• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 70: Reluctance


Chapter 70: Reluctance

By Wanderer D

There were times when Sunset was really glad that she didn't have a coat as a human, like she did when she was a pony.

This was one of those times.

Even though they were not in direct sunlight while in the jungle, the lack of a breeze and the building humidity made it very, very warm. Sunset recalled the time she had crossed another jungle with Bradford to reach the location of the Avenger. If it hadn't been for that experience, she'd probably be suffering a lot more.

Not because she suffered any less, but the knowledge that, once you start sweating while in there you'll never dry out, gave her a sense of content. There was nothing to be done about it, and complaining about it as she had done before would not get her anywhere.

Still, as they trudged through the area, following Angel—who seemed to be really enjoying the climate—she had to admit it was a nice change from the usual missions they took up. It felt more like an adventure from the books she had read as a filly. Of course in those, they never mentioned how bad mosquitoes were, and her heroines were always capable of surviving in the worst of those situations without much trouble.

Thinking back on those days made her smile. Her favorite author was a pony by the name of Kind Crown, from outside of Equestria. He used to write stories about pirates and jungle adventures, where the pirates would go chase into the deep jungle their opponents, who had captured their leader's beloved.

She could imagine herself as Sandykan, the Tigress of the Northern Seas… exploring the jungles of India, and chasing after her hated enemy.

Sunset shook her head, smirking as she returned to reality. For now, they still had quite a ways to go before she could relax.

Angel guided them close to a river, but then signaled a warning. Sunset could see why. There were several crocodiles in the mud, barely visible unless you paid close attention. The group followed within eyesight of the river deeper into the jungle.

"This is very different from the forests of my homeland," Elena said a few hours into their trip. "There, any sound a human would make would hush the entire area… here, birds, creatures of all sorts simply keep calling out, not caring about what we do."

"It is still very beautiful," Mox said. "I have heard that mutons originated from a world with similar conditions, although the Elder— once they had dominated them—destroyed most of their world and bred them for combat, eliminating what little culture they had developed."

"I imagine they would do that to all the worlds they eventually conquer," Sunset said. "It's a shame, though, who knows what kind of lives they would lead right now?"

"How about your homeworld?" Mox asked.

Sunset blinked, and she could have sworn that Angel had slowed down after hearing that. "What do you mean?"

"My guess is Mox wants to know what your land is like. All we know is that you're more furry, have a horn and can cast spells."

Sunset sighed. "My world is a lot like this one," she said, using a hand to vault over a fallen tree that Angel had simply slid under. "We have different ecosystems: jungles, forests, tundras, wastelands, long mountain ranges… you name it. Canterlot and Ponyville, where Twilight and I are from, have a climate that is very similar to Canada here, with plenty of forests and mountains. Canterlot itself is built on the side of a mountain."

"We have a dangerous forest of our own as well… it's called the Everfree Forest, and it is where the Princesses used to live over a thousand years ago, before they battled and Nightmare Moon was exiled to the moon."

They had to do a small detour when the ever-vigilant Angel caught sight of something. Although Sunset didn't lay eyes on the danger itself, she could hear loud buzzing, even as far as they went. Either bees or wasps, most likely, but definitely not something they wanted to walk into.

"Now, the Everfree is arguably one of the most dangerous places in my world," Sunset continued. "It has giant beasts, manticores, carnivorous plants that will snatch you and digest you, hydras, magical beasts like timber wolves and other goodies."

"When you say 'The Moon'," Elena spoke up. "I think you are being literal."

"I am," Sunset said. "Princess Luna turned into an evil being of incredible power, and Princess Celestia was forced to trap her there, but even then, her magic was so strong and linked to her prison, that the seal broke eventually, letting her free. I wasn't even there when that happened, but it was only thanks to Twilight and her friends that they were able to bring Luna back to her senses."

"It surprises me that such a gentle soul as Twilight had previous battle experience," Mox said. "I was under the impression that she was in fact, completely untrained before joining our cause."

Sunset snorted. "It depends on what you consider 'battle experience'," she said, "but you should never underestimate Twilight. She might not be as battle-eager as I am, but she's never been a coward."

"From what I heard she didn't behave as such when she arrived in this world," Mox said, nodding.

"It's always the quiet ones," Elena muttered.

"From what Rainbow Dash told me, Fluttershy back there used to be the most inoffensive person on Earth. Wouldn't hurt a fly."

They pretended that Angel hadn't almost slithered into a tree with that statement.

"But," Sunset continued, "she also told me that Fluttershy would not stand for others to be bullied, or hurt, even if she was."

"A good leader must be able to put others before themselves," Mox agreed. "It is refreshing to see that there are indeed more people willing to do this still."

