• Published 29th Feb 2016
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Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

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55. Housewarming

My tail swished back and forth along to the tune that Crystal was humming. I’d never heard it before. It was something she’d picked up at an event. The melody was catchy and upbeat, and that was the perfect music for stuffing envelopes.

That wasn’t to say I needed a lot of motivational music, since there weren’t a lot of invitations to put together. This was going to be a very small and exclusive gathering. Exclusive and important.

“Silent?” Crystal asked, having stopped humming. I hadn’t noticed. The tune was now playing on repeat in my head while my tail swished along.


“It isn’t that I don’t appreciate this idea, but I have to be honest, it took me by surprise. It isn’t like you to suggest a housewarming party… or any party. Other than a game night, of course.”

Wives can be formidable opponents. She sensed I had an ulterior motive. She sensed correctly, too. I could silence her, but I was too attached. Never fall in love if you want to be a secret agent.

“I thought it was important. Our house is done, we’re moving in, and I want everypony to see all the effort that you and Rarity put into it. Not to mention everything Dream Pop and I did,” I explained, omitting a few details.

Crystal’s eyes met mine and we began a staring contest. I just looked at her with the blank, vacant expression of a guard on duty. It had always worked before.

“I suspect you have something else in mind, husband,” she said before her tongue poked out of her muzzle.

“And why do you suspect that, wife?”

“This is out of character for you, and the guest list is curious. It adds some ponies that I know you are barely familiar with and doesn’t include ones that should be there. Unless you and Runic have had some sort of fight?”

I shook my head quickly. This was an opportunity to throw her off the trail. “Not Runic and I, no,” I replied, a bit of inflection added to my voice. Now if she’d just take the bait.

Crystal’s ear flicked, the mare suddenly looking curious. “When you say it like that, it seems like Runic had a fight with somepony.” Good mare. She’d fallen into my trap.

“As a matter of fact, he did. Although fight isn’t exactly the term I would use. The more appropriate term would be ‘drifted apart.’”

My wife gasped. “Him and Miley?”

“I’m afraid so.” I legitimately was. I had thought the two of them a cute couple, but life has a way of making changes and there was nothing I could do to fix this. Their relationship was just another casualty.

Crystal came over and sat down across from me, setting her hooves on mine so that I couldn’t stuff more envelopes. “You can’t just casually say that. What happened? Why did you invite Miley over Runic? Not that I want to pick one over the other but he’s your cousin! Your best friend.”

“You’re my best friend,” I corrected.

“Aww, you’re so swee— no, Crystal, stay on track. Answer my questions, Silent Knight!”

Uh oh, my full name. I was certainly going to have to give in and share this information. That just meant my other information was protected.

My hooves held hers and I gave a little squeeze. “The war happened. Runic felt awful with me being gone and at risk. He started working with Royal Guard Research and Development. Would you believe he had a hoof in my dragoon armor? Actually, all the of the armors used in the war.”

Crystal nodded. “Yes, I knew he was doing that. What is her problem with it?”

“You know how Runic gets when he is working. The world fades away. With the alchemy, Miley was able to pull him back and share a real life with him. When ponies were dying… well, from what I heard, he almost never left the lab, barely slept, hardly ate, and just kept working.”

“He was so worried for your safety. I didn’t see him much while you were there. Now I feel bad about that,” Crystal breathed.

I shook my head. “You had your own burdens to bear. Miley did, too. She pulled away as well. She was beating herself up thinking she was a coward for not volunteering and started thinking other ponies saw her the same way. Including Runic. The war takes… took. You know that better than most ponies.”

Crystal shivered and squeezed my hooves all the harder, as if she’d never let me go.

We lingered like that a while. That gave me time to reflect on how much I felt like a gryphon’s flank. It was a true story, but I’d used it for my own advantage. Hopefully Crystal would be too distracted to ask any more questions.

My wife eventually let my hoof go and moved around behind me. She started to lightly massage my back.

“What is that for?” I asked.

“Not pulling away.”

“I’d never do that. Not on purpose. I love you too much,” I whispered as she worked my muscles. It was a wonderful sensation. Especially since they were all new and strong thanks to my restoration. It was one of the perks of dying.

“Does this party have something to do with your last mission? Miley was on it,” Crystal asked, trying to sound disinterested as she worked her hoof against me.

