• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,145 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: Family Drama

Twilight glanced around at the cloudy blue sky around them...all around them. "Floating stone islands?" she gasped out. "...how?"

"Localized gravitational anomalies, most likely," Nefarious concluded. "Likely caused by experimentation with dimensional rifts. Not at the same level as the Dimensionator or the Great Clock, so more likely to be linked to a sub-dimension of some sort. Anything more extreme - like a mirror or alternate dimension - and the side effects would be far more noticeable. The atmosphere would probably be corrupted, and possibly damage to the planet's core."

"Wait, back up!" Twilight insisted. "There's a difference between mirror and alternate dimensions as far as impact on the multiversal fabric when it comes to experimentation?"

"Of course!" Nefarious confirmed. "With mirror dimensions, anything that happens in one influences the other, like two sides of the same coin. Difficult to breach through safely, and no knowing what the consequences could be." He waved his hands at the floating stone islands, and the cables stringing them together. "But this is far too controlled to be something like that. Everything is contained. Whoever started the experiments that did this knew exactly what would happen-"

"We have incoming!" Alister called out, pointing upwards.

From out of the sky, what looked like a satellite came crashing down in a roaring blaze. It landed on the same stone island they were presently on, not too far away from them. As soon as the fire went out, it rose up, unfolding into an FtF Weapons Dispensary, much like those they'd seen on Lumos. As soon as it finished unfolding, a hologram projected of three familiar robots and an even more familiar figure. "Twilight?" Ratchet gasped out worriedly. "You okay?"

"Daddy! Mommy!" Twilight called out happily, smiling and waving at both of them. "I'm so happy to see you, but gimme a quick sec, okay?" Turning back to Nefarious, she continued, "So, you were saying someone knew what was going to happen?"

"Look at how the islands are tethered," Nefarious pointed out, popping off his own left optic - the one undamaged by the scar from prior temporal shenanigans - and stretching it out for Twilight to use it as a far viewer. "That was done before the gravitational anomaly kicked in, but there's no strain on the cables..."

As the pair continued to discuss the technical details, Clank spoke up from the hologram. "I...see they are getting along well?" he asked delicately.

"A little too well if you ask me," Qwark replied. "I'm pretty sure I caught them F-L-U-4-T-G!"

Twilight and Nefarious both paused to turn to face Qwark. "...I'd make a comment about knowing how to spell, but apparently you don't," the robotic doctor commented dryly. "I have no idea what you were just trying to say."

"Oh, that reminds me!" Twilight continued. "Daddy, once you get us off world, we need to get me a fancy dress. Nothing I have is good enough for Château de délices surnaturelles, and I'm not going under dressed on Friday once Nefarious has the reservations made."

"What?" Ratchet demanded, stunned. "You...you're going on a...a date with...with him?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Daddy, be honest. The pool of sophonts in the universe who I'd be able to have enjoyable dinner conversation with at my intellectual level can be narrowed down to three groups: my relatives, Terachnoids, and Nefarious. I'm not going to date a family member, and 99.8% of Terachnoids only have their online game profile to brag about, and of the remaining .2%, half is going to be worshiping the ground I walk on or fly over as the case may be-"

"Self-memo," Nefarious spoke up, flicking a switch on his dome to record the statement. "No worshiping on the first date."

"-and the other half is going to be trying to kidnap me to fulfill some sort of twisted mind warping sex fantasy because their only experience with the opposite sex is through erotic date sims," Twilight concluded. "At least Nefarious already stated that he's going to be trying to romance me properly, and we can actually talk about things without having to slow down for each other. Seriously, even the average Terachnoid needs me to run over things a second time every so often."

Ratchet paused, rubbing his chin as he thought over what she'd said. "So...this isn't some misguided attempt on your part to reform him into a good guy?"

"If anyone's going to do that, it's BBBFF," Twilight replied. "Nefarious is his nemesis, not mine."

"Dr. Nefarious," Clank spoke up, "do I have your word that this is not an attempt on your part to turn Twilight evil?"

"You have more confidence in my charisma and abilities of persuasion than I do if you think I could actually pull that off without her knowing," Nefarious replied. "Besides, I prefer to keep personal and professional separate. That's not to say I'm above seeking romance amongst coworkers, or coworkers amongst romantic partners - not that I've had many of either - but it's never a good idea to put the two together."

"Courtney Gears," Ratchet reminded him.

"I'd like to make it a point of record that I never actually encouraged or even sought out her infatuation with me," Nefarious insisted. "My interactions with her were all business from my end, even if her processor was too slow to get the hint I wasn't interested. Seriously, she was not my type at all."

"Then what is your type?" Cronk demanded from the holographic communicator. "I've seen splash pages of her and a few of her videos. Oh, that fembot can lube my sprockets any day!"

"You said it, Cronk!" Zephyr agreed.

"Someone who can properly use four and five syllable words without overheating their cerebral cortexes, positronic or otherwise," Nefarious spoke up, answering the original query and ignoring the latter dialogue that was apparently freaking out the other listeners.

Ratchet awkwardly cleared his throat. "Well...I suppose I don't really have anything else to say beyond the usual cliche overprotective father threats which are probably things I normally try to do to you anyway, Nefarious..."

"I believe I can cover that by reminding Nefarious of the threat my duplicate gave him under my control back when we were in Solana," Clank spoke up. "I'm certain he remembers it."

"Still gives me nightmares," Nefarious replied with a shudder.

"Consider it back in play for if you break her heart," Clank continued. "Oh, and that's after she's done whatever she's chosen to do with you to vent her own despair, and utilizing my own time powers and the Great Clock to maximize the amount of time I'm able to make you suffer before your very essence degrades from excessive quantum strain."

"Clank!" Ratchet complained as Nefarious actually whimpered in terror. "The Father's supposed to be the super threatening parent-"

"You have three wives in all but legality," Clank countered, "and the entire universe knows that the four of you are 'energetic' behind closed doors. You of all sophonts are the last to need to be worried about appearing less than masculine."

"It's Tuesday," Alister pointed out. "If you want to go on that date on Friday, we should probably get off this planet before Wednesday, don't you think Twilight?"

"Good point," Twilight agreed. "So when are you going to pick us up, Daddy?"

Ratchet hesitated a bit. "...minor problem with that...see, Aphelion tried to come in for a landing, but..."

"The planet's gravitational field is in too great a disarray for safe landing," Aphelion spoke up. "If I attempted to land, the energy reactions of the planet would interact with my own energy reactions, and could tear the entire planet apart in a trans-dimensional rift. However, we've sent a signal to our friends and allies, and more conventional craft are on their way. In the meantime, we've scattered communications rigs like the one before you all to allow us to communicate with you and send you supplies. Unfortunately, only the FtF weaponry can transmit through the planet's energy fields, since they're what these devices were designed to work with...so we can't send along your usual arsenal, Twilight."

"Aww!" Twilight complained. "But having overwhelming firepower at the start is half the fun of these new world missions! I get to pay more attention to the scenery since any hostiles we come across are mowed down like chaff!"

"Are you certain your alignment is good?" Nefarious asked, his voice somewhere between teasing and amazed.

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