• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,146 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Clank: Gaspar, Orxon 1

Coming in for landing, Twilight, Ratchet, and Clank proceeded along on Planet Gaspar. "From the looks of things, the only thing we need to get here is that Pilot's Helmet we saw in that infobot we got from the soldier we helped," Ratchet explained. "It'll take a bit of exploration, but-"

"Pilot's Helmet?" Twilight interrupted curiously.

"It is a device that allows pilots to control ships and other devices directly with their thoughts," Clank explained.

"Oh! You mean a neural interface like I put in the Power Gauntlet, but one that translates thought directives into remotely transmitted commands for whatever device it's interfacing with?" Twilight asked eagerly. "How does it know what form the commands should be in, or what type of commands the ship or gadget will accept? Or what wavelength to use, or-"

"Tell you what," Ratchet interrupted. "We'll see if we can't get two. If we can, you can have the second to take apart and see how it works."

Twilight squeed happily at that idea. She then blinked at the first wave of mechanaloids that attacked them. "Those kinda look like Mousers from that ninja comic you like so much, Daddy."

"And me without a bo staff," Ratchet joked, pulling out his Omniwrench.

Cutting their way through the bots, they reached a turret. "You take it, Daddy," Twilight offered. "I...don't really want to be in a turret just now."

Ratchet blinked in confusion. "Umm...okay." He hopped onto the turret and proceeded to shoot out the enemies that were near, as well as clearing the path further. Through the first gate were spheroid mechanaloids that flew at them while charging for an explosion. Twilight dealt with them by grabbing them in her telekinesis and holding them far enough away that the explosions didn't touch any of them.

Continuing onward, another turret opened yet another path. Taking an elevator up, they used the same strategies as they continued, though Twilight sometimes held the explosive spheroids in range of other robots so their self-destruct took out other obstacles as well. When they came to a room with several gunners taking cover between tanks, Twilight dealt with that by smashing the tanks together, crushing the gunners between them.

Spying several gunners in the next room with a turret, Ratchet had an idea. "Twilight, do you think you could use your magic to remotely manipulate that turret?"

Twilight thought for a bit. "Maybe..." Focusing on the turret, she energized her magic. Gripping the turret, she spun it towards the gunners and triggered the guns, blasting away until they and the gate blocking the path onward were slag.

"Nicely done, Twi!" Ratchet praised, petting her just behind her horn.

Twilight smiled, nuzzling into the caress. "Hmm..." she murmured as a thought occurred to her. "I wonder if that's something like how the Pilot's Helmet works..."

Through the door and past several more spheroid bombers, they found two functional Pilot's Helmets. "What do ya know, Twi? Two of them after all," Ratchet said happily, donning one instantly.

"According to the infobot Twilight acquired, our next stop should be Orxon," Clank explained. "From the sound of the infobot, it has a highly toxic atmosphere. I do not believe either of you would be able to survive on the surface without some form of breathing assistance."

"Then waiting for you to explore and find us a lead should give me plenty of time to study the helmet there," Twilight pointed out. "And I can also see if I can tweak the Metal Detector I got back on Batalia so it can detect more than just hidden stashes of bolts."

"Sounds like we've got a plan," Ratchet replied. "Let's get back to the ship."

Putting words to actions, the trio took off for Orxon.

When they arrived, Twilight was able to create an atmosphere bubble around the cockpit to hold the breathable air in long enough to allow Clank to climb out. "Take this with you," Twilight told Clank, handing him her Hunter's Guild License. "You can use it to buy anything from shops or vending machines you might find. Anything you find out there might be useful for us, or at the very least something else for me to tinker with."

Clank agreed. "Close the cockpit as soon as I'm clear of it," he instructed. "Don't waste your energy or air." With that, he hopped out.

Twilight watched him walk off into the poisonous atmosphere. "I hope he'll be alright," she whispered worriedly.

"Don't worry, Twilight," Ratchet said, beckoning her over beside him. "Clank will be fine. You've seen how tough he is. Besides, he handled himself just fine exploring outside the BTS."

"True," Twilight agreed, laying down beside him. "I guess I can always tinker to take my mind off it." Pulling out her Pilot's Helmet and Metal Detector, she set them down before her and then pulled out her tool kit. "So which do you think I should work on first?" Twilight asked.

"Start with the Pilot's Helmet," Ratchet suggested. "You need to work it to fit over your head, after all. Maybe you can make it interface with your magic through your horn."

