• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 6 - Regret

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 6


Cheerilee took her gaze away from the retreating creature and focused her attention on the well-being of her students. Being a teacher was something she took very seriously, doing her best to provide the youth with knowledge, helping prepare them for the future, and give them good examples of how to behave.

However, being a teacher meant keeping her students safe. It was a trust given to her by parents who entrusted their children's safety under her care, and she had failed them all.

“Can you stand, Featherweight? Does it hurt?” she asked, now staring at a rounded white furball. How a colt with such a feeble body-build could puff up into such a large, fluffy ball was beyond her comprehension. She extended her hoof, only to yank it back when an electrical spark jumped the gap, due to the static charge still making Featherweight's furry coat stand on end.

“Just a little…” Featherweight responded, trying to comb his disobedient coat back into order. “But it wasn’t all that bad.”

Cheerilee sighed in relief, but the worried expression remained on her face. In the end, she was just a pony and had her fair share of mistakes in her life.

One of them being her passive approach when dealing with bullying. It didn’t take long to find out about the bullying problem caused by Diamond Tiara with Silver Spoon’s assistance, yet she turned a blind eye to it, hoping the fillies would resolve it between themselves, though it took way longer than she would have liked.

Another mistake being the terrible fashion choice during her youth.

Yet her past mistakes certainly were no match for allowing her students to get electrocuted by some sort of a large rabbit-rat hybrid at the school playground. Was it her fault though? How could she have expected that kind of danger was awaiting the fillies and colts near the school. Would one quick look through the window or supervising her students during their break be enough to prevent this disaster?

Now haunted by guilt, Cheerilee approached another student with Featherweight accompanying her.

“Wuuuh… ish shure was a socking excellence…” Twist said, poking the aperture on her teeth to make sure it wasn’t damaged.

“Don’t you mean shocking experience?” Featherweight asked.

Twist nodded. “Yesss… shocking experience…”

Cheerilee rewarded herself with a weak smile, seeing as her students were shaking off their initial confusion and now talking with each other. None showed any significant injuries or complained about them. Well… except one.

“Whose brilliant idea was it to bring such a dangerous animal to the school ground?” Diamond Tiara asked sarcastically as she massaged her back. She looked between Spike, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo; the only ones who were spared the unpleasant experience. “I have a hard time imagining the assistant of the princess pulling a stunt like this.”

Scootaloo looked to the side. “It was... my idea,” she murmured, though loud enough for the rich pony to hear her.

Diamond Tiara narrowed her eyes and frowned. “Are you serious?” She stomped. “I would expect something like this from the old troublemaking C.M.C, but not from the mature version.” She held her forehoof on her chest and added, “To be honest, I’m shocked.”

Silver Spoon chuckled. “Was that meant to be a pun?”

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes.

Cheerilee took a deep breath and approached Scootaloo, mustering all her patience and understanding into her mind and voice. “Scootaloo, would you be kind enough to explain why you thought any of this was a good idea?” She gestured over to the students behind her, trying to keep her expression strict, but compassionate.

“Well… I didn’t think it was a good idea, but a fun one.” Scootaloo blushed and smiled sheepishly, the face of her teacher being anything but amused. “What I meant was… Starlight told us that Raichu… that’s the name of the critter… that she can use electricity, but doesn’t remember how…”

Cheerilee tilted her head to the side in confusion.

Scootaloo glanced at Spike in search for help, but the little dragon dropped his hands in defeat.

“Fine… I’ll explain, but it’s not a short story...”

“Raichu! Raichu!” Twilight’s words echoed through the hallway, almost copying Raichu’s way of speech. “If you can hear me, please come out. You’re making me worried!”

Starlight strolled next to the princess, looking around in search for their missing guest.

“We searched everywhere. Oh, it’s no use,” Twilight said, darting her eyes in anxiety. “I told her not to leave the castle. Why would she disobey me? Did I offend her by asking her to read too much?”

“Twilight, even if she wasn’t eager to read all those books, she didn’t seem that displeased,” Starlight said, placing her forehoof on Twilight’s shoulder in a calming manner.

“Awww… but what else would’ve upset her?” Twilight asked and lowered her head as her hoof scuffed the floor. “To make matters worse, Spike’s gone too. Maybe he noticed Raichu was missing and tried to find her?”

