought her back to reality. She noticed, in the distance in the middle of the city, an immense light. ‘It must be here…’ She thought. When she arrived, she landed on a roof and she took a look at what was happening. She never saw something like that. Police cars were surrounding a man in the middle of the street, but this wasn’t a… man. His skin was like pure electricity, and he was shooting thunderbolts in the direction of the police cars which resulted in a series of deafening explosions. “WHERE ARE YOU?” The man shouted. “WHERE ARE YOU, FIEND?” Sunset jumped from the roof and landed halfway between the policemen and him. “I’m right here you big yellow bully!” She shouted to him. He looked at her with an interrogating glare. “And who are you supposed to be?” “I’m Spider-Girl, dummy!” She shoots a web on his right, and one on his left. She took a few steps back and she propelled herself towards him, her foots forward. He took the hit and was send flying about ten meters, right in a wall. “And who are you supposed to be?” She asked, getting ready for a fight. “Duracell-man?” The man stood up in the wreckage of the wall he just landed in, anger in his eyes, however, a smile on his face. “I. AM. ELECTRO!” Sunset stood there and facepalmed. “Seriously, that’s lame.” Electro shoot a lightning bolt toward Sunset but she dodges it when she jumped on the nearest wall. A grin appeared on her face behind her mask. ‘No rest for the brave.’ She thought. > Volume I - Chapter 6: Overload Showdown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh… finally home…” Said an exhausted Red Light. After a long day of school, and an endless shift at the tech store he was working to, Red was finally home and a long night of sleep was waiting for him. He dropped his bag on the floor of his apartment, he walked toward his fridge and grabbed a nice and fresh beer. He opened it and took a long sip of it before he put it down on the table and let out a sigh. “Aaaah… That’s the stuff.” He said, taking another sip of his beer. He sat on his couch and thought about his long day in his head. It sure was a long day, classes at least were bearable, but there was this girl on his class who had the knack of annoying him to the highest point every time she talked. What was her name already? Ricky? Mindy? Maybe Rixie or something like that. He couldn’t remember. Anyway, after classes, he went to the Music Club, it’s been a few days already that he joined them, Flash Sentry practically begged him to join them when he heard that Red played the bass. Red didn’t care less but he thought that, at least, it could occupy him since he had nothing better to do anyway. But today the club was quite animated. There was this girl, Sunset Shimmer, he remembered her since he shared some of his classes with her. He heard that she used to be the alpha bitch that used to rule over the school a few month ago. He found that hard to believe. She was maybe a little to ‘bad-girl’ for his own taste, but she looked like she was a nice person. Anyway, she joined the club and Red thought it was cool, until this little pest, Lyra Heart-something, started to yell about something Sunset did to her in the past. He didn’t care, but if there was something Red didn’t liked, it was noisy people. So, he told her -politely- to shut the fuck up. And after that, he went to his long seven-hour shift at the tech store. To say that he was tired was an understatement, but a man has to eat right? He grabbed a smoke and light it up. “At least, it’s still better than…” he sighed. He wasn’t homesick, but a part of him still missed the good old days. Things were simple back then. He thought that TV was a good idea before going to bed, so he grabbed his remote and turned on the TV. “… after an explosion. It seems than, the fan’s favorite ‘Spider-girl’ is fighting against an unfamiliar meta-human. The police are trying to manage the situation as best as they can…” On the screen, one can see a pixelized -thanks to Red’s low-cost TV- yellow spot shooting lightning bolts to another person, who dodged it as best as they could. “… but thanks to Spider-girl intervention, there are currently no serious injuries to be reported, but it appears that she is in a bad posi-“ Red stopped listening, focused on what he saw on TV. He totally forgot his cigarette consuming itself, ashes falling on the ground. He watched the fight not blinking even once, and he frowned. “RARE TURN ON YOUR TV!” Rainbow Dash shouted so loud through the phone that Rarity had to push it away from her hear. “Rainbow, darling, what is the fuse all about?” Rarity asked. “Just turn on your TV and put the news channel!” The rainbow haired girl replied. Rarity sighed but did as she was told. “… there are currently no serious injuries to be reported, but it appears that she is in a bad position, though it seems she’s trying to save as many people as possible instead of trying to fight him.” Said the reporter on the field. “Isn’t that this ‘Spider-girl’ from the newspaper?” Rarity asked Rainbow. “Yeah it is!” Rainbow said with a cheerful voice. Rarity closed her eyes and said “Rainbow… Why do I get the feeling that you actually like it?” “Well, duh! I do like it! It’s so awesome! We can actually watch a clash between a super-hero and a super-villain!” Rarity continued to watch it, but something intrigued her and made her uncomfortable. “Doesn’t she remind you of someone?” “Uh? What do you mean?” Rainbow asked, even through the phone, Rarity could hear Rainbow chewing pop corn and she frown in disgust but didn’t say anything. “I… I have the feeling I’ve already saw her… somewhere…” Rainbow didn’t reply immediately, probably thinking of what Rarity just said, but she finally replied. “Hm, nah, it’s hard to say since you can’t see her face.” Rarity sat on her couch and she got lost in her thoughts. ‘I swear to god that I’ve already saw her… but where?’ she thought. At the last second, Sunset dodged to the right and a lightning bolt just landed where she used to stand. “Hey!” Sunset said. “You should learn how to aim, you big yellow bully!” Electro, who was more threatening now that Sunset knew that he just had to touch her once to kill her, was in the middle on the street trying to shoot electric bolts to the young vigilante, but the address and the flexibility of Sunset makes that she managed to dodge each of his shots, she could also say thanks to Twilight’s web-shooters. “Training makes you better!” He replied, still trying to get her. Sunset landed on a wall after dodging another attack and said to him. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that!” Electro lost his patience. He concentrated and, electric arcs began to form below his feet and he began to levitate in the air. “That’s cheating!” Sunset yelled to him. With his hand, he shots electricity behind him, it propelled him forward, where Sunset was hanging. The electricity started to go wild on his body, Sunset shots a web and the nearest building and swinged in its direction. Electro landed behind her in an explosion that destroyed half of the apartment complex in which he had just landed. ‘It’s a good thing the police finished evacuating the neighborhood.’ Sunset thought landing on a lamppost. She didn’t have the time to breathe that she had to dodge another attack from Electro. ‘How am I supposed to hit someone made of electricity?’ The first time she hit him, it worked because she had him by surprise, but now that he was concentrate, it was much more difficult. Then, electro jumped towards her from the hole he made in the building but Sunset jumped to the nearest car to land to. Electro was going to attack her again but nothing came. He watched his hand and said. “Out of juice… I HAVE TO REFILL!” He grabbed the lamppost which Sunset was a minute ago, and drained the electricity out of it. “Aaaaah! THAT’S BETTER!” He shots another lightning bolts towards her, she managed to dodge it but this attack was more violent and dangerous than the previous one. ‘Damn it! He can become stronger if he’s surrounded by power sources! He just had to reload.’ He shots another bolts, towards her, she dodged it but this bolt was followed by another, and this one hits her right in the chest. It sent her farther on a police car, which destroyed the vehicle. Electro waited a moment to see if she was going to do something but he saw that she wasn’t moving anymore and he started to laugh. “AHAHAHAHA! That’s all you got little girl?” He asked. But no answers came. “What? No puns or snarky comments? Yet, I thought you were full of them!” Still no answers. He dropped his smile and shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I guess I’ll just finished it then!” Just when he was going to end the fight, something, or, someone grabbed his attention. “S-stop t-that!” Someone cried. Electro turned himself to see who was talking to him. Sunset opened her eyes at the sound of the voice she recognized. ‘T-Twilight?’ A terrified Twilight Sparkle was standing there, just in front of Electro. “What did you just say?” Electro asked, no emotions in his voice. Twilight had never been so scared in her life. She swallowed the saliva that was in her throat and told him in a trembling voice. “I-I said…” But she didn’t continue, too scared. “Yes?” Electro asked, a sadistic smile on his face. “I s-said…” She took a deep breath and yelled. “STOP THAT AND LEAVE HER ALONE!” Electro stood there, and looked at her with big eyes. And then, he started to laugh, mocking her. “Well, at least, someone here is brave.” He said, he then aimed her with his hand. “Too bad It’ll cost your life.” Twilight was about to cry, to terrified to run away, her legs weren’t responding. Just when he was going to end Twilight’s life, they both heard someone yelling. “DON’T YOU DARE TO TOUCH HER!” Then, Spider-girl, who was swinging from the left, planted both her feet in Electro’s stomach. It sent Electro flew in a wall not to far away. Then Sunset landed in front of Twilight. “S-Spider-girl! You’re oka-“ “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” Sunset said, taking Twilight’s shoulders in both of her hands. “I-I-I saw on TV that…” “HAVE YOU LOST YOU’RE MIND?” Sunset screamed. She turned to see if Electro was standing but he was still on the ground, totally out from the blow he had just received. Then she turned to Twilight. “You have to go Twilight!” “Wait! I know how to-“ “TWILIGHT! LISTEN TO ME!” Sunset yelled. She was afraid, but not for her own life, but for her friend’s. “I just want to help you!” “You can’t! He’s too dangerous!” “But not invincible!” Twilight screamed. ‘W-what?’ Sunset thought. “What do you mean?” She asked. Turning again, to see if Electro had moved. He didn’t. Twilight swallowed. “H-he can become stronger if he refills with electricity, right?” Sunset thought about the moments a few minutes ago when he absorbed the electricity of the lamppost. “Yeah?” “Like a battery!” Sunset rolled her eyes under her mask. “Get to the point Twilight!” “What happen if a battery is overloaded?” Twilight asked her. “Well, it explode of cour-“ Then Sunset stopped and Twilight smiled at her. “Oooooh! I get it!” She heard sound from behind them, she turned and saw Electro who was standing up. “Get him to the power plant!” Twilight whispered to her. “Okay I’ll do it, now go!” Twilight nodded and ran away in security. “WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING BRAT?” Electro shouted but Sunset shoots a web on his mouth which prevented him from speaking more. “Seriously dude, aren’t you tired of screaming all the time?” She asked. Electro ripped of the web on his mouth and looked at her with anger. “I wasn’t looking for you in the first place.” He said. “But know, you’ve made me pissed.” Sunset got in position and smiled behind her mask. “Oooooh, I’m scared.” She teased. Electro growled in frustration and started to charge himself, electricity going wild around him but Sunset remained on guard. When he finished, he sends a huge wave of electricity in her direction. She shoots a web on a building and started swinging around him. “Hey, I’m going to press charges against you, you know that?” The teenage girl said to him. ‘I have to provoke him enough that he can follow me unaware of my plan.’ She thought, landing on a wall. Electro seemed to be fed up with her puns, he repeated the technique he used earlier to allow him to fly in the air. “I’m going to squash you like the little bug you are!” She dodges another attack from her opponent. ‘Okay, I think it’s working.’ “Are you absolutely, positively sure?” She taunted him, swinging along the street, Electro on her heels. ‘The power plant isn’t too far away from here; I just need to get him there… And not getting hit in the process.’ But something started buzzing in Sunset’s pocket. “Not now!” she said to herself. Dodging another attack from Electro by a perfectly executed swing, she reached her phone and saw who was calling her. She sighed but she picked up the call anyway. “Hi, Celestia, what’s up?” With a backflip, she avoided another electricity wave, and resumed her swinging through the city, police sirens chasing them, and many bystanders filming the entire scene with their smartphones. “Sunset, it’s practically one in the morning, I know you don’t have school tomorrow but I don’t like that a girl like you is out at this hour of the night.” Sunset heard Celestia’s firm voice through her phone. With another swing, she dodged another attack. ‘Whoops, this one was close.’ She thought. “I know, I’m sorry! I was helping Twilight with… Something. I’ll be home soon!” “I hope so, the weather woman predicted rain, and you didn’t take your umbrella.” Sunset laughed while landing on a roof, dodged another attack and jumped in the adjoining street, then shoots a web and swinged towards the nearest building. “Ahah yeah, I guess I didn’t.” “Is that… Police sirens I’m hearing?” Celestia asked. “N-No! I mean yes! We’re watching a movie ahah!” At the last second, she managed to dodge another attack from Electro. But this attack went directly in a parking lot not far away, and a few empty cars exploded in a process. “Was that an explosion?” Celestia asked, but now worry could be heard in her voice. “Yeah! Hummm… We’re watching Transformers!” “Sunset…” Celestia started. “I’ll be home soon! Love ya’!” She didn’t wait for a response and hanged up the phone. She looked behind her and saw that Electro wasn’t there anymore. She stopped on a roof, and looked around her. “Damn it! Where did he g-“ Sunset didn’t have the time to finish her sentence that her spider-sense goes wild and a lightning bolt strike her right in her back, it sent her flying over the roof of the next building and she landed in the middle of Canterlot City biggest street, Nights Park. It was the equivalent of New York City’s ‘Times Square’, but smaller. The place was crowded, it was the part of the city that was lively at night. All the bystanders who was there started to scream and run in safety when they saw Electro arrived. The police helped the citizens get to safety, and Sunset got up, not without difficulty. As she got up, she looked around her and saw the citizens filming her or taking pictures, and she saw Electro walking slowly towards her. “It ends here little spider!” He said to her. ‘Fuck…’ Sunset thought. ‘He’s too strong… I can’t take him to the power plant like this…’ She looked around, trying to find a way to beat him. Then she saw something interesting, a fire truck. ‘Maybe…’ “DIE!” Electro screamed at her shooting electricity from his hands, reminding Sunset of the emperor in Star Wars. She succeeds to dodge it, and jumped behind him, she tried to kick him in the back, but he quickly turned in her direction and strike her with a powerful blow in her jaw that sent her flying a few meters away. But it was exactly what Sunset wanted, because he sent her right next to the fire truck. But what Sunset didn’t plan was that his blow knocked her out more than she thought it would. She tried to get up on her feet but fell forward. ‘Damnit! I won’t lose like that!’ Electro, who had refill in the meantime, prepared to hit her with a final blow. Sunset closed her eyes and prepared herself to get hit badly but that strike never came. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Electro stopped his attack and was looking behind him, on the edge of the highest building around. Sunset looked in that direction too, and saw a masked man standing there, doing nothing, just watching the fight. “You!” Electro yelled. “Come here and fight me! I won’t-“ “Hey! Lightning-butt!” Electro turned around and saw that Spider-girl took advantage of the confusion to take the water jet of the truck and she was aiming at him. “Chew this!” Then she blasted him with high pressure water coming from the truck, that sent him right in the huge flat screen of the building behind him and the screen exploded in a deafening explosion. She waited a few second before he she saw him fell on the ground, completely knocked out. “That’s what you get when you mess with the wrong spider, dummy.” She said to him. She looked again to the building were the man was standing a minute ago but he wasn’t there anymore. She sighed in relief and heard the crowd cheering behind her. She turned to face them and they were all applauding her and chanting her name. She gave an exaggerated bow, and walked towards the nearest police officer. “Good evening officer.” She said to him. Then she pointed her thumbs in her back, pointing to the Electro completely knocked out on the ground. “I thing you can take care of him now.” The policeman was totally taken aback and just nodded. She turned to the crowd, still cheering her and said, “Thanks everyone!” “We love you Spider-girl!” Someone in the crowd cheered. Sunset laughed and said “And I love you too anonymous citizen!” Just as she said that, she shoots a web on the nearest building and started swinging through the buildings. “Oh. My. Celes-… God.” It was Saturday, the next day of Sunset’s fight with Electro. She had a great night of sleep, of course her bruises hurt like hell, but the hit she’d taken in her face didn’t leave a mark, so Celestia and Luna didn’t notice that she was hurt. But, thanks to her powers, Sunset bruises healed faster than normal. She was now at the table of the Kitchen, drinking her morning coffee, reading the newspaper of the day. The front cover was titled ‘Spider-girl saved Canterlot!’. She couldn’t hide the big smile on her face. Yeah, she could have died, but… She didn’t. So, it was a victory. There was also this other newspaper from the ‘Daily Bugle’, but the title was less catchy, its said ‘Canterlot City’s new Threat!” with a picture of Spider-girl. ‘The dude who wrote that is a dumb-ass.’ She thought. But something bothered her… That man on the roof. Who was it? She never saw him or heard of him before, but it seemed that Electro was looking for him in the first place. She recalled he was looking for a ‘Fiend’ or something like that. Maybe it was this guy. “Meh.” She just shrugged her shoulders and laid back on her chair. After all, he helped her, he managed to get Electro’s attention which allowed Sunset to take the water lance. ‘I’m very lucky that a fire truck was there, I don’t know what I would have done if it didn’t.’ She thought. Meanwhile… Twilight was working on her desk in Discorp’s office. She still was in shock from her doing last night. ‘What was I thinking? I could have died! Oh my… If Shining ever heard of that, I’m so dead…’ She thought. She also thinks about what Spider-girl asked her, about a file… Unfortunately, they didn’t have the time to finish their discussion, so she didn’t know what files she was asking about. But Twilight took a resolution, she would help Spider-girl the best way she can. So, if Spider-girl was reaching for her help one more time, she’ll do it. ‘Maybe she won’t, after what I did last night…’ Twilight lets out a frustrated growl. “I’m so dumb…” “Really? I think you’re one of the smartest girls of your age.” She heard behind her, she smiled when she recognized the voice and turned to see the Doctor Conhorse standing in front of her. “Hello my dear assistant.” “Hello Doctor.” She replied. “I have some exciting news my little Twilight!” He said, dropping a file in front of her and he beckoned her to took a look at it. She opened it and after a few minutes of reading, she looked at her boss with an interrogating glare. “Lizard?” She asked. “Yes!” He said cheerfully. “Just think of it, Lizards can heal themselves, they can… regrow their missing parts. Do you get what I mean?” Twilight thought about it a moment and nodded. “Of course, why didn’t I think of it sooner?” Her boss laughed, and rubbed her hair with his only hand, “That is why, you’re only the second smartest here miss Sparkle.” Twilight blushed, and get up from her chair. “So, are we going to work or not?” She asked playfully. “I thought you’d never asked!” He said. Adrian Toomes was in his secret lair, reading the newspaper, and frowned. He knew he should have killed her but… She’s just a little girl. And he maybe was a thief, but he wasn’t a monster. Being the father of a loving daughter, he knew that it would hurt her family if she died. He put back the newspaper on his desk and sighed. But then, his phone started ringing, he looked at the number and frowned but picked it up anyway. “Yes?” “Hello Adrian.” The raspy voice said. “Boss.” He replied. “I have a new mission for you.” Toomes didn’t know what to answers, so his boss continued. “I’ve sent to your computer all the details you need.” Adrian grabbed his mouse and checked if he received anything, and he did. It was a simple file with a name and a picture. He frowned when he recognized her, “Wait, isn’t she that school d-“ “I need you to kill her.” Adrian straightened himself up, the temperature of the room slowly fading. “W-wait, I’m not a murderer.” “You’ll do as I said.” The raspy voice replied, “Or else, I’ll go see your daughter and-“ “NO!” Adrian shouted. The voice at the other end of the call laughed with a demonic voice. “So, do it, and instead of going to her, I’ll send her candy.” The tone of his voice dropped and he said. “Don’t disappoint me again.” And just like that, the call ended. Adrian was shacking. “Get your shit together Adrian!” He said to himself, punching his desk. He looked at the picture of the woman on his computer. “If I have to kill her to protect my daughter…” He sighed. “I guess I don’t have much choice.” After a nice shower and a copious breakfast, Sunset was now watching TV in the living room. But the TV turned off, and a voice called her. “Sunset we have to talk.” Sunset looked behind her and saw Celestia standing here, a severe look on her face. “Why does it look like I’m in trouble?” Sunset asked. “Where were you last night?” Celestia asked firmly. Sunset get up to face her and said to her, “I told you, I was at Twili-“ “Stop lying to me Sunset.” She said, crossing her arms. “I’ve noticed that you were sneaking out at night. At first it was just one or two nights a week, but now it’s every night!” Sunset wriggled and said, “I don’t know what-“ “Stop that.” Celestia said. “No more lies Sunset. I don’t know what you’re doing those nights but I’m pretty sure it’s not something that is on the good side of the law, am I wrong?” “I-“ Sunset Started. “I can’t tell you… But I need you to have faith in me Celestia, I-“ “BUT I CAN’T SUNSET!” Celestia yelled at her. “I can’t! How am I supposed to have faith in you, and believe you, when you do something like that! I thought we were getting closer, but maybe I was wrong. I thought you had changed, but maybe I was wrong about that too.” Sunset’s eyes open wildly. “I’m sorry what?” “You heard me, Sunset.” “So, it’s like that huh?” Sunset looked at the ground. “After all I’ve been through, after all we’ve been through, you still don’t trust me. After all, I’m still the bad Sunset Shimmer, right?” “Come on Sunset, this is not what I’ve said.” Celestia said. “But that’s what you think.” Sunset said, her eyes getting wet. “I know Luna thinks that, I heard her one night she was on the phone, she said that she and you still didn’t know if it was a good idea to take me in…” Celestia dropped her severe glare with a more tender one, “No, Sunset this isn’t…” “Let me tell you the answer,” Sunset said, now crying “Yeah, you shouldn’t have taken me in. Everywhere I go, trouble’s not far away.” “Sunset I…” “Oh, come on!” a voice said behind them. Celestia turned to see her sister joining them. “Grow up Sunset! You’re not a child anymore.” “Luna…” Celestia started but her sister stopped her. “Of course, I had doubt! How couldn’t I?” Luna said firmly to a crying Sunset. “Luna stop that!” Celestia said. “She has to hear that!” Luna responded. “How can she hope to become an adult if she keeps behaving like a child?” It was enough for Sunset, she ran at the entrance, grabbed her leather jacket, her bag and put on her boots. “Sunset!” Celestia called her, she followed her to the entrance hall. “What are you doing?” “Well, I’ll leave. It’s what people do when they’re growing up right?” “Sunset come on, I love you like you were my own daught-“ “BUT I’M NOT!” Sunset screamed, tapping her foot on the floor. Celestia watched her, shocked. “I’m not…” Sunset said, crying all the tears she had been holding back all the past months. She then opened the door and as she took a step outside, she heard Celestia calling her, “Sunset wait!” But Sunset slammed the door. > Volume I - Chapter 7: The Fiend among us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A long time ago… “Princess! Princess! Look!” A young excited Sunset Shimmer called after her mentor, the goddess of the sun, Princess Celestia, through the halls of the Canterlot castle. The nominee turned around and looked with pride at her favorite student. She then saw what her pupil brought with her and asked her, “Sunset, what is this?” Sunset Shimmer, who was, at most, nine years old, smiled and replied, “It’s a drawing I’ve made for you!” Celestia grabbed it with her magic, and placed it in front of her face, then, what she saw brought up tears in her eyes. She looked once again at her student and said, “Is that… Luna?” Indeed, the drawing Sunset made was composed of Celestia, Sunset herself, and Luna. Sunset, of course, never saw Luna in her entire life, but Celestia talked about her so much that Sunset knew exactly what she looked like. But Sunset, seeing her mentor in tears, was shocked. “Princess, what’s wrong?” Celestia, didn’t replied but looked at the drawing once again. Tears running down her cheeks. “You… don’t like it?” Sunset asked, watching her hooves her eyes filled with remorse. “I thought that… You told me that you missed her so much… so I thought…” Celestia brought her closer, and embraced her in tight hug. “I don’t like it Sunset… I love it.” “… and then she told me to stop acting like a child…” Sunset confessed. “Wow, Sunset… that sucks.” Rainbow told her, “I didn’t know Luna was such a dick.” After escaping from her home, Sunset called Rainbow in tears asking her if she could sleep at her home tonight. Rainbow, faithful to herself, accepted without any hesitation. When Sunset arrived, Rainbow had poured her a hot chocolate and spent several hours comforting her friend. They were now in Rainbow’s room, watching a cartoon on TV. “Rainbow, don’t say that…” “Dude seriously? After what she told you, you’re still going to defend her?” Rainbow asked. Sunset sniffed and said, “Yes, I suppose.” Rainbow smiled at her, “And I’m supposed to be the loyal one…” Tears began to flow down Sunset’s cheeks, Rainbow passed her arm around her friend’s shoulders and brought her closer to her. ‘And, I’ve ran away from Celestia… again.’ Sunset thought. She tapped her fingers together, thinking of what she could do now. If she goes back to Celestia’s house, her dramatic departure would lose its effect. And, she didn’t know if she could face her or Luna right now. She also didn’t know what’ll happen to school tomorrow, Celestia will try to talk to her, that for sure. And she can’t avoid her in that place because, well, it was actually her school. “What am I going to do Rainbow? I can’t go back after what happened…” “I don’t really know Sunset, if it was up to me, you could stay here as long as you want, but I don’t think my parents will be okay with this, even though they like you.” Rainbow admitted. “But whatever happens, know that I’ll always be there for you. And don’t forget that it’s not just me, the girls will be there to support you too if you need them.” Of course, Sunset knew she couldn’t stay at Rainbow’s for more than a night or two, but deep inside, she hoped she could, but the words of her friend warmed her heart. She wiped her face on the sleeve of her shirt and, against all odds, and to Rainbow’s surprise, Sunset began to laugh. “W-what?” Rainbow asked. “Did I say something funny?” Sunset stopped laughing and smiled at her friend. “I’m glad you’re here Rainbow.” Rainbow was caught by surprise and blushed. But she smiled at her friend and said, “Always.” If there was someone Sunset knew she could rely on, it was Rainbow. Sure, Sunset loved the other girls to death, but she felt she was closer to Rainbow. Maybe that was what a ‘best friend’ was like? Sure, Sunset felt like she could also have called Twilight Sparkle, but Sunset knew Twilight was a smart girl. If she spent more time with her, it’ll only be a matter of time before Twilight founds out the truth. That she was Spider-Girl. Sunset hopped that Rainbow won’t look in her bag, where her costume was. There was no doubt that, if Rainbow or any of her friends founds out about that, they would keep the secret, no matter what happens. But even though Sunset was aware of it, she was also aware that if her friends knew, they’d be in great danger. What’ll happen if Electro or the Vulture goes after her friends? She’ll blame herself for sure, and she’ll never forgive herself either. The evening passed and Sunset felt more and more at ease in the company of her friend, the tears quickly turning into laughter as they play Mario Kart, watched Dragon Ball and talked about the life at school. “… and what are you going to do tomorrow?” Rainbow asked. “You can’t miss school, but you’ll surely run into Principal Celestia, or even worse, Vice Principal Luna.” The fiery haired girl sighed, she knew that. “Well, I don’t know Rainbow, but I know that you’ll be with me no matter what.” She said, winking in her friend’s direction. “You betcha.” Rainbow replied. “And even if I’m not around at that moment, I’m pretty sure Rarity, Pinkie or AJ will. Damn, I’m sure even Flutters will be able to stand up to an adult if it’s for one of her friends.” Sunset sighed, again “I haven’t been a really good friend lately.” Rainbow puts her hand on Sunset’s and smiled at her, “We know that what you’re going through must be tough Sunset. Believe me, the girls aren’t mad at you, not even a little bit.” Sunset smiled at that statement and asked, “So what are they up to anyway?” “Well…” Rainbow started, “AJ’s big bro’, Big Mac, got engaged with our English teacher, Miss Cherilee.” Sunset had to refrain herself from laughing like hell. Instead she just said, “Oh, that’s nice.” “Pinkie beats the score on Dance Dance Revolution at the arcade so, that’s kinda cool.” Rainbow continued. Sunset had played with her once, she’ll never do it again. “Flutters, well… You know her, if she’s not with one of us, she’s at the shelter taking care of her pets.” Sunset nodded at that statement and asked about her last friend, “And what about Rarity?” Rainbow shrugged her shoulders and said, “You know Rare, always at her boutique doing… what did she called that again? Oh yeah, she’s doing haute couture or something like that.” That was indeed something Rarity could have told. But Rainbow frowned, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Sunset. “What is it?” “Well,” She started. “She also said that… It’s been a little while she felt like… someone is stalking her.” Sunset raised her eyebrow, “Really?” “Yeah, well, it’s what she said. But AJ accompanied her home many times and she didn’t notice anything.” “That’s strange don’t you think?” Sunset asked. “Yeah it is-“ Rainbow’s phone started to ring, so she took it. “Oh sorry, I have to reply to this.” And she started typing. Sunset had noticed that, although Rainbow had spent the evening listening to Sunset, she also was often on her phone, well, more than usual. “So, you’re going to tell me who is it?” Sunset asked, sitting comfortably on Rainbow’s bed. Rainbow blushed and hide her phone. “W-what you’re talking ‘bout?” she said quickly, running from her friend’s eyes. “You’ve been glued on your phone all evening, you could at least tell me who it is?” Sunset asked with an innocent voice, but her look implied a lot of things. “It’s nobody! No one! Certainly not a boy hehe, you know me, that’s not my kind of thing, and I’m not ready for a relationship anyway, I’m still young after all, I might think about it after high school but right now I prefer to focus on mystudiesandspendtimewithyougirls.” She finished rather quickly, and took the remote, switching the channel on TV, still avoiding Sunset’s eyes. “I never asked if it was a boy.” After a few seconds, Rainbow replied “I know.” Sunset smiled but didn’t push it. If Rainbow wants to tell her, she will. One thing at a time. Sunset’s phone also started to buzz, and she sighed. She knew it was certainly Celestia or Luna. But when she looked on the number, she didn’t recognize it, so she curiously opened the text. Then, when she saw what it was, she dropped her phone on the floor. Rainbow looked curiously at her, but didn’t say anything when she saw what was in Sunset’s eyes, something Rainbow thought she’ll never see in her eyes. Fear. “Sunset what-“ Sunset quickly picked it up and said, “I have to use the bathroom.” Before running where she said she was going to. Shen ran through the corridor and quickly opened the bathroom door. She locked herself in the bathroom, and looked at her phone once again. But it was still there. A text she didn’t thought she’ll ever receive. Unknown Number – Today: 22:13 P.M I know who you are. A picture of Spider-Girl was attached to it, with an address written on it. ‘What the fuck.’ Sunset was hyperventilating, her hand on the sink preventing her from falling on the ground. She swallowed the saliva that was stuck in her throat and, slowly, she started to sat on the ground, her back facing the wall. “What am I gonna do?” She asked to herself. She looked at the text, and at the picture once again and then, looked at the address written on it. ‘What? Am I supposed to go there?’ She didn’t know who it was, but there was only one way to found out. Sunset waited that Rainbow was asleep, and then snicked out from the window of her friend’s bedroom. She hoped that she won’t wake up in her absence. But she was confident, it won’t take long. She decided that she’ll go to the address written on the picture. After all, he knew who she was, what does she have to lose? On her way there, she thought about it. ‘What if it was another super-villain? Or worse, someone I already know… Fuck.’ She thought to herself. Meanwhile “… What do you mean there’s more than one?” Said the man sitting on his desk chair. He frowned so hard that it made him look constipated. Of course, no one will ever dare to say that. He wore a police uniform but all the badges that were on his jacket proved that he was someone of high rank. “Deputy Commissioner Armor…” The policeman in front of him started. “We thought it’s that… Fiend that all the thugs of the city are scared about.” Shining Armor sighed and settled more comfortably in his chair. “The description fits perfectly with the depositions we had…” The policeman continued, he then handed out a picture of ‘The Fiend’ took the other night, when he was standing on that roof. Shining Armor looked at it, and slammed it against his desk. “All patrols stays alerts,” He said. “I want this cunt behind the bars as soon as possible.” The policeman looked at him with surprise and said. “And… What about Spider-Girl?” Shining Armor stood up from his chair and walked towards the window. “One thing at a time.” He said, looking at the city. Sunset had arrived at destination. It was an abandoned building, in the middle of the industrial zone of Canterlot City. “Creepy.” She said. Nonetheless, she climbed on the wall up to the roof. ‘Okay so, maybe it is a super-villain, in that case, I have to beat him quickly. If I’m missing too long, Rainbow will notice and she will start to ask questions.’ And Sunset hated questions. ‘Or maybe it isn’t, but if that’s the case, I have to ask him how he knew it was me.’ Looking up to the sky, she sighed and said “One day, I’ll kick your ass Universe. And that’s a promise.” She walked to the middle of the roof, and looked everywhere but no one was here. She was now getting angry. But, somehow, she felt it. She felt that she wasn’t alone, she felt that presence. That heavy presence that was surrounding her. “So, I’m here! What do you want?” She yelled, on her guard. Then, she heard someone walking behind her. She turns around quickly to face anyone it might be. Standing just in front of her, was a man, maybe a little taller than Sunset. He was covered with a long dark cape, his face was hidden by a hood that covered his gaze, and a low red mask that looked like a dragon’s face. He gave off an aura, which, for Sunset, wasn’t evil, but showed the pure dangerousness of this person. “Good evening, Sunset Shimmer.” He said, in a much quieter voice than Sunset would’ve thought. “Oh, sorry. Should I say Spider-Girl?” She frowned and stayed on her guard, then she said “You know who I am. But can I ask, who you are?” He didn’t reply. Instead he walked towards her to face her, now, Sunset could clearly saw him. Red glowing eyes looking right at her, the tension was such that Sunset felt in danger. She felt her spider sense telling her to ‘get the fuck out of here.’ But she didn’t. Then, Sunset remembered when she faced Electro last evening. She remembered what he said. He was looking for a fiend or something like that and when Electro shouted at him when he was standing on the roof. She also remembered when Sunset asked Twilight what a meta was. Twilight had told her ‘You thought you were the only one?’ Of course, Sunset knew she wasn’t the only one. She just had forgotten about that. The first year on this world, she had saw on TV that a big green monster had saved several people trapped under a collapsed bridge. She also knew that a rich billionaire living in New York used to be a super-hero from time to time. She just didn’t know there was other like her in this city. Waiting for a reply that didn’t came, she asked “So, you’re a super-hero you too?” “No.” He answered calmly, in a hoarse voice. Sunset had a questioning glare under her mask, so she asked him, “But, I thought Electro was looking for you. You must had fought him before no?” Sunset stayed on her guard, she couldn’t trust him. There was something about him, that Sunset knew he wasn’t just a normal person. She could feel something, something… Magical? No, it can’t be right, after all, magic didn’t exist in this world… Right? No, it wasn’t magic. It was something else… “It’s my fault if he’s like this.” He said, out of the blue. “W-what?” Sunset asked, stunned. “This moron and his friends were standing in my way.” He explained. “I thought he died.” Sunset nodded, at least, it explains everything. Well… not exactly everything. “But, how did he became like… That?” She asked him. The Fiend turned around and pointed a building, far, far way in the city. But it was so big that they could clearly see it. Sunset recognize what building it was. “Discorp…” She whispered. “Always them.” The Fiend said, Sunset could hear a bit of rage in his voice when he said that. Then a question burned her lips, “And… What do you want from me?” The Fiend looked around, if anybody were spying on them. Then he puts out a phone from his pocket, and showed Sunset a video. Sunset knew when it was, it was the time when she was bitten by that spider. “There was camera!” She yelled. “Don’t scream.” The Fiend commanded her. “Don’t worry, I’ve deleted it from their server two minutes after it had happened.” Sunset sighed from relief, “Thanks you.” He puts back his phone in his pocket. “Be careful, I don’t think I’m the only one who saw this.” She nodded, “I’ll be careful.” She said. “But, why are you helping me?” He didn’t reply right away. He walked towards the edge of the roof. “Because of something that happened two years ago.” He said. ‘Two years ago?’ Sunset thought. ‘What happened?’ “Am I supposed to know what happened?” She asked, joining him at the edge of the roof. She still felt the heavy presence, but she didn’t feel in danger anymore. Not now, at least. Maybe he didn’t trust her at first either. He turned to face her and looked at her with his red, heavy glare. “Think.” He said. “What happened two years ago?” Sunset felt uneasy under his glare. ‘What happened two years ago…’ Then, it hits her. Right in the face. Of course… That happened. She jumped backwards, on her guard ready to attack. ‘How did he know that?’ “Calm down.” He said, he didn’t even bother to turn around, as if he didn’t consider her as a threat at all. But Sunset didn’t calm down, on the contrary, she stayed on her guard. “How did you-“ He finally turned to face her. “The most important thing isn’t how or where I learned that.” He said. “But who else knows.” Sunset was about to reply something but police sirens sounded throughout the City, which takes all of Sunset’s attention. She turned towards the city to look where the sirens came from. When she turned to look at the Fiend, he was gone. ‘Of course…’ She thought. She runs on the roof and jumped before shooting a web on the nearest building and started swinging through the streets of Canterlot. She thought about what he said. ‘What happened two years ago…’ Of course she knew. She can’t forget that. Two years ago… Sunset came through the portal from Equestria. It was a thing that he knew about her being Spider-Girl, but how did he knew about that? One thing was certain, and it was that he had all the cards in his hands. ‘Ooookay, let’s go…’ Sunset thought, entering through the front door of CHS. Like always, everyone looked at her, whispering or shamelessly insulting her. She sighed but didn’t said anything and walked through the halls. ‘I have to avoid Celestia and Luna… If that’s even possible.’ She had spent the night at Rainbow’s but Rainbow’s classes started an hour after Sunset’s, so Rainbow was still asleep right now. Rainbow’s father was kind enough to drop her to school, he said that it didn’t bother him since the school was on his way to work anyway. And, truth to be told, Sunset wasn’t in a great mood. She still thought about what happened last night. When the Fiend told her that he knew about her. Everything about her. She hoped he wasn’t an enemy, but then, why would he help her if he was her enemy? Maybe, after all, he was here to help? ‘That’s suspicious.’ She thought. Still lost in her thought she didn’t saw where she was going and bumped into someone. She stood still but the other person didn’t and fell on the floor. “Oh my! I’m so sorry!” She said, back on earth. Then she saw who it was. “Red?” Red Light, butt on the ground, looked at her with an annoyed glare and stood up. “Damnit Sunset, look where you’re going.” He said. She helped him getting up and said, “I’m sorry.” “Yeah, I get that part.” He said, taking his bag and turning around. But at this moment Sunset heard someone calling her. “Hey! Shimmer!” Said the voice. ‘Oh no… Not now!’ She turned to face Gilda and Trixie, both wore a wide smile on their faces. As if, they were happy to see her. But Sunset knew that smile all to well, she used to wear it a lot after all. “I’ve heard you’ve joined the Music Club? That’s hilarious!” Gilda started. And Trixie goes even further, “I’m a little surprised though. I didn’t think that someone would want you in their club.” Sunset keep her calm. “That’s doesn’t surprise me that you didn’t think.” She said. Trixie frowned but Gilda laughed, in unison with all the students present here, and was about to say something but Red beat her to it. “You know those losers?” He asked Sunset. Gilda didn’t like it so she walked towards Red and faced him, she was at least a head taller than him. “Let me get this straight, new boy.” She said. “No one, and I said no fucking one, can call me a loser. Understand?” Red, wearing his known to well annoying look on his face, turned his head in Sunset’s direction, and then Sunset saw, a little smile forming on his face, and he winked in her direction. Then he faced Gilda again and said. “Sorry, I don’t speak loser’s language.” Everyone gasped. ‘Oh no! He’s dead! I have to do something!’ Sunset thought. But she couldn’t, with everyone now watching them. She didn’t know what to do. Then, Gilda stretched her arm, she was going to hit Red, who stood perfectly still, waiting for the blow to come. But just when she was going to hit him, someone yelled at them. “AND WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” ‘Oh, boy…’ Vice-Principal Luna walked towards them, furry in her eyes. Red turned towards her and puts his hands in his pocket. “Hi, Vice-Principal Luna.” He said calmly. She looked at him, then at Gilda and Trixie and then… at Sunset. “Gilda, Trixie… In my office, now.” She said calmly. “But vice-pr…” Tried Trixie. “I SAID NOW!” She yelled at her. Trixie didn’t push it and did what she was told, Gilda following her, a smile on her face, like she was going to get away with this, like always. Then Luna turned to Sunset. “Sunset, you-“ But the bell started ringing. It meant that classes started now. So, Sunset didn’t listen to Luna and instead walked towards her history classroom. Luna watched her, and sighed but didn’t followed her. She still needs to take care of those two brats in her office. “Wha- It’s tomorrow?” Sunset asked. The six girls were sitting around the wondercolts statue at the entrance of the school. Classes finished an hour ago, and they just sit there and spent some time together, Sunset was lucky that Rainbow’s parents didn’t mind if she stayed another night at their home. Pinkie laughed and said, “Yeah! The most important night of the year!” Rarity, who was painting Fluttershy’s nails, said “Pinkie, darling, I don’t think Halloween is the most important night of the year.” An outraged Pinkie Pie replied, “WHAT? Have you lost your mind? It’s the night when we can go out dressed as anything we want and have FREE CANDY!” She came closer to her and whispered, “You can’t say no to free candy.” Rarity laughed and said, “I think I’m going to pass on this one, we’re a little to old to go trick or treating, no?” Pinkie was about to say something, but Applejack put a hand on her shoulder and said, “Ah’m with Rare on this Pinkie. We’re not ten anymore sugarcube.” “But-“ The puffy haired one tried. “Let it go Pinkie.” Rainbow said. “Besides, we can just have a girls night at my place? What do you say?” “I think that’s…” Then Pinkie really thought about it, and a wide smile appeared on her face. “… a fantastic idea!” “Then it’s settled I guess.” Sunset said. “And thanks again for allowing me to stay at your home Rainbow.” “Don’t mention it.” She said, winking at her friend. Fluttershy put her hand on Sunset’s and said with her hushed voice “I hope everything is okay Sunset…” Of course, Sunset told her friends about what happened between her and Celestia and Luna. She was surprised that Celestia didn’t tried to talk to her today. Well, she was glad she didn’t, she needed some space right now. She was going to forgave them, of course, but not now. She was till mad after all. ‘Gnnh, I guess I really am a teenager. Despite my real age.’ She thought. That’s a thing Sunset never told to her friends. Sunset wasn’t really seventeen. The mirror has the particularity of rejuvenating all those who pass through. If she was in Equestria, she should have around twenty-seven or twenty-eight. But none of that matters now. And even if she was older, her body and her mind, is one of a teenager. It wasn’t just her body that changed, but her whole being. So, no surprise if she’s acting like one. “Okay be careful now!” Sunset called Rainbow Dash, who was standing on a chair on her toes, changing a lamp for an RGB one. “Don’t worry Sunny, I got this.” It was Halloween today, and Sunset and Rainbow were preparing the house for the girls night they have planned. Rainbow wore a disguise of The Flash, her favorite comic book super hero, and Sunset was a zombie. Nothing too over the top but it should do it. Rainbow’s father bought them a lot of soda, candy and stuff like that. It actually was a lot for just six girls. “Hey Rainbow” Sunset called, facing the tables full of candy. “You think it’s enough?” “Ahah, I know, it is a lot of candy. But, don’t forget there’s Pinkie Pie. So, I think we don’t have enough.” She said, half-joking half-serious. Sunset laughed and Rainbow joined her. “Hum, Sunset?” “Hm?” “Hum, I should have told you but… I’ve also invited Red.” Said Rainbow, blushing and avoiding her friend’s look. Sunset looked at her and said, “Hum, it can’t be a girls night if its not just girls here.” “Yeah I know…” “I’m joking Rainbow, I don’t really care, he’s cool.” Sunset said, taking a can of coke. Rainbow sighed in relief, “Okay good.” Of course, Sunset cared, Red was a mystery for her and she hated mystery. She didn’t forget what she felt the day she met him. She hasn’t felt it since, but she knew there was something about him. Then, now she thought about it… It seems like… Lost in her thoughts, Sunset didn’t felt her phone ringing in her pocket. “Hoi Sunset!” Rainbow said, “Your phone’s ringing.” Sunset grabbed it and checked who it was. She sighed and put it back in her pocket. “Who was it?” Rainbow asked. “Celestia.” Sunset said. “You’re not going to take it?” “She’s going to leave a message, I’ll call her back tomorrow.” She said, taking a sip of her coke. “I’m not in the mood for this, after all, tonight is a ‘girls’ night, right?” “Well,” Rainbow thought “If it’s really bothering you, I’m sure that with a wig and a bit of makeup, Red can become a girl in no time if you asked Rarity.” Sunset puts her coke on the table and looked seriously at her friend. “Okay, now I want to see this.” Here he was, standing on a roof not too far away where his destination was. Adrian Toomes looked again at the picture his boss sends him. It was a beautiful woman, he had to admit it. But an order was an order, and he didn’t want this goblin to harm his daughter. So, he had to do it. Even if he can’t look into a mirror ever again. He had to kill her. He then turned the picture and looked at the address and the name written on it. He sighed, he didn’t know this woman, but he was sorry for her. Really sorry. “I’m sorry… Celestia.” > Volume I - Chapter 8: Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two months ago… Two years… Two years she was planning her revenge upon the mentor, the mother figure, that betrayed her. All she wanted was knowledge, and when Sunset was finally able to get it, she was thrown like garbage by the one who was supposed to help her. That rage burned up in Sunset’s stomach for two long years now. And when Sunset got the power she was seeking for her revenge, she got her ass kicked by some princess send by her former mentor. It was all going too well, she managed to run upon the school she hated, she managed to travel to her home world to steal an element of harmony and she managed to make up a plan to rule over Equestria. But, since the day she was born, Sunset knew the universe wasn’t on her side. Even when she puts that crown upon her head, she managed to get all the powers she ever wanted, but she failed, badly. When she was hit by that rainbow, she felt all the pain and the sadness she caused those past years, but not just in this world, but all she did in Equestria too. This is why, for the first time since she arrived in this world, she cried. She wanted to get out of that crater, but her body was hurting her so much that she had to crawl to do it, which made her more pathetic than ever. “You will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You've shown them what is in your heart.” Princess Twilight Sparkle said, looking down to her mentor’s former student. Sunset succeeds, as well as can be, to crawl out of that crater. She looked at that princess who managed to crush all her dreams, and looked down. She had to hate her, she needed to hate her… But she didn’t, all Sunset felt was, sadness, sorrow and remorse. For the first time in her entire life she was sorry. “I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... I didn't know there was another way.” Sunset cried. Sunset thought that Twilight Sparkle would look at her with anger, but it wasn’t the case. Sunset saw in her eyes, that she actually was sorry for her. “The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria.” The Princess said. “It's everywhere. You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours.” Seek for the magic of friendship? A few hours ago, Sunset would laugh to death to even think about that. But now, she was actually considering it, but there was a small problem here. “But... But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship.” Twilight smiled and kneeled to help Sunset getting up to her feet, she smiled at her and pointed in her friend’s direction. “I bet they can teach you.” Sunset looked at these girls, with various degree of smiles, Pinkie had the biggest. She had no idea, had that moment, that these girls will be the most important thing to her from now on. Pinkie Pie. She used to hate her so much for being always happy and boring, but now she couldn’t even think about being mad at her. Rarity. What Sunset didn’t like about her at first was that she wanted to be their high school diva. Maybe she would’ve hated her even more if she didn’t have that in common. Applejack. Peasant, this is the word she used to call her and her family. But now, she almost felt like Applejack was her big sister. Fluttershy. It was so easy to pick on her. Sunset just couldn’t not to do it. But now, she was ready to fight anyone who was bothering her. And Rainbow Dash. Oh, Sunset and Rainbow used to fight a lot back then, maybe this is why Sunset felt so close to her now. After this night, Sunset’s life took a big turn. She now had friends to rely on. And of course, there also was Celestia. The caring woman who took her in when she had nowhere else to go. Funny thing that the counterpart of the person, or pony, who kicked her out of her home, was the one who took her to her new home. When Sunset entered Celestia’s house for the first time, Celestia told her “Welcome home.” And it was the exact same thing Princess Celestia told her the first time Sunset entered Canterlot’s castle. After all, maybe loosing wasn’t all that bad? The Amazing Sunset Shimmer – Volume I: With great power comes great responsibility Final Act – Part 1/3 “Home” “Okay now it’s my turn!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed before she pointed towards Sunset’s direction. “Sunset! Truth or dare?” ‘I hate that stupid game.’ Sunset thought, despite the smile she wore on her face. It was Halloween, and Rainbow hosted a Halloween party at her house. Her parents were kind enough to let them the house for the night. The girls, and Red, had arrived maybe four or five hours ago, Pinkie was disguised in a pink Pikachu fursuit, but she quickly dropped the mask off because she didn’t see nothing with it. Applejack was a scarecrow. Sunset had to used all of her determination not to comment about that one. Rarity was a Disney princess. Which? Sunset couldn’t tell, they all looked the same to her. Fluttershy was a rabbit. And Red who didn’t came in disguise had to undergone the wrath of the girls. So, to make it a real girl’s night, they disguised him in a teenage girl. Of course, he tried to fight his way out of it, but as strong as he was, he couldn’t do anything against the five girls. He wasn’t happy at first, but he decided to tag along, it looked like he even enjoyed it a little. So, he was dressed with a dress Rainbow took from her mother. She hoped she won’t notice. He even wore a pink wig that looked like Fluttershy’s hair. And from now on, all the girls would refer to him as ‘her’. They were now all sitting in circle in the middle of Rainbow’s living room. A lot of candy papers and empty soda cans were on the floor, they’d all agreed to help cleaning at the end of the night. “Okay, I’ll say truth then.” Sunset said, crossing her arms, a confident look on her face. “Why?” Pinkie cried, “I wanted you to pick dare!” Sunset raised her eyebrow. “Hum, can I ask why?” She asked. “I wanted you to do dirty things to Rainbow!” Rainbow blushed heavily and screamed, “Hey!” Everyone laughed. “I actually would love to see that.” Red said, taking a drink from his can of mountain dew. Everyone laughed harder except Rainbow who blushed even more. “I bet you do.” Sunset said. “So, Pinkie, what’s your question?” Pinkie seemed to think for a second and said, “Oooooh, I know! I know!” She said, bouncing up and down. Rainbow rolled her eyes and said, “Spit it out already.” “Sunset?” Pinkie asked. “Pinkie?” Sunset said. “I challenge you to say to us who you are into right now!” Pinkie exclaimed. Sunset blinked twice before asking, “I’m sorry, can you repeat that one?” “I saiiiid, who are you into right now? Who’s your crush? Say it! Say it!” Pinkie exclaimed, with her usual high-pitched voice. “Yes, say it!” Rarity said. Fluttershy, who was right next to Sunset, put her hands on her shoulder and said, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” “Yes, she has.” Red said, “It’s actually the point of the game.” He received an annoyed look from Fluttershy and he asked, “What?” “I want to know too!” Rainbow giggled. Sunset smiled at the excitement of her friends and said, “I’m sorry Pinkie but, I’m not into anyone right now.” Everyone, except Red and Fluttershy, looked disappointed, but Rarity didn’t let go. “Come on Sunset! You’re a teenage girl! Of course you’re into someone!” Sunset looked at her with a pained smile au shrugged her shoulders, “Sorry Rare.” Rarity looked at the ground and sighed in defeat. “Well, I guess it’s my turn then.” Sunset said. She turned to the person who was sitting to her left and said to her, “Red, truth or dare?” “There’s no way I’m picking dare.” He said crossing his arms. ‘Damn!’ Sunset thought. ‘Sorry Rainbow, it seems I’m a bad wingwoman.’ “Okay then, well, talk to us about you, we don’t know you very well after all.” Sunset said. All her friends agreed on that. Red looked at them and said, “Well what do you want to know? I’m an open book.” “Well, you can talk to us about your family?” Fluttershy asked. Red shrugged and said, “There’s not much to say, my mother died when I was six, I loved her very much. My father was an alcoholic morron, and when my mother died, he didn’t seem to care about us anymore, so I had to take care of my little sister.” Everyone gasped. “Your mother died?” Fluttershy asked. “Your father was alcoholic?” It was Applejack this time. “You have a sister?” Rainbow said, raising an eyebrow. “Yes. To you three.” He said. Fluttershy looked at her feet and said, “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked…” “It’s okay really. It was a long time ago.” He said nonchalantly. “And what are they up to now?” Rainbow Rarity asked. “Your father and your sister I mean.” “My father died a few years ago. And I haven’t seen my sister in a long time, I don’t know what she’s up to now.” He said. “I guess that if I haven’t heard about her, it means that she’s okay.” “What’s her name?” Sunset asked. Yes, she was curious too. Red smiled in her direction, “Well, that’s a lot more than one question. And it’s my turn now.” He said, “Now, Pinks can you make me a favor and pick truth please?” “Sure! I pick truth!” She said. “Hey that’s unfair!” Rainbow exclaimed. “There’s no rules in a street truth or dare, RD.” Applejack said. Red smiled and asked, “Pinks, can you tell me what the fuck is wrong with you?” Everyone looked a Red curiously and Fluttershy puts her hands on her mouth, but Pinkie laughed and said, “My parents said it’s because I ate to much candy!” She exclaimed, putting a candy in her mouth. “But I can stop whenever I want.” “That makes sense.” Red said. “No, it doesn’t.” Rainbow facepalmed. She was happy. With all her friends surrounding her… Well not exactly all her friends, Twilight wasn’t there. But she knew she was working tonight, so even if she had invited her, Twilight will have no choice but to decline the offer. Sunset felt her phone vibrating in her pocket, she looked who it was, rolled her eyes and put it back in her pocket. Meanwhile… “Enter the algorithm now.” Dr. Conhorse said to Twilight. Still on their work of transferring lizard’s regeneration capability into a cure. They were trying to harness this capability in transferring into their host subject, Freddie, the three-legged mouse. She did as she was told and put the algorithm into the computer, “Okay, check.” She said, “See what I’m trying to do?” Dr. Conhorse nodded, “Preempt the protein.” “Yes, preempt the immune response.” She said as she pressed enter on her keyboard. But, unfortunately, it failed. “Try it again.” Twilight did, but it failed again. “Damnit.” She said. She tried again, and again, and again, but it failed every time. “What did we do wrong?” Dr. Conhorse asked. Twilight thought about it and scratched her chin, “Wait!” She exclaimed, “I think I know…” She entered the new algorithm she just thought of, and… “It worked!” After several failed attempt, the computer finally declares the regeneration has been successful. “Extraordinary!” The doctor exclaimed. He jumped forward and trapped Twilight in a thigh hug, “Thanks Twilight! I couldn’t do it without you!” She blushed vehemently and said, “It-It’s nothing really, you did most of the work…” “Are you kidding?” He said, “Twilight, we’ve found the answer in just a few days! I’ve been working on this for years! I knew hiring you was the best thing I’ve ever done!” Twilight smiled and giggled. Then Dr. Conhorse shows Twilight their live mouse test subject. Twilight opened the cage and grabbed it. “Don’t worry buddy, I got you.” She said to the mouse. The cure already being synthetized, thanks to Discorp high end technology, the doctor took the vial and put it in a syringe. He approached Twilight and Freddie. “Okay. Careful, wouldn't want to inject you by mistake. Human trials aren't until next week.” Twilight glare at him, but he smiles at her, and Twilight giggled. Then he injected the serum in the mouse. Celestia’s phone dropped on the kitchen’s table as she put her face in her hands and sighed heavily. “Please Sunset, answer…” She gets up from her seat to make some tea. It was at least one in the morning but Celestia wasn’t sleeping. She hasn’t slept well since Sunset’s outburst. She at least hopped that Sunset would listen to her voicemail. Of course, she knew Sunset was right. Of course, Celestia had doubt towards her at first but, she knew she wasn’t a bad kid. And, maybe they were only living together for two months, but Sunset was already family, and she considered her as her own daughter. She wasn’t afraid to say it. And she had to say it to Sunset. But for that she had to answer her phone. As she was going to pour herself some tea in her mug, she dropped it on the floor and it shattered in pieces. “Perfect.” She sighed. Luna wasn’t there to comfort her, she had some business to take care of out of the city for the night, she was going to be back tomorrow. So, it was Celestia, by herself. Just her in this big, empty house. She didn’t notice at first how lively their lives became when Sunset arrived. Before her, it was just Celestia and Luna, and as much as Celestia loved her sister, Luna wasn’t a talkative person. She usually locked herself in her room to play games on her computer. But when Sunset arrived, Celestia had someone to talk to every time, she had someone to cook with, someone to watch movies with. Celestia noticed she was crying when she felt tears running down her face. She dropped herself in her chair and tried to call Sunset one more time. But as she was going to hit the ‘call’ button, she heard a strange noise coming from her roof. “What was that?” After the game of truth or dare, the girls watched movies, played monopoly and Pinkie brought her Nintendo Switch to play some super smash bros. Sunset asked Pinkie if she always had her Switch in her bag which she replied “Just in case of Nintendo Switch emergency.” Instead of asking what kind of emergency it was, Sunset just grabbed a joycon and selected her character, a dinosaur named Yoshi. Rainbow picked Ganondorf, Pinkie took Luigi and Red took Inkling. Sunset wasn’t that much of a gamer, maybe that’s why she lost her three lives and got smashed out of the screen just after two minutes. But even Pinkie who, Sunset knew, played a lot on her Switch, was quickly ejected by the other two competitors. And, in the end, Red got smashed out of the screen. “Ah! Suck it!” She said pointing in Red’s direction. “Yeah, well played.” He said putting down his controller. He let Rainbow gloat, and Sunset came to his side, “You could’ve won, you could’ve avoided her smash and beat her.” Red, getting another soda, looked at her and smiled. “Don’t tell me you let her w-“ But Sunset didn’t finished her sentence when she felt something inside her. She had pain where her heart was, she grabbed her shirt and fell on her knees. “Woah, Sunset!” Red came to her side, followed closely by their friends. “Sunset are you okay?” Rarity asked, kneeling in front of her friend. “I-I’m good.” Sunset said. The pain was gone as soon as it came. “It… It’ll maybe sound crazy but…” She started. “What? What’s going on?” Rainbow asked. Sunset knew something was wrong, but she didn’t know what. But she had a feeling. A feeling she couldn’t describe. She had to go home. “I have to go home.” She said. “What? Now? I thought you didn’t want-“ Rainbow started. But Sunset stood up and walked towards the entrance door. But Applejack stood in her way. “Calm down here sugarcube, what’s goin’ o- Sunset are you crying?” She is? Sunset put her hand on her cheek and felt it was wet. Something definitely was wrong. She looked at Applejack and said. “I really have to go home.” “Okay then, if it’s what you wanna do, Ah’m not goin’ to stop ya’ there.” Applejack said. “But at least let me drive ya’ there.” “No!” Sunset screamed, taking aback her friends. “No. I mean, stay here girls, it’s probably nothing, really.” She turned towards her friends. “I’m sorry girls I have to go, I’ll call you okay?” Her friends nodded and she grabbed her bag and leave. “Welcome home!” Celestia cheered. Sunset didn’t know what to say, she was there, standing in this living room, feeling like a total stranger. She felt something pinched her left arm “Ouch!” She screamed. Celestia smiled at her and said, “I’ve said, welcome home!” “I-I’m home…” Sunset said. “That’s better! Follow me I’ll show your room!” She said starting to walk towards the stairs. Sunset followed her and Celestia leaded her into an empty room, filled with some furniture and a bed. Sunset entered and walked around, it was cleaner than her old factory. It smells better too. “I know it’s not too much for now,” Celestia started “But I know that you’ll be able to decorate it as you like.” Sunset looked at Celestia, but no words came to her. So, she approached her and hugged her. “Thanks...” Sunset said. She had to be quick! She wasn’t fast enough! ‘Fuck!’ She was swinging throughout the city, but she didn’t know why she had to be quick. But she knew something bad was going to happen, or worse, already happened. She swinged, left, then right, then left again… “I won’t be there in time! Come on Sunset!” But she heard something that deconcentrated her, she looked were the sound was coming from and saw a woman getting robed in an adjacent street. She didn’t think twice and swinged in her direction. She landed behind the thug and dropped kick him in the back, he landed unconsciously on the ground. “Thanks…” The woman started but Sunset was already gone, she had no time to waste. She landed on a roof to catch her breath for a second, before jumping from it and she shoots a weeb on the nearest building before she starts swinging again. Then, she saw something through the sky, something like a… Bird? No… It wasn’t a bird. She known all to well what, or who, it was. And it came straight from… “My house!” She screamed. She would be there any minutes now. “I… I can’t accept that.” Sunset Said to Celestia and Luna, both were smiling at her. When they’ve heard that Sunset didn’t have a computer, Luna ran to ne nearest tech store and bought her one. She didn’t even bother to hide the price written on the box, it was written ‘899$’. It made Sunset very uncomfortable. “Oh yes you can, and you will.” Luna said, firmly. “You’ll need it for school after all Sunset.” Celestia said, in a much softer voice. Sunset sighed but didn’t push it, she knew they weren’t going to take no as an answer. “I’m going to repay you one day.” Sunset stated. Celestia put her hand on Sunset’s shoulder, “You don’t have to…” “But I want to.” Sunset said, “If you want me to accept it, then you have to accept that.” Celestia and Luna looked at each other’s, before they both began to laugh. “W-what?” Sunset asked. “Nothing Sunset.” Luna said before leaving the living room. Celestia was going to follow her but she stopped when she heard Sunset calling her, “Celestia?” Celestia turned around to look at her, “Yes?” Sunset smiled, the biggest and most sincere smile Celestia ever saw on her face. “Thanks, again.” Celestia smile, approached Sunset, and kissed her on her forehead before heading for the kitchen. Sunset stood there, in chock. She put her hand where Celestia had kissed her, and she giggled “Eheheheh.” As she arrived in front of her house, she screamed in horror at what she saw. The wall who used to stood the entrance door was completely destroyed. Shen ran inside and called, “Celestia! Celestia! I’m here!” But nobody answered. Cold sweat was running down Sunset’s spine. She looked through the living room, but nothing there. Maybe she’ll had more luck in the kitchen. “Celestia!” She called running in the kitchen. There she saw, lying on the ground, the body of her mentor’s counterpart. “CELESTIA!” She screamed. She ran at her side and took her pulse. ‘She’s alive!’ Sunset thought, already composing the number of the ambulance. But she felt something grabbing her wrist, it was Celestia. Looking at her. “D-Don’t worry ma’am!” Sunset said, lowering her voice. “I’ll call the amb-” “Take that mask off.” Celestia said, with a weak voice. “Let me see your face Sunset.” Sunset did what she was told, and cried. “You knew?” “Since the first day.” Celestia said. “I’m so sorry!” Sunset said. She grabbed Celestia’s hand with both of hers. She closed her eyes et rely her head on her mother figure’s hand, “I’m so, so, so sorry! For everything!” “Don’t be sorry Sunset…” Celestia said, her voice getting weaker and weaker. “I-I want you to know Sunset that… I love you. More than everything.” “Me too!” Sunset was crying, she never had cried that much. She opened her eyes, to look at her, but Celestia’s eyes were closed. “No, no, no, nononono!” She cried. She didn’t have to check her pulse, she knew she wasn’t breathing anymore. “No please…” She did it anyway, but it was too late. “No please, don’t leave me…” But Sunset was talking to herself. Because no one here heard her. She was alone, again. “Don’t leave me mom…” > Volume I - Chapter 9: Wings in the night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “L-look! It’s Sunset Shimmer!” A hushed voice said when Sunset walked by, in the corridors of CHS. It’s already been a week since... Celestia died. Sunset didn’t show up at school from the entire week. She was devasted, but she wasn’t the one the most affected. She knew it. It was Luna. When Sunset had found Celestia’s body, she had to flee from the crime scene when she heard police cars coming from the city. She reappeared shortly after and she called Luna. When Luna came home, she didn’t even exchange a word with Sunset. She just ran towards her and hugged her, a hug that Sunset returned. Luna was strong. She didn’t cried, not even once from the entire week. But Sunset knew it was just a facade, Luna thought that she had to be the strong one, for her. However, Sunset didn’t wanted that. She wanted Luna to cry too. But she knew she wouldn’t. Because that was the way she was. Sunset locked up in her room the entire week, nobody saw her since that day, not even her best friends. Rainbow had tried to call her, but she didn’t answered. She just got out from her room yesterday, for Celestia’s funeral. It was a great ceremony, a lot of people came, friends, professors and even students. Sunset didn’t want to come to school today in the first place, but Luna forced her to. She said that she needed a pace of air, and being with her friend was the best way to emerge from her mourning. It wasn’t what Sunset was thinking, she just wanted to be alone. It was her fault after all. She shouldn’t have started to wear that mask and she shouldn’t have started to play at being a super hero. She decided that she had to stop that before the Vulture or someone else goes after her friends. “Sh-should we say something?” Sunset heard another voice from an unknown student. She sighed. She didn’t want their fucking compassion. She arrived at her locker and started to take her books for her English class. “Hi Sunset.” Said a voice behind her. She turned herself to look at the person who saluted her and she rolled her eyes before returning to her business. “Good morning Flash.” She said. “Are you okay?” He asked kindly. She gnashed her teeth and said, “Yeah of course I’m okay, it’s all sunny and my life is filled with fucking rainbows right now.” She finished, closing abruptly her locker before she starts walking towards her next class. Flash didn’t follow her, he knew when she wasn’t in the mood, they’ve been together for a year after all. Sunset was tired of that, everyone seemed to be kind and gentle with her now, but a week ago, they didn’t hesitate to spit on her and to insult her at every opportunity. “Fucking hypocrites.” She said under her breath. She was so pissed right now that she didn’t heard someone coming behind her. “Hum, Sunset?” Asked a voice. She turned violently, preparing to insult anyone who dared to disturb her, but when she saw who it was, she sighed a keep walking. “Not today Trixie.” But Trixie wasn’t finished, she grabbed Sunset’s shoulder and said, “Wait Sunset, I wanted to tell you that I’m so-“ But she couldn’t finish her sentence as Sunset grabbed her by her collar and sent her against the nearest locker before pointing her finger at her. “Don’t finish that fucking sentence!” Sunset said. Every students in the corridor watched them in silence, now that she had everyone’s attention, she was going to use it. “Listen up everyone.” She started, “I don’t want your compassion you fucking hypocrites! So, stop saying that you’re all sorry and all that shit, because I know you’re not thinking a word you’re saying!” She yelled at them. Everyone was looking at Sunset, but no one dared to interrupt her. “Now leave me the fuck alone.” This being said, she resumed her walking, but it seems someone didn’t get the message because she heard her name across the long corridor, “Hey! Shimmer!” ‘Of course!’ Sunset thought. She saw Gilda walking in her direction a big smile on her face. “What?” Sunset said. “That was a nice demonstration of the tyrant we used to know.” Gilda snickered. “I didn’t think we’d needed a dead Principal to see her again, though.” It goes very quickly. Sunset didn’t know what she did before she saw everyone gasping at what she had done. Her fist launched itself in Gilda’s face. Gilda was now lying on the ground, her hand on the cheek where Sunset had just hit her. Gilda’s face became red before she abruptly stood up and yelled, “You’re fucking dead Shimmer!” But she could only take one step before finding herself eating the ground. Red Light had just tripped her. “You should stay down.” He said calmly. Gilda got up as best as she could and glared at him, “I’m going to-“ “Yeah, yeah whatever.” Red replied, waving his hand. “You should go before my friends interfere, and believe me, they aren’t as lenient as I am.” He finished pointing behind him were a frowning, arms-crossed Applejack and a pissed of Rainbow Dash were standing. “Ya’ just should listen to him sugarcube.” Said Applejack cracking her knuckles. Rainbow Dash just stood there, glaring at Gilda. Gilda grumbled, rose up and turned back. Red waited she was out of his view before he sighed, “Damn, I thought she was going to kick my ass.” “I wouldn’t have let her, don’t worry.” Rainbow said, avoiding his look. Applejack walked toward Sunset and asked her, “Are ya’ okay Sunny?” “Thanks guys,” Sunset said, turning back. “I have to go to class now.” Applejack watched her leave and turned around to face Rainbow and Red. Rainbow looked sad and Red just shrugged his shoulders. “Well, we tried.” He said. Applejack glared at him, and smiled. “Ya’ not exactly how Ah imagined.” He smiled back and replied, “What is that even supposed to mean?” Rainbow, who didn’t take her eyes off the hallway where Sunset leave, sighed heavily and crossed her arms. “How do you think she’s doing?” She asked. “Ah don’t know Dash,” Applejack replied. “But one thing is certain, we won’t let her down.” The Amazing Sunset Shimmer – Volume I: With great power comes great responsibility Final Act – Part 2/3 “Wings in the night” “Sunset, I know things have been difficult lately. And I'm sorry about that. I think I know what you're feeling-” Said Celestia’s voice through Sunset’s phone. She hanged up and threw her phone against her wall, before burying her face in her pillow. She wanted to cry but she couldn’t, she already cried all the tears she had in her body. She couldn’t even listen to the last message on her voicemail. The last message Celestia will ever send to her. She heard a knock on her door, but didn’t even bothered to answer. “Sunset?” She heard Luna’s voice on the other side. “You in there?” She didn’t answer but she knew she didn’t have to, it was a rhetorical question. “Talk to me Sunset…” Luna said through the door, “You shouldn’t keep it all to yourself, secrets have a price you know...” Luna waited for a reply that never came, so she sighed and turned around. “I’m going to the grocery store…” She said, “Do you want anything?” Sunset kept her head buried in her pillow and let out a “No thanks.” barely audible. “O-okay,” Luna answered, “I’ll be back soon.” As she said that, Sunset heard Luna’s footsteps going down the stairs. Sunset gets up from her bed, retrieving her phone. The screen was a bit fissured but it still worked. She checked her messages and saw that she had received a lot. Nine messages from Rainbow Dash, two from Fluttershy and fifty-six from Pinkie Pie. She sighed as she dropped her phone on her bed and sat right next to it. She took a look at her room. It was the same as always, but in some way, it was different than before. She couldn’t tell why, but it was the same in the entire house actually. The household used to be lively, but now, it was just sad. Sunset was pissed, against the Vulture but mostly against herself. She wanted to get out with a fucking chainsaw, she wanted to go after him. But what was the point? It wasn’t going to bring back Celestia, and she wasn’t a murderer. What would Celestia say if she learned that Sunset would kill someone to avenge her? And she couldn’t do that to Luna either, the poor woman was doing her best to take care of her despites the circumstances. She sighed and leaned on her bed. She was tired of doing nothing. She should at least answer to one of her friends, she thought. She grabbed her phone once again and send a message to Rainbow Dash saying that she was okay, that she needed time alone. As she hit the ‘send’ button, her phone started ringing in her hand. She accepted the call and asked, “Yeah?” “Hi Sunset.” Greeted Twilight Sparkle. “I-I wanted to know how you are doing?” Sunset smiled, she couldn’t tell why, but hearing Twilight’s voice lightened up her mood a bit, just a bit. “I’m good. I’m feeling better than yesterday, and I’ll be better tomorrow than today, I think.” She said, sitting up on her bed, her back leaning against the wall. “I’m really sorry this is happening to you Sunset, I know what it’s like to lose someone you care about.” “You do?” Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah, well it isn’t very similar but, when I was ten, my dog died, he was hit by a car.” Twilight confessed. “Are you comparing Celestia to a dog?” Sunset asked. She didn’t mean it, but maybe teasing Twilight a bit would put her in a good mood. “Oh god no!” Twilight quickly said through the phone, “I wouldn’t th-“ “Just teasin’ ya’ Twi.” Sunset smirked. She heard twilight sighed in relief. “You couldn’t help it, could you?” She said, out of print, but Sunset could guess that she was smiling nonetheless. “Nope.” Sunset said. “Now, you were going to tell me?” Sunset get up from her bed and stretched her legs, it was exhausting to do nothing, she wanted to walk a bit. “Y-yeah, my dog,” She resumed her story. “We were very close, I didn’t have any friends back then, so he was like my best friend, I used to call him my number one assistant.” She finished with a giggle, smiling at those good memories. It hits Sunset right in the chest. She knew what dog she was talking of. The stupid princess had one too… Pyke or something similar. “I didn’t know, I’m sorry.” Sunset said, getting out of her room, she was thirsty and she knew there was still some Dr. Pepper in the fridge. And god she loved that soda. It was Celestia’s favorite too. “It’s okay, it was a long time ago, but what I was meaning to say was: it really hurts, to lose someone you love, someone you care about. And although I’ve never met her, I’m sure she’ll surely don’t want to see you all depressed and shut down.” Sunset couldn’t see Twilight’s face, but somehow, she knew she was smiling at her. “She would have told you to move on, to live your life.” Sunset had a bit of a laugh before saying, “Yeah, she’d say something like that, I’m sure.” It was good, to finally talk to someone. It was easy for Sunset to talk to Twilight because Twilight didn’t really know her. “It’s true that, I’ve been shut down to myself those past few days,” She sighed, again. “I should apologize to my friend, all they wanted to do was to help me, and I told them to fuck off.” “You should,” Twilight nodded. “From what you told me, these friends are pretty good friends aren’t they?” “They’re the best.” Sunset said, smiling at that statement. “Maybe one day you’ll meet them.” “That would be nice,” Twilight said. “But before doing that, there was something I wanted to ask you, it’s… actually the reason I called you in the first place.” “Hm?” Sunset arrived in the kitchen and opened the fridge before grabbing the holy drink she loved so much. Twilight gathered all the courage she could have and asked to Sunset, “Do-do you w-want to have dinner with me and my family tomorrow?” That was a strange request out of the blue. “Hum, sure?” Sunset replied while biting her lips. It sounded more like a question than a statement. “O-okay,” Twilight replied, “I’ll better let Cady know there’s going to have one more mouth to feed.” “Yeah, go do that.” Sunset replied before getting a drink from her can. “It’s a date!” Twilight said before hanging up, taking Sunset by surprise. It was a good thing she had hang up, she couldn’t hear that Sunset had spilled out all of her drink on the kitchen’s floor. Sunset grunted at the sight of what she had just done, but she smiled nonetheless. She took the nearest tea towel there was, and quickly cleaned up her rubbish. ‘I hope nothing was implied.’ Sunset thought. ‘For her own good.’ She walked towards the picture window overlooking the garden and the terrace. She opened it, and leaned on the railing of the terrace before taking a sip of her drink. It was already dark, the sun set early in this period of the year, and she shivered a little, feeling the icy wind on her arms. “Hi Spidey.” She lets out a surprised scream and dropped her drink on the floor of the terrace, she turned around and saw The Fiend, sat in a lawn chair, his arms crossed on his chest, his legs on the garden table. “Sup?” He asked. “What- how- do you-” She couldn’t even find the words, how did he know where she lived? And what was he doing here in the first place? “What do you want?” She finally asked. ‘I can never be in peace, can I?’ “I’ve heard what happened to ya’,” He said “That fucking bird.” Sunset looked at the ground, “Yeah, I’m sure it was him. I saw him that… night.” She finished, retrieving her can of soda, now completely empty. “Now, can I help you with something or…” Sunset said, looking at him. Now that she saw him in the light, he wasn’t that scary. His mask was, but he had the look of a kind person. Well, he probably didn’t have that look with everybody, Sunset guessed. The last time she saw him, he had a whole other look in his eyes. “You know,” He started. “I was just like you before. I wanted to do things on my own. But I’ve figured that you should surround yourself with people smarter or stronger than you.” He finished, getting up from the chair he was sitting on, looking at the garden. Sunset looked in this direction too, but there was nothing there. “Are you saying I’m smarter than you?” Sunset asked, playfully. “I’ve never said that.” He quickly said, Sunset almost heard a chuckle. “What I’m trying to say it’s, you should talk to someone about… All this. Secrets comes with a price, but the price is less if you share them with someone else.” “Eh, you’re the second person to tell me that.” Sunset stated. A bit of a smile started to make its appearance on Sunset’s pretty face, but not a happy smile, a sad one, “Maybe… You’re right.” She took a sit on the terrace’s floor, her back facing the fence, and she dramatically rested her head on her knees, sighing. She bit her lower lips, and slowly, she realized she was crying again, her tears reflecting through the dark due to the early moonlight. The Fiend stood still, and, with a sigh, he sat next to her. That took Sunset by surprise, she wasn’t sure how to react to this demonstration of sympathy. He looks at the starry sky and didn’t say a word. He was just there, sitting right next to her. Sunset sniffed and asked, “What are you doing?” “Just chilling, don’t mind me.” She glares at her feet, and frowned, “It’s… my fault. If she’s dead, I mean.” The Fiend looks curiously at her, “Is it now?” “If I didn’t have started all this,” She extended her arms to make her statement, “Celestia would still be alive. And don’t try to change my mind about that, it’s a fact. And I still can’t believe the last time I’ve spoke to her, I yelled at her…” The Fiend sighed. “Yeah that’s true,” He said, “She’s dead because the Vulture killed her, and that’s a fact.” He finished, flatly. She cried, it seems she still had some tears ready to flow in her body. But she was tired of crying. “See? How can I look in the mirror after that…? I’m no Spider-Girl, I’m just a regular girl who thought she could make a difference… How naïve am I?” “A regular girl?” He asked. “I don’t remember a regular girl coming through a portal from another world…” “You know what I meant by that…” She replied. “I can’t wear that costume anymore… Not if I’m putting in danger the people I care about.” She tightened her embrace on her knees, tears silently flowing down her cheeks, she was going to say something but the Fiend beat her to that, “But how many people did you saved?” She raised her head to look at him, he was still staring at the sky, melancholy could be seen in his red eyes. “Sunset, you didn’t kill Celestia. The Vulture did. All you wanted to do was to help the people in need.” He turned his head to face her, “This isn’t your fault.” He really was a strange character, the first time she saw him, he wanted to look mean and intimidating, but deep down, Sunset found that he seems like a nice person after all. “You’re not exactly how I imagined.” Sunset stated. This time, the Fiend did chuckle, “Eh, strange, you’re the second person to tell me that.” As he said that, he took a piece of paper from his pocket. “Got something to show you.” He said. “You’ll love it.” He finished, handing to Sunset the piece of paper. She grabbed it and read what it was. It was an address, and under that was written ‘tomorrow, 23:00’. “What is that?” Sunset asked. The Fiend stood up, stretched his arms and turned to look at her. At this moment Sunset clearly saw the upper part of his face under his hood, and she swore she had seen that face before. “That’s where he is.” The expression on Sunset’s face must be enough for the Fiend to deduct that she had no idea what he was talking about. She lowered her head to take a look a second time at that little piece of paper the Fiend gave to her, “The Vulture,” He said, “That’s where he and his little friends are hiding. See you there tomorrow… Spider-girl?” “Wait, what-” She said raising up her head to look at the Fiend. He was looking expectantly at her, his arms crossed on his chest. She watched that little piece of paper. She could get revenge if she wanted, she could go right to him and show him… But her mind was already set, she won’t. “I’m sorry but, I can’t…” She said, looking away from his gaze. “Why?” He asked, “If you won’t, who will?” She gets up and faced him, “I don’t know!” She yelled, tears still flowing down, “I don’t care! I can’t face it, I…” She felled on her knees, her face hidden in her hands, “I won’t lose someone else… I don’t want to…” “We’re not talking about choice Sunset, but about responsibility.” Sunset could hear a bit of anger in his voice. “I don’t understand. You have the power to help people… But if you don’t, you’ll not be the only one to lose someone.” He stated, “I know you’re strong enough to-“ “No, you don’t know!” She yelled, “Who do you think you are to say that you know me? A week ago I didn’t know who you were and, maybe you know where I come from, but I don’t know a damn thing about you! Maybe you don’t have enough people close to you to know what I’m feeling!” The Fiend stood quietly in the darkness of the night, the only sound that could be heard was Sunset sobbing. “Please, don’t act like we’re friends...” She pleaded, “We’re not.” It took several minutes for Sunset to calm down but when she finished crying, she looked up and saw that the Fiend was gone. She sighed, maybe she disappointed him, but she didn’t care anymore. When you’re doing this kind of things, you must be ready to face the consequences. She thought she was ready, and look where she’s now. She wanted to… No. She had to wear her costume again, she knew it, the voice in her head was screaming to her to put her costume on but… Even if she beats him, there’s always be someone after him. It will never be over, and all her loved ones would be in danger. Her friends, Twilight, even Luna. She couldn’t put them in danger. Sure, this time, she wasn’t alone, she had a… Fiend standing in her corner? She wasn’t sure how she could consider him right now, but he was her ally that was certain. She was sorry of the way she spoke to him, but she had to push him away. She knew that if he had insisted more, she would’ve agreed to go with him. She looked again at the piece of paper and she frowned. He wanted her to go with him because he thought she was strong enough but she isn’t. But she knew he could do it, he didn’t need her help. Whatever happens, she knew the Vulture will be put behind bars tomorrow. But the Vulture wasn’t going to be alone, that was for sure. Maybe the reason he wanted her help was because a super-villain always has goons in their secret lair. She learned that thanks to the comic books she borrowed from Rainbow Dash. Speaking of the devil, her phone started to ring in her pocket, she grabbed it and when she saw it was her rainbow haired friend, she answered the call, getting her away from her thoughts. “Hi Dash.” “Sunset!” Rainbow exclaimed, “We were worried sick! Are you okay?” Sunset returned in the comfort and warmth that the house provided her unlike the dry cold of early November, and she threw her empty can in the trash bean. “Yeah I am.” She sighed, recovering from her emotions. “Sorry about yesterday by the way.” “No prob’ Sunny,” Rainbow said. “We know it must be hard for you. But you should know that we’re here for you right?” “Yeah, yeah, I know. I… I just needed some time alone,” She said under her breath. She sat on the couch and turned on the TV. “I needed to think.” “Yeah, I figured.” “Enough about me,” Sunset started, getting comfortably in the couch. “What’s up?” “Well except the fact that everyone was worry about you, not much really.” Rainbow said. “Rarity’s still believing she’s being followed, but I took her home and didn’t notice anything. I think she’s just being paranoid.” Sunset frowned, “Rainbow, it’s not the first time she’s saying that someone is following her, don’t you think she’s… I don’t know, right about that?” “You know how Rarity can be, Sunset. Besides, she’s forcing the girls to walk her home every day, so even if someone is stalking her, nothing bad is going to happen.” She giggled, “I even feel sorry for the poor guy if he gets caught by Applejack.” Sunset nodded at that statement, even if she had superpowers, she’ll never try to bother or fight with Applejack, she knew she’ll still get her ass kicked. Even when she was CHS queen bee, she always kept a minimum distance, just in case. “Oh and… You’ll never believe it…” Rainbow said with a tiny voice, Sunset could feel that she was blushing. “I… I asked Red out tomorrow night.” “Oh.” Well, it was a thing Sunset didn’t saw coming. She never thought Rainbow would do the first step. “Yeah, I asked him out of the blue,” She said. “Well, when I said that he laughed but when he saw that I was serious he said ‘Why not.’ So… Yeah, we’re going to see a movie.” “That’s nice,” Sunset said, she was happy for her friend, and she had to admit, she was a bit jealous. Since Halloween, Red seemed to gets closer to the girls and he was spending more time with them. But she wasn’t going to get a tantrum about that, after all she wasn’t there this past week, and even if she had her suspicions, he seems like a nice lad. She still didn’t know why her Spider-sense got crazy when she first met him, but she wasn’t used to her powers at that moment so maybe she was worrying for nothing. “What are you going to see?” Sunset asked. “I don’t know, I said he could pick the movie as long as it’s awesome.” Sunset smiled when she heard the excitement in the voice of her friend, “I’m happy for you Rainbow.” “Thanks, Sunny, I gotta go now, see you tomorrow?” “Yeah, see you tomorrow Dash.” ‘Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.’ Sunset thought. Meanwhile… Hermann entered the warehouse that Adrian and his team were occupying, and he carefully closed the door behind him. He had made sure he wasn’t followed, he had to be very careful, especially since there’s now two supes that were in the city. He wasn’t very afraid of that Spider-girl, but it’s been months that this Fiend counteract their plans. He could have taken care of this from a little while, but his boss wanted him to stay low, so he did as he was told. If there was one person he was afraid of, it was his boss. He shouldn’t have come here, but Adrian was his friend. And he knew he wasn’t going very well since their boss ordered him to kill that woman. Who was she anyway? He walked silently in the hall of the warehouse, the only sound that could be heard was his footsteps echoing on the cold concrete. He should have proposed to Adrian to take care of this. He knew his friend wasn’t a murderer, but he was. He arrived in front of the main room’s door, where a goon was standing. He nodded silently to Hermann, and he let him pass. As he entered, he called, “Adrian?” When he heard someone calling him, Adrian stood from his desk and beamed at his friend, “Hermann! What are you doing here?” Hermann walked towards him and shook his hand, “Just wanted to check on you mate.” Adrian sighed and dropped himself in his chair, “Not so well to be honest. I didn’t know this woman but, what if she had family?” Hermann smiled in sympathy, and in respect, and said to him, “I know, I know… But it was her or your daughter, and you have to do whatever it takes to take care of your family, you know that right?” “Yeah, I know.” He admitted. “Don’t worry mate.” Hermann said putting a hand on his shoulder. “Now, I’m actually here to talk to you about something.” “Hm?” Adrian raised an eyebrow. “We need to talk about those supes.” Hermann stated, taking a sit on the corner of the desk. “Ah, yes.” Adrian sighed. “You beat the shit out of Spider-girl last time, you said that, you saw her face?” Hermann asked, intrigued. “Yes, I did but… She’s just a kid.” “Kid or not, she’s bad for business.” Hermann stated. “What’s your point?” “My point is, we get rid of her, the boss will thank us and he’ll see that we’re doing great on our own.” “I don’t know,” A doubtful Adrian said, “Last time the boss didn’t really seem happy to me.” “That’s because you didn’t kill her.” Adrian frowned but didn’t say anything, he knew he was right. And Adrian knew he should take care of this before it gets out of control. “So, what’s your plan?” Adrian asked. “Well…” Hermann, started, a smirk on his face. “It could be that I, unfortunately, let slip the info of where you were hiding.” “WHAT?” Adrian yelled, standing up from his chair in an instant. “Are you out of your mind?” “Calm down,” Hermann said. “We’ll leave this place tomorrow anyway, we have no interest in staying here.” “B-But, why did you do that?” “If one of the supes get the info, they won’t miss the opportunity to come and catch you here.” He explained, “This place is a bait. We’ll get rid of them here.” Adrian glared seriously at his friend, “Well, it’s too late now anyway. I hope it’ll work.” Sunset swallowed slowly, and knocked on the apartment door she was facing. Sunset had made a decision. She’s going to tell Twilight that she was Spider-girl. She wanted to speak about it but she couldn’t tell her friends. Twilight won’t judge her. Twilight is great, funny, calm, pretty… ‘Wait, pretty?’ Sunset thought, her brows furrowing. She didn’t have to wait long enough, the door quickly opened revealing a well-dressed Twilight Sparkle. She wore a dark purple gown that went down to her knees. She had a bit of makeup but not too much. Her hair were tightened in a bun that, Sunset thought, looked better on her than her hair down. If Sunset could admit it, she thought that Twilight looked very cute, but she wouldn’t admit it. Sunset also dressed for the occasion. She wore a white expensive shirt Celestia gave her weeks ago, a black jeans and beautiful dress shoes. Her hair were tightened in a pony tail, and she had a bit of eyeliner. The only thing odd in her outfit was her dirty backpack. Her costume was inside. She didn’t know why she took it, force of habits maybe. She almost looked like a boy, but she wasn’t very comfortable in a dress. Go figure. The girls were looking at each other, but no one dared to stop the moment. Twilight’s face was red and she did everything to avoid Sunset’s glare, but Sunset couldn’t take off her eyes from her. “I, hum… You look great.” Twilight said, shyly. “Hum, you too?” Sunset tried. Fortunately for them, the awkward moment was interrupted by a charming voice coming from inside the apartment. “Twilight? Is it your friend?” Twilight turned her head to reply to Candence -Sunset assumed it was her-. “Yes, she’s here!” She said before turning her head back to Sunset. “Please come in!” She took a step on her left to let Sunset inside. Sunset entered the apartment, it was exactly the same as last time. But this time an exhilarating smell came from the kitchen. Twilight took her leather jacket and invited her to follow her to the living room. The huge table in the center of the room was set with a beautiful white tablecloth, and she saw a man sitting there, reading a newspaper from the daily bugle. As the two teenagers entered, he looked up and smiled at them. He wore a nice-looking suit. The kind of custom-made suit that would cost a small fortune. “Ah! You must be Sunset!” He exclaimed, getting up and extending his hand to her. “I’m Shining Armor, Twi’s big brother. Twilight speaks highly of you.” It was Sunset turn to blush vehemently as she took his hand to shake it, “Ahah, is she?” She asked awkwardly. She turned to look Twilight who was looking at her feet, blushing even more than Sunset was. “I was so happy when she said she had made a friend here, she was alone for a very long-“ “Shiny!” Twilight pleaded, stomping the floor with her foot. “Right, right, sorry.” He said his hands in the hair. “But anyway, we’re really happy to welcome you to our family diner Sunset.” He said, smiling at her. “I-I’m happy to be here.” She said, smiling at him too. He was friendly, why wouldn’t she? Sunset heard footsteps behind her and her jaw felled on the ground when she saw what Cadence was wearing. It was the most beautiful dress Sunset ever saw. “Hello Sunset!” Candence said, hugging her. “I’m soooooo glad to see you.” She released the hug when she saw Sunset gasping for air, and wore an apologetic smile. “The diner will be ready soon enough, why don’t you girls go play in Twi’s room while waiting?” Twilight rolled her eyes, “Cady, we’re seventeen, we don’t play anymore.” Candence smile at her and kissed her on her forehead, “That’s right, you’re a big girl now.” She teased her before heading back to the kitchen. Twilight ignored that and welked towards her room. Sunset took that as an invitation and followed her. When both girls had entered Twilight’s room, Twilight closed the doors behind them and sighed. “Your brother seems nice.” Sunset said, taking a sit on Twilight’s bed. Twilight sat in her desk chair, “He’s the best.” “So…” Sunset tried to start a conversation but she didn’t know where to start. But twilight was quicker than her and said. “Sunset I need to tell you something.” ‘Uh?’ “It’s something I need to tell you from a little while now…” She said, avoiding Sunset look. ‘Oh god, here we go… Okay Sunset, you just have to push her away nicely, explain to her that you don’t like girls that way, but that you’d be happy to stay friends.’ “Yes?” Sunset asked. “Sunset I…” ‘Here we go.’ But Twilight couldn’t finish her sentence because her phone started to ring on her desk. She took a look at it and turned to face Sunset, “I’m so sorry, it’s my work, I have to take it!” “No problem.” Sunset said, it seems that the fateful moment will have to wait. Twilight answered the call and asked, “Hi Doctor, what can I do for you?” Sunset didn’t hear whatever the other person said to Twilight but the smile she wore seemed to herald great news. “That’s wonderful Doctor!” She had no idea what she was talking about but seeing Twilight this happy, it must be something important. “Sure, Doctor I’ll do that. First thing on Monday… My pleasure Doctor, have a great evening.” She said has she needed the call. “What was this all about?” Sunset asked. “We’re working on something very important at the lab…” She said, “Cross-species genetics to be exact. My boss just told me the results are not just promising, they’re spectacular!” ‘Cross-species genetics?’ Sunset thought. ‘Why w- Oooooh.’ Then, she remembered the school trip at Discorp, and she also remembered who Twilight’s boss was. It was all making sense now. “Well, I’m happy for you Twi’. I really am.” “Thanks, I hope it will be okay for Doctor Conhorse though.” She said. “What do you mean?” “Well,” Twilight started, “Our research manager wants it tested on…” She didn’t finish her sentence. She breathes slowly and said, “he wants it tested on human.” “W-what? But that’s illegal and unethical!” Sunset almost screamed. “I know! That’s what the Doctor said! But he doesn’t care, he said that if it’s not tested on men by the end of the week, the Doctor and I will both lose our jobs.” She finished followed by a sigh, a pained look on her eyes. “Did… Did you talk to your brother about that?” “I wanted to but, the Doctor said it wasn’t necessary.” She stated, “He said he’ll take care of this.” Sunset wanted to say something but she didn’t know what to say. She had a sigh of relief when she heard Cadence calling them for diner. “So, what do you want to see?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking at all the movie posters hung at the wall in front of the movie theatre. Red Light scratched his chin, in the midst of serious reflection. “I don’t really know, the new Batman movie seem great, but I don’t really like the new actor they chose.” Rainbow sighed and nodded, “Yeah, me too. And I’ve heard it’s pretty garbage actually.” He turned to her and said, “Wait… If there’s no movie I want to see here, and you neither… Why are we here?” Rainbow Dash blushed and scratched the back of her head before looking away, “I-I don’t know-“ But Red wasn’t listening to her anymore, he grabbed her by her wrist and started walking through the street. “Don’t worry, I know what we can do.” He said as a grin appeared on his face. “Wait, where are we going?” Rainbow asked, but she still willingly followed him. He turned to her and Rainbow saw a cocky grin on his face, “You’ll love it.” He said. They continue their walk, but Rainbow was disappointed when Red let her wrist go to put his hands on his pockets. She followed him through the streets, and they arrived at a building Rainbow Dash knew all too well. “The arcade?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. He turned to face her and said, “I’m the best Project Diva player around,” He said still wearing his cocky grin, “Want to prove me wrong?” Rainbow smirked in response, “Challenge accepted.” “So, Sunset,” Shining Armor said, cutting his chicken. “Twilight told us you were attending at Canterlot High School. So I was wondering, how did you two met?” “Well, we just bumped into each other and… Here we are.” Sunset replied, not knowing what to say more. Candence and Shining Armor seemed to really wants to know her, but there wasn’t a lot to say. Well, there wasn’t a lot she could say. Twilight hasn’t spoken a word since they’ve all sat around the dining table, she was just occasionally glaring at Sunset, but every time Sunset look at her, Twilight avoided her look. But the silence that followed was to awkward for Sunset. She had to break it. “And, what are you working on right now? Some interesting cases?” Sunset asked. “Well, now that you mention it,” Shining replied, smiling at her. “We’re actually working on catching these vigilantes people call ‘Super-heroes’.” “What? Why?” Was what Sunset wanted to ask, but Twilight beat her to that. Sunset turned to look at her and Twilight seemed outraged. “All what Spider-girl want is to help you catch the bad guys!” “Twilight…” Cadence started, but Shining put a hand on her, his look saying ‘It’s Okay’. “Maybe it’s what she wants,” Shining said. “But she’s hurting people, assaulting them on the dead of night. She’s just a vigilante and she had to be stopped. She’s an amateur and she’s clumsy, she leaves clues but she’s still dangerous.” “Assaulting people?” this time, it was Sunset who raised her eyebrow. “I’m not sure… I’m mean, I saw on the news when she stopped that electricity-guy from hurting people. I think most people would say that she was providing a… Public service?” Shining laughed and looked at Sunset, “Well Sunset, most people would be wrong. If I wanted that guy of the street, he’s already be-“ “So why wasn’t he then?” Sunset said. It sounded snarkier than she wanted and this time Shining dropped his smile to glare seriously at her. Cadence didn’t know what to say and Twilight laughed awkwardly. “Let me explain it to you with simple words,” He started, leaning against the table. “You see, this ‘super-villain’ is not the only one in this city. It’s been six months that we’re trying to get a grip on the Vulture, and we think they’re all working together. ‘Electro’, as they call him, was going to lead us to whoever run the entire operation, but now, thanks to spider-girl, he’s still in the coma. It’s called a strategy. You know it means right? You’ve probably heard about that in school?” “Yeah.” Sunset replied avoiding his look. Shining Armor nodded and was going to leave it there. But Sunset said, “Well, it seems she didn’t know you had a plan.” “Sunset!” Twilight hushed to her. “You seem to know a lot more about this case than us Sunset.” Shining stated, all the sympathy was long gone, “You know something that we don’t know maybe?” “What? Of course not! I’m just telling you what I saw on TV.” “Oh! What you saw on TV.” He said, with a tone Sunset didn’t liked. “I’m just sayin’ it looks like she’s really trying to help!” Sunset almost yelled. “Yes of course! You kids must think of her as he hero or something like that.” “No! I’m not trying to say she’s a hero, I’m t-“ “So, what are you trying to say?” Shining said, his voice more authoritarian than before. Sunset lost all her patience, “I’m saying that she’s trying to help! It looks like she’s trying to do something the police can’t!” Twilight gasped as Sunset said that and Cadence put her hand on her mouth, but neither of them dared to interrupt them. Shining must’ve heard a good joke because a smiled appeared on his face, “I’m sorry? Something the police can’t? What do you think we do all day, huh?” “Guys I… I think it’s-“ Cadence tried, but Shining stopped her. Sunset sighed and let her hands up in surrender. “Listen, I just think she stands for what you stand for. Protecting innocent from the bad guys.” Shining exploded and stood up from his chair, “I stand for law and order, kid! I wear a badge! This girl wears a mask! Like an outlaw!” It was Twilight’s turn to stand up, she walked towards Sunset and took her hand, “Let’s get some air.” She said with a tone that means ‘no discussion’. Sunset stood up and look at Shining Armor who was quietly arguing with cadence, she walked towards them and said, “Thank you for having me. I’m sorry if I insulted you, that was not my intention. Not at all.” She finished looking at the ground. Shining didn’t reply, he just glared at her, but Cadence showed her prettiest smile. “You’re welcome.” “Let’s go Sunset.” Twilight said. Sunset picked up her backpack and followed her to the corridor of the apartment complex and she quietly followed her when she went up the stairs that leads to the roof. They silently walked towards the edge of the roof and Twilight lets out a chuckle. “That was something! I can’t remember the last time he was mad at someone like that!” Sunset rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless, “Well I’m glad you like the show.” She sighed and stretched her arms, “I thought he was gonna arrest me to be honest.” “I wouldn’t have let him.” She smiled. Just looking at the face of Twilight, Sunset remembered what the Fiend told her. She simply just could tell Twilight all about it. Twilight would understand. “Twilight I…” “Sunset I…” They said in unison. They looked at each other’s and laughed. “You first.” Twilight said. Sunset breathed slowly, and closed her eyes. “Twilight I…” She stopped. How can she say it? How Twilight is going to react to that? Maybe it isn’t a great idea after all. But now Twilight was waiting for something, and it’s already been ten seconds she stopped in the middle of her sentence, if that isn’t suspicious- “Am Spider-Girl?” Twilight asked. Sunset’s eyes went wide opens and she took a step backwards, “What? No! I mean, yes! But-“ “I KNEW IT!” Twilight yelled and jumped at how excited she was. “Wha-How did you know?” Sunset asked incredulously. “Come one Sunset, I had my suspicion but what I saw tonight was all I needed to hear to confirm them.” “Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this strait,” Sunset said, “Is… This is what you wanted to tell me?” “Well… Yeah?” Twilight said, “What did you think I was gonna tell you?” Sunset didn’t know what to reply, instead she just laughs. A big old laugh, and it felt good. It’s the first time since Celestia’s funeral that Sunset laughed this hard. She missed laughing. ‘Oh, my… Sunset, you might be the dumbest girl I know. And by far.’ In a way, Sunset was almost relieved that Twilight wasn’t going to declare her love or something as stupid as that. Really, what was she thinking? If she knew she was Spider-girl. Meh, that was okay. ‘I was going to tell her after all.’ She thought, still laughing her ass off. “Are you okay?” Twilight asked. “Twilight, you might be too clever for your own good.” Sunset said, wiping a tear in her eyes, “But yeah, I’m Spider-Girl. Well, I was.” Twilight looked at her curiously, not knowing what she meant. “I’m stopping this.” Sunset stated, getting serious again. “Why?” Twilight asked, putting her hand on Sunset’s shoulder. But she quickly put the pieces together and a look of horror appeared on her face, “Celestia… It all makes sense now…” Sunset quietly nodded, “Yeah, the Vulture killed her. I don’t know why, but it’s my fault. He saw my face, he must have found out who I was and decided it was time to teach lil’ ol’ me a good lesson.” “Oh my…” Twilight said, putting her hands up to cover her mouth. “Sunset I’m so-“ “Sorry?” Sunset said, resting her arms on the barricade of the edge of the roof. “Yeah, I’ve heard that already.” “And you’re going to let him get away with that?” Twilight asked. She almost sounded angry, it took Sunset by surprise. Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Yeah I mean, the Fiend will take care of it anyway.” “Who?” “Not important,” Sunset said quickly, “He’s just a guy who told me where this scum and his cute friends were hiding.” She watched her phone to look at the time and it said 22:30. “He must be there right now as we speak.” “And you’re not going to help him?” “Nah, listen he seems like a strong dude, and I think he’ll do well. He seems to have found that information easily, so it proves he can take care of himself. Well, of course, if we don’t take into account the fact that it could be a…” Sunset eyes opened wide as she looked at the city from the rooftop. “A… What?” Twilight asked. Sunset turned to face her, fear in her eyes. “It’s a trap.” Twilight seemed to think of it, “Of course.” She said, “That makes sense, they killed Celestia to make you angry. They slipped the information to where they’re hiding because they know you would go there. If you go there…” Twilight looked away. “But it’s just a supposition, right?” Sunset couldn’t explain why, but she knew it was a trap. Like the night she knew Celestia was in trouble. She wasn’t planning to go anyway. But something tilted her. “The Fiend… He doesn’t know.” She didn’t know why she cared. He wasn’t her friend, sure he helped her before, and he wanted to help her again. He tried to help Sunset do her mourning… in his own ways. He was a nice guy and he was going to die because of- ‘Okay, okay, stupid conscience. I get it.’ “I… Have to go.” “But Sunset!” Twilight yelled, trying to prevent her to go. “It’s dangerous, you said it yourself!” After all the things the Fiend did for her, she had to save him. It’s not a choice. “It’s my responsibility.” Sunset stated. Twilight looked at the ground and gridded her teeth. “If I can’t stop you from going, then I just have one thing to say to you.” She approached Sunset and grabbed her in a tight hug. “Please come back okay…” She quickly arrived at the warehouse. Dressed in her Spider-girl costume. She had to wear it, one last time. Twilight also gave her more refills for her web-shooters. She could do this. She was just here to check if things were okay. Maybe it wasn’t a trap. Maybe the Fiend already knocked them down? There was only one way to find out. She had to go inside. She checked on the piece of paper the Fiend gave her if she was at the right address. She crawled on the wall, and snuck inside an open window. It was dark, and it was quiet. It seemed nobody was here. She quietly jumped on the floor, and started her investigation. The warehouse was totally empty except from few boxes. Sunset noticed by the logo on them that all the boxes were coming from Stark Industries. She could almost think nobody came here since a long time, but the dust on the walls and on the ground showed that a lot of things had moved recently. She saw, in the dark, at the other side of the room, a big shadow. She didn’t know what it was but she was curious by nature so she carefully gets closer to it. She was in the right place. This was his. It was his wings. Big mechanical steel wings were hanged up from the roof. “Well, well, well. Look what I’ve found.” She heard behind her, as the lights suddenly goes on, she turned quickly to find a man, strangely dressed in a costume red and yellow. He had two big gauntlets that, Sunset knew by now, seemed like weapons. “A scared little spider. Are you lost deary?” “I’m not.” She said getting in position. “I’m exactly where I want to.” She didn’t have a choice now, she had to fight. Her spider-sense goes wild, and she shots a web on the wall to quickly dodge what was going to hit her in the back. “Are you sure about that?” The Vulture asked after his failed attempt to hit her. Two. They were two. She glared furiously at the Vulture but she remembered he couldn’t see her face. And Sunset didn’t know if she could take the Vulture by her own, but now, they were two of them. “Boys, your mama didn’t tell ya’ that you shouldn’t hit a girl?” She couldn’t help it. “And who are you supposed to be?” She asked to the Vulture’s friend. “I am… the Shocker!” His gauntlets started vibrating, he aimed towards her and shoot what seemed like a shockwave. She easily dodged it, the shockwave hit the wall and made a hole in it. The Vulture tried to grab her with his claws, but she managed to dodge it and she shot a web in his eyes. She followed by shooting a web on the roof and she swinged right into the Vulture who landed a few meters away. A cocky grin appeared behind her mask as she swinged to dodge a shockwave. She turned to face the Shocker and shot a web-ball right in his head, but he manages to avoid it. He sent a wave to the ceiling on top of her, the ceiling started to fall were she was standing and she jumped on the side to avoid all the wreckage that was falling. She felt her Spider-sense, but she wasn’t quick enough and she was caught by another shockwave send by the Shocker. It hurts. Bad. She was sent violently in a wall. The Vulture gets up and launched himself towards her as the Shocker sent her another shockwave, she dodged it and tried to kick the Vulture in the face but he grabbed her and slammed her against the ground. He launched her in the hair and she was hit by a shockwave. She coughed and a strange taste envelops Sunset’s mouth. Sunset recognized it as the taste of blood. She landed on her two feet, the Vulture strike again but she dodged him and shoot a web on his backpack. What she didn’t expect was that he was so fast that he took her with him in his course, “Aaaaaaaaaaaah!” She screamed. She was so taken aback that she couldn’t dodge the other shockwave the Shocker sent her. She felled on the ground and the Vulture grabbed her with one of his mechanical claws. He raised her up from the ground, and he prepared to stab her with his other claw. “I’m sorry.” He said. “No… you’re not.” Sunset said between two coughs. She aimed behind him, shot a web a drew it towards them. Metal pipes were falling from were Sunset had shot her web, the Vulture dodged them easily but Sunset had the time to get free from him hand kick him right in his chest. God, it felt good. She landed on her two feet and said, “But you will.” She saw coming the shockwave from her left, and dodge it with a backflip, she shot a web towards the Shocker, but the Vulture was already up and hit her in the back with one of his wings. She screamed from pain but didn’t fell. But this time, a shockwave hits her, and sent her meters away in the warehouse. She tried to get back to her feet but the Vulture grabbed her once again and sent her toward the Shocker who welcomed her with a shockwave that sent her in the roof and another that sent her in the wall. She managed to get up. Her body hurt. She felt pain everywhere. She had never been hurt that much in her entire life. “Still getting up?” The Shocker said, his gauntlets vibrating once again. He shot a shockwave that Sunset managed to dodge, but the Vulture hit her again with one of his claws. “You should’ve just stay in bed sweety.” Two of them was just too much for her. She tried to get up once again, but she failed. The Shocker walked towards her, grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up. She heard him chuckle as he pointed her with one of his arms, his gauntlet vibrating again. He was going to give her the final blow, and it was going to be over for Sunset. “Wait.” The Vulture said, landing on his friend side. “Not again,” His friend replied, “We have to kill her, don’t you un-“ “Not that.” He said quickly, “Someone else is here.” “Uh?” As he said that, all the light went off. And, they started to hear someone walking towards them, very, very slowly. The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, the Shocker dropped Sunset on the ground as he turned to face were the sound of heavy boots against the concrete was coming. A shadow. That’s all they saw, a dark shadow began to discern itself among the dark. And big red glowing eyes were staring at them. The Vulture took a step back, but the Shocker laughed. “So, you’ve decided to come after all?” He said, smirking. The Fiend steps out of the dark, standing at seven meters from them. “At least we’re finally going to have fun.” The Shocker stated, cracking his knuckles. He turned to face Sunset who was still on the ground, coughing badly. “This one was a little too… Weak.” The Fiend had what looked like a chuckle before saying, “Weak? Her?” He asked, “Are you that blind?” The Shocker laughed but the Vulture didn’t let the Fiend out from his vision. He wasn’t going to lose him from sight. They’ve actually fought before, just one time. It was two, maybe three months ago. The Vulture had turned his gaze away for just a second, and just like that he disappeared and he felt him hit him in the back, almost knocking him out. He knew he was a strong opponent, he wasn’t going to do the same mistake twice. He didn’t know how, but the Fiend could move faster than he could blink. The Shocker aimed him and said, “At least, we finally have the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.” The Vulture also knew that he didn’t like that metaphor. The Fiend sighed, “Please.” He glared at them with his red glowing eyes. “Underestimate me.” Just when the Shocker was going to send his shockwave, Sunset shot a web on his gauntlet and drew it, the Shocker didn’t saw it coming and accidentally shoot it on the Vulture. He was sent in the nearest wall, “Fuck!” The Shocker yelled, when he turned to face the Fiend, he had disappeared. Then he suddenly felt something punching him on his left side of his face. Sending him a few meters away in the warehouse, but most importantly, from Sunset. The Fiend who just hit him, stood next to Sunset and help her to get on her feet. “Are you okay Spidey?” he asked. “You take your time.” She said sharply. “Sorry, I was busy.” She was glad he was here, but if he could’ve come a little bit sooner, it would have been nice. “So,” He said. “What’s the plan?” Sunset watched and analyzed their opponents as they were getting up, the Vulture was the biggest threat. His blows were heavy and hard to dodge, but she could manage it thanks to her web-shooters. And she wanted to kick his ass so badly. On the other hand, the Shocker was more an annoyance than something else. “Birdy’s mine,” She finally said, “You take that son of a-“ “Woaw hey,” The Fiend said, “Language. You’re still a teenager.” She glared at him. “Seriously?” Her attention was back to the Vulture who had started flying in the air again. “Hey Vulture!” She yelled at him, “What about we’re going for a walk… or a fly?” The Vulture didn’t reply but started to fly towards her, she shot a web on the edge of the whole in the ceiling the Shocker had made earlier and she threw herself out of the building, the Vulture closely following her. The Fiend watched them as they go and drew his attention back to the Shocker who has just finish getting up to his feet. “Well, at least it seems you don’t fear me.” The Fiend says to him, “Let me ask you, do you know why everyone is scared of me?” He asked casually. The Shocker’s gauntlets glowed and soon they were vibrating, meaning he was preparing an attack. “Please, tell me why.” The Fiend threw his cape away, in order to be free of his movements, “I’ll show you.” He said, darkly, as his pale white skin was turning black. Sunset kicked the Vulture in the face and he landed hardly on the billboard. Sunset landed on the edge of the roof and looked at the crowd. Like always, a battle of this scale, it draws attention. A big crowd had formed, surrounding the building where Sunset and the Vulture were fighting. Few policemen were trying to calm the crowd and a lot of reporters where standing in the front row, taking notes, filming and taking photos. Sunset turned her gaze to the Vulture, and her blood boiled. He was pathetically trying to get up to his feet, Sunset grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up. Sunset frowned when he starts laughing. “What? I’m that fucking funny?” Sunset barked. Instead of replying to her, the Vulture tried to hit her with a swing of his left wing, Sunset let go of him and easily dodged it, but that’s when she realized it wasn’t meant to hit her. His wing had cut the lower part of the billboard and it starts falling on the crowd. Everyone was screaming and Sunset didn’t have to think twice, she jumped from the roof and she caught the billboard with her web. She then shoot another web on the wall of the building, and another, and another, until the sign stops falling. The public cheered and Sunset sighed in relief. But her rest was short-lived as the Vulture flew at full speed and landed in Sunset stomach. She was sent right in the window and far inside the building. The Vulture entered through the mess he just made. Sunset crawled and coughed violently, her mask usually white was now becoming red from all the blood she was spilling. The Vulture hit her with one of his wings but she grabbed it by clapping her two hands. The Vulture was shocked, he didn’t know she was that strong. She turned around and sent him right into the wall before putting a knee down and starts coughing again. “Stay down.” She looked where he had just landed when she heard him getting up to his feet. ‘Obviously.’ “This… This is getting ridiculous.” The Vulture said calmly, breathing hardly. “What do you mean?” Sunset said getting up to her feet. The Vulture took his goggles off and said, “I don’t understand you, I don’t want to kill you.” Sunset became red. She frowned and yelled, “But it was okay to kill her?” The Vulture looked curiously at her, “What- Who are you talking about?” “Don’t act like you don’t know!” She spit, walking towards him. “You killed her because I didn’t do what you said.” The Vulture’s eyes became wide open when he finally put the pieces back together. The woman he killed, she must’ve been her mother or someone like that. That is why his boss told him to kill her. It wasn’t an order for their business. It was a punishment for not killing Spider-girl when he could. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t sew Sunset raising her arm and punching him in the face. He flew a few meters away and manage to stood up. “Come on kid, I don’t want to kill you.” “Too bad, ‘cause I want to!” She yelled shooting her web in the wall behind him, when she drew it toward her, the wall felled on the Vulture. It didn’t make him fell, but it struck him a little so Sunset didn’t wasted time and punched him on the face once again. He replied by a swing from his left wing, but Sunset dodged it, he grabbed her with his left claw and punched her with his other one. Sunset took the hit and replied with one of her own. He stumbled and she jumped on top of him, but he sent her away thanks to his wings. He stood up and glared at her, “Sorry kid, but you leave me no choice.” When he said that, he put out a device from his jacket and started typing something on it. When he fished his wings grew larger and sharpier. They were now as sharp as a blade. “Uh-oh.” Sunset said. The Vulture jumped furiously at her and swinged his wings in her direction. She manages to dodge most of them but she got cut in her arms. He struck her with the plate surface of his wings and she landed in the opposite wall. Her vision began to blur, she had the biggest headache she ever had, and all of her body was crying in pain. Still, she managed to get up. She wasn’t going to die here. She knew it. But even if she’s saying that to herself. She knows she couldn’t continue like that for long, she had to finish this quickly. She almost can’t hear herself thinking because of her loud breathing. “No more juice.” Adrian said watching his little device again, getting Sunset attention. “This… Will be my last attack. If you manage to dodge it, you win.” As he said that, his wings swinged faster than before in front of him. Sunset closed her eyes. And calmed her breath. She breathes slowly, and she starts concentrating. She knew she could do it, she did it before, even if it wasn’t on purpose. Adrian walked slowly towards her, he didn’t want to do that, and she wasn’t even moving. What was he supposed to do? Sunset concentrate and when she felt his wings approaching her, she manages to know where they were going to hit her. Almost like, she could saw it seconds before it happens. She dodges on the left, then on the right, she jumped and landed perfectly on the ground, before dodging left again. She felt the wings were getting slower, and slower. Suddenly, she found an opening. She closed her fist, threw her arm behind her, took a good support on the ground, and, when she opened her eyes, she punched him with all the might and the strength and the rage and everything she could manage to feel. He flew backwards and he went through what was remaining of the poor wall. She walked quietly towards him. Stretched her arms and prepared herself for the final blow. The Vulture didn’t say a word, he closed his eyes and waited for the blow to come. “If you do that,” Sunset didn’t have to turn around to recognize the Fiend’s voice. “You’ll just ending his torment. You’re doing him a favor.” He sighed, "And you'll be no better than him." She turned to look at him and saw he didn’t look like he just had a fight. He had no scratch on him. And he sure was quick. “Then… What am I supposed to do?” He shrugged, “Only you can know. It is your choice, really.” She turned again to look at the Vulture and she sighed. She slowly gets up to her feet and stood next to him. The Fiend nodded approving her, and walked towards the Vulture, he grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up. “The Shocker?” Sunset asked. “He didn’t have a chance.” He turned his attention to the Vulture, “Now, hi little bird.” “What do you want to know?” The Vulture said, “I’m dead anyway, so go on.” “How’s that, you’re dead anyway?” Sunset asked. “The woman I killed, Celestia I believe… You know her?” He asked, ignoring her question. Sunset approached him abruptly, “Stop doing that, you knew she was like a mother to me! You killed her to get to me!” “I swear to god I-“ “Stop lying!” Sunset yelled. The Fiend dropped the Vulture and put a hand on her shoulder and said calmly, “Spidey… He’s telling the truth.” Sunset turned furiously in his direction and asked him, “How can you tell?” “Let just say I know when someone is lying…” He said pointing in the Vulture’s direction. “And he isn’t.” Sunset glared at him and sighed. She didn’t have the strength to be angry anyway, so let just go with it. “Okay then,” She said. “I believe you.” She turned once again at the Vulture who was supporting himself to the wall and asked him “Then, why did you killed her?” “It… It was an order… from my boss.” He said, but he quickly added, “I didn’t have a choice! He was threating my daughter, I can’t lose her, she’s all I have!” “Wait, you’re like, a super-badguy, who’s confident enough to threat someone like you?” Sunset asked him. “Someone who owns everything, who knows everything, if something happens in this city… In his city. He’s aware of it in the minute.” He said, panic could be heard in his voice. Sunset looked curiously at the Fiend, maybe he knows something? But she saw he was returning her glare so she knew he didn’t know what the Vulture was talking about. “And who is he, your boss?” The Fiend asked him. “No I-I can’t, If I tell you… He’s going to harm her!” “And if you don’t tell me what I want, I’m going to harm you.” The Fiend stated. “I don’t care!” The Vulture yelled. “Do what you want to me, but I’m not putting her in danger!” Sunset sighed and walked toward him, she kneeled next to him and asked, “What’s her name?” “It’s… Wendy. Wendy MacReady.” He admitted. Sunset turned to look at the Fiend and she smiled under her mask when he nodded to her. “We’ll take care of her.” Sunset said. “W-What?” “He’s not going to harm a little girl.” The Fiend said, “Not under my watch.” The Vulture wasn’t believing in what he just witnesses. His two mortal enemies just said they were going to watch over his princess. “I… Thanks.” He said. “Now, spill it.” The Fiend said. Adrian swallowed, even if they were going to protect his baby doll, he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. But when he took a look at spider-girl, he sighed. He made her life so miserable, at least now, he was doing something right. “He calls himself… The Green Goblin.” ‘The green goblin?’ Sunset thought. ‘That’s a strange name, what he- Wait, what is that?’ “My ears are buuuuurniiiiing.” A raspy voice sang behind them, Sunset just had the time to jump in the Fiend direction and grab him in her course, sending them through a window, outside the building. Sunset saw that the Fiend and herself were falling on water, she didn’t even notice they were in the harbor of the city. In her fell, she heard the building behind them explode and she saw the reflect of the explosion in the water before falling in. > Volume I End - Chapter 10: The world could always use more heroes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Amazing Sunset Shimmer – Volume I: With great power comes great responsibility Final Act – Part 3/3 “The world could always use more heroes” Twilight was freaking out. And it was an understatement. She saw what happened on TV, Spider-Girl was fighting with the Vulture and their fight went into one of the building surrounding Canterlot Harbor. No reporters dared to enter the building so everyone was just speculating on what might have happened, but just when everyone thought it was over, the building had just exploded. On the good side, no one was hurt, the policemen had managed to keep them at a respectable distance. However, when the building exploded, Spider-Girl and the Vulture were still inside. No one saw them getting out of it. And nobody knew why the building exploded in the first place. Twilight was pacing into her room, biting her nails, shaking and almost crying. She shouldn’t have let Sunset go, it was to risky and if she was hurt, Twilight would blame herself for it. She sat on her bed, her legs shacking violently, stress gripping her whole body. She took her phone to check if there was news about it, if someone saw Spider-girl. But no one had seen her. Twilight was going to scream out of frustration when she heard a knock on her window, she ran towards it and opened it, and finally, she sighed of relief when she saw Sunset sitting on the exit stairway. Twilight noticed Sunset was soaking wet and bleeding badly. “Hi Twi’.” She greeted. “Oh, my goodness, Sunset!” Twilight almost yelled, “Come on in! Quick!” Sunset did as she was told and took place on Twilight’s bed. “Sorry about the blood.” Sunset said, glaring at the bloody sheets she was making. “It’s nothing I’ll take care of it!” Twilight said, she took her in a quick hug, “I’ve got a first aid kit, don’t move!” Sunset complied and Twilight took a small kit under her bed. “Why do you have a first aid kit under your bed?” She asked raising an eyebrow. “We never know!” Twilight said has she opened it. “Take off your shirt.” “Woah hey Twi’,” Sunset said, smirking. “Take me to diner before, or something like that.” “We’ve already had diner remember?” Twilight replied, soaking a cotton with alcohol. “Meh, I guess that’s true.” Sunset stated, taking of her shirt. “Be gentle then.” Twilight cringed when she saw the big wound on Sunset’s chest, she closed her eyes and started to disinfecting the wound. “Aouch! Stop!” Sunset quickly said, grabbing Twilight’s wrist. “You’re a big girl,” Twilight said, getting her hand free from Sunset. “So pull it together.” She continued her work, to Sunset’s dismay. “So… What happened back there?” Sunset sighed and looked away, “We lost…” “What?” Twilight said, taken aback. “The Vulture got you?” “No, no.” Sunset reassured her. “I’ve kicked his ass, but there was… Someone else. He took us by surprise and I’ve managed to get the Fiend and I out before the explosion.” She gritted her teeth and a dark glare appeared on her face. “The Vulture’s dead.” Twilight dropped the cotton she was holding has she put her hands on her mouth in shock. “That’s horrible! Are you sure?” “No one can survive an explosion like that Twi’. And even if he did survive, which I doubt, the Green Goblin got him. So, he’s dead anyway.” “The Green Goblin?” Sunset rolled her eyes, “He’s… The one who ordered him to kill Celestia.” “Does he… Knows who you are?” Twilight asked her, resuming her cleaning of Sunset’s wounds. “It’ll make a lot of sense,” Sunset admitted, her face writhing in pain because of the torture Twilight inflicted her, “There was a video, of me at Discorp, getting my powers. He must have saw this too.” “You got you powers at Discorp?” Twilight asked, her voice between surprise and excitement. “Yeah, yeah, long story. That’s why I wanted your help in the first place… But if the Green Goblin has access to Discorp’s confidential files, it’ll make things harder for me.” She closed her eyes and growled, “He wants me to know that he knows who I am.” “B-But why? What’s the point?” “I… don’t know.” She sighed in defeat, “Maybe because I’m the only one who survived the bite. Or because of what happened two years ago. I don’t know.” “What happened two years ago?” Twilight asked curiously. “Nothing, forget it.” Sunset quickly added. “The point is, he knows who I am. So even if I put my costume away, he’ll still be a pain in my ass, no matter what.” “D-Does that mean…” “Yeah,” Sunset beamed at her, “Spider-girl’s still in business.” Twilight chuckled, “Well, you take the news pretty easily. I would’ve thought that you’ll get after him.” “Oh, don’t worry, I’m fucking pissed.” Sunset added, still wearing her smile, “But he messed with the wrong gal’.” The next night… A long day of work finally over. Dr Conhorse was packing his stuff to finally get home and get the rest he deserves. As he was going to shut down his computer, he heard a knock on his office door. He wondered who it could be at this hour of the night, but he just shrugged and let out a, “Come on in, it’s open.” The door opened to reveal a person Dr Curtis Conhorse wasn’t planning to see here. “Good evening Doctor.” Discord said, wearing a devilish grin on his face. “S-Sir!” He jumped from his chair and held out his only hand when he saw Discord walking towards him. Discord watched his hand but didn’t shake it, instead he glared at him and said, “So? Is it working?” “Y-Yes!” Curt Conhorse said, dropping his arm, “The serum is working perfectly! The leg missing of our three-legged mouse had grew back!” “Wonderful.” Discord said flatly, no emotions in his voice. “And when are you going to test it on… more interesting subject?” The doctor bit his lips, and looked away, “Sir, we can’t do that, the serum isn’t ready for that sort of things yet.” “It’s your job to make it work, isn’t it?” Discord added, crossing his arms on his chest, glaring at the poor doctor. “Y-Yes, but-“ “I don’t want any excuses,” Discord quickly said, “Our investors are coming next week and if I want to keep them interested, I need to show them something, wouldn’t you agree?” “Yes but, we can’t do-“ “Listen carefully Curtis.” He said with a tone that clearly said he didn’t care what the doctor had to say, “Find subject to test it, I don’t care who they are, hell I don’t care if you test it on yourself… But I want results, and the sooner, the better. So, don’t waste any more time, if I don’t have it by the end of the week, you’re fired.” As he said that, he turned around and leave the office, not even bothering to close the door. Letting the poor Dr Conhorse watch him go in total disbelief. Discord kept walking in the corridors, to finally take the elevator. But instead of going up to his penthouse, he was heading downstairs. Where his lab was. He entered the lab and was greeted by Dr Octavius, “Greetings Sir!” he said. “Good evening Otto.” Discord said, “Where are our friend?” “He’s… In the back,” The doctor said, avoiding Discord’s glare, pointing in the direction he just said. Discord walked towards where he wanted to go and stood in front of a huge plexiglass window. On the other side of it, Adrian Toomes was tied up to an operating table. “Adrian.” He said, taking his attention. “You!” Adrian glared furiously at him, “What are you going to do to me?” Discord laughed and turned away, “Well, since you’re just pure disappointment for me, I’m going to turn you in something more… disciplined. And something more inclined to do what I say.” “What?” Adrian yelled at him. “You call yourself the Vulture…” Discord said, getting his seriousness back, he turned his face to glare one last time at him, “You won’t be disappointed.” “Sunset! Are you okay?” Fluttershy was the first one to jump out from her chair and take Sunset in a tight hug. “Yes Fluttershy, I’m okay.” Sunset replied, patting the head of her friend. Shu turned her gaze to the table where the rest of her friends were taking their lunch, “Hi guys.” “Well, Ah’ll be.” Applejack said, “If it isn’t our friend Sunset Shimmer, long time no see.” “Yeah sorry about that AJ.” Sunset said, looking at the ground. “Don’t you worry sugarcube, Ah’m happy to see ya’.” She said, beaming at her. “Yeah! I’m super-duper happy too!” Pinkie exclaimed, “Now the band’s back together!” “I’m happy to be back.” Sunset replied, taking place between Rarity and Rainbow Dash. “Did you saw what happens this past week?” Rainbow Dash asked to her friends. “There was a huge fight between that Vulture thing and my girl, Spider-girl!” “Yes, we all saw that, I do hope she’s okay though.” Rarity said. “She is, no body where find, so it seems no one died…” Sunset said. She had learned that from Twilight who learned that from her brother, so it seems the Vulture didn’t die. Sunset didn’t know why, but she was relieved when Twilight said that to her. “I hope so… I’d actually like to get in touch with her…” Rarity stated. “Not that again Rare!” Rainbow exclaimed, “We’ve walked with you a hundred times, no one is following you!” “I’m not followed when I’m with one of you!” Rarity lost her temper and got up from her chair, “But I feel it, every time I walk alone!” “That’s scary…” Fluttershy added. Sunset put a hand on her friend’s shoulder and beckoned her to sat back. She smiled at her in recomfort but she knew she had to do something about that. Maybe Rarity was wrong, but if she wasn’t… Then someone had choose to mess with the wrong friend. “Don’t worry Rarity,” Sunset said, “I’m sure everything’s going to be okay.” It was night and Rarity closed down her boutique. She didn’t have a lot of customers today, but she didn’t mind, she had more time to work on her dress for the winter ball. She verified if the door was indeed closed, and start to walk away. She didn’t have to walk that long, she lived two streets away. She stopped walking to take her phone from her purse and she heard footsteps behind her, she quickly turns around to see if someone was here, but she didn’t find anything. She resumes her walking and the footsteps behind her resumed too. She walks faster, and the footsteps walked faster. She turned quickly and she saw someone hiding behind a car, looking right at her. It was enough, she was so scared she didn’t have to think twice. She starts running in her house direction, and she heard the person following her had started chasing her through the dark streets. Rarity looked around if there was someone, or something to help her, but the streets were empty. She turned to take a dark alley, and hide behind a dumpster. She leaned against the wall, her breathing was so hard she had to do her breathing exercise in the fear of being heard. She waited five long minutes, before picking her head out to see if there was someone. But nobody was there. She sighed in relief. Maybe she was indeed imagining things. She didn’t have time to make a step that someone grabbed her from behind and put his hand on Rarity’s mouth. She fought and struggled to get free from him but she didn’t succeed, and he dragged her in the back of the dark alley. “No please!” She screamed, before she felt him sending her face in the wall. She was stuck against the wall and she felt the stranger’s hand going under her shirt, “F-Finally…” Said a creepy voice in her hear, she tried to scream and to fought him off, but she didn’t have the strength to do so. She starts crying, still trying to get free, but she got hit behind her head. “Easy now, little one,” The creepy voice said, “I’ve waited so long for th-” She didn’t hear the end of the sentence as she suddenly got free from him. She turned around to see someone on top of the guy who was stalking her. “S-Spider-girl?” Rarity asked. Indeed Spider-girl was on top of him, hitting him in the face. “Leave. Her. Alone. Freak!” She said, punching him at every word. He felt unconscious and Rarity heard Spider-girl sighed before turning toward her. “Hi there, just figured you needed some help.” Rarity run towards her a grabbed her in a hug that took Spider-girl by surprise. “Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you! You saved me!” “Now, now.” Sunset replied, breaking the hug. “Just doing my job. You should call the cops or something.” Rarity totally ignored that part and noticed what Spider-girl was wearing and her eye twitched, “Is it what you usually wear?” Spider-girl looked at her suit and sighed, “Yeah well, it used to look good.” Indeed, her suit was now ripped from almost everywhere and blood can still be seen on her mask. “I’ll make a new one.” Spider-girl said. “No, don’t be silly.” Rarity added, “I’ll do it.” Spider-girl looked at Rarity curiously but remembered she couldn’t see her face, so she asked, “What do you mean?” “You saved my life, this is the least I could do to repay you.” “Miss, you don’t have to repay me, like I said, I was just doing my job.” She finished, turning back preparing to jump on the nearest wall. But Rarity stopped her by putting her hand on her shoulder. “And I’m just doing mine.” Rarity said, beaming at her. Spider-girl sighed in defeat and said, “Well I should take the offer, then.” Rarity beamed once again, and held to Spider-girl her visit card. “This is where I work.” She explained. Spider-girl put he paper in her pocket, she didn’t bother to look where she was working. She already knew. “Do you think it’ll be ready next week? I kinda need it quickly.” “Please, darling you’re insulting me.” Rarity said. “It’ll be ready tomorrow.” “And so, she’s making you a new suit? That’s dope.” The Fiend asked, sitting on the edge of a roof. “Yeah.” Sunset said, sitting next to him. The lower part of her mask was off so she could eat her sandwich. “I don’t think it’s a great idea to ask her that but I know that if there’s someone who can make me a new suit, it’s her.” “That’s nice.” He replied. Sunset chuckled. It’s already been a week since the fight with the Shocker and the Vulture. She was glad when the Fiend told her that the Shocker has been arrested. At least there was one of them behind bars. “I also wanted to thanks you.” He said, “You saved me that night.” “What?” She asked, then she remembered. “Oh yeah, the explosion. Meh, I wasn’t going to let you explode there.” “No not that, I could’ve taken it.” He said. “Thank you for getting me out of the water.” “What?” “I…” He avoided her look, “I can’t swim…” Sunset waited a moment, analyzing what he just said and she laughed. He rolled his eyes while Sunset was laughing at him. “Seriously?” She asked between two laughs. “Fuck you.” He said to her. Sunset calmed down, but a smile never leaved her face, “And I wanted to thank you, for what you told me…” She sighed, “I couldn’t have done it without you.” “You’re welcome. See? That’s what you supposed to say when someone thanks you.” She rolled her eyes and laughed. They were seeing each other every day since the battle, and Sunset liked it. It was always nice having someone, having a friend who had your back. “Hey I wanted to know,” Sunset asked, “How did you know I came from Equestria?” “Eques-what now?” He asked her, raising an eyebrow. “Well, you told me you knew what happened two years ago, and then you told me that you knew I was from another world.” “Ooooh, okay I see.” He said, “So Equestria is the name of your homeworld.” “Yes?” She said, no knowing what he wanted to say. “I didn’t know that, I just knew you where from another world.” “And how did you knew?” “Well,” he started, “You’re the only girl in town having magic in your body.” Sunset jumped from surprise, “Wait! You can feel magic?” “Of course, I can.” He said, like it was obvious. “I’m from another world too.” “But how is that possible? I can’t use my equestrian magic in this form!” “Hmmm,” He thought for a moment and said, “Maybe because this world isn’t able to materialize your kind of magic. I was lucky, my homeworld’s magic is the same as here.” “So, you’re telling me…” Sunset couldn’t believe what he just said. “That this world does have magic?” He chuckled and said, “Spidey… Every world has magic, you just have to find it.” ‘The magic of friendship isn’t just in Equestria… it’s everywhere.’ The words from princess Twilight Sparkle appeared in Sunset’s head. ‘It’s not just the magic of friendship, but… every kind of magic.’ She thought. As he finished his sentence, he gets up and start walking towards the stairs back of the building. “See ya’ tomorrow, I’ve got something to do.” “Wait!” Sunset called him. It was a habit of his, leaving in a middle of a conversation. Sunset didn’t like that part of him. “What am I supposed to do now?” She asked him. He shrugged his shoulders, “The hell I know, do what you want.” He said resuming his walk. Sunset growled but didn’t said anything instead she just watched him leave. “You know,” He said stopping down. “I’m glad I’ve met you… The world could always use more heroes.” As he said that, he jumped from the roof. Sunset waited a minute before sighing and she smiled, “He almost made me blush.” “…Ahahah look at her!” Said one of the three boys who were picking on that little girl. “P-please leave me alone!” She screamed as one of the boys pushed her on the ground of the playground. It was the end of the afternoon, and no one was here except them. “Then you should give me your lunch money, then and only then I’ll leave you alone.” The boy said smirking, his friends chuckling behind him. The girl cried, but did it anyway, she knew better than to push to far with those boys, the last time a girl dared to say no to them, they didn’t hesitate to punch her in the face. And Wendy didn’t want to be punched in the face, she hated pain. “O-okay…” She said. She held out five bucks from her pocket, and give it to the boys. “See? Everything is o-” The boy started, however he stopped when he saw who was standing behind the little girl. The three boys screamed and ran away, the boy who was picking on her dropped the five bucks in his confusion. “What?” The girl asked herself. They ran when they saw something behind her… Is there something behind her? She turned her head and screamed at what she saw. A scary man was standing here, a red glare looking right at her, and a horrible mask that Wendy knew would give her nightmare. “L-Leave me alone!” She screamed, protecting herself with her arms. When she saw he wasn’t going to move, she dropped her arms. The Fiend kneeled in front of her to be at her size, and he grabbed the five bucks that were on the ground to give her back. “I think this belongs to you.” But she didn’t take it, she was shaking from fear. The Fiend noticed it and he sighed, “Is it because of the mask?” He asked. Wendy quietly nodded, it resulted by a chuckle from the Fiend. “What’s your name?” He asked. “M-My dad told me I shouldn’t speak with strangers.” She shyly said. “A wise advice.” The Fiend replied. “Then, let me introduce myself.” He took his mask off, and smiled at her. “See? I’m just a normal dude. My name’s Red Light, I’m a friend of your father, but this is a secret, don’t tell anyone okay?” “O-Okay…” She said, blushing. “A-are you a super-hero?” “Ahaha,” Red laughed, “Yeah you could say that. Your father told me to take care of you.” It seemed to lightened up the mood of Wendy because a small smile started to make its appearance on her face. “Do you know where he is? It’s been a while since I last saw him…” “I… think he’s out of town, for work.” Red said quickly. “Oh, okay then.” Wendy seemed to believe it. “Now I’m not a stranger, anymore am I? What’s your name?” He asked, still smiling to her. “I’m Wendy… Wendy MacReady.” She said. Red pretended to think for a moment before asking, “I would’ve thought your name would be Wendy Toomes.” “MacReady is my mother’s name.” She said. It seemed she had now total confidence in him. It actually was easy to make a child believing in you, you just have to find the right words. Luckily for her, Red was a good guy. “And those boys?” He asked, “Who are they?” “That’s Dumbbell, Hoops and Score. They’re always bothering me…” She admitted. “Now,” Red said, putting a hand on her shoulders, “Next time they’re bothering you, tell them that the Demon will come to get them if they don’t stop right away.” Wendy beamed and said, “Okay!” Meanwhile… “Son of a..!” Yelled Curtis Conhorse, throwing papers across his office. “That’s what he wanted since the beginning of it!” He punched his wall and instantly regrets it, “He knew I wouldn’t test it on human! So, he made me work on it and then, he planned to threw me out and take my project for himself!” He looked on his desk where a vial of the serum was. Un gritted his teeth and took it, “He thinks he can throw me out like that? After all I’ve done for this company?” He sat on his chair and put the vial in a hypodermic, and breathes one, two, three times before injecting it into his shoulder. “He’ll see, and he will kneel in front of my genius!” Something was wrong. The Doctor immediately felled on the ground and threw up. But he also felt something he never felt, something heavy from his right shoulder. He took a look at it and saw an arm was growing were he didn’t have one. “I did it!” He screamed. But his euphoria was short-lived when he saw green scales starting to make their appearance on it. But not only on his new arms, but everywhere on his body. He screamed in pain as his legs grew longer than they were, his arms too, and his tong too. He grabbed the edge of his desk with his hand- with his claw, and the desk broke at his attempt to use it to get back up to his feet. The mirror that was on top of it fell on the ground and Curtis grabbed it, he needed to know what happened to him. He took the mirror and saw. His face was longer than before, recovered with green scales, his eyes were also green and wider, he had sharp teeth and a very long tong. He couldn’t believe it, he was… ‘… A Lizard?’ He screamed in despair. What happened to him? But more and more as he screamed, his screams transform themselves into a laugh. “FINALLY.” The Lizard said, watching his new arm. “Sunset, I know things have been difficult lately. And I'm sorry about that. I think I know what you're feeling. Ever since you came in this world, you've been living with so many difficulties. Well, take it from old woman, those things send us down a road, they make us who we are. But look what happened to you since then. You've made friends who are willing to give everything for you. And if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you, Sunset. You owe the world your gifts. Someone told me someday that with great power, comes great responsibility. You just have to figure out how to use them, and know that wherever they take you, we'll always be here Sunset. I'll always be here. So please, come home, Sunset. You're my daughter, and I love you.” Sunset hanged up her phone. She managed to make a smile behind the tears flowing down on her cheeks. “I love you too Celestia.” She said, putting on the mask of her new outfit. She jumped from the roof and landed on the side of a building. Hung on the wall, she was in total disbelief in front of the window she was staring at. Rarity surpassed herself. Her new suit was faithful to the previous one. It still had a hood and her mask didn’t change much, she had now white fabric on her eyes to mask her glare but she could see clearly through it. It was perfect. She was planning to take some photos, she saw on the Daily Bugle newspaper that they were researching for pictures of Spider-girl. ‘Easy money.’ She had thought. She jumped from the wall and shot a web before she began swinging through the city. Sunset always liked selfies, so she said to herself, ‘Why the hell not?’ Twilight knew she shouldn’t be out after midnight, but on the science nerd forum she used to go, they said there was going to be a meteor shower that could be seen clearly from the edge of the city. She wasn’t sure if her three hours bus trip was worth it, but she wasn’t going home until she had seen it. She was sitting on a bench at the edge of the Everfree Forest. Her phone starts buzzing, it was the alarm she put to prevent her from missing the meteor shower. She looked in the sky with her camera and zoomed in. Indeed, she saw that meteors were flying by into the sky, well into space if you want to be specific. She filmed it for a moment before something got her attention, it was a meteor drifting from its path. Her eyes went wide open when she saw it falling… right where she was. She ran in the opposite direction and protect herself behind a tree when she heard it hit the ground. ‘Well… it wasn’t that bad.’ She thought. She waited a big explosion sound, and big crater into the ground. She didn’t know why she was disappointed when she saw a small rock standing in the middle of a small crater. “That’s… Strange…” She said mostly to herself. She put her camera down and walked cautiously towards the meteor. She kneeled in front of it to take a look at it, she didn’t want to take it in her hands, not now. She lets out a scream of surprise when she saw a black sticky substance getting out of it. It moved on its own, trying to get away from the rock. Almost like… It was alive. “Very strange…” The Amazing Sunset Shimmer Volume I END > Volume II: Web of Shadows - Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good Morning Canterlot! I’m Mi Amore Cadenza, but you already know it!” Candence said with a laugh, “The holidays season officially began in our sweet and beloved city! Don’t forget to get your family and friends unforgettable present but also don’t forget to be nice and respectful with the store’s employee! Now with the news of the day, Discorp officially announced the date of their presentation for their particle accelerator, who’s exited about that? I am that’s for sure! It’ll happen in July so we’ll have to be patient but I’m sure they won’t disappoint us! Also, the famous Tony Stark will be present at the Canterlot Science Fair in February! If tickets won’t sell after that announcement, I don’t know what will!” Candence said with a cheerful voice that her listeners loved so much, “And I know, I know… What’s a Good Morning Canterlot without news of our beloved friendly neighborhood… Spider-Girl! For the past weeks, we talk about her every morning! It’s not surprising though, we’re all big fans, right? Now, you could’ve seen in the Daily Bugle that she supposedly helped those bank robbers, but let me tell you… It’s all lies and defamation! You all know that our Spidey wouldn’t do something like that! She kicked their buts and send them to jail, that’s what she did! Spider-Girl, if you’re listening to us, know that we support you, and we hope you’ll spend a nice Christmas with your loved ones!” Walking among the crowded streets, Twilight sparkle made her way to the bus station heading home. She was exhausted from a long day of work, for the past days she had more work than ever before, almost as twice as usual. She was now the head of the lab department of Discorp, a promotion that resulted congratulations among her peers. It was rare to have a such important job at this young age, she was only seventeen years old and she was coordinating a team of scientist almost as three time her age. Even if she was happy with her sudden promotion, she also was very concerned about her old boss, Dr Conhorse. If they offered her that promotion, it was because Conhorse was nowhere to be found. He just… Disappeared without a trace. And what surprised Twilight the most was that nobody seems to be worry about that. They just continued their work as if none of this had happened. Twilight just hopped Conhorse was okay, somewhere. She waited under the bus shelter, in the cold wind of December. She drew her hands closer to her face and blew hot hair on them in the hope of warming them even a little. She left work so quickly that she forgot her pair of gloves. It was unusual for her to forget something like that, but aside from the Doctor’s disappearance, her mind was also focused on something else. She grabbed her transport card in her pocket when she saw the bus arrive in the distance. When it stopped in front of the bus station, Twilight showed her card to the driver and headed to the end of the bus to sit peacefully, with no one to disturb her. She put her headphones on and swiftly drifted away in her thought, lulled by the sweet music she was listening to. She couldn’t wait to head home and start the weekend. Usually, she also worked on the weekends because she wanted to, but this time, she had a personal project to work on. She felt her phone buzzing in her hand and unlocked it to see who was texting her. She smiled when she saw it was Sunset Shimmer asking her how was her day at work. She replied with a short but cheerful response, the smile she was wearing wouldn’t leave her face. Twilight was lost, she didn’t know what she was feeling for Sunset Shimmer, but it certainly wasn’t friendship. No, Twilight watched enough movies and anime to know what it was. But Sunset was her first friend, and she didn’t want to waste it with her teenage crush. Especially since Sunset revealed herself as Spider-Girl and asked Twilight for help. She kept a laugh when she remembered Sunset’s face when Twilight asked her if she was Spider-Girl. Twilight had her suspicion for a while, and even if Sunset had denied it, the expression on her face would have betrayed her. But she didn’t, she admitted it, she trusted Twilight, and Twilight trusted Sunset Shimmer. Twilight frowned, every time she thought about her, her heart missed a beat. She placed her hand where her heart was and she felt like putting her hand there was warming them more than blowing hot hair on them. Or maybe it was the bus air conditioner but she rather preferred the first option, more poetic. When she took a look outside the window, she saw someone painting a huge portrait of the city newest hero on a wall. She repressed another laugh. The ride home wasn’t that long and she arrived rather quickly, getting out of the bus, not forgetting to thanks the driver. She entered the apartment complex and took the elevator until she arrived at her destination. She opened the front door and took her boots off when she heard, “Twily is that you?” coming from the kitchen. “Yes Cady, I’m home!” Twilight said, heading to the kitchen. She saw Cadence in a white apron preparing diner smiling at her, “How was work?” She asked peacefully, concentrating herself on diner. “Okay, I guess,” Twilight replied, pouring herself a cup of orange juice. “But it’s not the same without the Doctor.” “I know Twily,” Cadence said, “You know that your brother and all the police department are trying to find him, just let them do their job.” She said, smiling at her sister-in-law, “I’m sure he’s okay.” Twilight sighed and looked away, “I hope so.” She said, heading towards her room. “Diner will be ready in fifteen minutes!” Cadence called after her. “Okay!” Twilight replied, closing her bedroom door behind her. She walked toward her desk and let herself drop in her chair with a sigh. She glanced toward her workbench where a rectangular shape covered with a white sheet was waiting for her. She rolled her chair to her workbench and slowly, she took of the sheet. It was a small aquarium she kept in her closet until the day she’ll needed it. Inside it was a strange black thing, stirring around. For Twilight it was obvious, whatever that thing was, it was alive. But she had no idea what it was. And she couldn’t do a lot of experiment with the stuff she had in her bedroom. She thought about take it to Discorp but she was afraid that they would keep it for them, and Twilight wanted to find out what it was by herself. She didn’t dare to touch it with her bare hands since she found it a few weeks ago. But every time Twilight touched a spot on the aquarium, the black thing jumped on where she was touching. Failing to find a real name for it, Twilight called it Spike in the meantime. With the little experiment she did on it, Twilight found that ‘Spike’ wasn’t just alive, but it also was self-conscious. And Twilight believed that, it was understanding her, but she couldn’t prove that. Not now. She thought about where it came from. Was it an alien? It seemed a little bit to sci-fi for her, but more and more she thought about it, she found that it was the only explanation that holds up. “Hi Spike,” She said, knocking on the aquarium glass panel, “How are you doing?” Of course, it didn’t reply, but it calmed down and stopped moving around when it heard Twilight’s voice. “I’m sorry I have to keep you here but, I need to know what you are…” She said, posing her hand on the glass, “You understand right?” Spike slowly made its way to Twilight hand, and replicated a shape of a hand. “You’re so strange…” Twilight said. “But I swear, when I’ve finally figured out what you are, I’ll let you go. I promise.” Then, at Twilight surprised, Spike formed a little tentacle that he waved up and down. Twilight watched it, in total disbelief. “D-Did you just…” She drew herself closer to it, her nose almost touching the glass. “Understand me?” But it didn’t reply, Spike returned to its original form, not moving anymore. Twilight sighed. “Of course.” She said. Canterlot was quiet this night. Small snow flakes making their way to the ground, remembering all the citizens of the holidays coming up. All in the recklessness of the dark times that was coming. Little they know that, for some of them… It would be their last Christmas. The Amazing Sunset Shimmer – Volume II: Web of Shadows. > Volume II - Chapter 1: Black Cat means bad luck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot City was beautiful under the thin layer of snow shining in the moonlight. The year is coming to an end and the holiday season is fast approaching, it could be felt all over the city. In the day, families could be seen walking among the crowded streets spending time together and the kids enjoying the snow, making snowmen or snowballs battle. But in the night, the streets were cold and empty. It was in those moments that some people took advantage of the situation, getting ready in the shadows. If some were paying close attention, they might have seen a female figure jumping from roof to roof. She had magnificent silver hair reaching down her back, a rather daring leather suit and a whole assortment of gadgets hanging on her utility belt. She wore a black mask on her eyes to hide her identity. She used her grapple to cling on the edge of the roof and went down discreetly, landing in a desert street. She made her way to the backdoor of the store she was interest in, and looked around if anyone was in sight while she used one of the devices she had on her belt and grinned when she heard it beep. “Perrrrrfect.” She purred. “Alarm and cameras are now disabled. It wasn’t even a challenge.” She put it back on her belt when she didn’t saw anyone, and began to pick the lock. It didn’t take long for the door to let a small ‘click’ to be heard. It was almost too easy. Sneakier than ever, she entered the store with quiet steps. She made her way to the main room, and smiled at the sight of what contained all the display cases present in the jewelry store. She walked toward the nearest one, slowly opened it and began to put all the jewels she could in her cloth bag. Of course, it was easy. She was the best thief in the country. She only failed once but she got over it. As she closed the first display case, she heard someone clear their throat behind her. “You know sister,” The voice said, “If you’re gonna rob a jewelry store, don’t dress up as a jewelry thief.” The thief frowned when she turned around to look at the person who just spoke to her. “Spider-girl.” She said, squinting at the sight of the super-hero. “That’s how they call me.” Spider-girl replied playfully, using her web to slowly land on the ground from the ceiling she was hanging on. “And… You are?” “Me?” She asked, in a sweet and sensual voice. “I’m just…” She took advantage of the situation and sent her grappling hook in Spider-girl’s direction. The young super-hero easily dodged it, jumping back to the ceiling, but the thief used the confusion to her own benefit as she quickly ran under Spider-girl, jumping in the front window of the store. She went through it in a deafening noise, and didn’t waste any more time as she ran in the street. “Damn, she’s fast!” Spider-girl said, surprised from what she just witnessed. She jumped through the makeshift exit the thief had just made, and swinged in her direction when she caught her in sight. “Hey! Wait! I’m not good enough for you, am I?” Spider-girl called. “Sorry young lady,” The thief replied, watching behind her and winking at Spider-girl. “Come back in ten years.” She easily jumped on a wall and used her hook to climb to the roof. ‘How can she be so fast?’ Spider-girl asked herself. She landed just behind her and shot a web in the thief’s legs. The thief, who didn’t saw it coming, felled on the ground and she heard Spider-girl laughing behind her. “You’re not my type anyway, all-leather isn’t really my thing. But I’m not judging.” She always had the easy joke. She used her web-shooters to grab the cloth bag the other girl dropped in her fall. “I’m taking this back, you don’t mind, do you?” “In fact…” Said the other girl, “I do.” She used a smoke bomb, completely blinding Spider-girl, but thanks to her spider-sense, she easily dodged the kick the other girl tried to hit her with. But she was taken by surprise by the speed the thief gave her a sweep with her legs, and Spider-girl felled on the ground, dropping the bag on the side. She rolled to the left to dodge another attack from the silver-haired thief, and got up to her feet. She frowned when she heard her chuckle. She closed her eyes and concentrate herself. If she couldn’t see her, she will feel her. She quickly opened her eyes and dodge a punch on the left, she grabbed her arm, turned around and throw her on the ground. With the impact, the smoke dissipated, and Sunset was standing on top of the thief. The girl snickered. “It seems you’re out of luck.” Sunset said. “Don’t talk to me about luck.” As she said that, her green eyes became yellow, “I’m a very lucky girl.” “What are you talk-” One second. It only took one second. Sunset’s phone started ringing and she dropped her guard for one second. But a second was enough for the girl to push her back and jump on her to punch her in the face. Spider-girl felt like she put something in her pocket before the girl jumped back and called, “Your costume sucks by the way!” When Spider-girl jumped back to her feet, the smoke was totally gone and the thief was gone too. Sunset quickly checked on her left and… “She took the bag…” She quickly ran on the edge of the roof and checked the street, but she knew she wouldn’t find her. She stood there and sighed, she lowered her hood and took off her mask to take a breath. She breathed calmly and closed her eyes. “Where did all these guys come from?” Sunset asked herself more than anything else, pinching the edge of her nose. She put her mask on and prepared to leave when she put a hand in her pocket and felt something. It was a small card with written on it: Better luck next time. - Black Cat Sunset rolled her eyes and threw it away. Another one, just what she needed right now. She jumped from the roof and started swinging through the city, she hoped she could find her but she doubted she would. She took her phone, but not her smartphone, it was a disposable phone. She went through the contact list and called the only number that was registered. It ringed one, two, three times before someone picked it up, “Hi, it’s me.” She said. “So, what’s up spidey?” The Fiend asked, on the other side of the line. “Just patrolling like always, I ran into an interesting specimen.” She heard the Fiend humming, “Develop.” “You… wouldn’t know anyone named Black Cat, right?” Sunset asked, swinging to the left to avoid a bird. “Doesn’t ring a bell.” Sunset sighed, “That’s what I thought. Can you… do some digging?” She heard him letting out a heavy sigh, “If you want.” He finished to say. “That’ll be awesome,” Sunset checked the time and moaned, “Shit, I’m late! Luna’s going to kill me! I’m gonna head home now, call me if you’ve got some news.” “Yeah yeah, Will do.” “Good Ni-” She didn’t bother to finish when she heard him hang up the phone. She didn’t mind, she was becoming used to it. After the events with the Vulture, Sunset and the Fiend were working together to flush out the Green Goblin, but for now, all they have is a name. He also gave her a disposable phone so she can call him if she needed something. They were working as a team, Sunset was on the streets and he was in the shadows. He was good to find information and he wasn’t the type of guy who wants to draw attention on himself, except for Sunset and some bad guys, nobody knew he existed at all. Sunset, on the other end, became quickly the new mascot of the city. Everyone loved her, and it wasn’t surprising to find kids or even teenagers with Spider-girl shirts. It’s only been two months and a half that she started her new profession, and she was, again, the most popular girl in her school. But this time, nobody knew it was her. She also found a part-time job at the Daily Bugle. Sure, they were always discrediting the young super-hero, but they were buying any pictures Sunset had of Spider-girl. And lucky for her, she had plenty of those. She thought it was funny that nobody thinks its strange that she came up with new Spider-girl’s photo every week, like it was the easiest things to do, but she wasn’t complaining, it was easy money. She used that money to bought a new camera, her phone was fine but if she wanted to work there full time, she needed to have better equipment. And of course, there was Luna. Sunset and Luna became very close with each other, almost like sisters. Sunset knew Luna was still sad but, if she was, she didn’t show any sign of it. She was now Canterlot high school’s principal, and everyone agreed that she was doing a fantastic job. But Luna wasn’t as lenient as Celestia, and if Sunset was, even a minute late, she was grounded for the rest of the week. So, Sunset had to reduce her super-hero time, and it was hard to find any info on the Green Goblin if she was out only between nine to midnight. She was also investigating on Discorp, with the help of Twilight. Since Twilight’s boss refused to test the cure on a human being, he just… Disappeared. When Twilight found out she immediately told Sunset, and now Sunset had someone undercover at Discorp. Twilight found the files Sunset wanted and she learned a thing or two about what happened to her, but what she couldn’t understand was why did she survived the bite. She didn’t think about it much though, she was glad she was still alive, and with powers nonetheless. She also found out that, she was bitten by a certain species of spider, but Discorp was working on others, that could possibly give other capacity, and knowing that gave Sunset a cold shiver down her spine. What’ll happen if someone not good as she was, was given the capacity she had, or worse, stronger powers? One thing was certain, Sunset couldn’t let them do that. So, with the help of Twilight, she was going to stop Discorp. And she will find where Dr Conhorse is… And she’ll learn more about the Green Goblin… And she will also find out where Black Cat is hiding… “Urgh.” Thinking about all that gave Sunset a headache. “Seriously… Three months ago, I brainwashed all the student body, and now I’m trying to fight against a big evil corporation. If that’s not a character development, I don’t know what it is.” “… Oh, yeah! Kick start my heart, Give it a start! Oh, yeah, baby! Oh, yeah! Kick start my heart, Hope it never stops! Oh, yeah! Kick start my heart!” As Flash sang his last verse, Sunset finished the song with a riff on her guitar chords and all the instruments gone silent. Flash put his guitar on a nearest table, and turned himself to smile at all the band members. Sunset and Rainbow Dash fist bumped, that made Lyra rolling her eyes as she turned off her keyboard. Thunderlane put his drumsticks on the side and nodded to Red who was giving him a water bottle. “That was perfect guys!” He said too them. “You particularly,” He started toward Sunset, “You surprised me with those guitar skills! I didn’t know that you had improved that much! And this song was a nice choice for the band practice.” Sunset blushed and scratched the back of her head, “I’m not that good.” She stated. “Besides, Rainbow Dash is way better than me.” Sunset said, pointing in her friend’s direction. “Well, duh!” Replied her rainbow haired friend, putting her arm around Sunset’s shoulders, “That’s perfectly normal, I’m awesome! If you want to keep up with me, you’ll have to get, let just say…” Rainbow pretended to think for a moment, scratching her chin. “Let me guess,” Sunset said with a smirk, “Twenty percent cooler?” “Meh, I was going to say fifty percent but…” She couldn’t finish her sentence as Sunset gave her a small punch on her ribs. The girls laughed and Rainbow Dash turned toward Red who was unplugging his bass, “You suck less than I thought you would.” She said taunting him. “Too bad,” Red said, turning his head, shrugging his shoulders, “You suck more than I thought you would.” “You’re just jealous of my awesome skills.” “Humm, nope I’m not.” “Yes, you are.” “I assure you that, no, I’m not.” They continued their argument ignoring the others, Sunset walked next to Flash and hand him a sheet of paper. “Humm, I’ve worked on this those past few days and I would like to have your thoughts on this.” Flash took the paper and read it with a humming sound. “That’s… Not bad at all.” Sunset avoided his look and had a nervous laugh, “Ahah, really?” She asked, playing with her fingers. “Hey guys,” Flash called the others, “Take a look at this.” They all gathered around him to look at the song Sunset wrote, Red took it from Flash’s hand and read it. He frowned and said, “That’s cheesy… But the good kind of cheesy… I guess.” He finished before handing it to Thunderlane, ignoring a ‘humpf’ from Lyra. “I must admit, this is pretty good.” Thunderlane finished to say before handing it to Rainbow, Lyra frowned and crossed her arms in frustration. “Woah Sunny, you wrote this?” Rainbow asked, looking at her friend who was nodding at her. “How? When?” “I started a few days ago… The lyrics came naturally to me…” Sunset admitted. Rainbow took a closer look and smirked, “Is it talking about me and the girls?” Sunset hide her blush by turning her gaze away and quietly nodded. They both ignored Red Light in the back who grumbled while he was putting his bass in his bass case, “It’s the girls and I.” “Welp dude, I think I’ve found who is going to write the song we’re going to play at the Winter ball!” “Wh-what?” Sunset asked incredulous, her red face becoming livid. “Wait guys, It’s not that good.” “Are you kidding?” Rainbow exclaimed, “It’s almost awesome as Awesome as I wanna be!” “The key word here being ‘almost’.” Red said, joining them, a broom in his hands. “Yeah, I’m on the same page with Rainbow.” Flash said, standing next to Rainbow, he looked at Red and Thunderlane and asked them, “Any objections?” “Nope.” Thunderlane said. “To be honest, I don’t care much.” Red also admitted. “I object.” Sunset said, raising her hand. “You don’t get to vote, you’re still the newbie.” Rainbow replied quickly with a gesture of her hand. “So why Red can?” Sunset asked, incredulous. “Because I said so.” Rainbow stated. Lyra grumbled and took the paper from Rainbow’s hand. “It can’t be that good.” She said, taking a look at it. As she read it, her eyes grew wide of surprise, but the surprise vanished quickly before Lyra frowned deeply. “How did you call this song?” Flash asked to Sunset, ignoring completely Lyra’s remark. “It’s called… Hero Too.” She stated. “But it’s not finished yet, I’m still having trouble with the second verse.” “How about you finish it for the ball next Friday?” Rainbow said, taking it from Lyra’s hand, ignoring the look she was giving her. “So, we can play it in front of the other students!” Sunset totally forgot that the ball was in a week. She had to admit that her mind was one hundred percent focused on her hero activities. She also promised to go with Fluttershy. The poor girl was crumbling under the insistent invitations from the boys of the school. It seemed that Fluttershy was pretty popular among them. So, to release her from her burden, Sunset asked her friend out to the ball so they could both go as friends. The look Fluttershy had gave Sunset at that moment proved that Sunset made the right choice. Now, when a boy will ask Fluttershy to go to the ball with them, she could politely decline saying that she already has a date, and Sunset didn’t have to go there alone. It was win-win for both of them. “Hum I don’t know.” Sunset finally agreed. “Okay perfect, we’re all counting on you Sunset.” Flash said, “Well, I’ve got to go or I’ll miss my bus, see all of you tomorrow!” Finished the band leader before grabbing his bag and leave the room. “Wait, did anyone care about my opinion in all that?” Sunset asked to no one in particular. “Nope.” Red, who was cleaning up the room because it was his turn, and Thunderlane said in unison, both smirking at each other. “Gotta go too, I’ve got soccer practice.” Rainbow said giving Sunset her paper back, before turning her head around, and frowned. “Where did Lyra go?” Thunderlane sighed and started to walk toward the exit, “She leaved just before Flash. I’ll go look for her, she’s still mad that we took Sunset in.” “Yeah, no shit.” Rainbow stated, following him, she turned to wave at Sunset and Red, “See ya guys!” Sunset made a peace sign from her hand and then turned around to look at Red who was still cleaning up. “Soooo,” Sunset said, sitting at the edge of a table. She didn’t know what to say, it’s actually the first time she was in a room alone with him, with none of her friend. “What’s up?” She asked. “You really want to know or you asking me this to avoid a cringe silence?” He asked, putting back the broom in the closet. He sat on another table not too far from Sunset’s. “Humm… Both?” “Meh.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. “Nothing interesting to tell you here. And you?” “I personally can’t wait for the holiday break.” Sunset admitted. “Can’t wait to go out and have fun with the girls.” She said, a smile appearing on her face. “Yeah, me too actually. I’m not much of a ‘school’ person, you know?” He said. “Yeah, I figured… Tell me Red…” Sunset started, Red watched her, raising his eyebrows, “Are you going to ask Rainbow to go to the ball? She’s just waiting for it.” “Why would I do that?” He asked, avoiding Sunset’s glare. “Well, it’s pretty obvious for all of us what’s going between you two and…” “I’ll stop you right there Sunset.” He said, looking at the ground, balancing his legs just above the floor from where he was sat on the table. “Rainbow is a great gal’, she’s funny and she’s a good friend all that but… That’s all she is for me. A friend.” “Oh…” Sunset quietly said. They both stood quietly for the next minute before Red decided to broke the awkward blank, “And you, are you going with someone?” Sunset repressed a laugh, “Yeah I’m going with Fluttershy.” Red looked surprise but shrugged his shoulders, “I didn’t know there was a thing between you two.” “No!” Sunset quickly said, “We’re going as friends!” “Why didn’t you ask to someone you actually like?” Red asked her. “Someone I… actually like?” Sunset repeated. “Yeah, there must be someone.” “Well…” Sunset didn’t know why she said those next words but she felt like, she could say it to him, she felt like she could trust him, and besides, he was now officially her friend. “There is that girl…” “Is she hot?” Was the first thing Red asked. “I’m not saying that I’m interested in her but…” She continued, ignoring his remark. “She’s kinda funny…” “She hot?” “She’s smart and she’s able to maintain an interesting conversation…” “Yeah, but she hot?” “I also like the sound of her voice…” “Seems to me like you are interested in her after all.” Red finished to say. “Yeah…” Sunset sighed. “I know.” “…” “…” “So, she hot?” Sunset smirked and rolled her eyes, “Yes Red, she is hot.” “Nice.” He stated with a smirk of his own, nodding at Sunset. “Why didn’t you ask her out?” “It’s… complicated.” “Meh, I think relationships are complicated only when you want them to be.” He said. Sunset glared curiously at him and he shrugged, “Then again, I’m not a relationship expert.” Their conversation came to an end when Sunset’s alarm went crazy, remembering her that her bus was soon here. “I have to go.” She said, taking her stuff. “See you tomorrow Red.” “Yeah.” He replied watching Sunset leave. He waited two more minutes after Sunset’s departure to grab his bag and leave the room, not forgetting to close the door behind him. The school was now deserted as he walked among the silent hallway. As he stepped out of the front door of the school, a cold shiver ran through his whole body. “Damn! It’s freezing out here.” He said to himself, putting on the hood of his jacket. “Better get going if I don’t wanna die in the cold.” Later… Sunset was in her room, sat at her desk. She was working on the lyrics of her song when her disposable phone rang. She picked it up and smirked as she said, “Missing me already?” “If only…” The Fiend said on the other end of the line, “I’ve found some infos on this miss kitty-cat of yours.” “Oh…” Sunset said, dropping her pen on her desk, listening attentively, “So?” “Her name is Felicia Hardy but she goes with the nickname of Black Cat She’s only twenty years old but she’s a notorious thief. No known address…” He said, Sunset heard some keyboard typing through the phone before he continued, “But she’s recently been seen at the Fisk tower… That’s not a good sign.” “Why’s that?” Sunset asked. ‘Felicia Hardy… Where did I’ve heard that name before?’ She asked herself. “It seems she’s currently working for… Well, Wilson Fisk.” “Wilson Fisk?” Sunset asked, incredulous, “That company guy who’s running at the municipals?” “Yeah, that Wilson Fisk.” He stated, “Don’t let his good guy act fool you… He’s one of the worst.” “And why is she working for him?” Sunset asked, “I mean, Wilson Fisk is a pretty rich guy, right? Why did he need someone to steal for him? That doesn’t make any sense…” “I don’t know, but that’s your job to find out. I’ve done my part, bye.” And just like that, he put an end to the call. Sunset rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. She gets up from her chair and stretched her arms, yawning. She gets out of her room and headed down the stairs to the kitchen where Luna was sat on the table, doing something on her smartphone. “Hi Sunset.” She greeted. “Hi.” Sunset replied, taking a drink from the fridge. “How was your day, Principal Luna?” “Oh please don’t talk about work,” She said sighing putting her head between her hands, “I didn’t know how Tia could’ve done this every day, she almost have twice the work I had! But…” A sad look appeared on her face. “Someone has to do it right?” Sunset approached her and gave her a hug, “For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a great job.” Luna smiled and returned the hug, “Thanks Sunset.” When the hug ended Luna turned her gaze away, “I’m still sorry for… You know… Last time…” “Don’t worry about that.” Sunset quickly said, “It’s all water under the bridge.” Luna smiled at that statement and returned her attention to her phone. “What you’re doing?” Sunset asked, looking above Luna’s shoulder. “An article about some… Monster that appeared in the sewers of the city.” “Oh so, it’s not crocodiles anymore?” She asked, joking. A few months ago, they were rumors of crocodiles living in the sewers of the city. Of course, it was just urban stories. There has never been crocodiles, or any reptiles of the sorts. Never. “Yeah, but it seems they’re willing to give a reward to whoever takes a picture of it.” “Yeah well,” Sunset started, heading to her room, “If someone wants to waste their time looking around poopland to take pictures of a monster that probably doesn’t exists, be my guest.” “Okay Spike, just like last time.” Twilight said to the black substance in the aquarium in front of her. She slowly put her hand on the glass, waiting for any response at all. But the black misshapen thing laying there wasn’t moving. Twilight sighed but didn’t push it, there was some days where the black thing didn’t want to cooperate. She grabbed her phone and started typing a message to Sunset. Not even a minute after she sent it, her phone started to buzz. She picked it up and greeted her friend, “Hi Sunset!” “Yo Sparky!” Sunset greeted, “Got some news about your boss?” Twilight sighed, “No… Still nothing.” “Man… I’m sorry… I’m on something right now but I swear that when I’m done with that, I’ll look for him.” Twilight’s mood brightened up a bit, “Really?” “Yeah really! But I’m currently busy with that girl…” Twilight frowned, dropping the papers she had in her hand on the ground, “What girl?” “Well, she calls herself Black Cat, she’s a thief. I ran into her a few days ago.” “Black Cat?” Twilight asked, “Like a super-villain nickname?” “Yeah, exactly like a super-villain nickname. But fiendy-fiend my dude found out that she actually calls herself Felicia Hardy.” “Wait!” Twilight shouted, “You said Felicia Hardy?” “Yeah Twi’, why? You know her?” “It’s… It was my boss previous assistant! She got fired because she got caught trying to steal something! Some confidential information, I don’t really know…” “Wait maybe… She’s got something to do with his disappearance?” “Maybe.” Twilight said. “Okay, now I really need to find her. Gotta go, bye Twi!” “Bye Sunset…” Twilight hanged up and stared at the black thing in front of her. “My life is getting weirder and weirder everyday…” “Alright, you are the best Project Diva player! Happy?” Rainbow said gritting her teeth, bitterness can be heard in her voice. She took her mug of hot chocolate with both hands and brought the hot drink to her lips. “See? Was it so hard?” Red asked a cocky grin on his face. They were both sitting at a table in the sugarcube corner. They’re just returning from the arcade where Red beat Rainbow seven times in a row. Her pride took a heavy hit so, to make amends, he said he’ll buy her a drink at the sugarcube corner. “Next time, I’ll choose the game.” Rainbow stated, frowning at her new video game nemesis. “Meh, whatever the game is, I’ll beat ya’.” Red replied, winked at her, raising his cup of coffee. Rainbow couldn’t contain her smile and said, “Yeah sure.” “Ah! You smiled! A point for me then.” He said, taking a sip from his drink. Rainbow brought her drink to her lips but didn’t drank from it this time, she just put her lips on the edge of the mug, using it to hide her blush. “Hum, Red?” she said, avoiding his look. “That’s me.” He replied. She then looked at him right in the eyes and asked him, “Do… Do you wanna go to the ball? With me, I mean…” This time, it was Red’s time to blush as he started to look away from her. “Humm, sorry Rainbow but someone already asked me and I said yes.” “Oh…” Rainbow’s disappointment could easily be heard, she started to look at the ground. Red bit his lower lip and his gaze returned on the high school girl in front of him. “But if you want I…” He started, scratching the back of his head. “I can… I don’t know… Save you a dance?” Her head rose up in an instant, a bit of a smile starting to make its appearance on her face. “Really?” “Yeah well, if you want.” He said, quickly raising his cup of coffee to his lips, imitating the girl on the other edge of the table. “Y-yeah… I want.” “Okay then.” “Okay.” They both stood there quietly, avoiding each other’s look, both using their mug to hide their blushing faces. “…” “…” “I hope you’re better at dancing than video games.” “Oh, come on!” “NO! NO! AND ANOTHER NO! THAT IS WRONG MISS SHIMMER!” “But please, mister Jameson I…” Sunset tried. “THOSE PICTURES ARE GARBAGE AT BEST, THIS TIME I WANT SOMETHING INTERESTING YOU HEAR ME? LIKE THIS SEWER MONSTER EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT!” “But sir! It’s a-” “THERE’S NO ‘BUT’ HERE MISSY! BRING ME THOSE PICTURES OR YOU’RE FIRED!” The next thing Sunset heard was the bip marking the end of the call. She sighed and let her head drop on her hand, facepalming herself. She hated him. So much. But he was her boss so, she had to do it. Except that, this time, he didn’t want Spider-girl pictures. No, this time he wanted pictures of that sewer Monster everyone was talking about. She stood up from where she was sat, on the edge of a random building, and put her phone back in her pocket. She was glad Rarity made her a thick suit because even with that, she was freezing. She was going to call it a night and go home before something grabbed her attention. She could hear police sirens coming from the street behind with someone yelling, “CCPD! Freeze, don’t move!” Not thinking twice, she shot a web and swinged in that direction. She saw two policemen on the ground, nothing too serious though. And someone running not far away, she recognized easily those long and beautiful silver hair transporting a heavy bag with her, and she started to chase her. She swinged in Black Cat’s direction and called her, “Hey! What a coincidence! I was just looking for you!” Black Cat turned her head to see Spider-girl chasing her and she smiled, “Oh it’s you. You wanted to see me so badly?” “You have no idea!” Sunset said, swinging on the left trying to dropkick Black Cat on the side. The thief easily dodged it with a flip in the air. “You’ll have to do better than that if you want to have a chance with me.” She taunted.” Sunset landed not to far away in front of her, “I’ll take you up on that.” She said, smirking behind her mask. They both stood there, glaring at each other, before Black Cat make the first move. She jumped and tried to kick Sunset in the face, sunset dodged on the right and punched her. Black Cat dodged at the last moment and grabbed Sunset’s wrist but Sunset didn’t leave her the time to do anything, she used the fact that Black cat was holding her wrist to sweep her legs. Black Cat dodge with a jump, exactly what Sunset wanted. She grabbed her enemy’s arm and sent her in the nearest wall. Black Cat didn’t look that hurt but she must have felt it. “Humm, not bad.” She said. Sunset didn’t waste more time as she shots balls of web in Black Cat’s direction. The thief avoided every one of them with such agility Sunset must’ve recognized that she was good. As she dodged them, Sunset noticed that Black Cat was trying to put distance between them. Sunset shot a web on a higher wall and swinged in Black Cat’s direction, but just when she was going to get her, she remarked that Black Cat’s eyes, looking straight at her, were becoming yellow. ‘Just like last time!’ Sunset thought. As she thought that, the part of the wall that was supporting her web collapsed. It makes Sunset deflect from her initial path, Black Cat used that to kick Sunset in the ribs. Sunset fell on the ground and dodged another kick from Black Cat while doing a backflip to get up. Black Cat smirked, “Haven’t you noticed? No one’s lucky while I’m around.” “Well, I guess that I’ll have to outsmart your luck.” Sunset challenged her. Sunset ran towards her and tried to punch her, Black Cat dodged the hit and made a kick of her own. Sunset avoided it and tried to punch her in the face, but just when her punch was going to reach Black Cat, she saw that her eyes were getting yellow once again. And from the corner of her left eye, she saw Black Cat’s kick going to strike her right in the face. The time felt like it stopped. ‘Think Sunset.’ If Sunset do punch Black Cat, she won’t be able to avoid the kick, and Black Cat having more momentum on her kick than Sunset on her punch, Sunset knew Black Cat was going to win this confrontation. Her kick was only two inches from Sunset’s face. Then at the last moment, Sunset dodge the kick by letting herself fall on the ground on her back, and then she used that momentum to shoot webs on both side of Black Cat. Sunset send herself forward, her feet striking right in Black Cat’s chin, sending her a few meters away, dropping her bag. Sunset grabbed the bag that Black Cat dropped and she stick it on a wall with her web. Then, before Black Cat could even understand what strike her, Sunset jumped on her back, Black cat having no choice to look at the ground. “Now,” Sunset started. “You’re going to tell me everything you know about Doctor Curtis Conhorse and Discorp.” “And why would I do that?” Black Cat asked, trying to get away from Sunset’s grip. But Sunset was holding her firmly on the ground. “Because if you tell me, I’ll let you go and you won’t have to be arrested… At least, tonight.” Black Cat turned her head too look with one eye at Spider-girl and raised her eyebrows, “Really? You’ll… Let me go?” She asked, skeptical. ‘I don’t like it but… I don’t have much choice, she’s my only lead.’ “Yeah…” Sunset said, looking at her in the eyes. “It’s the lesser evil.” Black Cat watched her quietly for a moment and started to laugh. “What?” Sunset asked abruptly. “You really are interesting Spider-girl.” Black Cat stated between two laughs, “All right then, let me go and I’ll tell you everything you want to know.” “That’s not how it’s going to-” Sunset tried to say, but she got cut in the middle of her sentence by another laugh of Black Cat. “Too bad, because it’s my condition. You let me go first, then I’ll tell you everything I know.” She said, a cocky grin on her face. Sunset weighed the pros and cons and, with a defeated sigh, gets up from Black Cat, letting her get up. “Thanks.” Black Cat said, dusting off her pants. Sunset crossed her arms and said, “Well?” “I gave you my word.” Black Cat said, walking toward the nearest wall in the dark alley. She started to lay on it and passed her hand through her long silver hair in a sensual way, looking at Spider-girl the whole time. “What are you playing at?” Sunset asked seriously. Black Cat dropped her smile and rolled her eyes, “Geez’, you’re no fun.” “Excuse me but I’m not in a fun mood since I’m searching for a missing person.” Sunset strike back, walking toward the thief. Black Cat turned her look away, “Yeah, I’ve heard what happened. I’m sorry for Conhorse.” “Yeah, I’m sure you are.” Sunset said with sarcasm in her voice, laying on the wall next to Black Cat. “I really am,” Black Cat stated, “The dude was a good man, a good scientist and… A good father.” “Father?” Sunset asked, taken aback. “Yeah, Conhorse has a wife and a kid.” The silver haired thief began to play with her hair with one hand. “Never saw them though.” Sunset had to refrained herself to hit herself in the face. ‘Of course, he has a family! Why didn’t I think about it sooner!?’ “I heard you were working for him.” Sunset tried. “Yeah, I actually was working for Fisk. He wanted me to steal something called the goblin formula.” “For Fisk uh?” Sunset said. It seemed that The Fiend was right about that one. “And what is that goblin formula anyway?” “I don’t know, I’m just a thief. My job is to enter by effraction, steal something and get the fuck out. Not asking questions.” Black Cat explained, shrugging her shoulders. Then, something strokes Sunset. “Wait… Does it have something to do with… The Green Goblin?” Black Cat’s pression became livid when she heard the Green Goblin’s name. She put her hand on top of where Sunset’s mouth was under her mask. “Don’t mention his name!” Sunset put Black Cat’s hand away and rolled her eyes, “Calm down, it’s not Voldemort.” “No… It’s far worst.” Black Cat said, avoiding Spider-girl’s look. “Do you know him?” Black Cat swallowed the saliva stuck in her throat, “Only by name. But Fisk works with him from time to time…” She sighed and turned her gaze toward Sunset. For the first time, her look seemed sincere. “Listen I said I’ll help you but… Talking about the Green Goblin wasn’t in our deal.” “Come on!” Sunset said, “If you know something, you have to tell me.” “I-” Black cat tried. Spider-girl grabbed Black Cat’s hands and looked at her in the eyes, “Please!” Sunset almost begged her. It took Black Cat by surprise. She closed her eyes and frowned deeply, before letting out a sigh. “Listen…” She started, “I don’t know who he is, and where he is, I can’t help you about that.” Black Cat admitted. Sunset sighed and let go of her hands, looking at the ground. “But.” Black Cat continued, “I know where Conhorse can be. Or, at least, I know someone who supposedly know where Conhorse can be.” Sunset rose her head, “Really?” “Yeah, there is this girl, she used to work with Conhorse on something. Her name was… Starlight Glimmer I think.” She said, scratching her head. “When I used to be Conhorse assistant, I noticed that he was writing to her every week, reporting her every discovery he was making on his work.” “Starlight Glimmer…” Sunset said to herself. Black Cat watched Spider-girl lost in her thoughts before she started couching, grabbing the hero’s attention. “So… We’re good?” She asked. Sunset glared at her for a moment before saying, “Yeah, you can go. Besides, I can still need your help, so it’s better for me to have you here… For now. You don’t seem like a bad person anyway.” Black Cat smile sensually at her and purred, “You won’t regret it.” She said with a wink, caressing Sunset’s face on top of her mask, making Sunset roll her eyes. Black Cat break into a run and quickly disappeared from Sunset’s vision. “I hope I won’t.” ‘The goblin formula… Discorp… Conhorse… Why does everything seem like it is linked somehow?’ Sunset thought to herself. ‘Is the Green Goblin working for Discorp? Or… is Discorp working for the Green Goblin?’ > Volume II - Chapter 2: The Symbiote > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “My heart is set and I won’t back down…” Sunset said to herself, tapping her finger against her desk to the rhythm she was humming, writing the lyrics on her new music notebook, “Yeah, that’s not bad.” The winter ball was in five days and the song was practically over. At least she could do something right this week, Sunset was still frustrated the search for Conhorse was at a dead end. Even with the information she got from Black Cat, she couldn’t get a grip of him. A part of her was grateful towards Black Cat, Sunset would never have thought to get help from one of her enemies, then again, was Black Cat really her enemy? She learned a lot from her, from the goblin formula to the name of this Starlight Glimmer girl. And it wasn’t the easiest thing to admit but, a part of the young super-hero actually liked the silver haired thief. Now she had to find out what this goblin formula was and what it does. ‘Maybe it’s something similar to what happen to me?’ Sunset thought. She also tried to get help from The Fiend, but he ghosted her for the past few days, he had only replied earlier, saying that he was busy. Busy to do what? Sunset didn’t know and it was irritating her. She had to tell him everything but he was still keeping her in the dark. Sunset sighed. Sunset also heard that a new student was coming tomorrow, and it was someone important. Sunset didn’t really care but she had to admit that she was a bit intrigued. She put her elbow on her desk, her head laying on her hand, “The more I try to find answers, the more I end up with questions…” ‘Conhorse… Starlight Glimmer… The goblin formula… Where is the connection?’ She asked herself. She slapped herself and punched her desk, “Focus Sunset!” She opened another page from her notebook and started to do a mind map to help herself. She wrote Conhorse name, Starlight Glimmer name, Discorp and the Green Goblin. She returned to her notebook, but even if she was trying her best to focus, she didn’t succeed. She sighed and grabbed her disposable phone, trying to call The Fiend one more time. At Sunset’s surprise, this time he picked up and lets out a growl. “What?” He said, “I said I was busy.” “Come on dude I need your help!” Sunset said, “What are you doing anyway?” “None of your business.” He replied. Sunset pinched the edge of her nose and closed her eyes, “Listen, I need your help as soon as possible, it’s about Conhorse.” “What about him? You’ve found him?” “No, but Cat said that she knew someone who might know where he is. Her name is Starlight Glimmer.” Sunset explained, now that she had him, she wasn’t going to let her chance go to waste. “Starlight… Glimmer?” The Fiend asked, but this time, Sunset could hear that he was intrigued. “Are you sure that’s the name she gave to you?” “Yeah, totally sure. Why?” The Fiend didn’t reply, making Sunset more annoyed that she already was. “Still here?” She asked. “Y-yeah…” Sunset noticed something changed about his voice, “Okay I’ll help you.” “Really?” Sunset almost screamed in excitement. “Yes, it’s better if I go with you anyway, last time I let you alone, you befriended a criminal.” Sunset rolled her eyes, “Come on, Cat isn’t that bad.” “Listen to you, you even gave her a nickname, how adorable.” The Fiend taunted, “Anyway, I’ll find where… Starlight Glimmer is. In the meantime, don’t do anything stupid.” “Me?” Sunset asked, “Since when do I do stupid stuff?” “Getting yourself caught on camera, showing your face to a criminal, making your identity known to the most dangerous criminal this city ever had, making friend with a thief… Do I have to go on?” “Okay, okay, I get the point.” Sunset said in a huff. “You must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, because someone is unpleasant today.” “I wonder why.” The Fiend finished, ending up the call. Sunset frowned and threw the phone one her desk. “What’s wrong with him? Did I do something?” Sunset asked herself. “Uh, who knows what’s going on in his head anyway.” She tapped her pen against her desk and started to think about the whole situation. ‘Okay so, we have to find Starlight Glimmer because she maybe knows something about where Conhorse is… Maybe she knows about the goblin formula? Maybe I can ask Twilight about that one… No, that’s probably a bad idea, she already took big risks helping me last time.’ She thought. “But something is certain, and is that Discorp and the Green Goblin are working together.” She said with a frown. “It’ll explains a lot actually… Electro, the Vulture and that other guy, the Shocker…” She lay her head on her desk and started scratching it with both her hands, “Argh! I feel like the answer is just under my nose!” Meanwhile… “I wonder why.” Red stated before hanging up the phone. He raised up his head and sighed at the view of the families hanging out in Canterlot Park. He turned around and looked at the little girl sat on a bench next to him, when his glare crossed hers, she smiled at him. “Sorry kid, I had to take that.” Wendy jumped on her feet and glared at him, stars in her eyes, “It was super-hero stuff wasn’t it?!” She asked. Red smirked and scratched the back of his head, “It seems like I can’t hide anything from you.” Red took a sit on the bench, and Wendy followed him closely, “Thanks again,” She said, “I’m glad I could escape this place for a few hours…” The girl finished, sadness in her voice. It made Red bite his lips. When he reached Wendy the first time, he didn’t know that this girl was actually living in Canterlot’s Children Shelter. It seemed that her mother died when she was young, and her father… Well, her father was actually why Red was here in the first place. Red had sympathy for her because he saw a lot of himself in this little girl. He too, his mother died when he was young and he couldn’t count on his father. He didn’t have anyone to take care of him, and he wasn’t going to let this girl going through the same stuff he went through. “And I’m glad I could hang out with an awesome girl like you.” He tried to cheer her up, smiling at her. He watched his phone and sighed when he saw what time it was. “I should get you back there kid. It’s getting late.” And he wasn’t going to take risks. The reason why the people working at the shelter agreed to let him take her was because he asked one of his acquaintance to make him a fake I.D stating that he was her brother. “I don’t want to go back…” She said, lowering her gaze, “The other kids… They’re all mean to me.” Red pated her head and sighed, “Don’t worry kid.” He said, “I won’t let you stay there much longer.” The next day… It was now easier for Sunset to walk among the crowded halls of Canterlot High School. Since all the stuff that happened, the students were more sympathetic and nicer every time Sunset was around. She just replied to Derpy’s greetings and entered her classroom. She was surprised when she saw that Red, who normally used to sit next to her in this class, was missing. ‘Meh, maybe he’s just late.’ Sunset thought, opening her bag and put her pencil case on the table. “Hi Sunset.” Someone said in front of her, Sunset raised her head and winced when she saw who it was. “Hello, Bonbon.” Sunset said, avoiding her look. Bonbon chuckled, “Please Sunset, don’t be afraid, I just came here to apologize.” Sunset gave her a questionable look, “What? To apologize? For what?” “I’ve heard what Lyra told you and… It was mean and-” “I’m gonna stop you right there Bon’.” Sunset said, “What Lyra said was one hundred percent true, I am… Was a monster. And I’ve accepted it.” “B-But…” Bonbon said, putting her hand on Sunset’s, “Even if you were, she shouldn’t have said those things to you, I thought she was better than that.” “Some people won’t ever forgive me. And I’m fine with it.” Sunset said with a smirk, “But I’ll do everything I can to show ‘em I’ve changed.” Bonbon replied to her smile by one of her own, “For what it’s worth Sunset, I forgive you.” “Good Morning students.” Miss Cheerilee entered the classroom and all the students sat down at their appointed places. Cheerilee looked like she was going to say something very important and Sunset already knew what it was. A new student, again. It was rare to have a new student when the school year as already began, but two of them? “Please come on in.” She said towards the door. Then a girl entered, she had pink purple-ish skin, long and ruffled violet and white hair. She was pretty but something in her eyes… Disrupted Sunset. The girl was wearing a long violet summer dress, weird since they were a few days from Christmas Holidays, the temperatures weren’t very high. But it didn’t seem like she was cold, in fact, she seemed happy, with a wide beam on her face. “You can pre-” Miss Cheerilee started. “HI!” The girl screamed. “I’M SCREWBALL!” She jumped forward and grabbed the hand of the girl sat in the front row. “NICE TO MEET YOU!” “N-Nice to… Meet you?” The girl replied, a little embarrassed. “Well, it seems like you’ve got a lot of energy to burn.” Cheerilee chuckled, “Now, tell us more about you.” “Okep!” She replied, jumping back where she once stood. “Soooo, I like cartoons, candy, video games, films, manga, music, wrestling, food, the sun, the moon, animals like cats, dogs, ponies…” She went on and on giving Sunset a headache. ‘Urgh, I hate noisy people.’ Then a pink party-planner head appeared on her mind, ‘Well, not all of them.’ “… and finally, flip-flops. Love ‘em.” Screwball finally finished still wearing a wide smile. Her eyes went wide as she seemed to remember something, “Oh yeah! The fact is, I wanted to come here since I saw you guys.” She earned a lot of interrogative glares and chuckled at them. “When you came to Discorp guys!” She exclaimed, “My father said I shouldn’t disturb you, so I watched you from… very far away! You all seemed so nice and fun!” “Your father?” Sunset asked. She blushed vehemently when she realized she said that aloud. “Yeah! My daddy!” “You see…” Cheerilee finally said, “Our dear Screwball here is the daughter of Discord from Discorp.” Gasps and whispers were filling the classroom, on the students faces, surprise could be seen. “Screwball, why don’t you sit…” Cheerilee’s glare scrutinized the room. ‘Oh, nononono-’ Sunset thought when Cheerilee’s looks stopped on her. “… right next to Sunset Shimmer there?” She finished pointing next to the fiery haired girl. “Sure!” She happily walked toward Sunset and dropped herself in the chair right next to her where Red used to sat habitually. “Hi there, Sunny bun!” “Sunny bun?” Sunset asked. “Hi! I’m Screwball!” Sunset rolled her eyes, “Yeah I heard the first time.” “Wanna be friends?” Screwball held her hand in front of Sunset. Sunset sighed, ‘Why this situation seems familiar?’ “Yeah, sure.” During lunchbreak, Sunset entered the music club room where Flash and Thunderlane were already waiting. Flash was sat on a chair, tuning his guitar next to the window, a bright sun could be seen through it, but don’t let that fool you since the temperature outside was around one or maybe two degrees. She finally arrived and sighed from relied. Since her first class this morning, Screwball didn’t stop talking. Sunset even asked herself if she didn’t have an on-off switch. At least, she managed to get free of the ball of nerves that Screwball was, since a group of girls asked her if she wanted to eat with them. Since Screwball was Discord’s daughter, she already was pretty popular in the school. Maybe the third more popular girl in the school, due to her being rich, the second being Rarity for her beauty and the first being the President of the student’s council, Fleur dis Lee. “Hey, Sunset.” Flash said, welcoming her with an honest beam. “Hi guys,” Sunset said, putting her bag on the nearest table. “Where are the others?” “Lyra said she couldn’t come,” Thunderlane explained, “Rainbow has soccer practice so she’ll be a bit late. Red isn’t here either, you two are friends, got an idea where he is?” “Yeah, she told me,” Sunset told him, walking toward her guitar laying on the wall next to Thunderlane’s drums. “And Red wasn’t in class, no idea where he is.” “He doesn’t answer my calls, maybe he’s still in bed,” Flash said, grabbing his own guitar, “He must be sick or something.” “Must be ‘or something’ if you ask me.” Thunderlane said, taking place on his drum’s chair. Flash walked toward Sunset and asked her, “So, have you worked on your song?” “Yeah, gimme a sec,” She reached her bag and drew her notebook from it. “Here you go,” Sunset said, giving to Flash the lyrics of the song she finished last night. “Give me your thoughts.” Flash grabbed it and started reading it, humming the air of the song. “So?” Thunderlane asked from behind. A smile appeared on Flash’s face while he was reading the song and he raised his head to look at Sunset, “It’s very good Sunset.” He stated calmly. “Thanks.” She thanked him honestly, blushing. “We’re going to rehearse or what?” Thunderlane asked. “Yeah, let me just-” Sunset started, but she got cut off by her phone buzzing in her pocket. ‘What? Didn’t I let it in my bag? Oh… yeah.’ She realized it was her other phone. She drew it from her pocket and unlocked it, opening the message she just received. It was just written ‘Need you ASAP.’ With an address attached to it. “Hum… I’m so sorry guys but… I got to go.” Sunset said, putting it back in her pocket. “What? But the ball is Friday Sunset,” Flash explained, “We have to be ready.” “We will I promise.” Sunset said, a peined smile on her face. “Just something I have to take care off.” Flash sighed, but nodded. “All right Sunset, I hope everything’s okay.” “Yeah, it’s just… something important…” She shakes her head and turned herself putting her guitar back on where she was laying in the first place, “Nevermind, I swear I’ll be there tomorrow.” She took her bag and was going to leave the room but Flash called her, she turned herself to face him. “Sunset…” Flash started, “I am sure this is important but…” he drew his arm, showing her the room. “But this is important too, at least for us.” He finished, pointing him and Thunderlane. Sunset walked toward him and put her hand on his shoulder, “And it is important to me too. I’ll be here tomorrow,” She stated, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She said, making all the gestures that goes with it. “What kind of promise is that?” Flash asked, a half-smile on his face. “The kind that can’t be broken.” She finished with a smile, leaving the room. Thunderlane waited ten seconds after she leaved before he glared at Flash. “I don’t know what you’re playing at brother, but I don’t think that’s a great idea.” He stated. Flash frowned, “What are you talking about?” Thunderlane pointed the entrance door with his finger, “I’m talking about her dude.” Flash sighed and turned his gaze away, “Let’s not talk about this, okay?” Thunderlane nodded silently. Not too far away, Sunset was hiding behind a dumpster behind the school, putting on her suit. ‘Sorry guys, but this is far more important… Hope I won’t get in too much trouble with Luna for ditching classes.’ She thought. “You take your time.” The Fiend stated, his arms crossed on his chest, standing on the edge of the building. Sunset walked towards him and let out a growl, “Dude, I’m so sorry. It’s not like I have class or anything important you know.” He turned himself to face her and nodded, “Yeah sorry, glad you could make it.” He said. It was actually the first time she saw him during daytime, and she thought he was less threatening in the light. She stood next to him and she lowered her glare to look at the empty street. “So, what’s the big deal?” He pointed a house across the street, where all the blinds were closed. “This is where ‘Glimmering Star’ lives.” “Glimmering Star?” Sunset asked, “Do you mean…” “Yeah, that’s a fake name, after some digging, I’ve found that Glimmering Star and Starlight Glimmer were the same person...” He finished, slowly. Sunset watched him and asked, “I’ve got to ask you… Do you know that girl? I mean, you only agreed to help me when I’ve said her name.” He sighed and turned around, walking away from the edge of the building. “It’s not important.” He stated. Sunset frowned and crossed her arms, not moving an inch. “If you’re not telling me, I won’t go.” The Fiend glared at her, raising an eyebrow. “Listen, I want to help you, I really do, but I want to know what’s going on.” She said, on a much peaceful tone. “You always keep me in the dark, telling me half-truth or half-answers.” She walked towards him and stood in front of him. “Please, who is Starlight Glimmer?” The Fiend closed his eyes, lowering his head before sighing in defeat. “It was two years ago, not long after I arrived in this world…” “Oh yeah, you’re from another world too…” Sunset remembered. ‘I was so much excited hearing about magic that I totally forget that part.’ She thought. “Yeah…” He said, laying his back on the railing next to the emergency stairs. “So, not long after that, a woman named Starlight Glimmer came to see me. She said she found me with one of the devices she built, it could detect magic for miles and miles away.” He explained. “She helped me a lot actually, she was the first friend I made here…” He sighed, “She helped me with a lot of things, she first helped me to fit in this world I didn’t know. She gave me a roof, helped me handle my powers, since they’re not quite the same as it was home.” He said, lost in his thought, “There’s also all the stuff that happened with Jack, the first meta I’ve fought here. Anyway, thanks to Starlight though, I easily found his weak spot and he couldn’t stand a chance against me. Starlight is the one that called me ‘The Fiend’ for the first time after that… Totally different from what they used to call me back then…” He finished, Sunset couldn’t see him smile but she heard it in his voice. She also heard a bit of nostalgia. “Back then… In your world?” She asked, when she saw him nod, she added, “How is your world?” Sunset asked curiously. “Not much different from this one actually…” He said, “Of course, magic was more common in my world. But we have the same technology as here. We also have our package of super-hero.” “Were you a super-hero?” He chuckled, “Nah, not exactly… I wasn’t much of a good guy back then… But I’ve changed I guess.” He said, taking a sit. “In my world,” Sunset said, taking a sit next to him. “There’s counterpart of people from this world. Does your world too?” “Yeah actually.” He said, “I’ve met a few people here that I knew home…” Then, Sunset noticed he gave her an odd look, but he quickly turned his gaze away, “But they’re not the… same people I used to know if you get what I mean.” Sunset nodded, “I totally get it… Do you miss home?” The Fiend thought for a moment before saying, “No I don’t, there’s nothing left for me there. I understood that when I’ve fought that guy with Starlight…” “What happened? With Starlight.” Sunset finally asked. “One day she left, she was working for some governmental agency… I don’t know much, but I didn’t saw her since that day…” He said, “I never thought I would see her or hear her name again honestly.” Sunset jumped and her feet and stretched her arms, “Let’s pay her a visit then!” The Fiend slowly gets up and chuckled, “Don’t be so sure about that. I’m willing to bet that she left a long time before we get here.” He jumped from the three floors building, landing in the empty alley behind the building, Sunset following him closely. “But maybe we could find something useful.” He finished. “Do you know what kind of connection she has with Conhorse?” Sunset asked, following him to the house. “Nope. I was surprised when you told me that she knew him.” He said. “Small world.” Sunset chuckled at that statement. “You have no idea.” The both walked quietly towards the house, trying to avoid any curious look. “I’ve noted you were really busy these past days,” Sunset said. “Care to tell me why?” “No.” He replied. His relation with Wendy was a secret, nobody except the two of them knew about it. And The Fiend wanted it to stay that way, at least for now. They arrived at behind the house but just when Sunset was going to enter through the fence gate, the Fiend grabbed her by her shoulder. “What?” she asked. “Look.” He said, pointing to the back door of the house. It was completely destroyed and scratch mark were on the wall. “Wha-” Sunset started. “I don’t know, but it can’t be good, we should get in before it starts getting dark out here.” He said and Sunset nodded. The sun was setting early those days. “Stay on your guard.” He said, beckoning her to follow him. They both entered the house, and despites the musty smell, Sunset could smell something… odd. The two heroes arrived in the living room and Sunset lets out a ‘Uh-oh’. The living room was a mess, scratch mark on every wall and furniture. Almost everything was destroyed here. “What happened here?” Sunset asked, mostly to herself. The Fiend kneeled and grabbed something on the ground that looked like a framed photo ripped in half. When he put the two pieces together, Sunset could saw a young doctor Conhorse with a woman she didn’t know. “Is it…” Sunset was going to ask. “Yeah, it’s Starlight.” He said, “She’s way younger than when I met her though.” In the wreckages, Sunset found a torn up file, a lot of papers were falling from it, but what fueled Sunset’s curiosity was the logo on it. It was a skull with six tentacles beneath it. “What’s that?” She asked, showing it to her fighting crime partner. He took it to take a closer look at it but finally finished by shrugging his shoulders, “Don’t know...” Then realization hits him and he frowned, “Wait, I’ve already saw it somewhere…” “Where?” Sunset asked as she gathered the papers scattered on the ground, now intrigued. “I’m not sure…” He said, getting up, his glare still on the strange logo. “I take that, I’ll do some digging and let you know if I found something.” Sunset was going to reply to him but she got stopped by the ringing coming from her pocket. “Oops, sorry.” She excused herself, she turned around as the Fiend resumed his research, taking a look at the papers that felled from the file, and she took out the phone from her pocket. She smiled when she saw who it was. “Hi Twi’.” “Hello Sunset.” Twilight greeted, however, Sunset noticed that Twilight’s voice wasn’t as cheerful as always. “Woaw, something’s wrong?” Sunset asked, now worried. “N-No! Everything’s fine, it’s just that… Humm…” “Twilight,” Sunset sighed, “You know you can tell me everything.” “Y-Yeah, you’re right, but not on the phone.” Twilight stated, “Can we met?” “Now?” Sunset asked raising an eyebrow, she turned to look at the Fiend who was reading the papers. “I’m kinda in the middle of something important right now…” “Oh, yes sorry, I didn’t imagine that… Well can you come by after you finished? It’s quite important.” “Of course Twi’. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” “Thanks, bye Sunset.” “Bye Twilight.” And just like that, Sunset ended the call. She sighed and turned around to see what her partner was doing. “So?” Then he turned to face her, and for the first time, she saw in his eyes, he was shocked. He just handed her the papers as he said, “Y-You might want to read that…” Sunset raised an eyebrow and took it, asking herself what might possibly put him in that state. She read it and, although it was full of complicated words, she understood the essential. She saw a complex formula not very different from the one she saw on the papers Twilight stole for her, the formula which was the origin of the genetically modified spiders that gave her powers. Those papers were far more complete that the ones from Discorp, but there also was another formula she didn’t quite understood. “What’s that?” She asked. “There’s something I have to tell you…” The Fiend said, crossing his arms, his eyes closed, laying against the wall. “I told you that Starlight helped me to handle my powers here, and for that she took a sample of my… blood.” Sunset nodded slowly, not knowing where he was going at. “That,” He said with a sign of his head, “Is this worlds formula for… magic.” “What?!” She almost yelled. Now that she put the pieces together, she notices that the first formula added to the other one made the one at the origins for her powers. “Does it means that…” “Yeah, that’s what I think too.” He said calmly, “You survived this ‘bite’ because you had magic in your blood.” Sunset couldn’t believe it, “Is… Is Discorp aware of that? “I don’t think so, otherwise they wouldn’t have done all those tests.” He stated, “But the fact is, Discorp isn’t the ones who created the formula.” Sunset realized what he meant by that, “Its…” “Starlight.” He finished. “She’s the one who made it…” He gritted his teeth, anger in his voice, “She did it with my blood.” “I…” Sunset stumbled, taking support on the wall, “I can’t believe this.” “Now, imagine for a sec,” He said, pacing in the room, “That someone managed to, somehow, make it viable for magicless humans.” “Impossible,” Sunset shake her head from left to right, “They wouldn’t survive, and even if, and it’s a big if, they do survive, their body would undergo some mutations making them monsters, or worse than that.” “That’s exactly what I wanted to say.” He said, “Do you think the same thing as me?” Sunset nodded. “The Lizard…” “Exactly, he must have modified the formula and found a way to make it… work.” Then, Sunset remembered when Twilight told her that she managed to modified a very complex formula, for Conhorse’s work. “No he didn’t…” “What do you mean?” The masked hero asked. “She did…” Sunset’s eyes opened wide in horror and realization hit her when she remembered the pictures, Starlight Glimmer standing next to... “Conhorse… He’s the Lizard.” Knock, knock. “Twilight! I think it’s for you!” “Coming!” Twilight gets out of her room and ran toward the entrance door and opened it quickly. “Hey Tw- Woah!” Sunset was surprised by Twilight grabbing her arm and dragged her inside, closing the door. “Hum, what’s up with you?” “Come with me.” She said leading her to her room. Sunset shrugged and followed her, walking next to the kitchen’s door she perceived Cadance doing the dishes, “Hi Cadance.” “Hi Sunset,” Cadence replied, “What’s the emergency?” She asked when she saw Twilight still gripped to Sunset’s arms. “Only if I know.” She replied following Twilight. Cadance watched them disappeared in the girl’s room and chuckled, “Ah, teenagers.” Twilight pushed Sunset on her bed, forcing her to sit down. Sunset could clearly see something was off. “Okay Twilight, what’s the matter you’re acting weird… Well I mean, weirder than usual.” “Okay,” Twilight said putting both her hands on Sunset’s shoulders, “I have something to tell you, but I need you to promise me that you won’t freak out okay?” “Meh, can’t be worse than what I have to tell you.” “What?” “Another matter, first tell me what’s going on.” Sunset stated. Twilight gulped, “Okay, watch this.” She headed toward her workbench, were a white sheet was covering something, when she removed it, Sunset saw a black form laying in the middle of an aquarium. Twilight looked at Sunset expectantly. “Humm, and I’m supposed to know what this is?” “N-No,” Twilight quickly added, “Look.” Twilight knocked on the glass and Sunset jumped to her feet when she saw the black thing move. “Holy shit!” She yelled, “Is that thing-” “Alive?” Twilight said, “Yes.” Sunset slowly walked towards it to take a closer look. “What is that thing?” “I don’t know, but a thing is sure, its sapient. It can understand what I say and what I do.” “Where did you even find that? Twilight avoided Sunset’s glare, “Well… A few weeks ago, I went to see that meteor shower on the edges of the city. But one of the meteorites fell not far away from where I was… You know me, I’m curious! So I went to take a look and…” “Let me guess, you found that.” She said, pointing to the black thing. “Yes.” Twilight admitted. “I call him Spike.” Sunset gave her a look, “Really?” Then she sighed, “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you hide it from me?” “Well, you were very busy with your… part-time job. I didn’t want to bother you, and I know that if I’d tell you, you would’ve said…” “To get rid of it.” Sunset nodded, “And I’m telling you now Twilight. Get rid of it. For fuck’s sake Twi’, you bring this alien thing here, where Cadence and your brother lives!” “I-I know…” Pitching the edges of her nose, Sunset asked her, “Anyway, why did you show it to me now?” Twilight stirred up, embarrassed. “Last night I… I touch it.” “Fuck Twi-” “Let me finish, please.” When Sunset didn’t say anything, Twilight continued, “I touch it and it… Merged with me.” “What?” This time, Sunset yelled. “Wait!” Twilight said, “It didn’t wanted me! I heard a voice in my head saying that… I wasn’t enough… And it jumped right back in the aquarium.” “So this thing can… Talk?” Sunset raised an eyebrow before sighing, “Twi’ that’s fucked up.” “But I’ve also noticed something…” Twilight said. “It’s dying… I know it is… And I think it wants a host to survive. A strong one.” “Like a parasite?” “More like a symbiote.” Twilight added. “Can you go directly to the part that involved me?” Sunset said. “Well… I was thinking… You know… You’re strong Sunset…” Sunset had a forced laugh, “Oh, hell no.” “But please Sunset! It’s dying!” “Like I care!” Sunset yelled. “I don’t want this alien thing on me! Geez’ are you hearing yourself?” Twilight sighed and sat on her bed, “I knew you wouldn’t, but I was desperate… I bonded with him.” “Him?” “The voice I heard was male.” Twilight explained. Sunset sat next to her and put her hand on Twilight’s shoulders. “Twilight… There’s something I have to tell you…” “Hm?” Twilight rose her head up, facing her friend. “Hum, you know the formula you managed to make for Conhorse?” “Yes?” “Well… To make things short… I think Conhorse is the Lizard… And maybe that’s your fault.” Sunset admitted, scratching the back of her head. “WHAT THE FUCK?” “Oh, so you can swear.” > Volume II - Chapter 3: A Reptile Situation! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The rumors say that he hides in the sewers,” Sunset said to herself with a high pitched voice crawling down of the walls of Canterlot’s sewers, “You should start there!” She sighed and grumbled in frustration. “I hate you Twilight.” She said, frowning at the smell. But Sunset must admit that Twilight was right. It’s been weeks now that the rumors saying that a giant crocodile was hiding there, even her boss told her to take pictures of it. Sunset put a hand on her backpack well tied on her back. “Well at least, lets mix business with pleasure.” She said rolling her eyes, “I was right to take my camera.” She silently landed on the wet ground, the horrible smell assaulting her nose. She put down her bag and took her camera from it, then she sticks her bag to the wall with her webs. “Don’t move.” She commanded to it like it was going to reply to her. She started to walk through the dark sewers, holding her camera in front of her like someone pointing a gun, ready to shoot a photo anytime. The smell was reminding her that time when she used to be the queen bee of CHS. There was one time when a girl with green hair, she wasn’t able to remember her name, Wall-something. The poor girl dared to try to resist to her, so she finished locked up in the school’s bathroom, a bucket full of pee and feces landing on her. Of course, Sunset didn’t do it, it was Snips and Snails, but she ordered it, so it was her fault the girl didn’t came to school the next following month. Sunset sighed, looking at the ground. “I can’t erase all of that.” She said, “But at least I’m trying to be a better person now… right?” She then looked at the camera gripped firmly in her hands. “Says the girls who was first coming here to help someone and, instead, came here to take pictures of him to sell them.” She blew from her nose like a bull, “Way to go, Sunset.” She stopped when she saw light not far away, from an adjacent hallway. She hides herself against a wall and waited, listening if there was any sound coming from there. When she was sure she was alone, she silently crawled on the wall and on the roof, going in that hallway’s direction. When she turned, she stared in awe. Right there stood a small laboratory, all the computers at work. She makes sure she was alone and then, silently landed on the ground under her. “Well, well, well…” She said to herself. She walked toward a computer and she instantly noticed the formula Twilight solved. It seemed it was where Conhorse was hiding. So she was right, there was no more doubts. Conhorse was indeed the Lizard. “Twi’s not going to be happy ‘bout that.” Sunset said to herself. The poor girl almost fell in tears when Sunset told her. So, Sunset hoped she was wrong, but of course, she was freakin’ smart so she was right. Then she noticed a picture frame next to the computer screen, she took it and saw Conhorse with a woman standing next to him, in their arms were two little babies. Conhorse and the woman were both smiling, they seemed happy. “Probably his family.” Sunset said. “Maybe I should check on them.” She frowned when she felt a presence behind her, she quickly turned around, preparing herself to attack, but there was nothing. “Eh,” She said, still preparing herself to any surprises, “Must’ve imagined it.” She looked back at the screen, and after reading, she realized Conhorse was planning to make more of the lizard serum. “What?” She frowned. ‘Wait… Maybe…’ She thought, then she looked at the picture again. ‘Don’t tell me…’ Her spidey-sense going wild, she quickly jumped back avoiding whatever landed on where she stood. Her arms up, ready to fight, she stared at the monster open-mouthed. It really was a Lizard. And a big one. “Uh-oh.” The Lizard, dressed with a simple white lab coat, jumped at her, roaring in anger. She dodged it and landed on the wall. “Oh hey there doctor,” Sunset said, “Everyone was looking for you.” The Lizard slowly turned his head in her direction and stared at her in fury. “But doctor… What big teeth you have.” When she saw he wasn’t going to respond, she sighed, “Please don’t tell you’ve eaten my grandmother.” The Lizard jumped on her, his big claw trying to slice her up. But she easily dodged it landing on the ground not far away. “Woah hey, doctor chill out, I was kidding.” Roaring in fury, Conhorse charged her, Sunset used her web-shooter to shoot a web on the ceiling and dodged it at the last second, the doctor running right in the wall. She used her momentum to swing with the web in his direction both her feet in front of her striking the Lizard in his back. The blow sends the Lizard further and the wall collapsed and both started to fall in a big hole from where water could be seen in the bottom, but the pipes would eventually prevent her to fall in the water. Sunset shoot a web on the hole walls and landed on it, she saw that the Lizard managed to grab pipes, preventing his fall. Sunset quickly used her web to stick her camera on the wall, with a timer on. “Okay perfect. Twenty, Ninet-” She turned around and saw the Lizard jumping on her, if she avoided it, he would break her camera, so she shoots a web and swings in his direction. He took the hit but he managed to scratch her on her chest. It hurts but it wasn’t a big wound, but her suit was now totally damaged. He grabbed the girl by the throat and throw her on the pipes under her. She landed on it in a big sound, her back full of pain. She managed to get up, fighting the pain. “Shit, that hurts.” She managed to say, rubbing her back, “Thirteen, twelve…” She rose up her head and saw the Lizard landing on where she stood. She avoided it and jumped on his back. The weight of the Lizard was a bit much for the pipes that were twisting and bending beneath them. “Nine, eight…” A strange rodeo was taking place, Sunset trying to stick to his back. She managed to launch webs with both her hands in the Lizard’s eyes. He growled in frustration and grabbed both of the webs with his claws. “Five, four…” With all his strength, the Lizard pulled the webs in front of him, Sunset flying over his head landing once again on the pipes with a sound of pain. The Lizard grabbed her with both his claws around her head, making her stand in front of him. He opened his big mouth filled with sharp teeth, getting reading to eat a little snack. “Two, one.” Then a flash coming from a camera took the Lizard’s attention, turning his head in the camera’s direction. Sunset took advantage of the situation, she shoots a web under her, on the twisted pipes and pulled on it. The pipes gave up and all started to break and fall on the water. In his fall, the Lizard was taken by surprise, so Sunset managed to escape his grip with a punch in his eye, and she shoot a web, stopping her fall. She saw him falling in the water and she crawled on the wall to retrieve her camera. “Freaking hell.” She said. She grabbed her camera and carefully took the sd card out of it before putting it in her pocket. “At least, now I-” She couldn’t finish her sentence that a claw grabbed her leg. She looked under her in horror as the Lizard draw her leg in his direction, jumping in the water with the girl stuck in his grip. Sunset took all the air she could in her mouth before falling in the water, her camera now destroyed. The Lizard grabbed her left arm and punched her in the face. She managed to get her arm free and punched him back in the chest. Both of them were taken away by the force of the water, Sunset had no idea where they were going to. She managed to get behind him and pulled on his tail sending him away. The water flow separating them, sending Sunset in a narrow conduit. ‘I need to get air!’ She thought. She was fighting against the water, trying to get to the surface to get air. When she believed she was going to be unconscious, she felt someone grabbing and getting her out of the water. Then she fell unconscious. On another dark corridor of the sewers, the Lizard got out of the water, grumbling in frustration. His loud steps echoing though the corridor. Then he stopped when he saw a bag stick with webs on the wall. He grabbed it and tore it way, books and papers falling from it. He grabbed one of the books and read the name written on it, frowning with his big green eyes. “Sunset Shimmer.” The Amazing Sunset Shimmer – Volume II: Web of Shadows The Lizard – Part 1/2 “A Reptile Situation!” “And here, we, go.” Rarity said, finishing the adjustment of her latest dress. “Perfect!” She smiled to herself for well done work and took a picture of it for her Instagram page, sharing it with her three thousand followers. Then she slowly sat on her chair and took a sip from her now cold cup of tea. It was getting late, she was going to close the shop and go home, but then she heard a strange noise coming from the back room. She quickly jumped to her feet, a shiver down her spine. “H-Hello?” She managed to say, “I-Is someone here?” She slowly walked toward the noise, and opened the door of her storage room. It was dark but she could feel someone was here. She took a step and looked oddly at the ground when she saw it was wet. A grunt coming from the darkness made her jump and she hit the power button with all her strength and screamed when she saw an unfamiliar figure, all wet and covered with blood on the ground. Wait? Unfamiliar figure? He eyes grew wide when she realized who it was. “Spider-girl!” Rarity screamed, running next to the hero girl. “Oh my, what happened to you dear?” When she saw the girl wasn’t responding, she ran toward the shelves and took all the fabrics she could, making Spider-girl a makeshift mattress. She hardly managed to lift the hero up, but she managed. She slowly put her on the mattress, and started to look closely at the wound on her chest, still bleeding. “Oh, that can’t be good.” Rarity stated, she walked toward her restroom and came back with a first aid kit. She slowly started to fix her, not wanting to hurt her more. When Rarity finished, she sighed in relief, at least it was more frightening that it really was. Spider-girl should be okay now. Then Rarity frowned when she saw in what state the suit was. When she’ll be awake, she’s going to hear her. Then Rarity stared at the mask, gulping. Her hand slowly making its way towards the hero mask. When she was going to grab it, Spider-girl quickly rose up and grabbed both Rarity’s arms and tackled her on the ground before yelling. “Where am I?!” “Eep!” Rarity screamed. She wasn’t afraid of Spider-girl, she knew the poor girl must be freaked out right now. But feeling the cold and wet body of the super-hero on hers wasn’t a pleasant experience. Or was it? “Wait.” The masked hero said, “Rarity?” “Y-Yes,” The girl said, avoiding her look and cursing herself for having such thoughts. “It is me!” Spider-girl slowly released Rarity and sat in front of her, putting her hand on her chest. “You… You healed me?” “Well, I wasn’t going to let you bleed out on my shop’s floor.” The fashionista stated, “But I must admit I have no idea why you came here darling.” “I…” The hero started, “Have no idea. Someone saved me… I think.” “Saved you?” Rarity asked, now worried, “From what?” Spider-girl rolled her eyes under her mask, “That’s a long story.” Then, her heard started to hurt, so she put her hand on it, flinching at the pain. “Are you okay darling?” Rarity asked. “My head hurts…” She said. “I can… Take a look if you want?” Rarity tried. Sunset gulped, “Hum, that’s probably a bad idea.” She said, getting up. But then she almost fell on the floor, Rarity grabbed her at the last seconds. Rarity sighed and looked away before looking at the hero again, “I know how to keep a secret dear.” Rarity stated, “And what if it is a bad injury? Might as well not take any risks, right… Sunset?” Sunset eyes opened wide under her mask, and then she began to chuckle. She took off her mask and stared at her friend, “Since when?” “Well, one day we were chatting with the girls and we talked about who spider-girl might be.” Rarity explained, “Rainbow joked about the fact that since you’re a secret person and we never know what you are up to, she said that it might be you.” “Oh…” Sunset said looking at her feet, “Who knows besides you?” “None of them took her seriously darling, even me.” Rarity reassured her putting her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “But when I thought about it seriously, I’ve found that it made sense. When you leaved the party at Halloween, when Spider-girl saved me from that creep while the only persons I ever talked about it were you and the girls…” Rarity enumerated, “And of course, when I made your suit. What a coincidence that Spider-girl and Sunset Shimmer have the exacts same measurements, don’t you think?” Sunset face palmed herself, “Okay that was a dumb move of me, I agree. So, nobody else knows?” “I do not think so.” Rarity said. “Okay, thanks Rare, you know… For keeping it secret and all.” Sunset said, scratching the back of her head. “Don’t thanks me yet, darling.” Rarity said, “I still have your head to fix up.” The Next Day… Sunset must admit, she was pretty excited for the ball tomorrow. The plan was that she was going to Fluttershy’s house to grab her up, after all even if they were going as friends, she still was her date. But Sunset wasn’t entirely focus on that. Her investigation with the Fiend on Doctor Conhorse was taking all her free time and she still had to rehearse with the band. Now she knew what Conhorse plan was. He wanted to turn his family into some sorts of Lizards things, just like him. Stopping the Lizard was the right thing to do but she wasn’t going to let her friends down, not this time. She also called the Fiend to thanks him for rescuing her from drowning last night. Sunset freaked out when he told her that it wasn’t him, Sunset forgot that he couldn’t swim. Who saved her, and who knew her identity? Last night was a total failure anyway, the Lizard got away, her camera was dead, and at least two more persons knew about her identity. At least one of them was her friend. She also made a couple of bucks from the picture she sold to the Daily Bugle, even if Twilight wasn’t sharing her opinion Sunset still needed the money. Sunset entered the school today with the firm attention to help the band rehearse the song one more time, they’ve did it a lot those past three days and all of them now knew the song perfectly. Unfortunately, Lyra refused to play with them for the time Sunset was here. Flash said it wasn’t a big deal, she’ll come around eventually. Sunset walked towards her classroom making a mental note to ask the Fiend to check on Conhorse’s family. He’s going to complain about that, she was sure of it. “You suck Shimmer!” She heard someone say, somewhere in the hallway. She ignored the daily greetings she now was used to and walked to her first class of the morning. As she entered the classroom, she saw Red sat on his chair next to Sunset’s place, but he was arguing with a girl Sunset learned to know a few days ago, Screwball. “I want to sit here!” She said, raising her arms above her head. Red rolled his eyes and sighed, crossing his arms. “Sorry Screw-balls, but I’m not gonna move. Just sit somewhere else.” “It’s Screwball!” She yelled. “Well, screw-you. Ahah.” Red said, making a small forced laugh at his own play of words. “Why do you want to sit here anyway?” “I want to sit next to Sunny!” Red repressed a laugh, “What, you’re her friend? She really became friend with… you?” Screwball frowned, “And what is that supposed to mean?!” Red avoided her look, “Oh, nothing.” “Guys!” Sunset said, walking toward them. “Are you really fighting over a chair?” “She started it.” “He started it!” They both said in the same time pointing at the other, Red with a careless tone and Screwball almost screaming. Everyone in the class was looking at them, making Sunset uncomfortable. “Urgh,” Sunset said before sighing, “Look Screwball, this is where Red usually is so… Can’t you sit somewhere else?” “But I want to sit next to you!” Screwball pleaded. “Why?” Sunset asked. “I don’t know!” Screwball said, “You seem nice, and we’re friends! You said it last time.” “So you did.” Red said, giving her an odd look. “She seems nice, uh?” Said a voice Sunset unfortunately knew all too well. She turned around to face Lyra who just entered the classroom, walking towards them. “I guess no one told you what she did here.” She continued, talking to Screwball now standing next to her. “Piss off Weepinbell.” Red said to her, she glared furiously at him but didn’t respond. “Well…” Screwball started, “I heard rumors but… There’s no way Sunny literally transformed into a demon, right?” She asked to no one in particular, but the entire classroom avoided her look. She then looked at Sunset who looked at the ground. “It’s true.” Sunset stated. Screwball was going to say something but she got cut off guard by the teacher entering the room and ordering the students to sit down. Screwball didn’t say anything and sat somewhere else where a chair was free. Sunset sat on hers and looked at Red, “Guess she won’t be my friend anymore right?” Red shrugged, “Well, the good news is, I get to keep my place.” Sunset rolled her eyes, “Why is this place is so important to you?” “If you really want to know,” Red started, “This place is perfectly located, when it’s too hot and the windows are open, I’m not in the airflow, but when it’s too cold, I’m not too far away from the heater, but not too close either. I’m also avoiding the sun’s rays. I’m also at the perfect distance to look at the board and this place is the opposite of Trixie’s.” He explained before giving Sunset a plain look. “Does-” But he was cut in mid-sentence by Trixie who sneezed loudly before she quickly apologized when she saw the dark glare the teacher was giving her. “Does that answers your question?” Red continued his discussion with Sunset like nothing happened. “I… Uh…” Sunset seemed lost for a moment before turning her gaze away and looking at the white board. “Sometimes I’m really having a hard time understanding you.” Red shrugged, turning his attention to the lesson too. “Meh.” But even if Sunset really wanted to listen to the teacher, her mind drifted away. She sighed and laid back in her chair. “I was kidding by the way… Well not about Trixie, but about the other things.” Red said. “I just like to be a pain in the ass sometimes.” Sunset chuckled. “So,” She hushed, “Have you asked Rainbow out to the ball?” Sunset who was looking in front of her couldn’t see his gaze but she knew he was frowning, “I already told you that I won’t. Besides someone already asked me, and I said yes.” Sunset raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah? Who’s that?” Red sighed, “It’s-” “Miss Shimmer! Mister Light!” The teacher called, “Next time I hear your voices you’ll both get two hours of detention!” Red didn’t respond and Sunset blushed as all the eyes of the class were on them, “S-Sorry!” Applejack was listening closely to what Miss Cheerilee was saying but something was bothering her. The girl sitting next to her, usually so chatty and full of life was silent as a grave. Applejack sighed in frustration. Even if the girl said that she was fine, Applejack knew she was lying, she could smell a lie from twenty miles away. So, she took advantage from her teacher’s directive of working in pairs to speak to her. “Okay sugarcube,” Applejack finally said, “Tell me what’s wrong.” Rainbow raised her head from her notebook from where she was coloring the squares on the paper and gave her an interrogative look, “What? Nothing’s wrong.” “Come on Rainbow,” Applejack stated, “I know you since middle school, and every time you’re upset with something, you do that.” She then showed her the notebook. Rainbow sighed, “Yeah well… There is something bothering me, you’re right.” “Of course I am.” Applejack stated with a smirk, but she dropped it quickly when she saw that Rainbow wasn’t smiling. “Rainbow…” “It’s Red.” She said. Applejack sighed, she knew there was something going on between her friend et Red and quite frankly, she could understand why. They were alike in many points, they both shared a competitive spirit, they both loved video games and action movies, with a lots of fights, blood and all that. And Rainbow said to her that he gave off a mysterious aura that she thought it made him cool. But she also knew that Red refused her invitation to the ball, and that’s what she couldn’t understand. She thought Red liked her, it was so evident. So, why did he refused? “Yeah I know sug’, he refused to go with you but you know… There’s plenty of apples in the trees.” Applejack held her hands up when she saw the look Rainbow was giving her. “Look, maybe he couldn’t ask you out because he’s shy or somethin’, so don’t be bothered by that.” Applejack tried. “Well yeah, the fact that he refused to go out with me sucks. But that’s not the reason.” Rainbow admitted, still drawing in her notebook, but her drawings were now looking like frustrated scribbles. Applejack raised an eyebrow, waiting for her friend to explain. “He said that… He was going with someone else.” “Oh.” Was all Applejack managed to say. “I’m sorry…” “It’s okay…” Rainbow said with a sigh, “Maybe I’m not good enough for him- Ouch!” She rested her hand on where Applejack just punched her, “What was that for?” “Because you’re saying things that doesn’t make any sense.” Applejack stated, “Don’t ever say you’re not good enough for him, or for anyone else. You’re the captain of every sports team here, and you know you’re not bad looking, even Rarity told you that if you were a bit more… feminine, every boy here would fall for you.” She said blankly, “You’re the most awesome girl in school remember?” Rainbow giggled, “Yeah you’re right, I am.” Applejack smiled at that, “There! You see! Forget about that. And if you want, I’m still free.” Rainbow smirked at her friend and repressed a laugh, “Are you asking me out?” “Not at all suga’, just doin’ you a favor. Besides, if I was asking you out… Believe me… You’ll know.” Applejack finished with a sensual wink. Both friends had hard time to regain their calm as they were both ready to burst out of laughter. “Yeah AJ, I’ll go with you. It’ll be fun.” Applejack gently punched her in the shoulder. “That’s the spirit.” After a long day of classes and a good rehearse with the band, Sunset walked toward her home, using her disposable phone to call her hero friend. After four or maybe five minutes he finally answered. “Finally!” Sunset said, “What were you doing?” “Yeah, top of the mornin’ to ya’ too. I was taking care of something important.” He said casually, “What’s up?” “Well I wanted to ask you, can you check out on Conhorse’s family tonight?” “Afraid that monster guy wants to turn his family into lizards?” He asked. “Yeah.” He sighed heavily, “Yeah, I guess it’s the safest things to do. If things get handy, I’ll call you.” Sunset chuckled, “What? You can’t take him all by yourself?” “Of course I can,” He quickly said, “But a giant Lizard drew attentions, also as cameras.” “Yeah I got it, don’t want to draw unnecessary attention on you.” “Exactly.” “Well, thanks.” Sunset said, “Also, don’t count on me tomorrow night, I’ve got plans.” “I know, you’re going to your high school ball, right?” Sunset rolled her eyes, “Of course you know about that.” She heard him chuckle, “See ya, spidey.” “Yeah, see ya’.” Putting the phone back in her pocket, she looked at the late blue sky. It was freezing, but no clouds could be seen in the sky. At least it wasn’t going to rain, this put a smile on her face. She hated rain. The question Sunset asked herself all day was, who saved her last night. If it wasn’t the Fiend who was it? Him and Twilight were the only two people who knew that she was going there. What if… Someone was spying on her? She chuckled, no it was dumb. She maybe wasn’t that sneaky about her double life, thanks Rarity, but she wasn’t that bad about it. Was she? “I hope not.” She said. She finally got home and put off her boots and her leather jacket before getting a can of her favorite soda in the fridge. Luna wasn’t home yet, of course. Sunset sat on the table and notice the Daily Bugle paper of the day. On the first page was a picture of the Lizard, Spider-girl trapped in his claws trying to get away from him. “Urgh, this photo doesn’t make me look better.” Then she read the tile, “Spider-girl working with a giant Lizard?!” She screamed. “That son of a b-” She threw the paper through the kitchen, “We clearly see that we’re fighting with each other!” She sighed heavily and dropped in her chair. “See ya, spidey.” Red said. “Yeah, see ya.” He ended the call and sighed before putting his phone back in his pocket. He turned to face Wendy who had stars in her eyes, “Was that Spider-girl?!” Red put a finger on his lips, “Let’s keep it that secret, okay?” “Of course!” The little blue haired girl said. Both of them were in Canterlot City mall, more precisely, in the pet shop. Wendy absolutely wanted to see the puppies, and Red didn’t wanted to say no to her, even if he wasn’t much of a pet person. He was secretly afraid of cats. Wendy turned her attention back to the puppies, petting one on the head. “You’re soooo cute!” She exclaimed. The view of that forced a smile to make its appearance on Red’s face. “Hum excuse me… Can I help you?” He heard a shy voice behind him. He turned around to face the employee of the pet store and was surprised to see who it was. “Fluttershy?” Fluttershy also was surprise, and she released a breath of relief when she saw it was an acquaintance. “Oh, hi Red.” “You work here?” Red asked. “Yes, when I’m not volunteering at the animal shelter, I work here to make some money.” She explained. “You work here?!” Wendy repeated, jumping in front of Fluttershy, making the poor girl scream in surprise. “That’s so cool!” The girl exclaimed, stars in her eyes. “Hum, hello?” Fluttershy said. “It’s Wendy.” Red explained. “My… Little sister.” He said, avoiding Fluttershy’s look. “Oh I see.” Fluttershy said, kneeling in front of the little girl, “Well I’m glad to meet you, I’m Fluttershy, a classmate of your brother.” “Hi Fluttershy!” Wendy replied, “You’re sooooo pretty!” Fluttershy blushed and rose up, “Oh, hum, I… Thanks.” Red laughed and put a hand on Wendy’s shoulder, “Well I think we should leave. It was nice seeing you Flutters.” He started to walk out of the store, Wendy following him. “Hope I’ll see you again!” Wendy called. Fluttershy chuckled and waved at the girl, “Me too.” She said. When they both exited the store Fluttershy did something she wasn’t accustomed to. She frowned. “I thought he didn’t saw his sister in a long time…” She said, remembering the truth or dare game of Halloween, “Did he… Lied?” She wiggled with discomfort, “Maybe I should tell Rainbow.” Twilight was sweating and trembling in fear. Walking in Discorp’s corridors at night, all alone. The symbiote wasn’t doing great, so she gathered her courage, put it in a box, covered it with a white sheet, and bring it to the labs. She had to heal it. It was the only thing she could think of since it touched her. It obsessed her. She walked quietly in the dark corridors, afraid that anyone might saw her. Of course she had the right to be here, but she didn’t want someone to ask her about the strange box she was carrying. She wasn’t a great liar. She made her way to her lab, and carefully closed the door behind her. She cleared a table and put the glass box on it, taking of the sheet. “Don’t worry Spike,” She said, knocking on it. “I’ll help you.” She started her experiment unaware of two yellow piercing eyes watching her through the security cameras. > Volume II - Chapter 4: Hero Too > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thanks again Rarity." Sunset said to her friend, a beautiful red an gold dress in her arms. "I don't know how much I owe you for this but-" "Oh, pish-posh darling." Rarity quickly said while making place on her workbench. "You know that I am not going to make you pay for it." Sunset laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of her head, "Yeah you're right... But one day I'll repay you, mark my words." "Noted." Rarity smiled to her friend. Both of them were in Rarity's boutique, only four hours before the ball starts. Rarity made Sunset come to pick up her dress, and she also repared Sunset's hero suit. At first, Sunset thought being with her friends after last night's event would've been awkward, but Rarity quickly dismissed that thought with her natural and joyful attitude. But at one point, someone will have to talk about the elephant in the room. Rarity still cleaning, Sunset took a sit on a chair next to the wall. "A-Are we gonna talk about last night?" Sunset finally said. Rarity abruptly stopped what she was doing , sighed and turned around, facing her friend, "Only if you want to darling." "To be honest with you," Sunset started, "I knew that, at some point, one of you girls would've noticed. And I'm glad it's you Rarity. Not that I don't trust the girls, but we both know that Rainbow and Pinkie are both terrible at keeping secrets." Rarity chuckled at that statement, "That is indeed true, but I am sure that both Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash would have keep it." The smile on Rarity's face slowly disappeared. She was facing Sunset but wasn't directly looking at her. A look of discomfort on her face, she said, "But I must tell you something Sunset." Rarity walked toward her friend and stood in front of her, Sunset glared curiously at her when the fashionista took Sunset's hands in hers. "Sunset, I want you to know that I really am proud of you," She started, "What you have done for this city is beyond what we could have asked for, and I owe you a life debt since that... day." She said, biterness in her voice. Sunset tried to say something but Rarity put her finger on the girl's mouth. "Let me finish Sunset dear." She removed her finger and Sunset quietly nodded, "However," Rarity continued, "Now that I know that it is you who wore that suit every night, I must share with you my discomfort and worries about the fact that one of my best friends secretly fight crimes at night." She said with a concerned look, "What if something bad happens to you Sunset? What am I supposed to say to the girls? I'm afraid that one day I go to school, notice that you aren't there, and learn that Spider-girl has been killed fighting some monster." She admitted with a trembling voice, squeezing Sunset's hands harder, "I'm terrified at that thought." A tear started to roll down her cheek, "So why are you doing this Sunset? Why are you risking your life to help people you don't know? Don't get me wrong, I admire you for that. But how can you do that knowing that all the peoples who cares about you would be devastated if something happens to you?" Sunset smiled before getting up from her chair putting the dress on it, and put her hand on Rarity's shoulder, "Rare," She started, "First thing first, you don't owe me anything. Because it wasn't just Sunset Shimmer helping her friend Rarity." She explained, a serious look on her face, "It was Spider-girl helping a woman in need. And Spider-girl don't ask anything in return. She does it because it is the right thing to do." "But Sun-" "No, I've let you talk, now you let me talk." Sunset quickly said, Rarity stared at her but smiled and nodded, "Celestia said to me that with great power comes great responsability. I still don't exactly know what she meant by that, but one thing is sure and it's that I'm not going to disappoint her. She always believed in me. Why? I have no idea." She chuckled, "But she knew that I could help people. That I had the means to change things. This is why I'm doing all this, not because I have to, but because I want to. And if I have to die protecting a frightened child, an injured old man or one of you girls. Then so be it, I'll happily die knowing that at least, I've saved one more life." She heavily sighed, turning her gaze away, glaring at the wall, "It's my way to repare the wrong doings I've done in the past... It's the least I can do." Tears flowed down on Rarity's cheeks. The girl put her hands on her face, silently crying. "Rarity?" Sunset asked, now concerned that she might have said something that hurted her friend, "Are you okay?" Then, out of the blue, Rarity took her friend in a tight hug. "I'm so lucky to have friend like you Sunset." Sunset smiled and returned the hug, "And I'm lucky to have you girls in my life." They both stayed like that for a minute before Rarity broke the hug. "Now, there's no more time to waste, go home and prepare yourself for tonight." She said with a wink, "You don't want to make Fluttershy wait, do you?" Sunset smirked at her, "You're right." She grabbed the dress and with a last quick hug, exited the boutique. The Amazing Sunset Shimmer – Volume II: Web of Shadows The Lizard – Part 2/2 “Hero Too” "So? What do you think?" Luna turned around and stared in awe at the young woman standing in front of her. Sunset was wearing a beautiful red and gold dress, her hair tied back in a ponytail. Luna whistled and smirked at her. "I think that Fluttershy is a very lucky girl." She took her phone out, preparing to take a picture. Sunset rolled her eyes but took a pose for the picture, once that done she grabbed her new bag and put it on her back. "You know that we're going as friends." Luna laughed, it was always so easy to tease her. "Of course I know Sunset." She gets up from her chair and took her keys. "You're sure you're not forgetting anything?" "Pretty sure." She replied to Luna who was unawarre of the super hero suit hidden in that bag. They both exited the house and took place in Luna's car. "So I'm curious," Luna said, starting the engine once Sunset safety belt was on, "With who your friends are going with?" Sunset smirked and raised an eyebrow looking at her, "Well look at that. Principal Luna who's interested to know who her students are dating." Luna chuckled, "We're not at school right now so don't think of me as your principal, think of me as your big sister Luna. And your big sister Luna really likes gossips." Sunset repressed a laugh, "Well, if you really wants to know sis," She said, insisting on the 'sis', "Rainbow's going with AJ, as friends just like me and Fluttershy." "I see," Luna nodded, "I must admit that I was wondering if Applejack was going with anyone. She doesn't seem like the type of girls who's running after boys." "Yeah, she's not." Sunset said, "But that's a shame, I know some boys who would've kill to date someone like her. She's really pretty and she has to give herself more credit about it." "I can only agree." Luna said. "And what about that girl, Rarity?" Sunset laughed, "If I had a dollar everytime a boy asked her to accompagning them to the ball, I'll be freakin' rich." She said, "But right now, I think she's going with Flash Sentry." Luna looked at her curiously in the mirror, "Flash Sentry? Isn't that your... Ex-boyfriend?" Sunset sighed, "Yeah he is." "And you're good with that?" "Flash is a nice guy, I was the bitch in our relationship." She stated, "Rarity deserves a guy like that." "I'm glad you think that way." Luna said, stopping at a red light. "And as for Pinkie Pie," Sunset said, "I think she's going by herself. After all, no boy or girl could keep up with her." Luna laughed with a quiet nod. "That's about all I think." Sunset said. "And what about Red Light?" Luna asked, the red light in front of them becoming green. "Aren't you two friends?" Sunset stared in front of her, watching the road, "Yeah we are actually, that's true." She said, quietly cursing herself for forgetting him, "But I have no idea who he's going with." "A mystery for the ages." Luna joked. "I'm a bit nervous I must say," Sunset said, "We're going to play in front of all of CHS. The others are really good, especially Flash and Red but what if the students starts booing because of... well, me?" "If that's the case," Luna started, "I have no doubt that Rainbow Dash will show them what she's made of." Sunset laughed, "And you'll let that happen?" "Remember, not Principal Luna tonight." "Right, big sister Luna." Sunset said, joking. The rest of the road to Fluttershy's house was made in silence, sometimes Sunset had a remark about something she just saw through the window but overhaul, it was a quiet travel. Finally, they arrived at Fluttershy's house and Luna parked in her alley. "Go ahead." She said to Sunset. Sunset got out of the car, and the more she got closer to the front door, the more she grew nervous. 'Come on, she's technically your date but she's your friend, not someone you're in love with.' She thought. Then the face of a purple haired nerd appeared on her mind, 'Why am I thinking about Twilight right now?!' She slapped herself and took breathed deeply. "Chill out Sunset." She said reaching the front door. She gently knocked on it and waited a few seconds before the door opened. She was greeted by a man not much younger than her, long blond hair attached in a tight bun. "Hello there, pretty lady." The man said, winking in Sunset's direction. Sunset was now accustomed to Zephyr Breeze's attitude, but she still didn't liked it, or him for that matter. She completely ignored his remark and flatly asked, "Is Fluttershy here?" "Maybe she is," He said, "Maybe if you gave me your number, I'll let you pass and join my beloved little sister." "Okay so first, she's your big sister," Sunset stated, "And second, I rather be rotting in hell rather than giving you my phone number." "Aouch," Zephyr said, putting his hand dramatically on his heart, "You know that words can hurt, right?" "I hope so." She said, frowning. "Zephyr who is-" A voice said behind him. Then Fluttershy appeared next to him, she wore a elegant green dress with a flower pattern on it, her hair pulled back with a pink headband. She looked like on of the hippies of the nineties, with more class. "Sunset!" She exclaimed, beaming at the view of her friend. She then remembered who was standing next to her and frowned at her brother, "I hope Zephyr didn't make another inappropriate comment." "Not more than usual." Sunset replied. "Zephyr..." Fluttershy started. "Well, she's here now, I leave you to it, bye!" He quickly said before running and disappearing in the kicthen's direction, fearing his sister's wrath. Fluttershy sighed and watched her friend with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry if he said anything..." "Don't, Fluttershy." Sunset quickly said, "You're not responsible for how your brother acts." "O-Okay then." The shy girl replied, she then took a closer look at Sunset and blushed, putting her hands behind her back. "Y-You look great Sunset." Sunset had a embarassed laugh, "I should've start there. You look awesome Flutter." She then held her arm to her, "Now, shall we?" Fluttershy giggled and closed the door, taking Sunset's arms. They walked to Luna's car and both sat at the back. "Good evening Principal Luna." Fluttershy greeted. "Good evening to you too Fluttershy," Luna smiled at her, "But I must warn you, try anything funny with Sunset and..." She left the threat on hold. Fluttershy blushed vehemently and quickly added, "Oh my! I wouldn't dream of it Princip-" "Fluttershy," Sunset said, "She's just playing with you, just look at her." Indeed Luna was about to explode from laughter and Fluttershy hide herself in embarassment. Sunset rolled her eyes. 'It's going to be a long road.' After a twenty minutes ride, the three women finally arrived infront of Canterlot High School, Luna parked her car in the parking lot and they exited the car. "Go ahead girls, you don't want to be seen with your principal." Luna stated. "I'll join you in a bit." The two teenagers nodded, Fluttershy took Sunset's arm and both started to walk towards the gymnasium's entrance. Many students were already there, chatting and laughing between them, some of them were hiding, smoking cigarettes. She noticed that Rainbow and Applejack were already there, talking with a girl Sunset knew all to well. They joined them and Sunset greeted her friends, "Hi Aj, Rainbow," Then she turned to face the third girl, "Hi Screwball." "Oh my gosh Sunset you're so pretty!" Screwball screamed, getting the attention of a few students. She then looked at Fluttershy, "You're not bad either!" Both girls blushed and looked away. Rainbow Dash was wearing a blue dress, but the end of it ended in a gradient rainbow. Applejack was still wearing her hat, with a simple brown dress. Screwball as for her was wearing a strange purple dress that a magical girl could wear in those anime Rainbow and Pinkie loved. "Rainbow told me you wrote a song for tonight!" She continued, jumping up and down, "I can't wait to hear it!" "Y-Yeah, I hope it's no too bad." Sunset said. "Are you kidding?" Rainbow replied, putting her arm around Sunset's shoulders, "It's one of the best song I've ever worked on!" "And knowing ya'," Applejack said, "Everybody will love it." "I hope you're right." Sunset replied. Rainbow Dash pointed the entrance door, "We should get inside, Pinkie's already waiting for us." "She's already there?" Fluttershy asked. "Of course, after all she's the one we should thanks for all of that." Sunset nodded. The five girls entered and were welcomed by a a sea of students, dancing to the beat of Vinyl Scratch. They noticed Pinkie Pie who was restocking the snacks on one of the table, she beamed when she saw her friends coming. "Hi girls!" She greeted when her friends arrived next to her. "Well Pinkie," Sunset started, taking a drink from the table, "You've done a nice job here." The gymnasium was decorated with many christmas decoration, two huge christmas trees were standing on each side of the scene were Sunset and the band will play later. "A nice job?!" Screwball screamed, again, "It's freakin' amazing!" She faced Pinkie Pie, "Well done Double P!" Pinkie winked in the girl direction, "Thanks Screwie." 'Double P? Screwie?' Sunset thought, 'I must've missed a chapter here.' Sunset then realized what was standing in front of her. 'Oh no... There's both of them now.' She could handle Pinkie Pie. She could handle Screwball. But both at the same time? Only time will tell us. "Any news from the others?" Sunset asked Rainbow. "Flash is on his way with Rarity." She explained, checking her phone, "And I guess Red and Thunderlane won't be long." "And... Lyra?" Sunset tried. "She's not coming." Rainbow stated, "Not a big loss." Sunset sighed but didn't replied, she did all she could to make amends to her. If Lyra wasn't able to forgive her now, she never will. "Ah, look who's comin'." Applejack said, making a head sign to the entrance. Entering through the entrance door were another member of the music club. Red Light, dressed with a simple black shirt and black jean, sober but effective, was casually walking with his date on his arm. Both Sunset and Rainbow's jaws dropped when they realized who it was. Gripped to his arm, dressed in a magnificent white dress, her long pink hair flowing down her back, was Fleur Dis Lee, the president of the student council. When Red noticed them, he started walking their way and stopped in front of them. 'Oh no! He's with Fleur?!' Sunset thought, 'This is worse than Lyra!' "Hi girls." He casually greeted, "Sup'?" "Hiya Red." Applejack greeted him with a fistbump, "And hiya prez'." 'M-Maybe she forgot?' Fleur smiled and slowly nodded in Applejack's direction. "Good evening to all of you, girls." She said with her beautiful voice, "I hope we'll spend a great night." She then stared at Sunset for a second, but quickly turned her gaze away. 'She didn't.' "H-Hi Fleur. How's it going?" Sunset tried. Fleur stared at her. Her eyes weren't showing any sign of animosity but Sunset knew that if a look could kill, she would be long dead. "I'm fine." Fleur coldly replied. She waited a few seconds and finally asked, "And you?" But, unlike Fleur, Rainbow Dash wasn't trying to hide her murdering look. Sunset noticed Rainbow's glare and quickly added, "Y-Yeah me too. Hum, can you excuse me and Rainbow for a minute? We should check that everything's in order for the show." Fleur had a doubtful look, but nodded nonetheless, "Of course." "I won't be long." Sunset said to Fluttershy who also saw Rainbow's look. The pink haired girl quickly understood what her friend was trying to do. Sunset grabbed Rainbow by her wrist and dragged her behind the scene, making her way through the students. As they reached the back of the scene, Sunset couldn't even say a word that Rainbow said "I'm going to kill her." "Woah there RD." Sunset said, "She's done nothing wrong." Rainbow sighed, "I know but..." "Yeah, she's dating the dude you like, major bummer." Sunset said, "But don't do something you might regret aftewards." "I know! I just... don't like her." Rainbow said crossing her arms, looking away. "I mean, now I understand. She's way prettier than I am." "I don't think that's the case." Sunset honestly stated. "Come on Sunset don't lie," Rainbow said, annoyed, "I mean look at her! Dude, she even smell fucking good!" "So you like to smell girls now?" Sunset tried to joke but dropped it when she saw the glare her friend gave her. She sighed while putting her bag down next to Thunderlane's drums, "Okay Rainbow, look. I honestly don't think that it means what it looks like, after all he said that someone asked him right? So he didn't asked her, she asked him! Maybe he agreed because he didn't wanted to be rude." For a reply, Rainbow just gave her a flat look, earning another sigh from Sunset. "Just trying to help." The fiery haired girl said. "Besides, I think that even if you want to kill her, she'll kill me first." Sunset admitted. "What? Why?" Rainbow asked. "Y-You do remember what I've done to her the last time she ran against me to be crown princess, right?" Sunset asked. Rainbow seemed to remember as she wore a disgusting look, "Y-Yeah... Right." She said, "It's true you've done some bad shit, but even that was..." "Way out of the line." Sunset finished her friend's sentence. "Even if it was a year ago, those sorts of things just don't disappear with time." She put her hand on Rainbow's arm, "Are you going to be okay?" "Yeah." Rainbow said, "Besides, Red said that he'll save me a dance so... you know... yay." She finished, flatly. Then Rainbow's phone started buzzing and she read the message she just got. "Rarity's here with Flash, we should join them." "Yeah, let's go." They returned to their friends, greeting Rarity and Flash. Thunderlane was here too. All the friends chated for a while, Rainbow and Fluttershy talking about last night's game, well Rainbow was talking, Fluttershy was listening. Pinkie and Screwball were already gone to the dancefloor. Red and Applejack were talking about Applejack's life on the farm, both of them talking to each other like they've been the bestest friends since middle school. 'Since when did they get this close?' Sunset asked herself. 'I should get interested in my friends life more often.' Rarity and Fleur were talking about fashion with Flash listening, something Sunset was totally off the hook. Then Rarity took Flash's arm and dragged him to the dancefloor, Fleur looked at Red with an insistent look. The latest sighed and finally offered his arm to her, both of them joining Flash and Rarity. "I must warn you, i'm not much of a dancer." Sunset said to Fluttershy. The girl giggled and replied, "You and me both." "What ya' say Rainbow?" Applejack asked with a smirk pointing to the dancefloor, "Wanna lil' ol' AJ to rock your world?" Rainbow snorted, "In your dreams." "Since when did you and Red became this close?" Sunset asked to Applejack. "Well, one day Big Mac sprained his ankle," She explained, "So I needed help at the barn, when Rainbow told Red about that, he immediatly proposed his help." "Really?" Sunset asked, "He doesn't seems like the type of guy to... You know..." "Do manual work?" Applejack asked to which Sunset nodded, "Yeah well, it's true he had a hard time. But I still appreciated the help, and at the end of the day, we became close friends. He gets on well with Applebloom too." She said with a laugh, "He said that she reminded him of his little sister, which he hasn't seen in a long time." "Hum, actually," Fluttershy started, "I've ran into him the other day at the pet shop." She said, "He was with a little girl... When he introduced her he said that she was his little sister. Her name was... Wendy I think." 'Wendy?' Sunset thought, 'Isn't that the name of the Vulture's daughter? Eh, if it is, it's hell of a coincidence.' "What?" Applejack said, "Nah, you must've heard wrong, he said to me that he hasn't seen her in years." "W-Well, I assure you that it's what he said to me." The shy girl said. "That's strange." Sunset said. "Meh, leave the guy alone." Rainbow finally said with a gesture of her hand. "Still, don't you think it's strange?" Sunset asked Rainbow. "Urgh, yeah maybe." She admitted, rolling her eyes. Sunset frowned, "I'll look more into it." "What?" Rainbow asked, incredulous, "Why would you do that?" "Well, this guy came out from nowhere and we welcomed him in our circle of friend." Sunset expllained, "We trusted him, so if he lied to us..." "I'm sure there's a logical explanation to all this." Applejack said. "He's a nice fella." Sunset glared in Red's direction, watching him dancing wih Fleur. "I hope you're right Applejack." She continued to stare at the dancing students and sighed. "D-Do you want to give it a shot?" Fluttershy shyly asked. "What?" Sunset asked her. "Dancing." The shy girl said. "I-It can't hurt to try." "I'm with Flutter on this." Applejack said, grabbing Rainbow's arm dragging her to the dancefloor. "C'mon dash, let's move this lovely butt of yours!" "H-Hey!" Rainbow protested, but she couldn't do a thing against Applejack's strength. Sunset smiled at that view, "Yeah let's give it a try." Both girls joined their friends and they started to move in rythm to the music, against all odds, Sunset found that she actually liked it. She was having a nice time, it was the first time in a long time that she could spend a night having fun with her friends. After what seemed to be half an hour of dancing, Rarity appeared next to her and tap her on the shoulder, getting Sunset's attention. "So?" Rarity asked, "Is our beloved super hero enjoying her night?" "R-Rarity!" Sunset exclaimed. "Don't worry, nobody can hear us!" Rarity almost screamed. She was right, the music was so loud that the girls needed to almost scream to be heard. "So? Are you having a great time?" She asked again. "I don't k-" Sunset started, then she saw the smile Fluttershy was wearing and she changed her mind. "Yeah, yeah I think i'm having a great time." "Good to hear." Rarity said smiling at her. Then Flash appeared next to her, accompanied by Red and Thunderlane, "Hey Sunset!" He said, "Grab Rainbow, it's our turn after this song!" Sunset nodded and walked toward her rainbow haired friend. She explained to her the situation and they both joined the rest of the band behind the scene. "Yes! The whole gang's here!" Flash happily said when both girls arrived. "Let's show them what the Rainbooms can do!" Rainbow said. "The Rainbooms?" Red asked. "Yeah! That's our band's name!