• Published 6th May 2020
  • 6,140 Views, 572 Comments

The Amazing Sunset Shimmer - KozLeMage

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I was bitten by a radioactive spider... And for the past few months, I've been the one and only: Spider-Girl!

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Volume II - Chapter 8: Upside down

The last day of vacation was already here to the great misfortune of some. But Canterlot City never sleeps, and there was no time to rest for Spider-girl.

While she was doing her routine patrol, she noticed three bank robbers in a high speed run-through with the police. She smirked under her black mask and landed on the hood of the car. The three thieves inside the car screamed of surprise of the sudden apparition of the young super hero in front of them.

“Hey guys, hope I don’t interrupt anything important.” She taunted them.

“Holy shit, that’s Spider-girl!” The driver exclaimed.

“Do something!” The one on the back yelled.

“It’s okay, got my caliber.” The one on the passenger seat reassured the two others.

He passed his arm through the window of the door and aimed at Spider-girl, but he didn’t had the time to shoot that she already grabbed his wrist and twisted it really hard. The thief screamed in pain as he yelled, “Fuck! She broke my arm!”

It was all he had time to say because Spider-girl drew him in her direction and threw him on the sideway. He screamed in fear when he thought he was going to crash on the ground but a web preventing him to touch the ground was hanging from the nearest wall.

Spider-girl jumped with a moonsault and with a shot from her web-shooters, landed ten meters in front of the car. A flash from a camera was seen on a wall.

“Squash her!” The thug on the back yelled to the driver.

When the car was just in front of her, Spider-girl punched right in it. The car plunged into Spider-girl’s hit and flew over her because of the speed at which it went.

It crashed on the ground and Spider-girl walked menacingly towards the car, now upside down. She grabbed the driver’s door and tore it from its hinges. She saw the driver was knocked out and the one who was sat behind was crawling out of the other side window. She giggled at that view and took the driver with her, putting him away in safety not too far away.

Then she slowly took her time, even when she saw the police cars stopping behind her. She walked towards the thief still crawling helplessly on the ground. Shut put her foot on his back, squishing him a little, just enough for him to be hurt without breaking any bones.

“Where do you think you’re going?” She asked casually.

“P-Please, I… I have a daughter, I…” He tried.

“Like I care.” Spider-girl stated, drawing her arm, ready to deliver a punch in his face.

“Spider-girl! Stop where you are!” She heard behind her.

She rolled her eyes and turned her head around to see five police officers pointing in her direction with their guns.

“S-Stay back or w-we shoot!” A young woman in blue uniform warned. Sunset noticed she was very young, she must be new.

Sunset smirked under her mask, at least, she could have some fun with it.

“Come on, I dare you.” Spider-girl darkly replied.

The police officers shivered and held firmly their guns, their hands shaking. A few seconds later, Sunset exploded in an honest laughter, taking them by surprise.

“I’m joking guys… Seriously…” She said between two laughs, “You should’ve seen your faces…”

Then, she casually took her phone out of her pocket and checked the time.

“Oh damn, already this late?” She put it back in her pocket and waved at the police officers who were still aiming her, “Okay let’s wrap this up guys, this is a school night.”

She shoots a web and jumped, taking momentum for a swing, still waving at them, “Keep up the good work guys!” She called, before disappearing in an adjacent street, retrieving her new camera Luna gave her for Christmas.

When she disappeared, the tension was released from the shoulders of the police officers.

Spider-girl swinged through the city, feeling better than ever. This black suit, or whatever it was, increased her strength and her health. She didn’t know from where it came from, but she wasn’t going to complain, it was a great power up. She still hasn’t talked to her friends about it, she’ll do it only when she finds out what it is, not before.

She landed on a rooftop and frowned. What Spitfire told her a week ago was still fresh in her mind, she wanted to talk to Red about it but it wasn’t something she could talk about on the phone, and since Wendy was with him for the entire holydays, she didn’t found the right moment to bring it up.

She reached her disposable phone and tried to call him, but ended directly on voicemail. She sighed and put it back in her pocket. At least, she’ll see him tomorrow at school.

A few hours earlier that day…

“Here we are.” Red stated, in front of the entrance of Canterlot Children’s Shelter, holding Wendy’s hand.

