• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,713 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(11) The Dungeon

Twilight watched as Princess Luna said a silent prayer to another one. The purple Princess looked at the other twenty-six caskets again, each draped with the Equestrian Flag. On top of the cloth was a silver medal, the Lunar Guard Medal of Honor, one that Princess Luna only gives out personally. Twilight wanted to leave but knew it would be wrong, ‘I can’t leave Luna now,’ She thought. She wanted to move forward, but her wounded hoof wouldn’t permit it.

Twilight looked down at the grey stone floor, with only one thought on her mind, ‘What now?’ She inhaled and exhaled sharply, ‘Celestia’s secrets, Flurry’s missing,’ Twilight looked up with a hollow look on her face, ‘Now this massacre. Two human soldiers killed twenty-seven nightguards.’ She closed her eyes for a few seconds, ‘And thirty more in the hospital.’

Twilight closed her eyes again, trying to make sense of the situation, ‘I’m supposed to know everything!’ She told herself, ‘I’m supposed to make friends with everypony!’ She sighed quietly as to not disturb Princess Luna, ‘How am I supposed to make friends with a race that is this… violent. I didn’t even know they existed until a few weeks ago.’

‘There must be something I can do to fix this,’ She thought, ‘Maybe if we use the Elements of Harmony…’ Twilight shook her head, ‘No, that won’t work, any magic we tried just… pushed them or bounced right off…’ Twilight looked up at Princess Luna, she was on the eighth casket. ‘They seem to be unaffected by magic, but, it flows through every creature in Equestria.’

Twilight groaned inside her mind, ‘There’s just not enough information on human,’ She complained, ‘I should look through the library again, maybe I missed a book.’ The purple Princess glanced to her right. Her brother, who was at the encounter, was looking at her. She quickly looked away, ‘It was only a flesh wound Shining!’ She mentally chided her overprotective older brother.

‘Wait!’ Twilight looked back at the stone floor, ‘Shining said that Chrysalis knew about the humans…’ Twilight looked back at her brother, ‘There’s somepony else who’s ruled up here… maybe he can answer some questions.’

Twilight looked behind her, though typically a public space, there were guards blocking off the majority of the public. In addition to Ponies, there were also a hoofful of Griffins and Yaks who were invited to Flurry’s birthday, and had not departed when she went ‘missing.’ Twilight saw the occasional flash of a camera, most likely the press, ‘Ugh! They always know how to disrespect anypony!’

Twilight shifted her hoof that was in a sling, bringing her thoughts back to the humans, ‘And their weapons,’ She was conscious when the doctors had removed the small piece of metal that had punctured her hoof and broke her left forehoof’s bone, ‘They definitely have some sort of magic, nothing can propel a piece of metal that fast!’ She thought back to sunburst’s injuries, ‘He said the ‘L’ shaped thing they carried…’ She sighed, ‘I should send a letter to Starlight and see how he and she are doing.’ After the attack, Starlight, as soon as Sunburst could trot again, took him back to Sire’s Hollow to see their families.

Twilight had done a similar thing with her friends, bought them tickets on the first train out of the Crystal City after last night’s encounter. ‘Rainbow Dash always has to put up a fight though, same with Applejack.’ She sighed, ‘At least the Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie went without a fuss.’

Twilight felt a small tap on her side. She turned, it was her sister in law, “Luna’s been gone for a while,” She said, “Are you okay?” Twilight blinked, Luna was gone. She looked to her left, “Her brother was also gone, probably tending to the wounded in the clinic.

Twilight looked back to her sister in law, “Uh… how long have I just been standing here?”
Cadance put her hoof on Twilight’s back.

“About ten minutes,” Cadance replied. Cadance looked over her shoulder, at the crowd of ponies who were slowly dispersing. “Twilight, are you okay?” Twilight ruffled her feathers and forced the hoof off of her back with a slight whip of her wing.

“I’m fine,” Twilight said, “Just thinking.”

“Twilight I’ve known you for years,” Cadance said, “If there’s something wrong, you can tell me.”

Twilight began to limp off, “I’m fine, Cadance,” Twilight looked back, “I have an… idea, of where we can get more information.”

“Well, that’s good at least,” Cadance said, “Where?”

Twilight looked down and gave some laughter, “You’re not gonna like where from.”

“Absolutely NOT!” Shining Armor proclaimed, “There is no way I am letting him talk to anypony.” He got out of his seat and began to pace, “The second the cell door opens, he will disappear and give everypony here a bigger headache than we already do!” Twilight kept her eyes trained on Celestia and Luna, ‘It will take some convincing…’

“If anypony in the public sees him-”

“Shiny, maybe we should hear out Twilight,” His wife suggested, “I mean, you did take a day trip to the Changeling Lands and talk to Chrysalis? Right?” The Pink Princess said, “How is this any different?”

