• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,609 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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Chapter 4- How can I help yoooouuuuuuu......... FUCK!! A New Class Session, An Explanation Of Terrifying Magic, And A Sound That Started The Calendar

Chapter 4- How can I help yoooouuuuuuu……… FUCK!! A New Class Session, An Explanation Of Terrifying Magic, And A Sound That Started The Calendar.

God Serena’s POV

My head is pounding. It really fucking hurts. A lot. I push myself off the grass I’m sitting in and with my eyes still shut, I hold my hand to my head to soothe the pain. What was the last thing I remember? Oh, that’s right… I was killed by Acnologia. But, if I was killed, then… Why am I still alive and not in the afterlife? I think back to how Acnologia killed me and I shivered with terror. I had never experienced fear like that.

“Ugh!” I groaned loudly. “Why is everything so confusing?”

I then look around me to see the remains of the blades that had once rested on my back. Their color of black with gold edges shone in the rays of the sun. I walked over to them and peered into their reflective metal. I saw my auburn hair and the scar that ran across my nose. I then looked at my eyes and saw my right eye bearing its natural dirt-brown color. I then saw my left eye and I gasped in shock at what I see. Where the same dirt-brown color as my right eye should be, I instead see a multicolored eye, sporting the same color that would represent each of my dragon slayer magic types. Grey, Dark Brown, Infernal Red, Deep Blue, Pure White, Pitch Black, Acid Green, and Golden Yellow.

“What in the world?” I mumble. “That’s new.” I whisper still shocked. I then stand up and view my surroundings. On the left is a large dark forest with aqua blue thorns and brambles. On the right was a path with a building in the distance. I place my hand up to my chin and think about where to go. “Hmm… Either the dark creepy forest, which probably is home to hundreds of things that would want to kill and eat me… Or the path to a random building.” I think aloud. Then a huge roar of something emits from the forest causing my hair to fly wildly in the wind. “Building it is!” I say before running away from the noise.

After a few minutes of running I was far enough away from that forest. Goodness gracious. What kind of monsters live here?! My brain questioned. I thought back to Fiore and I’ve always known that there wasn’t a forest like that, so I must not be in Fiore anymore. I look around and see the flowing breeze around me. I watch as the breeze flows over, and through the grass. I look up at the sky and notice that it’s not as darkened and after taking a deep breath in, I notice that there is no trace of any, Magical Pollution.

My eyes drift over to the building. I then walk over to it keeping my guard up as I don’t want anything to attack me. Once I’m close enough I notice that off in the distance, laid a small town. As I reached the building, I saw that it was a home. I steeped the porch, and lifted my hand to knock on the door, when:


A loud crash exploded from the house and several other sounds of things falling over. Then a voice that was laced with panic screamed:

“SIS!! FUCKIN’ CALM YO’ SELF!!!” The voice screamed with panic and in a pleading tone. “WHY DID I GIVE YOU THAT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!?” It questioned.

My mind was frozen with utter confusion. I then heard a weird song in the background start to play. Then several other loud sounds emitted from the house.


“WHAT DO YOU THINK I’M DOING QUILL!?!?” A new, and oddly familiar voice shouted. “MAVIS CALM YOUR SHIT!!!!” The familiar voice bellowed.

“NEEEEEVAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” A young but feminine voice retorted.

What in the fuck is going on in there!? My thoughts asked. But I was soon to get my answer as I heard footsteps getting closer to the door.


The door that once rested on the doorframe of the house came flying off its hinges and right onto me, as I laid on the ground in front of the porch.

“Damnit Mavis! Look at what you did! Not even a day of owning this house and something’s already broken!” The first voice scolded.

“I’m sorry.” The childish voice apologized.

“Mavis, it’s fine but next time I tell you, that you can have one cookie, it means only ONE! Not the entire jar.” The first voice sighed. “Your punishment is no cookies for a month.”

“A-Alright.” The child-like voice accepted.

At this point I decided to speak up: “Uhm… Can someone get this door off me please?” I asked with my voice muffled by the wood that rested on my entire body.

“Sorry, here.” The familiar voice apologized before someone lifted the door off me.

I rubbed the back of my head and looked at the person behind the familiar voice. My brain then shut down. Because standing in front of me was the leader of the Alverez Empire, and the creator of the Spriggin Twelve, Zeref Dragneel. And standing next to him also with shocked looks on their faces were The Fairy Tactician, Mavis Vermillion, and The Black Dragon of The Apocalypse: Acnologia. The one that killed me.

“I-I don’t… I can’t… I-Uh, w-wha…” I stuttered, while looking at Acnologia with fear before my eyes rolled back.

I then promptly fainted.

Quill’s POV- Several Minutes Earlier

I let out a big yawn, and the sweet smell of pancakes filled my senses. I then groggily opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around and found myself laying in a very messy bed. I smiled and got out from under the covers. Still in my PJs I walked down the stairs and into the family room to find Mavis watching a cartoon on the TV, and Zeref in the kitchen making pancakes. They were still in their PJs too.

“Morning Mavis, morning Zeref.” I greeted while still half asleep.

“Oh, morning Big Bro!” Mavis greeted with a small smile.

“Good-Morning Quill.” Zeref said while still making the pancakes.

I then walk over and sit on the couch next to Mavis. I continue to watch the show with her. After a little bit Breakfast is ready, after a discussion of how our first night as a family was, Mavis asked a question that I would regret saying yes to.

“Hey Quill?” Mavis said.

“Yeah sis’?” I respond.

“Could I have a cookie?” She asked.

“Sure, but only one.” I tell her as the next thing I see is her completely devouring all the cookies in the entire fucking cookie jar. Zeref then looks at her then at me, then back to her and in unison we both say one thing as she started to vibrate with energy:

“… Fuck.”

Quill’s POV- Present Time

I watch as God Serena faint in front of me. I just blink in utter confusion.

“What in the world?” I silently ask.

I then walk over to the unconscious Serena, and I pick him up bridal style. After two equally confused Zeref, and Mavis follow me, I set him in the extra room that the house had. After a few minutes of silence Zeref asked a question.

“H-How? How is Serena alive?” He muttered.

I think about my answer for a little while before giving that answer: “I believe this may have something to do with either his Magic, or the Goddess of Death Ahnkseram.” I state.

“What do you mean?” Mavis asked looking at me with a puzzled face.

“Well for the first thought, his Dragon Slayer Magic could’ve brought him here for something I like to call “Anime Logic”.” I explained.

“’Anime Logic’?” Zeref asked.

“It basically means that something that shouldn’t happen does happen, and because that happens, it usually involves reasons which will never be explained.” I tell them. “For the second thought, I believe that Ahnkseram gave him a second chance. I believe that she saw that he could still be redeemed. But… I’m not entirely sure.” I finish.

“Hmm… Well the last one is fairly reasonable, and the first one does seem like it would happen, what with Natsu overcoming all the impossible odds.” Mavis contemplated.

As the three of us conversed, my sensitive hearing picked up the sheets on the bed shuffling. I looked over and saw that Serena had woken up and was staring directly at me with fear written all in his eyes. What intrigued me was that his left eye had eight colors, with each representing his Dragon Slayer Types. I reach my hand towards him, but he flinches back. I stop my reach, and I tap Zeref and Mavis on the shoulders.

They both look at Serena. I look at them and nod. When they nod back at me, I reach my hand back out to the cowering Dragon Slayer. As my hand reaches closer, I see him tightly hold his eyes shut like he was waiting for me to harm him. I then grab his shoulder, and I pull him into a hug, which Mavis and Zeref join. I feel his body flinch with shock, and I hear him gasp.

