• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,576 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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Chapter 5- Lava VS Time: Tyrrios VS Acnori Quill

Chapter 5- Lava VS Time: Tyrrios VS Acnori Quill

Third POV

The shockwave expelled from the two dragon’s collision forced a colossal amount of pressure and wind to suddenly blow away a vast majority of the surrounding trees of the Everfree. However, neither Quill nor Tyrrios were exempt from pain.

The force of the blow sent Quill backflipping to his original position and Tyrrios was sent skidding back into a tree, as the Lava Tyrant grunted with pain. The tree he used to halt himself had shattered on impact, stopping Tyrrios but also ending splinters into his back, as a chunk of bark and wood was lodged into his back. Quill wasn’t fairing off any better as his right arm, had gashes and cuts raising all the way up to his elbow, and it was leaking crimson blood onto the darkened forest floor.

But I guess it would be more accurate to say that the blood fell onto the dirt of a large clearing, because the force of their clash had uprooted the surrounding forest in an eight-mile radius. Thankfully Gilda, Rainbow Dash, and Mali were unscathed because Zirconis had shielded them, gaining several scrapes and bruises. Once the shockwave settled the Jade Dragon continued to heal the still unconscious Pegasus.

Quill held his right arm in pain as he looked over to see the onlookers of the battle: “What are you doing?! Zirconis! Get them OUT OF HERE!!” Quill roared as he grits his teeth trying to ignore the pain.

“But I can’t just leave you here to fi-!” Zirconis tried to argue before Quill cut him off.

“JUST GO!!!!” Quill screamed. “And when you get to Ponyville, find Zeref and Mavis, and tell them what’s happening!! NOW RUN!!!” Quill cried out.

Zirconis only looked at the pained Dragon Slayer with a sorrowful look before picking Rainbow up and telling Gilda to follow. The Dragon and Griffoness then ran as fast as they could to go find the other two Fioren Wizards.

Quill focused his attention back to Tyrrios but taking advantage of Quill’s distraction Tyrrios had launched himself at the Wizard grabbing Quill by the throat.

“Focus on the FIGHT!!” Tyrrios cackled manically.

Tyrrios choke-slammed Quill directly into the ground, with enough force to cause an eruption of the ground below them, as Quill’s cloak gains rips and tears as debris tear through the already tattered cloak. Hundreds of chunks of rock and stone flew up as the ground cracked and splintered. Quill roared with pain, as he gripped Tyrrios’ wrist and smiled. Quill kicked his foot up with blinding speed and sent it straight into the one place where the sun will never shine.

Quill kicked Tyrrios… IN… THE DICK!!

Tyrrios gained a pained look and released Quill from his grip. Quill used this chance and with both feet, kicked his former mentor in the chest sending the Lava Dragon several meters back as the Lava Dragon cradled his genitals he rolled and tumbled across the ground crashing through several boulders. Tyrrios skidded to a halt and after working through the pain no one should feel he glared at Quill with hate flowing through his veins.

Quill only smirked and tore off his now destroyed cloak exposing his muscular frame, and his tanned skin, as many navy-blue markings were show on his torso. Quill then lunged at Tyrrios. Once Quill had gotten close enough, he struck Tyrrios in the shoulder with a kick.

“TIME QUAKE!” Quill shouted activating one of his magical attacks.

The markings on Quill’s leg glowed bright and they sent a magical burst of energy straight into Tyrrios’ shoulder, obliterating the Dragon’s shoulder blade, rendering Tyrrios’ right arm, useless.

“LAVA DRAGON IRON FIST!” Tyrrios roared as his left claw burst into magma-like energy, and he sent the magic imbued attack straight to Quill’s stomach.

Quill let out a grunt and was sent a few feet back, his feet dragging in the dirt and rocks. Tyrrios ran at the stunned Quill as the latter quickly regained composure and saw that Tyrrios was trying to send a punch to his face. Quickly Quill moved to the side to avoid the attempted attack, causing Tyrrios to falter and lose his balance. Taking advantage of this Quill sent another magical attack hitting the Tyrant Dragon.

“TIME TWISTER!” Quill shouted as he held his palms out directed at Tyrrios.

