• Published 29th Feb 2016
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Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

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25. Night Mares

I struggled violently against the fiery tendrils that had bound my legs. Every movement burned me, but the alternative was far, far worse. Getting away was what was most important. I had to escape the Night Mares and get to Canterlot.

“What do you think, Sister? Is he ready?” the taller mare hissed. Her voice sounded like the crackling of burning wood.

“No, it is too soon. We should play with him some more before we take him to Her,” the other replied.

“Let me go!” I shouted, pulling my right hoof free and flailing it at the nearest flaming unicorn.

“See,” the second cooed. “This stallion has a lot of fight in him still. Don’t worry, stallion, eventually you’ll come around. Now, how about a little kiss?”

She leaned towards my muzzle, her vacant eyes spilling flames everywhere.

“No! No! Get away!”

There was pressure on my chest and a light shaking. “Silent! Silent, wake up!”

Crystal’s voice cut through the haze and the horrible dream slipped away, leaving me disoriented and confused. I was on a couch and Crystal was standing on her hind hooves, shaking me. Why was I on a couch?

“I could not see it,” came Princess Luna’s voice, smooth and full of concern.

“What? But you’re the Princess of the Night!” Crystal replied.

Slowly, I sat up and shook my coat out. What had just happened? Something about kissing and burning?

“My apologies, Crystal, but I could not see his nightmare, and that is very concerning. I need to consult my mentor’s teachings. Something appears to be very amiss.”

I looped my forehooves around Crystal and pulled her close into a hug. “Good morning.”

“Morning…” she trailed, only half paying attention to me as she looked at the princess. “Luna, please, it’s been two weeks! Two weeks and almost every night is like this.”

My forehead rested against the side of her neck. She was right about that. I’d been having a lot of nightmares and it was really cutting into my rest. That made all the appointments I had each day harder.

“I wish I could do more, but this is not something I’ve seen before. His nightmare simply isn’t there. As far as I can tell, until he starts struggling, he’s sleeping peacefully. It is a most vexing problem that will require more study.

“I think it is best that I go to the well of knowledge on this subject and leave for Haven immediately. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

She was going to travel just on my account? Most of the other veterans in group therapy were having nightmares, too. It didn’t seem that different. I guess I was special because I was her favorite. “You don’t have to do that, Princess,” I said as I yawned.

“I must and I will. As your mate has aptly pointed out, I am the Princess of the Night. If your nightmare is beyond my reach, I am worried. How many others are also in such a state? Now that this war seems to be nearing a resolution, it is time that I return to my studies.”

Crystal idly stroked my nose and asked, “Is it really? It has been a while since the negotiations started.”

Princess Luna nodded. “It is. There has been no violence. King Kronson is defeated and is doing his best to find some solid ground from which to negotiate. King Ranald, given the losses, is understandably upset and asking for more than is fair.

“Minister Sombra is mediating well, but his letters paint a picture of little compromise. Still, it seems clear that there will be a treaty soon. The Sudramoar cannot continue to delay as their other enemies are making gains, too.”

The Sudramoar were still fighting King Alfwer and his gryphons. There were no negotiations going on there. The longer King Kronson waited to placate King Ranald, the weaker his position would be.

Crystal sighed and nodded. “Well… I guess that is better than nothing. Thank you, Luna. I’m sorry if I seem short. We’re just not sleeping much and this big stallion here is a lot of work.”

“Thank you, honey,” I murmured into her neck.

Princess Luna smiled sweetly and shook her head. “Think nothing of it, Crystal. Now, I must go and arrange this trip with Willow. Have no fear, I shall discover the answer soon and banish what ails your mate. Try and enjoy your lunch date.”

“We will, providing Silent doesn’t fall asleep in his soup again.”

“It was pudding. Bye, Princess.”

“Right, pudding. Come along, sleepy,” Crystal replied before taking me by the hoof and removing herself as a leaning post. We trotted out of the palace and made our way to our lunch destination: Zest.

Zest served very healthy food. Above and beyond the usual Canterlot stuff. It was all light vegetables cooked in light oils with light sauces. It was the kind of thing you fed a stallion you were trying to slim down. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t what I wanted.

As we approached the outdoor seating, a pink forehoof sprung into in the air, flailing eagerly in our direction. “There he is! That’s my colt!” my mother exclaimed before standing up and trotting over to wrap her hooves tightly around me.

My mother had been exceedingly affectionate since I’d gotten home. It was very unlike her. I settled a forehoof on her back and returned the hug. “Hi, Mom. Ready for lunch?”

“I am! I hope you’re not too hungry. Winterspear says you have to lose at least five pounds.”

