• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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A New Ally

“So you never really explained how you got from your larger form to this, or from this to your actual form,” Seugtai pointed out as the pair walked. “You cut off after the fight with Desolation.”

“Magic,” Spike shrugged, pushing a door open to his quarters, allowing Seugtai to head through, before following after him and engaging the mag-lock.

“That’s a shit excuse,” Seugtai deadpanned, fixing Spike with a glare that was apparent even through his helmet.

“You want me to go into specifics of magical transformation for you?” Spike simpered sarcastically. “Maybe draw you a little diagram?”

“Yes,” Seugtai replied instantly, his voice betraying no sign of amusement. “I don’t work with anyone unless I know their abilities. This one is new to me, so lay it on me.”

“Fine,” Spike growled. “Shrinking back to this size is the easier of the two, all I have to do is focus my magic back in on itself and it gets the message eventually. It’s not quick, and it’s not exactly comfortable to do, and drawing in the power I need from my reserves takes concentration, so no doing it in combat. I’m not exactly at the top of my game for a while afterwards anyway.”

“And transforming back again?” Seugtai continued.

“Haven’t done it yet,” Spike shrugged. “No call for it, yet.”

“Fine, and this?” He indicated Spike’s current form as The Guardian. “It’s not even just new colours, you look different too.”

“Takes longer, hurts more,” Spike admitted. “I can use magic to alter my essence, DNA, whatever you want to call it, but it’s slow work, and takes a lot of my energy to do it. It’s easier if I map out the form first, which can still take weeks on its own, so at the moment, I only have this form and my natural form. As for why I have different proportions, it’s because I can’t change my bodies mass this way, not like when I transform, otherwise I think I might do that accidentally. I have to shift things around, wings became arm muscles, I lost the ability of flight, and got even stronger. Change is made easier if I’ve mapped out the form, still takes me a while to change though.”

To demonstrate the point, Spike turned away from Seugtai, his claws tensing up as he focused his magic. Minutes passed, before Spike let out a grunt of comfort, spreading his wings out wide for the first time in weeks, giving them a slow flap to work out the aches in them, before turning around once more.

“See, it’s…”

Spike was cut off as he was driven to the floor by a massive hammer, his own incidentally. The hammer was far bigger than a normal human could ever use, and Seugtai let out a grunt as he over-swung, the hammer slipping from his gasp and landing with a loud clatter. Even though it was far from the worst injury Spike had ever received, not even close, but the unexpected nature of it meant that Seugtai recovered first, awkwardly lifting the hammer up again and standing over Spike.

“That’s…for Ranox,” he growled, visibly panting from exertion from swinging the hammer.

“You should have chosen a weapon more suited to your size,” Spike grunted, spitting out a glob of blood, before gesturing around the room. “Come on, you had a good five minutes to pick a weapon, there’s easily something more suited for you.”

True to Spike’s words, the walls were indeed lined with weapons, from large curved blades to a huge double ended mace. There were dozens of melee weapons here, all designed for Spike’s massive hands, but some of which could feasibly be used by someone of a more normal size.

“Come on, I’ll show you,” Spike growled, blurring into motion and pushing Seugtai away from him, before darting to the wall and grabbing a short sword, swinging it at the wall as Seugtai got back to his feet, the blade stopping less than an inch away from the Mandalorians neck.

“See? This could be used with ease by you, nice long sword I think. Next time you try anything, choose the right weapon, thought you’d be good at that, Mandalorian and all. I’ll give you that one for Ranox, but you ever try that again, even anything close, and I won’t stop next time. You understand?”

“Perfectly,” Seugtai nodded, pressing the barrel of his Ripper against Spike’s crotch. “This wouldn’t kill you, but I think would sting a lot.”

“You’re probably right,” Spike rolled his eyes, before pulling the sword free, placing it back on the wall with its fellow.

“So then,” Spike sat down on the large bed, looking up at Seugtai. “You got a ship?”

“I do,” Seugtai nodded. “An old Foray-class Blockade runner, it’s old but it works.”

“It’s also highly restricted outside of military use,” Spike pointed out. “Not something a demilitarised Mandalorian would be able to acquire easily.”

“Sharp as ever,” Seugtai nodded, his smirk almost audible in his voice. “Enough credits and a pass from Carlo Nord is enough to change a few perceptions.”

“You’re in the Bounty Hunters’ Guild? I wouldn’t have pegged you for one of their kind.”

“A good number of my kin are part of the Guild, keeps us busy. But to the topic, yes, I have a ship.”

“And you have a prison in mind for this prison break of yours?”

“Give me a break, Spike, I came up with the plan less than an hour ago,” Seugtai folded his arms. “Time for you to bring something to the table.”

