• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 31: Smile


Chapter 31: Smile

By Wanderer D

"Don't think bad of Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said, as she and Sunset lounged in the living room. "Things went… sideways for her early on, after the war." She looked over at her friend, who was downing yet another beer with Jane. The pair had accumulated quite the number already.

"It was just a shock, really," Sunset said, leaning back, eyes pensive as she looked up. "With what happened in Canterlot City, I would have expected everyone to be anti-establishment."

Sweetie shrugged. "We all were. Once. But the aliens are not dumb. I'm sure you've seen the propaganda, being part of a… group of dissidents." A smile played on her face when she said that. "How Earth had started the aggressions, how the Elders had been trying to uplift us, how they got betrayed by Earth's military during peace talks…" she chuckled.

Sweetie gave Sunset a calculating look. "You look to be about twenty-three, or so… so you were probably what, five when that happened, at the most? We were fourteen, and we watched the news from a fallout shelter as their biggest ship shot into space and turned night into day before its remains crashed into the Pacific Ocean. Resistance was defeated worldwide and we held our breaths, waiting for the aliens to suddenly strike us down.

"But they didn't. They moved entire populations to newly made cities which they created within a month. Monsters that we had seen on television killing people were suddenly not there, or were helping rebuild. Old cities were brought down, the rubble cleared, and new ones erected in their place.

"To some of us it was obvious that the past was being erased, so newer generations would just know the alien rule, and so, many left to the wilds… and we expected them to die. But the aliens didn't kill them. And then, we got accelerated education, to catch up with their level of technology.

"My sister was hired by newly-minted ADVENT officials to create clothes that would fit the new regime… I graduated in arts under ADVENT-controlled education and went straight into their 24 News team. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were recognized for their genius and went to work in the areas where they excelled… and suddenly… we had a life, jobs, education, resources, a home… all because of the Elders."

"You know that when you give those reports… you're spreading lies," Sunset pointed out.

Sweetie looked down. "I know."

"Then why—"

"Did you see the suit The Speaker was wearing tonight during that interview?" Sweetie asked, interrupting Sunset's train of thought. "My sister designed it. She's his personal clothes designer now. This place… it's where the three of us get to spend time with each other, and we support it with jobs we have with ADVENT.

"Apple Bloom's brother, Big Mac, was healed by one of the first Gene-Clinics, and he joined ADVENT security. We haven't heard from him since, but… in the off-chance he's alive and hasn't been killed by the more violent groups, like XCOM…"

The older woman shook her head, smiling, when back in the kitchen Scootaloo and Jane started laughing at something. "It's… I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, knowing what I do, but it's a lot harder to justify breaking away with so much to lose."

Sunset nodded. "I… understand."

"Maybe you do," Sweetie said, smiling and nodding. "Which is why you really should go. If we are caught hosting members of the resistance, we, and our families, will get in trouble."

Sunset took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I don't want you to get in trouble, but I don't think you get the whole picture of what ADVENT is doing."

"Maybe," Sweetie said, nodding again. "But, while I would have loved to be able to… fight back, too much of my friend's happiness, and my sister's well-being, depends on me not doing so."

The door to the apartment opened and closed, and a new voice reached them. "Ah swear, if that stupid overseer tells me to stay over one more time, Ah'm going to reduce production so much, he'll be out of a job in a week!"

"Oh, hi, Apple Bloom!" Sweetie called. "We have guests!"

The woman that came in was also in her thirties, but in contrast to Scootaloo's purple and Sweetie's pink and purple hair, she was a solid redhead. She was wearing an overall full of pockets, and a utility belt with more instruments in it than Sunset could name. She recognized her instantly from the dossier, however.

"Ah, you're here," Apple Bloom said. "Ah'm mighty sorry I wasn't able to pick y'all up myself… trouble at work prevented it and if the time you have for this to work out wasn't so limited, I would've sent you a new time to meet. Ah hope y'all didn't have much trouble?"

"Not at all," Sunset said, standing up to shake the woman's hand. "We were a bit confused at first, but Scootaloo—"

"I managed to convince them that I was legit, that's all," Scootaloo said, stumbling out of the kitchen with Jane's help, and giving Sunset a glare that dared her to disagree.

"We were convinced," Sunset acknowledged. "And here we are. Although, it would probably be safer to simply cancel the mission if something like this happens again. Scootaloo could have been shot."

"Well, Ah had more faith in y'all than that," Apple Bloom said. "Ah'm glad that no-one got shot, and that neither Sweetie or Scootaloo convinced you to leave."

"Oh, come on, Apple Bloom," Sweetie said, "It wasn't for lack of trying."

"Eh," Scootaloo said, elbowing Jane. "They grow on ya."

"Anyway," Apple Bloom said, walking into the room and taking off her belt. "There's a lot to plan ahead. Infiltrating the plant will be the easy part, but getting the information you need will require some work, and if you get caught..."