“She would say that,” I grumbled. Winterspear was a tyrant. She’d been a tyrant before and years of training had only turned her a bigger one. Eat this, move that, exercise that… although, in her defense, it was working. My flying was getting marginally better.

Mom set her hoof on my nose and leveled her gaze on me. “You listen to your sister, Silent. She’s a professional and she is going to help you get well.”

“What do you mean, get well?” I asked.

“Not well— I mean…” Mom stammered.

“Your wing. She means healing your wing,” Crystal put in quickly. “Right, Mom?”

My mother quickly nodded. “Yes. She’s going to help your wing get well. Come on you two, let’s have a seat, my treat.” Her hoof lingered on me a bit longer before my mother moved to sit.

Crystal trotted over after her and settled. Begrudgingly, I did the same. Something felt off. It was like the two of them were conspiring. Them and Winterspear. When I’d left, they were all cordial. Now they were like sisters… and mothers… family. They were like family and I was the outsider pony.

While I mulled that over, a pony with a white coat and contrasting black legs came over. “Hello, Mrs. Wishes! Glad to see you again. I’ll get you all some waters. Would anypony like something else to drink?”

I lifted a hoof to ask for a fizzy drink, but my wife just set her hoof on mine and pushed it down. “No, Harvest, water is fine. Are there any specials today?”

“Yes, ma’am! I’m actually pleased to say we have a guest chef this week. Gourmet Palate has selected Zest to host him as a guest.” The black-and-white pony paused and looked at us expectantly.

The rhyme really wasn’t that clever. My mom blinked and then chuckled. “Oh my, lunch and a comedy show. So, what is the special, then?”

“Chef Palate will prepare a bamboo boat with zucchini sails and carrot oars. It is all steamed and infused with a delicate sweet sauce.”

“I’ll have that,” I said.

Crystal nodded. “Make it two, please.”

“I think I’ll just have the bamboo salad. No offense to Chef Palate. I just really like the salad,” my mom said.

The white and black pony nodded. “Well, that was easy! I’ll have your lunch right out.”

Once he was gone, my mom reached over to touch my shoulder. “You’re looking good. Did you go to your appointments this morning?”

“Yes, I did.”

“And you’re going to the one with Winterspear later today?”

“Of course…”

“And you saw the princess?”


“Good… good. I think it is really important that you keep up with your schedule as outlined by Warrant Orchid.”

Was this what it felt like to have a meddling mother? When did Mom learn from Upper Crust? I kept that thought to myself and replied, “I can keep a schedule. I’m a professional, too, you know.”

Mom waved her hoof at me. “I know. I’m sorry. We just… I mean, I just want to make sure you have ponies there for you. So that you know we’re here and available. And that you feel important to us.”

We who? What was she getting at? “Okay… well, I know you are. I’m going to follow my orders. It is the only way they’ll let me go back on duty anyway.”

Crystal and my mother exchanged glances. Mom cleared her throat. “Right, of course. And what duty might that be?”

That was a fair question. The truth was I had no idea. “I’m sure they’ll find something for me in the Guard. Perhaps a palace guard commander.”

“That is a pretty competitive job to get, isn’t it?” Mom asked.

“Yes, but, uh…” I cleared my throat softly. “Let’s just say there are a lot more vacancies in the Guard than there ever have been. A lot of the current commanders are temporary. Ponies filling in while the more skilled officers were away. Of course, a lot of them aren’t coming back. So…” I trailed, my eyes suddenly finding the table. Poor ponies.

They were still over there. At least the ones that were still alive. The fighting had stopped, but who could know what was going to happen next? And that still didn’t change the fact that so many had died. I was hoping to benefit from their deaths? How terrible. What kind of pony was I?

A hoof settled gently on my back. “Silent…”

I looked up to find Crystal and Mom staring at me with concern.

“It’s going to be okay. Let’s change the subject. Are you going to start playing your games again now that you’re home?” my mother asked.

Games? I hadn’t played a decent game in a long time. “That would be fun. I don’t see why not.”

Crystal smiled and nudged me. “Well, I’m glad you said that, because I started the group back up. It’s just been missing its leader.”

My ears flicked. “Really?”

She nodded.

“Then I guess, yes, I’ll be playing my games. I have to imagine there are a lot of new ones now.”

“I’m sure you’ll find something interesting,” my mother said before leaning back. “Now, can we talk about grandfoals yet? Is it too soon?”

“Yes, too soon!” I heard myself squeak. “Lunch! Lunch is coming!” I pointed a hoof at the pony bringing out bamboo boats. Thank goodness for food. Mares with food in their mouth couldn’t suggest scary things!

We ate in relative peace. Mom and Crystal prattled on about Canterlot fashion, local politics, and some other mundane aspects of their life.

“How’s the foundation?” Crystal asked.

