• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 39 - King of Nightmares’ Final Gamble

Lost Little Raichu


Chapter 39

King of Nightmares’ Final Gamble

As usual, Nica woke up in her bed, her bruises no longer present on her body. She stood up from her pillow and glanced at her rear leg, raising, lowering and stretching it without feeling any pain whatsoever. She sighed in relief and stretched before leaving the room in search for her friends.

If I remember correctly, I fell asleep in Fluttershy’s embrace, but not much else then that. I hope her family is safe. After checking the most important rooms in the castle, she found Twilight Sparkle sitting on a pillow inside the library. Two large stacks of books were present on the rounded table.

Without a moment to waste, she ran over and poked her leg. <Hello Twilight, what are you doing? Are Fluttershy and Dash’s families safe?> Clearly being ignored, she stood on tips of her rear paws while looking at the table. A notepad and pen were lying on it. Without hesitation, she grabbed the notepad, only for a hoof to slap her paw and return the notepad to its previous spot.

Nica flinched and massaged her forepaw, her ears drooped upon receiving a disapproving glare from the princess, who simply frowned at her and returned back to reading.

<Did I… do something wrong?> Nica asked, yet not a single response came from the princess as silence overtook the room. <I’m… I’m sorry… Whatever I did, please, don’t be mad.> She climbed onto the table, held her forepaws in an apologetic gesture and lowered her head, yet the mare before her simply turned the page of her book while ignoring her. <Please, say something.> She approached on four paws, trying to look the princess in the eyes whose full attention was focused on a book.

She waved in front of Twilight’s eyes, only to be wrapped by a lavender aura and thrown onto the floor.

Nica stood up and whimpered before feeling movements and hearing growling from her white belly. She massaged it and licked her lips, feeling quite hungry after her recent battles. <I’ll… grab something to eat…> she said hesitantly before leaving the room. The aura she sensed, Twilight’s eyes and the silent atmosphere felt so… cold.

After stepping down the stairs and entering the kitchen area, Nica found Spike with claws covered in flour holding a large spoon. She approached and smiled. <Hello Spike, what are you baking?> After waiting a few seconds as the young drake ignored her, she said, <I’ll leave you to your cooking and grab a little snack from the fridge.> She walked backward before turning around. As she was about to open the fridge, her ears perked up and she withdrew her forepaw before a spoon struck it. She glanced at Spike who shook his head and gave her a glare of disapproval.

Nica whimpered as her tummy growled once again. Approaching the long wooden table, she pointed at fruits in the baskets, receiving a shake of disapproval. She pointed at cookie jar, Spike shook his head. She pointed to a glass of water, Spike shook his head.

As hungry as she was, it wasn’t her food and she wouldn’t dare to eat or drink it without permission.

As she returned back to her room, she started feeling… sadness… as if small needles were slightly poking her heart. Her caretakers and friends were angry at her… but worst of all, they didn’t speak a single world to her. Did something terrible happen to Dash and Fluttershy’s family? Was she too slow to protect them? She gulped, deeply wishing it wasn’t the case.

Taking her saddlebag with bits she earned during her numerous jobs, she jumped from the window before heading towards the market area. It was only fair she would buy food with her own bits rather than be a burden to her friends.

<Excuse me,> she called a stand-owner as she pointed at a few cherries, only for the mare to hiss at her. <S-sorry… I’ll leave.> One stand after another, no pony accepted her bits as her ears seemed to drop more and more each time. Upon noticing Applejack standing next to several baskets of apples, she ran over and waved, only to back down upon receiving a hateful glare.

B-but… didn’t I save her dog and younger sister? Why is she angry at me? Nica thought before raising a forepaw over her head. What if Fluttershy and Dash’s families are indeed dead and all of their friends now blame her for it. After all, if not for her, Darkrai wouldn’t have targeted them in the first place.

Resisting the urge to cry, she ran towards Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie was always kind to her and generous with sweets. If anypony would be understanding enough to tell her what happened and allow her to buy something to eat, it was her.

Nica’s face collided with dirt and hoof marks were present on her back. Being kicked out from the Sugarcube Corner by the cheerful pony was certainly not what she expected. To make matters worse, not a single word was spoken. All she saw was a cold glare.

