• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Bonus - Raichu for Hire - Pt.2

Little Lost Raichu


Raichu for Hire - Pt.2

<<< Day 5, Location: Ponyville, Friendship Castle >>>

“Twilight, Twilight, where are you!?”

“Over here!” Twilight shouted from her spot behind the table in her library, an open book levitated in front of her face. It didn’t take long before Pinkie Pie and Starlight ran inside.

“You really really really need to read this!” Pinkie shouted before throwing a newspaper onto the table.

“You won’t believe what happened!” Starlight shouted as she clapped her forehooves, her face filled with excitement.

Twilight lowered her book and started reading the newspaper before pointing at the numerous pictures. “You mean Rarity’s punk mane’s style? I already knew about it since yesterday.”

“No, turn on the page,” Pinkie suggested, turning the page for the princess before once again bouncing in place from excitement.

Twilight’s neutral face turned into one of shock while her eyes became wide like plates.

“A small but brave bodyguard protected a clothing store from a gang.”

“The long-tailed critter called Raichu rushed into a burning building and saved numerous lives.”

“Miss Nica assisted the police in fight against the mob by defeating and arresting leaders of the Del Gambino family, ending their reign of terror!”

Twilight’s mouth opened agape, suddenly out of words.

“Isn’t this the coolest news you’ve ever read?” Pinkie asked.

“I must say, it is certainly a very strong way to start her career as a mercenary, don’t you think?” Starlight asked. She wiped liquid pride from her eyes a moment later. “Just a week ago she solved a friendship problem in the changeling’s hive, and now she’s up there kicking flanks and taking names. So proud…”

Pinkie stopped bouncing and waved a hoof in front of Twilight’s eyes, and then poked her in the side, making the alicorn fall. “Well… that’s certainly one way to react.”

<<< Dreams and Memories >>>

A frozen cave filled with crystals. Not the most original location to hide, but certainly a fitting place for the legendary Articuno, a flying pokemon ruling over the power of ice.

Luckily for Nica and her trainer, walking on slippery surfaces wasn’t new to them.

Nica and Eevee walked side by side ahead of their trainer, scanning the area for possible traps or Team Rocket Grunts.

“That’s odd,” Astra said while wearing a warm white coat on top of her usual clothing.

<What is?> Nica asked, glancing at her trainer for a moment. Eevee took her example.

“According to Lt. Surge and his mole in Team Rocket, one of three elite hitmen was tasked with the capture of Articuno. Since its location was discovered recently and we timed our arrival perfectly, I expected to encounter the enemy already, yet all we found were explosives planted at the entrance and a weird device filled with poisonous gas. I expected traps or guards in our way.”

<Maybe they don’t expect anyone to get in their way. The police are pressured not to act after all,> Nica said, not expecting her trainer to understand her without help of their trusty notepad.

“Quick, hide,” Astra commanded before hiding behind the closest ice-covered structure.

Nica and Eevee followed their trainer and peeked from behind their cover. One human was standing at the entrance into a tunnel while wearing a purple coat and gasmask. Suspicious grey and purple smoke seemed to be escaping from the chamber ahead.

Suddenly, a silvery beam escaped from the chamber, creating ice on a crystal wall. The noise of battle became louder and louder.

The human at the entrance sent out four pokemon. One looking like two merged heads filled with holes.

“Weezing, you funny goofball. The moment Articuno leaves its little gas chamber, hit it with ‘Sludge Bomb.’ Hit fast and hard for your mommy,” the female voice commanded.

The second one looked like a blue shell covered by spikes, this one Nica remembered encountering in the Alola region.

“Toxapex, my dear rose with thorns, ready your ‘Venoshock’ and show no mercy.”

The third one looked like a large snake.

“Arbok, my little sweaty, ready your sludge wave, show no pity and don’t let Articuno escape.”

The last one looked like a large stock of toxins in three colors; pink, green and yellow. This one no doubt being an Alolan Muk.

Nica shivered. The last time she encountered such a beast, it tried to hug her. This one would no doubt do far worse than that.

