• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,712 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(12) Time Off

Flurry Heart was back at her room, laying on her bed and nurturing her still-recovering right fore-hoof. Every once in a while she could hear the faint sound a hoofsteps on the other side of the metal door. ‘Footsteps,’ She corrected, ‘They’re not hooves.’ The Princess yawned, ‘I never could’ve imagined that anyplace like this could’ve existed.’ She fell on her back, hitting the hard and uncomfortable mattress under her, making her wince in pain.

Flurry tossed and turned in her bed. The mattress was not making it any easier for her to sleep. After a few seconds of lying still, she could finally close her eyes. For a brief second, she could feel the sweet embrace of sleep start to take her. She could feel her body begin to get carried away.

Then she fell. She already knew what she would see in this dream. Flurry turned her head and saw a massive explosion of dirt followed by the quick echoing sound of gunfire, both close to her and in the distance. She ducked, even though she knew she could not be hurt by heir weapons. Flurry Heart Shook as she got up and looked around, the humans were oblivious to her, but she could start to feel the fire from the explosions and feel the vibrations of the earth. Nothing like her first time being in this place.

And Flurry didn’t intend to stay long enough to find out if she could be hurt by their weapons. She turned to the sky and yelled, “LUNA! CAN YOU HERE ME!??” She waited a few seconds. Then minutes, then she started to move toward the barrier of the memory, where everything turned to black. She timidly looked across the expanse. Then shook her head. “I don’t think so,” She said out loud, then turned back, “I am not going out there for any reason.”

She walked back through the trenches, trying to find Dixon, or Lawerence or anyhuman that was in the first dream. As she looked at all the soldier’s faces, she couldn’t stop herself from seeing the sorrow, the dread, and the death that emanated from them. ‘This species… why are they doing this?’

She looked at some of the signs at the crossroads of the trenches, but the words that were written in a language that she couldn’t understand. She looked up and sighed. The sky was black, but there was light like the sun shining down on the trenches. ‘This doesn’t make sense.’ She thought.

After a half-hour of wandering, Flurry sighed. “I just… don’t understand,” She said aloud, “I have no idea why they are fighting, and I can’t find any of those humans…”

She sat on the ground to give her hooves a break. She didn’t even care that the mud would cling to her fur. She heard a human nearby say “Mail Call!” with what sounded like a thick Prench accent. She idly looked at the soldier, fumbling with mail. As he moved out of the way the Princess made eye contact with the two silver eyes of Corporal Lawerance looking right back at her.

Hellooooo thereee…” The Corporal said, “Good day to-day?” He asked her in a sing-song shell-shocked tone.

‘Is he… asking me?’ Flurry questioned. She stood up in response, mud clinging to her normally white coat.

“Ah yes… I suppose sir.” The Sarge replied for Flurry in a dismissive tone, not even noticing the young princess.

“No mail for Me, Sarge?” He said in a bubbly and high pitched tone, not breaking eye contact with the Alicorn. ‘I can’t move!’ She said in her mind as he stared at her.

“Sorry chap,” the Sergent replied, “None again, I’m sure they just lost them.”

“Of course.” He stood up and took a step toward her. Her eyes widened and her limbs finally loosened up.

She finally blinked, braking out of whatever had captivated her, ‘Oh Screw this!’ She told herself and took off running.

As she ran the Alicorn jumped and took flight, gaining as much altitude as possible and not looking back at the human. ‘I hope Aunt Luna was right about this…’ She told herself mentally. ‘I just need to hit the ground with enough speed and force,’ She told herself again. She looked around to where she was, above the clouds. She looked up, all black, but it wasn’t like her aunt’s night, it was like the edge of the dream. She breathed out and refocused, “I should wake up!” The princess said finishing her thought out loud. She stopped flapping her wings and went to the ground as fast as possible

She could feel the cold and sharp wind piercing her fur and hair. As she drew closer to the ground, she could see the explosions and the smoke from the battlefield below. She grit her teeth together as she inched closer to the ground.

She closed her eyes just before she hit the ground.

