• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 14 - Friendship Problem

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 14

Friendship Problem

“I must say, at first I thought you were avoiding and lying to me, and I find it insulting when others play me for a fool. I get very, very irritated and crush the fools without regret,” Ember said while tightening her fist threateningly, sitting on a haystack with a mushroom table before her. She took another bite of a half-eaten red gemstone and continued, “But you pulled yourself together, and in the end we had a lot of fun. Don’t you agree?”

“Whatever you say,” Spike said, now lost in Ember’s red eyes. He shook his head and said, “I mean… it was great. We had fun, ate tasty gems, talked about how to improve the dragon’s culture.” He glanced at Starlight and Twilight who observed them from other seats, ensuring nothing went wrong while maintaining a respective distance. “And you even learned how to recognize ponies from one another.”

Ember groaned. “That last part was totally the hardest.” Throwing the rest of the gem into her mouth, she chewed and gulped. “But joking aside, I had no idea that by showing my dominance, I was humiliating other dragons and making them feel terrible. I’ll be sure to be more open with my feelings… or at least try to be. You sure are a good teacher.”

“What can I say, I’m on point with this kind of stuff,” Spike answered while rubbing his chest pridefully. “Listening to one’s friend problems is what friends should do after all.” Suddenly, he felt something poking his shoulder, only to notice a familiar yellow thunder-shaped tail. But wasn’t Nica supposed to be at the castle, distracting… Thorax… Thorax... He’d completely forgot about him! Feeling a surge of panic, he turned around and looked down. “Nica, what are you doing here, and where’s…” He paused and rubbed his eyes, but the double vision didn’t disappear. Instead of one Raichu, he saw two. Though one of the large critters had crossed arms and narrowed eyes.

Green flames startled Spike and he fell from his haystack seat.

“Listening to one’s friend problems is what friends should do, huh?” Thorax asked as he towered over the young drake with a disapproving stare. “You should listen to your own advice.” His tone sharpened and became more angered with each word.

“W-what... I… I’m really sorry!” He stood up and looked between Ember and Thorax in panic. This wasn’t good.

“Who are you, and why are you sneaking up on us like that?” Ember asked, glaring at the intruder in distrust.

“Oh, my apologies. My name’s Thorax. I’m the leader of the changeling’s pack and Spike’s closest bestest friend,” Thorax said, lowering his head politely before helping his long-tailed friend climb up onto his armored back. “Miss Nica here told me that a Dragon Lord was visiting Ponyville, and that Spike wanted to keep us separated because he feared we wouldn’t get along.” He shot the young drake a glare of disapproval once more. “I wish to prove him wrong.”

“Oh, that explains a lot,” Ember said while calming down a bit. “I’ll make myself clear. First, you can’t be Spike’s closest and best friend, because I took that spot already.” Twilight narrowed her eyes from the sidelines at this remark.

“Secondly.” Ember stood up, rounded the mushroom table and poked Spike’s nose. “You really disappointed me. And here I thought you were the smart one.”

Spike blushed and covered his face with his hands. “I… I panicked. I’m sorry!”

Ember shook her head and looked at Thorax curiously. “Okay, bug-pony… I mean, changeling ruler… So why was Spike afraid we wouldn’t get along? Any idea?”

“Ummm… I’m still here,” Spike said, not daring to move an inch.

Thorax rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly. “B-because… I’m a terrible and soft leader. Since my own hive doesn’t want to listen to me, Spike probably thought you wouldn’t respect me.”

“Ummm… still here,” Spike said and stood up. Rubbing his arm nervously. “I was just afraid you would start a war between your species or something.”

Thorax and Ember looked at Spike as if he’d gone insane before bursting into laughter, which in turn only made Spike want to sink into the ground from embarrassment.

Ember wrapped her hand around Thorax’s neck and pulled him closer, forcing Nica to hold onto his back to keep herself from falling. “Let me guess, you hoped Spike would teach you how to be more assertive? Sorry to disappoint, but this kid wouldn’t pull this off. I mean, he’s very clever and brave,” she tightened her fist and presented her muscles, “but what you need is to learn how to show those you rule that your decision is final. I know a trick or two that can help with that.”