“Muk, my pearl among the toxins, be a dear and unleash a ‘Gunk Shot’ at the legendary pokemon the moment you see its face.”

Nica narrowed her eyes. The noise of screeching pokemon became louder, and she could hear pain present in those screeches.

“Three, two, one, now,” Astra said before quietly sending her own pokemon into battle.

Twelve empty bottles of antidote were lying on a pile next to at least forty unconscious Grunts. Adenium and Ninetales were nowhere to be seen.

Covered in bruises, Astra and her team stood in front of the majestic shining blue bird, whose body wore several battle-scars as well.

“This place is no longer safe for you, you’ll need to find another home,” Astra said, maintaining a respective distance from the legendary pokemon.

<We’ll do our best to slow Team Rocket down and make them target us instead,> Nica said from her spot on Articuno’s neck.

Articuno shoot Astra a suspicious glare, and next pointed at trainer’s belt with its wing.

“You can put your worries at ease, I’m not interested in capturing you, nor any other legendaries. A power of legendary pokemon shouldn’t be wielded by a human,” She held hand on her chest, “more or less an inexperienced youth.”

Articuno lowered its wing, no longer as wary as before. It screeched, <You proved your skills, kindness and knowledge. Human. If you wish to face those who tried to hunt me, I would be more than willing to aid you.>

Nica leaped from Articuno and ran towards Astra, using a pen and notepad to translate Articuno’s words.

“I’m honored you view me as worthy, but I wish to accomplish my goal with my knowledge, the strength of my loyal team, and the aid of my trusty partner, Nica.” Astra said and next approached, raising her hand towards the large bird. “However, I’ll gladly become your friend and ally. Should any of us end up in trouble, let’s help one another.”

Articuno held its wing against its beak, chuckling. <For a human, you’re quite respectful and view me as your equal. Should we meet again or need each others help, I’ll look forward to our future encounter.> It spread its wings and flapped with great force, spreading wind through the cave before flying away, leaving behind a single blue feather which landed in Astra’s hands.

Astra waved a farewell before glancing at the unconscious Team Rocket members, and next looking at her bat-like pokemon in pride. After a moment of securing the precious feather and searching her saddlebag, she picked up a ‘Razor Fang,’ and next placed it in Gligar’s claws. “While outnumbered, you fought against the odds with all your might and emerged victorious, watching for your allies. You used Earthquake only when no member of the team was close enough to be hurt by it. You deserve to evolve.”

Gligar looked at the item before his eyes started watering. He closed his eyes, stood tall and saluted. <It’s an honor.>

Nica looked at the ground/flying type pokemon in pride, only for her ears to pick up the noise of footsteps. Turning around, she noticed Ninetales walking towards them with Adenium unconscious on his back.

<Great job,> Nica said, running towards Ninetales and staring in satisfaction. <Now we can deliver her to the police and–>

<If it turns out that she took part in killing my former trainer and Astra’s mother, Penny Longshot, I’ll burn her to a crisp,> Ninetales spoke in a serious tone, his eyes narrowed and his sharp teeth displayed.

Nica massaged her forehead. And everything was going sooo well…

<<< Day 6, Location: Ponyville, Friendship Castle >>>

“Hey Twilight, you’ll never guess what happened,” Starlight said as she trotted in place, now staring at her mentor who was sitting on her throne with a half-eaten hay sandwich in her magical hold.

“Let me guess. Nica did something brave that got her headline in the newspaper.”

“Well… yes, but what’s important is that she saved many lives at the iron mine between Manehattan and Canterlot. We should prepare a long range teleportation spell and congratulate her personally.”

“I’ll pass…”

Starlight blinked in confusion. “What… but why?”

“The last time I visited her, she convinced me into more of her self-defense lessons. I have been wary of every shadow as if expecting an attack ever since,” Twilight explained before taking another bite of her hay sandwich.

“Are you sure you don’t want to check on her. According to the news, she’s being nursed back to health in a Manehattan hospital due to her heavy injuries.”

Twilight spat crumbles of her sandwich and shouted, “She’s what!”