Quill’s palms glowed with his Time Magic and a force of magical wind struck Tyrrios’ side sending him flying into a boulder. When Tyrrios impacted the boulder, he let out a screech of pain as the chunk of wood still lodged into his back was sent deeper into his back, tearing at his draconic muscles, and shattering some of his scales, as the shards were sent splintering into his already shattered shoulder blade causing his to fly into a rampage. In a furious rage, Tyrrios lunged at Quill catching the him by surprise. Tyrrios sent a rage induced attack straight into Quill’s chest, and an audible crunch was heard. Quill coughed up crimson blood and was sent careening back into the ground several meters away from the enraged Tyrrios.

That blow broke several ribs. Acnologia told Quill who responded. “Brilliant fucking deduction. I know this because I can fucking feel it, and it hurts.” Quill strained.

Over to the rage blinded Tyrrios, he spread his feet shoulders width apart and got ready to send off a powerful magical attack: “LAVA DRAGON!!!!!!” He began. “ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Tyrrios roared as he sent his Dragon Roar gunning straight at Quill, who widened his eyes.

While stumbling with every movement Quill stood up. His body aching terribly as he could taste iron in his mouth. He raised his hand to his mouth and wiped away the blood. Okay… I can do this. Quill internally told himself. Just remember what you did before. Quill thought while closing his eyes. Quill then spread his feet shoulders width apart and held his hands to his sides facing towards the oncoming magical Roar. Taking a deep breath in and exhaling out, Quill felt the world around him become slow, as time stopped.

Quill lifts his hands and sets them in front of his chest, as streams of magical energy swirled around in the middle of his hands, all originating from different sources. People, Ponies, Griffons, Minitours, Dragons. Every single life form on Equis had their magic present as the streams of magic formed a sphere of pure magic energy. Quill focused intensely and felt the most prominent magical sources on the planet.

Following the red stream of magical energy, the scene arrives to find Rainbow Dash laying in a bed at Quill, Zeref, Mavis, and Serena’s house. Her wing bandaged, as she had a peaceful look on her sleeping face. Panning over to the bed next to her, laid an unconscious Mali as she too, had a peaceful look with a grey stream of magical energy flowed from her, and followed Rainbow’s red stream.

Over to the others, Zirconis and Gilda are talking to Zeref, Mavis, and Serena as their frozen figures had powerful magical streams flowing from them, with Serena’s eyes widening as he knew what was going to happen. Zirconis had a Jade-Green stream of magic, and Gilda had a white stream flowing from her chest. Zeref had a Pitch-Black stream, and Mavis had a Moss-Green stream. While Serena had a multicolored stream flowing from him representing his magical types.

The view then follows an Orange stream to find Applejack looking over at the emanating light from Tyrrios’ attack.

As the scene follows the butterscotch colored stream, it leads to Fluttershy who is speaking to several different animals trying to find Gilda, as she looked up to notice Tyrrios’ attack glowing brightly. Time then stops for her as well.

Following a flame-Green, Diamond-Blue, Pink, and Lavender streams, the camera finds Spike pointing to the Lava glow which Tyrrios’ attack is creating, as Twilight looks at it in worry, as Rarity, and Pinkie Pie look over at the secondary glow which begins to resonate even greater than Tyrrios’ attack, when Time stops for them.

Over in Canterlot, the Midnight-Blue and Sunshine-Golden streams lead to Celestia and Luna, who are viewing at the glows resonating from Tyrrios’ attack as Celestia looks on in worry, Luna however, looks on in hope as a Navy-Blue wave of temporal magic begins to wash over into Canterlot.

“Win, Quill.” Luna says to the winds as she charges her magical stream with even more magic.

The temporal wave then washes over her and Celestia as they become frozen in time.

The Midnight-Blue stream darts with blinding speed over to the sphere Quill holds as he smiles. He knows everyone is with him. The streams then wrap around the sphere and magic stops flowing through. The sphere continues to spin and swirl at impossible speeds as it gains a rainbow color which quickly flashes into millions of different colors.

“Time Dragon Slayer Secret Art.” Quill stated as he looked directly at Tyrrios’ attack, his eyes burning brightly with red energy. He then slammed his hands together causing everything to stop.