A depressed sigh escaped her mouth the moment droplets of rain started to fall on her head. Hungry, thirsty and depressed, she sat in the dirt with a lowered head, watching her own paws. All ponies and even her friends hated her. In an attempt to get rid of the thirst at the very least, she opened her mouth and exposed her tongue, trying to get some clean water into her dry throat...

A thunderous noise echoed as Nica face was struck by lighting, leaving a few bruises on her face.

Now somewhat panicked, she looked up, seeing a few pegasi next to black clouds, each looking at her in anger. Kick after kick, they caused more lightning to burn the ground as Nica evaded their hits, now running away with tears sliding down her cheeks.

The ponies do not want you anymore, they hate and blame you for everything. After everything you have done for them, they are so willing to cast you aside.

Nica stopped and looked around as her fur became more and more wet under the rain which kept following her wherever she went. The source of the mysterious voice was nowhere to be seen.

They may act nice towards you as long as you’re useful, but the moment things go wrong, their gratefulness is thrown out the window. But you can leave it behind. Say a word, and you’ll be back with your trainer and team, away form the ungrateful ponies.

Nica felt her tears mixing with droplets of the rain. She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. N-no… I recognize your voice. They may hate me, but it’s your fault. I can’t leave until your ambition is stopped.

So be it.

Nica blinked in confusion, finding herself traveling through the badlands under the hot merciless sun as her four paws were making repetitive contact with the burning sand. Was she trying to escape from Equestria? How long had she been traveling? Many questions were born in her mind.

Nica’s breathing became heavy and her throat dry. Raising her head to look up alone proved problematic as rays of the sun were stronger than ever, as if the heavenly body was purposely lowered in her direction. When ponies said the princesses can move sun and the moon… was it true… are they punishing me? Despite enduring countless fire attacks in the past, the heat and sun rays were leaving burns on her fur, the dehydration only worsening the matter.

Minutes dragged like hours as each step became harder to take. Suddenly, an oasis caught her attention. Without hesitation she ran, creating a cloud of dust behind her. She jumped towards the water and touched it with her burned paw, feeling cooling relief she desired so much.

She stood up and lowered her head, ready to finally fill her dry throat with the precious water, only for something to push her away.

“Don’t you dare!”

Nica blinked in confusion and gasped. Before her stood an angered Fluttershy with a few critters and a white bunny keeping her company.

“Because of you, I lost my family, my home, and now I need to hide from Darkrai’s wrath in the middle of nowhere. I and my animals need the water from this oasis to survive, find your own!”

More tears fell down her cheeks, which evaporated upon touching the sand, as Nica kept looking at Fluttershy in shock. So I… failed… She grit her teeth and closed her eyes. If I didn’t try to distract those Raichu but simply run to her parent's home, maybe I would… I would…

“Leave, begone!”

Nica could tell that something was wrong. Never before had Fluttershy displayed such cruelty, but her overwhelming guilt kept her from thinking about it. Instead, she ran away, leaving the oasis and the angered pegasus behind. Her cooled paw once again heating up upon contact with the sand.

Why didn’t you refuse to listen to her? You could say no and drink…

<Shut up!> Nica shouted as she kept running without break. <It’s your fault to begin with, but I can still choose, and you can’t take that away from me!> She slowed down as sweat now covered her face. It’s my fault… that Fluttershy is in danger… If she needs that water, I won’t drink a single drop.

Your humility will be the end of you, the voice said in her mind.

The scenery shifted in an instant as Nica found herself in the changeling’s hive, yet her stay didn’t last long as she was forced to evade green fireballs shot by black changelings.

Wait a moment… didn’t changelings evolve… Nica thought, but couldn’t concentrate as more and more attackers arrived at the scene.

“King Thorax ordered us to banish you from our territory, should you show your face. Get lost before you bring wrath of Darkrai upon the hive.”

Nica ran away, not daring to provoke the large army. Something seemed wrong… but… wait… what was she thinking about?

All members of mane six, Starlight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and even the griffon Gabby who only recently regained her consciousness were present inside the room, staring at the wriggling pokemon in panic.

Winona, Mr. Patrick and venomous spider looked at them as if begging them to help their friend.

“I apologize, Princess, but nothing I do is working. I can’t explain it, but more and more bruises keep appearing on her body while the condition of her leg is worsing. The bandages and pills are pointless.”

Twilight and Starlight narrowed their eyes and nodded at each other before scanning their friend.

