• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,144 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Clank: Batalia

As the trio headed into a ship hangar through a door in the magma chamber, Clank spotted an infobot. "I wonder what this infobot is for?" he asked curiously.

Ratchet ignored him. Carrying Twilight - who had cried herself to sleep - he walked right up to the ship in the hangar. Popping the cockpit open, he tucked Twilight in in the back seat.

Unsure where Ratchet's mind was, Clank reviewed the footage on the infobot. Having watched it, he approached Ratchet. "Ratchet, the Planet Batalia is under attack by Drek's forces. A commando is calling for assistance!"

"Not my problem," Ratchet said simply, closing the cockpit and hopping back down to the floor, crossing his arms.

Clank stared up at Ratchet. "What do you plan to do? Ignore the fate of the galaxy?"

"Qwark made it pretty clear what happens to people who try to be heroes," Ratchet said bluntly. "You think I want to turn out like that? The galaxy can take care of itself." He leaned back against the ship, glaring down at the little robot.

"What will you do then?" Clank asked angrily. "Pursue Qwark for vengeance?"

"He made his own bed!" Ratchet snapped. "It's punishment enough that he has to sleep in it. The only place I'm going is back to Veldin, so I can help Twilight through this."

Clank's eyes widened in shock. "You realize if you abandon the quest, than Qwark and Drek have won," he pointed out, trying to goad Ratchet.

"Let them!" Ratchet growled. "You know what I've done for the past six years? I've dedicated myself to taking care of Twilight, trying to give her the childhood I didn't get. I tried to fill her world with the childish wonder I had to leave behind just to survive. I failed to give her faith in Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny, or even in the Tooth Fairy...but reading her the stories of Captain Qwark helped her believe in heroes. She genuinely believed that there were good people out in the galaxy who dedicated themselves to the good of others, whatever the personal cost. She believed." He slammed his fist against the ship. "And now she's lost that, too! Now she knows, there's no such thing as heroes. And the worst part of all this is I have no one to blame but myself."

"How do you mean?" Clank asked in surprise. "Is it not Qwark who-"

"I've known for years that Qwark couldn't be all he was cracked up to be," Ratchet interrupted. "But he was cool, and Twilight idol worshiped what he stood for...so I didn't say anything. I laid the groundwork for this, so I can't blame Qwark for being human instead of an ideal. I knew that was all he really was from day one." He glared down at Clank. "I really want to blame you. I want to so much. But Twilight was eager enough to meet Qwark and fight alongside him even without your urging. And I knew something was up with him wanting us to step into the 'Ring of Heroes', but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to discourage Twilight." He sighed. "I can only blame myself.

"So I'm going to take her back to Veldin, take her home, and help her get over this. And you're going to help by activating the ship, even if I have to hold you down while Twilight excises your robotic ignition system!"

Clank took a step back at Ratchet's vehemence, but then stood his ground. "You will not do that," Clank said simply.

"You willing to bet your circuitry on Twilight not taking you apart?" Ratchet asked, quirking an eyebrow up quizzically.

"No, if you told Twilight to do so, in her current mental state I imagine she would do so without hesitation," Clank explained. "I will, however, bet my functionality that you won't tell her to do so to someone she knows as a friend."

"Oh?" Ratchet asked. "And what makes you so sure?"

"Because you are too good a person to do so."

Ratchet actually laughed, though it was cynical laughter. "And where do you get off claiming I'm such a good person, anyway?"

"Because the only reason Twilight would believe so strongly in good people who chose to be heroes would be because she had known one for most of her life," Clank said simply. "Qwark's betrayal hurts her so much because she knows, from you, that he could have been better than that. Because she knows you are better than him."

Ratchet stared at the eloquent robot, his arms unfolding as he listened.

"You say Qwark's actions have made her come to the conclusion that there are no heroes?" Clank asked. "Show her she is wrong. Be the hero she needs to believe in. Save the worlds Drek seeks to destroy. Stop Drek. Stop Qwark. Bring them not vengeance, but justice."

Ratchet slumped back against the ship, Clank's words running through his head. "And why," he asked finally, "would you think I'd bring Twilight along for when we would surely confront Qwark again? What good would that bring her?"


Ratchet stared down at the little robot for a time. Finally, he sighed. "Clank, right now I really don't like you."

"Understandable," Clank replied. "I do not find myself all that appealing just now for my part in Twilight's disillusionment, either."

Ratchet pushed himself to his feet and hopped up to the ship. "Set a course for Batalia, Clank."

Hovering into the cockpit, Clank began programming the course. "Course set."

"Let's go," Ratchet said calmly, taking the controls.

As the ship started entering the atmospheric envelope, Twilight awoke. "Where are we?" she asked groggily.

"Batalia," Clank replied. "Drek's forces are attacking, so we're here to lend a hand to a commando who sent a distress beacon."

"R-really?" Twilight asked in surprise. "W-we're still trying to save the day?"

"The day still needs saving," Ratchet replied as he triggered the landing gear.

Slowly, a smile spread its way across Twilight's face, and she rubbed away her tears. "...new ship?" she asked, struggling to control her emotions.

"Yeah!" Ratchet replied eagerly, hoping to distract Twilight from her inner turmoil. "Found it in a hangar back on Umbris. Pretty sweet ride, huh?"

