• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 35 - Parental Hunt part 1

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 35

Parental Hunt part 1

Fear and guilt were two emotions which Nica felt in an overwhelming amount as she ran towards Sugarcube Corner. Drops of sweat slid down her face as the griffon wrapped by her tail increased her weight five times over or more. Not that she dared to slow down. Gabby put herself in danger by protecting others. Leaving her so injured to Darkrai’s mercy was out of the question.

The overwhelming fear she felt wasn’t about the danger she was facing, but rather what was about to happen to the parents and caretakers of the ponies she had befriended. The pupils in Nica’s eyes shrank from realisation. What if the pokemon summoned by Darkrai targeted the young Cakes? Two tiny adorable, vulnerable, defenseless, precious little ponies would end up hurt or worse.

She grit her teeth and closed her eyes as her paws started moving at a much faster pace. Her face became red from the effort as her breathing couldn’t keep up with her struggle. Her ears perked up upon hearing the noise of an explosion while smoke became visible behind the line of homes.

With a sharp turn, she jumped onto the roof of a two-floor high house, placing the griffon and her bag on it. She leaped down, landing in front of Sugarcube Corner while scanning the area. The entrance was replaced with a hole, and two similar holes were present on the walls. For some such scenery would look as if someone ate a hole in the wall due to its sweet appearance, but numerous cracks indicated that this wasn’t the case.

Out of reflex, she lowered her head as a destructive beam shot from Sugarcube Corner, flying over her head while striking the building behind her in a big explosion. A cloud of dust spread as Nica coughed a few times before leaping away. She looked up and wiped sweat from her forehead. The roof was still stable and her friends weren’t caught in the explosion.

<You’ll pay for this, traitor!>

Nica looked towards the source of voice, seeing a pokemon of similar size emerging from the rubble of the damaged house. The moment the dust was no longer in the way, she examined its features.

Height? A bit bigger than her. Build? Much thinner.

Fur color? Dark-violet with two white claws on each leg and two fingers on each hand. One of its ears was red while something looking like three large red feathers performed the role of its tail. Something that looked like a long but thin golden coin decorated this pokemon’s chest and forehead.

<Sneasel?> Nica said to herself as her memory provided her with an image of such a pokemon. If I remember correctly, it is a dark and ice type. Very quick and strong but has fragile defenses. Her ears perked up and she turned towards Sugarcube Corner, noticing two more pokemon jump outside. Another Sneasel and… Weavile?

She took a step back. Weavile was another step of Sneasel’s evolution. Similar typing and attacks, but slightly taller and equipped with three claws on each hand. Weavile is incredibly fast and strong, a perfect assassin… this is bad. She took a fighting stance, raising her tail threateningly while charging it with power.

<How dare you go against master’s orders and turn on us. Stop this foolishness and step aside!> Weavile pointed his claw at the emerging creature. <Or pay the price!>

Two large bear-like creatures stepped outside, one of them covered in bruises and cuts while the other was was breathing heavily and held his paw on his chest.

Two Ursaring? What’s going on?

“Nica, is that you?” Pinkie asked as she peeked through the hole in the wall while two cryings little ponies were in her embrace. “Those creatures were making a big mess and captured us, only to start fighting each other. I don’t know what’s going on, but try to distract them while I get the young Cakes out of here!”

Nica nodded before looking between the agressors. If the dark/ice type pokemon called the Ursaring a traitor, it meant that both normal types were on her side.

<You expect me to just let you torture defenseless youths? That is nothing but cruelty!> Ursaring shouted and roared in rage.

<We were ordered to break Nica’s spirit by hurting residents of this home and take them as hostages,> Weavile said before pointing at the Raichu. <Speaking of the enemy, she’s here and we don’t have any hostages.> He stomped. <If we showed her wounded children and threatened to kill them, she would immediately agree to return to our world and not get in our master’s way, and you both ruined it!>

The other Ursaring stomped. <It is one thing hurting those who can take it, but we won’t be a part of conquest that requires hurting innocent defenseless children. I don’t care if I need to face the rage of Darkrai in the end.>

<So be it!> Weavile said before jumping while a dark aura surrounded its claws.