One long-range teleportation and a few short-range teleportations later, she stood in front of the hospital, feeling as if her heart was trying to escape her chest. Her quick breathing and messed-up mane being a proof of her panic-mode. She was about to take step forward, only to see Nica running outside by the main entrance, not a single bandage on her entire body.

“Twilight! I did it, I was useful again. Truly the second happiest day of my life!” Nica shouted before tackling the alicorn to the ground, her paws wrapped around her neck. “And your timing couldn’t be better. Today we’ll focus on improving your aim. Basically, shoot me with magic while I play the role of a moving target.”

Twilight levitated the enthusiastic critter off her neck before standing up. She stood on her rear legs, spread her forelegs and shouted, “Oh come on!”

<<< Day 7, Location: Canterlot Castle >>>

“Listen up you pathetic worms. My name’s Pharynx, Chief of Patrol in the Changeling’s Hive and brother of it’s new ruler,” spoke a tall dark-green changeling with two red horns and a red armored chest. His eyes narrowed and filled with authority.

Both pegasi trembled in fear, barely holding their spears raised at the suspicious intruder. The name ‘Changeling’ bringing back memories of their failure.

“After finding out how pathetic your bunch is, Warrior Nica suggested your captain to ask your new allies, the Changeling race, for support in getting you weaklings in shape, on which he agreed, and we’re more than willing to assist.”

“You… you can’t be serious! Your race invaded our capital!”

“Yes, we did, and we kicked your flanks into submission in only a few minutes. You expected an attack and prepared for it, only to display how pathetic your defenses were. Six smaller mares put up more resistance than your entire armed force.” Pharynx stomped, causing both guards to flinch. “I chose nine of my best warriors, and we’re going to teach you how to properly defend your capital. We’ll spar with you, ambush you, and fool you with our disguises until you become competent warriors. Am I clear?”

The pegasus nodded and gulped as drops of sweat fell from his head at a rapid pace. For years since graduating from the training grounds in the academy, he was performing the most boring job in the whole Equestria, only to end up lectured by a small critter and two days later be trained by the former invader. Should he be grateful that some excitement was finally introduced into his life, or curse the small critter for…

“You’re both very tall. Let’s make sure there’s some strength and durability behind your size,” Pharynx said before tackling the pegasus to the ground, grabbing his rear leg and pulling it. “Wrestling time!”

He yelped, slamming his forehoof against the carpet before yelling, “Curse you Nica!”

Princess Celestia walked towards the royal kitchen with the sunrise visible from the nearby window. The time to prepare some morning pancakes for herself and Luna was upon her.

“P-Princess Celestia…” said a pegasus guard with a salute.

“Good morning Princess,” the other pegasus said as he opened the door into the kitchen with his wing.

Celestia eyed her guards curiously, who looked back at her as if she was going to attack them at any second. Their always stoic faces being suspiciously expressive. She stopped in her tracks upon noticing a few bruises on her loyal guard from the corner of her eye. She lowered her long neck to take a closer look.

“Is something wrong, Your Highness?”

“That is what I wish to know.” She raised her clad hoof and pointed it at the bruises on the guard’s legs and chest, her eyes filled with worry.

“Not at all, Your Highness. Our Captain hired a critter who use its tail like a sword to train us in combat, and next asked our Changeling allies to further improve our skills.” He raised his head proudly and added with confidence in his voice, “It is only a matter of time before our skills improve and we will become somewhat competent at our job.”

Celestia blinked in confusion before turning towards the kitchen, slowly stepping inside and closing the door behind her. On second thought, she wasn't sure she wanted to know the details.

<<< Day 8, Location: The Crystal Empire >>>

“Hundreds, no, thousands of battles toughened me up, and I still don’t remember all of them. I have the skills to fight, lots of stamina and durability. I can use my tail to cut or shield, and I can use electricity. Fighting and training others how to fight is what I seem to be good at.” She stood up and looked Shining Armor in the eyes. “You, your wife, your sister, her student and their friends, they accomplished so much, they saved so many lives. I’m worthless when compared to them. I just want to be useful…” She wiped her watering eyes, preventing herself from crying before forcing a smile. “S-sorry. I’m talking nonsense. I’ll return to my duties.” She saluted before running away.