“That’s odd… I can’t detect any influence of dark magic. Whatever is happening to her, it wasn’t caused by a curse or any other spell,” Twilight explained.

“Maybe it’s some sort of pokemon power,” Starlight suggested. “I mean, Nica didn’t have any magic in her when she arrived in Equestria, yet her body was incredibly durable. Maybe Darkrai has some sort of non-magical power that is affecting her.”

“This may be the case, but the question is, how do we stop it,” Twilight asked before using a healing spell, a field of magic she wasn’t too familiar with. Starlight assisted as well. After half a minute, they wiped sweat from their faces. “It’s no use, we can’t heal it. Our magic can only slow down her worsening condition.”

Pinkie looked at the suffering critter with drooped ears. “Poor Nica. She looks as if she’s having a terrible nightmare.”

“Wait… a nightmare?” Twilight said while giving the party mare curious glance. “I may be wrong, but maybe she’s being attacked through her dreams. We have to wake her up!”

“On it,” Dash said before grabbing Raichu between her forehooves and shaking her. “Hey, wake up! Don’t you dare die on us, you hear!” She shouted into the critter’s ear… with no effect.

“Careful, her leg,” Fauna pointed out

“S-sorry,” Dash said as she lowered Nica back onto the pillow.

Twilight and Starlight focused their magic on Nica’s mind.

“It’s no use,” Twilight said with shake of her head as her wings drooped. “If we can’t wake her up soon…”

Pinkie dashed into the room with a bucket of water, splashing it over the critter and the bed.

Twilight, Gabby and Fluttershy blocked the splashing water with their wings while everyone else blocked it with their hooves. Their hopeful expression vanished as Nica kept suffering, still asleep.

“Nooo…” Gabby said in low sad tone as she stood on her rear paws and held talons in front of her face.

More time spent in the desert as her body became weaker and more dehydrated with each minute, Nica reached some sort of settlement with wooden constructions and a large quantity of apple trees on the horizon. A crowd of ponies armed with pitchforks and burning torches surrounded her in an instant. As much as she wanted to run, the hot sun and sand burned all of her stamina. No saliva was left in her mouth and no drop of sweat could appear on her body. Tied up and pulled by two stallions, her dry body was pulled against the sand.

“We caught her, now release the hostage.”

Nica raised her trembling head, struggling to keep her eyes open. Before her was Darkrai with an earth pony by his side. He had a mustache, and a silver star on his jacket. Said pony seemed to be some soft of important figure.

Look how quickly those ponies are willing to exchange your life for one of their own.

NIca sighed, her body too dry and tired to resist. And why should they. They don’t know me.

Your friends would do the same without hesitation. What’s the life of a pet when compared to the life of a pony. It doesn’t matter how many heroic deeds you perform or how much you do for them. The life of a useless citizen will always outweigh yours.

Nica kept responding in her mind. At least it will give my death meaning.

Fool, can’t you see that your humility is dooming you? You’re not a tool whose only duty is to serve others.

I’m tired… leave me alone! Nica responded as she felt her heart being on the verge of breaking. How could everything fall apart so quickly? Until now she was accomplishing so much, using her powers to protect national heroines from harm and fighting for their kingdom. She was fulfilling the role she chose for herself, she was given an opportunity to use her abilities for the greater good. And here she was now, hated by those she protected, by her very friends. Fluttershy’s family passed away because of her. In a sense her life had no more meaning. How could she return back home and tell her trainer of her failure? Not that staying would accomplish anything either.

Nica whimpered, her face and belly now lying flat against the dirt with Darkrai towering over her. Her mind a mess. As much as she wanted to cry, her dry eyes were incapable of producing tears.


Nica’s ears perked up as a beam of midnight-blue magic struck Darkrai, pushing him into a wooden home with dust and broken planks covering the area. <L-Luna?>

The night princess descended in all her might while covered by her usual regalia.

“This isn’t reality but a dream, one he bent to his will,” Luna said before her firm face softened, replaced by a look of pity. She turned to Darkrai with rage in her eyes. “Thou dares to invade the dream realm and use it to harm the innocent mind of our honorable guest?! Thou shalt pay for thy insolence.”

“Insolence?” Darkrai asked as he levitated towards the princess slowly, his voice now eoching in the dream. “I’m the nightmare king, the dream realm is my domain. It’s a place that I rule!”

