• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,226 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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The three members of the Mane Six had no reason to leave the city of Manehatten now. Everything was being set up here, and here is where they would set sail when the time came. Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity attempted to make themselves useful as they watched several worker ponies set up their equipment for the trip. The sparks of an acetylene torch flew as work ponies make modifications on several vehicles, including a dark-green AAV, or all-activity vehicle. The hood of the AAV is up and the V-6 engine has been pulled out; a new, smaller engine is lowered in its place.

To one side are two long trailers, connected by an accordion-like passageway, like on a subway car, allowing one to be towed behind the other. The warehouse hummed with activity as the Workmen scramble to meet a deadline.

"Come on guys," A light orange earth pony said to several workers. "We're shipping these vehicles, I need those tires at half PSI or they'll pop!"

"Ah take it your Tech Savvy? Applejack asked the earth pony.

“That I am," He said as he turned to face her. On his flank is the Cutie Mark of a circuit board, and he offers a hoof to shake. "You must be Applejack, mind if I call you AJ?"

"Mah friends all do." The farmer pony said, shaking his hoof no problem. Fluttershy noticed the phone device on the table.

"What is that?" The shy pegasus asked Tech.

"Satellite Phone," he replies. "Where we're going it's the only thing that'll get service, and even then it'll be spotty."

"Does Tree Hugger have one?" Fluttershy asked, picking the phone up.

"Yeah but I haven't managed to get in touch with her," Tech shrugs, then looks as a metal fence with a bottom is hoisted towards the ceiling. The shy pegasus called the last numbered dial in hopes her friend would answer. Frustrated, she began to tap the phone on the metal work bench.

"I wouldn’t do that darling." Rarity warned. Tech looks on the verge of a heart attack.

"Heyheyhey! Easy with that it's delicate equipment!" He said snatching the phone back.

How much time til this is all ready?" Applejack asked. "Who knows what that varmin Blueblood is up to."

"You can't shave three days off my deadline and expect everything to be ready! We're not fully supplied, I haven't field tested any of this." Tech Savy said, motioning to all the equipment. Rarity eyes the metal contraption being hoisted upwards.

"What's that?"

"That? Thats the High Hide." Tech elaborated. "This cage gets pulled up into the tree tops where we can hide, high. Keeps the researchers out of harm's way; about fifteen feet off the ground.”

"Fifteen feet?" Applejack asked. "Puts them in relative biting range." Tech turned to several workers.

"The cage's too shiny. Paint it a matte black." The pony ordered. At that moment a wagon full of equipment came pulling into the warehouse. The stallion pulling the wagon was all too familiar to the mares in the room. Big Macintosh smirked when he saw the mares.

"Applejack!" He pulls the cart a little ways off to the side into the warehouse before unhitching himself. Several worker ponies came forth and started unloading.

"I got a bone to pick with ya'll." Applejack said, glaring at her older brother. "Why in Equestria did you agree to go along with this death trap?!" Big Mac blinks, and then meets her gaze evenly.

"Because these folks going are gonna need somepony mah size to help watch their backs. Not to mention Mr Firefly is paying handsomely for this, and I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't curious to see this place with mah own eyes." He puts a hoof on her shoulder, "We're prepared AJ, and since y'all got experience with these creatures I'd say our chances of gett'n back in one piece just went up."

"Besides, worst comes to worst this trip simply turns out wild goose chase." Tech said before turning back to his equipment.

"Trust me Darling," Rarity said dryly. "Where we're going is the only place where the geese chase you." Several worker ponies in the background began raising the High Hide into the air for a test. Once it reached the top something went wrong, causing the structure to come crashing down with an incredibly loud crash.

"Sorry Tech! Specs say it can't deform at 12,000 PSI, we had to test it!"

"You have a lot of faith in these workers." Fluttershy said to Tech. The pony smiles with a proud nod.

"Yup! You know I'm surprised that Trust isn't an Element of Harmony. Ponies wouldn't have gotten half of what we have done as a species without it."

"Wouldnt have anything to protect us would you?" Fluttershy asked seriously. Tech pulled out a metal case and began unlatching it. He pulled it open to reveal a heavy silver rifle, an aluminum canister hanging beneath the barrel.