Being a writer, publisher, charity operator, and several other things was starting to take her already sharp wit and hone it. I had a choice here. Misdirection wasn’t working. I now had to either lie or tell the truth.

I pushed the last invitation into an envelope and nodded. “It does. I need to get these ponies together and a housewarming party is a pretext that would be easily accepted by anyone watching.”

There was a pause in the rubbing. It was only a second or two, but it felt like an hour. She didn’t say anything at first. “I see. And during the party are you going to ask me to leave so that I’m kept in the dark?”

I shook my head. “No. Never again. All I ask is that you wait for me to explain everything at the party. I swear that nothing will happen between now and then… well… nothing I’m planning.”

Crystal leaned against me and nuzzled into my mane. “I guess that is fair. Am I going to like this party?”

“I think the party portion is going to be fun. I am intending to throw a fun get-together. I’m not a monster, sweetie. I’d never cheat you out of the occasion.”

“You’d better not. If Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are coming, are the House Guards going to block off the entire street?”

I nodded before starting to squirm around so that I could get ahold of her. “Yes, is that a problem?”

Crystal giggled and pressed against my chest. “No, but what will the neighbors think?”

“This is Canterlot and if I recall, this house is currently out of style. Once we have such a visit, everypony with more bits than sense will want one exactly like it. That is what they’ll think.”

“Oh, stop!” Crystal said while teasingly pushing her hoof against my face.

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied before teasingly biting at the offending hoof.

Crystal giggled and swished her tail. “I can’t believe we’re finally going to move into our dream home. No more Royal Guard quarters for us. No more small bedrooms and bugles in the morning. Are you going to miss it?”

I pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I’d live under a rock and be happy as long as you were there.”

“Not the answer I was looking for, but I’ll absolutely take it.” She started to pull away but I held onto her. “Come on, Silent, it’s late and we should get to bed.”

My eyes shifted to the window. The sun had only set half an hour earlier. “Late?” I asked curiously.

“Yes. Late. Unless you don’t want to come to bed with your wife?”

Ah. “It’s late. Let’s go.”

Our housewarming party was in full swing. If I were a pony that cared anything about status, this would certainly be the way to earn it. Earn it or flaunt it.

Crystal and I were playing host to both princesses, Governor Cadence, Brigadier Armor, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the captain of Princess Celestia’s House Guard, and a high-ranking Wonderbolt.

Add in some random ponies that nopony else would know—but would be curious of since they were at this gathering—and we had an all-star lineup. Not that I cared. Most of these ponies were just my friends. That, however, didn’t matter to the world.

To say that our neighbors noticed was an understatement. Initially a small, curious crowd had formed at the perimeter the House Guards had set up. Eventually, everypony on our street was outside trying to get a glimpse of the A-list ponies coming in.

Then the reporters came with their cameras and pads. This couldn’t have been a worse way to plan a clandestine meeting… which was exactly why I’d done it. Plus, these ponies really were our close friends. With a few exceptions, of course.

“Rarity, you did such an amazing job decorating this house. Silent and I simply can’t thank you enough,” Crystal said to the immaculate white and purple unicorn.

Rarity waved a hoof, looking earnestly humble. “Not at all, my dear! It has been a joy to work with you. Believe me, when you picked this house, given its architectural history, I had my doubts, but I do believe you’ll be setting the trend for the next five years.”

Crystal’s cheeks flushed. “Perhaps, but that was never the goal. I just saw it and loved it. This is just the sort of house I can see raising foals in.”

Raising foals? Had we talked about that? Was she planning on stealing one? This had come up a little in passing, but to hear her so casually say it was frightening. Change the subject! “And thank you for coming tonight, I know you have a lot of other engagements around town,” I practically stammered, trying to shift the small talk in another direction.

“Don’t be silly, Silent Knight, business is one thing but this is wholly different. This was passion! Beauty! When I work on a project like this, I get swept up in it. Crystal Wishes had a vision and we made it reality! Plus, it was a pleasure to help the pony that helps so many others,” Rarity said.

“Oh my, I don’t know what to say,” Crystal said softly.

“You have nothing to say, my dear. Just keep doing what you do. Now, I shouldn’t monopolize all of your time as hosts. Excuse me,” the unicorn said as she trotted off.

It was a relief. Talking about foals was making me nervous. I looked up and happened to make eye contact with Princess Luna. She was levitating Solar Light gently back in forth in her magic.