Time then resumed and every living thing whether monster or not looked over to the direction of Quill and Tyrrios as an enormous wave of magical energy began to swirl around as two spheres of pure magical energy began to merge. And when they finally did, something which Equis had never experienced, happened.

Tyrrios’ attack was immediately cancelled out, as trees went flying everywhere, and the ground beneath the two was obliterated. The shockwave had reached all the way to Canterlot as windows in Ponyville and in Canterlot were blown out and the shards of the windows were obliterated.

In Canterlot Luna and Celestia watched as the wave of magical energy flew past them and the shockwave arrived not more than two seconds left. The sister braced against the force of the magical wave but found that there was no force, and across all of Equis, the wind blew harmlessly past them.

Celestia looked to her younger sister with worry and fear: “Sister, what was that?” The diarchy of the sun asked Luna.

“It was Quill.” Luna answered simply. “That is the true power of The Time Dragon Slayer my dear sister.” Luna told her sister while smiling sweetly at the power Quill was displaying. But her smile faltered once she sensed Quill’s magical amount depleting at a frightening rate.

As the magic died down, all that was left was a crater which was half the size of the crater Godzilla stood in when the city of Sendai was hit by a meteor. The ground was irradiating with left over temporal magic and cracks had slithered all around the vicinity. And in the middle was Acnori Quill, and the shadow of his former master, Tyrrios.

Quill stood in front of the shadow and his markings dimmed and finally ceased to glow. Quill looked at the surrounding area and thought: So… This is what we can do? He asked Acnologia, who replied: No… this is what YOU can do. Quill was silent for a moment before smiling weakly.

“Guess… That was… A… Successful test run.” Quill said to no one in particular in between breaths before he tipped backwards. “I’m… gonna take a nap.” Quill muttered.

Quill’s eyes rolled back and closed as he fell backwards passed out, and just as he was about to fall to the ground, a pair of Midnight-Blue hooves. The owner of those hooves was none other than Princess Luna. Luna held the KO’d Quill in her grip and lifted him up using her wings, while floating his tattered cloak with her magic, she set his cloak and laid it on him like a blanket.

“This is the power you hold Quill.” She said to the unconscious body of Quill. Then she used her magic and teleported into Twilights home, startling the Lavender Unicorn.

“OH!! Princess Luna! What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

Just as Luna went to answer her the door to the library flew open and Zeref, along with Mavis, Serena and Zirconis ran in. They all looked like something devastating had happened, which it had.

“Twilight!” Serena began. “We need to find my-!” Serena began to tell her before he saw Quill laying on Luna’s back. “Dad!” Serena yelled.

“Please be quiet, little one. Your father is resting. He used a large amount of his magic.” Luna told Serena.

“What in Equestria happened?” Twilight gasped as she viewed his wounded arm. “Let’s get him in bed so I can take a look at him.” She told everyone.

The current audience agreed and followed Twilight up the stairs and into a separate room used for guests. The room had golden wood surrounding the walls and the bed in the middle only barely fit Quill’s body. Taking the wounded Quill’s necklace off, and setting it on the nightstand, Twilight used her magic to scan Quill’s body to see the extent of the damage.

“Oh, my!” Twilight gasped.

“What is it? Is my dad okay?” Serena questioned worriedly.

“He’s going to be fine, but… He’s almost completely out of magic.” Twilight explained. “He has four broken ribs, and three cracked ribs. Along with his right arm having lacerations across the lower half of the elbow, his body is completely out of energy. It’ll take a while for him to heal completely.” Twilight diagnosed. “It’s better if we get him to a hospital, he’d heal properly there.” Twilight told them.

Luna let out a sigh and said: “Not even a day, and he already needs to get back to Canterlot’s Infirmary.” She chuckled.

“If it’s alright with you all, I could go with him and help heal him.” Zirconis told them looking at Zeref, and Mavis. “And plus, his injuries, compared to what he’s gotten in Fiore, are rather minor. He’s also a dragon so, his body naturally heals him fairly fast, but it’d still be best to get him to the Canterlot Infirmary. Wherever that is.” Zirconis added saying the last part quietly.

“It’s okay Zirconis. You’re trying to right your previous wrongs. We’ll go tell Cheerilie that he won’t make it to work for a while. C’mon Serena.” Zeref told them.

