• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 9,584 Views, 3,825 Comments

Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

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20. Home

“Alright, everyone! I’ve been informed we’re less than an hour out. I don’t fully know what to expect but let’s be sure we represent what Equestria’s best looks like. Dress out and fall in. Visors up,” I ordered.

My entire company scrambled off the main deck and down the various stairs to get below. They were excited. I was excited! I was also more terrified than I had ever been in my life. Equestria looked as if a moon hadn’t passed but so many had. So, so many.

I trotted to the door beneath the command deck. It led into the officer’s quarters. The Honor had been fairly cramped, since it wasn’t built for carrying an entire company of flighted infantry in addition to its crew.

It was, however, larger than other members of its class. The Honor had room for a general staff and supporting planning rooms. She was destined to be Equestria’s new flagship, after all.

When I got to my stateroom, I knocked. There was no answer, which was expected. The captain was up on the command deck, but I thought it polite to be a good guest. He’d offered to share his space with me and I’d agreed.

Once I was inside the cabin, I slipped into my chainmail. It felt safe and comfortable. Not wearing it all the time would be a huge adjustment. Perhaps I’d wear a suit under my guard armor. That was allowable… just… massively unnecessary. Still… perhaps for a little while.

I mused quietly about what I’d do at home. Other than go see Crystal. After that. Once we were past the tearful hugs, warm reunions, and… married pony needs. When life was back to how it used to be.

I could go play Airship Armada with Runic or take a gallop with Winterspear! Really, I could do anything. Life could probably go back to normal. The old normal, not the new normal.

While I thought that over, I absently strapped my plate armor on and secured it. When I picked up the helmet, a shiver ran along my spine. Carefully, I slipped it on my head and pushed the visor up as fast as I could. As long as the visor was up, I was there.

The rest of the dragoons were already assembling on deck when I arrived. They looked extremely sharp and professional. Everyone’s dark armor gleamed in the sunlight. We’d be quite an impressive sight… if there was anypony around to see us.

Captain Brynja waved a claw. “Fall in, fall in. We will leave thiz zhip in good order!”

The Honor slowly pulled alongside one of Canterlot’s tall docking towers. From here, the whole city was visible: the castle, palace grounds, and all of the wonderful buildings that marked it as home.

Many of the gryphons gasped in wonder and were craning their necks to look at what might be their new home.

“Prepare to dock!” the captain shouted from the command deck.

“Aye, sir!” several ponies responded as they rushed to the port side of the ship to accept ropes being thrown across. The Honor was tied off and a large loading ramp was moved into position.

“Major, it has been a pleasure transporting you. Welcome home,” the captain called before waving.

Home. We were home. Were we home? I cleared my throat. “Dragoons, form marching column. Stay together and please resist the urge to fly away. Believe me, I know how strong it is.”

There were some chuckles from the group.

I led the way down the ramp and into the docking tower. There were several lifts built within to move heavy goods and we began loading up on them. It was an odd thing to have sections of flying dragoons packed onto a platform to be lowered to the ground. Procedures.

When we all got to the bottom, the ponies in the shipyard fell silent as we marched out into an open space that was normally occupied by cargo. There was a group of royal guards waiting for us with a familiar face at the head of them.

Radiant Orchid was standing on a wooden crate, watching us all as we approached and fell into formation. Her red mane and tail were looking a lot greyer than I remembered. On the other hoof, her green coat looked as vibrant as ever. She waited patiently until we all arrived.

“Good afternoon and welcome home, Black Dragoons. My name is Senior Warrant Officer Orchid and I will be your reintegration coordinator. I got this assignment because when I heard it was you all coming home, I knocked all of the other warrant officers over to get it.”

She hopped off her box and started to trot towards us. “Now, before we get started, I’m going to do something unprofessional. Live with it.”

When Orchid got to me, she smiled, her eyes welling over with tears. Happily, she pulled me tight into a hug, my black armor screaming against her gold. My hoof went around her.

“I knew you’d come home,” she whispered.

“Had to. Too many ponies to miss otherwise.”

“Good boy.” She let me go, awkwardly kissed my cheek under the raised visor, and went back to her crate. “Now, for today you’re going to be in processed. Basically, we just make sure we remember who you are, what rank you are now, and things like that. After that, we’re going to sign you up with some counselors, a few doctors, and things of that nature. You won’t leave these grounds without a treatment plan. Every one of you!”

For some reason, when she said that, she looked right at me. Then she returned her attention to the group as a whole.