Calculating the speed of her opponent, Nica ran and jumped on an intercepting course, swinging her long tail. The noise of a clash between metal and claws echoed as ‘Iron Tail’ made contact with ‘Night Slash,' both pokemon ended up pushed in opposite directions from the recoil.

Weavile pointed at Nica and shouted, <Ignore the traitors. If we can’t use hostages against her, we’ll just break her fighting spirit in battle!>

Both Sneasels nodded before jumping at Raichu while swinging their claws.

Nica took a fighting stance on her two feet with her tail raised and ready. With steel types being resistant to normal attacks, her ‘Iron Tail’ was more than enough to defend against the ‘Slash’ attack, but she could do better than that. Waiting for the right moment, she leaped lightly to the side, evading the first strike. With a swing of her tail, she pushed the clawed hand of her other opponent and struck his belly, like a fencer pushing aside an enemy sword before going for a direct hit.

With one opponent pushed away, Nica jumped onto the other Sneasel’s back, wrapping her rear legs around his belly and forepaws around his neck. She wrapped her tail around both hands, preventing Sneasel from slashing her limbs in an attempt to escape. With her foe unable to move, Nica shouted, unleashing ‘Thunderbolt’ against him.

<Release my brother!> shouted the other Sneasel as he used ‘Ice Shard’ from a distance.

Nica withdrew her tail from her opponent’s hands, now using it to shield her own back as the ice attack broke into pieces from the impact.

Sneasel groaned before charging at Raichu, his hand raised and ready to attack with ‘Slash.’

Nica stepped from her opponent, who was now covered in burns, and used him as a shield as the ‘Slash’ attack struck him instead. Sensing panic in her other opponent, she used her metalic tail for an all out offensive, pushing aside his claws before hitting his legs and belly with repetitive strikes. Ice types have plenty of weaknesses, steel attacks included. It’s over. She looked at both unconscious pokemon in anger. As much as she despised using a dirty tactic, those pokemon were willing to torture defenseless little ponies, they got what they deserved. Much to her surprise, some sort of rune appeared under both pokemon as they vanished in an instant. <What… just happened?>

<Darkrai summoned us into this world temporarily to conserve his power,> Ursaring spoke up, catching Nica’s attention. <He told us that his magic lets us stay for a few hours, but it seems being defeated in a battle returns us back home immediately.>

<Silence, traitor!> Weavile shouted in rage and stomped. <Our master will create portals which will bring us into this world once his obstacles are removed. He’ll lead us to greatness. You’re just too soft to do what’s necessary.>

<I don’t care about greatness attained in such a way,> Ursaring said before opening his mouth as an orb filled with power started to grow. The other one followed his example.

Nica glanced at the large pokemon. I recognize this attack. They’re trying to use ‘Hyper Beam’! She looked at Weavile who was now running in their direction. ’Hyper Beam’ is extremely powerful, but pokemon using it need to recharge afterwards, giving their opponent an opening, and Weavile is way too agile to be hit… She grinned and started running towards her opponent.

<I’m way faster and stronger than my younger brothers, I’ll take you all.> He raised his hand as a dark aura surrounded it.

Nica leaped forward and landed on her left rear foot, standing on the tip of her leg. Her forepaws spread in invitation. As she had hoped for, Weavile was more than willing to attack her belly. With a weak push of her rear leg, she evaded ‘Night Slash’ while the claw struck the ground instead. With her opponent’s claw stuck in the ground, she wrapped her tail around his arm. <She can’t evade. Attack now!>

Weavile’s arrogant expression now shifted into pure panic as he struggled against the tail, trying and failing to free his hand.

Nica held her ground, her limbs trembled as she struggled against her opponent’s strength.

Weavile’s eyes became wide before two powerful beams overtook him, only for his bruised body to return back into his world.

Nica massaged her tail, which received a few bruises as it got caught up in the explosion. She looked at the approaching Ursaring and said, <Thank you. I was… I was terrified of what could happen to those poor little ponies.> She bowed, humiliating herself in front of the larger pokemon as her flat posture was now in their shadow. <Thank you so much!>

<There’s nothing for you to thank us for. I more than once felt fear and rage when my cubs were in danger. I wouldn’t dare to hurt others kids.>

Nica stood up and gave the friendly pokemon a warm smile. Her good mood didn’t last long though as her fears returned with full force. <This is bad. Rarity and Applejack’s parents may be targeted as we speak.>

Both Ursaring looked at each other before nodding. <We don’t agree with Darkrai’s methods and we already defied his command. If we can help in stopping his conquest…> he poked his own chest, <...you can count on us.>

“Is it safe, can we come out?” Pinkie asked before stepping from behind a nearby home as the heads of young ponies peeked from her puffy tail. She glanced at the holes in the walls and commented, “The Cakes aren’t going to be happy about that.”

