• Published 6th May 2020
  • 6,140 Views, 572 Comments

The Amazing Sunset Shimmer - KozLeMage

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I was bitten by a radioactive spider... And for the past few months, I've been the one and only: Spider-Girl!

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Volume II - Chapter 10: Love is War

When Sunset opened her eyes, she realized she was floating in the black emptiness. She looked all around her but nothing but void could be seen. She tried to move, but being in a floating state, all she could do was making big movements that looked like she was trying to swim. There was no light, no sound, and Sunset could feel she was very alone in this place.

“W-Where am I?” Sunset asked herself.

“That’s a good question, indeed.” A recognizable voice replied to her.

With a gasp of surprise, Sunset turned her gaze to her left to see her own reflection. It was exactly the same as her, same hair, same clothes and same skin. The only thing that was different from the original, was that her eyes were black with blue irises.

“The easy answer would be that we’re, actually, inside your head.” The other Sunset finished with a devilish smirk the real Sunset didn’t saw in a while.

Sunset realized who, or what, it was. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

“You again?” The real Sunset said with irritation, “I thought the elements of harmony got rid of you.”

The other Sunset giggled, “Got rid of me? Please, Sunny, I’m a part of you. I’ll be here… As long as you’re alive.”

Sunset huffed and crossed her arms, “And? You gave me peace for a while now, why did you came back? To piss me off?”

“As tempting as it is,” The other Sunset said, she started pacing around the real Sunset who couldn’t move. “I’m not.”

“So why are you here?” Sunset asked, she was starting to get frustrated.

The other Sunset stopped her walk and glared at the real Sunset, pointing a finger in her direction, “You tell me.” She said, “You called me here Sunny, maybe you needed your old dark side to get rid of the actual darkness gnawing you right now?” She shrugged her shoulders, “After all, you may have kicked me out, but all I see is a little girl lost in the dark.”

“You’re full of shit.” Sunset barked, “I’m in a much better place since…”

“Since I’m gone?” The other Sunset interrupted with a laugh, “Please. Let us review all the bad things that happened since I’m gone, okay?” She raised a finger in the air, “One, the most obvious one, Celestia died.” Sunset gave a dark glare at her evil reflection, making her demonic double smirk, “Don’t look at me like it’s my fault.” She raised a second finger, “Two, the poor little doctor Conhorse is now a big bad Lizard for the rest of his life.”

“Hey!” Sunset called, “I didn’t turn him into a Lizard!”

“No, Sparky did.” The other Sunset replied, “And two smart girls like you could’ve been working on a cure. Did you do it? No, you just beat the shit out of him with your little friend Red Light.” She raised a third finger, “Speaking of which, three! Red Light.” She sighed, her smirk still on her face, “Really Sunny? You betrayed the only person who was on your side from the beginning? For what, be on the good side of a fire-haired biker bitch?”

“I did what I had to do!” Sunset spitted her sentence like venom, “I got rid of him before he hurts my friends!”

The other Sunset didn’t reply. She just stared at her, raising her eyebrows, a ‘really?’ expression on her face. After a few seconds, she raised a fourth finger, “Four.” She started, “Poor Rainbow Dash. For the first time she was in love with someone, you had to take that away from her. Do you know it’s been now two weeks she’s out, looking for him? Yes, already two weeks since you betrayed him, time flies by.” Before Sunset could speak, her reflection raised a fifth finger, “And finally, five. And this one I must say, I don’t quite understand,” The other Sunset scratched her chin, “You’re in love with Twilight Sparkle, and before you say anything,” She quickly added seeing Sunset opening her mouth, “I know. I’m you remember?”

“So what?” Sunset said, frowning.

“So what the hell girl?” Her reflection asked, “Black Cat? Really? I mean, I do love bad girls but, allo? She’s a criminal.”

“She’s changed.” Sunset stated.

“Really? Did she really change or did she say that just to… You know… Get a little taste of the spider.” The other Sunset finished with a playful wink. Again, before Sunset could speak, her reflection beats her to it as she started her pacing once again, “See? Since I’m gone, you’ve done nothing but shit.” She laughed, “I would love to see Twilight’s face when you’ll tell her that you dropped her for… Felicia fucking Hardy.”

“I…” Sunset gritted her teeth but was at lost for words.

