• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,578 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 6 Crossover Chapter

An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 6

Quill’s Luna’s POV

My sister and I sat with Ed’s Tia and Luna watching over Zirconis and Spike’s training as they took on Es in a sparring session in the guard’s training area. I must say I’d never expected the young drake to out match a full grown dragon slayer like Zirconis but to also have no difficulty with Spike in this mock battle was surprising, and Es wasn’t even a specialized mage like the other two were. He was an alchemical engineer instead. If he was able to fight on this level with ease I could only wonder how strong he really was when he got serious. How strong were all of the others that Edward had trained and what kind of a hell did he put them through to raise their strength so much. My thoughts immediately shot too Quill and the torturous training he must be going through at Edward’s hands at this time, and currently at half the power he had.

“I know that look, all too well,” I heard the other Luna say as she sat down next to me. “You're worried about Quill and that Ed is pushing him too hard.”

“Well, I have to be worried. I really can’t help it.” I let out a loose sigh as I continue to wonder about how Quill is. “Also I forgot to ask, was he okay after I impaled him with his Nergal Reaver? I did put a hole through his stomach after all.” I wondered.

“He’s fine dear,” I heard the other Celesta say. “Ed wouldn’t be training him if he wasn’t sure he’d be healed up enough to handle it. Oh, incoming.” Zirconis came flying at us and Celestia used her magic to catch him then sit him on the ground. “How are you enjoying the match with my son Zirconis?”

“He is a challenge to say the least!” Zirconis chuckled with a smile. “It’s been all too long since I’ve had any type of training or fighting especially using my magic spells! It's got me all riled up and I haven’t felt like this in a very long time! Now if you wouldn’t mind tossing me back into the fight?” He told us.

“Do be careful and make sure he doesn't use his alchemy,” Ed’s Celestia warned as she teleported Zirconis back in the ring. “I don’t want another miss like last he trained a few guards.” in a flash the Jade Dragon Slayer was gone.

“Is Es really that strong with his alchemy?” My sister asked as she trotted over.

“Unfortunately he’s a natural when it comes to alchemy,” Ed’s Celestia placed a hand over her eyes. “And combat. Ed created a bit of a monster as it were, if it wasn’t for his all around peaceful nature then he would be a much more of a handful.”

“Takes after his mother in many aspects,” Ed’s Luna giggleed before her gaze shifted to the children playing in the distance and I saw her get a playful grin. “So, do you and Quill plan on having children?”

I sputtered and choked on air in a comical fashion before regaining my composure somewhat and looking away with a massive blush as heat ran up my face. “I-I-I-I… W-Well, I-I certainly have thought about it but w-w-we’ve only started our relationship recently a-and I don’t think that Quill or I for that matter have had so much time to think about that aspect of our life.” I said hastily before looking down slightly and mumbling. “B-But it’s not like I’m not opposed to the idea.”

“You can fool us dear, you're head over hooves for him,” Ed’s Celestia giggled. “Why else would you impale the man you love with his own sword after doing something stupid. Children will only deepen your love for one another. I hope Ed has a few children with me like he did with Luna.”

I smile softly at the thought of Quill and I having kids and I remember that Quill already adopted Serena so that would mean… I technically already have a son, but I’m not sure Serena thinks of me as his mother or not. Though if I just randomly ask Serena if he thought I was his mother he’d probably react just like Quill would if I asked him if he wanted to have a child with me. It would likely be amusing to watch him struggle to comprehend what I asked him. It’s a nice and warm thought, having a family with the person I most deeply love.

“What about you Celestia,” Ed’s Celestia’s attention turned to my sister. “Is there anyone you have your eyes on back home?”

“Hmm… No, not that I can say yet.” My sister responded with a nostalgic smile. “But what about Serena and Acno? Did you see how they reacted when they fell into each other?” My sister giggled.

“I can’t say that I’m not for young love seeing as I was the same age when I first fell in love with Ed but it would be sort of...awkward don’t you think,” Ed’s Celestia said as she scratched her head. “She is his aunt after all.”

“I mean technically they aren’t related. And from what Quill’s told me about this thing called fanfiction which he sometimes rants about, there are stories out there in which this happens a lot.” My sister shrugged. “Plus, remember… Serena is technically an adult who was reverted back into a child and Acno is mentally an adult in a female child’s body so… Still though, if you ignore all the technicality stuff, they do seem pretty cute together don’t you think?”

“Like we have room to speak Tia,” Ed’s Luna spoke up. “Polearm is technically mine and Ed’s grandson and he is dating Twilight who is technically our niece through Shining Armor and Cadence.”

“You've got me there sister,” Celestia nodded. “They do look good together. Fireball incoming.”

“I’m on it,” Ed’s Luna said as she raised a shield deflecting a crimson ball of flames back into the ring. “They really are trying, Oh, that one had to sting,” We all saw Zirconis rubbing his charred butt.

“Yup, that’s gotta hurt.” I agreed cringing slightly.

“Spike don’t you da-” Ed’s Celestia started to say but was interrupted by a crackle and sudden flash. “Too late,” she shook her head. And then Spike and Zironis were both thrown from the ring landing upside down on their backs, eyes spinning. “And that’s the match.” Ed’s Celestia hid her eyes with her hand.

“I agree,” We heard from behind us. We turned our heads to see Mavis floating in the air with a spear next to her.

“Oh, hello there Mavis! What do you have there?” I asked looking at the spear.

“Oh, yeah. That’s the Spirit Spear Zera. Also I should mention that I’m now the Fairy Queen.” Mavis giggled with her usual happiness.

“Really?! That’s wonderful!” I replied with my own giggle. “So how did Zeref react?” I asked.

“He couldn’t comprehend it for about a solid couple of minutes.” She laughed while sitting on the spear like a tree branch.

“Friendly!” We heard as Solar Eclipse fluttered and pawed at the spear. “She like Mavis, nice tree.”

“Solar that’s very rude.” Ed’s Luna said as she grabbed her son with her magic and pulled him into her arms. “I’m sorry Mavis, Solar is shy but not one for boundaries when he senses a kind soul or something of a similar nature.”

“Everything is spinning.” We heard from behind us.

“Yes back to you dear, sorry for Solar.” Ed’s Celestia said with a soft tone.

“Hey Mavis, nice spear.” Es said as he joined us. “Why’s everyone staring at me like I just dropped their favorite snack on the ground.”

“Well for one, you pretty much destroyed Zirconis and Spike’s equilibrium as I’m pretty sure they can’t see correctly right now.” I told him pointing to the two dragons who still haven’t gotten up.

“Not my fault the old man can’t take a punch.” Es crossed his arms. “And Spike said he could handle the next few levels. He wanted to gauge his strength since his training and he’s better but still nowhere near where he needs to be to even face off with the old dude.”

“Well remember, Zirconis isn’t quite used to fighting in his human form that well. Plus he did tell us that it's been a while since he’s last fought anyone.” I reminded him.

“It matters not as they’re the ones who wanted to spar and I was the only one in the area,” Es remarked. “They wanted a test so I gave them one.”

“You definitely got Ed’s outlook when it comes to training someone, even if you were holding back a good portion of your strength.” Ed’s Celestia said, shaking her head.

“Jeez… You pack a punch Es.” Zirconis said getting up and rubbing his head. “But that was pretty exhilarating to finally spar with someone after all this time.” He chuckled with a grin.

“It was fun to fight someone outside Pole, Ed and Shining for once,” Es laughed. “But you need to seriously work on your agility and dexterity. You can just power through everything like you used to when you were just a big ass dragon. Your body is much softer now meaning you’ll take more damage, especially from someone of some race as we are. Maybe try and develop some redirection moves that turns the opponent's power back on them.”

“Fair point but I also discovered something intriguing while experimenting with some other things.” Zirconis said, rolling up his sleeve and focusing his magic. Slowly, emerald green scales just like the ones in his dragon form rolled onto his arm. “I’m still a dragon and I can access my draconic form but my scales have condensed and show the appearance of flesh. My clothes are also my scales too, remember? So that means I have a bit more deffence against heavier hits than most other humans.” Zirconis then rolled his sleeve down and made his arm’s scales go back to their fleshy appearance.

“Seems everyone is bulking up.” came a voice from behind Mavis. We turned to see Ed, a clone anyways. “How’s Zera handling Fairy Queen?”

“I’d say she’s good!” Mavis giggled.

“Good to hear.” He smiled and turned to the rest of us. “How’s everyone else besides the severely bruised Dragon Slayers?”

“I think we’re all doing well.” I told him.

“Good, I came to see how Acno is doing in particular.” Ed looked at the young girl. “But it looks like she’s fine. So what are you guys going to do?’

“Not too sure. I’m probably going to just wander a bit and keep an eye on Serena and the other kids.” I answered while my sister only shrugged.

“How about some lunch?” Ed clone smirked.

“I could go for something.” My sister said with a smile.

“Yeah, I’m feeling a bit hungry as well.” I agreed.

“Then how about we all go out to Ponyville for Lunch?” He suggested.

“I’m fine with that, should I go ask the kids?” I asked Ed with a small smile.

“I don’t think they’ll object to sugary treats,” Ed smiled as patted Solar on the head. “But by all means do as you see fit princesses. But while there you can leave the looking after of the little ones to the others here, I know you want to ask me something personal.” Edward snapped his fingers and we were all transported to the center of Ponyville next to the town’s water fountain. “Alright everyone, let’s go get some food.” he pointed in the direction of Sugarcube Corner.

“Yes, let's.” My sister said with a smile.

“Acno, Serena, Star, come along now,” Ed’s Luna called to the children she set Solar on the ground. “Time to get something to snack on little ones.” The children all ran up on either side of my sister.

“COOKIES!” Mavis shouted as she flew up above everyone with her arms outstretched.

“I hope she doesn’t go overboard again,” I winced slightly.

“If worst comes to worst I can always put her in a bubble.” Ed chuckled as we entered the bakery. “Where shall we sit?” Ed rubbed his chin. “I think over there would work best.” he pointed to a large table in the corner of the bakery. “Good morning cake Family.”

“Good morning Prince Edward.” Mrs. Cake waved at him. “Large group today. The usual for you?”