“There’s a lot of prisons in the Republic,” Spike nodded slowly. “I can think of three that would suit our…needs. Filled with killers. Two are behind Sith lines, Revan will know about them, those held there will either be dead, enslaved, or part of his army now.”

“Which leaves one more,” Seugtai motioned with hands for Spike to continue on.

“How are you planning to keep them all in line?” Spike asked suddenly. “Killers, rapists and terrorists don’t exactly have a track record for listening to orders.”

“We won’t give them a choice, that’s why,” Seugtai folded his arms. “Now, this prison. It’s the Black Cage, isn’t it?”

“On Coruscant, where I was held,” Spike nodded with a sigh. “Prisons have separate access codes to other Republic installations. They were changed at the beginning of the war, I was told them, they won’t need to be changed again for a while.”

“Even with you on the lose?” Seugtai asked.

“Oh come on, no one’s stupid enough to break into the Black Cage,” Spike sneered. “Hardly anyone even tries to break out of it after all. I know the codes, I know the way in, I know a lot of the layout of blocks A and B, C is an unknown, but as A and B have the same layout, it shouldn’t matter. The Republic military used to be able to get to the prison within six minutes at the first alarm, with the war they’re stretched thin, that number will be closer to twenty-seven. If we’re going to do it, we’ll have to hit their communications array first, take it out so they can’t cry out, and we could have an hour before someone notices something wrong.”

“And how will we get the prisoners out then?” Seugtai pulled over the small normal sized chairs and sitting down. “I can carry maybe forty on my ship at maximum capacity, this prison hopefully has more.”

“Around six hundred at last count,” Spike nodded. “From all over the galaxy. The prison has enough shuttles to carry all of the prisoners and guards if need be, in case…the capital falls.”

“Automated pilots?” Seugtai pressed.

“The shuttle I was brought in on was, yes,” Spike nodded. “As long as one of the prisoners or you can hack the computer system, we can reset their rendezvous point. If we can find the right security clearance codes in the control room, we’ll be able to pass right under the Home Fleet’s nose and escape before they even know people are breaking out.”

“So, we’ve got the start of a plan then. And as a bonus, I just so happen to know some old friends in the Black Cage, not Mandalorians, don’t worry. They’ll be helpful for the rest of the plan. Got a place in mind for where we’re going to go with the prisoners afterwards?”

“A few, yes,” Spike nodded. “One thing though, when we go to the Black Cage, we don’t kill any of the guards, understand? Non-lethal only. They are loyal soldiers.”

“That’s going to make this harder…” Seugtai began, but Spike silenced him with a glare.

“Non, lethal, only,” he reiterated with a growl. “Kill a single one, and our deal is off.”

“Fine,” Seugtai growled back.

“So, we set out tonight then?” Spike rolled his neck as he stood up once more, slowly transforming back into The Guardian. “But we have things to settle, do we not? The hammer to the face showed that. So, what say I speak to the head of the fighting pits and organise a non-lethal match. You against me, energy fields to make sure we don’t kill each other. What do you say?”

“I think it should work out a few differences,” Seugtai nodded, drawing his Ripper from his side, and pulling one of the Mandalorian crescent axes from his back, dislodging a piece that Spike had previously assumed was armour. “Your weapon?”

Spike looked around at his multitude of arms, some covered with a thin layer of dust from disuse, Spike trialling them once before setting them aside, while others had small dents in their blades and striking edges from where he had taken them into fights on countless occasions. With a small grin, he instead stooped down, grabbing hold of the hammer that still had flecks of his blood on it.

“How about we see how you like it, hey? I’ll go easy on you, play up the crowd a bit.”

“We’ll see,” Seugtai nodded, before glancing around. “I’d take what you want to keep from here, if you’re going to tell them you’re quitting, the may not take things well.”

“You make a good point,” Spike nodded, beginning to go through his weapons and possessions, pulling down the ones he wished to keep, before turning and leaving the room.


“Ladies and gentlemen and species who are neither,” the announcer roared, the murmuring crowd approaching the arena. “I know that none of you were expecting another fight this night, but I am pleased to tell you that you were all wrong! As you may remember, after The Guardian had his fight against Wildfire earlier today, he decided he wished for more blood and sport, in the form of an old rival! I do not know what their rivalry was over, or what they spoke of in private, but I am now pleased to tell you that there will be one last fight tonight! The Guardian you all know and love, and Seugtai Ordo, a Mandalorian who fought in the war against the Republic! At The Guardian’s request, weighing on his status as champion, this fight shall be non-lethal, but don’t worry, our suppression fields will ensure that the combatants don’t have to fight with any less vigour than they usually do! Odds for this match are as follows: On The Guardian to Win, one to one point two, as is standard! On the challenger to win, one to fifty! On a draw, one to three hundred! The match will begin in ten minutes! All bets must be placed before the first blow is struck!”

