• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 9,587 Views, 3,825 Comments

Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

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21. Change

“I came home…” I said quietly. Nopony moved. They just all stared at me as if I was some sort of ghost. As I went to take a step back, Crystal surged forwards and collided with me straight on and threw her hooves around my neck while simultaneously burying her head under my chin.

She said something, but I couldn’t understand it through the sobbing. She held on so tightly I was worried I might pass out. It would have been worth it, though. I settled back onto my hind end and looped her into my forehooves. “Hi, sweetheart. It’s okay… It’s okay,” I whispered.

Winterspear trotted over sheepishly. She stared at me, disbelief on her face. As gracefully as she could, she wedged herself in the doorway with the two of us. My sister stroked my mane and nuzzled her cheek against mine. She didn’t utter a word. She didn’t have to. I could just feel the love and relief radiating from her.

That is when the jabbering started. The group of ponies scrambled over to the doorway to try and get close to us. I got several kisses on the cheek opposite the one Winterspear was dominating and I’m pretty sure Azurite had set her hooves on the back of my crying wife just to sneak a kiss, too.

It was a frightening press of ponies. I knew they weren’t there to hurt me. They were there to love me. It was still hard not to go a bit rigid. It was so much. My hold on Crystal tightened a little.

Eventually the calm, warm tone of Sunbeam cut through, “Everypony… everypony, please. I know we all love him, but maybe we should give Silent and Crystal a moment, alright? Let’s take Red upstairs and feed him cake.”

“Yay! Cake!” Red squealed.

“But I missed him, too! Why does sh— hey, Velvet, quit!” Azurite squeaked as Velvet picked her up, tossed her over her back, grabbed the bassinette, and started up the stairs. Everypony else followed her lead.

Winterspear lingered a minute more before kissing my cheek and following after the others.

I tilted my head down and buried my nose in Crystal’s mane. She still smelled like I remembered… like her letters. This was the real thing, though. It was the best thing in the world. She was still crying.

“Crystal… sweetie… I… uh… you are happy to see me, right?”

She gasped and her head shot up. All of her makeup had run and she quickly nodded, sniffling.

“Good. I’m really happy to see you, too.”

She nodded again and then kissed me… forcefully. Like she’d never kiss me again… like she’d never kissed me before. It was possibly the greatest kiss between two ponies ever. No kiss before it could have been as good or as important. It was just me and her, together, in love.

When she eventually parted it, she whispered, “You came home.”

“I wasn’t going to break any more promises to you.”

“I was starting to lose faith that you’d come home… that anypony would come home. The papers made the war out to be so awful. So many dead. It is a nightmare.”

The papers… oh, the papers. “It is.”

“But you came home. Is everypony coming home? Is the war over?”

Had she not heard? Did she not know? Surely word would have gotten back by now… although, why would it? There was always a delay between an event happening, somepony writing the story, getting it to Equestria, printing it, and distributing it. I’d left almost immediately on an airship.

Then there was also the chance the military had requested the press hold the story so as not to falsely build hope. The war wasn’t over until a treaty was signed or the enemy was defeated beyond resistance. King Kronson probably wouldn’t fight on, but how could I be sure?

The love of my life was looking at me with big, hopeful eyes, so I said, “It is going to be soon. Very soon… I think. My unit was deactivated. The minister felt we’d done enough. He let us come home first.”

Crystal’s ears wiggled. “Then he will get the greatest thank you card ever from me. I… I’m having a hard time believing this, Silent. Are you really here? This isn’t a dream or some horrible situation where you’ll have to go back, right? Nopony let me know you were coming.”

My hooves gently stroked along her back. “It isn’t a dream and I can’t imagine going back. Although I will have to go to therapy and counseling every day for a while. I’ll be home every night, though.

“Minister Sombra made the decision to release us after the momentum of the war changed. He sent us back really fast… I don’t think they were expecting the war to shift so fast, so I doubt there was much preparation for return trips.”

“Of course! Of course! Whatever it takes, Silent, whatever it takes. We’ll get through it. It won’t be like last time. I’m here for you.” Her head then tilted. “What happened? What shifted things so suddenly that the Black Dragoons could come home? Aren’t you the best we have?”

That was a conversation for another time. I hugged her again and nodded. “Just… war stuff. Look, about my treatment. We’ll need to stay in Canterlot a while too, if that is okay with you.”