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I thought it was Flash Drive?" Sunset asked. "That's in work in progress." Thunderlane quickly said to Red who was going to reject Rainbow's band name. "Besides, it's still better than 'The Music Club'." "I still think it's garb-" Red stopped when he saw the glare Rainbow Dash was giving her, "I mean, maybe it isn't that bad?" "Everyone still knows the song?" Flash asked, everyone nodded. "Perfect, so Sunset you'll stand in the middle, after all you'll be the one to sing." "W-What?!" She screamed, "Wait it's not what we've done at the rehearse! It was you who was singing and Rainbow Dash and I were doing the back vocals!" "Oh yeah, forgot to tell you." Rainbow said, "Change of plan, you're going to sing. It's your song after all." "And you've got a better voice than Flash to be honest." Thunderlande said, to which Red silently nodded. "Hey, I'm just here!" Flash said. "I-I don't know." Sunset said, starting to panick, "I mean I... I-" "It's going to be okay Sunny." Rainbow said, "I'll be next to you the whole time, and if someone's got something wrong with that, I'll be happy to deal with them! Right guys?" They all nodded in agreement. "You got this Sunset." Flash said. "Yeah girl, rock n' roll!" Thunderlane exclaimed. "Please don't embarass yourself." Red said before being punch in the shoulder by Rainbow Dash. "Aouch! I-I mean, you totally got it!" He quickly said. Sunset looked at them. They were all believing in her so... Maybe she could believe in them? She sighed and said, "All right, I'll do it." "Atta girl." Red said. "And don't worry, if someone starts booing, I'll throw Rainbow at them." "Yeah like a Pokemon!" Rainbow joked. They all laughed and prepared themselves on the stage, hidden behind the curtains. They were quickly joined by Pinkie Pie. "Wouhou!" She exclaimed, "This is gonna be liiiiiiiiiit!" She said. Slowly, the lights in the gym faded to black and the music Vinyl was playing stopped. Pinkie grabbed a microphone and walked past the curtains, standing in the middle of the scene, all eyes on her. "Ladies and Gentlemens!" She greeted, "Thanks to all of you for coming tonight! I hope you're all having a great time!" All the students cheered, "That's good to hear! Now I've got a little surprise for you! The music club of our school wrote a song especially for tonight!" The students cheered again, "I know, that's awesome right? Now without further ado, I give you, Flash Drive!" The curtains opened revealing the band standing on the stage. Flash standing on the left with his guitar, Thunderlane behind on his drums, Red on the right with his bass, Rainbow just to the left of Sunset who was standing in the middle of it all. "Hey! It's the Rainbooms, not Flash Drive!" Rainbow said to Pinkie Pie, who shrugged her shoulders before jumping of the scene. The cheering stopped when everybody saw Sunset Shimmer standing. Whispers started to spread in the gym. "What is she doing here?" A voice said. "She's going to ruin everything!" "Yeah, like always." Sunset looked at her feet and gritted her teeth. Then she felt Rainbow's hand on her shoulder, when she looked at her, Rainbow gave her the biggest smile Sunset ever saw on her face. Then Rainbow made a sign of her head to the public, Sunset looked in that direction and saw her friends in the crowd. Pinkie Pie, Screwball, Applejack and to Sunset's surprise, Bonbon and Trixie were cheering, Rarity and Fluttershy were politely clapping their hands and Fleur Dis Lee was looking expectantly, but Sunset almost thought she saw a bit of a smile on her face. There was even Luna and Miss Cheerilee at the back of the gym smiling at her. Then she looked back at the band, all giving her an encouraging look. She took a deep breath and nodded to Thunderlane who started to play a rythm on his drums, quickly followed by Rainbow Dash, Flash and Red. Finally Sunset, gripped on her guitar, raised up her head to face the microphone, a determined look on her face. "What am I to be ? What is my calling ? I gave up giving up, I'm ready to go, The futures left unseen, it all depends on me, Put it on the line to follow my dream, yeah!" She closed her eyes, only focusing on the rythm and the lyrics, Rainbow Dash joining her on the back vocals. "Tried all my life I've tried to find, Something that makes me hold on and never let go, Oh!" At those words she wrote for her friends, she opened her eyes and saw all the beautiful smile her friends were giving her, Pinkie looked like she was going to burst out of joy. She took all the air she could, preparing herself for the chorus, wearing a radiant smile. Rainbow prepared herself to sing the chorus with Sunset. "Hero too, I am a hero too! My heart is set and I won't back down, Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero, True heroes stand up for what they believe, So wait and see!" The students, at first skeptical, all started to clap their hand in the rythms and dancing. Some of them even started cheering again. "She wrote this?" Fleur asked Rarity. "Yes." Rarity nodded, not leaving Sunset our from her sight, "Yes she did." "What do they think of me ? Who do they think I'll be ? I could not care less, I don't wanna know, Am I doing right ? Am I satisfied ? I wanna live my life like it's meant to be! Tried all my life I've tried to find, Something that makes me hold on and never let go! Oh!" Then, Flash joined Sunset and Rainbow for the chorus, making it more powerful. "Hero too, I am a hero too! My heart is set and I won't back down, Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero, True heroes stand up for what they believe, So wait and see," The music slowed down for the break down, now almost avery student in the gym dancing and cheering. "People will judge for no reason at all, Yeah, they might try, To say your dream's dumb, don't listen, They may look down on me and count me out, I'm going my own way, They may look down on me and count me out, I'm a hero, I've got music!" Then to Sunset's surprise, Red joined her, Rainbow and Flash for the chorus. She could even saw Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle at the first row, singing the chorus with them in their high piched voices. "Hero too, I am a hero too, My heart is set and I won't back down, Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero, True heroes stand up for what they believe, Yeah, I'll be ! Hero too, I am a hero too, My heart is set and I won't back down Hero too, Strength doesn't make a hero, True heroes stand up for what they believe, So wait and see." Sunset felt something wet rolling down her cheek. A tear. A tear of happiness. She looked at her friend and enjoyed the moment. She wanted this moment to last forever. There was no doubt that, if Celestia was here, she would've been proud of her. "I have met so many heroes in my life, Gave me the strength and courage to survive, Gave me the power to smile everyday, Now it's my turn to be the one to make you smile!" "It's beautiful!" Fluttershy exclaimed, to which Pinkie Pie vehemently agreed. Slowly, the music finished in a thunder of applause from all the students present in the gym. The band gathered in the middle of the scene and they all bowed before the curtains closed, making them disappear behind. Rainbow jumped in Sunset's arms cheering her, "Dude! That was so awesome!" Sunset laughed at that, Flash joined the hug. "Well done Sunset!" "Best concert in my life!" Thunderlane said, joining the hug too. They all looked at Red expectantly, "Wanna join us?" Sunset asked him with a smirk. "No way." He said. Rainbow grabbed him, making him join the hug against his will, "None of that!" She exclaimed. "Urgh." Red said, but Sunset could see the smile he was wearing and knew that it was just an act, he too was enjoying it. "GUYS!" They all heard a high pitched voice calling them. They turned around to face Pinkie Pie who also joined the hug. "THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" She exclaimed, "And you, Sunset! I didn't know you could sing like that!" Sunset blushed and broked the hug, "T-Thanks." "I think we all agree to say it was a total win." Red said. They all nodded at that. "Quick Sunset! The girls wants to congratulate you, come with me!" Pinkie grabbed her friend and ran back to the sea of students, leaving the band behind. On their way, Sunset saw that the looks the students gave her was different. She could tell that, even if she wasn't forgiven, they weren't hating her anymore. All that with a song. 'Maybe music is magical.' Sunset thought. 'I wonder if there's beings in this world who use magic related to music.' They arrived in front of their friends plus Screwball, Fleur Dis Lee, Bonbon and Trixie. "Dear, that was intense!" Rarity said. "I-I cried." Fluttershy said in almost a whisper. "THAT WAS FREAKIN' AWESOME!" Screwball said, jumping up and down. The country girl made a sign with her hat in Sunset's direction, "Ah reckon that was one of the best song I've ever heard in mah life." "I must admit," Fleur started, "I could feel the emotions in this song." To wich Bonbon and Trixie nodded. "T-Thanks... All of you." Sunset said with a small voice. "Sunset, are you crying dear?" Rarity asked. "No I'm not!" "Sunset!" The girl heard behind her, when she turned around she saw three little girls beaming at her. "That was so cool!" Applebloom said. "Yeah! You've got such a pretty voice!" Sweetie Belle stated. "I would've never thought I'll say that one day, but for once, Rainbow Dash wasn't the coolest girl on stage!" Scootaloo said. "I heard that!" The voice of Rainbow Dash appeared next to them. They were quickly joined by the rest of the band who also got complimented from the girls. "Nice moves on that bass!" Applejack said to Red. Pinkie Pie jumped next to Thunderlane, "And you're a master with your drums!" "Trixie must admit... Rainbow Dash, you're hell of a guitar player." They all chated and laughed for a bit, Vinyl's music coming back though the speakers. All her friends walked back to the dancefloor, "A-Are you coming?" Fluttershy asked Sunset. But Sunset was looking at the back of the gym, were Luna was smiling at her. "I'll be here in a minute." Sunset said. Fluttershy nodded with a smile, "Take your time." Sunset walked towards Luna's direction. Luna waited that Sunset was infront of her and hugged her. "L-Luna!" Sunset said, "I thought, no display of affection at school!" "What did I told you?" Luna asked, not breaking the hug. "R-Right," Sunset said, returning the hug, blushing, "Big sis Luna." "I have met so many heroes in my life..." Luna started, "Were you talking about your friends?" "Not only them," Sunset said, "You're forgetting you and Celestia." They stood there for a moment before Luna whispered, "Celestia would be so proud of you Sunset." Sunset felt tears coming down again, "T-Thanks..." Luna broke the hug and Sunset saw that she as crying too. "Go ahead and join your friends." Sunset nodded and did as she was told. On the dancefloor, everyone was having fun, Vinyl changed the beat from electro to a slow. Red joined Rainbow Dash and asked her, "So, you still wanna dance?" Rainbow blushed and took his hand, "Y-Yeah." They both started dancing, lauging awkwardly. Rarity pointed them, showing Applejack, Sunset and Fluttershy what was happening, the three of them smiling. "That is so cute." Rarity said. "Yeah it is." Applejack said. "It is indeed true." The four girls turned around to face Fleur who just spoked, all glaring awkwardly at her. She raised an eyebrow and smirked, "What? You thought I was going to be jealous?" "Well, he's your date after all." Rarity said. "Don't worry," Fleur replied, "He's really nice, but I actually asked him out because he was the only boy in school who haven't asked me out." She explained. "Damn," Applejack chuckled, "You should've started there!" Not too far away, Red and Rainbow slowly danced, none of them daring to look the other in the eyes. "Y-You did well on stage." Rainbow said. "Yeah you too." Red stated, "I'm glad I could play with awesome people like you guys." "Did you had a band before coming to CHS?" The girl asked. Red sighed, "Nope. I wasn't into music that much, I just needed a hobby so you know..." He shrugged his shoulders, "Bass." Rainbow giggled, "So why did you come in the club?" "Actually, I was investigating on Sunset Shimmer, so I joined the band to be close to her." Rainbow looked at him oddly and burst out of laugh when she saw him finally smirking at her. "Asshole," She said, "I almost believed you, you sounded so convincing." "Thanks my drama classes." "You took drama classes?" She yelled, in shock. "Got you again." Rainbow rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. They continued their dancing, Rainbow getting a bit closer to him. "Y-You know..." She started, "M-Maybe someday we could... I don't know, go eat something?" "Well, we're eating together almost everyday at school." Red stated. "That's not what I wanted so say and you know it," Rainbow quickly added, "I mean like a... a date." Red's face become faithful to his name, blushing hard. "Uh... Y-yeah sure, why not." "Cool." "Yeah, cool." They danced in silence, unaware of the girls eyes watching them closely. "I have to tell you something." Rainbow said, very quickly. "Go ahead." Red said. Rainbow raised her head, watching him in the eyes. "Red I... I really like you." Red swallowed the saliva stuck in his throat, "I... I think I like you too." Rainbow's face got a little closer of his. "Red I..." "Yeah?" Her face was now just an inch from his. "I..." Then a deafening noise came from the entrance door which fly through the gym, landing on the scene. The music abruptly stopped and everyone looked, shocked, at the entrance. And then, when everyobody saw it, screams filled the gym. At the entrance door, a huge green beast was standing there, growling. The Lizard was standing there, looking for someone through the crowd. Panic raised through the students and everyone started to run and scream. "Holy shit what's that?!" Rainbow screamed in fear, Red instinctively put her behind him. "Oh no..." Sunset said. 'No way...' The Lizard started its rampage, grabbing a near table and throwing it at the students, luckily no one was touched. "Sunset!" Rarity called next to her friend, "What is that?!" "That's the Lizard." Sunset whispered to her, "He found me." "How?" "I have no id-" Then she thought about it and repressed the urge to punching herself, "My bag." Sunset faced Rarity, and called her friends, "Guys, we need to get everyone safe! I-I'm gonna call the cops, my phone's in my bag!" Rainbow nodded gathering her courage, a terrified Fluttershy in her arms, "Okay Sunset, be careful!" "I-I need to find Sweetie Belle!" Rarity exclaimed. "I'll go with you, she's surely with AB!" Applejack said. Sunset nodded and disappeared through the mayhem of students. Red was staring at the Lizard with a frown. The Lizard slowly walked toward the only group of people still standing in the middle of the dancefloor, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Red Light. "Where is Sunset Shimmer?" The Lizard asked to them. "W-What do you want from her you monster?!" Rainbow defied him. He musn't have liked that because he raised his claw, ready to strike at them. Red gathered them behind him, ready to protect them with his life. "Hey mister grumpy!" They all heard someone calling above them, the Lizard rose his head up. "Chew this!" Spider-girl yelled, dropkicking him in the face with a swing of her web. The Lizard flew a few meters away. Spider-girl landed in front of her friends. "Spider-girl!" Rarity exclaimed in relief. "You guys needs to get to safety!" Spider-girl said to them. "Wait!" Rainbow called, "There's our friend Sunset back there!" "Yeah, I've already talked to her!" Spider-girl said, "She's waiting for all of you outside, now go!" They all listened to her and started to run away. Exept one of them. Red stood there, still staring at the Lizard. "Hey pretty boy!" Spider-girl said, getting his attention, "Go with th-" Then she stopped when she saw his look. He wasn't afraid, he even looked like he wanted to stop the Lizard by himself. He finally nodded, saying, "Kick his ass." Before following the girls. Spider-girl smirked behind her mask, "You can count on that." She glared at the Lizard and said, "You've interrupted a very special night for me and my friends you jerk!" She watched as the Lizard got up, glaring at her. "Sunset Shimmer." He said. "We meet again, Doctor Conhorse." Spider-girl said, getting ready in a fighting stance, "But I assure you it'll be the last time!" The Lizard growled at her and ran in her direction. He tried to hit her with one of his claws, but she dodged it with a moonsault, but he quickly grab her and threw her in the wall. Hardly recovered, she saw him jumping in her direction and landing in front of her, turning around he gave her a hit with his tail sending her backward. He was more vicious and furious than before. "You won't stop me!" He said, "You'll never prevent my familly to join me!" 'So, I was right about that.' Sunset thought. Sunset managed to get back to her feet, feeling blood in her mouth. "To join you where? To the freak circus?" He growled and charge at her, she slipped between his legs, shooting a web on his face. She drew on it making his face hit the ground. She then grabbed him by the tail and tried to threw him like she did in the water the other day, but this time, he managed to fight, swinging his tail, trying to get her out of it. She managed to hold on but started to feel dizzy. Now standing, he slamed his tail on the ground, crushing the girl. Then he launched her in the air, jumped after her, grabbed her leg and threw her in the ground. Sunset screamed in pain, feeling that some of her bones broke at the impact. Sunset layed on the ground, half awake. The Lizard put one of his paws on her, preventing her to stand up. "I'm stronger than you." He said, "That's a fact. Science made me," He continued, "I've created the strongest form of life!" "No you didn't." Sunset managed to say. The Lizard frowned and barked, "What?!" "She did it, not you." Sunset said, coughing, "It's her genius, not yours." Then he understood and chuckled, "You mean this little brat of Sparkle?!" He said, "I didn't know you two were friends. It'll explain a lot actually." He put more of his weight on her making her scream in pain. "Maybe after dealing with you, I'll pay her a little visit then!" "N-No!" Sunset managed to say, "I swear to god, if you try to touch one of her hair, I'll kill you you hear me?!" She yelled in anger, getting a laugh from the monster above her. The Lizard rose his paw up and crushed her again, stomping repeatedly on her, laughing all the while. "And what a little bug like you could possibly do against a force of nature like me?!" Sunset wasn't responding, so he stopped. He looked at her and saw that she was out, but still breathing. "Weak." He stated. He grabbed her by the throat, and opened his big mouth. That was it, Sunset Shimmer was going to die, eaten by a giant Lizard her girlfriend made. 'My... Girlfriend? Eh... He must've hit me really hard on the head.' Just when he was going to chew her head, something it him in the back of his skull. He growled in frustration and turned around to see who it was. Sunset managed to open an eye to see and trembled with fear when she realized who it was. "L-Leave her alone monster!" Luna said, a metallic bar in her hands. The Lizard glared at her furiously but didn't respond. "I-I said," Luna repeated, "Leave her alone!" She was going to hit him again with the bar, but he grabbed it like it was nothing and threw it away. Luna, now desarmed, walked backward and fell on her back. "I... I..." The Lizard dropped Sunset and walked slowly towards her. "You look appetizing..." He said, showing her his big monster teeth. "N-No... Please..." She said, trembling with fear. He was going to grab her but something jumped on his head, "LEAVE HER ALONE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Spider-girl jumped in the air above him and Luna, shoot a web on his face and drew it forward, using the momentum to kick him in the face, making him take a few step back, she continued her assault with a punch on his chest followed by another one on his face, each punch stronger than the previous one, surprising Sunset with a strength she didn't knew she had this whole time, even with her powers. He tried to counter attack her, but she dodged him and elbowed him in the ribs. She jumped back and swinged with her web to kick him in the chest, sending him flying on one of the gigantic christmas trees. He fell on the ground next to the tree. Sunset shot a web on it a drew it towards her with all her strength, making it fall on the Lizard in a deafening crash. She took her breath, watching him preparing herself. But he didn't get up. She sighed of relief and turned around facing a terrorized Luna. She ran at her side and kneeled next to her, "Are you okay ma'am?" "He... He was going to eat me..." She said, weakly. "Yes," Sunset said, "But without your help, he would've eaten me so... Thanks for the help." She helped her to get to her feet. "Now go outside, the police won't be long now." "O-Okay..." Luna said, still in shock, but she managed to walk away and disappear through the hole were the entrance door once stood. "Well, that's on good thing d-" Her spider-sense going wild, she quickly jumped to dodge the gigantic christmas tree that landed were she stood a second ago. She turned around and saw the Lizard standing. And he looked pissed. "No freakin' way..." She said, "You guys never knows when to give up." In a bestial scream, and ran toward her. Sunset swore he was quicker than before, she was going to dodge it, but pain coming from her leg prevented her to do that and she took the hit on her face, sending her away. "I'm going to kill you..." He said, "I'll kill you, then I'll kill this woman, and after that I'll eat all of your little high school friends... And after that I'll pay a little visit to your friend Twilight Sparkle!" Sunset hardly get up. She hadn't had a fight like that since the Vulture, but against the Vulture she knew she could win, this time she wasn't so sure. She managed to walk and stand in the middle of the now destroyed gym. "Even if you beat me up..." She managed to say, "Even if you kill me... I'll keep getting up. I'll keep fighting to protect the ones I care about!" She screamed, "So go ahead! Kill me if you want, it won't change the fact... That you won't get past me!" He growled at her in anger and ran in her direction, Sunset was so beaten up that she knew she couldn't dodge it, she didn't know if she could couter attack him... But she had to try. She waited that he was in front of her and... Then, in a red lightning, someone appeared in front of her. Stopping the claw the Lizard was going to strike her with, blocking it with his forearm above his head. The man then punched the Lizard in the chest. It was just a punch, but it sent the Lizard fly back in the gym's wall. When the hooded man turned around, Sunset sighed in relief. "The Fiend..." She said. "Come on, Spidey." He said, "This fight isn't over." "W-Where were you?" Sunset asked. "I was making sure everyone was safe." "No... No one is hurt?" Sunset hopefully asked. "Everyone's okay..." He said, "And they're all waiting for you to woop his ass." Sunset managed to stand next to him, watching the Lizard getting up. "Let's do this." Sunset said. The Fiend nodded, raising his arms in front of him. The skin around his eyes, normally white as a sheet of paper, was now turning to black, his hands transforming into black claws from which small red electrical arcs appeared. The Lizard lost his reason and ran blindly towards them in pure fury. They both waited and the Lizard was going to strike for Sunset, but the Fiend got in his way and took the hit, not moving an inch. The Lizard looked at him in awe, how did it not move with such strength in this hit? "I'm a wall that never falls." The Fiend said, "And she... She's the true threat between us." The Lizard looked above his head and saw Spider-girl in the air making a frontflip, coming down and striking the Lizard right in his skull with her heel, making him stumble. The Fiend then put his arm backward, and strike the Lizard in the chest with his palm. It wasn't over as Sunset who had landed behind the Lizard shot two webs on his back and, using the Fiend's strike momentum, send him flying above her head and threw him crushing to the ground. "AND STAY DOWN!" Sunset screamed. In the holed on the ground, the Lizard wasn't moving anymore, and Sunset fell to her knees. "Hey, don't die now." The Fiend said. "I won't." She said, weakly. She turned her gaze to face him, "Thanks... You saved me again... If you weren't there..." "You still would've beaten him." The hooded man quickly added, glaring at the Lizard, making sure he stayed down. "And I just helped you put him down, you're the one who saved the students. You're the true hero." Sunset chuckled, "Eh, you're a hero too." For the first time, she heard an honest laugh coming from him, "Just like your song." 'What, how did he knows that?' Sunset was going to say something, but both heroes heard many footseps coming from the entrance. They turned around and saw at least thirty men, all wearing heavy black armor and shotguns running inside. Their armors were like the ones the SWAT uses, but more sofisticated, more electronic and made with a material Sunset wasn't accustomed to. Their guns too looked more sophisticated than the ones you're used to see on televisions. There also was a strange symbol on their armor. "What the-" Sunset started. "ON THE GROUND!" One of the man ordered, all of them pointing them with their weapons. "I WON'T SAY IT AGAIN!" Sunset and the Fiend glared at them incredulous. "I can take them down." The Fiend said in a whisper. "Don't!" Sunset whispered back. "Wait, you fool!" A feminine voice yelled behind him. The man turned his head and a woman dressed in black appeared. She had the same logo on her shirt that the soldiers had on their armors. "She's Spider-girl! The one we're supposed to help." She explained him like he was a five years old. Then she glared at all the soldiers, "Lower your weapons!" She pointed at the Lizard, "And take that away." Sunset and the Fiend looked at each other, none of them understood what was happening. The woman walked in their direction while her men were doing what they were told to do. She stopped in front of Spider-girl and drew her hand out, "Hi, I'm Maria Hill, I'm representing the SHIELD." Sunset took her hand but glared again at the Fiend who shrugged his shoulders. "Hum, hi I'm Spi-" "Spider-girl, yes." Maria Hill said, "We know who you are." Then she looked at the Fiend, "We also know who you are, you're calling yourself the Fiend right?" The Fiend didn't replied, glaring quietly at her. "Oh, so you're one of the quiet? Perfect." She said, "Well I'll be brief, we're taking him." She said, making a head movement toward the Lizard, "I-" "Wait, stop!" Sunset said. Maria frowned, but she stopped. "Who the hell are you people?" "I've said it, we're SHIELD." Maria Hill sighed, "The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. We used to be a special law enforcement and counter terrorism agency. Now we're dealing with paranormal and superhuman threats to international security." She explained pointing to Conhorse, "Just like him. Listen I don't have much time, so take this." She handed a small black device with two switches on it, one red and one green. "What is that?" Sunset asked, watching it curiously. "Something that'll allow me to contact you." She glared at the Fiend, "Both of you." She then nodded and turned around, "We'll be in touch." And just like that, she leaved, followed by her men. Sunset and the Fiend both stood there quietly. "What just happened?" Sunset asked. "I... Don't know." He admitted. Sunset sighed and fell on her back, looking at the ceiling. "At least... now the holidays have finally begun." > Volume II - Chapter 5: A Rainbow in these snowy days > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “He’s here sir.” Doctor Octavius claimed while he entered the lab, pointing to the man next to him. He was tall, grey of skin and totally bald with a massive build. Discord looked up from whatever he was doing on the computer and smiled at the two men. “Ah welcome sir… Iron Will if I remember correctly?” “When Iron Will’s called, it can’t be ignored!” The man stated, taking a pose, flexing both his arms showing his incredible muscles. “And I am glad you came,” Discord stated, standing up from his chair and walking toward the man, shaking his hand, “I am sure doctor Octavius here told you about… the job?” Iron Will nodded vehemently, his bald head reflecting the neon’s lights, “For the job I came, just tell me the name!” He said, flexing his muscles again. Discord made no comment to his behavior, instead he motioned the muscular men to follow him. The three of them walked through the lab, Discord showing what they were working on. “See,” Discord started, his cocky grin on his face, “We’re running against some… difficulties right now.” “If with difficulties you’re overwhelmed, Iron Will make them condemned!” Discord refrained his urge to slap the man, “I don’t doubt it.” He said. They stopped in front of a display glass, behind it was a huge armor, maybe around ten feet tall. The armor was gray of color, two huge mechanical arms on each side of a buff sized armored plate. The head was a helmet covering the entire face, a horn standing in the middle. “Hum…” Iron Will started, looking at the armor, “Iron Will must ask… What is the task?” Discord chuckled making Octavius shivering, “I want you to kill Spider-girl.” He simply said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Iron Will looked at him in awe and remained silent for what seemed like an entire minute before asking, “How Iron Will is supposed to do that, knowing she can easily knock him out?” “This is where this’ll come in handy,” Octavius said, pointing to the armor, “This is the latest battle armor designed by Discord Corporation, the RH-1N0.” He said, “Or more commonly…” “The Rhino.” Discord stated, cutting Octavius in his sentence. Iron Will looked at them with a doubtful glare, “While this armor looks rough,” He started, “How can we be sure it is enough?” “Because we’ll have an ace.” Discord said, grabbing something in his inside pocket and then handed it to Iron Will. The buff man took it and took a closer look at the picture. A teenage girl, pink of skin and fuzzy pink hair, blue eyes and a wide beam on her face. “Iron Will is not sure… This girl looks pure.” “We don’t want you to kill her,” Discord clarified, “But sources told me that this girl and Spider-girl are very close friends. I want you to use her to get to Spider-girl.” Iron Will glared quietly at the picture before slowly asking, “If the job is accepted, how much Iron Will be paid?” "It's now been two days since the attack on Canterlot High School by the doctor Curtis Conhorse, now known as the Lizard." The blond woman on the TV said, she was sat on a table with two people on her right. The first one was another woman, long red hair with purple highlights, her skin was a light yellowish gray, she was young maybe around seventeen or eighteen. She was wearing a shirt on which was written 'We Love Spidey.' The other person was a man, brown skin and short brown hair wearing a white lab coat. "Fortunately, no students or faculty members are seriously injured thanks to the intervention of Spider-girl. The Lizard has now been apprehended by the competent authorities, many would like to thank Spider-girl but some wonder if this was just the beginning of a series of hazardous events. Since Spider-girl's first appearance, criminality is definitely in decline but the emergence of new dangerous meta-humans such as Electro or the Lizard is not to be ignored." The woman then showed with a gesture of her hand the two persons sitting next to her. "I'm here today with the host of the most streamed internet talk show of the city 'Beyond Canterlot', Moondancer!" The blond woman said, gesturing the young woman who smiled and waved at the camera. "And next to her is the well-known psychiatrist to whom we owe the best-seller 'Cletus Kasady: Portrait of a killer', the doctor Time Turner!" The man slowly nodded to the camera, stoic. "I asked both of you to come here today to talk about what happened on Friday. I-" "I'll start with," Time Turner said, cutting off the presenter, "That none of this would have happen if not because of Spider-girl." "I'm sorry what?" Moondancer asked him, "Hum, hello? The girl saved a bunch of students there!" "Yes she did, but she wouldn't have had to take the trouble if she never showed in the first place." He said, "See, this is a cause and effect relationship. Canterlot was a calm and nice city, without any meta-humans incident in years. But since this 'hero' first make her appearance, the streets of our city became total chaos. Two month ago, her fight with Electro destroyed many properties and buildings, and don't make me talk about her fight with the Vulture. This girl is creating her own enemies." He finished to say, his hands finger crossed on the table in front of him. "This is like, sooo wrong!" Moondancer said, outraged, "She totally saved us! Three times now! Are you really that blind? She's not creating her enemies! She came here because she saw we needed her! Do I have to remember you that the Vulture was actually here before her? Sure, she’s not Iron Ma-" The channel abruptly changed when Rainbow Dash took the remote and put Cartoon Network. "Boring." She muttered. She sat on her couch, still groggy, and put her bowl of cereals in front of her on the tea table. She took her spoon and put it in her mouth, slowly chewing on her cereals. She watched her cartoon but her mind drifted away, the previous show has brought back memories of Friday night in Rainbow's mind. It was the first time she actually felt terrorized, and she hated it. She remembered, after Spider-girl rescuing them, she ran with the girls outside. It was total chaos even outside, students screaming and crying, fearing for their lives. They searched Sunset everywhere but it was near the impossible in the mayhem of students. Rainbow reassured her friends telling them that the police would be here soon, but in fact, they never came. Instead, a bunch of black trucks parked on the school lawn and even a freaking helicopter landed next to the school gym. They watched as soldiers covered in black armor ran towards them and told them that they were fine now, they were here to help them. A woman, surely the one in charge, walked next to them and ordered the soldiers to make sure everyone was safe before entering the gym. A few hours later, Rainbow was back home, her father took her in a tight hug, more terrorized than Rainbow was back there. She couldn't blame him for that, she would've do the same for him if the roles were reversed. Rainbow Dash was also relieved after she received a text from Rarity telling her that Sunset was with her and was fine. But the thing that was annoying Rainbow Dash the most is that the Lizard chose that moment to make his chaotic entrance. He couldn't have waited a few more minutes, could he? Rainbow Dash blew angrily from her nose. "Stupid crocodile." She mumbled to herself. She quickly glanced outside and saw that it was snowing today. She would've ask if the girls were up for a snowball battle but since it was Monday, most of them were working. Rainbow couldn't understand why her friends weren't taking that time out of school for relaxing instead of going to... "Work." Rainbow finished, a cold chill down her spine. The only one who wasn't working today was Sunset, but Rainbow knew that since they don't have school, Sunset would be in bed for at least three more hours. She thought about sending a text to Red Light, but the two of them still haven't talked since Friday, and Rainbow didn't dare to send the first text. "I guess today, it's going to be just between you and me." Rainbow Dash said to her television. Sitting comfortably in her couch, she put another spoon of cereals in her mouth, slowly chewing and savoring the flavor. Another thing was bothering her. “Where is Sunset Shimmer?” The voice of the Lizard said, echoing through Rainbow’s mind, sending a cold shiver down her spine. Why was he looking for Sunset in the first place? Of course, Rainbow knew but if she tells her friend another time that Sunset might be Spider-girl, Applejack was going to get pissed. And she wasn’t totally sure of it but, put together all the things ads up. Secretly Rainbow was praying that her friend was a super-hero. It’ll be awesome that Rainbow became her cool sidekick who, after a while under Spider-girl’s wing, could take off and be a super cool super hero in solo on her own. Even better, Spider-girl being her sidekick. “Yeah, it’ll be awesome.” A daydreaming Rainbow said mostly to herself, oblivious to the corn flakes escaping from her spoon and landing directly on the ground. She got out of her thoughts by her phone’s ringtone. She took it and checked who might be calling her at ten in the morning. Her heart skipped a beat when she read Red Light’s name on the screen. She swallowed the saliva stuck in her throat and pressed the answer button. “Hi.” He greeted on the other end of the phone. “H-Hey.” She replied. “Sorry for not calling sooner,” Red said with an apologizing tone. “Shit’s been wild recently.” “Eh.” Rainbow started, having regained her calm. “Tell me about it.” “So I wanted to ask…” He finally said, “You’re still up for grabbing a bite? And maybe, go to the arcade or something?” Rainbow straightened up, “Y-yeah, sure.” “Okay cool.” He said. “Cool.” She replied. An awkward silence started to take place before Red finally said, “So I’ll meet you at the arcade around… Twelve?” “O-okay.” “Okay then, see ya’.” “See ya’.” She said, hanging up the phone. She didn’t waste any more time and ran to her bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her. Her father was working so she knew she wasn’t going to get reprimanded. She ran in her closet direction and brutally opened it. She searched in her closet for something to wear that Red might actually like and opened one of the drawer, searching through her shirts, throwing those she judged not good enough across her room. “W-wait!” She screamed to herself, thinking about something. She frowned and sighed before unlocking her phone. “I never thought I’d have to get there.” She pressed the calling button and waited before someone picked up on the other end of the line. “Rainbow darling!” Rarity greeted, “How are you?” “Fine!” Rainbow quickly exclaimed, “Listen I’m sorry ‘cause I know you’re working and all but… I need you.” “Anything for a friend.” Rarity said, dismissing the apologies. “But I am quite curious what might put you in that state.” “I’m having a date with Red and-” “SAY NO MORE!” Rarity screamed, “I’M COMING RIGHT UP!” “But Rare!” Rainbow exclaimed, surprised her friend would’ve leave her workplace to help her. “Tu-tu-tu!” Rarity said, clicking her tong, “I’ve waited three years of my life for this moment, you’re not taking this away from me!” Rainbow sighed in defeat, closing her eyes, “Thanks Rarity.” She said, with a smirk. “My pleasure darling.” Rarity said, ending the call. “A-are you sure?” Rainbow asked Rarity, looking at herself in the mirror of her bedroom. “I mean, not that I don’t like it but it’s a little bit… Dunno, common?” Indeed, Rainbow was wearing a long sleeves blue hoodie, with each sleeves colored with a gradient rainbow. On top of it she had a black leather jacket like the one Sunset used to wear, minus the iron spikes and much thicker. She had a tight black jean and blue snickers. Rarity made them for Rainbow a while ago, and waited the perfect time to give it to her. Well, the jacket was initially for Sunset but she couldn’t let Rainbow go to her date freezing in the cold. Rainbow Dash looked at her left where Rarity stood and gave her an interrogative glare. “Rainbow, I think I know him by now. So do you.” Rarity said, admiring her work in the mirror. “He just wants you to be… Well, you.” Rainbow looked at her reflection and after a second thought, she thought she looked cool. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” “Of course I am.” Rarity said smirking to her friend, she then looked at her watch and gasped. “Rainbow, it’s almost noon!” “W-what?” Rainbow almost screamed. “Quick!” Rarity said, grabbing her friend’s arm, “You don’t have your license so I’ll take you there!” “Rarity you don’t have to-” Rainbow stopped when she saw the glare Rarity was giving her. She avoided her look, a small blush appearing on her cheeks, “Thanks.” Rainbow sighed, gathered her calm, and entered the arcade with a sharp and decisive step. She looked around and saw that the Arcade was quite crowded today, that wasn’t surprising her a bit, she expected it to be full in holiday’s time. But looking around seemed useless, she saw a bunch of teenagers, but not the one she was looking for. “Boo.” She heard calmly behind her. She rolled her eyes and turned around smirking at him. “Woaw, I’m scared.” She said flatly. “Wimp.” Red said. She punched him in the shoulder, “Yeah we’ll see that after I beat you.” He rolled his eyes dramatically, “Hum, earth to Dashie? Remember what happened last time? I kinda beat you.” “Yeah but this time, I’m choosing the game! And it will not be one of you otaku Japanese weeb shit game with a blue haired girl whose voice wants me to reap my ears off.” “My games are just fine, thank you very much.” He said frowning, crossing his arms. “Fine, take the game you want.” A cocky grin appeared on Rainbow’s face and she started to walk toward the game she had in mind, motioning him to follow. They arrived in front of a big blue machine with purple neon lights, a wide screen was in the middle, under it was to big rifles connected with wires to the machine. “Seriously?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “Doompunk 2099? I’ve heard that game was disappointing and glitchy as fuck.” Rainbow stomped her foot on the ground, “Well I like it!” “Woaw calm down,” He said raising his hands in defense, “I’m not judging.” She growled in frustration and put a coin in the machine, then she took one rifle and gave it to Red before taking the other one for herself. “It’s simple,” She explained, “There’s demons, you shoot them. There’s our score on top of the screen, the one who loses pays the meal.” Red had a silent laugh before taking place next to Rainbow. “Guess I’ll eat for free today.” “Don’t be so cocky,” Rainbow said, a challenging glare on her face. “Pretty sure you never held a gun before, fake or not. My father used to take me to the shooting range when I was younger.” “Oh?” Red seemed surprised, “And what is he doing, your father?” “He’s a cop.” She said with a sigh, “I don’t see him very much.” “And your mother?” Red saw a painful glare on Rainbow’s face before she looked away, “Let’s play, shall we?” He took the hint and didn’t pressed further, “Sure.” ‘Wait…’ Rainbow thought, ‘Did he called me Dashie?’ “Urgh, that’s not it!” Twilight screamed, punching her desk but quickly regretted that acts, rubbing her now red hand. She blew hair from her nose with frustration, and stood up from her chair. She glanced a look at the black form of life in front of her and sighed. “I’m sorry.” She said to it. It was in a big glass box, closed by an electronic lock. She must thank Discorp for that kind of technology. “I swear I tried… Ugh, I need a minute.” She said, feeling tears coming up. She walked toward the girl’s restroom and closed the door behind her. The black form wasn’t moving, but something had waited Twilight to go away because the electronic lock who is supposed to stay locked until Twilight press the code, was now opened with a small ‘click’. The small door of the box slowly opened. Spike didn’t wasted anymore time and started to crawl a way out. The time Twilight came back, she stared in awe in front of the opened glass box. Empty. “That’s not good.” Meanwhile… After a long thirty-minute game, Rainbow finally looked at the score on top of the screen. Red was player one so she saw his score first “Red, three thousand seventy-two.” She looked next to it and a grin appeared on her face when she saw it, “Three thousand eighty-five.” She turned around to face Red who was standing there, looking nonchalant but was smirking to her. “Yeah, well played.” He said, “I admit defeat.” “What?” Rainbow looked disappointed, “Oh no, you’re one of those aren’t you.” “One of what?” He asked. “The… good losers.” “Well, you know, you played better than me so you deserve the win.” He stated. “Oh gosh.” She said looking at the ceiling. “Winning against you is pointless.” “Meh.” He shrugged his shoulders, “The winner chose where we’ll eat I guess.” “Hum…” rainbow said, scratching her chin. “They made good sandwiches at the sugarcube corner.” “Sandwiches it is.” Red said, raising his finger at shoulder’s level. They grabbed the tickets they won and walked toward the price stand. “What do you want?” Rainbow asked him. “Eh,” He laughed, “I’m supposed to ask you that.” “Well, you’re paying lunch,” She shrugged, “Let me at least give you a price.” He looked at her in the eyes, making her blush, and then shrugged, “Okay then.” He looked at the prices on the shelves and scratched his chin, “I’ll take the green lantern ring over there.” “Oh, a green lantern fan?” Rainbow asked. “Not really.” He said. Rainbow smirked and rolled her eyes before calling the employee behind the stand, exchanging their tickets against the ring. Rainbow took it and took Red’s hand, before putting the ring on it, unaware of Red’s blushing. “In brightest day, in blackest night…” She started. “You are kind of a nerd you know?” He gulped at the look Rainbow gave her and he avoided her look. “No evil shall escape my sight,” Red finally said. Rainbow raised her head and faced him, “Let those who worship evil’s might…” She didn’t notice that their face strangely came closer, “Beware my power…” “Green Lantern’s light.” Red finished. Both of their faces were an inch apart and they both silently stood there, awkwardly looking in each other’s eyes. They waited what seemed like a whole minute before Rainbow’s belly started to make strange noises. She took a step backward and blushed vehemently, looking away from him. “Someone’s hungry.” Red joked. “S-Shut up!” He laughed but didn’t said anything else. They walked to the entrance door and he opened it for her, he made a sign to Rainbow to take the lead, “After you.” Making her roll her eyes but smiling nonetheless. They both leaved the Arcade, a cold chill went through Rainbow’s body, it was getting colder every day. Thankfully the arcade wasn’t far of the sugarcube corner, one of the many things why Pinkie worked there. ‘Oh yeah, Pinkie.’ Rainbow thought, remembering that her friend actually worked at the sugarcube corner. Red put the ring back in his pocket, “I don’t want to damage it.” He said. “I thought you weren’t a green lantern fan?” “Well it’s not that, it’s just… Well…” He looked away, “You gave it to me, so…” He didn’t finish his sentence. She walked side by side with him, it was cold but her jacket was thick enough, thanks to Rarity. While they walked, Rainbow glared at Red’s hand where the green lantern’s ring once was, then at him, who just look straight in front of him humming the air of a song Rainbow didn’t know, and then she looked back at his hand. ‘What I’m supposed to do?’ She asked herself, ‘Am I supposed to take his hand? But what if he doesn’t want it?’ “You’re okay?” Red asked, looking at her with concern. “Y-yeah,” Rainbow quickly said, realizing she was staring at him and stopped walking, “I was just thinking.” He simply shrugged, “Uh. And what were you thinking of?” “N-Nothing important.” She replied. She saw him frowning a bit but giving another shrug from his shoulders before looking back in front of him. “Okay then.” He resumed their walk, Rainbow closely following him. The rest of their walk was done in silent. It would’ve been awkward for someone else, but Rainbow knew Red was just a quiet person. But even knowing that, it was awkward nonetheless. They finally arrived to their destination and both of them took a sit, waiting for the cheerful waitress to come and greet them. Which took approximately nine seconds. “Hey there Redash!” Pinkie Pie greeted. Rainbow hide her blush and Red looked at her in confusion, “Redash?” He asked. “It’s like, a fusion of our names, Red and Dash…” Rainbow said, still hiding her face in embarrassment. “Pinkie invented it.” “Oh okay,” Red stated to Rainbow, then he faced Pinkie. “I don’t like it.” Pinkie gave him the biggest of innocent smile. “So, what’s new?” She asked. “I just found out you call us Redash.” Red stated, “And that’s bothering me.” “But it’s cute.” “No it’s not.” “CAN WE LIKE, ORDER?” Rainbow yelled, her face covered in red. “Okie dokie!” She cheered. “What do you guys want?” “I’ll take a meatball sandwich with a coke.” Red said. “And for me a chicken salad sandwich with a lemonade. Thanks Pinkie.” Pinkie took the orders on her notebook and finally flew away. “Be back soooon.” She sang. Red looked at her departure before looking back to Rainbow, “I like her, she’s fun.” He stated flatly. “Was that a sarcasm?” Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow. “Was it?” He asked her. They both stared at each other before Rainbow start giggling, “So,” Rainbow said, “What did you order?” “A meatball sandwich.” He said to her, “I missed those, I only eat meat when we’re in a month with the letter ‘c’ in it.” Rainbow looked at him with an odd look, and smirked with a snort, “Why’s that?” “What’s life without whimsy?” He asked. He smirked when he saw Rainbow laughing. “With you, I never know when you’re joking or not.” She said between two laugh. “I’m always serious.” He gave her the most serious look he could give her. It resulted making her laugh more. “You look like you’re constipated.” “Okay now, that’s rude.” He said, now laughing too. He scratched the back of his head “You know, to be totally honest with you… That game wasn’t very good, why do you like it so much?” “There’s everything I love in it,” She started to enumerate, “Gratuitous violence…” “…” “…” “I thought you were going to enumerate.” “I enumerated.” Both of them snorted. Rainbow regained her calm and sighed, before looking away, “There’s a thing I wanted to ask you.” “Ask me anything.” He replied. “You said that it’s been a while since you saw your sister,” She started, “But last time, Fluttershy told me she saw you with a little girl and you told her it was your sister.” She wasn’t looking at him but at her hands on the table saw she couldn’t see his face, “Please explain to me, Sunset said that you maybe lied to us, but why would you do that?” Raising her head, she saw he wasn’t bothered by her question, he was even smirking. “The truth is,” He started with a sigh, “She’s not my little sister, just a girl I was looking after since her father…” He frowned, “Is gone.” “Oh.” Rainbow said, putting a hand on her mouth. “Yeah,” he nodded, “I told her she was my sister because it was easier. I didn’t really think about it on the moment.” He sat more comfortably on the chair, “But I look after her like she was my own sister, so it wasn’t entirely a lie.” “I know what you mean,” Rainbow nodded, “It’s the same with me and Scootaloo.” “Scootaloo and I.” He corrected, looking away. Rainbow grumbled, “Yeah, Scootaloo and I.” She sighed in frustration but smirked, she started to play with a bang of her hair, “Both her parents died when she was young, she’s in a foster family since then but I consider her as my family. Like the little sister I never had.” “Isn’t she one of those three troublemakers?” Red asked, remembering that he already saw them. “Yeah,” Rainbow said, giggling, “With AJ and Rarity’s sisters, they call themselves the crusaders.” “And what are they crusading for?” “I have no idea.” Rainbow said, putting her arms behind her head, “But she’s happy with them. Even if sometimes they make me want to kill them, I can never stay mad at her.” “I know the feeling…” Red said, “My sister –the real one- used to make my blood boil every time. Now… I’ll do anything to see her one more time.” Rainbow noticed it was the first time she saw that look on Red’s face. Sadness. “Why can’t you see her anymore?” “It’s complicated,” He said, “Let’s just say… She’s far, far away. And even if I could see her, I doubt she would want to. Don’t ask-” He quickly added when he saw that Rainbow was going to ask him why. “It’s better if you don’t.” “Can you at least tell me her name?” Rainbow tried. He sighed, looking at the ceiling, before shrugging, “Sure, why not. It’s Blue. Blue Light.” “Of course.” Rainbow added. “I guess your mother’s name was Green or something like that?” She joked. “Actually my mother’s name was Agatha.” He said, smirking at Rainbow’s joke. “Your mother…” Rainbow started, not knowing how to approach this sensitive subject, “She died right?” Red didn’t seemed to care as he nodded with a shrug, “Yeah, a long time ago.” “My mother died too…” Rainbow admitted. Red straightened up at this announcement, “Yeah, I kinda figured…” “It’s okay,” Rainbow Dash quickly added, “I was just a little girl back then, I don’t even remember it, but for a long part of my life I didn’t have this ‘motherly’ figure to raise me, it was just me and my dad. Maybe that’s why I was a huge fan of Spitfire and took her for role model… I secretly wished she was my mom.” Red refrained from making any comment, “At least, your dad seems nice, mine was a jerk.” He replied rolling his eyes. Then he glanced at Rainbow and smirked, “Spitfire uh? That explains the lack of femininity.” She frowned and slammed her hand on the table, “Not because your father was a jerk you have to act like one.” “I don’t act like one,” He said, “I’m a jerk.” “Can’t argue with that. So…” Rainbow started, “You know who Spitfire is?” “Well kinda, I’ve seen pictures of her once or twice on social medias but… She retired right?” Rainbow sighed, “Yeah she did, what a shame… She was accused to have burn several people alive.” “Woah, really?” Red asked raising an eyebrow. “Yeah but she was deemed innocent.” “That’s what ended her career?” Red asked. Rainbow didn’t really notice the curious look on Red’s face when she first mentioned the name of Spitfire. She was too happy to talk with someone who remembered who Spitfire was. “Nah, that’s another story.” Rainbow said, finishing her sentence when she saw Pinkie Pie approaching with their orders. “Here you are guys!” Pinkie Pie said happily, placing their orders on the table. She took a sit next to Rainbow, put her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hands. “What’re you talking ‘bout?” “Pinkiiiiie!” Rainbow said in a whisper believing that Red couldn’t hear, glaring daggers at Pinkie Pie. “What are you doing?” “I’m checking on your date! Is everything okay?” She asked in a much louder whisper. “Yes everything is fine, now get the hell out before you ruin everything!” Rainbow quickly added grinding her teeth. “You know I can hear you guys, right?” Red said between two bites, his mouth full of food. “Urgh.” Rainbow said, hiding her face behind her hands. “You should reply to him,” Pinkie suggested, still whispering louder than she talks. “It can’t be a date if you don’t talk.” Rainbow’s face was red of embarrassment, making Pinkie giggling. Red silently took another bite of his sandwich, and smiled at the antics of the two friends in front of him. “Pinkie, let her-” Red was cut mid-sentence by the wall next to them exploding in a deafening noise, filling the sugarcube corner with dust. Sitting just next to the wall, Red was sent through the opposite wall in a second. Rainbow and Pinkie have both fallen on the ground, covering their eyes. When Rainbow was finally aware of the situation she screamed in fear, “Red!” “Aouch,” Pinkie said, standing up, “What was-” She stopped when she managed to see a silhouette in the dust. A huge one. The silhouette walked forward, every steps he made making the ground shaking, a mechanical sound coming from it. It was an iron armor of ten feet tall, the helmet was shaped like a rhino’s face. “Ah!” The man behind the armor explained, ignoring the screams of all the witnesses presents. “You girl, must be Pinkamena!” Then he took a pose, stretching his big mechanical arms, “And what is that smell of… Vanilla?” He said, turning his head toward the counter, sniffing the sweet smell of pastries. “None of it is for you, you grey meanie big bully!” Pinkie exclaimed. “W-Who are you?!” Rainbow quickly said, putting Pinkie behind her, “And what do you want from my friend?!” The armor stood up, revealing it was even taller than before, then he took another ridiculous pose. “I AM THE RHINO!” “R-Really?” Rainbow asked, incredulous. “Yes… Why?” The Rhino asked. “Well…” Pinkie started, “It’s a little… Too on the nose, you know?” “You really think so?” Then he shook violently his head, “ENOUGH!” He exclaimed with a stomp on the ground, making the ground shake. “I’M TAKING YOU WITH ME, DON’T EVEN THINK TO FLEE!” He took another step forward, Rainbow pushed Pinkie aside and yelled, “Pinkie run!” Pinkie didn’t had time to do anything that the Rhino violently pushed Rainbow Dash aside, sending her through the same hole in the wall where Red was sent earlier. “Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie yelled, then she turned around facing the Rhino, tears in her eyes, “Why are you doing this?” “Nothing personal kid, but the boss thinks that it might help us to get Spider-girl.” He said casually, before grabbing the arm of Pinkie and lifting her up, ignoring her screams of pain. “NOW, LET’S GO, AND STOP TO SQUEAL!” He yelled at her, before finishing in a much quieter voice, “I have a Spider to kill.” > Volume II - Chapter 6: Pinkie Pie's nightmare before Christmas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “O-Okay Twilight, it’s not that bad…” Twilight said, mostly to herself. She was pacing in her bedroom, still trying to figure where the symbiote should’ve gone. She searched it badly the past few days, but she couldn’t get her hands on it. It wasn’t at the lab, at least not anymore, and it sure wasn’t at her place, she didn’t have to look around to know that. Twilight looked like she’s been through a lot. She had bags under her eyes, her hair was a mess, her eyes were red from the lack of sleep and it must be more than twenty-four hours she didn’t take a shower. “Oh god, I let an alien symbiote run away!” She started to hyper ventilate. She wanted to tell Sunset, but she was trusting Twilight, she said it herself. If Twilight tells her she lost it, Sunset would be disappointed in her… Badly. And Twilight was willing to do anything to not disappoint Sunset, even lie to her. She put both her hands on her desk and closed her eyes. “At least, it’s not dangerous… I hope.” It was really bad and, call it a sixth sense or whatever but Twilight couldn’t get past the feeling that something bad was going to happen. She was so lost in her thought, she didn’t notice the deformed black mass moving quietly under her bag, slowly making its way under her bed. It’s with a loud yawn that Sunset Shimmer get her head out of under her blanket she wrapped herself in during the night, trying to avoid the coldness of December. She sat up and slowly stretched her arms before finally putting her feet on the ground and managed to get up. She walked toward the door, reminding the walk of a zombie, and she stopped a second to stare at her reflection on the mirror hanging on the door. Her eyes were red with black bags under them and her hair looked like a mess. “I can do worse.” She finally said with a shrug of her shoulders before opening the door. She barely made a step outside her room that the sweet smell of pancakes and eggs appeased her. She walked down the stairs and headed in the kitchen’s direction but she stopped when she heard Luna on the phone. “I know Redheart,” Luna said with a sigh, holding her phone with her left hand and cooking pancakes with the other. “But what am I supposed to do? You know it’s been hard lately for Sunset and I, since Celestia is… gone, I hardly manage to make both ends meet.” Sunset stopped at the entrance of the kitchen and quietly hide herself next to the wall. She knew it wasn’t right to spy on Luna’s conversation like this, but it seemed important. “Yes I know she wouldn’t mind, but I can’t ask her that.” Luna said, “After all that happened, I just want her to have some fun with her friends, the girl deserves it.” Even if she didn’t know what she was talking about, Sunset knew Luna was talking about her. But what was the thing Luna didn’t dare to ask her? Sunset frowned while looking in emptiness. “Nonetheless…” Luna continued, even if Sunset couldn’t clearly see her, she knew by the sound of her voice that Luna refrained herself from crying. “I have to face the truth… I’ll have to sell the house.” It hit Sunset right in the face, she opened her eyes wide in shock. She had to put her hand on her mouth to avoid making any sound. “It’s okay really… I can found a nice apartment for the both of us.” Luna said to the phone. She stood silent for a minute listening to what her interlocutor had to say, before bidding her farewell and hanging up. When Sunset saw that the phone call was over, she finally entered the kitchen with a loud yawn, making Luna believe that she just woke up. Luna turned around and smiled to her, a plate of pancakes in the hand, “Finally sleepy head, it’s half past twelve.” Sunset smirked and prepared herself a cup of coffee, “Sorry, I was too busy saving the world last night.” “Is saving the world’s involving spending the night at Twilight Sparkle’s?” Luna asked, wiggling her eyebrow. “Kinda, yeah.” Sunset said, taking a sip from her coffee. ‘Only if you knew.’ She thought. Sunset has used the excuse of spending the evening at Twilight’s to expand her part time job at two in the morning. In fact, it’s been several days she didn’t heard of Twilight, she will have to call her to see if she was okay. “Well I’m glad you finally get up. I have to go help Redheart with her… Apartment research.” Sunset frowned, but thankfully, Luna didn’t saw it. “Okay.” Sunset said, accepting the plate of pancakes Luna gave her. “Have a nice day.” Luna smiled and kissed her on the cheek before disappearing in the corridor. “Can you do the dishes while I’m out?” Luna called. “Yeah, sure.” It didn’t take long for Sunset to hear the door closing behind Luna. ‘Why didn’t she told me the truth?’ She thought. ‘Eh, who am I to blame her for not telling the truth. But was Luna running out of money that bad? Maybe I can help her a bit if I sell more pictures to the Bugle?’ Then she groaned, ‘I still have to buy a new camera… Perfect, just what I needed right now.’ Sunset walked toward the living room and put the plate in front of her, on the table. She took another sip from her coffee and turned the TV on. She put a pancake in her mouth in a rough way Celestia once told her to not to do while she was living here, and sat more comfortably in the couch. The show on TV abruptly stop when the woman from the news appeared on her desk, a serious look on her face, “We’re interrupting your program with some breaking news.” “Hum?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Today, around noon, a man wearing a heavy armor attacked three teenagers before kidnapping one of them and running away.” The TV was now showing a view of the city, surely took from helicopter. It was showing a man wearing a rhino steel armor, running through the city, shoving cars aside, a girl on his shoulder. “The girl kidnapped has been identified as…” Sunset blood ran cold when she saw the picture that appeared on her screen, “Pinkamena Diane Pie. As for now, we still don’t know the reasons of this sudden attack but-” Sunset didn’t hear the rest as she already ran toward her bedroom. “LET. ME. GO!” Pinkie yelled, punching in the Rhino’s back. “LET ME GO, LETMEGOLETMEGOLETMEGOOOOOO!!!!” “Shut up already!” The Rhino yelled back at her, still running through the streets, shoving a police car aside, right in a wall. The car caught fire and exploded in a deafening explosion, killing the two policemen inside it. The passersby screamed in fear and ran away, trying to avoid this monster made of steel. “There was two people inside! How could you do that?!” She screamed in horror. Everything that was put in place to stop him proved to be useless, the police tried to set up roadblocks on every corner but the Rhino ran through them as if they were cardboard. The Rhino didn’t reply to Pinkie Pie, continuing his unstoppable course. “Why are you even kidnapping me? I’m not that important! If it’s a ransom you want, my family don’t have that much money!” She screamed at him. She wanted to make conversation with him to distract him, luckily someone was going to save her, at least she hoped. The Rhino chuckled but didn’t replied. “You’re just a bully! And people like you eventually get their ass kicked! Wait until Spider-girl-” “See? You finally figured it out.” The Rhino finally said, glancing in the girl direction. “What? What do you mean?” Pinkie asked. “Spider-girl is my real target, I want her to come and save you.” He said, glancing back in front of him, shoving another car aside, fortunately, this time it was empty and no one was hurt. “B-But why me?” The pink haired girl asked, still oblivious to why he was kidnapping her instead of someone else. “Idiot! If I kidnap one of her friends, she’ll bring her ass quicker!” Pinkie was totally lost now, “Friend? Spider-girl isn’t my friend, even if I would love to, I barely know her!” ‘What does he means by that?’ Pinkie thought, ‘I don’t know her… Do I?’ They arrived at an intersection, the road splitting in half around a building. On each side was roadblocks of policemen, but this time they were more heavily armed. They were wearing heavy bullet proof vests, black helmets and some of them were even armed with shotguns or rifles. Standing in front of one of the roadblock was a policeman wearing a heavy bullet proof jacket and a megaphone in his right hand. “CCPD! Stop right there!” He yelled. He stood proudly, showing the example to his fellow coworkers. The Rhino did and scowled him. “I’m Deputy Commissioner Shining Armor, who are you?!” Shining Armor was just trying to buy time, he knew these roadblocks were nothing for the Rhino, but desperate times called for desperate measures and Shining called five minutes ago the Homeland Security. Sometimes, the CCPD weren’t enough for the biggest threats, so they have to call for help. Sensing it was his moment to show off, the Rhino took the pose and introduced himself, “I AM THE RHINO!” The police would’ve already tried to shoot him if it wasn’t for the poor teenage girl on his shoulder. But the army of men in blue stood there, pointing their weapons at him, ready to open fire at any instant. “Well, Rhino, stop right there and release this young girl!” Shining Armor ordered, “You’re surrounded!” “Oh am I?” The Rhino replied with a snicker. He started to giggle, and exploded in an honest laugh. He finally wiped away the tear rolling down his cheek from this good laugh and turned his gaze towards Pinkie Pie. “Young girl, hold tight.” “Why? What are you going to-AAAAAAAAAAAAH!” She screamed when the Rhino started to run with more speed and momentum that before, but this time he wasn’t going to run in the policemen, this time he was running towards the wall on the building in front of them. The noises of grinding steel coming from the armor was a pain to Pinkie Pie’s ears. The Rhino lowered his head and strike the wall with it, making a fortune entrance. They both arrived inside a mall, everyone started to scream at the sight of the monstrous man. He ran, ignoring everything and everyone standing in his way. Pinkie had an idea, if he wasn’t going to let her go willingly, she was going to make him do it. She put her hand in her hairs and sighed in relief when she realized she still had a wrapped spicy cupcake. She still has one on her in case of spicy cupcake emergency. And boy, it was an emergency. She tore the packing apart and with all the strength she could, stuck it into the Rhino’s eye, luckily his face was one of the only part of the armor that wasn’t protected. “AH!” He screamed and stopped. “WHAT DID YOU DO?” He yelled with wrath, rubbing his eye. He grabbed her and launched her a few meters away on the ground. Pinkie landed on her back with a small ‘poof’. It was painful but manageable. She groaned and rubbed her back when she felt her body twitching, “Oooh, Pinkie’s-a-twichin’!” She called with a laugh, before opening her eyes wide in realization, “Wait, that’s not good!” She raised her gaze and saw that the Rhino launched a huge carousel right at her. Pinkie watch it in horror, she didn’t have time to dodge it. ‘Oh no!’ She thought while putting her arms on her head, ‘I’m going to die!’ “P-Please someone…” She said in a whisper, she didn’t have the strength to yell, “P-Please Spider-girl…” Then she said the first name that came on her mind, “Please Sunset… Someone save me!” Then, the machine landed on where Pinkie stood a second ago with a sound to wake the dead. It crashed and smoke filled up the place. “Damn it!” Rhino said, “I lost my temper, the boss is going to be furious!” When the smoke disappeared, the Rhino watched incredulous at the impact, no body or blood could be seen. “W-What?!” He said in confusion. “Fiew! That was a close one!” He heard the teenage girl speaking above him. When he looked up he saw that the pink girl was hanging from the roof attached to… “A web?” The Rhino said. “Boom! Headshot!” The Rhino heard before being struck in the face by a violent kick. He made a few step backwards, rubbing his nose. “You okay up there?” Spider-girl landed on the carousel he launched a moment before, calling to Pinkie Pie who gives her a thumbs up. Seeing her friend was okay, she sighed with relief. “Hey you!” She taunted towards the Rhino, “Is that a rhinoceros horn or are you just happy to see m-” The Rhino turned around and Spider-girl noticed he was at least seven feet taller than her. She gulped the saliva in her throat and said, “I am so scared right now I can’t even finish my lame joke…” The Rhino lets out a bestial growl and charged at the teenage super-hero. “Watch out!” Pinkie called. Spider-girl jumped with a moonsault and shot a web on the ceiling, gaining momentum to land another kick on the Rhino, but this time he saw it coming and grabbed the web before pulling on it. When Spider-girl was at arm’s reach, he tried to punch her, but she quickly shot another web, avoiding his strike and landing on the nearest wall. “Be careful!” Pinkie called again. “Don’t worry! I’m here to win back the honor of my family name!” “… What?” Pinkie asked, still hanging from the ceiling. “… I was watching Fist of Legend last night.” “Oooooh, that’s a great movie!” “Yeah I know!” “I’M STILL HERE!” The Rhino yelled. “Oh yeah.” Spider-girl said, giving him her attention back. The Rhino stomped angrily on the ground and blew air from his nose, “Let’s finish this!” He said. “Yeah, I agree!” Then after a few seconds, Spider-girl asked, “What is this again?” The Rhino had enough and charged back at her, “You know I can easily avoid this, right?” She asked. “THE RHINO IS AWARE! BUT WILL YOU DARE?” She didn’t know what he meant by that, but then she heard screams behind her, when she turned around, she saw two teenagers she knew from CHS. Sunflower and Roseluck if she remembered correctly. “Dang it.” Spider-girl said. When the Rhino was near enough, she jumped in the air and landed on his back. She shot a web on his left shoulder and draw on it with all her super strength, making him deviating from its trajectory, avoiding the two teenagers. Spider-girl allowed herself a smile under her mask, but it quickly turned upside down when she saw the Rhino wasn’t stopping his course. “Oh boy.” She said, when she saw the Rhino running towards a wall. She lowered her head and hold on tight on the Rhino’s back when he ran through the wall like it was nothing. Both of them found themselves outside again but on the other side of the building from where the Rhino entered. Still sticking to his back, Spider-girl sighed in frustration. ‘How do I keep finding myself in these situations?’ She thought. Pinkie Pie watched them disappearing in the street and then turned her head the other way when she heard the police coming for help inside the mall. Two policemen managed to get her to the ground. “Miss!” She heard behind her. She turned around to see Deputy Commissioner Shining Armor standing in front of her. “Oh good lord, you’re okay.” He sighed in relief. “I-I am.” Pinkie said, still shocked from what happened and what she saw. Shining Armor took his talkie-walkie and spoke through it, “All units, the girl is secured so no more holding back. I want the Rhino and Spider-girl behind bars by the end of the day!” “What?!” Pinkie exclaimed, she grabbed him by the arm, “Wait! Spider-girl saved me!” He sighed and looked at her, “I know, but she’s too dangerous to be ignored.” “But she’s not a bad person! She even saved those two girls over there! You can ask th-“ “Young lady!” Shining exclaimed in frustration, “I know that you think she’s a super-hero like this green monster or Tony Stark and that she can make a difference, but she’s just a person!” Pinkie frowned, “Well you know, I’m sure one person can make a difference!” Outside the building, the Rhino was continuing his course, Spider-girl on his back. Sunset didn’t know what to do to avoid getting anyone hurt. She felt something buzzing in her pocket and, still managing to directing the Rhino’s trajectory with her webs, she took her phone and answered. “Yeah, I don’t know what it’s for, but I’m kinda busy right now!” She yelled in it. “Sunset!” She heard the voice of Twilight on the other side.” I saw you on TV! Are you alright?” Spider-girl draw back on the left web, making the Rhino avoid a school bus. “NOW ISN’T THE RIGHT TIME SPARKY!” “I know!” Twilight quickly said, “Listen, there’s a construction site nearby, totally empty, you should lead him there!” “Yeah… That way, we can at least stop anyone from getting hurt!” Sunset replied. “I’ll send you the coordinate!” Then she hanged up. Like she said, a second after Sunset saw on her phone that the site was just two blocks from where she was. “Okay big guy!” She called the Rhino. “Time for a ride!” She directed his course to where the construction site was and, after going through a few walls and avoiding a few cars, Sunset managed to see the site. She jumped from the Rhinos back and swinged in its direction. “COME BACK HERE LITTLE VERMIN!” The Rhino yelled, running after her. “Then, come and catch me!” She taunted him. She landed high on a wall of the construction site. The site was a square in shape, encircled by buildings under construction, in the middle was a square ready to be concreted with a concrete mixer right next to it, not far behind was also a demolition ball attached to a site crane. ‘Hey… I have an idea.’ She thought, ‘Hope he’s dumb enough for it to work.’ The Rhino stopped and looked up to where Spider-girl was hanging. “Come and fight you coward!” He called. “A coward? Me?” Spider-girl pretended to be outraged, “You know that words hurts more than a punch?” “Come here and I’ll show you it isn’t!” He growled. Sunset sighed and jumped from the wall towards the Rhino. ‘Here goes nothing.’ She thought. She let the Rhino punch her on purpose, and she knew it would’ve hurt. She landed just next to the concrete mixer. She rubbed her face and growled. ‘You and your dumb ideas Sunset…’ She thought. While getting up, Sunset pressed the button on the machine, turning it on. The concrete began to come out of it and to pour on the ground provided for this purpose. “What are you doing?” The Rhino asked walking heavily towards her direction. “Nothing a dummy like you would understand.” She retaliated. He growled and charged towards her. He managed to bump into her and the machine, sending the teenaged girl away in a stifled scream of pain. The machine exploded in a thousand pieces, the concrete inside it pouring on the Rhino’s armor. He ignored it and resumed his menacing walk. He looked around but Spider-girl was nowhere to be seen. Then the Rhino noticed that his movement were slowing down, he also had trouble lifting his feet. He looked at the ground and saw that his feet were starting to get stuck in the concrete. “Oh…” He said realizing he was going to get stuck if he stayed there. “Yo big guy!” He heard on his left. When he looks in this direction, he saw Spider-girl hanging on the site crane drawing back the demolition ball with her webs. His eyes grew big when he realized what she was going to do. “Uh, wait we can talk this through right?” He said, panic starting to appear on his face as he tried to unstuck his feet from the ground. “Usually, I would’ve agreed with you, but…” Then she frowned under her mask, “You threatened my friend.” She finished in a whisper. She released the ball and jumped on it, she gained momentum and arrived in the Rhino’s direction with great speed. The Rhino watched it coming in horror. “I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!” Spider-girl sang while the demolition ball struck hard the Rhino right in the face sending him at least ten meters away and landing in a truck. Sunset landed on the ground and watched if the Rhino was going to move, but after a minute she sighed with relief. “Bullies always get their ass kicked…” She called to him, “Believe me, I’ve learned that at my expense.” Then she heard police sirens coming in her direction. “I guess it’s time to go.” She turned around and then stiffened up when she realized she forgot something. “Oh snap! I forgot the dishes!” Rarity was chewing on her fingernails watching her TV. She had a call from Rainbow Dash who told her what happened, the athletic girl got away with a broken arm. Red as for him, managed to get away unarmed, Rarity understood that he was with Rainbow at the hospital right now. She also called Pinkie who was also unarmed and was put in safety by the police. She was holding tight to her smartphone having tried to call Sunset, but she got no response. It was now two hours since the incident happened and having no news from her friend was driving her crazy. Finally, her phone rang and she saw it was Sunset’s number, she quickly accepted the call. “Sunset finally! How are you doing?!” She screamed. “Hum hi?” A voice responded through the speaker, however it wasn’t Sunset voice. “Is it Rarity?” “Yes it is,” Rarity replied, this voice was familiar to her. “Who is it?” “I’m Twilight Sparkle, Sunset’s friend.” The voice said. “Twilight?!” Rarity screamed. “Oh wait, you’re not that Twilight.” “What do you mean by that Twilight?” Twilight asked her. “Uh, nothing darling,” She took a sit on her couch, “Tell me, how is Sunset doing? Well I hope.” “She’s okay,” Twilight stated, “She’s taking quick nap right now. The battle got her exhausted.” “I’m relieved.” Rarity replied with a sigh, “When can I meet with her?” “Actually,” Twilight started, “She told me to say to you to grab the other girls and come to my place. There’s… something she wants to discuss with you all. I’ll text you my address.” “All right darling, I’ll be as quick as I can!” “Very well… Be careful.” Then the call ended. Rarity grabbed her purse and her keys and got out of her house, walking towards her car. The drive to the hospital wasn’t very long and Rarity parked her car on the hospital’s parking. She entered by the front door and after a quick chat with the receptionist, she took the elevator to the second floor, where Rainbow’s room was. She knocked on the door and after a few second the door opened and she was welcomed by a dark haired boy. “Red! I’m glad you’re okay!” Rarity said, taking her friend in a hug. “It must have been terrifying!” “Y-Yeah…” Red said blushing, not used to those kind of displays of affection, especially from a good looking girl like Rarity. “Yeah it was.” “Hey, don’t forget about me!” A voice called in the back. Rarity giggled and walked towards the bed, where Rainbow was sitting her arm in a cast. “I’ll never forget about you darling.” She said, giving her a hug. “How are you feeling?” The teen diva asked. “Better since they gave to me those painkillers I asked.” Rainbow said turning her gaze towards the table next to the bed. “Wait where are…” She then rolled her eyes and glared at the boy standing behind Rarity. “Red!” Red was trying to avoid her look and tried to look innocent but he sighed in defeat and put them back on the table. “I swear…” Rainbow said, shaking her head. “You don’t even need them… How did you even managed to get out of there without a single scratch?” He shrugged his shoulders, giving her a plain look. “Dunno.” He simply said, earning a sigh from Rainbow and a giggle from Rarity. “I’m so sorry,” Rarity said, “To both of you.” “What? Why?” Rainbow asked. “Well… It kind of interrupted your date, wasn’t it?” Rainbow and Red both blushed vehemently at that statement. “Well at least, I’m glad that both of you are okay.” Rarity stated, seeing that none of them were going to say a word. “And Pinkie?” Red quickly said, “Have you heard about her?” “Yes, she is fine. She’s at the police station right now.” Rarity replied. Red and Rainbow both sighed in relief hearing that news. “What does that monster wanted from her anyway?” Rainbow asked, incredulous. Red and Rarity both avoided her look, Red finding a big interest in a small spot on the wall, Rarity as for her was looking at her nails, both of them unaware that the other knew about Sunset Shimmer secret identity. “Ah… Who knows?” Red simply said. “A mystery for the ages…” Rarity replied. Rainbow look incredulously at Rarity, then at Red, then back at Rarity, then she frowned deeply. “I have the feeling that you guys are not telling me everything.” “I…” Rarity started, but she got cut off by the door opening and nurse entering the room. ‘That was close.’ Both Rarity and Red thought. The nurse told them that Rainbow was good to go and the three of them exited the hospital. “Well… What now?” Red asked. “Actually…” Rarity said, “Sunset asked us if we could join her… She has something to tell us.” “Okay then.” Red stated, “Let’s go.” “Well… She asked me and the girls… If you get what I mean.” She said, earning an interrogative glare from Rainbow and Red. Red finally sighed and shrugged. “I get it… I’ll leave the two of you to it then.” He said, starting to walk away. “Wait!” Rainbow called him, making him turn around. “I-I just want you to know that… Before that attack at the Sugarcube corner… I had a great time.” She finished her sentence in a hushed tone. Red scratched the back of his head and smirked, “Yeah, me too.” “S-So… What if we do that again… Sometime?” Rainbow asked, her face red like a tomato. “That’ll be great.” He stated with a smile. Then, out of the blue, he hugged her. Rainbow let out a squeal of surprise. The hug quickly finished and Red turned away and leaved, without another word. Rainbow watched him leave and finally let out a sigh, a smile on her face. “That was so cute!” She heard Rarity say behind her. “Shut up.” “He… He failed sir…” Octavius stated, looking at the ground, not daring to look at his boss. “Don’t say that Otto.” Discord said, his hands crossed on his desk. Discord’s office was like the evil genius ones you see in the movies, on the last floor of a big tower. It was a big room, and in the back was a big desk with an expensive leather chair where the owner was sat. Behind it was a wall covered with glass, showing a spectacular view of the city. Otto Octavius had an incredulous look when he raised up his head. “What do you mean sir?” He asked. Discord stood up from his chair and looked at the city from his window. “He did exactly what I wanted him to do.” “And… What was that?” Discord turned around to face the scientist with a straight face. “I wanted her to know that I can take away everything she loves whenever I want.” Then, both of them heard a knock on the door. Discord frowned and said, “Who is it?” “It’s me!” A joyful voice replied on the other side. Discord’s frown disappeared, letting place to a small genuine smile. “We’ll talk more about that later.” He said to Octavius who nodded and started to leave. When he walked out, another person entered. A teenage girl, students at Canterlot High School and friend of Sunset Shimmer, Screwball. “Hi daddy!” She said, running to him and taking him in a hug. “Hello Screw, how was your day?” “Oh you know, the usual…” She ended the hug and looked at her father with concern, “Dad, what is going on?” “I’m afraid I don’t understand dearie.” “I saw what happened… On TV.” She stated, taking a step back. Discord frowned… Did she know? “The thunder guy, the Lizard and now that Rhino… Who are those people?” She asked. “Why would I know?” “Well… You know everything that happened in the city, you have ears and eyes everywhere so… I thought maybe you had a clue.” Screwball stated. Discord giggled, “I’m afraid I don’t have the answer to your question but… What is this sudden interest in… well, let’s call them super-villains, the term seems appropriate?” Screwball blushed and looked away. “You see…” She started, “Since that night when Spider-girl saved the school… I… I want to repay her!” She said. “I want to help her like she helped us!” Discord smiled and stroke the hair of his daughter. “Don’t worry dearie. I’m sure I’ll find a way for you to repay her.” Meanwhile… “We’re going to meet this world’s Twilight! I’m so nervousited!” Pinkie exclaimed in front of the apartment door. All the girls were there, minus Sunset obviously. “I already told you that wasn’t a real word right?” Applejack tried. “Yup, and I don’t care!” Pinkie replied with her joyful smile. Rainbow took a step forward and knocked on the door, “You don’t look like someone who was victim of kidnapping a few hours ago.” She stated. “I’m… I’m just glad she’s okay.” Fluttershy said. “We all are sweetie.” Rarity said to her while putting her hand on her shoulder. The door opened, revealing Twilight Sparkle. She was a bit different from the Twilight Sparkle they knew, a bit smaller and also a little more… flat. Also, the Twilight they knew looked pretty and studious. Not a mess like the Twilight standing in front of them. “Hum… Hello.” She said. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, you must be Sunset’s friends.” Pinkie Pie appeared in front of her and took her in a tight hug. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie and I can already tell that we’re going the be the best. Friends. EVER!” The girls all entered the apartment and closed the door behind them. “Are… Are we?” Twilight asked, not prepared for the energetic pink blur. “Don’t sweat it sugarcube, as for me, I’m Applejack, but you can call me AJ.” “I’m Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow energetically greeted. “And I am Rarity, we spoke on the phone remember? A pleasure to meet you darling.” “The… The pleasure’s mine.” Twilight said, blushing awkwardly. The nerd girl wasn’t accustomed to having this many people in her apartment. She noted the pink haired girl hiding in the back and waved her hand to her, “Hum hi?” “H-Hi…” The girls said. “I’m F-Flut-Flutter…” “I’m sorry, can you speak a bit louder?” Twilight asked. “Her name’s Fluttershy.” Rainbow said, saving her friend. “Well, I am glad to finally meet you all. Sunset speak about you a lot.” Twilight said to the girls. “Weird, she doesn’t speak about you like, at all-AOUCH!” Rainbow cried in pain, rubbing her ribs. “Next time, I’ll broke your other arm.” Applejack hushed to her. “We’re all glad to meet you too sugar’.” Twilight lead them to the hallway and stopped in front of her room’s door. “Now, you must’ve ask yourselves why Sunset asked you all to come here, it’s kind of weird.” “Not really,” Pinkie stated, “Sunset always does weird stuff.” “It’s the pot calling the kettle back.” Applejack hushed to Rainbow who snorted at that remark. “It must be really important if she called all of us here.” Rarity stated. “I hope it’s nothing bad…” Fluttershy said. “Don’t worry Fluttershy.” Twilight said, reassuring the poor girl. “It’s nothing bad.” “What if you stop beat round the bush and tells us what is going on?” Applejack asked. Twilight sighed but nodded. She slowly opened the door, and moved to let the girls pass, all of them entering the room. When they all entered, Twilight followed and closed the door behind her. “Where is Sunset?” Rainbow asked. “Wasn’t she supposed the be here?” Applejack said. “Ooooh! Maybe she’s hiding and she wants us to find her!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Up there.” All the girls looked incredulous at the ceiling from where the voice came and all gasped at what they saw. Spider-girl was hanging there. She let herself go of the ceiling and landed on her feet. “S-S-Spider-girl?” Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy exclaimed. “Hi again!” Pinkie giggled. “Hi girls, sorry I asked you all to come here…” Spider-girl said. The girls looked at each other’s, “What do you mean by... Wait.” Rainbow started. Spider-girl slowly grabbed her mask with her right hand, and took it off, revealing her identity to her friends. “We have to talk.” Sunset Shimmer simply said. They all had unique faces. Of course Rarity and Twilight already knew, but the look on Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie’s face was priceless. Rainbow Dash as for her, frowned and pointed her with her finger. “I knew it!” > Volume II - Chapter 7: An unwanted Christmas present > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s done.” Maria Hill stated to her phone, speaking to her superior. “Iron Will… Or the Rhino as everyone started to call him, is locked up. He’s not gonna see the sun’s ray for a very long time, believe that.” She closed the door behind her, and walked towards her desk. “Electro, Conhorse and now the Rhino, at this rate the Raft is going to be full until new year’s eve.” She joked, taking place in her chair. “I must say, this Spider-girl is very helpful in many ways, I was right to let her be for the moment.” She listened to what her interlocutors said and she sighed, “Of course, we’ll have to keep an eye on her. But for the moment, she’s considered as an ally, even mister Stark as taken a sudden interest in that girl.” She had a giggle when she heard what her superior said, “I agree, but you know him and his… eccentricities. But don’t worry about that girl, I’ve already took the matter in hand.” Then she hanged up, and sat more comfortably in her chair. She glared at the entrance door and smirked. “You’re not very discreet.” She called. A small ‘hmpf,’ could be heard on the other side of the door and it opened, revealing a woman, with mid-length fire hair, orange skin and wearing a leather jacket, she had bags under her eyes, showing that she didn’t slept for at least the last twenty-four hours. “But I’m glad you came” “I’m not even officially working here… But hey, you called me.” The woman shrugged, taking a sit in front of the desk. “So, what do you want?” Maria gave her a disapproving look, “Look, we’re maybe friends, but I’m your superior nonetheless, can you at least show some… respect?” The woman smirked and shrugged, “Yeah sure, that’s about as likely as I’ll be playing super hero in latex pantyhose and calling myself Black Widow.” Maria Hill pinched the edge of her nose, “Oh come on, don’t start this again.” “I’m not starting anything, she started it.” “Well, whatever is between you two is not why I asked you to come here.” Maria finally stated. “I need you to go back to Canterlot.” “Oh? What now, you want me to go and keep that spider girl from drowning in the sewers once again?” She raised an eyebrow, “You know that it smells like Hulk’s underwear down there? I had to take like, three showers.” “Actually, I don’t want you to get involved this time.” She explained. “So what? I’m supposed to, like, babysit this girl?” The fiery woman asked with a growl, becoming impatient. She put a hand in her pocket and let out a pack of smoke. “Sorry not sorry but I sure don’t want to do that.” “Not her.” Maria said, shaking her head. “But her friend, the Fiend.” “The Fiend?” The woman put a cigarette to her lips and lit it up with a flame coming out from her… thumb. Maria didn’t look shocked, she was used to her friend’s antics. “Who’s that?” “His name, the real one, is Red Light. He’s a student at Canterlot High School, but some investigations proved that he’s much older than it seems.” Maria explained her, handing her a file. The woman opened it and put the pictures and papers on the desk. “I’ll take that as my Christmas present I guess.” The pictures were all of Red Light, some of them of him disguised in his Fiend costume. There was one of him sat next to Spider-girl who was eating a sandwich, and another one of him punching a man wearing a Pumpkin on fire on his head. The papers as for them were filled with information, like where he lived, who are his friends, where does he worked… “Since when you guys are watching him?” She dropped the ashes of her cigarette in the ashtray on the desk that was put here just for her since Maria wasn’t a smoker. “A year and a half, since the incident with Jack.” Maria said. “Jack?” The woman asked, “Don’t know him.” “Jack O’Lantern.” Maria nodded, pointing on the picture of the Fiend punching the Pumpkin man. “Doesn’t surprise me, he’s locked up in the Raft since he got his ass wooped.” Reading the papers, the woman raised her eyebrow at some information she just saw. “Wait. What does that mean, from another world?” “It’s pretty clear.” Maria stated. The woman had a laugh, “You’re telling me that you’re letting a dude from another world walk around and have a little life? Doesn’t sound like SHIELD I know.” “Believe me, those days, these kind of things is more common than you can imagine.” Maria said, “A few months ago, a girl came out of a portal from another world and fought a teenage girl turned into a demon,” The other woman flinched at the word demon, “And she used a magic called ‘The Magic of friendship’ to beat her.” The woman looked at her with big eyes, “Dude… And I thought my life was weird.” “You know what the weirdest part is?” Maria defied. “Beat me.” The fiery woman said. “That demon girl became Spider-girl a few weeks later.” The woman busted out laughing, “Oh man, if I didn’t know you, I would’ve swear you were joking.” She lit up another cigarette, “And? Why do you want me to babysit him? He looks like he can handle himself pretty well.” “He knows a woman we’re searching for, her name is Starlight Glimmer. Your mission is to find where she is.” Maria stated. “Why me? You sure have someone more qualified for this kind of mission.” The woman said. “Because,” Maria gave her a serious glare. “If he turns out to be an enemy or if his not cooperative, you’ll have the strength to be able to take him out.” “Eh, I thought you wanted me to not get involved?” “Officially, yes.” Maria nodded. “Informally, I trust you to do the right thing.” “Well, well, well,” She taunted, clapping her hands. “Look at that. If Director Fury was listening right now…” At those words, Maria Hill turned her gaze away. The other woman noticed it and frowned, but a cocky grin appeared on her face. “He doesn’t know, right?” She asked. “This is just between you and I.” Maria finally said. “I’m trusting you, Spitfire.” Spitfire got up from her chair and huffed. “I know.” Wendy was looking through her room’s window. She was watching the snowflakes slowly falling down on the ground, a sad look on her face. Leaning on her window edge, she sighed at the thought of spending another Christmas alone. Since she was young, well, younger than she is now, she was living in Canterlot Children’s Shelter. Her dad used to come visit her from time to time, but overall, she was all alone, and it’s been almost a whole year since she hasn’t seen her dad. She wasn’t actually alone, there was the other children and her caretaker, Nana. But Wendy didn’t like the other children and Nana has to take care of every one of them, not just her. She heard a knock on the door and lazily turned her gaze in its direction. “Yes?” She called. The door opened and a sweet looking old lady entered the room, a smile on her face. “Merry Christmas Wendy.” The lady greeted. “Christmas is tomorrow Nana.” Wendy replied to the older woman named Nana. “Well, I know that young girl.” Nana laughed, “But I wanted to say it to you, since we’re not going to spend Christmas together this year.” Wendy looked at her with an interrogative glare. “What do you mean Nana? Are you leaving?” “What? No, Wendy. I’m not leaving.” Nana dismissed Wendy’s thoughts with a gesture of her hand, “No young girl, you are leaving. At least, for the Holydays.” Wendy opened her eyes big. “W-What?” Nana stepped aside, making place for Red Light to enter the room, “Sup’ kid?” “Red!” Wendy called a wide beam on her face. She ran into him and hugged him with all her strength. “I’m so glad to see you!” Red chuckled, “What? You thought I was going to forget about you?” “I…” Wendy started, but she shakes her head, “No, of course not.” Nana turned around and smiled to Red, “Thanks for taking good care of her.” “Meh, don’t mention it.” Red said with a shrug of his shoulders, “Come on, grab your stuff kid.” Wendy did as she was told and prepared some clothes in her bag while Nana walked towards the exit. “Have a nice Christmas, both of you.” Red gave the old woman a nod and Wendy waved at her, “Bye Nana!” Nana closed the door behind her and Red watched Wendy preparing her stuff. He walked towards the bed and sat on it while scrutinizing the small room. It was exactly the kind of room he was expecting for a little girl, some stuffed animals and toys were one the ground, a small TV was in the back with what Red guessed was an old Wii. Posters were on the walls, some representing cute animals and some representing characters for girl’s shows Red didn’t know. And of course, a lot of pink stuff. Red noticed that everything here was already very used, like it belonged to someone else before her. The only thing that looks new was a Spider-girl poster on the door, which made Red chuckle. “Nice room.” Red said, “I guess you like pink.” “Not that much,” Wendy replied, putting a stuffed white cat with wings inside her bag, “Most of it was already there when I arrived. The rest is what Nana managed to find for me.” She finished her sentence with a bit of sadness in her voice. “She seems like a nice lady.” Red stated. “She is!” Wendy quickly said, turning around, “She always has taken good care of me.” “Glad to hear that.” Wendy turned around to put a shirt in her bag and stopped. She sighed and asked, “Red, can I ask you something?” “I don’t know, can you?” Wendy giggled, now used to his antics. “I wanted to know… Why are you so kind to me?” She finally asked, looking at him. Red watched her with a nonchalant look and shrugged, but seeing she wasn’t going to take that for an answer he sighed and looked at the ceiling, “Dunno, I guess you remind me of my little sister.” “You… Have a little sister?” Wendy asked, surprised. “Yeah but, hum… She’s like, very far away, and I doubt you’ll ever see her.” He admitted. “Why? You don’t want to see her anymore?” “It’s… Complicated,” Red replied, “I do want to see her, but we can’t. And honestly I doubt she’ll ever want to see me again. I kinda… Abandoned her.” “But you love her.” Wendy stated. Red looked at her with a surprised glare, “Well, yeah but-” “So you’ll see her again, I’m sure of it!” Wendy stated with a smile. “Nothing is more powerful than the power of love!” “Hum… Sure?” Red said with a frown, “How… Where did you hear that?” “It’s what they say in a cartoon I’m watching right now.” She stated, closing her bag and putting it on her back. Red laughed, “Okay kid, keep that mindset.” He stood up and stretched his arms, “Ready to go?” “No… I’m McReady!” “…” Red face palmed himself, “I’m a bad influence.” The both of them walked out of the room and soon after, of the shelter. Now outside, Wendy grabbed Red’s hand, making him blush awkwardly and was going to say something, but when he saw the happy smile of the little girl, he sighed and walked forward. They stopped in front of a brown truck parked on the side, “That’s our ride.” Red stated. The driver’s door opened and a tall blonde girl wearing a cowboy hat greeted them, “Hi there, fellas.” She looked at Wendy and smiled at her, “And this sugar’ must be Wendy right?” Wendy nodded, “Hum… Hello.” “Nice meeting ya’,” The blonde girl said, “I’m Applejack, a friend of this guy.” She said pointing in Red’s direction. “Hi, I’m this guy.” He said. Wendy chuckled, Red and Applejack smiling at each other’s. “Hurry, get in. We don’t have all day.” Red said, pretending to be in a hurry. Applejack helped the girl to get in and closed the door behind her. “Hey AJ.” Red called, “Thanks again, for the ride.” “Happy to help.” She just said. Meanwhile… It must have been thirty minutes that Rainbow was scowling herself in the mirror. She was lost in her thought. It’s been a few days that Sunset admitted she was Spider-girl and Rainbow knew it, but now that she was sure of it, something started to grew inside Rainbow. She didn’t know what it was, but it was bothering her for sure. She closed her eyes, rubbed her injured arm, remembering that fateful day when the Rhino attacked her, Red and Pinkie. She was glad Pinkie and Red were safe, even if she didn’t know how Red managed to get out of there unarmed, he took a hit ten time more powerful than she took. But Rainbow also was angry, angry that she couldn’t do more. She always thought she was strong, but that day, she understood that she was weak. She wasn’t strong enough to protect the guy she was in love with and she wasn’t strong enough to prevent one of her best friends to be kidnapped. She greeted her teeth with frustration. Why doesn’t she have powers like Sunset have? Why, Sunset of all people, have those powers? Don’t get her wrong, Rainbow –platonically- love Sunset, but why her? Rainbow would’ve been more up to the task, no? Rainbow Dash noticed that, that hint of jealousy growing- “I’m not jealous!” She yelled to herself. Punching with her uninjured hand on the wall next to the mirror. She slowly takes a breath and regained her calm. Then her phone started vibrating in her pocket. She took it and saw that Applejack send her a text saying that she was going to drive Red and that little girl he was taking care of to Red’s apartment and then, if she wanted to, the both of them could hang out the afternoon before the Christmas party at Sunset’s. Rainbow replied with a simple ‘sure’ and put her phone back in her pocket. She almost forgot about the party. Sunset asked Luna if she could invite her friends at the house for Christmas Eve, and at first Luna said no, but Sunset said that she’s been very persistent, so Luna finally said yes to be in peace. Sunset had invited Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle and Red. But Rarity’s parent where on a work trip so her sister had to come with her, Granny Smith also told Applejack to take Applebloom with her, and when she heard that her best friends were going, Scootaloo asked Rainbow to take her with her, and Rainbow Dash wasn’t going to say no. A few days ago… “I knew it!” Rainbow exclaimed, pointing Spider-girl with her finger. “I owe you ten bucks.” Pinkie Pie said, bumping her fist with Rainbow’s. “W-w-wait!” Applejack walked toward Sunset, “You… Really are Spider-girl.” “Yeah… You can ask Twilight, she’s with me from, like, the beginning.” Sunset stated. Applejack was a loss for words, so as Pinkie Pie whose mouth was still wide open, and Fluttershy. “So it was you who saved me?!