“No thank you dear but get everyone else whatever they want, but limit the blonde girl to two giant cookies.” Ed said as Mavis puffed her cheek at the alchemist. “I don’t need my town or palace torn apart by a highly volatile person with the disposition of a child. That’s Pinkie's Job.”

“Yes siroonie!” Said the party planner from the kitchen.

“And you’ve gone through a decent power up after getting Zera and becoming a true fairy Mavis.” Ed crossed his arms then crossed his arms then sat down and turned to me. “What’s on your mind Princess Luna?”

“I’m just worried about Quill and how hard you're pushing him.” I answered in honesty with a sigh.

“No more than what is necessary Princess. I can guarantee that Quill is doing his best and not doing anything stupid.” Ed said, placing a hand on my shoulder. “But,” He leaned back in his chair. “Saying that I’m not going easy on him either. Quill lost a significant portion of his power after he and Acno separated, even some of the Elder dragon’s powers were passed on to his little sister. With the power he has now he wouldn’t last five minutes with a Void Eater. By the time he gets out of the Chamber he’ll be closer to where he was but still not as strong as he’d been before the separation. If you want to check on him feel free to ask any of the clones around the palace to take you into the lab. Let me ask you this though, do you want to get strong so you can help him and not be protected all the time?”

“Well… Yes, I do. I just can’t stand the thought of not being able to help Quill when he needs it the most.” I sighed with a small grin while thinking of Quill.

“Have you been to my Luna’s Library yet?” Ed asked as he interlaced his fingers.

“No, I have not.” I say looking at his Luna with a raised brow.

“That’s a surprise.” Ed looked at me a little startled. “Are you aware that in this world that Dark Magic is a full-on course at the schools here?”

“I knew that because of my Twilight and Shining Armor but the two of them forgot to mention the Library. Probably because they were still ranting about the irremovable shield Shining has come into possession of.” I sighed with a chuckle.

“Ah yes.” Ed said as he stroked his chin again. “The Dragonic Cursed Shield of the Shield Hero. While I will say it’s a powerful artifact for both attack and defence you should all be wary of it as a whole. It uses the hatred of the wielder and the beasts that the user puts into the crystal to strengthen and unlock more forms to grow stronger. The more the shield takens in the more powerful it becomes but so does the hate inside it. A shield with a dual edged blade.” Ed said darkly. “If Shining can unlock other forms of the shield other than the Dark Shield I recommend he does so or risks losing himself to rage. Back to you though, would you like to train? Both you and your sister?”

“Yes, I would like to train.” I tell him with a smile.

“Sure.” My sister said with a smile also. “It’d be best now that we know of such dangers such as the Void Eaters in our world.” She said with a huff.

“Good choice.” Ed said with a warm hearted tone. “Next questions, what do you want to learn? Are you against learning Dark Magic?” He looked at my sister. “And are prepared to undergo harsh training to master the skills I can teach you? Can you put up with me being an ass and my strange methods of teaching even if they seem unnecessary?” He got to his feets and activated a display similar to the ones in his lab but it was clear that this one was made of magic. On it was a list of many things that I assume were his abilities that he was willing to teach. “I’ll teach you anything from this list except Necromancy. Take a look?”

Looking at the list my sister and I were extremely impressed. One man, albeit immortal and older that anyone we know besides Quill and ourselves had learned and can teach this much magic? Wow, kinda scary but also very, well as Quill would put it, neat. I then remembered that Quill and Edward had said something about this thing called Aura and Semblance. It seemed incredibly useful and I’d be interested in seeing if I could use that. Keeping that in mind my sister looked at the list and I saw some recognition in her eyes as she kept looking, and it seems she’s found something that interests her. I look a little more at the list before nodding slightly, satisfied with what I wanted to learn.

“Well you two,” Ed leaned down to us. “Do you both know what you want to learn?”

“Yes I believe so.” I told Ed.

Ed held his hands out in front of my sister and I as two more displays appeared in front of use with quills next to them. “If you’d please write them down so I can take a look to see what you’ve chosen in order to know what needs to be done to give you the powers and the best training methods to use for you two so you can get a bet of practice in.”

“Alright, but first can I ask you something?” I asked Ed while picking the quill up with my magic.

“Go ahead Princess,”Ed said as he querched an eyebrow.

“A while ago I heard you and Quill discussing something about aura and this thing called a Semblance. What are they and if you don’t mind could I learn them?” I asked the living Philosopher Stone.

“Hmmm…” he thought as he closed his eyes and then looked at me. “Aura in simple terms is the manifest of one’s soul as a form of protective energy around their wielder’s body. It’s mainly for defense but can be used offensively if the user knows who to channel their aura correctly and even heal others if you learn how to channel and amplify the arua of another’s body. A semblance is a unique power to one individual, usually as a representation of someone’s personality or something along the lines of a nature they express. Mine is a shadow army of multiple copies of myself acting independently of me. Originally, it was a manifestation of how the souls in my body want their own bodies.” Ed explained his power to us. “Back to you though, I can unlock your aura and by some extension your semblance but in order to make your semblance manifest you’ll have to figure that out on your own as it manifests in a number of ways. I can help train you in aura manipulation depending on what you want to use it for, attack or defense. Another thing you must realize is that aura is not an unlimited resource you can call upon at any given time, it depends on yourself or the person or opponent in front of you. Like anything it can only be used so much before it’s exhausted and you are as well. You can die from exerting too much as it is still a manifestation of your soul. The same rules apply to your semblance as well as it is fueled by the aura. Knowing all this, do you still want to proceed, princess?”

After thinking about what he’s told me for a few seconds I look back up and with a determined smile I tell him: “Yes, I do.”

Ed held up his left hand,” I’m going to touch your shoulder and recite a certain phrase while using my own aura to touch your own and draw it to the surface, just relax and let your mind go blank,” he placed his hand on my shoulder. "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee." I felt a warmth wash over my body as I then felt Ed’s hand leave my shoulder. “How do you feel?”

“I feel… Different in a word.” I say with a giggle at the plain way of saying it. “It feels like a strange warmth in my inner being that’s new but also incredibly familiar.” I tell him while looking at my hooves and wings.

“You can feel arua fairly easily but not see, usually it only when someone takes damage to the field around their body does the color of the user’s aura manifest.” Ed explained holding his left hand up. “And even then it’s only for a brief period of time, eventually you can condense that field down directly onto your skin turning it into a form of armor coating.” He arm lit up for a moment and then it looked as if it were coated in a black metal with reddish sheen. “This is called Haki. It is the highest defense form your aura can take and there is really only one way to bypass it. That was Soul Wave Attack also called Soul Force, an aura attack that uses the aura and projects it outward into another's body. It does internal damage bypassing every defense the target has, not even a shield block works as the attack would simply travel through it.” Edward told us as he let his arm fall to his side. “You have the means and I have the know how but the road you’ve chosen is an extremely difficult one and takes much mental and physical training to get even the basics down. Even masters of Aura are still learning new skills with it, but that’s for another time, for now your focus is activation and application in combat.” I nodded my head eager to start. “Now what about you Celestia? What have you chosen?” Ed propped his head on his metal arm as he turned to my sister.

“I think I’d be interested in this magic called Solar Magic. It seems right up my alley.” My sister told Ed with a smile.

“Why would you want something you already have?” Ed remarked as he raised an eyebrow. My sister looked from me back to Ed in utter confusion. “That look explains it all. All Celestia’s are Solar Mages from birth, how else can you explain how you move the sun but at the same time none of you use your full power and know how to unleash your full power by exploiting your connection to the sun. Did you both know your true power actually causes you to undergo a transformation similar to that of when Luna became Nightmare Moon?”

“… I did not know that.” My sister told him. “Since I already know Solar Magic, I guess I could use more practice with it, seeing as I’ve never really reached its full potential before.”

“Once you fully invoke your power you’ll gain what Tia calls a solar form. But be warned that you are highly susceptible to burning your own body when you invoke this power.” Ed explained. “It’s something that takes many years to master. Tia can only maintain hers for a little while. If she were to practice she could stay in it for a day with no battles going on.” He looked at his partner then to my sister. “I have a special type of magic that would suit your personality to a T.” He pointed at Celestia.

“Oh? What is it?” My sister asked with a smile.

“It is a magical power that throws enemies’ attacks right back at them with a flick of whatever is in your hand,” Ed said. “It’s called Full Counter. It works with magic attacks and physical attacks.”

“That actually seems very useful in many situations and it does seem like it fits my sister well.” I giggled.

“It would seem the others have finished their snacks.” Ed looked behind us to his family with Serena and Acno. “I’m going to take these two to the Library for some training. You guys head on back to the castle.”

“Be careful with them Ed.” Ed’s Celestia got on to the alchemist.

“Bye bye daddy!” the twins said in unison.

“God I love my kids.” Ed sighed as he placed his hand over his heart and turned back to us and pulled a black key from his pocket. “Alright,” He snapped and a mirror appeared in front of us and Ed placed the key against the mirror causing it to ripple like water. “Ladies, if you would please step through the mirror please. Will then start your training.” He motioned to the mirror.

My sister and I both looked at one another puzzled but did as we were asked and stepped through the mirror. It felt strange, like stepping through heavily watered down sand at a beach.We then came out into a long dark hallway that was lined with silver burning torches. We followed the hallway until we came into an expansive dimly lit tower filled to the brim with bookshelves.

“Welcome to the collective knowledge of Dark Magic of my Equestria.” Ed said as he came out of the hallway behind us. “This place was once a part of Luna’s Dark Arts School but Starswirl and I moved it in between the worlds to keep it’s more dangerous knowledge from those who seek to do evil.” He holds the key out to us. “This is for you two. No matter what world you are in, I simply use this key on a mirror and it turns into a portal here. There is a training area and that’s the main reason we’re here. Follow me.” He grinned, as he motioned towards us. And thus Ceelstia and I began our studies under Edward’s guidance.

Quill’s POV

I swiftly raise my right arm to block a heavy attack from Ed and I angle myself so that the fist brushes past my arm. I grunt as I struggle to stand my ground, the continuous and constant hours of training taking wear on my stamina as I’ve had no breaks as of thus far. Panting as the attack finally leaves the pressure of my arm, I throw my Nergigante arm’s fist directly into the underside of Ed’s ribcage before dodging another punch from Ed as he tries to get my neck, the hit just barely missing my skin.

