• Published 29th Feb 2016
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Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

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38. As A Door Closes

“Major!” the minister’s voice called without warning, resonating through the all-too-thin wall that we shared.

“Coming, sir,” I replied without raising my own voice.

I trotted out of my office and into his. Minister Sombra was standing in front of his desk, levitating a scroll at eye level. A quill lazily danced its way towards the paper, which the minister used to sign it and then rolled it up. All this with a little unicorn magic.

Then the scroll floated to me. “Priority carrier to General Ironhoof. Get it on the fastest ship you can find.”

It was funny that he had to use the word “find.” The fastest ship in the fleet was often the most difficult to find, as the insane pegasi that piloted it had a tendency of taking joy rides. Unfortunately, relieving them wasn’t an easy option. A ship that fast needed certain skillsets and reflexes that most ponies lacked.

“Yes, sir. Is everything alright?”

Minister Sombra. “Very much so. Those are the Army’s final recall orders, including Ironhoof himself. You’ve proven we can handle a brigade. It is time to stop delaying the inevitable and bring everypony home. You’ll obviously need to start preparing for their return and his reception.”

General Ironhoof and the remaining ponies were coming home. That would be the end of it. Thank the alicorns. It was a prospect that no longer bothered me all that much. I just wanted everypony back in Equestria. “What does my timeline look like?”

“At least a month. The orders have to travel there, Ironhoof will need to organize the remaining soldiers, and moving that many back will take the Navy more effort than usual. With that said, ensuring we have a proper welcome for our commanding general is going to make that month feel short.”

“Agreed. I’m already starting on it mentally.” Numerous tasks started to line up in my head. A large welcome home would be necessary. Would that come before or after processing? Before seemed better, but would soldiers go missing and fail to report in?

The docks were also not set up to accommodate as many ships as would be returning. I’d need to coordinate with the Navy to keep the others nearby but away from the city.

Then there was the event itself. A parade was obvious. I’d need to speak to the mayor about that. How about an air show? That would only be fitting, too. A speech from the princesses and other dignitaries.

Absentmindedly, I turned to leave, but felt a light tug on left forehoof as it was caught by the minister’s magic.


Oh, right, he hadn’t dismissed me. “Sir?”

“Once the general is home, you realize we’re done with this particular role. You’re going to need a new position.”

That was true. Shining Armor had made me an offer, but that was dependent on Governor Cadence’s term. I had no plan for the time in between. “Yes, sir.”

“I’ve been very pleased with your ability to execute on the demands I’ve made of you. I’m also sure you’ll be able to have your pick of commands once your final medical clearance comes through.”

His magic released my hoof and he motioned to the wall we shared. “I like our current situation, so I’m going to make you an offer. Stay on as my personal aide. I realize you’re more inclined to be a commander, but the aide to the minister of defense is no paltry position.

“I can also assume that being separated from your wife for so long was tough on you. As my aide, you’ll be unlikely to find yourself in harm’s way again. You can swear to her you’ll come home at night and if you’re delayed, it will be a battle of paperwork, not swords. You don’t have to answer now, but please think about it.”

“Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Thank you very, very much.” I didn’t know what else to say as I trotted out of his office. Now the minister’s offer was pushing into my mental state and shoving some of the planning out. It swirled against Shining Armor’s chief-of-staff.

An aide was a good offer. I’d be busy but safe. Not that I wouldn’t be safe with Shining Armor… but a minister’s aide was almost never reclassified into infantry. A training officer could easily be sent into a gryphon kingdom to train gryphon warriors in yet another gryphon conflict, and I was young enough to have a ton of career left.

My hooves kept moving as I thought over the implications of being the minister’s aide. Would that help Crystal’s status and thus yield more positive benefits for returning veterans? It was a far more public role.

On the other hoof, I loved working with Shining Armor. Being his chief-of-staff meant having ponies reporting to me. It was far less visible, though, but the mentoring would be far superior. It would also be like old times. The times Dr. Kitty says we can’t recapture but only remember fondly. Doing so made me feel light on my hooves, almost as if they weren’t touching the ground.

Then there was another problem. What if I didn’t want either of those roles? Neither of them were true command positions. What about a Palace Guard company? A City Guard company? Wouldn’t that be more in line with my experience? A desk warrior was never really what I’d planned for.

“Excuse me, sir, do you have a pass?” The words ripped me from my thoughts.