Nica ran over and looked up at her with a panicked stare while shaking her forepaws at a rapid pace. <Pinkie, this is bad, Rarity and Applejack’s families are in danger and…> She paused and touched her neck. <Oh come on!> She turned around and jumped onto the roof, picking out a pen and notepad from her bag while checking on her little friends. She picked up a bag onto her shoulder, wrapped Gabby with her tail and jumped down. Her feet hit the ground with a loud thump as they supported the additional weight. She ran forwards gasping Pinkie Pie as she placed Gabby and bag in front of her.

“G-G-Gabby! What happened to you?!” She started trotting in place while her mane lost some of its usual brightness. “What to do, what to do?”

Nica bit her tongue as she kept writing in her notepad as quickly as she could, considerably lowering her writing quality. She pushed her excuse of writing into Pinkie’s hooves before running towards Sweet Apple Acres, only to start jumping from roof to roof in an attempt to save time, leaping faster than ponies ever could. Applejack’s family is very strong, but their farm is far and I have no clue where Rarity’s parents are living. I have no choice but to trust Pinkie Pie and both Ursaring to do their part.

The party mare tilted her head to the side as she tried to make something from her friend’s writing. “Take care of my little friends… and take Gabby… to… hospital, will do,” she said with a nod. After a moment of reading, her eyes became wide as plates. With drooped ears, she looked up at the large pokemon and then towards the lines of homes. In a cloud of dust, she vanished, only to reappear with Rarity by her side as she slapped the notepad into her face. “Read!”

Rarity removed the slippers present on her hooves and said, “Pinkie, you just pulled me out of my bed, only to…”

“I said read!”

“Alright, alright,” Rarity said as she started reading the notepad, only for her to unleash a warcry which caused the Ursaring to tremble. With a firm stomp she flattened the notepad, and next shot the large bear-like creatures an angered glare. “You two, with me. I will lead the way and I expect you to keep up, even if you need to destroy everything in your path! Am I clear?”

Both Ursaring nodded hesitantly.

Rarity pressed her muzzle against Pinkie’s nose. “Take Gabby to the hospital and make sure she’s safe.” She levitated over the bag with the spider and rat inside. “Keep her pets safe as well.” She stood on her rear hooves and smashed her forehooves together. “Celestia help me when I am done with whoever dares to threaten the well being of my mother, father, and my precious little sister. Oh, it will certainly not be a pretty picture.”

Nica zipped between numerous trees, making her way to the barn with the help of her little paws. Now with nothing to weigh her down, she took full advantage of her high stamina, her breathing stable despite non-stop running and jumping for the past several minutes.

Her marathon was interrupted by a strong quake… and then another… and another.

Curious, she leaped lightly onto a nearby tree, remembering to restrain the strength of her jumps in order not to launch herself into the air like a rocket. The moment her head emerged from between the leaves, she gasped and her forepaws started to tremble. Her heartbeat skyrocketed. A gigantic four-headed beast was making its way towards the barn while crushing numerous apple trees with each step.

Without hesitation, she jumped forward as far as she could, resuming her run the moment her feet touched the grass. Once the barn came into her vision, she jumped, bypassing the fence as she was flying several meters above the ground. As she scanned her surroundings, familiar figures caught her attention.

With a swing of her not-yet-metallic tail against the wall of the barn, she used the momentum of the recoil to land before the Apples.

“Watch out, another one!” shouted an elderly pony as she swung her pitchfork threateningly.

Nica took a step back in time before the edge of the pitchfork managed to strike against the bronze patch of her rear foot. She smiled sheepishly at the elderly mare whose extremely thin limbs caused an uneasy feeling in her chest.

“Calm down, Granny, she’s a friend,” Applejack said as her brother nodded alongside his signature “Eeyup.”