“Yeah…” She said, looking at her feet. “I… I wish I could stay with you a bit longer.”

Red sighed, “Me too, kid.” He turned around and kneeled to be at her height, and smiled at her, “But remember, this is just temporary.”

This statement put a smile on Wendy’s face, “Yeah, you’re right.”

Red noticed an employee was waiting impatiently at the front door, looking at them. He rolled his eyes and put a hand on Wendy’s shoulder, “I’ll come visit you next week end, okay?”

Wendy took him in a tight hug, “I can’t wait.”

When the employee took Wendy inside, Red casually walked home. When he arrived, he closed the door behind him and walked towards his bedroom. He stopped when he entered the room, noticing that Wendy’s smell was still here, perfuming the room.

He shakes his head and walked towards the bed, he grabbed something under it and put it on the bed. It was a big and black suitcase, closed with a digital code. He entered it and the suitcase opened, revealing his Fiend costume.

To be honest, he never liked it. But it was frightening enough to put fear in the criminal’s minds. It was a role he accepted, Spider-girl was here to give people hope, and he was here to give villains fear.

He put on his boots, his long brown cape and finally, his frightening mask before exiting his apartment by the window.

“Professor! Time to wake up!” A young woman yelled in her mentor’s ear.

A woman was snoring loudly resting her head on her desk. Her assistant was trying her best to wake her up but, when the Professor was in that state, there was only a few things that could wake her up. But lucky for her, Luster Dawn knew exactly what could wake her up.

“Professor, there’s no more wine!”

The professor raised her head immediately, still groggy. “Uh? What? Seriously?” When she noticed her assistant’s smirk, she realized it was a false alarm. “Oh, come on Dawn, it was just a quick nap.”

“A quick three hours’ nap.” Luster Dawn stated.

“W-What?” The Professor asked, she checked the time and her eyes grew big when she saw it was already one in the morning. “Oh shit!”

“Professor, your language… We already talked about that.” Luster Dawn sighed.

“Yeah, yeah.” The woman said, getting up from her chair.

She was a pretty woman, a purple skin with long purple and teal hair pulled up in a tight bun and a pair of glasses on her nose. She looked like she was thirty, maybe thirty-five. Her assistant, Luster Dawn, looked very young even if she actually was nineteen, she looked like she was fourteen or fifteen.

Both of them were in an underground laboratory in the suburbs of Canterlot, their boss was a very precautious man, and their research must be, and stay, secret. The Professor had to hide here for her own security, working and going out only during the night and sleeping most of the daytime.

The professor stretched her arms and put on the white lab coat hanging from the chair. “You can go Dawn, I already told you that you don’t have to stay this late.”

“Well, I’ve already told you that I don’t like knowing you’re here all alone all the night.” Luster Dawn stated with a frown, “I won’t leave until you do.”

The Professor chuckled, “Are you trying to tell me something?”

“What do you think?” Luster Dawn asked.

“All right, I get it. Let’s go home for tonight.”

Luster Dawn happily nodded, and both of them prepared their stuff and turned off the light before going out of the secret Lab.

Luster Dawn accompanied her mentor to her apartment, not too far away from their work and greeted her a good night.

“See you tomorrow Dawn.” The Professor said.

“Good Night, Professor Glimmering Star.” Luster said with a wave of her hand before walking away of the apartment complex.

The Professor walked up the stairs and opened her apartment door. She turned the light on and let her coat fall on the ground and walked toward her kitchen. She opened her fridge and took out a bottle of red wine, she grabbed the closest thing that could contain liquid, a mug, and poured herself a generous amount of wine.

She drank all of it in a few seconds and sighed from relief.

Then, out of nowhere, the lights started to crackle and went off. She raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“What the fuck?” She asked herself, then she felt a strange presence behind her. She chuckled, she didn’t have to turn around to guess who it was, she knew him well after all. “You took your time to find me.” She stated, pouring herself another cup.

“It’s been a while, Starlight.” The Fiend stated, standing a few feet behind her, leaning against a wall, his arms crossed.