"Yeah," Twilight agreed. "Certainly more comfortable than the last one."

Landing, the trio leapt out of the cockpit. A commando immediately began lecturing them. "At attention you deserting maggots-"

His rant was cut off as Twilight sealed his mouth with her magic. "We aren't your troops," she said coldly. "We're combat trained civilians responding to your distress beacon."

"So you can treat us with proper respect," Ratchet added, "or we can turn around and leave you to the bombardment."

As Twilight released her magical grip, the commando swallowed and nodded. "Right then," he said, regaining his bearing. "There's a turret in that fortress over there, and it needs to be repaired and used to shoot those bombers out of the sky before they reduce the planet to rubble! I'll be at the city entrance to give you further instructions!" With that, the commando left.

"Is that our only mission here?" Clank asked curiously.

Twilight checked her map. "According to the uplink, there's also one of his soldiers in some trouble along the grind rails just outside the city," she read off. "How about you two go handle them while I see about that turret?"

Ratchet blinked. "You sure you want us to split up?"

"I just woke up from a nap," Twilight pointed out. "Clinging to your back as you ride around on the rails, struggling to stay awake enough to not lose my grip and fall, does not sound like a good time. Besides...just now, I really want to blow some stuff up. It'll be cathartic, you know?"

"You sure you'll be okay by yourself?" Ratchet asked in concern.

"I'll be okay," Twilight replied. "Besides...I've got a lot to think about...or not think about, as the case may be."

Sighing, Ratchet nodded. "Alright. Just...be careful, okay? And meet back at the ship in no more than an hour."

"I will. And you too, Daddy," Twilight replied. They embraced before going their separate ways.

As Twilight made her way through the wrecked city, only half her mind was on the obstacles and enemies she faced. Since she'd managed to tweak her RYNO to have a much larger ammo capacity - it now had 200 rocket volleys in stock that she could replenish at any Gadgetron kiosk, and her employee discount (boosted by having been on the original design team for the weapon) reduced the price to manageable levels - she decided to test the weapon out. Braced on her shoulders, she was able to fire without even halting her steady walk towards the fortress. Nothing stayed standing for long under that deadly volley.

Twilight had intended to think her way through her emotions regarding Qwark's betrayal, but every time she tried to push her thoughts in that direction, they skittered away to random ideas. She would start coming up with some new spell, or go over a design for a new weapon or gadget, or grumble about how little depth Flight of the Pegasus had gone into the actual internal mechanics of Pegasus wings. She really wished she could fly, instead of just gliding, but every time she tried flapping her wings, she wound up crashing to the ground. She could never figure out what she was doing wrong.

Before she'd even realized it, she had made it to the fortress. She barely registered the commando muttering complaints about the out of reach bolt crank. He then noticed her.

"Alright, little lady! I need you to get into that compound and-"

Before he could finish, she levitated her Omniwrench over to the bolt crank and spun it open, extending the bridge.

"...right!" the commando said, obviously a little nonplussed. "Now get to that turret! And while you're at it, take this!" He handed her an infobot.

Twilight briefly watched the infobot with details on planet Orxon, the Blargian home world, before continuing into the fortress, obliterating all that got in her way with RYNO volleys. Getting behind the fortress, she spied the turret and headed towards it. Before she got there, though, she was starlted by a soft hand behind her ear and nearly fired her RYNO.

"Whoa, easy there Princess!" the Plumber cautioned with good humor. "Ease up on the trigger. You just looked like you could use a comforting scritchie scritchie."

Twilight smiled. "Mr. Plumber!" she said happily, relaxing into the ear scratch. "Good to see you're okay. What are you doing here?"

"Fixing the turret," he replied. "What about you?"

"Gonna use the turret to blow up the bombers."

He chuckled. "Good on ya. Better hurry while there's still some planet to save."

Nodding, Twilight hopped into the turret. At first it was mostly mechanical, just controlling the turret and taking out the bombers. However, as she continued taking out the ships, a slow grin began to spread over her face. Her magic began feeding into the turret through the controls, amplifying the destructive power of the shots. She surprised herself by laughing as she saw the last bomber explode, spinning down in a massive fireball towards the surface. She swung the turret around, seeking more targets.

"Whoa there!" the Plumber said, plucking her from the turret seat. "Reign it in there, Princess. What's gotten into you?"

Twilight blinked, her smile fading as she turned towards the turret in confusion. "I..."

He turned her face towards him and stared into her eyes. "Oh...it's not what got in...it's what got out." Sighing, he cradled her gently in a warm embrace. "Don't worry, princess...things'll get better eventually. Trust me."

She wasn't sure why, but Twilight felt completely safe in his embrace, and found herself happy to believe his words. "...promise?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," he replied, doing the motions one armed while the other held her. "Here," he added, stuffing a Metal Detector into her saddlebags. "A new toy to play with to take your mind off all this."

Squealing happily, Twilight immediately began tinkering with the Metal Detector. "Hidden caches of bolts? How limiting! I can make it work better than that..."

"Don't be late to get back to the ship," he pointed out to her.

"Right!" Twilight remembered. "I'm almost out of time!" She smiled up at him. "Thank you! See you later!" With that, she teleported back to the ship.

He waved to the ship, watching as it took off with its three passengers. "You will, Princess. Good luck."

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