“Actually, Nica suggested that we can teach each other how to become better leaders. I can help you become kinder and more understanding…”

Ember’s nose twitched before she sneezed, sending her flames in a straight line in front of Thorax’s face. The changeling yelped in surprise. “Sorry, still allergic to feelings, but I’m getting better. Spike already gave me a lot of advice.”

“Oh…” Thorax looked at the ground in disappointment.

“No biggie. Spike’s friends are my friends, so I’ll help you out anyway.” She released the changeling leader, spread her wings and gestured for him to follow her. “Let’s go somewhere less crowded. I don’t feel like giving advice with all those ponies staring at us.”

Thorax looked at the bystanders before smiling. “Oh, right... Good point.“

Nica stepped from his back and waved a quick farewell.

Thorax lowered his head to Raichu’s level and nuzzled her little nose. “Thanks for everything, I must go for now, but let's meet again at the castle, okay?” He raised his head and glanced at the embarrassed dragon. “And Spike, don’t worry, I forgive you. We all make mistakes.”

Spike kept looking at the ground in shame. “I guess we do…”

“Come on, Spike, no need to look so gloomy, we’re—”

“What are you waiting for, move!” Ember shouted, hovering high above the ground.

Thorax smiled nervously while showing his teeth. “S-sorry.” He lowered his head to Nica and whispered, “I shouldn’t keep an important leader who offered to help me waiting. Cheer up Spike for me, alright?” Upon seeing a nod, he unleashed the wings from his back and flew up, following the young Dragon Lord.

Spike looked up, observing his flying friends until they vanished behind the line of homes. In the end, all his worries were for nothing, and instead of preventing a war, he greatly offended his friends. Was he even a good friend? If he was, he would know Ember and Thorax well enough to trust them. Ember was hot-headed and a bit violent, but for a dragon she proved herself to be open-minded, and if she cooperated with him in the past, why would she look down on Thorax?

His thinking in self-pity was interrupted by a soft paw touching his shoulder, and he noticed Nica’s reassuring smile. “Thanks…”

<You're very welcome,> Nica said, wishing she had a scroll and quill with her to write some encouraging words. Though the young drake seemed to understand what she was trying to say. Upon hearing footsteps of her owners, Nica turned around and lowered her head, holding her paws together in an apologetic gesture.

“Don’t you dare apologize, you made the right call,” Starlight said, raising the critter’s head with a hoof.

Twilight nodded. “I must agree. Not only did you keep Thorax entertained… something I and my chairs failed to do, you also made the right choice and introduced Thorax to Ember.”

Nica tilted her head to the side in confusion before looking between the two ponies. Why wasn’t she sensing any anger and disappointment? Why wasn’t she punished for disobeying their orders?

“Now that I think about it, I should’ve objected to the idea of keeping Ember and Thorax separated, but since they were Spike’s friends and he knew them better, I went along with it,” Twilight said before rubbing top of the Raichu’s head.

Trying to distract himself from his self-pity, Spike looked at Twilight and Starlight, and next at Raichu who was facing them. Until now he hadn’t cared much for their new companion. Making food to feed an extra mouth, waking up very early for a tour of the castle and additional floor-cleaning whenever Nica jumped inside. The large critter was like a magnet for trouble. Still, he had to admit that Nica had a unique charm and her heart was in the right place. She felt guilty for all her mistakes and tried to make up for them.

Today however the enthusiastic critter had gained his respect. Becoming the voice of reason when he failed and when Twilight remained silent. Now that I think about it, Nica messes up from time to time and is desperate to be of assistance, just like me. Maybe it’s worth to get to know her better. He approached her with more confidence, but before he could say a word, something caught his attention. “Um… why’s your tail glowing?”