Nica gasped upon seeing numerous bruises and cuts on Applejack and Big Mac, as well as two unconscious beasts behind them. One having a massive scorpion tail and face of a lion while most of its neck was covered by a rich mane. This is… the Manticore… Is this the one who tried to eat me when I first arrived in this world? She held her forepaws together and shivered at the unpleasant memory. Being pushed into the ground, smashed against a tree and slashed on her belly was certainly an unwelcoming experience. The other beast had the heads of a tiger and a goat, while the snake served the role of its tail. I remember Pharynx shapeshifting into one of those when I tried to earn his respect in a battle. Poor ponies, forced to deal with such predators without the help of electricity.

Another quake interrupted her train of thought as it reminded her of the approaching doom.

“Ya have any clue what’s goin’ on?” Applejack asked before pointing at the unconscious beasts. “Ah was about to start mah mornin’ chores when those monsters just appeared at the farm and tried to hunt us while some sort of dark-green smoke was escapin’ from their eyes.” She pointed at the four-headed giant. “And thin’s just got worse and worse. We better pick up Apple Bloom and–”

“Applejack, Big Mac, help!”

Everyone ran towards the source of voice, only for a large group of wolf-like creatures made of wood to jump from the underground apple-storage, startling everyone except Big Macintosh. Fragments of wood of the door scattered next to the barn.


Nica narrowed her eyes, noticing Apple Bloom being held in one of those monster’s mouths. With a growing sense of urgency, she ran to save the young earth pony, only for other creatures to get in her way. Without time to fully charge her tail, she jumped over the predators, only to be tackled by one of them in mid-air and pressed against the wooden wall of the barn. Her paws ended up struggling against the mouth of her opponent who tried to sink its teeth into her flesh, while a green substance was dripping onto the grass. The smell picked up by Nica’s tiny rounded nose was anything but pleasant.

“Out of the way you rotten Timberwolves!” Applejack shouted as she tackled the Timberwolf away from Nica, only to strike it with both of her rear hooves as its entire body shattered into wooden pieces.

A loud thud followed as four other wooden beasts ended up crushed by Big Mac’s body slam.

Nica gazed at the scene with her mouth agape. Did those ponies just kill? No… the wooden fragments merged together, creating little wooden puppies that whimpered and ran away.

“Don’t just stand there, we need to save Apple Bloom!” Applejack shouted with anger clear in her voice before chasing the remaining Timberwolves.

Nica didn’t need to be asked twice as she followed Applejack and got ahead of her after a few seconds. Her tail now charged while bolts of electricity escaped her cheeks. Much to their shock, the distance between the escaping wooden monster and the towering four-headed beast was shrinking as one large head started lowering to the ground.

Nica summoned a ‘Thunderbolt,’ which shattered the wolf-like creature into tiny pieces of wood while leaving a few burns on Apple Bloom’s fur. The young pony yelped and rolled on the ground.

Nica grit her teeth and narrowed her eyes, feeling as if her heart was trying to escape her throat. The massive head before her opened its mouth, ready to gulp the young earth pony. Without hesitation, she jumped… right into the beast’s maw.

As the large head grabbed Apple Bloom alongside a considerable amount of dirt, Nica wrapped the young pony with her tail and pushed her outside, just in time before the large jaw closed shut. Now surrounded by darkness, Nica felt the large tongue push her to the side, only for massive teeth to press against her body. She closed her eyes as a loud scream of agony escaped her mouth. A set of teeth, each one the size of a pony, was striking against her body.

Applejack picked Apple Bloom up from the grass, throwing her onto her back before increasing the distance between them and the massive monster, her face showing mental pain and regret, her teeth grit and ears dropped.

“Nica! She’s in danger!” Apple Bloom shouted as she pushed herself from her sister’s back, only to be wrapped by her hooves.

“Calm down!”

“How can Ah calm down? She’s bein’ chewed because she tried to save me! It’s mah fault! We have to help her!” Apple Bloom screamed as she pressed her forehooves against Applejack’s hold.

“Do ya want her sacrifice to be for nothin’? She saved ya so ya can live!” Applejack shouted as the pony in her hold stopped wriggling and started crying instead. She looked up at the head with a sad smile, seeing movements indicating the chewing of her brave friend. As much as she wanted to help, what could she do? She had strength, sure, but any attempt to climb up the beast and open its mouth would result in the other mouths targeting her. There was no telling if her kick against the head would be enough, and trying to hit one of its gigantic legs would only tickle at best.