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “Yes Pinkie, it was me.” Sunset nodded. Pinkie ran towards her friend and took her in a tight hug. “Thanks you Sunset!” “Well, hum…” Sunset said, scratching the back of her head and starting to blush. “You’re welcome Pinkie.” “You don’t seem that surprised about all of that Rare…” Applejack noticed, glaring at Rarity. “Hum, darling… That fact is that… Hum…” Rarity tried, avoiding her friend’s look. Sunset stepped up, “That’s because she knew.” “What?!” Rainbow and Pinkie exclaimed in unison. “But I made her promising me that she won’t tell anyone, so please don’t blame her.” Sunset quickly added. “I-If I may…” Fluttershy started, “I’m a little sad that you didn’t tell us sooner but… I guess you did that to protect us.” “That’s… True.” Sunset admitted. “It’s because a… Super-villain, let’s just call him by what he is, knows about Sunset identity.” Twilight Sparkle added. Sunset sighed heavily, “That’s why this Rhino dude kidnapped Pinkie, or why the Lizard attacked CHS, and…” Then she stopped and looked at her feet in silence. “… Celestia?” Applejack tried. “Yeah.” Sunset quietly replied. “Oh my.” Fluttershy said, putting her hand on her mouth. “Today was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.” Sunset said, “If I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t know what could come for you…” She didn’t dare to look at her friend’s in their eyes, “It’s my fault… I’ve put you all in danger.” “Darling…” Rarity stated, “I think I can speak for the all of us here when I say that I am very proud of what you’ve done.” “Yeah! I don’t care if some bad guys come for me, I’ll kick their asses!” Rainbow exclaimed loudly. “And if you weren’t there, the city would be in total chaos right now sugarcube.” Applejack said, wiping the tears on Sunset’s cheeks with her thumb. “And in all honesty,” Twilight said, “I doubt the Green Goblin will try something again so soon.” “The… Green what?” Rainbow asked, raising her eyebrow. “Is that eatable?” Pinkie asked. Fluttershy shivered, “I don’t know… But he seems scary.” “Wait.” Applejack exclaimed herself, “Who’s that Green Goblin’ fella?” “A very dangerous person.” Sunset stated. “God, I don’t know what this city would’ve become if the Fiend and I weren’t there.” “The… Fiend?” Rainbow asked, again. “Who’s that? Another villain?” “No, actually.” Sunset said, “Even if he looks like one.” “It seems you’ve got a lot to tell Sunset.” Applejack stated, taking a sit on Twilight’s bed and crossing her legs. Sunset sighed, looking at Applejack’s who was glaring expectantly at her. “It all started when we went to Discorp…” Then Sunset explained them everything from the beginning. How she got her powers, how she met Twilight, how she met the Fiend and how he helped her defeat the Shocker and the Vulture and how Rarity made a new costume for her and how she found out who she really was. She just skipped the part about all the magic stuff about the Fiend and the serum. “Woah…” Applejack stated, “Guess you really had an adventure on your own.” “You have no idea.” Sunset nodded, now leaning against a wall, “Life already was nuts before that, but now? It went completely crazy.” “But did you get… Injured?” Fluttershy asked. “I did.” Sunset pointed in Twilight’s direction with her thumb, “But Sparky here patched me up. Rarity also did.” “Well, it was just one time.” Rarity added. “That’s so awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed, bouncing up and down, “My best friend is a super-hero! Oh god! Wait till I say it to every-” Then she stopped herself and chuckled, “Yeah no, I guess I shouldn’t.” “It’ll be appreciated if you don’t.” Sunset said, “I guess I don’t have to say it, but I’m gonna say it anyway. Guys… You can’t tell anyone.” “Well, of course darling.” Rarity stated. “I’m not a fan of what you’re doing to be honest Sunny.” Applejack started, “I mean, I don’t want my friend, any of my friend, to get hurt but… If that’s what you wanna do, I’m gonna support you no matter what. My lips are sealed.” “So what about a…” Pinkie Pie started, “Pinkie promise?” “That’s a great idea.” Applejack said. All the friends, except for Twilight who didn’t know what was going on, stood in front of Sunset and started to say, with all the gestures that goes with it, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” They all giggled and laughed, even Sunset who said, “Now I’m reassured.” “What kind of promise is that?” Twilight asked. “The best kind.” Sunset stated with a little smile. The girls stayed for a while, asking all kind of stuff to Sunset, mostly about her powers and the bad guys she fought and two hours later they all leaved, leaving Twilight and Sunset alone. “So, what do you think about them?” Sunset asked, taking a sit on Twilight’s bed. “They seems like nice people.” Twilight nodded. She stretched her arms and yawned. “I’m going to take a quick shower, can I leave you here for a few minutes?” “Don’t you want me to come take a shower with you?” Sunset playfully asked, with a wink. “S-S-Sunset!” Twilight became all red, “It’s n-not… I mean… I, no, we can’t…” “Calm down, Sparky.” Sunset laughed, “I was joking.” Twilight became livid, “Oh… Ahah.” She awkwardly laughed before exiting the room. Sunset watched her leave the room and sighed, she leaned on the bed and closed her eyes, “Nothing wrong to take a nap then.” She quickly falls asleep, not noticing the black mass crawling out of under the bed and slowly making its way to Sunset. Present day… “Here we are.” Red said, opening the door of his apartment, making a step aside letting Wendy enter before closing the door behind him. Red’s apartment was small but enough for a single person. There was a living room with a small kitchen in the back, his living room had a small couch big enough for three people to sit on it, a small TV and the latest Xbox next to it. On the table was a few empty beers can and a pizza half eaten. A few clothes were scattered on the ground and the apartment could also use a sweeping. “Sorry ‘bout the mess, didn’t really have the time to clean.” He said. “I know it’s small but…” “Are you kidding?” Wendy said, “It’s awesome! You’ve got your own place!” Red smiled and made a sign to Wendy to follow him, he opened the only door on the left leading to his room. It was a small room, big enough for a two person sized bed and a dresser, there also was a door in the back wide open, showing a small bathroom. “You can take my bed for the time you’ll stay here, I’ll sleep on the couch.” He said. “Y-You don’t have to do that! I can sleep on the couch!” Wendy quickly stated. “Nope, you are sleeping on the bed, and believe me, I’m used to fall asleep watching TV so I sleep on my couch more often than my bed.” Red said. Wendy avoided his look to hide her blush, “T-Thanks…” “Now…” He started, “What about you make yourself comfortable? You can also use the shower if you want, I’ll prepare you something to eat and then we can prepare ourselves for the Christmas party.” “The Christmas party?” Wendy asked. “Oh yeah, forgot to tell you,” He walked toward his bed, putting the blanket back in place, “We’re not gonna spend Christmas Eve here. There’s one of my friend hosting a small Christmas party, I asked if you could come and she said yes...” Then he chuckled, “In any case, I wasn’t going to take no for an answer, it was either you came with me, or I wasn’t going.” “Are they… Nice?” Wendy asked, a bit afraid of meeting new people. Red noticed it and walked towards her, he kneeled before her and put his hand on her shoulder. “Believe me, they are the nicest people you’ll met in this city. And if you’re not feeling at ease there, we can still leave and spend Christmas here.” “N-No!” Wendy said, “I don’t want to keep you from spending Christmas with your friends…” “Don’t worry, they’ll understand.” He said. “Oh, by the way, absolutely do not mention your last name tonight.” Wendy gave him a weird look. “Why?” “I’ll… Tell you another time okay? Just trust me on this.” “Okay.” Wendy said right away, “I trust you!” Red got up and smiled, Wendy noticed that the bags under his eyes were smaller than usually. “Now… What do you want to eat?” “Thanks again for letting me have my friends over Luna.” Sunset said, helping Luna preparing the table. Sunset was wearing an orange dress, her hair pulled up in a ponytail. Luna, her, was wearing a long evening dress black as night. “That’s okay Sunset,” Luna stated, “I figured it’ll be nice for you to spend Christmas with them instead of spending it with just me.” Sunset turned her gaze in Luna’s direction, “You know you can stay right?” “I know,” Luna chuckled, “But don’t worry, I already said to Redheart that I’ll go spend it with her, she’s… not going well since her husband left her.” Sunset heard about that story and was sorry for the school nurse. Redheart was a nice woman, a bit harsh, but deep inside, she loved every student. “Tell her I said hi.” Sunset said. “I will.” The both of them finished preparing everything, and Sunset accompanied Luna to the front door. “There’s turkey in the oven, the rest is in the fridge. You know I’m not a fan of underage drinking but I’ve been young too, but if your friends drink alcohol, I’m trusting you to let them sleep here and take their keys.” “Well, the only ones who drinks are Rarity, Rainbow and Red, and I think none of Red and Rainbow have their licenses so… I think it’ll be good. And I’ll take Rarity’s keys don’t worry.” “Okay then,” Luna put her coat on and took her purse, she turned around and kissed Sunset on the forehead, “Merry Christmas Sunset. And this time, do not forget the dishes.” “Merry Christmas to you too Luna.” Sunset replied with a playful roll of her eyes. “I’ll give you your present tomorrow.” Luna said opening the door. “W-What, I get a present?” Sunset asked. “Of course!” And then, Luna closed the door. ‘She got me a present even thought she doesn’t have that much money… I don’t know if I should be happy or angry.’ Sunset thought. Sunset took her phone and looked at the time, seeing it was only half past seven, she walked towards her couch and turned on the TV. She asked her friends to come around half past eight, she thought the preparations were going to take more time. She didn’t prepare that much food except for the turkey, she knew Pinkie Pie and Applejack got that covered. Knowing Rainbow Dash, Sunset bet she was going to bring maybe two or three pack of beers. Red already said that he was going to bring a bottle of whisky and Rarity wouldn’t dream of forgetting her bottles of wine. It was a special occasion so she also guessed that Applejack was going to drink a few beers with Rainbow. Sunset sighed with relief knowing that at least Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy weren’t going to drink alcohol, so she wasn’t alone about that. She also hoped that Rainbow wasn’t going to drink too much, she already saw her completely wasted and it wasn’t something Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Wendy needed to see. She also felt that something was… off the past few days. She couldn’t exactly explain what but she felt like something was constantly watching her. But not from the outside, from the inside. It was a weird feeling she couldn’t describe and it actually was bothering her. She shook her head vehemently. ‘Relax Sunset, don’t think about it too much. Tonight is just you having fun with your friends.’ She thought. She watched her TV for a few minutes before getting up and walked towards the kitchen, she opened the fridge and took a can of Doctor Pepper. ‘The last one uh? I’ll need to get some more tomorrow.’ She opened it and took a long sip before sighing from relief. “Ah, that’s the stuff.” She heard a knock from her door and raised an eyebrow. “Weird,” She said, “They’re early.” Putting the can on the table, she walked towards the entrance and opened the door, revealing Red Light and a little girl, maybe ten or eleven years old, with blue hair. “Oh hi,” Sunset greeted, “You guys are early.” “Yeah I know,” Red stated, he was wearing casual clothes, not bothering to dress up for the occasion, and had plastic bags in each hands. One filled with bottles and snacks, the other one filled with small gifts. He also had a small bag on his back, Sunset guessed it belonged to the girl. “But I wasn’t comfortable with taking the bus with her after it’s too dark. Oh that’s remind me,” He made a sign with his head towards the little girl, “Sunset, this is Wendy. Wendy, this is Sunset, I talked about her last time remember?” Wendy was wearing a cute white dress, her hair pulled up in two pigtails. She was glaring at Sunset with big eyes and mouth open, like she was the most incredible thing she ever saw. “Uh,” Sunset started, “You alright?” “Are you an angel?!” Wendy asked, making Red laugh and Sunset blush. “You are so pretty.” “T-Thanks…” Sunset said, looking away. She made a step on the side, letting them enter, “Please, come in.” Red and Wendy entered and Sunset closed the door behind them. She led them to the living room, Red put his stuff next to the couch and Wendy looked around in awe. “Your house is so big!” She exclaimed, “I’ve never been in a house that big before!” “Really?” Sunset asked, “It’s not that big, you should see Rarity’s.” “Wendy’s living in CCS.” Red whispered, next to Sunset. Sunset of course knew what CCS was, Canterlot Children’s Shelter. She was almost sent there a few years back when she got arrested for a petty theft. “I see.” Sunset stated. ‘It’s weird. She almost has the same smell as Toomes… Wait how do I know that?!’ “You okay?” Red asked, “You got a weird look.” “S-Sorry!” Sunset quickly said, “I was… Lost in my thoughts… Please Wendy make yourself comfortable, there’s soda in the fridge and you can watch whatever you want on TV, I also have Netflix.” “Netflix?! Sweet!” Wendy said, jumping straight into the couch. “Sunset, can I speak with you?” Red asked, with a lower voice so Wendy couldn’t hear them. “Hum, sure, follow me.” She stated. Sunset led him to her terrace, Red took advantage that they were outside to grab a smoke from his pocket and lit it up with his lighter. He walked towards the barricade and leaned against it. “What do you want to talk about?” Sunset asked. Red took a long puff and exhaled the smoke slowly. “It’s about Wendy.” “What about her?” Sunset asked, making her way next to him, leaning her arms on the barricade. “It’s the first time she… Spend Christmas with this much people. She said she was going to be fine but…” He took another puff. “You’re afraid that she gets scared?” Sunset asked to which Red silently nodded, “Yeah, our friends are a bunch of colorful and noisy people, you’ll have to be prepared before meeting them.” She joked, “But don’t worry, I’ll discreetly pass the message to the girls.” “Thanks.” “But let me ask you,” She quickly added, “Who is she, for you? I know she’s not your sister.” “Let’s just say she’s very important to me.” Red stated, “Is that an answer that suits you?” Sunset giggled, “I’d take it.” It was almost ten and everyone was sat around the round table in the middle of the living room. Sunset was sat next to Twilight on her left, next to Twilight was Pinkie Pie, next to her was Rarity, then Sweetie Belle, then Applebloom and Applejack, then Fluttershy, then Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo and finally, Wendy and Red who was at the right of Sunset. Rainbow Dash’s nose was a bit red, she already was drinking her third beer. Red also was at his third glass of whisky mixed with coke, but he didn’t seem that drunk compared to Rainbow. Applejack was still at her first beer, same with Rarity who just took a sip from her glass of wine from time to time. “You just don’t drink wine, darling.” She explained to Red, “You have to savor it.” “Meh, booze is booze to me.” He said with a shrug, taking a sip from his glass. “Nothing is better than beer anyway.” Rainbow said, finishing her third beer. “Agree on that.” Red said. Applejack smirked, “So why are ya’ drinking whisky?” “Dude,” Red started, “I have to spend an entire evening with you guys, I need something stronger than beer.” Fluttershy put her hand on Rainbow’s when she saw her friends opening a fourth beer. “Hum, Rainbow maybe you should… Slow down?” “Don’t worry Flutter!” Rainbow exclaimed, “I can handle it.” Wendy who was watching and listening from the beginning was smiling but didn’t say a word. She didn’t know what she could bring to the conversations. Then she felt someone tap her shoulder, she turned to face Scootaloo who asked, “Hey girl, Sweetie Belle took her Nintendo Switch with her, you wanna come play some Mario Kart?” Wendy looked at her with stars in her eyes, before looking at Red expectantly. She was going to ask him but Red beat her to it. “Of course you can. Go have some fun.” Red said, with a little smile. The two girls walked out of the table and joined Applebloom and Sweetie Belle on the couch. Rainbow took the opportunity to get up and sat next to Red. “She’s cute.” Rainbow said. “Didn’t know you were into little girls.” “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.” Red replied. Sunset who was on Red’s left giggled and turned to face Twilight. “Having fun? You’re pretty quiet.” “I…” Twilight started, “I’m not used to be around so many people.” She stated. Pinkie Pie giggled, “We don’t bite Twilight! Oh! Can I call you Sparky?” “No you can’t.” Sunset quickly stated. “But why? You do!” Pinkie whined. “Yeah,” Sunset said, putting an arm around Twilight’s shoulders. “But that’s because she’s my Sparky.” When she realized what she just said, she quickly added, “I mean, not mine! Twilight’s not mine! Sparky is! The nickname, got it? Not the… person.” Twilight was blushing like no one ever did, Rainbow and Red were laughing their asses off, Rarity and Pinkie Pie giggled, Fluttershy also blushed and Applejack gave them a knowing smirk. “You two just make out already!” Rainbow stated. Twilight’s blush wasn’t going away. Sunset frowned and turned to face Rainbow, “Oh don’t start with that!” She said, “Red please, keep down your girlfriend.” This time it was Red and Rainbow’s time to blush, making Applejack laugh. “Woah hey!” Red said, raising his hands, “S-She’s a girl, sure, and she’s my friend, that’s an evidence, but… She’s not my… Girlfriend.” He finished, saying the word girlfriend in a whisper. He faced Rainbow whose face was red from a mix of embarrassment and alcohol, “Right?” “Oh, hum, yeah. Not your girlfriend.” She quickly added. “See?” Red said to Sunset, “Not my girlfriend. And, oh my god, Applejack if you don’t stop laughing right now I’m going to be very mad.” “Okay, okay, sorry!” Applejack said, trying to regain her calm. “Do what you want with this information,” Rarity said, “But I think you two are really cute.” Red tried to hide his face which became faithful to his name behind his glass. Applejack laughter grew louder and she was joined by Pinkie Pie and Sunset, even Fluttershy giggled. “Oh don’t laugh,” Rarity said to Sunset, “I was speaking to you and Twilight.” Twilight almost choked with the chips she just ate. “Can we stop? Please?” Sunset said, taking her head in her hands. “Yeah I agree,” Rainbow added, “It’s not fun anymore.” Red got up from his chair, “I need to smoke.” “I’ll come with you,” Rainbow said, “I kinda need some fresh hair.” “I told you to not drink a fourth beer…” Fluttershy said. “IT’S NOT WHY I NEED SOME FRESH AIR!” Rainbow yelled, making Applejack laugh even harder. “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” Pinkie Pie yelled, throwing some confetti out of nowhere when the clock hits midnight. “Merry Christmas!” Everyone replied. “It’s time to open preseeeeeents!” Pinkie sang. “Awesome.” Rainbow replied. All of the Canterlot wondercolts had already agreed on an order to who gives to who a few days ago. Sunset to Pinkie, Pinkie to Rainbow Dash, Rainbow to Red, Red to Applejack, Applejack to Rarity, Rarity to Fluttershy, Fluttershy to Twilight and Twilight to Sunset. And of course, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow had gifts for their little sisters. “Here Pinks,” Sunset gave a small present to Pinkie Pie who grabbed it and tore apart the gift wrap. Pinkie jumped in joy when she saw it was a framed picture of all of her friends with the annotation ‘Friends for Life.’ “Sorry, I don’t have that much money so I did what I could.” Sunset stated, embarrassed. Pinkie took her in a quick hug saying, “I love it!” “Ah, I’m glad.” Sunset replied with a smile, responding to the hug. “It’s my turn now!” Pinkie exclaimed, going under the table and going out with a big present. “Woaw Pinkie, is that for me?” Rainbow asked. “Of course silly!” Pinkie exclaimed, giving the present to her. “Thanks Pinkie.” Rainbow genuinely said. “Don’t thanks me yet! Open it!” Rainbow didn’t wait any longer and opened it. “Woah… Is that…?” Rainbow asked. “Yes it is!” Pinkie said. The gift was a blue leather jacket with in the back a yellow lightning with blue wings. “What is that?” Twilight asked. “It’s the limited edition jacket of the Wonderbolts! They don’t make those anymore! It’s the exact replica of the one Spitfire used to wear!” She dropped it on the nearest chair and gave Pinkie a hug, “Oh my god! Thanks you!” “Ihihih!” Pinkie giggled, hugging her back. “Well I guess it’s my turn.” Rainbow said. She turned around to face Red who was giving her a look who says ‘I don’t care much.’ But Rainbow knew he was going to go crazy after he saw what she got him. “Here you go.” She said, giving him his present. It was a small blue present. Red looked at it oddly before sighing and opening it, when he saw what it was, his eyes went wide. “What did you get?” Pinkie asked. “It’s… Oh… Rainbow you didn’t…” Red said in a whisper. “Yeah, yeah, I did.” She shrugged. “Don’t make us wait! Tell us!” Applejack said. Red showed them what it was and everyone one expect Pinkie and Twilight gave Red an interrogative glare. Pinkie was in the same state as Red and Twilight laughed. “No way!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I didn’t expect that!” Twilight stated between two laugh. It was a twelve-inch statuette of a Japanese anime girl with cyan hair, holding a microphone. “Wait.” Sweetie Belle said, “Is that Hatsune Miku?” “Yeah…” Red said, still agape, “I wanted it since… Rainbow!” he finally exclaimed, “How much did you pay it?!” Rainbow shake her head, “It’s a secret. Don’t worry about it, my dad is nice with my allowance.” “I…” Then he smirked and put it on the table. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.” “I bet.” The both of them fist bumped and the present exchange continued. Red gave Applejack a new pair of headphones, since hers were bad qualities. Applejack gave Rarity a new fabric she ordered on amazon, Rarity gave Fluttershy a rabbit kigurumi she made herself and Fluttershy gave Twilight a Star Wars shirt. “I… Didn’t really know what you like so, I asked Sunset and…” Fluttershy shyly said, hiding behind her hair. “Don’t worry Fluttershy.” Twilight stated with a wide beam, “I love it.” Twilight offered Sunset a pair of sun glasses. “It’ll suits well with your jacket!” She said, “And… You know… Sunset, sun glasses… I thought it was funny.” “It is.” Sunset smiled at her. “It’s not.” Red quietly stated. Applejack also gave her little sister a stetson just like hers, Rarity had made a nice dress for Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow gave Scootaloo a new pair of snickers. Wendy looked at Red with the usual stars in her eyes and Red laughed. “You know that I didn’t forget about you, uh?” “Of course I know!” Wendy exclaimed, making her new friends the Crusaders, laughing. Red gave her a small present, “Merry Christmas.” Wendy grabbed it and opened it. She looked at it oddly when she saw it was stacks of papers. “What… Is that?” Wendy asked, a bit disappointed. “Read it.” Red casually said. Wendy frowned but read it anyway. The more she read it, the more her eyes opened and tears started to flow down her cheeks. She let the papers drop on the floor and ran towards Red to take him in a hug. “What is it?” Rainbow asked. Rarity curiously grabbed the papers and read them. “Oh. Well, I guess that is the best present you could have given her.” Wendy grabbed Red’s shirt and raised her head, looking at him in the eyes. “I’m… Going to live with you?” “Yep, by the end of February.” He stated, making her cry more. “That’s sweet.” Fluttershy stated with a smile. Everyone was smiling at that view of Wendy crying from happiness in Red’s arms. “That’s neat!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Yeah totally!” Applebloom replied. “It means that we can hang out more! You know, since Red and Rainbow are together and all.” “WE’RE NOT!” Rainbow yelled, stomping her foot on the ground. Everyone except Red, Twilight and Sunset were asleep now. The Crusaders were sharing an air mattress with Wendy who had her white cat with wings plush in her arms, Pinkie fell asleep on the table, snoring loudly. Rainbow, totally wasted, was sleeping on the couch and Sunset gave Fluttershy and Rarity her own bed, Applejack was on a mattress on the ground also in her room. She and Twilight could sleep in Luna’s bed, and Red could sleep in Celestia’s… In the guest room. “That was nice,” Twilight stated. “I had more fun than I expected to.” She checked the time on her phone and whistled, “Dang! It’s already three? Guess I should get some rest.” She gets up and stretched her arms. “I’ll join you in a few minutes.” Sunset said to which Twilight nodded. “’Night.” Red said. Sunset and Red watched Twilight going upstairs, when they heard the door closing, Red gets up and grabbed his pack of smoke. “A last one, then I’ll go too.” He stated, walking towards the terrace. “I’ll go with you.” Sunset said. They both arrived outside and Sunset shivered from the coldness of the night. “So, did you have a great time?” Sunset asked to Red who was already smoking. “Yup,” He stated, “And Wendy too I guess. She made new friends so, that’s cool.” “She’s adorable.” Sunset stated. “And she’s really a nice girl.” Red smirked, “She’s the best.” They both waited in silence for a few minutes before Red giggled. “What?” Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow. “So… Sharing a bed with Sparkle, uh?” He said, winking in her direction. Sunset rolled her eyes, “It’s not what you think. And you? Why don’t you share the bed with Rainbow Dash?” “She’s too drunk.” He said shaking her head, “I’m afraid of what she could do to me.” “Of what she could do to you, or what you could do to her?” Sunset playfully asked. “Meh.” He said with a shrug. “I don’t get it.” Sunset said, “Are you two together or what?” “I… Don’t know.” He replied, “It’s not that I don’t want to, but it’s… complicated.” “Someone once said to me that a relationship is complicated only when we want it to be.” Sunset said to Red. He laughed and faced her, “You can’t use my own words against me like that.” “Well,” Sunset replied, “I just did.” They both laughed and Sunset put a hand on his shoulder. “I… Didn’t really had the time to say it but… You’re a great friend, Red.” Red blushed and avoided her look, “Yeah, you too.” Sunset yawned and stretched her arms, “Welp, gonna sleep now, good night.” “Good night.” Red replied. Sunset made her way towards Luna’s bedroom and saw that Twilight was already sleeping under the blanket. Sunset looked at her with a smile and took off her pants before getting under the blanket. She didn’t think about it much and automatically put an arm around Twilight’s waist. Twilight must’ve felt it, turned around and rested her head on Sunset’s torso, a smile on her face. Sunset closed her eyes and quickly, she fell asleep. While she was sleeping, she didn’t felt the black mass starting to cover her whole body. The same night, a few hours later… It was strange, Sunset felt she was upside down as she was sleeping. She opened her eyes and saw that she was hanging from the rooftop of a building. “What the…” She said, still groggy. She looked at her reflection in the window in front of her and saw that she was wearing her costume. But it wasn’t the same as always, it was identic as the one she usually wears but instead of white and red, it was totally black. “Wait, how?” She asked herself. She also had a strange feeling. She felt… Good. Like she was healthier, stronger and wiser. “The fuck?” She sticks herself on the wall, still in awe of what she was seeing. “How is it possible?” She asked herself, “How did I get there? And… What is that suit?” She jumped from where she stood and shot a web, swinging through the city. ‘That’s… Awesome! I feel good! Really good!’ She thought. Landing on the wall on an apartment complex, she crawled to the roof. Spider-girl took off her mask in her hand and watched it curiously. ‘That’s… The best Christmas present I could ever have.’ She thought, smirking to herself. She didn’t hear the footsteps behind her but her now sharper spider-sense made her feel someone was staring at her. She turned around in a fighting stance and saw a woman, wearing a black leather jacket, a cigarette in her mouth. She was at least a head taller than Sunset and, weird enough, she had the same hair color, but her hair was shorter than Sunset’s. “Yo, Merry Christmas.” The woman greeted, walking casually towards her. “You must be Sunset Shimmer right?” Sunset didn’t reply and frowned, ready to attack. “Hey, nice suit by the way, black is cooler than white… Woah, hey there. I’m not an enemy.” She said, putting her hands in the hair seeing that Sunset was still on her guard, “I’m an agent of SHIELD.” “SHIELD?” Sunset asked, regaining her calm, “What do you want? Is something wrong with Conhorse?” “What? No.” The woman said, “But I have a few questions to ask you. And I really hope you’ll answer them.” “What if I don’t?” Sunset defied. “I can’t force you, that’s why I’m hoping you will.” The woman replied. “Let’s start at the beginning, my name’s Spitfire, nice to meet ya’.” “Spitfire?” Sunset asked, “Like, Wonderbolt Spitfire?” Spitfire gave her a curious look, “Oh, so you know who I am? That’s sweet.” “Yeah, one of my friends is a big fan of yours.” “I still have fans after all this time? That’s surprising.” Then, Spitfire shrugged, “Well, if I’m here, is to speak to you about a woman named Starlight Glimmer and your friend, Red Light.” “Starlight Glimmer? Red?” Sunset was lost, “Why?” “Hum, you know… Red Light? The Fiend?” Sunset eyes went wide open, “Wait… You’re telling me that… Red is the Fiend?!” “Oh… You didn’t know…” Spitfire awkwardly said, scratching the back of her head. “It…” Sunset said, looking at her feet. “Wait… Wendy…” Her eyes went wide opened, “I’m so dumb, it all makes sense.” “Wendy?” Spitfire asked, “What are you talking about?” “And?” Sunset asked, ignoring her question, “What do you want from… Red?” Spitfire sighed, taking a puff from her smoke, “A little bird said to me that, he knows where Starlight Glimmer is hiding. She’s a really dangerous woman and my superiors wants her to… Well I don’t really know, but my orders are to find her.” “Wait.” Sunset said, “The Fie… Red and I already visited her house. She’s not here anymore, and he doesn’t know where she is.” “Sunset…” Spitfire started, “He has hidden to you his identity all this time… Do you really think it’s the only thing he didn’t tell you?” Sunset stayed silent. “You… Should have a little chat with him.” Spitfire stated, “Maria gave you a small device right? You can use it to call me anytime.” She turned around and started to walk away, “I’m counting on you, Spider-girl.” Sunset quietly watched Spitfire leaving, and put her mask back on. “I should go home before someone notice that I’m out.” She said, mostly to herself. ‘Red…’ Sunset thought, ‘I guess I can’t blame you for not telling me, uh?’ Then she frowned, ‘But if you know where Starlight Glimmer is. You’ll have to tell me.’ > Volume II - Chapter 8: Upside down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last day of vacation was already here to the great misfortune of some. But Canterlot City never sleeps, and there was no time to rest for Spider-girl. While she was doing her routine patrol, she noticed three bank robbers in a high speed run-through with the police. She smirked under her black mask and landed on the hood of the car. The three thieves inside the car screamed of surprise of the sudden apparition of the young super hero in front of them. “Hey guys, hope I don’t interrupt anything important.” She taunted them. “Holy shit, that’s Spider-girl!” The driver exclaimed. “Do something!” The one on the back yelled. “It’s okay, got my caliber.” The one on the passenger seat reassured the two others. He passed his arm through the window of the door and aimed at Spider-girl, but he didn’t had the time to shoot that she already grabbed his wrist and twisted it really hard. The thief screamed in pain as he yelled, “Fuck! She broke my arm!” It was all he had time to say because Spider-girl drew him in her direction and threw him on the sideway. He screamed in fear when he thought he was going to crash on the ground but a web preventing him to touch the ground was hanging from the nearest wall. Spider-girl jumped with a moonsault and with a shot from her web-shooters, landed ten meters in front of the car. A flash from a camera was seen on a wall. “Squash her!” The thug on the back yelled to the driver. When the car was just in front of her, Spider-girl punched right in it. The car plunged into Spider-girl’s hit and flew over her because of the speed at which it went. It crashed on the ground and Spider-girl walked menacingly towards the car, now upside down. She grabbed the driver’s door and tore it from its hinges. She saw the driver was knocked out and the one who was sat behind was crawling out of the other side window. She giggled at that view and took the driver with her, putting him away in safety not too far away. Then she slowly took her time, even when she saw the police cars stopping behind her. She walked towards the thief still crawling helplessly on the ground. Shut put her foot on his back, squishing him a little, just enough for him to be hurt without breaking any bones. “Where do you think you’re going?” She asked casually. “P-Please, I… I have a daughter, I…” He tried. “Like I care.” Spider-girl stated, drawing her arm, ready to deliver a punch in his face. “Spider-girl! Stop where you are!” She heard behind her. She rolled her eyes and turned her head around to see five police officers pointing in her direction with their guns. “S-Stay back or w-we shoot!” A young woman in blue uniform warned. Sunset noticed she was very young, she must be new. Sunset smirked under her mask, at least, she could have some fun with it. “Come on, I dare you.” Spider-girl darkly replied. The police officers shivered and held firmly their guns, their hands shaking. A few seconds later, Sunset exploded in an honest laughter, taking them by surprise. “I’m joking guys… Seriously…” She said between two laughs, “You should’ve seen your faces…” Then, she casually took her phone out of her pocket and checked the time. “Oh damn, already this late?” She put it back in her pocket and waved at the police officers who were still aiming her, “Okay let’s wrap this up guys, this is a school night.” She shoots a web and jumped, taking momentum for a swing, still waving at them, “Keep up the good work guys!” She called, before disappearing in an adjacent street, retrieving her new camera Luna gave her for Christmas. When she disappeared, the tension was released from the shoulders of the police officers. Spider-girl swinged through the city, feeling better than ever. This black suit, or whatever it was, increased her strength and her health. She didn’t know from where it came from, but she wasn’t going to complain, it was a great power up. She still hasn’t talked to her friends about it, she’ll do it only when she finds out what it is, not before. She landed on a rooftop and frowned. What Spitfire told her a week ago was still fresh in her mind, she wanted to talk to Red about it but it wasn’t something she could talk about on the phone, and since Wendy was with him for the entire holydays, she didn’t found the right moment to bring it up. She reached her disposable phone and tried to call him, but ended directly on voicemail. She sighed and put it back in her pocket. At least, she’ll see him tomorrow at school. A few hours earlier that day… “Here we are.” Red stated, in front of the entrance of Canterlot Children’s Shelter, holding Wendy’s hand. “Yeah…” She said, looking at her feet. “I… I wish I could stay with you a bit longer.” Red sighed, “Me too, kid.” He turned around and kneeled to be at her height, and smiled at her, “But remember, this is just temporary.” This statement put a smile on Wendy’s face, “Yeah, you’re right.” Red noticed an employee was waiting impatiently at the front door, looking at them. He rolled his eyes and put a hand on Wendy’s shoulder, “I’ll come visit you next week end, okay?” Wendy took him in a tight hug, “I can’t wait.” When the employee took Wendy inside, Red casually walked home. When he arrived, he closed the door behind him and walked towards his bedroom. He stopped when he entered the room, noticing that Wendy’s smell was still here, perfuming the room. He shakes his head and walked towards the bed, he grabbed something under it and put it on the bed. It was a big and black suitcase, closed with a digital code. He entered it and the suitcase opened, revealing his Fiend costume. To be honest, he never liked it. But it was frightening enough to put fear in the criminal’s minds. It was a role he accepted, Spider-girl was here to give people hope, and he was here to give villains fear. He put on his boots, his long brown cape and finally, his frightening mask before exiting his apartment by the window. “Professor! Time to wake up!” A young woman yelled in her mentor’s ear. A woman was snoring loudly resting her head on her desk. Her assistant was trying her best to wake her up but, when the Professor was in that state, there was only a few things that could wake her up. But lucky for her, Luster Dawn knew exactly what could wake her up. “Professor, there’s no more wine!” The professor raised her head immediately, still groggy. “Uh? What? Seriously?” When she noticed her assistant’s smirk, she realized it was a false alarm. “Oh, come on Dawn, it was just a quick nap.” “A quick three hours’ nap.” Luster Dawn stated. “W-What?” The Professor asked, she checked the time and her eyes grew big when she saw it was already one in the morning. “Oh shit!” “Professor, your language… We already talked about that.” Luster Dawn sighed. “Yeah, yeah.” The woman said, getting up from her chair. She was a pretty woman, a purple skin with long purple and teal hair pulled up in a tight bun and a pair of glasses on her nose. She looked like she was thirty, maybe thirty-five. Her assistant, Luster Dawn, looked very young even if she actually was nineteen, she looked like she was fourteen or fifteen. Both of them were in an underground laboratory in the suburbs of Canterlot, their boss was a very precautious man, and their research must be, and stay, secret. The Professor had to hide here for her own security, working and going out only during the night and sleeping most of the daytime. The professor stretched her arms and put on the white lab coat hanging from the chair. “You can go Dawn, I already told you that you don’t have to stay this late.” “Well, I’ve already told you that I don’t like knowing you’re here all alone all the night.” Luster Dawn stated with a frown, “I won’t leave until you do.” The Professor chuckled, “Are you trying to tell me something?” “What do you think?” Luster Dawn asked. “All right, I get it. Let’s go home for tonight.” Luster Dawn happily nodded, and both of them prepared their stuff and turned off the light before going out of the secret Lab. Luster Dawn accompanied her mentor to her apartment, not too far away from their work and greeted her a good night. “See you tomorrow Dawn.” The Professor said. “Good Night, Professor Glimmering Star.” Luster said with a wave of her hand before walking away of the apartment complex. The Professor walked up the stairs and opened her apartment door. She turned the light on and let her coat fall on the ground and walked toward her kitchen. She opened her fridge and took out a bottle of red wine, she grabbed the closest thing that could contain liquid, a mug, and poured herself a generous amount of wine. She drank all of it in a few seconds and sighed from relief. Then, out of nowhere, the lights started to crackle and went off. She raised an eyebrow in surprise. “What the fuck?” She asked herself, then she felt a strange presence behind her. She chuckled, she didn’t have to turn around to guess who it was, she knew him well after all. “You took your time to find me.” She stated, pouring herself another cup. “It’s been a while, Starlight.” The Fiend stated, standing a few feet behind her, leaning against a wall, his arms crossed. Starlight turned around while sipping her wine and handed the mug to him, “Wine?” She chuckled when she saw he was giving no reaction, “Come on, don’t be like that, aren’t we friends?” “No, we’re not.” He stated flatly. “That breaks my heart you know.” She said, joking, “Anyway, I guess I could live with that.” She gave a shrug from her shoulders, “Guess you’re here about Conhorse?” The Fiend frowned, but didn’t moved from his position. “So you know.” “Of course I know, everybody knows!” She said, “I knew who it was until day one, that’s why a ran from my house, I knew he would’ve come to find me.” “To help him with the formula?” The Fiend asked. “Yup,” She took another sip from her mug and sat on the kitchen’s table, “By the way, you’ll have to thanks Spider-girl for me.” She said, raising her mug in the air. Seeing the way he was glaring at her, she dropped the smirk she was wearing and put her mug on the table. “So… You know?” “About how you used me? Yeah, I know all of it.” He stated. “It… It was for the greater good!” She explained, “I didn’t think it would fall in bad hands.” “Well, it did.” The Fiend said, “And thanks to you, we now have a Spider-girl, a Lizard and a Green Goblin.” “I’m sorry okay?” She tried, taking back her mug and taking a big sip from it. “I just… Wanted to help people…” The Fiend sighed, and walked towards her. “So, what are you doing here?” She looked at the ground, “It’s… Classified you know…” When she raised her head and noticed the look he was giving her, she chuckled, “I guess I can make an exception just for you.” She sighed and finished her mug, “Let’s rewind. A few years back, when I… left you.” She started, “The truth is…” She was stopped when the Fiend suddenly put his hand on her mouth. “Mmhmm!” She tried. “Shut up.” He whispered. “We’re not alone.” A cold shiver ran through Starlight’s spine. Suddenly, a window exploded with a person passing through it. He was wearing a dark green body armor, his face hidden by a helmet. On his chest was a logo Red already saw once, at Starlight’s house, a skull with six tentacles. Two other soldier followed behind him. The first one drew a sword from his back and ran toward the Fiend. He tried to slice him up, but the Fiend was too quick for him, Red deviated the blade with the back of his wrist and delivered a powerful punch in the guy’s face, with enough strength to break though the help and send him land in the wall. One of the other two drew out a gun and aimed it a Red while the other one ran toward Starlight. While heading towards the one who was shooting, Red managed to dodge every bullet and when he stood in front of him, drew his arm backward and struck him with the palm of his hand, sending him a few feet away. When Red turned around, he saw the third one using Starlight as a hostage, a gun on her head. Starlight didn’t seem that scared, in fact, she seemed like she was more annoyed than anything else. “You know,” She started to her kidnapper, “If you release me right now, it’ll hurt less.” “What are you talk-” The man started. A Red blur appeared in his field of vision, like a red thunderbolt, and fist struck him right in his face, sending him away. “Few, that was… Yeah no, that wasn’t close at all.” Starlight said, taking the dust off her pants. “Who are they?” Red asked, but it sounded more like an order. “I don’t-” Starlight started. “Stop fucking with me Starlight!” Red yelled, making her jump in surprise, “Tell me who the fuck they are, or I leave you here and you won’t be that lucky next time they’ll visit you!” Starlight sighed in defeat, “They’re from Hydra.” “Hydra?” Red asked, “What’s that?” “It’s…” Then Starlight noticed something behind Red, “Hummm, Red?” Red noticed she was glaring at something and turned around. One of the Hydra agents, the one who was shooting at red a few moments ago, was getting up. “You should stay down, really.” Starlight taunted. Red noticed he had something in his hand. A hypodermic. With a war cry, the man sticks it in his neck and dump the strange liquid inside his body. His body started to change, he was growing fast his armor couldn’t retain his body so it shattered and his skin was becoming a strange green, the floor cracking under his now monstrous size. His face was now one of a monster. It was… “An Abomination…” Starlight stated, her eyes wide. Red had protectively put her behind him. “And what the fuck is that?!” He asked. “I… Don’t know… I didn’t do that, I swear!” Red was good to distinguish lies from truth, and it was the truth. The Abomination growled to his two opponents and charged at them. Red pushed Starlight in security and took the hit. The Abomination charged through the walls, Red and him landing in the street. But the Abomination wasn’t finished, it grabbed the Fiend by his leg and threw him in a car. Red wasn’t going to lie. It hurts. Red managed to get up and glared at the Abomination in front of him. It was watching him, a cocky smile on his face. “Y-You…” Red managed to say, a hand on his now broken ribs. “Think you’re a monster, uh?” The Abomination didn’t replied but his cocky grin grew wider. “Let me show you what a real monster is like.” Red said. Then, the contour of his eyes became black, like scales were growing on his skin. It was the same for his arms, his hands becoming black, transforming into claws. Red electrical sparks running through his arms and his eyes. The white inside his eyes was now gone, it was all black with his red iris glowing in the night. His mask, looked like it was starting to merge with his face, like the dragon mouth of his mask was becoming… his mouth. This, was the demonic power that gave him the nickname, The Fiend. He just stood there, waiting for the Abomination to make the first move. Starlight was watching this from two floor above, through the wall of her apartment. “Just the face and the arms uh?” Starlight noticed, “It seems you still can’t handle the full body transformation.” She talked to herself. The monstrous beast charged at the Fiend and punched in his direction. Red had the same idea and punched toward the Abomination. Their fists collided in a powerful display of strength between the monster and the demon. The Fiend didn’t move an inch, the Abomination as for him was sent a few meters away, his feet not even leaving the ground, unarmed. The Abomination growled like a beast and charged at Red another time. Red prepared himself, taking a posture that could make one think of karate. When the Abomination reached him and tried to punched him, Red grabbed his arm and sent him fly over his head, before slamming him into the ground easily like it was as heavy as a piece of paper. The Abomination, still on the ground, tried to grab his leg, but Red, still holding firmly on the Abomination’s arm, jumped to avoid it and while he was in the air, his left foot was covered with strange red sparks, and he delivered a kick on the top of the Abomination’s head, planting him further into the ground. Finally, the Abomination’s body began to spasm, and slowly it retrieves his human form. Face against the ground, totally out. The black covering Red’s eyes and arms started to disappear and his face returned to normal. He was quickly joined by Starlight who was giggling, “Well, I see you still got it.” Red ignored her and heard police sirens coming in their direction. “We have to move.” He stated. “But where?” Starlight asked, incredulous. “Somewhere safe. Follow me.” “Spider-girl terrorize the City??” Sunset yelled, ripping off the newspaper she had in her hands. The first page was the photo she took during the night, when she stopped the bank robbers. “Is he serious?” She was on her way to Canterlot High, walking alone in the calm street. She growled from frustration and put the remaining newspaper in the nearest bean. “Piece of trash.” She said. She arrived at CHS, walked past the Wondercolt statue and walked up the entrance stairs. “Sunset, wait for me!” She heard a high pitched voice behind her. When she turned around she saw Pinkie Pie running in her direction. Sunset smiled and waved at her friend, “Hi Pinkie, you good?” “Of course I am.” Pinkie stated. Both friends entered the school at the same time, “And you?” “Oh you know, same as always.” Sunset casually stated. “Same, uh?” Pinkie giggled, “I read the newspaper.” “Ugh,” Sunset raised her head towards the ceiling and sighed. “Don’t start with that.” “So, you’re terrorizing the city?” Pinkie joked. “I said, don’t start with that.” A frustrated Sunset replied. Pinkie laughed, “Come on, Sunny! I’m just messing with you.” “Girls!” They both heard behind them. When they turned around, Sunset frowned. Red Light was walking towards them, “What’s up Pinks? Shimmer?” “I’m good, thanks for asking!” Pinkie happily replied. “Yeah…” Sunset avoided his look, “Me too. Look I have to go, see you guys later.” Then, she walked away before any of them could say something. Pinkie Pie watched her friend’s departure with an interrogative glare on her face. “What’s up with her?” Red asked. Pinkie shrugged and started to walk towards her first class of the day, “Don’t know, she’s kinda weird sometimes.” Red watched her leave with a confused look, “Wait… You’re saying that?” “Didn’t heard!” Pinkie called, still walking away with a wave of her hand. In the meantime, Sunset arrived in her classroom and was greeted by a purple ball of nerves. “Sunny!” “Hi to you too Screwball.” Sunset greeted, walking towards her place. She checked the empty seat next to her, then she looked at Screwball. “Hey Screw’, you wanna sit next to me today?” Screwball looked like it was the best thing she ever heard in her entire life, “OF COURSE!” She screamed in happiness, dropping herself in the seat next to Sunset. “Look who’s here.” Sunset heard an annoying voice say, “I heard you did great at the ball. It seems I’m the only one to see you for what you really are.” “Hello Lyra,” Sunset started, “And what am I, a top model?” “You really want to know?” Lyra defied. “Oh, oh!” Screwball exclaimed raising her hand, “Is that a trick question?” Lyra ignored her and started an eye battle with Sunset. “Tell me,” Sunset said, “What am I, Heartstrings?” “A bitch.” Everyone in the classroom turned around and looked at them surprised. “Are they going to fight?” A voice asked. “Trixie should’ve bring popcorn!” Trixie cursed herself. Sunset slowly stand up from her chair and faced Lyra. “You don’t want to do this Lyra.” She stated calmly. “Oh why? Are you scared?” Lyra taunted. “Yes I am,” Sunset started, “For you.” Both of them just glared daggers at each other’s. “Guys, can we please calm down?” Screwball tried, her usual smile now gone from her face. “Please?” “Stay out of this, freak.” Lyra said to her. “Hey!” Sunset stomped her foot on the ground, “Don’t talk to her like that!” “I-It’s Okay Sunset!” Screwball said, grabbing her friend’s arm, “I just don’t want you to be in trouble!” “If it means I get to shut her mouth…” Sunset started but was cut mid-sentence by a voice she heard earlier. “The fuck is going on here?” Red Light asked when he arrived. When he saw the scene, Lyra and Sunset ready to launch at each other’s throat, he rolled his eyes and sighed. “Really? Sunshine? Is Weepinbell still a bitch?” “Hey!” Lyra said. “Stay out of this!” Sunset glared at Red, “This is between her and me.” “Sunset.” Red stared at her, a flat look on his face like always. “Are you okay?” “Yes!” She yelled, “Now get the fuck out of my face or I swear I…” “You what?” Red asked. It didn’t sound like he was defying her or anything like that, it sounded like a real question. “Tell me, what are you going to do?” “Tss,” Lyra started, crossing her arms, “Even a bitch with her friends.” “Shut up, you.” Both Red and Sunset said towards Lyra. Sunset finally sighed and sat in her chair. Lyra lets out a ‘humpf’ and walked away, and Red shook his head. Then he looked at his place and saw Screwball sat there. “We already talked about that.” He started. “I…” Screwball was going to start. “I said she could sit here.” Sunset said coldly. “Sat somewhere else.” Red looked at her oddly before shrugging. “Someone get out of bed on the wrong foot today.” He stated turning around to see where was the remaining empty seat. His eyes grew wide in horror when he saw where it was. Right next to Trixie. “God, no.” After school… “Hi Sunset!” Twilight greeted while she opened the door. “Hey Sparky.” Both of them greeted the other with a hug. “Is that Sunset?” A voice coming from the kitchen asked. “Hi Cadance!” Sunset called. Cadance’s head appeared through the half open door of the kitchen. She smiled at Sunset’s view and walked towards her, kissing her on each cheek. “Glad to see you, sweetie.” She said. “Same.” Sunset replied. When Cadance touched her, Sunset felt something weird. She looked at Cadance, then at her belly, and she frowned. “Are you pregnant?” Sunset asked. Cadance and Twilight both looked at each other in surprise and Cadance started to giggle. “How’d you guess? I’m not that big, am I?” Cadance asked. “What? Of course not it’s just that…” Then she shook her head vehemently and smiled, “Congratulation.” “I’m gonna be an aunt!” Twilight excitedly said. “And an awesome one.” Sunset added. Sunset, Twilight and Cadance talked for a bit, Sunset congratulating her one more time, and both teenagers walked towards Twilight’s room. Twilight closed the door behind them, and stared at Sunset, her smile dropped. “Take off your clothes.” She ordered. “Woaw hey!” Sunset quickly said, “I know we slept together at Christmas… And by that I mean, in the same bed! But that doesn’t…” “No, Sunset.” Twilight sighed, “I want to see your suit.” “Oh. Okay.” Sunset took off her clothes, revealing her black suit underneath. Twilight took a scalpel from her workbench and cut through the suit’s sleeve. “Hey, Twi! What are you-” Sunset started. “Shhh!” Twilight quickly said. Twilight lets out a squeal of surprise when she saw that the cut she made in the suit was fixing itself, with small black tentacles. “I knew it…” Twilight stated. “What?” “The Symbiote…” Twilight looked at Sunset, “It fused with you.” “Ooooh,” Sunset nodded, sitting on the bed. “It’ll explain a lot.” Twilight looked at her in disbelief, “That’s all you have to say?” “Meh. It’s quite useful to be honest.” “I’ll…” Twilight started, sitting next to her. “Have to do some tests.” “Oooh,” Sunset said with a sensual voice, and winking in Twilight’s direction, “I’ll be your guinea pig whenever you want.” Twilight’s face became red, “Oh! S-Sunset! I’ve already told you not to do that!” Sunset smirked and get closer to Twilight’s face, “Do what?” Twilight retreated as well as she could. “This!” “What?” Sunset taunted, still getting closer. “You’re telling me that you don’t like this?” “It’s not that… I-I don’t like… Meep!” She squealed when she saw Sunset’s face just an inch from hers. She fell backwards and was now leaning on her back. Sunset smirked and got on fours, on top of Twilight. “C’mon Sparky. If you want me to get off, you just have to tell.” Sunset said calmly, her face getting closer. “I… I…” Twilight tried, but couldn’t say a single word. Twilight could feel Sunset’s hot breath on her face. She also was hot, really hot. Like the room temperature increased drastically. Sunset looked at her sensually, biting her bottom lips. She was now just an inch from Twilight’s face. Their lips were almost touching. The Symbiote on Sunset instantly changed her suit in her casual clothes. The door opened abruptly and Cadance appeared, “Sunset, are you eating with us toni-” She didn’t finish her question when she saw what was in front of her. Cadance stared at them quietly for a few seconds before smirking, “Am I interrupting something?” “Yes.” Sunset stated. “No!” Twilight yelled in the same time. Twilight pushed Sunset out of her and quickly stood up. Cadance laughed and wiped a tear from her eye, “Anyway Sunset, are you eating dinner with us?” “I’d love to Cadance, but I have some things to do tonight.” Sunset said, sitting back on the bed. “All right then,” Cadance started to walk away and stopped, “I leave you two to it then.” She taunted. Twilight slammed the door and turned to face Sunset, her face a bright red. “What was that?!” “Relax Sparky,” Sunset started, standing up, “I was just messing with ya’.” “Well, it wasn’t funny!” She exclaimed. “I thought it was.” Then she looked at her clothes, transforming back in her black suit. “I didn’t know it could do that. Neat.” She retrieved her real clothes and put them in her bag. “So… What’s the plan?” Twilight asked. “I need to have a little chat… With a friend.” Sunset said, she walked toward Twilight and kissed her on the cheek. “See you tomorrow.” Twilight stood silent, her face hot like hell. Sunset put her mask on, and opened the window. “B-Be careful!” Twilight called. Sunset turned her head in Twilight’s direction. “We will.” She stated before jumping out of the window. Twilight watched her swing in the night before she noticed what Sunset told her. “Wait? We?” “You wanted to see me?” The Fiend asked when he saw Spider-girl landing on the rooftop he was waiting on. “Yeah, thanks for coming.” She said. The Fiend looked at her and whistled, “Black look’s good on you.” “I need to ask you something.” Sunset quickly said, straight to the point. “Be honest with me.” The Fiend looked at her curiously but nodded quietly. “You know where Starlight Glimmer is, don’t you?” The Fiend frowned but stood silent, irritating Sunset. “Answer me!” She ordered. The Fiend sighed. “Yes.” “Did you reached her? Or talked to her?” She asked. Once again he didn’t reply, scrutinizing her. “Did you talk to her?!” Sunset almost yelled. “Why do you want to know, Spidey?” The Fiend asked. “Just answer me!” “And if I told you where she is, what are you going to do?” The Fiend asked her. Sunset frowned, “Someone from SHIELD came to see me.” She explained, “She told me a lot of things you see. She told me that Starlight Glimmer was dangerous.” “Oh,” The Fiend chuckled, “So that’s what this all about? You want to find her because she’s dangerous? C’mon.” “That’s not the only thing she told me.” Sunset admitted. “Uhuh.” The Fiend nodded, “And please tell me, what did she told you.” Sunset chuckled, she started pacing on the roof, making circle around the Fiend. While listening to her, he didn’t leave her from his sight. “I’m really dumb you know.” Sunset started, “I should’ve seen it. From the beginning. I mean, the first time a saw you I felt something… Strange. And, seriously… Wendy? She’s the freakin’ daughter of the Vulture!” The Fiend didn’t reply, he was just frowning. Sunset stopped pacing and stood in front of him. “Where is Starlight Glimmer… Red?” Red stayed silent. “Listen, we’re maybe friends or whatever, but if you don’t tell me…” “You what?” This time, he defied her. “Tell me, Spidey, what are you going to do?” “I’m going to kick your ass!” She exclaimed. “Sunset, I don’t know what’s up with you right now… But you’re not yourself.” Red stated, “Let’s leave it there for tonight. Come talk to me when you’re feeling better.” He turned around to leave, making Sunset’s blood boil. “We’re feeling perfectly fine!” The Fiend stopped, and turned his gaze in her direction, “We?” “If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine!” She yelled, “I’ll make you!” She shot a web on the Fiend’s chest and drew it in her direction, takin him by surprise, when he was at hand’s reach, she punched him in the face. He didn’t flinch, in fact she thought she punched him, but he grabbed her hand in his. “If you wanna fight, I’ll defend myself, but I won’t make the first hit.” He stated, Sunset trying to get her hand free from his. “It’s your decision, Sunset.” She finally managed to get free and jumped backwards to make some distance between them. She scowled him and saw he was serious, he wasn’t going to move. Sunset smirked under her mask, at least she was sure she could make the first hit. She jumped in his direction and tried to kick him on the head. He didn’t move but glared at Sunset with big red glowing eyes. She felt something weird, her spider-sense, now sharper, telling her to get out quickly. Just when her foot was going to strike him, she jumped back where she once stood. She didn’t realize that she was shivering. ‘What… Was that feeling?’ She thought, ‘If I’d hit him… I would’ve lose, don’t I?” ‘Too reckless.’ Her eyes opened wide, “Who said that?!” She looked around her, “Who was it?” The Fiend looked at her curiously, “I didn’t say anything.” “Not you!” She barked, still looking around her. “Sunset…” The Fiend started, concern in her voice. “What…” ‘He’s a liar.’ “Shut up!” She yelled. “Don’t pretend like you care! You’re a liar! You’ve get closer to me and my friend just to keep an eye on me! You pretend like you care, but I know you don’t!” She stated. ‘He’s not your friend.’ She greeted her teeth. ‘He’s taking advantage of her.’ “Do you even like her?” She asked. “What?” “Rainbow Dash!” She screamed, “Do you even like her? Or are you pretending to be interested in her just to be closer to me?” “I…” He started but he stopped. Sunset chuckled. “I knew it.” She turned around and started to walk away, “You were right, the night I met you. You’re not a hero.” She reached the end of the rooftop and sighed. “Leave my friends alone. And yes, this is a threat.” Then, she shot a web and swinged away, leaving Red alone. When she was sure she was far enough, she landed on a wall and took the SHIELD device from her pocket and pressed the green button. It bipped a few times before a voice came through the speakers. “Spidey! How you doin’ girl?” Spitfire asked. “Can we met?” Sunset asked. “It’s important.” “Sure.” Spitfire nodded, “Meet me at the docks in twenty minutes.” Meanwhile… “… Hi.” Lyra greeted. Bonbon was sat on a table of a coffee shop. She stayed silent and made a sign to Lyra to sit in front of her. Lyra quietly sat and cleared her throat. “So… How have you been?” “Fine thank you.” Bonbon stated, “And you?” “G-Great, I guess.” Lyra replied, scratching the back of her head. “I’m… Glad you called me. I… I still love you Bon’.” She admitted, “I think about you every day, I-” “I’m didn’t ask you to come here to talk about that.” Bonbon stated. Lyra gave her a curious look. “I’m here to talk about Sunset Shimmer.” Bonbon explained. Lyra frowned and greeted her teeth, “Oh yeah…?” She quietly cursed the fiery haired girl, “What about her?” Bonbon slammed her hand on the table and frowned at her ex-girlfriend, “You have to leave her alone Lyra! Have you seen how you’re behaving lately?” “What?” Lyra exclaimed, “I’m not doing anything wrong!” “Not doing anything wrong?” Bonbon looked outraged, “Lyra, you’re becoming just like she used to!” “I’m just giving her what she deserved!” “Don’t you see she’s changing?” Bonbon asked, “I mean, she became close friend with the five girls who should hate her the most!” “That’s just a facade!” Lyra yelled, “She’s bad! Always have, always been, always will be!” “I knew it was a bad idea…” Bonbon said, getting up. “I thought I could help you see her like I see her. But I was wrong.” She started to walk away, Lyra gets up and grabbed her arm. “Bonbon wait!” “You have three seconds to let me go or I call the police!” Bonbon ordered. Lyra let her go before Bonbon started counting. “Bon’, please…” “Good night Lyra.” Bonbon stated, walking away. Lyra watched her leave and clenched her fist, her chuckles becoming white. “Shimmer…” When Sunset arrived, Spitfire was already waiting for her, leaning on her bike, a smoke between her lips. She smiled when she saw the young hero arriving and made a peace sign. “Hey.” She said. “Hi.” Sunset flatly stated, taking her mask off. “Woah, girl.” Spitfire said, “I something wrong.” “I…” She started, “Spoke to Red.” Spitfire nodded, “And?” “He said he knew where Starlight Glimmer was, but he didn’t tell me.” She stated. Seeing how Sunset was avoiding her look, Spitfire put a hand on her shoulder a smiled at her. “Is that all you two talked about?” “I asked him…” Sunset sighed, “I asked him if he was dating my friend just to get closer to me…” “And, what did he say?” Spitfire asked. “Nothing.” Sunset chuckled, “But knowing him, it meant yes.” “Are you sure about that?” Spitfire said, “I mean, I don’t know the guy but, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy to me.” “He is.” Sunset shook her head and walked around the bike. “So, what are you going to do?” Spitfire jumped on her bike and turned it on, “Talk with him.” “Just talking?” Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow. “Who knows.” She said, preparing herself to leave. “Wait!” Sunset called, “Be careful. He’s… Strong.” Spitfire laughed. An honest laugh, making Sunset looking at her oddly. “Don’t worry girl.” Spitfire said, “I think my odds are pretty good.” Then, her skin started melting, letting place to bones and flames. Her face disappeared behind a curtain of flame, a skull appearing behind it. The bike changes too, becoming more monstrous, fire coming out of the wheels. Sunset stared at that in awe. “See ya’ girl!” The Ghostrider said, before leaving in a surprising speed, laughing all the while, leaving behind her a trail of fire on the ground. Sunset’s eyes wide open, just like her mouth, she swallowed the saliva stuck in her throat and let out a “So cool.” > Volume II - Chapter 9: Hot stuff! The Fiend Vs. The Ghostrider! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was no other way to say it. Starlight Glimmer was bored. It's been a few hours since Red left off to god knows where and she didn't know what was taking him so long. She was sat on Red's couch, playing a game known as Doompunk and drinking a beer she grabbed in the fridge, making herself at home. After shooting on what must be the thousand monster that crossed her path, she dropped the controller on the couch and slowly sighed in frustration. She finished her beer and frowned when she saw it was already empty. "God damnit." She mumbled. She gets on her feet and began a lazy walk towards the small kitchen, then, she noticed a picture frame on the wall. It was showing Red wearing a santa hat who was frowning and rolling his eyes, accompagnied by a little girl with blue hair wearing reindeer antlers and a red nose, sat on his shoulders. She was showing one of the brightest smile Starlight ever saw in her life. "Who's that?" She curiously asked herself. Red never talked about her and she didn't imagined that, Red of all people, would hang out with a little girl that must have at best twelve years old. "Meh." With a shrugg of her shoulders, she continued her walk towards the fridge. When she opened it, she heard a loud bump coming from the appartment. "Eh, strange fridge." She said. But when she heard another bump, she realized it wasn't coming from the fridge but from Red's room. "Red? Is it you? Please, tell me it's you." She asked, carefully watching the door, ready to run away from any threat. The door of Red's room opened, revealing Red wearing his costume but without his mask on and his hood was down. "Yeah, it's me." "Phew." Starlight exagerated, faking weaping out a sweat from her forehead. "I thought it was another Hydra member trying to kill me... Or worse, kidnap and torture me." Red gave her an odd look, "You tell me you prefer to be killed than kidnapped?" Starlight just gave him a shrugg and smirked, "What can I say?" She said, laying on the wall, "I'm very intolerant of pain." Red sighed and turned away, "And I'm intelorant to your bullshit." "That wasn't very nice of you, mister grumpy." Starlight responded, with a frown. "Listen Starlight," She heard Red's voice coming from his room, "We don't have time to waste." Then his head appeared in Starlight's vision, "We have to go... Like, right now." "W-What?" She asked. She walked towards Red's room and stand next to the door. "Is it... Hydra?" "No, it's worse." Red replied, packing some clothes in a big bag. When he finished, he closed it and dropped it on the ground. Then he raised his head up and stared in Starlight's eyes. "It's the SHIELD." "The..." Starlight stared at him with big eyes, taking a step back. "Oh no, you're right, it's worse!" She exclaimed, "It's FAR worse!" Red raised an eyebrow and watched her curiously, "Well.. Yeah that's sucks but... What's going on, do you know them? I mean, personally. Did you ever worked with them?" Starlight sighed and looked away, "I used to work for them... A long time ago, before I ever met you. But back then, the SHIELD was corrupted from the inside, by Hydra. The Avengers... well, when they still existed, always fought against Hydra, they were like, their worst enemy. And when the Avengers realized that the SHIELD was corrupted, they acted." Red frowned. He knew who the Avengers were, he did his homeworks after all, they were the world's greatest heroes. But three years ago, something happened and the Avengers splitted. Black Widow and Ant-man disappeared without a trace, Thor returned to Asgard, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are now both working together at Stark Industries and finally, Captain America... Died. Of course, Red didn't knew personnally any of them, but he made sure to study them, one never knows when you have to fight an Avenger. He felt ready to fight Black Widow, Iron Man or Ant-man if he ever has to, but Thor and Hulk proved to be a problem even for him. "And they made it, right? They kicked out Hydra?" Red asked knowing that heroes like them weren't the type to admit defeat. He was like them on that point. "Of course they did, they're the Avengers! The world's most powerful heroes! Well, at least they were... Anyway, after all that, I left. Without telling anyone of course, I wanted to be left alone. Can you imagine how stressful and scary it was? Being in the middle of a war of metahumans?" "Yeah, I know the feeling." Red nodded. "And since then, Hydra is trying to kidnap me like, maybe two or three times in the month? Anyway, since they got their ass wooped, they're not as powerful and threatening as they used to. All I had to do was working for someone more powerful than them. And it worked! At least, until last night. I wonder why they decided to try again this time?" She said, scratching her chin. 'Someone more powerful?' Red thought to himself. She followed Red who was packing stuff he cared about in another bag, a smaller one. She saw him put a few games and Green Lantern comic books, an anime figure, some papers, and then he stopped infront of the picture frame. He sighed and took it, putting it in the bag. "Because they realized that the SHIELD was trying to get you too? If they're not as powerful as before, they must be scared of them." "Yeah but, I've always been wanted by the SHIELD, but they never tried to attack me when they found me, they only tried talk to me, and believe me, it happened a few times, and I always managed to found my way out." She wiped her nails on her arm and then take a look at them with a confident smirk. "Am I not great?" Then she scratched her chin, "But I wonder why they're changing their tactics now, did they only realize that I'm the biggest genius of the twenty-fisrt century?" She asked, putting her vest on. She followed Red who was turning off all the lights. She followed him in his bedroom. "Nah." Red simply replied, turning the light off and closing his bedroom door, Starlight next to him. "You're right, they probably knew it already." She said Red frowned and stopped what he as doing. He gave a frustrated growl, Starlight's cocky attitude was starting to get on his nerves, especially in a critical situation like the one they were now. "Okay Glimmer, now you're going to listen to me." He stated, facing her. "Hey! You don't need-" "NO!" He yelled, "Shut up!" He ordered. Starlight shut her mouth and glared at him. "Now, we're going to leave the city, and I hope you're happy because I had a life here!" Starlight chuckled, "Eh, you had a life?" "Exactly!" He stated, "I made an awesome group of friends and I even have two girls that I care about now! Yeah, don't make that face, I'm the first one surprised. I didn't think I could ever love or trust someone since what happened with Blue." Starlight didn't say anything, she knew who Blue was but she never met her, she was Red's sister. Red briefly explained to her that they both tried to kill each other at some point, not long before Red was send to this world. But the scientist woman was surprised by that statement. She knew Red had trust issues and he wasn't the kind of person to get all touchy-feely and emotional. To know that he made friends wasn't something that would've crossed the mind of Starlight Glimmer. She knew him as a lone wolf, just the fact that he actually worked in pair with that Spider-girl surprised her the first time he told her. "And now, I must throw it all away because of you!" He screamed. Starlight was looking at the ground. He wasn't the kind of person to get a tantrum or just... Get mad. But Starlight knew that when he was like that... The best was just to nod and shut your mouth. "I... Didn't really asked for your help..." She muttured. To be honest with herself, Starlight never imagined she would see Red again, and she never tried to reach him, because she knew he never would've helped her. But the fact that he immediately started to help her without asking her permission bedazzled her. "Yeah, well you must be glad I'm helping you, because wiithout me, you wouldn't last two hours in the city with Hydra AND SHIELD after you." He stated. "But... Why?" Starlight asked. "Why what?" Red aid with a frustrated sigh. "Why are you helping me?! You must hate me! You have to hate me! I used you and faked out to be your friend to be closer to your powers Red!" She yelled at him. "But as you said, you wanted to help people." He stated, now calm, changing mood abruptly. Starlight smirked and laughed, "Come on Red, we both know that I'm not a woman who's only black or white. Yeah I wanted to help peoples... At least, the ones who has the means to. I'm not a good person Red!" Red knew she wasn't a good person. He was a good judge of character. But for him, there was no people trully good or evil. Just bad choices and the consequences that follows. "I don't believe you." Red simply said. "Well, it's all the truth!" She stated. "Not about that. I don't believe you faked out to be my friend." He explained, putting his mask on. "After all we've been through together, all the meals we shared, all the laughs we had. Don't tell me it's not what friends do together. I was a lonely man and you a lonely woman. We both needed the support of someone." He frowned, "And you know I wasn't a good person either back... Home. I told you what I did and do you remember what you told me?" He asked. Starlight searched through her memories and finally, remembered what he was talking about. She had a small sad smile, it happened more than two years ago now, and he still remembered. "You told me that-" Red started. "The most important thing, is that you regretted what you did. With the good determination, you can change and be-" Starlight continued. "A better person." They both finished in unisson. "And then, I said that I wanted to be a better person, and that I will." Red said. He showed his hand to Starlight, "And now... I'll ask you Starlight... Do you regret what you did? Do you want to be... A better person?" Starlight watched his hand, and raised her head to face him. She could see in his eyes that he genuinely cared. With a tear flowing down her cheek, she bit her lower lips. It wasn't the Red she used to know, he changed, he learned to trust people, to be good to them, to help them. If he did... Then maybe she could do it too? "I..." She started, grabbing Red's hand. "I'll never erase what I did but... If there is someone to prevent evil peoples llike Hydra to get to my work it's... Well, me." She stated. "Don't forget about me." Red added, "If that's what you want to do. I'm ready to help you." "You are?" Starlight asked with big eyes. "Of course, that's what friends do." He said, "I learned that not so long ago." Starlight chuckled, "What did those friends do to you?" Red rolled his eyes, "Not talking about it." Starlight calmed down and finally, giggled. She didn't knew why but... She was glad to hear that. She needed to hear that. At least she has one friend. "It's funny. I thought that, with time, you would become one of the strongest person in this world, even stronger than the Avengers or this strange wizard man." She said between two giggles. "So what? Are you saying I'm not strong?" Red aksed, no anger could be heard in his voice, just a genuine question. "You did became stronger, but not as I expected." She quietly said. "You didn't became stronger for yourself, but for the people you now care about." "Meh." Red shrugged, turning around and opening the window. This wasn't something he was comfortable speaking about right now. But it was true that, since he met Rainbow Dash and Wendy, his goals have abruptly changed. He arrived in this city as an unknown vigilante, and he was now a hero several people counted on, even if he hated to call himself a hero. "Red." Starlight called, making his turning his head to see her. "Yes?" "Why are you helping me?" She asked, one last time. She couldn't see it, but she knew Red was smirking under his mask. "I told you, because we're friends." Starlight looked at her feet and smiled, "Last time you said we weren't." "Well, I'm a liar too. See? We've got a lot in common." He stated. "Thank you." She muttured, making it unable to be heard. "Hm?" Red raised an eyebrow, "What did you say?" "Nothing! Now let's go, like you said, we don't have time to waste." "That's the spirit." He flatly stated. He put his hood on and helped Starlight jumping out of the window, directly on the emergency staircase. He closed the window behind him and Starlight started to walk down the stairs. "Hum, Starlight?" Red called. She turned around and looked at him, "What?" "We're going up actually." He said. "Ha." She just said, blushing. She resumed her walk, this time in the right path, Red right behind her. They arrived on the rooftop of the building and Red walked towards the edge watching the streets, Starlight right next to him. "So? What now? We're both looking very dumb staring down like that." She stated. "Hold on to me." He said. "Wow, Red, I know I'm a good looking woman and I'm not saying I'm not interested, but now isn't exactly the right time for theses sorts of things." She replied to him, her cocky attitude back, resulting in Red giving her a dark glare. She gulped and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Holding on now." She quietly said. Red grabbed her by her waist firmly. "Don't fall." He simply said. Not letting Starlight say a word, he lets out his transformation. Around his eyes, his skin was turning black, and claws formed to replace his hands. He jumped, cracking the edge of the roof under him, leaving a trail of red electric arcs behind him as he soared through the sky. Starlight lets out a squeel and then buried her face in Red's neck, "Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down..." She said repeatedly. She slowly opened one of her eyes, looked down, and screamed. Sunset was sat on the edge of a roof, her feet swinging in the void. She looked at the sky and sighed. The rest of the night took place peacefully, not even a police siren could be heard. Sunset was just waiting to hear news about how it went with Spitfire and Red. Her gaze fell to the streets, watching the passers-by walking on the sidewalks and the roads filled with cars. Those kinds of city never sleeps and are living by day as by night. She took her phone in her hand and looked at her wallpaper, a photo of her and her five friends of High School. Her eyes stopped on Rainbow Dash,the girl she was now used to call her best friend, and slowly put her phone back in her pocket. Whatever the result between Red and Spitfire's fight was, she knew Red and Rainbow would never see each other again. Sunset truly was sorry for her athletic friend, but she couldn't have someone like him around her. Not now that she knew all the things he lied about or didn't told her. And she also knew Red didn't really liked Rainbow, he just approached her to be closer to Sunset. 'And Rainbow Dash fell in love with him because he's the first boy showing interest in her, Rainbow isn't the kind of girl to be popular around boys.' She mentally stated. But even knowing that, something felt wrong. 'Did I do the right thing?' Sunset asked herself. 'Yeah... I did. He was a threat for us and my friends... right?' She remembered all the time she spend with Red the past months. Despite being a jerk and snarkier than Sunset was, he was a good bass player, overall a good person and a good friend towards Sunset and the girls. He was joking a lot with Pinkie Pie, he gets along well with Rarity and Fluttershy, he became good friend with Applejack and there was all the things between him and... Rainbow Dash. Did he trully lied about all that? Did he trully do all this just to get close to Sunset? 'Yes. He did.' A dark voice resonated through her head. 'Yes. I can't go wrong about that.' She thought, 'I know evil, I've been there after all. If someone is able to tell if someone is good or bad, it's me.' "I just hope things will go smoothly with Spitfire." She said outloud. She had a nervous chuckle, "What am I saying? This is Red... The Fiend, we're talking about. Of course things won't go smoothly..." The young hero was so lost in her thoughts she didn't heard the steps behind her. "Well, well, what have we here?" Said a voice Sunset didn't heard the past few weeks. Sunset turned around and saw a beautiful woman wearing a leather suit, silver hair flowing in the wind. "Sup?" Black Cat said with a peace sign of her hand. "Cat..." Sunset said quietly. "Nice suit." Black Cat added, walking in her direction. Sunset turned her gaze back to the street, "What do you want? If you wanna fight, I'm not in the mood right now." "Why would I fight you?" Black Cat said putting a hand on her chest, looking hurt. "Aren't we friends?" "Uh..." Sunset didn't know what she could respond to that. Black Cat took place next to her and sat down, "No snarky comment? Or not even a little joke? Are you sick?" Sunset sighed, putting her left hand on her face, "I'm just tired." She looked at Black Cat and gave her an odd look even if the silver haired woman couldn't see it, "And where have you been? It must've been weeks since I last saw you." "I took some time for myself... Even thieves deserves some vacations. Happy new year by the way." She replied with a wink of her right eye. "But even if I wasn't here... I couldn't stop thinking about you." She said. Sunset stiffened and stood up, "W-What are you saying?" She asked taking a few steps back, blushing heavily under her black mask. Black Cat jumped on her feet and slowly walked towards Sunset with a sensual behavior. Walking back and not looking where she was going, Spider-girl found herself bumping into a wall, Black Cat now just an inch from her, the palm of her right hand against the wall next to Sunset's head. Sunset could clearly see Cat's grin growing harder, she tried to grab the lowest part of Sunset's mask but the teenage girl stopped her, gripping the thieve's hand. "H-Hey!" She called. "What?" Black Cat said, "Am I... Not your type? Maybe you don't swing that way, but if that's the case, I could easily change your mind." She taunted. "What? It's not that you're not my type but-" Sunset tried. "Oh, it's settled then." Cat stated, drewing her face closer. Sunset breathed hard and she could feel her face and another part of her body that she couldn't, or didn't, wanted to think about right now, getting hot. Black Cat grabbed her mask and Sunset didn't tried to stop her, in fact, the more she was thinking about this, the more she... Wanted it. 'And... What about Twilight?' She thought. 'Oh come on, it's not like we were in a relationship with her, right? Well yeah, that's true but... I... I lov- Oh stop! Don't say that we love her! We like her that way just because she's the first friend we made that wasn't forced to be our friend!' Sunset mentally shook her head, 'How can I think that?! The girls trully wanted to be my friend!... Right?' She took a break in her intern monologue. 