• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,230 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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Rex Attack

The rain pour down over the trailer, the occupants inside locked in terror as they stared out the window. Applejack stared long and hard, but had yet to see anything besides the vehicle that just rolled off and over the cliff into the water below.

"Everypony keep quiet." She said in a hush like voice, carefully trotting over to the window. Both she and Rarity were gasping for air after the run they had just taken to get here. Not a sound was made as the southern mare peered out the window.

"Anything?" Fluttershy asked in fear. Applejack slowly began to shake her head.

"Nothin'." A low grow from behind the ponies caught the group by surprise. Spinning back, the group looked at as a Tyrannosaurus Rex had its head bent down, glaring at the group through the window. Seeing it had their attention, the dinosaur let out a roar.

"Nopony panic." Big Mac said, trying to keep the group calm. At that moment another roar shook the trailer. Only this one was once more behind them. Turning back to the original window, the group saw another T-Rex glaring at them. They had two Tyrannosaurus Rex's right on top of them. The ponies clustered tightly at the rear window, trying to get out of the beasts line of sight. The Rex on the right looked through the window, and down onto the infant still lying on the table. The baby let out another muffled groan.

On the left side the Rex let out another mighty roar, before nudging the trailer and sending Fluttershy and Big Mac smacking into the window, looking right into the eye of the opposite T-Rex. The two Rex's continued sending out low growls to the infant in the trailer. Tree Hugger was beginning to put the pieces together.

"This isn't hunting behavior guys…..they're searching." She panted in terror. "They came for their infant."

"Well let's not disappoint them." Applejack said, grabbing one end of the infant in front of them.

"Watch his head." Fluttershy said as she and Tree Hugger took hold of the front half.

"Muzzle off." Big Mac reached over and took the belt off the infant's snout. Almost instantly the Rex let out wails and groan as the ponies slowly walked towards the door. The two Rex's on the outside walked right alongside the windows, the ground shaking as they walked. Rarity used her magic to slowly open the door. Fluttershy and Tree Hugger stopped on the steps, only mere inches from one of the Adult Tyrannosaurs. The beast looked down upon the mares, not taking its eyes off the infant they held.

Slowly the two trotted down the steps, the infant still wailing as they did. Ever so carefully they placed the baby down on its two legs, and let it walk away to its parents. The moment they set the infant free, Applejack and Rarity pulled the two mares right back into the trailer. Tree Hugger was almost laughing, still in a state of shock on the experience she just had. Applejack then reached forward and quietly pulled the door shut. The moment it clicked, the group let out a sigh of relief. Tree Hugger looked out the door as the Rex's went back into the jungle.

Once more the phone began to ring, but this time Applejack was there to answer it.


"Yeah, they're …..they're heading back into the jungle." The earth pony answered, the rain covering him. He had a hoof around Babs to make her feel better.

"We know...is Babs alright?"

"Here." Tech handed the phone over to the filly.


"Babs, you ok?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." The filly was still shaken up.

"Ok listen, Im gonna contact the boat, then I'm gonna be right back up, understand?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I understand." Babs handed the phone to Tech as Applejack hung her end up. The group inside the trailer was sitting around the middle, still reeling over what just happened.

"I'll feel better when we're off this dreadful island." Rarity said, still panting.

"You know, we begged you to listen. We used plain simple English not to do anything rash…"

"Ah be quiet." Tree Hugger said, waving her hoof at Fluttershy. "The important thing is the debate over the parental instincts of a T-Rex is now academic." Applejack smirked at the mare, dialing in the signal for the boat. Then she felt it….a low rumble on the ground. Her heart dropping, she calmly put the radio down.

"What is it darling?" Rarity asked concerned.

"…ya'll might wanna grab something, this is gonna be bad." Applejack said with an ashen look on her face. At that moment something from the outside slammed into the trailer, turning it onto its side, spilling the contents of the shelves, shattering several windows and knocking the five ponies onto the ground. Before they could regroup something slammed into the trailer once more, turning it until it was now sitting on its roof. The ponies struggled to stand as this time they could feel the trailer slide along the muddy ground outside. Now covered in fresh cuts and bruises, Applejack pulled herself to the window.

"What's going on?!" Fluttershy shrieked. Applejack watched as the trailer slide closer to the cliff.

"They're pushin' us over the cliff!" The roar of the Tryannosaurous rang out into the rainy night.

"Dear Celestia..." Tree Hugger said in shock. The ponies fell over as the trailer slide closer to the edge. Big Mac helped pull the mares back onto their hooves, before the group bucked, kicked, and pushed as hard as they could against the door.

"Where do we go when we're out?!" Rarity asked, pushing as hard as she could.