Her eyes became wide upon noticing bolts of electricity surrounding the large head in a bright spectacle. “Wait here Apple Bloom. Ah’ll try somethin’.” She ran towards the giant, reaching its back with a few quick jumps. Using all strength of her rear hooves, she struck the neck of the monster as her hooves left hoofprints against the thick flesh. She repeated her action again and again...

Nica had to admit, while it wasn’t the first time she was struck with attacks like ‘Bite’ or “Crunch,’ something she experienced while being still a tiny Pichu, none could rival being chewed by teeth of such size and force. Luckily, her ‘Static’ ability activated as paralyzing electricity gave her an opening to strike back. Using ‘Iron Tail’ against the large teeth and next unleashing two ‘Thunderbolts’ from inside certainly did some damage. Most of her body ached but she ignored her pain.

Suddenly, the head she was stuck in moved as gravity started to pull her towards the throat. She anchored herself against the tongue with her legs, feeling the slimy saliva making her fur even more wet and clingy than before. The head moved again as she started falling in the opposite direction as rays of light came inside through a small opening. With a swing of her tail against the upper part of the mouth, she forced it open, now falling towards the ground.

Stretching her rear leg down, she landed softly on the grass, only to grit her teeth and close one of her eyes upon feeling a strong surge of pain. A quick glance at her leg showed a cut left by the monster’s teeth.

“Ya okay down there?” Applejack shouted from the higher ground.

Nica looked up and forced a smile. She endured more during her past fights, not to mention that her regular training always put her in much worse conditions. With one exception though; having her rear leg trapped between two sharp teeth and squeezed with so much force was certainly the worst. Good thing my feet weren’t as tiny and thin as they were when I was a Pikachu, or else my poor leg would no doubt break under such pressure.

She shook herself. While she was used to pain, being covered by saliva was certainly a new experience, and she wasn’t looking forward to being eaten again anytime soon.

Her peace of mind was interrupted as a loud roar echoed through the farmland, and a massive stomp made her lose her balance and fall onto her back. While one of the heads was now lying flat on the ground and covered by burns, the other three still stared at her with green eyes.

“Apple Bloom, take Granny Smith somewhere safe and hide. Ah don’t think our barn is safe anymore!” Applejack shouted.

“Will do… watch out!”

Seeing three heads speeding towards the farm mare, Nica ran with all her speed, building up a ‘Volt Tackle’ as the aura of electricity around her grew in size. Her rear leg sent jolts of pain with each step.

The first head missed the mare as she jumped to the ground. The second one collided with Applejack’s rear hooves as they hit each other, the head ended up pushed back while the farm mare rolled on the ground from the recoil, stars circling over her head, her Stetson hat no longer present on her head.

With a quick jump, Nica launched herself against the side of the third head, preventing it from gulping the pony while leaving a large burn on its cheek. She landed on the ground on her three legs, keeping the injured one raised. <Leave my friend alone! Your battle is with me!> She grit her teeth, gathering electricity before unleashing it with a loud shout of her name, attacking the same head she hit before with a ‘Thunderbolt.’

As two heads now lay motionlessly on the ground, the two remaining heads rushed at Nica, both jaws open while displaying their large teeth.

Nica smirked, waiting for the right moment before jumping over the speeding heads as they hit the dirt instead. She spun in mid-air and swung her tail, striking one of the heads with ‘Iron Tail.’ Using the recoil of her attack, she pushed herself towards the other head, now standing on one foot on its massive muzzle. Both eyes looked at her with crossed sight, one eye being twice as big as her entire body. She glanced for a moment at the green eye, considering to strike it with her tail, but decided against it. The risk of permanent injury to this creature was just too great.

The head she stood on started to move, trying to shake her off. Unable to maintain her balance on just one leg, she leaped backward, landing on the top of the beast’s head while wrapping her tail around its ear. Despite using only three legs for support, her tail kept her stable. She followed up with ‘Thunderbolt’ going from her tail towards the monster’s head.

The other head opened its jaw and launched in her direction.