“Please don’t be mad at Quill.” Mavis tells him. “He wasn’t in control back then. He didn’t mean to kill you. He was still grieving and in rage.”

I feel him hug me back, and I feel the warmth of his skin. I then see a golden glow envelop his back, and it slowly but surely starts to envelope his entire being.

Serena frantically looks around at his body as the golden light swallows his entire body, he screams: “Zeref? Mavis? Acnologia? W-What’s happening!?” Then the golden light envelops his entire body and it causes me and the others to shield our eyes.

The light then dies down and I look at what had happened to Serena. Only to see a boy, no older than five, with auburn hair that looked like Kirito’s from Sword Art Online, he was looking at me with heterochromia eyes, as his left eye was the same color as the Serena I saw sitting in his place mere moments ago, and his right eye bearing the same dirt-brown color. On his face was a scar that ran across his nose, and he was wearing a dragon onesie, which looked like my dragon form.

I just sat there in complete and utter shock and confusion, as Mavis and Zeref had the same look.

“Ugh. What in the world? What happened?” The child asked. “Wait… What happened to my voice?! Why do I sound like a kid again?!” The child screamed in terror as his voice was that of a younger Serena’s.

“Uhm… Serena?” Mavis hesitantly asked the child.

“Yes?” The child responded.

“Oh, for frick’s sake.” I say while censoring the cuss word.

I then notice a note next to the now child version of Serena. I picked it up and read it aloud:

“For the people or person that finds this child, please take care of him. I have been merciful and given him a second chance at redemption. Be warned that he holds eight types of Dragon Slayer Magic and his name is Serena. Good Luck, The Goddess of Death: Ahnkseram.” I read.

“Oh, you’ve got to be flipping kidding me.” Serena groaned with an annoyed tone. “I can’t even cuss now!? Gosh Darn it!” He screamed angrily.

“Well… Who’s going to be the guardian of Serena as he grows-“ Mavis started before I cut her off.

“Hold up. There’s more.” I say. “And if you happen to meet Zeref and Mavis, I decided that you both had suffered long enough. And as such got rid of your curse, however. You both are still immortal. Ta-Ta” I finished. “That cheeky Goddess of Death, I bet she turned Serena back into a kid just to screw with us.” The last part I think to myself.

“Welp… At least we’re still immortal.” Mavis points out.

“And as for your first question Mavis, I guess I’ll take care of him.” I tell them gaining shocked looks from everyone. “I mean, he does have Dragon Slayer Magic, and who better to teach him how to use it again, than another Dragon Slayer.” I point out. “Oh, by the way. Serena?” I ask.

“Yeah?” He responds.

“What’s two plus two?” I ask.

“Oh, that’s, uh…. I don’t know.” He says while looking confused.

“And there we go. It seems that he has forgotten all that he had previously learned from school, and probably how to use his Magic.” I explain. “But first things first, I need to get him into school. Luckily I saw a schoolhouse while getting here when we bought this place.”

“Well. You’ve been prepared.” Zeref points out.

I let out a sigh before saying: “When you’ve lived my life, you have to be.”

“Well, why don’t we go out to Ponyville? I mean we still need to get used to this place, and with kid Serena, you need to legally become his guardian, and enroll him in the school.” Zeref told me.

“Ok you guys go on and wait outside, I’ll be here with Serena. I need to do something really quick.” I told them as the two of them walked outside the room. After they left, I then turned to Serena who was sitting there looking very innocent. “Ok, so… I guess I’m your new dad. Now what are we going to do about your clothes?” I mumble the latter to myself.

“Well while you and Zeref were talking, I noticed the closet glowed a little.” Serena told me.

I then walked over to the closet and opened it to reveal several different clothes that would fit Serena. Thank you for the Magic closet Merchant. Thank you. I thought as I took a shirt and pants from the closet and gave it to Serena for him to change.

Once he got dressed, I looked at him and his shirt was an auburn color, with the symbol for the Ten Wizard Saints on the middle of it, with a black Fairy Tail symbol on the side of the chest where the heart would be. His pants were gold with black accents. I smiled and he did as well. The two of us walked out of the house, which had Magically repaired its own door I then noticed that Mavis and Zeref had already gotten dressed.

The four of us then walked down to Ponyville, and about halfway there, I felt someone try and grab my hand. I looked down to see Serena with a small blush on his face.

“Is there something you need Serena?” I ask.

“C-Can I hold your hand? A-And could I c-call you… D-Dad?” He asked sheepishly.

I smile softly and I answer his questions: “For your second question, yes, you can call me your dad, and for your first question… How about I carry you instead!” I say before scooping him up in my arms, causing him to squeal and giggle.

Zeref and Mavis smile as we continue to head to Ponyville. Once we get there were greeted with the sight of Rainbow in the clouds talking to somepony.

“Hey Dash!” I yell while waving my free arm, as the other arm is being used to hold Serena.

Dash then looks over to the four of us and flies over to us. She then lands and says: “Hey guys! How’ve you been?” She asked.

“Other than Mavis eating too many cookies and breaking our door down, pretty well.” I respond. “Oh, and I’d like you to meet someone Dash.” I say.

“Oh? Who?” She asked.

“This little ball of innocence.” I say gesturing to Serena.

“Hmm? Oh, who’s this kid?” She asked.

“This is Serena. His original name was God Serena, but that was in Fiore. And yes, before you ask, he is from Fiore. His Magic is eight different types of Dragon Slayer Magic. Though he wasn’t taught by eight different dragons.” I explain. “I’ll tell you about it later when everypony is present. But who were you talking to?” I ask.

“Zeref, Mavis, Quill, Serena. I’d like you all to meet Gilda!” Dash announces before a Griffon lands in front of us, and my question that I had last night was answered.

So, we’re on the Griffon brush off episode, eh? I think as Dash continues: “Gilda is my best friend from junior speedster’s flight academy.”

“Sup.” She says flatly.

“Hello!” Mavis says cheerfully.

“Greetings” Zeref says with a half-dead smile.

“Hi.” I say while giving her a small smile.

“…” Serena is quiet.

“Serena… Go on say hi.” I tell him.

“H-Hi.” He stutters nervously.

“Sorry, he’s just a little shy.” I tell Gilda.

Gilda just flips her hair feathers before saying: “Nah, it’s okay. I get it, meeting new people can be really nerve racking.”

“Hey, Quill.” Zeref tells me. “Me, and Mavis are going to go to Twilight’s. We’ll need to tell her about Serena.” He says.

“Got it. See ya’ Zeref, see ya’ sis.” I wave to the two. After they’ve walked to Twilight’s I turn back to Dash and Gilda. “Well, sorry to stop the meet and greet but I’ve got to get this little one enrolled in school.” I tell Dash, and Gilda. “See you later!”

“See ya later Quill!” Dash replies.

“Bye!” Glinda says.

I walk away from Dash, and Gilda with Serena in my arms and I make my way to the schoolhouse. After finding our way there I walk up and knock on the door.

Knock, Knock

“I’ll be right there!” I hear Cheerilie’s voice tell me through the wooden door. After a second or two the door is opened by the teacher pony. “Oh! Why hello there Acnologia. It’s good to see you.” She greets. “How may I help you?” The teacher asked.

“It’s great to see you as well Cheerilie. As for my reason of being here, well… I’m holding him in my arms.” I tell her.

She looks over to my arms and sees Serena still being very shy.

“Oh, why hello there. It’s nice to meet you.” She said while giving him a calming smile. “What is your name?” She asked.