Raichu looked behind her, taking a closer look at her shining tail, something about this seemed familiar. She flinched the moment a miniature transparent thunderbolt appeared in front of her and floated towards the castle.

“This… can’t be,” Spike said, his mouth agape.

Twilight looked away from the tiny thunder, now examining Raichu’s shining tail. Her wings spread and she started trotting in excitement. “Amazing. First Starlight, and now you! The map is really reaching out!”

<The… map?> Nica stared at the alicorn in confusion. All the books about the ponies’ culture she read thus far didn’t seem to even scratch the surface of what they had to offer. Applejack being the Element of Honesty, Twilight and her friends being national heroines, shapeshifting creatures, an evil queen, and now a map and some sort of weird phenomena. She massaged her forehead, feeling a headache by merely thinking about it.

Twilight smiled with a glee as she levitated Spike and Nica onto her back and flapped her wings, flying towards the castle. She lit her horn once more to levitate Starlight right behind her to save her the trouble.

Nica looked at Spike with her face filled with questions, who seemed to understand the message.

“Long story short, the Cutie Map chooses ponies and send them to solve a friendship problem. You’re the first not-a-pony that was picked for the job.”

Twilight spoke up, “At first, it sent me and my five closest friends. Later it started sending us in groups of two, but recently it sent Starlight on a solo mission. There’s still so much I don’t understand about the map, but thus far it was always correct with its judgement.”

“Long story short, you’re going on a mission,” Starlight commented, levitating only a meter behind the alicorn while surrounded in a lavender aura.

A mission… of my own? Nica’s ears perked up and she smiled widely. She held her paws together and stars started sparkling in her oval eyes. Does this mean… that I can finally do something important? Is this the chance I was hoping for? Oh please, let it be it!

Twilight flew inside through the window, speeding up towards the room with the map before bending her legs with a confident landing. She shut her wings and approached the map. “I was right!” She stood on her rear hooves and supported one forehoof on the map, pointing at the tiny thunder circling over the badlands. Her passengers anchored themselves against her neck and back.

Starlight approached as well and gasped. “B-but… that’s the Changelings Hive…” With Raichu and Spike’s eyes on her, she added, “The map is sending you to solve a friendship problem inside the hive. But why?”

Twilight levitated Spike and Raichu onto the edge of the map and explained, “When the map sent me and Fluttershy, we had to stop a fight between two sides of a conflict. But usually it was about helping two ponies get along.”

Nica nodded and rubbed her chin. So her mission was to help two residents living in Thorax’s territory… Her eyes opened widely as realization struck her. Thorax mentioned many times about having a brother in his long story, and their relationship was far from perfect. With many changelings still rejecting Thorax’s leadership and his brother Pharynx being a warrior to the bone, the conflict between them was unavoidable. Was her mission to resolve it?

Nica grinned. This was her chance. Not only could she do an important job and prove useful to her owners, she could also help her newest friend. Even if she had known Thorax for less than two hours, she was deeply moved by his good heart and sad backstory. More than a week ago ponies helped her, and now she had a chance to help somebody else.

Spike looked at Nica, noticing shining teeth in a wide smile and trembling paws. It was clear that the electric critter was struggling to contain her excitement. He looked up at the chandelier made of tree roots and gems, thinking. Not only was Nica was going away for a while, preventing him from bonding with her, but it was up to the the large critter to help his friend Thorax with an important problem. Was it okay to be jealous of someone who was just trying to help? He looked at Raichu and forced a smile. “Good luck,” he said as a warm farewell was the best he could do.

Unable to contain her excitement, Nica leapt at Spike and wrapped her arms around his neck, her hug resulting in them both landing on the floor with a loud thud.

“Hey… stop it… We can barely handle one Pinkie Pie, we don’t need another,” Spike responded, but without receiving any response. “Oh fine... “ He blushed, maintaining a serious face in front of Twilight and Starlight. Yet, part of him actually enjoyed feeling the soft fur as it was the only bonding experience he could get at the moment. He wouldn’t say it, though.