With a grin, Nica released the monster’s ear and waited until the teeth were about to close on her. With a backflip, she evaded the attack as the large teeth sank into the other head. Taking this opportunity, she leaped forward, spinning in mid-air before delivering ‘Iron Tail’ directly against the forehead, which in turn only pushed the teeth deeper into the other’s head flesh. She wrapped her tail around the monster’s ear and unleashed electricity, one ‘Thunderbolt’ after another as both heads started falling towards the ground.

The rest of the body followed suit as it lost its balance, and the giant monster fell to the side while cracking the earth underneath it.

“Ya… ya… ya defeated a Hydra!” Applejack stated as her mouth was agape, Apple Bloom sitting by her side. “Ah can’t believe mah eyes.” She picked up her hat from the ground and reasserted it on her head.

Nica took a few deep calming breaths and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She leaped onto the ground, landing on one foot as she didn’t dare to lower her injured leg. Now limping, she approached Applejack on her three legs. Without adrenaline to keep her going and a sense of urgency to distract her, she felt most of her body ache in pain. Each second she was being chewed caused damage, and fighting against the Hydra only made it worse.

“Ya don’t look so good. Ah’ll get the bandages and…” Applejack paused, narrowing her eyes and pointing ahead. “You!”

Nica turned around and narrowed her eyes, now staring at Darkrai once more. In one hand he held an unconscious Spike, his scales covered in cracks. In another hand he held a still conscious dog, who whimpered in pain and looked with tired eyes, bruises and burns present on its body.

Who will you choose? Will you save Applejack’s loyal pet, or will you save Twilight’s loyal pet? Try all you like, one of them will die, Darkrai’s voice echoed in Nica’s mind. Of course, I’m willing to let them both go and recall my allies and servants from hurting ponies if you’ll join me or return back to your world.

“Spike, Winona? What did you do with them?” Apple Bloom asked as tears fell down her eyes.

Nica sensed a large surge of anger and fear coming from Applejack, as well as a massive aura of depression coming from Apple Bloom. While she didn’t get the opportunity to interact with the dog called Winona yet, she could tell that she was someone important to the Apple family, and seeing those sad puppy eyes, white patches on her thin paws, white bruised belly and burns on her bronze fur hurt Nica’s heart. The fact that all that pain was caused because she resisted Darkrai’s conquest only made it worse.

“If ya hurt them anymore… Ah’ll… Ah’ll make ya pay, ya hear?!” Applejack shouted while holding Apple Bloom with her foreleg.

Nica lowered her wounded leg to the ground and charged power into her tail as bolts of electricity escaped from the dots on her cheeks. She closed one eye as started running at full speed. She jumped, hitting Darkrai hand which was holding Spike, and next pushed the young drake with her tail towards Applejack who managed to catch him.

You made your choice, now time to face the consequences, Darkrai said in Nica’s mind as an orb of darkness formed in his now free hand.

Nica’s attempt to repeat her trick with Darkrai’s other hand failed as he levitated away from her. With another jump, she grabbed her opponent’s hand before covering Winona with her own body. A massive surge of pain exploded on her back, causing a few tears to form in her eyes. With a swing of her ‘Iron Tail’ against the black hand, she freed Winona from his grab. <R-run!>

The dog understood her gesture and ran towards Applejack.

Nica followed Winona while glancing behind, seeing Darkrai charging another attack. With a quick leap, she turned in mid-air and summoned a ‘Light Screen.’ The moment ‘Dark Pulse’ spread through the air as if it was a wall of black fire, Nica pushed herself backward with her non-injured leg, landing in front of both Apples and their dog. She unleashed her electricity, which failed to stop the attack as it was about to hit them. Without hesitation, she jumped towards the wall of black flames while hitting it with ‘Iron Tail.’ Her metallic edge quickly gave up to the black flames while ‘Light Screen’ weakened the impact which burned her.

Struggling, she stood up on her trembling legs while her body was now covered in burns, her tail included. She looked behind at the Apples who were spared the experience. Winona ran over and scowled sadly before licking her burns.

<It’s okay… I’m… f-fine…> Nica said as she gently stroked the dog’s head with her trembling paw, her injured leg still raised above the ground.

Why are those creatures so important to you? Can’t you see they’re using you? As long as your talents are useful, they take care of you, but in the end they view you as a pet.

Nica frowned, now standing on her three burned legs while glaring at her enemy.