Starlight turned around while sipping her wine and handed the mug to him, “Wine?” She chuckled when she saw he was giving no reaction, “Come on, don’t be like that, aren’t we friends?”

“No, we’re not.” He stated flatly.

“That breaks my heart you know.” She said, joking, “Anyway, I guess I could live with that.” She gave a shrug from her shoulders, “Guess you’re here about Conhorse?”

The Fiend frowned, but didn’t moved from his position. “So you know.”

“Of course I know, everybody knows!” She said, “I knew who it was until day one, that’s why a ran from my house, I knew he would’ve come to find me.”

“To help him with the formula?” The Fiend asked.

“Yup,” She took another sip from her mug and sat on the kitchen’s table, “By the way, you’ll have to thanks Spider-girl for me.” She said, raising her mug in the air. Seeing the way he was glaring at her, she dropped the smirk she was wearing and put her mug on the table. “So… You know?”

“About how you used me? Yeah, I know all of it.” He stated.

“It… It was for the greater good!” She explained, “I didn’t think it would fall in bad hands.”

“Well, it did.” The Fiend said, “And thanks to you, we now have a Spider-girl, a Lizard and a Green Goblin.”

“I’m sorry okay?” She tried, taking back her mug and taking a big sip from it. “I just… Wanted to help people…”

The Fiend sighed, and walked towards her. “So, what are you doing here?”

She looked at the ground, “It’s… Classified you know…” When she raised her head and noticed the look he was giving her, she chuckled, “I guess I can make an exception just for you.” She sighed and finished her mug, “Let’s rewind. A few years back, when I… left you.” She started, “The truth is…”

She was stopped when the Fiend suddenly put his hand on her mouth.

“Mmhmm!” She tried.

“Shut up.” He whispered. “We’re not alone.”

A cold shiver ran through Starlight’s spine.

Suddenly, a window exploded with a person passing through it. He was wearing a dark green body armor, his face hidden by a helmet. On his chest was a logo Red already saw once, at Starlight’s house, a skull with six tentacles.

Two other soldier followed behind him. The first one drew a sword from his back and ran toward the Fiend. He tried to slice him up, but the Fiend was too quick for him, Red deviated the blade with the back of his wrist and delivered a powerful punch in the guy’s face, with enough strength to break though the help and send him land in the wall.

One of the other two drew out a gun and aimed it a Red while the other one ran toward Starlight. While heading towards the one who was shooting, Red managed to dodge every bullet and when he stood in front of him, drew his arm backward and struck him with the palm of his hand, sending him a few feet away.

When Red turned around, he saw the third one using Starlight as a hostage, a gun on her head. Starlight didn’t seem that scared, in fact, she seemed like she was more annoyed than anything else.

“You know,” She started to her kidnapper, “If you release me right now, it’ll hurt less.”

“What are you talk-” The man started.

A Red blur appeared in his field of vision, like a red thunderbolt, and fist struck him right in his face, sending him away.

“Few, that was… Yeah no, that wasn’t close at all.” Starlight said, taking the dust off her pants.

“Who are they?” Red asked, but it sounded more like an order.

“I don’t-” Starlight started.

“Stop fucking with me Starlight!” Red yelled, making her jump in surprise, “Tell me who the fuck they are, or I leave you here and you won’t be that lucky next time they’ll visit you!”

Starlight sighed in defeat, “They’re from Hydra.”

“Hydra?” Red asked, “What’s that?”

“It’s…” Then Starlight noticed something behind Red, “Hummm, Red?”

Red noticed she was glaring at something and turned around. One of the Hydra agents, the one who was shooting at red a few moments ago, was getting up.

“You should stay down, really.” Starlight taunted.

Red noticed he had something in his hand. A hypodermic. With a war cry, the man sticks it in his neck and dump the strange liquid inside his body.

His body started to change, he was growing fast his armor couldn’t retain his body so it shattered and his skin was becoming a strange green, the floor cracking under his now monstrous size. His face was now one of a monster. It was…

“An Abomination…” Starlight stated, her eyes wide. Red had protectively put her behind him.

“And what the fuck is that?!” He asked.

“I… Don’t know… I didn’t do that, I swear!” Red was good to distinguish lies from truth, and it was the truth.

