• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Spike stepped forward into the centre of the four droid arms in the out-processing section of the prison. As soon as he stopped moving the arms came to life, the two larger ones wrapping around his chest and lifting him off the floor. At the same time, the floor beneath him opened up, yet more arms appearing, taking hold of the bionics he had been given and prising them free. The feeling of having his limbs taken off so easily still didn’t sit right with Spike, but if it meant getting back to his old self, he would stick to his current course.

It took almost ten minutes for his old limbs to be attached back on, and another twenty minutes after that to run diagnostics and tests, ensuring that his legs and arm were calibrated properly, and that he wasn’t going to be getting any interference from his eye and fully reactivated brain, but finally the arms released him, allowing him to drop to the floor.

“How do you feel now, master?” Katara asked, looking happy as Spike stood up to his true height again.

“Like me again,” Spike smiled. “It’s nice to have legs that actually fit my body properly. And having two arms and a tail again? It’s fucking amazing.”

“I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to get you out,” Katara apologised, looking down at her feet.

“It’s me who’s got to be sorry,” Spike shook his head, lifting her head up again. “I snapped at you when you came to me the last time, and that was unfair. It wasn’t your fault I was in there, I guess being cooped up got to me more than I realised.”

“It’s ok, master,” Katara smiled once more. “The main point is you’re out now. I think the idea was I take you straight to the temple if I convinced you to come back to the order, but I’m guessing that you may want to do other things first?”

“What, me not wanting to go back before the council again? Whatever gave you that idea?” Spike snorted. “I have some plans though, none of which resolve around me going to the temple straight away. Come on, I’ve seen enough of this prison to last a life time.”

Nodding, Katara followed Spike as he walked through the final security checkpoint, covering his eyes as natural sunlight hit them once more. He paused for a moment as the rays hit him, spreading his wings to feel the warmth on as much of his body as he could, before turning back to Katara.

“How did you get here?”

“I took a speeder,” Katara shrugged, pointing to one of the many speeders parked outside the walls of the prison. “I made sure it was big enough to be able to carry you, master.”

“I’m not taking a speeder,” Spike scoffed. “Just make sure you keep up, ok small fry?”

“You’ve got it, master,” Katara laughed, running towards the speeder and leaping into the driver’s seat, gunning the engines.

With a sharp laugh of his own, Spike spread his wings once more, turning and running forward, leaping off the platform the prison sat on, taking flight once more. The feeling of flight after so long inside was indescribable, as was the feeling of moving faster than anything should have been able without mechanical aid. Katara was close behind her, her speeder easily keeping pace with him, before Spike finally flared his wings, coming to a halt and touching down again, Katara stepping out of her speeder soon after.

“What is this place?” Katara asked, looking around the lower levels of Coruscant with a clearly inexperienced eye.

“You’ve never been this low in the city, have you?” Spike asked with a chuckle, receiving a shake of the head in answer. “Didn’t think so. This is the Ultra Ray. I’ve been here with my Master, I came here with Tarhal, and now I’m here with you.”

“With all due respect, master, there is a war on,” Katara pointed out. “I don’t know much about it, but they say…they say…”

“That Revan is leading it,” Spike nodded bitterly. “I’ve been told already, which is exactly why I need a drink. Then I’ll go to the council, preferably drunk and even more obnoxious than usual.”

“You seem like you’re trying your hardest to piss them off now,” Katara laughed as the pair walked inside. “Before it seemed like indifference, now it’s a concerted effort.”

“You hit the nail on the head,” Spike held up two fingers as he walked towards the bar. “I don’t care if it’s me being pig-headed and unreasonable, I am not dancing to their tune the way they want me to. One of their number is directly responsible for stealing over a year of my life, the rest helped keep me out of the sun. Oh I’ll go before them again, but I’ll be damned if I do it sober.”

Katara stayed silent as two tankards were passed to them, Spike grabbing one and beginning to gulp it down while pressing the other one into Katara’s hands. She looked at the mug for a second, before giving it an experimental sniff.

“Err…master, what actually is this?” she asked cautiously, Spike wiping the remains of his own drink off his lips and sighing happily.

“Ale, brown,” Spike smiled, waving the barkeeper over for another drink. “You never tried this before?”

“I’ve never tried alcohol before,” Katara pointed out.

Spike was about to answer her, before a thought crossed his mind and he paused.

“Are you old enough to drink?” he whispered.