The alicorn grinned at me, pointed a hoof in my direction, and then back at the foal. Why was every mare foal crazy?

My ears twitched at the sound of flapping wings. Thank the moon, a distraction. Rainbow Dash was making her way over with a pink, curly-maned pony in tow. I knew the former tangentially but the latter and I had never really been acquainted. That didn’t change the fact that I knew who she was.

“Hey, Major! Great party so far,” Rainbow Dash called in her slightly raspy voice as she threw a hoof out.

I bumped it and laughed. “So, when you’re on duty you just rush into the commander’s office, but when you’re not, you use titles?”

Rainbow Dash leaned in close, her voice dropping. “I’m going to be honest here. I forgot your name.”

Pinkie Pie gasped. “Come on, Dashie, don’t be like that. This is crossbow pony! How can you forget that?”

Crossbow pony?

“Pinkie Pie, we talked about this! That wasn’t a funny prank then and it certainly isn’t now that it has been a few years. You need to let it go,” Rainbow Dash replied as Crystal and I looked on in confusion.

“It isn’t a prank! It was at the Grand Galloping Gala. I looked up to the balcony and there he was, aiming a crossbow,” Pinkie Pie insisted.

Crossbow pony. I was crossbow pony. How had she even seen me? “In my defense, you had a cannon,” I quipped.

“It’s a party cannon!” Pinkie Pie happily squealed.

“Wait, what?!” Rainbow Dash asked, her eyes wide.

Crystal peered over at me, her brow furrowed and not in the confused way. It was more of the disapproving-wife sort of way. I didn’t like it when her brows got like that.

“Well… you see… I was a young guard. She had a cannon… I mistook her for a threat at the time. In my defense, she and the others did sort of wreck the Gala that year.”

“Silent, you didn’t!” Crystal gasped.

“I didn’t! Princess Luna told me not to. Pinkie Pie is fine, she’s here. Bolt free.”

“Yuppers!” Pinkie Pie confirmed, seemingly unconcerned by the risk.

“Silent Knight!” Crystal said, stomping her hoof.

I backed away, slowly. Very slowly. Mares sensed motion. “If you’ll just excuse me…” Then as quick as I could, I disengaged and hurried off into the middle of our living room to hide among the various ponies strewn about.

Azurite and Miley Hooves appeared to be having a staring contest. It was an intense battle of wills the likes of which I hadn’t seen since Sunny had been negotiating with Ragnhild… only smaller. A lot smaller.

I crept closer, as did Sunny and Soarin. This was for science, of course. The lives of little ponies had always fascinated me… tonight… while I was avoiding retribution for something I did years ago.

“I just don’t think it is fair that you get to be taller and have a magical artifact. Why don’t you let me have it?” Azurite squeaked.

Miley shook her head. “Nope! It doesn’t work like that, I’m afraid. Besides, what would your virtue be? Paperwork?”

Azurite sputtered, her jaw hanging open as she stared up at Miley.

Sunny swallowed a laugh. It must have been really hard for her, especially since the sound that came out was akin to a strangled cough. Despite her amusement, she hurried forwards and bumped Azurite gently. Then she took the heart-shaped Virtue off her chest and set it on the smaller pony’s. “There you go, Azu. I know you have a lot of love. Why don’t you hold onto mine a while?”

It was an incredibly sweet gesture even if it was just that, a gesture. Harmony had picked Sunny, but there was no harm in letting Azurite play with the artifact. At least I think there was no harm. What do I know about magic, anyway?

Soarin scooped Azurite up and set her on his back. “And now you’re tall.”

Miley tipped her nose up. “Sunny can do as she pleases with her Virtue, but this isn’t fair.”

“If Sunny had picked her up, yes. I’m a stallion, though, so it doesn’t count. Mares walk on us all the time,” Soarin put in.

Sunny started to cackle and it wasn’t long before Miley lost her serious glare and broke way into a laugh. Crisis averted, it seemed. Other than Azurite having the Virtue of Love in her possession.

It was time to move on, but I couldn’t help but watch Sunny, Soarin, and Azurite together. They had a great relationship. While I was focusing on them, I kept trotting. At least until I crashed into another pony.

“Oh, excuse me,” came a soft voice from the floor. Fluttershy, a mare I barely knew, was splayed out, completely off her hooves.

“No, please excuse me. I was being careless,” I replied as I helped her up.