“You know I’m right. I’m you and you’re me.”

Sunset dropped her gaze to her feet. “I just… I don’t want Twilight to get hurt…”

“So you preferred to go with that thief?!” Another voice said, replacing the voice of her evil reflection.

At that voice, Sunset quickly raised up her glare to face, “Twilight?”

Indeed, her demonic double was now gone, letting place to a one hundred percent identical version of Twilight Sparkle.

“You were my first real friend you know?” Twilight said, Sunset could hear that she was hurt in her voice, “I fell in love with you because you were so kind to me. You’re beautiful and funny, and almost as smart as me!” Tears started to flow down her cheeks. “So why Sunset?! WHY?!”

“Twi… Twilight, I…” Sunset stopped when she noticed something crawling on Twilight’s feet, something black.

“You said that you used to be a bad person…” Twilight said, she wasn’t crying anymore, her eyes where hidden behind her hair, “I guess old habits dies hard.”

Sunset, still focused on the black mass slowly crawling on Twilight’s legs tried to say something but when she tried to speak, her words refused to come out. She tried with all her might to make a sound, but nothing but silence came out of her mouth.

The black mass was now covering all of Twilight’s bottom section and it started to extend behind her, two black arms started to form in her back and grabbed Twilight’s shoulders. Sunset tried to scream when she saw a horrible face starting to form just above Twilight’s head. It had two big mean eyes with no irises, just white, and it was showing the creepiest smile Sunset ever saw.

“Then, if you got nothing to say. I guess I’ll just go.” Twilight flatly stated.

Sunset tried to reach Twilight with her hand, but she couldn’t move. The horrible black face standing above Twilight opened its big mouth full of pointy teeth.

“Leave me alone Sunset.” Twilight stated before the black jaw of the symbiote abruptly closed on her.

It is with a scream of horror that Sunset woke up this night. She was heavily sweating, her skin was sticking to her pajamas and her bed sheets were wet. She puts her hand on her chest and felt her heart pounding at an incredible speed.

C-Calm down Sunset… It was only a dream.’ She thought, ‘A bad dream…

She took a deep breath and slowly, she started to regain her calm. She took a look at her left where her phone was resting on her nightstand and she grabbed it to check the time.

“Ugh, three in the morning?” She rolled her eyes, put her phone back on her table and put the blanket over her head, trying to fall back to sleep.

After a few minutes, she grunted seeing that she wasn’t going to get sleep anytime soon and put her blanket around her shoulders before getting out of her bed.

“Maybe a glass of milk will help…” She said, starting her lazy walk out of her room.

When she walked down the stairs, she took a look at the entrance door and sighed when she saw that a cardboard was still replacing the glass of their door, thanks to what happened on Halloween. Her fight with Vulture wasn’t that long ago, but for Sunset it felt like it was decades ago... A lot happened since. She walked through the corridor and raised an eyebrow when she saw through the half opened door that the light of the kitchen was still on.

“How odd,” Sunset said, “Is Luna still up?”

She quietly made her way to the door and slowly opened it. Sunset sighed when she saw Luna asleep on the kitchen table, a picture of a younger Luna and Celestia in her hand. She made a few steps to get closer to her surrogate ‘big sister’ and put her blanket on Luna’s shoulders. Then, she was going to reach the picture to take a closer look but a paper resting next to it got her attention. She grabbed it and frowned at what was written on it.

“Eviction notice…” Sunset whispered with sad eyes, “Oh, Luna…”

“Hmm…” Was the sound Luna made, slowly waking up. She opened her eyes and saw that Sunset was looking at her with a sweet look, “S-Sunset? What are you doing up this late, you have school tomorrow.”

“Couldn’t sleep, bad dream.” Sunset stated, taking a seat next to her. She sighed and showed the eviction notice to Luna. “Were you going to tell me?”

Luna looked away, “I… Was… Eventually.” She sighed and Sunset felt Luna was going to start crying, “I… I really tried to do things on my own but… I can’t Sunset.” She finally admitted.

Sunset put her arms around Luna and rested her head on her shoulders, “Everything’s going to be okay Luna. We have to move out, so what? This is not that big of a deal.”

“If only that was it…” Luna said in a whisper.