"Into the woods!" Mac answered as he and his sister bucked their back hooves against the door with all their might. "This is where they hit us!" Applejack looked out the rear window, seeing the edge of the trailer was now sticking over the cliff.

"HANG ON TO SOMETHIN'!" The mare yelled as with once last push the trailer slowly leaned over before tipping all the way and slamming into the cliff face. The spilt contents of the trailer tumbled down on to the glass window below. The five ponies wrapped their front legs around anything that might keep them up.

"Somehow we told you so doesn't fit the situation!" Rarity screamed as the group dangled twenty feet away from the window now overlooking the rocky water below.

"Try to pull yerselves up!" Mac groaned. With the rain water now leaking in, it was making the situation now more dire. Slowly the ponies began to pull themselves up, but as Tree Hugger pulled upwards, the object she clung to, this case being the refrigerator door, swung open. The jolt from the door slamming open shook her grip loose, sending the pony screaming all the way down before she smacked into the glass face first with a loud thud.

"Tree Hugger!" The window now had a massive crack in it as Tree Hugger let out a weak moan, now clearly in pain from the impact. "Tree Hugger!" The group called down. Her vision began to clear up. Tree Hugger began panting in horror at the sheer drop she was facing. Carefully she tried to stand on her hooves, but every little movement caused the cracks to spider web out.

"Don't move!" Big Mac called down. Fluttershy couldn't stand by and watch this.

"Tree, me and Rarity are coming down for you! Don't move!" The pegasus called down. The unicorn mare nodded, then ever so carefully so they wouldn't spill anything else onto the glass the two began to climb down. Rarity saw something out of the corner of her eye: the satellite phone slowly beginning to slide off its stand.

"Applejack! Big Mac! Get the phone!"

"On it!" Carefully the two siblings began to climb lower so they could reach out for the phone. Straining herself, Applejack stick her hoof out as far as it could go, but she couldn't quite reach the phone. Tree Hugger was trying to hold herself together, slowly reaching her hoof out to the edge so she could have a chance to pull herself to safety. Big Mac slowly lowered Applejack closer to the phone as it slide closer to popping off the lamp to clung to. Fluttershy and Rarity carefully came to a stop right above their friend.

"Tree Hugger, give us your hoof." Rarity said as the two mares stuck their hooves out.

"Come on Tree Hugger we're right here." Fluttershy said, noticing Tree Hugger's worn out saddle bag off to the side. Applejack let out a groan as she strained herself reaching for the phone, but as she made a grab for it, the phone finally popped off the lamp right out of the line of grasp of her hoof.

"HEADS UP!" She called as gravity took the phone downward. Both Rarity and Fluttershy grabbed Tree Huggers saddle bag and shoved it at her. The mare took hold as the phone smashed through the glass, completely shattering it on contact. Tree Hugger screamed out as she clung to her bag, Fluttershy and Rarity hanging on as hard as they could.

"Your lucky bag darling….." Rarity groaned as the two began to pull their friend to safety. Applejack and Big Mac began to lower themselves down so they could help pull the three up higher and away from the edge. Tree Hugger clung to Fluttershy, beginning to sob her eyes out at the ordeal of certain death.

"Just like old time eh girls?" Applejack asked her two friends, receiving dark looks back. As the group huddled together in an attempt to figure a way out of this mess, they could hear some sort of noise from above them.

"That's a horn." Fluttershy said, looking up.

"It's gotta be Tech Savy!" Tree Hugger said. The pony in question slammed on the brakes of the last vehicle the group had, pulling out a flashlight as he examined the area in hopes of rescuing his friends.

"Applejack! Rarity! Fluttershy! Big Mac! Tree Hugger! Where are you guys?!" Tech shouted before looking over the cliff and seeing the second half of the trailer dangling over the edge.

"We're in here Tech!" Rarity shouted.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" Tech tried to force the other door open, but much like the one over the cliff this one was also jammed shut. "Damn it…" Tech galloped to the shattered windshield and pulled himself in despite the broken glass around him. "What did this?"

"What do you think?!" Applejack shouted from below. Tech knew his answer then. "Where's Babs?!"

"She's alright, she's in the High Hide.' Tech answered, shining his light in the wreckage. "Who's hurt? What do you need?" The pony called to his friends.

"ROPE!" The group shouted to him.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah! Five hay burgers with everything on them!" Applejack shouted sarcastically. Tech waved her off and scrambled back out into the pouring rain and out to his vehicle. Digging around in the back of the car, he found a line of rope long enough for the group. He spotted a tree stump out of the corner of his eye. It would be perfect for an anchor. Tech dashed over and wrapped the rope around the stump before rigging it closed.

"Ok I'm coming!" Tech shouted.