“Oh, doing so well! We’ve got more volunteers than ever. We delivered over two hundred meals last week. The veterans were so happy to see us, too. I’m just shocked there are already so many. I’m really worried about what is going to happen once they start shipping them home.”

Crystal pondered that. “Well… the next wave won’t be wounded. Physically, I mean. So things like getting meals prepared probably won’t be as big of an issue. Still, I see your point. We should probably talk to the mayor and General Winddancer. Canterlot needs to be ready.”

“You’re right.” My mother’s eyes lifted and she smiled. “And there is my next appointment.”

“Hmm?” I hadn’t been paying full attention. I’d snuck what was left of Crystal’s boat over to my plate to eat. There wasn’t enough food for me around here. When I looked up I spotted Dot bouncing our way.

When she reached the table, she kissed my cheek. “Hi, Silent Knight!” Then she hugged my mother. “Hi, Grandma!” Then she hugged Crystal. “Hi, Auntie Crystal!”

I practically choked on the bit of carrot oar. Grandma? Auntie Crystal! All of the mares looked my way and Crystal patted me on the back.

“Ready to go shopping, sweetie?” my mother asked.

“You bet! This time I’m buying, though. I saved up from my shifts at the botanical garden. I want to get you a fancy hat!” Dot said sweetly.

“Oh, well, when in Canterlot…” my mom replied before standing up. She settled bits on the table and leaned down to kiss my cheek. “I’ll come check on you tonight. I love you, Silent Knight, see you later. Bye-bye, Crystal.”

“Bye, Mom,” Crystal said, waving.

“Bye!” Dot cheered as the pair wandered off.

This was weird, right? This was definitely weird. I mean, I think it was weird. Who is that mare pretending to be my mom? That isn’t the Wallflower I knew. Although that is the Dot I remember, and Crystal would make a great aunt.

“Come on, sweetie, it’s time to go. I want to get you back for a little nap before you head off for more physical therapy.”

“Sure…” I replied before getting up. A nap like a foal. It was kind of silly. Of course, it meant snuggling with my wife and getting a little sleep. I almost never had nightmares with short little naps. So that was nice.

Crystal and I trotted through Canterlot on our way back to our condo. My head swirled with a million thoughts about my mother being so affectionate, the push to have foals, and still trying to just adjust to being back.

We made the turn onto Mane Street and barely got past two stories before somepony called from behind us, “Silent Knight?”

The voice was familiar. Very familiar and somewhat frightening. We turned around to find Exemplar Ferrel standing in the middle of the street, staring at us. In the sun, her white coat and golden mane seemed to glimmer. It was either that or the reflection of the light in the silver balloons that floated above her, the strings tied to her horn.

“Exemplar Ferrel,” I replied cautiously.

“You are home, how lovely. The war is over then?” she asked.

Didn’t she know? “No… not yet. Weren’t you there?”

The exemplar’s head tilted, pulling the balloons a bit and forcing them to bob. “Yes? The exarch sent me home to mind the temple in her absence. She felt my presence was unnecessary after you showed up with all of those dragons and wiped out the defenders in the valley.”

Crystal softly gasped. “What?”

“Silent Knight rode on the back of an obsidian dragon, led her brood in an attack, and wiped out the opposing army in a matter of minutes. It was an astounding act that I did not foresee,” the exemplar stated unnervingly plainly. “Did you not know?”

“No… she didn’t. The details of that battle haven’t been circulated yet,” I said, fear starting to cover come me. What would Crystal think?

“Oh, my apologies, Silent Knight.”

“It’s okay… I guess. We should be going…” I took Crystal by the hoof and started to lead her off. She looked confused and deep in thought.

“Actually, could you not leave just yet? I am in need of assistance and here you are. It is fortuitous.”

For her, perhaps. For all I knew, she’d just ruined my marriage. How do you explain convincing dragons to fight for you to your wife? Still… if the exemplar needed help, that had to be serious. “Alright… what can we do for you?” I asked, idly eying Crystal, too frightened to look directly at her.

“I foolishly took on the task of orchestrating a birthday party for the Priestess Myree. I felt that after my experiences in Nordanver, I would be better equipped to be outside of the temple walls. I am not. Can you two help me with this? I know Crystal Wishes is a well-respected pony about town and could certainly lend her hoof.”

Crystal looked from me to Exemplar Ferrel and then back. She shook her head, as if clearing her thoughts. Perhaps this was a suitable distraction. “What? I… okay, I guess. Silent has an appointment later, though. He’ll have to leave at some point to be on time for that. Is that alright?”

“Of course, any help is a boon. I understand birthdays require balloons, cake, and favors. Myree is partial to the small ponies that I sometimes see ponies outside of the walls carrying.”