“What do you mean?” Sunset curiously asked, breaking the hug.

“The… The school board said that I wasn’t good enough to run the school,” Luna said, looking at her feet, she sounded devastated. “They want me out by the end of the school year.”

“What?!” Sunset exclaimed, jumping to her feet. “They can’t do that!”

“I’m afraid they can Sunset.”

Sunset bitted her lower lip. It was so unfair, Luna was the kindest person Sunset knew, aside from Fluttershy, and everything in her world was falling apart.

“This is so unfair.” Sunset said with anger in her voice, sitting back.

“Life is unfair.” Luna simply said, “But that’s the way things are.” She tried a smile, “But enough of this depressing talk, tell me, why couldn’t you sleep?”

“I…” Sunset started, but stopped. “Nothing. It was just a bad dream after all.” She stated, avoiding Luna’s look.

“Sunset…” Lunas started, putting her hand on Sunset’s, “You can tell me if something’s wrong you know? Secrets have a price, they’re not for free.”

At this moment, her eyes locked into Luna’s, seeing this genuinely sweet woman, Sunset wanted to tell her everything. She wanted to tell her that she was Spider-girl and how Celestia truly died… But…

“I’m okay, really.” Sunset said, shaking her head.

Luna gave her a skeptical look but finally said, “If you say so.” She then took a look at the kitchen’s clock and sighed, “I should get some sleep, and you should too.” She said, getting up to her feet, giving back to Sunset her blanket.

She began to walk away but was stopped by Sunset, “Luna.” She called.

Luna turned her gaze in her direction with a raised eyebrow, “Yes?”

“We’re going to get through this.” Sunset seriously stated.

Luna looked in her eyes and smiled before resuming her walk, “With a girl like you, I know we are.”

Sunset watched as Luna leaved the kitchen and then she looked back at the eviction notice.

We won’t let you down Luna.”

Sunset Shimmer and all her friends were all sat at their usual table for lunch, well, all her friends except for one.

“Where’s Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy quietly asked before taking a bite of her salad.

“She said she was not feeling well, I’m afraid she got back home.” Rarity stated.

Sunset frowned, it is true that, since the past two weeks, Rainbow hasn’t stopped looking for Red Light. Even Sunset didn’t know where he was but she doubted he was still in town. The day after Red and Spitfire’s fight, Spitfire called Sunset telling her that Starlight was apprehended. She didn’t clearly say it but it meant that Red lost. But something was off. Would he really have left the city without saying goodbye to Rainbow or Wendy? No, he wouldn’t have, Sunset was sure of it. She frowned, the more days past, the more she asked herself if she did the right thing.

Really Sunny? You betrayed the only person who was on your side from the beginning?’ A mental image of her demon self appeared in her head.

“Shut up.” She growled to herself.

“Hey! You don’t need to be this mean!” Pinkie called.

Sunset realized what she’s done, she must have cut her friend while she was talking and Pinkie thought it was directed to her. “Sorry Pinkie, I was…” She looked away, “Talking to myself.”

Applejack giggled, “So you’re telling yourself to shut up?”

Sunset frowned, “Yes, I am.”

“What for?” Pinkie asked.

“That’s none of your business.” Sunset huffed as she crossed her arms.

“Are… Are you okay Sunset?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes.” Sunset gritted her teeth, “I’m. Fine.”

“We just want to help you darling, maybe you can tell us what’s on your mind.” Rarity offered.

“And what are you?” Sunset barked, “A cop? I said we're fine!”

Rarity looked hurt, “I-I’m just a concerned friend.”

“We just tryin’ to help ya’ Sunny.” Applejack stated.

“Yeah!” Pinkie cheered, “We’re best friends after all!”

“Well maybe right now I don’t need friends like you!” Sunset loudly stated, getting up from her chair.

Everyone at their table gasped, even the students around them turned their gaze in the girl’s direction to see what was going on.

Applejack frowned and gets to her feet too, “What’s wrong with ya’ Shimmer?” Applejack asked. When she was calling you by your family name, you know she’s serious.

“Girls, please…” Rarity started, grabbing Applejack’s shirt trying to get her to sit back on her chair, “Everyone’s watching.”