“B-But I don’t want to leave my dad!” Serena whined as he started to cry.

Zeref let out a heavy sigh as he watched Serena hug his adoptive father’s ripped and tattered cloak. As Zeref watched this his thoughts drifted and Serena’s crying figure warped into the figure of a young Natsu, who was also crying but instead of clutching Quill’s cloak, he was clutching his bed sheets. Zeref smiled softly at this memory from long ago, and he was brought back to reality.

Zeref walked over to Serena and placed his hand on the five-year-old Dragon Slayer’s shoulder: “If you promise not to cause any trouble, and to stay by either Luna, Zirconis, or Celestia’s side at ALL times. Then I guess, it wouldn’t hurt to allow you to go with them to Canterlot.” He told Serena.

Serena looked up at the Dark Wizard with hope and innocence flooding from his aura: “R-Really?” Serena asked.

“If, it’s fine with Luna.” Zeref told him looking over to the Princess of The Night.

“It will be fine. Serena can come with me to Canterlot.” Luna told the young wizard.

“Y-…” Serena started to say before letting out a big yawn. “Yay!” He cheered quietly as he drifted off to sleep, hugging Quill’s cloak tightly.

“I guess it’s time for everyone to sleep. It is almost midnight.” Mavis pointed out. “C’mon Zeref, we need to go check on Gilda and Mali.” She told her boyfriend.

“Right. Luna?” Zeref said getting her attention. “Please, take care of the two.” He told her.

Luna gave him a simple nod and trotted quietly over to the sleeping Serena. She kneeled down and with her wings, and not her magic as using her magic would wake him, picked the five-year-old up, cradling him in her wings. Zirconis walked over and grabbed Quill’s dragon tooth necklace off the nightstand before picking up the still unconscious Quill.

“You gonna teleport us?” Zirconis asked.

“It is the fastest way.” Luna told him plainly.

“Well, what’re you waiting for?” The Jade Dragon asked, smirking.

Luna rolled her eyes before her horn glowed with a blue magical aura, and with a flash, she, Serena, Zirconis, and Quill disappeared.


Celestia was pacing in the throne room back and forth, as she had been doing for more than six hours. She was stressed because of the explosion of magical energy, and because Twilight had reported to her about Serena and Gilda. Celestia was worried mainly about the magical explosion because the amount of power it expelled was greater than all of Equestria’s magic combined, and to top it all off, Luna had teleported, and to quote what Celestia had said while rambling two hours ago, “Mother knows where.”

As Celestia was mid-thought, a flash of light gained her attention when the flash swiftly died to reveal the Midnight-Blue Alicorn cradling a sleeping Serena, who was still hugging Quill’s cloak, in her wings, and next to her was a dragon who stood about a foot taller than Luna, whose scales were Jade-Green and he had whiskers that looked like a mustache. The dragon was carrying an unconscious and wounded Quill, whose bleeding arm had ceased thanks to a little healing Zirconis had performed a little while ago.

“Luna! Thank Mother you’re okay!” Celestia yelled.

Celestia yelled only to be shushed by both Zirconis and Luna as the latter looked down to see the young Serena only yawn before continuing his peaceful sleep. Serena was wearing his dragon onesie, which he had when turning to a kid.

“Luna, who are these two?” Celestia asked in a quieter tone.

“Sister, this” Motioning to Serena. “Is Serena, Quill’s adoptive son. And he,” She continued motioning to Zirconis. “Is… Zirconis right?” She asked.

“Correct.” Zirconis confirmed. “My name is Zirconis Jade. I’m a dragon from Fiore.” He introduced. “Though right now it’d be a good idea to get Quill to the Infirmary. There I can begin healing him properly.”

“Oh, right follow me.” Celestia reminded herself.

Celestia had led them all to the Infirmary where Zirconis laid Quill on the same bed Quill slept in when he was there before and set Quill’s necklace next to the bed on a nightstand. Zirconis then held his claws out and they started to glow a calming green color, and Quill’s wounds faintly glowed the same color.

“This could take a while.” Zirconis thought aloud.

“I’ll take young Serena to my quarters, so he can rest.” Luna told her sister, and Zirconis.