“Not on Coruscant,” she admitted.

“Well just keep it down then,” Spike couldn’t help but smirk a little. “I don’t want to get thrown in jail for drinking with a minor. I only just got out after all.”

Katara nodded as she took a small sip of her drink, Spike being passed another tankard as she did, taking another long gulp from it and sighing contentedly.

“You know, I’ve drunk in a lot of places around the galaxy, but this still seems to stick with me,” he looked around as he spoke, before raising his cup. “To the Ultra Ray, and to the Republic!”

The various patrons of the bar raised their own mugs in reply, some crying out support for one or both of the establishments Spike toasted, while others just slurred disjointed words together, far too drunk to actually comprehend what they were toasting, and just using it for an excuse to drink more.

“We’ll stay for a few hours,” Spike looked to Katara as he finished off his tankard, his padawan still going through her first. “Then I’ll go before the council and see what precious deeds they want doing this time.”


Spike sprawled across the floor of the temples landing pad as he botched the landing, his legs not being where they needed to for a proper landing. It had taken skill to get this drunk in his current state, a bionic brain and stomach being able to resist the affects of weaker drinks indefinitely. Spike must have used a quarter of the wealth in his account to get to where he was now, but it had been gathering interest for years now, and Spike was sure he still had far more left in it.

Katara had not fared as well as he had, her inexperience with alcohol making her unable to keep up with Spike for the full two hours. Spike had managed to get her into a taxi, paying in advance to ensure she got back to the temple in one piece. Her speeder was still parked outside the bar, but He would deal with that at some other point.

Pushing himself to his feet, Spike began to stagger forward, a few of the Jedi walking through the temple shooting him weird looks, while others gasped as they recognised him, either from memory or reputation. More than once Spike had to steady himself against a wall or risk collapsing to the floor, but eventually he managed to reach the lift to the council chambers, the two temple guards exchanging looks from behind their full-face helmets, before taking step forward, barring Spike passage.

“You may not go up to see the council in such a state,” the statement was blunt and to the point, the guard speaking exactly how he had been trained to, giving away no emotion whatsoever.

“What the hell are you going to do to stop me?” Spike slurred with a lop-sided smile.

“We will not come to blows over words alone, Spike,” the second one retorted. “Turn from this place and come back when you are fit to speak to the masters.”

“I am a master,” Spike grunted, tapping the guard’s chest, sending him staggering back a few spaces. “And don’t, you, forget it.”

“Your title was stripped of you, and the council has not yet reinstated you,” the man recovered quickly, his double-ended Lightsaber jumping into his hands, his fellow guard doing the same. They did not yet ignite the blades, but they were ready to do so if need be.

“If you’re trying to intimidate me, you need to grow a few meters taller, and get a pair of balls between you,” Spike laughed. “Now, I’m getting in that lift. You want to stop me? You can try.”

Pushing forward, Spike stepped into the lift, pushing the guards to the floor as he went. Before they could get up he jammed his finger into the button on the inside, the doors sliding shut and the lift shooting upwards. Spike let out a groan as he collapsed to the floor, resting his head on the wall as he watched the world beyond the window shoot past.

Finally the lift stopped moving, the doors sliding open as Spike got back to his feet, placing both hands on both sides of the doorway and pulling himself out. The council was already in session, coming to an abrupt halt as Spike staggered in, the lift shutting and going down once more.

“Master Spike, at your service,” Spike slurred, bowing deeply, almost toppling to the floor.

“By the force, he's drunk,” Loona Vash groaned.

“I told you this idea was a foolish waste of our time and resources,” Atris snapped, looking at Kavar. “Now can you see that he belongs in that cell?”

“What, for getting drunk?” Spike snorted, glaring at Atris, before looking round the council chamber, taking small, uneasy steps as he span, before focusing on Atris again. “My fellow masters, because I am a master, Kavar is to thank for that. When did Revan return?”

“You know who leads the force assailing us then,” Kavar nodded, taking the attention off Spike’s and Atris’s staring match. “We can dispense with the pleasantries then. Four weeks ago the shipyards at Foerost were assaulted and sacked by a fleet of vessels not matching any known specifications.”

“Didn’t Exar-Kun do the exact same thing forty years ago?” Spike asked, trying to cast his mind back for exact dates.

