• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,116 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: Valley

Once in the Valley itself, the path seemed to come to a halt, however, a launcher was nearby, aimed towards a rail track that seemed to go straight to the charging dock. "Are we all ready?" Twilight asked cautiously.

"Ready!" Qwark proclaimed eagerly.

"Ready," Alister added, more subdued.

"As I'll ever be," Nefarious growled out, grumbling as the group stepped onto the launcher.

As expected, the launcher propelled them to the rail track, and Alister, Qwark, and Nefarious immediately began grinding down it as Twilight hovered along beside them. When the rail track came to an end, there was still a ways to go, but an uplink pod landed nearby. Knowing there weren't any new weapons to buy, the group continued on, making their charge to the final stage of their long struggle here.

With their full arsenal at their disposal, nothing that was sent against them stood for long, and ammo replenishment points occurred frequently enough that they never actually ran out of ammo. By saving the RYNO Protosuit's firepower for the larger mechs, they were able to carve through those fights swiftly and easily.

As they progressed, an unexpected assist arrived in the form of Commander Spog, carrying a massive glass canister. "Greetings interlopers," he said warmly as he came to a halt with the capsule in the path. "Your friends in the sky inform me you wish to speak with the Master. I am here to facilitate an introduction."

The group paused, glancing at each other as they considered this. Eventually, Qwark spoke up. "Well, Mom and Dad sent him," he offered. "I think that makes it safe."

"That sounds about right," Twilight agreed.

Alister glanced around at the surroundings. "We're at a dead end without his help," he mumbled.

"Let's just go already," Nefarious growled out. "We're running out of daylight! It'll be tomorrow before we know it!"

"Yes, yes, no lollygagging," Commander Spog insisted as the group approached. Once they were inside the capsule, he began guiding it downward as he spoke to them. "I assure you I mean you no harm. I decided to retire early." He then floated back as the capsule was carried away on a track.

Spog floated in front of them, gesturing to where they could see any number of cages and crates shipping back and forth. "Amazing, isn't it? Over 22,000 predators have passed through these walls since Ephemeris was created, each one cataloged and studied." He sighed regretfully. "It's unfortunate that the Master wishes to use them for such a dark endeavor...but I suppose that's just his nature."

As the capsule took a different path, Spog waved farewell. "Goodbye, interlopers. Should the Master fail to kill you, do me one small favor?"

"Depends on the favor," Qwark began nervously.

"Destroy that annoying Stewart!" Spog growled out.

Twilight giggled. "I think we can manage that!" she called out as they moved away from him.

"I like him," Nefarious murmured softly. "If retirement gets boring for him, I think I'll find a place for him in my forces. I could use a General or two."

As the capsule stopped and let them out, Nefarious paused. "I'm picking up a massive energy spike up ahead," he mumbled worriedly.

"That must be the core!" Twilight squealed out. "We're almost home!" She started to race ahead.

"Twilight, wait!" Qwark called out, leading the charge to race after her.

At the end of the long hallway they raced along, an elevator awaited them. "Anyone else suspicious of elevators after all this?" Qwark asked nervously.

"Yes," the other three chorused instantly.

"Still the only way forward, though," Twilight pointed out, climbing onto the platform. The others climbed on after her.

Once all four were on, the platform rose straight up, unhindered by anything and not triggering any traps. It finally came to a halt directly across from a massive platform visible in the distance, a swing target zip line bridging the gap. As they rode the zip line as a group, it carried them out to a massive chamber. Large chunks of crystal glowing blue and very dark purple, energy inside swirling and pulsing.

"So...massive chunks of Torranux?" Twilight suggested nervously.

"Chock full of Loki spirits waiting for vessels," Nefarious confirmed as they approached the platform, dropping down right behind Nevo, who was huddled there, waiting for something.

Nevo spun as they approached. "How did you get in here-" He gasped out in shock at the sight of Twilight. "You have to get her out of here! If he manages to get ahold of her, he'll be unstoppable!"

"We know," Twilight responded flatly. "That's why we're here. To stop him."

"Oh how quaint," a cultured voice spoke up as a pod lowered down. "The heroes arrive at the last minute to save the day. Truly, this never gets old." The pod spun, revealing the cat-like creature known as Mr. Dinkles, but plainly not a pet. "Do you really think you have what it takes to stop me?"

"Rather easily," Twilight growled out as she charged energy into her horn.

"No!" Nevo shouted out, tackling her to the ground and knocking out the spell she was charging. "The Loki's energy nature can travel along existing energy channels! If you try to grasp him with your magic, it'll be able to use the Protomorphic Energy Extraction formula to force the two of you to swap bodies!"

As the others gasped out in shock, 'Mr. Dinkles' shot Nevo a glower. "It seems you aren't quite as cowed as I thought. A pity. Still, I suppose that would have been too easy. Torranux will still rise again, and you four will be naught but stepping stones." He grinned widely as he laced his fingers together. "Still, I don't need to tell you all that. You've put it all together already. It's so much more fun fighting smart heroes...they're so predictable."

Alister suddenly gasped in shock. "That's why the Cragmites were trying to eliminate all forms of life above a certain size or complexity. They were trying to eliminate anything your people could use as vessels off your destroyed homeworld, so you couldn't spread."

"As I said, smart heroes are much more fun than dumb ones," the spirit in the feline purred. "So, now that all the dirty laundry's aired out...shall we begin?"

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