The Abomination growled to his two opponents and charged at them. Red pushed Starlight in security and took the hit. The Abomination charged through the walls, Red and him landing in the street. But the Abomination wasn’t finished, it grabbed the Fiend by his leg and threw him in a car.

Red wasn’t going to lie. It hurts.

Red managed to get up and glared at the Abomination in front of him. It was watching him, a cocky smile on his face.

“Y-You…” Red managed to say, a hand on his now broken ribs. “Think you’re a monster, uh?”

The Abomination didn’t replied but his cocky grin grew wider.

Let me show you what a real monster is like.” Red said.

Then, the contour of his eyes became black, like scales were growing on his skin. It was the same for his arms, his hands becoming black, transforming into claws. Red electrical sparks running through his arms and his eyes. The white inside his eyes was now gone, it was all black with his red iris glowing in the night. His mask, looked like it was starting to merge with his face, like the dragon mouth of his mask was becoming… his mouth. This, was the demonic power that gave him the nickname, The Fiend.

He just stood there, waiting for the Abomination to make the first move. Starlight was watching this from two floor above, through the wall of her apartment.

“Just the face and the arms uh?” Starlight noticed, “It seems you still can’t handle the full body transformation.” She talked to herself.

The monstrous beast charged at the Fiend and punched in his direction. Red had the same idea and punched toward the Abomination. Their fists collided in a powerful display of strength between the monster and the demon.

The Fiend didn’t move an inch, the Abomination as for him was sent a few meters away, his feet not even leaving the ground, unarmed.

The Abomination growled like a beast and charged at Red another time. Red prepared himself, taking a posture that could make one think of karate. When the Abomination reached him and tried to punched him, Red grabbed his arm and sent him fly over his head, before slamming him into the ground easily like it was as heavy as a piece of paper.

The Abomination, still on the ground, tried to grab his leg, but Red, still holding firmly on the Abomination’s arm, jumped to avoid it and while he was in the air, his left foot was covered with strange red sparks, and he delivered a kick on the top of the Abomination’s head, planting him further into the ground.

Finally, the Abomination’s body began to spasm, and slowly it retrieves his human form. Face against the ground, totally out. The black covering Red’s eyes and arms started to disappear and his face returned to normal.

He was quickly joined by Starlight who was giggling, “Well, I see you still got it.”

Red ignored her and heard police sirens coming in their direction. “We have to move.” He stated.

“But where?” Starlight asked, incredulous.

“Somewhere safe. Follow me.”

“Spider-girl terrorize the City??” Sunset yelled, ripping off the newspaper she had in her hands. The first page was the photo she took during the night, when she stopped the bank robbers. “Is he serious?”

She was on her way to Canterlot High, walking alone in the calm street. She growled from frustration and put the remaining newspaper in the nearest bean.

“Piece of trash.” She said.

She arrived at CHS, walked past the Wondercolt statue and walked up the entrance stairs.

“Sunset, wait for me!” She heard a high pitched voice behind her. When she turned around she saw Pinkie Pie running in her direction.

Sunset smiled and waved at her friend, “Hi Pinkie, you good?”

“Of course I am.” Pinkie stated. Both friends entered the school at the same time, “And you?”

“Oh you know, same as always.” Sunset casually stated.

“Same, uh?” Pinkie giggled, “I read the newspaper.”

“Ugh,” Sunset raised her head towards the ceiling and sighed. “Don’t start with that.”

“So, you’re terrorizing the city?” Pinkie joked.

“I said, don’t start with that.” A frustrated Sunset replied.

Pinkie laughed, “Come on, Sunny! I’m just messing with you.”

“Girls!” They both heard behind them.

When they turned around, Sunset frowned. Red Light was walking towards them, “What’s up Pinks? Shimmer?”

“I’m good, thanks for asking!” Pinkie happily replied.

“Yeah…” Sunset avoided his look, “Me too. Look I have to go, see you guys later.”

Then, she walked away before any of them could say something. Pinkie Pie watched her friend’s departure with an interrogative glare on her face.

“What’s up with her?” Red asked.

Pinkie shrugged and started to walk towards her first class of the day, “Don’t know, she’s kinda weird sometimes.”