“Yes,” Kavar nodded. “We updated our security systems in place there, but the fleet had the security codes to bypass our sensors. Saul Karath, a Rear-Admiral from the Mandalorian wars, defected from the Republic and provided the fleets with the needed security codes. Reports were sketchy at first, but now it is clear. Revan and Malak have returned from the unknown regions, and have donned the title of Sith Lords. They stole hundreds of our ships and are pushing into Republic territory as we speak.”

“What of the other Jedi and the soldiers that accompanied the pair of them into the unknown regions?” Spike asked.

“We have not got reports of how many still follow Revan,” Zez-Kai Ell spoke this time. Some ships still match those designs and specifications from the Mandalorian Wars, but as we said the majority are unknown to us, as are those who crew them. There could be many Jedi amongst their ranks, but we have no way of knowing.”

“There are no jedi amongst their ranks,” Atris disagreed. “If they turned from the Republic then they turned from this order.”

“Oh blow it out your ass you self-righteous bitch,” Spike spat. “You better have asked me to come to tell me that we’re planning a counter attack as we speak, four weeks is a long time to sit with your thumbs up your ass.”

“You will keep a civil tone,” Atris glowered at Spike.

Spike laughed, before showing Atris the middle finger of his bionic hand. “How about you sit on this, and spin?”

“That’s it!” Atris stood up, glaring at Spike, before looking at the other members of the council. “Members of the high council, I implore you to listen to me now. You can see that Spike is nothing more than a common degenerate, a product of an experiment which has not yielded favourable results. We…”

“Do not insult Nexu clan in front of me,” Spike hissed, taking a step towards Atris, doing his best to keep his head clear. “Insult me all you want, Atris, but say one bad word against Nexu, the living or the dead, I’ll show you that I am far more than a common degenerate.”

“Master Kavar, remove him from the chamber and escort him back to Black cage,” Atris demanded.

“You won’t do that,” Spike laughed, beginning to pace around the room, forcing his magic to work at temporarily clearing his head. “This is how I see it. The Jedi need to respond this time, the order can’t be cowards like it was in the last war because it’s a member of our own attacking the Republic. You need warriors, but pretty much all of the Jedi who had combat experience left after Malachor. You need warriors, need generals, who actually have experience, so you need me.”

“You flatter yourself too much, Spike, it is not an endearing trait,” Vrook Lamar leaned forward.

“Oh do I?” Spike snorted. “Because the last I checked you would have left me to rot in fucking Black Cage, but you got me out, so you need me far more than I need you right now.”

“We could always take you back,” Vrook pointed out.

“Try it and I’ll disappear,” Spike shot back. “You found me last time because I wasn’t hiding, I was just out of the general public’s eye. It’s a large galaxy, you can hide in it if you want, even someone as unique as me. But I’m not going to hide, and you’re not going to take me back.”

“Then tell us, Spike, what are we going to do?” Kavar asked.

“You’re going to formally reinstate me as Master, you’re going to make sure that I am reinstated as a general in the Republic Army, you’re give me control of the Special Forces which I helped train, and finally, you’re going to let my padawan come with me and return Harmony to me,” Spike looked directly at Kavar. “You do that, and I will help you fight this war.”

“And if we don’t comply?” Kavar asked.

“I leave, you fight a war you clearly don’t think you can win without me, the Jedi Order is destroyed, the Republic is sacked and turned into a Sith ruled Empire, and you get to be the jedi council who lost it all,” Spike sneered.

“We will do what we can to see your position in the Republic military reinstated,” Kavar nodded, glancing around at the other masters and getting near unanimous nods, although they were not all enthusiastic. “We will also grant you your old title of Master.”

“We will not grant you the rights to a padawan though,” Atris cut in. “Katara is young, I would not see a member of our order corrupted any further by your teachings.”

“Fine, suit yourself,” Spike folded his arms. “I hear there are plenty of beautiful planets in the Outer Rim for a holiday.”

Spike turned, unsteadily walking towards the lift doors, before Kavar raised his voice once more.

“Atris spoke in haste, Spike. Katara will be allowed to be returned to your tutelage, if, and only if, she wants to. Harmony is berthed in Gateway Station in orbit, we will send you news there.”

“I’m glad to see you can all be reasonable,” Spike smiled, his sarcasm showing through. “Now if there is nothing else, I’ll be going.”

“Go with speed, Spike,” Kavar nodded to the dragon as Spike entered the lift.

“Oh I will, Kavar, I will,” Spike grinned, before the doors slid shut and Spike began his descent back down to the most probably infuriated guards.

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