“Thanks again for everything, Ember. I feel so much more confident now thanks to your teachings,” Thorax said. Knowing how to show his authority and force his laws without sacrificing his principles was just perfect.

“Don’t sweat it. I actually had fun coaching you, especially when you turned into a giant gorilla. Now that’s a trick I would love to have,” Ember said, flying next to her new friend. Well, friend was a strong word. For now she would call him a buddy.

Thorax blushed and tapped his hooves together. “Well… I would prefer to turn into a giant beast only when protecting those I care about. I don’t like hurting or scaring others.”

“You don’t need to hurt anyone, just intimidating them will help you avoid unwanted conflict,” Ember lectured.

“I suppose you’ve got a point.” He pointed at the castle in the distance. “Let’s spend some time with Spike, he’s our friend and our host after all.”

“I’ll pass,” Ember said with a dismissive shake of her hand. “I already stole Spike for myself for long enough, now it’s your turn.” She slowed down her speed, now hovering in mid air as Thorax followed her example. “I need to be going. If you want to learn more about how to become a stronger leader, or just to have some fun, visit our lands. Any dragon will lead you to me if you mention my name and title.” She held her claws on her hips. “And I’ll make sure no dragon will bully you, you have my word.”

“Will do. And if you would ever want to spend some time relaxing in a pleasant atmosphere, or watch some shape-shifting, visit us at the badlands. Starlight can give you the exact location, and I plan on starting our own theatre.” He clapped his hooves. “I can’t wait.”

Ember bumped Thorax’s hoof before flying in the opposite direction, ignoring the ponies who either waved at her or ran for cover. She couldn’t tell if it was a good or bad thing, but one thing was certain, this visit had left a solid impression on both sides.

Her flight was interrupted by a few gems that were thrown in front of her face. Narrowing her eyes, she looked down, noticing a high quantity of gems lying on an empty road. With her curiosity at its peak, she landed and followed the trail of gems, picking up the better ones while being wary of her surroundings.

Ember stopped in front of a dark alley with a stock of gems lying out for the taking. “I don’t care who you are and what you want from me, but you must be brain-dead if you think I’ll fall for a trap like this. It’s waaaay too obvious. Still, thanks for the desert.”

So you saw through it. It seems that intel about dragons being stupid and naive wasn’t accurate, a suspicious voice echoed in Ember’s mind.

“Listen... creepy voice. Only I can call other dragons stupid and naive, but I’ll tear you to shreds if you insult my followers like that.” She lowered the gems to the ground and crossed her arms. “Now come out so we can talk face to face, unless you want to keep hiding like a pathetic coward.”

Why don’t you come in and find me, unless you’re the cowardly one.

Ember smirked. “Seriously? This taunt sounds like something Garble would come up with. I’m just wasting my time here.” She turned around and spread her wings, only for something to grab her hand from behind and pull her into the dark alley. Turning around, she could see a hooded figure with only one dark hand standing out.

With three large fingers wrapped around her hand. Ember used her claws and slashed the arm of the attacker, but it barely left a scratch.

You may not be stupid enough to fall into my trap, but your curiosity alone lead you too close to me.

Ember kept using her claws and tried wriggling free of his grip, but it seemed to only humor the hooded figure as it raised her up to its covered face. Only a flashing blue eye and some red-armor seemed visible under the cover. “You think you can attack a Dragon Lord and get away with it?” She inhaled air for a few seconds before unleashing a wide wave of dark-magenta flames against the attacker’s face, burning the upper part of his cover. The moment the smoke and flames died down, Ember gasped, her face becoming pale at what she saw.

I learned quite a bit about you, oh great Dragon Lord. To think that competing for such an important title would be left to young dragons, pathetic.

Ember unleashed more of her flames towards the enemy’s face, but it didn’t seem to bother the attacker in the least. “What’s wrong with you? Are you fireproof?”

Not really. Your flames hurt a bit. Ember gritted her teeth as his hold on her hand tightened, squeezing it. If you were a hundred years older, you would actually present a threat, but make no mistake, you’re just a youth thinking you’re on the top of the world.