Leaping back a foot or two I take a small breath before gasping as Ed’s mechanical foot went straight into my stomach, Sparta style. My eyes went wide as the wind was knocked completely out of me. The marking which formed from the hole in my stomach dimly glowed and it took a bit of the blow but only a very, very small portion of it as I coughed up a small amount of spit and blood and went flying backwards, tumbling and hitting the ground. After stopping by digging my right hand into the ground, I looked back up and wiped the blood off my chin. Taking a few deep breaths I ripped my hand out of the ground and took off towards Ed once more before reeling back my Elder Draconic arm and plummeting it straight into the side of Ed’s neck, aiming for the pressure point.

“What good will that do?” Ed smirked as he flicked me on my head, sending me flipping back. “What do you do when your opponent doesn’t have a central nervous system to exploit?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I replied with a strained smirk through the bruising that laid on my skin and in between heavy pants of air. “But it does get me closer to you, that’s all.” I replied before using my sheer willpower and growing metallic spines which were sent drilling into Ed’s hand from my knuckles and tearing my hand out of his grasp.

I then backflip my foot into Ed’s chin which staggers him momentarily and upon landing on the ground, I charge at him and send my own kick straight into the middle of his chest, sending him flying back a few meters, allowing me to gain a small breather before I have to instinctively block a strong ass kick with my left arm, as the force of the kick dents my metallic spines and causes some of my hardened spines to fly off. I look at Ed’s face and smirk lightly as he looks at me with his own malicious smirk. The two of us then go back at it, trading blows and training like hell.

“I’m impressed, Quill… but,” Ed said as he jump-flipped back and landed, sending a small cloud of dust up. He then threw his hand up and I felt something around my throat as I was lifted into the air. “You're still nowhere near the power level you need to scratch me.” He used his free hand to push me back. “Sucks when an opponent doesn’t play fair, doesn’t it?” He smirked as I landed with a thud, facing away from Ed.

“Goddamned force powers.” I mumbled before feeling my metallic scales loosen up.

Taking a deep breath, I then snap my body around and my spines shoot off my arm, to which Ed knocks them out of the air effortlessly. Taking this chance as he was distracted, I will my body to go to its fullest and I seemingly vanish out of the air before reappearing behind Ed and sending a new pair of metal spines straight into his side before roundhouse kicking the same side which now has three metal spines jutting out of it which digs the spines deeper into his body and sends him tumbling for only a few feet before he lands and stands back up. He looks at me with a shit eating smile and tears the three spines out of his side as the wounds almost immediately close, leaving no trace of blood.

“Metal pierces flesh easily,” Ed chuckled as he held his arm up and flexed his fingers as red sparks began to crackle. Soon his entire body was covered in the Ultimate Shield of Greed. “But black carbon beats steel. And so does,” He reeled back slightly and threw his hands forward and sent red lightning directly into my spines. “UNLIMITED POWER!”

“Oooohhhh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuck….” I said, extending those two words as my body aches immensely. Popping my neck I let out a sigh loosely. “Welp, let’s hope for the best.” I tell myself before I look at my Elder Draconic arm which is scratched up with fresh pink scars.

It then glows with an orange light and I hear a lot of cursing coming from both Null and Ruiner as the fresh scars are quickly patched up and a new layer of hardened scales grow over the old ones, giving my arm a new and extremely hard casing. I swiftly look back up just in time to avoid a punch thrown by Ed whose body emits a red lightning-like current which runs past the side of my face as small and harmless streams of the crimson electricity dance on my cheek. Honestly it looked like what happened when Bakugo avoided Izuku’s Full Cowl kick when they fought to become rivals. As I avoid the punch I send my right fist directly into Ed’s chest only to feel my fist hit something which wasn’t flesh or bone. Though I did feel something crack in my hand as I cringed from the pain that shot up my wrist before Ed sent his own fist straight into my chest. That definitely and probably cracked a rib as I felt a sharp pain shoot up my chest and I was sent flying backwards. I landed on the ground with a thud and coughed up a small bit of blood before thinking to myself. Fucking hell… this hurts. I thought before forcing my body up and facing Edward once more.

“Shattered your hand with that last blow.” Ed evilly grinned at me. “And let me ask you this Quill.” He said crossing his fingers making hand signs, Oh Fuck… I thought in knowledge of what those signs were for. Oh, how I simultaneously love and absolutely fucking hate that anime. I thought with an internal sigh as Ed shouted: “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Suddenly an army of Eds stood in front of me with a poof of gray smoke. “Ready to get kicked in the dick?” They shouted in unison, all wearing devilish smiles on their faces.

“Kuso ttare.” I growled in Japanese as I covered my dick. “This is going to fucking suck.” I grumbled before taking a very deep breath and sucking magic particles out of the air. Feeling my magic replenish nearly half way, I let out a small huff before my markings glow dimly. “Let’s get this bullshit over with.” I grumbled before holding my hands up in a boxing stance and bracing myself for the hell that I’m about to go through.

“Wood Style,” One of the Ed’s said. “Devouring Bind.” Capable like vines sprang from the ground and wrapped themselves around me. I tried to escape but the plants were too fast and I was very much spent. Eventually, the vines got me and drained my body of its magic. “This is gonna hurt you, very much.” One of the Eds chuckled as they all looked at me with snide smirks.

“KUSO BAKAGETA!!!!!” Null, Ruiner and I roared in absolute annoyance as we all screamed ‘fucking bullshit’ in Japanese and my eye twitched in complete agony of what was about to happen.

Quill's Rainbow Dash's POV

I laid down on a picnic blanket next to Fluttershy and Twilight as well as Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack as we chuckled about what had happened to Quill during his first few days in our world.

"I still can't believe that he slept for that many days straight. Was he in a mini hibernation state or something?" Fluttershy asked with a small giggle.

“Girls?” I said softly.

“Maybe he just needed a bit of a rest Shy.” AJ answered Fluttershy’s question with a head tilt. “Ah mean, he did make a big ol’ crater with that attack and all.”

Twilight had her nose buried in a book, as usual. “I agree with Applejack.” She said, turning a page. “I know I’d be pretty tired if I expelled that much magic. Geez, the magic they have here makes ours look like a pebble in a stream, especially the Dark Magic. Who would’ve known that Princess Luna’s was a type of Dark Magic too.”

“Girls.” I said a bit louder.

“I find the methods that Es and Ed’s Rarity use to make the clothes here absolutely fascinating and extremely fashionable.” Rarity clapped her hooves together. “I would love to learn how to make gem thread for my own clothing lines!”

“You’d have to talk to Ed or Es about learning how to do that.” Twilight said as she flipped another page of her book with her magic. “Apparently it’s done through a specialized branch of Alchemy that Ed developed thousands of years ago. Only he, Es, and the pony who runs the shop down in Ponyville know how to use it.”

“Thank you for that information darling,” Rarity smiled at the book pony.

“Girls!” I said in a more audible tone.

“Don’t mumble Dash,” AJ got on to me.

“I’d like to learn some stuff to help me with surprises and parties,” Pinkie giggled. “But Ed is being a stick in the mud and won’t let me in his lab. I tried to use my shortcuts to get in but it didn’t work.” She held hoof up motioning in circles. “So I went to Ed’s Pinkie but still no luck. Not even she can get past Ed’s sneakiness, even with his training.” She pouted and placed her head on her hoof.

“I Ed said something about different healing techniques,” Fluttershy tapped her chin. “I wonder if any could help my animal friends?”

“Um, girls!” I yelled a little louder, getting their attention. “Why don’t we go to our counterparts and ask them to train us or at least see if we can help them with anything?” I suggested with a smile.

“You think they’d be open to that idea Dash?” AJ looked at me sideways. “Outside the occasional trip into Ponyville none of us have really spent time with our other selves except Spike, and Rarity a bit. Pinkie no offense but you just you and not even gonna go down that trail.”

“Okie dokie,” Pinkie saluted.

“Hey, I mean it's an idea. Plus, they could help us be more ready for threats that the Elements themselves can’t take down alone. Also… the effects of the Husk Virus are still leaving me with nightmares and ghost pains, my wing also still’s a bit sore from when Tyrrios got me.” I explained to them, holding and smoothing out the feathers in my right wing. “I don’t really want what happened to me to happen to anypony else so I think it’d be best to get some proper training in. I mean, I may be a black belt in karate but I still need training.” I told them, swallowing my pride which had been damaged from the Husk Virus and Tyrrios.

“I’m with Rainbow on this one girls,” Everpony looked at Twi who’d set her book down. “While I've been here I’ve been learning all I could about Dark Magic and have even taken lessons from Ed’s Princesses, even the person called Chrissy helped me a few times.” She took in a deep breath and looked at all of us. “Back to what Rainbow said. There are going to times when we can’t rely on the Elements of Harmony. I’d rather be prepared for that then not. The Elements on target evil after all, and what if somepony comes along that isn’t actually evil and is doing what they think is right, even if they're against Equestria. We’d be defenseless.”

“Our little Spikey Wikey is doing what he can to get strong,” Rarity added. “Did you see him after he came out of the Time Chamber with Es. The dear isn’t chubby anymore. He even has Dragon Slayer magic Like Quill, Serena, and Zirconis.”

“I’m not good at fighting as you all know but I’d like to do what I can too.” Fluttershy said as she rubbed her left foreleg. “Even if it means putting up with violence.”

“Also, we might have to research our world’s elements a lot more due to the new information of the Elder Dragons being the ones who supposedly created the elements or something.” I reminded them.

“That you should,” we heard from behind us. We turned our heads to see Chrissy standing nearby. “You six look like you’ve put a lot of thoughts out in the open. May I ask what they’re about?”

“Well, we were discussing whether or not to go to our counterparts in this world and ask them to help us train so we’d be better prepared for threats in our world that the Elements of Harmony can’t handle.” I told Chrissy.

“Makes sense,” Chrissy crossed her arms. “You six definitely should follow through with that plan. There are threats out there that the Elements can’t solve. Ed’s a perfect example of this. Once he was killed by the Elements in this world but soon he came back and they no longer work on him here or in any other world.”

“Yeah, and also we wanted to go and maybe ask out Celestia and Luna about our Elements’ past because of the Elder Dragons being nowhere in Twi’s books about the Elements.” Pinkie added.