Shining Armor kept watching the critter dashing through the snow, creating a tiny path while pushing snow aside, as if fish swimming through water. As annoying as this Raichu creature was from the start, he could tell that she meant well. Feeling worthless, desire to be useful. It’s kind of sad. He turned towards his Empire and walked. Suddenly, he stopped and gritted his teeth. “Not again…” He sat and massaged his forehead. “Stupid headaches, they just won’t let go.” He took several breaths of cold air, waiting for the headache to end before standing up and resuming his walk.

<<< Dreams and Memories >>>

In an attempt to save Moltres from this unpredictable criminal, Nica and her trainer were ambushed instead. Despite having a better team, Astra proved herself unable to improvise in the heat of the moment, allowing the weaker trainer to overpower her with an unpredictable strategy, ghost pokemon, and paralysis grenades.

Gliscor being a main threat for the enemy ending up targeted and defeated first by the assassin's ambush.

With Nica being resistant to paralysis and electricity due to her being an electric pokemon, she was the last standing, outnumbered four to one. When everything seemed to be lost, Articuno itself flew into the battlefield, freeing the legendary ruler of fire from its shackles before rescuing Astra and her paralyzed team.

After sending a few ‘Thunderbolts’ towards the ground to slow down their pursuers, Nica ran towards Articuno’s neck and hugged it. <You have noooo idea how happy I’m to see you again. I thought we were goners!> Her trainer was perched on Articuno’s back while holding the badly-bruised Eevee in her embrace. The downside of freeing one team member being a lack of pokeball to carry him in.

<We’re allies, aren’t we?> Articuno asked, screeching from its lungs. <I thought you may need my help, so I remained nearby, watching.> With a strong flap of its majestic wings, Articuno increased its speed. <Moltres, Zapdos and I… we don’t get along… Whenever we meet, it doesn’t take long before our arguing turns into an all out battle, so I try to keep my distance from them. However, If protecting them is what you all wish, I’ll look past our differences and give my aid… This one time at least.>

Nica nodded and sighed in relief. The hitman targeting Zapdos was known by codename “Deathblow,” and his strength relied in brainwashing pokemon stolen from the strongest trainers to do his bidding. When saving the third legendary bird, they would most likely be outnumbered twenty to nine. Having Articuno on their side certainly improved their odds.

With Lt. Surge and his friends volunteering to create a diversion with a few explosions and a power shutdown of the enemy facility, Astra’s squad snuck in under Nica’s command, freeing the legendary pokemon from under ‘Deathblow’’s very nose among the created chaos. It didn’t come as a surprise how any pokemon capable of flight were sent to chase the escapees, only to be grounded by Articuno’s ‘Ice Beams’ and ‘Blizzard’ attacks.

Astra’s plan worked… too well for her own good.

With Moltres and Zapdos rescued and their new location unknown, it no doubt enraged the Boss. It was only a matter of time before she would become a target. One think both Astra and Nica were certain off, they weren’t ready for main confrontation against ‘Deathblow’ just yet. Staying in Kanto was a suicude.

Why retreat to Sinnoh? Nica soon found out the reasons:

Being far away from Kanto, Sinnoh was free of Team Rocket’s influence and its police free from their corruption. And according to rumors, an organization called Team Galactic was slowly growing in numbers and power in this region, and they would no doubt want to keep Team Rocket away from their territory.

<You should be safe here,> Articuno screeched calmly, lowering its long wing to the ground for its passengers to slide on. <Pikachu, please inform your trainer that I will remain nearby, out of sight, watching. Should you all require my aid, just climb onto the tallest mountain in the area and use flashy attack towards the sky and wait, I will arrive.>

<Translate your words into paper for my trainer to read? Will do! I have been doing it quite often anyway,> Nica said with a salute. She had to admit, Articuno was a really cool and dependable ally, though maybe a little bit too serious at times. It appears that being centuries or even millenia years old makes one forget how to chill. <Oh, and next time, call me Nica. That’s my name after all.> She received a silent nod in response.