“Gryphons… welcome to Equestria. You’re going to have some extra steps. We have to fill out your citizenship paperwork and figure out what you want to do career-wise. We’ll get that done. A local hotel has also donated plenty of rooms for you to live in for the next 60 days.

“Now, if you’ll all just form a neat and orderly line, we’re going to march over to that building there.” She pointed at one off to the side of the port that bore a Royal Guard banner.

“Once inside, you’re going to remove and log your armor, turn in your weapons, and any other gear you still have. Be sure to get a receipt for anything that is personally yours. Again, welcome back and please be patient with us while we get through this. You’ll be home soon.”

Orchid trotted off towards the building indicated.

I cleared my throat. “Dragoons, follow me, single file. Do what the lady says or you’ll regret it, and trust me, I know from firsthoof experience.”

There were more chuckles. Everyone was in a good mood. What was one trip through a building compared to two years of war?

When we got inside the building, it looked far different from its unassuming, wooden exterior. The Royal Guard had clearly invested a lot in this processing center. All the walls were brand new and painted with light, pastel, happy colors. There was a long open area that sat opposite a multitude of several private stalls.

A pony right inside the door lightly touched my breast plate, leaving a sticker on it that read ’1’. “First stall, sir.”

“Alright,” I replied before trotting over to the stall labeled ’1’. There were four ponies inside: two guards in uniform with armorer’s badges, one in a doctor’s coat, and a warrant officer with a clip board.

“Come in, please, Major,” the warrant officer said.

Once I’d done so, one of the armorers pulled a curtain closed and moved to my side.

“State your name, rank, position, and unit please,” the warrant said with a practiced tone.

This suddenly seemed like it would be less fun. “Silent Knight, Major, Commanding, Black Dragoons.”

He nodded. “Thank you. And do you know where you are?”


“Good, thank you. And do you know where you were yesterday?”

“On an airship.”

“Which one?”

“The Honor…”

“Good. These nice ponies are going to remove your armor and weapons now. Is that okay, Major?”

I nodded. “Sure. No problem.”

“Good, thank you,” the warrant parroted before motioning to the armorers.

The pair got on either side of me and started the removal process. It all began with my helmet. I didn’t mind that so much. They were really efficient at the process and had me fully undressed in a quarter of the time it took me to do it alone. At the same time, it left me feeling very exposed and vulnerable.

“Okay, Major Knight. Can you let us know what is personal equipment so we can give you a receipt?”

“Sure…” I pointed a hoof at Retribution and then at Stratus Knight’s sword. “Both of those, of course… and the whole suit of armor. Not the chainmail, though.”

The warrant officer blinked. “Pardon? The armor?”

“Yes, the dragoon armor is mine. It was a gift from Princess Luna. It looks like the standard issue suits, but it isn’t.”

“Oh… uh…” The warrant looked at the pony in the doctor’s coat.

She shrugged. “Note it.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The warrant noted it. “Anything else, sir?”

“In the trunk, the House Guard armor is mine, the old style helmet, the campaign cloak… uh… let’s just go with everything in the trunk. When the trunk arrives.”

The warrant was having trouble keeping up with me. He was scribbling as best he could.

“Major, should we remove the brace?” one of the armorers asked.

My wing twitched and pulled tight. “No, thank you.”

“Yes,” the pony in the doctor’s coat said. “Sorry, Major, when they said major, they meant me. Major Needles. Please don’t be afraid. Major Pine Needles. It is just a horrible coincidence.”

Military doctor… well, that was new. Usually the medical side was coordinated by the military but the ponies were civilians. “Don’t worry about it, I’ve seen a lot worse than needles.”

She nodded. “I bet. Next step is for me to give you a physical. Is that okay?”


“Okay, everypony else is just going to step out.” She waited while they did before going on. “Any complaints or lingering issues?”

“My wing is ruined.”

“I see that. I’ll schedule you for physical therapy. It looks in good enough shape that you might get some use back. Can you fly at all?”

I nodded. “When I’m wearing the brace and not burdened at all, I can lift my own weight. I fly awkwardly and slowly.”

The doctor nodded, poking at me here and there. “Well, that is a positive thing. You might be able to do a bit better than that. Any other issues?”


“Mental issues?”

“Uh… does anypony coming home not have any?”

She poked her head up and shrugged. “Hard to say. Hits some worse than others. Plus, you have a history of mental stress after your ambush. And before you ask, I have your file. And before you ask again, yes I know. And before you ask how, Orchid told me. And yes, it is confidential.”

I didn’t get to ask any questions! She just had all of the answers. “Well…”

“Well, Major, you’re going to set a shining example and show every black dragoon that it is cool to see a counselor, a therapist, a doctor, and do the program. Otherwise, Orchid has made it clear to me that she’ll make your life miserable.”

