• Published 1st Sep 2014
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The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Tools: Battle After Battle

Less than halfway to Planet Mukow, Aphelion dropped out of warp. "I'm afraid we'll have to travel through normal space at this point," she explained. "The unique nature of space in the Voron Asteroid Belt makes warp drive travel incredibly dangerous. Normally I'd go around it to reach Planet Mukow, but I don't have enough fuel for the parabolic warp course I'd need to set. Thankfully, I'll be able to refuel as we fly through the Belt. There's a great deal of ambient energy of various sorts I'm capable of absorbing-"

At that moment, the communicator sparked to life, and a thick necked robotic face appeared. "Ahoy there, young scallywags!" the face proclaimed. "This be Cap'n Slag, Scourge of the Galaxy." As he said this, he revealed that one of his hands was, in fact, a hook. "Surrender your vessel, or be cast to the depths of the universe!"

"Can we at least refuel first?" Twilight called out before Slag could cut the com link. "The depths of the universe sound fun to explore, and we'll probably come back with a ton of new stuff with which to rip our enemies a new one...maybe even a new RYNO design! My hooves are itching to make another one."

Captain Slag stared at Twilight over the comms. "I get the feeling ya ain't taking me seriously," he growled out.

Twilight tapped her chin. "Well, let's see here...we're in a state of the art Lombax ship, our pilot's the last known Lombax in the universe, the copilot has Zoni based time manipulation capabilities, and I can apparently rewrite the very laws of physics on a whim with the right spell formula or weapon design. What was it you had at your command again?"

Captain Slag blinked, but recovered quickly. "I have a mighty armada at my command! You won't stand a chance against-"

"Oh, can I blow this armada up, Daddy!" Twilight begged. "You got the last one!"

"These controls aren't designed for hooves," Ratchet pointed out.

"I do have a neural uplink," Aphelion countered. "Though really I'd rather demonstrate my talents and take these pirates out myself! As long as they aren't filthy cheaters like those Drophyds with homing ammo."

"Besides," Clank spoke up, "you already got Tachyon to soil his imperial trousers with your words. Don't I get a turn to be awesome?"

"Wait, back up a tick there!" Slag pointed out. "Ya made that self entitled slug piss himself? How'd ya manage that?"

Twilight grinned. "Oh, I told him I was going to enjoy rearranging his digestive tract, then vanished off his shoulder."

Much to their surprise, Captain Slag burst into uproarious laughter. "Yer a mare after me own heart, lass!" he crowed. "Ya got guts, and style! What say ye to a lil' wager?"

"A wager?" Twilight asked.

"Yer ship said it has a neural uplink," Slag stated. "Hook yerself up, and ah'll race ya through this here asteroid belt while me men turn it into a real obstacle course...of death! Feel free to shoot at them or me, since we'll be shootin' too. If I win, we get your ship and the three o' ya join me crew! If you win, then we'll sail under yer flag when the time comes to feed Tachyon to the fishes. Have we got a bet, lass?"

Twilight grinned widely as she hooked herself up to the ship. "Deal!" she agreed readily.

"If I may ask," Clank spoke up, "where does your rancor for Tachyon come from?"

"He built the lot of us ta harvest resources for him when he started his little empire," Slag explained. "When he did'na need us anymore, he marooned us all on Praxus Seven. We got a score to settle with his High Mightiness."

"You'll have to catch us first!" Twilight crowed happily.

Joining her mind with Aphelion's core computer, Twilight was able to fly the ship quite expertly, and was rapidly able to take the lead. "Watch out!" Aphelion warned when a particular salvo of pirate ammunition came their way. "Those are homing missiles!"

"Activate the point defense lasers, then!" Twilight ordered. "I can see the command prompts for them."

"They were never installed!"

"We'll fix that at the next Grummel-net vendor if you've got the blueprints!" Twilight promised as she gave the engines an extra flare. "What are those missiles tracking?" she called as she performed a quick aileron roll.

"The heat of our engines and their ion trail," Aphelion explained.

Smirking, Twilight put the ship into a quick barrel roll. The flare of the engines had caused both that heat and ion trail to cling to the outer most points of the ship's wings. The barrel roll left a heat-chaff that confused the lock on of the missiles, causing them to hit each other and explode.

"Good show, Twilight!" Aphelion crowed. "I'm adding that maneuver to my database-whoa!"

Twilight had hit the brakes, letting Slag shoot ahead of her. Locking on, she fired precise shots into each engine, disabling them. As Slag started shouting curses, she gunned the engine, pulling ahead of him again and reaching the end of the belt before Slag got the ship moving again.

The communicator opened. Slag looked surly but impressed. "Not bad at all, lass!" he proclaimed proudly. "Keep track o' what I'm sendin' ya. It's proof o' my promise ta fly under your flag against Tachyon when the time comes...and a mark that yer officially an honorary Pirate!"

The transferred material turned out to be an orange and brown striped shirt, a black skull-and-crossbones hat, and an eye patch, all sized to Twilight. "Cool!" she crowed happily as Aphelion - once more recharged from the energies of the local star - set course for Mukow. "I've got my own pirate costume!"

Once they came in for a landing on Planet Mukow, a communication from Qwark came over their comlink. "Dad, Mom, Sis, I can't talk long. I'm at the arena. We can talk there."

"Well, he's certainly taking this seriously," Ratchet muttered.

Stopping at the nearest Grummel-net vendor, Twilight sent the schematics for Aphelion's planned weapons that were never installed to the Grummel-Net manufacturing plant. She received a guarantee that they'd be finished and installed by the time the group was ready to leave Mukow. The trio also bought and upgraded the new weapons available.

After moving a bit further along the path, the group discovered a holoplan fragment. Twilight gasped in shock when she saw it. "This...this is a piece of the plan for my RYNO IV!" she gasped out. "This is the galaxy that the parts were scattered in!"

Ratchet and Clank glanced at each other. "Well," Ratchet began, "do you want to track down all the pieces? It should take a while to find them all, long enough to decide if you want to reassemble it-"

"The spell that scattered them is still embedded in the fragments," Twilight pointed out. "All I need to do is charge this fragment with my magic, and it'll summon the other parts to me. Then I'll have the complete plan, and we'll just need to find someone to put it together."

"Then the question is-" Clank began.

Twilight's glowing horn interrupted him. "Tachyon outlawed knowledge," she growled out. In a flash of light, the completed holo-plan appeared in the air before her, quickly saved on her armor-comp. "Now we just need someone with the parts to put it together...someone unofficial. So not Grummel-net."

"Why unofficial?" Ratchet asked.

"Because I don't trust anyone else with a weapon this dangerous," she replied. "I barely trust me with it. Hmm...maybe Blue Shift can put it together..." She shrugged. "For now, let's go find Qwark."

Nodding agreement, Ratchet and Clank joined her in their continued progress through Mukow.

Eventually, the trio reached the entrance to Mukow's arena. They found Qwark hiding just nearby. He blinked as he stared at them. "Mommy?" he asked, confused. "Where's Daddy and Sis? And who's the Cazar and pirate?"

Ratchet facepalmed while Twilight facehoofed. Clank groaned. "Qwark, it's-"

"I can't stay and talk long," he hissed. "Look, when you see Daddy again, give him this." He handed over a special disguise kit. "It'll protect his anonymity in the arena. I need to get back to my post before Tachyon gets suspicious." Turning, he stepped into the teleporter and vanished.

Twilight buried her face in one wing. "His heart is bigger than his brain," she muttered under her breath. "His heart is bigger than his brain..."

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