• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,713 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(8) The Truth?

‘Time for the truth,’ Luna thought as she walked into her sister’s room, her horn lit up with magic and a blue hue surrounded the wooden door, shutting it. Well, more like slamming it. “Sister,” Luna said, her voice filled with resentment, “I believe you have some explaining to do.” Luna turned back and clicked the lock on the door.

Luna turned back and looked at her sister, who was glancing at both her and the book she had been previously reading. “Sister,” Luna reiterated, “Now is not the time to be playing these games,” Luna walked up to the table her sister was sitting at, and pulled the chair back in her magic, “We need to talk about this… this situation we are in.” Luna sat in the chair.

Celestia sighed and put her book down. She took a sip of tea, or gulp really as she downed the rest of the liquid. “You already know I’ve… had to deal with these humans before, that much I’ve told you,” She took the teapot nearby, still laden with the hot drink, and filled her cup again. She gestured with the teapot to her sister after she was done pouring.

Luna shook her head, “Yes, you also said that it wasn’t this group. Another kingdom, mayhaps?” Luna put her hooves on the table to support her head as she talked.

Celestia nodded, “Yes, that…” She stopped to think, “Seems right… I suppose, though calling their country a kingdom would be an inaccuracy, a… council… like a city council is more like their form of government.” Celestia put the tip of her hoof to her chin as she talked and tried to remember the events.

“A council then,” Luna stated, “I want to know more about the humans themselves, their mission, their goals, their history. To defeat an enemy, one must know them.” Luna kept gazing at her sister, trying to gauge her.

Celestia chuckled, “You always more of the warrior…” she said, giving a small smile. “I encountered them a month after you were banished,” Celestia said, her smile fell from her face, “The Everfree was rampant with dark magic, the forest had already begun to take shape,” She looked at her sister, “The Nightguard had vanished. So… I asked my top advisors at the time, and we devised a plan to reestablish Equestria at mount Canterhorn.”

Luna kept her eyes on her sister, who kept looking either at her cup, or the table. ‘She is either lying or just really bad at telling the truth,’ Luna thought.

Celestia took a sip from her tea, “It’s gotten cold…” She mumbled under her breath. She looked back to her sister, “Are you sure you don’t want any?” Celestia asked as she finally looked at her sister in her eyes.

“Sister, stop lying to me,” Luna snapped, “And stop stalling, I want the truth, here and now.” One of the younger sister’s hooves slammed on the table, rattling the table and the items on it.

“I am!” Celestia snapped back, “You must remember that this was over ONE-THOUSAND YEARS AGO!” Celestia’s voice rose, “I was not at the most stable time in my life, so please, sister,” Celestia looked at her sister in the eyes, “I swear to you, everything that I say is the truth.”

This time, Luna sighed, “I am… sorry, sister,” She said, “It’s just been a long week. I suppose we’ve all grown complacent in the lack of disasters in the past few years,” Luna looked back at Celestia, “Please take as much time as you want.”

Celestia nodded, “Let’s see… Mount Canterhorn…” Celestia cleared her throat, “But to them, it was called Castle-bravo. It was the main base of a group of humans calling themselves the Americans,” Celestia paused, “That’s actually how we got the name for South Amareica when it was discovered around a century-”

“You are getting off-topic, sister,” Luna interrupted, “You can explain extraneous details later, can you stick to the main story for now?”

“Of course, no more details,” Celestia said, “I initially wanted to maintain a friendly, mutually beneficial relationship with these humans. However, many within my court at the time thought that these beings were little more than savages.” Celestia swallowed a lump in her throat, “So, a few ponies att-

“Why?” Luna interrupted, “Why savages?”

Celestia blinked, “They couldn’t use magic, or fly on their own,” Celestia said, “You remember how… hard life was back then, especially for an Earth-pony.” Luna solemnly nodded at that statement, “Anyway, some more… extreme ponies within the solar guard attacked the human settlement at the base of the mountain,” Celestia shook her head, “None of them came back.”

Celestia took another sip from her tea, “Most of the guards were sons of high nobles in court, and me being in the state that I was in…” She trailed off, taking another sip from her tea. “Let’s just say, they wanted retribution. So in order to calm things down, I went to negotiate with them. They seemed to be kind, but down to Earth, and their technology… they had trains whereas we had wooden carts, they dressed in clothes where we had fur.”