“Makes sense to hide their origins to keep the Elements themselves secret, if not to keep their creators legacy secret, a legacy and a legend.” Chrisssy closed her eyes.

“Ah’m afraid Ah don’t quite follow your logic there sugarcube.” AJ said as she scratched her head.

“She’s saying what better way to hide something than in myths and legends about them and their creators dear.” Rarity explained.

“That seems like a good idea but… what good is it going to do when the creator of my Element, Loyalty is lying dormant under Canterlot Castle? I mean, sooner or later someone’s going to find him and do something.” I shrugged.

“Don’t forget how powerful the Elder Dragons are Rainbow.” Twi interjected. “I’m sure they wouldn’t just leave their bodies unguarded. Surely they at least put up some type of seal or protective enchantments around themselves, right?” She turned to Chrissy.

“I have no clue.” Chrissy shrugged. “I know that’s what I would do, but I’m not from your world. If I were you six I’d focus more on that training idea while you're in a land with powerful allies that can help you, they even have experience in the situation that you six were talking about. Now I’m afraid I must go and have a good day.” she bowed and then walked off.

“I get the sense she’s hiding something’ from us,” AJ squinted at Chrissy as she left. “I know she’s telling’ the truth but at the same time she’s hiding’ stuff. I don’t like it.”

“Hey, she’s been good to us this far and plus, she’s in charge of watching Serena and the other kids so she’s trustworthy. And it’s not like Quill, Mavis, Zeref, Serena or Zirconis don’t have their own secrets that they’re keeping from us.” I reminded AJ with a chuckle.

“Rainbow does bring up a good point AJ.” Fluttshy said softly.

“That she does,” we heard from behind a tree. Ed then stepped out from behind the tree, “We all have secrets and some are much darker than most. So, I heard you girls wanna level up?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be training Quill?” I asked, tilting my head.

“I am training Quill, or at least the real me is,” Ed said as he placed a hand on his chest. “I’m one of the many clones that Ed uses in the daily toils of his life. So I am Ed but not him at the same time.”

“Huh, that’s pretty neat.” I grinned.

“It comes in handy when I get behind in my duties here when I’m summoned by Displaced.” Ed explained. “On that subject though, now that you six have traversed the void you have your own Void Signature meaning you are on some level, Displaced. You can’t be summoned like Quill or me but you can summon others via using a token. Back to the main line of discussion though,” He sat down next to us. “What is it you girls want to learn? A specific magic or just to get stronger?”

“I was really just hoping to learn some more techniques for fighting and if possible, a bit of magic so I could be prepared when the Elements and us come across an enemy that they don’t work on. Plus, as I told the girls that Husk Virus and Tyrrios did a number on my pride.” I told Ed.

“Our pride is always hurt when we are completely broken down by someone stronger than us that completely destroys us without any resistance whatsoever Rainbow Dash,” Ed crossed his arms. “Don’t take what I am about to say as an insult, young pony, but it was a good thing your pride was wounded. It has been the downfall of many other versions of yourself in other worlds. Death in over half. You must learn when to swallow that pride at times lest it turn situations into more complex problems. If you take what I say seriously then you’ll be a much better pony for it, and others around you will take notice drawing in more to your cause. If you can swallow your pride and eat dirt as my Students did for three months in the course of a few days you can gain access to powers that the pegasi have long since forgotten in the form of weather magic. Do you accept?” He looked me dead in the eye as he said this.

“Yeah, I accept. I’ll take it.” I told him with determination.

“And what about the rest of you?” Ed looked at my friends one by one. “Know that the training my students went through was tailor made to them to help them strengthen them in the areas that they lacked, specifically for Dash it was made to help strengthen her resolve and to help her control her boastfulness. Can all you put up with hearing the truth about yourselves while also trying to strengthen your bodies and powers?”

“Well, heck. If Rainbow’s doin’ it I ain’t gonna leave her to do it on her own.” AJ told him with a large smile.

“That’s two down, technically three if you count the learning Twilight has been doing since she got here,” Ed looked at the others. “What about the rest of you?”

“Well, I certainly am not going to let my friends do all the hard work alone.” Rarity told Ed.

“Oh, it sounds so exciting, especially with all my friends!” Pinkie yelled with joy.

“Well, I don’t know how well I’ll do but I guess I’ll join.” Fluttershy answered shyly, but with a smile.

“How about I take you six out to where my girls trained?” Ed asked. “I can also bring the girls along since they’re ones who you wanted to train you.”

“Sure, I’m fine with that.” I told him while looking to the others who were nodding alongside me.

“Good, cause we're already here,” Ed smiled with a playful tone as he got to his feet. “This was a fort from around two thousand years ago that I fixed up and now use as a getaway slash training ground. It’s maintained by several stone Ed training golems I made for the girls and the elite guards that Shining and I trained. You’ll see them but pay them no mind as they have minimal artificial intelligence.” Ed turned and motioned for another group to come over. “Girls, you break off with your counterparts and put them through the Hell I put you six through, and don’t be afraid to call Quill’s group out on their faults.” The other us’ nodded and turned to us, a few had very mean looks on their faces. “Another clone will be by in about an hour, see ya.” he said with a smirk and then popped into a plum of white smoke.

“Everyone pair up with yourselves and start workin’.” Ed’s AJ called out. “That means get to it,” she walked over to AJ. “Howdy, what do ya wanna learn?”

“Hey other me.” Ed's me came over. “Ed just gave us a quick mental rundown of what you guys were talking about before he brought us here. He never actually explained what it is you wanted us to teach you guys so you’ll have to do a little explaining on what you want to learn, okay?”

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Our Pinkie Pie answered happily as she just bounced in place.

“I don’t really know what I can teach you that you haven’t covered in class or with Ed.” Ed’s Twilight looked at Twi while she crossed her arms. “I know!” she said, pounding her palm lightly with her opposite fist. Ed’s Twilight then drew some kind of a circle on the ground and then placed her hands on either side of it as a flash went off and there was a statue of Twilight sitting in a slight crater. “I can teach the bases of transmutation and alchemy along with how to augment your body with magic to make yourself strong, like earth ponies do naturally.”

“I’m going to follow Twilight's example but I’ll train you more in gemstone alchemy than normal alchemy.” Ed’s Rarity smiled. “I’m not as skilled as Ed and ES but I’ll do my best.”

“That’s fine with me!” Rarity girned with determination.

“What would you like to learn, other me?” Ed’s Fluttershy asked before getting sheepish. “That is if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Oh, sweet Celestia I know I expected her to be the same as our Flutters but not like this. It’s like an anthropomorphic carbon copy of ours.” I mumbled to myself, facehoofing while I was at it.

“According to Ed that’s how most of the Fluttershys are,” Ed’s me put a hand next to her mouth and whispered to me. “But our Shy is actually very open since Ed’s training. She just falls back on her natural speech patterns a lot. She can actually be very scary when not intending to be and I don’t mean her ‘Stare’ either.”

“Geez… well, the quiet ones are usually the scariest.” I mumbled in response.

“I’m more scared of what those two are up to.” Ed’s me looked in the opposite direction at the Pinkies. “They haven’t blinked once since they locked eyes with each other.” She then looked at me and asked. “What kind of training is a staring contest anyways?”

I then feel a shiver up my spine as both Pinkies answer in unison without looking at us. “Intense Pinkie training.” They both sneer as their staring intensifies.

“Yeah, not going near that,” I said, placing my arms in an X across my chest.

“I’m with you on that sister.” Ed’s me gave a thumbs up. “Besides,” she cracked her knuckles as a glow started to encompass her body and her hair started to shimmer. “We have our own training to get to. When I’m done with you, a Rainboom will be absolutely nothing to pull off in less than a second.” She asked, stretching her arms and legs out. “Ready?” The other Rainbow asked as she tensed her muscles up, bringing her fists up on either side of her as multicolored electricity sparked from her body.

“Let’s do this!” I smirked while slamming my hooves together.

The End of the Day

“How the hell are you so fast?” I huffed from my spot on the ground. “I can’t even come close to your base speed.”

“I had one bastard of a teacher who pushed me for at least a month straight.” The other me smirked. “Who wasn’t afraid to pull his punches and insults while we were going at it. I also had those things for sparring partners and punching bags.” She pointed to a passing Ed statue.

“Yes well,” We heard from off to the side and looked to see Ed. “At the time I made those guys I only had access to Arc of Embodiment and Alchemy. So they’re one of my crowning achievements, even by my own standards. So, how goes your training girls?”

“I’d say pretty well. Twi and her double are practicing Alchemy over there while the others are off doing their own thing.” I huffed, taking in a deep breath of air. “Our Pinkies however… yeah, I got nothing. I still don’t know what the hell they’re doing.” I sighed, looking over at the two Pinkies who’re still having their staring contest.

Ed looked at the pink duo. “Yes, well,” he scratched the back of his head. “Enough of that.” Ed snapped his fingers and a spark of electricity flowed from his finger to in between the Pinkies and suddenly a large rock popped up in between them forcing them backwards. “Now that that’s done, I've come to fetch you for dinner, or more like come to watch you fetch your own dinner.”

“How are we supposed to get dinner if we’re exhausted from training?” I growled with slight annoyance.

“It's part of the training.” Ed’s me explained as she pulled me to my hooves. “By using what you pick up from practice and immediately applying it in the field after you learned it, you reinforce your skills. Your tired body then adjusts to remember it better so you won’t be as tired next time you use it.”

“Yeah, that’ll take a lot of time but I don’t give up. Although, sometimes I do randomly get these pains and aches throughout my body… Phantom Pains, I believe is what it’s called. I’m not too sure but when I asked Quill about it, he explained to me that it was likely due to the fact that Tyrrios got me right under the main tendon of my wing and also I was infected by the Husk Virus for a small period of time. It could hinder that training process by a small bit but I’ll try to train as hard as I can.” I told Ed’s version of myself with a frown and sigh. “Though, it won’t keep me down for long.” I chuckled, regaining a confident smile.