Red watched her leave with a confused look, “Wait… You’re saying that?”

“Didn’t heard!” Pinkie called, still walking away with a wave of her hand.

In the meantime, Sunset arrived in her classroom and was greeted by a purple ball of nerves. “Sunny!”

“Hi to you too Screwball.” Sunset greeted, walking towards her place.

She checked the empty seat next to her, then she looked at Screwball.

“Hey Screw’, you wanna sit next to me today?”

Screwball looked like it was the best thing she ever heard in her entire life, “OF COURSE!” She screamed in happiness, dropping herself in the seat next to Sunset.

“Look who’s here.” Sunset heard an annoying voice say, “I heard you did great at the ball. It seems I’m the only one to see you for what you really are.”

“Hello Lyra,” Sunset started, “And what am I, a top model?”

“You really want to know?” Lyra defied.

“Oh, oh!” Screwball exclaimed raising her hand, “Is that a trick question?”

Lyra ignored her and started an eye battle with Sunset.

“Tell me,” Sunset said, “What am I, Heartstrings?”

“A bitch.”

Everyone in the classroom turned around and looked at them surprised.

“Are they going to fight?” A voice asked.

“Trixie should’ve bring popcorn!” Trixie cursed herself.

Sunset slowly stand up from her chair and faced Lyra.

“You don’t want to do this Lyra.” She stated calmly.

“Oh why? Are you scared?” Lyra taunted.

“Yes I am,” Sunset started, “For you.”

Both of them just glared daggers at each other’s.

“Guys, can we please calm down?” Screwball tried, her usual smile now gone from her face. “Please?”

“Stay out of this, freak.” Lyra said to her.

“Hey!” Sunset stomped her foot on the ground, “Don’t talk to her like that!”

“I-It’s Okay Sunset!” Screwball said, grabbing her friend’s arm, “I just don’t want you to be in trouble!”

“If it means I get to shut her mouth…” Sunset started but was cut mid-sentence by a voice she heard earlier.

“The fuck is going on here?” Red Light asked when he arrived. When he saw the scene, Lyra and Sunset ready to launch at each other’s throat, he rolled his eyes and sighed. “Really? Sunshine? Is Weepinbell still a bitch?”

“Hey!” Lyra said.

“Stay out of this!” Sunset glared at Red, “This is between her and me.”

“Sunset.” Red stared at her, a flat look on his face like always. “Are you okay?”

“Yes!” She yelled, “Now get the fuck out of my face or I swear I…”

“You what?” Red asked. It didn’t sound like he was defying her or anything like that, it sounded like a real question. “Tell me, what are you going to do?”

“Tss,” Lyra started, crossing her arms, “Even a bitch with her friends.”

“Shut up, you.” Both Red and Sunset said towards Lyra.

Sunset finally sighed and sat in her chair. Lyra lets out a ‘humpf’ and walked away, and Red shook his head.

Then he looked at his place and saw Screwball sat there.

“We already talked about that.” He started.

“I…” Screwball was going to start.

“I said she could sit here.” Sunset said coldly. “Sat somewhere else.”

Red looked at her oddly before shrugging.

“Someone get out of bed on the wrong foot today.” He stated turning around to see where was the remaining empty seat. His eyes grew wide in horror when he saw where it was.

Right next to Trixie.

“God, no.”

After school…

“Hi Sunset!” Twilight greeted while she opened the door.

“Hey Sparky.”

Both of them greeted the other with a hug.

“Is that Sunset?” A voice coming from the kitchen asked.

“Hi Cadance!” Sunset called.

Cadance’s head appeared through the half open door of the kitchen. She smiled at Sunset’s view and walked towards her, kissing her on each cheek.

“Glad to see you, sweetie.” She said.

“Same.” Sunset replied.

When Cadance touched her, Sunset felt something weird. She looked at Cadance, then at her belly, and she frowned.

“Are you pregnant?” Sunset asked.

Cadance and Twilight both looked at each other in surprise and Cadance started to giggle.

“How’d you guess? I’m not that big, am I?” Cadance asked.

“What? Of course not it’s just that…” Then she shook her head vehemently and smiled, “Congratulation.”