“He might be the only pony in the Empire who knows about these humans,” Luna added, she looked at her sister, “Other than… you know…” the Lunar Princess trailed off looking at her sister, “Speaking of which, have you taken any thought of my suggestion sister?” She inclined her head at Celestia, “I only say because-”

“I believe we can discuss that at a later time, Luna,” Celestia said, “We should stay on the topic on hoof.” She said plainly. “I am more than willing to go down there and ask myself.”

Shining armor scoffed, “He is not allowed to talk to anypony for the time being,” he said, “And with all the pain he’s put everypony through, I aim to keep it that way. Security of the Empire is my concern.”

“Our concern,” Cadance corrected him, “And I am for it. If there is anything we can do to learn and find out about these humans, we need to take it.” Cadance states, “Nopony wants a repeat of last night.”

Shining Armor saw the writing on the wall and ground his teeth together. “Fine.” He huffed out, “But if there is even a hint of violence towards you I am ending it.” Cadance, Luna, Celestia, and Twilight nodded in agreement, “So when do you want to do it?”

Sombra looked at the Alicorn on the left, “I’ve seen that look,” he said, a mix of green and purple mist leaving his mouth and eyes. He moved his head to Shining Armor, his chains rattled as he did, “So you want something?” He gave a sinister smile.

Cadance’s eyes narrowed, “Were not here to play games Sombra, we-“

“If you come down here, and speak to me in such a manner, you won’t get anything Princess.” He cut her off, “And I expect, to be addressed properly.”

“You aren’t King of anything anymore Sombra.” Shining Armor said.

“Well, then I suppose there is nothing to discuss.” He said sarcastically, “Have fun with whatever you are dealing with.”

The chains rattled as he turned away and back into his cell. The Princesses all looked to each other. “Well, what now?” Celestia asked. “He won’t talk, and I don’t feel comfortable to do…” she looked at her sister, “That yet.”

“We get what we need,” Twilight huffed, as the group turned around, “There needs to be something, a book, on the Foundation. Maybe in the Cha-”

What?!” Everypony heard Sombra say, “What did you just say?! Tell me!”

“W-what?” Twilight stammered out. Sombra’s surprise reply made hooves go out. The Purple Princess got back up, “T-the Foundation?”

Sombra growled at the bars of his cell, “I thought I…” he mumbled out.”How did you hear that wretched name!?” He spat back at the surprised Princess. The guards that were accompanying them moved in front of Twilight.

“One of their creatures attacked the city,” Luna said. “Have you encountered them before?”Luna moved to the metal bars, ushering away the guards that tried to keep her back.

“Which creature?” He said with poison, now face to face with the Lunar Princess.

“One-Oh-Six.” Luna replied calmly, “Have you encountered them before?” She repeated her question.

“Encountered them?” He repeated, “They created me.” He looked at the group of royals, “I had just become captain of the Crystal guard,” he retold, “my marefriend, Radiant, was an explorer. She was part of an exploration group that went north at the request of the Princess.” He paused, “She was missing for months before I convinced the princess to let me go look for her and her party.”

The snowstorm had forced him to abandon his iron armor… and the rest of his rescue team. The scarf and coat he was wearing were wet and waterlogged. That’s when he saw it. A blinking red light. ‘Am I hallucinating,’ he thought to himself. Captain Sombra kept moving toward the blinking red light.

As he got closer, he saw the outline of a building. His mind-numbing and half asleep, he kept moving forward through the snowstorm. He stumbled and fell onto the ground and his world faded to black.




“Found it at the edge of the facility’s perimeter,” he heard, “maybe he got lost?”




“I don’t care, put it with the other test subject.”

“Yes, administrator.”




He finally woke up in what felt like a long time later in a dark and all-grey room. “Hello,” he croaked out, his throat felt hoarse and dry. He felt all his coats and scarves had been removed.

“Is… anypony here?”

“Sombra?” He recognized the voice. “Sombra is that you?” He saw the light blue hair and face of Radiant Hope poke through the darkness.

She raced forward and grabbed him. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I could ask you the same.” He said as she began to struggle to breathe. “Where's everypony else?” He asked.

“They… They took them,” she said, “I don’t know where they took them.” She finally let Sombra go and sat next to him, “Is… is anypony else coming?”

“I…” Sombra began to talk, but his mouth was too dry. “Water…?” He croaked out.

“They haven’t given us anything, by I might still have some in my saddlebags.” She got up, “and, they did something… to our horns, I can’t use magic. It… hurts to try. I’ll be right back.”

Sombra st himself up and had a look around, dark grey walls and barely any light. He saw a red dot in one of the roof’s corners of the room he looked behind himself and saw the outline of a door.

He heard hoofsteps and he turned and saw Radiant Hope with her old banged up water canteen. “Here, it’s all I’ve got left.”

He waved it off, “I’ll be fine,” he replied, “you keep it.”