"Lindstradt air rifle. Fires a subsonic Fluger impact-delivery dart." The pony motioned to the darts in the case labeled, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. "I loaded the enhanced venom of Conus purpurascens, the South Sea cone shell. Most powerful neurotoxin in the world. Acts within a two-thousandth of a second. Faster than the nerve-conduction velocity. The animal's down before it feels the prick of the dart." Rarity opens the box, and levitates a dart to inspect.

"I don't suppose there's an antidote?"

"Like if you shoot yourself in the hoof?" Tech asked. "Wouldn't matter. You'd be dead before you realized you'd had an accident."

"Ok, we’ll let you handle the gun." Applejack said, wanting nothing to do with the weapon. Rarity shares a similar opinion as she gingerly puts the dart back in its box. The older ponies continued on with their work, but as they did nopony noticed the taxi cart pull up outside. A resident filly of Manehatten hopped out, disregarding the signs of workers only. Running inside, she tackled the first mare she saw, that being Applejack.

"Hey cousin!" A certain brown filly with a flat magenta mane, and freckles said with her Manehatten accent.

"Oomph!" Applejack mockingly fell over. "Howdy Babs." The southern pony climbed back onto her hooves, realizing she had to send her little cousin home. "Uh...Rarity why dont you and Fluttershy help Big Mac out?" The mare asked, wanting some alone time for her little cousin. Rarity nodded, and pulled some camouflage garments from her saddlebags to show them while Babs Seed trots off with Applejack. The southern pony took her little cousin aside and stepped into Tech Savvy's office.

"Babs...look ah know ah promised to do something with you while ah was in town, but somethin came up."

"Oh I know," Babs said with a smirk. "I heard all about your adventure from Applebloom. Why do you think I'm here?"

"Oh nonono yer not going!" Applejack put her hoof down on the subject once she knew what Babs wanted.

"Aw come on," Babs pleads. "As a Cutie Mark Crusader I gotta try my hoof at every possible talent! Maybe I'm meant to work with Dinosaurs cuz frankly I'm running out of options here!" She balances on her hind legs while holding her front hooves an inch apart, "I was that close to earning a Gymnastics Cutie Mark back at School, but then there was this big national competition coming up so they cut me from the team so they could bring in this filly who had this weird Cutie Mark of a long ribbon on a stick."

"Look Babs, we're not gonna be there long anyhow, if Fluttershy has her way. We're just goin' to get her friend then we're leaving." Applejack said.

"AJ we could use you over here!" Tech called out from the warehouse. Babs place her hooves on AJ's chest, and gave her the best pouting face she can while her pupils grow huge. "Plllleeeeeeaaaaase? I won't get in the way, maybe I could just be vet for the smaller dinos? C'mon..." The southern pony didnt want to hurt the filly's feelings, but she had no choice in the matter.

"Babs....ah'm sorry but you cant."

"Applejack we need you!" Tech called again.

"Feel free to look around but don’t touch anything." Applejack said to her cousin. She stopped at the doorway, trying to think of something to tell to the filly. "While ah'm here, heres some advice from an older mare to a filly, have fun while you can and don't listen to older ponies." The mare then trotted out the door to join the others. Babs tilted her head, utterly confused. Why would Applejack tell her not to listen to older ponies? Though the comment had obviously been meant to soothe Babs about her failure at Gymnastics, Babs' little mind takes it a whole other way. To her Applejack had just given her permission to come along, but only is she didn't get caught.

"Applebloom was right, she really is the best big sis a filly could hope for," Babs says to herself as she trots out of the office to have a look around the warehouse. Her eyes are drawn to the large trailer on one side of the warehouse, trotting on down and going in through the open back of it.

"Whoa..." Babs looks around at all the bright buttons, and shiny surfaces inside the trailer. "It's like the inside of a space ship..." But then her eyes find the cupboards, an idea forming in her head. She'll get a Cutie Mark as a stowaway, or a spy. That would be so cool. Her eyes then fell upon the map on the wall with one island circled.

“Isla Pegasus….”

Author's Note:

Little note about Babs: Yes she has her cutie mark in the show, but at the time we were writing this my co author either didnt know about it, or forgot about it and it was too late to take Babs out of the story.

So here she doesnt have her cutie mark.