“That’s okay. It was just a little accident,” she said before rubbing one foreleg over the other. Then we both just stared at each other.

The silence went on for a minute or so, neither of us speaking but also not walking away.

“Are you enjoying the party?” I finally asked.

She nodded. “Oh yes. I don’t know all of the ponies here, but there are enough ponies I do know to make me feel welcome.”

“You certainly are welcome. Maybe this is a chance to make new friends?” I asked.

“That is what Dr. Kitty would say,” Fluttershy replied.

Dream Pop sure got around. Although they both worked at the Flower Foundation, so it wasn’t a surprise. “Did you know she helped me rebuild this house?”

“No, I didn’t. Was that another one of her adventures?”

“I suppose so. She’s a general contractor and extremely handy with a hammer. It was quite beneficial to have her help.”

Fluttershy smiled brightly. “I bet. She helped me build a hotel for the birds flying south for the winter. A lot of them know to stop by my cottage, but every year there are more and more of them. They needed a comfortable place to rest on the journey.”

A bird hotel? Did she charge them to stay the night? No, that didn’t make any sense. Or did it? No. “That sounds…” I paused. “Cute.” Yes, cute works.

The yellow and pink pegasus giggled and nodded. “It is lovely. The birds were thrilled. Especially with the new spa that we added. Dr. Kitty has a lot of fun ideas. Oh… and it looks like she is trying to get my attention. Maybe I should go see what she wants?”

I turned my head to look over my shoulder. Dream Pop was hopping up and down on her hindlegs, wildly waving her hooves at Fluttershy while grinning.

“You’d best. That level of excitement can only mean good things.”

“I hope so,” Fluttershy replied before headed off to go discuss whatever it was Dream Pop wanted.

Princess Celestia walked by me, levitating a plate with cake in front of her. “You have a lovely home, Silent Knight. I approve of the alicorn-friendly ceiling heights.”

“Thank you, Princess. Crystal loved this style. Perhaps back when the house was designed they were thinking about alicorns? There is also a pegasus loft up there, which I love."

The princess tipped her head back. “Oh, so there is. That looks like an excellent spot to watch ponies from. Excuse me, Silent Knight, I’m going to go acquaint myself with it.” She flapped her wings and flew up to the small outcropping. While the ceiling heights accommodated alicorns, the loft did not. She made it work, though.

I shrugged. More than likely, she’d gone up there to hide the fact she was on her third piece of cake already. A quick glance at the treats table told me that it was, perhaps, more than the third.

Shining Armor and Cadence were standing together there, waiting for Solar Light to pick out a treat of his own. Evidently, they had recovered him from Princess Luna. Now he was standing on his father’s back, pointing a wobbly hoof at several different items.

It was so nice to see the them together and smiling. I still felt Shining Armor’s absence. What would my life had been like if he’d never left? When all of this business was done it was going to be time to reacquaint myself with them. “Governor. Brigadier. Welcome to my home,” I called as I approached.

They turned at the same time. Other than Solar Light. He just kept looking at the cakes, cookies, and candy. Shining Armor smiled. “Brigadier? I thought this was a house warming party and you’re not wearing a helmet.”

“Just a little respect for Equestria’s most attractive governor and her relatively good looking husband,” I replied.

Cadence laughed and waved a hoof at me. “Oh, you stop.”

“Relatively? He— ow!” Solar Light had tugged on Shining’s mane and pointed back at the sweets.

“Sweetie, would you be so kind?” Shining Armor asked, looking to his wife.

“Of course, you two stallions talk business,” Cadence replied before encircling the foal in her magic and bringing him back to the table.

“Lovely home, Silent. I was thrilled to get the invitation. Although, when I look at who is here and compare the guest list to some of your recent reports, I can’t help but think something is going on,” Shining Armor said.

It is tough to fool the best. Although at this point I don’t think I was fooling anypony. “Not a coincidence, no.”

“You’re wasted as a soldier, Silent. We should have sent you to the intelligence agency.” Shining Armor chuckled.

“I’m too noisy. Could you imagine a pegasus like me trying to skulk around? I’d knock something over, all of our foes would turn and stare, and I’d just shout, ‘you don’t see me’ and hope I was intimidating enough.”

Shining started laughing. Far more than I had anticipated. The joke wasn’t really that great. He patted me with a hoof. He found his breath and replied, “I actually can imagine that. That’s why it is so funny!”