Luna stomped. “It is my domain as well, and my duty is to protect my subjects from nightmares. You’re a manifestation of everything I fight against, a reminder of my darker self that I once had become.”

Darkrai created a dark orb with his hand before unleashing his power against the princess, who blocked it with a barrier and next tied her opponent with white rope.

Luna knelt to Nica and gently touched her forehead with her horn. “Your suffering is over, brave Nica. Return to your friends…” She glared at Darkrai who freed himself from his shackles. “I will deal with him.”

“She can’t leave yet. I’m not done with her yet!” Darkrai shouted.

Luna stomped and spread her wings authoritatively. “Does your cruelty have no end? Is torturing this poor soul really the only way to satisfy your desire of vengeance?”

“It’s not about vengeance, it’s an act of mercy.” Darkrai shook his tightened fist. “She stands in the way of greatness I want to bring to the pokemon, and she keeps refusing to join my side or return back to her world. I am doing everything I can to get her out of the way without killing her.”

“Do you still believe you can win? Your chance of victory was taken away with your defeat in Canterlot.” Luna shouted, “If you really care about Nica, stop this torture!”

“What are you talking about? I may have underestimated you ponies, but next time I will take magic from ponies and open portals in secret. Without Nica’s help, you can’t stop me.”

Luna shook her head. “More than half of the ponies you cursed are healed. Scholars from Canterlot are removing it in every city.”

Darkrai levitated back. His eyes wide open.

“We learned of your strengths and weaknesses. The families of the Element Bearers are together and safe. Twilight even informed me that not many pokemon share your desire for conquest.”

Nica pushed herself to a sitting position with her trembling legs, her mouth agape. So Fluttershy’s family is safe after all. Everything turned out okay… She glared at Darkrai with anger. She could forgive a lot, but not crushing her poor heart with such terrible lies.

“Face it, you’re fighting a lost war.”

Darkrai chucked, and next laughed, yet it wasn’t a happy laughter but one of insanity. He placed his fingers on his forehead as if he had a headache and spoke, “Are you saying all this time, all this time I have been trying to break the fighting spirit of Nica, it was all for nothing.” A dark aura surrounded him. “I have been torturing the very pokemon who saved me for nothing.” With a shake of his hand, he send wave of power in Nica’s direction. “Begone!”

Nica opened her eyes and her breathing was heavy as drops of sweat covered her terrified face.

“Nica!” numerous voices shouted in the room.

The long-tailed critter blinked, now seeing faces of all her friends staring at her in shock while their aura filled with happiness and relief, yet something else caught her attention, an overwhelming amount of pain.

She was wet, covered in bruises and lying on a pillow while her body ached like never before. Despite resting until now, she felt as if she didn’t sleep in days as her tired eyes were half-closed. Not that she would dare to shut her eyes again as part of her mind feared of the horrors that awaited her. With a bit of struggle, Nica sat up, her legs trembling and hurting with each movement, yet one leg refused to heed her call.

“I’m sooooo happy!” Fluttershy said as she gently picked her up and wrapped her into a winged hug. Gabby approached from the other side, adding her own wings to the embrace while another Raichu slid between their wings to wrap forepaws around her belly. The mare, pokemon and griffon nuzzled her from two sides.

In any other circumstances Nica would be overjoyed. Wing hugs were favorite and she loved Fluttershy and Gabby’s company. What she experienced now was the biggest and warmest wing-hug in her life... so why did it feel so dull?

“Nica, is something wrong?”

She looked at Fluttershy with tears escaping from her eyes, her stare devoid of emotion.

“Please, say something. Are you in pain, hungry, thirsty? Why do you look so sad?”

Nica looked away, not bothering to respond. Her body felt heavy and as if pierced by numerous needles. Even if her dream was a lie, even if everything that Darkrai showed her was fake, it still wounded her fragile little heart. She couldn't help it but sob as the warmth of Fluttershy and Gabby she sensed didn’t bring her any joy.

“Maybe she’s hungry,” Pinkie said as she pulled cupcake from her tail, presenting it to the critter. “Go on, chew up. I want to see that dreamy smile again.”

Nica kept staring at the cupcake before shaking her head.