Serena was slow to answer but after a couple seconds he answered: “I’m Serena.” He told her quietly.

“Well Serena, you have a very nice name.” She told him making his shyness dull away. She then looked back to me. “I wasn’t aware you had a son.” She pointed out.

“Up until this morning, I didn’t. But because of the Goddess of Death in Fiore, he became my son.” I told her. “I’m also here to enroll him in your class.”

“Well then come inside and we can get him all set up.” Cheerilie, well, cheered.

I then walked inside the schoolhouse and saw the same schoolhouse as the show. I smiled and set Serena down at a desk. I followed Cheerilie over to her desk, while feeling the cool smooth texture of the wood on my feet, and she gave me a folder of paperwork. I had to fill out what Serena’s name is, where he lives, how old he was, and other things like that. After discussing a few things with Cheerilie, we got to the end result that Serena would be placed next to Scootaloo in the front. He would also be starting later in the day, which was around an hour in a half. I asked Cheerilie if I could come into class to introduce myself to everypony and I also asked if I could get a job as a teacher. She said that I’d have to fill out some papers but both of those would be fine.

“So, when I become a teacher, what would I teach?” I asked my new co-worker, Cheerilie.

“I haven’t thought about that yet, but I have a pretty good idea.” She said. “Since you come from a different place you could teach about the magic from that place.” She suggested. “Oh, and could you also teach Physical Education? I’ve been meaning to hire someone for that, but I’ve never had the time because of me being the only teacher for so long.” She explained.

“Don’t worry about it. Yes, I will teach P.E.” I assured her. “I’ve got to go meet up with Zeref and Mavis in a little. So, I’ll see you later Cheerilie.” I told her.

“Who’s Mavis and Zeref?” She asked before I walked out.

“Oh, right you don’t know.” I realized while mentally face palming. “Mavis and Zeref are others from Fiore, as is Serena but I’ll tell you later during introductions.” I tell her.

“Oh, got it. Well, see you later Acnologia.” She waved with her hoof.

"See ya Cheerilie." I waved back.

Me and Serena left exited the School House and walked over to the Ponyville market, on our way there we met up with Fluttershy, who was leading a small family of ducklings and their mother somewhere.

"Hm?" I said before noticing Fluttershy. "Oh, why hello there Flutters. Nice day isn't it?" I ask.

"Oh, yes it's a very lovely day. Who's this?" She asked motioning to Serena.

I explained to her what had happened this morning and she took it relatively well. I say that but in reality she just nodded her head and said she understood.

"You don't really understand do you?" I asked.

"Not really." She admitted.

I chuckled and told her about my new job. When I looked over to Serena, I saw something that I really should've expected: Serena was sitting criss-cross, with the mother duck sitting in his lap, while the other ducklings were sitting on his legs.

I just stared at my son for a few seconds before letting out a sigh before telling Fluttershy: "Welp, we've got some time to kill before school starts so I guess we'll be helping you and the ducks." I said with a chuckle as Flutters giggled a little.

Serena then picked some of the ducklings up in his arms, where some of the others landed on his head and sat there comfortably. It was a cute sight. The mother duck flew over and landed onto Fluttershy's back and together the three of us walked into Ponyville's market. As Serena walked in between me and Fluttershy, the two of us conversed about me changing my appearance.

"Hey, do you think I should cut my hair?" I asked my friend.

"Maybe. I mean if you want to." Flutters answered sheepishly. "I don't see why you'd want to though."

"Well, it's mainly because I don't want others thinking that I'm a girl if they see me from behind." I explained. "And I am going to be a teacher, so I don't want to be a bad influence on the youth." I told her.

"I see. Well you could probably go to Rarity for help. I know she'd be happy to." The pegasus suggested.

"Well, thanks for the advise." I thanked.

I was about to say something else when Serena bumped into someone causing him to fall onto his rear.

"Oof!" Serena grunted.

Several of the ducklings jumped away in surprise but they slowly returned after seeing that their new friend had fallen over. I walked over to help my son up when I heard someone yell at Fluttershy.

"HEY! Watch where you're going!" A familiar griffon yelled at Fluttershy and at Serena. "I'm walkin' here!" Gilda yelled.

"Oh, we're very sorry. Me and my friends are just helping some ducklings and their mother get to-" Fluttershy began before Gilda cut her off.

"'I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'" Gilda mocked. "Why don't you watch where you're going you little shits!" Gilda cussed at Fluttershy.

"B-b-but, I'm s-s-sorry-" Flutters stuttered as tears were already beginning to fall from her sky blue eyes. Gilda then took a deep breath in.

Gilda then roared straight into my friend's face causing Fluttershy to reel back in fear. Tears burst from Fluttershy's eyes. Shy tried to hide behind her pink mane, and tail but I ran straight in front of the shy pony ready to defend her. I looked straight down at Gilda, as she was around two feet shorter than me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked in the same voice I used when challenging Nightmare Moon, and when threatening Blueblood. "Can't you see that my son bumped into you on accident? There was no reason to roar at Fluttershy." I explained trying to defuse the situation in a much calmer voice. I noticed the mother Duck was checking to see if Serena was okay, but I had to refocus on the situation at hand.

"Well maybe if you retards were watching where you were going we wouldn't be having this issue!" Gilda semi-yelled getting straight into my face. "Now why don't you be a good little monkey and leave!" She screamed.

I stood there dumbfounded. This bitch had called me a monkey. She had called my son and my friend a shit, and called all of us retards. To say I was pissed was an understatement of the God damned millennium. I looked straight at her and and grabbed her by the collar, lifting her up to my height: "Now you listen and you listen good. You can insult me all you'd like, but you will NEVER, insult my friends, nor my son. Do I make myself clear?" I threateningly asked. When I didn't get an answer I looked straight at her and my eyes narrowed. "I said, DO I MAKE MYSELF FUCKING CLEAR!?" I roared.

Gilda nodded quickly before I dropped her straight onto her ass. She then lowly growled: "Whatever." Before flying off to wherever. Probably off to find Rainbow.

Damn. Now I remember why I didn't like that bitch. I thought before turning around to Fluttershy, and trying to calm her down. I wasn't helping much as she was shivering with fear. When I finally calmed her down, I was able to help her get the ducklings to the pond on the other side of town. Serena was still carrying the ducklings, and I held the mother Duck. Serena was trying to cheer up Flutters with little success because tears were still dripping down the emotionally fragile pony's cheeks. Once we reached the pond, Shy basically collapsed and started to cry uncontrollably.

I set the mother Duck down and ran over to Fluttershy. I kneeled down next to the crying pony and placed my hand on her back trying to soothe her sorrow: "Hey... It's alright, you're okay. You're safe now. Nothing bad will happen. Not while I'm around." I calmly said to her, as several other animals emerged from the pond and the foliage around the three of us. They too wanted to soothe their caretaker's sorrow.

"Hey, Fluttershy." Serena began softly in his shy voice. "I know you're scared, I am too, but we can't let fear drive our lives. We have to be brave, if not for ourselves, then for the ones we love." Serena told her. "So... let's be brave together!" He cheered softly.

Fluttershy was then calmed a little bit and told us that she would be fine to be left alone. She was with her animal friends and I knew they would cheer her up. Me and Serena then wandered over to Rarity's Boutique. It was almost blinding to look at as there were reflective decorations scattered all over the outside. What I could see was the door, thankfully as my son and I approached the blinding structure the shadow it casted was enough to spare our eyes from the light. I pushed the white and purple door open.