Eevee pushed himself from Astra’s embrace and ran towards Articuno’s leg, nuzzling it. <You’re a good ally. Thank you, thank you for protecting my mom and my older sister!>

Nica blushed and hid it behind her paws. She couldn’t deny it anymore, her role as big sis was established by the Eevee himself, not something she could simply refuse when looking into those cute little eyes.

Despite Gym Leaders in Sinnoh going all out, none proved a challenge for Astra’s team and she acquired all necessary badges in only a month, leaving her with nine months before the League would start.

Being too powerful for Gym Leaders, yet too weak to face the Elite Four or Team Rocket elites, Astra and her team needed to find a way to grow stronger while avoiding unnecessary attention.

Their search for such way lead them to a secret village filled with monks who, for most of their lives, trained side by side with their pokemon. Was it to master their aura side by side with pokemon like Lucario, or was it to unleash psychic power and telekinesis with pokemon like Alakazam.

After a few weeks of continuous training, Astra showed no potential, nor did any of her pokemon except one. Her Pikachu.

When meditating and training under the monk’s guidance, Nica had no idea she would start sensing the aura of other creatures. The wisest monk, Sindel, came to a conclusion that by facing stronger opponents hundreds of times, almost never having a fair fight, Nica’s body started to improve in unique ways to compensate, and this hidden potential finally came to light during a deep meditation.

With each day of training, the aura of others became easier to sense and more clear. Whether her eyes were closed or she was turned away, she could still sense the presence of other living creatures, recognizing their sadness, happiness, anger, jealousy, compassion, admiration. A new experience which was both helpful and distracting at the same time.

It didn’t take long before she was approached by a Riolu, a pokemon whose master died during their training a few years ago. According to Sindel, this pokemon remained in the local shrine, waiting… What was he waiting for? No one knew, but now he willingly followed Nica, training with her, teaching how to use a powerful fighting move ‘Focus Blast’ while also guiding her in sensing the auras of pokemon and humans.

Then they heard rumors about the Hoenn Battle Frontier. According to the rumors, there were specific facilities in Hoenn, each with an extremely powerful trainer. They weren’t as tough as Elite Four members, but certainly above Gym Leaders.

This was it, the challenge that Astra was looking for.

As the adventure continued, Nica quickly became the only Pokemon who still hadn’t earned her final evolution, despite fighting the hardest.

The last battle facility to challenge was the Battle Pyramid, a place Nica was going to remember for the rest of her life.

Three mighty legendary pokemon were displayed in the field: A sturdy and powerful Regirock, indestructible Registeel, and shining Regice.

Nica looked up at her trainer before taking a step back, finding Astra’s grin to be very creepy.

“Nica… this is it… this is what I was searching and waiting for all this time,” Astra said before looking down at her with a wide smile. “An opportunity for you to fight against impossible odds, an opportunity for you to finally earn your evolution has come. I don’t care if it will take weeks or months, but once we’re done here, we’ll be ready to face every challenge the world has for us.”

Nica nodded before looking at the three massive giants. If each of them was as powerful as Articuno, facing them as a Pikachu was going to become the biggest challenge of her life.”

<<< Day 9, Location: The Crystal Empire >>>

“Hello sweetheart, have you seen Nica by any chance,” Shining Armor asked as he approached Cadence who was sitting on the throne. In five minutes his wife was going to hold a court and talk with her subjects, just enough time for him to ask a question or two without interruptions. “She didn’t show up at work today.”

“Oh, about that, she quit her job an hour ago.” Cadence rubbed her foreleg as she looked to the side. “Apparently, a mail-delivering griffon named Gabriella, Gabby for short, gave her a much better job offer, and she took it instead. She’s riding her back to the Griffon Kingdom as we speak.”

“Wait… she did what?” Shining ran over, taking a few steps up the small stairs towards the throne and looked his wife in the eyes. “But the amount of bits you offered her for this job was very generous. How could a griffon delivering mail earn enough bits to offer her more.”