“I’m gonna be an aunt!” Twilight excitedly said.

“And an awesome one.” Sunset added.

Sunset, Twilight and Cadance talked for a bit, Sunset congratulating her one more time, and both teenagers walked towards Twilight’s room. Twilight closed the door behind them, and stared at Sunset, her smile dropped.

“Take off your clothes.” She ordered.

“Woaw hey!” Sunset quickly said, “I know we slept together at Christmas… And by that I mean, in the same bed! But that doesn’t…”

“No, Sunset.” Twilight sighed, “I want to see your suit.”

“Oh. Okay.” Sunset took off her clothes, revealing her black suit underneath.

Twilight took a scalpel from her workbench and cut through the suit’s sleeve.

“Hey, Twi! What are you-” Sunset started.

“Shhh!” Twilight quickly said.

Twilight lets out a squeal of surprise when she saw that the cut she made in the suit was fixing itself, with small black tentacles.

“I knew it…” Twilight stated.


“The Symbiote…” Twilight looked at Sunset, “It fused with you.”

“Ooooh,” Sunset nodded, sitting on the bed. “It’ll explain a lot.”

Twilight looked at her in disbelief, “That’s all you have to say?”

“Meh. It’s quite useful to be honest.”

“I’ll…” Twilight started, sitting next to her. “Have to do some tests.”

“Oooh,” Sunset said with a sensual voice, and winking in Twilight’s direction, “I’ll be your guinea pig whenever you want.”

Twilight’s face became red, “Oh! S-Sunset! I’ve already told you not to do that!”

Sunset smirked and get closer to Twilight’s face, “Do what?”

Twilight retreated as well as she could. “This!”

“What?” Sunset taunted, still getting closer. “You’re telling me that you don’t like this?”

“It’s not that… I-I don’t like… Meep!” She squealed when she saw Sunset’s face just an inch from hers. She fell backwards and was now leaning on her back.

Sunset smirked and got on fours, on top of Twilight.

“C’mon Sparky. If you want me to get off, you just have to tell.” Sunset said calmly, her face getting closer.

“I… I…” Twilight tried, but couldn’t say a single word.

Twilight could feel Sunset’s hot breath on her face. She also was hot, really hot. Like the room temperature increased drastically.

Sunset looked at her sensually, biting her bottom lips. She was now just an inch from Twilight’s face. Their lips were almost touching.

The Symbiote on Sunset instantly changed her suit in her casual clothes.

The door opened abruptly and Cadance appeared, “Sunset, are you eating with us toni-” She didn’t finish her question when she saw what was in front of her.

Cadance stared at them quietly for a few seconds before smirking, “Am I interrupting something?”

“Yes.” Sunset stated.

“No!” Twilight yelled in the same time.

Twilight pushed Sunset out of her and quickly stood up.

Cadance laughed and wiped a tear from her eye, “Anyway Sunset, are you eating dinner with us?”

“I’d love to Cadance, but I have some things to do tonight.” Sunset said, sitting back on the bed.

“All right then,” Cadance started to walk away and stopped, “I leave you two to it then.” She taunted.

Twilight slammed the door and turned to face Sunset, her face a bright red. “What was that?!”

“Relax Sparky,” Sunset started, standing up, “I was just messing with ya’.”

“Well, it wasn’t funny!” She exclaimed.

“I thought it was.” Then she looked at her clothes, transforming back in her black suit. “I didn’t know it could do that. Neat.”

She retrieved her real clothes and put them in her bag.

“So… What’s the plan?” Twilight asked.

“I need to have a little chat… With a friend.” Sunset said, she walked toward Twilight and kissed her on the cheek. “See you tomorrow.”

Twilight stood silent, her face hot like hell.

Sunset put her mask on, and opened the window.

“B-Be careful!” Twilight called.

Sunset turned her head in Twilight’s direction. “We will.” She stated before jumping out of the window.

Twilight watched her swing in the night before she noticed what Sunset told her. “Wait? We?”

“You wanted to see me?” The Fiend asked when he saw Spider-girl landing on the rooftop he was waiting on.

“Yeah, thanks for coming.” She said.