And immediately fell to the cold hard floor of her cell. Her head and brain spinning and could feel the sweat on her fur. She stood up and began to make her way back to the stiff bed on the opposite side of the room. She stopped dead in her tracks. ‘When did I…?’ She looked around, ‘The… bed?’ She looked behind her, at the spot she woke up at. ‘This had better not be some sick joke.’

Flurry hit the bed and nearly drifted off to sleep.

That was until the bright lights came on.

The next thing Flurry knew, she had stumbled out of her bed, barely standing straight and staring at a random spot on the cell door. ‘I need to get some sleep,’ She told herself before yawning. ‘I don’t even know how long I’ve been in here!’ The adolescent Alicorn yawned as the door to her cell slid up.

“Good Evening,” Those two words stung her. A saying that was probably meant to be a friendly greeting immediately quashed all hope of her seeing her aunt tonight. Flurry looked up at the man who had said those words, then feigned not being devastated. She put on a neutral face.

“Uh… hi…” She said. “What do you want?”

He was wearing a white lab coat that ran all the way down to his ankles. Flurry looked up to his face and saw that he was doing the same to her. “My… associates and I believe that you have been… mistreated, to put it lightly,” He reasoned, “We decided that some… Rest and Recreation are in order.” He said. The man then stood aside.

“You’ve only encountered one SCP,” He continued, “A... frightening one at that.” Flurry nodded and started to walk out of the cell. The Man then beckoned her to follow him. As they rounded the first corner, two guards fell in behind them.

“Sorry,” He said, “Even I can’t change the protocol.”

Flurry nodded. “Where... are am I going today?” She asked cautiously.

“Well, our first stop is SCP 999,” He said, “Unofficially known as the tickle monster.”

“Really…?” She asked rhetorically. “The other one was creepy and insane, and you expect me to be calmed by you saying that?” The man only shrugged in response. “This is gonna suck…”

“St-STOP-HAHA!” Flurry laughed as she was carried through the air by the gelatinous orange mass. “THAT-TIC-HAHA!”’ The 05 Sighed as he watched her through the one-way mirror. 05-9 turned off the speakers to the room. ‘At least I was able to convince the others that some time off would do her some good.’ He told himself, ‘I still have no idea what in the world we should do with her.’

He sighed and looked away. ‘Maybe we should send her back; actually, we should, but should we wipe her mind? That could just make the ponies want to learn more about us. But if we send her back as she is, she will just spill everything to her parents.’

He looked back at the Alicorn. ‘Then again, we could just wipe her mind and keep her as a test subject. It did work out well with those changeling creatures we were able to capture.’ He laughed to himself, ‘And of course, one was killed by 106.’ He looked back to Flurry Heart, or, Subject F-1 as he was supposed to call her.

He looked at senior researcher Davidson, a level 4 researcher, head of operations at Site 001 and close friend of 05-9. “How’s it going today Dick?” David said to the 05. “You got stuck with pony duty?” He turned his swivel seat to face his superior, “That’s gotta suck man. An 05 doing, in all honesty, what is junior Researcher work.”

The 05 laughed at his friend, “If I got assigned to pony duty, then you did too asshole,” He sighed, finishing off his laugh, “and I actually volunteered, requested you too.” He shrugged, “Needed to show her that not all the creatures we keep here are bad.” He gazed into the room with 999 and the pony.

“You needed to show her that we aren’t all bad,” David replied, turning back to the computer and clicking through the various results on the screen. ‘Heart Monitoring, Blood Pressure… Magical…? What the…?’

The 05 looked on the computer alongside David. “Brainwave Scans?” the 05 said, “The hell are you doing brain scans for?” The 05 crossed his arms, ‘I get the other ones, but, brainwave scans?’ He laughed, ‘What is something invading her mind?’ He laughed again, more audible this time.

“Yeah,” Allen replied, “I received orders from up high for a list of scans that you guys wanted to do on her,” He shrugged, switching tabs on his computer, “Here’s the email they sent me at dinner.” The 05 leaned into the monitor.