“Huh?” I stopped and looked around. I was standing inside the walls of the Wonderbolt Campus. Had I been so deep in thought that I’d just auto-piloted my way here?

“A pass, sir. A campus pass.” It was a navy pony guard challenging me. How had I gotten through the gate? Perhaps I’d just flown over, which I shouldn’t have done due to my armor and the rules. It was muscle memory. This place had been in the back of my mind with the planning.

“No, sorry, I didn’t stop for a pass. I’m Major Knight and I need to speak to the Wonderbolt commander.”

The guard’s head tilted suspiciously but he looked me over and eventually nodded. “Yes, sir. From the minister’s office? That Major Knight?”

“The same.”

He motioned with a hoof. “I can’t let you go alone, but I can escort you up, sir. Since you don’t have a pass.”

“That would be fine.”

We trotted through the campus together, heading towards the main administration building. The whole place had changed a lot while I was gone. The technical flying aspects were played down. All of the colorful banners had been replaced by posters espousing the dedication of those that volunteered to fight.

The ponies here were different, too. There were far less applicants wandering around. The campus wasn’t barren, but it wasn’t filled with reserves, applicants, and young fliers like it used to be. It also seemed like the average age of a Wonderbolt was a lot younger. That, or I just felt old.

When we reached the commander’s office, the guard knocked, and then poked his head in after an acknowledgement. “Sorry to interrupt, sir. Major Knight is here on official business. I thought it might be critical and brought him straight here.”

“Send him in,” came a familiar voice but I wasn’t exactly sure where I’d heard it before.

Once the guard had stepped out of the way and pushed the door open, I realized who was inside: Commander Soarin. I hadn’t even heard about his appointment or promotion.

“This is a bit unexpected but not surprising,” I said as I trotted in.

Soarin shrugged. “Somepony had to step in when Spitfire took command of the Ironhoof. The first two ponies they asked said no so the Wonderbolts got stuck with me.”

The Ironhoof was another Knight class battleship. All of the battleships were named after officers active in the war. “Well, you’re not Spitfire, but I think they chose well. Speaking of Ironhoof, he’s coming home and bringing all of the remaining ponies with him. I’m making arrangements. What will it take to get a Wonderbolts flyover and show?”

“Normally some paperwork, but in this case I’m just going to skip all that and ask when you need us? We’ll pull out all the stops. How does all four teams sound?”

All four teams? I wasn’t aware of any show with them all together. “It sounds amazing. Can you pull it off in a month?”

Soarin tapped a hoof on his desk. “We do what we need to. It was hard enough not allowing everypony to volunteer. This is the least we can do. I’ll put together the best show in a we—“

The door behind me burst open, slamming against my flank armor. I didn’t flinch or even move. That was somewhat of a surprise to me. Doors were rarely deadly to armored ponies but still, a few months ago I may have jumped and drew my sword.

“Oops, sorry!” came a somewhat raspy voice from a rainbow-maned, blue mare that had burst through the door. “Am I interrupting?” She still had her flight goggles on and was in a Wonderbolt flight uniform.

“Yes!” Soarin groaned. “Is this a real emergency or something else?”

“It’s a real emergency. Well… okay, maybe a minor emergency. Actually, it can probably wait. Sorry.”

Soarin sighed and motioned a hoof. “Silent Knight, meet Lieutenant Rainbow Dash. I’m sure you know of her.”

The rainbow mane had given it mostly away. Those were pretty rare. “You joined the Navy?” I blurted.

“Oh, well, yeah. I wanted to be a Wonderbolt and the princesses didn’t allow us to risk our lives in the war, so I had to do my part for my ponies! You know, keep their spirits up! Hey, you’re that stallion that rode a dragon, right?”

My jaw went slack. “Uh… yes, but that is classified.”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “Yes, please, let’s classify something that thousands of ponies saw firsthoof. Anyway, that is some pretty cool stuff. Are you here to become a Wonderbolt? I mean, riding a dragon has to get you some points on the application.”

Soarin cleared his throat. “No, the major is here on official business. We’re going to be working together. Now, if you don’t mind waiting outside, we can take care of your sort-of-not emergency after, okay?”

“You got it, Soarin!” Rainbow Dash grinned before ducking out.

I peered over at the other stallion. He just shook his head.