The Fiend looked at her and whistled, “Black look’s good on you.”

“I need to ask you something.” Sunset quickly said, straight to the point. “Be honest with me.”

The Fiend looked at her curiously but nodded quietly.

“You know where Starlight Glimmer is, don’t you?”

The Fiend frowned but stood silent, irritating Sunset.

“Answer me!” She ordered.

The Fiend sighed. “Yes.”

“Did you reached her? Or talked to her?” She asked.

Once again he didn’t reply, scrutinizing her.

“Did you talk to her?!” Sunset almost yelled.

“Why do you want to know, Spidey?” The Fiend asked.

“Just answer me!”

“And if I told you where she is, what are you going to do?” The Fiend asked her.

Sunset frowned, “Someone from SHIELD came to see me.” She explained, “She told me a lot of things you see. She told me that Starlight Glimmer was dangerous.”

“Oh,” The Fiend chuckled, “So that’s what this all about? You want to find her because she’s dangerous? C’mon.”

“That’s not the only thing she told me.” Sunset admitted.

“Uhuh.” The Fiend nodded, “And please tell me, what did she told you.”

Sunset chuckled, she started pacing on the roof, making circle around the Fiend. While listening to her, he didn’t leave her from his sight.

“I’m really dumb you know.” Sunset started, “I should’ve seen it. From the beginning. I mean, the first time a saw you I felt something… Strange. And, seriously… Wendy? She’s the freakin’ daughter of the Vulture!”

The Fiend didn’t reply, he was just frowning. Sunset stopped pacing and stood in front of him.

“Where is Starlight Glimmer… Red?”

Red stayed silent.

“Listen, we’re maybe friends or whatever, but if you don’t tell me…”

“You what?” This time, he defied her. “Tell me, Spidey, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to kick your ass!” She exclaimed.

“Sunset, I don’t know what’s up with you right now… But you’re not yourself.” Red stated, “Let’s leave it there for tonight. Come talk to me when you’re feeling better.”

He turned around to leave, making Sunset’s blood boil.

We’re feeling perfectly fine!”

The Fiend stopped, and turned his gaze in her direction, “We?”

“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine!” She yelled, “I’ll make you!”

She shot a web on the Fiend’s chest and drew it in her direction, takin him by surprise, when he was at hand’s reach, she punched him in the face. He didn’t flinch, in fact she thought she punched him, but he grabbed her hand in his.

“If you wanna fight, I’ll defend myself, but I won’t make the first hit.” He stated, Sunset trying to get her hand free from his. “It’s your decision, Sunset.”

She finally managed to get free and jumped backwards to make some distance between them.

She scowled him and saw he was serious, he wasn’t going to move. Sunset smirked under her mask, at least she was sure she could make the first hit. She jumped in his direction and tried to kick him on the head.

He didn’t move but glared at Sunset with big red glowing eyes. She felt something weird, her spider-sense, now sharper, telling her to get out quickly. Just when her foot was going to strike him, she jumped back where she once stood. She didn’t realize that she was shivering.

What… Was that feeling?’ She thought, ‘If I’d hit him… I would’ve lose, don’t I?”

‘Too reckless.’

Her eyes opened wide, “Who said that?!” She looked around her, “Who was it?”

The Fiend looked at her curiously, “I didn’t say anything.”

“Not you!” She barked, still looking around her.

“Sunset…” The Fiend started, concern in her voice. “What…”

‘He’s a liar.’

“Shut up!” She yelled. “Don’t pretend like you care! You’re a liar! You’ve get closer to me and my friend just to keep an eye on me! You pretend like you care, but I know you don’t!” She stated.

‘He’s not your friend.’

She greeted her teeth.

‘He’s taking advantage of her.’

“Do you even like her?” She asked.


“Rainbow Dash!” She screamed, “Do you even like her? Or are you pretending to be interested in her just to be closer to me?”

“I…” He started but he stopped.

Sunset chuckled. “I knew it.” She turned around and started to walk away, “You were right, the night I met you. You’re not a hero.” She reached the end of the rooftop and sighed. “Leave my friends alone. And yes, this is a threat.”

Then, she shot a web and swinged away, leaving Red alone.