“Actually, she will not pay her in bits.”

“Not in bits?” Shining asked.

Cadence nodded before spreading her left wing as she pointed at it. “Miss Nica asked Miss Gabby if she could be paid with wing-hugs.”

“Wing-hugs?” Shining raised a forehoof and facehooved. “So this crazy critter gave up on a well-paying and stable job in a peaceful empire, only to be paid with hugs while working in what’s left of a kingdom filled with greedy mercenaries.” He groaned. “I can’t even fathom what’s going on in that creature’s head.”

“To be fair, Nica doesn’t look like someone interested in profit. I get the impression that she just wants to be as helpful as possible while earning bits is just an excuse.” Cadence glanced at her own wing and rubbed it with a hoof. “She may also really like wing-hugs, and that overly enthusiastic super talkative energetic griffon looked very happy to give them. They seemed to enjoy each other’s company a lot.”

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow. “And you didn’t offer your own wing-hugs to convince her not to quit?”

“Oh, I did offer them, but Nica told me that Gabby’s wings are softer and her hugs are way more genuine and enthusiastic.” Cadence’s ears drooped, “To be honest, it hurt my pride a little bit.”

“Wait… you hugged her with your wing before?”

“Of course I did,” Cadence said with a nod, smiling widely once again. “Who wouldn’t want to hug and cuddle her. For a powerful critter raised for combat… according to what Twilight wrote about her in letters… she’s so sweet and innocent.”

Upon hearing a noise coming from the other side of the door to the throne room, he turned around and walked away, “First Twilight and now you. I don’t get what everyone sees in that furball.”

<<< Day 9, Location: Griffinstone >>>

Gabby sat and rubbed her stomach, hearing growling coming from it.

“You’re hungry? Wait here, I’ll go buy some food and water,” Nica said before running away, searching for the closest food-store.


Gabby looked around, searching for the source of noise.

“May I bother you for a moment.”

Standing on all of her legs, Gabby approached the free space between four homes, spotting an old unicorn. It’s legs thin as if devoid of muscles, barely supporting his weight. “Oh dear. Do you want something to eat? You’re skin and bones.”

“Offering food to an old stranger, truly, you’re an exception of your kind,” the unicorn spoke in a tired tone. “However, food will not do for me. If you’re willing to help me, young lady, there’s another way.”

“Whatever it is, you can count on me,” Gabby said with a cheerful smile. Despite feeling tired, her spirit still burned strong. She approached, only for the old pony to walk backward.

“I would appreciate respect for my personal space, please.”

Gabby nodded and sat.

The stallion raised his foreleg, pointing at his horn. “You see, young lady. You may not know this, but this world is filled with wonderful magic. It may be strong, it may be weak, but it is present in many living beings. Those with magic in themselves are tougher, stronger or posses outstanding abilities. For unicorns it mostly allows spell-casting, yet it still strengthens our bodies.”

Gabby nodded, listening with full attention. “I always love listening to wise words of the elderly, but please don’t make me wait with helping you.”

He chuckled. “I will get to the point. You see, I have been traveling in search for being with such powerful magic and ask them to share a tiny bit of it with me. Earth ponies with immense strength, unicorns with unimaginable rawpower, pegasi capable of amazing feats. With help of their magic I can research a cure for my illness.” He coughed, his legs trembling as if ready to break. After a moment of breathing heavily, he continued, “I sensed incredibly powerful magic in you. Even at your age, your strength surpass that of the average griffon. You have massive amounts of durability and stamina, and posses talents to help, no matter how challenging the task. Your magic may one day rival the one of a princess.”

Gabby blushed. “You really think so?” The moment she saw a nod of agreement, she spoke, “If my magic can help you heal your illness, than take as much as you want.”

The old unicorn bowed lightly. “Thank you, young lady.”

“Who are you talking too?”

Gabby glanced at Nica who approached from behind the house with a bag of snacks in her paws. “Oh, I was just talking to this kind old gentle-pony.”

Nica approached the stallion who stepped backward the closer she got, examining him with a suspicious stare. “Why I can’t sense your aura? I can’t sense a single bit of life in you.”