If Crystal was upset, she was doing a better job at hiding it than I was. My wings were twitching. I tried to focus on the seemingly random task that was suddenly placed in front of us. The exemplar needed help with a party. That hardly seemed earth shattering. Small ponies? “Do you mean a foal? She wants a foal?”

Exemplar Ferrel stared at me. “Silent Knight, I know what a foal is and how they are made. Do you not recall how you once told me that you enjoy practicing to have foals with Crystal Wishes? Do you and she not still practice? I ima—“

I’d stuffed my hoof over her mouth. Crystal was staring at me with wide eyes and bright red cheeks. “Honey… I… uh…” I felt my cheeks got hot. “We were at war…”

Crystal cleared her throat loudly and pulled my hoof away from the Exemplar’s muzzle. “They’re called pointy-ponies. It is the latest fad in Canterlot that was set off by a new comic strip in the paper. How would a unicorn priestess know about them?”

The exemplar wiggled her nose. “Myree struggles with detaching from the world outside. I see no harm in allowing her a pointy-pony. Come, let us go find this pointy-pony, a cake, and some balloons.”

“You have balloons, Exemplar,” I said.


“You have balloons?”

She shook her head, the balloons being tugged by the string. “This is not so, Silent Knight. It is unlike you to lie.”

I pointed a hoof at the balloons floating above her. The exemplar’s eyes tried to follow where I was directing. She turned a few circles. “I do not understand.”

Crystal encircled the balloons in her magic and pulled them down to eye level. “You have balloons tied to your horn.”

Exemplar Ferrel blinked. “And so I do. My apologies, Silent Knight. I should not have been so quick to accuse you of lies. It is a wonder how those balloons found themselves on my horn. Perhaps it happened when I predicted that that mare in the shop would have triplets next year…”

My wife leaned in closer to me and whispered, “Is she always like this?”

“This is tame, she hasn’t yet delivered some vague and ominous warning.”

“And then it was clear to me that the stallion working with her was her brother and not her husband. Which was an awkward enough mistake. Then she told me quite heatedly that she was more interested in ponies like me, only not as weird. To which I replied, ‘Temple ponies, unicorns, or mares?’”

Crystal blinked and hid her mouth behind a hoof, a soft giggle escaping.

“That is when I was standing on a narrow stone bridge looking down into a gaping tear in the earth while a chill wind swirled all around me. Somepony was shouting for me to gallop away but I couldn’t. I went the other direction to face the darkness that was my destiny. Then I was here.”

Her eyes focused on us. “Where are we?”

“Mane Street.”

“Mane Street?” She looked around and spotted a street sign, then bobbed her head. “How clever. Ponies and their puns. Alright, what’s next?”

“Let’s get you back to the temple grounds. I think that might be for the best. Crystal and I can take care of the cake and pointy-pony.”

Exemplar Ferrel shook her long golden mane. “No, I must face the darkness! I cannot abandon my duty or my companion, Silent Knight! Let us go to the place of cakes.” She started trotting off down the street and then came to a stop. “Where does a pony find a cake?”

How was darkness related to a party? Did she have some sort of vision midway through her explanation? I took a deep breath. “Sunridge Sweets.” I then whispered to Crystal, “If we don’t take her, she might be stuck out here on her own for days.”

“Agreed. Come on, we’ll get a cake and then find a pointy-pony. They sell them everywhere.”

Crystal started to follow after the exemplar but stopped before she got halfway to her. She looked back at me. “Did you really ride a dragon into battle?”

Idly, I rubbed the back of my head with a hoof. “Uh… yeah. Busted wing and all…”

She nodded and took a soft breath. “Silent, I know what war is. I didn’t when you left. I didn’t understand it; nopony really did. Then we started hearing about the awful things that happened over there.”

Crystal slowly shook her head. “Whatever happened there, whatever you did… it doesn’t matter to me. It isn’t going to change us and you can’t be afraid of that. I promise you that I’m not going to abandon you because you did your duty. I know you killed.

“I also have no doubt that you didn’t do anything more than necessary for you to survive. What matters is that you’re here now. You and me together once again. You kept your promise, and I can't thank you enough for that. Now, come on, let’s put all of that behind us for the time being and save this unicorn from herself.”

My heart melted in my chest and I felt heat on my cheeks. It was all I had wanted to hear and I believed her. I trotted to Crystal’s side and leaned gently against her before nuzzling her cheek. “Thank you.”

Crystal was full of surprises. So much had changed since I’d returned but, when it came to my wife, I actually liked it. Her strength was something I was going to need to rely on. It just made me wonder all the more about what had happened while I was gone.

Author's Note:

There is nothing more fun than sneaking in little things in seemingly innocent scenes!

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