• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,582 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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Chapter 1- Displacement And Midnight

Chapter 1- Displacement And Midnight

My name is Acnori Quill, and I was born in Japan. I also grew up watching one anime. Fairy Tail. I am so sad to see such an awesome story come to a close, but what really kept me going, was the main villain. No its not Zeref, or even the Spriggin 12. It's Acnologia. That's who I'm cosplaying as right now. I have all of the right things to cosplay as him, but I'm missing the necklace that he wears. I look around the convention, and I see something. I walk over, and see the necklace that Acnologia wears! I notice that the vendor owner walks over, and he looks like the merchant from Resident Evil 4.

"Hello! I see you've taken a liking to that necklace." He points out.

"Yeah, I like it a lot. How much will it cost?" I ask as I take out my wallet.

"That'll be $100 please." He tells me as I take out 2 fifties and hand them to him.

"I noticed that you're dressed as the merchant from Resident Evil 4. That's really neat!" I compliment as the man rubs his head.

"Oh, thanks. I see that you're cosplaying The black dragon of the apocalypse, eh? Nice going on the clothes by the way. They look almost like the real thing." He tells me.

"O-oh, thanks. I-I made them myself." I thank him while blushing in embarrassment.

I've never been the most extroverted person out there. In fact, I'm far from it. So, getting a compliment like this made me a bit shy.

"Well, see you later." I tell him as I walk away from the vendor.

I put the necklace on and I notice that its a perfect fit. I start to walk a it further when I feel a little fatigued. I brush it off as just a fluke, but two seconds later I face plant onto the floor of the convention, as I go completely unconscious, but instead of feeling the hard tiled floor of the convention, I feel the tickling sensation of grass, and the dusty feeling of dirt.

I groan in a little pain as I lift my head off the ground. I push myself off the ground and- wait... I look at the ground and notice that I'm no longer sitting on the tiled floor of the New York convention. Instead I'm sitting in a fucking alley... Did I just cuss? I've never cursed before. Welp, I'm not gonna do anything about that, cause that doesn't matter right now.

"Where the hell am I?" I thought to myself as I stood up.

I noticed that the sky was midnight blue and that no one was out. I then stepped out of the alley, and saw that I wasn't in New York anymore. I was in a village like town that had somewhat normal colorations and looked kinda familiar. I just couldn't figure out where I'd seen it before. I felt the dirt on my feet, causing me to look down, to see that I'm not wearing shoes. I didn't really mind, but what I did see, was that I still had the pants of the Acnologia cosplay I was doing. I then walk out of the dark alley, and I find a window. I walk past the window, but I immediately stop. What I saw was astonishing. I WAS Acnoligia.

"What the? H-how? When? Why?" I question as I touch the very long, dark navy blue hair that was now my own.

I thought of the light blue markings that made Acnologia, and I lifted up the cloak and there they were. The markings of the Apocalyptic dragon. I let the black cloak drape back down to its previous position, and I saw a glimmering sheen in the corner of my eye. I looked over to the glimmering's origins, to find it coming from a library in a tree... Eh, not the weirdest thing I've seen today. I walk over to the library and I hear voices coming from inside the building. So, I decide to eavesdrop. I mean, I have heightened senses. I'm gonna use them.

"I read all about the predictions of Nightmare Moon, and in those predictions it mentioned the Elements of Harmony, but I don't even know what they are. Heck I don't even know what they do, or where they are!" A feminine voice explained.

Nightmare Moon? Isn't that the first villain of the My Little Pony show? I thought as I continued listening.

"The Elements of Harmony, a reference guide." A different voice sprouted.

"What!? Where did you find that!?" The first voice semi-yelled.

"It was under E~" The second voice cheerfully said.

I facepalm and chuckle slightly as I immediately duck into a bush as I hear a new voice noticed my chuckle.

"Did y'all hear that?" A southern country like accented voice emerged. "Sounded like it came from outside."

I hear the windows open to reveal an orange pony with a cowboy hat. My eyes go wide as I now know where I ended up. I ended up in My Little Pony, Equestria. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooolllllllllllyyyyyy Shit! I mentally scream. I ended up in my childhood TV show. So, all those stories of the Displaced and "The Merchant" are real!? This is awesome and scary! I internally squealed as I saw the orange pony, who was known as Applejack close the windows and go back to what the others were talking about. If I'm correct, then I landed in the time of the Nightmare Moon Arc. Ok, I'll need to follow them to the Everfree forest, so I could help them. Maybe I should give Spike a little visit first. I mentally debated before seeing, Applejack and five other ponies walked out and towards the edge of the town. I waited till they were far enough so I wouldn't be seen.

"Ok, now's my chance." I told myself before getting out of the bush as quietly as I could, and walking inside the Golden Oak Library.

I looked around and noticed a sleeping Spike's breathing. I quietly walked upstairs and saw the little dragon dozing off. I reached over to wake him, but I stopped and pulled my hand back. Was this really a good idea? Well, here goes nothing. I told myself as I gently shook Spike and he began to stir. He groggily looked around, and then mumbled a few things before yawning and sitting up. I then noticed his scale's colorations. The majority of his scales were a Violet purple, and his underbelly was an emerald green, and the spines on his back and head were the same emerald color. He rubbed his moss green eyes. Looking at him from the show, and looking at him in real life you could actually see the difference. He looked at me and I just gave him an awkward wave. He just stared at me for a few seconds before finally breaking the silence.

"Who're you?" He asked as I sweat dropped.

"Hehe. Well, my name is Acnologia, and it may not look like it, but I'm like you." I told him while rubbing my neck.

"What do you mean you're like me? You're not a dragon. I don't even know what you are." He stated while trying to get up.

"Please stay seated, you're really tired. And I was a human. Emphasis on 'was'. What you see me as right now is what I used to look like as a human, but due to the magic I use it caused me to become a dragon. The reason I look like this is because I wouldn't be able to fit inside here due to the size of my draconic form." I explained. "But away from that. What's your name?"

"I'm Spike the Dragon!" He said proudly as he puffed his chest out trying to look cool.

"Well, its nice to meet you Spike." I chuckled. "I need to go soon. Your friends are going to try and find the Elements of Harmony to try and stop Nightmare Moon. I'm going to help them." I told him as I stood up straight to my full height.

"Then why'd you stop here?" He questioned.

"So I could make my first friend." I told him as I walked down the stairs and as I walked out the door, I could hear his adorable snores.

I then ran as fast as I could to the entrance of the Everfree forest, and I dived into another bush as I saw a purple furred Unicorn walk into the forest. I then got out of the bush and silently followed them. Watched as the six of them make their way to the ancient castle of the two sisters, all while proving their traits as the Elements of Harmony. I saw as the country Earth pony Applejack reassured Twilight by telling the Honest truth, I watched as the incredibly shy Pegasus pony Fluttershy use Kindness to tame the wild Manticore, I witnessed the cheerful Earth pony Pinkie Pie help her friends use Laughter to help dispel their fears, I marveled as the fashionista Unicorn pony Rarity calm a weeping serpent with her Generosity, and I was proud as I saw the prideful Pegasus pony Rainbow Dash stay Loyal to her comrades. While watching all of them I was also keeping tabs on what Nightmare Moon was doing. I saw her cause the cliff to fall, I saw as she became the thorn that angered the Manticore, I saw as she tried to scare the ponies with her magic, I saw as she cut the now calm serpent's mustache off, and I was angered as she tried to use the "Shadow Bolts" to get Rainbow to stray from her friends, and I watched and smiled as all of that failed. I made my way into the castle while keeping quiet as to not alert the Mane 6 of my presence. I looked as they all let out a "Woah" in awe of what they were seeing.

"C'mon Twilight, isn't this what you've been waiting for?" The orange country pony asked the violet Unicorn.

"The Elements of Harmony! We've found them!" Twilight declared.

I watched, with careful eyes as one by one, Rainbow and Fluttershy brought the stone elements before Twilight.

"One, two, three, four... Uh there only five elements Twilight. Where's the sixth?" Pinkie pointed out.

"The book said, 'When the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth element to appear.' I have an idea on what that might mean, but I'll need to focus." Twilight told the others.

I watched as Applejack and the others walked out of the room, so they could let Twilight focus. I, however, kept watch on the violet Unicorn. I heard a wisp of smoke and I saw the midnight colored mist that was Nightmare, sneak up on the concentrating Twilight. I got in a jumping position, and waited. I saw as Twilight's horn lit up with magic, as she tried to activate the elements, but before she could Nightmare still in her mist form picked up the elements and started to teleport away. Twilight's eyes widened as she witnessed this.

"The elements!" She shouted as she jumped into the vortex.

I heard all of the other ponies call Twilight's name, but after the violet Unicorn leaped into the vortex, I sped off into the vortex as well, creating a burst of wind that was made by my blinding speed, and my vision momentarily went white. After a few seconds I could feel solid ground, and I opened my eyes to see Nightmare Moon laughing. I saw Twilight looking at me in complete shock and confusion. I got up and ran over to her.

"Do not worry young Unicorn. I am a friend, I'm here to help." I told Twilight as my inner Acnologia sprouted, and my voice turned into Acnologia's voice. "I will hold this one off while you get to the elements." I told her as I looked at Nightmare with focused eyes, and I started to stalk threateningly over to the still cackling Alicorn.

Nightmare stopped laughing and noticed me. Her eyes widened slightly due to the intimidating aura I was giving out. I continued to walk over to her, and then once I was in the middle of the room I halted.

"Nightmare Moon! I challenge you to a one on one duel! Do you accept?" I announced to the corrupted Alicorn.

"You're challenging me? Really? You a mortal creature? Fighting a god like me? HA!" Nightmare looked at me as if I was insane.

"Do you accept my challenge, or are you not as strong as you think you are?" I taunted.

Nightmare immediately stopped her laughing and narrowed her eyes at me. She accepted my challenge, and got into a fighting position. I just stood there. Its a good thing I took those martial arts, and boxing lessons. The two of us circled each other. I kept my eye locked onto her. She then charged at me, with her horn pointed like a javelin. I swiftly dodged the Alicorn, and countered with a quick jab to her side, that sent her skidding across the floor. Once she came to a stop I charged and grabbed her neck as she tried to use her magic to pry my hands away, but it wasn't working. I then threw her into the wall and gave her a kick to the stomach. She then got up, and summoned several balls of energy, and they started to fire beams of condensed magic at me which I dodged like this. I could see that Nightmare was getting frustrated, and I then decided to attack. So, I jumped over the magic, and pushed myself using the roof, down towards her. I then landed next to her, and gave her a swift kick to the back sending her into the ground.

"Grrrrr! ENOUGH!" She bellowed. "YOU ARE INDEED SKILLED, HOWEVER I AM A GOD!" She then used her magic and caught me off guard, and blasted me into a pillar causing it to collapse onto me, and making me black out.

Twilight POV

I watched as the strange creature was sent flying into a pillar. I went wide eyed, and started to try and activate the elements. My horn lit up with magic, and the elements started levitate and a spark of electricity coursed through them. The shock of this action sent me flying back. I watched as Nightmare Moon wore a fearful expression, as the electricity continued to course through the elements. But then the electricity stopped. It didn't work, the elements failed! I watched as the laughing Nightmare stomped on the ground, and destroyed the elements, leaving the shards of them scattered around her feet. I watched in horror as she gloated in victory.

"Fool, did you really think that you could stop me, and my eternal night? Now that the elements are destroyed, you will never see your precious princess, nor your precious sun. THE NIGHT WILL LAST FOREVER!" Nightmare boasted as she cackled and laughed.

I looked on in fear, but then I could hear voices in the distance, and when they got close enough I heard that it was my friends! My eyes went wide, and I gasped. I felt the spark! I then turned to Nightmare Moon, and with sass and attitude I looked to her.

"You think that you can destroy the Elements of Harmony that easily? You're wrong, because the spirits of the elements are right HERE!" I shouted as my friends walked/flew on both sides of me.

I saw that the shards of the elements start to glow, and levitate which caused Nightmare to gain a fearful look.

"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of Honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the Manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of Kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of Laughter! Rarity who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of Generosity! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire, represents the spirit of Loyalty!" I shouted at her, while the shards of each element went to the corresponding pony and spirit, while glowing each a different color. "The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge that you threw at us."

"You still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!" Nightmare screamed.

"Oh, but it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you!" I told my friends as I faced them, letting out a tear of joy. "The spark ignited inside of me, when I realized that all of you, are my friends!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Suddenly, a glimmering light appeared above me and the sixth element appeared. When I saw the symbol, I saw that it looked like my cutie mark! I then floated down to me and stopped right above my head.

"You see Nightmare Moon, when these elements are ignited by the, uh, t-the spark, that resides in all of our hearts, it summons the sixth element! The element of Magic!" I yelled as the sixth element enveloped all of us in white light.

Third Person POV

Inside the blinding light, the shards of each element formed into necklaces around Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow, which contained the element that corresponded to them, and the element took the shape of their cutie marks. The sixth element however created a crown/tiara that landed on Twilight's head. When they all opened their eyes, their eyes were glowing anti-void white, and the elements shot out a rainbow that started to envelope Nightmare Moon. To which Nightmare tried to get out of the blast, but was unable to. As the rainbow enveloped the Alicorn, a brilliant flash of light encased the room, and then the light faded, leaving the elements on their users as the six ponies started to groggily wake up.

"Ugh, my head!" Rainbow groaned.

"I-is everypony alright?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Rarity shouted.

Over to Rarity, her tail had grown back to it's full glory, as she had cut it off to calm the serpent.

"Why, Rarity its so lovely!" Fluttershy spoke softly.

"I know, I'll never part with it again." Rarity spoke as she held her tail next to her.

"No, you're necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark!" Fluttershy told her.

"Wha--? Huh? So does yours Fluttershy!" Rarity remarked.

After all of the ponies present looked on in amazement, Twilight's eyes widened to dinner plates, and she ran over to the rubble that was once a pillar, now destroyed from Nightmare blasting that strange creature into it.

"What is it Twilight? What's wrong sugar cube?" Applejack pondered with worry.

"It wasn't just us that helped defeat Nightmare. There was a strange bipedal creature too. They were keeping Nightmare busy while I tried to activate the elements, but he was hit with a very powerful blast. I don't know if he's still alive or not!" Twilight explained to everypony.

Everyponies' eyes went wide as Fluttershy started to cry. Suddenly there was a flash of light and they all turned around. Who they saw was Princess Celestia. In response they all bowed, with Fluttershy still crying softly. Celestia noticed this and wondered what it was about.

"Why do you shed tears my little pony? Twilight, what happened?" The Princess of the sun asked her student.

Twilight went on to explain what had transpired, and hearing this made Celestia's heart crack a little. An unknown creature sacrificed their life so that Twilight and her friends could succeed. Celestia walked over, and with her magic removed the rubble, to reveal Acnologia. The sun Princesses' eyes went wide and she looked upon the creature, and to see them in death was breaking her soul. Celestia lowered her head in sorrow, when a gentle glow enveloped the body of Acnologia, and his tattoo markings began to illuminate. All the injuries he had gained were being rapidly healed. The Mane six, and Celestia's eyes widened as the body of the fallen creature let out an audible groan of slight pain.

Acnologia POV

My vision began to return to me as I had just woken up from blacking out. I let out a pained groan as I had the shittiest headache ever. I lifted my arm and placed it onto my head as I sat up.

"Does anyone have a fuggin' ibuprofen? Cause I have the biggest headache." I complained.

I looked around to see the Mane six, which included, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity Belle, Fluttershy Breeze, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, as well as Princess Celestia looking at me in disbelief. I just stared at them for a few seconds debating on what to say, but before I could think of anything, my mouth answered before anything else.

"What? Is there something on me?" I asked. "OOOOOFFF!!!!"

Twilight had rammed into me, and engulfed me in a huge hug. I didn't know how to react, I just sat there with a surprised look on my face.

"I thought you had died! What happened?!" She screamed.

"I, uh, I-I think I blacked out. Hehehe." I told the Element of Magic.

Twilight released me from the hug and gave me a look that said 'Really?' I just awkwardly rubbed my neck and smiled. I then heard a groan coming from behind everyone. I looked to see an Alicorn with night sky blue fur, and a void black tiara on her head, she also had a crescent moon cutie mark, and around her were the remains of the Nightmare Moon armor that she once dawned. I slowly got up, wincing from the sting of the blast her corrupted form had shot at me, and I slowly stumbled over to her. I saw her eyes flutter open as she slowly looked at me.