“No cupcake… how about a creamy cake?” Pinkie vanished in a cloud of dust, only to dash into the room with a slice of cake on a plate balanced on her tail. Rich white cream with strawberry on top. She smelled the cake “Mmmmm… looks so gooood” before presenting it to the critter with her forehooves.

With a slow movement of her trembling paw, she pushed the plate away.

Pinkie gasped. “This… is terrible! Hugs, sweets, you love them, why can’t you smile?” Her puffy mane lost some of its brightness and puffiness, and her ears drooped. She placed the plate with the cake slice on the table, lowered her head, and rubbed the floor with a hoof.

<My poor sweetheart. What kind of horrors happened to you? Please, say something,> the other Raichu said from her spot on the bed, her eyes filled with concern and her ears drooped.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash grit their teeth.

Starlight lowered her head.

Apple Bloom approached and looked up into her eyes as she was still in Fluttershy’s embrace. “Miss Nica…”

Nica looked down at the filly as her mind barely registered her presence.

“Miss Nica… Ah wanted... Ah wanted to thank you.” Apple Bloom stood or her rear hooves while placing her forehooves on Fluttershy’s foreleg. Her eyes now on level with Nica’s. “Ya were always so nice, always energetic and helpful. But when Ah saw ya jump to mah rescue when Ah thought Ah would never see mah family ever again… ya saved me.” Her eyes watered. “Ah owe ya mah life, and Ah’m really sorry ya were chewed by that mean monster.”

Nica kept looking with an emotionless stare, yet her mind provided her with a memory of sharp teeth squeezing her body and leg. Even now her rear leg hurt the most as it refused to move.

“Family is important for us Apples, and ya kept us safe,” Apple Bloom said.

Applejack lowered her head and spoke up, “If somethin’ happened to mah little sis… Ah… thank ya. In mah eyes, yer like part of the family now.”

“Like another older sister. Thank you big sis. Ya saved Winona too. She’s family too,” Apple Bloom said while displaying the brightest smile she could muster. She nuzzled Nica’s cheek. The dog approached, stood on rear paws and licked her nose.

Nica kept looking at the cheerful filly, sensing a strong aura of gratefulness. The way the filly spoke, the way she looked back at her… it felt as if she did something meaningful. A little smile grew on her face, if only for a few seconds. Her shattered heart mending a little.

“She smiled,” Pinkie said with a wide grin as she clapped her forehooves.

Noticing the smile, Starlight approached and looked Nica in the eyes. “Don’t you see. Thanks to you Darkrai and Chrysalis didn’t conquer us. The curse that Darkrai spread will soon be gone and we now know how to deal with him. Equestria and our families are safe thanks to you, you’re the real hero!”

An emotionless stare remained for a moment before being replaced with a smile, this one slightly bigger than the last.

Starlight felt a warm feeling in her chest. It was obvious that Nica’s spirit was broken and body was weak, but there was a chance for recovery. Being helpful and making best use of her power gave Nica purpose in her life. If they could help her realize how much she had accomplished, it would aid to her recovery.

“Lady Nica, due to the chaos we ended up facing, I completely forgot to inform you that Miss Coco sent a letter,” Rarity said, opening her saddlebag. She unwrapped the letter with her magic and levitated in front of her face. “I quote: Dear Nica, I hope you are doing well and I wish you the best of the best. Thanks to your hard efforts, my little store turned from a complete disaster into a success, and young Leaf is more than happy to work for me and is proving a very capable sweetheart. We’re happy together. He still has some old behaviours as just yesterday he stole a pocket watch from a customer, so I scolded him and asked him to apologize. Not that I can blame him, being raised and used by shady gang didn’t leave the best example. I am even considering adoption, but it is a heavy decision to make.”

Rarity looked at the letter in confusion. “Leaf? Adoption… I will need to visit Miss Coco and hear the full story.”

“Keep reading,” Starlight said as she observed Nica’s smile.

Rarity nodded and cleared her throat. “Thanks to you, the most dangerous part of Manehattan became much more peaceful and ponies living there no longer need to fear of being burned along with their house. I and Leaf, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we hope you are doing well. Please visit us sometime, and if you do, I would really like to make you a new jacket. Best wishes, Your former boss, Coco Pommel.”

A weak giggle escaped Nica’s mouth, which in turn brought relief to Starlight.

Fluttershy and Gabby wrapped their wings around Nica once more, who nuzzled them back in return.