Ember felt a growing surge of fear, only her pride preventing her from screaming in panic. She was about to send flames against the hand that was holding her, only for another dark hand to seal her mouth.

Do you really think you would become a Dragon Lord if other grown up dragons were allowed to participate? I saw your dreams. You got it in your head that you need to show dominance over other dragons in competitions of strength, but do you really think it would work on large dragons if you didn’t have your big daddy behind your back?

The moment Ember’s lips were no longer sealed, she asked, “What are you talking about… Are you saying that older dragons purposely lost to me in fear of my dad?”

Some you beat fair and square, but the stronger and more experienced ones lost to you on purpose. You didn’t win the title of the Dragon Lord on your own, you were given it by a friend. The moment Ember grit her teeth and narrowed her eyes in a growing furry, sinister chuckles echoed in her mind. Did I hurt your pride? I must admit that I quite enjoyed throwing you from your throne of overconfidence and showing you your proper place. Still… as much as I wish I could let you leave in shame with a parting gift, I can’t risk letting you tell anyone about me. But fear not. I’ll make sure your future nightmares will teach you humility, pathetic little princess.

“Let me go you creep!” Ember shouted, struggling with all her might, but could do little to stop black flames from making contact with her forehead.

Ember slowly opened her eyes and massaged her forehead, her vision still blurry. Looking around, she noticed a field filled with grass and trees. But why was she here? Was she taking a nap on her way back to the dragon lands? Unable to recall what happened between now and her farewell with Thorax, she shrugged and spread her wings, intent on returning home. Thanks to Spike, she now knew how to improve the dragon culture, and if being open with her feelings wouldn’t work, she could still enforce her laws. Not that she was eager to humiliate other dragons anymore. She would rather call it her last resort.

Upon noticing Spike and Nica waiting for him in front of the entrance into the castle, Thorax descended slowly, landing on front of his friends with a weak thud. “Hello Spike, hello Nica.” He waved energetically. “What’s up with those excited faces?” He smiled with glee and his wings flapped rapidly. “Let me guess, you made a large cake and wanted to share it with me!”

“Sorry to disappoint, but there’s no cake,” Spike said with shake of his hand.

Thorax lowered his head in disappointment and looked at his friends with puppy eyes.

Nica approached, before standing on the tips of her rear paws and patting him on the shoulder. <There, there. We can always visit Pinkie. She’s great with baking.>

“I don’t understand what you’re saying without shapeshifting into a Raichu, sorry.” Thorax said as Nica sighed in disappointment.

“We were waiting here to tell you about something important. But it will be even better to show you in the room with the cutie map.” Spike opened the door and gestured inside. “Let’s go.”

Thorax’s good mood returned in an instant. Releasing his wings once more, he flew forward, grabbing Raichu with his right and Spike with his left foreleg. Speeding up, he made his way to the second floor, following Spike’s panicked instructions before stopping inside a room with many thrones. He looked up, showing his teeth in a smile as he couldn’t stop looking at the dazzling gems. “Wooow… I can’t believe Twilight didn’t invite me here before. This room looks amazing.”

Nica pushed herself free form Thorax’s hold and ran towards the map, climbing onto it. <Over here!>

“Hey, Thorax, I know you’re excited, but can you calm down and listen for a minute?” Spike asked, stuck in his friend’s hold with a bored look.

“Oh, s-sure.” Thorax descended, landing in front of the map while placing Spike on Rarity’s throne. His attention focused on part of the map showing his home. Nica was sitting nearby, pointing at the little thunder that keep circling above his home, while bronze patch of her rear leg was a few centimeters in front of his hive. “Ummm… is this bad. Does this map show the weather or something?”

Spike facepalmed. “No. This map finds friendship problems and send ponies to solve them. Well… it was sending ponies until now. Things are different this time around.”

Thorax looked at Nica who nodded in confirmation and pointed at her own shining tail.