“Part of your turning is knowing when to humble yourself Rainbow Dash.” Ed told me, placing a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. “You’ll face opponents as strong as Tyrrios and eventually even stronger ones than him. That’s why you’re going through this training right now, but it’s okay to lean on others a lot in times like this.” He rubbed my head and then looked to the setting sun. “I’ll give girls about an hour to find food, you can have help from my girls but only in the form of hints. The forest behind the fort is full of stuff to eat. Better get go or you’ll go hungry tonight.” Ed smirked as he jumped to the top of the forts wall.

“Well… this is gonna be tough.” I sighed to myself as I popped my neck. “Let’s hope I’m fit to fly by now.” I mumbled, spreading my wings and remembering what Ed and Quill told me about the Virus and how I’d be grounded for around a week or more.

I then crouched low onto the ground before flapping my wings down hard, taking off into the air with rapid speeds. I scrunched my right eye closed when my right wing flinched with a twinge of pain, likely feedback from that speedy takeoff.

“Bad move.” I heard from in front of me. I looked to see none other than Ed and before I knew it I was back on the ground next to my counterpart. “Doctor’s orders are no flying Dash, or do you want to lose your abilities to fly?”

“Sorry, thought it might’ve been over by now guess I got a bit antsy.” I chuckled with embarrassment, rubbing the back of my head slightly.

Suddenly I felt a chill run up my spine, causing my wings to snap closed freakishly fast, even for me. I was about to ask what it was when I eerily heard Quill’s voice whispering with an angered tone in my ear. “NO FLYING RAINBOW DASH!” I shook at the shrill scolding the eerie voice gave me as I snapped my head back only to find no one was behind me. I’ve seen a lot of shit but that was creepy, even I had to admit that.

“You should know that anything I see goes back to the real Ed whenever I go poof.” Ed smirked. “That means Quill will know too, but you should be worrying about hunting down your dinner and cooking it right now.” He explained as everyone else joined us. “No, flying will be permitted. You will learn to hunt by completely erasing your presence and aura’s both magically and spiritually. You six,” He looked to his versions of us. “Will be joining in the fun.”

“Wait just a cotton pickin minute!” AJ said in shock. “Why do they have to join us?”

“Cause we don’t have a choice. Ed is just as much our teacher right now as he is yours.” Ed’s Twi added. “And we barely know how to do any of the stuff he just said. It’s more black ops units like Princess Luna’s Shadowbolts than general guards.”

“But Ed taught us the basics.” the other me, smiled down towards me.

“Don’t smile just yet.” Ed scoffed as twelve suit of heavy armor appeared in front of us, six for each one of us. “You’re all going to wear these for the rest of the time here and the weight will gradually increase as time passes. Bounded Field!” Ed threw up a hand and an energy wave was sent out. “This will allow you to go through a similar training to Quill and maximize your time spent here in learning what I have to teach you. This field will suspend time here for at least three months but it will only be for the next two days, until it’s time for you six to return home.” he looked at me and my friends while saying this. “Hunting and foraging will be part of everyday tasks. After each meal you will train with new partners and multiple partners with one overseer. The number of sparring partners will change sporadically at any given time,especially during the fights. You will all be going through water training.”

“What’s that?” I asked, tilting my head.

“You will be swimming and doing your best to keep a float while wearing your armor. The only time you’ll be taking off the armor is to bathe, and you will be limited on that as well.” Ed said while pointing to the Rarity’s. “And I will have a system implemented to ensure this rule is adhered to.”

“Geez, this is gonna suck a lot. Isn’t it?” I asked, cringing at what Ed just told us while looking back at our counterparts for confirmation. To which I received several nods of confirmation. “Yikes, wonder how Quill is fairing off.” I wondered aloud before looking at Ed to see him grinning evilly.

“Much much worse than any of you ladies are or are going to be.” Ed commented. “Oh, and the Princesses are training hard to.”

“Wait, really?” I heard my world’s Twilight ask with slight shock.

“Very much much so.” Ed nodded. “Their training is going very well, it reminds me of when I mentored Tia and Luna as children and later on before the wars.” He reminisced with a soft hearted smile. “But their training is very different from the regiments you’re all going to be going through.” Ed pointed to us. “After the first month of average training we’ll move on to specialized training trailed to your individual strengths and weaknesses.”

“Bring it on, teach!” I heard the other me say.

“As you wish.” Ed smirked as he made a hand sign. “Particle Style, Body Fission!” The one Ed split into six more. “This clone has much more chakra than the average and can use fission to divide into more copies. Unlike the normal cloning my fission splits my power each time I use it. Once your all to the level you’ll need to be to land a hit on one of us then we move straight into hardcore weapons training to see what you can have from my Arsenal.”

One month later in the Bounded Field

“You girls have all made great progress.” One of the Ed’s said as they merged back together. “Not enough to make one of my fissions go poof but to land a blow on them is very impressive.”

“Quit sugar coating will ya!” I huffed in my armor trying to ignore the burning of all my muscles.

“Sugar where?!?!?” The Pinkie’s asked in unison.

“Not to sound pessimistic.” My Twilight cut in. “But we all know we’d never have lasted in a fight with this version of you even if it was just a clone. But to think a clone can still split itself into twelve identical copies and have its power cut in twelves and we still couldn’t beat you. Just how strong are you really?” Twi threw her front hooves in the air.

“It’s best ya not even ask that sugarcube.” Ed’s Aj came over and stroked Twi’s mane. “Cause ya won’t get a straight answer. Ed told us that he’s strong and some have said his power rivals that of some fella named Gilgamesh.”

“Who’s that?” My Fluttershy asked softly. She’d gained a lot of confidence thanks to Ed but still was soft spoken, as was Ed’s.

“He’s a Void Dweller, someone who was a Displaced but amassed enough power to evolve to our next stage of life.” Ed explained as he sat on a rock. “Eventually all Displaced become Void Dwellers in the long run. Void Dweller as Displaced they leave their home worlds and wander through the Void going wherever, whenever, and to whatever worlds they wish.”

“Kinda like you sugarcube.” My Aj pointed at Ed.

“I have the power to travel but I’m not a Dweller… yet.” Ed waved his hand in front of his face. “I have a certain bond with another Void Dweller that prevents me from becoming a Void Dweller.” Ed got up from his seat. “But enough about me, I’m here to help you girls out and I think these.” Six ripples appeared behind Ed and then something shot out and landed in front of me and my friends. “Will help you all out in the trying battles to come back to your world.”

“What on Equus was that?!” My Twilight yelled in shock.

I visibly recoiled from the beam of light that had struck down in front of me and I let out a gasp as I saw that it had formed a mini crater where it landed. The light coming from the object retracted to reveal a set of two silver and yellow gauntlets which seemed to have some sort of symbol in the middle of them.

“These are your personal weapons.” Ed crossed his arms. “These are just six of a set of forty eight unique weapons, though they’re much more powerful than the original versions.”

“OH MY GOSH!!!” My Pinkie cried out with gigantic eyes. “I GOT GIANT SCISSORS!” She hopped around with a pair of purple scissors with a panda on them.

“These are called Teigu, or Imperial Arms. Somewhat named for an emperor that had them made.” Ed pointed to me. “These are called Thunder God's Rage: Adramelech. They allow the user to directly control, generate, and fight with lightning without relying on magic. One important fact that all of you need to know about Teigu is that they put an incredible amount of strain physically and somewhat mentally to. Not just anyone can use one.” More ripples appeared behind Ed and he reached in with both arms to pull out two swords. One resembled a blue cutlass and the other wasa silver dual edged sword, they both looked as if they had eyes on them. “There are arms like this one.” he held up the silver sword. “That are still alive and change with each new wielder and evolves to better suit their wielders’ growing power but like the key, that is a dual edged sword because the wielder becomes a monster the more the weapon evolves also changing the wielder as it does. This one,” He held up the blue one. “Is similar but different that it is always in a stay of equilibrium and never gets stronger forcing the wielder to grow in strength by themselves.”

I looked over to Fluttershy who was petting a small white dog-like creature with small black eyes and two floppy brown ears. At this I decided to speak up, saying. “Though I guess there are literally living Imperial Arms like the dog-like one over there with Flutters?” I asked, turning my attention from the dog and Flutters back to the dual gauntlets which laid in front of me.

“Don’t get the wrong idea,” Ed placed a hand on my head. “It might seem like they’re completely conscious but Teigu are weapons through and through. Hekatonkheires, but better known as Koro, was made for combat, specifically to protect its master. The dog can grow to a massive size, grow arms, and has many rows of razor sharp teeth inside its body. Then it has its trump card, it goes ballistic and attacks anything that’s not its master.” He pointed at Rarity who was fooling around with a makeup kit of some kind. “There are those like Rarity’s that aren’t outright weapons though. Her’s is called Phantasmagoria: Gaea Foundation. It’s a makeup kit that let’s its user turn into anything they want and also gives it’s user insight into the opponent's memories. It’s more for spying and assaination type missions but it’s just as deadly as any of the others.”

“Oh, such a beautiful and useful Teigu with such a deadly purpose. I like this!” Rarity giggled sweetly as she looked over Gaea.

Looking over at Pinkie Pie, I saw that she was holding the massive pair of scissors like she did when she held them the first time, but unlike when she was squealing about them right now she was completely and unusually silent. Her head was also bowed down and her hair was somehow tied in a bun like she was at a funeral. It was honestly odd, even for Pinkie.

“Pinkie? Whatcha doin’ there?” My Aj asked with a slightly raised brow.

“Shh.” Pinkie shushed her, continuing to bow her head. A few seconds passed before she raised her head and looked sadly at the giant scissors. “I was having a moment of silence for the former wielder of Extase, Sheele. May she rest in peace.” The party pony sighed before looking back up into the sky, her mane poofed out like normal and she held a look of determination. “I shall honor your memory Sheele!” She yelled with enthusiasm.

“Um… I know you just said that Sheele was the former wielder of the scissors… Extase, was it darling? But… who is Sheele?” Rarity asked Pinkie Pie.

“Sheele was a member of an assassin’s guild called Night Raid and she was also the second to last wielder of the Teigu Cutter of Creation: Extase.” Ed said as he placed a hand on my friend’s shoulder. “A massive pair of scissors that can cut through even black diamond with such ease it would be as if nothing were there. The scissors can be wielded as a sword or as scissors and its trump card is that when its name is said it produces a blinding light to all but the wielder’s friends.” Pinkie looked at Ed. “She didn’t die in vain, little pony.”