“Military discipline is lost on her. Anyway, I’ll send over a liaison so we can get this all together. We’ll put together a show that nopony will ever forget.”

“Thank you, I really appreciate this. The minister will, too.”

When I turned to go, Soarin cleared his throat. “On a personal note, I’m glad you’re back. Sunny and Azurite were worried the whole time. Especially after the Harmony. Sunny took Russet’s death really poorly and I wasn’t sure how’d she react to yours if that had happened. You should swing by when you have some free time. They miss you.”

They had both said as much, and it wasn’t like I was avoiding them. Life was just moving too fast now that I was home. There were so many things going on. “I need to do that. I miss them, too. You know how it gets, though.”

Soarin nodded. “Oh, I do. Being a Wonderbolt was hard enough. Getting the big office has eaten up a ton of my free time, but you have to make time. Understand?”

“I do. I’ll reach out soon. For now, I need to go talk to a couple of princesses, a mayor, about forty different officers, and my wife. This is going to take a lot of effort.”

“No kidding. Good luck, Silent!”

“Thanks, I’ll need it,” I replied before heading out.

Rainbow Dash was sitting by the door, bouncing a ball on her head. “See you later!”

I waved and hurried on my way. The mayor would be next. Then the city guard commander. So much to do. So little time.

Princess Luna’s chambers had always felt like home. I’d spent many days and nights in them, both professionally and socially. This evening proved to be a bit of both. I was off duty, but the circumstances of my visit were all business.

The princess was sitting on her large pillow while Moonlit Star and I sat on the couch. I’d brought the journal and shared the particular passage I’d been reading the other day with the two of them.

When I finished reading from the journal, I looked up and said, “I want to see if you can get into Brigadier Hammer’s nightmares. If you can, we don’t need to worry. At least we need not fear dark magic. If you can’t… well, perhaps Moonglaive was right.”

“Yes, I can certainly try. What do you intend to do if I cannot?” Princess Luna asked.

“Indeed,” Moonlit Star mused.

That was an excellent question. One I thought I had the answer for. I flipped the journal open and read aloud, “I’ve been training this small group of knights at my conservatory within Starlight Grotto. There I’ve amassed the knowledge presented to me by Lady Nocturna and how to potentially defeat these cultists. More importantly, I was able to press her on where their powers came from.”

I closed the journal. “If I can find Starlight Grotto and the conservatory within, I might be able to locate something that wasn’t in the Haven Library. Hopefully, we can use that to our advantage. It is clear we’re not the first ponies to deal with this situation.”

Moonlit Star and Princess Luna briefly exchanged glances before turning to me.

“You’ve already been to Starlight Grotto,” Princess Luna said.

“I have?”

She nodded. “That is where you found Tranquil Dusk’s diary. You need merely return and locate the conservatory. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with it. Matron?”

The matron shook her head. “I’m afraid not. Starlight Grotto, much like any city but Haven and this one, is unknown to me. I only ventured here so that I can be by your side.”

She pressed on, “I do know from the books I’ve read within the library that High Marshal Moonglaive had many secrets. To be fair, so did Lady Nocturna. Both are quite vague in much of their writing. At least until you find some of the more personal works.

“They had great respect for each other, but the trust between them was not unconditional. As far as I can tell, anyway. And, as you know, Nocturna deliberately left her knowledge for you, Princess. Perhaps the High Marshal left some to be found by his successor?”

If I’d learned anything, it was that the nox ponies were not as trusting as other ponies. All of these secrets were getting burdensome. I couldn’t even conceive not trusting Princess Luna, even if she had threatened to disappear me. This was especially true since there was a real danger. It was clear that I had to find the conservatory.

“Then I suppose it is time for me to go back to Starlight Grotto. I’d rather not wait to see if you can help Brigadier Hammer. That would just delay our resolution. Plus, the sooner I get there, the sooner I can return. Minister Sombra will notice my absence. My staff is good, but I need to be at the helm.”

Princess Luna softly chuckled. “For a pony that is not on duty, you certainly have a lot of duties.”

I shrugged. “You know me. I’ll get my armor and head out. I remember the way.”

As I moved to stand, Princess Luna’s horn lit and I felt the gentle push of her magic urging me back onto the couch. “No.”

“No?” Moonlit Star and I said in unison.

