• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 237: Relocation


Chapter 237: Relocation

By Wanderer D

Her shotgun snapped the sectoid's head back, but surprisingly, it didn't die instantly, hissing in confusion and taking half a step back before glaring at her. Chrysalis, however, didn't hesitate to shoot it a second time in the moment it took for everyone to react.

"What the fuck happened!?" a female voice she didn't know asked. Chrysalis could barely make out a female, armed figure with grayish-white hair, tinted with purple.

Rainbow Dash, however immediately gasped. "Gilda?!"

"Rainbow Dash!?" the woman replied. The name was familiar, it was the name of the mercenary that had helped Dragon team in the last mission. The pair embraced tightly, but it wasn't time for emotional outbursts.

"I just shot a sectoid! Check for other enemies!" The din of the sudden explosion of sound and light was fading away, and Chrysalis shook her head, pointing her shotgun around, expecting, and hoping for more aliens. But there were none, and soon enough cries of "clear!" echoed around her.

"Ugh…" Ember, slowly pushed herself up, and Chrysalis made her way to help her up. "C-Commander?"

"I'm here, Fei."

"Heh, you haven't called me that since I was a kid."

"That was a few months ago, for me…" Chrysalis replied. "But I'm glad I can still do so. We thought you were dead."

Estella was helping Sweetie and Shen up, while Scootaloo and Breaker had ambled over to where Apple Bloom lay on the floor, missing everything from the thighs down.

Annette had recovered as well, and was now standing on her own two wobbly feet, with Deadwood lending an arm for her to balance.

"So you dragged everyone into the dimensional barrier?" Estella asked Shen and the others. "That's brilliant!"

"Still, we lost people…" Sweetie Belle said.

Ember looked up. "No one else?"

Chrysalis shook her head. "You seem to have dragged the Sectoid with you, but there were no bodies left behind."

"Security… Trojan…" Ember shook her head. "Coyote was still alive, did she—"

"I'm sorry, after the explosion our systems couldn't detect anything around here for a while, and when they did, it was just empty."

Shen sighed. "I'm just glad you were able to pick up my signal and come find us. Otherwise we'd be trapped in time forever."

Chrysalis smiled. "We didn't. Lieutenant Dash decided to come check herself in what I can only describe as an inspired effort to end her career. So I decided to go with her and bring some friends."

"Hey," Gilda spoke up suddenly, "I know you… didn't you start that socialist cult back in high school?"

Estella laughed forcibly, drawing attention to herself. She shook her head and waved her arms. "Me? No. Nononono. You must be confusing me with someone else."

"No, I'm fairly good with faces. I know you… what's your name? Starlight something, right?"

"No, my name is Estella," the scientist retorted coldly.

"Doesn't that mean star?"

"I never took you for a linguist, Grimfeather."

"Oh, so you do know me." Gilda smirked, crossing her arms.

"No, I saw your name on the datapad…" Estella replied, turning around. "You know what, I have a job to do, which is to help Shen here to finish the project so we can get the hell out of this place before something else attacks us. So, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than feed your fantasy."


"Gilda," Chrysalis spoke up, interrupting the rather amusing moment despite herself, but Estella—or Starlight—had a point. "I'm sorry your troops suffered heavy losses, if you wish to change our arrangement…"

The caught the attention of the others, who turned to face the mercenary.

Gilda shook her head. "Nah. We all knew what we were in for… the others knew what I agreed to. The ones that survived will not come back to get us."

Chrysalis nodded. "In that case, please accompany Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo to the Skyranger. I want the ship as close to us as possible for evac as soon as Shen is done. Lieutenant, Scootaloo… please take Apple Bloom into the Skyranger and secure her before flying back here."

"Yes, ma'am!" Rainbow Dash said, quickly nudging Scootaloo out of her stupor and helping her pick up Apple Bloom. Or try at least. "Ugh, Gilda, give us a hand!"

"Sure, sure," the mercenary said. With Rainbow Dash holding one arm, and Scootaloo the other, she placed herself squarely in between, and slid her hands under Apple Bloom's armpits. "On three… one! Two! Three!"

Chrysalis watched the trio slowly make their way with their friend out of the experimentation area. She made her way to Shen, who was working feverishly on the calculations. "Lily?"

"Working on it, Commander. Thankfully, I think that the breakthrough we had earlier and let us be taken, "sideways" was just a step short of breaking through to Ghost."

"Good. Keep at it, Sweetie Belle?"

"I'm recording everything, ma'am, and keeping an eye on the reports."


"Co-relating the thaumic waves from the portal's explosion with th—" she turned slowly to face Chrysalis, who didn't fight the smug smirk on her face. "...w-with the last explosion."

"We'll have a short talk about it," Chrysalis said. "But only as far as you're comfortable with, and only as far as it doesn't affect XCOM negatively. Anything else, is your prerogative."

"R-right," the scientist slowly turned around back to work,.

"Annette, Elena, Ember, Deadwood," Chrysalis summoned them over. "I want you to provide cover as soon as the Skyranger lands. Focus simply on our route from here to the ship. Secure within visible range of each other. Any sign of danger is an immediate report, even if you think it's just your imagination."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Volk said to obey."

As the others did her bidding, Chrysalis started clearing the area of debris, keeping her eyes and ears open. Things had worked out for now, but that usually meant that sooner or later it would balance out again with bad luck.

That was XCOM.

"I can't believe you're here," Scootaloo said, snapping Rainbow Dash back from her trance-like state.


"I thought… you know, when we were attacked…"

Gilda barked a laugh. "Oh, Scoots, you clearly forgot who you were talking to."

"No, she didn't," Rainbow Dash sighed. "She remembers all too well."

Gilda gave her old friend a concerned look. "What do you mean?"

Rainbow Dash looked down at the deactivated cyborg they were carrying and sighed again, shaking her head. "I'll tell you later… right now… I'm just glad you are okay. All of you. And mostly in one piece."

"Heh," Gilda shook her head. "Yeah, best not get sentimental right now. We need to keep our cool until we're back in the base."

"Your base?" Scootaloo asked. "But, didn't you say your men weren't coming back for you?"

"They're not," Gilda said, glancing at the frozen tundra with some amount of nostalgic mirth. "Nah. Bradford offered me a job, and I took it."

It took a moment for that to sink in.

"Shit," Scootaloo muttered under her breath.

o.0.o End Chapter 237 o.0.o

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