With that, the announcers voice went quiet, the crowd exploding into a roaring frenzy as bets were frantically placed. The majority were on Spike, as was usual, but there were always a few hopeful sods that hoped for the unheard of, that The Guardian would lose.

Behind the doors marked ‘staff only’, the announcer left the microphone alone, the Toydarian looking between The Guardian and Seugtai, dropping the human like voice he put on to keep the crowd feeling at ease as he spoke.

“You two better put on a good show, eh? We didn’ta make our reputation on the non-lethal fights. People come here to see blood spilled for sport, away from the war. Guardian, you fought against this Mandalorian in the war, eh?”

“Yeah, once upon a time,” The Guardian chuckled. “This is to settle old scores, ok?”

“Yeah yeah, just be sure you play up the crowd and bring in more winnings, I get rich, you get rich, eh?”

“Have I ever let you down?” Spike smirked, conveniently leaving out that this was going to be his last fight, before pushing past him and entering the arena, letting out his characteristic roar as Moonstone leapt after him landing on his shoulder as the crowd returned the roar with one of their own. Spike knew just how to play to them now, spinning the long hafted hammer as he provoked the crowd.

Screaming women flashed their tits at him, hoping for a single glance from the champion, while men threw coins and skins of wine into the arena near Spike, Spike picking up a few of the skins and tearing them open, savouring the bitter liquid within. As much as he hated it, Spike had taken a liking to this life, the adoration he could receive here. Contrary to what he was having the fight with Seugtai about, there were no sides here. No Republic and Mandalorians, no Jedi and Sith, there was just two warriors, and the clash of their weapons.

“You’re a brave man, Seugtai Ordo,” the Toydarian cackled, looking up at the Mandalorians T-Visor. “You’re lucky it’s not gonna be a fight to the death, The Guardian’s killed a lot in this arena.”

“Trust me, Toydarian, he’s killed far more than you know,” Seugtai said dismissively, not looking down at the alien, before heading out into the arena, his axe in his right hand, while his Ripper was gripped in his left.

Unlike Spike, Seugtai didn’t make a sound as he stepped onto the sands. The crowd was mostly focused on Spike, but a few turned their attention towards him. Jeers and laughs were hurled at him, as well as a few words of encouragement from those who had placed money on him. Seugtai wasted no time with working the crowd, taking up position and readying his weapons, glaring at Spike through his helmet.

Seeing the Mandalorian ready up, Spike finally stopped entertaining himself, standing in his starting position and slamming the head of his hammer into the sand with enough force that it remained upright.

“I told you I’d make this fair on you, Seugtai,” he chuckled, untying a strip of fabric from his arm and wrapping it around his eyes. The crowd let out a roar of dismay as Spike robbed himself of sight, reaching out with his magic. He had done this a few times before, but his magic senses were nowhere near as heightened as his normal ones. The crowd may be angry now, but they would be happy when he showed them a far more entertaining fight than Wildfire gave them.

“Well well well,” the announcer boomed out, changing again to his human speech pattern. “It seems The Guardian seeks to entertain us! The bets still stand as they were! Let the fight…begin!”

Spike was expecting a roar as he stepped to the side, almost all gladiators who faced him roared as they charged, a sign of defiance, maybe of fear, but Seugtai wasn’t a gladiator. Spike felt the shot whip past him, reaching out with his mind to try and sense where the Mandalorian was. He quickly found him, a blob at the edge of his vision running around the edge of the arena, jerking slightly as he fired off another shot.

Spike chuckled as he turned to intercept Seugtai, raising a shield in front of the bolt to block it, before letting out a grunt as the shot passed straight through barrier, slamming into one Spike’s back.

“Looks like The Guardian forgot that Mandalorian Rippers go through personal shields!” The announcer roared, the crowd whooping in delight.

“Alright then, let’s do this,” Spike growled, before leaping forward.

He was not as fast as he was when he was in his natural form, but it was still fast enough as he brought his hammer whipping around, sensing that Seugtai was dropping his Ripper in favour of placing a second hand on his axe. He was never going to fully block the blow, Spike was far too powerful for that, but he did manage to turn the blow to one side, the head hitting one of his oversized shoulder pieces and skimming off, barely harming the Mandalorian.

Spike barely managed to avoid the return strike, weaving out of the way of the much faster axe, dodging three more blows before he managed to get his hammer back up, the axe blade hitting the metal haft of the weapon, and due to the curved design, locked there. It was a tiny mistake, most people wouldn’t have been able to take advantage of the momentary lapse, nor would most people be able to muster the strength in the short amount of time to capitalise on their opponent’s mistake.