But nor Sunset or Applejack was listening to her, “What is wrong with me?” Sunset asked, “What is wrong with you?! I said I was fine okay?! Stop trying to stick your nose in other people’s business Applefat!”

Pinkie spat her apple juice, Fluttershy squeaked, Rarity put her hand on her mouth and Applejack turned red.

“How-” Applejack started, closing her fist, her knuckles turning white, “How did you call me?” She asked with anger making her way towards Sunset who was giving her a defying look.

“You don’t want to do this AJ.” Sunset stated, then with a lower voice she added, “You know that’s a bad idea.”

Applejack was going to say something back but she was stopped by another voice coming from the entrance of the cafeteria, “The fuck’s happening here?”

Sunset and Applejack both looked in that direction and saw Rainbow Dash walking towards them.

Ugh, I don’t want to deal with her right now, all she’s going to do is ask questions about Red.’ Sunset thought.

“Nothing.” Sunset stated, “I was heading out anyway.”

“Yeah.” Applejack said, looking back at her with anger, “You were.”

Rainbow Dash watched as Sunset leaved the cafeteria and looked at her friends. “Can someone explain to me what the hell’s going on?”

“I…” Rarity started, “I didn’t quite understood myself.”

“Sunset wasn’t looking great so we tried to help her feel better, but…” Pinkie stated.

“She started to insult Applejack.” Fluttershy finished quietly, hidden behind her long pink hair.

Rainbow sat down at their table and frowned, “Is it me or Sunset is acting weird since the past few weeks?”

“I was going to say the same thing.” Rarity nodded, “Is it something related to… You know what?”

“Even if that’s the case,” Applejack replied, “That’s not a reason to be a bitch towards us.”

“Applejack! Language!” Rarity exclaimed, offended.

“No, AJ’s right.” Rainbow nodded. “And, didn’t you girls noticed she seems to avoid the subject every time I speak about Red?”

“Maybe she’s worried too?” Fluttershy tried.

“Maybe…” Rainbow said, “Or maybe she’s hiding something.”

“Now you’re being ridiculous Rainbow Dash.” Rarity stated, “She’s our friend, if she knew something about your beloved Red,” Rainbow frowned at that statement, “She would’ve told us.”

“Hmmm…” Rainbow hummed, thinking. “I hope you’re right.”

Later, the same day…

“See ya’ tomorrow girls!”

“Bye AJ!” Pinkie waved at her friends, both her and Rainbow Dash watched as she drives off the parking lot and disappeared from their sight.

“So, what did you planned tonight Pinks?” Rainbow asked, making conversation to her friend.

“Oh, the usual.” Pinkie simply said.

“And… What is the usual?” Rainbow asked, arguing an eyebrow.

Pinkie giggled, “Oh boy, you don’t wanna know.”

Before Rainbow could ask more, they both heard someone calling for Pinkie in a car on the other side of the street.

“Oh! Maud’s here!” Pinkie gave a quick kiss on Rainbow’s cheeks and ran towards her sister’s car. “Bye Rainbow!”

“Yeah, take care of yourself Pinkie.” Rainbow waved.

Now that she was alone, Rainbow walked back to the school entrance and sat on the stairs. She looked at the Wondercolt’s statue and sighed. She took her phone out of her pocket and, even if she knew it wasn’t going to do anything, she entered Red Light’s number and called him.

Rainbow would have loved to check on him, but she has no idea where he lived, he always refused to bring Rainbow at his place, even under the persistent demands from the rainbow haired girl.

She sighed in defeat when nobody answered and she let her phone slip off her hand and fell on her knees.

Something was odd about all of this. When Rainbow asked Principal Luna why Red didn’t showed up at school, it seemed he gave an excuse note saying he wouldn’t be able to come in a while. Since he was legally recognized as an adult, it was enough for Luna and the entire school. But since he disappeared, no one heard from him. If something had happened, something bad, he would have called her, right?

Rainbow frowned.

Unless he was trying to protect her? But protect her from what? Red was just an eighteen years old boy like any other.

"A penny for your thoughts?" A sweet voice called behind her, making Rainbow jump from surprise.

She turned her gaze away and her surprised look quickly turned into an annoyed one. "Oh, it's you. Hi."

"Good afternoon, Rainbow Dash." Fleur dis Lee greeted, her warm smile never leaving her face. "What are you doing here all alone? School finished an hour ago."