“Correct: no. We are not sending Silent Knight off on secret missions. Before that can be done, we will discuss this matter with Celestia and make a decision on what to do next. We have enough evidence to have a concern. Perhaps she knows something.”

Moonlit Star stood. “Princess… With all due respect, this is a private matter for our House.”

“And I choose to discuss it with my sister. She is, after all, far more adept with magic than I.” As if to accentuate her point, Princess Luna stood and reached out with her magic once more. Without warning, she pulled her doors open.

Miley Hooves gasped with surprise from behind the little desk that sat on the other side and quickly hopped up. The two house guards didn’t move, but their eyes flicked towards us.

“Sergeant, run along and tell Sunny Day that we’re coming to see Celestia right now.”

“Yes, Princess!” Miley squeaked before literally running off down the hall.

“Come along, you two. The sooner we have this talk, the sooner we may act,” Princess Luna said before striding out in Miley’s wake.

The two house guards fell in behind her, two paces back and one to each side. Moonlit Star and I followed just after them. The expression on the matron’s face was not one of acceptance. Her disapproval was quite obvious. It practically oozed off her and onto the plush carpet.

As we passed by my former office, Midnight Snow popped out and started trotting along with us. “Princess? Where are we going? There isn’t anything on your schedule.” She then turned her head back, caught sight of me, and looked up at the princess.

“Just to see my sister, Lieutenant. There is no need to make a fuss. Sergeant Hooves and the duty guards are more than sufficient to get me across the palace.”

“Of that I have no doubt, Princess. I simply like to be in the loop for official meetings so that I can anticipate your needs. Will this meeting result in a schedule change?”

The princess shook her head as she kept going. “No, not for me at least. Perhaps for Silent Knight.”

“Silent Knight?” Midnight Snow repeated.

“Yes, he might have to work on a project for me.”

We crossed from one wing into the other. All of Sunny’s guards stood to attention as we went by.

“Princess, I’m certain I can handle any project you need completed,” Midnight said. “I’m also certain the major is busy with the minister’s work.”

I felt a sympathy pang in my heart. She was worried about being replaced.

“No, Lieutenant, not in this case. I’m afraid this project will likely require a bit of nox pony blood. Silent Knight is fairly suited to this sort of task.”

“I see,” was all the lieutenant said before falling into step behind the princess.

As we neared Princess Celestia’s chambers, Sunny Day was waiting outside in her perfectly polished armor. Miley was next to her, huffing and puffing a bit.

“Greetings, Princess Luna. Princess Celestia was just winding down for the day but we’ve pulled her away from her book. If you’ll follow me, please,” Sunny said before lighting her horn and opening the door.

How long was Sunny going to pretend to be me? It was starting to get unnerving.

Princess Luna nodded. “Thank you,” she said and trotted through the door. With no other instructions, the rest of us followed her. Including Miley, Sunny, our two house guards, and the two house guards that had been outside Princess Celestia’s door.

As we all came through, Princess Celestia was just coming out of her bedroom, wrapped in a robe. When she saw us all, her eyes grew wide with alarm. “Is something wrong?”

“What? Why would you assume—” Princess Luna stopped and turned to see all of the eyes looking at her. “Ah, I can see how you would think that. Anypony that isn’t an officer or Moonlit Star may wait outside, please.”

Miley huffed, but followed her and Sunny’s guards out.

Once the doors were closed, Princess Luna settled onto a large sitting pillow and patted the one across from her.

She waited until her sister sat before starting, “I believe we’re facing a problem of magical nature and before I send Silent Knight off to deal with it, I have come to discuss it with you. As promised.”

Sunny, looking rather suspiciously our way, trotted over to stand by Princess Celestia’s side. She was the image of professionalism, other than the fact her eyes kept falling on me.

“Oh, I see. What is the problem? It isn’t with the gryphons, is it? That treaty should be honored.”

“No, I doubt they’re involved,” Princess Luna said before explaining everything to her sister. My nightmares, her inability to see them, what was in the journal, and my concerns about Brigadier Hammer.

Princess Celestia had remained quiet, taking it all in, and mulling it over. Finally, she replied, “I don’t see any harm in Silent Knight going and trying to find more information. There isn’t enough to go on yet. If he finds something, I’ll want to see it and remain in the loop.”

Moonlit Star’s ears shot up and she looked to Princess Luna, horror written on her face.