‘Researcher Allen Davidson,

I.D. Number: SR7885

Duty Assignment: Test Observation
Date: 2/28/5017
Site: 001

Level: 349

Room: 999-Observation
Assignment: Observe Test and perform all possible scans between SCP-999 and test subject FH-1. See document SCA-1 in test chamber observation.

Ordered from: 05-Council.’

The 05 looked at the order document again, ‘05 Council? Not a specific 05?’ He squinted, “That is odd indeed.” He glanced over at the list of 50 scans that were requested. ‘That is odd indeed.’ He stared at Flurry Heart through the one-way mirror. ‘Someone is… doing something…’

The 05 put the thought off till later. “Well sorry for dragging you into this Davidson,” the 05 spoke up, “I would’ve gotten some low-level JR to do this if I had known.” Davidson turned around again.

“Oh, no problem Dick,” David responded, “Minimal contact means that we stay up to ungodly times,” He reached behind him, “Means that we can get some of this.” He pulled out a bottle, offering it to the 05.

“Foundation Whisky ration,” He took the bottle out of his hand, “I thought you’d never have it in you.” He paused and laughed again, “Weren’t you the one who wanted to escape the facility and live among the wild like the ‘lost’ three-thousand?”

“Yeah, well, now,” He gestured to his body and lab coat, “I am a Senior Researcher for you bastards. Working at the best fucking place in the world.” Davidson said, “Just take a swig with me, I’m not saying we need to finish the entire bottle.” He said offering the bottle to one of the highest-ranking members of the most powerful state on the planet.

“I’ll have the footage erased,” The 05 said smiling slyly. He casually took the bottle from his friend and unscrewed the top. “I have not had much time to relax and kick back since the breach of 106.” He put the bottle to his lips and took a swig.

“A Month without relaxation?” David said as he took the bottle of Whiskey, “That’s rough buddy.” David then took a sip from the bottle, letting the liquid sit in his mouth and sink in. “Nasty Business with that Pony,” He said as he looked back to the screens and the still-playing Alicorn, “And 106. Good thing that there were those MTF’s ther to get it back.

“Yeah… Luck,” The 05 looked back to Flurry Heart in the other room. ‘She’s finally tired out I guess,’ he took his back off the wall he was leaning on, “Well, it is,” He looked down to his watch, “Nearly one in the morning,” he looked at Davidson, “Pack up your laptop and bring it to SCP 348’s observation chamber. I’ll be there soon.”

As 05-9, Flurry Heart and the guards accompanying them left the chamber, Flurry was already asking questions. “What was that! How did it make me feel like... that?” She slowed down and looked up at the 05. “How…?” She asked with a questioning look.

“999 has very… therapeutic… properties,” 05-9 said to the Princess, “Next stop is…” Before he could finish, someone else interrupted.

“Never seen one of these ones before,” A male voice said. Flurry turned around, as did the guards and the 05 accompanying them. The man who interrupted her was wearing an all-orange jumpsuit and the number 507 on his right side. “Administrator, good to see you,” He turned to the present pony, ignoring the Red Right Hand guards entirely, “And who is she?”

“Really?” the 05 said, “That’s odd, we were hoping that you would know.” The 05 looked at the man, “When did you get back 507?” He asked.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe ten minutes ago. Popped in 173’s chamber,” He laughed as he finished talking. Flurry looked at the ‘05’s’ face, a complete sense of terror and horror had taken over. “Boy was I lucky that the supervising Researcher was still awake.”

The administrator just stared at 507 for a few minutes. “Um, are you okay sir?” One of the guards asked.

“Oh,” He stumbled, “Yes, fine, just,” He looked at SCP 507, “Return to your chamber and report to me tomorrow, understand?”

“Yes, sir!” He saluted sarcastically at the 05, turned around and walked down the dull hallway.

“I swear, that…” he turned around, “Well, let’s get going lads.” He said. The guards and Flurry started walking in the opposite direction of 507.

Flurry looked up at the 05 as she walked, “Who was that?” she asked, “He seemed a bit… off?” she offered.

“SCP 507, interdimensional traveler,” the 05 responded without giving much of an explanation.

“Huh?” she questions again, looking at the ground, ‘The heck is interdimensional?’ She asked herself, ‘Like when Aunt Twilight went to different worlds?’