"AH!" She yelped backing herself into the corner.

I looked at the Alicorn, and made my way to her. I heard Celestia get into a kind of fighting position, as she was ready to protect her sister, but the Princess of the sun then stopped as Twilight put her hoof onto the sun Princesses' leg. I finally got close enough to the Alicorn that was cowering in the corner, and I kneeled in front of her. I then did something that no one expected. I hugged her.

"It's Ok. No one's going to hurt you Luna. It's going to be all right." I quietly told her as she hesitantly returned the hug.

I stroked her mane, and got her calmed down. I then released her of the hug and helped her to her hooves. She looked around and saw her sister. She then started to hide behind me.

"Princess Luna..." The solar princess began. "It has been a thousand years since I've seen you like this." She said, as she kneeled down in front of her lunar sister. "It's time to put our differences aside, after all we're meant to rule together, little sister." Celestia told her sibling, as everypony gasped in this new revelation, well... everypony except me. "Will you except, my friendship?" Celestia asked her younger sister.

Luna looked up at me, as she was still unsure and scared. I just gave her a gentle smile and a reassuring smile. After a few seconds, Luna jumped from behind me and instilled her older sibling in a reuniting hug.

"I'm so sorry!" Luna spoke as she cried on her sister's shoulder. "I missed you so much big sister!"

I watched as Pinkie comically blew her nose, and then suddenly shouted that it was the right time for a party. I laughed at her antics and they all looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

Celestia that got up and walked over to me. I could literally feel the magical powers of the fucking sun irradiating off her.

"Strange creature, I thank you for helping bring back my little sister, and for protecting my student in her time of need. For that, I am grateful." The Princess thanked before bowing.

"Ah, please don't act so formal around me, and it was nothing. I really didn't do mush besides fight a little." I told her.

"Though I've never seen a creature like you before. What are you?" Celestia asked.

"I'm a dragon." I said with a poker face.

"WHAT!?" That all screamed.

"But, you look nothing like a dragon!" Twilight spoke.

"That's because I wasn't always a dragon." I stated.

"What do you mean?" Applejack wondered.

"Ok, lets start from the beginning. My name, is Acnologia. The black dragon of the Apocalypse. I used to also go by the King of the Dragons, but I have long since given that title up." I explained.

They all got into fighting poses but I swiftly held both my hands up in the air.

"Hey, let me finish. If you don't recognize my species, that's because I'm from a very, very far away place that's not even on the Equestrian map, because I'm not from Equestria. I'm from a land called Fiore, but I was born in a land called Japan." I continued as they all relaxed. "And I might not look like it, but I'm over four hundred years old. I became a dragon by using too much of my specific magic, called dragon slayer magic." I told them.

"D-D-Dragon Slayer Magic!?" Fluttershy screamed.

"Hey, hey, hey! The dragons I had back home were much, MUCH more aggressive and destructive then the ones you have here. Some of the dragon in Fiore would destroy a village just for shits and giggles. This caused a war between my former race, the humans, and the dragon race. On the human's side were humans, and a ton of dragons who wanted to live in peace, and on the other side, were dragons who wanted all humans DEAD." I told them as all of their eyes went wide.

"W-who won?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The humans. But when I became a dragon, is what ended the war. I... I used so much of my magic, I became a dragon, and due to the transformation being too taxing on the mind, I went insane. The result was an event that would be forever know as the dragon king festival, and I was that dragon king. The resulting fight led to the slaughter both sides, even the dragons on the human's side, my allies. I almost wiped out the entire dragon race except for five sole survivors. Their names were Grandeeney the sky dragon, Weisslogia the holy/light dragon, Skaidrum the shadow dragon, Metalicana the metal dragon, and Igneel the Fire Dragon King. All of them died off eventually, but only one of those five died by my hands. Igneel. I killed him with my own claws, but that wasn't for another several hundred years, and when I did end him, I wasn't unscathed. He took my left arm, which I have no clue as why it's back, but during those years they evaded me, they raised five children and taught them how to use dragon slaying magic. Natsu Dragneel the fire dragon slayer, Wendy Marvel the sky dragon slayer, Gajeel Redfox the iron dragon slayer, Sting Eucliffe the holy/light dragon slayer, and Rouge Cheney the shadow dragon slayer." I told them while sitting down. "There was another reason I went insane. I witnessed the death of a little girl. Her name was Sonya. She died and I got there too late! I watched as the dragons murdered her, it drove me mad! I brutally murdered the three dragons that killed her, and that was only one day before I slaughtered almost all of the dragons!" I screamed as I held my head in my hands and I started to cry.

Everypony had listened and they all tried to imagine what I felt through all of that, but only one pony could sympathize with me. That pony embraced me in a hug which I returned as I cried on Princess Luna's shoulder. After a few minutes I stopped crying, and my eyes were red and puffy, because I had been crying for so long.

"Shh... Its ok, you're going to be ok." Luna soothed me as I felt really tired.

I let out a soft yawn, as I finally fell asleep. Letting the Princess of the night catch me as I fell.

Luna's POV

I heard the adorable snores of Acnologia as I felt his weight fall onto me. I looked at his face and smiled softly as the human turned dragon slept.

"Lets get him back to Ponyville everypony." I told them as I set Acnologia on my back.

All of us walked out and through the Everfree forest as I was in the back with my sister.

"You like him don't you." My dear sister asked out of the flippin' blue.

"W-what? What does thou mean dear sister?" I inquire as I feel my cheeks warm up a little.

"You know what I mean." Tia hints.

"Y-yes I guess I do like him a bit, but... well... I..." I stutter as I find it hard to word what I was thinking.

"I understand sister, but lets just keep this between the two of us alright? I believe that if Acnologia feels the same, he will in time admit it." My sister reassured.

I smile as we make our way to the exit of the Everfree forest, and into Ponyville. As soon as Twilight stepped out of the forest... She stopped dead in her tracks. This caused everypony else to halt as well.

"Miss Sparkle?" I asked. "Is there something wrong?"

"I just realized that when Acnologia was telling us his story, he used the words several hundred years... How old is this guy?! I mean, he told us that he was a former human, turned dragon and from my previous research in the Canterlot library, I deduced that dragons only live for at least two hundred years." Twilight pondered.

"Well he is from a very different place Twi, so maybe the dragons in this Fiore place live a lot longer." Applejack suggested. "And he did say how old he was. He told us that he was over four hundred years old." Applejack corrected the Unicorn.

"Well let's not dwell on that for now, because ITS TIME FOR A PARTY~" Pinkie yelled as Twilight and her friends led the group into Ponyville as I carried the still sleeping Acnologia on my back.

Third Person POV

As the Mane six, Princess Luna and Celestia, and Acnologia exited the forest, far inside the darkened forest, a brilliant light flashed leaving behind two figures, unconscious. The first was male and the second was a female. Their faces directed at each other with loving smiles. The male was wearing a high-collared black robe, with gold trims, and a white toga that draped around his torso, with his hair black, and his skin pale. His hand was holding the females hand, as her long golden hair draped around her ankles, and she wore a pink layered robe with a hot pink bow tied around her neck, as the wing like headbands could be seen in her flowing hair, as her fair tanned skin is seen and she wears no shoes. As both of them lay with their stomachs to the ground, a pitch black and cursed aura surrounds them, and after a little while, the pitch black aura begins to leave them as if the new setting that is around them pulls the curse away, and the curse that they both once shared, gone and it dissipates into the wind, piece by piece, it then eventually is destroyed. The scene then fades onto the unconscious female, and her face is shown. Then suddenly a voice is heard from an unknown location. The voice is sweet and caring, as the female then scrunches her eye lids, and her eyes swing open revealing her moss green, with no pupils.

The scene quickly fades to black as the words "An Apocalyptic Displacement" appears, and a golden light swirls around the words before finally settling in front of the title, and this is seen. Before fading to complete darkness, and the words "To Be Continued" can be seen.

Author's Note:

I do not own any of the art used. Fairy tail belongs to Hiro Mashima, and My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro. The only thing I own, is the Plot and the character Acnori Quill. With this I bid you Adue~