• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,712 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(9 Part One) Sources

Shining Armor burst into the castle infirmary’s reception area. Everypony in the reception area stopped and turned to look at the commotion he caused. He was unaffected by the stares he received and turned to the nearest nurse he saw. “Where is she?” He asked the slightly startled mare wearing a hat with a red cross on her head. He breathed out a, “Well?” After a few seconds of silence.

“Uhh…” The nearest nurse said, thinking for a moment, “Sh-she’s in-room two-twenty-two,” She said, stammering slightly. Her white horn lit up with pinkish magic that matched the color of her eyes, “Yes,” She confirmed, “Roo-” She was abruptly cut off as the Prince of the Crystal Empire took off down the hall, “OTHER WAY!” She yelled.

He came rearing back and galloped passed her, uttering a “Thank you,” as she was again, nearly knocked to the floor. As he galloped down the hall, causing patients, nurses, and doctors to move out of the Prince’s way, Shining Armor kept his eyes trained on the door’s numbers. His saddlebags hit against his sides with each stride, but he wasn’t thinking about the item inside, rather, he was looking at the room numbers, ‘200… 202… 204… 206…’ he, every once in awhile slowed down to catch his breath or allow a gurney to pass. ‘216...218…’

He turned the corner and he saw two guards standing outside one of the doors, he quickly collected himself before continuing onward. He looked at the doors’ number, and confirmed it, ‘Room Number 222,’ He walked in front of them and looked at the two solar guards, who saluted him in turn, “Your highness,” one of the guards said, “Princess Twilight is expecting you,” The two guards moved out the way, the other guard, a white unicorn, used his magic to open the door. He quickly stepped inside.

The Prince was immediately assaulted by a giant mass of lavender fluff. He immediately countered back, “Twily,” He said to his sister as he wrapped his hooves around her tighter, “If you do that to me again, I will not let you go.” He and his sister broke off the hug.

“Well, I mean,” She said, rubbing her hoof, “It wasn’t the worst situation I was ever in. Ya’ know, the whole thing with Tirek, then there was the Storm king, then there-”

Shining cut her off, “Hap hap hap bop bop,” He said as if he were his mom, “I don’t care, you might have authority over me, but I am still your big brother. And in that case, I still outrank you.”

Twilight laughed, “I could still order you to stop you, you know?” She said playfully, “And I might just do that, but…” She trailed off with a sigh, “We still have bigger problems.” She looked behind her, Shining did the same, there were two Lunar Guard in the beds, one was awake, looking at them awkwardly.

“Uhh… sorry...?” He offered the guardsmare, he checked the two nametags at the hoof of the bed, “Silver Spear…” He said trailing off. The elder brother then turned to his sister, “We should… go talk about what you missed.” Shining Armor sighed, “There’s been a lot.” Twilight nodded. Her horn lit up with purple magic and they were gone.

When Shining opened his eyes, he found himself in the circular meeting room. He looked around and saw that it was empty, save for a few loose papers. He magically removed the saddlebags on his haunches and put them on the table.

Shining laughed as he back at her, “When I got back and heard you were in the hospital, I thought you were actually in the hospital.” He sighed, “You, aren’t hurt are you?” He said after. He looked at her, “There is blood on you! Are you okay?” He moved passed her and through her protests.

“Shiny, I’m FINE!” She said, “It’s just a little, I’ll wash it off later,” She walked around the table and scanned at the papers on the table, “You were… you went to the Changelings?” She asked him, “I thought we wanted to solve this quietly.”

“Well,” He said, “I went to see of Chrysalis knew anything about the creatures or the Foundation…” He sighed, for what felt like the twelveth time that day, “Turns out, she did,” He said, “In fact, she was going to…” He shook his head, “Nevermind, that, Luna, Cadance and I have found out something Celestia was keeping from us.”

Twilight blinked, “Wha-”

“Actually she told Luna, then you, then you told me,” A familiar voice said as the door closed. The Pink Alicorn smiled as she saw Twilight, “I’m glad you’re safe, Twilight.” Cadance said. She admittedly looked a lot better than she did a few days ago.

“You’re looking much better honey,” Shining vocalized his thoughts, “How are you holding up?” He asked.

“Better, Rarity helped get ready for today.” She looked at her husband, “And I am doing… fine… given the circumstances.” She sighed, but with a smile, “Rarity puts makeup on ponies for therapy. It was good to have somepony to talk to.”

Shining felt a surge of guilt, “Yeah, sorry I wasn’t…”

“It’s fine Shiny,” She cut him off, “You said she is alive,” She asked looking at Shining Armor, who nodded in turn, “Well, then we have something to fight for, right?”