Spike, was not most men.

With a mix between a grin and a growl, Spike pulled his hammer back, Seugtai resisting, but unable to stop Spike from ripping the axe from his grasp, sending the axe skidding across the sand. Not stopping in his momentum, Spike spun around on his heels, his muscles straining as he swung the hammer in a massive arc, the head impacting with Seugtai’s chest and sending the Mandalorian soaring through the air, his flight cut short as he hit the wall at the edge of the arena, a grunt and a cough signifying that the air had been forced from his lungs as he slid down and lay in the sand, his limbs twitching slightly as he tried to recover from the blow.

Spike wasn’t about to let him have that opportunity, stalking towards him, his tail leaving a line in the sand behind him, his hand shooting out as magic poured through it, pulling Seugtai’s Ripper into it. The pistol was tiny, but it would serve its purpose.

Reaching Seugtai, Spike placed the barrel of the weapon against the old warrior’s helmet, reaching up with his other hand to remove the fabric strip, allowing him to see again.

“Raise one hand to yield,” Spike smirked, before shutting out the outside world as best he could, focusing on the change.

Seugtai looked like he wanted to resist, before his shoulders dropped ever so slightly, and he raised a shaky right hand.

Spike dropped the pistol as the crowd roared their approval, Seugtai struggling to his feet. Spike began to slowly turn, to the outside observer just taking in the adoration of his crowd, but inwardly, he still was gathering his magic, shutting out all outside forces. Seugtai knew the plan, he just had to keep them engaged and not focusing on him for long enough for the next stage to enter play.

“Was there really ever any doubt!?” The announcer roared. “The Guardian is victorious once again! Bad luck Seugtai, maybe you have a future in this business after all!”

“I don’t think that will work!” Seugtai roared, his voice amplified by his helmet. “Losing to The Guardian is hardly a rare thing, but I don’t think the rest of your gladiators are up to scratch!”

“Oh, he’s got a mouth on him, doesn’t he?” the announcer laughed, the crowd following suit. “So far we’ve only seen you lose, Mando. In the war, in the arena. When have you won anything?”

“Right now,” Seugtai chuckled, before grabbing his pistol and rolling to pick up his axe, just as Spike shed his guise as The Guardian, letting out a roar, the very rafters shaking as he let his wings extend to their fullest length, while a jet of fire sprang from his mouth, licking at the ceiling

The crowd suddenly fell silent as he roared, even the announcer shutting up, Spike finally stopping when he was assured that he had everybody’s undivided attention.

“My name, is Spike! Former General in the Republic Army! Former Master in the Jedi Order! This is who I truly am, not the ruse of The Guardian! I have been inactive for too long! Away from war for too long! That changes today! I am leaving this place, and I am to raise forces to strike back at the fucking Sith! Any among you who want to fight back are welcome to join me, and Seugtai, as we go to raise more forces! Any who wish to stop me leaving,” Spike looked over at the Toydarian announcer, who was seething with barely concealed rage, before returning his attention to the crowd, “are more than welcome to try! Just remember why I was the undefeated champion her for my stay.”

“Well? What are you waiting for? Kill the insolent bastard,” the Toydarian called out, buzzing above the arena and looking around, the gladiators that has come for a drink exchanging a few glances, before shaking their heads, one stepping forward.

“What are you offering us if we fight for you, Spike?”

“What, fighting for the Republic isn’t enough?” Spike smirked, getting a few chuckles in return from the crowd. “No, I guess it’s not. I’m not planning on sending you to fight in conventional battles. Raiding supply ships is a good way to get rich, and when we win, I will ensure that you get paid handsomely by someone, either the Jedi or the Republic. Mark my words, I want a bloody good pay out at the end of all this myself.”

Spike took a deep breath before continuing.

“I can’t guarantee payment. I can’t guarantee anyone who comes with me will survive. I can only guarantee one thing. That you will be remembered as those who stood up when you could have stood silent, and that you did so by slaughtering the bastard Sith!”

Spike grabbed hold of Seugtai as he finished talking, flapping his wings once and propelling the two of them up out of the arena, placing him down as they walked through the crowd, making a beeline towards the bar.

“I believe these are mine,” Spike grabbed hold of the bundle of weapons he had stashed there before the fight, before grabbing some of the credit sticks that were kept there as well. “These too, payment for the fight.”

With that, Spike swept towards the door, Seugtai a half step ahead of him to lead him to the ship, while behind him two dozen of the bars gladiators, and about half as many of the regulars followed after them, the Toydarian hurling insults as they left.

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