"Good idea!" Twilight said happily. She grabbed the Pilot's Helmet and her tool kit, beginning her tinkering.

Ratchet smiled down at Twilight as she tinkered away. He never got tired of watching her when she got into this mode. She became so totally absorbed in what she was working on that everything else would fade away for her. She never noticed discomfort or distractions. It was just her and her project. Watching her intuit the various aspects of a device - whether assembling or disassembling - was always amazing to watch, and she never gave up until she'd completed the task. Frequently, he had to stop her forcefully for mealtimes and bedtime...although when she was younger, he frequently found her climbing out of bed to continue to tinker. Half the time, that was because she was just that eager to finish the project. The other half, she was apparently genuinely sleep-inventing.

As he watched her work, mumbling about the neural circuitry, brain mapping, and data transference wavelengths, he occasionally made a suggestion or pointed out something she had briefly overlooked, even helping her write out her calculations and interpretations of schematics. As much fun as it was watching her work and working with her, the real pleasure Ratchet had was seeing her get back to herself again. He had feared that Qwark's betrayal may have scarred her emotionally, and had wondered how he could possibly help her overcome. But he could see her healing herself here, as she immersed herself in her true Element: the Magic of Science, and the Science of Magic.

He never had figured out why the marks on her flanks glowed every so often when they worked like this. She was always so absorbed when it happened that he never wanted to bring it up and interrupt the fun they had together.

"There we go!" Twilight said happily, setting the helmet onto her head, her horn slipping right through a hole she had made for it in the redesign. "I was right about the way it converts thoughts into data, but it scans the object it's manipulating when first activating it to match thought patterns to data forms for transmission. A very nice design." She had colored her helmet a very dark violet, darker even than her mane, and the visor had been modified into two separate HUDs that slid over whichever eye would best receive information at any given time.

For some reason, the coloration of the helmet made Ratchet momentarily nervous, but for the life of him he couldn't figure out why. "So what will you be doing with the Metal Detector?" Ratchet asked.

"I'm thinking I can tweak it to scan surroundings for any type of hidden resource, whether bolts, upgrade components, or Raritanium," Twilight replied, taking hold of the device in her magic. As it swooped up into the air in front of her, it suddenly burst apart into all the finite parts, holding the original pattern of the device as each part rotated in her sight and magic. Her eyes widened as she gasped. "Wow!" she said in excitement. "I knew the modifications I made the the Pilot's Helmet to interface with my magic would have some unexpected side effects, but this! It's created a modified chronometric stasis field showing me the fundamental nature of each piece of the device and how they fit together! This is the perfect way to study such things!"

"Well," Clank said, stepping into the ship, "I'm feeling rather left out." He glanced from the modified Pilot's Helmet to the sketched out schematics to the floating, suspended Metal Detector parts. "It seems like all the fun stuff happened here."

As Twilight powered down her magic, the Metal Detector reassembled itself before depositing itself in her saddlebags. "Hey Clank! Welcome back! What did you find?"

Clank smiled. "First, I found these for Ratchet." He pulled out a pair of boots which immediately attached their bases to his chest plate.

"So, are you going to give them to me?" Ratchet asked.

"Magnet Boots!" Twilight gasped happily. "I remember reading about those in a Gadgetron report. Those will let you walk across any metallic surface the way I use that gravity realignment spell."

"Sweet!" Ratchet said, tugging them off Clank's body.

"I also acquired both Ultra and Premium Nanotech for the two of you," Clank added, pulling out four cans of nano-injector. "The extra boosters for the Heli-pack that allows me to launch both of you into the air enabled me to explore areas much higher than my normal jump height."

"Awesome!" Ratchet said eagerly, taking his and chugging them down.

"These should help if we run into any foes that can actually hit us," Twilight joked, sipping hers. "Ooh! Minty!"

"Finally, I believe the next planetary coordinates I have found will be a means to acquire new useful gear, as well as a way to let Twilight rest up." Opening his chest compartment one last time, he withdrew the infobot, playing the information it contained regarding the resort planet of Pokitaru.

Twilight tilted her head. "Well...other than all the toxic waste dumping, it looks like it could be a fun vacation spot...after we stop Drek, anyway."

"By then, they might even have cleaned up the toxic waste," Ratchet pointed out. "For now, let's see what we can do to help out there."

Plugging in the coordinates, they took off for Pokitaru.

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