“Right.” He replied.

“Wait wait wait…” Twilight said. Both Cadance and Shining turned to the purple Princess “Celestia… What is…”

Before Twilight could complete the statement, a blue flash filled the room, followed by a voice, “Ahh Twilight Sparkle, it is good to see you are unharmed,” Luna said, “I imagine you have a multitude of questions on what you missed.” The blue Alicorn said.

“Yeah, I do, li-”

The purple princess was cut off again as Luna spoke, “And we have answers,”

Shining stifled a laugh as he tried to keep up with what was being said. Twilight sighed defeated, “At least you’re feeling better Cadance.” She said, “Now… can somepony please…” She paused, waiting for something to happen, your eyes moved back and forth around the room, “Tell me-”

The door burst open, followed by six ponies that were all too happy to see Twilight again. Twilight, groaned in defeat, before being pounced on by the six mares.

“Are you okay Twi?”

“Are you hurt?”

“Twilight darling you must never do that again.”

“Yeah, you made all of us go bonkers looking for you!”

“Pfft. I knew you would be fine!”

All of the ponies in the room turned to Rainbow Dash. Suddenly finding the attention on her, she said, “Um, yeah, but don’t do that again Twilight.” Twilight, for her part, surrounded by her friends as they all individually comforted their friend.

Cadance walked up to her husband, and whispered, “Imagine her doing this while she was still studying un… in Canterlot.” She gossiped with her husband.

“Tell me about it, Cadance,” he whispered back, “I thought she would be a bookworm forever. They’ve been good to her.” He looked back at the group of friends before them, and considered breaking them up to get to the meeting, ‘But no pony wants to break up a good moment…’ he thought

“Quite right,” Luna joined in, their conversation, “But…” Luna cleared her throat, “Princess Twilight, I believe you were about to ask us something?” The Lunar Princess sat down at her seat at the table. Shining and Cadance moved to sit in their seats next to each other while Twilight and her friends trotted to their seats.

“Yes, I do,” She said, confirming what Luna said, “You said that, Celestia… was hiding things from us?” Twilight sat down in her seat, her 6 friends seated at her side.

“Yes, we did say that, didn’t we…” Luna said, “My sister, a few weeks after my banishment to the moon… encountered a group of humans attempting to establish their own civilization at the Base of Mount Canterhorn…” Luna began to explain, “The humans had told my sister they had just emerged from a shelter. Several nobles had, however, conspired to overthrow my sister, and attacked her and the humans, along with any loyal guards.”

Fluttershy and Rarity gasped, and Candance and Shining Armor looked at each other. “All the humans were lost in the battle, along with a contingent of the royal guard.” Luna sighed, “That is all the information we have on hoof right now, Sister did say they had no magical abilities, and that their bodies were not resistant to magic.”

Luna cleared her throat as she finished her explanation. “We mustn’t rush our rescue of young Flurry Heart, it will be best to gather as much information on these beings and their organization before…. Well…” She trailed off, “Are there currently any suggestions?”

The ponies in the room, except Luna, of course, were surprised. “Um…” Cadance said, “I think we all need um… time to… process this…” Cadance looked at Shining who nodded his head, “Perhaps my husband can tell us what he learned while in the Changeling kingdom?”

“Yes.” Shining Armor said, his voice somehow nearly cracked, “King Thorax and I have interrogated Chrysalis, she knew about the Foundation and humanity, and when she first encountered them, she turned south.” He paused, “To us…” the Prince cleared his throat, “I also think we’ve found another creature.”

Twilight’s attention perked up like her ears, “And?” She asked as she somehow produced a notepad and pen.

Shining Armor knew his sister, another creature like the one that attacked might put her and her spirit down, but he also knew knowledge was power, and it best is shared. “A creature, that if you look at its face, it uh… eats you….”

“Didn’t quite catch that last part Shiny,” Twilight cooed.

“I’ll... uh, tell you later!” He shouted out. “ Int the meantime, we should keep an eye out for the two humans still in the city.” He looked at the map

Out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash said, “Why not tell everypony?” Again, all eyes were on her, “Well… I mean, the guards will talk, eventually, a rumor or two will get out.” She cocked her head, “I mean it-”

“I think what Rainbow is trying to say,” Twilight interrupted, staring at Rainbow, “Is that, would you rather the Crystal Empire’s citizens find out, or for us to tell them?”

Cadance and Shining Armor looked at each other, “Well... “ Shining started, “My Captain of the guard has given me reports of rumors of what happened… and that there were an… unconfirmed number big black bipedal beasts in the city,” He looked back at his wife, “I think we should tell them before somepony starts a panic.”