The jingle of the bell overhead rang to alert Rarity that she had a customer: "I'll be with you in just a second darling!" Her voice told us. After a few minutes her equine head peeked from behind a corner. "Oh, Quill! Nice to see you today! Who's this little one?" She asked about Serena. I explained to her about what happened this morning and about my new job. "Ah, I see. So, how can I help you?" She asked as her purple mane whipped around.

"Well, I was wondering if you could give me a hair cut. I really don't want my hair to be this long." I told her as I picked up a bunch of my navy blue hair.

"Hm, I do have some ideas but I think you'll like the idea I have for you." She told me. "Right this way, follow me." She said.

I followed her to a chair, and I had a bit of trouble fitting in the chair. The compromise was for me to sit on a stool. It was weird but it worked. After a little I could hear Rarity working away as she was mumbling incoherent words under her breath. I looked in the mirror to see Serena picking up a magazine trying to occupy his obvious boredom.

After a little while Rarity the backed away and declared: "There! It's perfect!"

I looked in the mirror and saw the myself looking at what Acnologia looked like before his transformation into a dragon. I still had the markings but other than that it was spot on: "I love it. Thank you Rarity." I told her. "How much do I owe you?" I asked taking out my wallet.

"Oh, darling this one is on the house!" She generously told me.

"Really? Thanks Rarity. Oh, by the way, do you have somepony in your family that goes to Cheerilie's school house?" I asked.

"Why yes, my little sister Sweetie Belle goes there. Why do you ask?" Rarity inquired.

"Well, as I've told you before, I am the new Fioren magical teacher there, as well as the new P.E coach." I told her.

"Really? I didn't know you had a teaching degree." Rarity pointed out.

I walked over to the couch and sat next to Serena who was still looking at a magazine: "Well, I actually have a PHD in magical theory, and a Doctorate in Medicine." I admitted. "But that was before I became a dragon." I explained tapping into my knowledge of Acnologia's lore before becoming a dragon in the anime. "I don't know if I still retain the knowledge of the Medicine but Magical theory I know pretty well." I proudly stated.

I then looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost time for school to start. I said farewell to Rarity and I picked up Serena, as we both left the fashionista's home. The two of us walked over to the School house which had many young colts and fillies walking to the entrance. I smiled as I saw some familiar faces, such as Twist and Applebloom.

I set Serena down onto the ground and he looks up at me with a quizzical look: "Hey, Serena. I'm going to go back to the house but I will return in a little. Just head on inside and I'll meet you in a little while." I tell him as he nods and runs over to the entrance of the School house.

I then use my speed and quickly run over to my home. I'll never get used to running that fast. I think to myself as I open the door and speedily change into some new clothes. I looked in my closet and found a set of clothes I knew would be perfect for this occasion. I also found a pair of loafers laying in front of the clothes. I smiled as I took my cloak and pants off as well as my necklace. I then dressed myself in the new clothes, and put my necklace back onto my neck. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I looked exactly like Acnologia did before his transformation.

After that speedy change of clothing I ran back over to the School house just in time for the bell to ring. I opened the door to see around twenty eight colts and fillies, including Serena, looking at me. I smiled and apologized for being late.

"It's fine, in fact, you're right on time." Cheerilie said. "Okay everyone I'd like to introduce two new additions to the class." Cheerilie announced. I motioned for Serena to get over to me, and he did but as he reached me, he slightly hid behind my lab coat. "Please welcome our newest teacher here, Acnologia, and his son Serena!" She announced cheerfully. Pun very much intended BTW.

The class kinda just sat there for a little while before I decided to speak up: "If anypony has a question I'd be happy to answer them." I said brightly as several hooves shot up in the air. I saw that a colt with brown fur and decided to pick him. "How about you?" I said pointing to him.

"What are you?" He asked.

"Well, to be honest, I used to be something called a human, but currently I am a Dragon." I answered before calling on a filly with a tiara on her head. Oh lord this was Diamond Tiara. "Yes?" I said pointing to her.

"Where's your Cutie Mark?" She asked snidely.

"I don't have one." I told her.

A loud gasp erupted from the class as Dimond yelled: "You don't have a Cutie Mark?! But how do you know what your special talent is?!" She asked.

"Well for one, no human has a Cutie Mark. Serena doesn't either. Second, I don't need a Cutie Mark to decide what I'm going to do or what my special talent is." I explained in a calm tone. "The only thing that is unique to me is my magic. And plus I already told you that I'm now a dragon. And I don't think that dragons here get Cutie Marks either." I finished.

"Alright class that's enough questions for now. Serena please go sit down." Cheerilie told the class as Serena obliged and sat back down next to the orange pegasus filly, Scootaloo. "It's time for the lesson to begin!" She said.

I waked over to the side of the class and watched as Cheerilie taught them about history and math. I saw how invested Serena was in wanting to learn. I smiled at my adoptive son and my thoughts drifted over to Sonya. I let out a small sigh as I pulled my mind away from that because before I knew it, the Recess bell had rung.

"That's all the time we have for now class, go out and have some fun!" She dismissed them. I walked over and sat in a chair next to her desk. "Well, the next lesson will be all yours Acnologia. Are you ready?" She asked me while she got out her lunch.

"To be honest, not really. But the world never gives you the time to get ready. You always have to be prepared." I answered cryptically. Cheerilie just deadpanned at me and after a few moments she giggled. "But in all actuality, it's the class that has to be prepared because their next subject will be Fioren Magical Theory." I explained.

"I see. I'm guessing that you want them to call you something other than Acnologia?" She asked.

"Yeah, probably." I answered.

As the two of us conversed I heard several conversations occur outside due to my heightened hearing and I let my mind wander.

Third POV

Outside of the School house, on a bench facing towards the playground as all the other fillies and colts played, sat Serena. He sat there because he had nopony to play with. He was the new kid. But he was the only human in the school besides his once human father. Serena sat on the bench alone until two little fillies approached him. The first filly was an Earth Pony had pink fur and her mane and tail were a pale, and light grayish violet with white streaks and she also wore a tiara on her head. Her Cutie Mark looked exactly like her tiara. This was Diamond Tiara. The second filly was an Earth Pony as well, her fur was a gray, and her mane and tail were a light gray. She wore light aqua glasses and her Cutie Mark was a silver spoon. This was Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara's best friend and probably only friend.

The two fillies walked over to Serena where Diamond wore a smug look. Once they reached the dragon slayer she said: "You're Serena right?" To which Serena replied with a nod. "Okay, so I want to know... What's it like being a Blank Flank?" She asked intending for it to be an insult.

"... A what?" Serena asked not recognizing the comment as an insult.

"Well you don't have a Cutie Mark which means no special talent, which means you're not special!" Diamond Tiara semi-yelled.

"That's not really true." Serena stated. "All of us in our own way have qualities that we all share, but we all also have our own unique traits and abilities that make us who we are." He explained using his logic. Serena even though he is very shy, is a very logical kid and he acts older than what he really is sometimes. "For example say you had a brother and he was better at painting and drawing than you were, but you're better at sports than he is. That is an example at something you are good at, and that quality as well as many others make up who you are." Serena told Silver and Diamond. The two would-be bullies just stood there shocked. "The quality that would make me special and unique would be my magic. It's much different than yours as mine isn't Equestrian magic-" Serena was about to finish his sentence when Quill walked outside and announced that it was time for school to start again.

Serena just hopped off the bench and walked up to his adoptive father. Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon were just dumbfounded and shocked that Serena had just roasted the shit out of them. It took around ten seconds for them to snap out of it, and once they did snap out of it they turned around to see their teacher Quill, looking at them with a smug look on his face. The two fillies walked inside and took a seat with Silver's face deep in thought, as Diamond looked at Serena with an evil glare.

