• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 116: Vial


Chapter 116: Vial

By Wanderer D

Elena was already waiting in the shadows by the time that Sunset joined her. Although she'd camped out, and trained a little with Reapers, Sunset wasn't nearly as proficient at sneaking as Elena. Or any other Reaper, for that matter. The type of mentality and training they did was too different from her own to really approach it realistically, unless she quit XCOM for a few years.

Even then, she doubted she'd be as proficient, but that did not mean she was a slouch either. A good leader, however, knew when to let other, more experienced or specialized members of their team take the lead, and this was such a case.

She turned to look at Elena, and respectfully bumped her right fist on her own shoulder in a Reaper salute. It was one of three Reaper-exclusive signals she had learned during her short stay. Probably as many as she ever would. It meant: "After you" or maybe "you lead", possibly even "you're on top" depending on the situation. She couldn't really see Elena's expression, so she was hoping she didn't take it the wrong way.

The second signal she had learned from the Reapers, was the signal for "food", which they also used to signify aliens of any kind.

The third and final signal she had learned, had not actually been taught to her, as much as Sunset having learned it by observation, and eventual laughter from Natter. Hand spread out, thumb aiming towards the side of head. It meant 'elk'.

Elena simply nodded, then made a "follow me" motion with her hand. The pair ran low, following the box cars. Upon closer examination, the cars had hundreds, no, thousands of stacked green containers. The thick glass translucent enough for Sunset to see that whatever they had inside had been already emptied out somewhere.

A raised fist stopped Sunset dead in her tracks, and she kneeled behind Elena, trying to see what the Reaper had spotted. Soon enough, she saw them. A pod of ADVENT regulars was warily approaching their location, probably aware that enemies were around, but unsure as to where exactly.

The pod consisted of one Purifier, one Priest and a trooper.

Sunset readied herself to attack, but Elena shook her head, then tilted it in the direction of the box car. Sunset grimaced, but nodded. She had given Elena the lead, after all. They were playing by Reaper rules right now, and that meant keeping out of sight. That didn't stop Sunset however, from tapping three times on her comms.

The others would be ready.

After a pause in which they could both hear the shuffling, measured steps of the trio come closer, then slowly move away, Elena nodded and ran around the car, stealing a glance at the patrol before indicating their next objective: the guard tower for cover, then an entrance into the large facility.

Sunset nodded and followed her, glancing at the backs of the patrol. Natter and Don had been right. She definitely didn't fit well with the Reapers. Her instincts were to take advantage and attack the patrol… not mindlessly, of course. Positioning her troops to take advantage of the distraction, as she had done so many times before.

But she needed to rein it in. They had to figure out how many more enemies were around, after all, and their mission was to investigate the site for now, not to kill everyone in sight. Still. When they were out of eyesight and earshot, she quickly whispered into the comms the types of troopers approaching.

Her earpiece hissed and Annette's voice filtered in. "We see them. We'll take care of it."

They reached the side of the factory by the time the shots echoed behind them. The door was sealed, but not secured and after fiddling with it for a moment, they opened it up and slid into the large facility undetected.

The first thing that reached Sunset's mind was the smell. It smelled like… warm beet soup. It didn't look like beet soup though.

The central area of the facility was a large, deep pool of green liquid of some sort, but that was not the most distressing part. That was what was being lowered into it right now. The green containers from outside now made sense… the ones in the facility were not empty yet. They contained human bodies in them… either dead or unconscious—probably dead, given that many were in varying degrees of dismemberment—large machines carefully lowered them into the pool, where they would be… what?

Sunset shook her head, unable to believe what she was seeing. The interior was immense too. walls lined with even more containers, ready to be added to the soup.

"So many victims, processed with such brutal efficiency…" Tygan whispered on the radio, making Sunset start. She had forgotten in her horror that she was sharing this via video with all of the Avenger.

"Sunset, move forward and take cover on the platform in front of the pool of… whatever that is," Chrysalis ordered, her voice low, "I want to see what's on the other side."

Signaling Elena to cover her, Sunset quickly made her way onto the platform, noticing a pair of sectoids at the end of the main room… but more importantly, a sort of separate, small lab stood opposite her location.

Square and unimpressive on the outside, she could see through the large observation window a large device connected by a multitude of cables and tubes to the facility. In the middle of it, a smaller container rested, glowing with energy.

"Are they trying to build some sort of weapon?" Tygan suggested over the radio.

"That looks more like a refinery to me, Doctor," Lily said, disgust clear in her voice.

"We'll know for sure once we get our hands on that vial in there," Bradford added. "Menace, take the Blacksite Vial and bring it to us. We need to figure out what exactly ADVENT is doing to these people."

Sunset looked at Elena, who nodded slowly. It was time to reveal themselves.

The first sectoid didn't know what hit it. One moment it was looking at something on a screen, the next its head was a splatter of orange blood on the screen.

The other one turned around, its unnerving skull-like jaw giving it the semblance of smiling as it growled and turned to search in the direction where the shot had come from. Too late did it hear the sound of running steps on the metal, it turned, surprised, in time to see Sunset jump the distance between them, her sword coming down in an arc that split the creature in two and bathed her in its blood.

Elena dashed past her, not daring to wait, while Sunset took cover next to the side entrance, looking around to make sure she wasn't being watched before closing her eyes and shuddering unnoticed as she instinctually licked the blood from the back of her hand.

For a moment, all was bliss, and she felt a rush of energy spreading down through all of her system, like fire. She blinked and shook her head, frowning at the loss of control for a moment. She looked at the door and grimaced, wondering what that metallic flavor in her mouth was.

Had she bitten her lip when she had jumped? She groaned. There was no point in speculating. Right now she felt reinvigorated and ready to tackle whatever else the Elders might have in store for her.

"We have taken care of the enemy patrol," Annette reported, making Sunset return fully to reality.

"I'm next to a side door on the west side of the building. Go around the factory and secure a location for Firebrand to pick us up."

"Roger that," Rainbow called in, "Just shoot up the flare when ready".

Looking over her shoulder, Sunset nodded at Elena, who approached the glowing vial cautiously.

"Guessing that's not water in there." Bradford's grim voice was clear on the radio. "Lily?"

"Working on it… no signs of radioactivity, no significant energy signatures of any kind. Whatever it is, it's safe to handle."

With Shen's slightly dubious-sounding blessing, Elena reached out and took hold of the vial. "Sample secure."

"Objective obtained," Bradford said. "Get the hell out of there."

"Belay that order," Chrysalis hissed. "I want X4 charges planted. Destroy that place."

Sunset and Elena got to work as quickly as they could, setting up explosives on opposite sides of the building just as Bradford informed them of approaching backup, but it was too late.

By the time ADVENT troopers were in the area, the Skyranger was already flying away, and an instant later, the mysterious facility was completely obliterated.

The mood in the transport was not improved however, as Sunset took the vial from Elena's hand and gazed into it wondering just what new monstrosity they would uncover.

And wondering too… just what they would be able to do about it.

o.0.o End Chapter 116 o.0.o

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