When she was sure she was far enough, she landed on a wall and took the SHIELD device from her pocket and pressed the green button. It bipped a few times before a voice came through the speakers.

“Spidey! How you doin’ girl?” Spitfire asked.

“Can we met?” Sunset asked. “It’s important.”

“Sure.” Spitfire nodded, “Meet me at the docks in twenty minutes.”


“… Hi.” Lyra greeted.

Bonbon was sat on a table of a coffee shop. She stayed silent and made a sign to Lyra to sit in front of her.

Lyra quietly sat and cleared her throat. “So… How have you been?”

“Fine thank you.” Bonbon stated, “And you?”

“G-Great, I guess.” Lyra replied, scratching the back of her head. “I’m… Glad you called me. I… I still love you Bon’.” She admitted, “I think about you every day, I-”

“I’m didn’t ask you to come here to talk about that.” Bonbon stated.

Lyra gave her a curious look.

“I’m here to talk about Sunset Shimmer.” Bonbon explained.

Lyra frowned and greeted her teeth, “Oh yeah…?” She quietly cursed the fiery haired girl, “What about her?”

Bonbon slammed her hand on the table and frowned at her ex-girlfriend, “You have to leave her alone Lyra! Have you seen how you’re behaving lately?”

“What?” Lyra exclaimed, “I’m not doing anything wrong!”

“Not doing anything wrong?” Bonbon looked outraged, “Lyra, you’re becoming just like she used to!”

“I’m just giving her what she deserved!”

“Don’t you see she’s changing?” Bonbon asked, “I mean, she became close friend with the five girls who should hate her the most!”

“That’s just a facade!” Lyra yelled, “She’s bad! Always have, always been, always will be!”

“I knew it was a bad idea…” Bonbon said, getting up. “I thought I could help you see her like I see her. But I was wrong.”

She started to walk away, Lyra gets up and grabbed her arm. “Bonbon wait!”

“You have three seconds to let me go or I call the police!” Bonbon ordered.

Lyra let her go before Bonbon started counting.

“Bon’, please…”

“Good night Lyra.” Bonbon stated, walking away.

Lyra watched her leave and clenched her fist, her chuckles becoming white.


When Sunset arrived, Spitfire was already waiting for her, leaning on her bike, a smoke between her lips. She smiled when she saw the young hero arriving and made a peace sign.

“Hey.” She said.

“Hi.” Sunset flatly stated, taking her mask off.

“Woah, girl.” Spitfire said, “I something wrong.”

“I…” She started, “Spoke to Red.”

Spitfire nodded, “And?”

“He said he knew where Starlight Glimmer was, but he didn’t tell me.” She stated.

Seeing how Sunset was avoiding her look, Spitfire put a hand on her shoulder a smiled at her.

“Is that all you two talked about?”

“I asked him…” Sunset sighed, “I asked him if he was dating my friend just to get closer to me…”

“And, what did he say?” Spitfire asked.

“Nothing.” Sunset chuckled, “But knowing him, it meant yes.”

“Are you sure about that?” Spitfire said, “I mean, I don’t know the guy but, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy to me.”

“He is.” Sunset shook her head and walked around the bike. “So, what are you going to do?”

Spitfire jumped on her bike and turned it on, “Talk with him.”

“Just talking?” Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Who knows.” She said, preparing herself to leave.

“Wait!” Sunset called, “Be careful. He’s… Strong.”

Spitfire laughed. An honest laugh, making Sunset looking at her oddly.

“Don’t worry girl.” Spitfire said, “I think my odds are pretty good.”

Then, her skin started melting, letting place to bones and flames. Her face disappeared behind a curtain of flame, a skull appearing behind it. The bike changes too, becoming more monstrous, fire coming out of the wheels. Sunset stared at that in awe.

See ya’ girl!” The Ghostrider said, before leaving in a surprising speed, laughing all the while, leaving behind her a trail of fire on the ground.

Sunset’s eyes wide open, just like her mouth, she swallowed the saliva stuck in her throat and let out a “So cool.”

Author's Note:

hope you like it

By the way, you should read Micheal_Ravencroft stories, they're all sick, especially Witchblade which has been a good source of inspiration.

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