“Oh it’s fine, it’s fine…” Our eyes met and she just let the subject of the war drop. “We’ll go stay with my parents.”

My blood turned cold and the hair of my coat stood on end. “What? Crystal I… I mean if you—“

She giggled softly, wiping her eyes. “I’m just kidding. I’m sorry, I… it was a joke. That was really stupid.”

Relief washed over me. I hugged her again. “Oh, thank Luna. I love you but I didn’t survive the worst war in our kingdom’s history to live with your mother. I’m not sure I could deal with seeing her every day.”

“Uh-huh. Me, either.” She gently pulled back but held onto my hoof. It was nice. It was comforting. It was how things were supposed to be.

“Silent, do you want to go upstairs and see everypony or are you not up for that? I realize this might be a bit much.”

Was I up for that? I guess I was; everypony was quite happy to see me. The last time I returned from Nordanver I pushed everypony away. Perhaps this time I should pull them closer? I just nodded.

Crystal led me by the hoof upstairs into the small living room that was directly over the bakery. The living area had always been sparse since Sunbeam and Pepper Ridge chose to live in their apartment instead of the bakery’s upper floor.

Red was sitting on the coffee table, hooves deep in a cake while everypony watched him with antsy looks plastered on their faces. They were all silent and when we reached the top of the stairs, all of their eyes found us.

My wife cleared her throat. “Everypony… Silent is home and would like to join the party. Although I think I should introduce him around since he doesn’t know everypony here.”

Sunbeam clapped her forehooves together. “Oh, that is a marvelous idea! I think everypony should meet Silent Knight!”

Azurite trotted right over and held a hoof up. “I’m Azurite!”

“I know you,” I said with a smile.

“Sunbeam said everypony!”

I bumped Azurite’s tiny hoof with my own. “I think she means everypony I don’t know.”

Azurite rolled her eyes. “If she had meant that she’d have said everypony he doesn’t know.” She then asked over her shoulder without taking her eyes off me, “Right, Sunbeam?”

“Right, sweetie,” she replied while shaking her head no.

Velvet snickered and grinned.

As gently as I could, I gave Azurite a hug and then slid her to the side so somepony else could have a turn. Somepony I hadn’t seen in a while. Somepony who knew what war was like.

Thunder Tumble’s eyes met mine and he smiled at me. He took the light gray mare sitting beside him by the hoof and led her over to me. “Sir, this is Dawn Walker, my special somepony. Dawn, this is Silent Knight, the pony that saved my life.”

The mare held out her hoof, shyly hiding behind her light blue mane. “It is very nice to meet you, sir. Thank you so much. So very much. Tumble means the world to me. I don’t know what I’d have done if…” She just shook her head. “Crystal has also been such a help. She’s so strong and brave. She’s such a good organizer, too. It has made this whole war somewhat bearable. Barely.”

I’m not sure what the last part meant but it was genuine and heartfelt. I shook her hoof and smiled. “I love Thunder Tumble, too. I was just looking out for him. He’d have done the same for me.

“Oh… also, I should warn you, he had an admirer in Nordanver. She’s harmless and would never take him from you, but she likes to tease. There is a pretty good chance she’ll show up soon. She isn’t dangerous, just silly.”

Dawn Walker’s head tilted to look up at Thunder Tumble. She looked very confused.

Tumble did, too. At least until recognition dawned on him. “Wait, Major, you don’t mean…”

“I do. She is going to be a citizen of our kingdom and she’ll need friends. You should go see her tomorrow if you’re free.”

“Thunder Tumble?” Dawn Walker asked, trepidation in her voice.

Tumble squeezed her and chuckled nervously. “It’s okay, sweetie, the major is right. She’s silly, but harmless. She is a gryphon, though, so…”

There were a few small gasps in the room. That was odd.

“A Nordanver gryphon,” I said hurriedly.

“Yes, a Nordanver gryphon,” Tumble repeated before he let Dawn go and looped a hoof around my neck.

We squeezed each other tight and he whispered in my ear, “I asked the alicorns every day to let you come home safe. I’m so glad to see you. Just so you know, a lot of ponies are afraid of gryphons now. They’ll need to warm up to the captain.”

My nose scrunched and I had to fight off some tears. Tumble was such a sweet pony and I knew he’d done just that. It was also disturbing to hear that ponies were afraid… or was it? I’d always disliked gryphons before. Who was I to judge?