“What? What are you talking about,” Gabby asked, now blinking in confusion.

Nica looked at her and pointed at the unicorn. “I possess the ability to sense auras of living creatures. Until now, everyone had one, even a little mouse. Everyone except this one.”

Gabby looked at the old pony, tallon raised up to her beak. “Ummm… what does this mean. Would you please explain?”

The stallion’s eyes closed before he tripped to the side. Nica’s tail stopped his fall, only for his body to turn into dust.

Both Nica and Gabby gasped and gazed in shock, poking the dust in confusion before deciding to leave and clear their heads.

What a pity… and here I was looking forward to making it easy for her. It seems I’ll need to do it the hard way, thought a dark figure, it’s large blue eye staring from the shadow of a damaged house before vanishing.

Nica rolled from a nest made of sticks and hay, crashing on the soft floor. Her eyes watered and her face radiated in fear. Taking a moment to stand and calm her nerves, she looked around over Gabby’s home.

For a creature with so many talents and the ability to renovate near-ruined homes, her home was certainly on the humble side. Instead of bed and chairs, Nica could see nests in a diversity of sizes. Two small nests were present around a rounded wooden table. One wardrobe filled with small bags and scarfs stood tall in the corner. Even fruits and vegetables seemed gathered on a small nest with no refrigerator to be seen.

One glance out the window at the moon told her that it was still middle of the night.

She wiped sweat from her forehead and climbed up onto the nest, perching herself on it while pressing her cheek and side into Gabby’s wing, nuzzling it. It was just a nightmare… no biggie, she thought to herself. All this time her dreams provided her with information about her past, something she eagerly looked forward too whenever closing her eyes.

This time however, her dream was filled with one repetitive scenario. Astra challenged Brandon from the Battle Pyramid to a six on six battle, and whenever one of the legendary pokemon was sent into the field, she was the one sent to face it.

Despite knowing how to use a Z-move, which would provide Nica with extreme firepower against the legendary giants, Astra refused to use it. After the battle was lost, Astra took her team for intense training, testing new strategies or making her team fight with each other to sharpen their skills. One week of training later, Astra once again challenged Brandon, sending Nica to face against one of the legendaries. Week after week, Nica experienced the incredibly strong power of Regice, Registeel or Regirock on her weaker body.

Despite growing tougher and performing better with each rematch, the painful losing continued, turning the dream into a nightmare.

<<< Day 10, Location: Griffinstone >>>

Nica opened her eyes and pushed herself to a sitting position upon hearing a scream. She looked around in confusion, her friend was nowhere to be seen.

“Gabby, Gabby!?” She leaped from the nest and ran towards the door, opening it with her tail before rushing outside. She was about to search for her friend, only for three griffons to descend in front of her, each armed with weapon.

“You’re not going anywhere,” one griffon said, holding a plank with one sharp nail raised in his tallon.

“Don’t take it personally, it’s just business,” another griffon spoke up, a baseball bat supported on his shoulder.

“We have been paid by some old rich folk to keep you from leaving. Just stay here five-ten minutes and no one will get hurt,” said the third griffon, this one the tallest while wearing an eyepatch. Metallic gloves with sharp claws were present on his talons.

Upon closer examination, Nica noticed at least ten unconscious griffons scattered around. Some sort of battle had to take place with the high possibility of Gabby’s involvement.

Nica narrowed her eyes, took a fighting stance and raised her tail threateningly, sending power into it. “Where’s Gabby? What did you do with her?”

“It’s none of your concern.”

“Be a nice little pet and wait for your master inside her home. She’ll come back in several minutes.”

“We just needed to… borrow her… for a few moments. She proved impressively strong and agile for someone smaller and outnumbered, but we had the element of surprise,” said the griffon with eyepatch before raising his metal claws. “Our employer isn’t interested in harming her, I can guarantee.”

“I don’t believe you,” Nica said and hissed. “Now, where is she?” She ran towards the griffons and swung her tail several times in one second, cutting each weapon into smaller parts before her opponents could ever react. She followed up by stopping the edge of her tail in front of griffon’s neck. After facing the mob as Raichu and fighting a legendary pokemon as a Pikachu, a few greedy griffons won’t scare me.