Starlight raised an eyebrow. "You mean that Spike, your dragon who has never seen the sun rise, woke up before both of us, found Raichu was missing, and searched the entire castle before going outside? No way.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “Well… he’s still young and sleeps a lot… but what else could’ve happened?” She narrowed her eyes and looked at her student authoritively. “There’s only one way to find out. I’ll search outside from the sky, asking ponies if they saw Spike or… a long-tailed creature.” She poked her student’s chest. “Can you keep searching inside, in case we missed something or if they’ll return?”

Starlight saluted. “On it.”

Twilight nodded, spreading her wings and flying towards the closest window, not wanting to waste time with the main door.

Starlight resumed her walk. “Spike! Spike!” Barely a minute passed before a crashing noise caught her attention. “Spike, Raichu, was that you!?” She sprang into a full gallop, running towards the source of the noise.

Once she reached the staircase, she noticed a small hole at the main entrance. In a flash of teleportation, she reappeared in front of the large door, now seeing from a closer viewpoint that the hole had an odd shape, including small holes that reminded her of Raichu’s ears. The wooden fragments were scattered on the floor. There was only one creature she knew -not including Rainbow Dash- that could charge through the door at such high speed.

“Raichu!” she shouted, turning around and following the trial of wooden splinters. After a moment of trotting, she noticed the trail heading for the door to the basement. “Oh, bother.” She took a deep breath. Either Raichu was terrified of something and ran back here in the search for shelter, or something very bad had happened. Whatever the case, it was up to her to resolve the problem.

She whimpered and her ears drooped. Her last attempt to help Raichu almost resulted in frying her brain, making the poor critter afraid of her. To make matters worse, she always completely failed in talks that required a more… gentle approach.

She was soooo going to screw this up.

Dust, spiderwebs and darkness filled the basement, which was rarely visited by Twilight and never by Spike. A perfect place to find a hiding spot for a game of hide and seek.

This time, however, it served as a desperate shelter where nopony would search.

The corner at the deepest part of the basement was a perfect home for the pests no one liked, a useless pest like her.

Raichu climbed up into the crack in the wall, the one she’d used for the game of hide and seek with great success. This time however it was going to become her new home. A perfect place where she wouldn’t bother ponies or hurt the innocent. As she squeezed deeper, her fur pressed against the soil and pebbles. Thanks to her yesterday’s digging, there was just enough space to accommodate her.

There was still an option to return into the scary forest and live among the dangerous beasts, a place fit for a monster like her, but being a coward, she couldn’t bring herself to put her paw in that terrifying place.

Too afraid to live among monsters, she decided to instead live among pests. She was small after all, so eating leftovers from the kitchen would sustain her without the need to steal.

Raichu stopped squeezing herself into the crack and closed her still watered eyes as her spotless fur was now covered in dirt. Comfort was something she didn’t deserve.

Within the peace and quiet of her hiding place, she could focus on gathering her thoughts and consider her situation, which in a sense backfired as the memory of her crime started haunting her. The faces of excited fillies flashed in her mind, only to change into faces of pure shock as electricity went through their bodies. Since her eyes had been closed during her electrical surge, it was left to her imagination to fill the holes in the worst way possible.

She started sobbing again, her throat dry and eyes slightly red from her non-stop crying.

When she was facing danger and hunger, the ponies fed her. When the memories of her past were blocked, the ponies weakened the magic seal so she could remember, at least in part. They gave her shelter and cared for her, and how did she repay their kindness? She smashed them into walls, damaged their trees, left holes in the ceiling of their homes and electrocuted their kin.

I know you feel irritated. I know you just want us to go on an adventure already, but it’s not the time yet, the familiar voice echoed in her head, the voice of the girl she fought so many times in her dreams. More memories resurfaced, temporarily replacing the images created by her guilt. Being a Pichu again, she was standing before a white, sturdy-looking door, and she was filled with anger and annoyance.

Please, just listen to me, the girl spoke again in a saddened tone. I don’t want you to be just one of my pokemon. I swore that we would be partners, equals. But we first need to be able to communicate with each other. She pointed at the nearby table with paper and pen lying on it. Two chairs were near the table, one with a few books stacked like a tower to make up for Pichu’s tiny size. I know it’s boring, but you were making so much progress. We need only a few months for you to learn how to write and for me to learn more from books about pokemon’s abilities, strengths and weaknesses. I want for us to be as prepared as possible.