Cadance nodded and sighed, “But what will be the response from the humans?” She asked, “They’ve kept not just these… objects, but their entire race hidden for so long, if it gets out…” The Crystal Princess trailed off. She suddenly snapped back, “We’ll need to be ready.” She nodded to her husband. He nodded back.

“Is there anything else?” Twilight asked. She looked over to her friends, all of them shook their heads. She looked to Cadance and her brother, they also shook their heads.

“I have a concern, Princess Twilight,” Luna said.

Twilight nodded, “Yes?”

“In the event the Crystal Empire is… lost… to these humans,” She looked at the terrified face of Cadance, “A very unlikely event I should add,” She looked back to Twilight, “I do not want all of us to be here. They could decapitate the government in one fell swoop.” Twilight bit her lip and nodded. Luna then added, “I suggest either you and your friends return to Ponyville,” Twilight looked to her friends, “Or, my sister and I return to Canterlot.”

“There’s no telling what they will do to us if we are captured,” Cadence said before sighing, “And we still don’t have any information on them.”

Shining Armor sighed and put his left forehoof around his wife, “We still have one more source to check.”

“Who then?” Twilight asked.








██.████° N, ███.████° W

SUBJECT: ██████ █████ -- Goes By: ██████
Species -- Pony
Subspecies -- ███████
This subject has been confirmed to have come into contact with SCP-[REDACTED] and we suspect that it also has encountered SCP-[REDACTED].


The subject is visibly nervous in its chair. The subject’s appearance is haggard and tired compared to normal. Its hooves have been put into metal restraints to stop it from attempting escape. Along with its hooves, the subjects [REDACTED] has also been restrained with a [REDACTED] ring around its base.

The 05 Council enters and takes their seats in front of the subject.

05-1 addresses the subject, “You are here to answer our questions and nothing else ██████,”
The subjects struggle at the mention of its name, 05-1 continues, “If you answer them truthfully and in a… respectful manner, we might just let you out of here.”

Subject asks, “[REDACTED]?”

“I’m sorry, but we cannot tell you anything about that ██████,” 05-1 replied, “Now are you ready to begin?” The subject remains silent, but it nods. “Okay then.,” 05-1 turns to 05-2, who starts the questioning.

“What exactly are you?” 05-2 asks. 05-2 takes out a pen and begins to write, “We have encountered your species before, but-”

“I am a [REDACTED], but if you want to go broader, a Pony, or Crystal Pony.” 05-2 nods.

“Thank you, now, what exactly are your… how do I say this, abilities.” 05-2 keeps writing, “Your telekinesis, teleportation, etcetera.”

“You mean, [REDACTED]?” The subject responds, it gestures with the horn on the top of its head. “We [REDACTED]’s are able to do perform [REDACTED]. It’s… always kinda been there.”

“And the other two subspecies?” 05-5 asks.

“They have their own type… it’s… [REDACTED] can control the [REDACTED] and can make [REDACTED]. And [REDACTED] are just really good at… laborious tasks… I guess. Farming.” The subject squirms in its seat, “How many more questions do you have.”

“Sorry,” 05-1 replies to the subject, “But we are not yet finished.” 05-1 turns to 05-2, “Continue.” 05-2 turns back and begins to ask more questions.

“What were you doing this far [REDACTED], especially alone.”

“I was… on a rescue mission, for the Prince-”

“Prince?” 05-13 says, “Prince of what?”

“The [REDACTED],” The subject responded, “It’s about an ██ hour trot south of here.” The subject is noted to have gotten more agitated, “And… I wasn’t alone. I was leading a team of twenty… did you get them too?”

“No,” 05-3 said, “You were the only one we found. Now, rescue mission, who?”

“One of our… actually… I, um can’t tell you that…” The subject remains silent. It looks down at the table.

“You… really aren’t in a position to say that, you know,” 05-8 informs the subject. The subject begins to murmur to itself. It closes its eyes in concentration.

“Yes,” 05-4 says, “You do not want to have-”


As the temporary administrator of the Foundation, all further interaction with other species is to be kept to a minimum. All action that does occur with other species is to be under heavy guard and, in the case of 05 questionings, not all members of the council are allowed to be present unless it is sure the subject is friendly or heavily sedated. We do not want this to happen again. In addition, several replications of SCP 0010 have been reported missing from Outpost 31’s vault. It is imperative we find these quickly.

Author's Note:

hi, 2000 views.

YAY! Now, hypothetically, if somepony is to... meet their untimely death. By which SCP and which pony, would it be?

Definitely not gonna use one of these in the story. Nope. No! Not a chance, no siree.