“Well, what ‘bout this fella right here?” My Aj asked, holding up a semi-large yellow belt which held a large silver lion head figure on the middle of the belt. “He feels… powerful to say the least.” She mumbled.

The King Of Beasts Transformation: Lionelle.” Ed sat down and rubbed Pinkie’s head while she held onto Extase. “A belt gives its wielder the power of the King of Beats. It boosts everything from your animal instincts, sense of smell, to your strength. If pushed hard enough you can fuse with it and become the Teigu, but only for a short time as it puts a massive amount of strain on the user.”

“Why do I have a human?” Twi pointed to the tall blue guy behind her.

The Speed of Lightning, Susanoo, is another Biotype Teigu similar to Fluttershy's Hekatonkheires but he is not just for combat.” Ed got up and messed with Twi’s mane.

“Hey.” she growled and that’s when we noticed Susanoo immediately react and in a flash Twi’s mane was normal again.

“Fixed.” Susuanoo commented, which shocked us all.

“He’s also meant for general work like cooking and cleaning but he does have a bit OCD and is a perfectionist.” Ed held up his fingers. “He is capable of speech and many other things, but is a lot more vulnerable to breaking as his core is exposed unlike Koro’s.“ Ed pointed to the red thing on Susanoo’s chest. “It can be repaired if the user gives his or her life force to it. Like most Teigu he has a Trump card to where he goes into an assault mode called Magatama. He gains a lot of power but at the same time he solely focuses on attacking.”

“Oh, well. It’s nice to meet you Susanoo. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight introduced herself, holding her hoof out for a hoof shake, or in this case I guess it’d be a hoof-hand shake.

Susanoo immediately took Twi’s hoof and shook it, “It is a pleasure to meet you master.” Susanoo greeted her with a straight face.

“As touching as this is, we still have much to do.” Ed cutt in. “You six have a lot more training to do to master the basics of these weapons. I’m not a monster… most of the time, so you’ll be taking an hour or out of your days in order to get to know your weapons.” He crossed his arms as he explained. “These Teigu are a little more unique than the originals. They all have souls and once you get to know them you can unlock even more power from them.”

“Alright.” I mumbled with a small smirk, looking down at Adramelech which still laid in front of me as I ran my hoof over the symbols on the front of it delicately, like it was a pony or person. “Nice to meet Adramelech.” I muttered towards the pair of gauntlets.

“As fun as this is can we get back to training,” The other me said as she looked out of the corner of her eyes.

“You six are already far stronger than these six, and you don’t even need Teigu to unlock that power, so don’t get jealous.” Ed got on to his group. “But she is right,” He looked at us. “You need to get back to training.” Another Ed popped up. “And my replacement is here for that.” He said and then went poof.

“Let’s get to it then.” the new Ed slammed his fist into his palm.

It was at that moment when all my friends and I had one unified thought in our minds. This is definitely going to suck.

In The Time Chamber

Quill’s POV

“How ya feeling there sunshine?” Ed chuckled as I laid on the ground.

I was breathing heavily, almost labored as I could painfully feel my regeneration just barely kicking in to heal all my shattered, broken and fractured rib and other bones. I could hear the heavy breathing of both Null and Ruiner as I took in what amount of oxygen I could. The markings on my body flickering with diminishing energy as my magic barely held tight and what little of it I did have been spent as to not black out from the blinding amount of pain I was in. Christ this feels like when I tried Saitama’s workout back home on Earth. I thought weakly as laid flat on my back, limbs sprawled out on the ground as blood steamed off my arms, legs and chest. The blood that was steaming off me was that of Ed’s but a majority of the blood that stained my body was my own. I could faintly catch the hint and taste of iron in my mouth as I leaned my head slightly over to the side, spitting out a small blotch of blood.

After regaining some semblance of restoration in my bones and muscles, I weakly pushed myself up and caught a glance at what my Negigante arm was now reduced to. My left arm, now instead of having a majority of black scales with a hint of pink and an orange underbelly, with metallic and hardened bone-like black and blackish silver spines, now was merely reduced to a small amount of bloodied black scales with spines both bone-like and metallic laying all around the Time Chamber, as slowly… extremely slowly, some new scales were regrowing albeit as I said, extremely slowly as under them, a massive amount of small and sometimes medium sized pink scars covered the arm which I couldn’t move my fingers with only being able to hold them in the closed fist position.

“Like… Shisno.” I answered, saying the alien cuss word from the web series Red vs Blue. “God… almighty… that hurt a lot. I don’t know how I’m still alive after essentially breaking every single bone in my body.” I groaned as I slowly regained control over my legs and fingers as blood stained my pants dried and steamed with Ed’s dissipating blood.

“Here.” Ed set a tray down next to me. It had a few rice balls, some green beans, and a large gord on it. “Eat and rest for a few hours so you can regain your magic. The beans are exactly what you think they are but don’t eat them all at once. I wasn’t able to completely replicate them so they’re not as strong as the ones in Dragon Ball.” He sat down next to me. “What do you think of my training regiment?” Ed stared out into the blankness of the outer chamber.

“Hell… it is fucking. Hell.” I stated simply as I slowly began to eat, much to the pleasure of both my taste buds and my stomach. “Thanks for the meal.” I thanked him as my markings stopped their flickering and soon resonated with a peaceful dimly lit glow.

“You should also know your girlfriend, her sister, and the rest of your group are also going through Hell.” He said with a warm tone as he sipped a cup of tea. “They all wanted to get strong so you didn’t have to protect them by yourself anymore and so they can help you.” I gave him a stern look but he simply shrugged it off. “I didn’t force them. They all had their own ideas and asked for my help. But what do you think of their plan?”

“Honestly, I think that the Main Six really need the training, especially for what could be coming. Also, as you know, I do know the continuity of the MLP series and I’ve seen the Equestria Girls movie shit. Things are going to get increasingly difficult especially with the shit that’s in my world and the shit I’ve brought, what with….” I trail off looking down to my right arm. “You know. Aside from that, with the girls I’m fine with it as long as it’s on their own accord. My girlfriend however,” I began, looking straight at Ed. “That’s a different story. Yes, I know she wants to help me and wants to get stronger so I don’t have to protect her and the others all the time but what I’m worried about is what you’re teaching her. I want to know what she’s working with and I want to make sure she’s going to be safe.” I told him, focusing back on my meal as I took a bite out of a rice ball.

“She's working with the power of her soul.” Ed said as he took another sip of his tea. “She wanted to learn the power of aura and Semblance, so the other me took her and Celestia to the Dark Library’s training grounds and unlocked her aura. I also decided it would be prevalent to teach her how to use aura as Armament Haki, the Soul Wave detection, and Soul force attack. Satisfied?” He looked at me straight in the eyes. “Don’t forget I also trained my wife and partner many years ago, Quill. I know how the princesses are and I know how they can get. They’re safe and my clone is not pushing them like I‘m pushing you. Everyone learns differently, the mane six are going through Akame Ga Kill styled training. Feeling better?”

Letting out a sigh as my bones finished painfully healing and my muscles stopped bleeding, I responded. “Yeah, it does put my mind at ease but how’s Acno doing with her training?” I asked with a small smirk. “Is she at least holding up well?”

“She’s enjoying being a child at the moment.” Ed smiled. “If she wants, then I’ll train her but she has to make that choice on her own like the others. Spike and Zirconis got their butts handed to them by ES though.”

“I’d expect nothing less from a Spike who’d trained directly under you.” I chuckled before flinching as a bruise on one of my surprisingly undamaged ribs ached. “Still, you pack one beast of a punch. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone in real life or anime get hit with something like a puch from you, aside from Saitama who gives punches of pure ‘Fuck You’ as I like to call them.” I grinned as the pain subsided quickly.

“Why do you think I place so many limits on myself, especially during our fight.” Ed looked at his reflection in his tea cup. “Displaced are overpowered as is. It takes the fun out meeting one another and sparring if you outright ‘One Punch’ them.” he took a sip and placed his cup down. “If I had used any of my magic or ninjutsu….” He snapped. “That would’ve been it. I’m going to let you in on a secret.” I leaned in and noticed the air got much, much colder. “I do have one trump card that can’t be stopped, by anyone other than a Void Dweller.”

I turned my head and gave him a surprised look, because I was. I knew he was OP but a trump card? That can only be stopped by a Dweller? That gives a whole new definition of the term overpowered.

“Though,” He hid his eyes behind his bangs. “I’d rather never have to use it. Only if I have absolutely no other choice. If I use more than forty percent of this power I must recite a certain unlock phrase.”

Thinking for a moment, I too stare out into the blankness of the Time Chamber before sighing and replying by saying. “Honestly, it’s a scary thing being a Displaced. You never know where you’re going to end up or what kind of Equestria you might end up in. Whether it be one like yours, mine or worse… an FoE universe.” I sighed, my eyes sharpening as I take a sip of my own tea from the mention of the FoE-verses.

“Yes, it is but at the same time it frees us to be who we want to be.” Ed remarked as he poured another cup of tea. “But here’s how I like to see things.” Ed kept his eyes on the horizon but there was a lot of heat in his words. “We’re sent to Equestria as a second chance… for most of us anyway.” I looked at him but his eyes never moved from the horizon. “If not, then it’s to have happiness or find it in some way, even if that happiness comes from destroying your Equestria. I don’t condone this but at the same time I’m not a being that is unfamiliar with the aspect of the joys that evil brings to. I’ve hurt many in my days abroad on this planet I call my home, many of them lovers, friends, and even a few family members. It’s all about the choice we make Quill. That’s what defines us as people and that’s what defines us as Displaced.”

“Yeah, that’s what it is.” I sighed with a small smirk, turning my head to look out at the blankness of the Time Chamber. “I wonder what William is up to?” I mumbled to myself as I thought about my older brother.

“I do have something for you besides something to eat.” Ed reached into his pocket and pulled out an alchemist’s watch but it was made of some type of blue metal with a dragon and my tattoos on it’s outer cover. He also had a set of five pendants. They looked like small shields and on them was a sun on one side with a moon opposite it and a black cross on a red background. “The watch is your personalized version of my token and can do anything the normal ones do, like call or send small packages through the void. These are my family crests and I want you, Anco, Serena, Mavis, and Zeref to have these. They mark you as a part of my family, though it means little outside this world. Anyone who has met me will recognize it but they also double as a direct mental link to me, Luna, and Tia.” He pulled a black key from his other pocket. “This is a key to Luna’s library and let’s you access it no matter the world. I trust your judgement with this but you’ll still be limited on access to certain areas without me or Luna.”