You've made an enemy today Serena. You've made your worst enemy. Diamond thought as her head turned to the sound of chalk writing on the chalkboard.

"Hello class, my name is Acnologia. But from now on you will address me as Sensei. If you're wondering why, it's because in Japan it's a sign of respect to your teacher. And if you treat me with respect in kind, I will treat you with respect." Sensei-Quill introduced with a monotone face. "If you have any questions, now would be the best time to ask them, as I will not stop nor will I repeat myself in the middle of the lesson." He told them sternly.

Some students raised their hoof, and Quill called on Applebloom: "Sensei? What are you teaching us?" The Apple asked.

"That is a good question. Now listen up!" Quill called out to the class. "This lesson will be Magical Theory, but for now it will be the most basic units. However, this is not Equestrian Magical Theory for anyone here who thinks they will fly through this course. This my little students, is Fioren Magical Theory." Quill told them with an intimidating smile.

A different student raised their hoof: "Sensei? Why do you say "Anyone", and "Everyone". Shouldn't it be anypony and everypony?" The curious student asked.

"The reason for me not using anypony and such is because say that would only be addressing ponies and since there is more than one species here I will not be using them." Quill explained.

Another student raised their hoof: "Sensei, what's the difference between the two types of magic?" They asked.

"This question will be answered during the lesson." No other student raised the hoof/hand so Quill begun the lesson. "If there are no other questions the lesson will begin." He stated. The Sensei turned around and drew a T-Chart, with "Fiore Magic" and "Equestrian Magic" written on either side. "Now can anyone guess what the differences between the two types of magic are?"

Several students raised their hooves. Quill looked over them and saw a student he recognized as Sweetie Belle: "Yes, Sweetie Belle?" He called on her. She answered: "They have different effects?"

"While that is correct I'm looking for more specific answers. How about this, you tell me what Equestrian magic is like, and I will write down what Fioren magic is like." Quill told them.

Then several students started to blurt out answers: "Our magic is attached to our emotion!" "Equestrian magic gives us our Cutie Marks!" "It helps us grow our crops!" "It moves the sun and moon!" They yelled before their Sensei had enough.

"HEY!!" Quill roared shutting them all up. "Next time you all have an answer, raise your hoof, or in Serena's case, hand, and wait to be called on okay?" He told them calmly. "But yes, all of what you said is correct." Quill began while writing down all of what had been said about Equestrian magic. "Now I will tell you what Fioren magic is like. First of all, Fioren magic does NOT give anyone Cutie Marks, and as I've stated before, no human on the planet has a Cutie Mark." He explained writing the info down. "Second, Fioren magic can help people in their everyday lives, but it does not extend from emotion. It can only grow with practice, and everyone in Fiore has magic available to them." He told them as the students all listened closely. "Third, Fioren magic has three different wielding types, or in simpler terms, there are three different categories of Fioren magic. You will learn about two of these categories but the third you will not and hopefully will never learn about." Quill told them.

This time Serena raised his hand, to which Quill called on him: "Why are we only learning about two of the categories?" He asked.

"This question can be answered by the next piece of the lesson. Magic Categories." Quill wrote on the board. "There are three categories, Holder Magic, Caster Magic, and finally Lost Magic or Ancient Magic. You will only be learning about Holder, and Caster magic. If you're wondering about Lost Magic, then listen because I will only say this reason for you not learning about it, ONCE." Quill said while his eyes gained a serious and definitive look. "Holder Magic is when a wizard uses magical items with the most notable being celestial wizards, more on that another time. Caster Magic is a type of magic where the magic user expels magic from their body say someone fires a spell from their elbows or knees, again more on that another time." Quill explained. He then let out a heavy sigh and leaned on the board with his arms crossed. "Finally, Lost Magic, the most powerful type of magic in Fiore." He told them causing all the students minus Serena who's auburn hair was overshadowing his eyes, to gasp. Quill wasn't smiling. Serena wasn't either.

Scootaloo shot out of her seat and yelled: "Well if it's the most powerful then why aren't we learning about it?!"

Hearing Scootaloo's comment the other students started to talk and protest loudly. Quill had enough, he didn't want to hear their bullshit.

"ENOUGH!" Quill screamed causing the school house to go quiet. "Scootaloo the reason I'm not going to and will never teach you about Lost Magic is because even though it is the most powerful, it's also the most destructive and if used incorrectly..." Quill trailed off and looked out the window and to his son. "It could possibly kill, or curse its user." Quill told them causing their eyes to go wide. "Please understand that this magic should never be taught, and that it is called "Lost Magic" for a reason, okay?" He asked his students, to which they all nodded in response. "Thank you." Quill looked at the time to see that it was almost time for class to end. "It seems that it's almost time to go, so if you have any other questions, ask them." He suggested for nopony to raise their hoof. "I've got to leave so, Serena. C'mon kid." Sensei-Quill told Serena.

Serena, and Quill both got their stuff, and left the School house, leaving Cheerilie and the other students in a state of pure horror. They had no clue how terrifying Fiore's magic could be. They had no idea that Quill had to live through the use of these magic types.

The scene slowly panned over to the chalkboard to see the the words "LOST MAGIC" on the board with a line through it. The scene slowly fades into the view of Serena and Quill walking to Twilight's house.

"Dad..." Serena said, catching Quill's attention. "Did you really have to tell them about Lost Magic?"

"Serena... I didn't have much of a choice... They had to know that it's a very, very dangerous type of magic." Quill told his son as they wandered closer to the Golden Oak Library.

Once they reached the door Quill knocked on it three times.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Oh, that must be Serena and Quill!" Mavis' voice sprouted from the door. The door opened to reveal Mavis. "It's about time you got here. What took you so long?" She asked the duo.

"I got a job." Quill said nonchalantly while entering the library.

"Okay." Mavis responded. "Wait... What!?!?!"

Quill smiled slightly, and saw the Main six, Spike and Zeref also sitting there. All of them except for Fluttershy and Rarity had surprised looks. I quickly explained about how I enrolled Serena in school, and how I had gotten a job at the school. I also had to explain what had happened for Serena to become my son, and surprisingly
Pinkie Pie was the only one who understood it.

"Hey, could I get something for you to drink?" Spike asked Quill.

"I'll take a coffee." Quill told him as Spike walked into the kitchen.

Quill and Serena sat next to Mavis and Zeref when Zeref asked: "So what are you teaching?"

"I'm teaching P.E and Fioren Magical Theory." Quill said while his smile slowly faded. Spike brought him his coffee and handed it to Quill. "Thanks." Zeref's and Mavis' smiles also faded. Serena's smile hadn't returned from the discussion back at the School House

Seeing the usually happy family not smile was something that worried all of the others.

"Is everything okay?" Twilight asked.

None of the wizards from Fiore answered her but instead Mavis asked: "Did you tell them about the Categories?"

"I told them they'd learn about the first two. But they asked about the third." Quill responded.

"Did you..." Zeref trailed off.

"No he didn't. He only told them the repercussions.

"Good." Zeref sighed.

"Now what in tarnation are you talking about?" Applejack asked.

"Quill?" Mavis asked in one word.

"Might as well tell them." He responded simply.

"Whatever are you talking about darlings?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, can you stop being all cryptic and tell us?" Dash said.

"Three." Zeref stated.

This confused the ponies and dragon. But then Mavis picked up where Zeref left off: "There are three different categories of Fioren Magic." She let Quill continue.

"The first two are the most common types. Holder Type Magic, and Caster Type Magic." Quill finished allowing Serena to pick up where he left off.