“Sooooo cuteeee…” Sweetie Belle said in low tone as she held her forehooves on her own cheeks.

Mr. Patrick climbed up Gabby’s leg and wing before reaching Nica’s face and nuzzling her nose.

The cheerful barking of Winona filled the room.

Their happy interaction were interrupted by a weak quake.

“Excuse me.” Everyone looked towards Windy Whistle who flew inside through the window. “I’m really sorry for interrupting the moment, but I thought you may be interested in a dark figure gathering magic on top of this castle.”

The door shot open as Twilight Velvet ran in. “A few pokemon, the ones that beams of magic don’t work against, are loose inside the castle.” She glanced at Twilight and asked, “I think we can handle them, but you don’t mind if I pull a few pillars from your castle and slam them against the enemy?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “As long as you’ll leave at least four in each hallway. It would be bad if the ceiling fell on our heads.”

Applejack stomped. “No time for jokes. What do we do, Twilight?”

“Isn’t that obvious!” Starlight shouted, stomping as all pair of eyes were now on her. “Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, go and help our parents deal with the intruders. You can’t fly so best fight inside the castle.”

“S-sure, Ah can do that,” Applejack said.

“I wish we still had the help from those bear-like pokemon, but I shall do my best,” Rarity commented.

“Can I help?” Gabby asked as she tapped her talons together.

Twilight nodded. “You proved very tough during the Canterlot battle. If you’re willing to keep our families safe, I won’t stop you.”

Grabby screeched in happiness before shaking her tallon enthusiastically. “You can count on me, Princess. I don’t like hurting anyone, but I won’t allow them to hurt the ponies either. Crusader Gabby to the rescue!”

Starlight turned to Fluttershy, her eyes narrowed. “You, Dr. Fauna and Nica's mother, I need you to keep Nica and the fillies safe and in comfort.”

“S-sure,” Fluttershy said as she tightened her wing-hug over the long-tailed critter.

The other Raichu nodded.

Nica’s ears drooped and she looked at the floor in shame.

“The rest, with me. Once we capture Darkrai, this nightmare will finally be over,” Starlight said before vanishing in a flash of teleportation, reappearing at the top of the castle next to the fountain. Before her floated Darkrai with a large orb of magic in his hand, though this one way smaller than the one he had in Canterlot.

So you ponies came for me after all. Princess Luna told me as much, Darkrai’s voice echoed in Starlight’s mind.

Starlight stomped aggressively, rubbing the roof with her hoof. “I don’t care what motivates you or what kind of stupid taking over the world plan you came up with. I’m tired and annoyed of seeing how you keep torturing my friends. I’ll end it here and now.” Twilight Sparkle appeared next to her.

Rainbow Dash, Windy Whistles and Gabby flew up and hovered in mid-air.

That’s alright with me. Princess Luna told me in the dream domain that I lost my last chance of victory and that I cause suffering for nothing, so I made a decision. He showed the magic gathered in his hand. I drained whatever magic was left in the ponies I cursed. I will attack as long as Nica is in no condition to stop me. No retreating, no more acting from the shadows. Either I defeat you and take everyone in this castle as hostages and next overthrow your princesses in Canterlot, or I’ll fall trying. Victory or defeat, no turning back. He narrowed his eyes. If I emerge victorious, I will send Nica back to her world whether she likes it or not. She's in no condition to resist me.

Starlight grinned. “Would you like to hear something funny and sad at the same time?”

Darkrai blinked.

“We were willing to convince Nica to accept your offer in order to stop her suffering. All the torture you put her through in her dream, it was all for nothing in more ways than one,” Starlight commented with anger clear in her voice.

Darkrai kept staring at her before massaging his forehead and next started staring at the horizon in distance.

Starlight expression softened a little as her enemy didn’t make any move. There seemed to be hesitation… and regret, in the way Darkrai was acting. He had a few opportunities to get rid of Nica back when she was still lacking most of her memories and couldn’t defend herself. “You know, I would feel bad for you if I didn’t hate you. Now, will you step down and surrender, or do we need to do it the hard way?”

Darkrai shook his head. Don’t say foolish things, pony. I went too far in order to achieve my ambition. You expect me to believe you and those I hurt would extinguish their flames of hatred so easily? He tightened his other fist and shook it. No, this battle need to last until one side can fight no more.

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