“I see. Okay, I’ll follow orders.”

“Good!” she said before poking my belly. “Lose five pounds, too. It will help you fly. You’re a big boy, even if it is pretty much all muscle. Lean up! Otherwise, you’re healthy.”


She stood up, made several notes, hung a lanyard with some paperwork around my neck, and then swatted me on the flank with the clipboard and shouted, “Next!”

I glared and then trotted out of the stall. The warrant pointed at a light blue line on the floor. “Follow that one.”

“Oh, I know where this is going,” I said idly to myself as I trotted down the line. There were several others but wildly different colors. Hot pink, neon green, gender-ambiguous yellow, not-quite-white wedding dress, and somehow darker blue with a lavender stripe running down the middle.

The blue line led to a door at the far end of the bay. So did some of the other ones, but I was following the blue. Much to my surprise, Azurite was not on the other side. In fact, I didn’t recognize any of the ponies that sat at the long desk opposite of me.

“Right this way, sir!” a cheerful-looking yellow pony said from behind the nearest station.

When I got over to her, she reached across the table, grabbed the small sheet on my lanyard and read it over. “Okay… Major Knight. Oh, I’ve heard of you. Neat! Okay, so let’s see, physical therapy, therapy therapy, emotional counseling, and transition guidance. Setting a good example for the others! Well done.”

She settled back and started to fill out forms. “Do you have a therapist you’d prefer to see?”

“Is Mindful Soul back?”

“Yup! She’s booked, but I don’t think that is an issue for a pony like you. I’ll assign your case to her.”

What did she mean by that? “A pony like me?”

The mare bobbed her head up and down fast. “Yes, sir! You know, famous, important, and a hero. You and the Black Dragoons have been in the papers for years, sir! The tip of the spear!” She prattled on for a bit but I stopped listening.

We were in the paper? I was in the paper? The things I’d done were in the paper? What did Crystal know? I needed to get home. My eyes roamed to the nearest door that looked like it might lead out.

“Let’s see, emotional counseling and for transition guidance we’ll go with—

“Me!” Orchid called from somewhere. Was she hiding in the weeds like a snake? I’d been distracted, anyway. My heart was pounding but it slowed as she approached.

“Warrant Orchid. And now physical therapy… hmm. Oh! How clever. Your sister!”

Huh? “My sister?”

“Yeah! Your sister transferred to the reintegration unit some time back. She is a physical therapist. So you can just see her. There is no conflict since it’s all physical. Unless you want somepony else?”

“She’s really tough…”

“She’s the best!” perky yellow pony chimed.

“Fine. Winterspear it is. Is she a warrant officer now?”

“Yes, sir! Warrant Winterspear! Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”

“Sure.” My tone was bland and understated but, in truth I was feeling a lot of pride. It was foolish to think Winterspear hadn’t been busy while I was gone. She’d never written about it, though. In fact, she’d kept things focused on me.

“Great, all set!” She settled the paperwork onto the hook of my lanyard and motioned. “Follow the pink line.”

“Did Senior Warrant Azurite pick these lines?”

Her eyes went wide. “How did you know?!”

“Call it a hunch. Thank you.”

Over the course of the next four hours, I had to answer deeply personal questions, fill out a ton of paperwork, pick activities and hobbies I’d want to participate in, and talk about what I wanted to do in the future. It was exhausting.

When the sun was just starting to get low in the sky, I came through the last door and found myself back outside.

“Congratulations, Silent, you made it,” Orchid said. She was sitting in a rocking chair, looking out at the sun.

“When did you get so old?” I asked.

“Oh hush, everypony likes rocking chairs. Get dressed and go see your family. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

That was a fact. She was on my schedule every day this week. The schedule hanging around my neck. “Dressed?”

She nodded. “Yeah, put your uniform on. It will make you feel less exposed until you get used to being out of armor. No armor for a while, though.”

“How come?”

“Reminds you of being in combat. You have to make the transition. Uniforms only. Yours is freshly cleaned and pressed. It is waiting for you by the gate. Put it on, go home, kiss that wife of yours… and remember, you’re not going to be ambushed.”

I wandered closer to her and kissed her cheek. “Okay, Chief.”

“Oh, I’m not a chief yet, but I will be. You better believe it. I was selected for Master.” She softly set her hoof against my nose and pushed me. “Go home.”

“I will.” But my hooves didn't move. “I’m scared.”

Orchid looked up. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. What if she’s not there?”

“She is.”

“What if she thinks I’m too different?”

