• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,219 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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Manehatten Showdown

“Explain to us why that thing was tranquilized?!” The complex had turned into mass hysteria. Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy wanted answered while the rest of their friends helped out with the ever growing injury count. The three mares managed to force a security guard into answering their questions while said guard dug through the wreckage, looking for something important.

“That’s the thing: it was.” The guard explained. “Goliath hit it with two darts loaded with concentrated Carfentanil, over ten milligrams.”

“Ten milligrams? That’ll put it into a coma!” Fluttershy said in disdained.

“It stopped breathing so we gave it naltrexone to counteract the effects, but we didn’t know how much to give it!”

“You didn’t give it the proper dosage?!”

“What’s it matter?” The guard asked.

“We now have one ticked off Tyrannosaurus stomping around Manehatten! That’s what matters!” Rarity said, silencing the guard as he continued his search.

“You still don’t get it do you?” Applejack asked. “All of this….” She said waving her hoof in the direction of the Manehatten skyline. “Is brand spankin’ new to it, and it knows very well where it sits on the food chain.”

“Were there anymore dinosaurs on the boat?” Fluttershy asked.

“No we brought the infant back on the private jet.” The guard finally found what he was looking for. “We used this on it.” From the wreckage he pulled out the exact rifle that Goliath had shot the Rex male with. The mares could care less about the rifle used on the Rex. Instead they turned their attention to a certain prince staring numbly into the sky.

“Hey!” Applejack called to Blueblood. “Do you have the infant?” The prince didn’t turn to the mares. He merely sat on a pile a rumble looking at the sky in disbelief.

“It’s safe.” He responded faintly.

“Load of help you are.” Applejack grumbled.

“Girls, the Rex is dehydrated.” Fluttershy said, getting her friends attention. “First it’s gonna look for a water source…….then its gonna look for the next thing its body needs.” The mares didn’t need to use their imagination to figure out what that second need would be. Rarity eyeballed the wreckage around her, trying to form some kind of plan.

“All the containment equipment is still here.” She noted.

“What? Lure it back to the dock?” Applejack asked.

“The boat might still be seaworthy.” The southern mare was slowly getting the larger picture.

“Ah know what yer gonna say….”

“When we brought the baby back to the trailer the Rex came.” Fluttershy said.

“There’s no reason it wouldn’t do the same here.” The three mares said at once quietly. Applejack sighed.

“Eeyup.” The farmer pony said, taking a page from her brother’s vocabulary. The three then turned their attention to the prince sitting on the wreckage. Blueblood didn’t pay the three any attention as the climbed up to him.

“Blueblood….where’s the infant?” Fluttershy asked delicately. Blueblood finally turned to the shy pegasus.

“It’s in a secured facility, why?” Applejack leaned in until she was nose to nose with the prince.

“Where’s the secured facility?” Blueblood stared at the southern pony long and hard, before relenting.

“Other side of Manehatten.”

“Thank you. Let’s move.” Applejack said, jumping down from the wreckage and galloping off down the dock with Fluttershy and Rarity following close behind.

“Applejack it’ll take us hours to run all the way there!” Rarity panted.

“What other choice do we have?!” Applejack said. Before either mare could respond the three were what sounded like a horn. From out behind them one of the jeeps that was set to be used to delivered the Rex to the facility came skidding to a stop right in front of the three. “What in tarnation? Applejack was caught off guard until she saw who was behind the wheel.

“Need a lift?” Rainbow Dash asked as she threw open the back doors.

“What about Twilight and Pinkie?”

“They have everything handled here, now let’s move!” The cyan mare said, revving the engine. Without second thought Fluttershy climbed into the passenger seat as Applejack and Rarity climbed into the back.

“Step on it Rainbow!”

The guards stationed outside the facility didn’t know the threat that was now stomping its way through the city. They were only told to expect a truck to make its way there sometime during the night. From up the road they could see headlights quickly make its way towards them. Assuming it was the shipment, it took them several moments to realize the lights were coming at them in an alarming speed.

“Hey, slow it down! Slow it down! SLOW DOWN!” The guards jumped out of the way as the jeep carrying the mares crashed right through the security gate, and kept on going.

“Sorry!” Fluttershy called back to the guards.

“Forget them Fluttershy!” Rainbow said as she sped through the construction site. Around the mares stood the massive amphitheater that was to be Jurassic Park Manehatten. Blazing by the large construction equipment, Rainbow brought the jeep crashing into several lights in a medical room on the far side of the theater.

“There it is.” Applejack and Fluttershy climbed out of the vehicle and over to a pen being warmed by over head lamps.