After Tumble and Dawn Walker was the green filly… well, sort of filly. She was clearly old enough to be in prep school. She just had that youthful look to her even if she was shaping up to be a beautiful mare.

“Hi, Silent Knight!” she said with a tone that suggested she knew me.

“Hi,” I repeated, not sure what else to say.

She giggled. “You don’t know who I am.”

“I’m so sorry, I really don’t.”

A few of the others giggled. She turned her flank sideways to show off her cutie mark. It was two flowers with the stems forming a heart. My jaw went slack. “Dot?”

“Yup! I’m all grown up!”

No… I mean… yeah, she was just going to be starting prep school when I left. “You… you’re huge,” I stammered.

Dot pouted. “Now, that isn’t a nice thing to say to a filly!”

“No! Not huge! Big. Not big! Tall, you’re tall!”

Dot just giggled and nodded. “Yeah, I hit a growth spurt and, as Iridescence and Winterspear say, ‘I filled out.’” She trotted a little circle. “Oh, and check this out.”

She walked right over to stand next to Azurite. Dot was slightly taller.

Azurite huffed, sat down and crossed her forehooves. “You know I don’t like you doing that! I’m not a measurement!”

Everypony giggled at that.

“Now, now, partner, don’t be that way. We all know you’re fun sized,” the pony in the wheel chair said as she rolled over to me. “Sandy Shores. I feel like I know you already. From the stories Azurite tells, anyway. I’m glad to see you made it home safe. There were a lot of ponies rooting for ya.” She offered a hoof.

“Glad to meet you. I assume you and Azurite have gotten into some sort of business together? Being partners and all?”

Sandy winked. “Actually, the partner bit was from before. I used to be a royal guard before the chair. When Azurite was a rookie, I was her mentor. Now we’re friends, although she does help me out now and then with my detective business.”

“Oh, that sounds exciting,” I said, trying to imagine Azurite as a detective. She was great with paperwork, facts, and figures. That could work out, I suppose.

“It is fluff stuff more or less. Missing pets, lost friendships, and the like.”

Ah, okay, Azurite would be fine for that. “Still sounds exciting. Let me know if you ever need any muscle.”

Sandy laughed and nodded. “Deal!”

High Horse slowly pushed up from the couch with Savoir’s help before waddling over while holding the foal. A little greyish filly followed at her hooves. When she got close, she leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Hi, Silent. You remember Claire, of course. This is Amoureuse, our first colt.”

I waved a hoof at Claire who ducked behind her mother’s leg. “I remember. Two already, High Horse? You’ll give Crystal ideas.”

With a soft laugh, High Horse shook her head. “No, three. We’ve got another on the way.”

My ears stood up and I looked over at Savoir. He just grinned and shrugged. I cleared my throat. “Well, then. Three it is. Good to see you.”

“Good to see you, too.”

Iridescence and Winterspear practically crept over. I wasn’t sure why. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first but then it clicked… Iridescence had a white-gold diamond ring on her horn and Winterspear had a matching one on a chain around her neck.

Winterspear caught my look and cupped my cheek. “We didn’t want to wait, but it felt wrong without you, so we just did the paperwork with Crystal and Dot as our witnesses. We need to do the formal thing once you’re ready. If you’ll be my stallion of honor.”

Married. They’d gotten married. I nuzzled into her hoof. “Of course, you shouldn’t put your life on hold for me.”

“Well, plenty of things could wait for you,” Iridescence said softly before hugging me. “This just wasn’t one. I wanted to commit and your sister’s heart finally mended.”

I held onto her and smiled. “Good. I’m really happy for you two. I also understand Winterspear is a warrant officer now. She’s my physical therapist unfortunately.”

Iridescence softly stroked my back. “You poor stallion.” She leaned back and winked at me. “She got you straight before, though.”

“She did. What about you? Anything I need to be aware of?”

The unicorn shook her head. “No changes for me other than being married and Dot’s legal guardian. I’m still the first sergeant for the House Guard.”

“Good, I imagine the princess needed you.”

Winterspear lightly bumped her hip against Iridescence. “She needs her to work all the time. She says she expects Irid to be like the last stupid pony that did the job.”


“Okay, the next to last!”

“Ah, sorry!”

“You’re not,” Iridescence said before patting me on the head, mussing up my mane, and stepping aside.