Not wasting a moment, Nica approached Fluttershy’s throne and picked up a scroll with her tail, presenting it to the changeling a moment later.

After a moment of reading, Thorax looked at his friend in disbelief. “You want to help me get along with my brother?” He cleared his throat, taking a few calm breaths and smiling nervously. “B-but why… we’re not angry at each other or anything.”

Raichu stood on her feet and placed forepaws on her hips. She gave the changeling a smug smile.

Thorax sighed. “Ugh… fineeee… but the situation is a bit complicated.”

“Living with Twilight means that complicated stuff are everyday occurrence. Enlighten us,” Spike said while relaxing himself on the large throne.

Thorax nodded and started explaining,” While my brother, Pharynx, remained loyal to me after the defeat of Queen Chrysalis, he still follows the old ways. Changelings who support the peaceful approach I tried to introduce can’t stand my brother’s attitude, while those who are against the changes want him to replace me as their leader. Pharynx however called it a treason, so now the tension in the hive is high.” He took a deep breath. “Thanks to Ember’s teaching, I should be able to deal with most rebellious changelings, but knowing my brother, he won’t change. He’s very loyal to me and the hive, but…” He rubbed his arm. “It’s hard to explain.”

Nica puffed her chest pridefully, a show of confidence that encouraged Thorax in turn.

“You seem sure of yourself, usually you’re either hesitant or apologetic,” Spike pointed out, giving Raichu a curious stare.

“That’s because she listened to all my problems and the story about my childhood, while you and Twilight were busy with Ember,” Thorax said, raising forehoof up to his mouth quickly. “Not that I’m angry about it, it’s fine… really.” He looked between the thrones in confusion. “Where’s Twilight and Starlight?”

“They’re patrolling the castle,” Spike explained and pointed at Raichu who was sitting on the map. “Nica wrote in a scroll about some malicious presence she sensed today approaching the library, but thus far we didn’t find anything.”

“Oh… that.” Thorax looked over the room for a moment, feeling growing anxiety, but he calmed down a moment later. Two powerful ponies he knew he could trust were checking the castle after all, so there was nothing to worry about. He stretched his neck as his muzzle was but centimeters away from Raichu’s nose. “You’re going to see my home, this will be great! I have so much to tell you, so much to show you, and we can get to know each other better.” They nuzzled each other’s noses. “Let’s pack up and go immediately.”

Raichu stood on tip of her rear paws and leaped forward very lightly, landing on Thorax’s back. The fact that jumping inside a room didn’t involve crashing into something was a proof of her progress.

Both Thorax and Raichu’s tails flapped in excitement.

Spike stood up on Rarity’s throne and suggested, “How about we cook something for your long trip first.”

“That sounds great. We can bake a cake!” Thorax suggested, trotting in place in excitement.

“I… don’t think a cake would be good for long-travel. It’s not easy to pack and transport after all,” Spike pointed out.

“Awwww…” Thorax whimpered in disappointment. Eating two thirds of the cake while giving the rest to Raichu during their travel would’ve been so enjoyable.

NIca’s ears drooped. Most likely having a similar idea.

Twilight and Starlight stood on the balcony, waving at Thorax who was now barely visible on the horizon. However the one they were concerned about was a creature on changeling’s back. At this very moment Nica was on her way to a faraway land outside of Equestria's territory, on a mission of her own. Would she succeed? Would she end up hurt by a hostile creature or rebellious changeling? Would a changeling trick her or hurt her feelings? Thorax said himself that he had trouble leading his hive, so there was a risk he would fail to keep their little friend save.

Starlight gave Twilight a pleading look. “Can’t I… go with her… just as a company?”

“Absolutely not,” Twilight said with a shake of her head. “The map picked her for a solo mission. What would happen if I went with you to Canterlot that one time the map sent you?”

“I see your point,” Starlight said in annoyance. “It’s just that, she went on her first mission a moment ago… and I’m worrying already.”

“I know how you feel.” Twilight embraced her student with her wing.

“I just wish we could… be in touch with her despite the distance.”