“He can travel to different dimensions,” the 05 further explained, “He doesn’t age at all too,” The 05 put his hand to his chin, “He was actually here while we were still the dominant species.” He looked down to Flurry Heart, “Forget it, you won’t be seeing much more of him.”

Flurry looked back up at the 05, “How old is he? He seems young for… however long ago you guys were the dominant species?” She looked at the various doors they passed as they talked. ‘049 Containment, 178 Containment, Secure Storage Room #588, just how big is this place?’ She continued to have her head on a swivel, looking for any exits or windows.

“Somewhere in the 5000-year-old range,” He replied. The 05 then noticed her looking around, “What are you looking for?”

“That’s older than my Aunts!” Flurry Blurted out, “And uh… just looking around.” She offered. They stopped and the 05 looked down at her. Her eyes darted to the armored guards behind them, but it looked like they didn’t even notice they stopped walking.

“Yes… we know.” He said to the Princess, walked a few steps forward, Flurry breathing a mental sigh of relief, “Now!” he yelled, making Flurry jump a bit, “You must be hungry.” He said.

“Yeah,” Flurry yawned, “I guess so.”

“Have you been getting enough sleep?” He asked, “It looks like you’ve barely been keeping yourself up since we got you.”

“I’m… fine….” She said, “I just… my sleep schedule hasn’t adjusted yet.” She looked up at the squinting Administrator. ‘Trust me, the last thing I need is more medicine from you guys.’ She justified herself.

“*Hmph*, If you say so,” The 05 walked up to a door and swiped a keycard, “Just go in here, like with 999. I will wait for you once you are done, three knocks on the door and you can go get some sleep.” Flurry started to walk to the door. She looked at the plaque that was above the door, ‘SCP 348.’ She said to herself. ‘Okay, well hopefully there is something to eat then.’

The 05 closed the door behind her and nodded to the two guards. They took up positions next to the door as the 05 walked into the observation chamber next door. When he entered, he saw Davidson sitting at the desk, who looked back at the Administrator when the door slid shut behind him. As the door shut, the 05 clicked hit a small, nearly invisible circle on the door, destroying the bug.

“Long walk?” David asked, “About 20 minutes longer than I took.”

“Yeah,” The 05 said as he took the chair to the right of the Researcher. He put his hands on his face and exhaled, “507 is back, said he reentered this dimension in 173’s chamber.”

David turned and looked at his commander, “Really? Damn, that’s something. I’m guessing he’s fine, right?”

“Yeah, fortunately, could’ve thrown everything into a tizzy” He sighed again. He looked through the one-way mirror and saw Flurry heart looking at the soup that had recently shown up in the bowl. The 05 turned back to David, “Great performance back in 999’s observation room by the way.”

“Thanks,” Davidson responded, “I assume the bug is inactive?”

“Yep,” The 05 answered, “Do the other Site 001 administrators agree with us?”

“Mostly, yeah. The heads and administrators of Site one really just want her gone from what I gathered. I’ve asked them and their aids multiple times during our meetings, but before we get any further, are you sure?”

The 05 faced Davidson, “This situation couldn’t have happened without someone pulling the strings,” He looked at Flurry, who had sat on her haunches with the bowl in her forehooves, drinking it up, “Someone powerful. The other 05’s cannot know.”

Flurry put the bowl down and looked along the ceramic rim of the bowl. Tears began to well up in her eyes. “What do you think the message is?” Davidson asked.

“Something that she should know,” The Administrator turned back to Davidson, “Do you know anyone else you trust?”

Davidson nodded, “Administrator Daniels, site 26, real softie from what I hear,” He turned to the 05, “Site 26 is being turned into an outpost right now, he’s staying in charge.” He looked back to the pony, “So what’s your plan with her?”

“I’ll think of something.” the two men looked at each other, “But we can’t trust anyone else in the 05 right now, except for maybe 05 1, he's the one who told me.”

“So,” Davidson turned to Flurry, “You want their help?”

Author's Note:


The plot thickens. Any suggestions? Any Errors? Comment down below!!