'Yeah... Because Princess Twilight Sparkle asked them! Exactly! And now we know exactly what we want to do!' Black Cat slowly rose the lower part of Sunset's mask, just on top of her nose. She put her hand on Sunset's cheek and grinned. "What are you-" Sunset started, but she was cut short by the lips of Black Cat landing on her own. At first, she couldn't move, feeling the time getting slower. She looked at Black Cat's face who had closed her eyes and was enjoying the moment. Slowly, Sunset closed her eyes too and put her arms around Black Cat's neck. Black Cat chuckled and pressed her body harder against Sunset's, intensifying their kiss. Sunset could feel Cat's tongue making it's way in her mouth and she welcomed it with pleasure. The kiss lasted for a few more minutes before Black Cat broke it, a line of drool connecting their mouth. She was glaring at Sunset with a smirk. "That was intense." She simply said. "Y... Yeah." Sunset admitted. "But what was that all about?" "Well, last time we saw each other, when I got home, I couldn't sleep. Because I couldn't stop thinking about you and..." She stated, "I think I might have a little crush on you." She added with a giggle. "I realized that, after all the jewelry and money I stole, I've finally found what I was looking for all this time." "Me?" Sunset asked. "You." Cat nodded. She put her hand on where her heart was and blushed, "Every time I think about you, my heart beats quicker, my face gets hotter, and the only thing I wanted to have was you." She admitted, "I even stopped stealing just for you to like me!" "You... You did?" Sunset asked. If this was true, then maybe... "Well, I stopped stealing from anybody. I just steal from bad guys now." She admitted, looking away. "That's an improvement... I guess." Sunset stated. "So... You truly love me?" "Yes!" Cat quickly responded, "I do!" "Can I... Trust you?" Sunset tried. "Of course you can." Black Cat nodded. "And you? Do you love me?" "No." Sunset replied, making Black Cat pout. "Sorry... But I do like you though." Black Cat sighed but smiled, "That's okay, I'll make you fall in love with me. You'll see!" She took off her mask and Sunset could clearly recognize her now. She saw her the day they visited Discorp with her school. "My name is Felicia Hardy." She greeted, "Nice to meet you." Sunset chuckled and took off her mask too, surprising Black Cat. "And I'm-" "Stop." Felicia stated, "I don't want to know, I'm just fine with knowing you only as Spider-girl." Then taking a closer look at her face, Black Cat eyes grew wide and she exclaimed, "Wait! I know you! I saw you at-" "Discorp. Yeah, was on a tour with my school." Sunset said. Black Cat laughed, "I can't believe this, I'm in love with an high schooler." Then she scrutinized Sunset from top to bottom and licked her lower lips with a pur, "At least you're hot." "Would've you still loved me if I wasn't so good looking?" Sunset asked. She knew she was hot, she always knew that. "Of course." Black Cat said, "I fell in love with who you are, not with how you're looking. But don't make me say what I didn't said, I'm happy you're hot." "Uh, you're an interesting character." Sunset said with a chuckle. "That's what everobody says." Black Cat said. "I don't doubt it." Sunset added with a wink, taking a step forward and drewing Black Cat in another kiss. The thoughts and the questions she had in her head were now long gone. Hours later... "All I'm saying is that if we leave this city for another one," Starlight said walking behind Red, "Might as well take one were there's a beach! And sun all the time!" "I'm done with anything sun related." Red muttered, checking in a small street if it was clear. He walked forward, Starlight behind him. They arrived in front of a huge abandoned factory. Red opened the door and Starlight followed him. "So where do you wanna go?" Starlight asked. "Away from you." He said. Starlight sighed, "Not even an hour ago you were all nice and telling me we were friends, and now you're insulting me. You really are lunatic Red, do you know that?" "Ugh... Right, sorry." Red abruptly turned around to face her, "But I'm just sick with all your winning!" "I-I'm not winning!" Starlight protested with a frown. "Oh please, put me down, put me down!" Red said with his best imitation of Starlight's cries when she was holding to him jumping from roof to roof. "H-Hey, no fair! I'm afraid of heights!" She stated. Red sighed and didn't respond. They entered the main room of the factory and Starlight noticed that the roof had an hole in it. "What is this place?" She asked. "This is where Spider-girl and I took out Vulture and Shocker." Red explained. "Vulture and... Shocker?" She asked before laughing her ass off. "Is... Is this a show for twelve years old or something?" "I would love too, believe me." Red muttured."It would mean that things would end well at least." "And why are we here?" Starlight asked. Red walked towards a pile of storage boxes in a corner, "After the fight, I started using this place to hide important stuff." He explained, starting to search something inside. "Like what?" Red found what he was looking for and showed it to her. It was fake IDs with a picture of Red on it, "Crimson Law?" She asked, surprised by this strange choice of name. "I didn't chosed it." He stated with a frown. Starlight raised her eyebrows and smirked, "Of course you didn't." She looked around, "Are you sure Hydra and the SHIELD can't find us here?" "Pretty sure." He stated. Red put his fake IDs in one of his bag and faced the scientist woman. "Okay, let's get out of here before-" "Before what?" A voice called after them, on the other side of the room. Red instinctively put Starlight behind him and glared at the woman who was carelessly walking towards them, smoking a cigarette with her right hand, her left hand in her leather jacket pocket. She had two big guns on each side of her leather belt and a steel chain around her. "I thought you were pretty sure..." Starlight whispered. "Starlight..." Red replied, "I only act like I know everything." "Nice to meet ya'll," Spitfire said, "Red," She said nodding in Red's direction, making him clunching his fists, "Starlight." She finished, nodding in Starlight's direction. "R... Red, s-something is wrong with her." Starlight said. You see, Starlight worked a long time with meta humans and she developed something like, a sixth sense. She could feel the level of dangerosity of a meta human when she's near them. To this day, the most powerful ones she ever stood in a room with were Red and Bruce Banner. But this time, it was something from a whole different level. She never felt someone- something so powerful in her entire life. Red felt that Starlight was trembling behind him, he didn't looked at her because he didn't wanted to leave the woman from his sight, but he hoped Starlight was okay. "My name is Spitfire." Spitfire added. "I don't care." Red replied. Spitfire playfully rolled her eyes and smiled, "C'mon dude, I'm not here to threaten you anything. I'm just-" "The enemy." Red stated. Red identified the logo on Spitfire's jacket as the same as the ones he saw on the soldiers he met at the winter ball. It was the SHIELD's logo. Spitfire sighed, "I'm just here because I want to ask your girlfriend some questions." Starlight blushed, "I-I'm not his girlfriend, I'm like... Ten years older!" Then she thought for a moment and said, "Well, in this world anyway." Red growled and facepalmed, "Starlight. She knows you're not my girlfriend. She's just taunting you because she's an asshole." Spitfire laughed at that statement. "You taunt me too. A lot." Starlight said to Red. "Yeah." "That's means you're an as-" "Can't you see we have a bigger problem right now?!" Red exclaimed. "Oops, sorry." Starlight said. She wasn't purposely being a smart-ass, it was just the way she was. Spitfire was still laughing. "Geez', you guys really are good friends, I can see that. Red, you seem like you're ready to do anything to protect her, but believe me, I won't hurt her, I just want to talk to her." "I..." Starlight said with a small voice. "I don't want to..." "You heard her." Red menacingly said, "Now get the hell out of here or I make you." "Eh, even if I would love to see that, we don't have to get there. Just give her to me." Spitfire simply replied. Red turned his look towards Starlight. She was quiet, looking in Red's eyes. When Starlight was quiet it only meant two things, one is that she's drinking, the second is that she's afraid. Red could also see it in her eyes. Red chuckled and turned his gaze back to Spitfire. "If you want her, you'll have to get past me." Red said. "R-Red wait!" Starlight called. "You can't fight her! You know I can feel the power of metas, and she's way out of your league Red!" "You should listen to her." Spitfire said, cracking her knuckles. "She's maybe stronger than me but she doesn't have what I have." Red stated, his eyes slowly becoming black. "And what is that?" Spitfire asked. "Something to fight for." Red stated, Starlight's and two other's face appeared in Red's mind. "Red..." Starlight muttured, "I know you can't fully transform... I saw that you could only use like... twenty percent of your powers." "It'll be enough." Red said, remembering that when he arrived on this earth, he could only use five percent of his powers. If he was using more that twenty percent of his power, his body wouldn't take it and he could be seriously hurt, even die. "There's something you forgot about me Starlight." "Uh? Did I?" She asked. "You know what I do when an enemy is too strong for me?" Red asked, looking in her eyes. Starlight didn't respond, "I become stronger." He finished, a dark glare towards Spitfire. Spitfire threw her cigarette butt on the ground and stomped on it. "I trully did my best to avoid this, Maria." She said to herself. "All right, let's do it Red... No, let's do it..." She smirked and her voice changed for a darker one, "Fiend." Starlight could feel the tension in the air, the two behemoth staring at each others was filling the entire place with an overwhelming pressure for someone who is not used to it. Suddenly, a wave of red electrical energy was released from Red's body, transforming him into his Fiend's true form. His eyes became black and his iris were glowing red, his hands became black claws, and his back had curved giving him a a wilder look. "Twenty percent will be enough." He quietly stated. With a surprisingly speed, he dashed towards Spitfire who was ready and waiting for him, the ground cracked under the pressure of his foot and he lets out a trail made of red sparks behind him. In a second, he was standing in front of Spitfire and launched a right fist right in her face, but instead of avoiding it or counter attack, Spitfire smiled and gave a punch of her own right into Red's fist. The two punches collided resulting in an explosion of red sparks in Red's direction, and a torrent of flame in Spitfire's. When the flame disappeared, Spitfire who hasn't moved an inch transformed into something even Red never thought he would saw in his life. Spitfire skin was now gone leaving only bones to be seen, her skull was coated in flame and a powerful energy could be felt from her body. Taking Red by surprise, she put her two skinless hands in front of her and muttured, "Hellflame." A burst of flame was released from her hands and hit Red at close-range. He was send flying a few meters away and landed on his back, Starlight gave a a surprised gasp, she knew this woman was strong, but she didn't exected that she could send Red fly with only one attack. Spitfire waited a few seconds for Red to get back on his feet. When he was up, Red took one of his karate pose and glared at her, "What are you waiting for?" He asked. "Not my type to hit someone down." The skeleton woman replied. "And what exactly are you?" Red asked her, "In my world as in yours, I've never seen something like you." "If you really wants to know," Spitfire added, "I'm the Ghostrider." "The Ghostrider?" Starlight asked. "Yeah long story, including the death of my mother, my best friend, and a deal with the devil. I lost my soul in the process, obviously." She explained. Red frowwned, it seemed this woman has a whole story of her own. "Now, you saw you can't do a thing against me, why don't you-" Spitfire started, her guard down. It only took a second for Red to take advantage of this moment of overconfidence of her enemy to dash behind her with more speed that before, taking his opponent by surprise. Red tried a round house kick in the back of her skull, but she luckily avoided it. The pressure of the kick pushed her back a few feet away, making her grin. "You pushed me back even if you didn't touched me." She realized, "I may have misjudged you." Red continued his assault with a punch in her face which she countered by deflecting his fist with her forearm and she tried to strike him in his belly with a fist of flame. The Fiend saw her attack coming and dodged it by falling on the ground by purpose, when he was going to hit the ground, he used his hand to propel himself in the air, giving a kick under the Ghostrider's chin, making her take a step back. Now back with both of his feet on the ground, he punched the ground with both of his fist, sending a wave of red sparks destroying everything on it's path in her direction. Seeing that she didn't have time to dodge, Spitfire waited for the last moment to unleash a torrent of flame from her body, both attack canceling each other. "Are they equally matched?" Starlight talked to herself, both meta humans to focused on their fight to hear her. She sighed, "Unfortunatelly, no." Spitfire came back with a fire high kick in Red's head, he blocked it with his claw and tried to punch her. She grabbed his fist in her right hand, making Red to wear a surprised look. No one ever has stopped him like that. Spitfire mentally laughed when she saw his surprised look and took advantage that he was disturbed to send a torrent of flame with her other hand right in his face. "Hellflame!" She barked. The attack send Red flyring in the air, Spitfire took the steel chain that was around her and launched it towards him. The steel chain wrapped itself around Red's anckle and she draw the chain towards her, bringing him back in front of her and welcomed him with a fire punch right in his face. He landed on the ground with a growl of pain. He punched the ground in frustration and slowly gets back on his feet. "You should stay down buddy." Spitfire calmly said, "I don't want to hurt you more than I already did." "Eh, you'll-" Red didn't finished his sentence that he quickly disappeared and reappeared next to Spitfire preparing to launch he kick in her stomach. "It won't work twice!" Spitfire called, now prepared to his trick. She was going to block it but just when he was going to hit her, he disappeared once again leaving a trail of red sparks, a reappeared behind her, his kick landing in Spitfire's back. "-have to try a little harder than that!" He finished, while kicking her. Spitfire flew back but quickly landed on her feet. She frowned, it wasn't going to be as easy as expected, sure she was stronger than him on many points, but he was showing that he wasn't just relaying on his powers, even without them, he was a good fighter. She laughed. It was interesting. For the first time, she wasn't the one fighting to protect someone. She noticed the defying glare Red gave her. "So that's what I was looking when I was fighting him back then..." She muttured to herself. With a war cry Red gets on all fours, the black forming around his eyes growing further, his mask started to merge with his face. The mouth of his mask started to open a bit, letting a trail of smoke going out. His claws grew bigger and Starlight eyes grew wide. "Wait Red! Don't do this!" She called to him, "You can't use more tha twenty per-" "It's all right!" He called. He turned his gaze towards Starlight and a tear started to form on her right eye when she saw the look he was giving her. Even with this fiendish form, even if he was more looking like a super villain right now, he was giving her a kind a reassuring glare. "As long as I'm here..." He turned his glare back to the powerful skeleton in front of him. "YOU WON'T GET PAST ME!" He challenged her. "Did he just get stronger?" Spitfire asked to herself. "What are those powers?!" "Twenty-four percent..." Red muttured, red electric arcs appeared around him and were going wild. Starlight was sure that, even if they were inside, the lights and sounds of the fight could be heard from streets away. This display of power didn't afraid Spitfire, who silently stood still, waiting for Red to come at her. This time, Red was so fast to propel himself Spitfire swore it was teleportation, he reappeared in front of her and quickly struck the palm of his hand towards her stomach. "The Wall!" He yelled. Starlight put her hands on her mouth, Red always thought that screaming the name of an attack before doing it was only cool in anime but cringe in real life, but Starlight told him that all good super-heroes have cool special attacks. And screaming it before doing it was something to reassure the people that they were protecting. And Starlight was the one who named this attack, she was speechless that he used it...for her. However. Just before the attack struck Spitfire, she drew her guns towards Red's face and screamed, "Hellflame Bullets!" She yelled before pulling both trigger. Both attacks hit their targets, the strike from Red sent Spitfire in a wall and the attack from Spitfire exploded right in Red's face, sending him fly in the opposite direction and landing on his back. The room was filled with smoke, resulting for Starlight to cough several times. She saw through the smoke that only one of the figures was standing in the smoke. She couldn't clearly see who it was. But the smoke slowly started to fade away and when she saw the result, she feel on her knees and tears began to flow down her cheeks. The hole in the roof made by the fight between Spider-girl and the Vulture was showing the first lights of the early morning. Starlight knew it. She knew he wasn't going to beat her, but it took her to see him unconscious on the ground, and the other woman standing, to realize he really didn't had a chance. Spitfire transformed back to her original form, and rubbed the side of her ribs. "Urgh, should've been more careful." She stated. Then she looked at Starlight and gave her a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry I had to do this to your friend. But believe me I didn't have a choice." Starlight didn't replied, she turned her look away, refusing to look that woman in the eyes. She couldn't believe Red... The Fiend of all people... Had lost. Spitfire sighed and looked at where Red was. He was on the ground laying on his back, his mask was off his face and his eyes were closed, his face has became normal again and his claws had disappeared, he was out. She could see her attack did more damage she wanted, half of his face was now severely burned and he was bleeding from his forehead. Spitfire started to walk towards Starlight and stopped infront of her, making the scientist woman flinched. She took a smoke and lit it up with her thumb. She took a slow puff and look down at Starlight, "Let's go now. Please, don't make me force you, I don't want to." Starlight stared at Red's unconscious face and cried, "Red... Please... Get up... You said that you would protect me..." Spitfire hated that feeling. She felt like she was the bad guy in their story. All she wanted to do was help people. But seeing that face on Starlight Glimmer made her ask herself... Did she do the right thing? Spitfire shake her head at those thoughts and grabbed Starlight by the arm. "Okay, we're going now." "RED!!" Starlight screamed from all her might. A loud cracking sound came from behind them and when they look where it was coming, they saw a red lighting bolt at struck the ground just where Red was. "What happ-" Spitfire stated, but at this moment Red reappeared infront of her and landed a kick in her stomach, making her flew back a few meters away and her cigarette falling on the ground. Half of his face was burned and the other half was coated in blood, however he was still wearing that look of determination on his face. He didn't gave up, not yet. Spitfire solwly gets up and frowned at him, "H-How?!" She growled, wipping a blood trail out of her mouth Red closed his fist and bumped it to his chest, "I told you didn't I..." He said with a trembling voice, it could be heard he was severely hurt. "You won't... Get past me." Spitfire sighed and stood up. "I see." She transformed back and launched herself towards Red with a fist of flame, red quickly dodged it and tried to strike her with a punch on her ribs, she blocked it and tried a headbut, but Red had the same idea, resluting for both of them to take a step backward. Red transformed his right hand into his black claw and punched her in the face making her take another step back, he tried to give her another punch but she dodged it and with a cry, release a torrent of flame with her fist in red's stomach, making him laying on the ground a few meters away. This time she jumped towards him and landed on top of him, she sat on his stomach, each of her legs on his sides and she grabbed him by the collar menacing him to punch him with her right fist. "It's over! I won! Stay down now!" She screamed at him. Red spat some blood and chuckled, "So this is it uh?" Spitfire was going to land her punch but then, the weak light of the morning shines through the hole in the roof, right in Spitfire's direction. It took her by surprise and in an instant, canceled her transformation, making her go back to normal. "Fuck! Not now-" She started. Red didn't wasted time and grabbed both side of her head. He yelled and released all powers he still had in sending red electric arcs directly to Spitfire's head making her scream in pain. It lasted at least ten seconds before Red's arms fell on the ground, using all magic that was left inside of him made him fall unconscious. Spitfire, still sat on him, stood still for a moment, her mouth open, looking right in front of her. And then, she abruptly fell forward right next to Red. Both of them were laying unconscious on the ground. Starlight slowly walked towards them, making sure Red was okay. "R-Red?" She asked, standing next to him. "Red are you okay?" Red didn't replied, his eyes were closed. "R-Red?" She tried again. Then a loud bump came from the entrance of the building and a bunch of soldiers wearing the SHIELD's emblem on their torso entered the room and surrounded them. They were pointing their guns in Starlight's direction. "Starlight Glimmer put your hands up!" One of the soldiers yelled orders at her. Starlight complied, "I... I..." She was at loss for words. "Starlight Glimmer I presume?" A feminine voice asked her. The woman wore the same armor as the soldiers but she didn't wore her helmet and instead of black and grey, her armor was black and green. She had black skin and long green hair going down her back, stopping at her anckles. She seemed like the most graded woman here. The unknown woman looked at where Spitfire was laying and gave a surprised look, "Wait. Spitfire's out? You must be kidding..." She said with big eyes. She then frowned and looked towards Red, "Is it him who did this?" She asked to no one in particular. She gave a head sign to one of the soldiers who handcuffed Starlight Glimmer, "Hey stop!Wait!" She protested. "You!" She barked at another soldier, "Check if Spit's okay." Then she glared at two other soldiers, "And you two!" She pointed towards Red, "Take him." "No wait! You want me! Not him!" Starlight pleaded. "If is strong enough to take Spitfire's out, I don't doubt director Fury would want to have a word with him." She stated, not even looking at Starlight while talking to her. "Wait! I'm begging you please!" Starlight pleaded while she was taken away. "Urgh..." Spitfire said, waking up. "What the hell is this?" She asked, "Can you guys lay down the volume a bit? I'm having a headache here." She stood up and faced the green haired woman. "Oh Chrysy, hey." 'Chrysy' frowned and gritted her teeth, "It's Chrysalis!" "Yeah, yeah." Spitfire stated, she took a step froward but almost fell back on the ground. Luckily a soldier helped her stand up. "Urgh, that son of a... Put more of a fight than I thought." Chrysalis glared daggers at the two soldiers to who she ordered to grab Red, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR YOU TWO?!" The two of them jumped in fear and walked towards Red. "No please I-" Starlight started. "SHUT UP!" Chrysalis yelled at her. "Everyone wait!" Spitfire exclaimed. Making everyone stop. "We came for her." She stated pointing towards Starlight. "That is all we came to do." "Are you kidding?!" Chrysalis exclaimed, "And what if Director Fu-" "If Director Fury isn't happy about that, then I'll shove my fire fist up his ass! Understood?!" Spitfire yelled. Chrysalis gulped and looked away, "F-Fine." She gave a head sign to the soldiers, "Leave him. And let's get home." Chrysalis grabbed a crying Starlight by the arm and forced her to follow her despites Starlight's protestations. Every soldiers followed her. At least everyone except Spitfire. She take a look back to where Red was laying and sighed. She shook her head and decided to follow her SHIELD fellows. A few minutes later, when Red opened his eyes, he realized that Spitfire and Starlight were now both gone. He bit his lower lips and punched the ground, a tear falling next to it. "Am I that weak?" He asked himself, ignoring the police sirens coming in his direction. > Volume II - Chapter 10: Love is War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Sunset opened her eyes, she realized she was floating in the black emptiness. She looked all around her but nothing but void could be seen. She tried to move, but being in a floating state, all she could do was making big movements that looked like she was trying to swim. There was no light, no sound, and Sunset could feel she was very alone in this place. “W-Where am I?” Sunset asked herself. “That’s a good question, indeed.” A recognizable voice replied to her. With a gasp of surprise, Sunset turned her gaze to her left to see her own reflection. It was exactly the same as her, same hair, same clothes and same skin. The only thing that was different from the original, was that her eyes were black with blue irises. “The easy answer would be that we’re, actually, inside your head.” The other Sunset finished with a devilish smirk the real Sunset didn’t saw in a while. Sunset realized who, or what, it was. She sighed and rolled her eyes. “You again?” The real Sunset said with irritation, “I thought the elements of harmony got rid of you.” The other Sunset giggled, “Got rid of me? Please, Sunny, I’m a part of you. I’ll be here… As long as you’re alive.” Sunset huffed and crossed her arms, “And? You gave me peace for a while now, why did you came back? To piss me off?” “As tempting as it is,” The other Sunset said, she started pacing around the real Sunset who couldn’t move. “I’m not.” “So why are you here?” Sunset asked, she was starting to get frustrated. The other Sunset stopped her walk and glared at the real Sunset, pointing a finger in her direction, “You tell me.” She said, “You called me here Sunny, maybe you needed your old dark side to get rid of the actual darkness gnawing you right now?” She shrugged her shoulders, “After all, you may have kicked me out, but all I see is a little girl lost in the dark.” “You’re full of shit.” Sunset barked, “I’m in a much better place since…” “Since I’m gone?” The other Sunset interrupted with a laugh, “Please. Let us review all the bad things that happened since I’m gone, okay?” She raised a finger in the air, “One, the most obvious one, Celestia died.” Sunset gave a dark glare at her evil reflection, making her demonic double smirk, “Don’t look at me like it’s my fault.” She raised a second finger, “Two, the poor little doctor Conhorse is now a big bad Lizard for the rest of his life.” “Hey!” Sunset called, “I didn’t turn him into a Lizard!” “No, Sparky did.” The other Sunset replied, “And two smart girls like you could’ve been working on a cure. Did you do it? No, you just beat the shit out of him with your little friend Red Light.” She raised a third finger, “Speaking of which, three! Red Light.” She sighed, her smirk still on her face, “Really Sunny? You betrayed the only person who was on your side from the beginning? For what, be on the good side of a fire-haired biker bitch?” “I did what I had to do!” Sunset spitted her sentence like venom, “I got rid of him before he hurts my friends!” The other Sunset didn’t reply. She just stared at her, raising her eyebrows, a ‘really?’ expression on her face. After a few seconds, she raised a fourth finger, “Four.” She started, “Poor Rainbow Dash. For the first time she was in love with someone, you had to take that away from her. Do you know it’s been now two weeks she’s out, looking for him? Yes, already two weeks since you betrayed him, time flies by.” Before Sunset could speak, her reflection raised a fifth finger, “And finally, five. And this one I must say, I don’t quite understand,” The other Sunset scratched her chin, “You’re in love with Twilight Sparkle, and before you say anything,” She quickly added seeing Sunset opening her mouth, “I know. I’m you remember?” “So what?” Sunset said, frowning. “So what the hell girl?” Her reflection asked, “Black Cat? Really? I mean, I do love bad girls but, allo? She’s a criminal.” “She’s changed.” Sunset stated. “Really? Did she really change or did she say that just to… You know… Get a little taste of the spider.” The other Sunset finished with a playful wink. Again, before Sunset could speak, her reflection beats her to it as she started her pacing once again, “See? Since I’m gone, you’ve done nothing but shit.” She laughed, “I would love to see Twilight’s face when you’ll tell her that you dropped her for… Felicia fucking Hardy.” “I…” Sunset gritted her teeth but was at lost for words. “You know I’m right. I’m you and you’re me.” Sunset dropped her gaze to her feet. “I just… I don’t want Twilight to get hurt…” “So you preferred to go with that thief?!” Another voice said, replacing the voice of her evil reflection. At that voice, Sunset quickly raised up her glare to face, “Twilight?” Indeed, her demonic double was now gone, letting place to a one hundred percent identical version of Twilight Sparkle. “You were my first real friend you know?” Twilight said, Sunset could hear that she was hurt in her voice, “I fell in love with you because you were so kind to me. You’re beautiful and funny, and almost as smart as me!” Tears started to flow down her cheeks. “So why Sunset?! WHY?!” “Twi… Twilight, I…” Sunset stopped when she noticed something crawling on Twilight’s feet, something black. “You said that you used to be a bad person…” Twilight said, she wasn’t crying anymore, her eyes where hidden behind her hair, “I guess old habits dies hard.” Sunset, still focused on the black mass slowly crawling on Twilight’s legs tried to say something but when she tried to speak, her words refused to come out. She tried with all her might to make a sound, but nothing but silence came out of her mouth. The black mass was now covering all of Twilight’s bottom section and it started to extend behind her, two black arms started to form in her back and grabbed Twilight’s shoulders. Sunset tried to scream when she saw a horrible face starting to form just above Twilight’s head. It had two big mean eyes with no irises, just white, and it was showing the creepiest smile Sunset ever saw. “Then, if you got nothing to say. I guess I’ll just go.” Twilight flatly stated. Sunset tried to reach Twilight with her hand, but she couldn’t move. The horrible black face standing above Twilight opened its big mouth full of pointy teeth. “Leave me alone Sunset.” Twilight stated before the black jaw of the symbiote abruptly closed on her. It is with a scream of horror that Sunset woke up this night. She was heavily sweating, her skin was sticking to her pajamas and her bed sheets were wet. She puts her hand on her chest and felt her heart pounding at an incredible speed. ‘C-Calm down Sunset… It was only a dream.’ She thought, ‘A bad dream…’ She took a deep breath and slowly, she started to regain her calm. She took a look at her left where her phone was resting on her nightstand and she grabbed it to check the time. “Ugh, three in the morning?” She rolled her eyes, put her phone back on her table and put the blanket over her head, trying to fall back to sleep. After a few minutes, she grunted seeing that she wasn’t going to get sleep anytime soon and put her blanket around her shoulders before getting out of her bed. “Maybe a glass of milk will help…” She said, starting her lazy walk out of her room. When she walked down the stairs, she took a look at the entrance door and sighed when she saw that a cardboard was still replacing the glass of their door, thanks to what happened on Halloween. Her fight with Vulture wasn’t that long ago, but for Sunset it felt like it was decades ago... A lot happened since. She walked through the corridor and raised an eyebrow when she saw through the half opened door that the light of the kitchen was still on. “How odd,” Sunset said, “Is Luna still up?” She quietly made her way to the door and slowly opened it. Sunset sighed when she saw Luna asleep on the kitchen table, a picture of a younger Luna and Celestia in her hand. She made a few steps to get closer to her surrogate ‘big sister’ and put her blanket on Luna’s shoulders. Then, she was going to reach the picture to take a closer look but a paper resting next to it got her attention. She grabbed it and frowned at what was written on it. “Eviction notice…” Sunset whispered with sad eyes, “Oh, Luna…” “Hmm…” Was the sound Luna made, slowly waking up. She opened her eyes and saw that Sunset was looking at her with a sweet look, “S-Sunset? What are you doing up this late, you have school tomorrow.” “Couldn’t sleep, bad dream.” Sunset stated, taking a seat next to her. She sighed and showed the eviction notice to Luna. “Were you going to tell me?” Luna looked away, “I… Was… Eventually.” She sighed and Sunset felt Luna was going to start crying, “I… I really tried to do things on my own but… I can’t Sunset.” She finally admitted. Sunset put her arms around Luna and rested her head on her shoulders, “Everything’s going to be okay Luna. We have to move out, so what? This is not that big of a deal.” “If only that was it…” Luna said in a whisper. “What do you mean?” Sunset curiously asked, breaking the hug. “The… The school board said that I wasn’t good enough to run the school,” Luna said, looking at her feet, she sounded devastated. “They want me out by the end of the school year.” “What?!” Sunset exclaimed, jumping to her feet. “They can’t do that!” “I’m afraid they can Sunset.” Sunset bitted her lower lip. It was so unfair, Luna was the kindest person Sunset knew, aside from Fluttershy, and everything in her world was falling apart. “This is so unfair.” Sunset said with anger in her voice, sitting back. “Life is unfair.” Luna simply said, “But that’s the way things are.” She tried a smile, “But enough of this depressing talk, tell me, why couldn’t you sleep?” “I…” Sunset started, but stopped. “Nothing. It was just a bad dream after all.” She stated, avoiding Luna’s look. “Sunset…” Lunas started, putting her hand on Sunset’s, “You can tell me if something’s wrong you know? Secrets have a price, they’re not for free.” At this moment, her eyes locked into Luna’s, seeing this genuinely sweet woman, Sunset wanted to tell her everything. She wanted to tell her that she was Spider-girl and how Celestia truly died… But… “I’m okay, really.” Sunset said, shaking her head. Luna gave her a skeptical look but finally said, “If you say so.” She then took a look at the kitchen’s clock and sighed, “I should get some sleep, and you should too.” She said, getting up to her feet, giving back to Sunset her blanket. She began to walk away but was stopped by Sunset, “Luna.” She called. Luna turned her gaze in her direction with a raised eyebrow, “Yes?” “We’re going to get through this.” Sunset seriously stated. Luna looked in her eyes and smiled before resuming her walk, “With a girl like you, I know we are.” Sunset watched as Luna leaved the kitchen and then she looked back at the eviction notice. “We won’t let you down Luna.” Sunset Shimmer and all her friends were all sat at their usual table for lunch, well, all her friends except for one. “Where’s Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy quietly asked before taking a bite of her salad. “She said she was not feeling well, I’m afraid she got back home.” Rarity stated. Sunset frowned, it is true that, since the past two weeks, Rainbow hasn’t stopped looking for Red Light. Even Sunset didn’t know where he was but she doubted he was still in town. The day after Red and Spitfire’s fight, Spitfire called Sunset telling her that Starlight was apprehended. She didn’t clearly say it but it meant that Red lost. But something was off. Would he really have left the city without saying goodbye to Rainbow or Wendy? No, he wouldn’t have, Sunset was sure of it. She frowned, the more days past, the more she asked herself if she did the right thing. ‘Really Sunny? You betrayed the only person who was on your side from the beginning?’ A mental image of her demon self appeared in her head. “Shut up.” She growled to herself. “Hey! You don’t need to be this mean!” Pinkie called. Sunset realized what she’s done, she must have cut her friend while she was talking and Pinkie thought it was directed to her. “Sorry Pinkie, I was…” She looked away, “Talking to myself.” Applejack giggled, “So you’re telling yourself to shut up?” Sunset frowned, “Yes, I am.” “What for?” Pinkie asked. “That’s none of your business.” Sunset huffed as she crossed her arms. “Are… Are you okay Sunset?” Fluttershy asked. “Yes.” Sunset gritted her teeth, “I’m. Fine.” “We just want to help you darling, maybe you can tell us what’s on your mind.” Rarity offered. “And what are you?” Sunset barked, “A cop? I said we're fine!” Rarity looked hurt, “I-I’m just a concerned friend.” “We just tryin’ to help ya’ Sunny.” Applejack stated. “Yeah!” Pinkie cheered, “We’re best friends after all!” “Well maybe right now I don’t need friends like you!” Sunset loudly stated, getting up from her chair. Everyone at their table gasped, even the students around them turned their gaze in the girl’s direction to see what was going on. Applejack frowned and gets to her feet too, “What’s wrong with ya’ Shimmer?” Applejack asked. When she was calling you by your family name, you know she’s serious. “Girls, please…” Rarity started, grabbing Applejack’s shirt trying to get her to sit back on her chair, “Everyone’s watching.” But nor Sunset or Applejack was listening to her, “What is wrong with me?” Sunset asked, “What is wrong with you?! I said I was fine okay?! Stop trying to stick your nose in other people’s business Applefat!” Pinkie spat her apple juice, Fluttershy squeaked, Rarity put her hand on her mouth and Applejack turned red. “How-” Applejack started, closing her fist, her knuckles turning white, “How did you call me?” She asked with anger making her way towards Sunset who was giving her a defying look. “You don’t want to do this AJ.” Sunset stated, then with a lower voice she added, “You know that’s a bad idea.” Applejack was going to say something back but she was stopped by another voice coming from the entrance of the cafeteria, “The fuck’s happening here?” Sunset and Applejack both looked in that direction and saw Rainbow Dash walking towards them. ‘Ugh, I don’t want to deal with her right now, all she’s going to do is ask questions about Red.’ Sunset thought. “Nothing.” Sunset stated, “I was heading out anyway.” “Yeah.” Applejack said, looking back at her with anger, “You were.” Rainbow Dash watched as Sunset leaved the cafeteria and looked at her friends. “Can someone explain to me what the hell’s going on?” “I…” Rarity started, “I didn’t quite understood myself.” “Sunset wasn’t looking great so we tried to help her feel better, but…” Pinkie stated. “She started to insult Applejack.” Fluttershy finished quietly, hidden behind her long pink hair. Rainbow sat down at their table and frowned, “Is it me or Sunset is acting weird since the past few weeks?” “I was going to say the same thing.” Rarity nodded, “Is it something related to… You know what?” “Even if that’s the case,” Applejack replied, “That’s not a reason to be a bitch towards us.” “Applejack! Language!” Rarity exclaimed, offended. “No, AJ’s right.” Rainbow nodded. “And, didn’t you girls noticed she seems to avoid the subject every time I speak about Red?” “Maybe she’s worried too?” Fluttershy tried. “Maybe…” Rainbow said, “Or maybe she’s hiding something.” “Now you’re being ridiculous Rainbow Dash.” Rarity stated, “She’s our friend, if she knew something about your beloved Red,” Rainbow frowned at that statement, “She would’ve told us.” “Hmmm…” Rainbow hummed, thinking. “I hope you’re right.” Later, the same day… “See ya’ tomorrow girls!” “Bye AJ!” Pinkie waved at her friends, both her and Rainbow Dash watched as she drives off the parking lot and disappeared from their sight. “So, what did you planned tonight Pinks?” Rainbow asked, making conversation to her friend. “Oh, the usual.” Pinkie simply said. “And… What is the usual?” Rainbow asked, arguing an eyebrow. Pinkie giggled, “Oh boy, you don’t wanna know.” Before Rainbow could ask more, they both heard someone calling for Pinkie in a car on the other side of the street. “Oh! Maud’s here!” Pinkie gave a quick kiss on Rainbow’s cheeks and ran towards her sister’s car. “Bye Rainbow!” “Yeah, take care of yourself Pinkie.” Rainbow waved. Now that she was alone, Rainbow walked back to the school entrance and sat on the stairs. She looked at the Wondercolt’s statue and sighed. She took her phone out of her pocket and, even if she knew it wasn’t going to do anything, she entered Red Light’s number and called him. Rainbow would have loved to check on him, but she has no idea where he lived, he always refused to bring Rainbow at his place, even under the persistent demands from the rainbow haired girl. She sighed in defeat when nobody answered and she let her phone slip off her hand and fell on her knees. Something was odd about all of this. When Rainbow asked Principal Luna why Red didn’t showed up at school, it seemed he gave an excuse note saying he wouldn’t be able to come in a while. Since he was legally recognized as an adult, it was enough for Luna and the entire school. But since he disappeared, no one heard from him. If something had happened, something bad, he would have called her, right? Rainbow frowned. Unless he was trying to protect her? But protect her from what? Red was just an eighteen years old boy like any other. "A penny for your thoughts?" A sweet voice called behind her, making Rainbow jump from surprise. She turned her gaze away and her surprised look quickly turned into an annoyed one. "Oh, it's you. Hi." "Good afternoon, Rainbow Dash." Fleur dis Lee greeted, her warm smile never leaving her face. "What are you doing here all alone? School finished an hour ago." "I know, I..." Rainbow sighed and turned her gaze towards the Wondercolt statue, "I'm just worried about Red, that's all." Fleur sat next to Rainbow, ignoring the athletic girl's roll of her eyes, and nodded, "I must say I'm worried too. I don't remember seeing him all week." "Yeah," Rainbow said, "And he doesn't reply to any of my calls." “Really? Isn’t he your boyfriend?” Fleur asked. “No he’s not!” Rainbow quickly yelled, her face now red. Fleur giggled but didn’t pushed harder, "So why don't you go check on him?" "Easier said than done," Rainbow stated, "I don't even know where he lives." Fleur chuckled, "You don't know where your boyfriend lives?" Rainbow blushed heavily and frowned, giving Fleur a death stare, "HE'S NOT-" Then she stopped mid-sentence. Fleur looked at her with a devilish grin on her face, holding back her laugh. Rainbow gritted her teeth and looked away, crossing her arms, making Fleur giggle in amusement. "Well, fortunately for you," Fleur added, "I do know where he lives." Rainbow quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and planted her eyes in Fleur's, "You do?!" Fleur gently pushed her away, "One of the many perks of being the student's council President." She said, taking a look at her fingers. "I don't know exactly where he lives but, I can always take a look..." "Please!" Rainbow pleaded. Fleur giggled and dismissed Rainbow's pleading by a movement of her hand, "Rainbow, you don't need to ask me, I already decided I would help you." Rainbow smile grew wide, "Thanks!" She exclaimed, being happy for the first time in weeks. Fleur smiled and winked in Rainbow’s direction, "I only do that because I think you both made a sweet couple." Rainbow Dash stood up and turned away, “I hate you.” Fleur smiled and got up too, “I’ll call you if I find anything.” Then, she grabbed Rainbow from behind and gave her a hug. “W-What are you doing?” Rainbow asked, blushing even more than before. “You looked like you needed it.” Fleur said, breaking the hug and started walking towards the parking’s direction, waving at Rainbow. Rainbow rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help herself but smile. At least now, she had a lead. “Ugh, this girl, I swear…” The night as already set on Canterlot City, and it meant that the thieves and thugs of the city were now out. “You ready for this Marco?” Aleksei asked to his partner in crime. “We just got out from jail,” Marco Flint said, “I don’t plan to be arrested a second time!” He said with a confident smirk. “I really hope so!” Another voice said to them, making both of them shiver. They turned around to face a man disguised in a yellow suit, with two big gauntlets on his arms. This man was Hermann Schultz, sadly known as Shocker. “If we do this, the boss may, and I say may, forgive us.” Shocker stated. “So please, don’t do anything stupid or I’ll kill you both myself.” Aleksei and Marco Flint both gulped and nodded. The three of them were in front of an old warehouse of Fisk Inc. “Are you sure this is wise to steal from Wilson Fisk?” Aleksei ask to Shocker, “I mean, this guy rules with an iron fist all the gangs in the city, and from what it looks like, he’s got every chance to be our new mayor.” “Believe me,” Shocker quietly stated, “I more afraid of our boss than from the Kingpin.” He faced the warehouse doors and asked to his teammates, “Okay guys, are you r-” “Hi! I’m your probation officer!” A voice called from above them. When they looked, they could see Spider-girl standing at the edge of the warehouse’s roof, looking back at them, “And this is not okay.” “Spider-girl!” The three of them yelled, Marco and Aleksei in fear, Hermann in anger. “Yeah, I get that a lot.” Sunset replied. Shocker put both his hands in her direction and shot a powerful shockwave towards her. She easily dodged it in time and jumped in the air. “And what were you planning to steal Hermann?” She asked, landing on the nearest wall. “What difference does it make?” Shocker asked, shooting another shockwave which she dodged too. While she was in the air dodging the shockwave she shots two black webs towards the Shocker’s goons who were standing next to the warehouse wall. Unluckily for them, they found themselves now stuck to the walls, not able to move thanks to the resistant black webs coming from Spider-girl’s black suit. “None at all, actually.” Spider-girl said, landing on the ground. “I just wanted to make conversation.” “I got nothing to tell you!” He shot back at her putting his arms in front of him once again. “That’s too bad.” Sunset replied, she shots a web on Shocker’s hands, recovering his gauntlets in black. She drew on the web, sending Shocker flying in her direction. She welcomed him with a high kick, putting him to sleep. When he touched the ground, she covered him with webs just to be sure he couldn’t move even if he was awake. “It would be much more fulfilling if we shared our feelings.” Then Sunset, mostly talking to herself now, giggled, “Oh almost forgotten, you don’t have any feelings.” She stretched her arms and turned around to face Alexei and Marco who were stuck on the wall but very much awake, watching her in fear. “Look on the bright side,” Sunset cheerfully said, “If I let you in,” She pointed towards the warehouse, “Your sentence would’ve been a lot longer.” “So you’re going to have fun without me?” Spider-girl heard a familiar voice behind her, making her smile under her mask. She turned around to face Felicia Hardy, or Black Cat as she preferred to be called. “You were taking your time.” Sunset stated, crossing her arms. Black cat sensually walked towards her and put a finger on top of Sunset’s mask were her lips were. “What can I say? A girl as to make herself beautiful under any circumstances.” “You know you’re already beautiful.” Sunset stated, entering in her game. Black Cat giggled, and gave a look to the thieves stuck on the wall who were trying to get out from the black web. “Wanna give them a show?” Sunset laughed hard, “No fucking way. Now let’s go before the police arrives.” From the past two weeks, Sunset and Felicia were working together. Felicia who still had a foot in the criminal world knew where and when someone was trying to steal something, and it was very helpful to Sunset. They also had a lot of… fun. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t even know your name was weird at first, but now Sunset was finding it… exciting. Both of the girls were now standing on a roof next to the warehouse and were watching policemen putting Aleksei, Marco and Shocker under arrest. “So you wanna grab something to eat or-” Sunset couldn’t even finish her sentence that her phone started buzzing in her pocket. She grabbed it and looked at the text she just received. Found something interesting need you ASAP bring your suit -Twi Sunset frowned. She didn’t talk to Twilight since she started dating Felicia. And there was that strange dream she had the other night. “Or?” Felicia asked, “You got me intrigued?” She said with a purr. “Actually, I know you just got here but… I have to go, a friend needs me.” Sunset stated. “Oh…” Felicia said. In her look, Sunset could see she was irritated. “I’m truly sorry!” Sunset apologized, “What if tomorrow, after we beat up some bad guys, we go grab a pizza and watch a movie?” “Like… A normal couple?” Felicia asked. “Hum… Yeah?” “Is it normal that it’s weird to do something normal?” The silver haired girl quickly asked. “I guess?” Sunset said. She sighed and put her mask off, “Sorry Feli but it might be important, I swear I’ll spend time with you tomorrow, okay?” Felicia smirked and took a step forward, now her face being very close to Sunset’s, “I like when you call me Feli.” “I know.” Sunset smirked too before kissing her. Twilight Sparkle was so focused on the thing she was doing on her computer that she didn’t noticed someone entering by her window and crawling on her ceiling. Sunset dropped herself behind her and waited a few seconds to see if Twilight was going to notice her but seeing it wasn’t the case, Sunset took her mask off and abruptly grabbed her by the shoulders yelling, “TWILIGHT!” “Agh!” Twilight jumped in fear, making her earphones dropped on her desk. She turned around, a hand on her chest where her heart was rapidly beating and shot a dark glare to Sunset. “Sunset! I almost had a heart attack! Don’t ever do that again.” Sunset who was laughing so hard that she could wake up all the neighborhood regained her calm and put a hand on Twilight’s shoulder, “Sorry Sparky, I won’t.” Then she heard what Twilight was listening to through the earphones. “Hey that’s pretty good, what is it?” “That’s the Dazzlings, it’s a new pop band.” Twilight simply said. “So,” Sunset stated, clapping in her hand and taking a sit on Twilight’s bed, “What is the important thing you wanted to tell me?” Twilight’s face suddenly became serious. “Okay so, to begin with, I want to say I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” Sunset gave her a quizzical look, “Hum, apologies accepted?” She shrugged, “But what are you sorry for?” “The symbiote,” Twilight said, gulping, “I should have taken it back.” Sunset frowned, “Why’s that?” “Sorry not sorry but, last time you came here I… Took a piece of your suit.” Sunset nodded, to be honest she didn’t really care. “And the tests I made with the symbiote fused with your suit are… Incredible.” She sighed, “But scary at the same time.” “Twilight, if you’re trying to tell me something, just tell it.” Sunset stated. “It amplifies characteristics of its host. Especially aggression…” Twilight gave sunset a concerned look, “It can be dangerous.” Sunset chuckled, “Twilight please,” She gestured herself, “Look, I’m the same ol’ me.” Twilight bits her lower lip, looking at her feet, “Well…” “What?” “Rarity texted me than for the past few days, you’ve been… unbearable.” Twilight stated. Sunset was now furious. “What a bitch! I’m unbearable?! I have to deal with her diva shit all the time and I’m unbearable?” Both girls were now standing. “S-Sunset calm down.” Twilight tried. “Please put your suit off…” “And you!” Sunset pointed at Twilight ignoring her demand, “You speak to Rarity now?” “W-Well, you’re the one who encouraged me to make more friends.” Twilight said with fear, taking a step back, but she couldn’t do a step more because Sunset grabbed her wrist. “Friends on your own! I didn’t tell you to steal mine!” Sunset was almost yelling now. “Sunset y-you’re hurting me.” Twilight squeaked. “We know what you’re trying to do, you want the symbiote all for yourself! We should’ve known, after stealing my friends you want my-” She was stopped by the free hand of Twilight slapping her cheek really hard, making Twilight’s other hand free. Sunset stood there for a minute, in shock of what happened. The she looked at Twilight and saw the poor girl was terrified. “Leave me alone Sunset.” Twilight said, rubbing her wrist, tears in her eyes. Sunset gritted her teeth but turned around. “As you wish.” She said before walking to the window and jumping through it. When she leaved, Twilight dropped on her knees and started crying. The following morning… Rainbow Dash put her history book in her locker and closed it. She jumped in surprise when she saw Fleur standing behind, a smirk on her face. “Good morning Rainbow.” Rainbow was going to say something mean but instead she sighed and put her bag back on her shoulders, “Hi.” “So, I’ve done some digging through the school’s files…” Fleur stated, taking a look at her nails. “And?!” Rainbow asked, eager to know what Fleur had found. “Well…” Fleur did a dramatic pause, “I know where he lives.” “Awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed. Fleur smiled at her, “I know you’re looking forward to see him, but I’ll ask you to wait until Friday to visit his apartment. I’ll tag along of course.” “Friday?! But why?” Rainbow said with a disappointed look. “I think that the virtue of patience is a factor for international diplomacy.” Fleur simply stated before walking away. Rainbow stood there, not knowing what she meant by that and frowned. Having a free time, she decided that a little practice on the field was the best way to kill time and headed for the school’s entrance. Then, she crossed the path of a fiery haired girl looking at her phone. “Hey Sunset!” Rainbow called her friend. Sunset raised her glare from her phone and smiled at her friend, “Sup’ Rainbow.” But Rainbow didn’t smile back. “I heard what you did to Twilight last night, she called Rarity right after!” Sunset then rolled her eyes, “Oh right, they’re best friends now.” “When are you going to stop being a bitch?!” Rainbow shouted. Like always, all the students were now looking at them, Sunset was tired of always making a scene in the school. “Rainbow…” Sunset said, lowering her voice. Rainbow lowered her voice too, just for Sunset to be heard, “She told Rarity about the suit, it changed you. And now that I know that, I’m pretty sure you’ve got something to do with why Red is not coming to school anymore.” Sunset laughed, “Or maybe he was just tired of seeing your dumb face.” With a smirk, she challenged Rainbow with her look. Rainbow gritted her teeth, “Now tell me the truth Sunset.” “The truth?!” Sunset exclaimed, now everyone could hear them. “You can’t handle the truth Rainbow!” “It’s my choice to decide if I can handle it or not!” Rainbow yelled back. “Not it’s not! It’s something far beyond you and the girls!” Then she grabbed Rainbow by her collar, “And next time you call me a bitch, I’ll punch you in the throat.” Then she released her and turned her back. Then, Sunset saw who was standing there and her blood goes up to her head. “What do we see here? Shimmer fighting with the little friends she has.” Lyra taunted. “Oh, Lyra…” Sunset started, “This is not a great time, please move aside before I hurt you.” Lyra laughed, “I’m not like everyone here you know!” Lyra stomped her feet on the ground, “I’m not afraid of you Shimmer! Not anymore!” “You should.” Sunset said. Knowing what was going to happen, Rainbow tried to prevent Lyra Heartstrings to do something she would regret later on. “Lyra, you really should leave her alone…” Rainbow started. “You shut your mouth rainbow haired cunt!” Lyra barked. “Hey!” Sunset grabbed Lyra by her shirt, “Only I can insult my friends!” Applejack and Rarity appeared by Rainbow’s side. “What in tarnation is goin’ on here?” The country girl asked Rainbow Dash. “Lyra as a death wish.” Rainbow simply said. She could try to stop them, but she thought that if Sunset really was going to fight with Lyra, at least Lyra would learn not to mess with her anymore. “We should stop them!” Rarity exclaimed. “Meh.” Was all Rainbow Dash replied. “Rainbow Dash!” An outraged Rarity exclaimed. “All, right, all right…” Rainbow was going to make a step forward but was stopped by Applejack. While they were talking, Lyra tried to give Sunset a punch in her jaw but with her left leg, Sunset swiped Lyra’s legs making her fall on her butt. “Stay down Heartstrings, that’s where you belong.” Sunset said before walking away. With a war cry, Lyra gets back to her feet and charged at Sunset’s back. In an instant, Sunset made a backspin kick in Lyra’s chest, sending her right in the nearest locker, making everyone gasp. Before Lyra could do something, Sunset grabbed her by the throat and was going to punch Lyra right in the face. Just when her hand was going to hit Lyra, another hand grabbed hers, stopping her. Sunset eyes grew wide. Who could even stop her?! She had a super strength! When she turned her gaze, she saw that it was Applejack. “I think she got what deserved.” She said calmly, but seriously. “Now get lost.” One could see a little orange glimmer in Applejack’s eyes, a glimmer that faded a few seconds later. Sunset gave her a dark look but didn’t push it and let Lyra go. The girl dropped on the floor, gasping for air, Applejack helped her sit down while Sunset walked away. While she was walking away and looking furiously at her feet, she didn’t notice the concerned look of Screwball looking at her. Spider-girl was laying against a wall, looking at the hand Applejack stopped this morning. ‘How did she…’ Sunset asked herself. “You always look like you’re lost in your thoughts.” Black Cat said. She was standing right next to her. “Y-yeah, sorry about that, got a bad day that’s all.” Sunset stated. “Or, to be honest, a bad week.” “Oh yeah? What’s going on?” Black Cat asked. Sunset looked at her, could she really trust her to the point she can share her private life with her. Well, it seemed she was her only friend right now. “A lot.” Sunset started, “My friends are a pain in my ass lately.” “That’s why I’m in solo.” Black Cat stated, then she looked in Sunset eyes, “Or, I used to.” She finished with a wink, making Sunset giggle. “But I don’t think that’s the only thing bothering you.” Sunset sighed, “Well, I live with my… Sister.” Sunset started, “But we got a lots of financial issues right now, and we have to move out.” “Aouch, that’s rough.” Black Cat empathized. She put her hand on Sunset’s shoulder, “But if the problem is money, I maybe have a solu-” “We already talked about that.” Sunset gave her an annoyed look, “I’m not going to steal anyone.” “But believe me, if we steal this guy, it would do everyone a favor.” Black Cat stated. Sunset rolled her eyes, “Even if, and I say IF!” She exclaimed, “If I agreed, who are you talking about?” Black Cat giggled and with her finger, made a sign for Sunset to come closer, Sunset sighed but complied. Black Cat’s mouth being only a few inches of Sunset’s ear, she whispered, “Have you ever heard of Wilson Fisk?” > Volume II - Chapter 11: Stir up a hornet's nest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moon was up high in this starry sky of a February night. One could think that because the north part of the city was quiet, nothing was happening there. But sometimes, the quiet places were the most dangerous. “I still think that this is a bad idea.” Spider-girl stated. The young super hero and black cat were both standing on a rooftop, watching carefully at the entrance of one of Fisk’s warehouse. Black Cat told her that Fisk used this place to stock amounts of weapons. There was also a lot of money hidden in that place. Around the warehouse were some thugs guarding the place, Sunset guessed they were gangsters, all of them wearing bikers attire. “Oh c’mon Spidey.” Black Cat teased, giving Sunset a nudge in her ribs, “It’ll be fun. And don’t forget, we’re maybe stealing, but that’s for a good cause. And the person who owns that money’s a jerk, so you’ll be doing this city a great favor.” “Even so! I mean, stealing…” Sunset sighed, “We wonder what Celestia would say.” She added under her breath. “Who’s Celestia?” Black Cat asked, a curious glare on her face. Sunset cursed herself for not holding her tongue, “No one.” She quickly said. It was true that their main objective was to steal the money. Sunset wasn’t really on board with that but… She was desperate. “So, what’s waiting for us inside?” Black Cat grinned and glared back at the warehouse, “You see,” She started, “Fisk never gets dirty. He always hired low life criminals of any kind to take care of his dirty work.” “I’m surprised no one ever tried something against him.” Sunset said, “I mean, we thought the Green Goblin was ruling over the city. Someone as powerful as Fisk should be a threat to him.” “It’s a bit more complicated than that.” Felicia explained, “Before Fisk, or even before the Green Goblin, there was three big gangs ruling over the city. One disappeared, one was ruled by Hammerhead and the other one by Tombstone. When Fisk arrived from New York, around five or six years ago, everything changed. He quickly took control over everything. At first, people tried to fight him, but in vain, they were all crushed like Hammerhead. Tombstone now works for him.” She finished pointing at two bikers standing in front of the warehouse’s doors. “Doing his dirty work.” “And what about the Green Goblin?” Sunset asked. “Well, he quickly became a pain in the ass for Fisk. But now, it seems they found some kind of agreement because both of them are ruling over the city now.” Black Cat stated, “But if you want my opinion right now, I’d say Fisk is the more dangerous because he’s not afraid to show himself in public. He’s that close to become mayor after all. I’m surprised he didn’t try anything against the guy running against him… Yet.” “And who’s running against him?” Sunset raised an eyebrow under her mask. She wasn’t into politics, she had no idea someone was running against Fisk. “Haven’t you heard? Meh, I guess you’re not into politics that much, like me. Well, it’s-Oh look!” She exclaimed, pointing a finger towards a biker that just arrived. Sunset immediately guessed he was important, his bike was bigger than the ones already parked, and he was tall, like really, really tall. He was bald and had skin as white as snow. “That’s Tombstone.” Black Cat said. “He seems like a tough guy.” Then, Sunset scratched her chin, “He kinda reminds me of Sheamus.” “Who’s that?” “Nevermind,” Sunset said, “So? What? Are we going in there and just beat the crap out of them?” “As lovely as it sounds,” Felicia started, “No. Tombstone isn’t a regular guy, his skin is as hard as steel. I don’t know if we can take him down.” “An invincible guy?” Sunset started to lose her temper. “Then, what are we doing here? “Chill out.” Black Cat reassured her, “As strong as he is, he’s not invincible… I think. Besides, we don’t have to take him down, I just need you to distract him and his goons while I sneak in the back and take the money.” “But… What about all the weapons in here? We can’t have those in the streets.” Sunset stated. Black Cat rolled her eyes, “Still a damn Samaritan I see.” Sunset crossed her arms, glaring at Felicia under her mask. “All right, all right…” Felicia said, raising her hands in front of her, “What about after you got his attention, I call the police before taking the money.” “You… Will call the police?” Sunset had a hard time believing her. “If that’s what it takes for you to be on board with that,” She smiled at her, “Then yes.” Sunset couldn’t help but smile, “Then we’re on board. All right, let’s do this.” “Oh and, Spidey.” Felicia said, “Stop talking about yourself in the fourth person… It’s creepy.” “Oh, crap!” The inside of the warehouse was filled thugs packing boxes inside trucks. Some boxes wide open showed that it was full of weapons and explosives, enough to start a war. There must be around twenty bikers, without forgetting the big one. The ground was filthy, wet and murky. Every steps the criminals were making could be easily heard thanks to the puddles of water. “Be careful with those, you idiot!” Tombstone barked at one of his men who was dropping a box in the back of a truck, with his deep menacing voice, “I don’t want them to explode in our faces.” “S-Sorry boss!” The thug quickly apologizes. Tombstone grunted and made a sign for his goons to continue what they were doing. He walked towards a wall and leaned against it, lighting up a cigar. Little did he know that someone was crawling on the ceiling just above him. Sunset, making herself as quiet as she could, studied the place. She counted exactly eighteen bikers, and Tombstone. She also spotted two thugs in the back, both of them hidden behind a container, smoking cigarettes. Spider-girl smirked and crawled in that direction. When she was above them, she shoots a web in a beer can a few meters behind, making the thugs turn around in alert. “What was that?” One of the bikers asked, unaware of his companion getting caught by a web behind him and disappearing towards the ceiling. When the thug got stuck, Sunset shot a web to his mouth before he could scream. “We… I should call myself Spider-ninja.” She said, quickly correcting herself. When the thug underneath her turned around, he realized that his friend disappeared. “Mikey?” He asked, “Mikey this is not f-” Quickly, he got the same treatment as his companion, and got stuck on the ceiling with a web on his mouth. “Shhhhh-” Sunset said, putting a finger on her mouth. Luckily for her, the warehouse was big and had poor lighting, and thanks to her black suit, she was totally invisible. Now that those two were taken care of, she crawled toward the center of the room. She saw that seven of the bikers were all sat at a table, taking a break and drinking beers. She smirked when she saw what was suspended above them, three wooden crates that looked heavy. She glanced at the small window on the other side of the room and watched as Felicia draw a circle with her claw before taking the glass off. She then passed her arm though and opened the window without any noise. Black Cat looked in Sunset’s direction and winked at her, making Sunset blush a little. Just a little. The thugs innocently played a card game when one of them started to hear a small squeak, like someone was unscrewing something. He raised his head up and his eyes grew wide when he saw three wooden boxes falling right on them. “Watch out!” He screamed, jumping away. The others were not that lucky and got crushed under the now destroyed crates. “What is going on here?!” Tombstone barked, angrily stomping in that direction. “Don’t worry, they’re still alive, the crates were empty.” Spider-girl called, now spotted. “Hey… Now that I’m closer, you’re even uglier than I thought.” “Spider-girl!” Tombstone yelled, pointing a finger in her direction. “Really?!” Sunset gasped, looking everywhere around her, “Where?!” “Kill her!” Tombstone ordered to his remaining goons. Sunset smirked under her mask, ‘Is that enough of a distraction for you Feli?’ The young hero jumped from where she was to avoid the bullets one of the goons was shooting in her direction. She landed on a container and shoots a web on the thug’s weapon to draw it in her direction, “I’ll take that, thanks you.” “H-Hey! It was my birthday present…” The thug whined. When one of the gang member grabbed a shotgun, Tombstone stopped him. “Wait! It’s too dangerous, those containers are filled with explosives, do you want to kill us all?!” He then glared back at Spider-girl and cracked his knuckles. “You guys take the trucks to the delivery point. I’ll take care of her.” Sunset frowned when the goons obeyed the orders. She jumped from where she was standing, preparing herself to intercept them. “Oh no you don’t-” She was stopped by Tombstone’s punch right in her face, sending her back where she came from. “You’re dealing with me, little girl.” Tombstone stated, taking his leather jacket off. Getting on her feet with a growl, Sunset gritted her teeth. “I guess… We should take care of you first then.” Sunset shot a web on the ceiling and swinged in his direction, he was going to punch her but of course, she saw the blow coming and dodged it pretty easily by letting go of the web and by sliding under him. She got distracted when she heard the engines of the trucks beginning to leave the warehouse, and even with her Spider-sense, Sunset couldn’t dodge Tombstone’s punch in the back of her head. She dropped on the floor with a grunt of pain, but Tombstone wasn’t done. With his enormous hands, he grabbed her by the legs and launched her in a half disassembled motorcycle. When she came back to her senses, she felt she was grabbed by the both side of her head and was smacked down hard on the ground, face first. Under her black mask, she could feel the blood pouring down her nose, and a metallic taste in her mouth. Tombstone lift her up by her throat, making her choke and gasp for air. “You’re getting ahead of yourself, little girl.” He calmly said, punching her in her stomach and tossing her on the side. Sunset coughed more blood inside of her mask and started to get up on her feet, not without difficulties. “Killing kids ain’t my jam, so why don’t you go back to your fancy house, little girl.” One hand on her stomach, Sunset glared at him, “I’m. Not. A little girl!” She barked. “Prove me wrong then.” He said charging at her. Sunset made a web with her right wrist and grabbed it with her left hand. When Tombstone was a meter away from her, she jumped and rolled on his back. She used the web she made earlier to slip it around his neck while she was on his back and draw on it the hardest she could when her feet touched the ground. Tombstone was taken by surprise and fell hard on the ground. He quickly stood up but was welcomed by a punch in his nose. He put both his hands on it, grunting in pain and Spider-girl kicked him hard in the chest. Tombstone was sent in the air and the young heroine shot webs from both her wrists on him and sent him to crush on a workbench. She grabbed her stomach, still hurting from the blow Tombstone did earlier, and watched her opponent carefully. Tombstone gets up from the wreckage, and wiped the liquid flowing from his nose. He realized with stupor that it was blood, something he didn’t see coming out of his body from ages. “You mess with the spider? You get bitten!” Sunset taunted him. He watched her with an incredulous look and she rolled her eyes. “I’m… Still looking for a catchphrase.” She said. Tombstone growled, grabbed a wooden girder next to him and lunched it in her direction. She avoided it with a somersault, avoided the motorcycle wheel coming next by slipping under it and she launched herself at him. Tombstone unsuccessfully tried to punch her but she dodged it and punched him in the jaw, making him take a few steps back. “Not bad, little girl.” Tombstone admitted. “But is it enough to beat me?” He asked. “Luckily for me, I don’t have to beat you.” She said, making him raise an eyebrow. “I just have to distract you.” When he was going to ask her what she meant by that, he was hit behind the head by something. It didn’t hurt him much, but annoyed him. He angrily looked behind him to see who it was and frowned when he realized. “You!” He yelled. “Sup, big guy?” Felicia taunted, a black sport bag around her shoulders. “Been a while, uh?” He turned his gaze back to Spider-girl, “So, you’re working with her? And I thought you were on the good side. I can’t believe I was starting to respect you.” “Uh, you know, coming from a criminal, what you just said doesn’t, like… Affect me at all.” Sunset said. “You don’t get it… She’s way worse than me.” He sighed, “But it doesn’t matter I guess… because I’ll have to kill both of you.” “You sure bark a lot.” Black Cat joked, making him angry. “Uh, Cat? I’m not sure this is a good id-” Spider-girl couldn’t even finish her sentence that Tombstone grabbed more of the wooden wreckage and threw it angrily at Spider-girl. While she was doing her best to dodge it, Tombstone ran in Black Cat’s direction and tried to punch her. She dodged it with a snarky smug and kicked him in the chin. It didn’t faze him at all and Felicia’s confidence dropped as quick as it came. “Hum, is it too late to talk?” She tried. Just when he was going to hit her with his giant fist, Sunset landed in front of him and grabbed his fist with both her hands. “Cat, move!” She yelled. “Oh, my hero.” Black Cat playfully stated. “Now is not the time for-” She was cut mid-sentence by Tombstone’s left kick, sending her and Black Cat right into the wall. Black Cat grunted in pain but was helped by Sunset to get to her feet. “You never know when to shut up, uh?” Sunset asked her. “Pot, meet kettle.” Black Cat replied. “Eh, I guess.” Sunset shrugged. They both starred at the white juggernaut in front of them and gulped. “I have the money by the way so… Maybe we can, you know, get the hell out of here?” Felicia tried. “No way.” Sunset replied, to Felicia’s dismay. “His ass should be in jail.” “I was afraid you might say that… But how can we take him down? I’m not as strong as you are!” “I know but… Look!” Sunset said, making a sign in a direction. Black Cat looked where Sunset was pointing and saw that one of the bearing wall was already damaged, the ceiling above was starting to crack. “Are you thinking-” Sunset began. “-what I’m thinking?” Black Cat finished before looking at Sunset, “Awww, look, we’re even finishing each other…” Sunset just silently stared at her. “Each other?” Black Cat tried again, but Sunset wasn’t playing along. Black Cat rolled her eyes, frustrated. “Sentences! Each other sentences! It’s not that hard is it?” “AM I INTERRUPTING?” Tombstone barked from behind, making both of the girls shivering. He tried to punch Sunset but she dodged it. “Cat! Moving to plan F!” Sunset called, avoiding another hit from the big guy. “F?” Cat curiously asked, already running. “Fooling the dummy!” Sunset called. Black Cat laughed. Tombstone didn’t. He successfully punched her in her ribs and tried to punch her in her face but she dodged it and jumped on the nearest surface, which was the window of a small room that must have been an office. Tombstone frowned. “You won’t be the first masked hero wannabe I kill.” “And you won’t be the first-” She quickly avoided the wooden plank he throws at her, “Hey, at least let me finish!” He charged at her with his fist up high and she dodged at the last moment, making him completely destroy the window… and the wall that comes with it. “Stop avoiding me!” He yelled. “Woah, stalker alert.” Sunset stated, now hanging from a steel container. Tombstone was mad and charged at her without thinking, like before she dodged him and the container he punched was sent away in a deafening noise. “At an hour like this, I’m pretty sure the neighbors are sleeping. Have some respect, would you?” She taunted, landing on the wall she showed Felicia earlier. Tombstone’s breath was heavy, he was getting tired to run after her. “You have no idea who you’re messing with, little girl.” “Uh, a big bald douchebag?” She tried. Tombstone chuckled, “Not me, idiot, but the person I’m working for.” “Oh right. Another big bald douchebag?” She shrugged, “Seriously guys, why are villains always, or often, big and bald? And douchebags too. Of course.” “You kids, you have no respect these days.” Tombstone stated. “Well, I know for a fact that I won’t respect a crime lord like Fisk.” She sighed, “Why are you even following this guy?” “Loyalty.” Tombstone simply replied, “You won’t get it.” “To someone like him? You’re right. I won’t.” Sunset replied, starring at him. Tombstone grunted and ran at full speed to where Sunset was hanging and like before at the last moment she jumped away. But this time Tombstone stopped right in front of the wall, and laughed. “I’m not stupid, idiot! I know you wanted me to run into that wall. The ceiling would’ve fall on top of me and I would’ve been stuck!” He said, turning away to face her. “Yeaaaah… You got me there, bud.” She simply said, putting her hands behind her head, whistling a song. Tombstone frowned, “Why are you doing this?” “Doing what?” “That!” He said, pointing in her direction. “What are you even talking about dude?” “You’re acting like it wasn’t your plan, but I know it was! I saw you pointing that wall to that thief!” He yelled angrily. “Yep, and?” “So, why are you acting like it wasn’t?!” “Oooooh, well…” Sunset stretched her arms. “I never said I wanted you to run into it, right?” Tombstone was about to say something but Black Cat’s voice interrupted him. “Watch out for the head!” Then, an explosion came from behind the wall. The explosion’s blow made Tombstone fell forward and parts of the wall flew across the room. He growled and turned around, still on the ground and facing the ceiling. The ceiling started to crack and trails of dust poured from it. He sighed and closed his eyes. “Shit.” The ceiling finally reached its breaking point and began falling where Tombstone was. Tombstone was crushed and Sunset had to jump on the opposite wall to be in safety, she hopped Black Cat was safe too. Smoke and dust filled the room and Sunset had to cough a few times to expulse the dust she accidentally breathed. After the smokescreen disappeared, she jumped next to Tombstone to see if he was out. She saw he didn’t move, the ceiling on top of him, his eyes were shut. “How look at him, he looks like a baby.” After a second and another cough, she said, “An ugly baby.” He quickly opened his eyes and barked, “You little-” Sunset quickly took a step back, “What?! How is that even possible!” “I’m indestructible!” He tried to get up but after the fight, he was too exhausted to lift up whatever was on top of him. Sunset quickly realized he was wiggling in vain and chuckled, “Yeah well, good luck with that.” She said, pointing to the wreckages on top of him. She quickly turned her head on the other side of the room when she heard police sirens coming from the street, heading in their direction. “I guess it means it’s time for me to leave.” She turned her head back to Tombstone, “Have a great time in jail.” She began walking away but Tombstone interrupted her, “Hey, girl.” He calmly said. Sunset rolled her eyes but stopped nonetheless, “What?” “So you’re working with Black Cat uh… I’m gonna give you a free advice, get away from her as soon as you can. This girl is bad luck.” He honestly stated. “I don’t have to take any advice from you.” Sunset replied, putting her hands on her hips. “You don’t get it, girl. She’s playing with you.” He said with a frown. The sirens were very close now, but what Tombstone was saying was intriguing her. “What are you saying? She’s been helping me.” Tombstone chuckled, “Then maybe I could say you something that’ll change how you see her.” The police cars were stopping, they will be here any minutes now. Sunset quickly looked from the entrance and looked back at Tombstone. The gangster took her absence of reply for a yes and said, “Your girlfriend, Black Cat… She used to work for Fisk.” “I’ve known that from way back, thank you.” She replied with her snarky voice. “I’m not finished.” He quickly added with a smirk. “Now, she’s working for-” The doors were busted open and a dozens of policemen were irrupting inside the room leaded by Shining Armor himself, pointing towards them with their guns. “Spider-girl!” Shining armor called, “Put your hands in the air!” Sunset silently swore and quickly shot a web and disappeared through the hole in the ceiling, while she was in the air, she could still hear Tombstone’s laugh. After a few swing in the air, she landed on a rooftop were she saw Felicia waiting for her. She lifted the bag and smiled, “Look what Santa bring meeeee.” She opened the bag and Sunset eyes opened wide when she saw all the money inside it. “So what will it be, fifty-fifty?” Black Cat asked. “I…” Sunset sighed, “I’m sorry I can’t take that money.” “W-What?” Felicia gave her an incredulous look, “We did all that for nothing?” “I guess… I couldn’t even stop those trucks. Now there’s a bunch of weapons running free across the city.” Spider-girl stated. Black Cat grinned, “Welp, luckily for you, I was here, right?” Felicia took something from her belt, a small and black device with a screen on it. When she pushed a button, it turned on and Sunset realized it was a GPS. “Is it…” “Yeah, I put a tracker on one of the trucks. Cuz’, you know… Better safe than sorry.” The silver haired thief said, dropping the device in Sunset’s hand. Sunset stared at the device for a few second before taking Black Cat in a tight hug, “Oh my god, you’re a genius!” “I know.” Cat replied with a smug. Sunset broke the hug and glared at the bag, “What should we do with that now?” “W-Wait, you mean I can’t keep it?” “Feli…” Sunset stated, annoyed. Black Cat grunted but dropped the bag on the floor, “All right, geez.” “I’ll… I’ll take it to the police, I think it’s the better solution.” Sunset proposed. “If you think it’s the better option…” A disappointed Black Cat replied. Sunset grabbed the bag and stopped in front of Felicia, she put her hand on Felicia’s cheek and sighed, “Thanks… For everything.” “Anytime.” Black Cat sincerely replied. Sunset took a step back and stated, “Well I should get going now… See you tomorrow?” “You know it.” Felicia replied with a seductive wink before turning around and jumping from the roof. Sunset couldn’t help but watch her leave, a smile on her face. She shot a web and left too. But Felecia wasn’t really gone, she watched as Sunset disappeared behind the buildings and put a device in her ear before turning it on. “It’s me, the plan worked. Tombstone is out.” A woman dressed in a formal black suit was walking through a long, white and clean corridor. Her skin was grey like ashes, and her long wavy purple air were flowing down her back, reaching her thighs, she was wearing glasses on her perfect face giving her a more mature look. She looked like she was in her early thirties and she was holding a paperclip close to her chest. She arrived at destination a knocked on the two massive wooden door. “Come in.” A low voice said. The woman entered without a sound, and slowly closed the door behind her. In front of her was a huge desk with a massive leather chair behind. The chair was turned around so she couldn’t clearly see who was sat, even if she knew who it was of course. The mysterious man sat in the chair was looking at the city through the windows of his office. “Miss Diamond Violet. I expect you to bring me good news.” When the man talked, it was at a slow pace, clearly articulating to each word. “I’m afraid not, sir.” The woman said, unfazed. She put her glasses in place with her middle finger and took a closer look at the paperclip in her hand. “Lionel Thompson Lincoln, known as Tombstone, has been arrested tonight. And one of our places as been busted by the police, fortunately, nothing there can rely the place directly to you, sir, and the weapons all arrived at destination, but it sure will slow us down.” “Tombstone arrested? Since when is he that weak?” The man slowly replied. “It seems that, somehow, Spider-girl was involved, sir.” The woman said, reading her notes. “Oh, I see.” He chuckled, “Canterlot’s new mascot was in the game.” “She wasn’t alone, sir.” “She wasn’t?” He asked, “Who would be foolish enough to defy me?” “Hardy, sir.” The woman stated, “Felicia Hardy.” “That brat!” The man screamed out of rage. “Why isn’t she dead already?” He gets up from his chair, showing his incredible size. “We’re still trying to find where she’s hiding sir. But…” The woman looked away. The man turned around to face her and punched his desk, breaking it in half. “SPEAK!” he yelled. Diamond Violet stayed calm, put her glasses in place and said, “It seems that she’s working for… The Green Goblin, mister Fisk.” Fisk’s face became red of rage as he grabbed his enormous chair and launched it though the wall. “That damn clown!” “Sir, if I may. You should calm down, it is not good for your blood pressure.” The big man took a few steps forward to face her, “YOU…” He looked angrily at her but she wasn’t even blinking. He took a deep breath and found his calm. “You’re right, miss Violet.” “I often am, sir.” The woman replied. Wilson Fisk turned around and put his hands in his back while he started to walk, facing the city once again. “And how are we doing in the elections.” Fisk calmly asked. “Very good sir. Your opponent, mister Discord, doesn’t even stand a chance.” “Perfect.” He took a deep breath and then looked behind him, in a dark corner of the room. “You! You know what you have to do.” Diamond Rose turned around to see who he was talking about and saw a man walking out of the shadow, he was wearing some kind of white armor protection, and a skull mask. He had a sword and a shield behind his back. “Bring me Black Cat’s head!” He ordered. “On it, sir.” The mercenary replied with a low, robotic voice. The next day… The wind was still chilly and the sky was grey, but it wasn’t something like that that would stop Applejack from doing her chores. After shoveling what was left of the snow in front of her barn, she entered it and put the shovel away, next to her farming tools. Applejack couldn’t wait for the winter to be over, she wanted to work soon, it was something that helped her get away from school and from the worries of the everyday life. And worries, boy she had ones. She couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday, when she stopped Sunset from hitting Lyra. Even if, in Applejack’s opinion, Lyra deserved it, she couldn’t let her friend do something she would’ve regret. Friend. Were they still friends after all? Lately, every time she crossed path with Sunset Shimmer, all they were doing was arguing and almost fight each other. Rarity said that she was just going through a rough time, being a superhero wasn’t something easy. But for Applejack, it wasn’t an excuse to neglect her friends. But the farmer girl wasn’t the one who was taking it the worst. It was Rainbow Dash. Since Red was gone, Rainbow Dash put in her head that something was wrong with Sunset and that she had something to do with it. Of course for Applejack, it wasn’t related at all. Red always was an enigma, and even if Applejack thought they were friends, she couldn’t ignore the fact that it hurts. If he left without saying goodbye to anyone, then it must’ve been really important to him. And then there was… This other thing. For the past few days, Applejack felt something was off inside her body. Last time, when she stopped Sunset, she could block her hit with the palm of her hand. How could she do that? With her powers, Sunset was, at least a hundred times stronger than her. And three days ago, when she was doing her chores, she examined one of the trees to see if they were still in good shape after the winter, and after a small push, she uprooted the tree and send it flying a few feet away. She still had a hard time finding what was going on, but she couldn’t tell her friends. They all had their own problems and she wasn’t the type of person to bother others with her own. “AJ!” A high pitched voice called from the house, “Dinner’s ready!” “Comin’ Applebloom!” Applejack called back. She sighed and closed the barn’s door. > Volume II - Chapter 12: Oh, the Misery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, is this the place?” Rainbow Dash asked, her arms crossed, standing in front of the apartment door. She blew some air on the bang of hair blocking her view and looked at the girl standing next to her. “It appears to be.” Fleur replied, focused on double checking the address on her phone. Both girls met up after school when Fleur had called Rainbow Dash telling her that it was time to pay Red a little visit. They both stood in front of the apartment, the pink haired girl had found the address written in Red’s school files. One of the perks of being president. “Should we… knock?” Rainbow asked, butterflies in her stomach. She wasn’t exactly sure what to do. “Of course we should, that is common courtesy.” Fleur took a gracious step forward and, with three gentle knock on the door, she cleared her throat. “Hello?” She called. Both girls waited for an answer, but none came. They stared at each other and Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe he’s isn’t home at the moment?” Fleur stated. Rainbow knocked harder than Fleur, “Yo Red, it’s me RD.” She called. “Not what I would call a proper way to ask for someone, but let’s move on.” Fleur whispered, mostly to herself, annoyed by Rainbow Dash’s brutal way. Once again, nobody came to answer. Rainbow Dash grunted in frustration. “What should we do then?” Fleur scratched her chin, “I mean, it’s not like we can simply break in, right?” She asked, looking at Rainbow Dash. With a smug, Rainbow simply stated, “Of course not…” Fleur Dis Lee gave her an odd look, “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Rainbow Dash then took the door handle and prepared herself to push the door open with her shoulder. “Rainbow wait-” Fleur tried, but Rainbow already pushed herself against the door. The door easily swung open and, not ready for so little resistance, the athletic girl fell face first on the ground. “Oh, it seems it was open.” Fleur taunted with her melodious voice, she had a hard time containing her smirk at the view of Rainbow Dash on the ground. Rainbow slowly got to her feet, a hand rubbing her nose, “Yeah, no shit.” “I get the impression we’re in some sort of polar, this is so exhilarating.” Fleur graciously entered the apartment and closed the door behind her. “So, what are we looking for exactly?” “Something that could help us found out where he is.” Rainbow replied. The girls looked around and both of them quickly understood that something wasn’t right here. The apartment was clean and in order but Rainbow could feel that something was wrong. “Something’s off.” Rainbow stated, walking through what seems to be the living room. “Maybe he did move away.” Fleur replied. “Nah.” Rainbow denied, shaking her head. She pointed toward the Xbox next to the TV, “I know him, he’s never going to leave his Xbox behind.” Fleur rolled her eyes at that statement but didn’t said anything. Rainbow walked toward the nearest drawer, under the TV, and she started searching inside. “Found something interesting, Rainbow Dash?” Fleur asked, looking over her shoulder. The smell of lavender coming from Fleur Dis Lee was kind of pleasant, and Rainbow Dash didn’t like that feeling. “You know, it’ll be a lot quicker if you helped me.” Rainbow stated, with an annoyed tone, turning her head in the other way to escape the smell. Fleur sighed, “As you wish.” She graciously turned around and started a delicate walk toward the kitchen. Both of them were unaware about the fact that a small, almost invisible, hidden camera was watching them from the left corner of the living room. Fleur Dis Lee opened the fridge and saw that it wasn’t empty. “Isn’t this strange, why is the fridge still full? Why wouldn’t he have emptied the fridge before leaving?” She then muttered to herself, “Or maybe he didn’t have a choice.” She then started to imagine that Red was a secret agent from the beginning and he had to run away because his cover was busted. “I think I read too much.” She closed it and opened the drawer next to the sink. It was full of papers of any kind, but something caught Fleur’s attention. It was a picture of Red and a little blue haired girl at the arcade, they seemed to be playing a game where you had to push the buttons in rhythm with the music. The girl seemed to have a lot of fun. “Who is this girl?” Fleur asked, mostly to herself. “She sure is adorable.” Rainbow Dash, her, had moved to what seemed to be Red’s bedroom. She started to open the drawers but quickly closed them when she saw it was filled with his underwear. “No way I’ll go through that.” She said while blushing, shaking her head. She draws her attention to the bed and crossed her arms. She hummed for a moment before kneeling next to it and looking under it. She saw that a wooden plank under the bed was displaced, the perfect place to hide something. She had to crawl under the bed to get to it. “Ah!” She exclaimed, grabbing the plank and moving it away. She couldn’t clearly see what it was in there, but she managed to grab it. “Found something interesting?” Fleur Dis Lee asked behind her. Rainbow Dash gasped in surprise and hit her head on the slats under the bed. “Ouch!” She got out and rubbed the back of her head, “Don’t surprise me like that!” “What is that?” Fleur asked, pointing to what Rainbow was holding in her hand. “Uh?” Rainbow looked at it and saw it was a mask. A low red mask, representing the bottom part of the face of a dragon. “I… Don’t know. It’s cool though, maybe he was into cosplay?” “But why would he hide it under his bed?” Fleur frowned, “He sure didn’t want someone to find it.” “Maybe he’s… Ashamed about it?” Rainbow tried. “It doesn’t sound like the Red you and I both knows.” Fleur said, taking the mask in her hands to take a closer look. “I’m starting to think that… None of us really knew him after all.” Rainbow muttered. She stared at the mask and hummed. ‘Why do I get the strange feeling that Sunset might know something about it?’ “Oh, right!” Fleur remembered, taking a picture out of her pocket. “I found this in the kitchen.” Rainbow looked at it, an eyebrow raised, before remembering who it was. “Of course! Wendy! She knows where Red is! She has to!” “Wendy?” Fleur asked, “Never heard of her before, who is she?” “She’s… Well I don’t really remember. But I do remember that she and him are very close.” Rainbow stated. “That’s a lead then.” Fleur smirked. “I don’t know Fleur… She’s just a kid.” Rainbow scratched the back of her head. “Do you want to know where he is or not?” Fleur asked her with a pout and a frown. “I do… I just…” Rainbow took another look at the red mask. “Let me try something first.” Meanwhile… “Spider-Girl and Black Cat working together! Is this the end of our city?” Sunset read from the Daily Bugle newspaper. “I think it was the smart move to stop sending him pictures.” She said tossing the newspaper aside. She sighed and fell forward, her face colliding with the kitchen’s table. “Great for my integrity, but now, I’m broke.” She raised her head up when she heard the front door opening and someone entering the house. “Sunset, I’m home.” “Sup Luna?” Sunset called, getting on her feet and walking toward the fridge. “I’m… good.” She replied, an ounce of uncertainty in her voice. While Sunset was taking a drink from the fridge, Luna entered the kitchen. “Listen Sunset, I have to talk to you about something.” “Sure, what’s up?” Sunset asked, turning around to face Luna, her back to the wall. Luna sighed and sat at the table. “Come sit with me, please.” Sunset rolled her eyes, “Sure.” She sat next to her and Luna looked at her in her eyes. “Sunset… I’ve received some complains at school about… Your attitude lately.” “What?” Sunset raised an eyebrow, and with a confident smirk, added, “I’m a sweetheart.” “Sunset…” Luna took her serious tone, it wasn’t as strict as Celestia’s but Sunset gulped anyway. When she took that tone, it wasn’t good. “You almost started a fight with Lyra a few days ago… If Applejack hadn’t intervened…” “She had it coming okay?!” Sunset rose to her feet. Instantly losing her temper, which surprised Luna. “I did everything I could to make this fucking school finally accept me, I stopped being a monster and I did everything I could to be forgiven. I even sang a freaking song! And I don’t know what this school has with songs, but they love them!” She said, remembering how she lost her crown only six months ago. “If after all that, they still want to hate me, then so be it! I don’t care as long as they don’t come to annoy me, I’ll stay away from them.” “Sunset…” Luna started. “But Lyra…” Sunset ignored her, “From the beginning, she never stopped fucking around with me, I did everything I could to be nice to her but she refuses to give up! I tried to ignore her okay? But at some point, she has to stop taking me for a bitch.” “Sunset, calm down.” Luna calmly said, putting her hand on Sunset’s, “I know what you’re going through okay? I-” “No you don’t!” Sunset moved Luna’s hand away. “Yes, I do.” Luna frowned. She gets up from her seat and put both her hand on Sunset’s shoulders. Sunset turned her gaze away. “Sunset look at me.” Sunset didn’t comply. “Sunset, look at me!” With a sigh, she faced Luna and saw that, she wasn’t furious or mad, she was concerned. “I know what it is to be an outcast okay? You and I we… Have a lot more in common than you think. Back in my youth I… I wasn’t a very good person. My sister she… She was very popular, she was beautiful so every boy in high school loved her, she had perfect grades, she was athletic, she was sweet and kind.” Luna sighed, “So of course, the teachers and our parents expected me to be the same as her, you know? After all, I was Celestia’s little sister. And that’s all I was for them… I wasn’t Luna, I was Celestia’s little sister. But, I wasn’t as smart as her, I wasn’t as pretty as her, and god knows I wasn’t as kind as her.” It was the first time Sunset was hearing that story, before she even realized, she was sat at the table next to Luna. “There was this boy at our school, Tirek…” Luna sighed, she started playing with a bang of her hair, “I was in love with him. But he and I were totally opposite, he was the captain of the football team, I didn’t do sports, he was popular, I was an outcast, he was friend with everybody, I did not have a single one.” Her hand began trembling and she felt Sunset grabbing it. “But one day I… Gathered all the courage I could and asked him out.” “What did he say?” Sunset asked, afraid of the answer. “He laughed at me.” Luna muttered with sadness, “It could have stop at that you know. But it didn’t. The next days, I became his, and his friends, favorite whipping girl. They stole my bag and threw it in the pool, they wrote insults on my locker, they punched me when nobody was watching…” “And Celestia?” Sunset raised an eyebrow, “Was she letting all of this happen?” Luna had a small laugh and smirked, “She was too busy maintaining her perfect grades to notice a single thing.” Luna’s smile dropped as quickly as it came, “I hated her.” She admitted, “And one day… I was walking through the corridors of Crystal Prep, preparing myself to another day of hell… When I saw…” “W-What did you saw?” “T-Tirek and Celestia kissing.” Luna said in a breath. Sunset eyes grew wide. “Luna I’m so s-” “This isn’t the end of the story.” Luna said. “After that I… I don’t exactly remember what happened. It all happened so quickly. When I finally came to my senses, I was standing in the middle of the corridor, everybody was watching me in horror, and screaming was the only sound I could hear in the hallway. But it wasn’t coming from the students, no, as I turned my head, I saw Celestia, watching me with the most horrified look I saw from her, and when I looked next to her… I saw Tirek on the ground, screaming in agony as he was putting both his bloody hands on where is left eye… used to be. As I watched my hands, they were covered in blood and a pair of scissor was in my right hand.” Sunset put her hand on her mouth in horror. “H… How…” “I don’t know how it happened. As I told you, I don’t remember it clearly. But at that moment I felt an urge inside me… Something took control of my body… I know it sounds crazy but… I don’t know how to explain.” She sighed, “Anyway, after that, I was sent to juvie. My parents… Never spoked to me again. I was in a bad place, and I became very, very bad. From whipping girl, I quickly became a bully. Not long after that, I escaped from juvie to stole a car, steal booze in a shop, I even joined a gang at some point. I even had a nickname…” She laughed at that memories, “Nightmare Moon.” Sunset saw a single tear, rolling down Luna’s cheek. “Boy, I was so stupid…” Sunset was at a loss for words, she had no idea Luna had to go through all of that. But a question was burning her lips. “Luna… How did you get out of that life?” “I got help… from the last person I would’ve guessed.” Luna stated. A long time ago… There was a time when Canterlot City wasn’t as colorful and jovial as it is now. In the past, gangs were ruling over the city and the police was overwhelmed. Canterlot didn’t had any hero to look after it like New York had with Iron Man. And the Mafia boss, Hammerhead, was ruling over the streets with an iron fist. A young Luna was punching a boy laying on the ground in a dark alley. She was wearing a black dress under her leather jacket, she had black makeup on her face, and had big leather boots with iron reinforcement at the end. “P-Please, I don’t have any more money.” The boy pleaded. Luna laughed, “I know.” She said with a final kick in the boy’s abdomen, making him cough more blood. “Now get the hell out of here before I change my mind.” The boy quickly got on his feet and ran away. Luna put her hand in her pocket to see what kind of loot she had today. “Geez, only fifty bucks? Are the people here poor or what?” “Hey Moon, how’s work?” She heard a masculine voice calling her from behind. Luna smirked and turned around, facing a man that only was a few years older than her but was twice her size. He had a white skin and had no hair. “Not good.” Luna stated, “And you Lonnie?” “I already told you to call me boss…” The man took a puff of his cigarette and with a smug, showed her what was in his hand. Luna eyes grew wide, “Where did you found all of this money?” “Some rich girl wasn’t at the right place at the right time.” He simply stated with a smug. “Nice.” Luna replied with a smirk, “So, what’s the plan?” “With this money I think I’ll be able to hire a guy or two for… The big thing tomorrow night.” He said with a wink. Luna was thrilled at that statement, “Can’t wait Tombstone.” Lonnie rolled his eyes, “I already told you, don’t call me by that name. I don’t like it.” “Why, I think it’s cool.” Luna shrugged. “Anyway, you got somewhere I can sleep tonight? My old place is infested with rats…” “Yeah sure,” He laughed, “Follow me.” They both walked through the dark alleys of the city and after a thirty minutes walk, arrived in front of a dilapidated apartment complex. “Third floor, first door on your left.” He said, giving her a pair of keys. “It’s not very clean, and it stinks like shit in there. But, there’s no rats.” He stated, “You’ll love it.” Luna grabbed the keys, “Thanks Boss, I owe you one.” “Nah, you don’t owe me nothing. That’s the least I could do.” He stated before turning around and walking away with a sign of his hand. Luna was glad that she met him a few months ago, he was the only friend she ever had. He wasn’t judging her, and he was ready to help her no matter what. They started to form a crew with a few of his mates and soon, they became a notorious gang. Nightmare Moon’s and Lonnie’s name started to become quite known in the underground world of the city. She started to climb the stairs of the apartment complex and stopped when she felt someone was watching her. She looked to the left and saw a girl, maybe a bit younger than her, watching with fear and apprehension, from her apartment door. The girl was familiar to Luna, she swore she already saw her somewhere. Luna frowned and barked, “What ya’ lookin’ at?!” The girl gasped and slammed the door shut. Making Luna burst into a repulsive and indecent laughter. She finally arrived at destination and opened the door. The smell suddenly attacked Luna’s nose and stung her eyes. “Geez’, what the fuck, someone died in here or what?” She said to herself, slamming the door behind her. The apartment was practically empty if it wasn’t for the small couch that could at best welcome two person, a small table in the kitchen and the microwave in bad shape. She guessed the walls used to be white, but were now turning to black because of the mold. With a shrug, she quickly made herself comfortable. After a cold shower, because of course the place didn’t have hot water, and a quick meal composed of instant noodles she found in one of the drawers, Luna sat on the couch and tried to get some sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night because someone was knocking loudly on her door. Luna abruptly stood up, in a really bad mood, walking furiously towards the door. Whoever it was, she was going to make them regretting waking her up. She swung the door open and barked, “Why the fuck would you knock on people’s door in the middle of the fucking ni-” She didn’t finish when she saw who was standing in front of her. It was someone she didn’t saw in years, and to be honest, someone she never thought she would have seen ever again. “Hello, Luna.” Celestia simply greeted. Luna was in shock, she just looked at her with big eyes, not knowing what to do or say. Celestia, seeing that her sister was waiting for her to make a move, tried a little smile. “Can you… Let me in?” She kindly asked. Luna stared at her blankly for a long time, before taking a simple step to the side, letting enough space for her sister to enter the apartment. “Thank you.” Celestia stated, before entering. Luna closed the door behind her and waited for her sister to say something. “So…” Celestia started, looking around the apartment, “Is this where you’re staying?” She took a closer look to the walls and saw it was covered in mold. With a disgusted look she added, “This is… nice.” “What do you want?” Luna finally managed to say. Celestia sighed and turned around to face her little sister. “I came to… See how you’ve been.” “How did you know I was here?” Luna quickly asked, ignoring the previous answer. “Redheart told me. She lives on the second floor.” Celestia replied. That’s when it hit her, she knew she already saw that girl somewhere. They went to the same goddamn school! “And? What do you want?” Luna finally frowned. Her shocking state now finished, she started to feel anger toward her sister. “It’s… Been a while since we saw each other…” Celestia said, kindness in her eyes. “Yeah, no shit. I wonder why.” Luna spat. Celestia sighed, “To be fair, Mom and Dad were the ones preventing me to see you.” “Of course, reject the fault on Mom and Dad.” Luna barked, “By the way, how’s those two devil’s going?” Celestia’s face became livid and she looked away, “They… passed away last month.” Luna’s heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t expecting that. Everything but that. After a minute of reflection, Luna smirked, “Eh, good riddance.” Ignoring the glare Celestia gave her, she added, “And so what? After they died you thought, ‘Oh! That’s right, I’ve still have a little sister I completely forgotten about, what if I start looking for her to fill the gap those fuckers left behind them when they died. Oh, wait, she hates me.’” Celestia bit her lower lips, “Luna listen…” “No! You listen!” Luna stomped on the ground, “I don’t care what you want, I have a life now and you won’t mess it up! Not again!” “A life?” Celestia replied, losing her temper. She showed the apartment with her left arm, “Are you calling this a life?” “Well, whatever you want to call it, there’s no place in it for you!” Luna yelled. Celestia let out a small ‘humpf’, “Fine!” She said, “I don’t even know why I thought this would be a good idea.” “Exactly!” Luna added, “Why in the world, after all those years, you thought you could come here and ask me how’s it been!” “Because I love you, dumbass!” Celestia exploded. Luna stopped and stared at her sister, whose face was covered in red. She never heard her sister saying insults before. A tear rolled down Celestia’s cheek, “And I missed you.” Luna frowned, and closed her eyes before calmly saying, “Get out.” “Luna please-” “GET OUT!” Luna screamed. Celestia flinched and looked at her sister with sad eyes, Luna her, was looking at her with anger. How could she dare saying that she missed her? Celestia wiped the tears that were flowing down on her face and, looking at the ground, made her way to the door, passing right next to Luna who didn’t even looked at her. “I’m sorry.” She said, before Luna could hear the door opening, and then closing. She waited a few minutes before felling on her knees and started crying. That night, Luna didn’t get much sleep. She was just lying on the couch, looking at the ceiling, lost in her thoughts. The apartment was in complete dark, sometimes illuminated by the cars lights coming from down the street. She finally got up from the couch in the early morning when she heard someone knocking on the door. This time, she was too tired to even be mad, she just lazily walked towards the door and slowly opened it. “Wow,” Lonnie started, seeing the state of Luna. “Someone had a rough night.” “You have no idea.” Luna added, letting her friend in. As he walked in, Luna saw that he was carrying two paper bags with him. “What’s the deal, Moon?” Lonnie asked, dropping both bags on the kitchen’s small table. “I saw someone last night…” Luna said, closing the door and joining him. “Someone I didn’t saw in… ages.” Lonnie frowned menacingly at that statement, “Are they bad news?” “Not anymore.” Luna stated, “I took care of it.” “Good.” Lonnie nodded, “Last thing we need is someone hindering our plans.” “What’s this?” Luna said, pointing the bags. “This,” He replied, grabbing the bag on the right and giving it to her, “Is breakfast. Can’t work with an empty stomach, right?” Luna opened it and saw it was French fries with a soda. “Diner for breakfast, how nice.” She said, already starting to chew on some fries. “And this,” He said opening the other bag, “Is your work tool.” When Luna took a closer look into it, she dropped the food she was holding on the floor and took several step back. “D-D-Dude! This is a fucking gun!” She almost yelled. “Keep it down, would you?!” He barked at her. Luna took a deep breath at retrieved her calm. “The fuck man?” “You’ll need it, for… You know… The big thing tonight?” Lonnie said. “I thought we already got over that, I won’t take a fucking gun with me, I fight with my fists!” She stated. Lonnie laughed, “Yeah, we’ll talk about that when you’ll get shot.” He sighed, “Listen, if you don’t want to shoot anyone, that’s fine by me, but you’ll have to take it, at least for your own safety.” Luna was going to say something but she quickly changed her mind. She knew better than arguing with a stubborn guy like Lonnie. “And, when are we going to do it?” She asked him with a serious look on her face. “Tonight, at dawn.” He said, “Caba’ will come pick you up around eight.” He stated before preparing to leave, “Oh, and of course, if you talk to someone about all of that…” He started. “Yeah, yeah, I’m dead, I know.” Luna rolled her eyes. When Lonnie left. He let Luna alone for the rest of the day. And being alone, in an empty apartment, wasn’t exactly what Luna was calling fun. She tried to keep herself busy as best as she could for a few hours but… Ultimately. Luna was bored. She was there, sat next to the window, staring at the gun in her hand. She had never hold a gun in her entire life, and tonight, she might have to shoot someone. Was she ready for this? Once it was done, there will be no turning back. She sighed and finally got up. She put the gun back in the paper bag and put it next to the couch. She put her leather jacket on and prepared herself to leave, she wasn’t going to stay there a minute longer, she had to do something… anything to escape this boredom. She put on her leather boots and when she opened the door she noticed that Celestia was standing there, ready to knock on the door. “Oh, hum…” Celestia started, looking away. “Ugh, you again…” Luna grunted, “What do you want, now?” “Well I…” She sighed and finally looked at her sister in the eyes. “You were right okay? I have no right to force you to be a part of your life but… I still want you to be a part of my life. I screwed up, I know. So let me get things straight.” Luna rolled her eyes, “And how are you going to do that?” “By… Inviting you for lunch?” Celestia tried, with a smug on her face. Luna was about to turn her down when her stomach answers in a loud noise. Celestia giggled and Luna looked away, embarrassed. “Okay, okay, let’s go have a stupid lunch together.” “Yes!” Celestia raised her fist in a sign of victory, making Luna more annoyed than she already was. “Don’t make me regret it.” She added. “Noted.” Celestia replied, the smug wouldn’t leave her face. Luna locked the door with her key and both girls went down the stairs of the apartment complex in an awkward silence. Awkward for Luna at least, because Celestia seemed to enjoy the company. They walked down the street side by side when Celestia finally spoke up. “I’m parked right here.” She said, pointing towards a small white Volkswagen Beetle. Luna raised an eyebrow, “You’ve got your own car? What, did Mom and Dad bought it for you?” Celestia crossed her arms and gave her a glare of disapprobation, “For the record, I actually worked to buy it.” Celestia opened the passenger door for her sister saying, “After you.” Luna rolled her eyes but sat inside anyway. Celestia was soon sat on the driver’s seat and started the engine. “She’s like my baby.” She said, talking about the car. “So… You’re working now, uh?” Luna asked, watching as her sister carefully drove out of the parking lot. Celestia gave her a quick glance, “So you’re making conversation now?” She said. Before Luna could say anything, Celestia said, “Yes, I work as a kindergarten teacher.” “A teach’, you?” Luna smirked, “Eh, should’ve guessed.” “Someday,” Celestia added, “I’ll have my own school.” She smiled, not leaving the road from her eyes, “That’s my dream, to help children develops and help them find their talents.” She giggled, “And you Luna, what do you do?” Luna tried to found something to tell. She wasn’t going to say she was beating up people for money. She finally looked outside from the passenger window. “What are you, a cop?” It made Celestia laugh. “Yeah, I figured… You know, if you need help to find a job or…” “I don’t need your help!” Luna quickly barked. “F-Forget I said anything.” Celestia said, having a hard time keeping her smile. They both finally arrived at the nearest McRonald’s and Celestia drove towards the drive-through, where a young lady was there, waiting for any customers. When Celestia stopped the car in front of her, the teenager woke up and gave the brightest fake smile she could. “Good Afternoon ma’am and to McRonald’s, can I take your order?” The teenager asked. “So…” Celestia started, looking at the sign showing the menu next to the teenager, “I’ll have… Two number nine’s, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-five, one with cheese, and a large soda.” Then she remembered, “Oh right,” She turned to face Luna, “What do you want? It’s on me.” Luna was staring at her sister, “You… You’re going to eat all of that?” Celestia giggled and started to blush, “I’m… very hungry.” Luna couldn’t help but smirk, she remembered her sister always ate for three and managed to stay thin. “I’ll… Have a happy meal.” Luna finally said, “And don’t forget the toy.” Celestia turned her gaze back to the young woman who worked there, and smiled, “You heard her, don’t forget the toy.” “Right…” The teenager said, giving them a weird look. Celestia paid for the meals and grabbed the four paper bags, putting them on Luna. “Hey, that’s hot!” “Have a nice day!” Celestia happily said to the young lady working there, driving away. The drive back home was made in silence. Luna was looking at the pedestrians with a bored, tired look on her face and Celestia was focused on her driving. They managed to get back to Luna’s apartment, or squat, and the horrible smell immediately attacked her nose when she opened the door. “Urgh, that smell…” She complained. Celestia didn’t make any remark, to stay on her sister’s good side, and put the paper bags on the kitchen table while Luna was closing the door behind them. “You can start without me, I need to go to the bathroom.” Luna stated. “Mmmmh.” Celestia replied, her mouth already occupied by a bite of a hamburger. Luna smiled, some things never changed, and walked toward the bathroom. She quickly did what she had to do and washed her hands at the sink, before looking at her reflection in the mirror. “Maybe… It can work?” She asked herself. Her sister really tried, so what if she tried? Could they be sisters again? Then, Luna heard a scream in the living room and, not thinking twice, dashed through the door, opening it violently. “Celestia, are you ok-” She stopped herself when she saw her sister was turned around, her back to Luna, facing the wall, something in her hands. “Celestia?” Luna called. “Luna…” Celestia started. She turned around with a horrified look on her face, holding a gun with her two hands. “W-What is that?” Luna didn’t know what to say on the instant, so she just stared blankly at her sister. “W-Why do you have a gun?” “It’s…” Luna tried, “It’s not what it looks like.” Celestia frowned with anger, “Then explain to me, now!” The tone Celestia used didn’t pleased Luna at all, she mimicked Celestia’s expression, “And why would I owe you an explanation, uh?” Luna barked. “You have a freaking gun, Luna! What were you going to do with that?” Celestia asked, dropping it on the couch like it was the most disgusting thing she ever saw. “None of your damn business!” Luna said, walking toward her sister. “Oh, you’re wrong, it is my business! You’re my sister Luna!” Celestia barked back, now a few inches away from her sister. “I’m your sister?” Luna asked in astonishment, a hand on her chest, “Since when exactly?” “Don’t play games with me, Luna.” “No, no, tell me, since when are we sisters exactly? Since we were kids, you always thought you were better than me, you always had our parent’s attention and I had nothing! When I needed help in High School, you never did anything, even if you knew-And don’t lie to me about that!” She quickly added when she saw Celestia tried to say something, “Everybody knew at school that I was the whipping girl!” “I… I…” Celestia tried. “Luna…” “IT’S NOT LUNA, IT’S NIGHTMARE MOON!” Luna screamed in furry, pushing her sister making her fell on the ground. Then, the front door opened abruptly, revealing Lonnie with a determined look on his face, “Moon, are you okay? I heard scream-” Then he noticed Celestia, “Who’s that?” Luna retrieved her calm when she saw her friend, “It’s…” She looked back at her sister who was getting up, “No one. She was going to leave anyway… Right?” “I…” Celestia tried, she gulped when she saw the looks both Luna and Lonnie were giving her, “Luna please…” She said in a hushed tone. “I’m pretty sure she said you were going to leave.” Lonnie said, walking toward her, “Or maybe you need a hand?” He darkly asked. Celestia gulped, holding back her tears, and looked at the ground, “I…” Finally, she pushed Lonnie out of her way and ran towards the exit, crying all the way. “Tsss,” Lonnie watched her leave, “Who was that anyway?” When he didn’t hear any response, he looked at Luna, “Moon?” Then, for the first time, he saw a single tear on her face. “Moon, are ya’ cryin’?” He asked. “What?” She quickly wiped the tear away, “Nah, I just got… Something in my eye.” Later… Luna was sat behind a car, next to another girl who was a year younger than her and had mid length dark blue hair, and a few piercings across her face. She knew her as Ember. On the passenger seat was Lonnie, and on the driver’s seat was a man she knew as Caballeron. She knew little about the man, except the fact that he was a true coward. That’s why he was the driver, no one could escape the cops better than him. “Alright, let’s get a final recap,” Lonnie said, “Moon?” Luna sighed, “Ember and I enter by the front door and ask to see Grubber for… Work.” She said the last word while gritting her teeth, showing her discontent, “When we get to finally see the guy, Ember takes out his two goons he always keeps with him while I threaten him with my gun. I ask him kindly to order his other goons to take a night off so you can come in. And Caba’, of course, stays here.” “As it should be.” Caballeron stated. “And maybe after that, I can buy you a drink, my sweet Nightm-” “I rather die.” Luna quickly stopped him, glaring at him with a murderous look. “All right, any suggestions before we start?” The biggest guy asked everyone. When no one spoke, he nodded, “Perfect. Team Ember Moon, you’re up.” Luna and Ember both exited the car and walked toward the dark alley. “Nervous?” Ember asked Luna. “Eh, you wish.” Luna stated, making Ember chuckle. On the end of the alley, a young woman was watching them, trying her best not to be seen. Celestia knew she shouldn’t be there, be she wanted to make sure Luna wasn’t into any kind of trouble. So, she may have followed them when she saw them leaving her apartment a moment ago. “Luna, please don’t do anything… Stupid.” She said to herself. The girls arrived in front of a metal door where a small hatch at eye level was closed, and Ember knocked three times with a certain rhythm. The hatch opened, revealing dark, grey eyes, “Yeah, what’ya want?” “We’re here to see Grubber,” Luna started, then she passed a bang of her hair behind her ear and winked at the guy, “He said he could… help us.” The door opened, revealing a thin, ugly man. He took a close look to the women and scratched his chin, “Hmm, yeah, ya girls ain’t so bad. All right.” He took a step on the side and let both women enter. “Up the stairs, third door.” After a few step forward, Ember whispered, “It was easier than I thought, the guy didn’t even try to search us.” Luna smirked, “And what could two young, frail and defenseless young ladies like us do anyway?” When they walked through Grubber’s place, they noticed they were in a filthy brothel. The smell was almost making Ember puke, she had to put her hand to her nose, and behind all closed doors could be heard screams of ‘pleasure’ but also cries of pain. It didn’t seem to bother the guards though, who were sat at a table, playing poker. One of them noticed the young ladies, and gave them a knowing look with a wink. If it wasn’t for the plan, Luna already would have jumped for his throat. Ember grabbed Luna’s forearm and simply whispered, “Don’t.” They both continued their walk and finally reached the door. Both girls looked at each other’s and nodded. Luna knocked and they heard a small “You may enter.” They both did and carefully closed the door behind them. Grabber was a very small and chubby middle aged man. He was sat on a chair behind a desk, counting money in his hand. On both side of the door were two goons, they didn’t look that strong but they both had guns on their belts. Grubber lifts up his gaze to look at both women and whistled, “Oh my, what is it, my birthday?” He chuckled, not noticing the look on the women faces, “What can I do for you, sweethearts?” Luna did her best charming and sensually smile while slowly walking towards his desk. “Well… My friend and I really needed some money… And, we heard you could…” She leaned forward wand winked at the guy while whispering, “Help us.” Grubber couldn’t refrain his smile, “I’ll do anything for beautiful girls in need.” He stated. “That’s exactly what I wanted you to say.” Luna said. She then looked at Ember who nodded. Ember quickly strike the guy on her left with her elbow, making him fall to his knees. The other guy, completely taken aback wasn’t ready for the punch in his nose, Ember quickly grabbed his face and struck him into the wall, making him fall unconscious and she turned around, striking the guy who was on his knees with a powerful punt kick to the face. It all happened in a few seconds and Grubber mouth was wide open, ready to scream to his guards next room but stopped himself when Luna pointed his forehead with her gun. “One advice, don’t.” She said. Ember cracked her knuckles before walking toward the desk, sitting on it. “Ez.” She said. She grabbed the phone on Grubber’s desk and threw it to him. “Tell your men to take a night off, they deserved it.” Luna ordered. “What if I don’t?” Grubber defied, sweat rolling down his forehead. “You die.” Luna threaten. She wasn’t really going to kill the guy, of course. He still chuckled, “Do you really think you’re the first ones to threaten me? Let me tell you, girls, dying is a risk I’ve known all my life.” He spat, “I was in this business long before you were even born.” Luna, nor Ember, noticed that the guy had pushed a small button under his desk. Luna was starting to lose her temper, “Don’t make me.” Grubber was defying her with a smug and Ember quickly jumped to her feet, glaring at the door. “Moon.” “What?” Luna snapped, looking at her. At that moment the door swung wide open and at least ten of Grubber’s men entered the room. “Boss!” One of them called, Luna recognized him as the one who winked at her. “Don’t kill them.” Grubber stated, while Luna and Ember were back to back, surrounded by his goons, “I want them alive.” Luna gulped, it wasn’t supposed to go like this, it was supposed to be an easy job! She pointed the guy in front of her with her gun, trembling. She screamed in pain when one of the guys on the side hit her arms with a crowbar, making her drop the gun on the floor. “Moon!” Ember called, she avoided a goon who tried to hit her with a baseball bat and gave him a strong head-butt, making him fall on his back, spitting a few teeth on the floor. Luna managed to dodge another attack of the crowbar and kicked the guy right into his nuts. The guy dropped the crowbar and Luna took advantage of that to punch him in the face with all her strength, breaking his nose. Then, someone grabbed her from behind, blocking her arms behind her. She was totally at the mercy of the guy in front of her who had a brass knuckle. She spat blood when he punched her in her stomach and quickly followed with a punch right in her face. “You motherf-” Ember yelled, seeing that. Too focused on her friend, she was hit behind the head with a metal pipe and fell on the floor unconscious. “Ember!” Luna called, then the last thing she remembered was the brass knuckle of the guy in front of her, directly landing into her face. Meanwhile, in the dark alley, Celestia was still watching at the steel door. “What is taking her so long?” She asked herself. “You know that spying often brings trouble, right?” She heard a masculine voice behind her. She gasped, and quickly turned around and trembled in fear at the sight of Lonnie, who was at least two head taller than her. “I-I-I wasn’t spying!” She tried, “I was… peeping?” Lonnie stared at her from top to bottom, making Celestia shivers, then he sighed and looked in the iron door’s direction. “Something’s wrong, she already should’ve called me.” He stated. “What…” Celestia gulped, “What is she doing there anyway.” “There’s this guy who thinks he owns the place. Me and my crew were supposed to pay him a visit… So he knows who’s ruling over these streets.” He frowned, “I guess something must’ve gone wrong.” “And you’ve let her going in there on her own?” Celestia’s expression quickly passed from worry to anger. “She’s not on her own, Ember’s with her, besides, Moon knows how to handle herself.” He stated, crossing his arms. “No she doesn’t!” Celestia barked. “What do you know?” Lonnie frowned, “And who the fuck are you anyway?” “I’m Luna’s sister.” Celestia stated. “Her… Sister?” Lonnie raised an eyebrow and looked at her in stupor, “She never talked about any sister before.” “Eh, I can’t blame her for that.” Celestia added, looking away. An awkward silence took place. Lonnie cleared his throat and stated, “Well, we should go in there, if they’re into trouble, we have to help them.” Celestia’s glare was quickly filled with terror, “B-But isn’t it… Dangerous?” “Oh,” Lonnie chuckled, “Yeah it is. We could probably die.” He looked at Celestia who was shaking, “But are you going to let your sister get hurt?” Celestia bit her lips. She never would’ve thought to find herself into this kind of trouble but… “N-No!” Celestia stated, a mix of fear and determination in her eyes. “I’ll come with you.” “That’s the spirit.” Lonnie replied with a smug. When Luna woke up, she grunted out of pain. She had the biggest headache she never had in her life. She felt blood dripping from her nose, and couldn’t clearly see in front of her because of the darkness of the room. She heard footsteps behind her and someone laughing, “Hey, Randy! I think she’s awake!” Then, she felt someone hit her on her back and she screamed in pain. “Yep, she is. Just wanted to be sure.” The same voice said. When the guy appeared in front of her, she recognized him as the first guy Ember had took out in Grubber’s office. “Don’t break her now, Dumdee, I want to have some fun with her first.” ‘Dumdee’ was joined by the other guy Luna guessed was Randy, who was, of course, the guy who winked at her before. Randy grabbed Luna’s face with his hand, and looked at her carefully. “So that’s your type, uh?” Dumdee asked, “Bad girl, dressed in black, probably has daddy issues.” “Yeah it turns me on.” Randy grinned. “And by the end of the night, I’m the one she’s going to call daddy.” In response to that, Luna gave him the biggest head-butt she managed. Randy fell backward holding his nose, and Luna’s headache came back. Randy yelled in pain, “This fucking bitch broke my nose!” He said, blood pouring down his face. “You cunt!” Dumdee barked, punching Luna in the face. He followed by another punch, and Luna’s world was starting to swirl. “I said don’t!” Randy, who was now on his feet, stopped his mate, “I want her conscious.” Dumdee was going to ask what he meant by that, before realizing and a menacing grin appeared on his face. “Oh, yeaaah.” Dumdee walked behind her and grabbed her hair, pointing her in the back with her own gun he grabbed before, making her directly looking at Randy in his eyes, while Randy was starting to put down Luna’s pants. Luna as for her, was relatively calm. She was half-way between being conscious and passing out. ‘So, that’s how it’s going to happen, uh?’ She thought to herself. ‘Never thought I’d lose my virginity this way. Eh, I guess I had it coming.’ When she felt her jean was totally off, she closed her eyes. It’ll soon be over. … The she felt the hand grabbing the back of her head releasing her and she heard a scream of pain. She shot her eyes open when Randy let go of her legs and saw Lonnie, jumping at him, holding him by his throat and tackling him to the ground. He then started to repeatedly punch the guy in his face. “L-Lonnie?” Luna said with a small voice. Then, Celestia appeared right in front of her, tears in her eyes, holding Luna’s face in her hands. “Oh Lulu, what have they done to you.” “T… Tia?” With a final punch into Randy’s face now covered in blood, Lonnie stood up and walked towards both women. “I guess we made it in time.” He grabbed Luna’s pants and tossed it to Celestia, “Quick, we still have to find Ember.” Celestia untied Luna who was bound to a steel pole, and helped her put her pants on. “Are… Are you going to be okay?” Celestia asked, when Luna gets to her feet. “I’ll manage,” Luna stated, not believing what she was saying. “I would say I’ve seen worse but… I’d be lying.” Wiping off the blood on her face, she then realized that her sister shouldn’t be there, “Why are you here anyway?” “I…” Celestia didn’t knew what to say, she didn’t want to admit she was spying… Peeping on her. “I asked her,” Lonnie said, opening the door a few inches and glaring through the corridor to see if the path was clear, “Thought I could need a hand.” “How did you even got in?” Luna asked. “From the garage.” Celestia stated. “Yeah, one of those jerks was heading out, I knocked him out and made our way in.” Lonnie explained. Luna stared into Celestia’s kind eyes and sighed, “I’m… happy you’re here.” She admitted, resulting in a smile and a hug from Celestia. “Not that I want to interrupt this emotional reunion, but we still need to save Ember and then get the hell out of this place.” Lonnie reminded them. “Yeah, you’re right.” Luna stated, she turned around and picked up her gun. When she saw the look Celestia was giving her, she looked away, but still hold on to it. Celestia grabbed her sister’s arm and put it around her neck, helping her sister get up the best as she could. “I don’t need your pity.” Luna muttered. “There’s a difference between pity and help, Lulu.” Celestia kindly replied. “All clear.” Lonnie stated after a minute, opening the door, revealing the corridor Luna walked in earlier. She realized she was in one of those rooms. “All we need to do is find Ember and…” “ARGH!” The three of them heard a masculine voice yelling from the other side of the hallway. “THE BITCH BIT ME!” “I think I found her.” Luna stated, still holding on to her sister, trying her best to stay on her feet. The crew quietly walked toward the room where the scream came from and Lonnie stopped the girls and quickly dragged them to hide behind a wall. Before Luna could ask what it was all about, they saw one of the door opening with two goons getting out. One was holding a baseball bat covered in blood, the other one was holding his bleeding lips. “That stupid whore!” The one holding his lips swore. “You should put some ice on it.” The other one advised. When they disappeared from Lonnie’s sight, he made a sign for the girls to follow him quietly and they headed toward the door where the goons came out from. They quickly entered the now silent room and Celestia closed the door behind Luna and herself. The room was almost the same as the one they found Luna in. Ember, covered in blood, was tied up to a steel pole, her eyes closed. Lonnie didn’t waste any time and ran at her side. “Ember? Quit fucking around and answer me!” He called, already starting to free her. Celestia and Luna arrived at his side and Celestia gasped at the sight of Ember, “Oh my god… How could they do that.” “Those fuckers will pay.” Lonnie darkly stated, lifting up a knocked out Ember in his arms. The four of them exited the room and quietly made their way to the garage where Celestia and Lonnie entered. At the sight of the door, Celestia opened it, opening the path for Luna, Lonnie and Ember, and quickly followed them, closing it behind her. “Leaving so soon?” They heard a voice coming from the other side of the garage. There, Grubber was standing, behind him ten of his goons were waiting. Some of them had baseball bats, others crowbars and a few had knives. “You got to be shitting me.” Lonnie stated. “Lionel Thompson Lincoln.” Grubber chuckled at the sight of Lonnie, “What a surprise.” Luna grabbed her gun, and made a step forward in front of Lonnie and Ember, pointing it to Grubber. “I’m not gonna make the same mistake twice.” She warned. “Go ahead then.” Grubber defied her with his look and they both stood there silently. Grubber’s men slowly starting to make their way towards them. “Luna wait!” Celestia called, running in front of her sister and spread her arms open. “Don’t do it.” “Celestia move!” Luna yelled with a frown. “No I won’t!” Celestia firmly stated, shaking her head, “I won’t let you make this mistake! I’m not going to abandon you, not again!” “Don’t you get it? This is my life now!” Luna almost cried. “It doesn’t have to be!” Celestia screamed with all her might. “You don’t get it! I’m not your little sister anymore, I’ve changed!” Grubber’s goons were starting to get closer, she had to do something quick. “I’ve changed too Luna!” Celestia stated, “And I want to get to know you… The real you! So please… Don’t do it.” “You bitches are talking too much!” The guy Luna recognized as the one who was bit by Ember grabbed Celestia by the arm. Celestia gasped and tried to fight him back. “Let go of my sister you motherf-” Luna started to scream, but a blue blur entered her vision and a powerful punch landed on the guy’s face, making him fly away dropping the knife he was holding. Ember, still covered in her own blood, glared furiously at each and every one of Grubber’s goons, she grabbed the knife the guy she just punched dropped on the floor and released her most powerful war cry. Lonnie walked next to her and cracked his knuckles. “Moon, take your sister with you and get the hell outta here.” “But-” Luna started. “Do it now!” He ordered. Celestia ran at her sister’s side and grabbed her arm, starting to head towards the garage exit. One of the goons tried to follow them but Lonnie quickly intercepted him and punched him so hard it knocked him out. Celestia and a Luna in poor condition continued their race towards the exit, Luna managed to get out first quickly followed by her sister, but something tripped her making her fell face first on the ground and dropping her gun. “Luna!” Celestia called. “Well, well, well, where do you think you’re going?” Grubber stated, slowly taking the gun Luna dropped. Luna tried to jump on him but he quickly pointed her with her own gun and smirked, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He chuckled while Luna took a step back, taking place to her terrified sister. “You really pissed me off tonight you know.” He stated, “I didn’t wanted to kill you girls at first, I just wanted to give you a… Correction.” He casually stated, “But, what would I look like if I let you go away after all of this uh?” Luna gulped and quickly took a look at a shivering Celestia. “Goodbye, Nightmare Moon.” He said with a chuckle before pressing the trigger. “Luna no!” Celestia quickly screamed, pushing her sister away and putting herself in front of her. Her eyes were closed, ready for the pain… that never come. She opened one of her eyes and saw that Grubber was looking at the weapon in incomprehension. “Unloaded?” He asked himself. At this sight, Luna thought, ‘Lonnie… You didn’t…’ Celestia didn’t wasted any more time and, with a war cry of her own, she charged at him and punched him right across the face, making the small man fall unconscious to the ground. Breathing heavily, she stared at the man for a few seconds, before looking at her sister, who was glaring at her. “Woah, remember me to, like, never piss you off.” Then, seeing that Celestia wasn’t responding, Luna smirked at her sister and walked toward her, taking her in her arms. “It’s all over Tia.” They hugged for a few minutes before Celestia broke the hug. “W-What about your friends?” She asked. “Eh, Lonnie’s inside, I’m more scared for Grubber’s men.” Luna stated. As she said that, they heard the garage door open and Lonnie, blood covering his white skin, helping Ember to walk out. “Oh my… You’re covered in blood!” Celestia screamed, putting her hand on her mouth. Ember looked at the big guys standing next to her and chuckled, “Don’t worry, it’s no his blood.” Present days… “After that, I quitted this life.” Luna finished, “Lonnie surprisingly understood that I wanted to change, and even if I didn’t ask him to, he disappeared from my life. Same as Ember, even if I’ve heard from her from time to time. She’s in the military now…” Luna sighed and grabbed Sunset’s hand, “So, you see? I was in a worst place than you. And I still managed to get through it. I don’t want you to make the same mistake that I have, don’t shut down on people, talk to them and agree that sometimes… You need help.” Sunset was holding back her tears. She bit her lower lip and took Luna in a big hug, “I’m sorry Luna…” “It’s okay Sunset, it’s okay.” She broke the hug herself and looked at Sunset in the eyes, “Now, I don’t know what’s going on with you lately, but if you need to talk to someone, you can talk to me. And if you don’t want to talk to me, that’s okay, but at least talk to one of your friend. Secrets have costs, they’re not for free.” “I…” Sunset sighed and nodded, “I will.” Luna smiled at her and nodded. She watched the time on her phone and gasped, “Oh my, I’m gonna be late. Redheart helped me find an apartment downtown and I have a visit in thirty minutes!” Sunset’s eyes went wide open, “Then what are you waiting for? Go!” Luna jumped from the chair and quickly put her coat and her shoes on, preparing herself to leave. Sunset stayed at the table and was lost in her thought after the story Luna just told her. She never would’ve imagine Luna and Celestia had to go through that. She sure didn’t imagine that Luna used to be friend with Tombstone of all people. Even if it happened like, twenty years ago, she never would’ve thought Luna could be friend with a scum like him. Well, now that she was thinking about it, he didn’t seem that bad back then. ‘I mean, sure, he was a thug and a gangster. But he also seemed to have heart.’ She thought to herself, ‘I wonder what happened to him, pushing him to work for someone like Fisk.’ “I’ll get pizza on my way home!” Luna called from the entrance. “Sure Luna, be safe.” Sunset replied. Then, when Luna opened the door, Sunset heard her talking to someone, “Oh, Rainbow Dash, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” Luna said. Sunset gulped and almost fell from her chair. “Yeah, I was in the neighborhood and thought I could say hi… Is Sunset here?” Sunset heard Rainbow ask to Luna. “Of course, she’s in the kitchen.” Luna pointed the kitchen to Rainbow Dash, “Well, I’m late for an important thing. Goodbye Rainbow Dash.” Luna waved as a goodbye before walking toward her car. “Yeah, see ya’ Principal Luna.” Then Sunset heard the front door close, and a few steps coming from the corridor. Jumping on her feet, she looked at the kitchen’s window thinking to escape. Rainbow Dash was the last person on earth she wanted to see right now. She was staring at the kitchen’s door when she heard Rainbow Dash slowly entered, not surprised to see that Sunset was actually waiting for her. They both stared at each other a few seconds before Rainbow Dash sighed and fell on one of the chair, making a sign of her head for Sunset to do the same. Sunset quietly did, and then Rainbow Dash threw Red’s mask on the table. It took Sunset by surprise and the look on her face said it all. Seeing that, Rainbow Dash frowned and crossed her arms, “Explain, now.” > Volume II - Chapter 13: Secrets have a cost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite her family being Christian, Lyra never was a believer. She went to Sunday school when she was young but that was it. So, she had no idea what she was doing on a church, all alone, in the hope to be heard. She was sat on a bench, her eyes closed, breathing slowly and enjoying the calm. “I…” Lyra started, “I never wanted thing to go this badly with Bonbon…” No one was listening, but for once, it was liberating to speak things out loud. “I really thought things could get better, I really did.” She sighed, “But I screwed things up, like I always do.” She frowned, feeling her anger growing, “But it didn’t have to be this way if it wasn’t for… Sunset Shimmer! I swear this girl only wants to make my life miserable!” She slowly retrieved her calm and joined both her hands together. “Lord, if you hear me, please, I’m begging you to give me the strength…” She opened her eyes, “To make Shimmer pay.” Holding The Fiend’s mask in her hand, Sunset locked her eyes on it unable to look away, deeply lost in her thought. She had to choose the next words she was going to say wisely but she didn’t know exactly what she could tell, she didn’t want Rainbow Dash to be in any danger with those kind of information. “I’m waiting.” Rainbow Dash calmly stated with a raised eyebrow, staring at Sunset Shimmer with her arms crossed on her chest, her fingers tapping on her left arm. “Listen Rainbow…” Sunset finally sighed, dropping the mask on the table. “I… Don’t think it’s my job to tell you. If he wanted you to know, he would’ve said something.” She stared down. “Do I look like I give a shit?” Rainbow Dash honestly asked her, “He’s gone. I won’t get any answers from him now, so I’m coming to you. We’re best friends aren’t we?” At that statement, Sunset rose her glare to face Rainbow’s, “If we are, you will tell me the truth.” She hated to admit it but… Rainbow was right. She owes her that. “Fine.” Sunset gave up, “What do you want to know? I’ll tell you nothing but the truth.” “I want to know everything.” Rainbow told her. “Okay, but I must tell you… I don’t know if he told me the whole story, or if he told me the truth at all.” Sunset explained. Rainbow Dash gave a shrug of her shoulders, “I don’t care. Go ahead.” “All right.” Sunset took a sip from her hot tea, “You remember when that Pikachu guy was on a rampage back in October?” “Electro?” Rainbow Dash asked her. “Yeah, him.” Sunset nodded, “Truth is, he was searching for someone. The guy responsible for what happened to him.” Rainbow Dash nodded, listening closely, “That guy was Red.” “So… Is Red like… You?” Rainbow tried. Sunset nodded, “After I beat Electro, Red came to see me. It seems I wasn’t the first hero in Canterlot. He called himself, The Fiend. He’s pretty strong to be honest, stronger than me at least, and he’s the only person I know in this world capable of using magic.” “Why didn’t we heard of him before? I mean, you were on TV, like, a week after you got your powers.” Rainbow asked while she raised an eyebrow. “Because he did everything he could to avoid that. Only a few gangsters knew his name, he thought that he could be the one putting fear in criminal’s heart. He did everything he could to be anonymous.” Sunset smirked, “It didn’t really work out though, when you go after the wrong people, the kind you shouldn’t mess with, it’s only a matter of time before…” Sunset stopped when she realized she got a little bit ahead of herself, “Anyway, he came to me and helped me to find out how I got my powers. After my fight with Vulture, he explained to me that he came from another world, just like me… Except in his world, he was human not a pony of course.” Sunset explained. Rainbow Dash gave her an odd look, “He’s from another world? Sheesh, how many of you guys are there?” “It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if there was more of us.” Sunset said, “After what happened these past few month, nothing can surprise me anymore.” “But still, it doesn’t explain why he ran away like that.” Rainbow stated. Sunset bit her lower lip, avoiding her friend’s glare. She finally sighed, she swore she would tell her the truth and only the truth. “It’s my fault, actually.” She looked at Rainbow who was frowning at her, but remained silent, so Sunset continued. “Spit- Someone came to me one day, and told me that Red was the Fiend.… I had no idea, but when she told me, it all made sense. She also said that he was working with a dangerous woman, so that person went after them… I was already suspicious of him, but the way she explained it to me, I assumed he was taking advantage of me… Of us. That’s the last time I’ve heard of him...” She gulped, “Listen Rainbow, you have to know that… If he got closer to you, it was actually to be closer to me. I always sensed something was off about him, he never had bad intention towards me, or us, but somehow I knew that… He was using us.” “If you tell me this,” Rainbow slowly said, “Then I believe you have proof of what you’re saying.” “I… Don’t.” Sunset quickly jumped to her feet when she saw the dark glare Rainbow Dash gave her, “Wait!” She quickly added putting her hands in front of her, “I-I know I sound crazy but, I need you to trust me, okay?” It was Rainbow’s turn to jump to her feet, “Trust you? How can I? You’ve been acting really, really, weird lately! You don’t talk to us, your best friends, and when you do, you disrespect at least one of us every time!” “I…” Sunset relaxed her tensed arms, “I just have a lot to deal with lately.” “This is no excuses!” Rainbow stomped her feet on the ground, “At least I can see you weren’t a bitch only towards us! You betrayed the only person that I ever loved, for what? Because something was off?! And putting my personal feelings aside, he was AJ’s friend too, and what about Wendy? Have you thought about her? She was supposed to live with him god damnit!” Rainbow spit out. “Wendy is the Vulture’s daughter!” Sunset barked back. “He doesn’t care less about her, he just made a promise, that’s all!” “Why are you so stubborn?!” Rainbow Dash pushed the chair out of her way and walked in front of Sunset, “Why won’t you admit that, maybe, just maybe, he was a genuinely good guy?!” “Because if he was, then everything that we’ve done would’ve meant nothing!” Sunset barked. Then, Sunset took a small step back, feeling something landing on her cheek. She put her hand on it and looked at Rainbow with a surprised glare. “Did you just… Punched me?” Rainbow’s face was red with fury, “You really love destroying people’s lives, do you? I thought you changed, after the fall formal… I can see I was wrong.” At that statement, Sunset gritted her teeth and punched Rainbow in the face, retaining her strength. But even with that, Rainbow fell on her back with a grunt of pain. “I changed! I’m a much better person now!” “Are you?!” Rainbow yelled, then she jumped at Sunset. Both girls fell on the ground, Rainbow Dash on top, who punched Sunset in the nose. Having been punched before, Sunset wasn’t really fazed by it, she quickly overpowered Rainbow Dash and pushed her away from her. She jumped to her feet and grabbed her rainbow haired friend by the throat before slamming her on the wall. Rainbow Dash was gasping for air, both her hands grabbing Sunset’s arms when the fiery haired girl lift her up by the throat. Sunset was breathing heavily, slowly tightening up the grip she had on Rainbow. ‘Go ahead, kill her.’ ‘What?’ Then, she came back to her senses when she saw a tear rolling down Rainbow’s cheek. She quickly loosened up her grip, and Rainbow fell on the ground, finally able to catch some air. “W-What…” Then Sunset looked in horror at her friend and quickly tried to help her get back to her feet. “Rainbow, I’m so sorr-” Rainbow slapped Sunset’s hand away and started getting up on her own. “Back off, Shimmer!” She barked. Back on her two feet, Rainbow pushed Sunset aside and grabbed Red’s mask on the table before walking away. “Rainbow wait!” Sunset ran after her friend to the house entrance. Rainbow violently opened the door and gave an angry look at Sunset, “I really thought you changed Sunset, but I was wrong! Now, leave me and the girls alone, or I’ll kill you myself!” She looked away, “What a hero.” And with that, she slammed the door behind her. Sunset stared blankly at the door, assimilating what just happened. She looked down at her hands and gritted her teeth. Meanwhile… “Wait… Can you say that again?” Fleur asked with a doubtful frown on her sweet face, having trouble to believe what she was hearing. “Sunset’s beat the crap out of me, and I think she might be responsible for Red’s disappearance… Well, sort of.” Rainbow replied, taking a sip from her soda Fleur offered her earlier, she coughed after she felt the liquid flowing down her throat. She was still hurt from what Sunset did to her before. Fleur gave her a concerned look which Rainbow ignored. Both of them were at Fleur’s house… Or mansion. Situated in the heart of the city, where wealthy people lived, the Dis Lee family lived there for generations. Fleur’s room was almost the size of Rainbow’s house, she even had a small kitchen inside her bedroom just to make tea. Both girls were sat around a small table decorated with a silk tablecloth. Fleur was drinking a hot earl grey, listening to what happened to Rainbow. “W-Why would you think that?” She asked her. “I thought she was your best friend?” “Fuck her. She nearly killed me earlier. She’s not my friend anymore.” Rainbow stated. “Rainbow, even if she hurt you, you can’t say something like that! Why on earth would she be responsible for Red’s disappearance?” Rainbow tried really hard to not tell the truth about everything to Fleur. But even if Rainbow was mad at Sunset right now, she just couldn’t say to Fleur that she was Spider-girl… She definitely couldn’t. “Not important.” Rainbow stated. “Listen Rainbow,” Fleur quietly stated, putting her hand on Rainbow’s, “Maybe you should… let it go? All I see is that it’s eating you up inside. I can’t let you get hurt…” She finished with a small blush she tried to hide. But Rainbow wasn’t looking at her, she was staring blankly at the mask between her hands. “No, I can’t.” She stated, earning a sad look from Fleur. “Well, if you’re not going to give up…” Fleur stated, “I’m not going to either!” “What?” Rainbow looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “We’re in this together now!” Fleur gave her a wink. “But you just said…” Rainbow tried. “I know very well what I just said.” Fleur quickly replied, “But if I can’t prevent you from doing this, then I’m going with you. And I’m not giving you any choice in the matter.” Rainbow tried to say something, but all she could mutter was, “Thank you.” She smiled, “I’m glad I ran into you that day in front of school.” Fleur giggled, “Me too Rainbow Dash… Me too.” Meanwhile… Swinging around the city, Spider-girl looked around for crime to stop and bad guys to catch. But there was night when… there was nothing. It was unusual but it happened. She needed distraction, she wanted to think about something else that what happened earlier with her friend at her house. It was also very cold that night so she decided to wear one of her leather jacket, not the one she usually wears obviously. She thought it gave her a certain style, the jacket on top of her black suit. “Hey, who said Rarity was the only one with good fashion tastes.” She decided to stop on top of a building to have a little midnight snack. She sat at the edge and put her mask up just for her mouth to be seen and then she grabbed a chocolate bar in her pocket before she started to chew on it. Then she heard noises coming from the street beneath her. She looked down and raised an eyebrow, “What a coincidence.” She talked to herself. “So?” One of the thugs asked, becoming impatient. “It’s coming!” The other one who was trying to force open the door of a store replied. Spider-girl just stared at first to finish her snack, but after staring at them for a moment, she wanted to see if they were going to make it, she truly believed they could get in. But after five minutes straight, now it was just pathetic. “Hey!” She called them, making them jump in fear for being caught. “Can’t you guys just wait ‘till tomorrow morning like everyone else?” “Spidergirl!” One of the thugs called, pointing his gun directly at her. “Somehow, I could hear that there wasn’t a hyphen between Spider and Girl, and it really bothers me.” She stated “And why is everyone shouting my name every time they see me? I mean, it literally happens every time.” The other thug also draws out his gun and both of them started shooting in her direction. She dodged the bullets without any effort. “You guys really should see the bright side, If I had let you in, your sentence would’ve been longer.” “Kill her!” Thug number one yelled. “I’m trying!” Thug number two replied. “Hey, it would be way funnier if you made little noises like, pew pew!” Sunset taunted them for a moment. It was small pleasures like this one that made this job more bearable the nights she wasn’t feeling it. But then, she heard police cars coming their way, “Oh, sorry guys but the party has to stop here. I never was a party animal myself.” And just like that, she shot two webs, gluing them to the walls behind them. “If the police can’t get you down, tell them that it should dissolves itself like… in three, maybe four hours.” The next day at school, Flash and Thunderlane were both in the music room. Flash was playing a slow rhythm on his guitar, and thunder lane was on his phone, killing time. Finally, Flash grunted and put his guitar on the table near him, “What the hell happened?” “Uh?” Thunderlane gave him a shrug. “To our band!” Flash yelled, “A few weeks ago, you, Rainbow, Red, Sunset and I were here, playing music and having fun! Now it’s like all of that… Never happened.” He finished in a hushed tone. “Yeah well,” Thunderlane started, “We both know Red’s not around and it seems like Sunset and Rainbow aren’t in good terms.” “What do you mean?” Flash asked him. “I heard they fought yesterday.” “Who told you that?” Flash frowned. “Trixie did, she overheard a conversation between Rainbow Dash and Fleur.” He explained. “Fleur? Like, Fleur Dis Lee? Like, the president of the student council? Like, the most popular girl in CHS?” Flash couldn’t believe it. Thunderlane just nodded. “Since when she and Rainbow became friends?” “Beats me,” Thunderlane replied, “But I have often saw them together those past few days.” “What the hell is going on?” Just when he said that, the door of the room opened. Both Flash and Thunderlane were shocked to see it who it was. “Lyra?” Thunderlane said. “What are you doing here?” Flash asked. “Well, it turns out I’m STILL a member of this club, Flash Sentry!” She angrily replied. She carefully took a look around before asking, “Shimmer isn’t here?” “Nope.” Thunderlane replied, “Why?” “Humpf.” And just liked that, Lyra turned around and left the room. A few hours later… “So… here you are.” Black Cat was sneaking on a roof, looking carefully at a truck parked in front of a building. The truck was the exact same one from last time, the logo of Consolidated Shipping was written on the side. She waited for the goons to enter the building, leaving the driver of the truck alone. With a smirk, she jumped down the roof with an incredible agility, and without any noise, walked towards the back of the truck. She climbed on its top, and slowly crawled to be right where she could knock on the driver’s glass. She knocked three times on it and the goon inside opened the door. “Yeah, who’s-” He couldn’t say anything more as Black Cat grabbed him by the back of his neck and jumped forward, slamming him face first to the ground. She chuckled when she saw he was out and she slowly dragged him beneath the truck. She then walked back to the back of the truck and opened it. She looked around, and saw a dozens of wooden crates. “Bingo.” She said walking toward one of the boxes. She managed to open one and saw it was filled with grenades. “So much fire power, Fisk?” She opened another box and saw that this one contained guns. “Are you… planning a war?” She said, mostly to herself. She didn’t hear the foot steps behind her and gasped in surprise when someone grabbed her by the back and threw her outside of the truck. Felicia managed to land on her feet and looked at who just assaulted her. It was a person, wearing a white armor and an orange cape. Their mask represented a skull and the hood on top of their head gave them a menacing aura. They also had a sword around their waist, and a shield on their arm. “Uh? A sword and a shield? Where are we? In the fifth century?” Black Cat taunted, as usual. “Felicia Hardy, alias Black Cat.” The mercenary replied with a low robotic voice, “Daughter of the deceased thief Walter Hardy, can affect probabilities on a certain level.” “What is it, a job interview?” Black Cat replied, a little bit disturbed that they knew that information. “Expert thief and skilled martial artist…” They continued analyzing her, “Threat level… None.” They finished by drawing out their sword out. “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Felicia asked herself. Steel claws out of her black fingers, Felicia ran at her opponent, trying to slice him with her sharp claws. The mercenary easily dodged it and, instead of a counter attack, simply stared at her while she was trying again. Once again they dodged it with more ease than before. “Analyzing fighting abilities.” They said while dodging another claw with a Black Cat who grunted in frustration, “Enemy chances of victory… Below one percent.” “You’re annoying me, freak!” Black Cat said, trying to kick them on the head. The mercenary grabbed her feet without a sweat, “Analysis complete.” Then, they made the exact same kick Black Cat tried to do, instead this time, it collided with their opponent’s head. Black Cat took a few step back, holding the side of her face they just kicked, “And who are you? Are you working for Fisk?” “I’m the Taskmaster.” They replied, “And I’m working for whoever as the biggest bank account.” Black Cat tried to attack them on the left, but Taskmaster saw it coming and blocked it with their shield. The mercenary then pushed her with the same shield and kicked her in the stomach. Felicia rolled backwards and managed to dodge at the last second Taskmaster’s sword who tried to cut her head’s off. She tried a roundhouse kick, but once again, Taskmaster blocked it with their shield. The mercenary sliced forward with their sword and succeeded to cut Felicia on her arm. She jumped back and put a hand where she was hurt. She greeted her teeth at the pain and took a closer look at her injury. She was deeply cut on her forearm, and was starting to bleed a lot. She then looked back at her opponent, who was standing there. “Not so confident anymore I see.” They stated, with their creepy robotic voice. “Shut up.” Black Cat simply replied. She had to figure something out or she might die tonight. Then, an idea popped into her mind and she smirked. She started to walk around the mercenary, “You know, whatever Fisk is paying you, I’m sure I can double it.” “I doubt it, and even if you could, I already took the job.” They pointed in her direction with their sword, “And I always finish a job.” “Right.” She taunted. Taskmaster dashed forward and tried to slice her up from below, she saw the strike coming and dodged it. She managed to grab their arm and discreetly put one of her tracking device on their arm, and with all her strength, launched hem inside the truck. The swordsman fell on the crates and saw the content of the wooden boxes drop on the floor. When they saw that they were surrounded by grenades, they understood what Felicia was planning. But unfortunately for them, it was too late when they saw a tiny bomb from Felicia’s utility belt landing right next to them. “Take this, asshole!” Felicia stated, closing the truck’s doors and tried to run in the opposite direction. The truck blows up in a giant fire and Felicia was sent away by the explosion. She fell on the ground right on her wounded arm and cried in pain. She slowly managed to get up, and stared at the truck on fire. She walked towards it to take a closer look and smirked, “That’s what you get when you mess with…” Then, she saw a shadow rising through the flames, “Black Cat…” She finished in a tiny voice. When she heard the heavy footsteps walking in her direction, she tried to walk back, but she fell on her butt. Taskmaster appeared from the flames and jumped off what remained of the truck. She saw that they were unarmed, except for a part of their mask that was broken. Felicia could see that Taskmaster was in fact a woman, she had mid length dark blue hair and her face was covered in scars. Felicia jumped to her feet and turned around, trying to run away but then, she felt a sharp pain from her back. She looked down and saw that a sword was coming out of her stomach. “W-What?” “The exact same way your father died.” Taskmaster stated, “With the exact same sword.” Felicia’s eyes grew wide in surprise at that statement. Taskmaster put her sword out of Black Cat’s back, and watched as the thief fell on the ground. Just when the mercenary was going to strike her with the decisive blow, she turned around when she heard a small tinkling coming from behind her. When she looked in that direction she saw an orange orb with green lights on the sides rolling on the floor a few feet away from her. She quickly realized what it was and used her shield as a dome on top of the small spherical device to contain the explosion that quickly came afterwards. “Who is this?” Taskmaster called looking around, searching in the dark lightless street to whoever might have thrown that grenade. But all she could hear was a distant laughter. It was all Felicia needed to take advantage of the situation. She grabbed three smoke bombs on her utility belt and launched them at Taskmaster’s feet. When the smoke bomb did their work, Taskmaster grunted in frustration and tried to dissipate the smoke as much as she could. When the smoke finally vanished, Taskmaster was standing alone in the alley. She calmly looked around her and put back her sword on her back. She glared at where the attack came from and frowned. Sunset was lazily lying on her bed. The talk with Rainbow Dash was still on her mind and she couldn’t forget the fact that she had hurt her friend. She looked strangely at her hands, remembering the voice inside her head telling her to kill Rainbow. She was about to lose control. ‘Was it… No. You’re imagining things Sunset.’ She thought, remembering what Twilight told her about the suit. “And now, in current affairs, the battle of the century between Wilson Fisk and Discord. Who will become Canterlot’s mayor by the end of the mont-” Sunset quickly turned off the live broadcasting on her computer she had put on to change her mind. Politics wasn’t her thing, but she knew that if Fisk win this, it would be bad. She had to try everything she can to avoid that. At least, she was glad Luna told her she was going to vote for Discord, at least, he wasn’t an evil crime lord scheming to take over the city in the shadows. Screwball also tried to explain to her what was her father’s plans to change the city, but Sunset didn’t listen. She frowned when she heard a knock on her bedroom’s window. She looked what is was and rolled her eyes when she saw the silhouette was the one of someone she knew very well. She walked towards it and opened the window with a smirk. “Felicia, I already told you that you can’t come here. You’re lucky Luna’s aren’t home.” Sunset stated. “B-Bummer… I would love to meet her…” Felicia managed to say before falling inside, covered in blood. “Feli?!” Sunset screamed, kneeling next to Black Cat. “Feli, what happened?!” Sunset put her hands on Felicia’s injury and her hands were covered in blood. “Task…” Felicia tried. “Taskmaster…” She managed to say before falling unconscious, giving to Sunset what she was holding in her hand. Sunset looked at the device that had a small screen, but quickly dropped it on the floor, too worried about her friend to care about what it was. “Feli!” Sunset called one last time. Seeing that her leather wearing girlfriend wasn’t responding, she lifted her up in her arm and slowly put her on her bed. “Holy f- What am I going to do?!” Sunset quickly ran to her drawer to take her phone on top of it and prepared to call an emergency. When she was going to hit the call icon, she stopped. She took a slow breath and decided to call someone else instead. She put her phone on her ear, and waited for the person to pick up, hopping that they would. Luckily for her, they did. “What do you want Sunset?” Sunset heard from the phone speaker. “Twilight, I need your help.” On the other side of the city, an hour later… “And, here we go.” Twilight said, putting one last bandage on Felicia’s arm. Sunset had brought her feline friend to Twilight’s apartment, it was too risky at her place, while at Twilight place, Shining Armor was always at work, and Cadence was hosting a special episode of her show, meaning she wasn’t going to be back soon. When Sunset arrived, Twilight hasn’t said a word to her and quickly started to help the beaten up Felicia, who was still knocked out. Felicia was on Twilight’s bed while Sunset watched Twilight patch her up from Twilight’s desk chair. Both girls spend the entire night in an awkward silence. “She should be fine, with a bit of rest. She’s lucky the sword hasn’t gone through any vital organs, though I suspect that her opponent has done that intentionally.” Twilight stated. “T-Thanks Twi’…” Sunset said, looking at the ground. “I wasn’t really sure you’d accept to help me.” “And what was I supposed to do?” Twilight stated while putting the blanket on Felicia and started to clean up the mess, “Let her die?” “N-No, of course not…” Sunset quickly replied, “But thanks anyway. I owe you one…” “To be clear,” Twilight said turning around, facing Sunset with a severe glare, “I didn’t do it for you. You don’t owe me anything, I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore.” “So… You’re still mad uh?” Sunset said, scratching the back of her neck. “Of course I am, Sunset.” Twilight calmly replied. Sunset gets up from her chair and slowly walked towards Twilight, she was going to grab her hand, but Twilight flinched for a second. Sunset bit her lips and was going to turn away, but at this moment, she felt Twilight’s hand grabbing hers. Sunset slowly turned her gaze back to Twilight who was staring right into her eyes. “T-Twilight?” “Yes?” “I…” Sunset was interrupted by something beeping in her pocket. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the device. It was the device Felicia gave her earlier. “What is that?” Twilight asked. “A tracker I think. Looks like it.” Sunset said, looking at the screen. She recognized a small map of the city, and a red dot in the middle blinking. “Must be the guy that did that to her.” Then, Sunset could swear she saw a lightbulb appearing on top of Twilight’s head, “Wait!” The scientist girl exclaimed, grabbing the device. “What the heck?” Twilight sat behind her computer and plugged the device with a cable on her USB port, “If I can found out where the tracker turned on,” Twilight started, while furiously typing lines of code at a speed that freaked out Sunset, “I can hack the camera nearby and we can see what really happened to her!” When she finished her sentence, she pressed enter on her keyboard and a window popped up on her ultra wide screen. “Voila!” Sunset leaned forward and saw a footage captured by a security camera of Black Cat fighting with a mysterious swordsman. “Sparky, you’re a genius.” “Tell me something I don’t know.” Twilight replied. Sunset unplugged the device from the computer and her symbiotic suit materialized on top of her clothes. “W-What are you going to do?” Twilight asked. “Isn’t that obvious?” Sunset stated, pointing the red dot on the device. “I’m going to kick that guy’s ass.” > Volume II - Chapter 14: Taskmaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sky was filled with dark clouds, menacing the city of the upcoming storm. In a dilapidated building that threatened to dry on itself, Spider-girl slowly opened her eyes, feeling the metallic taste of her blood inside her mouth. Her white and red suit was torn apart and her mask was already shred to pieces. She looked around, but flinched at the sharp pain in her neck. On the right, she managed to see Spitfire, who was laying on the ground, not making any sound, unconscious. Sunset figured she was still out from the blow she received earlier. She looked on the left when she heard someone sobbing. Then, there was The Fiend, in the same state as Spitfire, blood pouring from the wound on his stomach. Wendy was right next to him, on her knees. She was the only one that wasn’t knocked out and was unharmed. Sunset guessed that Red took the blow for her. The little girl was crying, begging for Red to get up, but Red wasn’t making any sound. Spider-girl grunted out of pain as she tried to get up. The city was on fire, and she was the only one able to save it. The ground suddenly started to shake and Sunset felt a shiver down her spine. She managed to get up, not without another grunt of pain, and stared at the monstrosity in front of her walking in her direction. It was an 8 feet tall black monster, with the most sadistic smile on its face. The monster lets out his long tongue, licking his lips and his sharp teeth. She tried to make a move, but the monster already sends a black tentacle in her direction, grabbing her. The monster launched her in the nearest wall, destroying it and making the young super hero scream in pain. Sunset landed on the ground and couldn’t even catch a breath as the monster grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up to face him. That’s when Sunset saw it, in the monster’s big white eyes… As the monster opened his enormous mouth, to chew her up, Sunset chuckled. The monster stopped, and barked at her what was going on. But Sunset couldn’t really understand what it was saying. She laughed because, all of this, happened because of her. And now, she was going to die. And it was her fault too. She closed her eyes, as the monster prepared to eat her alive. The last thing she saw, was the big white teeth of the monster as he puts her head inside of his mouth. And the last sound she heard, was the snapping sound of the monster’s fangs around her neck while her life was flashing before her eyes. Two month earlier… “And then… Spider-girl went in wild chase after the man who hurt her friend. She didn’t know him, and she had no idea what was his purpose. But she knew what she had to…” “Uh, Sunset? Why are you doing a narrator’s voice?” “I’m here.” Sunset declared, as she landed on the rooftop of an old apartment complex. She deliberately dodged the question. To be fair, she totally forgot she was on the line with Twilight. “He hasn’t move.” Twilight replied through the ear device she gave to Sunset earlier. “He’s still inside, on the third floor.” “Perfect.” Spider-girl simply stated, walking to the edge of the roof. “Sunset wait!” Twilight called. “What is it Twilight?” Sunset asked, preparing herself for the upcoming fight. “I’m… I’m actually glad you came to see me, I missed this…” Sunset didn’t reply, but smirked behind her black mask. “So… Don’t do anything reckless alright?” Twilight kindly asked. “Sparky, you know me.” Sunset giggled, “I’m never reckless.” Then, Spider-girl jumped from the rooftop while shooting a web to where she was standing. She put her legs forward and used the momentum to smash right through the third floor’s window. She immediately took a fighting stance and looked around her. The room was totally empty, except for a table made of wood on which was a small briefcase. “Hum… Twilight? Why is there nobody here?” Sunset asked, scratching her arm. “I-I don’t understand, the tracker says he’s right here! I must’ve miscalculated…” Twilight fumbled, asking herself if she did a mistake. Then Sunset noticed a small device next to the briefcase, which she recognized to be the tracker. “Yeah that’s a trap.” A note was stuck to the briefcase, she took it and opened it. “To Spider-Girl, open the briefcase.” She threw the note away and said with a sigh, “Yeah, definitely a trap.” “Please Sunset, do not open it.” Twilight ordered, “It could be a bomb or something even more dangerous!” “Hum…” Sunset scratched the back of her head. “…” “…” “You opened it, didn’t you?” “Yeah…” Sunset stated, staring at the small computer inside the briefcase. The screen of the computer suddenly turned on and Sunset was now face to face with the swordsman who defeated Felicia. “Good evening, Spider-girl.” The masked mercenary said. “So, you’re the dude I’m going to kick the ass of?” Sunset taunted, which amused the mercenary. “Who am I speaking to?” “My employers calls me Taskmaster.” “Why did you do this to my friend?” “Why would someone do anything like that?” The mercenary asked back. “Let me guess, for money?” The young hero asked, rolling her eyes. “Not quite… Even if that’s what my employers thinks.” He stated. “I also do that for my own benefit.” “What do you mean?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Knowledge.” He replied. “Imagine what someone could do if he had everything there is to know about people like Wilson Fisk, Discord, or even… You.” He made a brief pause. “I want to see you in action, to see if you really stand up to… The things they say about you.” Taskmaster explained. “They?” Spider-girl had no idea what, or who, he was talking about. “Yes… And you’ve been intriguing me. That’s why I did my little research on you…” Sunset gulped, fearing what he was going to say. “Luckily for you, I haven’t told my boss the identity of… Your friends.” A picture of each of Sunset’s friends like Rainbow and Pinkie appeared on the screen. “Your family.” A picture of Luna appeared. “And... Yourself.” Then, a picture of Sunset appeared on the screen. Sunset was at a loss for words. “Because you see, I’m not interest in Sunset Shimmer. But Spider-girl… Is very interesting.” The courage Sunset had a few minutes earlier was completely gone, her face was livid behind her mask. ‘I’m that bad at hiding my identity uh?’ She thought. “I’ve hidden three bombs in the city…” He calmly stated out of the blue, “You have fifteen minutes to find them, and defuse them.” “W-What?” Sunset was totally taken aback. “You sick piece of sh-” “Don’t waste time, the clock is ticking.” He calmly said, before the screens turns black. But as soon as it turned black, a map of the city appeared on it, and sunset saw three red dots blinking on different spot. “Twilight!” Sunset screamed while taking a picture of the map with her phone and sending it to Twilight, then she turned around and jumped through the window she came in. “On it!” Sunset heard Twilight typing ferociously on her keyboard, “Already found the first one, it’s located right in the corner of Prettyhooves street!” Sunset was swinging through the city faster than she was used to. ‘I don’t have much time! I have to hurry or people will die!’ She thought to herself. It only took her a few minutes to arrive at the first destination. She was staring at the street in front of the lamppost she was standing on. “It should be right in front of you!” Twilight called through the ear device. Sunset stared at the billboard that was standing on top of the restaurant right in the corner of Prettyhooves street. The billboard was promoting a show from ‘The Dazzlings’ taking place in the city in a few months. But what was on it wasn’t what was interested Sunset, as she stared at it, she felt a shiver down her spine. “Here!” She stated. She jumped from where she was standing and landed right on the face of The Dazzlings main singer. She closely put her ear on the billboard and heard a small ‘bip’ coming from inside. She punched through it and grabbed the bomb hidden behind. “I have it Twilight!” “Alright, do you see any wires?” She asked. “Hum… Yeah, there’s two blacks, a red one and a green one.” Sunset explained, “I don’t know how it’s supposed to help you-” “Cut the green one!” Twilight ordered. “Twi’, are you sure-” Sunset started, doubting a bit. “Just do it!” Twilight screamed. “If I die, you’ll have my death on your conscience.” Sunset said, as she grabbed the green one and cut it in half. The bip sound stopped and the bomb turned off. “Holy shit Twilight you’re a genius.” “Don’t let your guard down, there’s still two of them!” Twilight called. “The next one isn’t too far away, it’s on Captain Roger’s Boulevard, on the nearest building next to the statue!” Sunset’s eyes grew wide in horror, “That’s… Rarity’s shop!” She quickly jumped in the air and, even faster than before, swung her way towards her friend’s shop. “Twilight, call Rarity, tell her to get the fuck out!” “On it!” Twilight replied, grabbing her phone and calling Rarity. The phone rung two times before someone responded, “Twilight, honey, how are you?” Rarity happily asked. She was working on a dress a classmate of her ordered, so she put Twilight on speaker and put her phone on a table. “Rarity there’s no time, are you in your shop tonight?” Twilight rapidly asked, her voice trembling with fear. “Well yes, I have a lot of work to do-” “You have to leave! Now!” Twilight ordered her. Rarity chuckled, “Twilight, dear, I just can’t-” “There’s a bomb! A maniac found out Sunset’s identity!” Rarity got stiff and dropped the dress she was holding on the ground. “T-This as to be a bad joke Twilight, right?” “I’m not, Rarity! I’m begging you, just get out!” Twilight ordered once more. At the same moment, Sunset landed right through the window, and landed in front of Rarity. “Sunset!” Rarity exclaimed in stupor. “Rarity!” Sunset screamed, “What the fuck are you still doing here?!” “Well I-” Rarity started. “Wait!” Sunset said. She looked around, and narrowed her eyes at the sight of the Dazzling’s poster on the wall. “Since when is that here?” “I… I don’t know to be honest, I don’t remember putting it there.” Rarity explained. As she stared at it, Sunset spider-sense detected the danger. She quickly rips the poster off the wall, and saw a small bomb, smaller than the one before but still enough to blow up the store and the people’s in it. “There’s a black one, two red ones, a green one and… a blue one??” Sunset said to Twilight, “Hum, Twi’?” “Silence, Sunset! I’m trying to think!” Twilight snapped through the ear device. “So…” Rarity quietly said, “You and Twilight are talking again? That’s nice.” Before Sunset could mutter any response, “THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!” Twilight screamed through Sunset’s ears device and Rarity’s phone at the same time, destroying Sunset’s ears. “AM I THE ONLY ONE TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY?” “Geez’ Twilight…” Sunset rubbed her ears. “Alright, which one should I cut?” Twilight thought about it for a moment. But when she didn’t mutter any response, Sunset asked, “Twilight? Do you hear me?” “Y-Yes, hum…” Then she said something Sunset couldn’t quite understand. “Can you repeat please?” Sunset asked her. “I… Don’t know.” Twilight admitted. “I don’t know.” “What do you mean you don’t know?” Sunset panicked, “How I am supposed to know which one I’m supposed to cut?!” She started to ferociously scratch her neck, the frustration was itching her. “And how am I supposed to know Sunset?!” Twilight snapped. “Well, I don’t know, aren’t you supposed to be the little genius?” Sunset barked back. “Hum, girls?” Rarity started. “What?!” Both of Sunset and Twilight said. “The bomb is blinking… quicker than before.” Rarity said, with a drop of sweat on her face. “Oh no, Sunset there’s only five minutes left!” Twilight called. “Fuck!” Sunset looked back at the wires and with a trembling hand, grabbed the green one. She was shaking, and Rarity noticed it. The fashionista put her reassuring hand on her friend’s and smiled. “I trust you Sunset, it will all be okay, you’ll see.” She calmly stated. It seemed to work because Sunset’s hands were starting to shake less. Sunset then grabbed the green one and prepared to break it. But just when she was going to do it, her spider-sense went crazy. She quickly released it and ripped off the blue one instead. The bomb turned off, and the three girls sighed from relief. “This isn’t over yet!” Twilight called. “Right!” Sunset jumped away from the window, “We’ll talk later Rare’!” “Be careful, sweetheart!” Rarity called after her. “Go straight in front of you! The next one is… Moving?” “What do you mean, moving? Like, it’s alive?” Sunset asked. “No, it’s moving too quickly, it might be a… Helicopter!” “Roger that!” Sunset said, taking heights. She ran off the wall of a building and shot two webs to the rooftop and launched herself into the air. She noticed the helicopter, flying above the buildings. She aimed and shot a web right on it. She ran and used her momentum to jump and pulled on her web to give her a boost. She landed right on the left door and knocked on it. The person inside opened it and screamed, “Spider-girl?” “Do you mind? I’ve never been in a helicopter, I’m kinda curious.” Sunset asked as she made her way in. She looked around and noticed there was three people in here, the pilot and two other men in suits. One of them stared at her and Sunset screamed in surprise. “Dis-Mister Discord?!” “Spider-girl?” Discord said, also taken aback, talking loudly to be heard because of the helicopter noises. “Sir, I’ll explain everything another time but there’s a bomb inside!” “What? A bomb?” Discord asked her. Sunset focused her vision and looked around. She felt the usual sensation, and moved Discord aside. “Hey!” He said as she pushed him. She grabbed the seat and tore it off. She noticed the bomb, bigger than the two previous ones. This one really was designed to not let anyone alive. “What colors are the cables Sunset?” Twilight asked. “There’s… none.” Sunset stated. Then she heard a crackling noise from her ear device and another voice replaced Twilight’s. “Well done Spider-girl.” Taskmaster stated, “But did I forgot to mention that this one is activating remotely?” “H-How… He hacked me!” Sunset heard Twilight’s panicking voice. Sunset’s Spider-sense went nuts and in a fraction of seconds, Sunset grabbed Discord from her left arm. “I’m truly sorry sir.” She said in a half-lie before launching him out of the helicopter. Discord screamed as he fell down on the city, and soon, his fellow coworker in a suit was launched too followed by the pilot and by Spider-girl herself. As soon as she jumped off the helicopter, it blew up in an enormous explosion that threw Sunset away. Discord and the other men were screaming as they were falling down the streets. Falling too, Sunset quickly recovered, her suit instantly repairing itself, and with an adrenaline boost, she launched a bunch of webs to stop what was remaining of the helicopter from falling on the street and the bystanders beneath them. She managed to make it hang above the street with an enormous spider web between the two closest buildings. Then she launched herself with a web in the pilot’s direction. She grabbed him and launched him on a safe spot where she launched a big web, cushioning his fall. Then, in a few seconds, as soon as she landed on a wall, she jumped back to the other man falling. She shot a web on him and stuck the web on the nearest building as she landed on it. She then drew her attention back to discord who was dangerously getting closer to the ground. “Try to fall slower!” Sunset called in a final jump. She threw herself at him and grabbed him with both her arms and shot a web to swing away. Finally, both of them landed safely on the street. Spider-girl put her hands on her thighs and breathed loudly, taking all the air her lungs could take in. She took a moment to look back at the wreckage of what used to be a helicopter that was actually hanging above the street. Discord was sat on the ground, grabbing his heart with his right hand, breathing heavily too. They were surrounded by bystanders that were taking pictures and videos of the surrealistic scene that took place in front of them in just a matter of seconds. “Yeah! You rock Spider-girl!” A citizen said. “You’re the best Spidey!” Another woman called. And quickly, everyone around the scene was cheering for Spider-girl. She let out a nervous giggle and scratched the back of her head. “Oh… Y-You know… Just another Monday am I right?” Discord gets up on his feet and slowly walked toward Spider-girl, before putting a hand on her shoulder. “You…” Sunset turned her head in his direction. “You… Saved me.” He simply stated. “Thank you. I will admit I’ve never liked you, even if my daughter did. But I owe you my life.” “N-No!” Sunset quickly denied, embarrassed. Then, a beautiful woman appeared right next to them with a microphone in her hand. She had mid-length brown hair and freckles on her pretty face. She had a dark skin and eyes like emeralds. She put her microphone right in front of Spider-girl and asked, “Spider-girl! I’m Misty Knight, from Big News One!” She presented herself. “Can you please tell us how it feels to save one of the mayoral candidates?” “I-I…” Sunset was shaking, staring at the chunky bearded man filming her with his enormous camera. ‘Are we on TV right now?’ “Spider-girl’s bravery was exemplary!” Discord quickly stated with a big voice, so everyone could hear him. The women then put her microphone in front of him. “Someone attempted to murder me, but Spider-girl saved my life, even after all I’ve said about her in my recent meetings, on my social medias or even on television!” Sunset then frowned, ‘He really did? I thought Rainbow was joking about that! Son of a…’ “But her kindness and generosity knows no bounds as she put her own life on the line to save mine.” He declared vigorously, “I, Discord, vows to accept Spider-girl as the official defender of Canterlot City if I win the elections! She would directly work with the police of the city.” People started to cheer around them, but Sunset was frowning, she did not like the turn of events. “Or should I say, the police would work for her.” ‘Uh?’ Sunset doubted something like that would ever work out and she knew Discord was using her to gain supporters, but a little voice in her head was telling her that it wouldn’t be that bad. Without the police in her way, she could stop all the super-villains way easier, she could arrest them and she could… ‘Eat them…’ “Ah!” Spider-girl jumped out of fear, making everyone around her looking in her direction. She blushed heavily, feeling the stares of everyone, and scratched her arm. “Eheh… Sorry, please continue.” She said with a tiny voice. “Because it seems…” Discord ignored her, cleared his throat and continued, “That Spider-girl is the only capable person to keep us all safe. She proved it the past few months when our beloved city was under the attack of monsters like Electro, the Rhino or the Vulture. She is the one who helped us, not the police!” The peoples were cheering even louder, but the few policemen that arrived on the scene were all frowning and making angry faces. “What a rascal! My brother is doing everything he can!” Twilight said, making Sunset jump. She totally forgot she was on the line with her, again. “You’re the one working for him.” Sunset quietly said. She was still scratching her arm, feeling itchy. “What was that?” The woman asked her, putting her microphone right in her face. “I…” Sunset started. ‘Was my suit always that uncomfortable?’ She thought. “She said that she had to go now, this city isn’t going to save itself, right?” Discord jovially said, trying as much as he could to prevent Spider-girl from talking on TV. “Right…” Sunset mumbled, lost in her thought, before taking off, the bystanders still cheering behind her. Discord watched her going away and then, looked back at his companions still stuck on the walls. “Maybe I should’ve asked her to put them down first…” He laughed, as he totally forgot about them. Meanwhile… Luna came back home late this night. Money was running short these days and she will soon have to move out with Sunset. For the past two weeks, she was in search for another apartment, a cheaper one. But either it was too expensive, too far from work, or it was too small for both her and Sunset. The past two days were so exhausting she realized she didn’t even think to lock the school’s front door when she left. ‘That’s… probably nothing. It’s not like someone’s gonna try to get into school in the middle of the night.’ She thought as she finally came back to her front door. With a sleepy sigh, she opened the door and walked inside of her house. She closed the door behind her, switched the lights on, lazily took off her boots before dropping her jacket on the floor and walked towards the couch. She ungracefully fell right on it and with her right arm, reached out for the television remote and turned it on. “…vows to accept Spider-girl as the official defender of Canterlot City if I win the elections!” A man said through the television. Luna raised an eyebrow, she thought for sure he was leading an anti-Spider-Girl campaign. Not that she really cared, she knew both Discord and Wilson Fisk were just corrupted suits and she never liked politics anyway. The camera turned on Spider-girl when Discord pointed at her. “…Spider-girl is the only one capable to keep us all safe.” Discord continued. That was something Luna could agree on. She wasn’t a big fan at first when all that Vulture stuff happened, but then Spider-girl saved her life. If it wasn’t for her, Luna would’ve been eaten by that lizard monster. She felt so… weak at that moment. But Spider-girl, even if she was half her size and way tinier than the Lizard, she fought with all her might. And Luna stated that from now on, she would do the same. For her, for her sister, but most importantly, for Sunset. Luna turned the TV off, and gets up from the couch. She stretched her arms and let out a lousy yawn. “Guess I’ll go right to bed, no WoW tonight.” She said. But just when she was preparing to go upstairs, she heard a noise from her kitchen. Like footsteps. Luna quickly turned her head in the direction and frowned, “Is someone here?” There was no response. “Sunset is that you? I already told you to call me if you’re going out when I’m not here.” Luna called. There was still no response, so Luna carefully and slowly walked towards the kitchen. She took a quick look inside but she wasn’t seeing really much with the lights off. “Sunset?” Luna asked again, turning on the lights. Suddenly, she fell on the floor and screamed in terror when she saw… her own reflection in the refrigerator. She put her hand on her chest and felt her heart going crazy. She took her time to breathe and when she started to feel better, she started to laugh. “Good thing Sunset isn’t here…” She said as she got up, “She would’ve made fun of me for a long-” She stopped herself when she saw, in the fridge’s reflection, that there was someone wearing a skull mask standing right behind her. The moment she started to scream, she felt a hit on the back of her head and she fell on the floor unconscious. “Sunset you’re back!” Twilight welcomed her when she saw Spider-girl entering by the window. “Yeah… But he got away.” Sunset admitted in defeat as she took off her mask and sat on the chair next to the bed, watching Felicia who hasn’t moved an inch. She started to slowly scratch the side of her face. “At least nobody was hurt.” Twilight stated. Sunset frowned and Twilight quickly realized her mistake. “I mean, nobody beside Black Cat!” Sunset didn’t reply to her and stared blankly at Felicia. Twilight looked at her feet, calling herself stupid in her head. She turned around and walked back to her computer, typing on her keyboard. “What are you doing?” Sunset asked, not looking away from the silver haired thief. “I’m trying to find his position.” Twilight replied with confidence. Sunset then turned her gaze at Twilight, “And how are you going to do that?” “I don’t know…” Twilight started, “Yet! But I’ll find out.” She stated. “I always do.” She finished. Sunset chuckled and turned her look back to Felicia. “And that’s a fact.” Then, Sunset got lost in her thoughts, staring at the pretty face of her silver haired girlfriend. She felt that tonight, something was wrong with her. There was a feeling she couldn’t describe, something was really bothering and disturbing her but she didn’t know what. She was glad her friends were unhurt, and that Felicia was still alive, but a part of her, a small part, was angry. Angry that Taskmaster got away, angry that he can just hurt her friends without facing the consequences. A part of Sunset wanted to just… Rip his head off! “S-Sunset are you okay?” Twilight’s concerned voice said at the other end of the room. Sunset snapped back to reality, got up from her chair and looked at the scientist girl, “Yeah I am, why?” “You were… laughing just now.” Twilight said, still with a concerned tone. “I… I was?” Sunset couldn’t remember, she had to admit she wasn’t feeling quite well right now. She started to fumble and fell on her knees. “Sunset!” Twilight jumped on her feet and quickly helped her friend to sit back in the chair. Twilight put her hand on Sunset’s forehead and gasped. “W-What? Don’t tell me I’m sick or something…” Sunset mumbled, looking at Twilight’s big purple eyes. “That’s nothing new, I’ve always been hot.” She said, giggling. “No Sunset, you’re not hot.” Twilight stated, “You’re cold.” “Uh?” Sunset couldn’t understand, “Is that a bad news or a good news?” “It’s a very bad news Sunset.” Twilight, already back on her feet, grabbed Sunset’s mask on the ground and put it in a glass box on her workbench. “Great to hear, I thought you were going to say it was a bad news for a moment.” Sunset replied. She didn’t even realized Twilight wasn’t next to her anymore. Her head was feeling heavy, she fell once again on the ground and grunted out of pain. Twilight went back for her a second time with a sigh, and helped her lay down next to Felicia. “Stay here Sunset.” Twilight stated, back at her workbench. Sunset didn’t even hear her as she quietly stared at Felicia’s face in front of her, her thoughts sweetly drifting away. Twilight prepared a machine she had created a few weeks before, shortly after she discovered the symbiote. She knew that the symbiote had two great weaknesses, the first one was fire. The symbiote likes it cold, and it was the major reason why Twilight instantly knew that Sunset’s state was probably due to her symbiotic suit. The second one was powerful sounds, especially high pitched sounds. That’s why she came prepared, as she created a machine that would directly shot high frequency sound waves in a particular direction. She took example of an advanced weapon created by Stark Industries –which she obviously found the pattern on the dark web- but she disassembled it and improved it her own way. She positioned the machine and flipped a red switch on the side. When she turned it on, a whirring noise came from it, earning a smile from Twilight. It meant it worked. She turned the wheel on top of the machine and the symbiote inside the box started to wiggle. Twilight frowned and turned the wheel up more, this time the symbiote was agitated and tried by any means to get out. When Twilight turned the wheel at the maximum she could, the symbiote jumped off the mask it was still recovering and tried to force a way through the glass. At the same time, Sunset fell from the bed and started to cry out in agony. “MAKE IT STOP!” Sunset begged between tears, as her skin felt like it was burning. “IT HURTS US!” Twilight was terrorized, she watched her friend rolling on the ground to extinguish the fire she thought was burning her. Before she could even make any move, Sunset quickly got on her feet, the symbiote totally recovering her body. But instead of her usual suit, she was entirely black with two sharp white eyes. With her leg arm she shot an enormous black tentacle and grabbed the machine. “WE SAID MAKE IT STOP!” She brutally smashed it into pieces against the wall in a deafening noise. The glass box shattered and the small part of the symbiote ran back to the black monster, leaving the mask behind. Twilight fell on her back with a scream of fear. The black monster stood there in the middle of the room, breathing heavily, but seemed calmed. Twilight’s heart was pounding in her chest as she stared at the black monster, feeling terrorized. “S-S-Sunset?” With a grunt, the black monster turned its head towards Twilight’s direction, making the scientist girl gulp. “T-Twilight?” The black monster said, with Sunset’s voice. Then, it started to scream again, holding its head with both hands. Slowly, the symbiote started to disappear from Sunset’s face, finding back its original state on Sunset’s spider-suit. Sunset was sweating heavily, the eyes wide open. “Sunset!” Twilight cried, as she jumped at her friend, enrolling her arms around her. “What… What just happened.” Sunset asked with a small voice. “Y-You j-j-just b-became…” Twilight tried to explain, but her sobs and her tears were making it difficult to understand. “It’s okay Twilight.” Sunset wrapped up Twilight in a warm embrace. “I’m fine now.” It was true, she was strangely feeling better right now. The current atmosphere contrasted with the one before. It was calm and quiet, the only sounds were Twilight’s sobbing and Felicia’s breathe, which was surprisingly still asleep. “Are you sure?” Twilight asked. When Sunset was going to give her an answer, Twilight’s computer screen turned on. “Here you are, Spider-girl.” Taskmaster greeted. Sunset rolled her eyes and got up from the ground walking to the computer screen. “Hey Twi, can he see me?” Sunset asked, waving her hand at the webcam. “Yes I… Can see you…” Taskmaster said, asking himself why she was still acting goofy after he tried to kill one of her closest friends. “Great. Now, no more games, no more shit talk, tell me where you are so I can kick your ass!” Sunset stated, punching the desk. “Oh, but I’m going to do better than.” Taskmaster calmly stated, “Thanks to you, and the cameras I’ve hidden everywhere in the city, I’ve seen plenty of your… capabilities. And I’m grateful. I never thought coming in this city would help me learn so much…” “Creep.” Sunset said. “And this time, I think it is time for me, to teach you a lesson.” He said as he turned on the lights of the room he was in. Sunset’s almost screamed when she recognized… “My house!” “Oh my god…” Twilight said, hiding her face in her hands. “W-What have you done to Luna?” Sunset trembled, her face livid. “She’s fine. For now.” Taskmaster explained, “Bring me Felicia Hardy, and I’ll give her back to you… unharmed.” > Volume II - Chapter 15: Right There in Front of Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earlier… The moon rose high in the sky as a hooded figure discreetly made her way on Canterlot High School campus. She quietly hid herself behind the marble horse statue in front of the school, and after a brief glance checking her surroundings to see if the path was clear, she walked towards the entrance. As she climbed the steps, she reached her lock-picking kit in her jacket’s pocket and crouched down in front of the front door’s lock. “Hopefully, it won’t be as tricky as…” She started as she pushed the door, then, she lets out a surprised gasp when she realized the door was already open. “It must be my lucky day.” She snorted. She quickly entered the school’s entrance hall and closed the door behind her. The school’s atmosphere at night completely differed than what she expected it to be. It was dark, quiet and somewhat a bit creepy. She gulped as she lowered her hood, revealing her mint and white haircut. “I should hurry,” She said with a shiver, “I don’t want to stay here any longer than I have to.” Lyra stated to herself as she swore to herself she saw a shadow moving in one of the hallways. “My therapist also said I should stop talking to myself.” She walked next to the glass trophy case, and clutched her teeth at the view of every Sunsets Shimmer’s pictures. The first one on the left was when Sunset earned her first crown at the winter ball in freshman year when everyone thought she was just an exchange student from abroad. She looked nice, sincere and surprised that she had won, but Lyra knew it was just a mask Sunset wore at that time so she could easily stab you in the back later. She moved on to the next picture. This one was more reflective of Sunset’s true personality, a fiery look in her eyes and a smirk on her face saying ‘I cheated to get there… And I would do it again!’ And finally, she moved on to the last one. That one showed the true nature of Sunset that Lyra learned to hate. It was the pinnacle of all the twisted blows, blackmail and threats Sunset has used to get there. Lyra bit down her own cheek and managed to keep her calm as she continued her way. She still didn’t understand why everyone in this damned school already has forgiven her. Sunset Shimmer made their lives a living hell for the past two and a half years, and now all was sugar and rainbows? With just one song? One cheesy, bad written song? Even Bonbon forgave her! Lyra would never understand why. “But it’s not about Bonbon anymore, isn’t it?” She muttered to herself. No, Bonbon made peace with the enemy. She was dead to her now. Every person in Sunset’s side deserved nothing but a visceral hatred. She quietly made her way through the halls, stopping at each intersections to see if the path was clear. She was surprised no one was watching the school grounds at night, but she wasn’t complaining. Slowly, she managed to reach the room she was searching for. She stopped in front of the door and looked at the sign with a frown. “The music club…” She muttered. “My little paradise… Until she clawed her way in!” She crouched and started picking the lock. “It was the only thing I had left, and she had to take that from me too! Having the whole school in the palm of her hand wasn’t enough, no… That demon had to take everything I cared about!” She remembered when she joined the club in freshman year. At first, it was only her, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody. But quickly enough, Vinyl left saying she ‘was getting too bored’ and Octavia followed her best friend not long after that. She never forgave them obviously, Lyra hated now both of them but Vinyl Scratch was now well known on Youtube as DJ-Pon3, earning no less than two hundred and thirty thousand subscribers. Octavia, has for her, quickly joined the Canterlot Orchestra as their youngest member. They even called her the ‘musical prodigy of the 21th century’ in an article of the Daily Bugle one day. She understood why Vinyl said that, Octavia and her were geniuses in their respective field. Vinyl was not getting bored of the club per se, she was getting bored of Lyra for not being as good as them. Both of them already succeeded in their respective career before finishing high school, when Lyra on the other hand, failed everything she ever tried to accomplish. She knew she wasn’t a prodigy. She was trying really hard to improve, but it seems no one even tried to see it. Even her father. She thought back about the day she told her parents she wanted to be a musician, she might have been around nine years old at the time. Her mother told her she could do anything she wanted to do if she tried hard enough, but her father wasn’t having none of it. He told that only a few musicians had enough money to make a living out of it and that it was a waste of time. After pleading for months, her father reluctantly bought her a lyre for her tenth birthday, telling her she better exceed his expectations. But after seeing she wasn’t as good he wanted to, he quickly told her that was a mistake and that she should persevere in her studies to be a doctor, like her cousin. But even if she wasn’t as good or talented as the other kids from her age like those stupid Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody, she knew deep inside her that it was what she wanted to do. Since then, her father gave her nothing but looks of disappointment. It all went worse when her mother died of cancer, a year ago. He became more violent and mean. He started drinking a lot too, and Lyra suspected he also tried a few drugs. She could understand that he missed her mom, she missed her too. And the cherry on top was when he found out she was gay. It was the first time her father punched her, but unfortunately it wasn’t the last. He became more physically violent with her, more aggressive. Every time she did something he judged was wrong, he would punch her in the stomach. She lived in hell for the past year of her life, shivering from fear every time she had to come back home from school. Lyra wasn’t a pushover, but there was nothing she could do against her father. She learned to deeply hate him, wishing for his death some nights after a rough beat up he gave her. No one knew about this, not even her therapist or Bonbon. She didn’t want for people to have pity on her, pity was for the weak. Lyra wasn’t weak, she was strong. ‘And I’m going to prove it one day.’ She thought to herself, ‘But first, I have to deal with you, Shimmer!’ She hated both her father and Sunset equally, her dad made her life a living hell at home and Sunset made her life a living hell at school. There was only one place she could hide from both of them. The music club, the only thing she ever managed to accomplish. Of course, it was just a question of time before Sunset or her father would manage to destroy that too. And of course, it happened. Because nothing ever goes in Lyra’s way. With a loud ‘click’, the door opened and Lyra snickered, pushing all those thoughts away. “Easy peasy.” She gently pushed the door open and made her way inside the room. She turned on the light and frowned at the display of every member’s instruments. There was Flash’s stupid guitar, she never disliked the guy at first, but now that he was on Sunset’s team, she despised him. He should hate Sunset Shimmer more than anyone in school! Yet, he too, forgave her. Then, there was Thunderlane’s drums. At least, Thunderlane was the only one who cared about Lyra here, asking her on many occasions when she was coming back. And every time, she responded ‘Never.’ Her gaze stopped in front of Red’s brown bass. She walked towards it and kicked it to the ground and spat on it. Of course her father and Sunset were the people she hated the most, but Red was close second after them. He had shown nothing but antipathy towards her since he joined the school. Of course, he wasn’t there when Sunset brainwashed all the students at the Fall Formal, but she was pretty sure he at least heard of it! Why was he on Sunset’s side? One of the many questions left unanswered in Lyra’s mind. She also felt sick at all that romantic shenanigans between him and Rainbow Dash. She always thought Rainbow was gay though. At least, Red didn’t seem to come to school anymore. Lyra hoped he was very sick. She took slow deep breaths, retrieving her calm as she started to get worked up. A technique her therapist taught her, allowing her to calm her nerves. She had a lot of tension problems lately, thanks to that red and gold haired wench. Now that she thought about it, she wasn’t seeing Rainbow Dash’s instrument anywhere. Lyra guessed she must’ve taken it back home. Finally, her gaze reached Sunset’s guitar. She opened her backpack and grabbed her spray-paint can. “Sweet, sweet revenge…” She mumbled as she shakes it up and down. She started to spray pink paint all over it with a wide mischievous grin on her face. She knew Sunset loved her guitar. And she also knew Sunset hated pink, thanks to the tantrum she threw at the ball last year when she saw that all the tapestry was pink as a gum. Was she petty? Yes. Did she care? Not in the slightest. She had thought long and hard at how she could get back at Sunset Shimmer and a part of her was disappointed that it was the only thing she could think about. “At least, she’ll be too embarrassed to play with that!” She said to herself, grinning at the sight of the guitar slowly getting pink. “Hopefully, she’ll get disgusted enough to quit! And the club will be all mine once again!” With those happy thoughts in mind, Lyra continued her mischief humming the song Sunset sang at the winter ball. Now… “Sunset, this is a bad idea!” Twilight called through Sunset’s ear device, “It’s the most obvious trap I’ve ever seen!” “I know!” Sunset called back, swinging through the city as fast as she could, “But if I don’t do anything, Luna might get hurt! Or worse!” She swings left to take a turn and she arrived in the suburbs of the city, “She’s the only family I have left, and I’ll be damned if I don’t do everything I can to save her!” “You can’t save her if you DIE!” Twilight screamed. “I won’t die!” Sunset screamed back, “I can’t…” She finished in a hushed tone. She wasn’t especially panicked, but she was mad. Very mad. Sunset couldn’t even remember if she ever got pissed like that before. “I’m gonna rip his freaking head off!” “It’s the suit talking Sunset! Please at least take it off before-” Sunset had enough and turned off her hear device. She made a mental note to apologize to Twilight later, but she had no more time to waste. She finally arrives in front of her house and saw the front door wide open. Of course she knew it was a trap, but she didn’t care. Celestia already died because of her and if Luna died too… “No.” Sunset said to herself as she slowly entered her house. The inside was dark and quiet. “So… You really came, Sunset Shimmer.” She heard Taskmaster’s voice echoing through the house. She checked around her but couldn’t tell from which direction the voice came. “But I notice you haven’t brought the stray cat as I asked you to.” Sunset didn’t respond. She angrily marched through the house and arrived in the living room. No sign of Luna, nor Taskmaster. “Of course, I knew you wouldn’t. You’re too… pure of heart to ever sell out one of your friends. An admirable talent of yours.” Sunset noticed speakers in each corner of the room, that is why she was hearing though the whole house. “See, when I first heard about you… I couldn’t believe it.” Taskmaster continued their monologue, “A teenage girl got rid of the well-known Vulture and is now targeted by the two most powerful man in this city. How intriguing…” “Yeah yeah, you fell in love with me, great talk, but I’m already taken you creep.” Spider-girl walked towards the staircase. “Luna better be there…” She muttered. “Oh, she is.” Taskmaster replied. “I was… Surprised that the only family you had left was none other than the infamous Nightmare Moon herself.” As she finished climbing the stairs, she felt a drop of cold sweat in her back. “W-What did you just said?” “A lot of people have forgotten about her and her little crew… But I didn’t. I have an excellent memory.” He replied, Sunset could hear what looked like resentment in his voice. “Great, so you won’t forget the beating you’re about to take.” She heard Taskmaster laugh through the speakers, she didn’t know he was able to. She arrived in front of Luna’s bedroom, she prepared herself for whatever was about to come and she gently pushed the door open. Oddly enough, her spider-sense stayed quiet, and she narrowed her eyes to adapt her vision in the dark room. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw an unconscious Luna, laying on her bed. The young hero was next to her before she could even think about it, and quickly checked if she was okay. Luna didn’t seem to be hurt in any way, her chest rising up and down, proving she was still breathing. Sunset lets out a sigh she didn’t know she was holding. She had to take her to safety. She didn’t know where Taskmaster was, but for now, Luna’s well-being was her top priority. She always could kick his ass later. As she gently took Luna’s unconscious body in her arms, she heard a small ‘click’ as she saw a string attached to Luna’s wrist, activating some sort of mechanism. Her spider-sense went crazy as ever before. And in a matter of seconds, Luna in her arms, she ran at the nearest window and jumped through it, feeling glass shards making their way into her arms as she protected her surrogate family member. The moment she jumped outside, a massive explosion detonated behind, burning her back and sending her fly away in the front lawn. With a scream of pain and her black suit shrieking in agony, she managed to land on her back, protecting Luna, who even with the sound of the explosion that Sunset was sure all the neighborhood saw and heard, was still unconscious. But was now only a matter of minutes before the police arrives. Sunset’s eyes grew wide in horror behind her black mask, at the sight of what used to be her home. All it remained was a few walls still standing up under the heat of the fire that the explosion triggered. “No…” Sunset said in a whisper, flabbergasted at that horrifying sight. Before she could even come back to her senses, she felt something kicking her in the back sending her a few feet away, dropping Luna in the process. Luna ungracefully fell on the grass, without making any sound. “You’re even willing to sacrifice your own body for those you love,” She heard Taskmaster said as she managed to get up, ignoring the pain. “The more time passes, the more I learn about your character, the more I appreciate you, Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset’s symbiotic suit managed to repair itself in her back, soothing her pain. She looked at him with hate in her eyes, not that Taskmaster could see it under her mask, but she was sure he could sense it. Her attention was quickly drawn to Luna’s unconscious body on the ground. Taskmaster noticed it and drew his sword out of his back as he marched towards Luna, pointing it to her neck. “LEAVE HER ALONE!” Sunset screamed out of her lungs, charging at him. She tried to punch him with a left hook, but Taskmaster quickly dodged it as it was the easiest thing in the world. He dodged a spin back kick coming from Sunset and quickly drew his shield, parrying the upcoming blow. He pushed her away with his shield, and tried to slice her with his sword but Spider-girl dodged it at the last second. “Very good.” He calmly stated with his robotic voice. ‘I won’t be able to lay a good hit in a hand to hand fistfight with him,’ Sunset thought to herself, ‘I’ll have to be tricky!’ Sunset dodged another attack from Taskmaster with a moonsault, and now at a respectable distance she shot a web aiming for his face. Taskmaster saw it coming from a mile away, and protected himself with his shield. What he didn’t knew was that Sunset hoped for him to do that. She draws on her web with all her might, Taskmaster not moving an inch. She then propelled herself forward, dropkicking him right in his shield, which landed right on his face. Taskmaster made un grunt, taking a step back. Taking advantage of the situation Sunset used the momentum her dropkick gave her to launch herself above him, this time when she drew on her web, the shield came with it. With a front flip in the air, she smashed Taskmaster’s shield in his direction, aiming for the top of his head. Unfortunately for her, Taskmaster sidestepped the attack and when the shield hit the ground, he grabbed Sunset’s web drawing her in his direction, before head-butting her to oblivion. Sunset fell backward, but with a backflip, managed to land her feet. As soon as Spider-girl landed, Taskmaster stomped the tip of his shield, propelling it in the air, and spin kicked it, launching it in Sunset’s direction. She dodged it, but Taskmaster’s speed took her off-guard as he already closed the distance between them and stroke her with his sword, aiming for her chest. She managed to dodge most of it, but the sword still cut through her arm, making Sunset grunt in pain. Taskmaster wasn’t going to let her take a break, as he immediately followed up with a high kick aiming for Sunset’s face. Spider-girl shot webs from both her wrists around the mercenary and propelled herself under him, sliding on the grass, before using her right hand to launch herself from the ground jumping in the air and kick him in the back of his skull. He quickly turned around and tried to slice her up, but with an amazing agility, Sunset dodged it and landed right on top of Taskmaster’s sword. “Eh.” She simply stated. If she was getting on his nerves, Taskmaster shown nothing of it as he simply launched her forward like she weighed nothing. She landed a few feet away, taking back a fighting stance as she waited for his next move. She quickly spared a glance toward Luna next to her. She seemed unharmed. Taskmaster slowly retrieved his shield and took back a fighting stance as well. “I must admit, I underestimated you.” He stated, “It seems your answer to stronger opponents, is to become stronger yourself.” He chuckled, “How entertaining.” Sunset was breathing heavily. She couldn’t see what was entertaining in all of that. Her back was hurting like hell, and she almost couldn’t feel her arm anymore thanks to the blood she lost. It seemed the explosion from before weakened her symbiotic suit’s healing abilities. “Tired already?” Taskmaster taunted. Is she doesn’t end this quickly, she was going to lose. She greeted her teeth at that thought. It was unacceptable. Then something strange happened. ‘Wait… Why am I holding my punches?’ Sunset thought, ‘Do I really want to kill him?’ ‘Yes.’ A voice replied. ‘But, I get that he’s dangerous, but if I kill him… I won’t be a hero, just a murderer. I won’t be better than him.’ She thought, shaking her head. ‘He tried to hurt Rarity.’ The voice stated, getting louder in her head. ‘Y-Yes but… I saved her didn’t I?’ ‘He hurt Luna.’ Sunset glanced back at Luna. It seemed Luna was slowly getting awake, as she started to move her legs. Taskmaster saw it too, and slowly made his way towards her. Sunset tried to stop him but fell to one knee, feeling dizzy. She had lost more blood than she thought. ‘You’re exhausted, let us do the work.’ The voice in her head said. She felt her symbiotic suit slowly overpowering her body. ‘W-What are you doing?! Stop th-’ She tried to fight back, but her body as her mind were too tired after that long night she went through. ‘Don’t fight it.’ The voice finally said as Sunset slowly felt her mind drifting away. ‘Go to sleep. We will save Luna.’ ‘Y-Yes…’ Sunset’s eyes finally closed, losing whatever hold she still had on her thoughts. A good nap seemed nice after all, the symbiote could take care of it. Like they always do. On the other side of the lawn, Taskmaster stood still above Luna who was slowly opening their eyes. Luna wasn’t panicking, she was too tired for that. She glanced at the sight of her house, burning to ashes. Then she glanced at Spider-girl who was on her knees, not making any sound. She then turned her look back to Taskmaster standing above her, pointing her with his sword. “Am I going to die?” Luna calmly asked. “Yes.” Taskmaster calmly replied. Luna felt a single tear dropping from her left eyes, a part of her wanted for all of this to stop. The struggle to keep living her life without her sister was just too hard to deal with. She wanted to be with her sister again. But she knew she couldn’t, because then, who was going to take care of Sunset? She was doubtful the day Celestia told her she was taking Sunset in. It was only a few days after the fall formal, less than a year ago. But when Celestia told her Sunset was living in the streets for the past years, Luna knew Celestia’s mind was set. She had her reservations at first, but she quickly found out that, when Sunset wasn’t putting her mean face and when she was slowing down on her snarky comments, Sunset was a lovely, caring girl. It wasn’t even a year ago, and Luna felt like Sunset lived with them for ages. That is how quick she accepted her as a part of her family. “Why?” Was all Luna managed to ask. “Because I hate you.” Taskmaster stated. Before Luna could ever ask why, Taskmaster slowly grabbed the bottom of his mask and lifted it up, showing his face to Luna. Luna’s eyes grew wide in stupor. Taskmaster quickly put his mask back in place and drew his sword near Luna’s neck. “That’s… not possible.” Luna muttered. “Quite.” Taskmaster calmly replied. “But here we are.” “What have they done to you?” Was all Luna thought to say. “They improved me.” He said, raising his sword higher. “Perhaps a bit too much.” He finally stated, bring his sword back at Luna’s neck at high speed. Luna closed her eyes. It will soon be over. “I’m sorry Sunset.” Luna said as her last words. At the moment Taskmaster sword’s was going to make contact with Luna’s neck, a beastly growl drew Taskmaster’s attentions to his right. It was already too late however, as a black monster charge at him and pinned him to the ground. Taskmaster stayed calm at the sight of a black monster with a wide grin and sharp teeth looking down on him. When the monster left his arms up to strike, Taskmaster saw the opening and kicked back the monster of him. It didn’t hurt the monster, but at least Taskmaster was now able to get back to his feet. He took a closer look at the monster standing in front of him. It was a bit taller than him, a slim but muscular body, long black arms with claws replacing the usual hands, two big and fierce white eyes and a Cheshire grin on its face. The monstrosity’s long tongue pending from its mouth. Then, Taskmaster noticed the white spider covering most of its torso and quickly understood what was happening. “How curious.” He stated, “You keep getting more interesting as time goes by.” The monster ignored the remark and growled loudly at him. Taskmaster was surprised the sound of that growl made him wince. The monster charged forward with a surprising speed for its size and Taskmaster dodged the upcoming blow, but quickly, a black tentacle came in his way, send him flying right into what remained of Luna’s car, which had exploded with the house. Taskmaster quickly got back to his senses only to see the monster landed in front of him and grabbed him by the skull. With a growl, the monster launched Taskmaster in the air and shot a black tentacle at his ankle. The monster then smashed him on the ground and drew it back at him, grabbing him by the throat. Taskmaster tried to get free from the monster’s grip, but in vain, but the monster was just too strong. His heart started to race in his chest for the first time in years. For once, he wasn’t the hunter… He was the prey. “I miscalculated.” He simply stated as the monster smashed him on the ground several times. Luna stared at it in shock as she started to hear police sirens coming in their direction. She could swear to god that the monster was Spider-girl. But Spider-girl wasn’t hurting bad people because she liked it, she did to protect the weak. Luna’s eyes grew wide in terror when every time the black monster smashed Taskmaster on the ground, his smile grew larger and larger. Luna crawled her way in their direction. To do what? She had no idea, but she had to stop this before Spider-girl does something she might regret. But she already saw that kind of rage before. And she saw what it might do to people, she experienced it herself. Perhaps Spider-girl and herself were not that different after all? Spider-girl already saved her life before, maybe now is the time that Luna saves hers. The monster smashed Taskmaster one last time before being bored of it. With its black claws, it gripped Taskmaster’s mask and ripped it from his face. Revealing a middle aged woman, with mid length blue hair and numerous scars on her face, she was still conscious and her expression was unreadable, like she was ready to die, almost like she didn’t care at all. Even if she tried, Taskmaster couldn’t do anything now that most of the bones inside her body were broken. The monster opened his jaw revealing his big white teeth and prepared to swallow Taskmaster’s head whole. Just when its jaw was going to snap around Taskmaster’s neck, the monster felt something, or someone wrap his arms around it. It wasn’t to stop him with strength, it was a caring and gentle touch which made the monster froze. “It’s okay.” Luna gently stated, her arms around the monster’s waist, her face resting in its back. “Everything is going to be okay.” Luna said the words she wanted her sister would’ve said to her when she was younger. Maybe things would’ve worked differently for her? “Come back to your senses Spider-girl. This city needs you… We all need you.” It calmed the monster straight away. “L-Luna.” The monster stated with a mixture of Spider-girl’s voice, and a dark, deep one. “I’m here.” Luna said, leaning further on the monster back. “I won’t go anywhere.” She wasn’t surprised Spider-girl knew who she was, she already suspected that the young hero was one of CHS students. Police cars parked around the house and several policemen got out of their car carefully, taking cover behind the doors. They all watched the monster with scared looks. Shining Armor got out of his own car, a speaker in his hands. He marched forward confidently, if he was fearing the monster, he wasn’t going to show it to his fellow policemen. “CCPD don’t move!” He called, stopping in front of his own car. The monster pushed back Luna who fall on the ground, and growled at the policemen who were all pointing it with their guns. “Put your black claws in the air where I can see them! You’re surrounded!” Shining Armor said with authority. The monster didn’t comply and growled loudly right at them. Luna wanted to do something, but her legs weren’t moving anymore. She tried to call Spider-girl in front of her, but she didn’t have the strength to do so. The only thing she could do was watch with fear what was about to happen next. She also realized the monster put itself right between the police and her. Perhaps, deep inside, Spider-girl still had control over her body. “I’ll repeat one last time, put your claws in the air, or we will shoot you!” Shining Armor said in a final warning. When the monster only replied with a defying growl, Shining Armor put his arm in the air, “On my signal!” All the police force around him made signs of acknowledgement and put the monster in their line of sight. “Ready…” Shining started, the monster wasn’t going to wait and prepared itself to charge at them. “Fi-” The monster who wasn’t going to let them shot at it already charged in their direction and threw a black tentacle to one of the nearest police cars. Shining realized what was going to happen and called, “Take cover!” The symbiote launched it in the air and smashed it against another car, which exploded both of them, distracting the CCPD policemen. Then the monster turned around, grabbed Luna and launched her away in a safe spot, making her land carefully on a symbiotic web. “FIRE!” Shining didn’t waste any more time, the last thing he wanted was that some of his subordinates to be hurt under his direct command. It already happened once, and he never forgave himself. “Wait!” A voice pleaded. A purple haired girl appeared from the adjacent street, running like her life depended on it, sweat all over her face. Shining recognize that voice and the girl running in front of them, spreading her arms between them and the monster. “Twilight?” Shining asked himself, a mixture of anger and fear ran though his mind. “What are you doing here?!” Shining’s voice cracked, “It’s dangerous!” “Shining listen to me!” Twilight screamed. She was breathing heavily since she wasn’t used to run such long distances, but she had to do something before anyone could get seriously hurt. She was standing right between the monster which was standing still, looking right at her like she was the only thing left in the world, and the police forces ready to shoot at the monster if he made any move. “This is not a monster! It’s my friend!” Twilight admitted, she didn’t know what else she could do. She wasn’t really hopping for Shining to understand her point of view, she actually wanted to buy Sunset some time to get out of here. “What are you talking about?!” Shining asked, his eyes moving from Twilight to the monster. Now that she was mentioning it, the monster stopped from attacking the moment he saw Twilight. “It’s my fault, I was working on an experiment and… It got out of my hand!” Twilight said, on the edges of tears. Shining Armor wasn’t understanding the words her sister spat out, he was to distracted about the black monster only a few feet away from his sister. He gulped hardly, “T-Twilight, come here.” He calmly said, “It’s too danger-” “I’m not a child anymore Shining!” Twilight stomped her foot on the ground. “What is happening right now is my fault! So please, don’t hurt her! We have to help her!” He knew her sister very well, in fact, he might be the only person in the world to fully understand her. He knew what she was saying was the truth but he still had a hard time processing it. He looked back at the monster who wasn’t moving an inch. Twilight turned around to face the monster and slowly started to walk towards it. Shining was about to yell at her, but he didn’t want to startle the monster. The scientist girl slowly put her left hand on the monster’s face and calmly said in a hushed tone, “Sunset, it’s me Twilight.” The monster just looked at her with its big, empty white eyes. “I know you’re inside.” She tried a smile, caressing the monster’s cheek, “I know you wouldn’t hurt me… Sunset, please come back. Without you I…” She looked away, but sighed and looked back at the symbiote with a determined glare, “You saved me Sunset. More than you could ever imagine. Since I met you, my life’s been crazy… But the good kind of crazy. Sometimes it was dangerous, scary and even frustrating… But I enjoyed every part of it… Because you were right there in front of me.” ‘Twilight?’ Sunset gently opened her eyes, to see nothing but darkness surrounding her. Was she still asleep? She could swear she heard Twilight’s voice right now. Then, Twilight turned around when she saw a loud noise coming from the sky. She looked up and saw two CCPDs helicopters above them, each had two snipers pointing at the monster. “The monster’s in sight, waiting for command.” One of the snipers called in his talkie-walkie. “Twilight get back!” Shining called, retrieving his composure. “You come back here this instant young missy, or you’ll be in a lot of trouble!” When he said that, she heard the monster growl of anger and grabbed her by her wrist. Twilight lets out a scream of surprise and the police force prepared themselves to shoot. One of the snipers was directly aiming for the monster’s head. “I can take him.” “Wait! Don’t shoot!” Shining called at them. “But sir-” A policeman next to Shining started. “SHE’S MY SISTER! I SAID DON’T SHOOT!” Shining Armor yelled at them. They all listened with doubtful looks but they all understood the fear in Shining Armor’s eyes. The monster put Twilight on its shoulder and jumped away, on the next house’s roof. It shot two black tentacles from his wrist right at the helicopters blades. Fortunately, since they weren’t that high, the helicopter just fell on the ground loudly but without any complication, it seemed nobody was seriously hurt. “Twilight!” Shining panicked. Twilight was surprised the grasp of the monster wasn’t hurting her, which gave Twilight an idea. “I’ll be okay!” Twilight called back, disappearing in the starry sky of the night on the monster’s shoulders. “TWILIGHT!” Shining called one last time. The black symbiotic monster jumped from roof to roof with incredible speed, making them arrive in the next neighborhood in a matter of a few minutes. When it landed in a park, Twilight thought it was now or never and lets out from her white blouse’s pocket a small device. ‘I really hope it’ll work.’ Twilight thought. She sticks it on the monster’s back and pushed a button on her watch, at that moment, the device lets out a series of high frequencies sounds Twilight knew the symbiote hated. The monster dropped on his knees, letting Twilight fall on the ground in the process, and grabbed its head with his black claws with a deafening scream. “I-I’m sorry Sunset…” Twilight said, a tear flowing down her face at the sight of her best friend agonizing. ‘It will soon be over!’ She pushed the button one last time making the sounds louder, the monster screamed harder than ever before. Then, the monster shot a black tentacle at Twilight and drew her close. Twilight lets out a “Meep!” of surprise and shivered from fear when the monster held her right in front of its face. She honestly thought she was going to die at that moment, but the monster only grabbed the watch on Twilight’s wrist and snatched it. It destroyed it in its hand and the sounds stopped. He dropped Twilight from his grasp and then turned around before jumping away. “Sunset!” Twilight called after her but it was already too late. Twilight watched as her friend disappeared in the night, before she once again heard police sirens coming in her direction. “Where are you going Sunset?” She asked herself. She looked behind her when she heard a car parking, and saw it was her brother that had followed them. ‘Well, I can at least mislead them, I’ll just have to trust Sunset.’ She sighed, ‘Please Sunset, be okay.’ Sunset Shimmer looked around her but all she could see was nothing but emptiness. A dark void surrounding her, she was walking on an invisible ground which made her look like she was walking in the air. “Hello?” She tried, but her call was left unanswered. Now that she thought about it, she could swear she already saw that place before. Maybe in her dreams. Sunset blew a raspberry before crossing her arms. “Well, that’s great.” She grunted with a frown. “How am I supposed to get out of here anyway?” As soon as she said that, she noticed a very small ball of light far away on her right. She raised an eyebrow when she almost felt like the light was calling her. “Uh.” Was all she thought to say at that sight. Feeling like there wasn’t anything else to do, she walked in that direction. The more she approached the light, the more it became easier to see it. “Sunset.” She heard a voice calling her. Sunset quickly turned around taking a fighting stance, but she couldn’t see anybody. “Who’s there?” Sunset called. “You should know by now, Sunset.” Sunset frowned, of course she knew. “The Symbiote.” “We HATE that name! Or that name Twilight gave us!” The voice barked, “We… We are V-” “I don’t care who, or what you are!” Sunset snapped back, “Right now, you’re just standing in my way!” The voice chuckled, then Sunset could see an enormous shadow rising in front of her. She dark shadow slowly took form as a gigantic Symbiotic monster, a large grin on its face, his eyes locked into Sunset’s. “Uh-oh.” Sunset stated as the small bits of courage she had left were now long gone. “You… Are not going… ANYWHERE!” The monster barked, smashing one of his palm on where Sunset stood a second before but she managed to dodge it. Her spider-sense wasn’t working, and it was scaring her. Sunset looked behind her and saw that the light which appeared earlier was now gone. She sighed and looked back at the monster. Unfortunately for her, she was in her casual clothes, which meant she didn’t have her web-shooters. ‘Even if I had them, I won’t be able to swing around in here.’ She thought while looking around her. The monster tried to smash her once again and Sunset dodge it while jumping back. “Well there’s only one solution,” She stated with a confident smirk on her face. “Skedaddle!” She turned around and started to sprint away from the monster who lets out a frustrated growl. “COME BACK HERE!” It called. “I’m okay! Thanks though!” Sunset said back. The monster threw black tentacles in her direction and even if she managed to dodge a few of them, one grabbed her by her ankles and made her fall forward on her face. Her world felt dizzy once again as she felt getting dragged on the ground. When the monster lifted her up by her ankle, Sunset realized it was now to a more ‘reasonable’ size, measuring at least six or seven feet tall. “Poor Sunset Shimmer.” The monster stated, “The lonely, misunderstood girl.” “Fuck you.” Sunset simply stated which made the monster chuckle. “You abandoned your first mentor to only make the second one killed.” The monster stated, making Sunset bit her lips. “You made the despicable Rainbow Dash mad at you for what?” Sunset never wanted for that to happen, she had made a mistake about Red, she knew it now! But it was too late. “You send Conhorse to prison without even trying to help him for what?” Sunset wasn’t an accomplished scientist like Twilight! What could she even do? “You said you wanted to make friends, you said you wanted to help people! But you know what happened? You became more and more alone as time goes by and it is all your fault.” It licked his lips, “But that is why we’re here Sunset Shimmer, with us, you can do anything you want! We make you stronger, faster and smarter!” The black tentacle around her ankle slowly began to cover all of her body. She tried to get free, but she was just making herself more tired than she already was. “With us… You won’t be alone anymore.” Was the last thing she heard before the symbiote started to cover her face as well. “But she’s not alone isn’t it?” A calm voice called from next to them. The symbiote quickly dropped Sunset on the ground and as soon as it turned around, a ray of light shot right through its chest send him flying away. Sunset turned her head toward whoever helped her and her mouth was wide agape. In front of her stood Celestia. But not the one who took her in a few months ago, but the ruler of Equestria herself. Standing tall on four hooves, a gentle smile on her face. “Hello my faithful Student.” “Ce-Ce-Ce…” Sunset stuttered, her eyes tearing up. “What-Why-How??” “Well, you tell me Sunset.” Celestia stated, “We’re in your head after all.” They both heard the monster getting back to its feet and charging at them. “P-Princess Celestia!” Sunset called. “I know Sunset, stand behind me.” Sunset did what she was told and when the monster tried to attack them, Celestia threw a light shield around them. “I don’t think I can hold him for long.” Celestia said, wincing each time the symbiote smashed on the shield. “What are we going to do?!” Sunset asked. “Only you have the answer Sunset.” Celestia said calmly, even under the constant attacks from the symbiote. Sunset didn’t know, the symbiote actually scared her. It overpowered her every time and her spider-sense wasn’t working against it. She punched the ground at how pathetic she was. Here she thought she was a super-hero, the great protector of her city. “Sunset!” Celestia called when she saw the teenager on her knees, defeated. “I-I can’t Celestia! Every time I try to help people, I only make things worse!” Sunset started to cry. “I didn’t protect anyone!” “In that case, who protected you?!” Celestia shot back, her eyes shut with concentration to maintain the barrier. Then, an attack from the symbiote made the shield crack in pieces. Celestia fell on her knees, exhausted, and Sunset watched in slow motion at the black claw slicing in the direction of her mentor’s head. ‘Who… Protected me?’ She thought. Tears fell on Sunset’s face as realization hit her. She stood on her feet and stomped the ground, a wave of light appeared and threw the monster away from her mentor. The monster landed on its feet but held its chest, like the light actually hurt him. “I never protected anyone.” Sunset quietly said. A light appeared behind her, then another and another. Each lights started to take form, slowly taking the ethereal appearance of each of Sunset’s friends. Soon, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Felicia, Flash, Red, Thunderlane, Spitfire, Luna and the rest of Sunset’s friends appeared behind her. They were all giving her wide smiles and kindness in their eyes. They were all here for her. The symbiote looked at Sunset for the first time with fear in its eyes. Each of Sunset friends put their hands on Sunset’s back, pushing her forward. Their light disappeared, covering Sunset’s whole body as she jumped in the symbiote direction’s. The light around her finally disappeared as her fist was only an inch away of the monster’s face, revealing Sunset in her Spider-girl attire. “It is I, who has always been protected!” She screamed as she landed the most powerful punch she could, and for the first time, she wasn’t holding her strength. Then the symbiote monster exploded in a mass of black goo with a cry of pain. Then world around her started shaking, the walls and the ground breaking like glass. The darkness surrounding her was getting replaced by a warm light. “Did… Did I do it?” Sunset asked herself. She felt a soft hand on her shoulder and turned to face the humanized version of Celestia. “I’m proud of you Sunset.” The smile on Celestia’s face was the last thing she saw before she started to slowly awaken. … … Sunset shot her eyes wide open and fell on the ground as her symbiotic suit tried to take back control over Spider-girl’s body. Sunset looked up and saw that she managed to arrive at Canterlot High School. ‘For how long have I been out?’ She asked herself. She crawled on the ground with cries of pain, it felt like she was fighting with another person over the control of her own movements. She looked up again at the roof of the school when an idea came in her mind, ‘At this point, any idea seems like a good one.’ She shot two black symbiotic webs at the top and launched herself at the tower above the main building of the school. She hardly landed through the window, her head colliding with the golden bell of the school. She quickly fell back on the ground, her body convulsing as the symbiote agonized from the deafening sound the bell made. With all her might, Sunset managed to get up and punched the bell once again, making the symbiote screeching in pain. She felt that if she continued like that, there was a chance she could kill it. Sunset also felt like she could faint any moment now, but she wasn’t going to give up that easily. Then, one last time, she head-butted with all the strength she had left right on the bell, making it ring louder. Sunset could feel it, the symbiote was trying to get out of her. She grabbed the parts of it on her chest and ripped it away. She did the same for her arms, for her legs, and finally, her face. The small pieces of the symbiote around managed to get back together, forming a seven-foot-tall mass of black goo with two big white eyes. Sunset throw it a fierce look, daring it to make the first move. “Come on!” She defied. With a loud growl, the symbiote tried one last time to jump at her, but Sunset dodged it, making it landing right on the bell. The bell rang louder once again as the symbiote agonized. Sunset, breathing heavily, fell on her butt and watched it as it cried in pain. Then, the symbiote made the smartest decision it could. It started to flee. Sunset wasn’t going to let it get away and tried to go after it, but her legs gave out. “Uh?” She asked herself as she fell on the ground, unconscious. The symbiote slowly made its way downstairs, getting away from the golden bell and Sunset Shimmer. “-the hell is going on?!” Lyra asked herself, panicking after she started to hear the school bell ring another time. She just finished what she had to do here and was going to get back home before her father could realize she was gone. It been ringing for the past minute and Lyra really hopped she wasn’t going to get spotted here at night. She ran through the corridors and finally made her way to the main hall. She slowed her pace and took her breath. “Enough panicking for one night, let’s go home.” She said to herself as she grabbed the door handle. But then, a black tentacle grabbed her by the right wrist and drew her in the air. Lyra screamed from fear as a black tentacle grabbed her by her left leg. Her heart beating loudly, she cried and screamed in despair at the sight in front of her. A mass of black goo launched itself at her and covered her body as Lyra was crying for her life. Then, as the symbiote merged with her, her hands became claws, her crying eyes became fierce and white, her mouth transformed itself with a wide grin and sharp teeth. As Lyra stood tall in the main entrance. She punched the ground, making the wall around the main entrance shaking. She lifted her head up, and saw her own reflection in the trophy case she walked past a few hours ago. As her eyes grew wide in terror, she grabbed both side of her head, looked at the sky… And laughed. > Volume II - Chapter 16: Pulling the strings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first morning rays of the sun shimmered through the half opened curtain, bathing the room with the early morning light. The teenage girl laying in her bed, face down on her pillow, made a small grunt when her alarm clock went on. She gathered all her courage, and slowly but surely, sat on the edge of her bed. She rubbed her eyes and lets out a loud unladylike yawn. Her red and gold hair were a mess, and her eyes were injected with blood. This is what it was like to get up after a night of three hours of sleep. She looked around her and sighed. She didn’t like this room, it wasn’t hers. It’s already been a week since Luna and herself lost their home, and since they had nowhere to go, Redheart offered them to stay at her house for the time being. Sunset stayed in the small guest room, and she quickly understood that she might be the first to actually use it as such. Seeing all the cardboard boxes around filled with clothes and other things, Sunset guessed Redheart must’ve used it as a storage room. Sunset put her slippers on and slowly marched towards the door, as soon as she put her hand on the handle, she stopped. She heard two small feminine voices speaking with each other in hushed tone on the other end. Sunset put an ear on the door and listened. “…might actually help.” She heard Redheart finishing a sentence. “Fair enough.” Luna replied with a sigh, Sunset could hear in her sobbing voice that something was wrong. “At least, I can go on my own terms…” “I’m sorry Luna…” Redheart replied with an empathetic tone, “The teachers and I tried our best but…” “I know, and I’m grateful for that.” Sunset heard something colliding with the kitchen’s table, “I just… Don’t know how to explain it to Sunset.” “She’s a smart girl, Luna. She’ll understand.” Redheart tried. Luna let out another sob, “This… This is my sister’s legacy. Celestia must be so disappointed…” “Don’t say that!” Redheart quickly exclaimed. “But it’s true!” Luna finished in a whisper. “At least, they left me until the end of the year before kicking me out…” Sunset already knew what they were talking about though. As clever as Luna was, she wasn’t Celestia. She didn’t have what it takes to run a school. This summer, Luna will be out of job. Sunset took a deep breath and carefully opened the door, the voices of Luna and Redheart carefully faded away. “Hi guys.” Sunset simply stated, walking toward the kitchen’s table. Redheart’s house was way tinier than Celestia’s, the room Sunset was actually staying in was right next to the kitchen. “Good morning Sunset!” Redheart joyfully stated, “I hope you slept well. Coffee?” “Yeah, that’d be nice.” Sunset replied, dropping herself in the nearest chair as Redheart smiled and gets up to make some coffee. “Ready for school?” Luna asked her, avoiding Sunset’s gaze, pretending to read this morning newspaper which she had already read an hour ago. Sunset stretched her arms and lets out a smaller yawn than before, “I guess.” She said with a shrug. “Do you want a ride or are you going to take the bus?” Luna casually asked, still looking at the newspaper Sunset knew she wasn’t actually reading. At her former home, Sunset never had to take the bus. She just had to make a twenty minutes’ walk to get to school. But Redheart’s home was on the other end of Canterlot’s suburbs, right next to Ponyville. So she had three choices, a two hours walk, taking the bus which can at least take an hour depending on the traffic, or a twenty minutes’ drive with Luna, which was tempting but meant that Sunset would get in school an hour and a half before classes started, which was out of the question. ‘Actually… I have a fourth option.’ She thought. “I’ll… take the bus.” Sunset stated, already planning to swing around through the city. The perks of being Spider-girl. “Alright, well I must get going.” Luna stated, putting the newspaper on the table and finishing her own mug of coffee before standing up. “No skipping classes today, missy.” She said, pointing in Sunset’s direction with a menacing finger. “It’s not because you have good grades and you’ve soon finished with high school that it means you can start to slack off.” Sunset smirked, “Of course not.” ‘You didn’t make me swear it.’ She thought. “Good.” Luna replied with a smirk of her own. She grabbed her purse and put on her jacket. “Have a good day today, Sunset. You can always come down to my office if you need anything.” “Yeah, I know.” Sunset replied. It was something Celestia always used to say before going to school in the morning. As soon as Luna was going to leave, she looked back and said, “Oh, I almost forgot. Don’t wait after me for diner. I have… Something to do tonight.” Sunset just shrugged as she took a sip of her coffee and watches as Luna left with a wave of her hand. A week ago… Sunset woke up, screaming at the top of her lungs. She quickly felt somebody’s embrace around her, and looked at the side to see Twilight. She was breathing loudly, drops of sweat rolling in her back, tears in the corners of her eyes. Sunset managed to retrieve her calm. “T-Twilight?” Sunset took a closer look around her, “W-Where are we?” “In my room, darling.” Rarity’s voice came from Sunset’s right. The young fashionista was sat on a chair nearby. She was putting some make-up on her face with the help of her pocket mirror. “You were lucky my dear parents went on more than deserved vacations.” “Why am I here?” Sunset asked, then the memory of last night’s fight came back. She straightened up, “The symbiote! It got away! We ha-” “Sunset listen to me!” Twilight ordered, which Sunset did. She put her gentle hand on Sunset’s chest, forcing her to lay back in the bed. “You’re not in a state of doing anything right now!” Sunset took a closer look at her body and saw that there were bandages covering most of it. Now that she realized it, she felt a sharp pain on her arm, making her wince. “You must rest, dear.” Rarity put a gentle hand on Sunset’s. “B-But, what about Taskmaster?! And Cat! Is she okay?” Sunset asked. Twilight gulped, “So, there is one good news, and one bad news.” ‘Obviously.’ Sunset thought. She grunted and took a more comfortable position in the bed, “Start with the good one.” “Taskmaster was arrested for attempted murder on Discord, Rarity and Luna. Speaking of which, she’s fine.” Twilight quickly stated when she saw Sunset opening her mouth to ask how she was doing. “A bit overwhelmed, but fine. It seems she knew Taskmaster’s identity, so she’s actually helping my brother a lot on this. She’s currently at the police station.” “From what Twilight told me,” Rarity added, “This ruffian Taskmaster is en route for the Raft as we speak.” ‘Well, that’s good.’ She thought. ‘I’ll have to talk with Luna about this though.’ “The bad news is…” Twilight added, “When I came home later that night, Black Cat had already left.” “Wish I said I was surprised. I hope she stays out of trouble for a while.” Sunset said, sitting at the edge of Rarity’s bed. “And what about the symbiote? You know where it went?” Twilight made a nervous smile, “Hum… Make it two bad news.” Sunset looked at her feet, “I see.” Looking in her eyes, Sunset saw Twilight had more to say. The scientist girl was nervously fidgeting her purple hair. “What’s going on Sparky?” Sunset knew it would be something uncomfortable to hear, seeing Twilight’s attitude. “I… Had a long talk with my brother.” Twilight gulped, “And, to make things short… He wants to talk with you.” Sunset felt a shiver down her spine, “With me? You mean-” “With Spider-girl!” Twilight quickly added, ending the confusion, “He has no idea who you really are.” “Oh…” “I said that I’ll let Spider-girl know, but it was her call, not mine.” Twilight explained. “And what is that brother of yours want to talk with her? If I may ask.” Rarity said. “I have no idea.” Twilight admitted. “I had to say I worked with you for a while, to let you off his hook for a bit. But now he wants answers, and he won’t stop until he has it. He’s stubborn.” She grunted, “And I’m grounded.” “He’s stubborn? Well, guess it runs in the family then.” Sunset added with a laugh when Twilight pouted. “We’ll see about that, I don’t know if he’s going trust me after what happened last night.” Sunset stated, “But if the symbiote is still running wild, it would be better for everyone if we worked together.” “Very mature of you Sunset.” Rarity smiled, “But please be careful.” “You know me, I’m always careful.” “That’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.” Twilight rolled her eyes with a laugh. Sunset quickly joined her, followed by Rarity. She didn’t remember the last time she got a good heartfelt laugh like that. She could already feel the absence of the symbiote in her body. “Oh and… What about… My house?” Sunset finally asked, afraid of the answer. Twilight and Rarity both stopped laughing and exchanged a nervous look. “Okay, let’s make it three bad news.” Present day… Canterlot High School’s hallways were as noisy as usual, students making their ways to their respective classrooms, chatting between themselves. The sun rose high in the sky and the temperature slowly starting to rise up, the end of winter was near and students could feel it. One of their classmates wasn’t sharing their enthusiasm though. As Sunset Shimmer made her way through the hallways, she looked around her, searching for one person in particular. She lets out a yawn and scratched her eyes. It’s been a week now since what Twilight called, ‘The Symbiote incident’. Criminality was at its peak in the city and Sunset hasn’t had any good night of sleep since. “Hi Sunny!” A cheerful voice came from behind. Sunset felt two arms around her waist and, knowing who it was, the shadow of a smile appeared on her face. “Hello, Pinkie.” Sunset stated as Pinkie Pie ended the hug. Pinkie circled around Sunset to stand in front of her, a wide grin on her face. “I’m so happy that you’re back!” Pinkie cheerfully exclaimed. “Yeah… I’m happy to be here…” Sunset said, scratching the back of her head, “Say, you didn’t come across Rainbow Dash by any chance?” Pinkie’s smile fell down a bit. Just a bit. “N-No, I haven’t.” Pinkie made a forced chuckle as she looked away, “But I don’t know if it’s a good idea Sunny.” She finished her sentence in a whisper, “She still seems… Pretty mad.” Sunset sighed. “I know, that’s why I want to talk with her.” She looked at the ground, “I know I can’t erase what I said or done. But at least, I want her to know that I’m sorry.” Pinkie’s cheerful demeanor quickly came back, “Don’t worry Sunny! It’s Rainbow we’re talking about! She’s not the kind of person to hold a grudge for that long! Right?” Sunset gave her a doubtful glare as she raised her eyebrows. “Hey! I’m trying to be optimistic here!” Pinkie said. “Good morning, girls.” A small voice greeted next to them. Fluttershy stood there, a small smile on her face. It quickly disappeared when Fluttershy saw two black bags under the eyes of Sunset’s face. “Sunset, you look exhausted!” Fluttershy said with worry in her voice. “Y-Yeah, I don’t get much sleep those days. But hey, it is what it is.” Sunset tried a smile. Fluttershy didn’t smile back. “You know… I honestly think it would be okay if you take one night off from your… Activities.” She finished in a whisper, “We were… pretty concerned when Rarity explained us what happened a week ago.” “I don’t think it is Flutters.” Sunset stated. She was going to explain further to the worried girl in front of her that if she took only one night off, the city would burn, but her gaze caught a disrupted Bonbon, hanging what seemed to be some sort of posters on the corridor’s wall. Pinkie noticed it too and waved her arm calling her. “Hey Bonbon, what’s up?!” Bonbon startled before turning around and facing them. “Oh oh, something’s wrong.” Pinkie said, seeing the puffy eyes on Bonbon’s face as she made her way towards them. When she arrived in front of them, Sunset greeted her, “Hey Bons, what’s going on?” “I-It’s Lyra…” Bonbon said with a trembling voice, she gave Sunset one of her papers and Sunset saw that it was a picture of Lyra with ‘Have you seen this person?’ written at the top, at the bottom was what Sunset’s recognized as Bonbon phone number. “She disappeared a week ago… At first I thought she was sick, and last week, I tried to call her but she didn’t respond. I tried to call her house too, but it went straight to voicemail…” “That’s weird.” Sunset said, “Lyra’s not the type to skip classes. I don’t even recall a day were she wasn’t here.” “Exactly!” Bonbon stated, “That’s what worrying me… What if… Something happened to her.” She sobbed, “I wanted to go see her, but she never told me where she lived after she moved out a year ago.” “Have you tried calling the police?” Sunset tried. “I-I didn’t… What if she’s… In some sort of trouble?” Bonbon explained, avoiding Sunset’s gaze. Fluttershy took Bonbon in her kind arms and gently patted her back, both her and Pinkie looked at Sunset expectantly. ‘Of course, I see where this is going…’ She thought, rolling her eyes. “For what it’s worth, I might be able to help you.” Sunset finally said. “W-What?” Bonbon wasn’t believing what she heard, “Why would you do that? I-I know you and Lyra weren’t… the closest friends.” “Yeah, that’s one way to put it.” Sunset nodded, “But you need help, I always help my friends. And I might have an idea that could help you.” “R-Really?” Bonbon asked, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “Remember when I was a stupid brat who ruled over the school?” Sunset asked. “Sunset dear,” Pinkie stated, an arm around Sunset’s shoulders, “Everybody remembers that.” “Ah ah, right…” Sunset said with a forced chuckle. She cleared her throat, “Well I used to steal files from the school to have knowledge about my targets.” She saw the disappointed look Fluttershy gave her and looked away, “Anyway, those files were pretty convenient. I had access to their phone numbers, their grades, and even their addresses. I know I had Lyra’s files some time ago. If I still do, and that’s a big if, it must be on my hard drive… I think.” “Sunset, it would be amazing!” Bonbon cheerfully stated. Fluttershy sighed but managed a smile, “At least, you’re using your powers for good now.” Pinkie appeared next to her and whispered in her ear, “Isn’t that… what she’s been doing for the past six months?” Fluttershy rolled her eyes but giggled, “You know what I meant, Pinkie.” Two days ago… “I’m truly sorry to bother you with that Ma’am… Again.” Shining Armor stated as he held the entrance door of the police station. “It’s nothing, really.” Luna stated as she walked out, “I’m happy to help.” With a nod, Luna walked away to her car and Shining armor watched her as she drove away from the parking lot. His phone started buzzing in his pocket. He took it out, wondering who it could possibly be when he saw that Twilight as send a text message. When he opened it, he saw that it was only a thumbs up. But he knew what it meant. He made his way back into the police station and walked up the stairs, towards the roof. As he arrived, he looked around seeing nothing but darkness. “Hey, officer Armor! What’s up?” Spider-girl playfully greeted when she landed on the top of the police station, right behind him. “It’s Deputy for you.” Shining armor stated as he turned around to face her and he crossed his arms, eyes frowned. He did not seem happy. “I kind of was expecting it to be a trap.” Spider-girl said as she looked at her surroundings. “It was very tempting, to be honest with you.” Shining Armor replied, his gaze not moving from Spider-girl. “But Twilight seems to be quite fond of you… So I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. To make it clear, I don’t trust you.” He cleared his throat. “But I trust Twily, and she already explained me what happened five days ago. And even that lovely Miss Luna speaks highly of you. She said it was actually the second time you saved her, talk about a coincidence.” “Small world, eh?” Spider-girl said with a giggle. “You tell me.” He said, narrowing his eyes. “So, an… Alien symbiote, is that right?” “Yeah…” Spider-girl replied, scratching the back of her head. “I guess it’s pretty farfetched.” “Well, you would have told me that a year ago, I would’ve laugh at your face and put you into custody.” He said, “But now, with what happened over the last six months, I’m pretty sure nothing can surprise me anymore.” Shining shook his head from right to left with a sigh, “Meta humans, super villains, aliens… Kids this days…” “Listen.” Spider-girl began, “I know I… Made quite a fuss back then, but the symbiote took control over my body.” She explained, “I managed to get rid of it, but it needs a host to survive.” “And where is it now?” Shining asked. “I… don’t know.” Sunset admitted. “I really hope it did not found a host.” Shining Armor closed his eyes, lost in his thought. “That is not good.” “Welp, you tell me.” Spider-girl chuckled. It quickly faded away when she saw the glare on Shining’s face. “B-but don’t worry, I’ll find it!” She walked towards the policeman and handed out her hand. “Listen, I know you don’t like me but… I really could use the help.” Shining Armor looked at Spider-girl’s hand for a few seconds, unimpressed. Then he sighed and decided to shake it anyway. “Alright.” He simply stated. Sunset grinned under her mask. “Partners?” She tried. “Don’t push it.” Shining Armor replied. Then, his radio hung on his chest went on just as he was going to say something. “…we have a ten seventy-one on Crescent, seven men armed and dangerous, need some backups…” Sunset raised an eyebrow and looked at Shining Armor. “Need some help with that?” Now… “… and I told him that it wasn’t possible!” Screwball giggled. “You know, since penguins do have knees.” Sunset Shimmer wasn’t listening a word Screwball had said. Her head was resting in her palm, her eyes staring in the void, she was fighting to keep herself awake. She managed to fight the urge to fall asleep in first period, so she could easily endure two more hours. At least, she thought. Screwball sitting next to her was a ball of nerves. She was bouncing up and down, her eyes wide open, speaking at the speed of light. It was too much for Sunset, she was used to Pinkie Pie in the morning, but Screwball was on another level of annoying. “Are you listening Sunset?” Screwball finally asked when she saw Sunset’s eyes slowly closing. “Hmm-hmm.” Sunset nodded, her eyes still closed, not noticing Screwball’s face two inches away from hers. Screwball sighed from relief and sat back in her place, “Phew, I thought I’ll have to start over!” She said with a laugh. But Sunset wasn’t in the mood to laugh. She spent most of her nights fighting criminals in the street, she had a total of eight hours of sleep for the past three days. She was searching for any clues of where the symbiote went, but in vain. And since they don’t have a house anymore, Sunset had to be more careful than ever before to not be caught by either Luna, or Redheart. Luna had said she found a new apartment and that they were moving in a few days, it was small but Sunset wasn’t complaining. At least they’ll have each other’s. Sunset was sad she lost the home Celestia took her in, but at least Luna was okay and it was the most important thing at the moment. After the incident, Luna had tried to call Sunset all night while she was at the police station. As soon as Sunset was out of bed, she ran to join her and both of them shared a tearful embrace. Sunset and Luna were at their lowest right now, they had no money, no house, and for Sunset, no sleep. “… it would be amazing! Don’t you think?” Screwball asked Sunset. “Hum hum.” Sunset nodded. “Holy potato! That’s great! What about next week?” Screwball asked again, stars in her twirly eyes. “Yeah sure, whatever…” Then Sunset eyes snapped open, she turned her head to look at Screwball, “Wait, what were we talking about?” Screwball lets out a laugh, “Someone isn’t totally awake uh?” She giggled, “I invited you to spend some time at my house! Since, you know, yours exploded!” “Oh, right.” Sunset forgot that the whole school knew about that. It was on the Daily Bugle’s front page the morning following the incident. “Yeah sure Screws, it could be nice.” Sunset let out a yawn, “And where do you live exactly?” Screwball blinked twice. “Sunset are you dumb?” “Excuse me?” Sunset frowned. Screwball ignored it and put an arm around Sunset’s waist, drawing her closer, and rose a hand to the sky. “I live in the highest point of the city! Surrounded by clouds and stars! At the border of the sky itself!” “You’re not making any sense right now.” Sunset plainly stated. Then Sunset realized what Screwball was talking about and sighed, face palming herself. “You’re living in Discorp’s tower.” “Dummy, yeah!” Screwball exclaimed, “At the very top!” “All right then, why not.” Screwball wasn’t one of Sunset’s closest friends, but Sunset wasn’t going to turn away some bonding time. Pinkie told her one day that you can’t have too much friends. “And why not bring Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy with you? You guys are friends right? We can have the biggest sleepover ever!” Screwball finished, jumping on her feet. “Pinkie and Flutters?” Sunset asked, “I didn’t realize you guys were friends.” “Of course I love Pinkie! I finally found someone who love flip flops as much as I do!” Screwball explained. It actually made a lot of sense to Sunset, who knew what kind of characters Screwball and Pinkie Pie both were. “I call her P.P!” Screwball giggled. “Please don’t.” “And Fluttershy has been the nicest person I’ve ever encountered in my life! We’re liked, best friends now!” Screwball continued. “Uh-uh. And for how long have you two been talking?” Sunset curiously asked. “Uh, two days?” Screwball put a finger on her chin, “Now that I think of it, we’ve only talked once.” Sunset was going to explain to her that it wasn’t how friendship worked, when someone in front of them grunted and turned around. “Can you guys keep it down? Trixie can’t even hear her own thoughts!” Trixie spat. “Don’t be grumpy like that!” Screwball laughed, “I think it’s the major reason why you don’t have any friends.” Trixie’s face became red with fury, “Trixie has friends!” “Then, why are you always sitting alone at lunch?” Screwball taunted, malice in her eyes. “Because Trixie enjoys her own company!” Trixie exclaimed, stomping the ground. “Yeah sure!” Screwball chuckled. As entertaining as it was, Sunset decided to put her hand on Screwball’s shoulder. “That’s enough Screws.” She stated. Screwball laughed harder, “Hey, not my fault if miss grumpy pants here is no fun!” Trixie stand up to her feet, “What?! Trixie can be a lot of fun if she wants to! More than you!” “Oh yeah?” Screwball said with a smirk and a defying glare, “Then prove it! Come at the sleepover next week and we’ll decide who’s the funniest between us!” “Are you…” Trixie responded to Screwball’s defying glare with her own, “Challenging Trixie?” Sunset rolled her eyes. ‘Oh god.’ “What if…” Screwball started, speaking slowly, “I am?” They glared at each other’s for a minutes, Trixie’s face red in a mix of anger and embarrassment and Screwball who seemed to have the time of her life. “Fine!” Trixie stated, as she pointed at the two girls, “You’ll see! They don’t call me ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’ for no reasons!” Screwball looked lost for a second and turned to Sunset, “Uh… Who calls her that?” “Herself, mostly.” Sunset said, playing with her hairs, “Rainbow Dash and Red does too, but I’m pretty sure they’re making fun of her.” Trixie lets out a small ‘humpf!’ and turned around, sitting back in place. “Next week…” Screwball joyfully stated, “It’s going to be so fun!” Sunset looked back in front of her as the next teacher arrived in the room. ‘What in the world I got myself into… again.’ Sunset thought. Later that night… “Damnit!” Felicia yelled in a grunt of pain as she changed her bandages. She was sat on mattress in one of her safe houses around the city. It was a small apartment at the edge of town, empty of all belonging besides the one mattress, a small television in the corner and some medical supplies scattered around her. She was half naked, treating her wounds and ruminating on her defeat many days ago. The injuries she got from her fight with Taskmaster were a bit more serious than it looked like, it was taking more time to heal than she initially thought. “That damn freak got lucky he’s been arrested!” She said, gritting her teeth. “Next time I see him…” When she finished, she got up from her makeshift bed and gathered the supplies around her and put them away in a storage box in the corner of the room. She thought a shower wouldn’t do any harm but she remembered that place only had cold water so she thought against it as she sat back on the mattress. She looked at the broken mirror in front of her and sighed at the look of the girl in the reflection. She looked like a mess. She has not brushed her silver hair for days now and her face was clearly showing her lack of sleep. Her phone buzzed on the ground next to the mattress and her mouth became a thin line when she saw the phone number of the person who was trying to reach her. She thought a minute about leaving it ring and to not answer it but if she did that, she knew she would be in a lot more trouble than she already was. She finally took it and answered the call. “What?” She coldly asked. “Felicia, it’s been a while. I almost thought you were killed.” The voice began laughing with a devilish tone, “You almost got me scared.” “Well, I’m still alive. Thanks to you, I guess.” Felicia continued with a snarl, “The last thing I expected from you was to rescue me against that freak.” “Oh, you’re giving me too much credit. I distracted him, that’s all.” The Green Goblin replied, on the other end of the phone. “No, the person you should really be thankfully of is your pal, Spider-girl.” There was a small pause when Felicia gulped at the mention of Spider-girl. “By the way, I hope the poor girl is doing okay after the incident.” Felicia kept quiet. When she heard what happened after she passed out, the fight with Taskmaster and the black suit overpowering her, Felicia wanted nothing more than to check on her. If it was up to her, she would be at Sunset’s side by now. “I know what you’re thinking.” The Green Goblin continued, “You want to run by her side. How charming.” he chuckled. “Aren’t you getting a bit too sentimental? After all, I’m the one who asked you to get close to her. This is a mission, do not forget it.” “I’m not.” Felicia quickly replied with a frown, “You’re getting the wrong idea, she means nothing to me. As soon I’m done with her… She’s all yours.” She finished, looking away. “Good.” He stated, “And how are your injuries?” The silver haired thief grunted as she looked at her bandaged body, “It could be worse… I think. I can still move so I can still work.” “Excellent. Then I have a job for you.” Felicia got up from her mattress and sighed, “Already? Alright then… What do you want me to do?” The Green Goblin laughed, “Don’t be like that! This is a very special mission I’ve got here! You can even consider it as a present!” Felicia raised an eyebrow, “What the hell are you talking about?” She could feel the Green Goblin smiling diabolically, “I think it’s… Finally time for our good old friend Wilson Fisk to bid us farewell.” Felicia froze. And Felicia smirked. “Finally indeed.” Meanwhile… “Are you… Sure you’re up to this? I don’t want to force you to do anything but...” Shining Armor asked as he parked at the prison’s parking lot. “She said she’d only talk to you.” “You’re not forcing me to do anything.” Luna reassured him. “I’m happy to help, and besides…” She sighed, “She was my friend… I want to know what happened to her.” Shining gave her a sympathetic smile. He got out of his police car and opened the door to Luna. “I have to tell you though,” Shining continued, “She’s different…” “W-What do you mean different?” Luna asked as she stepped over a small puddle. She followed him to the entrance of the prison where Shining showed his badge to the guards at the entrance. “Busy night guys?” Shining asked as one the guard opened the door for them. “It’s always a busy night.” The guard replied. As they entered and the guard closed behind them, Shining continued, “From what you told us, the night she attacked you and Spider-girl, she was confident, cocky.” “Y-Yeah?” “Well… You’ll see for yourself.” Luna remained silent as she quietly followed Shining Armor through the long corridors of the prison. She politely smiled at each prison workers she walked past by as Shining leaded her to the deepest part of the prison. They stopped in front of a white gate. “Block C…” Shining began, “Here we are. Stay close to me.” Luna nodded as Shining entered a code and the door opened. They began their walk through the hall, walking next to prisoner’s cells whom where glaring and insulting them. “Fuck you Armor! I’m here because of you!” One prisoner yelled. “Hey pigs! Are you lost or something?” Another one said. When Luna walked too close from a cell, a prisoner jumped forward and tried to grab her through the bars, “Come here beautiful! I’ll make you have a good time, you’ll see!” Luna jumped back in fear as the nearest guard drew out his electric baton and hit the prisoner on his arm. “Stay back, scum!” Luna gulped as Shining Armor put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “Are you okay?” “Y-Yeah… Let’s just get this over with.” She said in a whisper. Shining slowly nodded before beckoning her to march forward. They finally reached the end of the hallway and arrived in front of another metallic door. The guard in front of it nodded at them when they arrived and he opened it with a warning. “We had to restrain her. Even with her handcuffs, she put six of our guys in the hospital. Be careful out there.” He told them. “Thank you.” Shining replied to him as they entered the room. The room was dark and small, there was only a chair in front of a glass panel. On the other side of the glass panel was a woman, tied up on a chair with leather straps. She stared at them with an empty look on her face full of scars, some of her dirty mid length dark blue hair falling in front of her face. “Hello Luna.” She stated. Luna sighed and retrieved her courage before taking a sit on the chair. “Hello Ember.” She greeted. “Surprised?” Taskmaster, or Ember, asked her. Luna nodded, “I am.” She then took a closer look at her former comrade. “You’re not like I… Remembered.” “Things happened.” “I guess.” They both looked at each other silently for a minute before Shining politely coughed in his fist, signaling Luna’s time was running out. “You said you only wanted to talk to me, Ember. Here I am.” “Your friend here had questions.” Ember replied, giving a glare at Shining Armor. “Ask them. I’ll… Try to answer them.” “Then I guess it’ll be too much to ask who you were working for?” Shining asked her. “I’m not talking to you.” Ember snarled. “I’m talking to Luna.” Shining frowned and was going to give her a piece of his mind but Luna politely stopped him. “I got this.” Shining retrieved his calm but crossed his arms and Luna sighed. “There is a question burning my lips… Why did you wanted to kill me?” “Didn’t I told you before?” Ember gave her a questioning look, “I hate you.” “B-But why?” Luna asked. “I-I thought we were friends.” “Friends?” Then Ember seemed lost for a few seconds. “We were?” Luna gave her an interrogating look, “What do you mean?” “I thought… I always thought that… Well, I’m supposed to hate you because…” Ember looked stressed, her whole demeanor changed in a few seconds. She looked like she was concentrating herself as she tried to remember. She glanced from left to right. “Everything’s a… Blur.” She said with a frown. “E-Ember,” Luna continued. “Last time we spoke on the phone, two years ago, you seemed… Well. You told me you were in the military… What happened?” “In the military, that’s what I told you, eh?” Ember replied. “I don’t remember most of it since they played mad scientist with my brain…” She retrieved her calm and seemed lost for a second. “They?” Luna asked, sharing a look with Shining. “W-Who’s ‘they’?” Ember seemed to be willing to give her an answer, but at that moment she closed her eyes and grunted in pain. “Ugh, my head…” Ember whispered as Luna could tell she was in pain. “They… They told me to…” “Ember?” Luna asked with concern. Something was wrong. “I… I don’t remember.” Ember admitted. Then, she went from calm to angry in an instant. “And why do you care, uh? I’m still going to kill you, one way or another you know?” She chuckled with contempt, “And after that, it’ll be Sunset Shimmer’s turn.” Luna gulped, “Y-You want to kill me, fine! I still don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this, but please let Sunset out of this! She has nothing to do with all of this!” Then Ember notices something in Luna’s eyes. “Oh… You don’t know, do you?” Ember asked her. “K-Know what?” Luna asked her in return, not knowing if she wanted to know the answer. Ember did not reply to Luna, she looked from left to right again, and them, for a brief moment, seemed afraid of something. “E-Ember…” Luna tried captivating her attention as she put her hand on the glass in front of her. “I… I shouldn’t tell you that…” She whispered staring at the ceiling, “No I shouldn’t…” “Ember what’s going on?” Her attitude was so different than the night at her house that Luna felt the ambiance frightening. This wasn’t the Ember that attacked her that night. Taskmaster was cold, manipulative and dangerous. It wasn’t the Ember she knew. But this Ember in front of her looked like she was afraid of something, she looked like she needed help. Shining lost patience. He stepped forward and asked, “Ember, or Taskmaster, whatever you want to be called…” He began, “Who are you working for?” Ember violently shook her head and glared down. “I… I’m trying to remember but…” “P-Please Ember…” Luna tried. “I… I remember a woman… With red hair…” She frowned as the pain in her head started to grow. “A woman with red hair?” Shining insisted, “Do you remember her name? Or her face?” “N-No…” Ember continued, trying to dig in her thoughts against the pain. She then raised her glare to Luna who could see the distress in the eyes of her former friend. “Cut off one head…” Then out of the blue, her eyes turned and she began to convulse on her chair. Luna screamed in surprise as Shining quickly ran towards the door and violently knocked on it as he called the guard for help. “Ember!” Luna called as she slammed her hands on the glass panel as she watched her former friend convulse on the chair and her saliva began to foam in her mouth. It all went by quickly as a pack of guards quickly entered the room and escorted Luna out. “W-What is going on?!” She yelled as one guard dragged her out. “Please stay here ma’am.” He ordered as he shut the door as soon as Shining got out. “W-Wait!” Luna screamed as she slammed her fist on the door, “Let me in! She needs my help!” “Miss Luna!” Shining Armor grabbed her by the shoulders, “They’re going to help her! There’s nothing we can do right now.” Two guards appeared next to them. They both looked identical to each other, the only difference was that one of them had a mustache. “She did it again, didn’t she?” One of them asked. “W-What, you mean it isn’t the first time?” Shining asked him. “No. It happens every time we try to get information from her… That’s why we accepted when she asked for you.” The guard stated as he pointed to Luna, “We thought it could’ve turn out differently but…” “I see…” Shining sighed, “Well, I guess there’s nothing much we can do. We should get going Miss Luna.” “B-But, what about Ember? I can’t leave her-” Luna started. “She’s going to be fine.” The other guard quickly stated. “You should go, we’ll handle her.” Both Luna and Shining exchanged a look but, since it didn’t seem like they had a choice in the matter, they started to walk away as Shining continued to reassure Luna on their way out. When they disappeared around the corner of the hallway, both guard looked at each other. “I told you this was a bad idea, she almost remembered.” The other one nodded, “Looks like they were right, brother. We have to do something about that.” “On it, Flim. You… Should get rid of her.” The first guard stated as he made a sign of his head towards the door. “Will do, Flam.” They both exchanged a handshake. A few moments later, on the prison’s parking lot, Luna and Shining both walked toward the police car. “I’m sorry about that.” Shining said, “I knew this was a bad idea.” “T-This wasn’t your fault…” Luna replied. Shining was lost in his thoughts for a few seconds, “Isn’t it strange that, when she started to remember, she had a stroke? Right at that moment?” “W-What do you mean?” Luna asked him as she opened the passenger’s door. “I mean that there’s something even more shady than what I originally thought going on here.” He said as he glared back at the prison. Then, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He rolled his eyes has he got it out. “I swear I can’t even get a minute…” He answered the call and put the phone on his ear. “Shining Armor speak-Oh woaw, Spider-girl?” Luna raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. “W-Wait a second, speak slower and take your breath… I said speak slower-NOT THAT SLOW!” He pinched the bridge of his nose, “I swear, kids… Wait-What did you just say…” Luna stared at him as she saw his eyes growing wide in Luna guessed was shock. “On my way, don’t move.” “W-What is going on?” Luna asked him, “Nothing too bad I hope?” “I…” Shining started, “I’m sorry Miss Luna, it’ll be better if I drop you off on my way there.” He then remained quiet as he sat behind the wheel. The rest of the trip back to the main city was done in total silence, Shining ignoring the worried glare Luna was giving him. A few moments earlier… “Wait, let me get this straight…” Applejack replied on the other end of the phone. “You want me to ask Rainbow to come talk to you?” Sunset could easily guess Applejack’s eyebrows raising at the tone of her voice. “I mean, I guess I could sugarcube but can’t you do that yourself?” Spider-girl was standing on a roof of an apartment complex, in a creepy part of Canterlot. The kind of area of the city where you shouldn’t wander alone at night. “She doesn’t want to talk to me!” Sunset replied, “She’s avoiding me at school, ignoring my texts and she’s not returning my calls…” “Well… She kinda explained to us what happened and… Can you blame her?” Applejack asked her, “You did hurt her after all when all she wanted from you was answers.” “I… Wasn’t myself at the time.” Sunset sighed while looking away. “But this is not an excuse. That’s why I need to talk to her.” She heard Applejack sigh, “Alright then, even if this isn’t any of my business, I can’t let down one of my best friends.” Sunset smirked under her mask, “You’re the best AJ!” “But, Sunset… Promise me one thing?” “Anything.” “Can the two of you please be friends again? It breaks my heart to see you two like this. Well not only mine, all the girls thinks the same actually.” Applejack stated. “I swear it.” Sunset nodded with determination. “Alright, I should get goin’. Be careful tonight sugarcube.” “Will do AJ, will do.” Sunset said as she ended the call and put her phone back in her pocket. She put her white hood back on and glared down at the apartment complex in front of her. She spent the early night searching through her computer for Lyra’s address and, to her surprise, she easily found it. She didn’t realized Lyra was living in a neighborhood like this one and guessed Lyra’s life must’ve been quite hard here. “That’d explain why she’s so… unhinged.” She scratched her chin. “That’s not a nice thing to say.” She shrugged, “Oh well.” She jumped from the roof she was standing to the other one on the other side of the street and landed perfectly. She crawled down on the wall on the left side of the building, and when she arrived at the third floor, she searched for an open window. “I really hope that no one’s at home right now.” She said to herself when luckily for her, she actually found a window that was opened. “Hi?” She tried as she passed her head through and looked around the empty room. “Don’t mind me then.” She entered the room and crawled on the ceiling, she lets herself drop on the bed beneath her and crossed her legs. She looked around and guessed this was Lyra’s room. There was a lyre on the ground next to the bed, a few band posters on the walls and a computer on the corner of the room but besides that the room was clearly empty. “Hey Lyra, it’s your ol’ pal Sunset Shimmer,” Sunset whispered to herself as she got up from the bed and looked around the room, “I know you can’t stand me but your ex is worried about ya’ so, you know, I thought I could come in unannounced and say hi.” she opened the closet to see all of Lyra’s clothes were still there. “But you know, if you want me gone just say so.” She waited a few seconds, “Well, if you don’t say anything, I’ll make myself at home then.” ‘Her clothes are still there, so I don’t really think she ran away.’ Sunset thought. She walked toward the door and slowly opened it, it directly leaded to the living room. The light was off, and no one was actually home. “It seems her father ain’t here either.” She walked around the living room. “Where are you Lyra?” Sunset sniffed and felt there was something odd in the air. The smell of something… “Rotten?” Sunset asked herself. “Did they left food around here?” When the young girl looked around in the living room, she didn’t found anything, but the smell came from another room where she could see a door ajar. Sunset frowned and quietly walked towards the room. She gently opened the door and the smell was stronger than before, making Sunset nauseous. The curtains being closed, the small room was filled with darkness so Sunset tried to reach the light’s switch next to her. “Where is it... Ah!” She exclaimed when she found it and switched the lights on. “Let there be light-” Sunset stopped herself at the horrifying sight in front of her. She yelped in surprise and horror as she fell backward on the ground. In front of her, on the bed, was a dead body which seemed to be there for quite some time. The corpse already started its stage of decomposition, and blood was everywhere on the ground and the walls. Sunset crawled back, feeling cold all of a sudden as she refrained her urge to vomit. She started shaking and she realized she had stopped breathing, she managed to stand back on her feet and carefully walked towards the bed. “Oh my god…” She mumbled. Half a year of being a super-hero and yet, this was the most horrifying, disgusting sight Sunset ever witnessed. “W-What should I do?” She looked around as a thought appeared in her mind. She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed Shining Armor’s number.