“Hold the door up.” The meek pegasus said to her friend. As the southern mare complied, Fluttershy looked at the Infant T-Rex with a muzzle on over his jaws. The rex looked lost in a daze, not paying any attention to the mares. “He’s sedated…..really heavily. Rarity can you give me a hoof here?” The unicorn climbed out of the jeep. Then the two carefully lifted the infant out of the pen and onto Fluttershy’s back.

“Does anypony think that when the Rex sees us with his infant again, he’s gonna be like, “You!”” Applejack said as she helped her two friends place the infant into the back.

“Maybe he’ll be happy to see you three again.” Rainbow threw in. At that moment the security finally caught up with the group.

“Hey what do you think you’re going?!” The lead guard shouted, pointing his pistol at the mares. Applejack calmly climbed into the passenger seat and shut the door.

“We’re takin’ the kid. You really wanna stop us?” Applejack asked. “Shoot us.” The mare nodded to Rainbow, watching the cyan mare throw the jeep into reverse and driving out of the lab.

“How do we find the Rex?” Rarity asked.

“Easy.” Applejack said. “Follow the screams.”

A mare started screaming bloody murder at the sight in front of her. She began scrambling backwards in fear, not paying attention as her cart smashed directly into another. Ponies on the streets ran in terror as the male Rex stomped down the street.

One cart flipped over another, shaking the traffic light as it crashed. The Rex snapped his jaws closed on the light, spraying a shower of sparks down onto the street. Turning down the street came the tram, and right into the eye sight of the Rex. The driver put everything in had to going making the tram go faster.

“Get to the other side!” He shouted to the few passengers as the Rex stomped right alongside the tram, before ramming its large head against it. The sheer force knocked several ponies through the other side, scattering them along the road. The driver lost control of the tram as the Rex kept on stomping. The tram went right off the road and colliding into the closest store front.

Outside the ponies of Manehatten began running up the street in pure fear as the king of all dinosaurs stomped after them. One pony tried to run into the safety of a building, only for the Rex to snap its jaws around the pony’s middle. Flailing around, the pony screamed out as the Rex threw the pony on the ground before biting down once more….

“Stop!” Applejack yelled at the cyan mare driver. Rainbow Dash slammed on the brakes, bringing the jeep skidding to a stop. “There he is.”

“Oh sweet Celestia…” The mares watched in horror as ponies ran for their very lives on the street, the Tyrannosaurus seeing nothing but easy meals all around him.

“Get us closer Rainbow.”

“You sure about that?” Rainbow Dash didn’t want to get any closer than this.

“Pull in there!” Applejack pointed over to a filling station. The cyan mare moved the jeep over to the station as the Rex stomped about looking for more food. In the back seat Fluttershy and Rarity were trying to shake the infant awake.

“Come on sweetie wake up…” Fluttershy said gently.

“He won’t know we have it if it doesn’t make a sound!” Applejack said frustrated.

“Come on now wake up…” The infant let out a weak moaned. The male Rex turned its head directly in the direction of the mares, sniffing the air around it before letting out a mighty roar.

“I think he knows….” Fluttershy squeaked. Rainbow and Applejack looked back at the Rex, taken off guard at the giant sign for the filling station came rolling right past them. The Rex bent down and roared at the jeep. Rainbow threw the jeep into reverse and stomped down onto the accelerator. The male dinosaur stomped at them in full speed, flipping a cart as it chased after the ponies. Rainbow made a quick 180 with the steering wheel, keeping her hoof on the accelerator.

“Rainbow! Slow down a little!” Rarity said as the infant began to wake up.

“Ummm…..I don’t think so!” The cyan mare said, glancing into the rear view mirror. The ponies drove on for several minutes towards the dock, the Rex firmly right behind them the whole way. The jeep skidded right past a corner as police carts came right towards them. Driving past them, the police carts stopped as the Rex stared at them, before letting out another ground shaking roar. The police carts turned back and went back the same way them came from.

The jeep flew past several warehouses as the infant let out a louder moan, shaking around wildly.

“This guy’s almost fully awake!” Rarity said. “Do you know where we’re going Applejack?”

“Yeah! The peer should be on the other side of these warehouses!”

“Is there a way through?” Fluttershy asked. The ponies in the front seat shared a concerned look.

“Dear Celestia….there might be…” Rainbow made a sharp turn, sending the jeep crashing right through the warehouse wall. Pieces of glass and alumimum metal scattered along the floor as the jeep came skidding to a halt. "Ok that wasn’t so bad was it?” Rainbow asked, unbuckling herself and Applejack from their seats. Rarity and Fluttershy quickly climbed out of their seats, placing the squirming infant on the southern mares back.

“Rainbow, find Twilight and Pinkie. Hold off the police as long as you can.” Applejack said, trying to keep the infant from falling off.

“On it. You girls stay safe.” Rainbow said, making a dash for the exit off to the side. The three mares made a run for it in the direction of the docks.