"I know, I..." Rainbow sighed and turned her gaze towards the Wondercolt statue, "I'm just worried about Red, that's all."

Fleur sat next to Rainbow, ignoring the athletic girl's roll of her eyes, and nodded, "I must say I'm worried too. I don't remember seeing him all week."

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "And he doesn't reply to any of my calls."

“Really? Isn’t he your boyfriend?” Fleur asked.

“No he’s not!” Rainbow quickly yelled, her face now red.

Fleur giggled but didn’t pushed harder, "So why don't you go check on him?"

"Easier said than done," Rainbow stated, "I don't even know where he lives."

Fleur chuckled, "You don't know where your boyfriend lives?"

Rainbow blushed heavily and frowned, giving Fleur a death stare, "HE'S NOT-" Then she stopped mid-sentence.

Fleur looked at her with a devilish grin on her face, holding back her laugh.

Rainbow gritted her teeth and looked away, crossing her arms, making Fleur giggle in amusement.

"Well, fortunately for you," Fleur added, "I do know where he lives."

Rainbow quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and planted her eyes in Fleur's, "You do?!"

Fleur gently pushed her away, "One of the many perks of being the student's council President." She said, taking a look at her fingers. "I don't know exactly where he lives but, I can always take a look..."

"Please!" Rainbow pleaded.

Fleur giggled and dismissed Rainbow's pleading by a movement of her hand, "Rainbow, you don't need to ask me, I already decided I would help you."

Rainbow smile grew wide, "Thanks!" She exclaimed, being happy for the first time in weeks.

Fleur smiled and winked in Rainbow’s direction, "I only do that because I think you both made a sweet couple."

Rainbow Dash stood up and turned away, “I hate you.”

Fleur smiled and got up too, “I’ll call you if I find anything.”

Then, she grabbed Rainbow from behind and gave her a hug.

“W-What are you doing?” Rainbow asked, blushing even more than before.

“You looked like you needed it.” Fleur said, breaking the hug and started walking towards the parking’s direction, waving at Rainbow.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help herself but smile. At least now, she had a lead. “Ugh, this girl, I swear…”

The night as already set on Canterlot City, and it meant that the thieves and thugs of the city were now out.

“You ready for this Marco?” Aleksei asked to his partner in crime.

“We just got out from jail,” Marco Flint said, “I don’t plan to be arrested a second time!” He said with a confident smirk.

“I really hope so!” Another voice said to them, making both of them shiver.

They turned around to face a man disguised in a yellow suit, with two big gauntlets on his arms. This man was Hermann Schultz, sadly known as Shocker.

“If we do this, the boss may, and I say may, forgive us.” Shocker stated. “So please, don’t do anything stupid or I’ll kill you both myself.”

Aleksei and Marco Flint both gulped and nodded.

The three of them were in front of an old warehouse of Fisk Inc. “Are you sure this is wise to steal from Wilson Fisk?” Aleksei ask to Shocker, “I mean, this guy rules with an iron fist all the gangs in the city, and from what it looks like, he’s got every chance to be our new mayor.”

“Believe me,” Shocker quietly stated, “I more afraid of our boss than from the Kingpin.” He faced the warehouse doors and asked to his teammates, “Okay guys, are you r-”

“Hi! I’m your probation officer!” A voice called from above them. When they looked, they could see Spider-girl standing at the edge of the warehouse’s roof, looking back at them, “And this is not okay.”

“Spider-girl!” The three of them yelled, Marco and Aleksei in fear, Hermann in anger.

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Sunset replied.

Shocker put both his hands in her direction and shot a powerful shockwave towards her. She easily dodged it in time and jumped in the air.

“And what were you planning to steal Hermann?” She asked, landing on the nearest wall.

“What difference does it make?” Shocker asked, shooting another shockwave which she dodged too.

While she was in the air dodging the shockwave she shots two black webs towards the Shocker’s goons who were standing next to the warehouse wall. Unluckily for them, they found themselves now stuck to the walls, not able to move thanks to the resistant black webs coming from Spider-girl’s black suit.

“None at all, actually.” Spider-girl said, landing on the ground. “I just wanted to make conversation.”

“I got nothing to tell you!” He shot back at her putting his arms in front of him once again.

