• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,254 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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Kingdom Come

Celestia’s sun would fall once more as normal, sending the looming skyline of Manehatten into the dim glow of Luna’s crescent moon. The lights of the famous city lit it aglow in the darkness, acting like a beacon of hope for those who could find it. A fog rolled over the ocean front where the docks made up of a rather large water complex sat.

Two tall cranes tower over the loading docks and an enormous flatbed truck waits between them, ready to offload cargo. On the bed of the truck is a large cage, designed with heavy security in mind. It’s been brightly lit up, complete with triple reinforced bars, and tranquilizer ports where rifles have been fitted into place, pointing at every corner of the cage.

At the security gate many ponies were being passed through to attend the press conference currently going on. A stage that took days to build was lit up in spot lights. Right on center stage for all to see stood Blueblood, smack dab behind a podium and speaking proudly into the microphone in front of him.

“I want to thank you all for joining me here on this lovely evening.” The prince said, dressed to the nine in his best suit. Those in attendance were either press, or the investors. “Several years ago, Scorch Firefly had a dream. Like Scorch himself, the dream was grand, it was outsize….and it was bold and impractical. And it was not to be.” The prince said proudly, feeling rather pleased with himself. “But a half hour from now Mr. Firefly’s dream, re-imagined…shall at last come true.”

At this moment security was passing through the last of the listed guest, when the two guards noticed a small group trotting towards the gate. Six ponies to be exact, all six having a look of determination on their face.

“This the Blueblood affair?” Applejack asked as the guard lowered the gate.

“This is private property. I need to ask you ladies to please leave.”

“Believe me, we’re on the list.” Rarity insisted.

“Please leave.” The guard insisted.

“I believe you know who I am.” Twilight said, stepping forward calmly. “You’re gonna let us in.”

“Wouldn’t wanna argue with the princess do you?” Rainbow Dash teased.

“Orders are orders, you six arent coming in.” With that the guards began closing the fence as the mane six began arguing quite loudly; loud enough to get Blueblood’s attention all the way on the other side of the dock.

“Tonight we shall christen Jurassic Park Manehatten with a mega attraction that will rival any theme park in the world.” The prince said, trying to keep calm while glaring at the mares. “Once again I want to thank each and every one of you for coming out here in the early morning hours.” At that moment a pony in a brown jacket hurried up onto the stage, whispering something into Blueblood’s ear.

“The ship’s here.”

“It’s early?” Blueblood asked confused, away from the microphone.

“You better come now.” The pony said quietly in an urgent voice, before returning from the building he came from. Blueblood keep a calm face.

“So exciting!” He addressed the crowd, before following the pony. He paused at a security guard standing back. “Those six mares?” He said, pointing to the bickering ponies at the gate. “Let them in, I want them to witness this first hand.”

“Sir you need to look at this.” The brown coated pony said once again, trying to speed Blueblood up. The guard the prince was talking to nodded, and trotted off towards the gate. The prince followed his worker into the small building, where inside several other ponies were hurrying about and making frantic phone calls.

“What’s the problem?”

“Look here.” The pony pointed to a computer screen, showing land and a small blip making its way towards it. “That’s the boat transponder signal: Venture 5888. I’ve tried reaching them, but no answer."

“Try again.” Blueblood said. The pony picked up the microphone and began speaking into it calmly.

“Skipper, SS Venture, this is InGen Harbor Master do you copy? Over.” The pony asked, getting static back as an answer. “Skipper, SS Venture, you are approaching the breakwater at flank speed. Reduce at once. Over.” Outside the guard was leading the six mares onto the deck where slowly the crowd turned and looked in the direction of the foggy ocean. A low rumble was ringing out, alarming several of those watching.

SS Venture, reduce your speed at once.” The pony said into the radio again, once more receiving nothing but static back. “SS Venture, this is InGen Harbor Master do you copy?” The pony asked, now fairly worried. Outside Fluttershy was catching on that something was wrong.

“What’s everypony looking at?” She asked. Applejack and Rainbow looked long and hard out at the water. Not even having the advantage of a birds eye view didn’t help.

“Somethings coming.” Rainbow said, squinting hard.

“Maybe we should’ve stayed at the gate.” Applejack said as the rumbling grew louder and louder.

“My knee’s feeling shaky.” Pinkie said to her friends.