Two griffons looked at each other before dropping what was left of their weapons and flying away.

“He didn’t pay me enough to be cut to pieces.”

“Tell me about it. I’m outta here.”

“Hey, don’t leave me behind you cowards,” the tallest griffon spoke, not daring to move an inch with the destructive tail millimeters from stroking his neck.

“So much for the loyalty of those who work for bits. Unlike them, I won’t leave a friend, no matter if I’m being burned alive, hit with beams or crushed under tons of pressure,” Nica said, her glare showing no happiness, nor compassion. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will to protect my friend. So, where’s Gabby?”

“I… I won’t tell. I may be greedy, but unlike other pathetic griffons, I didn’t forget about our roots. I was paid for my service and I’ll carry it to the end.” He gulped as sweat started dropping from his forehead. “I won’t sell out my employer.”

Nica groaned. Of all the greedy griffons that lived here, she just had to capture the mercenary with a sense of honor. As much as she wished to help Gabby, the idea of torturing anyone for information went against her nature. She withdrew her tail, her bluff busted.

Upon feeling a weak bite and hearing a squeaking noise, she looked down at her left rear leg, noticing Mr. Patrick next to it. “Do you know where they took Gabby?” she asked, receiving a nod and a few squeaky responses before he ran away.

Nica ran, following her little friend while adjusting her speed to the one of the rat. Now that I think about it, that weird unicorn tried to pull off something on Gabby before turning into dust. Is someone targeting her or something? She grit her teeth and narrowed her eyes in anger. Gabby was a friend, and she was going to fight to the last bit of her stamina to–

Nica pulled herself to a full stop, seeing her friend sitting in front of a house, supported against the wall. “Gabby!” she shouted, running and tackling her friend’s neck with enough force to create a few cracks on the wall behind Gabby’s head.

“Hey, careful there,” Gabby said, returning the hug before looking around. “Where are we? Why am I not in my bed?”

“You were abducted by a bunch of griffons, I think... did they do something to you?” Nica looked around and swung her tail against the air as if trying to cut an invisible foe. “If they did hurt you, I’ll… well… I’ll captured them and deliver them to the authorities… if griffons have any police and prison that is.”

“What are you talking about. I don’t remember… ouch…” Gabby massaged her forehead with her tallon.

“Does it hurt?” Nica asked, staring at her friend in worry.

“Just a headache, probably from overworking myself yesterday,” Gabby said before examining her surroundings. “But seriously, how did I end up here. Was I sleepwalking?”

Nica took a step back. What’s going on? She sat next to Gabby and rubbed her chin, now deep in thought. When that mean mob boss warned me of some mysterious being, I thought he either went crazy or was making things up, but now I’m not so sure. She glanced at Gabby with Mr. Patrick doing the same from the spot on her shoulder.

“What? What? Why are you staring at me like that?”

“So you don’t remember what happened a moment ago,” Nica asked, receiving a head-shake in response. She stood up and pulled Gabby to a standing position before climbing her back. “We need to go to Ponyville immediately and warn Twilight.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Gabby, please, just trust me on this. When I defeated the mob in Manehattan, their boss told me about some creature who puts curses on ponies while erasing their memories of the event. I fear the same happened to you.”

“Well… while what you say sounds crazy… you’re my friendly friend. Of course I’ll trust you.” She spread her large wings and bent her legs. “Hang on tightly. We’ll get to Ponyville in no time.”

Nica nodded before grabbing the griffon’s neck with her paws, holding it strongly. "Can we pick up my bag first?"

"Will do."

Nica wrapped her rat friend with black part of her tail, only to slid him into her shoulder-bag half a minute later. She felt strong wind pushing against her which was flapping her ears. Gabby’s speed proved not to be underestimated.

If what was happening was related to what happened to the mob boss and his best subordinates, more or less was related to dark magic which sealed her memories, the ponies she cared about could be in grave danger.

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