Luna then trotted away still carrying the sleeping Serena. She then arrived at her room. The walls were painted in a way which made it seem as if the night sky was all around them, and scattered her dresser was a warming white which made it seem like the moon.

Luna set the sleeping Serena down on the bed and tucked him in. She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the head, which caused Serena to smile peacefully. After making sure he was sleeping, Luna activated her magic and walked into the Dreamscape.

Luna’s POV- Dreamscape

I opened my eyes to the calm view of the Dreamscape. My realm. I waked across several doors which were marked with the Cutie Marks of all my subjects to show me whose dreams the doors led to. I walked upon the starry path, and it led me to five doors. The first door was marked by several objects that looked like sword, and they were connected to each other by the hilts, and they formed a partial circle, this was likely young Serena’s door. The second door was marked by what looked to be a symbol of a fairy, and this symbol was on two of the other doors, but this one had a Navy-Blue symbol, while the others had a gold symbol, and an Inferno-Red, so these were likely Zeref, Mavis, and Quill’s dreams. The last door simply had a Jade-Green draconic scale, so probably Zirconis’ dreams.

As I went to walk past the doors, I noticed that Quill’s door glowed which was odd. I decided to investigate. I approached the door and placed my hoof on the handle. I slowly opened the door to see a shining sunlight. I then opened the door fully to see a vast plain of grass, which overlooked a forest. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the sun’s light added to the beauty. I looked around in wonder. I then turned around to see two figures talking. I wondered who they are and what they’re discussing.

As I approached, I made out, what they looked like. The first looked like Quill but… his voice was deeper and calmer, and serious tone. The second voice sounded like Quill, but… his appearance was much different. His hair was the same as Quill, but it was much shorter, but still very messy. He wore a black hoodie with red markings all over it. On the sleeves of the hoodie were Roman numerals for the number four hundred. The same age as Quill and laced around his neck was the same dragon tooth necklace Quill has always worn. His skin tone was the same as Quill, but he didn’t have any markings. I could see that his eyes instead of a dead blue, were a menacing red. He wore grey jeans, and black tennis shoes with red laces, and he was much shorter than the Quill lookalike.

I tried to get closer, but the two-conversing people had suddenly stopped. My entire body then froze as they both looked directly at me. The strange thing though was that they both had different magic, but the one in the hoodie, had the same magic as Quill. The one in the hoodie, and my eyes met, and my eyes went wide. Without thinking about anything else and before I could do anything my mouth voiced my thoughts:


The one in the hoodie looked at the Quill lookalike, and then back to me.

“Uhm… Well I guess it’s time for us to be formerly introduced.” The hoodie said. “Hello Luna. My name is Acnori Quill, and I’m… The-uh… The reincarnation of Acnologia’s Humanity, and the… The Time Dragon Slayer.” Quill? told me. “And this-!” He started again while gesturing to the Quill? lookalike. “-Is Acnologia Quill. This is the REAL Acnologia.” He finished.

I stood there shocked. W-What? Reincarnation? Humanity? What the Tartarus is going on? Does this mean, the Quill I love is… Isn’t real? I thought as many more questions shot about my mind, one stood out and was a constant. Who is the real Quill?

“Hey!” Acnologia’s voice resonated, snapping me out of my trance. “You good?” He asked rudely snapping his fingers in front of my face.

“Acno, stop. She’s just processing what I told her. Don’t be rude.” Quill told Acnologia.

“Jeez, I was only seeing if she wasn’t brain de-.” Acnologia tried to finish before Quill smacked him upside the head. “OW! Hey, the hell was that for?!” Acnologia asked while rubbing the back of his head.

“For being a douche.” Quill retorted. He then looked over to me. “Hey Luna? Are there any questions you need answered?” Quill asked.

I looked at the man who claimed to be Acnori Quill dead in the eyes and asked: “Who are you?”

Both Acnologia, and Quill paused at my question, and Quill let out a heavy sigh.

“Are you asking to know our past?” Acnologia asked.

I gave a wordless answer and nodded: “Alright… then listen good and well because we’re only telling our story, once.” Quill stated as I sat down. “This is our story.”

“Once upon a time…”

Author's Note:


Next time: Our Story

I bid you all Adue.