Winterspear gave me another kiss on the cheek. “We’ll set a date when you’re ready. Also, we need to let Mom know you’re home. Immediately.”


Velvet Step trotted up to me with the pegasus foal balanced on her back. He held onto her mane with tiny little hooves. “So you’re back to steal my Crystal,” she said cooly.

“Yeah. It’s what I do.”

Velvet nodded and patted my nose. “I see.”

“So… you’ve got another little brother?”

She snorted. “Nope! He’s mine. Welcome home, jerk-butt.” She gave me a brief hug and then trotted past.

I looked over at Crystal. “Wait, he’s hers? Did Velvet steal a foal?”

Crystal laughed and waved a hoof at me. “No! He is hers fair and square. That’s a whole story, though.”

“Wow, okay, I gu—“ Sudden waves of pain ran up my back. My rump stung as if I’d been struck by a rock. A big one!

“Velvet Step!” Sunbeam practically shrieked.

I limped forwards a bit and peered over my shoulder. Velvet was standing with her back to me, right hind leg still out. “I thought I made it pretty clear that if he made Crystal cry, I was going to kick him right in the pec— uh, jewels. I think I exercised restraint. Welcome home, Silent! Come on, everypony, presents for Red time!”

Velvet then just trotted merrily down the stairs while I hobbled around in a circle.

Crystal looked at everypony else who stared on in horror. “To be fair, she did say that. Come on, honey, let’s walk it off.”

“Yup…” I huffed.

Crystal Wishes, my beautiful unicorn wife, softly stroked my back as I laid on my side, looking out the window. We were in my old bedroom on my old bed. A proper bed. Not a cot. It was nice. I felt ill at ease, though.

“Are you alright?” she asked quietly.

“Everything’s different.”

She lightly pressed her nose to my neck and snuffled. “Not everything. I’m still your wife and I still love you very, very, much.”

I rolled onto my back and offered my forehooves to her. She nestled against my chest so that I could hold her. “Thank the alicorns for that. It… it was just a lot.”

Crystal nodded. “I could tell. You spent the whole time with your back to the corner, just looking.”

My ears laid flat. The corner meant nobody could sneak up on me. Not that anybody would. “Sorry, it felt safe there.”

“It’s fine, Silent. I don’t really know what it is like to have been there. The leader of our support group warned that when our spouses came home, it would likely take some time for them to adjust. The Guard has seen that with the wounded that returned.

“Thunder Tumble slept under his bed for a while. He was always looking around and on edge. I imagine you will be, too.”

I nodded and nuzzled into her mane. Such a perfect, sweet-smelling mane. Just like roses. “That’s fine… It’s just that everypony changed, though.”

“Sweetheart… you were gone two years. Did you expect Dot and Red to stay little? Did you think everypony would just… I mean… pause?”

“No… but… to me, that is what happened. My life was put on hold. Silent Knight lost two years to violence and death. Just gone. All I have from that time are bad memories and feelings like I might still be attacked.”

I sighed. “It was horrible, Crystal. I can’t even think about telling you details because I’m afraid you’ll leave me. I just… I just thought things might feel normal as soon as I got back, but I don’t feel normal.”

The mare slowly pushed up so that she could look into my eyes. “Silent, you’ll feel normal again, I promise. It’s just your first day back, okay? Nopony is going to leave you. Nopony is going to give up on you. This is going to be hard, though, and this time you have to do it the right way.”

“I know…”


“I know! I will, I will. This time I will. For you.”

She pressed her lips softly to mine before whispering, “No, for us. I’ll be here every day to hold your hoof.” She reached out and softly took my hoof in hers. Comfort and security filled me immediately… as if by magic. “Partners this time?”

“Partners for life.”

Crystal nodded and settled her head back to my chest, holding my hoof tight. As long as she did that, I knew I could overcome. With her, anything was possible. She was my partner and partners always took care of each other.

Author's Note:

A whole lot can change in two years. Letters can't really do it justice either! Especially if your family is focusing on certain things or takes other things for granted... or if they're worried you'll feel like your missing out and thus making you more homesick.

Pretty fun bombshells in this chapter :D For some of them you'll have to wait on Crystal to fully explain in her stories!

If you are enjoying this story, please consider taking a look at Crystal and my's website QuillnBlade.com for extra content such as mini stories, an Ask Us form to submit questions, responses to said questions, and special rewards for the awesome folks who support our Patreon.

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