You would have easily defeated the Hydra and hold your ground against me if those creatures didn’t hold you back. You’re covered in wounds and burns only because you shielded them with your own body.

Nica stomped. <I don’t care about what happens to me. I’m worth as much as how well I use my powers to protect those I care about. My life isn’t worth much when compared to the lives of the heroines who protected the entire country time and time again.> One of her eyes closed as she tried to ignore the pain in her body. <Do with me what you want, I can endure… but spare the others!>

“Ah’ve had enough. Apple Bloom, take Winona and Spike with ya and get Granny to safety. Ah got some bone-breakin’ to do,” Applejack said as she approached the Raichu and bent her legs, rubbing one of her forelegs against the ground threateningly. “Darkrai, ya crossed the line. Ah won’t hold back on the beatin’ Ah’ll deliver to ya!”

Darkrai narrowed his eyes as Nica could sense an aura filled with disappointment and annoyance. If you joined me, pokemon would rule Equestria, use magic to become stronger and form a nation of our own. As long as you would pacify any attempt of rebellion, no one would need to get hurt or killed. Darkrai’s voice grew in volume and anger. If you allowed me to return you back to your world, you would reunite with your trainer and real friends. All this suffering happens because you’re getting in my way.

Nica started sobbing as her voice became hoarse. <Yes, all of this is my fault, but ponies being conquered may be even worse… I… I don’t know…> She glanced at Applejack. <As long as ponies want my support, I’ll fight for them.>

Darkrai mentally chuckled. I see. I wonder, would the ponies still want you around if they knew that their families are in danger because of you? He turned around while holding his hands behind his back. You must feel very tired, but don’t think you can just put your tired body on a soft pillow. Twilight’s parents in Canterlot may not live another day if you do. He started levitating towards the Everfree Forest, not bothering to look behind.

If you somehow manage to save the parents of the princess, you should ask her to bring you to Cloudsdale, a large city made of clouds which floats in the sky. The lives of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash’s families will rest in your paws. Let’s see how long can you push yourself before you’ll understand that joining me or returning back to your trainer are the best options.

“Hey, get back here!” Applejack shouted as she ran after Darkrai, only for dark crystals to emerge from the ground and block her path. With a solid kick, she shattered one of the crystals into pieces, but Darkrai was nowhere to be seen.

Nica wiped tears from her eyes before looking at the city on the horizon. There was no time for breaks. She started running, but Applejack blocked her path with a simple jump.

“Now hold on there partner. Yer not goin’ anywhere till ya rest in mah barn and pay a visit to Dr. Fauna,” Applejack said as she looked back with gratitude in her eyes, her smile cheerful. “Ah… Ah can’t thank ya enough. Thanks to ya, Apple Bloom and Winona are safe. Ah’ll never repay ya for what ya did, but…”

Nica walked around Applejack. The aura of gratefulness she sensed, all Applejack’s compassion, she didn’t deserve any of that. There was no time for rest either.

“Hey, stop, Ah said ya need to rest!” Applejack shouted as she tried to grab her.

Nica leaped forward before unleashing bolts of electricity, which hit the ground in front of the farm mare. She shot Applejack a glare and next resumed her run towards Canterlot, limping. She endured worse, fought while way more hurt and trained despite exhaustion, she had enough stamina to run there and climb up the mountain.

Now that I think about it, I can’t run at full speed with an injured leg, and if I’m to defend anypony, I need more strength. Darkrai is obviously trying to tire me out. She turned slightly and ran towards the train station, only to follow the train which left the station. Despite her injury, she caught up with the passenger wagon and climbed to the top, plopping down her tired, bruised and burned body while breathing quickly. Her aching muscles finally earning some rest.

Could she trust Darkrai’s words? Was it safe to leave the families of her friends behind? Was she going to reach Canterlot in time by train rather than running there directly? Was Rarity’s family safe? Were Gabby and Spike going to recover? Many questions formed in her tired mind as a surge of depression overcame her. Not only did she remember that her father was no longer alive, now the lives of the families of national heroines and her friends were in danger, all because of her. The moment I get an opportunity, I need to ask Twilight what to do. It is her and her friend’s families that are in danger, and it is their kingdom that Darkrai is trying to conquer. They should be the one to decide if I should return back to my world and ease Darkrai’s rage.

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