“That’s too bad.” Sunset replied, she shots a web on Shocker’s hands, recovering his gauntlets in black. She drew on the web, sending Shocker flying in her direction. She welcomed him with a high kick, putting him to sleep. When he touched the ground, she covered him with webs just to be sure he couldn’t move even if he was awake. “It would be much more fulfilling if we shared our feelings.” Then Sunset, mostly talking to herself now, giggled, “Oh almost forgotten, you don’t have any feelings.”

She stretched her arms and turned around to face Alexei and Marco who were stuck on the wall but very much awake, watching her in fear.

“Look on the bright side,” Sunset cheerfully said, “If I let you in,” She pointed towards the warehouse, “Your sentence would’ve been a lot longer.”

“So you’re going to have fun without me?” Spider-girl heard a familiar voice behind her, making her smile under her mask.

She turned around to face Felicia Hardy, or Black Cat as she preferred to be called.

“You were taking your time.” Sunset stated, crossing her arms.

Black cat sensually walked towards her and put a finger on top of Sunset’s mask were her lips were. “What can I say? A girl as to make herself beautiful under any circumstances.”

“You know you’re already beautiful.” Sunset stated, entering in her game.

Black Cat giggled, and gave a look to the thieves stuck on the wall who were trying to get out from the black web. “Wanna give them a show?”

Sunset laughed hard, “No fucking way. Now let’s go before the police arrives.”

From the past two weeks, Sunset and Felicia were working together. Felicia who still had a foot in the criminal world knew where and when someone was trying to steal something, and it was very helpful to Sunset. They also had a lot of… fun. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t even know your name was weird at first, but now Sunset was finding it… exciting.

Both of the girls were now standing on a roof next to the warehouse and were watching policemen putting Aleksei, Marco and Shocker under arrest.

“So you wanna grab something to eat or-” Sunset couldn’t even finish her sentence that her phone started buzzing in her pocket.

She grabbed it and looked at the text she just received.

Found something interesting
need you ASAP
bring your suit

Sunset frowned. She didn’t talk to Twilight since she started dating Felicia. And there was that strange dream she had the other night.

“Or?” Felicia asked, “You got me intrigued?” She said with a purr.

“Actually, I know you just got here but… I have to go, a friend needs me.” Sunset stated.

“Oh…” Felicia said. In her look, Sunset could see she was irritated.

“I’m truly sorry!” Sunset apologized, “What if tomorrow, after we beat up some bad guys, we go grab a pizza and watch a movie?”

“Like… A normal couple?” Felicia asked.

“Hum… Yeah?”

“Is it normal that it’s weird to do something normal?” The silver haired girl quickly asked.

“I guess?” Sunset said. She sighed and put her mask off, “Sorry Feli but it might be important, I swear I’ll spend time with you tomorrow, okay?”

Felicia smirked and took a step forward, now her face being very close to Sunset’s, “I like when you call me Feli.”

“I know.” Sunset smirked too before kissing her.

Twilight Sparkle was so focused on the thing she was doing on her computer that she didn’t noticed someone entering by her window and crawling on her ceiling. Sunset dropped herself behind her and waited a few seconds to see if Twilight was going to notice her but seeing it wasn’t the case, Sunset took her mask off and abruptly grabbed her by the shoulders yelling, “TWILIGHT!”

“Agh!” Twilight jumped in fear, making her earphones dropped on her desk. She turned around, a hand on her chest where her heart was rapidly beating and shot a dark glare to Sunset. “Sunset! I almost had a heart attack! Don’t ever do that again.”

Sunset who was laughing so hard that she could wake up all the neighborhood regained her calm and put a hand on Twilight’s shoulder, “Sorry Sparky, I won’t.” Then she heard what Twilight was listening to through the earphones. “Hey that’s pretty good, what is it?”

“That’s the Dazzlings, it’s a new pop band.” Twilight simply said.

“So,” Sunset stated, clapping in her hand and taking a sit on Twilight’s bed, “What is the important thing you wanted to tell me?”

Twilight’s face suddenly became serious. “Okay so, to begin with, I want to say I’m sorry. This is all my fault.”

Sunset gave her a quizzical look, “Hum, apologies accepted?” She shrugged, “But what are you sorry for?”

