• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,226 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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All Too Familiar Situation

The rain finally began to pour down from the skies as Applejack, Fluttershy and Babs made it into the dryness and safety of the trailer. Shaking the water from her hat, the southern mare flipped the switches, lighting the trailer up. She turned to the fancy radio set up, and was instantly at a lost.

“Tech this ain’t set to the right frequency.” Applejack grumbled. Fluttershy and Babs dug through the compartments, looking for the book that contained the frequencies.

“Look in here.” Babs said, passing her older cousin the book she was looking for. Outside a few hundred feet from the trailer Tech Savy attached the cable to the High hide cage, then activated the wench to begin pulling it into the air. Glancing up the road, Tech noticed the headlights from the other vehicle containing Rarity, Tree Hugger and Big Mac. The vehicle flew past the pony, the loud cried of the infant ringing out into the night.

“What the heck was that?” Tech asked himself. Inside the trailer Applejack turned the dial to the radio in an attempt to find the right frequency while Fluttershy helped herself and Babs to a glass of juice.

“Ok it’s right here.” Applejack said. “Hello? Hello?” She spoke into the radio. A mare on the other end responded in spanish, asking for somepony named Enrique. “Uh, no it’s Applejack. Are you on the boat?” The mare on the other end once more asked for Enrique. “No is this the boat?” The southern mare asked, the spanish speaking pony on the other line began speaking out.

“Uh, we’re on Isla Pegasus. We need to talk to the boat Mar Del Plata.” The mare once more went on a rant that Applejack couldn’t understand for the life of her. Babs looked out the window and saw the headlights of the other vehicles through the pouring rain. Outside Big Mac and Rarity hurried out from the front seats, making quick pace to the back to let Tree Hugger out. The two mares then helped the infant Rex onto Big Mac’s back.

“Get the door an watch his tail!” Mac said, Rarity beginning to keep her distance as the infant wailed out into the night. Inside the trailer Babs smirked at her older cousin.

“Boy is she mad at you.” She said as the mare on the other end began getting angry.

“Feel sorry for this Enrique fella.” Applejack said as the trailer door opened. Rarity hurried herself in with Tree Hugger close behind.

“Now darlings please don’t be upset with him, but Big Mac decided to rescue….” The stallion in question finally entered with the thrashing infant on his back. Applejack dropped the mic piece to the radio. “Babs sweetie please get back.” The unicorn moved the filly off to the side. Fluttershy dropped her glass at the sight, not caring if it shattered on the floor.

“Watch his head!” Tree Hugger said as Mac carefully stepped into the trailer.

“No no no no no.....why?!” Applejack moaned at her friends.

“I had no say in the matter.” Rarity said to the southern mare. Tree Hugger moved a wheeled table to the middle of the trailer, and helped Big Mac place the infant on it. Once more the Rex infant wailed out in pain. Fluttershy couldn’t stand by anymore and watch the poor dinosaur in pain. The pegasus scooted over the medical scanner so the three could look at the creatures leg. “Stay back darling.” Rarity held Babs back.

“What do ah gotta do hit you with a stick?!” Applejack scolded her brother for bringing the creature back to the trailer. The mare on the radio began yelling out in spanish. “Sorry mam, wrong frequency.” The southern pony turned the knob, looking for the one that the boat captain was on. Babs was simply looking at the whole thing with a nervous look.

Tree Hugger moved the ultra sound over the infants leg with Fluttershy watching the screen. To stop the infant from snapping at them, Big Mac wrapped a belt around the infant’s snot, creating a muzzle.

“Okay, there’s the metatarsals…..tibia, fibula….” Fluttershy noted. She was in her comfort zone. “There it is! See it? That’s a fracture, just above the epiphysis.” She pointed a hoof at the crack along the screen.

“How bad is it?”

“If we don’t set it, it won’t heal and he’ll die.” The pegasus said.

“He won’t be able to pivot on his ankle, won’t be able to run or walk. A predator will pick it off in only a few weeks.” Tree Hugger said, struggling with the infant’s kicking leg. Now the Rex was letting out a muffled roar, sending chills down Babs and Rarity’s spine.

“Other animals are gonna here this.” The filly said, her older pony friend nodding in agreement. Applejack was still struggling to find the boat captain on the radio. “Applejack can we go somewhere else?” Babs asked, being truly afraid for the first time this whole trip.

“I’m workin’ on that sugarcube.” Applejack said.

“I wanna leave now! I be somewhere else that’s safe!”

“Isnt safe here?” Applejack asked.

“Darling now’s not the time to joke about something like this!” Rarity said, wanting out of the trailer as well. The southern pony thought about this, before peering out the window.

“Ah got it. Tech and the High Hide.” Applejack opened the door so Babs and Rarity could leave out into the rain. Before she left the southern pony turned to the three trying to fix the infant’s leg. “When ah get back ah’m throwing that thing out!” Applejack then slammed the door behind her, leading her friend and little cousin through the pouring rain. Tech Savy had the High Hide up and ready for safety when the mares arrived.

“What’s up?” He asked with his rifle in his hooves, not getting an answer. “What? What is it?”

“Believe me darling, you’re much happier not knowing.” Rarity said, clearing not enjoying the rain.