“She won’t.”

“What if she does?”

Orchid stood out of the rocking chair and looped a hoof over my shoulders. “She won’t, but in some weird bizarre world she does, you’ll adapt and overcome. That is what you do, Silent Knight. Besides, Princess Luna would love to have a little stallion underhoof… so you always have that.”

“Thanks? Alright, I guess it’s time. Take care of my dragoons.”

“Don’t worry, I will. See you tomorrow.”

My heart started to race as I walked away from Orchid. She was right, Crystal would be thrilled to see me. She’d be so thrilled. I was home. We were together. Things were normal again. I’d just… just… did some things… for two years.

When I got to the small building near the gate, my hooves were shaking a little bit. A couple of really nice ponies there helped me dress. My uniform looked better than the day I’d received it. My goal was to just not sweat through it.

I didn’t dare try to fly. I, instead, just trotted through the streets of Canterlot on my way to the condo Winterspear and I used to share. Were ponies staring at me? No, they were minding their own business… I think.

When I got to the door, I didn’t have a key. Why would I have a key? I knocked. Nothing. Three more knocks. Nothing. Hmm. I looked around. Doormat.

I pulled the doormat aside. Winterspear had left a key there. Not great for security but why not... she wasn’t expecting to be ambushed. I could ambush her, though, in a fun way. I’d go inside and get comfortable. Then eventually somepony would just come home and I’d be lying on the couch. Surprise! Silent is home! That was easier.

After unlocking the door, I wandered in. The whole place was different. All of the furniture was different, all of the pictures were different… if it wasn’t for the fact that some of them were of me, I’d be concerned I’d broken into the wrong home.

Everything screamed mares, mares, mares. Mostly some weird mix of Crystal’s things and Winterspear’s things. Though most of Winterspear’s things clearly had some kind of fancy influence. Likely because of Iridescence.

“Hello?” I called, just in case. Nopony was home. They were probably out somewhere living their normal lives. They didn’t know I was going to be here. Now I could ambush them… but I was kind of thirsty.

I wandered over to the ice box to get something to drink, but the big red card stuck to the door caught my attention.

Master Red Velvet doth humbly request thy presence at his birthday bash this Friday. He will be turning 4 and is looking forward to seeing all of his lovely subjects.

Four? Really? Friday… Today? They’re at Red’s birthday?

The invitation said it would be at Sunridge Sweets. The clock on the wall ticked quietly, alerting me to the fact it wasn’t long after four. The party had probably just started. Should I go? Was I invited?

Sure I was… right? I mean… no, but they wouldn’t care. You don’t invite ponies that are at war. I’d go.

I locked up and started trotting across town. Was this a good idea or a bad idea? I didn’t have a gift. Would Red care? Would Red even know who I was? Probably not.

When I arrived at Sunridge Sweets, there was a sign out front that read, “Closed for Private Function.” The door was unlocked, though. I opened it as slowly and carefully as I could so the little bells wouldn’t jingle.

Lights poured into the front of the store from the back room and I could hear a whole variety of familiar voices. Sunbeam… Pepper Ridge… Velvet Step… and my wife. Crystal was here.

She was here.

I wiped my eyes, hooves shaking. It is going to be okay, Silent. We can do this. Just walk back there. Just walk back there.

As quietly as I could, I crept around the counter and peeked in through the kitchen door.

Red Velvet was sitting on the table next to a massive cake. He was so much bigger than I remembered. Soon he’d be going to school. Everypony was looking his way as he happily clapped his hooves.

The room was packed full: Crystal, Velvet, Sunbeam, Pepper Ridge, Azurite, Winterspear, Iridescence, High Horse, a foal cradled in High Horse’s foreleg, Savoir, a filly I presumed was also their foal, a tall, lanky green filly I didn’t know, a mare in a wheelchair, Thunder Tumble, and that little mare of his. There was also a tiny little pegasus foal in a bassinet. Everypony looked so happy, so excited.

I shouldn’t ruin this for Red. It was his birthday. I started to back away but his eyes met mine and he smiled.

A little hoof wiggled my way. “Silent Knight.”

The room went deathly quiet and Crystal softly stroked his cheek. “I’m sorry, sweetie, it is going to be like last year. I’m afraid that he won’t—“

“Miss Red’s birthday party for anything in the world?” Somepony said. I said that. I had said that.

Everypony in the room turned around in surprise. So many pairs of eyes fell on me.

Crystal gasped, her mouth agape. “Honey?” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

“I’m home. I came home.”

Author's Note:

From one challenge to the next. Silent Knight is home!

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