"The third is the most destructive, the most powerful, and the most costly." Serena said.

"It's called LOST MAGIC." The four Fioren wizards said together.

"Lost Magic is a category which holds our variants of magic. The first types of magic. My magic is called Black Arts, more commonly known as Death Magic." Zeref revealed.

"My magic is called Fairy Magic, or more commonly called Life Magic." Mavis stated.

"My magic is one of the first types of magic in existence, aside from Ahnkseram Black Magic. My magic is call Dragon Slayer Magic, and I also have a very devastating and unique type, which is in a category all on its own... Time Magic." Quill restated to the listeners.

"My magic is also called Dragon Slayer Magic however my variation of Dragon Slayer Magic is different from my dad's." Serena said.

"The most powerful and the most iconic types of Lost Magic, are Fairy Law, Fairy Sphere, Fairy Glitter, Death Magic, Life Magic..." Quill once again trailed off. He let out a deep sigh before saying. "And the magic me and Serena use..." Quill stated. "Dragon Slayer Magic." He told them all. "Now you have to keep this in mind. This magic was created during a time when us humans and more than half of the dragon race was at war. The other half was helping us humans learn Dragon Slayer Magic. I am one of the first Dragon Slayers on the planet. And when I gained mastery over my magic I..." He paused. He then took a leap and told his friends the truth. "I was turned into a dragon, but not just any dragon. I was turned into one of the most powerful types of dragons in the world. I was turned into something called, The Black Dragon of The Apocalypse: The Dragon King." He said changing to the other lost magic. "The other reason I won't teach anyone about Lost Magic is because... If you use any other type of it incorrectly you will at best die, or at worse be cursed with something called the Curse of Ahnkseram, which makes it so when you find the true appreciation for life, you will send off a wave of death magic, killing every living thing around you and you'll become immortal. The only way to stop this curse is if you lose appreciation for life, and if you die." He said quietly. "But aside from that there are several different elements of Dragon Slayer Magic and different Generations." He then took a sip from his coffee

Serena followed up and said: "As far as we know, there are five generations of Dragon Slayers." Serena stated. "The First Generation are ones like dad. First Gen. are taught by actual dragons. Most dragons who taught First Gen. were the slayer's foster parents. The only First Gen. I currently know of are Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, and dad." Serena paused to take a breath. "The next Generation are Second Gen. This Generation was not taught by a dragon. Instead they were implanted with a Dragon Lacrima. Lacrima are a variant of crystal from Fiore which contain vast amounts of magical power. The process of getting a Dragon Lacrima implanted into you is very painful trust me, I had eight implanted into me. As such I am a Second Gen. The other Second Gen. are Laxus, and Erik or Cobra." Serena explained.

"Next are the Third Generation. This Gen. had a Dragon Lacrima implanted into them and they were also taught by a dragon. The only two I know of are Sting, and Rouge." Zeref explained the Third Gen.

"Then there are the Fourth Generation." Mavis sighed. "These slayers aren't even alive so. To explain, Fourth Gen. Slayers are created from Pure Dragon Lacrima. Or in other words, Crystal Robots. These things can't be destroyed unless you break their core Lacrima." Mavis detailed the Fourth Gen.

"Finally, the Fifth Generation Dragon Slayers." Quill started. "These Slayers are... Brutal. One becomes a Fifth Gen. by devouring Dragon Flesh." He said causing everyone to reel back in shock. Even Mavis, Zeref, and Serena didn't know the origins of the Fifth Gen. but now they do. "As deadly as it my seem, these Slayers are also known as the Dragon Eaters, and they are..." Quill trailed off.

"Evil?" Zeref suggested.

"Cruel?" Twilight offered.

"Meanies?" Pinkie said.

"All of that right there is just an absolute fuck ton of sugar coating it. Pardon the language, but these shit-bags... They are caticlism's in human bodies. These... Things are... They're just pure evil. And once they've set their sights on you... Just hope that you have a Dragon Slayer with you, because these guys will tear through anything and anyone just to kill you. I've had to deal with some of these bastards, and let me tell you, they can get pretty bloodthirsty. Thankfully no one has ever mastered Fifth Gen. Slayer Magic." He explained allowing everyone to let out a sigh of relief. "But now we get onto the Elements of Dragon Slayers." He announced. "I've already told you about Fiore's five remaining Dragon taught Slayers but I haven't told you about Fiore's two Lacrima dragon slayers. Laxus, and Erik. The Lightning and Poison Dragon Slayers." I told them.

"Yes, I've been wondering what other element types for the Slayers are." Twilight pointed out.

"Aside from the elements I've said Serena, since he's had eight Slayer Lacrimas implanted into him, he has eight elements. I only know of five. Purgatory, Cavern, Deep Sea, Lightning, and Gale." Quill listed.

"Well, the others are Sun Light, Dark Moon, and Acid." Serena finished.

"Well, what about yours Quill?" Spike asked.

"Yes, I'd love to know!" Twilight said giddily.

"Alright. I don't have one." Quill admitted.

"You don't... YOU DON'T HAVE AN ELEMENT???!!!!?!?!1" Twilight screamed.

"Nope. My Slayer type is simply called Dragon Slayer Magic. I've just given it the name Temporal Magic Dragon Slayer Magic, or essentially, Apocalypse Dragon Slayer Magic." Quill explained.

"Wait Temporal? As in Time?" Zeref asked. "I don't remember you having Time Magic." He pointed out.

"I didn't until Natsu killed me after I ate the Bonds of Time in Fiore. This was just after you had died however." Quill responded.

The Main six and Spike looked at the four in utter confusion, because they had no clue what they were talking about. Their confusion was evident until Fluttershy intervened: "You... Ate Time?" The shy pony asked.

"Apparently though I wasn't in control of my dragon form nor was the insanity I was in. Evidently, my human body and draconic body were separated, and while the guild Fairy Tail fought and destroyed my draconic body, the Dragon Slayers, not including Serena, fought my human body, and finally Natsu had killed me." Quill explained while taking another sip of his coffee. "By the way, I forgot to ask but... What happened with Gilda?" He wondered aloud.

"... She left." Rainbow simply stated, turning her head away so that her rainbow mane blocked her eyes.

"So, she left Ponyville?" Quill asked.


"Was there any reason for that?"

Rainbow turned and looked at Quill with a slightly angered glare: "It turned out that she was a terrible friend. So, I ended my friendship with her." She told him.

Quill only focused on drinking the rest of his coffee not affected by the news in the slightest. He set the empty cup of coffee on the table in front of him and looked back at Rainbow: "Did you ask her why she was acting the way she was?" Quill asked with a raised eye brow, or rather the marking that replaced his eye brow.

"I-..." Rainbow stuttered before pausing. "No... I-I didn't." Rainbow said shamefully.

"Well how long ago did she leave?" Quill inquired.

"Around twenty minutes ago." Mavis told the Apocalypse Dragon.

"Well, then maybe you could find her and ask her." Serena suggested. "I mean, you've said that she didn't have friends, aside from you so she probably cherished her friendship with you a lot. Ending that friendship probably crushed her." The five year old pointed out.

This revelation stunned Rainbow for a few seconds before she bolted up and started to fly/hover in the air and declared: "You're right Serena, I do need to make amends. If I leave right now I could probably find her." She surmised.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go." Zeref said before the Mane six ran out of the house followed by Spike.

The only four left in the Library house were Serena, Zeref, Mavis, and Quill. They all looked at the open door smiling with sheer pride.

"You think we did the right thing telling Rainbow to go find Gilda?" Mavis asked.