“Take us up.” Applejack said. Tech pressed a button to the wench, the motor coming to life and slowly pulling the metal cage up into the tree top, a good distance from the ground.

Back inside the trailer the three ponies were quickly working on a solution to fix the infant’s leg.

“We need something tempoary, something that’ll break off as his leg grows.” Tree Hugger said as Fluttershy filled a needle with medicine.

“Whenever you two are ready, he’s putting up a mighty fight here.” Big Mac said, struggling with the infant.

“Say Tech, ya’ll don’t know the frequency to the boat do ya?”

“51888, third from the top.” Applejack looked at the list of numbers.

“Oh.” She said, feeling rather foolish. As the rain pour down around them, the older mare wrapped herself around Babs in an attempt to make her feel better.

“I’m so stupid, I should’ve never came here.”

“Hey now, yer not stupid alright?” Applejack said kindly.

“Quite right sweetie, you just got a little excited.” Rarity said. “This is the safest place we can be. Remember what Tree Hugger said? With the cage covered in leaves the dinosaurs will never know we’re up here.”

“Your just trying to make me feel better.” Babs said, still frightened. “I remember the stories Applebloom told me about the other island.

“This is nothing like that darling.”

“Babs, trust me when ah say, we are in a completely different situation.” Applejack said confidently. At that very moment a loud intense roar shattered the rainy night. The ponies turned in the direction of the roar. Rarity and Applejack now had looks of extreme fear on their faces.

“….you know what that was Applejack?” The unicorn said quietly. Rarity was beginning to get flashbacks from the other island. She and Applejack would never forget what animal made that roar. The southern pony reached down with her shaky hooves and turned off the lantern. Tech Savy held his rifle up.

“Tech is there a way to reach the trailer?” Applejack asked, not daring to take her eyes off the forest. Babs clung to Applejack tightly as Tech held up a small phone. The southern mare pressed the button, sending a call to the others.

“He’s moving again, give him more morphine.” Tree Hugger said, helping her close friend with the struggling infant as the three ponies wrapping a cloth around the leg. At that moment the phone on at wall began to ring.

“We have no idea what his metabolism is, we’ll kill him if we give him too much.” Fluttershy argued. “It’ll put him into respiratory arrest.” Big Mac began to trot towards the ringing phone. “Mac give us a hoof here. Put some pressure there.” The larger stallion returned to the table to help as the phone continued to ring.

In the High Hide Applejack began to growl in frustration.

“Sometimes ah could strangle that brother of mine.” The mare slammed the phone down. “How do ah get down?” She asked Tech.

“Tie this belt around you.” Tech passed over a rigging that would let the mare repel down to the ground.

“Do you have another belt?’ Rarity asked. The tech pony handed the unicorn a belt as well.

“Where are you two going? No please stay here! Please!” Babs pleaded, not wanting the two to leave. Tech attached the repel rope to the two mares, handing them each a knot.

“Squeeze this rope hard.” He instructed. “The harder you squeeze the slower you go.”

“Ah got it.” Applejack said, wanting to speed things along.

“Hello? Please stay!”

“Babs we cant.” Rarity said as she climbed over the railing, Applejack climbing after her.

“Listen, we’re coming right back. Ah give you my word.” The mare said to her little cousin, trying to keep her calm. Babs stared at Applejack.

“You’re a bad lair cuz.” The southern mare smirked before turning to Rarity.


“…..no.” The unicorn answered honestly.

“Good.” The two mares stepped off the ledge, sliding all the way through the treetops and slamming into the ground. Tech peeked over the edge. “We’re alright!” Applejack called up.

“I would’ve squeezed a little harder.” Tech muttered.

“Okay we’re almost finished.” Fluttershy said, putting the cast like material over the infant’s leg. “If all goes well it’ll break as the infant grows.”

“Dang it, we need another adhesive.” Tree Hugger said, struggling to help finish the cast. “Something pliable that we can….” The two mares turned to Big Mac, noticing the stallion in question was chewing on something.

“What is that?”


“Spit.” Tree Hugger held her gloved hoof out. The stallion then let the fluids of his mouth out onto the glove. “Your gum!” The mare said loudly, whiping her glove on Mac’s fur. The red stallion put his gum in Fluttershy’s hoof, watching as the mare began to finish putting the cast together. The infant, drugged as he was, let out a sleepy moan.

Tech and Babs looked out into the distance of the forest they were hiding. By now they could see the trees begin to shake, and actually hear the large footsteps as something large moved under them. The pony tried once more to call the trailer, once again receiving no answer.

The rain pouring down around them, Applejack and Rarity galloped as fast as their legs could carry them through the brush. The two mares finally reached the lights of the trailer. Applejack could hear the ringing of the phone as Tech tried once again to reach them. Rarity used her magic to fling the door opened.

“When the phone rings you answer!!!” The unicorn yelled as the two mares scrambled into the trailer.

“We’ve gotta get him outta here.” Applejack said, preparing to move the infant onto her back and outside.

“No we just set its leg!” Tree Hugger argued.

“You don’t understand its-“A loud noise outside the trailer got the five ponies attention. To their surprise they watched as their vehicle rolled right by the window and directly over the cliff. Moments later they could heard the explosion it made. Then trailer began to shake as large footsteps grew closer.

“What is that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Momma’s very angry.” Applejack answered with a grim look on her face.