“I’m glad I could bring you a little joy,” I chuckled.

“You do, honestly. It’s good to see you settling down. You really need to—” A cupcake splattered into the side of his head.

We both turned towards Cadence and Solar Light. Both of them were wide eyed. Cadence quickly lifted a hoof, pointing at her own colt while looking somewhat guilty. The foal squealed and giggled.

Shining chuckled and idly wiped some of the cupcake off. After he’d done so, he held up his frosting covered hoof. “Silent, when you have foals, be sure to have pegasi so that they can’t fling things with magic,” Shining chuckled. “Restroom?”

“I don’t think I have a choice, but I’ll do my best. Through that door back there. Don’t be late, my grand speech is coming.”

“Thanks. I’ll be sure not to miss it.”

I watched as the three of them headed in that direction. Washing cupcake off wouldn’t take long. I turned and stiffened. Velvet was standing right behind me, glaring.

“Sup,” she said.

“Hi Velvet, I’m glad you could make it.”

“Yeah?” she asked.

“Yes. How’s Velour?”

That brought a smile to her face. “He’s great. Flying strong thanks to his promise father. Although you could stand to be around for him more. It’s a serious responsibility. I guess you do okay. Thank you for being there the other day for that… thing.”

“Oh sure, sure. So…”

“So…” Velvet repeated, staring at me. “I’m starting to forgive you for hurting Crystal. Are you going to screw that up?”

Maybe. I shook my head no and said, “Maybe.” Mouth, I swear!

Velvet laughed. “You need to get your story straight, Silent.”

“I suppose I do. Friends?” I asked, holding out a hoof.

The mare lightly pushed it away. “Not yet.”

“Fair enough,” I looked past her to where Ferrel was standing alone. “I’m going to go over there now.” I pointed.

“So go over there.”

I side stepped carefully around Velvet. She wasn’t going to get another cheap shot on me. The mare just stared and snickered as I did it.

Once I knew I was safe, I hurried over to Ferrel and took a spot next to her. “Not mingling?”

She shook her head. “No. This is meant to be a joyous occasion and I suspect there is more to it.”

“Suspect or know?”


“Your powers have returned?”

“Not exactly and yes. Let it be simply put that when I found my Virtue, I heard Kalinda’s voice. At least it is my belief it was hers. I have a limited but more controlled view now.”

“And what do you see in our future?” I asked nervously.

“As I said, limited. I know that after tonight, everything changes.”

That was certainly right on target. I just nodded.

Ferrel looked at me curiously. “Do you believe this is the wisest course of action?”

“Wisest? I’m not sure I believe that at all. Do you have any better suggestion, since it seems you know what I’m thinking?”

“Alas, I do not.”

“Then what choice do we have?”

“Little, it would appear.”

“Then so be it,” I whispered before heading to the center of the room and hopping up on a chair.

“Friends! Everypony! Could I have your attention a minute please?” I called.

The conversations going on died down and soon all eyes were on me. In the past, that would have made me nervous. Not now, though. These eyes were kind and loving. They were the eyes of my friends and family.

“I want to thank you all for coming tonight. It is a pleasure for Crystal and I to have you as we embark on this new chapter of our lives. The last few years have been hard on everypony and we’re finally getting past that.”

There were numerous affirmative responses and a lot of head nodding.

“I must be honest, though. This is not only a housewarming party, as many of you have surmised. As we celebrate tonight, many of us sit with the knowledge that a storm cloud looms in the distance. Another challenge that must be overcome.

“It is painful that it should come so soon after the war, but I suspect that was always part of somepony’s plan. Since I learned of this trial, I’ve spent my time trying to come up with a strategy to overcome it, and I think I’ve finally got one. I can’t do it alone, though. In fact, to be successful, I will need every single pony in this room’s help.”

Everypony went silent. They simply looked back and forth at each other and then at me.

“I’m going to propose something to you and I need you to listen. I need you to hear all of the facts and details before you speak out. What I will ask of you will be one of the worst things imaginable. It will be awful, but necessary.”

I took a deep breath and looked out into the concerned eyes. In each one, I found resolve, fear, hope, and dread. Especially in Crystal’s. “Listen carefully, because you’ll all have a role. This is what we need to do.”

Author's Note:

Please be mindful of those who haven't read and use the spoiler tag!

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