Pichu crossed her forearms and sent out jolts of electricity, pushing the human girl back a bit with the recoil of her attack. After being defeated and captured by the determined human, she expected to work under a competent trainer. They were supposed to travel, face challenges, have great battles and solid training. Instead, she was stuck in some sort of bunker built into the lower part of the mountain, learning how to read and write. This girl wasn’t a trainer but a pathetic bookworm.

Raichu opened her eyes in haste, breathing rapidly. Was this the reason why she was so mean to that young girl in the past? All her pranks, tantrums and electrocuting, just because the human tried to teach her how to write?

With a firm swing, she slapped herself in the face, which wasn’t easy in the limited space. Was it even fair that she wanted to punish her past self when her present self deserved even worse?

“There you are.”

Raichu glanced to the side, noticing the face of Starlight peeking into the crack. The unicorn’s horn flashed with magic as the blue aura pulled her onto the floor. The spreading dust caused them both to cough and clear the air with her limbs.

Once it settled, Raichu and Starlight looked at each other in silence, barely seeing one another with the horn being the only source of light.

“Listen… I don’t know what scared you, but if you want to talk about it… I’m all ears,” Starlight said, levitating over a few scrolls, ink and quill before placing them in front of Raichu and lowering her horn closer to provide more light. “Or in this case, my eyes are open.” She sat and tapped her forehooves together. “I’ll keep my distance and provide light from further away if it’ll make you feel more comfortable.”

Raichu blinked a few times and looked between the gifts and the scary pony. She had a lot weighing on her heart and writing her fears and feelings for Starlight to read would certainly help. On the other side, writing about her horrible deeds would result in hate and banishment. It’s only a matter of time until she finds out… I may as well admit my crime and accept what I deserve.

After taking a deep breath, she grabbed the scroll and quill, taking a few steps forward and sitting next to the unicorn who stared back in surprise. Even if this pony caused her the greatest amount of pain, that was just a side-effect of helping her unlock her missing memories. It would be unfair to fault this pony for her action when she herself did something a hundred times worse.

After wiping her face of tears with her dirty paws, she started writing, opening her very soul with the help of the paper and words. The quality of her writing was… questionable at best… as the usage of feather quill was harder than using a pen in her dream. Her blurry vision due to watering eyes only made it harder as she left a few splotched blotchy marks, forcing her to rewrite many words in a quick succession.

Starlight waited patiently, something she was actually good at thanks to her former use of persuasion. This time however she felt nervous, having every right to be. The large critter next to her was writing non-stop for the past five minutes, putting more emotion into the scrolls than she’d expected.

Very soon, she would need to read it, address the issue and cheer up the depressed Raichu. She needed to choose her words very, very carefully.

She yelped, flinching slightly upon feeling a paw poking her foreleg. “Y-you’re done?” she asked, looked down at the presented scrolls in Raichu’s paws. Starlight gulped, taking the scrolls with her shaking hooves. What horrors had happened to make Raichu cry? What kind of issues and emotions were hiding in these numerous pieces of parchment? She took one quick glance at the depressed critter, who supported herself against the wall and grabbed both legs between her paws, curling herself into a ball.

Taking a deep breath, she started reading. Her fear and stress slowly vanished, replaced by a weak smile. After a minute of reading, Starlight chuckled, and next started laughing. “That’s it?”

Raichu raised her head and looked at the unicorn, asking in a sorrowful tone, <What’s so funny?>

Starlight lowered the scroll and smiled, speaking in a somewhat relaxed tone, “And here I thought it was something really really serious.”

<This is serious!> Raichu yelled, stomping her feet, baring her teeth and clenching her paws. Her tail swung left and right in aggravation, occasionally hitting the wall.

“S-sorry,” Starlight apologised. “What I’m trying to say is that, you’re worrying over nothing. Your problem is actually something I can relate and help with.”

Raichu calmed down, now staring at the unicorn curiously.

Starlight gestured with her forehoof, inviting Raichu to sit on her legs. The critter shook her head in refusal.

“Suit yourself.” Starlight’s smile didn’t vanish. “Long story short, ponies forgive everything. You have nothing to worry about.”


"I think the best example of forgiveness you're going to find today is... me." Starlight Glimmer's bottom lip trembled for a moment, but she kept her eyes looking directly at Raichu. "Before I met Twilight Sparkle, I thought Cutie Marks were the reason for everything bad I could see in Equestria." Raichu's bafflement must have shown in her face, because Starlight added, "Cutie Marks are what ponies get when they discover their special purpose in life. Mine..."