“Sister,” Luna interrupted, “Are you saying that the train, a device that has helped move both ponies across the continent, was based on the human’s technology?” Luna was flustered, ‘Clothes, trains, what else is there that is ours, but was theirs.’

“No, not based off of, it is the human’s,” Celestia corrected, “They, however, were equally enthralled with me, and how I could move the sun and my immortality. They… were scientists apparently, they asked me to give a sample of blood for studying, along with a demonstration of magic, somepony really didn’t like that, and me visiting the humans didn’t stop the noble Unicorn’s plans’. The nobles had gained more power with me being away, and paid off around half of what was left of the royal guard,” Celestia took another sip from her cup, only to realize that there was none left in it. She reached for the teapot, “I never did figure out if I was targeted, but I did find out that the humans were not the most resistant against magic, and our magic is just as good at blocking their form of weaponry.”

Luna’s mouth fell open, “How many?”

“All the humans, maybe around a thousand, they said that they had just emerged from a shelter, and 700 royal guards,” Celestia tried to pour more tea out, nothing spilled out. She sighed, “After I returned, I had the nobles tried and thrown in jail and had any word of the incident silenced.”

“1000? That is hardly enough for a nation?” Luna asked, “Even you would’ve known that.” Luna stated.

“Originally, I thought there were more,” Celestia said, “But as we spread across Equestria, there were no encounters with any more humans,” Celestia sighed, “I lived with thinking I was responsible for the destruction of a race for one-thousand years…” Celestia said, “But I guess that wasn’t all of them.” Her head dropped down towards the table.

“I hope you were at least planning on telling me this, sister,” Luna said. Celestia’s head raised as if she were about to speak up, but then it fell back down. She solemnly shook her head. “Well, I must continue the search for Princess Twilight, I’ve put if off enough as it is.” Luna turned to leave through the door. Her magic grasped the golden handle of the door. The door clicked as she unlocked it.

“Sister.” Celestia stated, making Luna stop and turn back, “The humans… The one we captured, he knew our ages.” Celestia looked up at her sister, “and not a rough estimate, our exact ages.”

Luna fully turned at this statement, “What do you think this means?” Luna asked her sister.

Celestia looked back down, “They probably have been here longer than us, not just you and me,” Celestia looked up at her sister, “The other pony races, the Griffons, the Dragons… all the other races.”

Luna nodded, turned and walked out the door, and shut it. She turned to the nearest guard and said, “Princess Celestia is not to leave under any circumstances,” Luna said, “For her safety.” she added. The bat pony stallion nodded his head.

“Of course your majesty,” He said, “Captain Nightengale, Swift Sword, and Solar Wind are in the briefing room, as you instructed.”

Luna nodded, “Thank you, lieutenant.”

The Bat Pony bowed his head again, and Luna walked off.

“Sorry for slapping you…” Twilight said to the guard pony currently helping her take the sophisticated blindfold.

“Princess, it’s fine, really,” She said, “Any pony thinking rationally would’ve done the same.”

Twilight would’ve nodded, but it could’ve messed up the pony’s work. “I think I…” The guard said Twilight felt the blindfold finally free her eyes, “Got it.” Twilight saw the mare before her. She was wearing the dark-blue armor of the nightguard but noticeably missing the helmet of her uniform. Her mane was white and her coat is a navy-blue.

Twilight finally breathed a sigh of relief as she felt her horn free of whatever device was on it. “Thanks…” She said as she realized that she never learned the name of the guardsmare who just saved her. “Um, what’s your name?” Twilight got out of the chair and stretched her wings and hooves. ‘How long have I even been here?’ She asked herself, ‘Where is here?’ She lit her horn and looked in front of her.

“I’m Silver Spear, a private on the Lunar Guard, your majesty,” the mare said through as she closed her eyes and bowed before her. Twilight looked away, even after all these years, she never got used to the reverence she received. Twilight saw a pair of bat-wings on the back of the mare. She rose back up, “They must’ve done something to Dark Shield, she’s bleeding pretty badly,” She said as she looked at the freshly bandaged wing of the mare on the ground. Despite this, there was still blood dripping off the coat of the similarly colored Dark Shield. There was a small pool of blood on the ground, pooling around the belly armor of Dark Shield.