“Where’s the Rex?” Rarity asked. “Is it still behind us?” At that moment the male Rex came crashing through the wall, roaring as it continued its chase after the mares. Galloping as fast as their legs could take them; the mares saw their goal up ahead as the shadow of the Rex fell over the wall behind them.

“There’s the water!” Applejack called out. As all of this had been going on, Blueblood was sitting in his limo doing damage control, and trying to make orders on what to do with the rampaging T-Rex.

“Shoot it. Tell them to shoot it.” The prince said to his agent on the phone line. It was here that Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity came galloping right past the limo. Blueblood got an eye full of the infant currently on the southern mares back. “No the adult! Shoot the adult! I want the baby back alive!” Blueblood hung up the phone, before climbing out of his limo and running after the mares as they ran right towards the cargo ship, with the infant wailing all the way to the ship. The prince was finally beginning to catch up to the mares as they scrambled up the wreckage lap.

Blueblood finally pulled himself to the top of the wreckage, before noticing he lost sight of the mares.

“Applejack?!” Blueblood called out. Rounding the corner he finally found the mares making a run for the side. “What have you done with it?! I want that infant!” Before the prince could catch them, to his surprise the mares jumped over the side of the boat, and falling over about twenty feet into the water below. Blueblood looked down into the water as the mares bobbed to the surface. To his irritation neither of the three mares had the infant with them.

The prince could hear the sounds of helicopters coming closer; he also heard something coming from the depths of the cargo hold. Trying to peer into the darkness, Blueblood heard another wail from the infant.

“Are you there?” The prince asked as the infant began making chortling sounds. Blueblood slowly made his way down the steep steps directly into the cargo hold. The various contents within the cargo hold were scattered about and in various forms of damage. One small item on the floor caught the prince’s attention. Getting a closer look, Blueblood found it was the muzzle he had put onto the infant himself. If the muzzle was off, then that meant one thing. Blueblood looked forward, finally finding what he was looking for.

“There you are.” Blueblood said with a relieved smile on his face. The infant simply hissed at the prince. The stallion trotted under the net separating him and the infant, trying to trap the wailing infant while also failing to notice the rumbles that were coming closer. The infant kept slipping out of Blueblood’s grasp, running back under the net and right into the safety of its father. The male Rex looked right down onto the prince, roaring loudly. Stumbling backwards, Blueblood was finally staring face to face with the errors of all his actions. Now terrified, the prince gave a nervous laughter.

“Wait….wait…” Blueblood said to the Rex as if it was listening. Carefully moving off to the side, the prince pushed several crates over before making a mad dash up the steps. The adult Tyrannosaur swung its head, knocking Blueblood off his hooves. Before the prince could attempt to escape, the adult closed its jaws around the prince’s back hoof. Screaming out in horrible pain, Blueblood was yanked into the air before being dropped onto the hard floor. “Wait!” The prince wailed, trying to get back onto his hooves only for the adult dinosaur to knock the prince over again. Blueblood crawled forward several feet, until he made the mistake of looking back.

Hissing, the infant pounced forward, intent on its first ever kill. The high pitch agonizing scream of Prince Blueblood filled the air as the adult Rex looked on with almost a proud look.

Outside the police were regrouping and arriving onto the dock in sheer forces. Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity, now dripping wet, climbed back onto the ship.

“Hurry!” Applejack called to her friends. Rarity had the rifle over her shoulder as Applejack ran for the control panel. Finding the button she was looking for, the southern mare slammed a hoof down onto the button that slowly began to close the cargo doors. The Rex’s large head poked out before another roar echoed out into the night. Rarity and Fluttershy climbed higher onto the ship as a helicopter began to move overhead.

“Load me up dear.” Rarity said, taking aim in the rifles scope. Fluttershy opened the case of ammo they would be using, the very same mixture that knocked the T-Rex out back on the island, and loaded the dart into the barrel.

“Good to go!” Above head one of the police ponies was taking aim with his weapon of choice; however he had no intentions of letting the creature below live. The cargo doors klaxon rang out as both Rarity and the police pony took aim at the Tyrannosaurus Rex………….but it would be the unicorn mare who would pull the trigger first.

The adult dinosaur roared out as the dart struck firmly in the creature’s massive neck. The Rex then turned its head and looked directly into the eyes of the three ponies. Dripping water fell from their manes as they panted for air. Rarity lowered the rifle, herself and Fluttershy joining Applejack at the control panel. The three had almost a somber feeling to what played out. Slowly the Rex’s head lowered from view as the cargo bay doors finally came to a close, a long clang echoing out as the steel doors touched. Panting, Applejack pulled Rarity and Fluttershy into a hug.

“It’s finally over.”

Author's Note:

If it feels like I left a certain scene out from the story, its because I did on purpose. The scene in question I feel like was only there for padding, and I didnt want that.