"Definitely." Zeref stated. "Mavis you saw how she looked when Rainbow ended their friendship at the party. She was holding back a lot of sorrow." He reminded her.

"Well," Serena yawned. "I'm kinda tired so I'd like to go home." He told his family with droopy eyes.

"Alright time to go." Quill said as he started to stand up. But he was stopped by Mavis' hand.

"Let us take him home, okay. You seem like you need a breather from today." She said alluding to the discussion of his magic.

Quill nodded and motioned for Mavis and Zeref to go ahead. The two lovebirds stood up, and Zeref picked up the now sleeping Serena and walked out of the door. All that was left was Acnori Quill, and silence. Quill smiled and his eyes closed. He began thinking of his life before all this. Before becoming Acnologia. Before The Merchant. But then his thought wandered to Luna, and her smiling face. He remembered how she was his favorite character from the MLP franchise ever since he could remember.

You know... For a pony who is over a thousand years old, she is quite cute. A strange but eerily familiar voice spoke in Quill's mind. Quill's eyes opened faster than a bullet and he shot up and looked around for the owner of the voice. But instead of finding himself in the oak wood room of the Golden Oak Library, he found himself standing in a field of grass.

Quill's POV

Everywhere I looked, I saw the same thing. Grass. I looked around and saw myself over looking a forest, just like in the opening for the Fairy Tail anime when I first saw Natsu and Happy. I stood there frozen. Where am I? I thought with bewilderment. I looked ay my hands, but I noticed one key detail was missing. The markings. I looked all over my arms and legs but there were no markings anywhere. I looked around a little more and found a mirror. That's right a random-ass mirror sitting in the middle of the field. I almost fell backwards at what I saw. Looking back at me wasn't the visage of Acnologia, but it was myself.

It was me before The Merchant.

I still had the Navy-blue hair that Acnologia had before becoming a dragon, but the rest of my look was different. I wore a black hoodie with red markings all over it. On the sleeves of the hoodie were Roman numerals for the number four hundred. The same age as Acnologia. Laced around my neck was the same dragon tooth necklace Acnologia had worn in the anime. My skin tone was the same as Acnologia's but that was my natural skin tone. My eyes instead of their dead blue, were a menacing red. I wore grey jeans, and I wore black tennis shoes with red laces.

"W-What the hell is going on?" I stuttered aloud as I continued to look at my reflection.

"Currently we are inside your mind, or rather... It's currently ours." A familiar voice resonated in my head as the origins of said voice came from behind me.

I slowly turned around and my pupils shrunk to pins. Standing in front of me was the real Acnologia, and plastered on his face was a small smile.

"Well, Acnori Quill... It is nice to finally meet you." Acnologia said as he began to slowly walk towards me. "Now we finally have the chance to speak, face to face." He said as he drew nearer.

I couldn't say or do anything as I was paralyzed with terror. With every step he took my fear only grew. I was scared. What was he going to do? What did he want to talk to me about?... Was I going to die?

Acnologia had gotten close enough for me to feel his aura and it... was... comforting? As the former King of The Dragons drew closer I saw that his eyes no longer held rage or bloodlust, but instead they held gratefulness and kindness. He finally reached me and slowly he stood in front of me standing at nine feet tall, towering over my five foot six inches in height. He then placed his hand on my shoulder and said: "Thank you."

"Huh?..................EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" I yelled in confusion.

"I see that you're confused. Follow me, I'll explain." He told me as I snapped out of my shock and confusion.

The two of us walked through the field and I had a question to ask: "Why would you thank me? What did I do?" I asked Acnologia.

"Well, to explain simply, you returned just as you promised. You saved me." He told me much to my confusion. "To go into greater detail we have to go back a long time but I don't have the time to do that right now, so long story short, you are my reincarnation, or rather, the reincarnation of our humanity." He tried to explain.

"Wait, so you're saying that I was reincarnated into the modern day Japan after, correct me if I'm wrong, after we watched our daughter Sonya die and we went insane and lost our humanity when we became a dragon?" I asked for clarification.

"Yep, that's pretty much it." He said with a poker face.

"This, is a lot to take in but it mostly just sounds like a bunch of bullshit." I told him.

"If you don't believe me then how about you being born with blue hair when your parents on Earth had black hair, cause that ain't genetics. And what about the time when you were eighteen and you punched a punching bag in half?" He listed.

"What does my hair have to do with this? And that punching bag was falling apart." I protested.

"That punching bag had forty pounds of sand in it! What about the time when you got so pissed you punched a hole in concrete?! If anyone other than you had even attempted that, their hand would have been broken! You didn't even bleed, when you got stabbed in the leg! You told the paramedics you didn't feel a thing!" He yelled while I tried to find a good argument but I was coming up short of anything to say. "If you still don't believe me then let me tell you about you being a displaced."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"You've read how most displaced aren't able to remember their name after buying things from The Merchant, right?" He asked.

"Yeah but what does that have to do with-" I started before he cut me off.

"What is your name?" He asked.

"Acnori Quill." I stated. "But I don't see what that has to do with-" I started before stopping as the realization hit me. "I remember my name because it's our real name isn't it?" I asked while looking at the ground.

The only thing my past self did was give me a nod.

"So... I am a reincarnation... At least I now know why I felt pain every time you got hit in the anime." I said in a plain voice.

"Hey," Acnologia started as he rested his hand on my head. "Don't sell yourself short kid. You have more magical abilities than I did so be glad for that. And you still have both arms so quit your bitching!" He said jokingly while ruffling my hair.

"Hey!" I laughed. "Would this technically make you my older brother?" I asked.

"Don't know, maybe. If so, I'm going to enjoy teasing the shit out of you into asking out Luna though!" He teased in a suggestive voice.

I felt my face light up with a blush and I started to wave my arms around: "Hey! I-It's not like that!" I tried to defend. "I mean, yeah I do like her a lot, but I don't know if it would work out though. I don't even know if she likes me the same way as I like her, and plus I'm too socially awkward to ask her anyway, and you should know this! You've looked at my memories, I have social anxiety! The only reason I don't cry in a corner at my teaching job is because of the courage becoming you gave me." I argued.

"No, the courage you gained has always been there inside of you, but coming here has just boosted that due to this place's "Friendship is Magic" adaptation, and being here boosts your emotions a whole fuck ton." Acnologia explained. "But the only thing stopping you from telling Luna your feelings is your very low Romantic Self-esteem." He told me flicking my forehead. "Stop being a downer on yourself and have faith. Because I have faith in you." Acnologia told me with a smile.

"Fine but, what about the outside world, what are we doing right now?" I asked.

"Oh, I took the liberty to freeze the world using our Time Magic. By the way, you may be able to use our physical abilities, but our magical abilities are the ones you need to learn. Every night when you sleep you will be transported here, so we can train your magic. And don't worry about Luna, if she wants she can join us." He explained.

"Well, could we hurry up? I kinda want to move again." I told him.

"Fine, well, see you tonight." He waved as the scenery warped into the Golden Oak Library.

I looked around and found a clock sitting on a wall. I stared intensely at it, when after a few seconds, the minute hand moved. I smiled and saw that time was moving normally. I stood up and walked outside. I took a deep breath in, and exhaled. Welp, I guess it's time for me to head home. I'm hungry, and I need some dinner. I thought to myself as I began to walk towards my house.

"Damn you! Let us go!" A faint voice traveled to my ears.

My ears twitched as I stopped dead in my tracks. Was that... Gilda? I thought to myself as I looked in the direction of the voice.

"Shut up Griffon! Or else we'll kill your little girl!" A draconic voice sounded faintly.

Thank you heightened hearing. I thought as I walked towards the origins of the voice.

"Let's hurry this up! If we go now we can be home free by sunrise." A rougher voice which reminded me of a voice from watching Sonya die in the anime said.

"Let us go! Celestia Damnit!!" Rainbow's voice screamed.


"GAH!!" Rainbow's voice cried in pain.

"Rainbow!" Gilda's voice shouted worry laced within it.

What the fuck? I thought as I began to run towards the commotion faster.

I ran as fast as I could when Acnologia's voice spoke. What the hell? Why do I smell blood?! We both screamed as we ran faster towards the scent. When I reached the origin of the smell my eyes widened as I saw Rainbow Dash lying on the ground with a small pool of blood originating from her right wing which she was holding onto it like her life depended on it, Gilda was crying her eyes out as she had several claw scratches on her sides and neck, while an infant Griffoness was being held with a blade to her throat.

I hid behind a tree and dove down into some bushes, I looked at Gilda's, and Dash's captors and my eyes widened when I looked at them. The one with blood dripping down his claws looked exactly like the equestrian version of fucking Zirconis, The Jade Dragon, and the one holding the blade to the infant... suddenly a memory started to flash in my vision.

I stood up looking at a dragon with lava emitting from his wings, and his tail. It also looked like lava was flowing through his veins. I frowned at him as the realization hit me. This was the dragon that fucking trained me. This was the fucker that gave me those scarred markings. This... Was Tyrrios. I stared at him angrily as he swiped his tail at me. As it was about to hit I felt my hands radiate with magical energy and since this was a memory, my hands clapped together and I heard my voice scream.

"MAYAN SHOCKWAVE!!!!!!!!" Memory me screamed.

Then a huge and I mean HUGE wave of what seemed to be my magic which was also Navy-blue emerged from my hands and it looked like Godzilla Earth's shockwave. That is to say when it hit Tyrrios I was shaken out of the memory.

I continued to watch the scene unfold as Tyrrios, with a sadistic and phycotic smile, kept slowly pushing the blade against the infant's throat, when it started to draw blood. Gilda watched and started to thrash around in sorrowful anger.

"NO! Please don't hurt her! I beg you please!" Gilda cried.

I clenched my fists and felt them warm up. I looked down at them and noticed my markings were glowing a soft Navy-blue. I then looked up and saw that it was almost midnight. I smiled and knew what to do.

Test run? Acnologia asked. Test run. I thought back in response, as the markings all over my body glowed bright, and somehow my cloak and pants teleported onto me and replaced the clothes I was currently wearing, and my shoes just disappeared. I looked back up and my eyes glowed an eerie menacing red. It was time for me to have some FUN.

Third POV

"Please! I beg you, don't hurt them!" Gilda pleaded while struggling against the ropes that immobilized her.

Zirconis only looked at her with a regretful frown: "I'm sorry I have to do this, but... It's either you, or me. And if me surviving comes at the cost of this pegasus... I'll have to take it." He told her while placing his non-bloodied claw gently on her shoulder. "I promise... If I could change what I'm doing, then I would." He told her.

"Please... Save my little girl." Gilda uttered between her sobs.

"ZIRCONIS!!" Tyrrios yelled his voice scratching out of his throat. "Do what we came here to do, and kill that pony." The tyrant scratched.

As Tyrrios pressed the blade against the young Griffon's throat, a small glow caught his attention. He looked over towards the origin of the glow and he sneered as the glow pulsated continuously, when the glow suddenly roared and Tyrrios snarled in recognition of the glow, then two red flashed which formed the shape of eyes flared to life, and out jumped Quill.

Quill roared and tackled Tyrrios knocking away the sword the dragon was holding, and causing Tyrrios to drop the Griffoness. The sword skidded over and landed near Zirconis who looked at it and then back to Quill, and Tyrrios' fight.

"Fuck it." Zirconis grumbled before picking up the sword and running over to Gilda.

Zirconis ran up to Gilda and turned her around he placed the blade under the ropes and cut them, letting Gilda go. Gilda looked back at the Jade Dragon with confusion as she rubbed her wrists.

"W-Why are you helping me?" Gilda asked.

"Because... I've done enough bad in my previous life, so I'm gonna make up for what I did here." Zirconis told her. "Now go and get your daughter. I don't know how long this guy can hold off Tyrrios. I'll go and tend to your friend." Zirconis explained while helping Gilda get to her daughter.

Gilda ran over picked up the young Griffoness, and cradled the infants head. The infant Griffon had the same color of claws that Gilda did but the feathers from her neck up were white with a red hue, and her lion body and tail fur were a rusted brown, her eyes were the same cat like yellow, and her wings were a white with red splotches: "Oh please Mali, please be okay." Gilda pleaded for Mali to heal.

Over to Zirconis, he was healing Rainbow's wing which wasn't broken, and only several gashes on it. The only thing broken was the tree behing her which had a huge crack in it. Zirconis kneeled down next to her and hovered his claws over the gashes and they started to glow a faint green. Zirconis was using healing magic.

Over at the fight, Tyrrios was being crushed under Quill who was thrashing around trying to pin his former master to the ground. Tyrrios then saw an opening and threw Quill off of him by kicking him in the chest. Quill let out a grunt of pain as he stumbled back with a smile. Slowly Tyrrios rose and looked at his former student with rage, which Quill returned with a glare of pure hatred.

"So... I see you've returned my pupil." Tyrrios remarked.

"Fuck off, you bastard. Why the hell were you after Rainbow Dash?" Quill asked.

"If you want that answer you'll have to beat it out of me." Tyrrios snarked.

Quill clenched his teeth and tightened his fists. Memories of what Tyrrios had done to him, of what he had taken from him. Memories of how he took his family. If you say so... WE'LL BE HAPPY TO OBLIGE!!!! Quill, and Acnologia's voice roared in their mind, as Quill's Apocalypse Magic roared to life, and engulfed both his fists as his eyes glowed red, and his markings burned bright.

Quill let out a growl before something odd happened... His hair grew exponentially and his long messy and bushy hair returned to its original look. Quill and Acnologia bellowed out a brutal roar that could be heard for miles.

(Go to 3:59 on the song please. It'll be better in my opinion, but you don't have to.)

Tyrrios cackled maniacally before his claws radiated a seemingly impossible amount of Lava Magic, and his corrupted golden eyes glowed with the same brilliance as Quill and Acnologia's. The two faced each other before they both leaped at one another. Quill raised his right arm and jumped up above Tyrrios, and swung his right fist down. In response, Tyrrios looked up with a psychotic smile ever present on his draconic face. He leaped off the ground and swung his left fist up to meet and counter Quill's attack. When their attacks collided the resulting shockwave sent the camera flying back and the screen shot out into darkness.

As the music continued, Tyrrios' Lava Magic wheeled up into a circle on the right side of the screen, and on the opposite end, Time Magic imbued with Quill's Apocalypse Magic wheeled up into a circle as well. Then the two circles of magic collided causing these words to appear:


Next Up: Tyrrios VS Acnori Quill: Lava VS Time

Author's Note:

Here we go everyone. My longest chapter so far. Sorry for not getting it out earlier, but my mind was just going haywire. To clear things up, I have made Acnori Quill the Time Dragon Slayer. Acnologia is the Magic Dragon Slayer. Together they are the Apocalypse Dragon Slayer. And just for clarification, this is how you pronounce Tyrrios' name: Tear-Ree-Os. Now I don't want to give anything else away so in the meantime, I bid you all Adue~