"Hurry Tech! We can't stay down here forever!" Tech Savy pulled himself back into the trailer, hurrying over to the damaged connector tube holding the two trailers together.

"Here!" The pony heaved the rope over and down to the hanging ponies.

"You tie this to anything?" Fluttershy asked. A quick tug on the rope gave them their answer. But as the group began to climb, they looked out the window at the sound of the trailer sliding lower. "We're sliding Tech!"

"We're sliding down here!" Tech hurried back outside, and found due to the sheer weight the trailer was slowly beginning to go over the edge with the others still inside.

"Oh no…" The pony hurried over to his vehicle and began pulling the wench cable out in hopes of attaching it to the front of the trailer, but as he made a dash to the trailer the line came to a sharp stop, pulling him to the ground and into the mud. Inside the wreckage Rarity and Fluttershy had begun their assent up the rope, the others following behind. But due to the rain outside the knot holding the clamp onto the rope came undone, sending the group screaming back down into the wreckage. The five ponies barely caught themselves on the edge of the trailer.

Pulling himself out of the mud, Tech raced back to the vehicle and began pulling out as much cable as he could; the trailer was still inching slowly closer and closer to going over the edge. Dragging the cable back through the mud, Tech finally wrapped it around the front of the trailer, a loud pang ringing out at the cable straightened out. The pony then retrieved the rope the others were using to climb with redoing the knot tighter this time and wrapping it back around the stump.

"Hey…hey!" Tree Hugger pulled on the group, noticing it wasn't going slack this time. The group took this as a cue to begin climbing once more. As Tech finished tying the rope down, the sound of wet mud hit his ears. He turned as saw to his horror the trailer was now dragging the car with it over the edge. Jumping over the cable, Tech threw himself into the driver's seat and slammed on the accelerator. Mud and water flew behind him from the tires and he tried desperately to go backwards in an attempt to pull the trailer back up.

"Increase your rate of climb…." Big Mac said. Inside the ponies were slowly making progress, until Rarity slipped on the rope, sliding down and taking the group with her. The five now dangled directly below the trailer.
Tech threw the car into a higher gear, smoke now joining the mud and water being thrown by the tires.

"It's working….." Tech said quietly to himself. Then he felt it, rumbles that were shaking the ground. Trying to keep his cool, he watched in his side view mirror as the two Tyrannosaurus Rex from earlier came stomping back into the clearing. The pony kept his hoof firmly on the gas pedal as the beast peered into the vehicle, their eyes locked onto the pony. Tech glanced over at his rifle, then one of the Rex's roared before bending over and biting down on the roof of the car, tearing it away as it stood up. Glass and bits of debris rained down on Tech as he tried to get lower. The rex bent down again, this time tearing away the drivers side door. The pony kept going lower, keeping his hoof firmly on the gas pedal.

The larger of the two dinosaurs planted its foot on the car as Tech tried to pull out his rifle. The Rex on the right bent down and pulled the seating up with it. Tech yelled out in frustration, the end of his rifle getting caught in the seat covers. Kicking away to try to keep the two away, the Rex bent down once more, this time biting down on Tech's hoof, pulling the screaming pony up with it. The pony thrash around until he was tossed into the air, being caught on both ends by the Rex's. Groaning out in horrible agony, Tech's last moment of feeling would be his body being ripped in two by the dinosaurs, like he was an oversized wishbone.

As the Rex's chewed down on their halves of Tech, the larger Rex finally took his foot off the car, causing the trailer to go sliding over the cliff and pulling the vehicle with it. The ponies on the rope screamed out as the trailer fell over the cliff directly around them, but by some miracle the trailers passed by with them going right up the middle and out the windshield. The five looked down as the trailers finally collided with the rocks below, exploding on contact. After several moments, the car exploded with it, sending bits of debris up at them.

Collecting their cool, the group dangled their before once more beginning their climb up. If at any moment the rope came undone, it would send them to their doom, but their luck held out. Slowly the group inched upwards until Rarity could reach her hoof to the edge of the cliff. With the rain pouring down on them, the unicorn pulled her head over the cliff edge, and found a surprise waiting for her. She let out a gasp as a claw reach out for her. This would most likely be the only time Rarity was happy to see the figures in front of her. Looking at the claw, Rarity gladly took the clawed hand of Goliath.

The griffon reached down and pulled the unicorn up onto solid ground. Bloody Dagger put his rifle aside, reaching down to help pull the others up. The hunters had their lights shining on the area, going through what they could. One by one the group of ponies was pulled up to safety. The hunters had their guns pointed out into the jungle in case the Rex's came back. As Applejack let out a massive sigh of relief, Babs came running out from the group of hunters and threw her hooves around her two older cousins, every so happy they were safe and sound.