Taking the watch and the pendants, I held them in my hands and smiled down at them. “Thanks Ed. Y’know, you kinda remind me a bit of my older brother. Even though he was adopted into our family, he always looked out for me and was always there even when he was away or going abroad for his studies, like the time he was in America before his probable Displacement.” I told Ed as a wave of nostalgia hit me.

“You're not the only one with a Displaced brother.” Ed smiled softly as he pulled a headband with a red four-pointed star with three stitches on one of the points. I could feel a void energy coming off of the headband, it was a token. “My little brother was sucked into the Displacement after winning a game of black jack against someone called the Gambler. Here,” he held out the headband to me. “He’s a good guy but more of a neutral party when it comes to a lot of things. He’ll side with whoever summons him and as long as no one gets seriously hurt helps them, even if their actions are questionable.”

“He sounds like a really good guy.” I responded, taking the headband in my hand.

“Asta is a good man, he was the only member of my immediate family tosay in touch with me after my parents threw me out of the house.” Ed took a sip of his tea. “His moral compass points very north and always has, but he cut ties to our parents after he moved out of the house and decided to become a stuntman slash actor. He decided he would pursue a career that went in hand with mine as a prop maker. I’m glad he found a life away from our toxic home world. We did have a baby brother and while our relationship with him was far better than that of the one with our parents it was still distant. He was the far more grounded of the three of us but I still love him to death, same with my parents even if we’re at odds with each other.”

“I’d like to meet him one of these days. He sounds like a lot of fun to hang out with.” I chuckled.

“I sure you two would get along. At the moment he’s busy dealing with his own troubles at the moment.” Ed stood up and dusted off his pants. “Bringing down an entire kingdom of sex crazed caribou and starting up a Magic Knight squad that is. Right now though,” he looked at me. “We need to get back to your training.”

“Well, if you talk to him while he’s still fighting those Caribou turds, tell him I say best of luck.” I sighed as I stood up and dusted my own pants off.

“Not so much as talk but watch.” Ed smiled. “I do chat with him from time to time but my job is to watch over him and step in if necessary. He’s more than capable of doing his own thing. Like you.”

Smirking a little I pop my shoulder before my markings glow slightly. Yup, magic’s back at full. I thought to myself as I took to the opposite side of the battle ground we were using to train. This was going to hurt a whole lot but if it’s to get stronger in order to protect my loved ones, I’d go through any kind of hell and back.

“I like that look in your eyes,” Ed smirked as he cracked his knuckles. “I think I will do random sets of power mix ups now. You ready?”

“Nope!” I told him, popping the ‘p’. I then dropped into a stance which meant I was going to fight. “But let’s do it anyway!” I laughed.

“Good answer.” Ed said as he charged forward.

The Dark Library Training Grounds

Quill’s Luna’s POV

“Let’s take a break, you two.” Edward said as he clapped his hands together.

“You… weren’t kidding… when you said… training would be… hell!” I gasped in between pants.

“During aura is much harder than your typical skills princess,” Ed explained as he summoned water bottles for us. “My skills range much further than that of the typical defence and healing used to though. Normally aura isn’t used for so much offensive skill like the Soul Force attack and the Haki hardening is hard because aura is meant to be used as more of a field than directly on the body. If you keep at it you’ll even be able to use these skills on weapons.” I took one of the bottles from him. “But it takes time, practice, and much concentration before you can apply it in battle, but that’s why I’m here to teach you. How are you doing Princess?” Ed turned to my sister.

My sister laid on her belly panting, surrounded by several smoking craters. “Water.” she wheezed out.

“Maybe this is an indication that you should lay off your cake, eh Celly?” I chuckled as Ed handed her a bottle of water.

“I wouldn’t go there.” Ed remarked. “If there’s one thing you should never do is get between them and cake, or anything to do with banana related things either….” I looked at Ed with a raised eyebrow. “Ask her yourself,” he threw his hands up, “I’m speaking from experience here and I’m not going up that tree, again. I may look in my twenties but you need to remember I’m older than anyone else here. Ask at your own perils Princess. I’m going to go get you two something to eat from my study, do be careful.” He walked out of the arena and walked out of sight. I tuned my eyes back to my sister who was quickly downing her water.

“Bananas?” I tilted my head as she started to cough.

All she gave me in response was an oddly amusing pout which didn’t fit a pony Princess who was well over a thousand years old. “Don’t ask.” She mumbled with clear embarrassment as she began to sport a prominent blush on her cheeks.

“I won’t,” I giggled in amusement. “But, what do you think about all this so far.” I asked my sister who slowly lost her blush and let out a small sigh.

“Honestly I don’t know where to begin. There’s so many things that’ve honestly shook our world with revelations. It scares me a fair bit if I’m being honest, all the possibilities for the Displaced and with Quill having the ability to summon them and others having the same to summon him.” Celly sighed with a slight shiver. “And let’s not forget the apparent threat of the Void Eaters waiting for both Ed and Quill when we get back, and let us never forget about the return of Ruiner and the other Elders.” She smirked slightly.

“Well, almost all of the Elders.” I told her, receiving a look of slight confusion. “From what Ed’s told me when he, Quill and the Elders had a conversation there were only five Elders and Elements that were represented. From what I know, Shah, Ruiner, Maggie, Valor, and Xeni were the only Elders accounted for.” I explained to Celly, which caused her smile to waver as I knew what she was thinking. “Don’t worry Celly, I’m sure she is still in our world, waiting for the day the other Elders return.” I reassured my sister.

“I know Lulu, it’s… it’s just that it’s like a lead weight is hanging on my soul.” Celly told me as she sighed saddly. “I miss her, and I hope she misses us too.” My sister smiled a little.

“I’m sure she does sister, we just have to have hope.” I told my sister, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

Ed soon returned with some food in his arms. “Here you go ladies.” He set it down on a blanket. “So what were you two discussing?”

“Something a bit personal that involves the Elders.” I answered, giving Ed a slight look that meant ‘don’t press into it’.

“Just trying to make conversation while you two eat.” He smiled. “I’m not one to pry into personal matters of others unless it’s necessary. We all have secrets and some need to be kept from others until the time is right. Besides,” he crossed his arms. “If it involves the Elders then it doesn’t involve me at all but your world. I’ll help you in any ways I can, all you have to do is ask.”

“Thank you for that.” Celly thanked him as we both began to levitate the food to ourselves so we could eat.

Ed looked at Celestia from the corner of his eye and got a bit of a twinkle. “So Celesta, what are your thoughts on Quill, or do you like him or someone else say a...her?”

Celestia had to pause in shock for a split second before barely recomposing herself, now sporting a large blush. “Quill is a good friend and he’s Luna coltfriend, I wouldn’t want to interfere with their relationship. As for her… that’s my business.” Celly grumbled with a pout which made her seem like a foal in an adult’s body. In response, I giggled quite a bit.

“I’m just teasing Celestia.” Ed chuckled but he got serious quickly as he had a solemn look on his face. “I know all too well what it’s like to love and lose those I’ve loved and I’m incredibly lucky to have both Tia and my Luna. You have that same look I had when my first love passed away, but the same one I have now. Why?”

“Because, the one I’m referring to is someone incredibly dear to me.” Celly responded, with a slight less of that pout she previously wore seconds earlier.

“Those of us who don’t give to others will never receive anything back from them.” Ed said softly as he poured some cups of tea for us and himself. “Just as those who only desire and want will end up with nothing but sorrow and regret.” he spoke of his past experiences. “Because then you can’t create anything and watch it grow into something more over time.” He looked to both my sister and I with sorrow in his eyes but also love. “If you have one that’s dear to you never let them go, for we aren’t meant to live alone, for any period of time.”

“I honestly wish I could’ve never let her go, but… it wasn’t up to me.” My sister told him with a nostalgic and sad smile. “But one day she just disappeared, and I’ve looked all over for her but I’ve had no such luck. I just hope one day, I will be able to see her once more.” Celly sighs.

“I have no doubt she’ll come back to you, when the time's right for you both.” He placed a hand on my sister’s shoulder. “I wish I could’ve stayed at the Castle in Everfree after Faust passed away the first time but I couldn't, not with certain forces after me and putting Tia and Luna and their father in danger, so I left. Had I known how they both felt about me at the time perhaps I would’ve said goodbye.” Ed let out a sad sigh. “But at the same time goodbye can’t be said as it can only make things harder.”

My sister let out a small sigh before looking back up. “Yes, goodbyes can be extremely difficult. So instead of saying goodbye… all she said was see you later. She would always say, ``If you never said goodbye, it didn’t mean that you were gone… you just weren’t there right now.” Celestia smiled.

“Smart girl-” Ed started to say but stopped and looked off into space before a smile appeared on his face. “Hmm… looks like my little brother just defeated my seal.” He got to his feet while we both looked at him confused. “Don’t look at me like that. I have more than just adopted family out there in the Void too. My little brother became a Displaced not long ago. In fact he summoned me not long before I met your group.”

“Interesting, I wonder if we’ll meet him someday soon.” I wondered with a smirk.

“Knowing my real body he’s already given Quill the token for Asta.” Ed smiled. “But I have to give you fair warning that Asta follows his own path and isn’t above going against people that get in his way. Still a good guy but he can be eccentric at times.” he sighed. “He’s a fighter at heart. He's mastered many martial arts from our world up to black belt level but his most notable feat is his actor status. Mostly a stand in and stunt man, but don’t let his goofiness fool you, as he can be quite a handful. He doesn’t have the view of you two in his world either as they tried to capture him. Asta is more than compliant when asked. Is there anything else you want to know about my little brother?”

“Not really.” My sister replies, to which I nod in agreement.

“Although, I would like to know how the summoning process works. From what I saw when Quill summoned you, I know that a portal is summoned close to the Displaced being summoned but I don’t know much of that. Is the summoning forceful or something like that?” I asked with curiosity.