“The symbiote,” Twilight said, gulping, “I should have taken it back.”

Sunset frowned, “Why’s that?”

“Sorry not sorry but, last time you came here I… Took a piece of your suit.”

Sunset nodded, to be honest she didn’t really care.

“And the tests I made with the symbiote fused with your suit are… Incredible.” She sighed, “But scary at the same time.”

“Twilight, if you’re trying to tell me something, just tell it.” Sunset stated.

“It amplifies characteristics of its host. Especially aggression…” Twilight gave sunset a concerned look, “It can be dangerous.”

Sunset chuckled, “Twilight please,” She gestured herself, “Look, I’m the same ol’ me.”

Twilight bits her lower lip, looking at her feet, “Well…”


“Rarity texted me than for the past few days, you’ve been… unbearable.” Twilight stated.

Sunset was now furious. “What a bitch! I’m unbearable?! I have to deal with her diva shit all the time and I’m unbearable?”

Both girls were now standing.

“S-Sunset calm down.” Twilight tried. “Please put your suit off…”

“And you!” Sunset pointed at Twilight ignoring her demand, “You speak to Rarity now?”

“W-Well, you’re the one who encouraged me to make more friends.” Twilight said with fear, taking a step back, but she couldn’t do a step more because Sunset grabbed her wrist.

“Friends on your own! I didn’t tell you to steal mine!” Sunset was almost yelling now.

“Sunset y-you’re hurting me.” Twilight squeaked.

We know what you’re trying to do, you want the symbiote all for yourself! We should’ve known, after stealing my friends you want my-”

She was stopped by the free hand of Twilight slapping her cheek really hard, making Twilight’s other hand free. Sunset stood there for a minute, in shock of what happened. The she looked at Twilight and saw the poor girl was terrified.

“Leave me alone Sunset.” Twilight said, rubbing her wrist, tears in her eyes.

Sunset gritted her teeth but turned around. “As you wish.” She said before walking to the window and jumping through it.

When she leaved, Twilight dropped on her knees and started crying.

The following morning…

Rainbow Dash put her history book in her locker and closed it. She jumped in surprise when she saw Fleur standing behind, a smirk on her face.

“Good morning Rainbow.”

Rainbow was going to say something mean but instead she sighed and put her bag back on her shoulders, “Hi.”

“So, I’ve done some digging through the school’s files…” Fleur stated, taking a look at her nails.

“And?!” Rainbow asked, eager to know what Fleur had found.

“Well…” Fleur did a dramatic pause, “I know where he lives.”

“Awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Fleur smiled at her, “I know you’re looking forward to see him, but I’ll ask you to wait until Friday to visit his apartment. I’ll tag along of course.”

“Friday?! But why?” Rainbow said with a disappointed look.

“I think that the virtue of patience is a factor for international diplomacy.” Fleur simply stated before walking away.

Rainbow stood there, not knowing what she meant by that and frowned.

Having a free time, she decided that a little practice on the field was the best way to kill time and headed for the school’s entrance. Then, she crossed the path of a fiery haired girl looking at her phone.

“Hey Sunset!” Rainbow called her friend.

Sunset raised her glare from her phone and smiled at her friend, “Sup’ Rainbow.”

But Rainbow didn’t smile back. “I heard what you did to Twilight last night, she called Rarity right after!”

Sunset then rolled her eyes, “Oh right, they’re best friends now.”

“When are you going to stop being a bitch?!” Rainbow shouted.

Like always, all the students were now looking at them, Sunset was tired of always making a scene in the school.

“Rainbow…” Sunset said, lowering her voice.

Rainbow lowered her voice too, just for Sunset to be heard, “She told Rarity about the suit, it changed you. And now that I know that, I’m pretty sure you’ve got something to do with why Red is not coming to school anymore.”

Sunset laughed, “Or maybe he was just tired of seeing your dumb face.” With a smirk, she challenged Rainbow with her look.

Rainbow gritted her teeth, “Now tell me the truth Sunset.”

“The truth?!” Sunset exclaimed, now everyone could hear them. “You can’t handle the truth Rainbow!”

“It’s my choice to decide if I can handle it or not!” Rainbow yelled back.