"We have… coordinates to hide, if necessary," Sunset said, taking out a pad and giving it to Apple Bloom.

Eyebrow raised, she looked down at the information, and frowned. "This… is in the middle of the forest… Ah think right next to Peavine Peak. Why would you go there?"

Sunset shrugged. "No idea. But… we were told that it's the last place the aliens would look for us."

Apple Bloom grimaced, and gave the pad back to them. "Well, Ah can't figure out why you'd even head there, so Ah guess that sort of proves the point…" She motioned for Sunset and Jane to sit down, while Scootaloo and Sweetie hovered uncertainly.

"Girls," Apple Bloom said, "If y'all don't want to help, that's alright… Ah know Ah'm asking a lot as it is, but it might be better if you don't hang around if that's the case."

"Bah," Scootaloo groaned, making her way to sit down on the floor next to the table. "As if we'd let you do this on your own."

Sweetie smiled, also taking a seat. "You should know better."

Apple Bloom chuckled. "Ah guess Ah should," she said. She glanced at Sunset. "Well then, we'd better get started. It'll be a couple of days before the shipment gets sent out… but the main problem Ah think we'll have is the CSB..."

Sunset and Jane were up early the next morning, leaving the apartment unseen, and headed down the street in civilian clothes. Jane kept giving Sunset weird looks, and Sunset tried to keep her mind occupied as they made their way to scope out one of their objectives.

New Appaloosa was located North-West of old Reno, and had been built around the MEC Factory where Apple Bloom worked. Being the largest of its kind, and requiring a considerable amount of workers, from engineers to designers to specialists, the city had grown steadily to become quite bigger than the aliens had anticipated. It had its own TV Station, a mall, restaurants, and its own Central Security Building, or as Apple Bloom and apparently all the locals called it: the CSB.

Unlike many other locations, the organic growth of the city had forced the urban planning to be a little different than the average ADVENT New City, and the CSB had been created to coordinate and secure the various plants that had sprouted intermingled with the city.

Whether the aliens recognized it or not, it was a logistical nightmare for XCOM and a few other groups that tried to keep civilian casualties at the lowest possible. As Apple Bloom had explained, the MEC Factory wouldn't be too hard to infiltrate. Her security clearance was high enough that sneaking their guests in wouldn't be an issue. The problem was that to access the database where the information they needed was located, a dual set of signals needed to be activated.

The factory manager would have to activate his access, then confirm his identity with the agents in the Central Security Building. They would, in turn, send a direct counter-signal to the security systems in the factory, which would then open the gates to access the logs. Unfortunately, the signal was encrypted and cycled every few hours, so it couldn't be just replicated. A failure to do this, would activate all the security systems in the factory.

Thus, the plan was to split up, and hit both places at the same time. But, for that, recon was necessary.

"Wow, I haven't been to a mall in…" Sunset shook her head. "Ever."

"Never?" Jane raised her eyebrow. The pair had decided to walk through the mall and pretend to window shop while heading to the other side to record the information they could about the layout and security outside the Central Security Building. "Really? I would have thought that from… where you came from… there would be malls."

Sunset blinked at the odd phrasing, but shrugged. "Not really. Maybe an open market."

Jane gave her a look.

Sunset had to admit, it was weird not seeing Jane in the usual army overalls they wore. She had gone for jeans and a white blouse, although her hair was still in a ponytail. Sunset herself had dressed in jeans, a blouse, and her black leather jacket. They didn't stand out too much from the other civilians milling about, but when they found themselves in the area leading to the the CSB, they found themselves in a mostly empty plaza, with occasional patrols passing by and no obvious place to record or take pictures from.

The plaza itself had a large statue of the Elders, representing them granting their 'gifts' on humanity, although to the pair of XCOM operatives, it looked more like the Ethereal was mentally dominating a human.

Here and there, on the many areas with fountains and benches, small groups of people talked or sat, enjoying the peace and quiet. In between paths of white metal, patches of grass provided idyllic spots for resting, and at the very opposite side of where they stood, they could see the entrance to the CSB.

"How, in the name of the Commander, are we going to get close enough to get video?" Jane hissed.

Sunset grimaced, studying the area, until her eyes settled on a patrol coming up the side of the plaza, all the way down from the CSB. "I have an idea, but there's two things I must know…"

Jane took a deep breath. It had been a long time since Sunset and her had done this, but Sunset's ideas were never to be underestimated in scope, stupidity, or ambition. "Okay, what?"

"First question, can you actually smile?" Sunset asked. "As in, is it physically possible for you to get rid of the scowl that scared the sales-lady earlier and pretend to be actually enjoying yourself?"

Jane glared at her. "I am able to do that, yes. What's your second question?"

"Do you know how to giggle?"

o.0.o End Chapter 31 o.0.o

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