“It depends on the Displaced mental state at the time they’re making their token actually.” Ed explained. “We can be summoned by force if we don’t put specifics on our tokens but most of us choose to go when we hear the call. It also has a lot to do with how powerful we are, if we don’t go back and make a new token and are powerful enough we can resist the summoning if not then we’re forced away.” Ed held up his hand and in it appeared a watch like the one Quill used to summon him. “See, I’m powerful enough that I can resist the summoning if I wanted to but I can choose to go as well due to the wording on my token’s creed. Similar to my brother’s token but he chooses to go as he’s not strong enough to resist the portal if his creed were worded differently. I can also travel through the Void at will with the use of my eyes and other means at my disposal. Anything else on your cute little pony minds?”

“Not off the top of my mind.” I responded.

“Not that I can think of.” My sister smiled.

“Have you both had your fill of food then?” He asked politely.

“I’d say so.” I told him as Celestia nodded with me, before the two of us stood up.

“Then let us continue with your training,” Ed motioned to the practice field nonchalantly.

“Alright then.” My sister and I responded in unison.

Back at the Fort

Quill’s Twilight’s POV

“Come now, channel more magic into your fists or hooves in your case,” Ed instructed me. “You’ll never be able to perform the Stella Magna with that pathetic amount you’ve gathered, let alone be able to use the Inva Caza.”

“I’m trying!” I retorted as I concentrated on channeling all the magic I could. Beads of sweat spilling down the sides of my face.

“Try another way of thinking Twilight.” Ed said calmly. “The way you channel your magic through your horn won’t work with this type of offensive power gathering. Yes it’s hard to learn and harder still to control but the results that you can gain in controlling raw magical like this is very beneficial to someone who’s talent lies in magic itself.” he held up his hand and I looked down to see raw magic gather above his palm but there was no stain on his face. “The more magical potential one has the harder it becomes to control, but the same is true for someone with no feel of magic either. It took me many years to get the basics of this technique as it did for my friend and mentor, Starswirl.” The ball of magic he made whizzed around me. “This process is one of the steps of Alchemagic and that’s even harder after you learn this. Only four others in this world are capable of my own skill other than me, and one is the other you and her daughter.”

Taking a few gasps of breath, I look at Edward with a slight glance before trying what he suggested. Concentrating once more, I began to channel my magic through my hooves which was a bit difficult to do since I’ve only had little to no practice doing that.

“Your mind is occupied by something young one,” Ed placed a hand on top of my head. “What is it?”

Sighing, I look back up at Ed. “It’s about the Elder Dragons, like Shah and Ruiner. From what the Princesses have told me, the Elder Dragons created each Element of Harmony and each Elder corresponds to a specific Element, like how Ruiner is apparently the Element of Honesty.” I tell him. “What’s bothering me is that Quill told me that only five Elder Dragons are inhabiting his body. That means one of the Elements is missing, or is still out there somewhere, and I can’t help but worry which one and who it is.” I confessed.

“You’re worried that it’s the one who represents the Element of Magic,” He knelt down and placed his hand on my shoulder as I nodded. “Worry not little pony for they will return in due time. And you must remember that magic is not solely limited to the Elements and those who they embody. Friendship is one of the most powerful magics of all.” he held up his free hand again. “But friendship is not the only powerful magic out there and like there are other races.There are those out There that can use many forms of the magic, some the same but different from what you know.” he gave a reassuring smile, “Like how you use this technique there are many ways to approach it.”

“That… that I understand, and I’m getting to understand that more and more each day I spend with my friends.” I responded with a small smile.

“There will be times when you can’t rely on our friends too,” Ed said, causing me to become a little disheartened. “But that doesn't mean they won't try and be there for you afterwards. Big things are coming Twilight and that’s why I’m here pushing you girls to become stronger and smarter. When you become involved with Displaced your whole world flips into the shape of a pretzel.”

“I could tell that when Quill first showed up.” I sighed, shaking my head slightly.

“Look at me, I’ve been Displaced for fifteen millenia and still get to see things I never expected.” Ed rubbed my head with a smile.

“So, you just have to go with the flow.” I giggled.

“Exactly.” He pointed down at my hooves and they were glowing. “The trick to channeling raw magical power is being open to new horizons Twilight. Like how Pinkie does what she does; don’t question it, just do it.”

“That… actually makes a whole lot more sense.” I mumbled.

“The Stella Magna is one of the most versatile of techniques slash spells little pony.” Ed held up his left hand and gathered magic from the air and formed another ball from it. “It can be used as a ball or shaped into any tool or for the wielder so chooses, the only limit it has in this regard are the ones we impose on ourselves.” The ball suddenly reformed into a mini-Princess Celestia that proceeded to gallop all around me. “You can use this even if there is little to no magic around you, but you must be careful when this happens as the moment you stop believing in yourself.” The mini suddenly popped into sparkles. “That’s the moment you lose the fight, or whatever situation you’re in.”

“That… that actually is fairly scary when you think about it.” I mumbled in response.

“Yes it is.” Ed confirmed. “But that is true for almost any situation you’ll face. It’s fight or flight for all beings, Twi. But what you should go into when you use the Stella Magna is fight, but at the same time you need to know when to flee.”

“Yeah, some would call that cowardly but others would call that fighting smart.” I grinned slightly. “Anyway, should we get back to training?” I suggested with a smile.

“That we should, little one.” Ed smirked. “One last thing you should know why I’m teaching you this technique. Susanoo’s trump card is powered by the user’s life force.” He told me as he pointed to Su and I winced. “But you can substitute life energy for magic making learning the Inva Caza a priority for you.” I nodded. “Now back to training, from the top!” He shouted slightly, clapping his hands together.

“Yes Sir!” I said with a salute.

And so they trained. Everyone in Quill's party pushed themselves to the limits of their power and then beyond that training under the ancient Edward. Every day was a living hell for everypony involved. Edward even helped the children train.

With Serena, he taught the boy about Pokemon and how their society worked, drilling him and the Eevee, which Serena had given the name of Eve, in battles against many different species and types. Serena and Eevee were eventually given an Insurgence Mega Stone set. A hair tie for Serena and ribbon for Eevee's neck.

Edward taught Acno how to wield the sword. He drilled her in many different styles and blades. Going as far as to have her wield up to eight blades in a succession of movements. By the time she was finished Edward bestowed on to her the sword based Imperial Arms, Grand Chariot. Once she could handle the basic strain of the weapons armored form Edward taught Acno how to use the master the spear for when she unlocked Grand Chariot’s secondary weapon.

Along with Edward’s clones teaching and drilling into Luna and Celestia’s minds of their new abilities. Celestia has now gained the power over even the most intense of flames, some of which could even burn out that of lava, while Luna trained even harder with her Aura and her Lunar Frost magic, but she has yet to unlock her Semblance.

Whereas Zirconis and Spike both trained with ES to better their abilities, which allowed Zirconis to reconnect with his Jade Dragon Magic and get more accustomed with his new form. Gilda and her daughter on the other hand were watched over by Zirconis most of the time when he wasn’t constantly training, but while he did train, they too worked on their own tasks instead opting to focus more with the healing side of a battle, learning from one of Edward’s many clones the art of Alchestry which Gilda had the ability to practice quite a bit due to the constant injuries Zirconis kept receiving during his training, while Mali in turn healed Spike from some of his minor injuries as she wasn’t quite that skilled as of yet. Although it didn’t stop her from training and trying her hardest. Cadence along with Shining Armor had also trained quite a bit with the time they had, with Shining getting better at using his newly acquired shield with impressive progress

Then there was Quill and the real Edward. Edward had trained Quill many times harder than any of the others, in order to help him somewhat regain the strength he lost when separated from Acno, giving Quill a new scar or two unintentionally on his Nergigante arm, while at the same time training Quill, Null and Ruiner on how to work in tandem. Quill now has regained most of his stamina and physical speed while raising his endurance and durability through… (Ahem)... usually unconventional means, but it did what it was intended to do and allowed Quill a semblance of the strength he once had. Additionally, Quill’s magical reserves had gotten a margin deeper and allowed him to tap into some of his reserves as a desperate measure when fighting although doing so sometimes reacted negatively and caused Quill’s permanent illusion that was casted on his right arm to flicker, but he always recasted and reinforced it afterwards, though he still regurgitated up a small amount of blood.

Edward proceeded to train the mane six in the use of their Imperial Arms. He also kept pushing their physical limits until each could easily keep pace with one another in a foot race without magic in their bodies to give any of them an edge. With this in mind he also did the exact opposite in making sure they could all use magic to strengthen their bodies far beyond the limits of noramly magically impowered ponies as well.

Every one trained and trained until they were on the verge of collapse. They continued this way until the last days of the time lapses that Edward had created. He let them rest to regain their strength and to relax until it was time for them to depart to their own world.

“Alright, is everypony ready to go back?” Ed asked with an oddly cheerful smirk as they all gathered in front of the marble gate to Quill’s world.

"Heck yeah!" "Eevee!" The kids Acno, Serena and Mali as well as Eve the Eevee shouted in unison causing Quill to smirk slightly.

“Then forward march,” Ed pointed as the doors opened to an empty blackness. “And don’t be afraid as you’re all much stronger now so you can beat up the bad guys.”

The children charged onward, laughing all the way, soon followed by the adults into the portal. But Ed and Quill both started behind for just a couple more seconds, and they turned and looked at one another for what felt like hours. They knew that once they stepped through that portal, a fight for not only their lives, but possibly for Quill's home would commence. Failure… was anything but an option… and with a determined nod to one another, the two powerful Displaced walked through the portal, with their fists clenched tight.

What awaits the heros on the other side of the Void Portal? What kind of new enemies are the Void Eaters? What all has changed in the week they group has been away? How much cake has Celestia missed out on?

Find out next time in the conclusion of the Apocalyptic Alchemist Arc.

In the infinite darkness of the void, a brilliant light burns brightly and shines through the darkness and a blue Fairy Tail Symbol appears on top of a silver pocket watch as everything fades to black. Suddenly, just before the screen faded completely, two pairs grotesque and bloody eyes. One pair burned a blood deranged and grotesque amber, while the second pair bled with a hellish red that twisted and warped within the eyeballs of the owner. Finally, the eyes closed and the screen faded out to reveal these few words: