• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,713 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(25) Second Contact

Velvet and Nye knew this would be a pivotal moment. The first impression is the most important interaction between new people. That goes double for the first contact between species. And well, Pi-1 royally screwed up a first contact that shouldn’t have happened altogether. I just hope we don’t screw it up as bad as they did, Velvet thought, the last thing we need is a war on two fronts.

Hey, Velvet,” The radio buzzed in her right ear. She looked over to the only other occupants of the helicopter, besides the pilots, “Looks like a party down there…” Nye gestured to her to look out one of the small circular windows.

It was indeed a crowd. “Looks like a lot of civvies have gathered around their guards,” She commented, “They must be a bit on edge,” Velvet turned to Nye, “Try not to antagonize them, the last thing we need is to be trapped down there with a bunch of angry ponies.”

He nodded, “Yeah, neither do I.”

As the ground got closer and closer, Velvet kept her gaze on the lead pony. A unicorn with a white coat and a mane with various shades of blue. According to the pink Princess in the other chopper, he was also her husband and the father of the poor pony who got taken by 106. This guy can’t catch a break I guess, Velvet said to herself, she pointed him out to Nye, “Lead pony right there.”

The two of them lurched as the chopper touched down. “Alright, this is your captain speaking,” one of the pilots said through the choppers PA system, “are you two sure this is a good idea? We can still leave.”

Velvet took off the gas mask and moved the radio out of the way, “Too late actually, according to the report, one blast can bring this thing tumbling out of the sky.” She grimaced, “Point of no return,” she muttered under her breath. She inhaled and exhaled, “Lower the ramp!”

The sound of chopping air became louder and louder as the ramp got lower and lower to the ground. Velvet breathed in the cool, crisp, and wet wintery air one last time before she quickly reattached her mask to her face. “Ready Jack?” She asked the other leader as she slung her P90 around her back. Colonel Nye did the same before shaking his head.

Definitely not,” he replied, “But we really don’t have a choice, do we?”

She nodded, “Not really,” Velvet sighed as she turned back to the crowd of ponies now in front of them and they walked into the snowy ground. The snow sank slightly under their heavy black boots. After taking a few steps forward, the ramp retracted and closed, just as loudly as the helicopter’s rotor blades. Velvet felt the helicopter lift off and take to the skies. Leaving the two colonels alone and without an avenue of escape.

As the helicopter flew off and its deafening sound left them, so did all other noises. There was no sound coming from Velvet or Nye, no sound coming from the guards, and none coming from the now large crowd of civilian ponies. The only sound that the two humans could hear was that of the wind as it washed through the landscape. Well, that, and the radio static that echoed in their ears.

Velvet narrowed her eyes as she looked at the many pastel ponies faces she could see. The lead pony, apparently named Shining Armor, also looked at the pair with narrowed eyes. The many guards all looked at them with some mixture of contempt and surprise. And the crowd, well, they were a mix of everything, mostly anger though. Because of course, they are mad at us, Velvet thought to her annoyed self, If they knew the things we keep locked up… she sighed. “Well,” Velvet spoke to all the ponies, “We can all either stand here until we see who drops dead first, or we can talk.”

Cadance looked at Luna, the blue princess was at the entrance ramp to the other human helicopter, she held her head in her hooves, and she hadn’t said a word since she had awoken. Cadance looked back down at the snow, she could tell that something was wrong with her aunt. She hadn’t eaten breakfast, or at least what passes as breakfast for the humans, and whatever mood she had was radiating off of her.

Even the humans were starting to steer clear of Luna. What is going on with you? The younger Alicorn asked herself. There must be something I can do… Cadance brought her head up and looked off into the distance, at the Crystal City. The human leaders were certainly there by now, hopefully, it all went well.

Cadance sighed, What does ‘Well’ even mean at this point? She gulped, That nopony else gets hurt? That my husband and the humans come to an understanding? Cadance looked back at Luna, she hadn’t moved. Cadance inhaled and exhaled as she resolved herself.

She trotted up to her aunt, “Luna?” Cadance asked tentatively, she saw Luna’s eye move up to glance at her before closing again. Candance gulped again and she offered her hoof, “Can we talk?” she asked her aunt. She held her hoof out for a few tenuous seconds before it fell back to the ground.

“I am fine, Cadance,” She responded while slightly moving her hooves, “I am merely thinking.”

“What about?” Cadance asked as she sat down next to her aunt. Cadance saw Luna look back at her. Cadance waited with a patient smile, “I just want to help, Auntie,” She reassured, “You were able to help me at the start of this whole… thing,” Cadance said, “I just want to help you.”

Luna exhaled tiredly as she shifted her hooves to support her body as she sat up. Despite always being slightly taller than Cadance, always looking calmer and collected, than the ruler of the Crystal Empire, and still doing so even now to an average onlooker, Cadance could tell that she was punishing herself. But Why?

“I am… thinking about my past decisions, and how they led to this moment…” Luna replied defensively, “And what I could’ve done differently…”

Cadance looked at Luna, “If this is about what happened at the facility,” Cadance couldn’t find the correct words… she just reassuringly put her hoof on her aunt’s shoulder. That was until she realized she had been told the same words, by the same mare in front of her. “You’ll never make the same mistake again… You’ll change for the better, and be a better ruler because of it.” Cadance wrapped one of her wings around her aunt.

Cadance saw Luna blink, then smile, it was a warm and refreshing smile, “I see you have been listening well, dear niece,” She replied with a dry laugh in her voice, “I hope you’re correct.” Luna looked away, though still smiling. Cadance followed her gaze to two of the human soldiers who were overlooking the camp, “Let’s go… I want to… talk with these humans.”


“Because,” Luna turned back to her niece, “I find them… somewhat interesting.” Luna stood up, shaking the small amount of snow off of her. “Plus, if we are to eventually meet their leaders, we should know what to expect.”

Cadance followed her aunt, cautiously, and mindful of their captors. If they even are captors now? Cadance silently exhaled, Hosts Maybe? The two humans were both sitting on the ledge

“What do you want?” Shining armor asked the two humans. He narrowed his eyes at the two, both their faces were concealed behind masks. Just like Ross did… He told himself, They definitely are from the Foundation. Not like humans are prevalent in the world… The tired prince blinked.

“We want to talk,” The female said, “Mainly about some happenings inside of the foundation.”

Shining wanted to punch these humans in their faces, but, given their weapons, and their height, that probably wouldn’t go over well. “Why would any of that concern us?” Shining replied. He saw the humans take a few steps closer, his eyes softened as he realized, “Does it have to do with my daughter?”

A second of silence passed. Only the howl of the cool wind could be heard. “No,” the male replied, “But I suppose… it could impact her.”

He saw them take another step forward, maybe they don’t know they are, or maybe this is some screwed up tactic, Shining thought. “Stay there,” He ordered. “Don’t take another step.” The two humans stopped, “Also take those things off your faces. I’d prefer to see you when I’m talking to you.”

Shining heard the whispers of the ever-growing crowd of ponies and creatures behind him. Every now and then he can hear the snap of a camera going off. He had to drown them out to focus on the threats in front of him. He turned to his captain behind him, “Have the guards be ready for anything and don’t underestimate them. They’re Dangerous.” He quickly looked back at the humans, they had both removed their masks and attached them to their waists.

“Alright,” The male one said, “Now that that’s done, I believe introductions are in order. My name is Colonel Jack Nye,” He motioned to his female colleague, “And this is Colonel Abigail Velvet, we’re both from MTF Beta-7.”

“I’m sure you all saw the bright light up north yesterday?” Velvet asked, “And you must be concerned about your little expedition north.” Shining ground his teeth together.

How in the world do they... He mused in his mind, They can’t possibly have them… Luna would never allow it, but they could’ve… done something to them. “What about our expedition?” Shining asked back, “What did you do to them?”

“We crossed paths,” Velvet said, “They nearly unleashed a virus on the world.”

“A virus?” Shining asked, “Just what kind of virus?”

“We’ll answer all your questions when the rest of our troops get here with yours,” Nye butt in, “We just want to be sure that we won’t be attacked when we enter.”

Shining thought about it for a moment, I guess they seem genuine, but… He looked back up at the pair, “What did you do to them?” The Prince asked again, “You didn’t hurt them, did you?”

“No, of course, we didn’t,” Velvet said, “We came here in peace, and all of them are-” A brief pause in her voice, “Um, we couldn’t save all of them, actually.” Shining should be furious, he probably was deep down, but the way she said it, It’s like she really is sorry… He couldn’t describe it, but he knew she was.

“Was… Princess Cadance or Prin-”

“They’re fine,” Nye cut it, “And our men are under strict orders to not hurt them. When you say that we can stay, they’ll come along with our men.”

Shining bit his lip. The Prince looked back at the crowd of ponies who were looking back at them. On one hoof, he would get his wife and Princess Luna back, and on the other hoof, The ponies might just hate me if we do this… He sighed and turned back, “Fine, I grant you safety here,” the prince said, much to their visible delight. “But,” He punctuated, “You must answer all the questions we ask you, and you and your men must give up your weapons.”

“You got yourself a deal,” Nye said. He and Velvet put their weapons and their backs and started to walk forward. “I’ve already called it in, they’re all on their way.”

By the time they had landed, Cadance was still very much confused. Is this… Force just like our magic? What the heck is a Sith, a Jedi, and a Death Star? Cadance looked at Luna, who looked more horrified, I guess a war among the Stars does sound like a bit of a problem… and that is her whole field I guess… Cadance rubbed her chin, I’ll just have to ask them about it later… Cadance felt the helicopter jolt as they landed. The pink princess had honestly hoped it would be longer. Learning about humans was more… enlightening. I guess enlightening works.

The ramp slowly lowered and let the light of the morning shine. We’re just past the western suburbs, she immediately identified. She had seen every part of her city to know that much, and especially with the recent attacks by the creature and the foundation, it seemed paramount to know where everything was.

Cadance walked off the ramp too, thankfully, just her loyal guards, and her husband. Who had a solemn expression on his face. He trotted up to her and smiled, “Are you alright Cady?” He asked. She nodded as he put a hoof around her, “Let’s get to the palace, I’m sure you and the guards are tired.” He turned to the night guard, “Get something decent to eat, and then get some rest too, you all earned it.”

Cadance felt the world around her shift as they were both teleported into the familiar settings of their bedroom by Shining Armor’s magic. Where he immediately pounced on his wife. “DON’T YOU EVER, do that to me again!” He ordered, “When those two humans came… I-” He sighed, “I thought that you had been captured… or-”

Cadence looked down, “I’m sorry, Shiny. I shouldn’t have left.”

“You’re darn right, you shouldn’t have,” Shining said as he collapsed onto a nearby chair. Cadance made her way over to the bed and laid down, “I just… this is a lot to deal with right now.”

“Believe me, I know how you feel.”

“Yeah, I know,” Shining sighed, “After this whole thing is solved, we get Flurry back and all, why don’t we go on a vacation?”

“Heh, that’s a bit far into the future.” Cadance turned to her husband with a soft smile, “Dontcha think?”

“Yeah,” he groaned as he got up, “Plus, there’s too much to do still,” He straightened his armor, “I already sent a letter to Celestia, who’ll hopefully pass it on to Twilight, she and her friends will hopefully help.”

Cadance felt the animosity in his voice when he said her aunt’s name, “You still don’t trust Celestia?” Cadance asked, “You know she was just doing what she thought was right.”

Shining nodded, “That doesn’t mean I don’t have to like it,” her husband replied, “As for the humans, they’re all going to be in some of the spare rooms, for now, until they can contact their leader.”

“Leader? As in singular?” She asked from the warm cozy bed, “I thought there were multiple of them.”

“There were,” Shining said, “According to Colonel Velvet, nearly all of them were killed in a coup while you were gone. There’s only one left.” He scratched the back of his head, “They, uh... also told me the new regime wants all of us dead…”

Cadance felt the room go cold and her eyes widened, “I should probably be at the meeting then.” She moved to get out of bed.

“Don’t bother, the meeting’s not going to take place till Twi gets here,” He sighed, “I know she’ll be excited to learn more about them at least.” He looked at Cadance, “I’m going to go make sure Princess Luna's doing fine. After that, I’ll be in the situation room, working on their ‘site locations’ as Nye says, if you need me,” Shining said, “you just get some rest, I’ll have a maid bring something for you to eat in a few hours, alright?”

Cadance nodded, “Okay,” she sighed, “But I want to know if and when something goes wrong.”

Author's Note:

Hey, y'all. With school picking up and all, I won't be able to write as many chapters a month. Expect it to go back to around once a month. Also, I feel the chapters are getting a bit, meh... Do you guys think this or is this just me? I have one idea on how to address this that is, I can stick the POV to one individual for each chapter.

Leave your comments in the comment sections.

Also, I have this story idea for after A Lost Hero... It's dark, it's got Sombra and an OC, and oh boy, is she not going to be happy!

Speaking of which, Stay Happy Y'all!