• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,609 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 3 Crossover Chapter

An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 3

Three days have passed since Quill told Edward about the Insurgence Stone and the Cults, and within those three days, Quill had been training his magic and alchemy, as the Poison Joke effect on Acno had ended, reverting him back to his old form. Much to his displeasure. But during the third day Quill had trained, he had felt something inside himself shake, he felt something… Awaken. It is now the rise of the fourth day and something is ready to rise, and with it… Demons shall fall.

Quill’s POV

We’d been here for right around half a week and I had been making excellent progress in my alchemy and magic training sessions with Twilight and Polearm. Have to say, if they were against anyone else from Fiore with S-class status then they would still pound the living hell out of them. Ed decided to take over my training for today but went with tactical sword techniques instead of alchemy.

“Come on Quill, don’t you know any type of sword technique?” Edward said chalantly as as he easily deflected my strikes with a sword that was quite noticeable meant to be used with two hands.

“I do, but I’m trying to be cautious as well. Something inside me doesn’t feel right, like something wants out.” I told him continuing my attacks.

“How’s that sword feel in your hands?” He asked as he parried my blows.

“Feels weird,” I said as I looked at the sword. It was a simple one handed steel sword that Ed had reinforced with magic so I didn’t break it with a single swing wasn’t just the feeling of offness in me but the sword too, it just didn’t feel right in my hand. “And I noticed something about you Mr. Unfair advantage,” my remark got him to raise an eyebrow. “You’re using a two handed sword with one hand. What’s the deal with that? I know you’re uber strong but even you should have some difficulty controlling a two handed weapon with a single hand.”

Ed merely snickered. “That’s because I have the skill from Demon Gaze called God’s Arms. It allows me to use any two handed weapons with one hand, except for bows and crossbows.” He remarked as he brought the blade up and rested it on his shoulder. “Hmmm… maybe we should get you a two handed sword.”

“I mean, my scythe is a two handed. So… yeah let’s try a two handed sword,” I said as I tossed Ed the steel sword.

As I walked over to Ed to get a two handed sword, I felt something take grasp of my mind, and I wandered over to the side. Something was calling me, no. Calling someone in my body. I continued to walk, till I was in some type of hall and at the end was a sword case, holding a sword. It was as if something in both the sword and in me was calling to each other. I stared at the sword intensely.

“Yo,” I was pulled back to see Ed in front of me. “I have just the sword for you.” He said as he pointed at me. Suddenly something shot from by Edward’s head and stuck in the ground in front of me. As soon as the dust cleared my eye were met with the site of a crimson bladed two handed long sword.

“And this,” Ed said working over and handing me some for of pen. “The sword is the Bloodskal Blade. It’s a sword with an endless enchant the allows the wielder to send out red energy slashes out at their enemies. The pen is the skill God’s Arms. Pair the two up and you have a close, mid, and long range cocktail for the ages.”

Turning my head back to the sword in the case I hold up the sword-pen and turn back to Ed. “What about this sword? Something is calling me to it. Or at least it feels like it.” I ask, looking back at the two swords.

“That’s the Dark Repulser,” Ed explained. “Not really a special sword. It’s a one handed long sword that’s got a fairly good heft to it. It was used to slay a great demon in the world it originally comes from but other than that it’s not special at all. It could be a fairly useful.” He took the sword and his eyes shifted. “It seems it has the underlying flavor text that calls it “The Bane to even the Greatest of Demon Lords.” H held it out to me. “If it’s calming you then wield it.”q

Holding my hand out and grabbing the hilt of the sword, I took it from Ed’s hands, and held it in my own. Then the flickering calling grew, until I heard a voice I never thought I’d hear again. “HELLO MY OLD FRIEND” I gasped and fell to my knees, sweat dripping down my face. “Holy shit.” I panted. “What the hell was that?” I asked looking at the sword. I then felt an extra weight on my back and felt around, when I felt a scabbard. “Nani?” I mumbled. “How did that get there?” I then cautiously sheathed the blade and it just felt… Right. “So, what now?”

“Now, I push you, hard,” Ed said as he hit the air behind him and it shattered like it was made out of glass. He reached in and pulled out a two handed sword with flaming birds as langets. The handle was long that led into a four faced skull pommel with a ruby in the top of the skulls. It had a long red blade that was serrated on both sides. “This is my Disword. One of the few weapons I made and use myself and it is very special.” He pointed down and I found myself standing in a small group of daisy.

“Well damn, I can’t say this enough but this is very convenient.” I pointed out, while looking around.

“You call it convenient but in reality,” Edward snapped his fingers and the flowers vanished into nothingness. Not even a stem was left. “They were never their and we never left the training grounds.”

“That makes much more sense.” I stated.

I then pull Dark Repulser out of its- HIS- … Okay, fine. I pull Dark Repulser out of his sheathe and get into a stance. LEFT FOOT BACK A LITTLE. I move my left foot back a small amount. RIGHT HAND UP. I lift my right hand up a bit. CALM YOUR BREATH. I slow my breathing. FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH YOUR OPPONENT’S SCENT. I take a deep breath in and lock onto Ed’s smell. EYES FORWARD. I look directly at Edward, my eyes holding an every calm sight.

Ed pointed the tip of his sword towards me as he placed the handle level with his eyesight. He let out a calm breath and placed his left foot forward and his right back stay ball of the foot.

KEEP NOTICE OF HIS MUSCLES, OR WHAT PASSES FOR HIS MUSCLES. WATCH HOW THEY TENSE, AND PREDICT HIS MOVEMENTS, JUST LIKE I TAUGHT YOU. The voice told me, which made me use my pinpoint sight to watch his subtle movements, causing my left eye’s pupil to flicker white for a split second.

“Ocean,” Ed said calmly. “ROAR!” He yelled as he rushed passed me. I was unable to follow his move but I could sense he was behind me know, just to left. I started to turn but was hit with a rush of wind that felt like a tidal wave of water.

“Grrr….” I growled slightly before that voice told me something.

CUT THROUGH THE WAVE JUST AS YOU DID THE ONES WHO HURT YOU. My eyes widened and my left pupil flickered once more. I then swung Repulser down and cut the water into two segments while some of it pushed me back several feet. I continued to split the water but it wouldn’t let up, so I wouldn’t either.
“The objective is not to fight the water Quill but to become one with it,” I heard Ed right next to me. “Water is water. No matter the state, solid, liquid, or gas. It simple is, water. Flow, Current,” he whispered as I was soon assaulted with strikes from random directions. Ed was ride the currents of his earlier strike that I created with my own counter attack. “Let your mind go just listen to the water.”

HMM… HE IS RIGHT. LEND YOUR MIND TO ME AND I WILL HELP YOU LIKE I DID OH SO LONG AGO, DO MY LITTLE HATCHLING. It was as if time had paused. I widen my eyes and felt them ignite with a white flame, and my mind goes clear. Time begins to speed up, but I am no longer in control of my body. I halt my defense and flow my sword swings as careful and wild as the water. Dodging and evading as my body was out of my control, and in the control of something, no, someone else.

“Have you finally been set free, Null…” Ed said calmly as he lifted his sword above his head.

I AM IN NEITHER IN CONTROL, NOR AM I FREE. I AM SIMPLY EXISTING, I AM SIMPLY HELPING MY HATCHLING.” Null spoke calmly, as white wisps of flame oozed from my pupils. He stood up and held Repulser in a reverse grip, before getting his body low to the ground and placing his left hand gently on the ground, his or rather my face never faltering.

Ed gripped tightened on the hilt of weapon and he brought it hard and quickbut he never moved any closer to me, or Null. “Ocean, Pressures,”he side as he turned away. I may not have been in control of my body but I still feel what was happening. There had been so much pressure force down on my body that neither Null nor I could move at all. We were completely forced to the ground. By the time the effects of the move had fade we were completely exhausted. Ed had walked over and pointed the tip of his sword in our face. “Talk?” Was all he said.


“Hmmm… when you’ve recovered your energy in a few hours then. For now just explain your existence to me,” Ed said as he created a table and set of chairs. He set his weapon down against the table and pulled out a set of shot glasses from his coat pocket and his flask. “Care for some Dragon Ale?” He looked at Null.


“Mmm…” Ed looked at Null and downed a shot of his Ale. “Sounds like a plan and makes sense. But first,” he snapped and a blue energy chain came from the Dark Repulser and wrapped around our body and then absorbed into us. “Now the Repulsor is your blade and will only appear when you do. I also gave you a variant of Slayer magic called Demon Slayer Magic.when you completely invoke it you can even devour curses.”

LET ME GUESS. TIME DEMON SLAYER MAGIC?” Null asked with a small smile.

“Nope,” Ed shook his head. “It’s blank magic. It’ll adapt to you not Quill.”


“So we can use any number of swords then?” Ed looked at Null with mischievous smirk.


“Very will,” Ed said taking a green bottle from his coat. “This is a Skyrim Stamina potion. Down it and you’ll have your energy back in no time flat.”

THANKS.” Null says as he downs the potion. “I SHOULD BE READY TO GO IN A FEW MINUTES, I JUST NEED TO SPEAK TO QUILL REAL QUICK.” Null tells Ed as he gets up and walks over to the side, and looks off into the sky. Altering his voice so that it’s softer, Null begins to speak once more. “It’s been a very long time since we’ve spoken hasn’t it?” Null asks. -Yes… It has Null, and I’m glad that you’re back dad. Even though so many things have happened since you disappeared, I still missed you so much. I hope you stay. Just… You were there when I lost my parents and you were there again when Will vanished. I didn’t want to lose you.- Null smiles softly before placing his hand on my body’s shoulder. “I won’t leave. I’m here to stay Quill. I ain’t leaving anytime soon.” He told me before sighing and going over to Ed. “Should be ready to fight now, just don’t go all out right away, still getting used to taking over Quill’s body again.” Null told Ed while stretching out our body.

“Very well but I don’t want my castle torn to pieces so would mind if I moved us to the Coliseum?” Ed motioned over his shoulder. “More space and less chance of destroying something important.”

Sure, I don’t mind. Plus, I can’t really control my strength right now. Once the muscle memory returns I should be able to better manage it.” Null accepts with a nod.

“Good!” Edward clapped and we immediately found ourselves in the coliseum. “Now we can have a match unhindered by outside forces.” He snapped and an invisible barrier formed around the entire stadium.

‘I know I’ve seen that barrier somewhere before.’ I muttered inside my head. “Null, be careful. Even in his human form Ed’s strength is far from a joke. Not gonna lie here, in terms of physical power he has the edge and not just because my muscle memory is off.”

Ed held out his hand in front of him and his Disword appeared from thin air in front of him. He took hold of it and let the tip fall and hit the ground cause a small dust cloud to appear.

‘Something in my gut is telling me that that weapon is more than just a simple enchanted longsword.’ I grumbled.

“What gave it away? The fact it stored in a pocket dimension or the fact it appeared out of thin air?” Null snickered.

‘No, it’s something with the aura of the sword. It feels… For lack of a better term, both dead and alive at the same time.’ I tell him.

“Ya ready?” Ed gestured to the air.

Yeah, I’m ready.” Null told Ed, drawing Repulser from his sheathe, and getting into the same stance as when he first took over. Reverse grip, hand gently on the ground, body low. “Ready when you are.

“On your mark,” Ed raised his sword above his head while Null tightened the grip on his. “Get set,” they positioned themselves. “Go…” Ed said as he vanished.

With insane speed, Null and I essentially vanished as well, as we evaded a sword strike from behind. We then promptly struck at Ed with a swift swing to the side. With his a quick turn of his arm Ed blocked the strike with the flat of his sword and then grab the blade of his weapon with the opposite hand and turned slightly putting his force into his shoulder and rocketing Null into the wall of the stadium causing cracks to spider we’d out from our body.

Null fill to our legs and quickly tossed up breakfast while Ed shook his head. “You’re relying too much on your speed, the evidence is that I was very easily able to catapult you into the wall.”

Null didn't say anything as his face became a dead chilling monotone, which let out a freezing chill which caused Ed to shiver slightly. In a blink of speed, Null was next to Ed and took Repulser in a normal grip before rocketing it directly into Ed's side, in turn sending him into the wall at very high speeds.

“Much better!” We heard from the dust cloud as Null barely dodge Ed’s sword that came flying at us like a saw from the hole in the wall. It buried its blade in the opposite side of the stadium. “But your still slow on the transition from speed to power.” Ed walked out of the parted dust with coat in his right hand slung over his shoulder. He then tossed it on the ground.

Taking our cloak off and tossing it onto the ground as well, we summon Bloodskal. I think I don't it just sort appeared but Null stabs it into the ground catching the hook of our cloak so it doesn't fly away. 'I'll transfer my power into Repulser, you focus on your speed.' I tell Null getting a telepathic nod.

I feel the power in Repulser go into my body's speed but I put my strength into the blade's power causing it to gain a faint, barely noticeable navy blue glow, illuminating the blade. It reminded me of the Sword Skills from Sword Art Online. I smile while Null's face remains neutral, and he places Repulser to rest on our shoulder and gets ready to strike.

Null charged forward with the tip of the Repulsor head straight for Ed’s throat. Just before the sword could reach the alchemist he caught it with his metal, the tip scratching his palm with with thumb, pointer, and middle fingers on the blade.

“Working together to split up the workload, good,” Ed commented as he easily lift us above his and slightly to the right, “But not good enough.” He reeled back and threw us across as if we weighed nothing. We hit the wall hard cause Null to cough up a good amount of blood. I turned my attention to Ed who held out his hand. I heard something rattling just to the left of our head and then I looked out of the corner of our eye to see the Disword embedded in wall. It wriggled itself free and flew swiftly back to its master’s grip.

The two of us voiced our thoughts. "Well fuck." We both said as I poured my strength into the sword once more, this time it took some of my Time Magic, and glowed an even brighter navy blue.

We ran at Edward blinking in and out of view before appearing behind him, as he went to block us we vanished and reappeared in front of him before slashing at him diagonally upwards, sending him flying up with a massive gash running up his shoulder, his blood spewing out of the wound. Repulser lost the glow and my strength returned, I looked to see Ed landing on the ground and behind him a huge chunk of the arena had a large gash in it and in the ground. I smiled and charged the blade again, this time putting my magic and my speed in it, causing the blade to glow orange with a navy blue hue.

“Hahaha, that was a good one but you should save that for when you really need it,” Ed chuckled as he stood up unfazed by the wound. It merely crackled with red sparks of electricity and closed.

“Fucking living Philosopher Stone bullshit,” we grumbled.

“Back to your attack though. What you used was a sword skill. Something you can only use with the Repulsor,” Ed commented as he mended the arena with his alchemy. “There is also a limit to how many times you can use it per day and a time limit in between those uses. At your current level you have three times to use it but must wait an hour to use the Skill again.”

Well then it's a good thing I've watched Sword Art Online 'bout a thousand times. I told Ed in a staticky voice, as we began to circle each other.

“Doesn’t really matter when you only have one skill and it’s simply a power move with such an extreme cool down period,” Ed commented tip of his sword dragged the ground. “Especially for someone like me. Timing is everything in these types of battles.”

‘He’s right Quill. It took every bit of our strength to make that gash in his shoulder and it wasn’t even that deep.’ Null said with a bit of reserve. ‘True and our skill won’t be ready for another hour and we’re down to half stamina. Drawn out battles were never our specialty.’ I then remembered what Ed said about the Bloodskal Blood. ‘We need the other sword. It has no time limits or restricts on power. It would give a greater range advantage too.’

Right. Null say before opening our draconic hand so it faces backwards towards Bloodskal.

Said sword then launches itself towards us, and just like Ichigo we raised our draconic arm, and plucked it from the air, swinging it down and cutting up some of the earth beside us with it and creating a large gust of wind and dust. After looking at the sword, I could feel and literally see the strength of it irradiating off the sword. I smile while Null ‘hmphfs’ and we get down into a stance, one that we haven’t used in a long time. We were becoming, Unpredictably.

“Finally getting serious aye,” Ed remarked as he lunges forward and brought his Disword down. We counter parrying worth the Skal but Ed turned the tables and used the moment to spiral into a twister with his blade-edge against his metal arm. He was like damn saw and the serrated edge of his sword made it incredibly hard to up our guard. We then threw the alchemist tornado of with a good amount of force, to say we got it done with little damage was and understatement. Ed stopped his spinning and the Disword found itself with its flat against its master’s back pointing upward. Ed merely took a bow and then looked at us. “Why didn’t you two use an energy slash to knock me off balance?”

Because,We both said, our voices in unison. We’re unpredictable!We told him as our voices glitched and resonated.

We then shot across the arena with vanishing speeds, appearing in different places at random, till we hit Ed with both swords on the right arm, creating two long gashes. Then before he could strike back we ran off again, and soon the wind picked up and started to swirl around the arena with great speeds. We continued to run with the wind which allowed us to run a small margin faster, and we leaped at Ed. Then I had a realization, I focused all my magic and summoned Time Reaper, but only a small portion of the handle was formed. Null must’ve caught on as he bit down on the handle and the scythe blade went straight up, making it a small war-scythe. Null then began to spin our body at tremendous speeds, and we lunged straight at the calm Alchemist, and we hit him dead in the chest with all three blades, creating three incredibly massive wounds on his torso. We then landed behind Ed and leapt over to the other side of the arena, a good distance away from him.

“Yea, no way he’d take that so easily,” I said as we saw the alchemist bow upwards as he rose to his feet. The weapons fill out of his body and the wounds immediately closed. “Remind me why fighting this guy is fair?” I rolled my eyes at Null’s comment. “Because a lot of Dipslaced are OP as fuck like him and even in a fight where his is play by the rules you set he is still OP as fuck.”

Ed ripped off his and threw the scraps of fabric off to the side while he cricked his neck from side to side. “Remind me who it was who said to only use the weapons we had at the time,” Ed said and he sounded pissed.

“Well, technically Time Reaper is always with me as it is a part of my very being, but hey I had an idea in the heat of the moment, my mind wasn’t thinking about rules or anything. Plus, it’s part of my fighting style to be unpredictable. Through,” I shrug as Time Reaper dissipates back into energy to be summoned at a later time. “I’m sorry about doing that, but you gotta admit that was kinda like some anime fighting shit right there.” I say as Null stands our body to its full height, I use our draconic arm and rubbed the back of our head while chuckling nervously.

A crimson slash of energy came charging at us but we managed to leap out of the way just in time. “Rules are rules. If you break your own rules then I can do the same!” Ed said with a twitching eyebrow and a snide smirk.

“I think we hit a bad nerve with that last move,” I said as we got back to our feet. “Ya think.” Ed was on on use thrusting his Disword relentlessly trying to piece our body. “Yea he’s pissed alright, OOF!” A metal leg landed right incur gut sending us straight up into the invisible barrier of the stadium. We started to fall and as we opened our eyes we saw Ed and a lot of sparkling circles around him “What the hell?”

As if on cue weapons of all kids fire upon us. Luckily we were in the air so dodging was the best option for us.

“You have really worked my nerves,” he said as his brought his sword up next to his face and thrust it at us.

“We got this I know that move from earlier,” I smiled but Ed didn’t move while his sword blade extended at us. “Nope not what I thought!” I said barley dodge as we landed.

We look directly at Ed, and my mind starts going through different scenarios of how this could play out, the thing is that Ed was on a completely different skill level, he was leagues above us. I search for something in my memory to use when I happen upon one certain memory, but it was more of a past vision. As if time had stopped I walked through the vision and found myself back in Fiore, but my hands were wrapped around a large sword. It had an inscription on it, but it wasn’t in draconic, nor Fioren. My eyes widened as I realized, it was in Japanese! I looked closer and the sword came into view. It was a longsword in both the technical and literal sense. I remembered what it was, but I wanted to know something, how did the Nergal Reaver get into Fiore? And how did I know how to use it? I looked in front of me, and got my answer. It was the middle of a war, but not just any war. It was a monster war between the dragons of Fiore, and the Extinction Elders: Nergigante of the New World. I looked back at the Nergal Reaver and tore it from my past self’s iron grip, causing the memory to crumble into dust as my mindscape returned to reality. I used my ethereal vision and looked at my back to see a large hilt forming from blinding blue energy. I whipped back to the fight and took control of my draconic arm.

Follow my lead, we need to buy ourselves a small amount of time.’ I told Null as he looked back at me hesitantly before nodding. I let him retake control over my arm as I went over and focused my mental power on the Reaver.

“Playtime is just about up,” Ed said as sup his Disword and then grabbed it with both hands. He charged at us with the tip pointed at us again. He started to assault us with varying slashes and thirst keeping Null off balance. I desperately pour my energy into the Reaver as it’s blade begins to finish forming, but the energy still surrounding it never dissipated, but I continued to help it form.

Hurry up Quill. It’s getting incredibly harder to dodge these strikes with each passing millisecond,” Null grumbled under his breath.

One…! More…! Push! I thought to myself as the energy around the Reaver burst in a blast of wind. "NOW!!!!!" I screamed as I grabbed the hilt with my ethereal hand, which forcefully put me in control over our body. I grabbed the hilt with my real arm, but threw down the other swords and once I grabbed the hilt I ripped it out of its sheath and seeing it down onto Ed which caused a massive crater to form beneath both of us. The force of the blow surprised Ed and sent him to his knees. I pushed down on the Reaver with all my will, forcing myself to keep up the pressure.

So… You’ve finally found me, master.” A voice said as I continued to press against Ed. “Now that you’ve finally found me, we can destroy our enemies! I will fight with you, as you are my true wielder, I will give you all my power!!!! I, RUINER NERGIGANTE WILL FIGHT WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!” Ruiner roared as I too roared but it was different, it was… Overwhelming, powerful. It was like I had the voice of true Extinction.

As I roared, I felt my arm change. Giving it a momentary glance I saw that it was changing completely. It now looked like my other arm, the only difference was that it was completely pitch-black, with the underside of it being a dull orange. On top of that, several hardened and metal spines quickly grew from the black scales, and ran all the way up to my shoulder. The spines felt natural, like I was always meant to have them. I returned my vision back to Edward as he began to push back against my pressure and slowly gained ground.

“A new toy,” Ed smirked as he moved closer and closer. “It matters not though,” I looked him in the eye and he was dead serious. “Want to see my friend?” He said stopping his assault as he proceeded to jump back.

I didn’t say anything as the voice, Ruiner, told me to hold my focus, so I just continued my gaze. Keeping my grip tight around the Reaver’s hilt and getting a slight grasp of what my arm new could do.

“New appendages take time to get used to. I imagine it’s taking all your concentration just to hold that sword and arm in this plain of existence,” Ed said as if he was experienced in this feet. “This Disword is very similar to this. It is a very manifestation of my will and changes as I wish. That is how I was able to extend the blade to reach you both,” He said holding the blade up by its handle with the tip pointing to the ground. As he held the sword up its flanges were just above his brow line with the blade blocking his left eye from our view with his right eye glowing in its Golden Rinnegan Oroborus State.

He’s right master, you’re new appendage will give you pain, but right now Null is halting that so you and I can fight together. Focus on the fight, I will help you.” Ruiner told me as I held my gaze on Ed. “Right.” I mumble to myself as I get into a stance, except it wasn’t one of unpredictability, it was one that complimented the sheer size of the Reaver and it helped carry the weight. I took a deep breath in and then breathed out, but when I opened my eyes, they had changed into draconic eyes but unlike Fioren dragon eyes, they weren’t slits. They were crosses, just like Tatsumi’s from Akame Ga Kill after he evolved Incursio.

I trained my heightened senses on whatever could give me an advantage and I never lost my focus. Edward is a living Philosopher's Stone, he can’t die but that doesn’t mean that his stamina is endless. It doesn’t mean that I can’t disarm him. I slowly started to circle around him as he did the same with me. Neither of us faltering nor wavering in our determination. Even with Null helping to soothe the pain I feel in my new arm, I still feel it stinging, but through my determination, I ignore it and tighten my already iron grip on Reaver. I was ready to fight, and I will fight.

“Will is a good thing but how long can you hold the construct,” Ed remarked as he sprang up and brought the Disword down hard on us. The sword met each others blades with a loud ring and sparks were flying from the connection. That’s when I notice something was off with his sword. It wasn’t nearly as strong as it had been when we’d started the fight.

I push back against Ed’s sword and it starts to work. I was overpowering him when I flung his sword back and he went for another strike, I was unable to block it with Reaver so I held up my left arm and prepared for the hit. When all I felt was a ping and a sound of metal hitting metal. I look back up to see Ed’s surprised face as his Disword bounces off my hardened and metal spines, the scales being untouched, and only small chips in the spines being any indication that the hit was successful. I smile at this and swing Reaver down onto Ed’s sword knocking it out of his hand. I then land a punch to his chest, putting him on his ass and before he could get up, I lay Reaver on his shoulder, its blade aimed at his neck.

“Do you yield?” I ask him keeping the blade steady.

“Seriously,” Ed looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Hehehe, your funny Quill,” he said with a slight chuckle as he pushed my sword away and hopped to his feet.

“Your sword is at its limit,” I remark.

He merely held his hand out causing his weapons to return to his grip.

“That may be but it still has one more move left in it,” He shot back as he held out the sword with a slant his reflection clear in the blade. He placed both hands on the hilt and charge it with his energy. Charging forward he brought the Disword down on me so I counter with an upward diagonal slash of my own. I could hear the sword crying out as they clashed with each other. I could hear voices coming from Ed’s sword, so many voices were apart of this weapon. I then heard a very distinct snapping sound and looked to see that I’d cut Ed’s sword in two pieces. I also gave him a pretty decent wound across his chest judging from the amount of blood splattered across the ground. He fill to his knees and did a face plant into the sandy floor of the stadium, his right hand still holding his weapon tightly.

"Holy Christmas Nuts that was intense." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I then noticed Ed’s sword had started to fade away as it turned ethereal, then to dust and it blew away.

Is he dead, or just knocked out?”Null asked in disbelief. “Something feels off Quill.

The last of the sword had blown into the wind and Ed got back to his feet. “Ow, geez that stings,” Ed remarked as he rubbed his chest. “Note, train more with the Disword in real combat. Mental focus is severely lacking when using it.” He looked at us. “Nice job with that last move. Ready for the real stuff and round two?”

"Round 2?!" I complain. "Christ on a stick it was a challenge just to beat you right then! Damn!" But I then notice something, the stinging in my arm has vanished and I don't feel tired or drained of my stamina. "Though it seems I've gotten a much larger stamina reserve. And I want to get better at using Reaver. Plus I believe that was only a fraction of its power along with Ruiner's full potential." I tell Ed has I walk over and pick up my cloak. "By the way, got any other place to put my cloak?"

“Put it over in one off the entrances,” Ed pointed to one of the four opening to the stadiums arena floor. “Should be weapons doting the walls. Just hang it on an empty hook.”

"Got it, thanks." I say as I sheathed Reaver and picked up Repulser, sheathing him as well.

I walk over to Bloodskal and sheathe it on the back of my waist. I walk over to the entrance right behind me and place my cloak on an open hook. I look at the walls and see an empty weapon rack. I sigh as I place Repulser and Bloodskal on said rack, hearing the clacking of their metals on the wood. Walking out of the entrance I see Ed doing his own thing, but as I go to say something my stomach let loose an obnoxiously loud grumble. This grumble echoed through the arena catching Ed's attention. I looked away blushing in embarrassment.

"Hehe. Guess I'm pretty hungry." I chuckle nervously as I scratch my cheek with my new arm, which actually felt like normal skin and nor scales.

“Not surprising,” Ed said shaking his head and placing his hands on his hips. “I believe a snack is in order then. Ohagi?” he asked as a plate of the treat appeared in hand.

"One sec." I tell him l taking my phone out and looking at the time. "It's almost twelve, so it's about lunch time. I could go for some spaghetti or something. If it's edible I'd eat it really." I tell him rubbing my angered stomach. "I'll take the Ohagi." I say while taking the plate and sitting on the ground. I then begin to eat the food.

“Dragon Slayers… Always thinking with your stomachs first,”Ed remarked as he sat down with a bowl of ramen. “This stuff is made from my memories so sorry if it isn’t up to par with real stuff,” A bowl of Miso-Pork ramen appeared in front of me.

"Ish ffin." I say with a mouthful of food.

"For Fatalis sake Quill, don't talk with your mouth full. It's rude!" Ruiner scolded me talking through the gem on the Reaver.

"Ahh whatever." I brush it off and continue to fill my stomach.

“Yeah well… ya can’t beat real fresh ramen,” Ed said as he looked into his empty bowl. “My girlfriend, excuse me, my ex-girlfriend at the time of my Displacement has lived in Japan for quite a few years due to her family being stationed there. She made the best fresh ramen,” He placed his hands together. “Gochisosama Deshita.”

“Okay, two things. One, dafuq was that? What in the world did you just say? Two, what was your Ex’s name? I might’ve ran into her when I was still on Earth in Japan.” I told him. “Wait… Hold up, sorry, scratch that first thing. It's just been so long since I’ve had to speak Japanese that my mind stopped functioning for a few seconds.” I said as my brain started to work right.

“It’s fine,” Ed said getting back to his feet. “There’s no way you could’ve known her either. The family was military and they moved back to the US not long after her younger brother was born. As for her name, that stays with me.”

“I understand. Actually, my dad was a military intel operations specialist. His work usually kept him away, but when he was home he focused more on me, mom and Will. My mom was actually part of the Police but resigned shortly after I was born.” I told him, looking up into the clear sky. “It seems so long ago that it’s just a distant dream. I wonder… I wonder if they’re being reincarnated into this world as Zeref, Mavis, Serena and Zirconis were. But, that’s just hopeful thinking, sorry for rambling like that.” I apologized.

“Don’t be sorry my friend. Not many of us as young as you would have the balls to say that out loud after just being displaced,” He smirked as he looked at me through the corner of his eye. “I was given the chance to return to my Earth just where I left off in my life and you know how that went… if I’d taken that chance I would’ve missed my life here forever more.” He held his hand out to me. “Given that chance again I’d choose this life every time.”

“I’d choose my current life over my last one any time,” I smirked as I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. " Plus there's nothing left for me back home on Earth, I mean my actual house that was on Earth is back in Equestria courtesy of the Merchant and all my other friends like Will are probably displaced."

“Your not the only one who has other out there,” Ed said placing his hands in his pockets still wearing his warm smile. “I’m proud that my family spends the Void over. My nieces and nephew not to mention their children. I also have my little brother and now I have you, Zeref, Mavis, and Acno to add to my still growing family, brother,” he held out his sideways fist to me.

"If anything I need to make a lock for the cookie jar cause when I told Mavis one, she ate the whole damn thing faster than Ruby ever could." I sigh. "But I'm glad to have a brother like you Ed. Hey maybe I could help you unlock your monster weapon. I'm sure you've got one in you, somewhere." I say poking Ed lightly in the chest.

“Your more than right about that,” Ed rolled his eyes off to the side. “And your more than welcome to try but first we have a round 2 to get started.”

"Right." I say walking over to the other side of the arena.

I turn around and draw Reaver with my right hand, and I get into a neutral stance. I'm ready for this, as my face melted into one of pure absolute focus. My eyes becoming crosses once more and my spines rejuvenated into steel and hardened, allowing my defense to strengthen.

Ed went in the opposite direction and just stood there. “It's gonna take a moment.” He said holding his hand, palm open with his fingers fully extended.

‘Not going for flashy this time are ya,’ I thought with a smile.


Inside it was a weapon I’d never thought he’d even have, a keyblade wrapped in chains of light. The blade or blades were a dual scythe for teeth that extended down dual blades with a handle each. There was a metallic red skull on each side of the neck of the guard that led into the blades. At the ends of the hilt was a braided silver chain the rain down with a charm that was a red crystal cross that was littered with cracks.

Ed reached into the column of light and took hold of the weapon causing the chains to shatter at he pulled the keyblade. He pointed the tip at me, “This is my Baku, and this,” he vanished and appeared in front of me bring his Baku upwards with a heavy slash sending my upwards to the roof again, “is were the serious fight begins.”

'HOLY SHIT!!!' All three of us roared in shock at the sheer power of his Keyblabe. We sailed up farther, before beginning our descent. I focus my thoughts and ask Null and Ruiner something. 'Okay, anyone got any ideas? Cause if we don't up our game, we're royally fucked.' I tell them. They look at each other before looking back to me. 'We may have one idea.' Null says hesitantly as I listen. 'But it involves letting Ruiner take control.' He said finally. 'Oh fuck, well this ain't gonna end well is it?' I ask in my thoughts. 'Probably not.' Ruiner shrugged. 'God damnit.' I facepalm.

After getting the details of the plan, our body flew down as Ed looked up and trained his eyes on us. I grabbed the Reaver's hilt tighter and placed it behind my back in a way that let me drop faster gaining more velocity.

“I don’t think so,” Ed said placing both hands on his keyblade as the tip lit up in a purplish glow, “Gravity!” He yelled out and shot a ball of magic into the air that expanded to a dark orb drawing us in and off course. Ed then reeled back and threw his Baku in a spinning motion at us disappearing only to appear behind me grabbing his weapon again only to use it to throw us straight into the gravity sphere. The force and pain of this magic was indescribable. After the spell faded I fell and hit the stadium floor while Ed appeared about ten feet away.

As a result of my landing, a large amount of dust had been blown around where I landed making it so Ed couldn't see me. I silently picked myself up off the ground and let Ruiner take over.

"Finally." He grinned maliciously. As he retracted our left arm before throwing it out like he was throwing knifes I didn't expect anything to happen but to my surprise, all of the spines on our arm had been shot off at blinding speeds, but they quickly regenerated back onto our arm, I then noticed a weird feeling growing over our body, I looked around to find that hundreds of those same spines were growing from our back making us look even more like a Nergi. I grinned like Ruiner and let him loose.

Blasting out of the dust I saw that Ed had blocked most of our spines but the metal ones had gone too fast for him to react, lodging several in his stomach and chest, one even pierced his shoulder and his neck. Catching him off guard he raised his Baku just in time to block Ruiner's attack which was powerful enough to obliterate the wall behind the Alchemist. Sweeping Ed's feet out from under him, Ruiner punched him in the gut and swung him around to the other wall behind us, as Ed came to a stop, Ruiner jumped up and launched off the wall before spinning rapidly making himself a tornado of blades and shot spines everywhere, causing Ed to go on the defensive. But Ruiner sent our head directly into Ed's chest pushing some of the spines deeper and knocking the Alchemist into the wall of the stadium.

“Are you finished,” Ed looked down at us unfazed by any of the spikes in body. He grad our arm and even cracked the arm with his left hand. “Don’t get caught up in an onslaught and let you o pane to let you plow them,” he left us up and slammed us into the ground again and again. Ed then held the Baku up to our face “Firaga!” He yelled out and serred the right side, nothing healing wouldn’t take care of but it still would affect our sight the rest of the battle. He tossed us halfway across the stadium. “Here I come!” He yelled as he charged with a thrust hitting us, he did this seraval ime over each time doing more damage and preventing us from getting to our feet. “It’s over!” Ed appeared above us and pulled apart the Baku to reveal a dual wield mode. He barreled down with multiple blows before landing on the ground and then we hit.

"Fuck!!!!" Both myself and Ruiner screamed as we made a large crater that went deep into the ground. 'Shit we're getting screwed here! Do you have anything else?!' I asked Ruiner who had become silent. Ruiner sighed heavily before telling me he had an idea. '... But it's going to hurt like hell. Worse than anything you've felt so far.' He tells me. 'Are you still willing to go through with it?' He asked me. 'And once you say yes there is no going back.' He says dead serious. 'I'm sure. Do it.' I say, before he nods. Placing his clawed hand on my chest and siphoning his energy into me his form becomes me and my physical body starts to burn, my bones began to break and reattach to different ones causing immeasurable pain, as the Nergal Reaver melts into my body.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I bellow in pain, letting out a blood curdling scream. The pain continues as my body grows, the spines spreading over my entire back and a tail begins to grow out my body then becomes large, and my shoulder blades rip out of my back and new bones take their place, spines start to rip out of my other arm's skin and I scream in bloody pain as that same crimson sprays everywhere in the crater around me. Finally the pain is almost over in my body as it's now covered in spines and black and orange scales, but then the worst of it begins. I hold my head in pain as large horns begin to tear out of my head covered in blood and my hair vanishes into my scales as my nose and mouth begin to reform into a snout and jaw. Once the pain in my head subsides I can focus better. In fact better than I ever had before. My instincts were sharper and my sight could detect the smallest movement. I could smell the sizzling metal from Ed's Keyblabe and I could feel the wings on my back spread slightly. But then I hear the rocks around the front of the crater fall and they spread wide.

"Quill? Null? Ruiner?" I hear Ed's voice as he looks at the crater in confusion. "You guys okay?" He asks.

In answer all I do is let loose a roar, blowing everything away and sending Ed into the wall once more, causing cracks in the already large crater to expand and grow in size. Even the walls start to crack as I roar.

I flap my wings and in a large burst of speed I'm sent upwards at impossible speeds for my current size as I now tower over Ed. I did a small estimate and I now stand on all four legs at seventy five feet tall. I growl at Ed, as my crimson crossed eyes hunger for a rematch. I wouldn't be beaten so easily. I was a hunter, no… I AM AN ELDER DRAGON!!! I roar as I plunge my spined claw directly at Edward who barely dodged the metal spine covered claw as said claw dug deep into the ground where Ed once stood.

“You…” Ed looked down and started to shake. “You dare take that form in my city,” he spoke with a clear voice. His grip tightened on his Baku. “You in danger the lives of my citizens.RAAA!” a pillar of red light shot around Ed.

The light did down quickly and revealed Ed but not Ed. “You will suffer.” Came the voices of many from Ed’s mouth.. “Malice will reveal in your pain.”

Ed, or Malice, shot right in our gut in a spiraling motion sending us flying into the air. They then were above us. “Crimson Moon Bloody Downfall!” They yelled out joining the Keyblade halves together and the motioning into a circle. They held the blade above their head and slashed down sending thousands of red lights into our form, being so large we couldn’t dodge and every hit was more painful than the last but more than that, I felt my strength drained my and more with each light the pierced our body.

I growled low, before throwing my arms up and roaring. “ELDER CRYSTAL BARRIER!!!” I roared as a barrier of glowing blue crystals covered my body, protecting me from the lights but they started to break through the barrier. I then swung my immensely large tail at my barrier shattering it, and swung my wings up so fast the shards flew up at incredible speeds, countering and nullifying almost all of the lights except for a few which got to me, but some of the shards became pure energy and pierced through Malice/Ed too causing his face to contort into one of pain. I spat out black blood as I placed my claws on the ground and summoned an invisible barrier made from the crystals and geodes in the ground around the stadium, keeping us both locked in. That barely took anything and I flew up at immense speed to look at Ed/Malice in the eyes.

Not fight… Up here… Fight on ground… Safer for everyone… Special barrier feeds off excess power from us… impossible to destroy… keep us in… keep others in city safe.” I spoke to Malice/Ed in a cut voice, deeper than even Kratos’. “Malice… will release Ed back… Into control first.” I told Malice noticing Ed’s soul fighting off the negativity being.

Malice tilted his head slowly with an evil smile, “No, it’s been sometime since he was angry enough to full to my pull. And you need not worry as if I don’t let him have his body back then I lose a great source of negativity.” He snidely laughed. “And as much fun as it would be to continually torture you I have no patience for the other idiots our head right now vying for control,” he flick the keyblade off to the side. “So you can have your match with me,” Malice smirked as he activated Ultimate Shield and the other Sin Releases taking up a fighting stance.

We slammed a hand down for Malice only to whip through our fingers use his shadows to get above us. He then landed on our back and using the Ultimate Spear dug into our flesh while sending the nails throughout our body doing severe internal damage. “Let’s lock you down!” He laughed as several shadows grabbed us with razor sharp teeth and we could then feel our body being held down by the suckon of Gluttony. Malice jumped off and above still maintaining his hold as he held the Baku above his head. “Garganta!” Malice roared as he brought the Baku down with a huge slash of life coming from the weapon hitting us dead center. Even with regeneration healing would take time in this form. Malice landed in front of us with his back facing us placing the Keyblade on his shoulder. He looked over slightly as we fell to the ground. “You should just take control of that body while you can.”

I AM IN CONTROL BITCH!!” I roared as I slowly stood up, black and blue energy surrounding me. “Thanks for the food asshole. I wanted to fight Ed, not his negativity.” I said as I walked towards Malice. My wounds regenerating at a rapid rate.

“Fool, you shouldn’t eat Deconstruction,” Malice smirked as I fell to my knees.

What the hell did you do?” I cried out.

“Simple, I used alchemy not magic,” he laughed. “Well technically I used both. Ed isn’t the only one who uses alchemagic. I used it to deconstruct your body at the cellular level and your own magic is fulling it even now. It will slowly and painfully tear you apart.”

I feel like I’m going to die, I was genuinely scared, fearful. I didn’t want to die. I closed my eyes as pain tore through my body.

What the hell are you doing?” I heard a voice ask.

I shot my head up to see Will, his face full of disappointment. I looked at his body, it was glitching. It wasn’t all there.

Did I help raise you to quit when you know you’re screwed?” He asked once more.

“... No you didn’t.” I said slowly.

Then don’t give up now. You still need to find me. So, get your Elder ass up and fight. Fight like you know, fight with your heart!” He shouted as my mind returned to reality.

I looked down as my body began to slowly disappear, its molecules deconstructing at a steady rate. ‘FUCK THIS BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!’ All three of us roared as I grabbed a hold of my own tether of molecules and began to pull them back together. My body returning to its Nergigante form as I began to feel… Differently. My eyes glowed with energy as they burned brighter and brighter, till even my mouth emitted the same light. A star began to burn in the sky as it became closer, and closer still. Until it landed onto me, crashing through the barrier and impacting me. I became a beacon of light as a pillar of light exploded and Elder Energy began to flow into me from everywhere.

I roared with energy as the pillar of light slowly subsided, revealing me still in my Nergi form but I was different. I knew it. Malice looked back at me and cracked an evil smile. “So ya still got some fight left in ya, eh?” He asked before laughing maliciously. “I’m going to kill you, ya know that?” He asked me.

You shall be locked away for a very long time Malice. You tried to rid my family of me and you’ve locked away my brother.” I yelled, anger within several of the Elder Dragon voices speaking in unison through my body. “You tried to murder our champion! You tried to murder the only one who could set us free! You’ve tried to murder his Equestia’s last hope! You’ve made your last mistake Malice! YOU! WILL! PAY! DEARLY! YOU BASTARD! DIE!” All the voices in me roared in focused rage. With, not the intent to kill, but to harm.

Leaping at Malice, he tried to swing at me with speeds that would’ve previously been faster than me, but with my temporary boost, I was fast enough to dodge and I buried my claw into his stomach, causing him to barf up a massive amount of blood as my fist went through his chest and sent him into an invisible wall.

Malice looked up and simply smiled, “if We really wanted the kid dead e wouldn’t be playing with him so lightly,” they said as his wounds healed. “Besides, he can the Deconstruction on his own dumbasses.” They pointed at me. “Or is all that training you did with Little Twilight and Polearm for not, Dragon Slayer. As for locking us away, you have no such power to do so. Not even our dear little niece, Alexandria Justine could do it and had to make a deal with us. Though this means we’re limited on our time in the free world, Ed remains in control and we get twice the source of negative emotions.”

We are not talking about us locking you away Malice. We are talking about someone you’ve locked away a few minutes ago, asshole.” We tell him.

“You mean the alchemist you angered with that transformation of yours,” they laughed while pointing the Baku at us. We noticed his hand slightly twitch as if he didn’t have full control of the body. Suddenly, Ed’s right hand plunged itself into his arm ripping off the hand dropping the Baku. The right hand grabbed the Keyblade and thrust it into the chest through the back. We couldn’t believe what we saw.

“No… it’s… to… soon. We won’t go back!” Malice howled in anger as Ed’s body fell limp then pulled the Baku from its chest.

“Yea you stay there for the foreseeable future too,” we heard in a singular voice that we know was Ed’s. “Damn that fight with the Disword put more strain on my mentally then I originally thought,” he cracked his neck before looking at us. “Want me to undo that Deconstruction charge still running through you?”

That would be most appreciated. Also we are sorry for letting Ruiner allow Quill to take this form. We are simply testing our champion to make sure he will be able to use it when the time comes.” We apologize. “We would never endanger the lives of your citizens. It is one of our oldest laws: Never harm an innocent, weather with intent or on accident. Once again our deepest apologies.” We tell Edward with an apologetic bow.

“Yes well,” Edward said as he extended his claws into our flesh. “I wanted to push Quill and coupled with the heat of anger in battle with worn mental barriers,” we felt a surge of pain throughout our body followed by relief. “Not to mention using a Keyblade invites Darkness into your heart. So part of the blame is mine too. But we need not worry about my city as my barriers create a sort of pocket dimension around us limiting the effects to the outside. To any onlookers it’s just a still rumble of guards training. Feeling better?” He asked retracting his claws.

Much better, thank you friend. If you would like, we can let you talk to Quill. Our bodies are now linked together, our energies are tied together now. We are like you with your many souls, but the only divergence is that we have physical bodies that are lying dormant in Quill’s Equestria. Though our energies were lost to the void and Equestria was left in a state of darkness after Grogar trapped us in crystals. Though one of us is trapped under Canterlot itself. HEY!” One of our many voices complains. “You try fighting something that’s the equivalent of your evil counterpart, especially for an Elder like me!” One of the deeper voices complains.

“Hmmm…” Ed placed the Baku on his shoulder. “Do as you wish, but know that you all still won’t win this fight. Also, remind me to tell you the story of the Scaleless Dragons while Quill is still here,” he said as he went to the nearby will and leaned against.

I’m here alright, Ed. Yeah, it’s pretty strange having four other Elder Dragons in your body, especially since they’re some of the strongest Elders in all of the Monster Hunter Series. Yeah it’s really strange and kinda frightening too.” I said in my voice as the color of the light burned with an orange hue, before changing into a golden hue. “Well it wouldn’t be that strange if you’d just use our weapons like you’re meant to. But I suppose you’ll have to find us and earn our weapons though.” A more feminine voice retorted.

“Yea I wouldn’t do that if I were all of you,” Ed remarked leaned the Baku against the wall next to him. He then had a cigar appear out of nowhere and lit it. He puffed a ring towards us. “Don’t forget Anco is still linked to your soul and we have to put him in his body,” Ed explained as he placed the cigar between his fingers. “And doing that is going to severely hinder Quill’s power by half. He’ll be spending the learning in a wheelchair if you put too much strain on him.” Ed placed the cigar back in his mouth. “And I seriously doubt that Acno won’t retain some if not one of you Elder Dragons but hey, who am I to judge the intricacies of a soul and the asshole of a Void Dweller known as Truth but you be you.”

We do not intend to give Quill more than he can handle, but the way we give our powers is through our weapons, as they have the unique ability to summon us and allow him to commune with us. It gives us the ability to monitor Quill and in his time of need we can send one of our own to help him. Please do not take this the wrong way but we would never hurt Quill or reduce his abilities. The way we siphon our power is through the Elder already in him, which is Ruiner Nergigante. He is the only Elder form Quill will ever be able to access as not to damage his soul.” A very young but experienced voice explained to Edward as the light gained a light blue hue.

“That’s not what I meant,” Ed rolled his with Jim’s cigar between his teeth. “I’m saying you should hold off on the weapons and should wait until after we’ve separated Anco and Quill,” He gestured will his hands. “Quill will need to build his strength back up after the separation as half his power will be going to Acno. This way he has strength in reserve to get back to where he is now through your weapons and training.” Ed put out the cigar in his right hand. “Do you all understand now? And for Pete’s sake change back to normal.”

"That is exactly why our bodies are crystalized in his Equestria, and only when he finds us, is then we can give him our weapons." An older and much wiser voice corrected.

“Very well, now shrink back down,” Ed huffed annoyed.

"Right." We all say as my Nergi body returns to its normal size and the Elder Energy washes off of my and back into the Reaver's form.

"Well…." I say as I stand straight up… only to fall on the ground face first groaning in slight hunger pains. "That hurt let hell. And now I feel like eating a Fatalis Damned tree." I groan in sore pain. I look at my Nergi arm and see that the spines have all fallen off, and I notice my Reaver forming beside me. "Guess it only happens when I'm in a fight." I mumbled, as I rolled over onto my back.

Ed came over and pointed the Baku’s teeth at my nose. “I never said the fight was over did I?”

"No you didn't, but I think I'm spent." I say weakly holding up my Nergi arm. "Don't even have enough energy to force even one spine to grow. You are very, very fucking powerful, goes without question. I yield." I tell Ed. "Ugh, could you help me up? I can't really feel anything except being sore."

“Ya have enough strength to down a couple of potions?” Ed asked as he pulled me to my feet proceeding to pull out a couple of red and green vials the pouch at his side giving them to me. “Sorry about the facial burn.” Ed looked at the side of my face as I downed the stamina and health potions. “It doesn’t look like it’ll heal without leaving some form of scar on its own.”

Ed held the Baku pointing the tip towards the sky and released the handle letting the weapon float in the air. Ed then extended his hands out clapping them together and interlocking his fingers and he then turned his hands horizontally. Chains of light soon appeared and wrapped around the keyblade as a portal of light opened beneath it dragging the weapon down into another dimension, sealed away until Ed released it again.

"It's fine. It’ll make me look more like Todoroki from My Hero Academia." I chuckle loosely as I slowly sit up.

“If marefriend gets mad tell her it was and she gets one free it,” Ed shrugged as he snapped and we were back at the castle. “Wonder if Twilight, Shining, and Cadance are picking anything useful from their Dark Magic lessons?” he then He then suddenly stopped and turned to me and then looked at himself. “We better get cleaned up and get some coverings other than your cloak and my coat before we meet with anyone.” He laughed slightly as he put his coat on and me my cloak.

"Hell, knowing Twilight she's just, absorbing as much as she can." I mumble before looking down at myself and putting my cloak on. "Yeah, that'd probably be best." I then take out my phone which was surprisingly untouched. "Hmm. It seems we've been here for only a few hours." I grumble putting my phone in my pocket once more, and standing up.

“Wanna hit the royal bath or the secret caverns?” Ed gestured as we walked through the palace. “Don’t forget we still have you and Acno’s procedure to get to as well.”

"Yeah I'll take a bath first, I really need it. My muscles are still sore as hell." I groaned. "Null, Ruiner? You two okay?" I ask.

'EVERYTHING HURTS!' I heard Null scream. Grief he's okay. 'Christ… that sucked.' and there's Ruiner.

"Yup those two are good." I tell myself.

“This way,” Ed said as we went down a couple of corridors to a changing room. “Not to be blunt but trunks are a must here once you're done in the personal shower.”

"Understood Ed." I tell him giving him an 'okay' sign to go along with it.

“Not my rule but Tia’s as this is the communal bath mainly set up for the guards,” he said as he grabbed a towel, shampoo, and a pair of trunks before he stepped into a nearby stall and turned on the water. “Aside from the separated showers it’s mixed bathing for simplicity sake.” I heard over the rush over water as I got my own amenities and stepped into a stall. Hot water burns like the fires of hell after having your ass handed to you several times over.

I let the heated water run down my skin, and boy did that sting like shit. I bit the inside of my cheek to ignore the pain as I began to shower. This gave a small amount of time to think about what Ruiner and the other Elders had told us after the fight. To think that a force in my Equestria was enough to trap four of them is a scary thought, and the fear only multiplies due to the fact that one of the Elders in me is called the Elder Dragon God. It’s a scary thought, but I’ll have to ask the Elders about it later, but right now I’m here to calm down after our fight. When I thought back to the fight, I smiled as I remembered that I’d actually beaten Ed in a sword fight. But that was using his weaker sword. That Baku though, it had something to it, something else. It interested me and I wanted to know more. Sure I’ve played the Kingdom Hearts games a couple of times and I was familiar with the Keyblades, but… Something about Baku reminded me of one of the swords I used in the earlier KH games. I can’t remember which one though. Odd, but whatever.

I heard the other shower turn off and Ed step out. “Come on slowpoke, you need the bath more than I do.” He said tapping on the shower stall door. “And if you want to know about the Keyblade then ask and don’t stingy with the questions. It’s something I’ve grown accustomed to when ever I pull it out of its hidy hole.”

I chuckle slightly before finishing and putting on the trunks I took. Walking out I face Ed and tell him. “Well, it’s not really a question for you so much as a question for my memories.” I explained. “I’ve played some of the KH games and your Baku reminds me of a pair of Keyblades I used in the games constantly. I just can’t remember the name of the two though.” I tell him, as we walk over to the bath.

Ed and I both sat in green tinted water and I have to say it felt pretty damn good. “It’s an herbal blend to relieve fatigue. It’s why most of the guards like this public bath instead of their private ones.” Ed said as he put a projection of the Baku up. “You’re probably thinking of the blades the Sora and Riku each used. One light and the other dark. They formed a joint blade that was altogether balanced. Just like that weapon the Baku is a keyblade that is both light and dark. Represented by its name the Baku. Eater of dreams and nightmare. But unlike the others the Baku is a singular keyblade.” He turned off the projection. “Not even I can tell why it’s here or where it came from. It simply appeared to me one day after I returned to Equestria from a long journey but not before I started to see Luna.”

“That’s the thing, I can’t remember their names but I can remember their titles. The darkness of light, and the light of the dark. The twins of Reality. That’s pretty much all I can remember about them, but it feels like I should know more.” I ramble.

“If you are meant to know more then it will come to you in time my friend,” Ed said as he leaned his head back. “All things have their time and place to reveal themselves. One of the many things I learned in this incredibly long life I’ve had amongst the ponies of this world. Just wait and be patient, Time Dragon Slayer.”

“Well, for being a Time being, all I can do is wait.” I sigh. “Anyway, I also want to discuss something with you. It’s about the Elders now residing in my body. I want you to know more about them. And I want some questions about them answered too.” I tell him. “Are you five listening?” I ask, waiting for a few seconds before getting a response. “Yes, we hear you Quill. We can hear both of you just fine, and we have answers to only a few of your questions. However the information we have is limited, and may not be as accurate anymore. We’ve been locked away for a long ass time and the world has changed, but we’ll try to answer to the best of our abilities.” They answered in order, following one another’s sentences.

“Holding a conversation with others in your own head,” Ed snickered. “I hate when it’s me but it’s funny when it’s someone else.” I simply gave him a deadpan stare. “Sorry, continue.”

“Right, so first off is there anyway you five could project yourselves so that Ed and I can talk to you directly?” I ask them. “Yes, there is a way but first off, can you ask Edward if he has any crystals? Even just one will do.” One of the voices asked. “Hey, Ed. One of them knows a way to project their voices but we need a crystal. Even just one, doesn’t matter the type. You got one?” I asked him.

“Seeing as I don’t want a massive headache from shifting images, I’ll give ya five,” Ed said flatly as he held up his hand and five crystals materialized in his grip. “Here ya go.” He said giving me the crystals.

“Thanks. Right, so… Do whatever you all are gonna do.” I tell the five of them.

I then see five streams of energy flowing out of my arms and into the crystals. The first stream was orange, the second was golden, the third was red, the fourth was blue and the fifth was a greenish color. Each stream flowed into one of the five crystals, and I set them all down onto the edge of the bath. A few seconds passed before each crystal emitted a faint glow of each respective color and projected a small holographic image of each Elder Dragon.

Thank you. This way, we’ll be able to explain to you the answers we have better.” The image of Nergigante thanked us.

Yes, it would be very bothersome if we had to talk over one another.” An Elder with jets on his wings expressed. I looked closely and recognized him as a Valstrax, The Red Comet Elder Dragon.

Right so, what questions do you have?” A snake-like Elder, which was larger than any of the others asked with his claws stretched open, waiting for the questions we held. Is he a… A Dalamadur? He looked to be still growing as evident from his greyed scales. A full grown Dalamadur would be a bit over seven miles long, but this one if I was correct is only four hundred and forty meters, still a juvenile.

I look over to Ed and motion my hands. “You can go ahead and ask the first question. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that these five are actually in my Equestria.” I sigh.

“I would but there’s a problem with that,” Ed said bluntly. “I have no questions!” He said sticking out his tongue and tilting his head sideways.

“Guess I’ll ask mine.” I mumble. “Okay, first off what are your names?” I ask them.

Well, you already know mine but once again, I am Ruiner Nergigante, The Extinction Elder Dragon.” Ruiner reintroduced.

I am Shah Dalamadur, The Serpent Elder Dragon.” The Dalamadur known as Shah said with a slight head bow.

I am Valorgod Valstrax, The Azure Comet Elder Dragon. You may just call me Valor.” Valor told us.

I am Shagura Magala, The Sun Elder Dragon. You may call me Maggie.” Maggie said to us while spreading her wings, as if she was trying to intimidate us. Yeah that wasn’t going to work.

I guess it’s my turn.” A small glowing Elder Dragon spoke up. As me and Ed looked at her, she hid behind her wings slightly, before poking her head out and waving hello slightly. “H-Hi. My name is Xeno’jiiva, T-The Elder Dragon God. You can call me Xeni, i-if you want.” Xeni introduced shyly. I simply waved back and smiled. She was cute, and I had a feeling she and Fluttershy would get along perfectly.

“It’s nice to meet you all. As you know, my name’s Acnori Quill. This as you know, is Edward Elric, the Crimson Sage and Alchemist.” I told them. “Okay, so for my other questions. How did you all get to Equestria?” I ask them.

I suppose I can answer that.” Shah stated flatly. “Okay, so first off, you’re familiar with reincarnation. I know you are Quill, but we didn’t get here through normal reincarnation like you, Zeref, Serena, Zirconis or Mavis. While it’s true we did die to get here, we were all killed by the same hunter. The character you play as when someone plays the Monster Hunter games. Don’t ask how we know about them, cause we had a look into your memories Quill. Though I suppose the best way to explain this is to say, we were all brought here after the hunter defeated us. Though it was through some sort of Elder Energy portal. We don’t know how it formed but we do know that much of our energy was scattered throughout the void, most of it landing in your Equestria, Quill. But the rest gradually absorbed the void energy around it and when it found itself here, which only happened when Quill entered Arch Tempered mode, we found our consciousness all in the energy, while still retaining the memories we’ve made when in Quill’s Equestria.” Shah explained, creating a small orb of his energy, which contained Elder and Void Energy, before dispersing it.

“Got it.” I spoke under my breath, while holding my chin.

“Yea, good luck finding the energy in the Void,” Ed said nonchalant. “You’ll never see it unless it stayed intacted long enough to make it through a portal to a stable world. If it stayed in the Void no chance in hell can you get it back.” He got out of the bath. “The void is the beginning and end. It is everything and nothing. Sorry to but you’ll have to get what you can from your weapons.”

Actually, we don’t need our lost energy anymore. When our energy was dragged into Quill’s Arch Tempered form, and when we absorbed the Void Energy, our natural Elder Energy outputs increased immensely. All Elders naturally generate Elder Energy, it’s how we do what we do. All of us monsters generate some amount of Elder Energy including humans. I can sense a very small amount emitting from you, however it's very minimal, as your body absorbed a little from Quill’s Arch Tempered form.” Xeni told Ed. “Though since our Energies have changed it’s highly likely that our physical bodies have altered in response or are currently changing in response. Though this means that our energy signatures have become different than when we entered the void. Simply put, we no longer need our lost energy, and that we now hold much more Elder Energy we’ve come to now call, Void Elder Energy. Though this is all just a theory, and I’m not a hundred percent on this.” Xeni said losing her stutter and explaining it kinda like Twilight.

I lean over to Maggie and ask. “Is she always like this when talking about Elder Energy?” I ask silently.

Yup.” She responded.

“We all have moments were we talk about stuff and go into an excited detail mode,” Ed said as he went into a shower still and turned on the water briefly and then turned off again before starting to change into regular clothes. “I suggest you hurry as the next guard group will be in soon and I’m sure you don’t want a hoof mark on your face.”

"Got it." I said getting out and picking the crystals up.

Walking into one of the shower rooms after getting my stuff, and drying up before changing into my own clothes and placing the crystals in my pocket.

Suddenly Ed turned his head and a Void Portal opened. Ed simple shook his head and walked to the portal and then looked back at me. “I'll be back by this evening, a little hunter needs help. Sorry, you can’t come with.” He said walking in to the portal as is then shut.

Quill’s Shining Armor POV

While learning new magic, especially dark magic that doesn't corrupt, is good and fascinating I’m still a guard pony and my main duty is to protect so I asked the one called Polearm where the me of this world could be found to get some one on one training in. Unfortunately, he was on a top secret mission of some and he couldn't be called away from it but Polearm volunteer to take up the slack for him as he claimed it was his duty as the Guard Captain of Ponyville, one of Edwards top students, and that he was this world’s Twily’s coltfriend. I figured I’d humor him and check out what he could do as not many earth ponies make it as guards. Boy was I wrong, this guy was tough and EXTREMELY strong, even for earth pony standards. Not to mention he had a special type of magic that he invented.

“Must be tough trying to fight on all fours all the time,” Polearm said with smirk as he looked at me from where he’d thrown me from in the dueling circle. “Leaves you off balance if you have to hold a weapon.”

“Yea, it’s pretty hard but magic is a big help with the weapons part,” I said get back on my hooves. “But you’re not playing fair either. Earth ponies aren’t supposed to be able to use magic like you are.”

“Not using right now Shining, I cut off my magic follow to give you all the handicaps needed,” He said with a shrug.

“I call bull,” I pointed a hoof at him. “You guys have natural strengthening magic that we unicorns don’t have and the only way you can’t use it is if somepony else cuts it off.”

“Not true,” Polearm crossed his arms. “See, Ed wasn't always the Mage he is now. In fact, he couldn’t even use magic back in the day, not unless he rewrote the spell for his own uses. Sure he could tap into magic but rewriting one spell was very tedious and time consuming so Edward came up with several work arounds.”

“Like what?” I tilted my head.

“Like magical augmentation,” he explained. “Ed was already strong but he was weak against magic so he developed the ability to strengthen his body with magic like Earth Ponies naturally do but his skill can be taken and used to harness the magic flow on top of existing magic strength. I took it a step further still and applied it externally like you unicorns do with your horns but my magic manifested as my talent for being a guardsman and pole weapon user.”

“Could you teach me,” I pointed out, wanting to learn how to strengthen my body to be a better fighter. “And if your magic is cut off how is it you still so strong?”

“Your talent already heavily deals in your magic making no sense in applying magic externally,” He explained as the dust from the ground flew up into his hand and solidified into a spear. “And your a unicorn so it would come to you naturally but I can help with the concept of using your talent in other ways and to augment your body so you'll become much stronger.”

“Yeah, I’d appreciate the help a lot.” I accept.

“Starting off let me say this,” he pointed at me. “As far as unicorns go, you’re on the better end as far as physicality goes and magic don’t get me started. However, you're a glass tank. Meaning once your magic is gone you are still pretty much used up but your magic still hinders you as its mainly defensive. You should try using your shields in less conventional means. Instead of bubbles or domes. Try applying it like a suit of armor or make constructs to help fight in battles. You have more than enough magic to manipulate thirty or more puppets. As for an earlier question when you asked why I was so strong. It's because I workout without my magic at least three hours a day everyday. Sure first it was Ed’s server training but I keep it up. We should also see about get you some good spells, gear, and a unique magic like Quill’s. You proved to have an affinity far Dark Weapon magic. Perhaps Ed can help.”

“Probably, but we might have to wait a bit. Last I saw, he and Quill were heading to the training grounds to do, well, exactly that. Though for some reason, I felt a weird magical signature emanating from Quill, one that he himself probably noticed as he kept fidgeting with his wrist, as if something was trying to get out. Heck if I know though. I’m not all too familiar with Dragon Slayers.” I shrug.

“You and me both,” Pole rolled his eyes. “But in the meantime, how about you try and work on the different concepts of your shield spell. Try using some of the Dark Magic practices you learned about from Ed’s classes.”

“Alright, I’ll try.” I say focusing on using my newly acquired Dark Magic, and closing my eyes.

Doing what I did last time when I first used it, I began to drift my thoughts to something I had once heard Quill mutter about one time. Shield Hero. That name stuck in my mind as I focused my thoughts on a shield. When I sensed my magic materialize I opened my eyes to reveal a pitch black shield with dark runic markings flooding the design, and a large red pearl gem mounted in the middle of the shield.

I tried to grab the shield with my magic but it wouldn’t take, so I began to reach for it with my hoof, when the shield lunged for my foreleg and latched on tightly, refusing to let go. On the outside, it’d look like I was calm, but in reality on the inside, I was screaming in confused fear.

“What in Equestria is this?” I mumbled as I examined the shield, now latched onto my foreleg.

“Oh boy,” Polearm said with wide eyes. “I think we should find someone to talk to about this. I’m not versed enough in magical artifacts to know anymore than that thing is big news of some kind.”

“Any ideas on what it might do?” I asked, looking at the shield. “It’s obviously some kind of shield.”

“I can clearly see that,” Polearm deadpanned.

“Don’t give me that shit, you know what I mean!” I retort, an irk mark appearing on my forehead. I let out a sigh before continuing. “It… It feels like this is something from darkness but also something made from the light. When this formed something, a sentence, a phrase. It just popped up into my head. All it tells me is just: “The light that the Goddesses fear, and the darkness the Demons could not contain.” That’s all I can think of, and that is all this thing tells me.” I repeat the phrase as I look at the red pearl gem and it gives off a sheen of light.

“It could’ve that it was originally made as a sacred weapon meant to simply combat and protect whatever the wielder deems needs protecting,” he said as he rubbed his chin while I looked at him confused. “Think of it as the same concept as when you were learning Dark Magic. This thing is neither good nor evil and simply is. It’s just up to the wielder of how it’s used. Basically it was made to protect light and dark. Evil is simply meant to fear it.” Will

“Sweet Celestia, this is just confusing. But when is anything ever not confusing when the Displaced are involved?” I sighed, shaking my head.

“Whenever it involves those closest to them,” Pole said patting me on the back.

“So, basically everyone in the castle.” I chuckle.

“If you’re Ed, definitely,” he chuckled. “Just don’t piss him.”

"Yeah I think it'll take a lot to piss him off so we should be good. Though from what little Twily has written to me about Quill, he can piss a lot of people off with just one smartass remark." I say. "I mean I talked to Celestia and he literally roasted our Equestria's most entitled Noble and made our Prince Blue Blood piss himself. I'd be surprised if he didn't find a way to piss off some type of God one of these days." I ranted while chuckling.

“You mean when,” Pole pointed out.

“Actually… Yeah. When he pisses off some type of God.” I correct myself.

“Let's get back to your shield though,” Pole said taking another look. “Can I have a closer look?”

“Sure,” I said as I tried to take the shield off my foreleg, emphasis on tried. “The fuck is going on the damn thing, It won’t come off.” I grunted as I pulled on the shield. After about fifteen minutes of me and Pole trying to pull the accursed thing off, along with my foreleg, we decided to leave it be. We eventually found we could move around my body but not off it, which made things easier for me as I could have it on my back allowing me to walk properly.

“I don’t know what to tell ya man,” Pole shrugged.

"What in the world is this thing though? Maybe Edward or Quill will know something about it." I suggest to Pole as I walk over to a wall to sit down.

“Quite possible, and if not we can always check Princess Luna’s Library,” Polearm added.

“Wanna go to the Princess’ Library first? It seems that Ed and Quill are having a bit of a serious fight.” I said, noticing and pointing towards the massive pillar of blue energy emitting from the arena.

“Oh shit.” he said looking up at the column. “Yea let's do that, and let’s get your sister and Cadence too. Ed did say some other time she could see the library. They should be in Ed’s advanced class. You get them and I’ll get get my Twilight and Princess Luna. She’s the only other pony with a key to the place in this world. Let’s meet up…” he thought for a moment. “In the throne room in thirty okay.”

“Sure, I’ll see you later.” I say, nodding and trotting off to go find my sister and Fiance.

After a few minutes of trotting around later, I found Ed’s advanced class and when I opened the door, I saw what I’d expect. Twily taking as many notes as she could and Cadence focusing on the studies as much as she could, while also practicing as they were learning. I let out a loose sigh and knock on the door with my hoof, getting their attention.

“Oh? Ah, Shinning! Was there something you needed?” Cadence asked as she trotted over to me.

“BBBFF!” Twily yelled in slight excitement as she bounded over to the two of us.

“Yeah, there is something I need. Follow me and I’ll explain on the way.” I said as the three of us walked out of the classroom, and Twily dispelled her note book and quill.

“Shinning, what’s that shield on your back? Your constructs don’t usually stay for very long after you stop your magic flow.” My sister asked.

“Well, that’s one of the reasons I’m taking you to Ed’s Luna’s Library. I’ll explain the rest on the way.” I told them as we trotted down the hall and into the throne room.

After explaining to them what the shield was, or at least what myself and Pole knew about it, Twily had an understandable fascination with it and wanted to test on it. But she was quickly dejected after she tried and failed to use her magic to pick it up. Yeah, we learned a new thing about it. It can essentially eat and devour outside magic which is different from its user’s own magic signature.. In this case, I’m the user and it ate the magic Twily tried to use on it. The result was funny as she had a mental brain fart and stuttered for about three minutes straight.

“Ah little ponies, Polearm informs me that you see knowledge in my library,” Ed’s Luna said with a soft smile. “Oh my.” she noticed the shield. “How did you come by one of the Cardinal Weapons Shining Armor.

“He was trying to use Dark Magic as a shield spell and suddenly he had that thing on his foreleg,” Polearm explained.

“This is big,” Ed’s Twilight said. “I’ve only read about these weapons in myths and fairy tale books. I didn’t think they were real.”

“I can assure you that they were very real at one time Twilight but they disappeared long ago. Sometime with the last thousands of years when I was much younger. Edward had a few run-ins with all of them on his journey across our world. He said he never knew what became of them after he parted ways with the various heros. We need knowledge indeed,” She said as she summoned a large mirror and laced a black skeleton key against it causing the mirror to ripple as if it were made of water. “Please step through, the librarian who goes by Dark Light will be waiting for us.”

Watching the event occur, I was creeped out. Mostly because of the skeleton key. “Alright, ignoring the creepy skeleton key I’ll just walk through.” I say doing just that, and walking through the mirror.

‘Took you long enough,” I heard the Princess say as I came into a long stone brick corridor. Soon after I was followed by the others. Luna led us into a massive dark tower the was filled with shelves of books that ranged in size and cool to varying classes and difficulty of spells and various other knowledge of who knows what. It had obviously taken many centuries to acquire this collection and it spanned levels. “We should start in the ancient legends section as well as search the artifacts and legendary weapons sections” Luna though aloud as we followed. “Dark Light,” She called out and then there was a loud popped and floating above us was a bright shining light.

“Yes mistress,” came a voice from the light.

“Please bring us any information pertaining to the four Legendary Heroes, their weapons and their tales that are scattered across the Library please,” Lyna said with an authoritative tone.

“At once Mistress,” the light said as it whizzed off.

“Let's get started shall we,” Luna said grabbing a nearby book and we all did the same, except for Twiliy who was in a frozen state of utter joy.

Twily then began to vibrate uncontrollably, and I started to get worried. “Uh… Twily?” I asked, before my sister exploded with a large amount of joy.

“SO! MANY! BOOKS!!!!!!!!” Twily screamed with joy.

“Oh boy.” I sighed.

Quill’s Spike POV

I was sitting next to Edward's version of me and I was asking him about the different worlds he had been to.

“I’ve only been to one other world other than this one kid,” He said as he was working on a metal limb of some kind. Sparks would fly up in his face as his cut and shaped metal. He was unaffected by flying sparks as he wore goggles to protect his and the sparks didn’t seem to affect him at all as they simply bounced off his skin.

“Well, what was it like?” I asked him as he continued his work.

“Similar to this mine but the ponies were more pony than human like Ed and Quill,” He said as he held up an automail part and measuring it before placing it back on the table to let it cool. He pulled up his goggled and looked at the little dragon, “there was magic there like here and I met a couple of versions of us that looked closer to you in appearance. One was a Dragon Slayer like Quill.”

He got up and moved across the room to a chest. Ed’s Spike unlocked the chest to reveal a large quantity of various gems that were sorted into separate boxes. He grabbed one of the boxes of Fire Rubies. I could only stare as my more start to water. Ed’s Spike grabbed a few and set them next to a turntable with an empty spool. I was thouroughly confused as to why he wasn’t snacking on them. Fire Rubies are my favorite snack so shouldn't that mean they were his too.

But… Then again, this is another world, so……………. Yeah.

“Hungry?” He asked as he continued his work. “You’re me after all and I did like to snack on gems when I was your age.” He said as he put some of the rubies on a plate nearby. “And so we don’t get mixed up call me ES, for Ed’s Spike.”

“Got it, and thanks. I do feel pretty hungry.” I say picking up one of the rubies and chowing down on it. I then feel my hunger start to slowly melt away as my stomach digests the ruby. After swallowing it, I then let out a loud burp before covering my mouth and saying. “'Scuse me.” I chuckle nervously.

“Manners a formality around me dude, as long as you remember whose house were in and when you should use them I don’t really care,” ES said as he put on a pair of gloves with what looked like spell circles on them.

“What are those for?” I pointed at the gloves while tilting my head.

“These are my alchemy gloves that Ed gave me for mine and Rarity’s work,” Es remarked as he placed the rubies around the bottom of the spool. “They’re specifically design with mineral and gemstone alchemy to allow me to craft gemstones in to gemstone thread and fabric.” He place a hand on the rubies and with a bright blue flash changed them into string.

“Woah! That’s so cool!” I exclaim with wonder, my eyes sparkling with stars.

“It’s just alchemy kid,” ES shrugged. “Like Twilight’s studying with magic, I pursued my own field of learning. Mine was in alchemy and automail engineering. This fabric and thread are specially made for Rares clothes. I also use it for automail.”

“That’s so cool!” I gasped in awe, I then got curious about what other powers he has, so I asked: “What other types of abilities do you have?” I asked with wonder.

“I can hold my own in a decent fist fight,” he said placing the thread on a shelf. “Cross when your older brother is captain of the guard you have to learn how to defend yourself. Then when your alchemy’s teacher trains the hell out of you you get a pretty good bit of strength.” ES grab a large roll of green sparkling fabric. “I do have a dragon slayer magic thanks to Ed’s and Lex’s research but I hardly ever use it.”

“Oh! What is it called?” I asked.

“Amethyst Dragon Slayer,” he said as he and I walked into the main house from his shop. “But like I said, I’ve hardly ever use it.”

“That sounds so cool! Do you think I could learn a type of Dragon Slayer Magic?” I ask ES in wonder.

“Rares here’s the emerald fabric for Mint Leaf’s gown,” ES called out.

“Thank you Spikey. I’ll be on it in about an hour,” came his girlfriend’s voice.

He turned his attention back to me. “Kid, I don’t see why you can’t but it’s not up to me but you. I have access to the Lacrima vault at the castle. If you get one you’d be a third generation slayer seeing as how your already a dragon. I can teach you roar and hand to hand. The rest is up to you and whatever Quill teaches you.”

"Man! That's awesome! To be a Dragon Slayer." I wondered, thinking about what type of elements there could be.

“Rares, I’m headed over to Canterlot for a bit, something I need to pick up from the workshop,” Es called out.

“That’s fine dear, what about little Spikey Wikey,” Rarity said with a worried tone.

“He’s coming with me.” He said, “Little guy is interested in my work so I thought I’d show him what a fully stocked workshop is like. He was also interested in Dragon Slayer Magic so I thought we’d stop in to either see Ed or go by the lab.”

“All right but be careful, the poor dear isn’t as old as you are,” Rarity said with a deeper worried tone.

“Yes ma’am, come on kid,” he waved as he went out the door.

"Coming!" I called out as I ran to Es. "See ya Rarity!" I waved back to Es' Rarity.

“Have fun dear,”she chimed as she waved back.

ES started to walk down mainstreet towards the center of town. This really confused me as I thought we were going to Canterlot. I ran along after him doing my best to keep up.

“Hey, didn’t you say that we were going to Canterlot?” I asked Es.

“We are,” Es said with a smirk as he turned and stopped in front of a shop. It had in big yellow letters The Doc’s Automail Shop. “I just don’t want to sit on a train for hour and have to rush along to the castle eating up what little time we’d have. Follow,” he said walking into the shop and I followed. Above us I heard several bells ring.

“Welcome to Doc’s Shop, how…” said a blonde lady with criss crossed eyes and wings. “Oh Spike, work in shop today or are you here to see John.”

“Not today Derpy, we’re headed up to Canterlot,” Es said pointing down to me.

“Awww, he’s adorable,” she giggled. “Anyway, you know the way. Talk to ya later.”

“Thanks Derps, follow me and don’t touch anything or Doc and Ed will kill me,” he said seriously as we walked through a door leading to the back of the shop. Sitting on a bench not for was a man with brown hair and a suit, most notably a bow tie. He heard the bell above the door ring and turned his head.

“Ah Spike,” he looked over and noticed me. “Displaced business aye, have fun.” He went back to working on his table project.

“This way little dude,” Es motioned to a corner of the room. As I walked along I saw several sets of arms, legs, and even wings ranging in all sorts of sizes and colors. As I got to the corner of the shop I notice it had a strange stone ring about as tall as me.

My vision turned to Es in confusion, “what is that and how does it have anything to with us going to Canterlot?”

“It’s how Ed originally got from Ponyville to Canterlot before he got supercharged,” Es said as he rolled his eyes. “His own invention called it a Rune Transporter. Made with ancient Magics from across the world and made so only certain individuals can use it. Sense you’re with me we’re going to hop on and pop up to the workshop in the castle. No fully knowledgeable 9n it’s specific but Ed said this thing semi sentient. Hop up,” he smirked as he stepped into the stone circle.

I hesitantly jumped up and in a flash of blue we arrived in another far larger workshop. I started to step off but was hit with a feeling of nausea. Es grabbed my arm and slowly helped me down.

“Sorry, first time can really flip your stomach. Just never taken someone through just after breakfast if it’s their first time,” he hesitated as he chuckled. We waited for a few minutes until I felt better. “Come on man we still have some more walking to do.” He said opening a door to the hallway. “Any other things on your mind while we walk?”

“Eh, not really just a few random things I’m seeing.” I shrug before walking alongside him, till I notice a blue light flooding through one of the windows.

Looking through it I notice a massive pillar of energy jutting into the sky, and it was coming from the arena. I get Es’ attention and point it out to him.

“Great, it’s one of those days,” He said rolling his eyes. “Ten bits says that all of the four of Princesses will slap the crap out of both of them into the middle of next week.” Es continued to walk down the hall towards a set of stairs. “Quit gawking at the window and come on. They’re in their own world right now so let them be. We need to get you to the lab for a Dragon Lacrima.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Quill came back with a new scar or a new voice in his head. I mean, I’ve only known the guy for about a week and already I know that whenever he gets into a fight, he or whoever he’s fighting, is gonna leave either a scar or not at all. Like after he made the Temporal Crater, Luna brought him in with a fractured wrist and several shattered ribs!” I complained while walking next to Es.

“I bet twenty bits that he’ll have a ton of that shit happen to him,” Es side as we came to the set doors we came through when we got here. Held up a hand and placed it on the door causing the alchemy circle on his glove to glow as the doors open. “Come on.” Es motioned with his head.

“O-Okay.” I said walking through, before mumbling to myself. “Keep the nerd down, keep the nerd down. Don’t go crazy.” I kept telling myself so I wouldn’t let my inner Twilight out and go full ‘nerd mode.’

“Okay dude,” he stopped and turned to me suddenly. :Why haven’t you geeked out yet? I remember when I was your age I used to go nuts for this stuff. Another point is I am you,” he poked my slightly in the chest. I started to break out in a nervous sweat. He simply shook his head and moved off to another area of the lab. “Quit standing there and come over here.” Es said a little annoyed as I joined him in front of a large heavily chained oak cabinet. Again he placed a hand on a lock and the alchemic circle on his gloved causing the chains to come loose. Es open the cabinet door to reveal a plethora of diversely colored crystal balls. “Take your pick kid. I’ll do my best to describe which Power it contains and if it’s something I don’t know then your shit out of luck.”

“Well, for the reason I’m not going full ‘Nerd Mode’ is because I’m literally forcing myself not to.” I tell him before walking up to one of the crystal balls. I look around until my eyes dart and land on one that has a Fire Ruby color. Walking over to it I placed my claw on it and moved it around, so I could see my reflection. “What’s this one?” I asked, still looking at it, mesmerized by the way it sort of… Called out to me. As if I was meant to have it.

“Ruby Dragon Slayer,” Es said talking the crystal from me and holding in his hand. “Thing you have to realize about gem based Dragon Slayers is that we’re on the rare end of the ladder. We’re limited on what magic we can consume, specifically gems. If you want this one it’ll be necessary for you to Eat mainly ruby based items to keep your magic stocked up.” He placed the orb back in my hands.

“Well, seeing as Twilight has a large stockpile of Fire Rubies back home for me so I don’t run out, and I go out to mine them with Rarity every three days or so, I don’t think I’ll run out anytime soon, but you never know.” I told Es before looking back to the crystal. “I’ll take it. I’ll become the Ruby Dragon Slayer. Though I wonder, from what Quill’s told me, Dragon Slayers can have a secondary element, like he mentioned a Dragon Slayer in Fiore could use Lightning Flame Dragon Magic. Can that possibly mean I could be the Fire Ruby Dragon Slayer?” I wondered.

“If your body accepts it as a compatible magic then yea.” Es explain. “I wouldn't push it though but if you really want to you can gradually move in to it by eating hard rocks, then lava, and finally fire.”

“That sounds kinda cool, but for now I’ll just be fine with being the Ruby Dragon Slayer.” I tell Es, smiling at the Ruby Dragon Crystal I held in my claws.

“Now comes the hard part,” He sighed as his took the Lacrima from me again.

“This is gonna suck ain’t it?” I ask as he held the Lacrima.

“Very much so little man,” Es said pulling a piece of leather from his pocket. “Bite down on this.”

I did as I was told dreading what was fixing to happen next.

“On the count of three, I’m going to shove this orb into your chest and it’s going to burn, sting and hurt like a mother fucker,” Es warned me. I nodded and closed my eyes tightly “Three.” He yelled pushing the Lacrima into my chest. To say his description was off would be an understatement. I passed out from the pain and woke up a few hours later on the couch back at Rarity’s shop.

“Ugh… What in Equestria happened?” I ask rubbing my head, as it was pounding with a small headache. “Sonuva-! Gah!” I tried to sit up, but was forced to lay back down due to my ribcage hurting like something had broken it, and everywhere else was just annoyingly sore. But there was no visible damage on my chest and it didn’t look bruised at all. Did I have the Lacrima in me now?

“Here you go,” I heard Es out of the corner of the room as he came in with a bowl of Fire Rubies and set them down in front of me. “But don’t just…”

My mouth drooled heavily as I felt a hunger unlike anything I’ve ever felt before take me over. I attacked the bowl and began to thoroughly stuff my face with fists full of the delicious gems. Suddenly I was hit by a vast pain stemming from my chest, as I keeled over and grabbed my chest.

“Sonuvabitch!” I screamed in pain, holding my chest.

“I tried to warn you man,” Es said, helping back to my feet. “You can’t just dive into this all welly nelly like you're starving. You need to control that hunger. But first thing is first,” I looked at him through my squinted eyes. “Your body is still adjusting to new magic that was forced into it. If you give into your impulse to just devour those rubies you’ll go into over load and can get really sick from magic poisoning.”

"Sweet Celestia that sucked!" I grunted. "Jeez, was it like that for you too?" I asked.

“The pain, yea,” Es rubbed the back of his head. “Letting my instincts takeover my mind, did that too. You need to learn to control your baser desires or risk hurting yourself or those you care for.”

“Yeah….” I say before pausing. “Why do I have the feeling that something important is happening right now?” I ask getting a strange deja vu-like feeling.

Es tapped me on the back, “When the time comes remember what’s really important to ya kid.” He got to his feet and looked to me, “Eat up, your body well needs to adjust and you need your magic, just don’t nuts and risk a heart attack.” He started to leave, “Once most of your pain subsides came find me in my workshop.”

"Got it." I tell him before eating slowly. Jeez it was good to eat something and my hunger began to subside but still, that feeling wasn't wanting to leave. I ignored it as I finished eating and it soon left or rather, just eased up. The feeling of deja vu was still there but it wasn't major. Just like a little tap on the shoulder every once in a while. I soon finished eating and the pain dwindled down, so I made my way over to Es' workshop. I reached for the door but stopped when I heard voices.

“Why did you give him that magic ?” I heard my Rarity’s voice.

“Because he needs to have the freedom to make his Rarity,” Es retorted. “If all you do is let the kid set by he’ll never make mistakes he’ll never learn anything on his own. He made a conscious choice now the risks. Now he’ll have to grow stronger and learn as he does. If you don’t like it talk to him about and voice your complaints,” I heard him get to his feet and walk over to the door opening it to reveal me. “Nothing ever comes from being sneaky little man.”

“I-I just heard you talking and I didn’t want to intrude.” I said nervously.

"I know you just got here Spike but you still shouldn't stop and listen in, now come on. Rarity has something to say," I walked in to see not ES's Rarity but mine.

"Rarity?" I ask confused. "What are you doing here?"

"At first I wanted to stop in and chat with this world's version of myself about fashion, but then we got on another subject that led to me wondering where my little Spikey Wikey was," She admitted. "After all the girls and I haven't seen you for a couple of days outside of going to sleep at night back in our room at the castle. So ES's Rarity told me that you'd been here with him." She tapped the floor with her hoof. "So I thought I'd pop in for a quick visit to check on you darling."

“O-Oh, well I’m doing fine as you can see and aside from minor chest pain from the Lacrima, I think I’ll continue to be fine.” I say rubbing the back of my head.

She let out a rough sigh and looked at me with a concerned gaze, “Spike, please tell me the truth. Is this magic something you truly wanted and asked for of your own volition and not something that was forced on you?”

I let out a strained sigh and walked over to her, standing in front of her. “Rarity… I asked Es for this magic, and I wanted it. And I sort of need it too. The reason is, I don’t want to be someone that always needs someone else taking care of them. I want to protect you and Twilight and the others, and with the way things are looking back in our world, Quill, Acno, Mavis, Zeref and Zirconis will need the help. On top of being a Displaced and a teacher, Quill’s plate is going to be filled with detours and he won’t always be there to protect our Equestria.” I explained. “And Serena’s still training and the Elements as far as I know, can’t do a thing against what Quill’s gonna have to face in our world, I mean Quill’s told us that Dragon Slayers eat a specific type of elemental magic, and the elements are literally made of magic. What would happen if one of the elements had gone out of commission after you and the others fought a Fioren Dragon or some other threat, and you were to face another one. You would be outmatched, and I can’t let any of you get hurt. I asked for this power and if given the chance I would do it again.” I tell her, determined to show her that I can utilize my newfound magic.

"He wants you and your friends to depend on him from time to time Rarity not the other way around, where he solely depends on you. That's why I had Ed teach me how to fight," Es explained as he placed a hand on Rarity's shoulder. "But he also needs to be allowed to be his own person. Everyone has a reason to do what they do and it's the job of their friends to support them."

"If it had cone from anypony else but another Spikey Wikey I wouldn't have believed you, " Rarity looked at me. "As long as you stay you I'll back you up on this dear."

“Rarity,” I say as I wrap my arms around her neck, hugging her. “I’ll always be the same Spike you know. Forever and always.” I tell her.

“As sweet as this is I have my own work that needs to be done,” Es interjected. “And so does little man. He has powers he needs to learn how to use and seeing as how the only two others that can teach him are being themselves, that leave yours truly by default. I’m going to have to take Spike out for some one on one sparring and magic lessons for beginners. You can stay here or go back to the castle but I can’t have you distracting Spike.”

“Very well,” Rarity huffed. “I’ll just speak with Rarity about somethings for the time being, be careful Spike.” Rarity picked me cheek and left.

I froze up and blush heavily before placing my claw on my cheek where she kissed me and I began to stutter. “W-Will do R-Rarity!” I called out to her, giving a mock salute.

Es rolled his eyes, “to think that was me once,” he murmured. “Anyway,” he clapped his hands together snapping my back to reality. “We have a lot of work to do and not much to do it in. So guess what we need?”

I tilted my head to the side. “Aaa… some kind of short cut,” I shrugged.

“Exactly. We need a life hack and luckily we have a lot of those around here, or more precisely. Ed’s lab does,” Es smirked while I raised an eyebrow. “We’re going to take a page from Quill’s book and use the Time Chamber. I’m done with my work here so we have the rest of the day to train. Giving us a few months in the Time Chamber to get your body in shape, get a few basic martial art’s moves master, and have basic Dragon Slayer magic control down pat. Not to mention the roar mastered.”

“Okay, well let’s do it.” I tell Es with determination.

Quill’s Luna POV

It had been a good while since we had began the day court and things had begun to cool off as it came to a close.

“Auspicious Hammer, I will have the materials sent to your shop before the next moon cycle,” Ed’s Celestia smiled as the guard blacksmith bowed and left. “You know you two don’t have to waste your time in court with me,” She looked at be Tia and myself. “I’m sure there are other things that you’d both enjoy doing than just sitting here half the day.”

“Well, I do want to know a few things about the Displaced and what I should expect now that Quill and I are in a relationship.” I responded to them.

“And I’d like to know more about this world’s history. I want to see if there are any major differences than what I can already see.” My sister said.

“I can assure you that there are going to be major differences in between our histories but if you want to know of it you should seek out my mother or Edward. I’d go to my mother first as she is older than Ed but has more of a, ah…” She trailed off on that. “She’s eccentric to say the least. As for the Displaced I’d be more than happy to tell you both what I can. The relationship side of things may be a bit rocky as Ed and I have only just started being together even though we’ve known each other for years.”

“Any kind of help would be appreciated, cause I swear every time I see Quill, he’s gotten a new scar. Y’know what I bet ten bits that when he comes back from training sword play with Edward, he’s going to have a new scar of some kind.” I grumble shaking my head. “But even still, I love the fool.”

“You’ll have to learn quickly that Displaced Like Quill and Ed have a very high moral code and will often run into danger to protect those they deem that have need of it, even if they’re on the edge of death,” Ed’s Celestia said in a monotone voice as she stacked her papers of today together. “Ed has many scars that don’t show up only because of his healing. If he didn’t have such a thing his body would be more scar than anything else,” She looked at me. “But if he didn’t have this side of him many innocents wouldn’t be here today and many citizens would be much more reckless with their life.” She let out a sigh. “It’s Ed’s reputation as a monster that keeps many evils away and children in line. One thing many Displaced have is a set morale code that they either keep when they become a Displaced or they abandon it in favor of the person they’re changed into or simply forget it for who they’ve been forced to become.”

“Seems like there are a lot of factors at play when it comes to a Displaced. I guess things are just odd with Quill seeing as he was the reincarnation of half a person.” I sigh. “Plus, the form he has now isn’t even his true appearance. If he wanted, he could probably go back to looking like he originally was when he was on earth. But one thing that confuses me is his Dreamscape, or rather as he called it, his Mindscape. What confuses me with it is how he desires it to look like. Just a simple field, and I don’t even think that he even made it like that in the first place. I felt a different force at play. I wish I knew what it was.”

“Not my area but from what experiences I've had in this field,” Ed’s Tia explained as we left the throne room. “How they appear in their mind is how they wish to be seen or how they think they should be seen by others. I’ve only ever seen what Ed used to look like in his memories.Luna has told my Edward often appears in the guise that he dawns while he is awake. When in his own world he is still this way or that of a black featureless form.” she stopped and gained a sad frown on her face. “He has nightmares whenever he sleeps alone you know. They're so bad that not even Luna can dispel them,” She wiped her eyes a before turning back to me. “Help Quill through his nights in whatever way you can.”

“That’s the thing though. Whenever he has a nightmare, it’s almost always during the daytime. Though I can’t be sure as the only time it has ever truly affected him was when he first saw Zeref and Mavis. They both had looks of anger on their faces but it was Zeref’s face that Quill was focusing on. The next thing we know, Quill puts his hands over his mouth and runs to the restroom and we all hear violent vomiting. When he comes back, he’s wearing a face of pure unbridled sorrow and reveals that he was Sonya’s father, but he had also watched her die.” I explained. “The only other time I’ve been able to visit his dreams is when he revealed to me that he was a Displaced, and now whenever I try to get into his dreams at all, his door is just not… There, it’s gone or chained up so that I cannot enter. I have tried everything from banishing the chains to teleporting to his door but nothing works. When I tried to teleport the first time, it sent to a pitch-black endless void, and I could only hear three words over and over again, “Do. Not Enter.” Then I’m forcefully ejected from the Dreamscape and I’m unable to reenter. It’s very troubling and I need help figuring out who is blocking off Quill’s mind. I want to help him. I want to be with him, but whatever this force is, will not allow me to.” I say with a tear running down my cheek. “I know that he loves me a lot, and the feeling is mutual, but… I don’t know, I’m just scared for him I guess.”

Ed’s Tia stopped then turned and knelt down to get eye level with me. “I know from experience that it’s hard to get them to open up but if you truly wish to help Quill then you must do two things,” She explained. “Men like Ed and Quill block parts of themselves off from others because they think they’re protecting us but they’re just pushing us away. The first thing is you must be there for the one you love with everything you have. The second is that you must confront them and get them to let you into their heart. You can’t simply force your way in as you tried to do. Luna once told me that it is in our dreams where we are our truest self. I admit that I didn’t know what she meant at the time but I better understand it now.” She got back to her feet. “Simply be there for him and he will do the same for you, be open and he will come along soon. If I had done this earlier than I would have had a much longer and stronger relationship with Edward. Maybe I could’ve kept him from leaving so long ago.” She turned and started to walk down the hall and looked out the window. “I swear, I’m going to smack the living hell out of that man.”

“What is it?” I say before looking out of said window, only to see a massive pillar of blue energy. “Okay, what the fuck?” I say before looking back at Ed’s Tia and holding hoof up. “Pardon my language.” I say before hearing some very, VERY familiar voices.

Finally, we have been found. Now the true journey can begin. It is time for everything to start.” It said as a multitude of five voices, speaking in unison. I gasped from the sheer power of the voices and fell backwards onto my flank, gasping for breath.

“What in mother’s name was that?” I whispered.

“Luna,” Ed’s Celetia and my sister said in unison as they rushed to my side.

“Are you alright?” Ed’s Tia looked at me. “

“You look as if you’ve seen a ghost,” my sister placed a wing around me pulling me close.

“Because I may have very well heard five.” I say before looking to my sister. “I heard their voices Tia, I heard them all.” I tell her, gaining a surprised look from her.

“A-Are you sure?” Celestia asked with a shocked expression.

“Yes. The Elders are returning.” I tell her still breathing heavily.

“Elders,” Ed’s tia tilted her head. “They sound like some form of ancient evil based off your reaction. Could you both explain?”

“Oh, you are very wrong on the evil account. They were the very first guardians of Equestria, even before the Elements of Harmony. They were around when we were young foals. Their energies actually created the seed for the Tree.” I explain gaining a small smile on my face.

“But over fifteen hundred years ago, five hundred before Luna was banished they simply… Just vanished… Well, they were beginning to lose their energies and soon they simply vanished. We’ve only been able to find one of them. His name was Shah Dalamadur. He was the first to ever arrive in Equestria and he represented the Element of Loyalty. He was the strongest of them all and his body is currently crystalized under our Canterlot. We haven’t been able to locate the others yet however.” My sister explained, as she helped me up and the pillar of energy vanished leaving a hole in the clouds.

Ed's Tia looked out the window at the pillar of light again. "Looks like E found their spirits for you."

"I don't think that was Edward." I said looking at the pillar of light. " This energy feels more like Quill." I told her.

She shook her head and then looked back out the window, “What I meant is that you have Ed to thank for bringing them to the surface in this fight with Quill.” She looked back at me. “I’m still going to knock Ed’s block when I see them.”

I nod before my eyes widen and I see something in the distance. Squinting my eyes I try and get a better look at it when I silently gasp. I see a black figure with massive wings flying slightly above the arena with a noticeable rainbow like energy illuminating their eyes and inside their mouth. "Is that…?" I asked quietly before hearing a monstrous roar in the distance that rattled that window I looked out of. "Ruiner?" I whispered in question.

“Is that Ed?” Ed's Celestia’s eyes shrank as soon as she saw her partner with a strange weapon in his hand. “He didn’t, this explains a lot and very very bad.”

“What makes you say that?” I asked still looking at the form of the Nergigante, who had now dive-bombed straight back into the arena.

“They were only supposed to use swords,” Ed’s Celestia said as she moved through the halls with great speed. “Ed was using his Disword, a physical construction of his view of reality. He mainly used to toy with opponents because it allows him to warp the world around him to a certain extent. The weapon I saw just now was not the Disword but one even more powerful called a Keyblade.” We reached a pear of large dark wooden doors and Ed’s Celestia opened them without restraint. “Luna, Ed has the Keyblade out,” she said looking around to find no one here. “That’s simply splendid.”

I look back out the window to see that the massive amounts of Elder Energy was beginning to calm down, as the light from what appeared to be Ruiner was dying down slowly. “I hope Quill is alright. Please be okay.” I wished.

“As do I,” Ed’s Celestia sighed.

As the endless void of darkness surrounded everything, the ticking of a watch resonated throughout all of it, and the only light was that of five orbs of light. One of them was a bright orange, another was aqua blue, beside them floated a crimson red and moss green, and finally next to them laid a golden orb. The ticking continued until finally in the middle of the darkness, a pocket watch with a navy-blue Fairy Tail symbol appeared, and the orbs of light danced around the watch until they all disappeared. Then one after another, they all reappeared on the Fairy Tail Emblem, and these words materialized in front of them.