The princess was unswayed by that. “Without a doubt. In the meantime, I was hoping you could look through Star Swirl’s library. Surely he’d know something about this. I can’t imagine it would go unnoticed to the Alicorns of the Day.”

“Perhaps. I’ll start my search first thing in the morning. It is a shame Twilight isn’t here. Her talents would be best suited for this.”

Princess Luna nodded. “Indeed. From the report I saw earlier today, she’ll be home soon enough.” The princess softly patted her sister’s hoof before turning to me. “Very well, then. Silent Knight will be on his way first thing tomorrow. I’d send him now, but I think there is one more mare who needs to approve.”

Princess Celestia chuckled. “Yes. We best not run afoul of her. We have a plan, then. I’m going to go to bed so I can start fresh.”

As Princess Celestia started to rise, Sunny had taken on some kind of nervous tic. It built until she finally put a hoof on the white alicorn and said sternly, “Okay, no, stop! You can’t do this. I’ve tried to be a model guard, but I can’t just listen to this and keep my mouth shut!”

With an arched brow, Princess Celestia inquired, “You dare renege on our agreement after I let Azurite ride me like a foal?”

“Yes! Only because this is serious. I know it is just a trip to some dark, empty city, but he can’t go alone. Yes, they came here to talk to you. That was the right thing to do, but he isn’t cleared for duty. Even if he was, if this was a Royal Guard mission, he wouldn’t go alone.”

Sunny stomped a hoof for emphasis and finished, “So, no, Silent Knight will not be going.”

Midnight Snow, who I’d forgotten was even in the room, chimed in, “Agreed. This is wholly inappropriate.”

The princesses exchanged glances before Luna replied, “And the two of you plan to exert what authority in this matter?”

Sunny tipped her nose up. “Royal Guard authority. Silent Knight, you can’t do this again.” She then turned towards the princesses “This is exactly how he got into trouble before. He’s not your House Guard commander, he doesn’t work for either princess, and the minister hasn’t signed off on this.”

Midnight Snow nodded once again. “The captain is correct. You should request that the minister execute this mission. He’ll assign the appropriate resources.”

Princess Luna snorted. She then pointed a hoof at me. “He’s the only resource that can do this. We don’t exactly have a trove of nox pony guards, and certainly not any with his experience. You want me to fall victim to bureaucracy while we risk Lightning Hammer?”

"There are rules for a reason, Princess," Midnight Snow said with conviction.

“Yeah! Rules really ma—“ Sunny tried to chime in.

Princess Celestia interrupted her. “Of course Sunny doesn’t wish for that. She’s just capitalizing on an opportunity.” She idly swatted Sunny with her tail. “Fine, you can go, too.”

“Thank you!” Sunny chimed before trotting over to me. “Now we’re secret agents together.”

“Wait, Captain! You know this isn’t right,” Midnight Snow urged.

“Feh, rules! Yeah, they kind of matter but now I get to be a part of this so I don’t care. You’ll get used to it, Snow. I’d think after all this time you would be. Come on, Silent, let’s go tell Crystal!”

“Aren’t you on duty?” I asked.

Sunny waved a hoof. “Meh, Snow’s got this covered. I’m only on for another hour, anyway. Move it or lose it, fuzzy ears!” She then grabbed me by the hoof and started tugging me out of the room. “Night, Princess! Sleep well!”

Midnight Snow balked. “This is highly irregular!”

I didn’t stay to argue, though. Evidently, we were going to go tell my wife now. That suited me fine. Princess Luna could argue with her guard commander.

“You know we’re not going until tomorrow,” I said once we were outside of the palace.

Sunny shrugged. “I know, but Soarin and Azurite are both going to be working late tonight, so I have nothing better to do than meddle in your life and I haven’t done that much lately. We’re friends. I love you and I express it by making you miserable.”

“Great. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome!”

Truthfully, I was glad Sunny was going to go with me. To Starlight Grotto, that is. Not to my quarters. Although Crystal might not take this well, and having a pony to watch my back wasn’t a bad thing. I’m pretty sure my mother had been instructing my wife in the art of throwing dinner rolls. That was the real danger I faced. Angry bread.

Author's Note:

If you are enjoying this story, please consider taking a look at Crystal and my's website QuillnBlade.com for extra content such as mini stories, an Ask Us form to submit questions, responses to said questions, and special rewards for the awesome folks who support our Patreon.

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