Twilight rushed over and lit her horn for light. Her eyes traveled up from the dripping blood and saw the faint trail of blood up the side of the mare. Twilight used her magic to lift the mare’s right-wing. There was a white patch there, red in the center of it. ‘That must not be doing much to stop the bleeding,’ Twilight suspected.

Twilight immediately applied to heal magic to supplement the bandage placed there. After a few minutes of running her magic, she could feel the wound close up under the wing of Dark Shield. Twilight sighed, “She’ll be fine,” The Princess said, “No let’s get out of here.”

Twilight picked up Dark in her magic and carefully situated her in between her wings. ‘This would be so much easier if I were Celestia,” She complained internally, Silver stayed on the left side of Twilight, keeping a tentative hoof on her compatriot. They turned to the door. ‘No doubt it’s locked.’ Twilight thought.

She channeled magic in her horn, a second later, there was no door or doorframe for that matter. They saw the light of the sun on the other side of the door. Twilight had to squint at the sight, she would’ve put a hoof in the way of the sun, but she didn’t want to drop the already injured guard.

Ulgrin was standing outside the facility in his MTF Uniform. Allen had volunteered to take Cheng, apparently, they’ve all been saying his name wrong up till this point, on his patrol, leaving Ulgrin with Dave. He and Dave were stuck on the roof, still waiting for the return of Epsilon-6.

“So,” Dave said in through the garbled radio, “You want to talk about what the pocket dimension?” Ulgrin grunted. He readjusted the P90 still slung across his arms and looked at Private Davidson. He quickly looked forward to the vast expanse of white snow.

“Not really,” He answered through the radio. He blinked, and in that split second of darkness, he saw 106’s face, creepy smile, and peeling skin, looking at him. Ulgrin shook his head, the image quickly left his head. “Hope you’re alright you old man…” He muttered under his breath.

“What was that?”

“Shut up Dave,” Ulgrin said, “Before I have you put on latrine cleaning duty” He added again under his breath. ‘I need a hot shower after this,’ He thought, ‘I’m still barely holding it together, how in world is a twelve-year-old going to hold her head together.’

Ulgrin blinked again, this time he saw 106’s hand, close enough to his eyes to cover its, no doubt, smiling face. Ulgrin shook his head, the image left, ‘I’m fine,’ he reassured himself, ‘I’m fine, this will just blow over,’ He blinked again, and shook, ‘Damn it…’ He sighed into his radio.

Ulgrin looked down at his watch, then looked back up, ‘Time to move…’ As he began to move, he saw David on the opposite side of the rectangular-shaped landing platform, ‘Like clockwork,’ He saw David begin to move along the straight edge of the roof. The average patrol route for this particular facility. ‘Why am I, and not one of those useless guards up here?’ He questioned as he walked.

He looked to the right as he walked, two Chinook helicopters were there. One of them displayed the scars of the blast from the ponies, the other was easily just built, sporting a brand new paint job. Both had their ramps down, but their blades off. He looked as he saw a small steel box around seven feet tall get wheeled by one of the guards into one of the choppers. An assistant researcher was walking alongside, shaking in her boots in the freezing cold environment of the Frozen North. He smiled and nearly laughed at her with her being in nothing but her uniform.

He blinked again and shook his head at the image he saw. He also quickly looked forward as he nearly misplaced his feet, ‘Yeah, they’re moving the monsters off-site… renovations,’ He shook his head again, ‘They’re pulling back…’ He heard the familiar sound of a helicopter chopping the air in two. He reached the other side of the landing platform and looked up into the air, the white and clouded air. “The Village Idiots are back,” He heard through the radio. “About time,” David added.

Sure enough, a third helicopter was descending, this one showing signs of lack of fuel. As it came down and touched on the third and final landing pad, the blades of the chopper spun down nearly immediately as a puff of black smoke came out the exhaust. “Running on fumes,” Ulgrin said into the radio, “Hey, at least our mission didn’t take as long!”