“Not it’s not! It’s something far beyond you and the girls!” Then she grabbed Rainbow by her collar, “And next time you call me a bitch, I’ll punch you in the throat.” Then she released her and turned her back.

Then, Sunset saw who was standing there and her blood goes up to her head.

“What do we see here? Shimmer fighting with the little friends she has.” Lyra taunted.

“Oh, Lyra…” Sunset started, “This is not a great time, please move aside before I hurt you.”

Lyra laughed, “I’m not like everyone here you know!” Lyra stomped her feet on the ground, “I’m not afraid of you Shimmer! Not anymore!”

“You should.” Sunset said.

Knowing what was going to happen, Rainbow tried to prevent Lyra Heartstrings to do something she would regret later on.

“Lyra, you really should leave her alone…” Rainbow started.

“You shut your mouth rainbow haired cunt!” Lyra barked.

“Hey!” Sunset grabbed Lyra by her shirt, “Only I can insult my friends!”

Applejack and Rarity appeared by Rainbow’s side. “What in tarnation is goin’ on here?” The country girl asked Rainbow Dash.

“Lyra as a death wish.” Rainbow simply said. She could try to stop them, but she thought that if Sunset really was going to fight with Lyra, at least Lyra would learn not to mess with her anymore.

“We should stop them!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Meh.” Was all Rainbow Dash replied.

“Rainbow Dash!” An outraged Rarity exclaimed.

“All, right, all right…” Rainbow was going to make a step forward but was stopped by Applejack.

While they were talking, Lyra tried to give Sunset a punch in her jaw but with her left leg, Sunset swiped Lyra’s legs making her fall on her butt.

“Stay down Heartstrings, that’s where you belong.” Sunset said before walking away.

With a war cry, Lyra gets back to her feet and charged at Sunset’s back. In an instant, Sunset made a backspin kick in Lyra’s chest, sending her right in the nearest locker, making everyone gasp.

Before Lyra could do something, Sunset grabbed her by the throat and was going to punch Lyra right in the face. Just when her hand was going to hit Lyra, another hand grabbed hers, stopping her.

Sunset eyes grew wide. Who could even stop her?! She had a super strength!

When she turned her gaze, she saw that it was Applejack. “I think she got what deserved.” She said calmly, but seriously. “Now get lost.” One could see a little orange glimmer in Applejack’s eyes, a glimmer that faded a few seconds later.

Sunset gave her a dark look but didn’t push it and let Lyra go. The girl dropped on the floor, gasping for air, Applejack helped her sit down while Sunset walked away.

While she was walking away and looking furiously at her feet, she didn’t notice the concerned look of Screwball looking at her.

Spider-girl was laying against a wall, looking at the hand Applejack stopped this morning.

How did she…’ Sunset asked herself.

“You always look like you’re lost in your thoughts.” Black Cat said. She was standing right next to her.

“Y-yeah, sorry about that, got a bad day that’s all.” Sunset stated. “Or, to be honest, a bad week.”

“Oh yeah? What’s going on?” Black Cat asked.

Sunset looked at her, could she really trust her to the point she can share her private life with her. Well, it seemed she was her only friend right now.

“A lot.” Sunset started, “My friends are a pain in my ass lately.”

“That’s why I’m in solo.” Black Cat stated, then she looked in Sunset eyes, “Or, I used to.” She finished with a wink, making Sunset giggle. “But I don’t think that’s the only thing bothering you.”

Sunset sighed, “Well, I live with my… Sister.” Sunset started, “But we got a lots of financial issues right now, and we have to move out.”

“Aouch, that’s rough.” Black Cat empathized. She put her hand on Sunset’s shoulder, “But if the problem is money, I maybe have a solu-”

“We already talked about that.” Sunset gave her an annoyed look, “I’m not going to steal anyone.”

“But believe me, if we steal this guy, it would do everyone a favor.” Black Cat stated.

Sunset rolled her eyes, “Even if, and I say IF!” She exclaimed, “If I agreed, who are you talking about?”

Black Cat giggled and with her finger, made a sign for Sunset to come closer, Sunset sighed but complied. Black Cat’s mouth being only a few inches of Sunset’s ear, she whispered, “Have you ever heard of Wilson Fisk?”

Author's Note:

Next chapter is real shit

10/10/21 Edited

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