She turned and showed her rump to the puzzled pokemon. "It's for magic. Powerful magic. A little ironic that I used my talent to remove the magic from... never mind. In any case, I talked to confused ponies who also were suffering in the world and convinced them to let me remove their cutie mark. Without their talent, I was able to bring them to my town, where more lonely ponies like them could make them feel at home. Welcomed. Loved. They thanked me for taking away what made them special, and that made me want to take away everypony's cutie marks, making an entire country of ponies all equal to each other in every way."

<What?> Raichu took a step back and screeched in shock, <What!?> She pointed at Starlight and narrowed her eyes. <Stop joking around!>

Unsure if Raichu was complaining or asking questions, Starlight continued, “After Twilight and her friends liberated my village… with the help of a few of my own former followers, I was filled with anger and swore vengeance. I practiced combat with my magic, spied on Twilight and studied dangerous spells.” She smiled awkwardly, her voice now more nervous. “Without thinking about the consequences, I traveled in time and ruined the friendship between Twilight and her friends, causing catastrophic changes to Equestria. Twilight went back in time to stop me… Let’s just say that she convinced me to abandon my revenge.”

Raichu placed her paws on her hips. <Are you really serious?>

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m not kidding. I tried to push my beliefs on ponies against their will, mess with their minds and could have destroyed Equestria by altering time itself. Do you know what happened next?”

Raichu shook her head, though images of imprisonment, heavy chains, and banishment into a forest filled with dangerous monsters developed in her mind.

“She took me as her student, not only forgiving me for my past… mistakes… but also started teaching me about friendship,” Starlight said with a wide smile. “Twilight and her friends are national heroines. They faced many dangers and foes together. They once defeated Discord who tried to spread chaos through Equestria, and with Fluttershy’s help even reformed him.” She pointed at Raichu and added, “While hurting fillies and colts with electricity seems terrible, it’s nothing when compared to what I did.” She once again gestured for the critter to sit closer.

Raichu took hesitant steps, carefully climbing up and perching herself on the unicorn’s leg, who embraced her by the shoulder in return. They looked in each other’s eyes curiously.

“Think about it. If they forgave me, you’re golden." Starlight pressed Raichu's head into her chest, feeling an odd kinship with the critter. “What’s more, I made my mistakes by my own free will, and yet I was still given a second chance. You, on the other hoof, hurt the young ponies by accident.” She stroked Raichu’s head gently, feeling tears sink into the fur on her belly.

“You’re just now slowly recovering your memories, so you have no idea how to control your powers. What’s more, the moment you suspected that you could hurt somepony by accident, you asked us to prevent it.” Starlight raised Raichu’s head and gently touched her bare neck. “If anything, Twilight and I failed you. The collar we made was rushed and too weak to prevent this accident.” She lowered her head, looking deeply into Raichu’s oval eyes. “I’m really sorry. Will you forgive me?”

A few seconds passed while Raichu’s eyes watered, but this time, they were tears of relief. In an instant, she pressed her head into Starlight’s chest, pushing against it and nuzzling it. Her paws and legs wrapped as far around the pony's belly as she could and brushed back and forth in the thin coat.

Starlight’s smile widened as she maintained the hug, letting the critter vent her emotions while wetting her fur with tears. A note to myself; once this is over, we both need a bath, she thought as she examined Raichu’s body. Outside of dust, which was quite common in the basement, she noticed a rich amount of soil cling among the orange fur. Merely being hugged by Raichu did her own fur no favors.

After a few minutes, Starlight gave Raichu a nudge. “A-alright… enough with the hugs.” Her plea was ignored as Raichu maintained the griplock, not letting go of her belly, and Starlight didn’t have the heart to break the embrace with her magic.

After what felt to be ten minutes, she noticed the grip weakening and that Raichu wasn’t moving. A closer examination showed that Raichu was napping, asleep in her embrace. Starlight smiled and lit her horn, lifting Raichu onto her back for the short trip to the bathroom.

Author's Note:

And so Raichu's fear of Starlight is gone, and instead their friendship bloomed. I hope that this chapter awoken an emotion or two in you all and I'm looking forward to your feedback.

On a side note, one of my proof-readers send me this art after assisting with this chapter

Quite fitting in my personal opinion.

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