“Sorry Sombra, but you can barely talk.”
She trotted forward.

“I’ll be-“ she stuck the canteen in his mouth and swallowed a gulp of it.

“There, now don’t waste it.” She told her coltfriend. She sat back down beside him, “How did you get here?” She asked.

“I… followed the plan that you left with the Princess,” He answered, “We waited for a month after you were supposed to be back. To her credit, Amore thought that you were always just a few days out or right around the corner.”

“Yeah, I wish,” she said, “These beings are fascinating though,” Radiant said, “I haven’t found much, but they’ve been here for centuries at least.”

“Perhaps we can negotiate with them to let us out?” Sombra said.

“Yeah,” Radiant said dejected, “Hill offered on many occasions, but, yeah…”

“Well,” Sombra said as he finally got off of the cold damp ground, “let’s look around. There might be something here.”

“Sombra, there’s nothing here, it’s just a box,” Radiant said, “And you need to rest.”

Sombra grumbled and begrudgingly sat down next to Radiant Hope, who laid her head on his shoulder. The next thing he sees is the back of his eyelids.

Sombra awoke sometime later, he felt much better than he did before. He opened his eyes and was face to face with the back of Radiant Hope. ‘I wish we were in a better situation.’ He thought to himself. He could feel their combined body heat warming the two of them up. ‘When we get out of here we need to make up for the lost time.’ He thought to himself. He so did not want to get up, he would give anything to stay with her a second longer, but as a captain of the guard, it was his job to get her and him out.

Sombra carefully and begrudgingly scooted away from her. Making sure not to wake Radiant Hope up. ‘Need to find a way out first.’ He stood up and walked to one of the walls off in the darkness. He reached out with his hoof and slid it across the wall. ‘Smooth, no cracks.’ He repeated this everywhere he went until he was next to the door. There was a small flat opening between the door and the wall. He peered through it and saw nothing other than white on the other side. “Hmph…” he huffed, ‘All that for a glimpse of white nothing.’ He turned back to the center of the room under the dim light. He could see her still in the center.

Sombra, dejected, sighed, ‘These things have everything covered.’ He looked to the ceiling, there were two circular holes in the ceiling with slits. “Wonder what-“ before he could finish his sentence, white smoke began to flood out of them.
Immediately he felt his legs grow weak and wobbly. After a few seconds, he fell to the floor and passed out.

“SCP 966 doesn’t seem interested in these two, could it be the… appendages on their heads?”

“Maybe doctor, let’s roll out SCP 10, and see if there is any effect.”

“Yes, Administrator.”

“We might have a new stock of D-Class substitutes, let’s see how long these things last.”

“I must let you know administrator, the 05 might not be pleased, and you… ok, sir.”

Sombra awoke again, this time, to a bright white light that turned on with a mechanical click. Something was fashioned around his neck and the weight that was on his horn was gone.

“You’re awake!” He recognized Radiant’s voice, “Sombra! You can use magic, tele-AHHHH!”

He sprung up from the ground despite his body and prepared to fire a dozen curses and spells.

“Stop.” A voice said. And Sombra complied. He wanted to charge forward, but his mind no longer commanded his body. “Well good, I’m glad we’ve made voice command modifications to this ring, all these- oh,” The voice stopped talking. Sombra was staring at Radiant unable to do anything about the chains on her four hooves and neck preventing her from moving.

“Ah, here we go, I believe you can understand me, seeing as I can understand you. Nod if you can.”

Sombra tried to fight it, but he nodded.

“Sombra?” Radiant said, her voice full of worry.

“Now, then,” the voice said again, “please tell me your name.”

“Sombra,” he said, his voice plain and lacking emotion.

“Good, now then,” the voice began to say, “would you kindly-“

“Sir, I must advise again-“ another voice said, a female.

“Shut up Doctor-“ the male voice returned, “I want to test the full capabilities of these creatures-“

“But- It breaks-“

“Guards-“ After a few seconds, “there no more distractions we may proceed.”

It is in my opinion that the actions of Administrator S█████ were directly responsible for the Outpost-31-7 incident. As the temporary Administrator of the Foundation, I am placing Administrator S█████ under arrest, an inquiry will be ready to try him within the month.

The Royal ponies all were in some sensation of disbelief, ‘They killed his love,’ Cadance thought, ‘Anypony could lose it like that if they are broken enough.’ The ruler of the Crystal Empire stiffened, ‘I could…’

Celestia immediately began to ask the one question that they all had in the back of their minds, “Why did you tell us this?”

“Well Sunny,” He said, mocking Celestia, “I thought that I had wiped them off the face of Equus,” he gave a wicked smile, “They are perhaps the one thing that I hate more than you,” he hid his sharpened teeth, “I will answer anything I can about them, should it mean bringing them to justice.”

Author's Note:

I wrote this one at speed of Sonic, please point any errors out to me in the comments.