"She's certainly proved to be a capable leader," Elena said. "Volk would approve."

"You really care a lot about what he thinks," Sunset commented. "Volk is a very pragmatic man, so it's not surprising, but…"

Elena sighed. "Volk saved my life. He fed me. He taught me how to hunt and survive. I, and all of the Reapers owe him much."

"Yeah," Sunset sighed. "I remember."

"Our own leader, Betos, is more of a spiritual guide than someone who teaches us additional skills," Mox said. "While we all bring and share our own experiences, it is she who glues the Skirmishers together."

"I guess the same could be said of Geist, although he fills a role similar to Volk… if a lot more eccentric." Sunset said. "I guess as much as they have differences in personality, good leaders do share some traits."

"I remember—" Mox said suddenly, "a certain young human who ended up with the Skirmishers and declared early on that she would lead us all to victory."

"I remember a certain young girl who pretty much said the same thing before and after she had an encounter with an Elk."

Sunset narrowed her eyes. "I remember two people who said it would never happen, and now-a-days follow that girl's orders."

Angel hissed curiously.

"It's a long story," Sunset said.

Angel gave her a look and hissed again.

"Well, I guess that's true," Sunset admitted. "But won't we get distracted?"

Angel motioned at the jungle, then at herself, hissing and nodding.

"Okay then," Sunset said after a moment of thought. "If you're sure… but once we get to that area you'll let me know, right?"

Angel weaved in and out of her coils, hissing.

"Alright, alright, I get it..." Sunset trailed off when she noticed that Elena and Mox were looking at her in clear bewilderment despite wearing their mask and helmet respectively. "Um… what?"

"I did not know you were able to speak to Vipers," Mox said after a moment. "I know they are a highly intelligent species, able to understand several languages, but—"

"Wait," Sunset interrupted. "You mean you don't understand what Angel has been saying?"

Elena and Mox both shook their heads.

"I don't think it is a human skill," Elena said evenly.


A pause.

"I believe more bellicose individuals would now be demanding an explanation," Mox pointed out. "But at this stage, I believe I will just explain it with 'magic'."

"Haha," Sunset droned.

"What did you talk about anyway?" Elena finally asked.

Sunset sighed. "She wants to know my history with you and Mox."

"Well, this will prove entertaining," Elena admitted as they started walking again.

Twilight hadn't dared put her pen to the paper until she figured out what she wanted to say. She had written some drafts, trying to center her ideas as much as possible, until she thought she finally she had it down.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I won't describe the punishment that Michael suffered for treason. I don't think the girls would like to hear about it, but I promise you I don't hate him… I'm still very disappointed, and hurt, but I have let go of the hate.

Perhaps, one day, when time has passed and the sting is less brutal, I might even forgive him. I don't know if he deserves it, but I think we are all deserving at least, of some sort of chance to be forgiven. It won't change what has happened, but as selfish as it sounds to write it, I think it will do me good to be able to do so.

As for the girls… I'm sorry that Fluttershy felt bad about things. I thought she would have a problem with it, gentle soul that she is, but I hope that she understands why I did it. How did the other girls take it? I miss talking to them.

I've figured out a way to make this Diary last for as long as we want, but it will require some work on your side. I have devised a spell that should let me remove what we have written here, cleaning up pages so that we won't run out of space.

The spell will not clear anything that has appeared on your side, however, so when we get close to the end of the diary on your end, you will have to create another one and link them together. I have also some suggestions on how we can make those reachable from this end as well, even though they might have been deleted.

I'm going to adapt what they call a "database" here into a spell and send you the mechanics later.

Why did you

There are a lot of things that I want to discuss with you, and I wish I was able to do so in person. Despite everything that happened, I feel really proud that I have gained a rank… I'm a squaddie, and I am a Specialist… it's a support role for the most part, and Tygan and I have been discussing how we can turn this into a unique class of soldier for me.

I've been learning a new field of knowledge… they call it "programming" and it's a fantastic mixture of math, language and logic. I'm really enjoying this.

My other fellow rookie-now-squaddie, Alejandra, is now a sniper and has been training with one of the more experienced snipers in XCOM. I'm sure she'll do well. I'll try and get together with her soon. For my part, Jane, one of y Sunset's friends has offered to teach me some tricks with the GREMLIN… that's the device I can use as a Specialist. Imagine it as a mechanical familiar of sorts.

She is more combat oriented, but the principles should be the same and I can only benefit from the added practice.

I should mention that Sunset is out for a mission again. I'm not sure when she'll be back, I didn't feel like seeing her off.

Princess why is it that I should go, please send my love to the girls.


o.0.o End Chapter 70 o.0.o

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