“I think we should back away.” Twilight said, slowly moving back, her friends following quietly. Inside the building all the workers stopped what they were doing. All eyes now peered out the windows as the blip on the radar moved closer and closer. Blueblood was no longer in a cheerful mood. Calmly moving out of the building, he joined several workers outside, peering out into the darkness as the rumbling grew louder. Every pony standing by watched as from out of the fog and darkness a cargo ship blazed into their eye sight.

Panic takes over as everypony standing by on site only had seconds to scatter and get out of the way as the ship began to tear through the dock, completely shattering the building that the workers vacated in time. The last of the ponies are just diving out of the way as the S.S. Venture plows into the head of the pier. With a horrible screeching and snapping of metal and lumber, a good seventy-five yards of the pier is ripped in half.

The bow of the ship hits a transformer and the power on the dock blows in a great blue crack, plunging everything into semi-darkness. The big boat smashes and crashes its way through the crane trucks, the flatbed, the special cage flipping and overturning vehicles, and anything else in its way before it finally groans to a halt.

The Mane Six slowly pulled themselves up from the spot they took cover in. Shouting began ringing out as several guards began helping anypony in need. The wreckage left almost a makeshift ramp going up into the boat.

“You okay sir?” A guard asked Blueblood, helping the prince back onto his hooves.

“I don’t know, how do I look?” The prince responded as he and the guard made their way towards the boat. Twilight spotted the two.

“Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy. Follow them; see if you can find what happened!”

“On it!” Applejack said, helping her two friends up as they sped off after the prince. Several guards climbed onto the boat, followed by the prince and the three mares determined to stop whatever he was up to. Lights shined on the deck of the ship, which looked in no better shape than the rest of the boat. Blueblood and another guard made their way up to the Bridge, still light up showing the cargo ship still had power. The guard opened the door, and froze dead in his tracks, a look of horror covering his face.

“Oh dear Celestia….”

“What is it?” Blueblood asked. “Where’s the crew?” The guard had to swallow to keep his stomach in.

“All over the place….” Blueblood looked in confused, before beginning to turn shades of green. The sight of a severed hoof on the wheel to the ship was too much for the prince to bear.

On deck Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity looked all over, but couldn’t find anything that caused this ship to crash.

“What happened here? What are we missing?!” Applejack asked, throwing her hat down in frustration. The mechanical whirling of the cargo doors were helping the situation. The southern mare put her hat back on while Fluttershy looked at the controls to the cargo bay doors.

“Gi-gi-girls….” The pegasus stuttered. Her two friends wandered over, and saw to their horror a hoof holding the control buttons to the cargo bay. Rarity had to turn to away. Applejack looked at the hoof long and hard.

“The only thing that could’ve done this……..is…..”It was finally beginning to dawn on the mare. Slowly, she turned and looked at the struggling cargo bay doors. Fluttershy and Rarity turned and looked in that direction confused, until it finally dawned on them as well. They weren’t safe here any longer, no one on the dock was.

Blueblood finally noticed the cargo bay as he walked out.

“Check the cargo hold!” He shouted over the confusion. “There might be crew down there!” Applejack finally came to her senses.

“EVERYPONY OFF THE BOAT!!!!” She shouted, Rarity and Fluttershy joining her as they prepared to leave. One guard trotted over and removed the controller from the severed hoof. “Get away from that! No!” Applejack lunged forward as the pony pressed the release button. With a deafening clang, both cargo doors flew up and crashed down on the deck of the ship. Ponies began to scatter as the large body of the male Tyrannosaurus Rex came roaring out in fury, stepping out of the cargo hold and onto the boat.

From his spot Blueblood looked on in shock and horror as the Rex stomped down the wreckage ramp after several security ponies galloping for their lives. Several jumped into the cold water, while unfortunately one pony tripped over wreckage. Thankfully the Rex stomped right over him, disinterested in the pony. Blueblood kept his eyes on the creature as it stomped down the docks, before shutting them in disbelief.

“This isn’t happening.” He muttered to himself. He faintly heard clops from behind

“Congratulations your highness.” A voice said, dripping in sarcasm. The prince turned and looked into the grim eyes of Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy. The southern mare stepped forward and poked a hoof into the Prince’s chest. “Now……you’re Scorch Firefly.” She said as the Rex roared loudly, smashing right through the security gate, continuing on until it stopped at the edge of a peer. Looking at the tall buildings of Manehatten, the king of all dinosaurs roared loudly at its new kingdom.