“Ha!” David said with a spring in his step, “at least…”

Ulgrin saw the back of the chinook helicopter dropdown. The unit’s uniforms were all stained black with ash and smoke. “How was the fire idiots!” David yelled across the platform, “Nice and toasty?!”

“Yeah!” One of them yelled back, “We had a nice and big ole’ Bar B Q! It was just after we found half of the settlers dead!”

‘Well that took a dark turn,’ Ulgrin thought, ‘That was quick!’ Ulgrin let the P90 fall against his armored uniform. “BUZZKILL man!”

A round of laughs followed, the Village Idiot’s captain then spoke, “No, there were only a few minor native injuries,” He said, “I’m pretty sure we amnectized all of them.”

“You’re sure?” another voice entered the conversation. Ulgrin, along with David and the other MTF soldiers on the platform immediately snapped to attention with a salute. “Captain? What do you mean by that?”

“Sir! I am merely stating that we followed all necessary procedures when administering amnestics to the population,” The captain stated, “We searched all the homes in the village and we found all the villagers.”

The Administrator nodded, “Good, you and your team are dismissed,” He then added, “I expect the helmet camera footage, along with a full report by 0800.”

The captain then saluted the admin, then he and his team fell behind him as he walked into the facility and off the roof. The Administrator then turned to Major Ulgrin, “You two,” He looked at Private David, “With me, I’ll have your positions relieved,” The two MTF’s turned to each other and shrugged. The Administrator then added, “The 05 have to have a word with you and your team.”

Now, as Ulgrin and David looked at each other, they stared wide-eyed. ‘The 05? What in the world did we do to piss them off?’ He continued to look at David, and he looked at him as they walked. ‘He’s probably shitting himself just about now,’ Ulgirn laughed to himself as looked forward, ‘And I am too.’ He gulped.

05 (Informal) Meeting - 1/25/5017

NOTE: Only 6 members of the 05 Council were present for the meeting: 05-3, 05-5, 05-6, 05-7, 05-9, 05-11, and 05-12 were away at Site-[REDACTED] at the time of the return of the members of MTF Pi-1 (City Slickers).

05-11: “12, please for the love of everything holy... please, Shut. The. Fuck. up!”

05-12: “Well this is a fine mess we’ve gotten ourselves into!” 05-12 is pacing around the room, visibly nervous and disregarding 05-10’s comments. She begins to mumble to herself and the other 05’s present.

05-4: “It would help if you would stop pacing you, idiot,” 05-12 sits down and stares at 05-4, “We need to know exactly what happened and with the compiled footage from the members of Pi-1 currently here…” 05-4 sighs, “I think it was none of their faults.”

05-13: “None of their faults you say?” 05-13 leans into the table and points at the screen showing footage of SCP-106-01215017, “Of course, it was!” 05-13 stood up from their chair, “They were the only ones there when they decided to shoot up that fucking castle!” 05-13 walks over to the coffee machine and pours himself a mug. He walks back over and leans over and looks at the documents on the table.

05-1: “I actually have to agree with 04, we did indeed underestimate the… abilities of the ponies. We should’ve sent more MTF units.”

05-13: “Abilities aside, I want to know who exactly is responsible if it isn’t them!?”

05-2: “Shut up already!” 05-2, who up until this point, had been banging his head against the metal table, “I’m pretty damn well sure it was your idea to send them in without backup? It would’ve been just as easier to send another copter with reserve guards from site 26.” 05-2 receives a text and looks down at his phone

05-13 sits down in his chair and rolls his eyes.

05-13: “I said it would be a waste of resources to send more men,” He sighed, “I-”

05-1: “Shut up before you end up kicking your own ass, Steve.” 05-1 looks at his notes.

05-13: “It would’ve-!”

05-2: “Shut up thirteen, update, they just left site 26, they’ll be here in a few hours,” 05-2 reads. 05-1 nods in acknowledgment, “Administrator Daniels also wants to know if the research staff should be sent back too?” 05-2 looks at 05-1.

05-1: “With no SCP’s there, there’s not a point, don’t ya think?”

05-2: “And the Pony?”

05-1: “Send her on the next flight back, I want to interview her personally.”

Author's Note:

Hey, I asked a question in one of the earlier chapters on what SCP's should be featured, No one really responded.

Soooooo... any suggestions?