• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 162: Cadence


Chapter 162: Cadence

By Wanderer D

"Reports are still coming through from New Appaloosa, where it is suspected the renegade group of terrorists, XCOM, struck a staggering attack that cost the lives of thousands of civilians.

"Separated families are still trying to find if their loved ones were rescued early on by our brave ADVENT troops. Fortunately, most of the population was evacuated before the hacking attempt by XCOM followed by the destruction of most of the North Western part of the city.

"Unfortunately, it pains me to say that our very own Sweetie Belle, ADVENT TV's famous reporter based here in New Appaloosa was one of the many victims of XCOM's violence. The entirety of the studio was wiped out, and several bodies found dumped in the underground rooms of the factory have been identified as members of the media, when any identification was possible.

"A few witnesses have identified the so-called Blood Witch on the South Eastern part, where humanitarian efforts from ADVENT were interrupted.

A man appeared on screen, facing the camera, eyes wide, body shaking. "I saw her! The Blood Witch! She had wings of blood and ghosts that killed—" The man was escorted away, rambling and desperate, crying out about ghosts and blood-drinking monsters.

The reporter turned around to face the screen. "The atrocities committed by XCOM have clearly have a severe impact on—"

The screen turned off.

"I want you to reactivate me."

The Speaker chuckled, leaning comfortably on his sofa. "And why would I do that, my dear?"

Rarity clenched her fists. "They killed my sister."

"And what do you think you can do about it?" he asked.

Rarity's fist slammed on the wall, denting the metal into a small crater.

"Impressive," he said, chuckling, "but you forget, the Blood Mage fought and killed the Assassin."

"Aria was my friend!"

The Speaker's smile faded and he glared at her. "When she became the Assassin, she became an instrument of the Elders. She was beyond you and ephemeral concepts such as that." He relaxed his stare. "The Blood Witch also fought and killed—temporarily—the Hunter."


"The Hunter," the Speaker emphasized. "Another of our beloved masters' Chosen. Just like I, they bask in the direct glory and mercy and love of our leaders." He tilted his head slightly. "What are you, but the reject of failed human experimentation that I took pity on?"

Rarity closed her eyes, fighting the tears and anger. "Nothing."

"That is correct," The Speaker chuckled. "And as a good pet, a good reject… and my property… it is unbecoming to see you as you are."

He stood up, glaring down at her with a sneer on his lips. "I do not require you tonight. You may mourn tomorrow in front of the cameras, and condemn XCOM for the loss of our dear Sweetie Belle." He grabbed her chin, forcing her head back so she could stare into his reptilian eyes. "Don't ever argue with me again."

She looked away and he chuckled, turning around and going to his bedroom.

Rarity stood in place, looking meekly down, until the door closed behind him.

Sonata sat at the top of a tower. She had teleported to a random city. She could be in what used to be Japan, or China. Or L.A.

She didn't care. Her thoughts were on Sunset and XCOM.

Sunset Shimmer. That was a name she hadn't expected to hear again. Ever. Furthermore, this Sunset was from Equestria itself. She had real magic.

No wonder Aria had been so obsessed over her.

Sonata frowned at the thought of her sister, and her thoughts inevitably went over to Adagio before she shook her head and growled the memories away.

She relaxed. Another Blood Witch, and with so much potential. Sunset hadn't gone mad yet, and had amassed a good amount of power. Her magical finesse with the blood art was obvious too. It was a shame though that they had taken so long in crossing paths… she would have loved to help this Sunset realize her potential without the loss of sanity.

But who was she to step on what had already began? It would just spiral now, and Sunset Shimmer would drag everyone she had around her into despair… everyone she loved, from the treasonous Viper to the Blood-bonded to their precious commander… all of them.

The Elder's precious little commander would be gone forever in a bloodbath… and they would despair.

And by the time her blood orgy ended, Sunset would be far gone and malleable, and then Sonata would step in and make sure she turned into another of her sisters. She narrowed her eyes. No… her only sister.

And then she would gather her allies and the Elders would relinquish this world and perish… and a new era of the Sirens would begin, with her as the eldest sister.

She sensed, but didn't move when a portal materialized behind her and a female figure stepped out. "I heard you fought the Blood Witch and lost."

Sonata chuckled. There was one more that she would take with her, any time. "It was fun!" She leaned back, looking upside down at her guest. "I hadn't fought a Blood Witch in a long, long time."

The figure seemed to consider her words. "You mean that literally. Not just as her nickname."

"Ha!" Sonata shook her head, looking back at the city. "You humans crack me up. Always have."

"I don't appreciate the mocking tone."

"Aww, did I hurt your feelings, Queenie?" Sonata teased, standing up and walking up to the figure. "You and I used to have so much fun before!"

"Before you looked like someone drowned you and vacuumed your insides, you mean," the woman countered, although she didn't back away from Sonata as the latter leaned in and bit her neck. "Really, Sonata?"

"Oh you're no fun."

"On the contrary," the woman smiled, showing Sonata a piece of hardware roughly the size of a lunch box. "I found something interesting outside the destroyed factory."

Sonata leaned back and grinned. "Oh… are we getting more alien rulers?"

The woman laughed. "A few. But this… this is different. This is what started your last city-wide battle."

"Huh, it seems smaller than I remember."

"That was several of its bodies… but in here is the code that did all of that…" the woman smiled. "And I will use it to create a Sectopod Prime."

"Until that day...'til all are one…"


Sonata snorted. "Never mind. I'm hungry. Did you bring food?"

"I don't have time for food. We have plans to make real, remember?" the woman asked, more amused than annoyed. "I will let you know once the rest of my beloved are created."

Sonata grinned. "Yes. And then this world will pay… for everything."

"Once I have developed all of my monarchs you'd better be ready to play your part, Sonata," the woman turned around, exuding sexuality as she moved towards her portal. "The Crystal Empire waits for no one."

Sonata kept grinning as the portal faded, then looked up at the moon. "Oh, Queenie. You have no idea what's coming."

o.0.o End Chapter 162 o.0.o

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