Twilight grinned.

Noticing it, Starlight asked, “You didn’t?”

“I did,” Twilight said with a nod.

“Hey, Twilight!” Both mares turned towards the source of the voice, noticing Spike entering the balcony. “I finished checking your mail and I found a letter from Rainbow Dash.” He presented the letter as Twilight levitated it over and read it.

“What is it about?” Starlight asked. Now that she thought about it, Rainbow Dash has been absent for quite some time, overwhelmed by her Wonderbolt career.

“She’s apologizing that she couldn’t help with the preparation for Ember’s arrival as she was very busy with the Wonderbolt’s tour for the past week. She’ll be coming for a visit tomorrow,” Twilight explained.

Starlight chuckled. “It seems Nica and Rainbow Dash won’t be meeting each other anytime soon. Should we tell Dash about our new companion?”

Twilight shrugged. “We may as well. It’s a pity actually, two fellow athletes would have a lot in common to talk about.” She returned the letter to Spike and gestured for her student to follow. “Let’s go, the spell won’t activate itself.”

Raichu stood on Thorax’s back, as if surfing on a large surfboard with the wind flapping her ears and her tail. After all, what was the worst that could happen? She could fall from a kilometer of height or five with no injury. Since she was only recently free to travel through the town, she was looking forward to exploring what this world had to offer.

“Maybe you should sit, what if you fell off my back?” Thorax asked as he looked at his passenger with a worried smile.

<I’ll be fine,> Nica said with a shake of her paw. She lowered herself, standing on four paws before raising her rear legs, only to raise her left forepaw as well. Standing on one paw proved more difficult under her current circumstances. Thorax’s was shaking a little while flying, and the wind pushed against her body, forcing her to struggle to maintain balance.

Thorax bit his lip. “I don’t want to interrupt your fun, but Twilight and Starlight would get very mad at me if something happened to you.” Looking at the saddlebag that Twilight equipped him with, he said, “Your caretakers and Spike packed us some food and gifts for our travel, how about we check what they left us?”

Raichu nodded, using her tail to open the saddlebag. She walked on her two forepaws before once again balancing on just one. She looked into the saddlebag and checked the supplies with her tail. She sat immediately and picked up two particular dolls that caught her attention. One looked like mini Starlight wearing a black ninja uniform with a small toy sword on her back. The other one was like mini Twilight with a pirate’s hat and an eyepatch.

Nica smiled and stroke the dolls gently, finding the material surprisingly soft.

“Hey, watch it!”

Raichu withdrew her paw and tilted her head backward, almost flinching. Upon taking a closer look, she noticed that mini Starlight actually moved.

“Hello there, it’s me, Starlight. We’re still at the castle, but we can see and talk to you now by using those dolls.”

Mini Twilight spoke up, “I taught her it. It’s an easy spell and it will help us to communicate despite the distance.”

“So, what do you think, are you impressed?” Starlight asked with a smug-face. “Ummm… why are you looking at us like that?”

Raichu’s smile grew, becoming extremely wide and a strong blush appeared on her cheeks. Without a warning, she pushed both dolls into her chest, and next raised them up to her cheeks and cuddled. Both mini ponies yelped in surprise. After a few seconds of cuddling, Raichu looked at the dolls she had in her paws, examining them curiously. Until now she was the small one while her owners were like big authoritative figures she greatly respected, but now they were sooo…. tiny… sooo... adooooooorable. It was already difficult to resist cute little fillies and colts, but mini ponies were just too much.

Thorax looked at the scene and laughed cheerfully. Just watching as his fluffy companion was stroking mini Starlight’s mane and poking Twilight’s tiny wings was heartwarming. The best part definitively being when Raichu’s tiny nose was gently nuzzling their tiny muzzles.

“So… are you done?” Twilight asked, holding her tiny forelegs together under her neck as if a pleading puppy. The pirate hat was no longer present on her head. “Enough cuddling for now?”

Nica shook her head. She was sooo... going to abuse the situation.

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